Vassar College 2014/15 Catalogue
VASSA R 2014/15 Catalogue Cover image: The Vassar Chapel, seen through the steel skeleton of the Integrated Science Center, scheduled for completion in 2015. photo: Karl Rabe About the Catalogue 1 About the Catalogue CATALOGUE STATEMENT NONDISCRIMINATION POLICIES All statements contained in this catalogue reflect the approved poli- Vassar College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, reli- cies of Vassar College as of January 1, 2014. However, for educational gious belief, sex, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, gender or financial reasons, the college reserves its right to change the provi- identity or expression, national or ethnic origin, veteran status, or sions, statements, policies, curricula, procedures, regulations, or fees age in the admission of students to the college; in any of the rights, described herein. Such changes will be duly published and distributed. privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made avail- Students, faculty, and staff are responsible for all information and able to students at the college; in the administration of its educational deadlines contained in this catalogue and in the current Student policies, admission policies, scholarship or loan programs, and athletic Handbook. The Student Handbook and the Schedule of Classes supple- and other programs administered by the college; or in the employment ment and expand upon college policies and procedures. practices of the college. Additionally, should state or federal law be enacted during the period this policy is extant which prohibits dis- COURSE CREDIT crimination based upon a group’s protected status not listed in the The credit which a course carries is stated in units per semester and above categories, this policy will be deemed amended to afford pro- is shown below.
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