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Readership Program Faces Cutbacks ,-All Th~ IJ.Ews That Xavier's Budget Cannot Fit ·

Readership Program Faces Cutbacks ,-All Th~ IJ.Ews That Xavier's Budget Cannot Fit ·

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'~- .JJubllshedsince 191.5 bv the students ofXavier Universitv . . ~ . & . v 90thyear, issue 28 .. · · · week of APRIL27, 2005 www.xu.edu/newswire/ Readership Program faces cutbacks ,-All th~ IJ.ews that Xavier's budget cannot fit ·

GRACE NORTHERN "Residence Life was asked to mation." Buckley thought it was essen­ newspaper bin will be located out­ Senior News Editor . cut 5 percent of their budget. By · After Residence Life made the tial to continue to fund the outdoor side the dining hall. .Next semester, the free copies of cutting the.Read~rship Program, decision to no longer fund the news- . bins, because they are available to The placement.of this bin was a USA. Today, The New York Times we cut3.T percenfof our budget;' paper stands in residence halls, the all Xavier students, notju,st the stu­ strategic decision based on the and The Cincinnati Enquirer pro­ said Director of Residence Life, Student Government Association dents who live in. the residence logic that the majority of under­ vided by Residence Life, located Lori Lambert. was asked to take over funding for halls. graduate students visit the dining in Kuhlmari, Husman, Buenger, Even though Residence Life the Readership Prograrµ not only for "We will ,continue to keep the hall multiple times per day. Brockman, the Commons and the wanted to continue to maintain the outdoor bins, which they' already bins outside so that any student can Spleitza predicts that students Village, will no longer be available. program, it simply got too expen­ fund, but also for the residence halls. get a paper there. This way, under­ will be ·encouraged to grab a news­ Access to the newspapers is a sive to kes:P· However, due to the cost of the graduates, commuters, part-time paper while going in and out of the service known as the Readership dining hall for meals. Program. "We have a strong desire to keep The three newspapers are part of a stand in front of the dining hall a package deal that-USA Today because it will provide convenient originally created. access to the newspaper for stu­ In order to establish an expan­ dents who are on a meal plan." sive program, as well as a broad in­ "This way, we are still fulfilling formation resource, USA Today the desire for the paper, just in a · joined with The New York Times and different way," he stated. a local newspaper, such as The Cin­ "It's· a way to save money and cinnati Enquirer, to form the Read­ keep the service alive, because we ership Program. do think the Readership Program In the past, Residence Life and is a good program," said Spleitza. the Student Government Associa­ Spleitza looks at the implemen­ tion have funded the Readership tation of the additional outdoor bin Program. Residence Life provided as a good compromise. the newspaper stands located in the'· -Although. there. will· still be al­ residence halls. ternative ways to receive the free The Student Government Asso­ newspapers, any time a program ciation provided the two outdoor takes a cut back that effects stu­ bins, one in front of the Gallagher dents, there will most likely be Student Center and the other in some disappointed individuals. front ofElet Hall. The availability of the newspa­ Due to Xavier's strategic plans l . While the newsst.and outside GSC remains, many others will not pers has been a convenient source for future development of the uni­ that many of us may have taken for versity, most departments on cam- "Every year, it costs $27, 700 to program, SGA decided not to fund students and graduate students can granted. pus were asked to take a cut in their maintain the Readership Program the additional newspaper stands. have access to the paper. It's a good "I don't think 'students will real­ budgets. and offer newspapers in the Com~ "It would cos.t $19,000 for SGA program and should be available ize how much they miss the pro­ The discontinuation of the mons, the Village and the dorms," tO keep the Readership Program go­ to all students," said Buckley. . gram until it's gone. This cut is defi­ Readership Program is a result of said Lambert.. ing in the residence halls. Unfortu­ Dr. Spleitza thinks that it's es­ nitely going to be a disappoint­ these requested budget cuts. · Lambert also pointed out that nately, we can't fund the extra sential for the Student Government ment," Buckley reported "We had to strategically re~llo- the way many students receive $19,000 because we just don't have Association to continue its in­ Often, students simply grab a cate resources in order to ensure that their news today is through the · that money in our budget," said Wil­ volvement and contribution to the paper while walking in and out of other programs on campus will be internet, and she hopes that stu­ liam Buckley, 2005-06 senior SGA Readership Program. the dorms," he concluded. provided in the future," said Vice ' dents wiil turn to this information President. "The Student Government The positive outlook on the de­ President for Student Develop- outlet for their news updates. Although the newspaper stands Association's role in this program cision of this budget cut is that "stu­ ment, Dr. Ron Spleitza. "A lot of students get their in- will not be in any of the residence is very important. They provide dents will still have access to the When Residence Life was asked formation•from the television and halls, the program will not be elimi­ the newspapers to commuters and papers for free," said Spleitza. to take their budget cut, they evalu- internet." nated entirely. graduates, whereas ·we will reach The papers may not be as fre­ ated the status and cost ofthe Read- .. "Althoµgh we are eliminating The Student Government Asso­ undergraduate students," sai.d . quently located, but they will. still ·ership Program, and decided that it the program, we are not eliminat­ ciation will continue to fund the two Spleitza. be available to all students at three seemed like the most logical cut. ing students' access to the· infor- outdoor bins. According to Spleitza, this convenient locations. So long, farewell, and Mahala from the 2005~06 Newswire . . . ' . . . BRYON LORTON brave pupils and-starry-eyed wan­ Sports tackles the heated matches, We will be'looking for contrib­ the departing Newswire staff, Editor in Chief derers of the road to wisdom-the Diversions sifts through the garden uting writers starting at the begin­ whose grit and superb writing and The last tortu'rous week is Newswire is here with you. . of entertainment, and Calendar City ning of the fall semester-so keep editing can not be commended upon us, my Xavier brethren. As a virgin staff works all ebbs with satire and bare :wit. your eyes peeled. enough. These fleeting moments mean around me to produce a top-notch For all of you underclassmen re­ That said, all of us here at the One year ends and another be­ graduation for some, exams for final. issue, you, dear readers; can turning next year, there will be many Newswire bide you a fond farewell gins. Fasten your saftey belts, have all, while a general sense of elev­ be assured that Campus News opportunities to join the journalis­ for now and a fresh-faced hello for a great summer, and prepare for next en th~hour-ciaziness pumps ·pulses strong, ·Opinions and Edi­ tic giant that is the Xavier the year to come. fall, the season of the Newswire. through all our veins. Fear not, , torials abound with Mall Talk, Newswire! Additionally, many thanks 'to Buy the ticket, take·the·ride.

©2005 THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE NEWS: OP-ED: SPORTS: DIVERSIONS: t~~!:!tiiJJ.h'1;fg'.~~~}~;~·1(~j·~5rt4;;i$.9.8; US soldier. recounts A.farewell to the Brian Bowsher's OfMontreal rocks Advertising ..• (513) 745-3561 cR'-~l~fiij~;~:,•,;i:t~:;;;.;;'f($:1~)}74s~~).~o: experiences in Iraq legend ofthe pig 2oo5 draft diary !ggy Pop style Editor-in-Chief (513) 745-3607 - PAGE 2 PAGE6 PAGE 9 PAGE 11 2 week of APRI l 27, 2005 CAMPUS NEWS· THE XAVIER.NEWSWIRE .

