.. •k ' ------••The Denvel' Catholic Registel' I

• • Let's Go > • • ( For ltl ' See Story Pages 4-5

A Definition Of Death .. .. Page3 U.S. Bishops And O'Connor Page18

The Handgun Controversy

.. Page13 In Favor of . . Disarmament I Page2

t Vatican's ...r Money Plight .·.l· ~ Page23 .. , ( . . . J ...------7·· Vatican Predicts $25.4 Million Deficit for 1981


1Cont,n1.1eo on Page 22) Priests Who Lett Ministry Seek Return VATICAN CITY (NC) - An increa.sing number of priests who left the active ministry are seeking to return, ac• ~ cording to data in the 1,300-age L'Attivita della Santa Sede lll80 (Activities of the Holy See 1980). The Vatican's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith • reported that its disciplinary offi.ce •' bas cared especially for the rebabWtation to active pastoral service of numerous sub­ jects who, after some period of defection, have brought to matwity lilDS of repentance. There have been further in- - - creases In requests for reintegration and rehabilitation by - priests wbo for various reasons bad previously obtained a - • dispensation from priestly obligations." 'lbe C0111M1ation's office for priests reported that re- quests for dispensations from priestly obligations were being proceaed qain in the final months of 1980 after new norms - - for the proceu were published. Shortly after Pope John Paul - II took office in 1971 be suspended the laicizaUon process for all but a few excepUonal cases until the matter could be restudied and new norms issued. - A report the - ◄ from Congregation for Sacraments and Di· , vine Wonblp reflected a concern over requests by widowed permanent deacons for permission to remarry. "lllltead of a dispenaatlon to remarry, ordinarily is one Photo by J■ mtt B■c■ adviNd to uk for reduction to the lay state with a dispenaa- - lion from duties," the report said. The same con1re1ation e:1pre■sed concern over "authort&ation abulively liven to deacons and- even to Jumpln' tor Lite women Rellitoua" to confer the sacrament of the anolntin1 of tbeaick. Clteryl Drlflllacll, H, Jampe Mp for life •• part Ufe Comml11loa OD abortloa ud felt llke I waatecl "TIie mJDilter of tbla sacrament Is only the priest," the of a Y.llour "tramp-a-tlloa" to ral1e haadl for ac­ to belp out . .. " Terry aald. "l've DOWD prl1 at report said. Uvttln of die Deaver udldloeelu Pro Ufe Com• my scllool wllo bave llad abortloa1. We wutecl &o do The report by the Con1re1ation for the Cler1y ml11loa. Aroaad Ille trampollae are cloekwtae from our part to belp Pro IJfe." Terry atteadl Tllomaa empblliad its coacern over a redistribution of the world's die froat, Terry Vallot, 11, 111 miaicm territories and priest-poor Latin America the u,e ... of lay eollaboraton "seema to be the fruit of a search for a pdlered •P pleqn ud Jumped for period• of U to Gibson, tbe director of tbe comml11loD aaid abe la " dellpted tbat tbeae youa1 people are latere1tecl • - f• better ffUlleliuUon of the people of God." 31 mla■tet aroucl die clock •tartlas at ·DOOD, July • Bat, It added. " in European countries such a 10lution IJ 13. TIie Jampen railed MIi. "I wu really 1lad my aad wllllal to put tbelr enerpea toward Pro­ ·' -1 rather naested by a tendency that IJ not completely frieada wuted to do It," Terry said. "We Just Ufe ... I tblDk tbat'a • very creative way &o raise :lear ... a tendency to preHDt to YOWII people a real alter- wu&ed &o lllelp oat. I read a pam,.iet from tbe Pro moaey.'' . .· , ...... Photoaby J•m••B•ca and Go Paul Horan For It! "Rock cllmbln1- helps us iraa1eead our 1reate1t Umltatioa... fear. " Wilderness Experience -~­ For Body and Spirit By Julie Asher Regl■ter Staff The young climber, ouUitted with safety helmet, boots .. • · and ropes readied herseU for the climb up the rock, not the really ruiged slope an ~x~rt c~lmber might tackle but challenge enough for a beg1nn1ng chmber. . Slowly. picking out handholds and foo~olds m the craggy face of the rock. she made the ascent. Fmally, as she • ., was reaching and stretching for the top, with the suppart of the COLS instructors and other students, she made it. The • · climber had faced the challenge and won. Key L•••on " racing a challenge" and striving for a goal .is the key lesson of COLS, the Christian Outdoor Leadership School, .-" ., now 1n 1t.s seventh year. Rock climbing is just one part of a C'OLS session that teaches students that if they can surmount ~ _ t-M1r fears lhey can tackle anythinc. ' A ··team" from the Register - this reporter, photugrapher James Baca and intern Paul Horan - went up tu the COL.S camps to see why a youth would take on this w1ld4-meu u~rlence 'MW' pny lcal ''challenges" are run, but are a part of the program for a dttper reason, According to COLS director .. , _ Lloo Cook. they give the students "something to reach out and we hold of .. ... " ll ~Ip you ruhze your own potential for overcoming h••r w ·re u.llung about seeing the frontier disappear. but "We're away lrom oar famUJes, bat tll11 11 a family DOW." to ovt'rc-ome fear 11 • fr~'-Coolt explained. " We want to c~aie po 1b,llty people, people who realize their own poten- 1111 we have a mini.mum amount o( worldly attachments. Wt re out expencnclng creation, experiencing your own ,... " • nN'd for Interdependence," Interdependence COLS doesn' t stress Independence so much as "interdependence." Cook uld, adding that the youthl "need each other · · .. "Some say COLS 'changed my life' ...that 's a big thing to 1 say We don't promise it. but l always see a big difference -j between the group when 1 flrst talk to them and see them up ,.:.. here. and then see them get back home," he added. "The rock climbing ls not to make rock cllmbers," said COLS program director John Stanek, ''but to belp us trans- cend. or 10 past. the greatest limitation to ounelves, which is fear. Some of the students say they can't cllmb, but maybe they never tried it. You can say that about your whole life, - that you can't do this or can't do that, but if you transcend fear, you can do anything." . Wllderneq COLS is sponsored by Catholic Youth Services of the Denver archdiocese and continues through Aug. 23. The three-week sessions Involve students, ages 16 to early 209 .. from Colorado and across the country in a wilderness ez. perience in the mountains. a physical, mental and spiritual challenge. Each session Includes about 20 students 1100 four Instruc- tors. camp I, the base camp for the first week, is at Camp Hale nea~ Leadville. The emphasis is on improving physical condiUonang with rock climbing, rappellng, runninJ, bikiq and a rope course. For week two COLS participants bike to a ' .. hilber elevation and set up Camp D where the empbuls ta on survival skills for week two. For the third week Camp DI is located at Hali Moon campground near the base of Holy Croa Mountain. Studenta then go on two-and three-day upedjUons. Contwence Each day time la reserved for a conference on an)'tlllq from spirituality to wildemeu survival. Students alao have Here COLS 1hldeat1 prepare dlelr tint meal after ti 111■-r fall. lime for reflection - Utne to look lnaide tbemaelves . \ConM\i9CI on Page 21) The~ Catholic...... ,, Wed., JIIIJ U, 1N1 - ......

:e _.. .. _

,ts ,.·-. Ile ut ile 2e • ., l>f 1e ey >l, , a ,. • .. nt , . ,r , lip 1is ie l>r lit .. . - . 11me for prayer 11 always reserved before meals because 1plrltual growth 11 an lmpo~t part of CO~. "We're defbdtely united ln Cbrl1t out here." 1g .. llt to 11· s. 'D .. ,. .

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J. ~ Student, and ln1tructor1 ride out together to begin a day of rock climbing. . ·- 1• " Everyday we're srowlDI closer to each other, tru1tJ.a1 eacll otller.'' r--v- -- - .... .,...... µ,_,,._ .....-- ..... - · ·· • - ·- -- •• • • Liturgies tor Children The homily should be geared to children and allow for ALBANY, N.Y. (NC ) - Children's liturgies should be their responses to it. Rather than e~plaining. the r~adings, ~dapted to children's short attention spans, to their need for the homilists might tell a story with a point, said Mn. (?!); involvement and to simple understanding of what they see Bruno. The homiUst also might engage the children in a Ramblings a~d hear , according to Father Richard Fragomeni. coor­ question-and-answer session to keep their interest. dinator of the Albany diocesan Liturgy Office. Mass readings which are not suitable for children may . Fat~er Fragomeni and Elin Bruno, who helps to lead be changed to more appropriate Scripture readings, Mrs. • children s litu~11ies at ~t. Joseph's Parish in Albany. Bruno stated. By James Fiedler presented the diocesan Office of Religious Education (ORE> She noted that at regular parish Masses children may be Vacation• pr~ra~ . " ~ hildren's Lltur1les - Planning, Creating and separated from adults for the Liturgy of the Word so that it Doang. dunng a recent teacher-training courses of the ORE can be explained to them. They would be brought back after By the time you read this I 'll be on vacation - for a week at Maria College in Albany. only this time . But even lhough It 's only for a week, I think a the Offertory. Mrs. Bruno said the Church encourages variations of the Mrs. Bruno stressed that music is an important part of vacation ls import.ant. M_ass fo.r chl.ldren to _enable children to use as many senses There's a great advantage for a person. I've always felt, ch.ildren's liturgies. Their music should include songs with as poss_able an experiencing the liturgy. Scripture may be simple words, simple ideas, repetition and a tune which to get away from a regular roullne and meet different peo­ dramatized so that children can see as well as hear the J>le, see different places, talk about dJJrerent things . Gospel, Mrs. Bruno said. The celebrant may decide to have children can move to. She said that children should be able to Too often we become so Involved In our particular jobs the Gospel acted out by children or adults or communicated accompany music at Mass with rhythm instruments, that we forget there are other things In this world other throu11h use of puppets or mime . gestures or clapping. ideas, other attitudes, other approaches to life, dlffer~nt and perhaps even more inte resting lifestyles. ·- There Is a great tempt.at.ion to make our jobs - whatever they are - Into little empires. Now got us By getting away, we can at you've least begin to understand that there are so many other em­ pires that ours seem to fade away Into insignificance. And for married couples a camin' vacation - by providing new circumstances, new situations. new sights, different e x­ • • t . periences - can offer deeper, If not newer, Insights into each and gain': other. Through those insights a husband, for example, can see even greater beauty In h.ls wife. not simply physical beauty. but the myriad beauty of a person. • E/a,er way, National City Bank is That e xperience can help a couple's love grow and r" strengthen, as together they share new and exciting ex­ right on your way . .. offer/no fast periences. or even famlUar experiences that confirm their love. drlve-a,ru, lobby and 24-hour And there Isn't even a need to travel a great distance. Our family will be travelln1 ln Colorado, takin1 time to ex­ automatic bank/no at our plore a part of this beautiful state . Tit• 8oerama Trfpleta IIEW COIWEIIIEIICE CEIITER, We've heard that a nwnber of people have responded to .,..• ..,.UIICIIIII _, . . the 1ituallon of DEBBIE and GORDON BOERSMA, the A.'a•••• younc parenta of triplet■ Joabua David, Rachel Lynn and as well as at our Main Bank. Crystall Ann, bom In June... Tbe famlly needa help, and because flOme people have already started responding to the southbound Broadway at Bayaud. story in the Register (July 15. Pa1e 3) a trust fund has been set up: The Gordon Boersma Family F und. First National Bank, P.O Box 29. Loveland, CO 80637 ... Help can be sent ~here. Our new CoaveAleece Ce.aler la open al t.1 1 Debbie expreued her tbanu to thoH wbo have already iadudba1 S.lurdaya from t a.a . lo I p.a: contacted her about clothlq, food and funds. Ready to tervo you quickly. pleHant.l>•· 11nd What II••• •? speed you oo your w a Received a phone call the ol.Mr day from MRS lt'11 another time-.aver 10 IRENE KRAUSE of OUR. LADY OF FATIMA mah bank:in, at Notional PARISH... She called to aay that she was wriUn1 Colorado City even eesie r fo r ell the representatives In eon«resa tellln, them why she 11 opposed cualomers who have . to abortlon .. ,The thoulht of kllllna ao many babiet tb.rc,ugb helped us srow as one . abortion upset her so much that It bad sl)Ulffd her to write of Colorado's strongest about her thoueht.s... independent banka. What If such pertON as Thomu Edison or Dr Jonas SAik, for example, had been aborted? Mn. Krause aaked · And after dlscuulnc the luue a bit further I told Mn • 5 allellend drtve-tbna laDN are reached Krause that two of my four chlldrfll are adopted And from northbound Linc oln or eastbound sometimes my wife and I had reflected on what lf ... .:hai 1£ Alameda. Open Mondays throush Fridays ... they had been aborted... Wbat JoY, what excitement what lf Y.ou·i:e not already banking at National City, 7 6 Saturdays 9 a .m. 10 t p.m. beauty we would have missed. ' a.m. to p.m. plus s wmg an and test-m'C)Q ALAMEDA AflON • t.AlMB{ll FE0£1?AI. RtSEl?VE S'l'Sf[M The Denvw Celhollc ,...... ,., Wed., July 22, 1111 - ,.... 7

for gs, .rs. ~, l a aay :rs. - be t it ter ,. "' . of 'ith ich ito its, ·- -


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f' .. 4:00-8:00 P.M.


