3-1 CHAPTER 3 GIS DATABASE 3.1 Introduction the Project Objective

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3-1 CHAPTER 3 GIS DATABASE 3.1 Introduction the Project Objective The Study on Integrated Water Management Final Report - Main Report in the Republic of Bulgaria Chapter 3 CHAPTER 3 GIS DATABASE 3.1 Introduction The project objective, concerning GIS as stated in the Inception and Interim Report, is the development of GIS Database (GIS-DB) for storing all basic data and information needed for the river basin management. The GIS database and the integrated basin analysis model are effective tools for the development and update of the river basin management plan. The main purpose of GIS-DB for MoEW is to create an effective geo-spatial database, using contemporary GIS principles and technologies, based on international and national standards and legislation. The GIS-DB is designed to provide MoEW and related organizations with accurate and up-to-date geographic information, related to the river basin management. The development of the GIS-DB is based on the existing technical infrastructure (software, hardware) of MoEW and related institutions, but it introduce and implement additional software products, technologies and procedures for use of geographical data. The general functions for the use of the GIS-DB for MoEW are: • Collection and integration of digital and non-digital data from variety of sources and formats to a standardized and structured model; • Storing of geographic information and other related non-spatial information on a geodatabase level; • Actualization of the geographic and other related non-spatial information; • Performing of analysis and modeling of the geographic information; • Facilitating the exchange of geographic information between the different informational databases within MoEW system; • Exchange of geographic information with external systems (other ministries, governmental institutions, European commission). JICA CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. 3-1 Final Report - Main Report The Study on Integrated Water Management Chapter 3 in the Republic of Bulgaria The organizational structure of the GIS-DB will be in MoEW (Water Directorate), ExEA and four RBDs. The informational scope of GIS-DB includes three main parts (see Figure 3.1.1): • Core Portion of GIS-DB – basic data, including fundamental data common to all basin directorates; • WFD Portion of GIS-DB – specialized data, required by the Water Framework Directive; • Local Portion of GIS-DB – specialized data, used by River Basin Directorates and MoEW, following the Water Act regulations. This figure illustrates the main parts of the GIS Data Model. The Core Portion includes all fundamental data, which covers the whole territory of Bulgaria. It provides the “common picture” and up-to-date map of country, including over 40 layers of information. Local Portion of the Data Model provides information, which is generated and used by the River Basin Directorates. The Local Portion of the Data Model is build and maintained “on the top” of the Core Portion. WFD portion of the Data Model provides information for the reporting requirements to EU. This data is generated from Core Portion and Local Portion, following the WFD data requirements. All these three parts form an Integrated GIS Data Model for MoEW and RBDs. 3-2 JICA CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. The Study on Integrated Water Management Final Report - Main Report in the Republic of Bulgaria Chapter 3 3.2 Main Principles and Stages of GIS Data Modeling and Development 3.2.1 Main Stages in GIS Data Model Development All GIS systems are built using formal models that describe how things are located in space. A geographic data model defines the vocabulary for describing and reasoning about the things that are located on the earth. Data modeling is simply building a structure for data, including tables, relationships, specifications, metadata, identification, feature definition, topology rules, etc. The essential tasks in these activities include: • Gathering of information and requirements analysis for: • Maps and visualization products required; • Analysis and decision support products required. • Design and development: • Conceptual design: identify data, metadata, specifications, relationships, etc; • Physical data model: identify GDB feature datasets, classes, relationships, domains, subtypes, geometric networks, linear referencing systems, topology rules, etc. Through the project the stage of assessment and requirements analysis included two main tasks: • Collection of spatial data from MoEW, RBDs, ExEA, NIMH, NSI, MAF and many other governmental institutions; • Collection data resources regarding WFD regulations, Water Act regulation and other Bulgarian, European and International regulations and standard. Based on the collected data and resources and after evaluation and validation of the data we started the design and development of the GIS Data Model. The design stage including conceptual modeling of the data often require document, describing what will be in the data base, how data will be organized, etc. Developed during the project are conceptual and detail technical documents for all three main parts of the data model. After the design of the conceptual data model we started the development of the physical data model. An ongoing procedure of these activities was constant collection and validation of spatial and non-spatial data to be loaded in the final GIS database. The figure below gives an overview of the Data development activities and other activities during the project. JICA CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. 