Synopsis of Biological Data on the Northern Bluefin Tuna Kishinoella Tonggol

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Synopsis of Biological Data on the Northern Bluefin Tuna Kishinoella Tonggol Species Synopsis No, 31 FAO Fisheries Biology Synopsis No, 74 FIb/S74 (Distribution restricted) SAST - Tuna SYNOPSIS OF BIOLOGICAL DATA ON THE NORTHERN BLUEFIN TUNA Kishinoelia tonggoi (Bleeker) 1851 (INDIAN OCEAN) Exposé synoptique sur la biologie du thon Kishinoella tonggoi (Bleeker) 1851 (Océan Indien) Sinopsis sobre la biología dei atún Kishinoella tonggoi (Bieeker) 1851 (Océano Indico) Prepared by S, JONES Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute Mandapam Camp, India FISHERIES DIVISION, BIOLOGY BRANCH FOOD AÑD AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 1963 862 1:1 FIb/S74 Turia length to the sixth9 the posterior spines i IDENTITY dnly slightly diminishing in size; the upper edge ef the fin concave in its an- 101Taxonomy terior half, almost straight posteriorly. Second dorsal and anal falcate, their 10101Definition greatest depth about twice that of the body,The first dorsal and anal finlets Phylum Vertebrata are often adnate to the second dorsal and Subphylum Craniata anal, in which case there are only 8 free Superclass Gnathostomata finlets,Pectorals half length of snout Series Pisces shorter than head,Ventrals somewhat Class Tèleostomi shorter than snout and eye.Origin of Subclass Actinopterygii pectorals below that of first dorsal, Order Thunniformes Origin of ventrals slightly behind that of Family Thunnidae pectorals,Colour according to Sleeker: Genus Kishinoella 1924 Back greyish blue, sides silvery greyish Species Kishinoella tonggol with colourless elongated spots in about (Sleeker) 1851 five longitudinal rows.Dorsals, pec- tora is, and ventrals blackish, but the 1,1.2Description tip of the second dorsal and the anal washed with yellow.Anal silvery, - Genus Kishinoella Finlets, both dorsal and anal, yellowish Jordan arid Hubbs 1924 with greyish margin,"(de Beaufort, 1951), Mem. (Figure 1)(For details of internal characters see Kishinouye. 1923). Carnegie Nus, 10, 1922- L925, P.219 (Type Nomenclature Neothunnus rarus 1.2 Kishinouye Thymus Valid scientific naine tonggol Bleekr). 1.2,1 Kishinoella toriggol (Bleeker) 1851 "This genus is near Neothunnus, dif- fering in the total absene of theair- 1,2,2Synonyms bladder, in the lôw dorsal andanal fins, and in the small ,numberof gill rakers, ?Thynnus argentivittatus Cuvier9 1831 The species are much smalerin size than any other of the albacoreS,not exceeding, Thynnus Bleeker 1851 so far as known9 theweight of 25 pounds0 Body with conspicuous silverymarkings." Thymus tonggol Sleeker 1852 (Jordan and Evermann, 1926), Thunnus rarus Kishinouye 1915 (See Kishinouye, 1923 fordescription of NeothunnUs), Neothunnus rarus Kishinouye 1923 - Kishinoellatonggol (Sleeker) l8l Kishinoella rara Jordan arid Hubbs 1924 Neothunnus tonggol Jordan and Evermann "Height about 4,3, Head about 4, 1926 Eye 5,6, 1,6 in snout.Mouth oblique. Maxillary reaching to below middleof eye. Thunnus maccoyi (partim) NcCulloch 1929 Rather large conical teethin a single series in the jaws.Patches of small Neothunnus rarus Deraniyagala 1933 teeth on vomer and palatines.Corselet with two posterior emarginatiOns,the Thunnus nicholsoni Whitley 1936 upper one surpassingpoint of pectoral, the lower one reaching to anus.First Tortonese l939 dorsal spine equal to snout and eye,fol- Thunnus lowing spines graduallydecreasing in Thunnus (Kishinoella) tonggol Fraser-Brunrer .1950 863 76 cm in forkFigure length; 1.Kishinoella from the west tonggol coast of India0 FIb/s7L Tua Thunnus tonggol Beaufort 1951 1,2,3 Standard common names, vernacular names Thunnus (Kishinoella) tonggol Deraniyagala 1952 $ee Table I Thunnus -tonggol Collette 1961 1,3 General variability Thunnus (Kishinoella) tonggol Rosa and 1,3,1 Subspecific fragmentation Laevastu 1961 (races, varieties, hybrids) ?Thynnus