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• , __ _,, .. .,...... "" ... -··----·•--....., ..... ·-· John Paul II 'Improving World Noticeably' INA VATICAN CITY (NC ) IENCE News Pope John Paul II Is •'improving noticeably" Hispanic Seminarian• from his vira l infection, the The SIM U.S. HISPANIC STlJDENn enrolled m tne Vatican daily newspaper, JOIN nalion'1 seminaries cOMtltute 6.8 percent of the total L'Osse rvatore Romano, number of Hmlnarlana, accordln1 to FATHER reported July 15. FATHER LEO HORRIIAN ALFONSSO GALLEGOS, Hlapanlc divtaioa director of The Pope Is in 's the CaWornla Catholic Conference. Gemelli Polyclinic. where For This From the 1981 Center for Applied Research In the he has been recuperating Unforgettable Apostolate Seminary Directory and a 1urvey he con­ from the virus attack since Venture Through ducted amonc 70 seminaries that did not list Hispanic June 20. enrollment in the directory, Fatht., Gallegoe reported In a brier note on its front 5,000 Years enroUment distribution by level of studies. page concerning the Pope's of History There are 421 Hispanic students In high school health. the Vatican paper semina r ies, 9.4 percent of the U.S. total. This number said, " This morning. too, the DEPAmJRE DATE represents a 3.11 percent Increase over last year's atmosphere was serene at reported enrollment. the Gem e lll Polyc linic. SEPT. 2ND At the colle,e level there are 208 studenta. U per­ There continues the op­ ,..,llilulll ...... CWcll cent of the U.S. total. In theology, 225 Hispanics form 5.3 timism of the doctors who . percent of the students, an increase of 24 over last year. are closely following the course of the boly father's KWEILIN * SHANGHAI * HANGCHOW Hope tor Northern viral Illness. His general The proposals worked out by the IRISH COMMIS­ condit ion is improving PEKING * SIAN * SOOCHOW * CANTON SION FOR JtJfflCE AND PEACE are the ''one gleam noticeably from day lo day, or hope" tha t stlll remains to end the hunger strike of staying with.in the boun­ Featuring The LI RIVER CRUISE and Northern Irish prisoners. said CARDINAL TOMAS daries o f the c linical ARCHAEOLOGICAL SIGHT OF SIAN ... 0'1-' IAICH of Armagh in Northern Ireland. framework proper to the The recent deaths of two hunger strikers could have cytomegalovirus infection." 1 been avoided if the British government had responded to The Pope's doctors have SPECIAU YPRICED AT 2,997 the efforts of the commlsion. said the cardinal in a sa id t h at the ~=er statement July 13. The statement was made after the cytomegalovirus Infection ----YOU'RE /NV/TED---­ deaths of hunger strikers Joseph McDonnell July II and was probably due lo blood Marlin Hunson July 13. t ransfus ions he received AUDIO-VISUAL PRESENTATION ON CHINA during emergency surgery THURSDAY. JULY 30TH 7:30 PM False Charge• May 13 to repair wounds t.he BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH The HONDURAN GOV~RNMENT he ld five Pope suffered from the gun ... Catholic seminarians for four days on " absolutely of a would-be assassin . 4930 Mont111ew Blvd. (Campbell Hall) fal!le" charges, a Jesuit spokesman In Rome said July When cytome1alovlru1 For Brocnvre and lntormat,on Contact: 14. is Induced by blood tranatu­ The five were taken into custody by Honduran police slon, 11s acute stage usually ,July 10 at the airport In Tegucigalpa, Honduras, and begins severa l weeks after TRAVll VOOIIIS 1140 Gran released on the evening or July 13. according to the transfusion and then 1-'ATHER JEAN-CLAUDE DIETSCH, press officer at lasts about three to silc the Jesuits' Rome headqua rters. wc-eks Th<' J esuit ofrlcial said lhe gov\"rnment c la imed that During the courw of the 111• lhe seminarians were <'ar rylng arms In suitcases. Four ness periodk bouta of fever of the five a re J esuit seminarians. The firth is stUdylng a re normal and the mt'd1ral -,t: for a diocese In Guatemala. bulletins have reported that the Pope has suffered such Released From Hospital spells. . ~PEUR ANN ODRE, one of the two women Injured in Rome during the attempted IIS3HSinatlon of Pope J ohn Paul II CELEBRATES tlS 1-YEAR ANtlVERSARY M:iy 13. was released from BuHalo General Hospital Westminster July 13. WITH THE GREATEST She suffe red abdomina l wounds and a bullet creased Youth Earns a lung. Her spleen was also removed In a n operation PRE-SEASON FALL I WINTER SALE aftt"r the shooting. Eagle Scout Mrs. Odre, SI. told ~rs July 1S that she hal no Steve Mullins, 16, son of AND YOUR ALL INVITED! Ill feelinc• toward the man who alle1edly shot bier. 1 Mebmet All A1ca. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Mullins of NVITED TO SAvr= The ltallan government ha• requested Mrs. Odre to 2825 W. 90th Ave .. recenUy tesUfy al Agca·• trial, but accon11nc to her daupter, earned ScouUn,'a biJbest . ANEXTRAI~ Joanne KenJarski, shf will not 110 back to Rome because honor by advanclnc to the Offl'ITlrSLOWNfCI · rank of Eagle. her docton say sht' Is medically unable to travel. Mullins, wbo bas earned %l . . • FOR ONE WEEK ONLY C~n•clentlou• ObJectlon merit badges, is a member of Troop 414. a Westminster The SOUTH AFRICAN government should allow __ ,._.,. - . troop sponsored by, St. -=a: . con~c,entlous objection to military service. according to Ma.rk's Catholic CbW'Ch. The ta statement signed by nine Christian churchmen there. family are members of St . IIOULA• The churc-hmen. re presenting t he Cat hollc, Mark's Church. 3 lll'AIL Anglican. Presbyterian, Congregational and Methodl.st He is an 11th grade student ,·hurl'hes, asked the government " to reRUlarize the posl• ON ALL FALL AND WINTER MERCHANDISE at Ranum Hi1b School and lion consclenllous objectors throu1h the provision of 8 or he also in a member of the It's pre.season extra11aoanza ON ALL: Jeans Tops French Im • • • altl•rnatlve non-military forms of national ser9ke" and to e1erclse " the humanity that lhould be characteristic Order of the Arrow and Is a =s:~"!~·s'!:a~e~:~~~Csud1ts. DowDennJ~kets. Ski ~-~s~~· Senior Patrol Leader for or uroys, lffl Sets. Layettes... of :i Christian society" toward conscientious objection. Troop 414. Steve has also AND MUCH, MUCH MORE- NOTHING HELD BACK Currently South Africa does not leplly recopize con­ been very acUve In bueball lleienllous objection. for the pail six years. BUT YOU'D BEn'ER HURRY-SALE ENDS IN ONE WEEK! One or the signers wu Archbilbop Denis Hurley of l)utban, president of the Southern Africa Catholic Hil Eagle ,ervlce project ITIIICIL IIEIICIWalt WLL • MMla OMy I Bishops ' Conh.'ren<-e. consisted or completely plannln1. developln1 and OflatDAILY 10-6 e ONN'INIMIOAYNITII Eucharlat In Life carrylq oul all Ull1tance In a ll areas lo tbe Mother POPE JOHN PAUL U ln bi.a Suoday ~lus mes­ Cabrini Shrine durtnc their sage July 13 ur1ed Catbolk!s throu,hout the. world to 100th year celebraUon. Join In cel ebratln• the INTER NATION AL He is the third member of EUCHARlfflC CONGRESS (July 16-23) by renecu111 his family to become an on the meaning oC the Eut-barlat an their lives. Eagle Scout , followlnc in the .. The Pope l)rtrt\.'Orded tbe m~ in his hospital footateps of bis two older iiultc In the Gemclll Polyclinic. brothers, Dennis and em .

• .. • • • <'! - . . ~ . . . . ~- ~ . . . . . •.. • • .. .

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, ...... 10- n.~C..._.,,...... _, ••• ,N/tf D.1N1

Rallying .) Against ' U.S. Aid Help fill

Over •e memben of &be ecumeaical Area Ju1llce and Peace commll­ lee 1a&her al Unlled Na­ ASHIP FOB lloa1 Square in downtown Denver lo oppose &be Reagan Adminl1trallon'1 role In Central America. The grou p was also celebrating lhe second an­ niversary of the overthrow of the Somoza dlclatonblp in Nicaragua . "The Deaver Area J ustice and Peace - -· Commluee la outraged that &b e Reagan Ad· - ministration is setting the ... stage for a regional war in The Situation . Central America." stated ' spokesperson Sister Fran .... ,. Frain at the rally. in Poland " The people of the do not want --. to finance a war against the people of Central America. H we In the Is very severe, especially with regard to ailed States were H poor food shortages, In large part due lo two as the majority of people la bad harVests Several strikes have been Central Am erica, "''e, too, organized as a protest against hunger would be :11 1rullalina for and, after the strikes. tnere Is more hunger. The period - , .. Justice, basic human rlp11 horn April uot~ the new harvest Is cnt,cal. Indeed it has and freedom from repres­ been

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. ·' nationa..L.... ~nd local average cost The Church has been with you and your family for many years. We have cared about you for a long . --,- _. ., time. Let us continue to show you our care and respect


- . ,,,,, ...,..

Floral shop available for West 44-th your convenience and Youngfield 425-9511 Two chapels r.. One. The Memories Man's View Never End That afternoon several of us went to visit migrant By Father Leonard Urban nature, she asked me to ta.ke some money for the poor. workers in the fields. We caught one family at lunch and t.:ven when IICe seems to be paHl"I slowly, it 's She specifically mentioned that I might use it for passed a little time together. After small talk and someone without shoes. I might have replied that it's quicker than most of us would like. And the older the pleasantries, I said " we'll leave because you hav~ to faster. What seems yesterday Is really a month ago. hard to conceive that anyone in our area would be that eat." Pedro. the father of the family. respand~: Ya And what we think was one year ago could easily be ten. poor. esta mos comiendo. · · "Our conversation 1s food There's no remedy and the best you can do Is con­ The next morni"I I waa c1ot111 some weed.lni around enough.·· As usual, we left with a sense of having gotten cent.rate on the richness of reality before It passes Into the roses, when a young boy walked by, looked al me so much more than we had given. It was as though we the vapors of memory, Some things deserve remarking hesitantly and then passed on. had touched something so profound, we could never a.nd shouldn't be so quickly put aside to make room for After a time, he stopped and looked at me again. foritet it. what la coming. Stopping for a closer look helps us ap­ " You want a job" I inquired. "Yes," he replied and ex­ Experiences like those are like pa.Y-days, they co~e preciate life's offerings, leaving us with sharpened In­ plained that he needed a new pair of shoes. I looked only periodically and are more than Just compensation toes - terest and a zest for more. down and saw four coming out of his right sneaker. for whatever work we do. They shouldn't be forgotten Early In the week I vialted a lady for accuatomed It all stirred some uneasy thoughts in me and left me a and supply ample thought at sometime sleepless nights. talk and Communion. In keepl"I with her generou1 little mystified. It would be enough if they came only once in awhile. But for most of us they come often. Sadly, sometimes we let them pass by without relishing their flavor and taste. During the week we took food to a number of families in the area around our parishes. It is incredible how gracious people are about receiving what is neces­ sary for their life and hea lth. Obviously. we should have been thanking them, grateful because they let us be a part of their difficult lives. being able to share what we have in such abun­ dance. How could we overlook their response and not remember it as their better gift lo us . Saturday momi"I I visited a 33-year -old man who is struggling "'ith a virulent strain of cancer. By medical prognosis he is limited and faces the prospect of immi­ nent death Ht> said be wa,,n·t afraid of dying, but only ,lfr~1d of the pain which might come. QXM,l'h\-N',l'h\~K! ~ .. For now he walks, visit.s with friends and wants to h\'(' fully. leavtng whatever he can for the rest of us whOM' lives are healthy and without that kind of anxious r-u~ lie 1.s not uklng for anything o.f others and more ~ \ l!M-.:.,~~-, ('O(ICerned tor what he can give. He played a tune for me on hi~ hom,made ba.nJo WAAT I k~ hop1n11 the strains are vibrating somewhere betw~n Lhe layers or spaC1! and time. I hope they will n'-'ver lllop even after his fl"1ers are still. I can't forget our p('a~ ful vt.sH ~ that Ume arrives, l'U die better .... b«au.w of him The1'! we~ other «.~riences: weddings, an an­ runrsary ot marriage. c~yersations whJch last and ,-uu C't'ho and rina in my 6ead. And the gift? Another wfflt II c-om1n1t And the memories never end.