Rachel Peters, Editor .Army Captain helps students News Room: 745-3122 ...... ·~ ·.. "• . .. .' . '... ··. .' ., . Newswire-News@xavil!r.edu . '

·understand. . . . . the emotional.. ~: . . ' . . Vagina Monologues aspects of the war in lf\aq · As part of Take Back the Night's awareness week, Eve Ensler's play ''The Vagina Monologues" will be CHRISTINA STACY was real as well as terrifying. family for six months; spoke of his 'own emotional expe" He further illustrated the mean- "If a terrorist hands you a gun riences with death and fear, empha­ shown on Thursday from 8-10 p.m. Asst. Campus News Editor The play can be viewed in ei­ . ing of this' with stories of s.oldiers and $20, what would;yol! dor' sizfng the seriousness of the situ~ ther the Clocktower Lounge of the Last Wednesday, Army Reserve committed to omfanother, and risk- Easley asked .... · · · ation. GSC or in Tucker's Lounge of Captain Steven Easley spoke to stu-. ing their If )Vhen asked about theAmeri- Brockman Hall. dents about his experience in Iraq own lives there was . can empathy, Easley said, "We in the Kelley Auditorium. for the a ques- have the luxury of being able to Easley's speech discussed his re- lives of ti on of turn the TV off." cent tour of duty in Iraq. others. .. feeding· He explained th.at the war does Easley served in Iraq twice in the Easley o n e ' .s not directly affect most people in Army Cops of Engineers, and is cur- was very ·.family or the United States, and it is easy to rently the Portal Project Manager o p e n starving, become apathetic and forget about for the Office of Web Resources and about the m o s t - those who do not have that luxury. Pig-out to Services. . . bond that ·. w o u I'd Easley is a graduate of Xavier Cincinnati's finest Easly explained his reason for is formed · choose · University, and was the Coordina- joing the Army at the young age of between to feed torofTechnolcigy for the Office of .. Come chow down on Mont­ seventeen. soldiers i'h e i r Admissionsbeforebeingdeployed gomery Inn BBQ ribs, Skyli,ne · He emphasized that no matter in the families~· to Iraq. _ Chili, LaRosa's Pizza, Grater's Ice what one's reason for joining may field, and . · Easley He is still currently working on - . Cream and Busken Bakery's be, t~e commitment is the same. He how it is ·showed campus. cookies. went on further to 'say that the com­ s o m e - 'that un- · · The event was sponsored by The event takes place 'in the mitment is very serious to all the thing trea- d ~ r - University Patriots, a non-partisan Greenspace from 7-9 PM Friday, soldiers. s u r e d . standing group aimed at encouraging pa- April 29·and costs $3 per person. He described that in his unit, four when one t h i s triotism among the student l~aders transferred. before b~ing: ·. is in.a situation or combat. . makes it easieFto. ~n

Graduating seniors and mas­ ters' students have until. May 31, Overflowing with creative · April 18, 9· a~m: - The April 23, 6 p.m. -A student to donate to the Legacy Fund to Physical Plant 'reported ·two reported a wallet missing from AI- . . have their names with class year cigarette urns missing froni ter Hall. engraved in bricks on the campus the eritrance to the Cohen sidewalk near the Greenspace. energy?. Write for the Center. The Legacy Fund helps sup­ port scholarships and financial Newswire! aid, the shuttle service, Manresa, April 19, 8:20 a.m. -The April 23, 2 p.m. - A student and classroom materials for the Physical Plant repo~ted dam­ reported a cell phone stolen from university. age to a tree in the front yard Williams CBA computer lab. · To order a brick, visit of the Music House. · · www.xu.edu/legacyfund, or call the Annual Fund office at 745- If you are interested in 1030. April 19, 7:14 p.m. - A April 24, 2: 15 a.m. - Cincin­ working · student reported a palm pilot nati Fire/Rescue transported a se­ stol.e1,1 from an unattended · verely intoxicated underage stu­ book bag on the first floor of . dent to the hospital for treatment. as a paid contributing writer the library~ · A whole new for O'Connor April 22, 5 p.111.'~ A stu­ April 24, 8 p.m. - Campus -the .Newswire, send your dent reported the theft of a . " Police·. assisted Residence Life The university recently an- wallet from a vehicle on Wind­ with a room search in Busman Hall nounced that O'Connor Sports ing Way; Cincinna.ti Po.lice for possible drugs/contraband. Center will be under rennovation · information to were notified,· ... ---- ...... from ..May 16 through the durac tion of the summer. O'Connor will be closed dur­ Newswire·[email protected]. ing the rennovation process, but Fitworks of Norwood and· the April 23, 'niidnight-An Linder YMCA of Norwood is of­ No experience nec:essary! ··officer on patrol di'scovered fering discounted three-month membership for Xavier University · several parking signs dam­ · All-Cards. aged in.the .F& W Woodburn . Lot. THE.XAVIER NEWSWJRE. ·cAM·PUS:_NEWS ·· week of APRiL27, 2005 3 Studellts. get: world· experience· .. - '.. real. . . ' .througll·managiJlg··a million .. ·dollars

RACHEL PETERS · ·week in an interactive classroom most ~ifficult challenges. were deal- ad visors hope to include more The students also felt proud of Campus News Editor setting in Hailstones under the di- . ing .with differing opinions from juniors next year, as many under­ their accomplishments and the ·. rec ti on q_f R. Staff Johnson and · their advisors and that it was more classmen are already eager to par- amount of prestige the project en­ A student group. composed of Jamie Pawlukiewiz. work than they originally bargained ticipate in the group .. dowed. "How µiany college gradu­ seven seniors arid one junior pre- The students .also utilized for. The faculty hopes to prepare ates can say 'I m'anaged a million sented a report to. the Xavier s.tu- Bloomberg Professional Service One oftheXSIF students, Nathan underclassmen better by familiar­ dollars?"' said Colleen Hunt. dent Investment Fund (XSIF) board and Fort Washington Investment Wander, said that when it came to izing them. with Bloomberg and Johnson commented that the last Thursday after manag~ng one Advisors iri their. endeavors. nickt:ls and_dimes, "Sometimes we Roiters and allowing more classes project is "about them and it is million dollars of the university's Bloomberg is a financial manage~ felt we were struggling to make pen- to get involved in the project. them." endowment since November 2004. ment.. tool. wh.ich helps track the nies." The student~ proposed several The students appreciated the op­ Seniors Molly Bayer, Paul fond and analyze the students' de.~· N~xt year's group is scheduled amendments to the project for the portunity to' gain a bett~r under­ Tomich, Erica Grimm, Colleen Hunt, · cisions. · to take over on October 20, 2005. . board to consider, such as increas- standing of real world investments Ted O'Reilly, Nathan Wander, Chris. The use of an enhanced bond~ The graduating seniors are plan• ing the number of meetings with · and the networking it has provided. · Coccitto and Junior Will Nealon indexing approach in wh.ich the ning on serving as mentors to the the board ( as of no.w an annual In fact, Fort Washington has hired were the students involved in the portfolio is indexed to the Lehman · ·new group and have already created report is all that is currently re­ one of the graduating seniors full­ project. Government/Credit Index split the a handbook to help next year's quired); using a differentJndex, time and another student for a sum­ The XSIF students presented to a students' work into three sectors: group get a head start. · getting students to start the mer internship as· a result of meet­ board which includes more than a treasury, fede~alagency and corpo~ The current group hopes that project prior to the beginning of ing them through the project. dozen business leaders including rate. next year a website can be made that the. school year and gaining new The meeting was ended with .a !-awrenceLeserofE.W. Sci:ipps, Kim The students thems~lves were will be accessible to the public, as members to the board. · special tha~k you presentation for Renners of the Ohio Casualty Group, split into· two groups so as· to ad~ their attempt tq accomplish this feat · · 'Members of the board com­ JOhnson all the knowledge he pro­ and J; Patrick Rogers of Gateway equately handle b.oth economic had failed this year. mented on how impressive it was . vided. "I really don't thinkthere are .InvestmentAdvisers. analys~s and corporate analysis. ' .The selection process is through .. that the studentS matched the in- words we can say to thank him," said The students met two times a The students said some of their ·applications and interviews .. The dex. Hunt.

