THE OFFICIAL PULLMAN. STANDART) LIBRARY Vol. 6 SOUTH ER N PAC IFIC POSTWA R CARS Copy right O 1988 by W. David Randatl and William M. Ross, AII Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing, except Ior briel quotations ernbodied in critical articles and reviews. Published byl RAILWAY PRODUC TION C LASSIC S, P.O"Box 29 6, Godfrey Illirlois 62035. Printed in lhe United Slares of America. ,l085 BOO K NO. S*--1 ! r aIr,r tJ st tauL tacol a -'// TOrl IaN D Yol ( 5HA5TA HICAGO Rtl UTT orEq!ry Z-oi touls I N I I ANClsc Pri.ffi;-.g J .6) oaxrax0 6:l' tos lNGttls[-{g::"'rM iAN DI:GO INTRODUCTION TtlE OFFICIAL PULLMAN STANDARD LIBRARY. From thedaysolthe ihceptio! of tbe Streamliner Cars Vol. 2 - The Brdd Co. stlrrs wlrh ftem 2ooo and e.ds wilh Ilch 24?5, Iirst ligbtr€taht srr€.nlibe car. this.olleclioD has erist€d. Li.g€ring, both rn rhe mi.ds and again is open ihrough Item 2999. The tinat issue of Slreamli... Cars. Vol 3-ACF of lhos€ tew wdo wc..'priviledged to hav€ tived tirough its creauon, and al6o withiD th€ and Other Butlders €n.ompas6es tt€h 30OO rh.ou{h t332. husly eogiD.e.rng files which have stood ih d!nger ot passing itrro obscurtry. Sirce ev.ry hotor vehicle tn this counrry is reEtsrered, sold, rnd Ircebsed through tl. vlN (vehicl€ Identific.ttotr Numb€r) nrhbe., ti 6€ems only loaical thal an indi!tdual Snrll portlobs ol thls collection bave .ppearedr from time io 1ime, t! varlous publicatioos. lrserial Numberr'could easily be c.eated for eve.y pls6ebger car co.strucied. sioce th€ N€ve. befo.€ has th€ enlire Iormat ol tho Pullman-Sta.da photographl. arcbtve6 plus publishi.g ebphasis oI RPC to dare h.s been the sl.e.mlin..qutphenl, this i. the east€st the olttctal floorplaD drawings 6eeD av.il.ble for publicarion, area iD wbich to pertcct lh€ sysiem. Even the he.vy*eigh( and voodeo car coDstructlons rfe projecrs still *ithin the plantring srage of RPc. W€ rre grateful ro tbose €trgi.eers and photogrrph€rs *hose responsibility it w.s to ohroDicl. lhese hi610.jc do.uments. Eve4 hore signiric€nl, is th€ appreciaiion io those Each voluhe oftne Sr.camliner Car s€ries has th. rd.nrical tndex by rhich a specilic car curr€!1 executives aDd .nployees ot PULLMAN TECHNOLOCY lNC.. vhose wtsdob and may be located, by its origi.al o*ni.g railroad, .ar number, or nane. To be cohpl€te, co-op€r.tion iave op.n€d the sa, th:that ih.se maanifi.ent works can by enjoyed by !ll. ther€Iore il is essenttal to have the data avaitable io .tl rhree votumes. Besid€s ihose h Pullma! T..hDology se gratelut 1o e I.c., rre also M.. r. Trav€rs As aD exaEpl€, the SoutherD Pacllic Brr 54 seat Lounge, 110317, is fouod ir tie i.dex on Burgess Ior inlormatio. ob lha trncks. p38e 16 iD aly of the voluBes. The 'rltemrr nuhber asstared iB 1325, Rhich ildi.ates that the details are located t! Volume I - PulIEan