The Making Confessions ,., Question Box Meaningful

By Mair. RaymoDd Bosler n>gular eonft'Sllons or devotion, with lhear sp«ial Eucharist wiU be distributed. Q. How often do•• on• h•v• to oo to confession sacramental aids. are the best poeslble means of over­ So - if the priest is faster than usual or the homily during the year, and doe• one h•ve to go to cortles­ t'Omlng faults and remainina faithful to spiritual rom­ shoM-er, have no qualms about receiving even though a alon to receive Communion every Sunday? Som• m1tments. full hour has not elapsed. prleata tell ua the confession• heve not changed, that Other priests are suggesting Uutt Mass and Commu­ Your friend should have received. on• must go the um• a• always; oth•ra tell us th•r• Is nion are lhe ordinary sacramental means for overcom­ Msgr, Boaler welcomes questions lrom readers. no nHd to go uni••• you committed a serious a/n, ing sin and advancing spiritually. Thoae ol general Interest will be answer•d here. Write A. The only slna we Med to submit to the church for I am not 1ot111 to arpe pro or con on lhi• issue at to him at: 500 N. Al•bama, Indianapolis, Ind. 46204. for1lvenes1 are thole we are absolutely certain, without U\l sllme. Copyright 1"81 UnlverNI P,... Syndicate. any doubt whataoever, are IO serious that we know they There Is a cr1111 ln the church today over the have cauJed III to turn freely and consdoualy and rorctvenna of sln, Thia wu recopi_zed when the new deliberately from God and put your own wants before Rite of R«onclllation waa cruted ln an effort to make hJs will, the sacrament more meanin,ful. If one were never aware of beln, in lll<'h • lltuatlon, Where the rite la carried out fully. with Scripture one mlaht go a llfetlme wll.hout befn, obllpd to use the readi111. joint prayer between confeaor and penitent Notes and Quotes Ncrament of reconciliation. and aertoua dltcuulon of the penitent·• aplrltual We There la nothi111 nN about tut. ratber than a ratW111 off of a ",rocmy list" of atna and What la new la the srowtac convicUon that monal • quick ablohatlon. the aacrament cu become a . At preaen1, we ~ heroes of a particular kind ... ln lln lt man rare than fflOlt of ua old-tlmen were bfouCbt meanilllflll esperieace of God's lovinl fcqlveneu and a t_ime when the s~r size of the units into which human up to beUeve. the source of arace needect for spiritual ,rowtll. ben~s are organized oppresses and even kills when Wbat It also new la a dwlp In tbe attltllde toward I do not thlM aufflcleat effort bu been made In loneliness Is probably the greatest emotional p~ble confeulona of devotion. By th1t I men the pracUce of most pllCff to pw the new rite• fair trial. when people lose bope because nothing they can :; Ulilll the NCrameftt recularly - weekly, uy, or Q. ~ ..,."' the ,... ol faet before ~v. seems to be able to stem the slow. crushing progress of vast 1ovemmental and corporation ..... ch. th . monthly or teYMal Umea a year - as a meana of over• Ing Communion. A ,,,.,,d did not r.cel~ one ltOly ci.y li h , . .._ mes. ere 18 com1Q1 orw'1 fault.a and advancln, spiritually. Priest.a. beoeUM en "°4Jr had nor~ between hJ8 Nlmfl =ny , toug and obvious lllltitutlon which can resist reU,lous and faithful are aot Ulinl t.be sacrament u •",,,,_, end COmmunlon. The pr#Nt did not ttomlNn monsters and !'eCreate human-sized units . I Ul1t way 00<:aUJe, whatever Its faults. it is a basic biol : salmfp Y oil• u lMY once did. hlauawJIO""'""-. wta1ch can be broken onl og1ca act Hff'e you ~W not.lee a dlf(er-ce U110111 print.a liV· A. Tbe EadlarilUc ftut ll foe one hour lo be com- . for very aoac ... - and never In, advice. Some uy there lbould ~ ".'O i=twa,e, tut puled rrom tM lJIP'Odlllale Ume u 1a ~ tbat u. .,,._Jt~~~= · Readel's More on Handguns; Fonnn Power of Press Father Ed Vollmer - brought forth dozens of con­ 'Garbled Logic' gratulatory phone calls, cards and notes from clas• Editor: smates and £riends of the long-ago, from former The article by Dolores Curran, "The Right Not lo campers and students of the Abbey. Bear Arms," (June 24 ) is the usual run of garbled logic Some enclosed "snapshots" taken in the 30s, when and comparison (apples and oranges) which emanate the Fathers were slender. from the national gun grabber organizations. She failed lt was a pleasant surprise for " Red and Eddie" to to identify any firearm owner who demands that anyone learn that many of their former little nippers are now must own a gun. But the gun grabber wants to impose residents of the area who read the Denver Catholic his will upon law-abiding citizens. His credo: "I don't Register. like it; I don' t want It; therefore you can't have it." To have the opportunity to chat with so many at the - The shootings of Halberstam, Lennon, Reagan and reception In Boulder was truly enjoyable for them. the Pope provide the most incontrovertible evidence that '.fhe beautiful people of Sacred Heart of Mary gun laws don't work. Each was committed in a place Parts~. the warmth of their friendliness, the liturgy ap­ where the toughest gun laws on the books exist. Two propriate to the occasion, the joyful sound of music by were by persons who acquired their firearms legally choirs and congregation. the afternoon gathering - all (but subsequently violated several laws), and two were this and more produced a glorious day, their anniver­ by criminals who acquired their firearms despite the sary. IUD control laws. The important and glaring thing is OCR, bless you. that the gun laws didn't work. Mary France, VoUmer Carried to its ultimate conclusion, Curran's argu­ (Fa&ber Ed'11l1&er) ment simply is that all firearms should be confiscated. Colorado Spr1D11 But they will never be confiscated from others than law­ abiding citizens... The only guns which will be confiscated will be from Encourage • law-abiding citizens. Criminals live by violating laws Editor: and their guns will never be confiscated. But the gun Thanks for the articles on Bolivia, Nicaragua and grabbers say they are only talking about cheap, easily­ the Splunge program in your June 24 issue. I encourage concealed weapons - and then identify handguns you t-0 print any reliable resource on the Salvadoran costing $400 and $500! They ignore the fact that the dif­ situation. I feel that there 's a concerted effort to block ference between a long IUD and a handlUD is a hacksaw out info in the loc/\l and national press. blade and fifteen minutes . Pa& McCormick The paranoia comment of Marilyn Jurgens (July 8 ) Denver that we TRY registering handguns and see if it works wins the booby prize. New York has had such a law for nearly 70 years and it is a dismal and total failure. How many more years shall we try? ... Thoughtfulness Wouldn't it be great if all the anti-gunners turned Editor: their efforts into anti-criminal efforts and really attack Page 23 of the July l issue of the Register pictures the source of crime? I've owned a variety of long guns to so well express her views and ours, as well as so an e lderly woman attempting to board a bus. I assume and hand guns for more than 50 years. And you know many of our neighbors, friends and acquaintances. the cane picture belonged to her. "hat? Not one of them has ever fired of its own volition We need more writers like Dolores Curran who have Just a little thoughtfulness for senior citizens would for either a criminal or non-criminal purpose. The gun the courage of their convictions and are capable of mak­ help a great deal. Why isn't a step provided t-0 aid the fires when some human pulls the trigger. So let's go ing social comments on controversial issues. She is on elderly either by the bus company or the sponsor of the after the c riminal who commits the crime... our prayer list to be able to continue her writing that trip? D.L. Frodlae enriches our lives. In this technological age when we can put a ma n on Deaver Anh•r ud Tlleresa Koplcky the moon, it shouldn't seem impossible to get a retrac­ . Ultletoa table step on all buses or at least a make-shirt step to cut Applause that high step in half, This is frotn an observant senior citizen who at this . l. Editor: Power of Pre11 time in life can still navigate the high step. Hopefully by . - We applaud Dolores Curran's article "The Right Editor: the time I can no longer do this, this step will have been Not to Bear Arms" in the June 24 issue of the Denver Oh, the power of the Catholic press. That attention­ corrected. Calbolic Register. grabbing headline of your news story on the two SO.year EllDlce Brown She is indeed blessed with a great talent to be able veteran Benedictines - Father Jerome Healy and Colorado Sprtq1 Talks With The Family As Parents Moral Minority

By Dolores Curraa ages our children are receiving. I opt for more cen• good morals and railh at home. if your children a re " Dear Dolores Curran: I am writing in regard to sorship there - but it is going to be my censorship, not learning values from you, you don't have to be a IOffle things I have read recently on humanism. The In• theirs. I am not going to be made to feel that l have to watchdog over every book, class, teacher. film. ac­ formation fired me up and I became concerned a bout agree with all their positions on war, censorship, faml• tivity, or idea which your children experience. what my children are being exposed to in their school. In ly, and women just because they call themselves the Like you, they will learn to weigh and choo11e their • nearby area parents are flghtin1 values clarification Moral Majority. values . The best way for them to learn to do this 1s by and the showing of • film, "The Lottery." These people 1 believe many of us are moral and I believe we are exposing them lo a variety of ideas and values while are being labeled as the Moral Majority but I shart' their in the majority, but I don't believe In the Moral Ma­ they are living with you, so that they can come home viewpoint and 1 don't think it's because I am a fanatic. jority. Why not" Because they operate out of fear and and dlscUBS them with you. ADI I overreacting to what I read or do you think there despair. We look for the Sood In people, not the evil that Far more dangerous, is controlling everything they lbou.ld be real concern?'' the MM pronounces upon those who diaagree with their do, read, and study for 18 years and then letting them Dear Judy: Thank you for your CQCent letter. I think stands polilic.aUy, educaUonally, socially or religlously. out Into an uncontrolled society without any experience many share your dilemma. How serious is the value­ I taught "The Lottery" u literature years ago when an chooslng and discarding values . The MM would have laden curricula our children are being tau,bt? I was teaching sophomores. It teaches a lot of gOOd us do that. They would censor everything with which All I can do is live my personal prespective. I feel moral lessons, especially the a,e-old temptation of peo­ they disagree, even down to some very good literature. Ille Moral Majority people are dangerous. They grasp on ples to find a scape goal for their problems and short­ Good luck. Don't worry and don't think you are • nonnal fear and blow it out of proportion, The.y are coming,. ls that an unacceptable value? If so, then what overreacting. We a ll think that a t times. It's better tha n often contradictory. l.e .. they decry values clairiflcallon we are all about as Chrilltians needs some reexamina­ apathy. in one breath and uk for lesa athei1tic, more moral tion. Keep reading. education 1ft the nest. I don't mean to sermoni.le, but I get an,ry when a Peace" prayers, Dolores Curran I. too. share f4NII' f~ ~ ~of lbete lear■ , es~· , irou'R ~, tile· MM deslto)'I paren&al confidence and { 1981 Alt Publlahlnp Corp. Doloret1 Curra,;, Is• syn­ pecially the influence of televwon and some of the im• faith. u- your 1ood parenW seue. 1f you're modeling dicated column/at lrom Denver) Announcing the The Madonna Mausoleum will fcarurc: Madonna Mausoleum at A Madonna Chapel with strikingly Mount Oli"Ytt C-emctcry beautiful stained-glass windpws. Herc In looking to the future, when it is time private Masses may be celebrated at a to make a decision on &mily interment lovely marble altar. - inevitable for all of us- the ultimate in A Family Room where: the bereaved may burial facilities will be available soon at sit in privacy. Mount Olivet Cemetery. Patioa and Walkways affording privacy Herc, a.t the base of the majestic Rocky for the visito r. Mountains, will be erected Madonna A beautiful Watcrf.all Fountain which Mausoleum, a beautiful two-story struc1Urc with facilities for above-ground interment flo" mto a spacious lake. for 4,soo persons. C,0nstruct1o n on the brid mausoleum wall Ix on the site of the ccmcttry'1 old admmun... 11 ilf I

- ' . Tlte 0.-Catltollc ...... Wed., Jue, n, 1N1 - , ... 11

- .-l .._ .

