Miami News Dated " - . ,? A
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- -- _ -- _I'_-l-__-g, - -. V. -@- - ._,_92.., - - ''-"1-"-Ii "~" » '_ -- ' .- --.- - ~» =-I7'~I."'.» -f.~'<"v-'/L.:1'T~-"":_'-'-""_!'-'-'7-l?'$1§;! II -4=3-~'-<--= m,.,.=§..~_. .1.»-I-. 92-92.u1 Q I-.~_._-'. V _..t.a;Z.,,.:,92.-92_.';¢,'§_.-92.192'»¢l:#»kli592'1-l-I~Hl-"-Jr1a92-an: . - - o. - L...-e-l:;...-:_.~ .» *-- :-- 1 - -.'1~' .¢- . l ."~ . .. ,1--¢~t». -H92"-71"»"-_'j,_._";.;"&'.Ii3.i;f.JZn=.i§.-1:.utlui'.5-i::i.1J92k1,l_o."11'-TE.-;»92.Z¬I:|£r; _ _ _ __ . , _ ._ __ .. q,-. - - Jr ,<_ -Y _- - _ _'-; :"-.1. 1. E_ _- . Q * .__-vtrit * _ _-;- ::_¬_J_ jm _____~;___ ' :_ . _ l - I 4. _ Z-Q. __. 0 _ . 92.a-_--_-@-- ,, ..:~ -... .-.._ - _- pk!"-5 _ _..._,.¢..~..7. '~. _-_ .2,*/' 'e " _ : '-' . -- '_ . ' '7 . ' V_ _ 7"?-' ~. ' s---' -- """ .1 -- -:|' ._ .- e .- .- - ' - -<=~ | _ oy-,. .. -ff ._ ,.. ._._ _ _.|~ -.__ _ .. _ .- __-' t _ _ _ . _ <__ _ _ . - _ 7 J__>W: _ ,-1- __ -" .. _ L I. -. M - _ _ _ _ ,- -,-Q _¢ . - - .1 ~ -7",, r-__.. :- '- - _ 3 -»__ _ , » ~-_, _ -'4' 0, _ * - -.¢ ~ ~"- ».---» - '-- - -- - . - ,., - ___. _ _. - - . - en--__ -72- , _ . .:. - -_-. 92 - _ H. b -.1: -. _ - H - - -., __,¬,:¢. - - R, 92 _ _ 5- - '.._ ., . - , 1. .r '_-"= ' - .' I . :=.~ . ' ' Q . I _ M> . 1 _ _ . _ . _. »_-' _ _ _ ._ . - . Logust l, 1973 ' . 7 ,_ - -. - V - ":--9 .' 7 1 I * V 1»-m.- ~ ~ ~ Honorable Donald c. mama er -'1 Mr? * . cm:mi5's5_DnEr' _ I _ ; . " ~ ~'i,§;'-'~.?;§-;ii;~":;;.: 1 e Internal 3,5?-en,_;'a Service - _ ' _ ,l -<:_ * *- i_"i;-"'.-:.7;~5:"-'3-ii? ; t L - Bspértnent of the Treas111:y_ - e - 2 _ s _- . Washington, n. c. 2:222»: Y ole Y» oi , ~.., . ',6,» 55,-, ,_,,_.=m,,,,,1lml so s ____ i _ . _ ,;_¢ , A. , .. "- . -,"'¢.v-4-~~ .' . "_ -" - 1. I "92.'- I. ,--7'9-'2'." ,_. ' _ On July 2s, 19-:3, information-was brought,-to my?-A =- _ e_ 'personal attention which I feel would be of interest to -- _t .-n 92~~ .._ __ you and your agency. j .1. :_ L-__§ Q -. --;_-_:;=¢ . , _ . - ~_-.._- -_ , ' -.---'_- P -- -' ?<;*-'PF :1 -." ' . -. ' 92 V "-' --'lr""- . _ . - -_,- _ On Jone 18, 1373, "Hr, ,C11ar1es__G.' Rebpzo, s . ' "I." ' irisncl oz the President, t'og'ether'with h:1.s.atto:mey, a z 9.; Hr, Wakefield, met w._i.th_t S5»:-Loial Agent in _¬!_harga'lKe_n.o_m_;h- L 1ifr1__'jjjffj"-3;_ § Whitter of the éiismi Office of _1:.he_EBI at Hr. Rebozo's f F -"".'!. 5 'll '.'=_'§f"'_"-""-'¢<1'92?-est. 3-Ir. -Rebozo ~des:Lred; $ir.'*-Whi-ttaker's advice as "t:o'-11} - -- whatheiqcertain moneys in_h.isposse_asion in the?-mou'nt'of ' ""*=-;-Ti; _ - $100,009-1x1'$];0Db1lls could beescanined by anyone. to it .1 7 determine the length o£time' such moneys had been retained,-e '_ 1 in a safe deoosit box. L-11.. Rebozo-was infoilrmed that altho --__,_ 1-'_ tho.:E;.na1 answer would, have to come from the I-BI Laboratory, . - - the condition would be _a detemioing factor; however, sioce .i_'§ " 1- . -_ most safe deposit bums in hanks are in air-conditioned. ' * ti -ji, _- surroundings, the moneys would most likely not be susceptible ?_, _ type 1-l ;: ' -- to;this . of' ._exam3.nat1~on-suocessful1y..;.;_;§ . Hr. Rebozo explaine to Hr. Whittaker amathe my "7__ _ H . received $50,060 from n1o1:'Da.nne.::- in 1959, which he was told _ Q _ . was from Howard Hughes to be applies to the Republican 7- i 2 ._ . 9Q119'1'essiona1§1'T5°tions in 19'?!! as iiesired, A short-tinial-5'|= _. -_ later he, Rebozo, had receivedmanother $50,000 £¢ ._ . '<,"._._,,;§ purpose from Banner. allegedly, from the same source; that is F f_;;~} ._ 'Hr. Hughes. -w . ' 7- 7. -- - ~- ' _ . j - Hr. Pebozo stated he keptthe may an-at safe deposit"=-1'§ j box intening to give :i.t__to whoever was Republican Party .