argentivittatus Rivas 1961 The me'istic counts given in Table II show hardly any, difference in the fin Recent taxonomical ray counts for the species in the Indian references under Ocean, However, slight differences in the Kishinoella tonggol maximum and minimum counts of gill rakers in samples from the Gulf of Mannar (Silas, Serventy 192;Munro 1955, 1958; 1962) and Western Australia, (Serventy, 1956) are noticeable, the modal formula Jones and Silas l960 1962 a, 1962 b; being 7 + 18 (:25) and 6 +16 (:22) respec- tively. Similar data for samples for the Whitley 1962, intervening areas, such as the Sunda Archipelago will be desirable in order to Jones and Silas (1962 a) have drawn evaluate the significance of these dif- attention to the likelihood of Thynnus ferences, Ranade's (1961) observation argentivittatus Cuvier, 1831 ( Thunnus that "It is possible that a distinct race arentivittatus Schaefer and Walford, 1950 occurs at Ratnagiri" on the west coast of p, argentivittatus Rivas, 1961) and India south of Bombay (based on gill raker tonggol Bleeker being conspecific,difference 8 + 18 : 26) needs substaiitia- Tiieir views summarised read as follows: tion basedonobservations on good series, "We (Jones and Silas, 1962 a) have else- where given reasons for considering The characteristic spots may not always. Cuvier's T, argentivittatus, the lectotypebe present, In a number of fresh specimens f whichwas designated by Schaefer and examined at Veraval (Gujarat coast, India) Walford (1950) and examined and reported the spots were missing, by Rivas (1961) as probably more akin to Kishinoella tonggol than to the yellowfin. The smaller specimens bear some resem- Briefly stated the reasons are: (1) Kishi-blance to the yellowfin tuna Neothunnus noella tonggol is quite common along the macropterus and this sometimes confuses Malabar coast during certain seasons when the field workers, it is caught in appreciable numbers in drift net and hook and line while the An adult specimen from Mangalore yellowfin is rarely ever caught in the showed abnormality in the first dorsal fin coastal waters, (2) The gill raker countwhich had only six spines as against the of the lectotype, namely, 8 + 18 26, normal complement of twelve to thirteen falls well within the range for Kishinoel-spines, evidently due to some injury la gg fromIndianwaters as shall be caused early in the life of the fish, but the number is too low for the yellowfin which has a total count - Meristic counts of about 29 to 32 rakers, (3) Rivas (1961) has given additional gill raker The meristic counts giveninTable II counts for three specimens (topotypes) would indicate the following formula for of T, argentivittatus from the Karachi the species from the Indian Ocean, coast as 6+ 17 23, Here again the D1 XI - XIV; D2 + finlets 14-15+8-9; gill raker counts are too low for a yel- pl 29-35; A+finlets 12-14+8-9; and gill lowfin, Actual examination of the lecto- rakers 5-8+14-19 (l9-27), type may further aid in confirming our viewpoint and as mentioned by us (Jenes A specimen from Andamans subsequently and Silas 1962 a) the specific name examined had 7 + 18 (:25) gill rakers and T. argentivittatus may have priority overthree specimens from Veraval (Gujerat, T.tonggol. If so it is desirable to India) had 8 + 18 (:26), 7 + 19 (:26) supress the lesser known name T, enti-and 7 + 18 (=25) gill rakers, vittatus," (Jones and Silas, l96T 865 Common andTable vernacular I names Country Standard common name NorthernVernacular tunny name(s) AustraliaIndia (Western) Northern bluefin tuna KethalKerachoora (Malayalam (Malayalam north) south) KhavalyaGetharGe thai(Kanarese) gedar (Marathi) Indonesia TongkolMadadiAboe-aboe an lomorog Meristic countsparts in ofKishinoella Tablethe IndianII tonggol Ocean from various Authors D1 D2 + finlets Pl A + finlets Gill rakers DeraniyagalacoastRanade(Ratnagiri; of(1961) India) west(1952) - - - 8 + 18 (26) Munro(Ceylon)(Ceylon). (1955) XII-XIIIXIII II,4, 12 10 + +8-9 9 2, 