., ... Chaplain of Mo unt Olivet is the Rev. Harley Schmitt, pastor of [?cover's Our Lady of Fatima Parish. The cemetery -entrance is at 1280 2 West +4-th Avenue at l-70 and Youngficld Street. For information on space availability a& dw 14...,.,. \famoleum, contact the ·--• Olhd Cemetery Association \Yeat +4th. Aftllue and Youngfield Street WheatR.idge ✓--- - ..- _ ,,, (i03)434-nls --"- , [ l ,, ,I \~ ·t• '• ,' f . ' ~ · '/,·- , , --:;- ..,_.-..,,, ' . ' ~i 'il{,:~t N, , ., • ,. , ,l~ '.;i r{: 'l.fi_. / f '/1 I "I .·: <, I ' ,.,

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... El Salvador White House Was Contacted Over O'Connor Nomination .. Controversy I h' lumn Archbishop Roach said. The WASHINGTON (NC ) - The National Conference of _n :\ co ssu~ed us and the nation that he has SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador Realdentlel Just as always you' ll find friendly. caring professionals to assist you. iP: tt end Commercial You'll find no change in our philosophy of remaining a community-oriented ii Cleaning bank. We're part of Arvada - and always will be.

Those are just some of the reasons we· re the leading financial institution in the area. And. with your patronage - that won't change. For Churches. Check us out - and you may want to change to Arvada State Bank. homes. Arvada State Bank. 9505 Ralston Road, Arvada 80002, Telephone 421-3733. apartments. condos. offices ARVADA Call today for a free STATE estimate BANK --4 Member FDIC Getting a Taste of the WOrk .. Involved In Youth Services A newly established intern relates to ounelvea we can't labor force.. .they can help of the few summer program in Catholic Youth own lt ... I want to be parishes that don't have programs for non• Services of the Denver available to answer youth ministry.•· professionals In youth archdiocese will give people questl,ons or if I can't answer ministry, he added. interested in youth ministry them, find a resource for Roland wants to see a taste of the work involved them." Hape• tor Gr•~t interns get Involved ln the on the parish and diocesan John's summer as an seven components of youth levels as well as providing intern with CYS has given The idea. Roland said, ministry - advocacy, CYS with extra staff people him an Idea, he said, of the came about because of -J creating community, justice for the summer. according various areas open to youth several unsolicited letters to a nd s ervice, healing, to Roland Allen, director of ministers. CYS, asking if the office had worship, enablement and the parish services. "An intern can learn from openings for the summer. Word. Roland hopes to get a grant f John O'Connor, 19, who Is the diocesan level, the Roland added that he from Duluth where he will parish level and the to help fund an Intern hopes to have applicants be a junior at the College of theoretical level." Roland program, and if it ls from around the country and St. Scholastica, has been added. " It gives them successful. Denver's CVS from the local area u well. working as CYS' first intern. experience and gives us a intern program will be one He i s working on a bachelor's degree in youth ministry and will be in Denver until mid-August. " I feel real honored to be Now, our cards deposit you the first intern.. .it's been a good opportunity to see how closer to home... the office and services function," John said. " Now I at Automatic Teller Machines in your neighborhood. You will know the kinds of not only can withdraw cash at any Plus Center, you resources to look for in St. can make your Women's Bank deposit at cooperating Paul (Minn.) .. .it's been a Plus Centers from Downtown to the Tech Center. valuable experience, work• East to Lowry. West to Evergreen and North to Greeley. ing in parishes and seeing the administrative work that And, we're adding more locations even closer to home. FNst of St. Anne , goeson." 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Women's Bank Cards make 'nae Shrine of St. Anne in Arvada will celebrate the Fe' Pariah•• banking a neighborhood convenience. Because, we 1t. Anne and St. Joachim on Sunday, July 7.6, at John bas worked with a .,, t10 7:30 P-1!1·• believe you've better things lo do on your lunch hour or witll a traditional healing and prayer service. The service number of Denver parishes to hassle traffic to make a deposit on your d ay off. ~will consist of readings, prayers, singing, laying on of bands on leadership training, and anointing with oil. A reception will follow in the parish learned about counseling With Women's Banking Cards w e're right on your way center. Healing by God through St. AMe, the grandmother of services for youth, served on where ever you're going whenever you go. Jeta1, began on this continent in the 17th century during the the staff of the iMer-city · building of the chapel at Beaupre, Canada. The original program called Splunge, and churdl in Arvada was a model of the shrine in Canada, and has spent time with students the awareness of healing associated with St. Anne bas been of COLS, the Christian =t since the beginning of the parish. All who suffer Outdoor Leadership School. p l, emotional or soiritual illnesses are invited to come John said he wants to go Womens ,ancl pray with the parish. into youth ministry to give . - other youth the same opportunity he had In high Bank school. . Rural Lite Official "I worked with a youth program in Edina (Minn.) and I felt a real caring for .. . ·Wants Watt Ousted me and a chance for sharing ." ....., myself ... tbat helped me DES MOINES, Iowa (NC) -The acting director of the through blgb school... Nau.al Catholic Rural Life Conference (NCRLC) has uled President Reagan to replace Secretary of the Interior JamaWatt. ou.. uon• Fatller Leonard Kayser, who has headed the Des "When I was that age "' 'M~ rural life agency since June 1980, said in a let• there are so many questions ter to Reagan that be is concerned Watt will " serve self­ and if as Christians we don't ·• imeresta rather than the common good." quest.Jon what we believe. He ursed the preside~t to replace Watt with ··a person about Jesus Cbrlat, who be wbo lovel the land and earth· s resources and who will be sen• was, what be did and bow It slUve to Use social mortgage on our stewardship trust." F'atber Kayser emphasized that he was speaking only for ~ •4\imaelf, but added that be intends to encourage the NCRLC board, diocesan rural life directors and NCRLC members to SLATTERY ✓J("!'xpnu their opinions about Watt. f "Lone-term destruction of our environment for a short· & COMPANY tenn reprive from energy demands is socially and morally Mechanical Contractors Oepo5its rTYy he made al the folowing , intolerable," Father Kayser wrote the president. Plus Center locations. We'I keep you Father Kayser noted that Watt says he is a religious man informed as new locations are added. by moral principle. " For that reason I would expect ;. . fPllded PLUMBING WlSl 1· him to bave a perspective which gives more weight to long• DOWNTOWN OfN\IUI Colden St;)le £unk Cc,ntr~ Bank o4 Detwet ltlQI /.Kk!;Q(I If! . •Jaffl C0111equences and benefits than Immediate desires and HEATING T~ lobby ;,t 111h & N.p.il>oe Coldt:n · • I unproven needs, .. he wrote. Skyline Parle m 11ance, 15th & AJa/»hol: l..lk-,od Colofldo N•l'I 11.\"k AIR COIINTIONING 15th & NapahOe•I t;,wrffl<'e 14th ;,nd Orr Srreer Colorado N;,rioNI !Ynk NO«TH Drain end Sewer 2 Lobby /oat,ons, 15th & C/vmfM Central 8.Jnl< ol North Dl,nvt'f CINnlttfl Al I 1rh & OJrt,s Wt'-' J/Jlh I, Ju/HIii lASl INlVHGMfN 24-HOUR SERVICE 9oua.,,a,d Col(ndo Nel'I S.nk f lt\l ~,•1 &.Ink o/ lVe will spend Aug 4 J S guest:,; of th<' tr1b:1l C'c1unnl ul SJnw l>omingo P 111•bln for thPH patronal 111.',;ta


Two-year-old Hobson Powell of Smltbfield, in a ftood old American tradition ot c:illn~ Va .. is a picture of cnJoyment H she partakes <'O ld watermelon ( NC Photo by Dan Hulb.-rt I Treasure From The Tropics ... 'Super Sunday Swim' to Benefit Retarded Flown lrom the bl.11Hb fo r thb Super Sunday Swim will be· 23, to ~Ip lhe work of lhe Citizens. Swimmers will see pcclal ~le ~ ·,·t·n l'h.-J.!d llt held Sunday mornln1. Aug. Association for Retarded how many laps they c-an Anthurlurr1 l)loorn '>. ,H.,111~,·d swim in 30 minutes. Priz~ wit h 1rop1eal foll,.lgl' Ill ,I include two SUlO gift ~r­ tificates and 16 S25 gift ~ r­ la qt1t·rt•cl I i.lw,t11a11 b ._t kt: t. . .\.. . tUicates. Swimmers wlll A n •gllktr 22 50 \'

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✓ ""° ~ UP THE WORLD Denver's Newest Parish Invites everybody to its at site of SECOND ANNUAL BAZAAR & FAIR our Future Church 1 Block west of Kipling St. on Bowles Ave. LIGHT OF THE WORLD PARISH ....__ ------Friday, July 31, 4-11 P.M. Saturday, Aug. 1, 11 A.M.-11 P.M. Sunday, Aug. 2, 12 noon to 6 P.M.

EXCLUSIVE EVENTS Friar • MNl 1111 Cellflft llecllla. DAILY EVENTS 5-IP.M. C hildren•• Game■ 1111 Plllll1II' a Pllll1 11M. Magic Show1 7-11 P.M. SPECIAL AWARD AdultGamea S.Cwu, · MIit lllll llllwr AVIIMclle. Aller Society Craft Sale 1981 COLEMAN CAMPER 1-3P.M. Altar Society Bake Sale S..Mclll1U'1 FOOD BOOTHS DAILY hallow WIier C.Hlry Wallrlllld BBQ Albs. Polish Sausage 7-11 P.M. Br atwur st. Donations -3 fOr $500 PoerlllaAHDa, Hamburgers, Hot Dogs Completely equipped, Sleeps up S.Uy · Plt-E1t111 COllat Beer and Pop Poey IIINa All Da, to a people. See it to believe it. Would you like a caricature drawing of yourself or anyone else? Ken Crouse, caricaturist from Casa Bonita, will be on hand daily. So~ KIPLING- ST, ~ .. =:J !Dt□ ; t E Soc.,1', WADSWORTH BL'I/ D. --- ••• • ••• •• ••• \)1'BLE CO(JP,•• •• , ~, J~r I I I I ~~~ OJ\' Would you like or be able to be part of our new THIS CO.UPON WORTH church on which work begins this fall? Contribu­ . ONE DOLLAR . tions would be most welcome. Send yours in care . In 25-cent tickets redeemable at any . -· of . food . g ame. or m erchandise booth . . with a $5.00 purchase ol tickets. . Father Frank Syrianey, Pastor . Light of the World Parish YOUR PARISH PLEASE 5903 S. Kline St. Littleton, Co 80127 Also for tickets on raffle


