

Copy right O 1988 by W. David Randatl and William M. Ross, AII Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing, except Ior briel quotations ernbodied in critical articles and reviews.

Published byl RAILWAY PRODUC TION C LASSIC S, P.O"Box 29 6, Godfrey Illirlois 62035.

Printed in lhe United Slares of America. ,l085 BOO K NO.

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5HA5TA HICAGO Rtl UTT orEq!ry Z-oi touls I N I I ANClsc Pri.ffi;-.g J .6) oaxrax0 6:l' tos lNGttls[-{g::"'rM iAN DI:GO INTRODUCTION

TtlE OFFICIAL PULLMAN STANDARD LIBRARY. From thedaysolthe ihceptio! of tbe Cars Vol. 2 - The Brdd Co. stlrrs wlrh ftem 2ooo and e.ds wilh Ilch 24?5, Iirst ligbtr€taht srr€.nlibe car. this.olleclioD has erist€d. Li.g€ring, both rn rhe mi.ds and again is open ihrough Item 2999. The tinat issue of Slreamli... Cars. Vol 3-ACF of lhos€ tew wdo wc..'priviledged to hav€ tived tirough its creauon, and al6o withiD th€ and Other Butlders €n.ompas6es tt€h 30OO rh.ou{h t332. husly eogiD.e.rng files which have stood ih d!nger ot passing itrro obscurtry. Sirce ev.ry hotor vehicle tn this counrry is reEtsrered, sold, rnd Ircebsed through tl. vlN (vehicl€ Identific.ttotr Numb€r) nrhbe., ti 6€ems only loaical thal an indi!tdual Snrll portlobs ol thls collection bave .ppearedr from time io 1ime, t! varlous publicatioos. lrserial Numberr'could easily be c.eated for eve.y pls6ebger car co.strucied. sioce th€ N€ve. befo.€ has th€ enlire Iormat ol tho Pullman-Sta.da photographl. arcbtve6 plus publishi.g ebphasis oI RPC to dare h.s been the sl.e.mlin..qutphenl, this i. the east€st the olttctal floorplaD drawings 6eeD av.il.ble for publicarion, area iD wbich to pertcct lh€ sysiem. Even the he.vy*eigh( and voodeo car coDstructlons rfe projecrs still *ithin the plantring srage of RPc. W€ rre grateful ro tbose €trgi.eers and photogrrph€rs *hose responsibility it w.s to ohroDicl. lhese hi610.jc do.uments. Eve4 hore signiric€nl, is th€ appreciaiion io those Each voluhe oftne Sr.camliner Car s€ries has th. rd.nrical tndex by rhich a specilic car curr€!1 executives aDd .nployees ot PULLMAN TECHNOLOCY lNC.. vhose wtsdob and may be located, by its origi.al o*ni.g railroad, .ar number, or nane. To be cohpl€te, co-op€r.tion iave op.n€d the sa, th:that ih.se maanifi.ent works can by enjoyed by !ll. ther€Iore il is essenttal to have the data avaitable io .tl rhree votumes.

Besid€s ihose h Pullma! T..hDology se gratelut 1o e I.c., rre also M.. r. Trav€rs As aD exaEpl€, the SoutherD Pacllic Brr 54 seat Lounge, 110317, is fouod ir tie i.dex on Burgess Ior inlormatio. ob lha trncks. p38e 16 iD aly of the voluBes. The 'rltemrr nuhber asstared iB 1325, Rhich ildi.ates that the details are located t! Volume I - PulIEan Standard. TlrniDg to "ltem 1325,ton page 104, we see lhat teo cars were built as Lot 6805, Plar ?575! drawtngs of Ordered 6/46 atrd delieered Compl.l€ ...ction rll .ars built by Pullhan-Strod.rd are .vrihble trom: 6/,19. Here are the complete details: PT]LLMAN TECTINOLOCY INC. r64r2 L.rhrop Avenuel Ha.vey IllinoiB 60426.

Pl€ase write to them for price lists.