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May 2nd_ May S 1 h''*~~~1,, , · Front of the ·.ollege of Busine---,,._., ",Qam ·~ 5:00pm 6 week of APRIL27, 2005 OPINIONS AND EDITORIALS THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE THE XAVIER UNIVERSITY NEWSWIRE· M A L L T A ·L K Nathan Wittman, EDITOR email : NEWSWIRE-OPED@XAVIE~.EDU STAFF -EDITORIAL Wh~t are .you most anticipating after Where's the pork?. the end· of the term? It's getting to that point in the But this esteemed institution school year. The snow has finally come to a sudden halt this year. In subsided and the weather is actu- the past few years; the grand bash ally warm for more than five con- was hosted at the men's rugby secutive days. The Gallagher Stu- house on Fred Shuttlesworth. dent Center is filled to capacity with Unfortunately, due to circum­ hea vily caffeinated students stances surrounding the outcome pounding away hours of studying, of last year's events, including an "Meeting some "Going to Cancun" and last of all... it is comi!lg upon unhappy landlord, Xavier students ladies in Indiana" the weekend before exams, and are no longer allowed to reside at :.·;cS~ephanie Pinkstock what has gained the reputation of the house, or throw the annual bash. '';iqss of '06 · being the biggest party weekend of Since this was the only off-cam- the year. · pus residence that had a big enough Yes, folks, lot to accommo- we're talking date the large about the one •.. amount of people and only: Pig ~- •.\ that come to Pig 1 Roast. Tradi- < Roast, and the tionally, it is the i fact that the one day out of . Rugby students the whole year· .:-.,.~:B'-*""'1-~r,.,,.,,,"""'""Mifii)"~: don't want to pay where you can for the event, it see half the school's population out has been put on the back burner for in force, and even the Cafe work- 2005. ers, joyfully gather together in eel- It appears that no other Xavier ebration of the end of the school students want to take the opportu­ year. nity to host the shindig. Perhaps it It is the place where you can wit- is due to lack of space, lack of fond­ ness that quiet guy that sat behind ing, or fear of the administration. you in philosophy class get crazy Whatever the case may be, there . and drunkenly jump into a puddle will be no Pig Roast this year and of niud. Or maybe you'll witness we here at the Newswire are quite some high-risk pro wrestling ma- saddened, and disappointed. neuvers being demonstrated. What-. Ever since visiting Xavier as seniors ever happens, Pig Roast has been a in high school, we've hear<:! the happen in' time for years, and a tales of the Pig Roast party. staple of Xavier's student activities. The Xavier tradition was a Since its inception in the late highly honored event that each stu­ '90s, the soiree has fallen on the. ·dent looked forward to. But come Saturday before the last week of the last weekend of April, when stu­ school, a final festivity before the dents are attempting to study but hellish week of exams. just looking for a way to release It. begins early in the day after stress, there will be no Pig Roast to many gorge themselves on om- attend. elettes from the Cafe and includes There will be no drinks to con- enough students to occupy the en­ sume, no pig to eat, and no giant tire Gallagher Center, a backyard mud puddle in which to practice that becomes covered with mud, the Stone Cold Stunner. delicious· refreshments, and, of Perhaps there will be a substi­ course, a wonderfully roasted pig tute this year, but it looks unlikely. ROTC Gets Funky (not that we have actually ever Alas, we will have to wait impa­ On Friday the 15th of April, game for the audience's viewing that the Army plays in protecting · eaten it). tiently and find out next week. Xavier Army ROTC ''All for. One pleasure and the cadets' embarrass­ her people. COPYRIGHT 2005 CIRCULATION 3,000 Battalion" held its 69th annual ment. As the last of the awardees re­ Military Ball. The elegant affair, After the laughter died down, turned to their seats, a final bene- Editor in Chief & Publisher BRYON LORTON attended by over 330 people, in­ the guest speaker was formally in­ . diction was given, the flag was re­ Managing Editor DAVEWARFIELD cluded honored guests such as troduced and Brigadier Gener,al tired for the evening and the danc­ Business Manager CHARLES HARRISON Brigadier General Michael D. spoke ab~ut the semess service and ing began.· in full swing. Cadets, Advertising Manager RACHEL FISCHER Barbero, Sister Thrailkill, President quiet heroism of our nation's men their dates, family, and faculty all Advertising Assistant LENA ABBASI of Mount Saint Joseph; Father Al and women in the military. He em- got their "groove 011~· while a disc Adviser PATRICK LARKIN Bischoff; Adrian Schiess, former . phasized stories of soldiers that he jockey played everything from Campus News Editors Distri~utionManager professor of military science; and. encountered in his service who ex- . Tim McGraw to Nelly. RACHEL PETERS JOSH B'OBINGER President Father Michael Graham, emplified outstanding devotion to Several. cadets outdid them­ Calendar City CHRISTINA STACY· SJ. their nation and their fellow sol­ selves on the dance floor and soon Senior News Editor BRIANA HANSEN The night. began with a-social diers by always pfacing the needs found themselves in the middle of GRACE NORTHERN Copy Editors hour featuring an exquisite piano of others before their own. the crowd busting out dance moves Opinions and Editorials MARY BETH BENNETI performance· by ROTC senior It was an .inspiring and uplift­ NATHAN WITTMAN ANNE SAWYER like there was no tomorrow. Sports Editors ANN TASSONE Annette Podolak. The guests for­ ing speech, especially for the But, in the end, it was the offic­ BRIAN BOWSHER Advertising Sales mally met the Xavier. ROTC staff graduating seniors \Vho wi,ll com­ ers and their wives that lasted the · DIANA BARREN SARAH DAIGNEAL T and our honored guest, Brigadier mission as 2nd Lieutenants iit the longest, dan_cing to some of the Diversions Editors Colltributing Writers General Barbero. Members of Army on May 15, 2005. Upon con­ classic love songs of our time. This ANDREW CRAGO CASEY WELDON Xavier's Pershirrn Rifles provided clusion of the General Barbero's year's Military Ball, hosted by the LINDSAY SLOCUM HEIDI SLUSS the Saber Arch for our seniors' en­ speech, awards were presented to junior ROTC class, was an amaz- Online Editor trance, and a color guard as welt juniors and. seniors in the ROTC .ing night full of timeless tr'aditions, KEVIN BATIERBERRY During dinner, a slideshow was program for exceptional leadership a deep sense of brotherhood, and shown to commemorate graduates and service to their fellow cadets. above all else a time to for the ca­ On the Web: http://www.xavier.edu/newswire of XU's ROTC who have served in Cadet Mike Williams received dets and guests to laugh and remi­ The Xavier Newswire is published weekly lhrough· general slllff. out the school year. except during vacation and linal ex­ Subscription rates arc S30 per year or Sl5 per se­ combat. Following this presenta-. the General George C. Marshall nisce about days gone by. The XU am•. by the students of Xavier University. 3800 Victory mester within the USA and arc prorJled. Subscription tion, a second slideshow of the award which is presented to the top Parkway. Cincinnati, OH 45207-2129. lnq~lrles should he directed to Bryon Lorton, 513-745- ROTC Department extends its in- • The staff editorial is written by a different staff mcm· 3067. Xavier cadets was presented. senior cadet in each battalion. vitation again at the 70th Military her each week and do not necessarily rellccl the senti­ Advertising Inquiries should be directed Ill Eliza­ ments of the entire staff. ll is also nol lhc sole respoosibil: beth Amell, Advertising Manager. 513-745-3561. · - It depicted moments from the These awards were presented by Ball which will ()CCur in April 2006. ity of the Oph,ions'and Editorials edilllr to write it. One copy of The Xuvier New.-wire. dislribillcd on cadets' lives, with everything from members of the Cincinnati commu­ 1be Slatemcnts and opinions or The Xavier Newlwirt cumpus, is free per person per wook. Additional copies are not necessarily those nf the student body. facully or are 25 cents. baby pictures to training pictures; nity, and are reminders that the citi­ -Matt Ridenour adminislralion of Xavier. The statements, and opinions of Xavier University is an acadcmiccommunily cum .. a columnist do not necessarily rellc.:t thosc of editors or milled lo equal opportunity for all persons. cadets at parties gone ~wry was fair zens of this nation resp_ect the role ROT9 cadet, Ciass of '06 THEXAVIER NEWSWIRE OPINIONS AND EDITORIALS week of APRIL~7, 2005 7 L E T T E R S T 0 T H E E D I T 0 R· SolDe Friendly Advice