THIS AD COURTESY OF I cdrr• I B lvd d i '.>peer/ 4 7 J 161'> · 1091 C,outh C ulo,. d r, Blvd •• M"'"" PP• / / ~/ 17JI! C-,,., v,nic C:•thn li1 l•m1l1t•\ ~'"c" 19 l q - What Is Ministry? · ·· WASHINGTON (NC) - An official of lbe that serve a permanent~ of the Church. ~ tContin~ National Conference of Catholic Bishops These ministries are exercised by people of- Al (NCCB) and the U.S. Catholic Conference ficlally designated to perform them. • f there ( USCC) confirmed that the NCCB Ad· The Administrative Committee also ap- . 1 tachm ministrative Committee has approved a proved the proposal by the Committee on/ Mew c proposal to use the term "ministry" in Doctrine that NCQJ-USCC documents use the , ¼te levil NCCB-USCC documents only for ordained term "Christian service" to refer to " the , ood m ministry and designated lay ministry.. response to the call to serve that flows from • . It• The proposal by the NCCB Committee on the·sacraments of initiation." Te~t•, Doctrine furthe.r specified that: ~~ ~ c~ng • By " ordained ministry" the committee Baptism and Confirmation are the sacra- liiieni means the official work of people in the m.ents of initiation. This response _to the call ~, , ~ orders of bishop, priest and deacon. and to serve ''requires no formal action on the usuall3 • By "designated lay ministry" the com- part of ecclesiastical authority," the commit- · n ic• mittee means the official work of acolyte or tee said. strearr reader ( lector l carried out by people com- ' ' Eli missioned in those two canonical offices; any Stressing the need for clarification of the , panied other functions that the Holy See may meaning of "ministry." the committee said:- ;. 1'Patb similarly establish in the future; and func- "If ministers by definition act in the name of . , chance lions established by a bishop in charge of a the Church, then bishops, pastors and the peo-"' 1akhd i diocese that are important. that are per- pie need to know who are ministers and who ~ dained formed in the name of the community and are not." t Arnolci ~ r ti Answers Tax Credit Attack.. };'}! WASHINGTON t NC l - Jordan in response to a in his column, titled " To Be ,.,_- Mllillf Bishop James E. Lyke. who newspaper column in which Equal." t be has testified in support of J ordan said tax c redits Responding to Jordan's· - ?nthwi tuition ta,i credits, disputed would harm the public criticism , Bishop Lyke cited ,_they a statement by National schools and " poor people a study by sociologist James dtalle1 Urban League executive would be frozen out.. of Coleman which concluded• . ,.,._Ne director Vernon E Jordan benefit.I under the program. that. under a tax credits to be J r. that tax credits would not Tuition tax credits would program. relatively few . • t:11>.., e, benefit the poor benefit parents who send s tudents would transfer weeks Bishop Lyke, an auxiliary their children to non-public from public to non-public · , ~vork In <'leveland. said that " the chooui Current legislation schools. and black and home 1ninont1es .and the poor•· would provide ta credit for Hispanic students would be • "''enia would be the ma i n hnlf of lhe lu1llon, up to an overre pre~e nted among ~ , ~• benef1 c1an ~ ··Tho~ of uii t>Yentual m&ximum of 15,00 those who did. .. who are Conc'f'~ about 1 · 11ni Ule t.1 sysiem LO Bishop Lyke called tax . 1 ture lht'Sc• farnlllH thould b.­ C'll('OUra11e 11 01ght from the credits one way lo allow · • , encoura,11 lnJt ind work.Ina for pubhc school~ VI bound t.o parents to make education .)for.. . this le1111lat1on not a.1a1mt ma ll e th ose c hools choices for their children. t~ 11 .• ht'!l,w1 t"du c- ;at1o nal ghettos. .. Many poor families do not -0 The b1,hop mad,. bl r«-muv1nit 1n<'t>n t1ves to have this c hoice at the more r nmmt'nl In , lrllrr to 1mpro,·e ttiem Joroan said present time, .. he said. ~= lr fel• 3rd Annual sorae ~1~ tad Cl acCDI doari Cooling It I ·',,ut, La•pter 1prtaa1 from tlae coollq spray of lleat wave Uuu kept temperat•re. ID 11w • SIi • prdn lloH u Jodi s,r■H , t, ud Joli for several days. (NC PM&o by Jack Spratt) ·' ~teatl &o.let, 4, of Wl~Uonl, R.I., dlaeover dlll'IIII a • 1..i, l I fiadl Prleat to Discuss 'History ot Healing' Father Ted Dob■on , Christian men and women This meetm1 Is open to spiritual director of the engaged In the helpln1 those professionals in­ charl■matlc re newal and professions. ·ST. MARY MAGDALENE terested in usl.ng prayer to a consultant to parishes on The meeUng will be held greater eslent In their help­ spiritual growth, will talk on at Guardian Angels Parish, ing ministries . 29th Ave. and Zenobia ..The History of Healing" at just west o( ~ and Pecos For more info. call m - St. the monthly meeting for at 7;30 p,m. July 28. 4~ or 456--0M? . (Held In church parking lot) Saturday and Su~, Evenlrip ~ 'OOJri, ~~~afll~ July 25-28, 1181

{f~(:l~~ ~~~~~~ij} ~~~~(:J • l»IIIZ■S • Carpet, vinyl, ceramic tile, parquet, area rugs, custom 1st drapery and wallpaper 2 ln111 lll111 Tlcklla CALL IOW FGII ■ - 2nd IDIICE • • • IIMlll Our eaperienc.d peoc,le wtll com. 10 youi •100- holne with a Nleel!Ofl of .a,nc,ln. .,,0 WIii help you CQOtdona1e colors, 1a11e menur- 3rd _., and Gift Vo'I ■ FREE ESTIMA Tt .... Dnwlla • S..,. Jlly 28111. 1981 -· GAll18-FOOD

R■FRISHIIINTS ..a , 2939 So. Havana• 750-8708 5861 No. Broadway• 893-8877 FORTHI ...... CIMlr ...... -• bit t4111511h lwe. ---to~ INTIRI FAIIILy COLS Challenge 'Ch. ,:_Con1,nuecs from Page •1 Moon campground. different than a of- A.a Cook said, on COLS After an eight mile drive follower... but we're serving ~ f there are few "worldly at­ over a rocky and weathered them... it's a challenge." sbe ap- ~ tachmenta." There are no road, we parked the car and said. "COLS puts a new or/· al1>w dryers, curling irons, started a four mile bike to pe rspec tive on every­ lhe \ televisions, radios or fast where other COLS students thing ... it changes your 'lhe ' '-iood meals. were just finishing their solo whole self. lt'1 a spiritual ~om . ' It'1 ju1t the basics. experience - spending 48 experience, you' re ex­ J -1'ents, sleepinc bacs and hours alone and without periencing who you are. r - ewng meals and talkinl and food. Everything is'"simple. You :ra- liiieninc to one another focus on the bare essentials call ,. ~•wftbe campfire. A bath 1 Tlmberllne and see what makes you a the usually means jumping lnto person. Your senses become nit- ·r:,n ice cold waterfall or The trail wound through sharpened... stream. the trees and up to • • Each group ls accom- timberline where patcbel of But all 11 not serious with the COLS ,roup. They share , the I panied by a chaplain. Columbine and other wild aid:- ~ . .,.atber F..clward Hoffmann, flowers were scattered many good laughs as well as 1e of cllancellor for the Denver everywhere, one or two tree deep reftections. And as Joe I Doggett from Wyoming said peo-r- • 1 a)chdiocese, and newly or­ trunks gnarled by storms about bis-• hours without who dained Jesuit Father Patrich stood tall, all with lhe view ,_Arnold were the chaplains food, " I dreamed I was at of the majestic Rockies as a Winchell' s and ordered l_Jor the two groups the backdrop. f Recister staff visited. every kind of doughnut they Finally. we saw the had but it took so long to ring : • ►' t.A. In between learine up smoke from Camp Ill's it up, I never got any!" "It develops character la yoa •..OOU 11 qllite a talk, quite a do." k for the climbing and the rap­ campfire filtering up Be .-.~ flillllng that Friday morntnc, through the lodge pole pines t be students talked and the orange tents peeking m's· - enthusiastically about why through the branches. ited Ibey took on the COLS At the camp the students nes ·-\'hallenge. were just getting ready for .ded 41 _ ,.-, Not one of them seemed their first meal so food was dits to be sorry they bad signed on their minds, but there few . • t-''P.· even if it meant three was more than that. Most 1fer weeu of long days, hard felt they had just finished a 1blic · , 4vort and being away from good time for reflecting on and home and all its con- their three-week wilderness t be • ,·enlences. adventure, for reflecting on ong ,,. ~Mture their community of students ' "I needed some adven• and staff. tax . , t.we, something to strive illow for ... I knew it would be Much More ation -> L<>qh," said Denise Perez, "It's been so much more lren. .of Denver, 17, " It's been than I expected," said 18- > not more than I expected. I year-old Loretto Montoya, a t he started out saying I don't recent graduate of Central know if I can take it, at first Catholic. " I came and was a ~ l--- fell like dying, but it's greenhorn and now we're s0111ething to go for... at the like one big family. I've ,,• tad of three weeks, if I can grown close to alot of peo­ acCDmplish it, I'll know I can ple. It's been tough. I loved do anything." the solo. I read the Bible. It As John Stanek pointed was a perfect way to·end it. , '. .,out, the students the COLS It freshened the ex• 1 ~ are diverse, with stu- perience." Prearrangement: • / tledb coming from all kinds Rob Gularte, 21, of Gon­ I • . .!>l aocial and economic zales, Calif. , c ame to liacqrounds. Colorado for COLS because Here's an inflation-proof plan. . The group we talked to he wanted to learn about included some youths from leadership, about the moun­ - ·Moul View and Lookout tains but also to learn a lot Almost every day it seems we notice the price·of one item or another 'v1ouatain Schoola. about himself. and remember what it ~ to cost. The problem, of course, is i'nfla­ '" First Hurdle " I got everything I ex­ tion. And we're told to expect more of the same in the years to cQme. _• U " I feel it's the first hur• pected ... everybody is tested die· in a 1 , long race," against their skills and ·,· said Mac g:ffette, 17, from abilities," he added. " You We don' t have the answer, but we can help. Along with putting th~•r · Ea,lewood. " It develops have to meet fear with your · • character in you... COLS ls own ability ... there's it' s wills and life insurance in order, more and more people are also ar­ 1 4ua a task, quite a do... the stressed to do your own part. ranging their funerals in advance. .. f prosram is perfect. The only It pullL you away from are in myself. The society and says 'here's your .nefedl ,pf'OIP'IID · supplies the stu- part.' t• . dent with opportuniUes, and Many families have found this plan to be an effective way to hold it'1 up to the student to take Send Someone tomorrow's costs at today's prices. For more information, give us a , • the opportunities." .. COLS is something that call. Our counselors will be happy. to discuss prearrangement with you want to send someone you love to," said Melissa you. ..,. t,.,.,,ftfJ Laurie Heitpu, 18, of Salvatore from Arvada . •· •1tedEMna. Wis., said COLS " You find out how much you "bu a 1 been lot of fun, pray­ need people. . .I was beginn­ -,,· in■ and lingln1 together and ing to think I was old enough sbarial feellpP." to be independent, that I 1ill II • J ' "there are really people here .. .it's don't need my parents. but I realize I do. People need . _..,j....._.Hl 1reat ... I thin~ '11oonan OJortuarH p,90ple." -e.WJMCIY is Just l"•t. -· said D1Yk1 Beard, 17, of Fort Mary Jane Plym. 20, bu 2.,$06 FEDERAL BOULEVARD cow.. been on COLS as a iitudent DENVER, COLORADO 80211 i .and now as a staff member. ,TllletDMOYe as have many of the lnstruc­ , llllore Ion, It WU late ton, and sbe said the a ­ Rudy Bettmann .... "'a.f--. and time to move perience as an instructor bu Director, Owner i helped her s ee the l . on to amp three Camp m. 433-1575 ..~ 1 'WIiia Bob Cook H our pbUOIOPby beb1nd COLS ...... we drove up to Half "Beinl a leader ls a lot 1 ., Definition Catholic Singles St. Mary Magdalene's Tbe Mlle HI CatboUc s1a11es will llold a duce OD ~ V Sa1urday, Aug. 1, at tbe Sberidu•Alrport, »35 Qllebec St. ·,a11vE Summer Festival from t p.m. to 1 a.m., for all CatboUc •lJa&lea. t' ' ~ ra OtDeath Tbere wlll be a live band, Tbe Le1acy, and tbe COil lar__.. . ..,\' ,i1c St. Mary Mal(lalene'a Pariah will bold Its third annual '3.50 per penoa. · .. Summer Festival on Saturday and Sunday, July 2S and For runber Information call Connie Kalaer, 936-151Z. , !,)!urt 26, after the 5:30 p.m. Mui each day on the parish inal Proposal grounds at 2117 Zenobia. T A special Mau In honor of St. Mary Mafdalene will be / Tere1 held at 5:30 p.m. In the church on Sunday. Annual Doubles Tourney "\' - ,. Festival activities will Include games for all, cake . ' RI g ~ awards, country store, ham and bacon awards. Sausage At Regis College Criticized .. ' " v •• sandwiches and hambur1en will be offered, plus a (Continued from Page 3) variety or bevera1es. Regis College will host the second annual Regis Doubles 1 facts Tourney on Aug. 8 and 9. Doubles divisions include men and _c While many pro-life groups have oppoeed all " definition . A pair or Bronco tick.ets and prizes or 1100 and S50 will be awarded on Sunday eveninf alon1 with some women's A. 8. C. and A and B Mixed Doubles. ·• -Va t1c of death" laws, others have noted that such definitions would special hand-made items presented by the Altar and For further information contact Tom Lynch at 458-4070. l 1979 be better aet by the letl•latures than by the courta and mlpt be acceptable when balled on the " whole brain" concept. Rosary Society. - . .-n I C Father Bryce In a four-pqe 1tatement ■aid the commia- .r ' ltlat I 1lon'1 recommendatlon dJd not answer utlafactorUy the 1 three obJedlona that the bi■bopl' pro-life committee always bas railed to auch law■ : their need, their poulblllty of J(N leadlnc to eutbana■la , and their llkellhood of re■olvtn1 _ _._ _.__ ,&9c,a ( problem■ prompting their formulation. "Thia le1l1latlon can become a •tepplnc atone to la•• which a uthorize euthana■la for comatoae patients who are refe1 :- 'lies 1 dyln1 but not yet dead," ■aid Father Bryce.