Permissio! is gralted to photocopy any mat€rlal he..io for private use only. Commerical reproduction of the cotrleots in {hole or ib part *itl,oui prior w. r.! approvat oI w. Devid RaDdall, Williah M. Ross, o. PrllDar Technology ltrc. is prohibtted. Now to detall the the RPC (Railway P.ssenger car ) sertar Numbe. Sf,RIAL NUMBERS FOB RATLWAY PASSENGER CARS. This car w.B built by Itrdividual lt.n Nuhbe., ca! NuEbe., Unlike locomotives! wbeD pass.nge. cars were conslruci.d, e..h bullde. rttltzed itts o*o PS 1325 002 method.t identili.alion br thr cirs as th.y s.r? bui11. This tacLotuniforh identitic!t- io! b.s cr€rt€d a noDumeDral t!sk of following the re-nabi.g, .e-nuhbering, and owher- TIe ildividual ca. lumber is deterhined by tbe 6equeDce wbich the c.r ts lt6ted i, snip chan8es *hich have occ!r.d iD tbe lile sptn of these prsscnger ca.s. Thisproblrh StreaDliDer Ca... I! this ex.hpl€, tbe.e werc olly iwo.ars list€d. However, some ha6 furlber be€n cohpound.d with rhe cr€alio. ol , and the subs.qu.!t 6.te ol sur- lot8 contaitr€d ov€r 100 cars uDde! the fllteD Nuhbe.,,tiEting. Therefore, the speciftc plus equipn€nt to num€rous individu!ls vho lrave ircquently .e-nah.d or re-conliaured RPC Serial NuDber Forr SP 10316 is PS49-1325-001 SP 1031? is PS49-t325-002 Io 1r31. RPC Publicatioos .eleased STREAMLINER CARS Voluhe r-PullmaD Standard. Wilboul inleltion, RpC had cr..ted the embryd of. unilorm cla66ilication syst€m for all Th. signiftcan.e oI ths use ol this systeh is widespread. The Stre.mliner Ca. series is l,ghtoeiahl str€ahlIn€d.!rs m.DUfacttr.edby PS, Budd, ACF and even those shop cohs- a source of r.tined drta, and will have rhe speciftc serial numbe. pritrred lor.tci car in hoct€d cars. Ia lhis sysreh, r.ther lhaD usiog lot and plab rumb€rs, a sihpte',Ii.h', subseque.t reprinrings. You.nn b.ing you..opies up 10 drre by stmply pencllingi. the nuhbe. *!6 asslgn.d, The specific lot, plan, date ol consrruclion and even disposirion ntmb.rs in l),! l.fthand margin. Start wtlh 0Ol and continu€ do*n for a6 Drhy ca.s rs exist ot eacb c.. io th.t group was thus outlin.d undcr the speciti. Item number. undcr cach nlt.hii listing. with the publicatlon oI the Otfrctal pullnra Srandard l,jbrary, evc.y.ar wjll b. .asily nlrntified in ti€ index, pholoAraphs, and dr.*ings by quick reter, with the compl.tion ol all rhree volumcs of the srr.anli.er cars serr€s, w€ the.clore encc 10 th€ RPC S.rirl Nuhber. had a conDo. dcnooinaror Ior id.ntityi.a.very st.crmlioe c.r bui,r. V€ry siDply, all Pullman-sra.dard .rrs .re chronologi.rlly listed i. "ltcm numbers 1000 10 I533". alrhoua Iinally, the Passenge. Car Annu!lr rhich lists all p!sscnge. cars cnrr..tly oened hy €r- rhe systcn provn]td spac. l(,r r.Ds through r!!u. Thrsc tistings ar€ fouDd rD Stream isling railrords, and rbc p.ivrre Passenge. C.. Annual, will ulitize rhts ry6km Ior car Iioe. Crrs V.t. I pnllmrn srannard. id.ntific,rion.'thc6aseoIenrerinath,ssystehintoacohpureri6vlluabte,sinc€any .hnns. jn o*nersIrp, nahe chang€s, and djsposition inforharion *ill insr,nuy be avail- !b1., 1he ,lry *ill evenlually come! *h.. th. idenutyiog RpC numbe. will be ei.hed on a Prrhan.nt Dlate artrch.d ro cv.ry car in.xisrr.ce. TABLE OF CONTENTS


6805 ?568A Baggage (Mail) C ar. 3 6805 7568 Baggage, 30' Mail C ar. 6 6805 ?569 Coach, News Staod, SIIASTA DAYLIGHT 10 6805 7570 Coach, C rew Locke r. SHASTA DAYLIGHT 14 680 5 7571 Coach, Vestibule Fo rward. SHASTA DAYLIGHT 6805 15714 Coach, Vestibule Rear. SHASTA DAYLIGHT 26 6805 7575 Tavern Lounge C ar. SHASTA DAYLIGHT 6815 7572 Coffee shop C ar. SHASTA DAYLIGHT 6815 7573 Kitchen C ar. SHASTA DAYLlGHT 6815 1514 . SHASTA DAYLIGHT 42 6806 75194 Dining C ar. OVERLAND, CITY OF S. F. 47 6806 ? 580 Club Lounge Car, OVERLAND, CITY OF S. F., 54 6806 ?581 Dining C ar" GOLDEN STATE 64 6806 7 5A2 Cafe Lounge C ar. CITY OF S. F", GOLDEN STATE 68 6806 ?583 Baggage Dormito ry C ar. CITY OF S" F., GOLDEN STATE 74 6806 7 584 Coach. ClTY OF S. F., GOLDEN STATE 80 6837 ?588A Baggage Mail C ar. CITY OF SAN FRANCIS CO 81 6 816 151 6 Kitchen Dormitory C ar. CASCADE 92 6816 7 577 Diring Car CASCADD 98 6816 7 518 Tavern Lounge Car. CASCADE 102 68?1 4069M 4 DBR, 4 CPT, 2 DR Sleeping Car. CASCADE 108 6812 4t228 22 Roomette Sleeping Car. CASCADE, 110 6873 413 9A 12 Bedroom Sleeping C ar. CASCADE, GOLDEN STATE 712 6874 4140C 10 RTE, 6 DBR Sleeping Car. All Stream liners. 116 6a74 4140D BE 10 RTE, 6 DBR Sleeping Car. CASCADE, GOLDEN STATE 120 6940 7 5718 Co ach. SHASTA, 133 6953 7 646 Business C ar. 140 6955 7 649 callery Car 158 7026 1021-4 Baggage, 30' Mail Car, 7 0264 7 0275 Baggage, 60r Mail Car. 166 ? 040 53194 cal lery car. 170 LOT 6805, PLAN ?568A: 3, BAGGAGE (MAIL) CARS built 6,/49. (PS49-1321-001 to 003).

Although the exterlors of these Baggage/RPo s were ffnished tn the dlgnin€d two-toned gray for the Cascade. the window and door placement wer€ identical to those cars built for the Shasta Daylight as plan 756a. Wh€n delivered, the RPO sectlons were lacking the necessary postal equipment. It was not until 1950 that these ltems wer€ lnsta.lled ln car #6602, thus requiring its id€ntity to b€ reclassified to #5011. In 1953 the sam€ tmnsformation occurred with car #6601 resultlng ln the new numb$ of5o12. Finally, car #6600 was mnverted ln 1962, appearing ]},iih the new number 5Ol 3. LOT 6805, PLAN ?568A: 3, BAGCAGE (MAIL) CARS built 6/49. (PS49-1321-001 to 003).

The thrce BaEgage/RPO's orlglnalty numbercd 6600-6602 were bullt under l-ot 6aO5, Plan 756aA. Thc order wa;placed ln 9,/47, wlth dclt!,ery of the equlpment trctng madc tn 6/49. By l96a' aU thrce cars had been lold for scrap to Assoclated Metals of Benecta Callfomla. LOT 6805, PLAN ?568A! 3, BAGGAGE (MAL

!! !! !! !!

_.1.--, ,) cARS built 6/49. (PS49-1321-001 to 003).