- _ _oha;.:-nyan, when, all of a. sudden, Hughes, Danneoand n -- . 1 mode national -publicity through a. big fight when efforts were §§ . '-. _ being made to wrest control of the hugs Hughes financial 1;-;i_';;f_§;g§:§¢j;5 '1. " 'Amiro. ._ Rebozo said because-pi this he decided. not to give]*5F;l1i{*?1;*$_ '5-3 .:" . 7 L! »*?§ - e . 7..' e - °. l l '' L35//1' ' ' eini:LB$92.m5, V -. =~.".~,92.-H .92'- -__' "..' ;.-',- --...,-._ ,. .__,'¢_;,;.;-,-_ ;--,---.-_¢ .! ", . _." , ,.>- __ _ --.4 _ ,- . '..__.r-- -., __ ,_ _ , _, , _ .{._}'f_-';?_j.;;'§;r¬i=_j.-.".;..; .=--,_92§;.;¢-.§;;;.g§§_§..j;7}.-_"l-fl.» ¢..-, _. - ., -._, _ :2. M ...., . ,. ., M. ,. ,r, _.______ . ',_,_.,_,,_._u,,..,-,~.,_c..,..;_:_-.r_Jit-.'-.-.-.-i-ua-Lu-.n.-|2..L.-»92.-'.92;-~-r.=-.¢..1......=_4._._._.__1.- L~ i "- '_. '. -. .1., 3., ;. -.» ;_92.,n -~;- , '. ____-;, , ~ "I 1_ _. 92 > -~___,__ '.-' "'92:'~'-:- .;~___ '».- -._1___>-92_p-..-..' .'-' r-.;' .a_Q*-..>. _'-~ "1|'1'"wjria{""1'-..':.'>;5J'-_'"" .A~H.A---»" '-M-----»_--...-..1' _-,',". '<;"::"-; .=_...- --.'~..-;_..,$11-r - ,,_ % .,N,,.-..., - _ _ - _ _ __ r __. _ .. _ .,__- - _-92r --=-1 -._-»...-.;v or . 4 _ _ Va, »92 '4'92 _ , =92 - 92- J . '- ~r92 , -.- -_ V ' _ __ -. .r .- ,- - ti .w=-1. <9292. Hwuac1e_m@OC. Alexancerj I _' 7 ti " '_n.'.,4' '.,_.§v,.. the money tn the Republican Financial Chairman "but retained it and celled Banner as to who he shoulcl give the money ._ - ;'92 hack re." __ Banner advised him that Hughes "still wanted the - Republicans to have the money and inciicetezi he had. given ,.. similar amounts to -Democratic candidates. -- _ -. ,' o - :~_ .r -_ -3 _ <4: ' '- Reborn said he had he-16 the money all this time and .r: 4;. never ecoiztributeé it. He sai he had been qnerie by Inte1:na.1.' -,| Revenue people an few months ago as to the eztistence or these -A funds since they had been told by an unknown sourc5e P.ebozoo believes it was Haheu} that the money was given to Reborn, by -_ 3., Banner. In feet, Rebozo said, he thinks iiahen meyhave e . ."¢-'a' a13.eged"t.!m1:lDa:mer' never paid the money but kept" it for his i Q-92 ovfn use, since they have become bitter eceeiea. -7 _ _ w_.J -_.-rv '. Rebozo indicate that because 0,4! an this confusion .,92_;H92 , he never die give the money to the Republicans, even during ' the Presidential election and still, in fact, has the original . 4. .6. money in his safe deposit box. Rebozo said his p92_1J:'pD_3B in ': calling Hhittaker was to determine if therewas any way he, .7 ;.;,¢ ' Whittaker, could think o£___1_:1E_1a1;wcu1;3 indicate o_1¢_!,_t_he '4 ii .-, I 4 5.}. moziey was. 1-ihittaker q=1a him he knew or no; wayjmlesa there e _'.'-92;§,, was some peculiarity about the xecqeyyl.-Q i_ .1-_ _; _._. _ _.»,J..,_..-.4 _:_ - _._ . _ .. _ _. _ ._'__ .. _ ,__1. ... P Y e .R.,..,e=., than ma 'xx 1 P Reiioze, to take the money out of hisihox, recor all the numbers] an write to Banner telling him the money was available in the I vault at his bank and he wanted to return it to him eincethe ._~__;1- Preaiéent did not neeé it for his campaign-_am1 had indicated 1: to Robozo it should he returned to Hughes. ' -" 1 . _' - - ' if . ' Mr. Hhittaker 92-raadgpresent wheethe money wae.taken out Q! 1"-he safe-deposit 1'><>==. ~=.I1§'-.- '?=.~=-=i °b5@rv=f1'_1?=. F !>e4=11.%10¢";b111=i**i'~@¢i%~i: Be did not participate-in counting -the ~mney<but.did it wee all in very good-condition. 5-rhittaker advised Reborn he did not believe the FBI Laboratory could-be of any assistance in detemizaing the length of time the hills were in-At-ixe safe - deposit box. Whittaker wee asked by Rebozo if he would like -f 4. to observe the counting of the money and the marking 80 that _- Whittaker could recognize it ag'ain_"_if- questioned.