He said the atatute "as preaently worded Is deaiped to 1 lnaure that dead patient■ are not treated aa llvln,, not to In­ • Trea sure that llvln1 patients are not treated aa dead." ,. reso That, he continued, "createa a precedent for trealifll TQU~T ou. .____, of to death as a matter of l91al definition rather than u a matter •• or medical fact. " volu The definition easily could be amended by letlalaton ~ 1 t~e I supporllfll euthanaala, Father Bryce contended. Father Bryce also questioned the need for auch lesiala­ Uon, saylfll that no phy■lclan ever baa been convicted for ua­ in1 brain-oriented criteria In determlnlnt death. He aald the remedy for confusion over determlnlns death lhould be £XP1QI£NC1 "further education and lmowledfe, not the formulation or a We have faithfully served Denver's Catholic families statute." ' 'r blldl And he doubted that the commlulon'1 recommendation since 1919, and will continue to do so at the locations of . hosJ: would resolve the luue, noU111 that states probably would amend the le1l1latlon to tbelr own llklnl and that doctors our two mortuaries: '"'Co91 ml1ht 1UII be subjected to law■ults by portJona of the 1meral eau public whic h doea not understand or accept the new defini­ unlc; tion. One comment In tbe commlNion'1 report 1l111led out for :Hin pralae was Its atatement that Ille la comtituted by " tbe In• nati tesrated functlonlnc of a blolotlcal orsaniam." Father "'8t Bryce ■aid that showa that the human embryo, u an In· trib te1rated and functlonin1 or1anl1m, "la Just as 'alive' u a . ' hwnan adult," Brain death laws of one kind or another have been enacted In r, states. The other 23 maintain the traditional Bn an McConaty definition of duth, which defined death only u lhe lou of breathlnc a nd heartbeat. Growlnc numbers In medical and letal circles have malntalned that new brain death laws are needed for several realOIIII, lnchadi111 lhe fact that raplraton bave been able to keep patient■ breatbl• wbo have loat been " brain dead." They also have arped that docton plannlna or1an transplants muat be permitted to remo¥e orsana when tbe paUent has~ " brain deatb" rather than waitln1 for all rapiratory funcUon to CNN. Without aucb deflniUona, doctan and boapltala aay they fear letal action If they rerno¥e life aupporta from a brain­ dead penon. flooertDore HarOld W OO

I lght to Know About Vatican Finances 1111 VATICAN CITY (NC) - The two American represen• As a solution to the current financial plight, the two car­ Another myth, said the cardinals. is the notion that the It,,_ '.i1'1ves on the Council of Cardinals said they are greatly en­ dinals look to increased generosity from the world's Vatican is enormously wealthy because of its buildings and J "\t.iraged by th_e council's efforts toward public disclosure of Catholics. · art treasures. 11-,r · • ~ , a can finances. Ordinarily a company faced with a financial deficit "Many times," said Cardinal Cooke, "such supposed as­ · .. It would be fair to say that public reportlng of the would try to cut expenditures, said Cardinal Krol. sets are in reality liabilities, because the church has to main­ !i~ures on Vatican finances is now 'in the works,"' said Car• ··But in the case of the Vatican, 62 percent of the expen­ tain them." 1r.al John Krol of Philadelphia. ditures of which we are speaking are for salaries and pen­ Nor are such assets always liquid ones, noted Cardinal The other American representative was Cardinal sions of those who work in the curial offices. The hope of Krol. quipping that he had "never heard anyone m.ake a bid / 7erenceCookeofNewYork. reducing expenditures is largely an imaginary one," said the on the obelisk in front of St. Peter's." ~...... Philadelphia cardinal. Museums and works of art, Cardinal Cooke said, are ' Right to Know "the tremendous service to people which the Church per­ ,,• I ._ • "It's a matter of justice. Any reduction of salaries would ~ "The People of God," he said, "have a right to know the do harm to individuals and to families," added Cardinal forms in being supportive of cultures. as it has been down es facts:· Cooke. " And In many instances the offices are understaffed through the centuries - a service which sometimes is even 1d Cardinal Krol said that " public myths and fables" about in proportion to the work that's being done." more appreciated by people not of our faith." • -Vatican finances, referred to by Pope John Paul II at the 1979 meetings, are in part the result of the failure of people - 1 .-no,w the facts. One myth, " the principalone," said Cardinal Krol, " is Marriage Conference ..c I tilat the Holy See has unlimited resources." • . That myth was challenged by Cardinal Krol. ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. parts of lhe country but even (NC) - The third annual lo other parts of the world... -" J(Nplng Afloat Marriage Enrichment con• he said. ference, with t he theme The leaders emphasize Complete Electrical Service Cardinal Krol said the only thing that keeps the ship " Global Perspectives on community-building and ,' a41oat is the Patrimony of the Holy See. The patrimony d evelopment of lay INDUSTRIAL- COMMERCIAL- RESIDENTIAL Marriage Enrichment." will refe.rs to the reimbursement made to the Vatican for proper­ be held in Albuquerque Aug. leadership, following the -:- lies taken over by the Italian government. 29-30. recommendations of the Phone 534-1448 J "The patrimony, which came as a result of the Lateran U.S. bishops Pastoral Action NUMBER TWO FEDERAL BLVD. •· Treaty in 1929," Cardinal Krol said, " is not an. inexhaustible Father Anthony Bellagama. executive Plan for Family Ministry is• .. resource. It is being diminished dally and there is the danger sued in 1978. DENVER, COLORADO 80219 ,,f total depletion." secretary of the U.S. tl: The income from the patrimony is supplemented by Catholic Mission Council, voluntary contributions from the world's Catholics through will address the conference and 12 speaker couples will w ~ t~e Peter's Pence collection. · i share their experiences on · · fllaconceptlon Christian marriage and family. GOOD SHEPHERD • • 1 The American cardinals said that another misconception 1s that the Vatican spends astronomical sums of money on its Strategies w i ll be , 1.terations. developed during the con­ "It might be surprising to learn that the administrative ference for expansion of lhe ,. • budget of the Vatican is less than that of many single Santa Fe, N.M. . diocesan CATHOLIC SCHOOL hospitals or Catholic colleges in America," said Cardinal program to make it a ·-' Cooke. "And the endowment is less." national program, said • ' The Vatican is dependent on the free.will offering of Ralph Johnson, one of the Catholics for its spiritual and charitable works, making it original six couples when the unique in the church framework, said Cardinal Krol. Marriage E nrichment "PERSONALIZED " Dioceses have a 'cathedraticum' (diocesan ad· Weekends were begun in !llinistrative) collection, state Catholic conferences and the Albuquerque in 1974. CATHOLIC EDUCATION" national Catholic conference assess dioceses, but the " We see our Marriage • '\letican itself operates not on assessments but on con­ Enrichment Weekend as tributions," he said. adaptable not only to other Very Rev. John V. Anderson , ,, <' Pastor Brother Claver Morris CFP, COME AND G .ET 'EM Principal Spaghetti and Meat Ball Dinner r •• SUNDAY e . , JULY 26th, 1981 A complete educational program tor Preschool through 8th Grade with ex­ 11 A.M. lo 6 P.M. tended care available for working ---••To BE HELD INDOORS a OUTDOORS"-­ parents. BRING THe FAMILY - JOIN THE FUN I ADULTS aa.T■ CNILDll■N UND■11 u 11.2■ I REGISTRATIONS FOR THE 1981-82 QAM■a * PIIIZea * RAFFLl!S SCHOOL YEAR BEIN& TAKEN NOW * 8UIIPlllaes * CONVENIENTLY LOCATED AT E. 10th and Fillmore In East Denver. SACRED HEART For Information On Enrollment P ..... Call Brother Claver, or RETREAT___ ....,.. .._.....,._NWT,_ HOUSE Sr. Martha Ann, at l1~dl1. Cll■nlN - 17 - Jim C..,.. 1111. 377-1811 llwJ. (for~ 81. John IN Evangetiet and 11■-T YOUII Plll■ND8 AT 8ACll■6 M■AIIT ll■Tll■AT 8t. Ptltlofflene Schooll) ' ...... _.,...... _c-...... ,, ..... _,,.,.. ,

G REEK -AMERICAN Open Dally at _ingOut 5:00 for Dinner THENIAN a11-841s By Jalle Auer sauna, Joaing track. steam with wood paneled walla ac­ oar CIUT an 1111 A.. , C1U1 IISTIIIIMT-IDMI IIIS THE ATHENIAN ·~ "-lt■lerllaff room, whirlpool. outdoor cented by huge color photos Ttt. s..r In Gfffk & tn,.rnetlonel Entertainment ID ~ Y , . ~ . , J If you feel llke 1ettlq swlmmln1 pool, exercise of skies and clouds, Antares 5101 L Coltu et Hudeon GREEK HOSPITALITY ■Y ~ - _.,. I 1 room, weight machine and - away from It all but are dla­ offers an ele1ant at­ AMERICAN coura1ed from takln1 a racquetball courts. and as a mosphere. and if you like vacatlon very far away from guest at the hotel you are . """·· •fw dining a llttle late r. you 'II I I Lunch: Mon.-Sat. 11 :30-2:00 \ ? 1 home beclluae of high gu welcome to try out all of the find that it's not too buay. Moderately Priced prices and other expenaes, facilities. The name " Anatares" c..~..:1': Banquet Facilities Dinner: 5:00-9:30 I . then 1t.ay cloee to home and Then after a good workout, cometA1'om "an tares." the Brunch: Sun. 10:30-2:00 try out a speclal "Get Away you'll want to try Antares. giant red star, the brightest 2881 S. Heather Gardens Way Offer" from Stapleton Plaza The Stapleton has another In the southern sky. Hotel and AthleUc Center. On the menu. you'll find ITAL/AN Stapleton which Is near the mostly beef and flab entrees. airport at 3333 Quebec St. Is With selections like prime offerln1 a 1peclal deal of $S5 rib (113.25 and 115.25). Steak for one nitbt for one or two Neptune (114.75). Colorado people. Be■ ldes having the restaurant. the Atrium, but buffalo steak ($15), Pom­ chance to u■e the athletic that la like a coffeeshop. pano en Paplllote ($18). center, you have the oppor­ There la also the geodesic broiled lobster tail ($18. 75 l, tunity to dine at one of dome-covered Antares Peppersteak Parlalenne Denver's belt re■taurant■ , Satellte. which Is the hotel's ($15.25), Steak Woronow Antares. newest lounge. I 15.25) and New York strip Afltletlc Clouda ($13.50) among other offer­ ings. it's hard lo decide. Tbe Athletic Center bu a Decorated in dark blues Supreme CHINESE After appetizers of / Cl\•- _,.., 1,....,,ca" JCOOCI Shrimp Codttall Supre me , ...... -.-t•tu• ...., . . .. (15.25 1 and Mushrooms •••"••• c,,,.,,., •oo,., " Royal Street... which are ·••1••··· ,., ... ,, .•• ·"· la rge mushroom tops stuffed ··~· with crab meat and chffse !Ml and served sUII siulln1 FRENCH on the plate, my companion l ,... "' ·~ -- • • • )0 • \ () and I tried the New Yon c, ...... , J} BlleNTWOOD ~ Strip Sirloin and the Steak v •" ~ 'O 1 0 JC Woronow. ~ . , , . · • · '~"'O-O ~ t t4'"(: I.J.FFITE . _,q i(\' was • pr>erouJ The sirloin Uttl ■ t LAIIIIMER •• •• .. • ••, .~. •1'" " Ooo• cut and deliclomly broiled to my companion's taatea. but CONTINENTAL the Steak Woronow per1Map1 COTTll6E OtNE IN OUR W OPl C ; ,. ~,h)US provided tbe moat In• C.nle, 710-1155 • tere■Unt dinner. J)~l)i.?f" I ~ldlll'cllll Antaurant 770-1181 Tbl1 1peclal di•• l1 t,.UNCHES • 0INNEf'S .,,..,._at~ ...... INN Two tender- p1eces ol bMf THANKS TO YOU tenderloin are prepared ln 1 THII OFFIR 18 ■elNQ dellclous sauce with a Rua­ EXTINDID THRU JULY 25TH aian flair. OFFER YOU CAN'T REFUSE .,,.,., •no...... Jri■M .. v, .,_..., YOU PAY FULL P.. ICE -SECOND PARTY Receh,ea Before puttinl the meat THEIRS AT Compllmentary 1-i Price. in the maitre d' put a epeclal (Lo.,.., P,lee dinner WIii figure at \-, pflce.) butter ln the copper pan then .._...... 1.-00 fl'II •e:oo~M a special sauce wlUI INIOII· ftLLA'I PIZDIIIA a ll■ffAUIIANT Choose A Dlffnnl popullr dln,s ....ttvu Sllwdly Ing and garlic and peppers _...... z o::.i a.a The bNt value In dining out and then added c~m. then .,_._a...-___, ~ 1a.va put In the beef and tbe result 1h Grilled Ham Sleek ...•••••••.. , M.U c--■- ....-C.....• ...... W.VIU.A,0-. is Just delicious and worth ...... " ., --...... Yllllll8, ...... • , Ctlk:ken Dlnnet •• • . . ..•..• . •••. , • 4.11 all the 115.25. ■ r • 111-1111 Bar-8-Q IINf Rlbe . ,...... 4.11 For dessert you can • Top Sirloin ...... 5.11 choose sourne glace Grand f•-__,,,.,,.,.. ____ "'.-'" ,_,_ .,_,,,,.,. • Shrimp Dinner (I Shrimp) • ...... 5.11 Marnle r , strawberry TRY OUR ■AR-B-Q 8PICIALTIES • ..... lieracll •...... •••. • ••.. .• •.•• cheesecake. carrot layer (Top Slrtoln 14 Shrimp) Lunc:t>: M Ol'l,-F'n. • Dinner -tl"V M on.-Sat. 5 'til 9 cake or bananu foster or Sun. 12.a ,,...... ,,,.,./nducf9; fresh strawberries. 1 OIi-. Of loup Of TOl'NIII Juioe. o, a"'-to 1fle Nlacl w , le I ,.;aii:lli-.....-.-"'~ ,,,,,,_ 1?10LCollu ------111119~ fi'olalo, ...... ,,_,. ,OIi "-"==:=-°' OffER GOOD THAU JULV 25TH Efficient Hours: Mon. thru Sat. Open 24 hours Our walter Rlcbard wu Sunday tll 1:30 P .M. Two,orone. very efficient and made 111 ANYMenulteffl feel llke we were tbe only ,....,.,,,,.,,., With TN■ Coupon .... ones in tbe reatauraat...... •ldl••v--a~ Prices at Antara may be a bit hither thu at other n11tauranta. but it ts weU worth It. For your entertabunent. the Glau Mena,erte la per­ Emerson forming In the Aut.ares IOU!lp. The ll'OUp la well known In tbe Denver area. Street East A Getaway WNhad al tbe Stapleton la really fila. So. U Eaat CoHax at Emeraon you wut to taM...... ,. ••111' .. FINIISlllb. "-• IN ol the deal. do • ._,_.. It ...... ,.11:•a.1.iat.1 Hds ADI . IO. Call tlae SIi. .,_ 5:00 1'.M. ...,11111a t■HIIIN ...... UZ-1Slt. fr. 11 1 I ""-I, · The D911... C::alfNIIIC ...... -,, wea., .,.. , 4¥. 1n1 - ,.... •• ...... ,,,. , t. ♦. C: Original Scene to Do 'Godspell' · The Original Scene is now rehearsing a production of the The other cast is led by Original Scene newcomer Mike musical "GODSPELL," a musical based on the Gospel Goldenberg in the role of Jesus, with John the Baptist/Judas according to Matthew. played by Dan Koehler. Other cast members include Ever sinc e it opened Off-Broadway in 1970, Michelle Anderson, Geri Caslellano, Annie Dwyer, Paul "GODSPELL" has attracted audiences with its warm, Dwyer, Anne Lawler. Kelly Rasmussen, Therese Revltte, respectfully humorous interpretation of the Gospel: Its and Kevin Wheeler. memorable songs, and its energetic characters. according to "GODSPELL" will be performed on July 31 and Aug. 1. Father Dennis Dwyer, director of Original Scene. 7 and 8 at 8 p.m. and Aug. 2 and 9 at 2 p.m. Tickels are $3.50 Though this production is double cast, separate in advance. or $4.50 at the door. For more information call J.'i rehearsals and individualized directing assures two very 355-()984 or 861-0646. different-interpretations of the show. With such great songs as " Day by Day," "Prepare Ye One cast is led by Original Scene veteran Jim Weber in lhe Way of the Lord," and " All for the Best," innovative the part of Jesus, with John the Baptist/Judas portrayed by direction by Ken Quintana. and musical direction by experts \'~ John Lynch. Other cast members include Cindy Galchinsky. Bill Kohut and Peggy Deems. t his production of Tom Hieralh. Gilbert Mendoza. Sara Peters. Tina Pol. Kil "GODSPELL" is sure to be a big hit, said Father Dwyer. Steffen. Chris Sweet, and Rose Weber.