O SCALE LOT 6805, PLAN ?568: 3, BAGGAGE, 30r X

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ri'!---*----i'." 5.o'+f .' a -r-j+]dj4r IL CARS builr 6,/49, (PS49-1320-001 to 003).

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t Pos *756 ".dJ,+.'"!-F+=.; r

O SCALE LOT 6805, PLAN ?5G8: 3, BAGGAGE, 30' MAtL CARS built 6/49. (PS49-1320-001 to 003).

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Three Baggage cars with 30 Mall compartments were ordered 6/46 for servlce on the shasla lloyl@tu. They were dclivered inJune of 1949ln ume for t}le lnauguBl of the shaslo, on Julv ro. elllhree cari ran on tllat train unlil they were rettred ln l96a and sold to Associated Metals of Benecla, Califomia for scmP. LOT 6805, PLAN ?568! 3, BAGGAGE, 3O' MAIL CARS built 6/49. (PS49-1320-001 to 003).

Residents ofsalem, Eugene, and roamath Falls, werc able to recelve prompt mall dellvery, thanks to the RPO provided on bodd the Shastd Daglighl . Postal clerks were able to sort mall for specilic mail runs in this 30 foot room. LOT 6805, PLAN ?568: 3, BAGGAGE, 30' MArL CARS built 6/49. (PS49-1320-001 to 003). G


Meager toilet facilities were provided for Postal crews and the Shasla DaUlighl passengers were able 1o che.k baggage which $as bageageman. Absolutely no primcy was provided. However, a solid wood stored in the space provided at the rear ofthis car. 'llre ba*lageman tollet seat was provided, making lhis car a meeting place for one of the sorted the parcels for each destination. placing the bags on the racks first members ofthe tsirch John Socielyl along the wall. LOT 6805, PLAN 7569: 2, 46-SEAT COACHES with NEWS STAND built 6/49. (ps49_1322 _001,002)"




One of the coaches on each of the two Shasra D.rglight consists contained a work space for fie conductor and trainman. It was necessarv Ior them to sort tickets and maintain records of their train orders. They too, had an over:i/e window to enjoy the s(enery or North€rn Califomia and Oregon.

Itadio and recorded musical programs were provided to Shdsta Ddghght passengers from tlis massive console located in the coach next to the news ageni's stand. Each car in the tmin was connected to the mdio and public address system.

10 LoT 6805, PLAN ?569: 2, 46-SEAT COACHES with NEWS STAND built 6,/49. (PS49-1322-001,002).

The SP was famous for tieir "News Agent service provided to the coach The accommodatlons provided Shasta Ddgibht passengers were as prssenaers on board lhelr lrains. Adiacenl lo lhe Conducror's desk. was lmrious as an]1hing ever built for coach patrons. The tnclusion of plush this small space for the News AAent to dlsplay and sell his produ, lr. The fabric upholstery and drapes created a pleasant atmosphere for the bar, located above the window, was for hanAing maAazine racks. A small coach passengers. refrigerator beneati ihe counter was used to store cold drlnks.

1t LOT 6805, PLAN ?569r 2, 46-SDAT COACHES with NEWS STAND built 6/49. (P549-7322-001,002)"

Two coaches. each contalning 46 seats, a Conductors desk,and the News A€ent's stand, were ordered 6/46 and delivered in June of 1949. Thls was the I'irst coach in each consist located directly b€hind the BaSSage Mail car. Car 42381 was sold to Amirak in 1973, and in 1975i was sold to Rall S€Mce Industries of Mira t-ma, Califomia. The SP relained car #2390 un(il 1975 when it Ms sold for scrap to the Purdy Co. ofEwing, Callfomla.