Standard. TlrniDg to "ltem 1325,ton page 104, we see lhat teo cars were built as Lot 6805, Plar ?575! drawtngs of Ordered 6/46 atrd delieered Compl.l€ ...ction rll .ars built by Pullhan-Strod.rd are .vrihble trom: 6/,19. Here are the complete details: PT]LLMAN TECTINOLOCY INC. r64r2 L.rhrop Avenuel Ha.vey IllinoiB 60426. Pl€ase write to them for price lists. Permissio! is gralted to photocopy any mat€rlal he..io for private use only. Commerical reproduction of the cotrleots in {hole or ib part *itl,oui prior w. r.! approvat oI w. Devid RaDdall, Williah M. Ross, o. PrllDar Technology ltrc. is prohibtted. Now to detall the the RPC (Railway P.ssenger car ) sertar Numbe. Sf,RIAL NUMBERS FOB RATLWAY PASSENGER CARS. This car w.B built by Itrdividual lt.n Nuhbe., ca! NuEbe., Unlike locomotives! wbeD pass.nge. cars were conslruci.d, e..h bullde. rttltzed itts o*o PS 1325 002 method.t identili.alion br thr cirs as th.y s.r? bui11. This tacLotuniforh identitic!t- io! b.s cr€rt€d a noDumeDral t!sk of following the re-nabi.g, .e-nuhbering, and owher- TIe ildividual ca. lumber is deterhined by tbe 6equeDce wbich the c.r ts lt6ted i, snip chan8es *hich have occ!r.d iD tbe lile sptn of these prsscnger ca.s. Thisproblrh StreaDliDer Ca... I! this ex.hpl€, tbe.e werc olly iwo.ars list€d. However, some ha6 furlber be€n cohpound.d with rhe cr€alio. ol Amtrak, and the subs.qu.!t 6.te ol sur- lot8 contaitr€d ov€r 100 cars uDde! the fllteD Nuhbe.,,tiEting. Therefore, the speciftc plus equipn€nt to num€rous individu!ls vho lrave ircquently .e-nah.d or re-conliaured RPC Serial NuDber Forr SP 10316 is PS49-1325-001 SP 1031? is PS49-t325-002 Io 1r31. RPC Publicatioos .eleased STREAMLINER CARS Voluhe r-PullmaD Standard. Wilboul inleltion, RpC had cr..ted the embryd of. unilorm cla66ilication syst€m for all Th. signiftcan.e oI ths use ol this systeh is widespread. The Stre.mliner Ca. series is l,ghtoeiahl str€ahlIn€d.!rs m.DUfacttr.edby PS, Budd, ACF and even those shop cohs- a source of r.tined drta, and will have rhe speciftc serial numbe. pritrred lor.tci car in hoct€d cars. Ia lhis sysreh, r.ther lhaD usiog lot and plab rumb€rs, a sihpte',Ii.h', subseque.t reprinrings. You.nn b.ing you..opies up 10 drre by stmply pencllingi. the nuhbe. *!6 asslgn.d, The specific lot, plan, date ol consrruclion and even disposirion ntmb.rs in l),! l.fthand margin. Start wtlh 0Ol and continu€ do*n for a6 Drhy ca.s rs exist ot eacb c.. io th.t group was thus outlin.d undcr the speciti. Item number. undcr cach nlt.hii listing. with the publicatlon oI the Otfrctal pullnra Srandard l,jbrary, evc.y.ar wjll b. .asily nlrntified in ti€ index, pholoAraphs, and dr.