A Directory of Regularly Scheduled, Fixed Route, Local Public
A DIRECTORY OF REGULARLY SCHEDULED, FIXED ROUTE, LOCAL PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SERVICE IN URBANIZED AREAS OVER 50,000 POPULATION AUGUST 1981 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Urban Mass Transportation Administration Office of Planning, Management and Demonstrations Washington, D.C. 20590 . FOR RELEASE MONDAY UMTA Technical Notice 2-81 August 10, 1981 The U. S. DeDartment of Transportation's Urban Mass Transportation Administration released today an updated directory of 686 local fixed route transit operations in 279 urbanized areas (UZAs) of over 50,000 population. As shown in the summaries on page 19, the vehicle requirements for weekday schedules in these UZAs are 3,566 commuter rail cars, 7,450 rapid transit cars, 551 light rail cars, 42,925 motor coaches, 503 trolley coaches and 28 cable cars. These figures are peak requirements, not fleet size. For purposes of this compilation, a transit operation is a fixed route, regularly scheduled service, available to the general public, offering rides wholly within, or commuter rides from outside a particular UZA. Maps showing UZA borders appear in U.S. Census Bureau publication PC (1)-A, by states. UZA listings are in the order of population rank. To find a particular UZA, refer to page 1, where UZAs are listed alphabetically, or to page 21, where they are listed by states. Users of this directory desiring to identify systems of a certain size, or operating different modes, will find useful information in column 5. This directory replaces Technical Notice 2-80 dated August 1, 1 980. Another listing in this series is TN 1-81 dated March 9, 1981, reporting services available in communities of less than 50 ,000 population.
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