100 6 641 4012 E PS4I-1153-001 VOLUME 5 6644 4aA2 A PS41-1156-001 VOLUME 5 5940 ? 571 B PS54-I442-001 139 r01 5 641 4072 E PS4I-1153-002 VOLUM! 5 401 66oa 4042 PS40-1115-001 VOLUME 5 2353 6940 7571 B PSs4-1442-OO2 1,3 9 102 6641 4072 E PS41-1153-003 VOLUME 5 401 6644 4oA2 A PS41-1156-002 VOLUME 5 2154 5940 7571 B PS54-1442-0oa tl9 103 6641 4472 E PS41-!!53-004 VOLUME 5 450 6515 7376 PS37-1027-016 VOLWE 5 2355 6940 751L B PS54-1442-003 139 f04 6541 4412 E PS41-1153-005 VOLOME 5 451 65L5 7376 PS37-1027-O1? VOLUME 5 2X56 6940 7571 B PS54-r442-009 139 2757 ro5 6 641 4012 E PS4r-1153-005 VOLUME 5 6500 7376 PS37-101,8-OO1 voL!,l{E 5 6940 7a7t B PS54-1442-004 139 106 5641 4072 E PS41-1153-007 vol,t,l,tE 5 453 6500 7376 PS37-101a-002 vol,ut{! 5 235S 6940 7571 B PS54-r.442-005 1,39 107 6641 4072 E PS41-1153-OOa VOLUME 5 6515 7375 PS37-1027-001 vol,!,li{! 5 2359 6940 7571 B PS54-1442-006 t39 10a 6641 4A12 E PS41-r153-010 VOLUME 5 6515 ?376 PS37-1027-002 VOLUM! 5 2360 6940 7571 B PS54-1442-Or0 B r09 5 541 4072 E PS4I-1153-009 VOTUME 5 500 PS42-t l,S4 -001 VOLUME 5 236L 6940 757\ PS54-1442-007 139 133 6664 4069 H PS42-11a1-006 UP VOIUI4E 500 65t 5 7377 PS3?-102a-001 VOLWE 5 2379 6406 7 594 PS49-1330-OOt a0 145 6405 ? 569 PS49-1322-002 13 501, 6515 737a ps37-1028-002 VOLUME 5 2380 6806 7534 PS49-1330-002 23AL 7569 150 69 53 PS5s-1452-001 L4o 501 6659 4 099 ps42-1ra4-oo2 VOLUME 5 6405 PS49-1322-OO1 13 4069 G PS41-1154-00r VOLUME 5 sa2 PS42-1184-003 VOLUME 5 2352 6ga5 757L PS{9-1324-OO3 25 201 6642 4069 G PS41-1154-002 voL!'M! s 5A2 65t5 7377 !s37-102a-003 VOLUME 5 2363 6ao5 7571 PS49-1324-004 25 2A2 6642 PS41-1154-003 VOLUM! 5 503 6569 4099 PSa2-1144-OO4 VOLUME 5 2aa4 6805 757r A PS49-!321-005 26 203 6642 PS41-r154-004 voLUl{E 5 6515 737A PS37-1028-004 VOLUMI 5 2345 5405 7570 PS49-1323-001 !4 4069 G PS4!-1154-005 voLut{E 5 504 PS42-11a4-OO5 voL!1,tl 5 2aa6 6805 75?1 A PS49-1324-010 26 2a4 6806 7 540 !s49-1327-003 54 6515 7177 PS37-I024-007 VOLUME 5 2387 5AO5 7571 PS49-1324-006 245 6642 PS41-!154-OO6 VOLUME 5 505 6515 7 37a PS37-!028-006 VOLUME 5 2 388 6805 ?571 A PS49-1324-OO1 26 2os 68 06 7 5a0 PS49-1327-004 54 505 PS42-1Ia4-005 vo!!1!E 5 2ta9 6305 7571 A PS49-1324-O07 26 206 6666 4069 I{ PS42-1131-001 voLuM! 5 506 65L5 7777 PS37-102S-OO5 VOLUME 5 2390 6S05 7569 PS49-1322-OO2 13 758 o PS49-1327-006 54 505 5569 4 099 PS42-1134-007 VOLUME 5 2391 6405 7571 !s49-1324-011 207 5 668 4069 H PS42-1Ia1-002 volgME 5 507 6515 7373 PS37-1026-006 VOLUIT{E 5 2392 6805 ?571 PS49-1324-008 20a 6664 4069 11 PS42-1141-003 VOLUME 5 5A7 5669 4 099 PS42-1134-003 voLU!! 5 2393 6305 7571 A PS49-1324-012 26 2A9 6668 4069 H !s42-t1a1-OO4 voLlrMr 5 5oa 6669 4099 ts42-1144-009 voiuME 5 2394 6805 75?0 PS49-1323-002 14 210 5 564 4069 H PS42-11A1-005 VOLUME 5 509 PS42-1L84-012 voLUl{E 5 2495 5ao5 7571 A PS49-1324-O02 25 211 6554 4069 ta PS42-1191-005 VOLUME 5 510 6669 4099 PS42-114{-013 vol!,l{E 5 2396 5805 7 571 PS49-1324-O14 25 21,2 6668 !s42-1laI-OO? voLuMl 5 511 6669 4099 PS42-1184-0!O voLutt{t 5 2397 6805 7 571 A PS49-1324-O09 26 211 5 564 4069 H PS42-1141-004 VOLUME 5 5\2 6669 4099 PS42-1134-011 voLW! 5 2394 PS49-1324-013 21,4 6668 a069 l{ PS42-1191-009 VOLUME 5 513 6669 4099 PS39-11,S3-001 VOLUME 5 2399 6S06 ?534 PS49-1330-003 8o 2t5 640 6 7580 !s49-1327-OO4 514 6569 4099 PSf,9-1fa3-OO2 voltJ}tE 5 2400 6606 75a 4 PS49-1330-004 2t5 6 668 4069 H PS42-1181-010 voLUl,lE 5 6669 4099 PS39-1183-003 VOLUME 5 6500 ?376 PS37-101S-001 VOLUME 5 216 63 06 ? 