)~ 6 Councilwoman Donohue on Dlrect Line' Line" next Sunday, July 26 Council, Ms. Donohue brings better place to live. 5 :3o.6:30 p.m. on KLDR a unique enthus sm for the Direct Line is a weekly 60- '\, ., Jim e e , ff eane - o I el, ... fo, ... ~ Radio AM 1090 and on inner city, say, ~ " It can minute radio talk program, ~-)·r Orllin&I Scene's upcoming production of "God1pell." KWYD, FM 105.5,' Colorado and is a good place to live." produced by the Archdiocese Springs. Concerned about growth of Denver. Metro Denver One of two women problems, social needs, etc., listeners can talk with ·.,.~· )l,vada Arts Center members'of the Denver City she has said the city must gues ts. sharing their find ways to enable citizens concerns, by dialing 832- ~~-·Hosts Pop Concerts to think positive about their 1090; out-state listeners can Hispanic FIim city, work hard to make it a call 1-631-2900. ) \• Summer at the Arvada The remaining concerts of ~ ~nter continues on July 31 the summer season are: Festival 11 ' With the swing music of The Cowboy Music Night on Aug. The sixth annual San New Deal Rhythm Band 7 featuring Dick Weissman Antonio CineFestival. the .I ' l)eginning at 7:30 p.m. in the and Harry Tuft, plus the international Hispanic film ~.. center' s outdoor Hoofin' High Country festival, will be held Aug. 28 amphitheatre, 6901 Cloggers; and Kazoophony, and 29 at the Oblate College Restaurant~ and Bar . _ Wadsworth Blvd. an evening of brilliant of the Southwest in San J There will be space open satire, on Aug. 14. Antonio. 1480 Humboldt 831-0870 ~ , for dancing to swing-jazz Tickets are $S for adults Mon.- S,,,, II am 10 2 am For further information Sun. 4 pm 10 12 p,n songs of the 30's and 40's. and $3 for students and contact Consuelo Avila or MM"I foe,d llntll l'Udnitlhl . \ ~ As with all of the Arvada senior citizens. In case of Catby Donohue Christine Ortega, (512) 73& s.twdai, Brunch: ; Center's Summ~r Pops incleme~t weather: t_he II am to 3 pm 1685, or the college, 285 Codd.All 4 10 5:30 pm Series, there will be a concert will be moved inside City Councilperson cathy -r: Donohue will share her Oblate Drive, San Antonio ) _ catered meal served the Arvada Center. For Tex. 78216. beginning at 6 ji.m. The cost ticket information, call 42Z- concerns for the inner city is $4.75 for adults and $3 for 8050. with listeners of "Direct children.

Prepare your own ■alad, to your own • TWo Freah ■atl■lactlon, Romemade8oupa ...... with our • Crisp Fresh 11:Mam • s,Mpm Homemade ...... ,...... larse Frida,. as■ortment ...... 0.1,. • Crl•P Lettuce of fresh • Freall Carden sz.~9 ■alad v.. etablff ...... favorite■ Croaton• .... u ..... and creamy, • Asar'• Special aar Take.•Olat rich Dres•l•I• SLll9 dres■lnl••

--• aa41 ..... aar at di... Aur•• ..ay1 ~ArapalloeA••••-••er ...... Freeway at•-• ,eies E. Arapalloe Rd., Eqlewood --W. C.Ua• A•e., Lakewood SIHSo. ■llerldan ■I•.. Sunday~ 17th SundaI · fJ Gospel Matthew 13 : 44-52-t:

By P'atber Job• Kreaike J esus was a master of story-telling and He especially hides the treasure again secretly. Why? Burying was con- •- DomlaJc•• Preacber delighted his hearers by giving a unique twist to familiar sidered the best protection from thieves and the treasure re- _ la Retldence themes a nd hence made the lesson He intended to convev mains a pa rt of the field - the secret is kept.The man legally.,._1 St. Dominic'• Priory quite memorable. · then buys the field and all it contains 1s his ! J esus drew many of his introductory leaching themes Pearls were highly valued during all of ancient times. -/ • .. from Or lenl.;,I slory-telllng. J esus, alter a ll, lived in a culture Self Surrender Divers harvested them from the Red Sea. the Persian Gull where the art of story-te lling was highly regarded. People and the India n Ocean. Cleopalra is said to have owned an ex• ' The two pa rables or the treasure m the fi eld and the traordinary pea rl of staggering price. relied on their memory a nd lrn agination in a w.iy in which pearl are understood as expressinll Jesus' demand for com­ we do not for they could not read for the most part. The st ress is not on one pearl, bu t rather on the adjective plete self-surrender and the resulting joy. The JOY of dis­ great. The discovery is a surprise and leads the merchant... a • covering wha t is or " great" value seizes a person. to the same joy of possession that the treasure-in-the-field penetrates the inner self and overwhelms one. finder had. The Kingdom of God here is not like a merchant ...- , All e lse seems valueless compared with that surpassing but like a pearl of great value! Pilgrim Virgin worth. No price ls too high. The unreserved surrende r of all else becomes a matter of course. The decisive point in both Final Parable parables is not what the two men give up but rather their The kingdom of heaven in the final parable or the net is r Statues Set reason for domg so • the overwhelming experience or the not the net itself. but the sorting out of the fish in the net. The greatness of their discovery. net is a drag-net which ls either dragged between two boats~ • • ST. LOUIS (Loul1vllle) - Pilgrim Virgin st.atues of or laid out by a single boa t and pulled to the land with long Our l..ady of fi'atlma, spon• Mr and Mrs Felipe Tru• sored by the Ambassadors of j 1llo. 132 N 10th Ave .. Burled Trea,ure ropes. In the lake or Galilee, where Jesus first called the disci• Mary, will be in the follow• Brightnn In the pa rable of the treasure, J esus would have had an Ing homes the week of July mind a Jar containing coins or jewels The numerous wa rs ples to follow Him, there are 24 varieties of fish. Some are ~ ASSUMPTION (Welby) - edible and some are not . according to Jewish dietary laws . 25 to Aug. I. that swept over Israel because of her position in the F'crtile r. Mr. and Mrs Guada lupe The pa rable 1s concerned with the final judgment which ) ST. JOAN Ot' ARC (Ar• Crescent between Egypt and Mesopotamia caused lhl' burial Huls, 15004 Maxwell Pl. . or valuables in times of serious da nger ushers m the Kingdom of God. Before the separation. good ◄ : • vadal - Mr. and Mrs. John Montbello. Flaherty, 6629 Zang Cr .. Ar• Hidden treasure was a favorite theme 1n the folklore and bad are mixed because the last opportunity for repen­ tant·!! ha,; not yet run out The net is cast widely and ·)' vada. ST. THOMAS MORE (LU· The poor la borer is ploughing and his ox sinks into a hole He . . ever') th ing r is e 1s left to God until His hour comes. MT. CARMEL (Denver) tleton ) - Mr. and Mrs .t. - Const.anline Farin, 943 W. Robert Dreallng, 1540 S. Ellsworth Ave., Denver. Derch St., Denver. NOTRE DAME (Deaver) Campus - Mary Lou Humbarger , a780 W. Lehigh St., Denve r...... ,. ST. MICHAEL ( Auroral Ministry Sets - Mr. a nd Mrs. Gil Marcelo , Weekend 5531 S Telluride Ct., Aurora The Office of Campus Ministry at the Community Colleae of Denver, North Denver campus , will lpon• MASS 10r a weekend for those of at colle1e•a1e July I to Au1, 2 MT.OLIVET at the Bethlehem Center, A M.-ss will be Weat 128th Avenue at Zuni. celebrated in the Interment Chapel of The coat is UO per KHI' '""' ORIAT Qlol nutlliO person. It lie1ln1 with Mt. Olivet Cemetery. WITH GINUINI OM l'AIIITI regl1traUon on Friday. Jul.y Fatller Edmulld Keatel _... .. 31 at 7 p.m. and enda after Paator the Euc:barl1llc celebraUon Holy Roury Pariab which be1tn1 at I :30 p.m, on ~aver 8100D REASONS SUnday. Th.is Mass will be of­ fered on First Friday TO IIVE YOUR CAIi The theme l1 " Upt In Ufe," and aea1ion topic• In­ 7P.M MR. IOODWIIENCN·s Au1. 7tla, lNl ~4L clude '' Mazea of ldeolOIY of Modern Society." " What for all,,_ INr-..d •• Doe■ God Tell U1 In Cbaoe of VACATION Modem Priorttiea?" "How MT. OLIVET Am I Able lb Confront Sucb l Powerful Influences A.I a CEMETERY CHECKUP Cbrlatlan?" " How 11 tbe ...... ,...... -t < Upt of Chrilt to Flll Me ---C...MDr-.... tN,1111 . NOW. with Ufe?" .. ~ ;, lillilctiwe ...... -... C' ----•111111111...... I ...... ~ ...... 1112 - • I '

► ,.