*ings by quick reter, with the compl.tion ol all rhree volumcs of the srr.anli.er cars serr€s, w€ the.clore encc 10 th€ RPC S.rirl Nuhber. had a conDo. dcnooinaror Ior id.ntityi.a.very st.crmlioe c.r bui,r. V€ry siDply, all Pullman-sra.dard .rrs .re chronologi.rlly listed i. "ltcm numbers 1000 10 I533". alrhoua Iinally, the Passenge. Car Annu!lr rhich lists all p!sscnge. cars cnrr..tly oened hy €r- rhe systcn provn]td spac. l(,r r.Ds through r!!u. Thrsc tistings ar€ fouDd rD Stream isling railrords, and rbc p.ivrre Passenge. C.. Annual, will ulitize rhts ry6km Ior car Iioe. Crrs V.t. I pnllmrn srannard. id.ntific,rion.'thc6aseoIenrerinath,ssystehintoacohpureri6vlluabte,sinc€any .hnns. jn o*nersIrp, nahe chang€s, and djsposition inforharion *ill insr,nuy be avail- !b1., 1he ,lry *ill evenlually come! *h.. th. idenutyiog RpC numbe. will be ei.hed on a Prrhan.nt Dlate artrch.d ro cv.ry car in.xisrr.ce. TABLE OF CONTENTS LOT P LAN DESCR]PTION ASSIGNME NT PAGE 6805 ?568A Baggage (Mail) C ar. CASCADE 3 6805 7568 Baggage, 30' Mail C ar. SHASTA DAYLIGHT 6 6805 ?569 Coach, News Staod, SIIASTA DAYLIGHT 10 6805 7570 Coach, C rew Locke r. SHASTA DAYLIGHT 14 680 5 7571 Coach, Vestibule Fo rward. SHASTA DAYLIGHT 6805 15714 Coach, Vestibule Rear. SHASTA DAYLIGHT 26 6805 7575 Tavern Lounge C ar. SHASTA DAYLIGHT 6815 7572 Coffee shop C ar. SHASTA DAYLIGHT 6815 7573 Kitchen C ar. SHASTA DAYLlGHT 6815 1514 Dining Car. SHASTA DAYLIGHT 42 6806 75194 Dining C ar. OVERLAND, CITY OF S. F. 47 6806 ? 580 Club Lounge Car, OVERLAND, CITY OF S. F., GOLDEN STATE 54 6806 ?581 Dining C ar" GOLDEN STATE 64 6806 7 5A2 Cafe Lounge C ar. CITY OF S. F", GOLDEN STATE 68 6806 ?583 Baggage Dormito ry C ar. CITY OF S" F., GOLDEN STATE 74 6806 7 584 Coach. ClTY OF S. F., GOLDEN STATE 80 6837 ?588A Baggage Mail C ar. CITY OF SAN FRANCIS CO 81 6 816 151 6 Kitchen Dormitory C ar. CASCADE 92 6816 7 577 Diring Car CASCADD 98 6816 7 518 Tavern Lounge Car. CASCADE 102 68?1 4069M 4 DBR, 4 CPT, 2 DR Sleeping Car. CASCADE 108 6812 4t228 22 Roomette Sleeping Car. CASCADE, LARK 110 6873 413 9A 12 Bedroom Sleeping C ar. CASCADE, GOLDEN STATE 712 6874 4140C 10 RTE, 6 DBR Sleeping Car. All Stream liners. 116 6a74 4140D BE 10 RTE, 6 DBR Sleeping Car. CASCADE, GOLDEN STATE 120 6940 7 5718 Co ach. SHASTA, COAST DAYLIGHT 133 6953 7 646 Business C ar. 140 6955 7 649 callery Car 158 7026 1021-4 Baggage, 30' Mail Car, 7 0264 7 0275 Baggage, 60r Mail Car. 166 ? 040 53194 cal lery car. 170 LOT 6805, PLAN ?568A: 3, BAGGAGE (MAIL) CARS built 6,/49. (PS49-1321-001 to 003). Although the exterlors of these Baggage/RPo s were ffnished tn the dlgnin€d two-toned gray for the Cascade. the window and door placement wer€ identical to those cars built for the Shasta Daylight as plan 756a. Wh€n delivered, the RPO sectlons were lacking the necessary postal equipment. It was not until 1950 that these ltems wer€ lnsta.lled ln car #6602, thus requiring its id€ntity to b€ reclassified to #5011.

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