540 PS49-1327-OO6 54 515 5669 4 099 PS39-1183-004 volutlE 5 2a 0l 6806 753 4 PS49-1330-005 80 2L6 6564 4069 Il PS42-1,18!-0tt VOLUME 5 650 65r5 7399 PS37-1030-00L VOLUME 5 2401 5500 7 376 PS37-1018-002 voL!'M! 5 2L7 6605 4069 D PS40-r114-00L volu}tE 5 651 551,5 7389 PS37-1030-002 voLW! 5 2402 6500 7377 PS37-1019-061 VOLUI,IE 5 2l't 6940 PS54-1442-0rO I39 700 65I5 7371 A PS37-L029-OO1 VOLUME 5 2403 6500 ?378 PS3?-10I9-002 VOIJUME 5 213 6605 4069 D !s4o-1114-OO2 voLW! 5 701 65t 5 7371 A PS37-L029-002 voLW! 5 6500 73 ?7 PS3?-1,019-003 VOLUXE 5 2la 6ao6 758 0 PS49-!327-005 54 950 6515 7390 PS37-1031,-001 VOLUM! 5 2405 6500 73 78 PS37-r019-004 volultE 5 2L9 68 05 757\ PS49-1324-0!4 951 6515 7 390 PS37-101!-002 voluME 5 2406 6500 7377 PS37-1019-005 voluME 5 2t9 6605 4069 D PS40-1114-003 VOLUME 5 2204 6515 1376 PS37-I027-001 VOLUME 5 6500 73?8 PS37-1019-005 voLUl,tE 5 220 6605 4069 D !s40-1114-OO4 voLul{E 5 224! 6500 1376 !s37-10!8-00! VOLUM! 5 2403 55oO 7377 PS37-1019-OO? vofirME 5 220 6606 7544 PS49-1330-004 2242 PS37-rOla-002 volul{! 5 2409 6500 737 8 voI,uME 5 22! 6a 06 ?544 PS49-1330-003 22t5 6S56 7600 PS5o-r377-020 c&o voLUMl 2410 65aO 7117 PS37-1019-009 VOLUME 5 222 6305 7511 PS49-1324-014 25 2217 6455 760 o PS50-1377-021 c&o vo!,wr 24tt 6500 ?379 PS37-1019-010 VOLIJ'},IE 5 223 69 05 1544 PS49-13 3 0-004 a0 22tS 6a56 76 00 PS5o-13?7-022 C&O VOLUME 2412 6500 7377 PS37-1019-01r. VOLUM! 5 2413 293 694 0 7571 B PS54-1442-009 t39 2234 65!5 7 371 A PS37-1029-002 VOLUME 5 6500 737a PS3?-1019-012 voLW! 5 6805 7569 PS49-1322-002 13 2239 6592 742\ PS39-1104-002 voLU}tE 5 2 41,4 65t5 7377 PS37-1028-O!1 VOLUME 5 29s 24I5 3 0 PS4!-1155-001 vo!ul.{E 5 6805 7575 PS49-1325-001 6515 7373 PS37-1029-012 VOLUME 5 300 664 4071 2416 6643 407\ D PS41-1155-002 VOLUMI 5 224\ 6A05 7515 PS49-1325-OO2 33 6515 7377 PS37-102A-009 VOLUME 5 301 2417 6515 7379 PS37-102a-0!O 3a2 6643 407! D PS41-1155-003 VOLUMI 5 659t 7424 PS39-1103-001 volr,11E 5 VOLUME 5 2 414 6515 7317 PS37-1029-013 VOLUME 5 303 6641 4 071 D PS41-1155-004 VOLUME 5 224X 659\ 7424 PS39-1103-OO2 voLUl,lE 5 24L9 5515 737a PS37-1023-014 VOLIJ'I{E 304 664 3 40?1 D PS41-1f55-005 VOLUME 5 22aO 5639 7 416 A PS41-1148-006 vol,u}tE 5 5 2424 6515 7 317 PS37-102a-015 305 6643 4o7r o PS41-1155-006 VOLUMI 5 22Al 6634 7 416 A PS{1-1}44-004 VOLUME 5 VOLUME 5 242). 5515 73?8 PS37-102a-016 voluuE 5 305 6643 4 071 D !s41-1I55-007 VOLUMI 5 2295 5590 7 419 !s39-1102-001 vol-utlE 5 2422 5s).5 7 317 PS37-1024-018 voLUtlE 5 4 071 D PS41-1155-004 VO'UME 5 2296 5590 74f 9 PS39-1102-002 VOLUME 5 4AA2 VOLUME 5 A PS41-1149-002 6515 737a VOLuI'1E 5 209 INDEX

