Can Dr Chee say Bye to his past?

Disclaimer : Do not represent of any political party and this PR research really for fun.


On 7th May 2016, the residents of Bukit Batok voted Muralli Pillai (Muralli) of teh ruling Peoples Action Party (PAP) as the Member of Parliament (MP) to represent their town. The losing candidate was Secertary General of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) DR Chee Soo Juan (Chee)

This election known #Cheebyelection was overshadowed by a very strong negative PR campaign on both Muralli and Chee by their parties smearing on the candidates reputation, trust and character of person as a leader in Singapore.

Background of the SDP

There are 3 major political parties in Singapore, the ruling People's Action Party (PAP), Workers Party (WP) and the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP). The ruling party of the last 50 years has been the PAP while the SDP and WP at times have been the official opposition of the Country.

The SDP was formed in 1980 under the leadership of (Chiam) and was doing well winning 3 seats in Parliament in 1991 General Elections. Also in 1991, he recruited a young proffessor, Dr Chee Soo Juan who was seen as his protoge. However in 1993, Chiam resigned (or was ousted depanding who tells the story) from the SDP and Chee took over as secertary general.

Since 1993, Chee has headed the party with much controversy. Under his leadership, the 2 seats won in the 1991 general elections were lost. He was arrested in 1999 for speaking without a permit in a public space and was seen as a thug in the 2001 election using a megaphone and screaming at the Prime Minister in Public. To make matters worst, in 2002 Chiam (who after leaving formed a new party) gave a speech in parliament on accountable democracy and his dismay of what of how the SDP has became under Chee. He was sued and made a bankrupt in 2006 for defamation for slander and arrested again 2006 for protesting infront of the Istana (presidential palace) holding his infant son as a shield resisting arrest. outside-istana/

As of the 2015 general elections, the SDP still controls no seats but is the 3rd largest party in Singapore. Chee is no longer a bankrupt and has been trying to clean up his image. likely-the-story-of-ge2015/

Background of the #Cheebyelection

On 12 March 2016, Mr David Ong of the PAP resign as MP after reports he had an affair with another party member. With this, the seat was left vacant and due to the on-going budget debate in the parliament and it was not till 30 April when elections were called.

The SDP responded in matter of hours(12noon david ong resigned, 4.30pm, SDP said they will contest) their interest to contest and 3 days later announced Chee as their candidate. The PAP sent Muralli soon after, Muralli who lost in the aljunied district to the WP who was previously a party associate in the bukit batok district to contest. The WP the bigger opposition party with a good reputation decline to contest stating that it has never contested in the district before and it is traditional a SDP district.

Chee is seen here as a stronger candidate with 20 years experience in elections and is the leader of the SDP. He is commended as a great orator with 5 books written by him. Only issue remains is his past which most have considered him rehablitated over the last 7 years and 2 general elections

Muralli on the other hand is seen weaker. He is an Indian which puts him at a disadvantage in an only 15% Indian resident district. Furthermore he is a political rookie who was seen as "sacrificed" in the Aljunied district against the WP. He is seem as a political nobody with little political experience and is rarely photographed without a political bigwig next to him(this is to make him look better in the media)

Considering the history of By-, every Single Ward By-election had been won by an opposition party (shown below). This is as the ruling PAP party is in power and one more opposition mp would cause a change in power in parliament or the direction of the country. Thus the voting trend to give the non-pap candidate the chance as Psycologically speaking, cant image a Singapore without a PAP in power ( as said by Chee. With this trend, Chee should win considering it is a by election but in the end lost.

Year District Winning losing Outcome 1981 Anson WP 51% PAP 47% PAP lost seat 2012 Hougang WP 62% PAP 38% WP retain seat 2013 Punggol East WP 54% PAP 43% PAP lost seat,_1981,_2012,_2013


A By-Election at the elector district of Bukit Batok


Singapore Democratic Party whose candidate and its leader Dr Chee Soon Juan

Problem statement Dr Chee past misdeeds makes him not a "trustworthy" man and even thou he showed he is a changed man, he cannot escape his past. Even as the stronger candidate, his reputation haunts him and his party and will cost him the elections. This is support by the article by Channel News Asia chee/2745252.html Issue duration The duration can be considered as the election campaign and before the campaign 12 March to 7 May 2016 but the issue remains ongoing as Chee is still the SDP leader. Audience segmentation The audience is the electorate defined as "21 years and above residents of bukit batok register to vote" and the key segment swing voters who may switch their vote from PAP to SDP. Demographically Swing voters are likely working class voters who have been retrenched or feel their job is at stake. With the global economic slowdown and many companies retrenching workers, the working class is the most affected class. The PAP had refuse unemployed and retrenchment benefits and has rolled out retraining schemes while the SDP has focused on pushing for retrenchment insurance. unemployment/2679300.html insurance-if-elected Psycographically we can define Singaporean in general only vote for a honest, incorrupt and hardworking leader. This is seen from Singaporean National Values and the reason for independence in 1965 from Malaysia. Singaporeans may disagree on democracy, freedom of speech, gay rights and many issues but honesty, incorruptability and hard work are core values in all Singaporeans. Also the person must be morally upright which is why MPs caught for adultary have to resign, all 3 recent by elections are attributed to that. Both Muralli and Chee were in question here which makes why this research is focused on reputation from.html Sub issues of Chee reputation 1) Unemployed Chee being unemployed for many years raised questions of him being a "bum" and "useless". Previously he was a university professor and was fired for using the universities courier account to send personal documents. With him unemployed for many years, PAP leaders (not murali) questioned his ability to work and serve the people. Chee counter attacked he would be a full-time MP while Murali will only be part time. Murali replied agreeing he will only work part time as he has a law firm to run. 2) Hypocrite Chee at the start of the campaign called for a fair and clean election at the start and asked everyone to focus on the election at hand. He asked his members not to mudsling David Ong the disgraced PAP MP and avoid personal attacks on reputation at his political opponents. Still Chees members of the SDP did so after that. any-personal-attacks-will-stop-says-chee Note : we are focusing on the repuation issues and we are not focusing party resources SWOT analysis

Analysis of Outcome,_2016

Chee losing the election showed the bukit batok resident or the Singaporean people have not forgot Chee's "sins" and would rather have a weaker candidate than one with a bad reputation. Considering WP has won all the by election it is in with candidate of equal reputation and in some not as qualified as the PAP, reputation here remains in question

With this, the SDP (the organisation) may want to change leaders to go away from their past.