As a senior, with the real world -'-Your adviser is not God- hung'ry, hairy upperclassmen lurk­ knocking, okay, pounding on my . You've probably foundjourself ing outside the Cafe, on your way door, I thought it would be helpful sitting there trying to decide what ·back from volunteering at Commu­ to share some insights that I've cl~sses you need to take i.n order to nity Action Day, it helps. Like my learned. here at ;xavier. _·.•Perhaps evacuate in the expected four grandma used to say, "You you may:one day avoid the self" years, and growing tired of the little wouldn't be cold if you got up and denial about becoming an adult. blue book. So you schedule an did something:" Wa~ning: reading this article appointnieilt with your adviser. Make sure you have something will not ensure that you will in any Fast,forward to senior year. You've impressive to say when that first W!lY be more efficiei:it as a senior, just been told thatyou really did interviewer asks: "what kind of nor that you will have you_r future need to take "Turning on the Oven other things did you do at Xav,ier?" planned by Fall Break of your se­ 205" in order to receive your cook­ -Get off your can- nior year. Trust me, it's not that ing minor. Now you're graduating This is the last time that you will easy. If you wanted that, you with only one major and your fu­ have so many different experiences should have started planning in ture is basically over. When in at your fingertips. Try new things. high school. So, for what it's worth: douJ.l~reat it like an unwanted Never been to a live performance -Stay cool.- d' . is~ et a ·second opinion. before? Tape "Desperate House­ Do not storm into your adviser's .:::_Read- wives" for one week and get out! office, irate, after your attempt to idering graduate The buxom ladies o(Wisteria Lane register for classes left you with an .ead. -The summer will be there when you return. Vow­ only' three credit hours. (I'm sorry, lksfor \[ ~ nior year, crack open ing to get in shape for the summer? you are not special. It happens all book m1l ·~n a vocabulary Then stop checking the facebook the time.) Fear not; you will be­ ~ 0 two. D_g omething pro- and sign up for an exercise class. come a full-time student once 1· _tiv J uri ~our last _summer Do not spend all your time after again. Your adviser is the one (or fore ;1ou · ec~ai:t,. '~dul~,:" class napping because you were so knows the one) who possesses the ~ou'll ·p g~~-1· tired from staying up the night be­ power to put you in that class that rolls around and the professors fail fore talking to your high schooi you just have· to t~ke with your to notice that you're an almighty cronies on AIM. Go outside and best friend Cindy, or you'lljust die. senior and_pile on enough work that play. Always keep your door open -:-Wi11 you be my neighbor?.:_ you think you're already in grad to meet more people on your floor, Living off.campus, in your own school. A good· vocabulary will and enjoy your free time while it house, free of suqh things like RAs, truly help with those thesis papers. lasts because it WILL be over· nc:iise violations, and that damn kid -Serve somebody-:- sooner than you think. downstairs that blasts his Kenny You 've heard the. phrase, "It's If you fail to heed my advice, Chesney CD every afternoon at 2 not all about you." If you have you will soon find Y.Ourself walk­ p.m., has its perks. However, take never pursued community service. ing across the Greenspace, alone, advantag~ of your friends living of some type, now is your chance. watching all the underclassmen in your dorm while you can. Whether itis tutoring kids once a playing catch. Suddenly, you'll Xavier's small size has made many week:or serving food to the home­ think of all your fdends working of us even lazier (and your mom less, there is something for every­ at their jobs or doing final projectS ,. ..~. .. . . - ·" thought it wasirripossible~/ It's a one, and ;you can make a differ­ and th1s;will make you regret that lot easier to walk down the hall to· ence. free time' you have wasted. play a game of euchre than to 'drive Even if service means offering a -Kayla Murphy across campus. meal from your All-Card to that Class of ·'05 Pimp My Ride NATHAN WITTMAN looks, who knows? If so, they rals or word of mouth advertising. Op-Ed Editor should note that that style went Sadly, I have no way to contact As f was hard at work for over out with the three-foot-tall wings this person for any future modifi­ five hours in the Gallagher Cen­ and cherry bomb mufflers popu­ cations on my vehicle or for a sur­ ter this weekend, one fine up- . larized by the fine motion picture prise birthday present for one .of standing member of our commu­ "The Fast and the Furious." More- · my roommates; a flaming skull nity took it upon, him/herself to over, they failed to complete their carved into .my roommate's perform some modifications to job, leaving my other three doors Dodge pickup would be sweet! my vehicle, which was parked on and fenders jealous and wont of I now invite this individual to Herald Ave. similar attention. come forward post haste so. I can Apparently this individual did If there's anything worth do­ return the free services favor in not think the factory pin-stripe ing, it's worth doing right, right? the form of some business con­ on my car was "pimp" enough, That's how I have always felt, and sulting. I'd be more than happy and was kind enough to, free of this miscarriage of car to sit down with you in a poorly charge; apply his/her own de­ customization is a pure example lit room and "go over" some of sign. of what's wrong with the .world your strengths and weaknesses. The fact· that the tool used today. People simply do not care Several of my colleagues here seems to have been a key, or some about their work anymore. at Newswire seem to think this other sharp instrument, is not the Where's the follow through? was not an act of pro-bono exte­ issue that I have with this mo­ However, this individual seems rior design a la MTV's popular bile paint shop operator.· Nor was to have hit on something inge­ program mentioned in this it the. fact th.at· I did not solicit nious that I had not considered. article's title, but a willful act of his or her services, as it is always . In terms of his/her business vandalism out of personal rancor. nice to get something for free in modelj doing work anonymously, I find it terribly difficult to be­ this world: · un.expectedly, and free of charge lieve this, as it is my belief that No, what really got me is that ensures full artistic license as Xavier's carripus breeds nothing this person did such a shabby job well as eliminates accountability but harmony an·d bliss. However, that; had I paid for this service,-! for a poorly done job. if I am too naive in this assert.ion, would surely demand a refund. However, this entrepreneurial I hope I can ·be forgiven. First of all, the line carved into individual is in dire need of some In any case, I hope that there my driver's side door was com­ consulting to really get this busi­ was no malicious intent in this pletely uneven and crooked. It ness off the ground. First and fore­ unsolicited alteration of the ap­ lacked any semblance of vision most, not leaving a business card, pearance .of my "ride." . If this is on the artist's part, and screams or some other form of identifying the case, then I officially retract "amateur." mark, is a major faux pas. my generous offer for counseling Maybe they were going for One of the best ways to secure and advice and simply say: "Go one of those tribal graphics future busiriess is through refer- to Hell, jerk!" · ,• •'f' 8 week of APRIL 27, 2005 SPORTS THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE BRIEFS. Brian Bowsher, Editor. Sports Desk: 745-2878 Baseball Snaps Losing ~ti;eak [email protected] . . -- Women's tennis bounces temple in Conquering Colon~IS