3227 II,2, 12 10 + + 8-98 - + 17- ( ?) ofSilas(Tuticorin, Mannar) (1962) Gulf XII-XIII 14 +8 - 9 31 14 +8 6-8+16-19(=22-27) Munrode(Sunda Beaufort (1958) Archipelago) (1951) XII-XIII 2,11-12+8-9 2, 27 2,11-12+8-9 - (WesternServenty(Australia) Australia)(1956) XII-XIVXI-XIV 14-15+8-9114 +9 30-3531-35 l3-14+8914 +8 5-8+l4-l8(l9-.26)5-8+14-17 FIb/S74 Tuna 2:1 2 DISTRIBUTION Though not known to have beencaught from far out in the open ocean it is rarely 2.1 Delimitation of the total area found in very shallow waters within the of distribution and ecologìcal range of operation of shore seines, Along characterization of this area the sQuth Kerala and west coast of Madras it is caught in 10 to 30 fathom limit off Its general distribution is from the the coast. Along the north Kerala, Mysore Gulf of Aden and Somalia coast to Japan, and south Maharashtra coasts fishing is Philippines and Australia,(See Figure 2). also done from 10 to 15 miles off the main- land, In the Gulf of Mannar trolling for In the Indian Ocean it is known from scombroids is carried out 10 to 20 miles the Somalia coast, Gulf of Aden, Arabia, from the Tuticorin coast in water 12 to 60 West Pakistan, coasts of India, Maldives, fathoms deep (Silas, l62), In the Ceylon, Andamans, Malaya, Sunda Archi- Maldives it is known to occur close to the pelago and west ccst of Australia as faratolls, south as Fremantle, 2,3 Behaviouristic and ecological According to the above, in the eastern determinants of the general sector of the Indian Ocean it is found as Tiiits of distribution and of far south as about 32°S while in the the variations of these limits western sector it is not known south of and of differential distribution the equator, Absence of any record of this species from the southern section of It is a coastal form distributed in the east
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    Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 50(1), pp 135-141, 2018. DOI: Fishery Appraisal of Portunus spp. (Family Portunidae) using Different Surplus Production Models from Pakistani Waters, Northern Arabian Sea Muhsan Ali Kalhoro1,2, Danling Tang1,*, Ye Hai Jun1, Morozov Evgeny1, Sufen Wang1 and Muhammad Aslam Buzdar2 1Research Center for Remote Sensing of Marine Ecology and Environment, State Key Laboratory of Tropical Oceanography, South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Article Information Received 16 November 2016 Chinese Academy of Sciences, Guangzhou, 510075, China Revised 03 March 2017 2Faculty of Marine Sciences, Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Accepted 24 April 2017 Sciences, Uthal, Balochistan, Pakistan Available online 02 January 2018 Authors’ Contributions ABSTRACT DT supervised and designed the study. MAK executed the Annual catch and effort data were used to estimate the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of Portunus experimental work, analysed the spp. to evaluate the population state of crab fishery from Pakistani waters. The catch and effort data data and wrote the article. YHJ, ME, of crab fishery from 1999-2009 were obtained from and handbook of Fisheries Statistics of Pakistan. SW and MAB helped in writing of the article. Two computer software programs CEDA and ASPIC were used which were based on surplus production models. From CEDA Fox, Schaeder and Pella-Tomlinson were used with initial proportion (IP) 0.9 were Key words used because the starting catch was 90% of the maximum catch the MSY estimated value from Fox with Fisheries statistics of Pakistan, Crab three error assumptions (normal, lognormal and gamma) were 3378 (R2=0.590), 3360 (R2=0.582), 3369 fishery, Portunus spp., Maximum (R2 =0.586), respectively, whereas the obtained values from Schaefer and Pella-Tomlinson with three error sustainable yield, overexploitation, assumptions were 2878 (R2=0.587), 3035 (R2=0.578) and gamma were minimization failure (MF) in both CEDA, ASPIC.
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