P5 IPT PS P!iII SERfAL MruBER PS IiT PS PLAN SERIAL NUMBER PS I,oI PS PI,AN SERIAL NI,I{BER 2424 6515 7 316 PS37-1,027-O09 voLUllE 5 663A 7424 PS41-115r-023 voLUllE 5 a7a4 6955 1649 PS55-1454-005 2425 6515 7376 voLuI,lE 156 PS3r-1027-007 5 2480 6614 7423 PS{1-1151-024 VOLUME 5 3 705 6955 1649 PS55-1454-006 15a 2426 6515 737 6 PS37-1027-010 VOLUME 5 24AL 6514 7424 PS41-1L51-025 VOLUUE 5 3 705 6955 7649 PS55-1,454-007 15a 2427 ?37 6 6515 PS37-1027-001 voLUllE 5 2442 6638 7423 PS41-1151-026 VOLUME 5 6955 7649 PS55-1454-00a 15a 2427 65t5 7176 PS37-1027-016 voLUllE 5 24ea 6534 7424 PS41-1r51-027 VOLUME 5 3708 6955 7649 PS55-1454-009 2424 7376 153 6515 PS37-t 027-OO3 VOLUME 5 2444 663a 7423 PS41-1151-028 VOLUME 5 I ?09 6955 7549 !s55-1454-010 15a 2429 65t5 7375 PSXT-L027-aa2 VOLWE 5 24e5 6614 7422 PS41-1150-005 VOT,UME 5 3 731 7040 54 01a 2430 PS58-1520-00I 171 65r5 ?376 PS37-1027-004 voLt uE 5 2486 663A 7422 PS41-1150-001 VOLUIT{E 5 3772 7040 54 018 PS68-I520-002 17f 2431 651,5 ?376 PS37-1027-005 VOLUME 5 24A1 66aA 7422 PS41-1150-002 vol,r,]ltt! 5 7040 54 01a 2432 PS5a-1520-003 171 6515 7376 PS37-1027-0I1 VOLUME 5 248S 663A 7422 PS41-1L50-003 volul{! 5 3734 7040 54 018 2433 PS63-1520-004 1,71 6515 7376 PS37-1027-OO8 VOLUUE 5 24A9 6638 1422 vol,o s 37Xa 7040 54 013 PS68-1520-005 2434 7376 r t7L 65ts PS3?-1027-012 vol!,118 5 663A 7422 PS41-1L50-003 VOIJW! 5 3735 7040 54 01,8 PS63-r520-006 651,5 73?6 171 PS37-1027-013 VOLUI,IE 5 249L 6639 7422 PS41-1150-009 VOLUME 5 3737 7040 54 013 PS63-1520-007 24X6 1376 t71 6515 PS37-1027-Or{ voluM! 5 2493 6639 7422 PS4l,-1150-005 VOLUME 5 373a 7040 54 018 PS68-1s20-008 2477 73?6 171 651,5 PS37-1027-005 volul{! 5 2493 6634 7422 PS4f-1150-004 voL!1,r! 5 3739 7040 54 oLa PS63-1520-009 2434 7341 L71 6500 PS3r-I022-002 vol,!'l,ll 5 2494 6524 7{ 0o PS37-1039-001, UP VOI/WE 7o4o 54 019 PS66-1s20-010 171 2434 73 ?5 PS37-1,027-015 6515 VOLtI'l,t! 5 2494 6515 ?376 PS3 7-t 027-01? voL!,1{E 5 7040 54 01A ls6a-1520-011 2439 7422 171 6593 PS39-1105-001 vol!'rE 5 2495 6515 7 378 PS37-102a-001 VOLUME 5 3742 7040 s4 ots PS68-r520-012 1422 t7t 6593 !s39-1t 05-002 vol,!l{! 5 2497 55).5 7 377 PS37-1029-002 VOLUME 5 374-J 7040 54 o1a PS6A-1520-013 171 6594 142X !s39-1105-OO1 VOLUM! 5 2494 6515 7X78 PS37-1023-003 VOLUUE 5 7745 7040 s4 o1s !s68-1520-014 !7t 2442 6594 1424 PS39-1106-002 voLUl{E 5 2499 65t5 7377 !s37-1029-004 VOLUHE 7040 54 0ta 2443 6594 7423 5 !s6a-1520-Ot5 I71 vol,uuE 5 2 900 6515 73 90 !s37-L031-002 5000 6805 7 568 PS49-1320-001 6594 7424 PS39-1!06-OO4 votu}tE 5 6 volultE 5 2954 65oO 73 92 PS37-1023-001 voLUltE 5 500 r 6405 7 56a !s49-1320-OO2 2445 6594 7423 PS39-1IO6-005 6 vol-u!,rE 5 65A0 7a92 PS37-1023-002 voEUl,tE 5002 6ao5 7 56A !s49-1320-003 2445 6594 7424 PS39-r.lO6-006 voLUltE 5 6 5 6590 7419 PS39-1102-001 VOI,UME 5 5003 6Sl7 758S !s49-1362-001 91 2447 6594 7423 PS39-1106-OO7 VOLUME 5 2951 6590 7419 PS39-1102-002 5004 6437 7583 244A 7424 VOI,UME 5 !s49-1362-OO2 9t 6594 PS39-r106-008 VOLUXE 5 2954 6638 74]9 PS4r-1149-001 501! 