Senior co-captains Stephanie BY CASEY WELDON Caglayan. Adam Upski doubled to Bauer and Lauren Clary each Contribut(ng writer right field to plate the freshman and posted singles wins on Sunday af­ For those of you who abide by put XU ahead 3-2. A groundout by ternoon in leading the Xavier Uni­ the literary technique of symbol­ sophomore Jordan Wolf advanced versity women's tennis team to a 4~ ism; many may see Cincinriati's re­ Lipski to third and brought up 3win. cent weather pattern as symbolic sophomore Mark Janszen. '.fhe out­ The victory over Temple Uni­ of the way the Xavier baseball team fielder laid down the squeeze play . versity gave Xavier a third place has played in rec_ent weeks: unpre­ and everyone was. safe making the finish at Atlantic IO Conference dictable, lacking many brjght score 4-2 Musketeers with one out Women's Tem1:is Championship at spots, and all wet. and a man. on first. Seniors James the Tennis Center at College Park. . After a midseason surge that got Schlosser and Jay Johnson each The Musketeers end the season the Musketeers ha.ck to conference . drew walks to load the bases. Fresh­ with a 17-7 record inducting a 5-1 respectability, recent struggles by man Collin Sa.Izenstein then mark against A-IO opponents. XU XU have left the team in danger of groun~ed into the fielder's choice finishes with its 15th straight win~ "raining out". any hope of that caught Janszen at home to keep ning season and has now finished postseason success. the bases ioaded with two outs. in the top four of the Atlantic IO Corning into their most recent Sophomore Dan Hayden smashed Conference for five consecutive seven-day stretch of action on a a pinch-hit single to plate Schlosser seasons. four-game losing streak, the Mus­ and round out theXavier I Ith with keteers, battling the forces of na­ a score of 5-2. · · Track braves wind ture as much as the force of oppos­ The visiting Louisville Cardi­ ing teams,. pulled out just two of nals foiled the Musketeers' hopes to set records the five games during the period. of posting back-to-back victories After opening with an 11-inning with an 8-4 win on April 20, de­ The Xavier University men's and road victory vers~s Eastern Ken­ spite two late-inning comeback at­ women's track teams set two school tucky; who was the last team Xavier tempts at Hayden Field. records while battling through wind defe~ted before their four-game The home team threatened in the gusts of up to 20 miles per- hour. skid (4-3 on March 12), the Mus­ eighth and ninth innings,· loading The competition was held over keteers would drop three of their the bases in the eighth and.having . . . . . NEWSW/REPHOTOBYSHANEGLEASON three days at the 78th Annu~I Kan­ next four contests at Hayden Field. runners at first and second in the Two Musketeers share a pregame catch. in 'front of the newly- sas Relays hosted by KU at Xavier fell dishearteningly to ninth, to no avail. ~nstalled, and quite expensive, protective fence. Hershberger Track on the campus regional rival Louisville, before On the afternoon, U of L . . . · of the University of Kansas. falling in two of their three games pounded out 14 hits and took ad- tance, allowi.ng only two earned Wasker:witz, drew a walk, and an Senior Dan Dalic got the Mus­ to conference foe, LaSalle. vantage of seemingly every oppor- runs while notching five strikeouts.. infield sing~e by Johnson put' across keteers off to a great start on day On· the season, the Musketeers tunity that presented itself. Though Cold bµt .at tinies sunny, the · the final XU run of the game and one with a personal best time of find themselves 12 games under XU kept pace with ten hits of tlieir weather on Monday again matched· made the score 5-4. · 2:03.83 in the men's 800-meter run. .500 at 15~27 overall and 7-11 in own, the Musketeers were unable the way both teams would play Game one saw XU pi.Jt the pres in the men's 10,000-meter run, 7 A- IO play. Xavier currently resides to take full advantage of the Cardi- during the two-game split: the cold . sure on La Salle early. The Muske" freshman Ben Milroy fought in the cellar of the six-team Westc nals' season~high five errors. bats of the Explorets .let the Mus~ teers jumped out to theirusual early through a severe nose bleed and em Division of the.Atlantic 10. By Even with the offensive futility . keteers claim their first and only lead, posting two runs in their first was able to finish the event in taking two of three from the Mus­ of the Musketeer lineup attimes, home victory during the.five-game at bat. From that pointon; the brisk 32:53. The 4x800-meter relay. of keteers, the Explorers move into a Schlosser did his part to keep the stretch in game one, as they took weather was made much cooler by Nate Showman, Michael Raidt, three-way tie for third place in the Musketeers fo the game. Injured the game S-0.. LaSalle rebounded the numerous swings and misses by Tony Matheus and Drew La Master A-10 West (8-7). during the early part of the season, to grab game two 5-4,. despite · the Explorers. · came in at 8:08.71 to break the first A 2-2 game after nine innings of the light-hitting senior went 2-for~ middle-inning bright spots for.XU. Johnson started the game by. record. XU set the other school play, Xavier and Eastern Kentucky 5 on the afternoon and had. three After senior cleanup hitter Brett·.· .·· reaching on an error, and he later record.in the 4x400-meter relay as used two extra frames to decide the RBis. Smith dropped down a_· well-ex-. scored on junior Sean Brewer's Ryan Schutte, Raidt, Paul Staudigel outcome of their second meeting In their lone conference action ecuted sacrifice bunt to advance the single through the left side. Lozan and Nate Showman teamed up to oftheseasononApril 19. TheMus­ of the week, winter weather tried to tying and go-ahead runs foto scor- followed ilp with· an RBI- finish with a time of 3:36.97. keteers posted three runs in the top . do its part to keep the three-game, ing position, sophomore Chris groundou(to pl~te Lipski, who of the 1 lth and held off the Colo­ two-day series from happening, but Lozan struck out and Wolf lined reached on a free pass.· OSC renovations to nels two-out, two-run rally sparked unfortunately for the Muskies, the out to put ari end to the Musketeer After rainouts yesterday and to­ by two XU errors in the home half weekend series got underway on rally and any hope of a comeback. . day, the Musketeers will head back start after finals to claim the 5-4 victory at Turkey Sunday at Hayden Field. The At- Trailing 5-1 goingln the bot~ . to the .diamond. (weather permit­ Hughes Field on Tuesday after­ lantic IO series started with the tom of the sixth ofthe secoQd game, ting) .for· a doubleheader at home On May 16, workers will begin noon. Explorers downing XU in the open- back~to~back Explorer pitches were versris conference foe George Wash~ renovating the O'Connor Sports Junior Matt Lucas led off the ing game 4~2. belted by; ironically:enough, XU's . ington onMay,7. OW is currently Center. All of the improvements visitor half of the 1 lth with ·a The Musketeers received a solid Lozan and Wolfoverthe fence and · .. in secorid piace iii the West Divi­ will be within the existing struc­ double to left center and was re­ effort,on the mound from freshman put Xavier_back iri the game at 5-3. sion vyith a. 25~ 13 record, indud­ ture and are going to make the cen­ placed on the bases by Emre Michael Lucas who went the dis_- The next batter, sophomore Matt ing a 7-5 mark in conference .. .ter function more efficiently. Plans call for moving the weight room downstairs in the front of the building and moving the welcome Ga.mes to' . . . .. '.• '· ... ~ ·: ., . desk to the lobby. The second floor Watch will remain cardio and weights, as I I well as an aerobic studio. The Lindner YMCA in Norwood h.as offered to grant three month memberships to students at a reduced rate when they present a current Student All Card. The Norwood Fitworks has offered the· same option.