I { "The FlnMt In Quality" .. .. Norman's Memorials, Inc. . .,,,. 1111 ...... PII..QI-MII EARLY AN Makes FOR SALE IIIISES CHILD CARE ?)\ldl st0 TWO POSfTIONS CHILDHOOD rm DOQrS 2-drawer me llLPI. IIIES LOO K In My Capitol Hill n_ ~,.,_ Mlias •111111111 • ••••·.. , PR08UM a WtndOWa CGIPIIIONS Fine cu.tom Home. For New Born. WL-.. for lour-yNr olda. ThrN Ser--•& •aa•1 Wlllltohtlp an11to, e1c1er1y Remodellnn Experience & Quality FIICOOK morn Inga • waeh - · ..,... •., person and nrn money TOOi • Al ...... enrollment llmlted to 10 Patio door•: Your Cllolce of areas anci •RESIDENTIAL References Required. ~ Wor/t • 1 ....__ ...... __.lnJ__.Clllrll...., ~hild - Lut It at·on 4-dra-r flle ...... Good" •COMMERCIAL U t 25 h k ~ RN80flll0,. ---- - ~ I r-•· 51reg ar 0I 111111111 SlniN ,.....,s, rly. Llcetteed& eonded p O OUrS Wee • Prl --:=•::-- ~n•To,S~fl~~ ~:.frf.:: lllllrlllCICllhll. •11511 CAL&.USNow ly. Good Salary 11ft. c.. . NllrllllltlllctlfJ H=~r;.-~;;:r ,... _..,. MEJ:lt~~RE G.T~~==lon Negotiable. ~ 1:•11•:•.....,. IIII0629J·ll6ill56Sl2. IIJIIY SAWICKI ENGLEWOOD SERVICES 355-3071 CallPea:,lershof Call John al ne .-_ I 571 • 1558 or477-7364 PRESS 399 5030 .....fl1 . IA.■.115 : 30P. ■. 377"'tN9 ••••; •••- •211 733-5717 ly • 429.2906 301fi SO. BROADWAY • Sit. IA.■. 11 uo ,. ■. Laavea Message !F-.ty JAJ ~

s ✓I· .. t-=-F.-=T~.l~ON~ZA~LE~S~----C~a-ri_n_g-is-o~u-r_b_u_al-n- ..-.-. -;~R_E_M_O_D_E_L_I_N_Q+--CO-M_M_U_N_IT_Y_+--~- .l~-,~--,,,,_...-+- ~:T:'l•·tJI:ma:tG~~[:lil: 11i ll'llllllEI CO. K•lly Health CarupeclallzH In taklnt A MINISTRY 'liEi J ?Jn - /C7ff 14"'11 .r-. ) ,c. • Landscape designing, car•ofpeopl•lnthelrownhom•. REPAIRING Are You Committed to Dayor N/gntwork .~•n,· UCll• S .,.., ~ 0 complete landscaping, •Registered Nurses FREE ••••••-.u Social Cbanae? A Com- IEallnll•CIMIICIII. ~"':'!'r."·... lll,ffl :a,.,,- ie f ul1yl austt omatWiC •licensedPractical Nurses REASONABLE RATES; BASE· munlly Miolstryblook- :: ~~~-•aotlfft 1 ::= ;= nt.... l • spr nk er sy ems. e •Home Health Aides ::~=.::·· MENTS FINISHEO: GARAGE ID K {Or IO me OD e •SNY ·- eflAffll '"' IMC 1715 'Tl. fml . ... Sll,111 z Id installordoityourself •Live-lnCompanions INSULATEO: ORYWAUING: d~~caled lo working IUSllla.(,mJ lll" W.8., ,S...... , ..... =..__,__ C> nl ..~· -. packages available •Homemakers ~-··. ' HOMw,~EoPo•w1NsTINRGEC1NATUERltKOERO& w, u 'orau roots peol pllle namaans ;~::.~;.!.-:!·:;.."":v ,,...... IQ.111 z - located at 4550 S Ki •We b ill Insurance directly. / ,, , • eaver a e 1 • • 404 ••• , •~ ••••• ,,.../,._""" ,.,,.... . p- Calluslorlurrharinlorma11on: I ·. ~ EXTER IOR; CLEANING bod1oodt: AllwllNnClll%1'-4tl3777 1375 -•.ii..., •~ s.,.;'. •-•·• :a ;. ling with Jeffco Ren- 393-1416 · HAULING: CUSTOM WORK. .Salary•bencfits • ne ,...... -. _ =· .. _ :z lats. . l . - flllllT•~,, llllall Vacation; negot1able 1311;,AlMOUft. ~u;n••~u79 ...... - .... 0- is f 173-9574 ~=... ·'' ·• - TrainingSupplled lllftlllff ■IMnamr .-.- I:)~ IIMlf•T•.. -- :z te or l · ·l · '\ :~··k<,. IIIHOtUIII Call Steve Saller -•-~~ •=:._:~r,=. ts.- • • 171-4214 ;, -~re .y- 11• 1111 922.mu DECORATORS IIC. ~--Ttf!ir.l" - I ,NU " , IILllmtUN 778-8464 1g t------+------.....------+------➔------..,_ Gutters. Spouts PHOENIX CARNATION SPECIAL FREE ROSARY We epeclella In Gutt­ BASEMENT and Spout llepl-t 1 ESTIMATES PATTERN Gutlara Cleaned a ELECTRIC 1 '° per dozen L·NOLEUM& 16 Aepared CERAM•c $2.00 Prepaid :h 1 CNfnctlatlllrvtcl NOUIII: ....lat . 7:00-5:IO WALLS LEAK? Thoroughly E•perl.,,cad lallMIOlr...., TILE WORK )d ◄ \ .. & Oepandable Orlglnal FREE IIE8IIOUTIINI. n- ~ 1¼ Blocka South of Cinderella City Complete Waterproofing Service. Crochet td • • I • AIIEIICM ROOfllG ESTIMATES REPAIRING LlcenN & lnaurec:I FLOORS & WALLS All types waterproofing. Fast a Pattam SIIETIETILCO. Guaranteed workmanahip. 744-2114 Call ASPECIAL TYi Box 2189 ·- 144 8 . BROADWAY ZOYIS. OPmlllCl ' '31llb1!Jt 25 YNrs Experience Loves Aftef I P.M. 791-0tl3 phon• Park, Member ol All Soula ·988-1748 791-2814 Illinois PARISH ...... 761-0963 ANYTIME 420-0976 61131 r HOME ~1------+------4------,,------f------t"------r------~JERRY WALL HOME THANKSGIVING DURAN'S HEALTH Bacon & Schra• HEALTH AIDE ,.HALEY Painting A.DE NOVENA TO ST. JUDE T.V. 6-8 Houra, five days and Repair Co■,Olltllll 6-8 Hours, five days O Holy St. Jude Apostle and Martyr. great in virtue a week for care of IIEDICAl EGUIPIIEIT CO •nd in miracles. near kmsman ol J esua Chrosl. la11hlul SERVICE • PAINT - Int. & Ext. Roofln1 a week for care of 1nicrt'E'$SOI' of all who mvokt' yOllr spte1al p1otron.t1" m elderly at home. Hospilal type equipment Covering all Denver & fOf lhehome • Comm. & Res. elderly at home. llmt• ol nNed to ynu I have recour,e trom tile depth ol the suburbs. WIii ser­ Must be quallfled, TIii Roofing my hearl and humbly bee to whom God has given l\l'Ch OKygen & therapist all phases Must be quallfled. vice all brand• - In have car & • wood preservations Roof ~real power lu comt' 10 my ass,.tanCt" Help"'" ,n my have car & prc,sent and urgt'fll peht1on In rc,turn I pronnse lo home service. Open , .. references. • quality work at ...... Rtpalrleg references. make your namr known. and tau.., you lO be ,nvokubhcalton promised •, 457-9673 E .T.R. Senior Citizens ~ 322•1413 232-3131 SICK POOR - ...... , ST. JAMES ~ OrllwlllllllclllM__, CATHOLIC CHURCH ..· . ... Lowest Price• In Town/ UOYD'S SINGII SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE Shop and Compare SIWING alffll PARKINS LOT GARAGE SALE In School Parking Lot ----~~-OUAIIAHTUO ,,.. - •Al..._IIJIYICE - • ...,.,...... ,....""• - 1248 Newport ...,...... ,... Hll.,...,.. AUGUST162 R.OWERPOTS 471-1411 • 4"-Utt FOUNTAIII Fe,, Ou, Auto,• & SOU1h 0.lel~ • 8 A.M. lo 5 P.M. 811' Daya OIIUMENTAL Pno,,a f...,."19 (8 different mod... ) Ma-M11 or Mt•l141 Please Call 399·75 45 or 322-1981 for ANDU■S LANTERNS f YM . Thi.It• , See ""°"'9; (35 different ltJIN) - Mt-1141 - pick-up or future information. •1&-•220 Mule lllf1Ctor ~mpe lnclUdecl '22-'50 THANKSGIVING '8-'32 flrlt. Fnacla NOVENA TO ST. JUDE of AIIIIJ 11 (1 llhly St .lud<• AIH•~tlt> ilnd Mart~•• grc,,ol 1n virtue ,uld rn u11r,wl~ , ,w.tr km1ou.u1 of Jt.~u.s Chfl5l. fatthhtl Cutltlllnto intt1rt••,~sm ul ,111 who 1nvukt.. your Spt! ' "( • ..\ .. .~ ~ ! ~ THURSDAY,_ JULY 23 ••• AT MILE HIGH STADIUM. ~ "w M ... I - . tl\g\\\ w I - -· 5 " 9e9 ' ~ } . ~ a\ 1 u .. ~ - ...""' ' M " ~ PEPSI 14 BE OUR GUEST ~ CompUment9 of Pepai-Cola i>,,u... Gol• .,,.,., ..,.. 1n O• •~ •~ •Uf' P"°"' 1a1,on1 "'""" l"41 Beaa o-,,, lo"1•-,00,• •t M "" •• r :.1.o.1 .- C.,t OUI IM " 0 Mf1 E coupon ~ cw.._,, ..1 ,.,., ••~ ...... -... _, ,, • to<1u11eo 10< each ,._,,o« 0 1 -,o,.,, _,, •o , '°"'°°"' .,_•~""•Ole ,n 11on.s ol P.r•'- (..;,q ., °"'' -· i ' C>f '"' In"" 0 1 , ...n 1"41 C:OUl)Onll WIii 0e M 11(-HNJO,• f o,O•! _ , ;", !I 1911 1 ..... ,..,...... , !,pm w ~ THE DENVER BEARS vs. ·14 INDIANAPOLIS M Thursday, July 23, 1981 Game Time 7:35 P.M. ~ ·------~------~: : Depoait ~hi~ atu~ for _the prize drawing• I I betwNn 1nn1nga-1nclud1ng a trip to ... the I I Compl i ment■ of Pepei-Cola I Dodger• va. Phillie• game in Loa Angel•• on I ~ I C atc h That Pepei Spirit at Tt1os cowon p,o voOes aom,ssK>n 10 Mole I Auguat2, 1N1 I ~ ~ I Pepel Nl9ht! H1g11 s ,.o,um seating. July 23, ,.,.,11 11,e 10 1- I THE DENVER BE•RS iow,ng e•~IK>ns Bo~ s■a11 tie•- th4I I In lhe event ol circumstanc.. beyond our con- t,,s1 and th11d base ltnea , 54!al s ,n I v■ . " Sec1,ons 106- 10 1- 1oa. 109•-llt!d- 117 a no , 1e . I trol an alternate prize mar be substituted. I I INDIANAPOLIS and au enc10seo p,esa level seats Furthe•. I JULY 2 • l9SI 111,s ttc kel has an eacllange value o l S3 00 I (WINNERS MUST BE PRESENT) M I ~. · tow ard press level ($4 SOI, Bo• ($4 001. I I w~ I GAME TIME 7:35 P.M. and reser11ed ($3 SOI seahng C all the Name I Catch That Pepel Spirit Bea,'s ottlefl (4 33-.,..5) lo • tuni- e a- I · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · • • • • , ...... I

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