3-3 Final Report - Main Report The Study on Integrated Water Management Chapter 3 in the Republic of Bulgaria GIS-DB Development Activities in the study The Design for Technology or Guideline for future Integrated Information System (IIS) of MoEW and related institutions was produced in the form of Terms of Reference for IIS. The training was organized in training courses on the main parts of the data model. 3.2.2 Main Elements of the GeoDataBase The ESRI GeoDataBase format that is used for the physical development and implementation of the GIS Data Model. The geodatabase supports a variety of modeling, management, and analysis functions. One of its key benefits is that its implementation of tables, feature classes, feature dataset, and rules allows you model reality more closely than was possible with other data models. The geodatabase data model can minimize the differences between logical and physical models of reality by incorporating more intuitive data objects. The GeoDataBase provides many advantages such as: • Centralized spatial and attribute storage; • Easy to use standard behavior rules including domains, subtypes, topology and networks; • Multiple customization options; • Easy to import, export and share schema with or without data. GeoDataBase contains various types of objects: • Tables - store non-spatial objects like monitoring data for hydrometric stations; • Feature classes are collections of lines, points or polygons. Specialized feature classes are used to store annotation, dimension and route features; • Feature datasets are container for feature classes that share a common spatial reference. They are required for geometric networks and topologies; • Relationship classes manage thematic relationships between tables, feature classes, or a combination of the two. They enforce referential integrity between the origin and destination classes; 3-4 JICA CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. The Study on Integrated Water Management Final Report - Main Report in the Republic of Bulgaria Chapter 3 • Geometric networks are specialized topological relationships between line and point feature classes that are used to perform analysis on directed flow network systems; • Raster datasets are gridded data derived from a variety of sources (IMG, PG, etc.); • Raster catalogs are tables that reference a collection of raster image files; • Survey datasets store survey information and can group survey data into Project’s, for direct use or improvement of existing feature geometry; • Toolboxes contain geoprocessing tools used in the geoprocessing framework; • Behavior rules may be created to define legal attribute values, thematic relationships between classes, topological relationships between features, and connection between network features; • Linear referencing system – one-dimensional linear system (rivers) for input and recording of data. All data types and the main advantages of the GeoDataBase provide state of the art capabilities for MoEW GIS data model. JICA CTI Engineering International Co., Ltd. 3-5 Final Report - Main Report The Study on Integrated Water Management Chapter 3 in the Republic of Bulgaria 3.3 Structure of GIS Data Model As described in the introduction the GIS data model is compiled from three main parts: Core Portion, WFD Portion and Local Portion. All parts of the data model are in a common coordinate reference system - WGS 84, UTM Zone 35N. The Core Portion of the data model should be stored and maintained on a central level and distributed to all users (RBD’s) on a regular basis. The WFD Portion should be produced from the Core Portion on a regular basis as defined in the WFD requirements. The Local Portion should be developed and maintained on the top of the Core Portion of the Data Model. Figure 3.3.1 shows the general structure of the data model: 3.3.1 Detail Structure of Core Portion The Core Portion of the Data Model is build following the main GIS principles for completeness, consistency and accuracy. The Core Portion uses and steps on many national and international standards and
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    GEOLOGICA BALCANICA, 31. 3-4, Sofia, Decemb. 2001, p. 3-36 Late Alpine (Palaeogene) superimposed depressions in parts of Southeast Bulgaria Ivan Boyanov, Alexandar Goranov Geologica/Institute, Bulgarian Academy ofSciences, 1113 Sofia (Submitted: 6. 11.1995; accepted.for publication: 3. 04.1996; .final version received: 4. 06.200 I) 11. EoRII06, A. FopaHoa - llo3iJHeOJI&nuucKue (nOJieozeHo- Abstract. The Late Alpine superimposed depressions in the 8ble) naROJICei/Hble iJenpeccuu 6 'lacmu !Ozo-Bocmo•IHOU south-eastern part of the Balkan peninsula are structures of Eoll?apuu. TioJ.uHeanbnHikKHe HaJJO>KeHHbte .uenpeccHH 8 collisional-collapse type. They play a role of neoautochton 10f0-80CTO'IHOH '!aCTH baJJ.KaHCKOfO nonyoCTp08a .ll8nJUOTC.ll which overlays a highly disintegrated Middle and Late Al­ cTpyKT)'paMH KonnHJHOHHO-Konnanco8oro THna. 0HH Hrpa­ pine orogen ofcollage-accretional character. It is represented IOT pOnb HeOaBTOXTOHa, pa3nonmKeHHOfO Ha.ll rny60KO pac­ by the Sredna Gora and Rhodope superunits. The superim­ '!neHeHHblM KOnna>KHO-aKKpeUHOHHblM cpe.UHe-8epXHe­ posed depressions are of Palaeogene-Neogene age and are aJlbOHHCKHM oporeHOM, KOTOpblH npe.UCTaBeH .ll8YM.ll Ha.Ube­ elements of a separate tectonic entity (Maritsa superimposed .llHHHUaMH: Cpe.uHeropcKOH H Po.uoncKOH. BoJpaCT .uenpec­ graben system) within the boundaries of the Balkanides­ CHH - naneoreH-HeoreH08biH. CaMH OHH .ll8n.liiOTC.ll :meMeH­ Anatolian segment of the Alpine mobile belt. The following TaMH MapHUCKOH Hano>KeHHOH rpa6eH080H CHCTeMbl, T.e. three wide depressions on South Bulgarian territory are char­ caMOCTO.liTeJibHOH TeKTOHH'IeCKOH e.UHHHUbl, npHHa.une>Ka­ acterized in this paper: Upper Thrace Depression (UTD), LUeH K baJJKaHH.UHO-AHaTOnHHCKOMY cerMeHT)' AnbnHHCKO­ East Rhodope Depression (ERD) and the East Thrace De­ fO no.u8H>KHoro no.11ca.
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