' •• .. 1 • ; • • • t· " : ·. . ,~ ~ '. ~.· ! ~ ~-· ·-· ~·: ,·· ·..!. • •• ) ,:.

4/27 . 4/30 5/7 · '~ :.: '..; ;· n ··r'.4/fo · ·:J;·,.·: vs. Cindnnati (exhibition) at Bruce Fossum Invitational .vs. George Washington at Bobcat Invitational : · (Xavier Soccer C~mplex) . .. (Ea~t ~nsii_:ig,J\.~'lich.) (HaydenoFiela) · ·~·(Athens/Ohio) ·· ·4:30 p.m. 8:30 a.m. / .. :.. :; .'.;:.)'i!O<>n<:1 1 p.m. THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE SPORTS.. weekofAPRIL27~2005 9 :· .... ·.•· .. .:·.31. ···· Briafi'S.. ... SOng· . . 1There.'s No Doclging this Draft' •'' ·. . '•. ··. ·' ' ; 11 ;5(5 a:m.~"' I park myself in ialiis fo favor of South Caroli~a.WR . front of t~e TV with the following Troy Williamson. It's not a~ big of .items·oit thefable nextto me:my a,surprise when you consider this . pen and 'notebo()k, three bags of is the sa~e franchise that took more ' chips, atwo liter bottle of coke, and than the allotted 15 tninutes in last . a.hottl~ of"JetAlert;, caffeine pills. year's first round; and ended up · · Justin:c.itse ... · · · picking two spots later. Mike Tice BY BRIAN BOWSHER 12:01 p.m.~~ ·ESPN's coverage · later defended the pick saying, "We . Sports editor . ·.· begins.The imniortal Chris Berinan envision him as a faster Nate It's t~e mcist exciting 13 hours introduces an all~star panel of foot- Burleson." Now, is that supposed of ~ead air oii televisfon. No,. not'.·. ball experts and draft gurus. Head- . to be a compliment? Sounded like the Jerry Lewis Telethon (although • lining the list is Md Kiper, a man an insult to me. that's a close second), but the ari- . whosewholecareeris scouting arid 3:07 p.m;-- With Carolina nual "ESPN NFL Draft Extra vii-· previewing the draft.The only man. primed to take QT Jammal Brown,. - ganza T~." Stretched over two days, .whose year-long work culminates New Orleans trades up and snatches

the NFL Draft enthralls an audience . . . . . vent . oes by the Sooner lineman out from under· PHOTO COURTESY YAHOO.COM of millions .nationwide, a signifi~ ( their noses. With. the ensuing pick, Alex Smith graduated with a 3. 7 GPA, but does that mean he is the cant percentage of whom watch lit­ the Panthers make the hf(ad-scratch- ~~artest pl.ayer ever to be drafted? Craig Krenzel might say otheiwise. erally every pick in all seven rounds. ing selection. of Georgia safety . Now, Iknciw what you're think­ Thomas Davis .. My Carolina-fan Tim ·Russert's infamous erasable ter being hit by a beer bottle dur­ ing: no one actually watches eve . end summed '~p the turn of white board. ing a bar brawl. Welcome to Dallas, ·second of the draft. No o "The Panthers just pan­ 6:02 p.m.-- So really, who de- CJlris. You should fit in just fine. 'totally witfi.out a life t me at Wendy's at 1:30 in Cided to put this on TV? Not even 1:59 p.m.-- Does Kiper spend , would isolate themselv Vine~ McMahon would have pre- more time scouting prospects or . rest of the world for a dieted such high ratings. What doing his hair? Yikes. Good thing end. Well, as my first d could he. have said to his boss? N.ew York passed that bill banning Editor,T assigned 1Dys1.-, "Hey Bob, I've got a great idea that smoking in public places; other­ task. It's just part of my · can saye the network. You know wise, Kiper's gelled up 'do would· ·desire to provide the i, , "··· _ - Mel Kiper'.s slips of how the commissioner speaks in a ignite like the Beijing sky on Chi­ coverage this school has evenee ·eitongue are fun: "That is unrare!" monotone. every .fifteen minutes . nese New Year. Tpat, and)· wanted the ability to·.·· 4:2.8 p.m.--An ~riideptified scout with absolutely nothing in be- - 3:12 p.m.--Ifmy daughter turns .. tell myself that my gluttonous sloth appar.ently called Rav eris' pick . tween? Let's put that on TV!" 0ut like the girl in the ESPN Radio was · actually efficient . and .. for 0wn .. Mark Clayton one of the bestchar~ 8:38p.m.-~.BacktoKiper:Isthis commercial, I'll be one happy . productive'.'. .1,1nlJ\<.e,.la~t Y.~ai:'.. ,., .• dl;Qq,11L . . , :'.. ,rown ,, a~te,r;.playerli, ~yailable; Fit~i~g he guy Dick Clark's grandson?·Think daddy. SATURDAY: . . be~ng ~electeei~: _ks higher,: wpuld end up '.Vith (allt-:ged).µmr- . aboutit,. nei~her of them· age, they 4:41 p.m.-- Dallas makes Jay 11.:40 a.m.-- My alarm goes oft Williams says," might have won derer Ray Lewis, b_ecause if there's only appear once a year, and have Ratliff the fifth Auburn Tiger'to be I jump out .of bed and fumble the war, but the battle is not over." ·. one. th.ihg Balti"1lore cares about, you ever seen them in the same selected. Ratliff certainly helped . through my .closet looking for my Eyen Cadillac's family was laugh- · .it's character. Tory Holt gushes over · room together? his cause with a huge showing in · white Carson Palmer jersey, only ing in the background. . · . Clayton, too, pulling out a sheet of 10:02 p.m.-- Speaking of not be- last year's NCAA Football Tourna­ to find .that I left it at home. Wow, 1:50 p.m.-- Wow!. The first big. note.book paper while exclaiming, ing seen, St. Louis drafts Nebraska ment quarterfinal vs. Okla ... oh, things couldn't have started any .shocke~ :of the day. Minnesotll, "I made a list!" Upon seeing this, I OL Richie Incognito. Supposedly neverrpind. worse. passes up on USC WR Mike Will- couldn't help but be.reminded of Incognito is in attendance at the-. 5:36 p.m.-- Ok, I'm not going to draft, but no one can find him. lie. This is ·getting boring. My . ' 10:59 p.m.-- With the last pick muscles have atrophied from lack lntrodu'Cing Your ~O.Op.;.Q6'.-:!\f ~yvswire Sports ·staff.. ~ of day one~ The Broncos select erst- , of use, and Tostitos Bite Size are . ' . . . ' . ·. .. '·• while Ohio State RB Maurice only good for so long. Clarett, proving there really is no 6:01 p.m.-- Finally, after exactly justice in this world;· Denver pro- 18 hours of pure exhilaration, New duces 1,000 yard backs like Shawn England uses the last pick· of the Kemp fathers illegitimate children. weekend to select tight end Andy Simply put; Clarett does not de- Stokes .. In doing so, Stokes joins serve such luck. the exclusive fraternity of players Name:· Brian Bowsher· Diana Barran SUNDAY: that will be forever known as "Mr. 11:00 a.ni.-- Here we go~again. Irrelevant." Position: ·Sports Edito'r .· Assistant Sports Editor. . Kiper's crew is backand so am I. 6:03 p.m.-- I peel myself off the : . · 12:07 p.m>- I can't stand Merril couch, brush the crumbs off my Hodge, he's just so smug. It seems wrinkled shirt, and crawl into bed. ·Hometown: Syracuse, NY· Cleveland, ·OH Jawarski, sitting next to him, feels A stimulating test of endurance