6405 7 563 ls49-1321-003 2449 7423 PS39-1106-OO9 voLW! 5 5 6594 voLUllE 5 2 955 6613 7419 PS4 t 5o 12 6905 7 569 !s49-1321-002 245a 6594 7424 -!149-002 voLUti{E 5 5 PS39-!r06-010 voLUltE 5 29AL 6406 7 5a0 PS49-1327-001 54 5013 6S05 7 56S !s49-1321-001 6594 7423 PS39-1106-011 5 votutrE 5 29A2 6406 7 5a0 PS49-1327-002 5020 1026 70214 PS65-1507-001 2452 6594 7424 PS39-1106-012 54 165 votlr'l1E 5 2943 6806 7 5a0 PS49-1327-OO3 54 5021 7026 70214 PS65-1507-002 2453 5515 7 371 PS3?-1023-006 vol-ultE 5 6406 7580 5A22 7426 702!4 2454 PS49-1327-004 a4 PS65-1507-003 165 6515 7373 PS37-r023-005 VOLUUE 5 29Aa 75a0 502 3 7025 70214 2455 6806 PS49-tl2?-005 54 PS65-1507-004 165 6515 7377 PS37-1.026-00a votullE 5 2946 6a06 7580 PS49-1327-OO6 5424 7026 702t4 PS65-1507-005 2456 6515 ?373 PS37-1023-007 54 165 voLUllE 5 3 000 6500 73aI PStT-1022-001 VOLUHE 5 5025 7026 70214 PS65-1507-006 165 2451 663A 7424 A PS41-1t 51,-O0 r VOLWE 5 6500 73a1 PS37-1022-002 5026 1026 10214 PS65-1507-007 2458 6634 1423 A PS{1-115f-002 VOLUME 5 165 volutfE 5 3 001 65!5 137t PS3?-1029-002 5027 1026 70214 PS65-1507-003 2459 66aA 7424 A PS41-1151-009 volultE 5 155 VOLUUE 5 3 002 659L 1420 PS39-110f,-001 volLrltE 5 502I 1026 702t4 PS65-1507-009 155 2454 6638 7423 A PS41-1151-010 vol,utlE 5 659t 7420 PS39-1103-002 vo[,u!,tE 5 5029 1025 702t4 PS65-1507-0t 0 165 246L 663A 7424 A PS4 17 1- l,l,5 1-0 voluME 5 3100 6405 7 5a3 PS49-1329-001 503 0 1026 7A2t5 2462 5638 7423 A PS65-1508-001 156 PS41-115r-0!8 voLUl4E 5 3101 6806 7 5A3 PS49-1329-002 5031 1025 7021,a 663S 7424 A PS65-1503-002 166 PS41-1151-003 vo!,uuE 5 3107 6524 73t3 PS37-1034-002 UP VOLIJ}|I 503 2 7026 7A215 2464 663A 7423 A PS65-1503-003 156 PS41-1151-004 vo!u!.lE 5 3300 6500 7375 PS37-10!7-OOt VOLUME 5 503 3 1026 7a215 166 2465 663S 7424 A PS{1-1151-019 !s65-1503-004 voLUtrE 5 3301 6500 7375 PS37-1017-002 volu}tE 5 5034 7026 74215 !s65-1500-005 166 2466 6534 7423 A PS41-1151-020 voLutlE 5 3302 558S ?415 PS39-1100-001 volu}tE 5 7026 7A2t5 PS55-150a-006 155 2467 6618 7424 A PS41-1151-005 VOLUI,IE 5 3303 6583 7415 PS39-1100-002 VOIUME 5 5036 7426 74215 PS65-r50a-007 166 2464 6634 742X A PS41-1151-006 volu!,E 5 3 600 55aO 7192 !s37-r023-OO1 vollltt! 5 5598 6515 ?3a9 PS37-1030-001 VOLUIIE5 2469 66XA 7424 A PS41-1151-007 VOLUME 5 3 601 651,5 73 71 PS37-1029-O0r voluM! 5 6599 6515 73 89 PS37-1010-002 VoLUME 5 PS4r-11.51-003 VOLUME 5 3 602 65A0 7379 PS37-1020-002 VOLUMI 5 6600 6405 7 56a PS49-1321-001 5 2411 6634 7424 A PS41-1r51-011 vol,iJ'l'll 5 3 603 6500 1379 PS37-1020-001 vo[!']tt! 5 660 r 6515 7339 PS37-1010-001 voLUME 5 2472 6638 7423 t PS41-1151-012 VOLUMI 5 6500 ?3S1, PS37-!022-001 vol,!l{! 5 6305 7 569 PS49-132]-002 5 2413 6634 7424 A PS41-IL51-013 VOLIJ'M! 5 3 605 6536 74 o3 PS38-1051-001, VOLUM! 5 6642 6405 75 6A PS49-1321-003 5 6635 7423 A PS{1-1151-014 5 VOLUMI 3 606 6515 7 390 PS37-1031-OOL VOLUME 6642 6515 ? 389 PS37-1030-002 VO!U!1E5 2475 7424 A 5 5678 PS41-1L51-021 VOLIJ'},IE 5 3700 6955 7649 PS55-1454-OO1 153 9030 c !s50-1399-001 119 2476 6614 7423 A PS41-1151-022 VOLUME 5 3 ?01 5955 ?6a9 PS55-1454-O02 158 90 3l c ,s50-1399-002 119 2477 663A 7424 A PS 41- 11.5 t - 015 voLUllE 5 37A2 7649 2474 6954 PS55-1454-003 15a 9432 6874 414 o PS5o-1399-003 11,9 663e 1423 A VOLUME 5 6955 7649 PS55-1454-004 !s5o-1399-004 119 2L0 lNDEX !S PS lDT PIi}I PS LOT PS PI,AN SERIA! NUIIBER PS T'oT PS PLAN SERIAL NUI,IDER

9034 !s5o-1399-005 915 3 119 PS42-11a3-002 VOLUM' 5 5634 7417 PS4!-1143-002 VOLUME 5 9035 PS50-1399-005 9164 4 ]19 6669 099 PS42-11a3-003 voLW! 5 10254 6538 7416 PS41-1143-003 VOLUME 5 9036 6A74 4140 C PS50-1399-007 9155 119 PS42-1143-004 VOLUME 5 10259 6538 7418 PS41-1148-OO4 VOLWE 5 9477 6471 4140 C PS50-1399-006 119 9200 6636 4072 D PS40-1146-001 voLUllE 5 10260 65la 7417 PS41-It48-005 VOLUME 5 9ol a 68?4 414 C PS50-1399-009 92 ps40-1146-002 o 119 01 volullE 5 102 61 6633 74I6 VOLUME 5 6474 414 C ,I07 0 PS50-1399-010 119 6641 2 E PS41-1153-001 VOLUME 5 L0262 6AL5 7 572 PS49-I343-OO1 35 PS50-1199-011 119 92AX 664t 4012 E PSAl-1153-002 vol,!l{! 5 102 5a 6315 7 573 PS49-1343-002 904 41 ! PS50-r399-012 119 9244 664t 4012 E PS41-1153-003 VOLUME 5 102 64 6At5 7574 PS49-1343-OO3 42 9442 6474 41{0 C PS5o-1399-013 119 92A5 6641 4012 E !s41-r1s3-004 VOLUM! 5 102 65 6At5 7572 PS49-r343-OO4 9043 414 6S?4 o C !s5o-I399-014 119 6641 4072 E PSAl-1153-005 voL!'ttll 5 \4266 6815 7573 PS49-1a43-O05 41 9044 6474 41{O C !s50-1399-015 9247 664I 4072 E PS41-1153-005 VOLUME 5 1a267 6415 ?574 PS49-1343-006 9045 42 PS5o-1399-015 rL9 920A 664t 4072 E PS41-1153-00? VOLUM! 5 14274 66Xd 7454 PS4t-1152-001 VOLUUE 5 6474 4!40 C PSSo-r399-021 9209 4072 E 119 6641 PSal-11,53-00a voLiJ,l{l 5 la27 5 6534 745 3 PS41-1152-002 voLUuE 5 6474 4140 C PS50-1399-022 92tO 4012 E 119 664L PS41-1I53-010 VOLUME 5 10276 66!d 7452 PS41-1152-003 voLUltE 5 6S74 4140 C PS50-1399-023 9 211 119 664t 4072 E PS4r-1153-009 vo!!1{8 5 L0277 663A 7474 PS41-11,52-OO4 voLUllE 5 6374 4140 C 9250 PS50-1399-017 119 6525 4066 A PS37-1,041-002 UP VOLUME ro278 6648 7453 PS41-r152-005 voLUl{E 5 9050 PS5o-1399-O1a 925t 6525 4066 A 119 PS37-f041-001 UP VOLUME 102 79 653A 7452 PS41-1152-OO6 l,tE 5 9 051 vott 68?4 414 0 C PS50-1399-019 LL9 6572 4t22 B PS50-1397-001 rIl 102 8o 5816 757 6 PS49-r344-OOt 9052 PS50-1399-020 9301, 92 r19 6e72 4122 B PS50-1397-002 111 102 aL 6At6 7 577 PS49-1344-O02 10t 9 053 5874 4140 D PS5o-1400-OO1 120 9302 6972 4122 D PS50-I397-003 111 to2s2 6416 7578 PS49-1344-003 9 054 102 6374 414 o D PS50-1{00-002 120 6a72 4!22 B PS5o-1397-004 111 10283 6S16 7576 PS49-1344-O04 t20 6472 4L22 B PS5o-r397-005 11I 10234 6AL6 7577 101 9 056 5874 4r4o D 120 6643 4071 D PS4I-1155-001 vol,!1,t! 5 10235 6416 ? 57a PS49-1344-OO6 102 9100 6663 4069 ri ?s42-1130-017 5 9351 D VOLUM' 6643 4071 PS4!-1155-002 VOLUME 5 I0 310 6500 7379 PS37-r020-0ot VOLWE 5 9101 5664 4069 It PS42-1130-018 UP VOLU}IE 9352 6543 107 ! D PS41-1r55-003 VOLUME 5 LO 31r 6500 7379 PSlT-1020-002 volrJrltE 5 9102 5636 4059 F PS40-1145-01a voL!1{E 5 9353 6643 407I D PS41-1155-004 vol,ultE 5 10 312 5536 7'lo3 PS38-1051-OO1 vol,uuE 5 9103 6636 4069 t PS4o-1145-019 VOLUME 5 9354 6643 40?1 D PS41-1155-OO5 VOLUME 5 10 313 6536 74 0l PSSa-1051-002 VOLUME 5 9104 66{2 4069 c PS41-rr54-OO! VOLul{E 5 t3 55 6643 4071 D PS4r-1155-OO6 voLUttE 5 10 314 6592 742L PS39-L104-0ot voLUl{E 5 9105 6642 4A69 c PS41-t 154-002 VOLSME 5 9356 6643 4071 D PS41-1155-007 VOLUME 5 10 315 6592 742t PS39-1104-002 VOLUM! 5 9106 6642 4069 c PS41-1r54-003 VOLUME 5 935? 5643 4 071 D PS4r-11s5-OO8 voLul{! 5 10 316 5405 7575 PS49-1325-001 33 9107 6542 4069 c ES4r-1154-OO4 VOIJU}IE 5 6873 4139 A PS5o-1398-OOt 112 10317 6805 7575 PS49-1325-002 33 910a 6642 4069 c PS41-1154-005 VOLUME 5 940t 6473 4139 A ps5o-139a-002 112 r04o o 6536 7402 PS38-1050-001 vol,I]'tt! 5 9109 6642 4069 c PS41-11s4-006 votu}tE 5 9402 6473 4139 A PS50-1398-003 112 6668 4059 PS42-1191-005 104 01 6436 7402 PS3A-1050-002 vol!'l{! 5 voI,u$E 5 9403 6373 4139 A 112 r0402 6A06 7aA2 6564 4069 'ltt PS42-1131-007 9405 PS49-132A-001, 68 voLlruE 5 6672 4122 B PS50-t 3 97-006 11! 10403 6806 7582 PS49-1328-002 9tl2 6668 4059 ta PS42-11,S1-003 VOLWE 5 B 6a 6472 4\22 !s50-1397-007 trt 104 04 5a06 ?5a2 PS49-112a-003 6g 9113 6653 4069 B PS42-1131-009 VOLUME 5 9 500 6557 4 082 PS39-1,080-001 vollryE 5 10405 6806 7582 PS49-1328-OO4 6g 9114 6568 4069 It PS42-11,S1-010 VOLUME 5 950t 660A 4082 PS4o-1115-001, 5 VOLUME 104 06 6A06 75A2 PS{9-1a26-005 6A 9115 6663 4069 ll PS42-1131-011 VOLUME 5 10200 5500 7380 PS37-1021-001 VOLUME 5 1050 o 6536 74 03 PS36-1051-002 voLUtaE 9116 6605 4069 D PS40-1114-003 VOLUME 5 1o2o 7380 5 t 6500 PS37-1021-002 VOLUME 5 10 5 ol. 6592 7421 !s39-11,04-001 VOLUME 9117 6605 4059 D PS40-1114-004 VOLII,'E 5 10202 A 5 6806 7579 51 1o 602 5569 4099 PS42-11a3-0!O VOLUME 9119 6471 4069 U PS5o-r396-001, 108 10203 7579 A 5 5A06 PS49-1326-005 53 1050 3 6659 4099 PS42-11,84-010 voLU!,tE 5 9119 5871 4069 M PS50-1396-002 108 102 04 7579 A 6806 PS49-1326-002 5! 10604 6669 4099 PS42-1134-011 voLUltE 5 9t 20 6471 4069 l,t PS50-1396-003 103 102 o5 5406 7579 A PS49-1326-006 53 10605 6559 4 099 PS42-11S3-002 VOLUME 5 9 f50 6669 4099 PS42-1la3-005 volullE 5 102 o6 6806 7531 67 10606 6669 4 099 PS42-1133-006 voLlJ!{E 5 915 L 6559 4099 PS42-1183-006 v0!!1,1E 5 10207 5306 7581 PS49-1,326-OO3 67 10607 6659 4 099 PS42-1183-007 VOLUME 5 9152 6669 4 099 PS42-11a3-007 voLLl{E 5 102 o8 6806 75a1 PS'19-1325-003 10606 5669 4 099 PS42-1133-008 vol,fil,t! 5 9153 6669 4 099 !s{2-1163-011 VOLUME 5 102 09 5306 ?579 A PS49-1326-004 53 10609 6669 4 099 PS42-1183-OO9 voL!.ME 5 9154 6669 4 099 PS42-1133-OO3 volrJ'ttm 5 14225 6635 744A !s4t-1141-001 UP VOLUME 10610 5669 4 099 PS42-1I84-009 volut!! 5 9155 6669 4 099 PS42-11a3-009 VOLUM! 5 ).a226 6635 7449 PSAl-1141-002 VOLI,]1I,I! UP 10 6rr 6669 4099 PS42-11a3-003 VOLUME 5 9 L56 6669 4099 PS42-11S3-010 VOLUME 5 1025 o 65a9 74la PS39-1101-001 5 VOLUIIE 10512 6659 4099 PSA2-1163-005 VOLUME 5 9la7 PS42-1134-00A VOLUME 5 10251 6549 7 4L7 PS39-1101-002 vol,ul{E 5 1051! 6669 4099 PS42-11a4-008 voLUilE 5 9154 6669 4099 PS42-1184-009 VOLUME 14252 5 6589 7415 PS!9-1101-003 VOLUME 5 10614 6669 4099 PS42-11A3-OO1 volII,lE 5 6559 4 099 !s42-1134-012 L0253 VOLUM! 5 6549 7414 PS39-1101-004 VOLUMI 5 10615 PS42-1193-004 voiultE 5 9).60 5669 4 099 PS42-1184-010 vol,r,]lt,t! 5 IO254 PS39-1101-005 vol-!1,1! 5 10615 PS4r-1153-0r0 VOLUME 5 916 L 6669 4 099 PS42-1134-011 VOLUME 5 102 55 6549 74f 6 PS39-1101-OO6 voL!'l,tE 5 9162 voLU!,tE 5 102 56 PS41-11,4a-OO1 2Lt @r

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