··.· ·the same way. such as this requires some long over­ ' . "' . : .·,: ... Class: 2ooz:··· 2007 1:33 p.m.-- Defensive End Chris due nap time. I can't waste too Canty becomes a Cowboy despite· much time though; there's only 364 / .· suffering from a detached retina af- days until I get to do it again . ··• ... Major:· .· ·.. Sport:Man.ageni'e~t "·. .. Psychology ~ · . ' ·'. ··.:'· . . . ·. ,, ·.· ·'. , ..... Favorite' Professional · CihtinliathReds,. . ,c:.levelarid.::1ndi.ans~ . Teams:· Gindor\ati'.'Be~gals, . ·:clevela-r1Ci: ' .. .· ..· .•·. sfowhs . '• .· ,•• Clevel~.IJd,Cavaliers,/ ~cleveland 1tavali.er~ · :B,uffalo'Sabres · we.':i~e,.Jooldng ·for spettswiiters

· .Favo·rite;:)Cavier Sp9rts tastyears run in ·Atlanta. Th~.ga111es.Jast;yea(i1J. ..for next ye.ar's Newswire . · Memory: · · . the Elite:.Eight · · . If J.Could Have Lunch. · · Theo Epstein Trajan. Langd.on If you're interested in. being paicl vyith Anyone in· SportS: · ~ .. ; ' :~o write abdtit sports," send: and E~, , Dream-Job: General Manager;_ Sports·P.~chologist .,, . I .. ~ ······ Cinc:innati Reds · .mail tc>' newswi:re­ sports@xavier~ed:u ,••·'fr . . 10 week of APRIL 27,· 2005 DIVERSIONS··· :THE XAVIER NEWSWIRE

·:·. ·• ·'' '·.·.:.

Meet.·• • • the• • ,• inew·~ -~ ' • 1 ·...-::.Diversions - . •. . • '·. • • - • •• .' . •. ·:.:.. ' '.. ' '·, ••staff _; • •

Andrew Crago, .Lindsay.Slotum, Editor.· · · Asst.Editor-: Andrew Crago will be ajunior English major. If he Lindsay Slocum wi1i be ~ ~~hior English major this had five. hours during the afterrio9n. to. do nothing, he .. fall. In her spare time, she .enjoys listening to musfo, · would play guitar, mess around on his computer, and reading, and drawing pfotures of dinosaurs. This sum• nap. He will be going to France this summer to do some mer, sh~ will be inter1;1ing with Cincy B'usiness Maga- . studying·and intentionally get lost in the streets of Paris~ zine. If she could ha.ve lunch with anyone in the world, Contrary to popular belief; he does notenjoy long walks she would share a Hawaiim;rpizza from Guidc>~s in Mt. on the beach or any other beach-related.activities. Adams with.M. K. Gandhi andPrince.

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The apartments' described below -·are set in two turn of the century mansions that have qeen well maintaine.d. up to the present time. Set on 2. acres of manicured landscaped. grounds, both h.ouses are located next to on another so to create easy access and plenty of parking. There is. a detached, 7 car ga.rage, with automatic doors. Security lighting ·set on photo sensors, floods the parking area, walkways and entrances. All apartments have cable, th.ere aretlaundry facilities in .both buildings, · and for social functions that the tenants want.. to host1 there is an enormous basement area that is virtually sound proof. All kitchens are fully loaded with dishwashers, disposals: and newer appliances. We offer a responsive maintenance system, managed by a professional Real. Estate Man?gement Company.

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APT#3b 3 bedrooms, 1 bath: ~$1025.00 (heat and water included). Ceramic tile J

APT#5 2 bedrooms, 1 bath: $750.00 (heat and water included) Large kitchen, breakfast room, study/den, large bedrooms, A/C, lots of .. closet space, carpet, deck.

APT#6 5 bedrooms, 2 bath~:' $1625.oo·"cheat.and water includ~d). Duplex, living room, extrernely large bedrooms, sunroom, plenty of closet · space, A/C. · · ·

HOUSE 8 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 kitche.ns: $.2400.0.0 Off street parking, deck, · laundry, A/C, study/den, huge rooms, sun room, full walk.out basement. Please call Ian C!lt ·513-253-7368 or S13-3SS"•9979 for a:showing . :.i: . "· .' .. -:·· THE, XAVIER NEWSWIRE .DIVERSIONS· week of APRIL 21, 2005 11 BRIEFS Qf.~011lFeak still quirky, now danceable WWW ~'A$1llmi!Dfi ta~ Andrew_ Crago, Editor· ::·r.~ BANJ?.~CE~TLY RELEASEDAN ~~BUM AND VI.SITED CINCINNATI Diversions Desk: 745-2878 · [email protected] ANDRav c~Go· ···•··. ~~· Auditions for 'Th:! Lion King'

Disney Theatrical Productions is holding auditions for their award­ winning Broadway musical "The Lion King." Adults and children ages 9-12, with a maximum height of 58 inches who can sing, dance, and act are being sought for all adult roles, and the African lion'cubs Simba and Nala. Auditions are be­ Of Montreal ing held May 14 at the YMCA of The Sunlandic Twins Greater Cincinnati. For more infor­ (Polyvinyl) Il_!ation, call (212) 827-5450 or visit www.disneyonbroa4way.com.

'Rear Window' showing Of Montreal is a quirky band. They always have been, and no one The Xavier University Film So­ except maybe Frank Zappa can say ciety will be showing the classic otherwise. This quirkiness is thanks Of Montreal performs at Alchemi.ze last Thursday. They were all dressed up for the show. Alfred Hitchcock thriller "Rear .. entirely to lead singer and songwriter . . . . ' Window," starring Jimmy Stewart Kevin Barnes~ Fie ·embodies and in- one notable addition: a steady, The keyboard is utilized to play it: 'The peculiar lyrics are part of fuses his music with an idiosyncratic synthesized drum beat. . 'simple and repetitive melodies off the fun. and Grace Kelley, at 7 p.m. on Thursday in Kelley Auditorium. childishness that makes you want to Almost all of the songs on Of of which the song then builds. Having listened to the album, I Food and drink are provided. Ad­ smile with every listen. Montreal's new aibutjl; "The . When. an acoustic guitar does .. was excited to see Of Montreal in mission is, free to all Xavier stu­ The band has been around for a Suniaridfo Twins," use synthe- · fiµally start off the song "Forecast concert.' I was not disappointed. · long time and has b_een through many sized drums and many other elec- · · Fascist Fuit.fre,'';itcomes as a sur- '_· The band put on a great show, and dents. ·different phases. The focal. point has tronic sounds. I was wary when prise. The song quickly· builds to reproduced a surprising amm~nt of aJways_ been Kevih Barnes, the man ·. the band began to sound lik¢ this - full instrumentation', and it ~e- · ·. their new album live. respqnsible for the .musical explora~. on 'their previous release, "Sa~ comes one of the best and =most . The band came to a new bar in 'Crowns' opens tion~ over-the years'.. · "tariiCPariic in the Attic,'~ because· dynamic tracks 'mi the album ..·. town,Alchemize, which was voted When they started 10 years ago,. : some of the songs sounded, well~ ·The. catchy ·and hook-heavy "Best New Club" by Citybeat. ltis . ,. in the Park thebandcouldhav_e'almostb°eenmis• ·:annoying. However, thenewa1~:; · 'sollgs contiilue·untilabout two- a comfortable size, and the disco taken· for , ;and parts of their:;:: buni.Lis' a •different stery: •!:>; · v : :1. thirds"bf. thtnvay through ~the al-·' balls on the 'ceiling only ·added to "Cro#fns" by Regina Taylor, first album, "Cherr): Peel," sound like .... ,;· 'The songs sound ~-ntirely! 'btnrl,Cwhen th'ingstake a'fuore· ex~ . the colorful light sho\v" that based on the book by Michael a long~lost Weeier:

Cincinnatisunimer concert preview _ Pig out!

HEIDI SLUSS .. ·\Varped Tour will be sweeping Another new artist, Michael Contributing Writer · · Cincinnati on July 22 at· Tolcher, who previously opened for At 7 p.m. on Friday on the Riverbeild. This tour wiil include Gavin DeGraw, will be here May · Greenspace, you can enjoy Mont­ It's getting warm outside, the trees bands such as.· Fall Out Boy, 22 at the 20th Century Theater. gomery Inn ribs, Skyline Chili, are budding, finals week is quickly · Dr'opkick Murphy's, MXPX, Speaking of Gavin DeGraw, he will LaRosa's pizza,_ Graeter's ice approaching, and finally summer will and the Transplantsi beat the Fraze Pavilion with Howie cream, and Busken Bakery cook­ arrive! Some of us ~ill spend· our A f~w alternative bands. will Day on July 1. ies all for $3 as part of the third summer here in the:wonderful city of · be here as well; Lifehouse will . Last but not least, there are a few annual Pig Out. For more infor­ Cincinnati. To ensure youdummer : ·be at Bogart's on May 11, the . oldies but goodies. Tom Petty and mation, call 745-4887 . is great, here is a rundown cif some of Dece1I1berists are coming to the the ·Heartbreakers along with the t.he concerts that· will be coming Southgate House ori May 15, and Black Crowes are coming June 14 through Cincinnati: · will' play at · at Riverbend, James. Taylor win University Singers .For all of you country fans; get ollt ' Bogart's ori May 26, followed by play the saine venue on Aug. 12. performance ·. your cowboy hat for Reba McEntire. Mindless Self Indulgence on PHOTO COURTESY OF ,NCTM.ORG Jimmy Buffet will sing a~out alco­ at Riverbend Music Center on May 5 May 28; · . Jimmy Buffett: wasting away. holism and sunsets on Aug. 21 at The University Singers will be and Kenny Chesney at the US Bank · CoHective Soul·· is· coming . Riverbend.as well. performing "Alice Through the Arena. on August 25:. . June 28 to the Ma

An amazing summer job awaiti; you One, two and three bedroom apart­ Six-eight huge bedroom, thr~ bath at Camp Rancho Framasa, a residen­ Apartments and houses~ two bed­ house. One block from campus. Just ments available in a well-maintained tial camp located in south central Indi­ rooms through eight bedrooms. See renovated, new for XU students in 2005 ! building on Dana.Avenue by South ana. ·Operated by the Catholic Youth our display ad for more details! Huge, New carpet, appliances, bathrooms. lot. Laundry,A/C, screened porch, off­ Organization since 1946. Serving newly renovated deluxe rentals in Central air/heat. Greatest cookout porch. street parking. Call Graham atEastside campers aged ,7 to 16 of all abilities in safe, secure neighborhoods! Featur­ Off-street parking, laundry, full basement Capital at 871-5080 for a showing. various programs. Great staff commu- ing amenities such as ceiling fans, Nicest house on Dana at 990. Heat and 3964 RegentAvenue. Four- six bed- able with two-car garage and driveway. nity. Extensive training provided start­ laundry, A/C, lots of off-street park­ utilities included! $335/month/person. . room house. Newly renovated bath- Newly remodeled bathroom and . ing May 2005. For application and ing, and fully equipped kitchens with This is a steal! Recruit all your friends. rooms, balcony/front porch, free washer/ kitchen. Rent is $900 for.three people, information, contact CYO Camp new appliances. Exceptionally nice! Call Scott at 310-383-1122. dryer. Walk,tocampus. Onshuttleroute. and $1,050 for four people. 1706 Rancho Framasa toll-free at 888~988- Ask about our $100/BR leasing Apartment available immediately. Available June 2005. $300 per person ClevelandAvenue. Call Chuck or Nate· 2839 x25 or e-inail commission. It's easy money! Call Mt.Auburn. Newly renovated. Very nice.· (plus utilities). Call Mig at 984-8576. at 240-9241. [email protected] Ian at 388-9979 or 253-7368. One bedroom with unique amenities. Comeseethecompletelyrenovated Hein Wante. d Summer day camp located north of Two, three, and four bedroom Minutes from downtown, XU, and UC. WinettaApartments! Luxury one bed- ~ . Cincinnati is currently hiring camp . rooms, crown molding, dishwasher, Camp Takajo for boys. Naples, Maine. houses for rent. Less than a three $525/inonth. Also, another apartnient counselors and certified lifeguards over · walk to Oakley Square and H.P. Plaza, Picturesque lakefumt location, exceptional minute walk to campus, washer/dryer, available immediately. North Avondale. the age of 21. All necessary training off-street parking, carpet or hardwood faci.lities. Mid-June through. mid-August. off-street parking. Houses are clean Newly renovated. Nice two bedroom provided. Great hours, excellent pay, floors, new windows and appliances; Over 100 counselor p0sitions available in and very convenient to campus. Call with unique amenities. Minutes from and a fun, rewarding summer experi­ A/C, secluded Oakley location. Call tennis, baseball, basketball, lacrosse, golf, Doug at 616-3798: downtown and XU. $485/month; Off~ ence. Call Lauren at 772-5888 x2o:s·. Kyle at 240-9862. . flag roller hockey, swimming, sail- House in Hyde Park- 4+ bed~ street parking. If interesting in either footb~, Fun, exciting job with paid train- Five bedroom, three full BA house. jng, waterskiing,archeiy,ceramics,finearts, rooms, 1+ bath; central air, dish­ apartment, call Ron or Bridget at 872- ing! Earn up to $100 per hour! Must LR, DR, new appliances in_ kitchen, theater arts, camp newspaper, music, pho­ washer; 2741 Observatory Ave.; 0822. have sharp mind, memory, and math . $1600/mo +utilities. CallHeather at Houses available for suminer · and large deck, off-street parking. Walking tography, videography,radiG'electronics, na­ ··skills. Email your skills to ·533-9082. next school year rentals. Close to cam­ distance to campus. Updated through- ture study, weight tniining, woodworl? Call Don at 489-3425; on bus route. Call Bill at 731~7368. Brandon at 265~1485 .. 412-8334. . tween 2:30-4:00 prri. Mon.-Fri. easy: