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All the News of All the Pointes \ Every Th~rsd.y Morning '" * '" rosse C.II TUxedo 2.6900 ews Complete~ews.Cover~ge of All the ,Poiutes

VOLUME 2o-NO: 18 5c Per Copy Entered as Second Clas5 Matter '3.50 Per Year at the Polt Offlc. at DetroIt, MIch. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, APRIL 30, 1959 24 PAGES - TWO SECTIONS .. Section I

They're Ready for Clean-Up oj th~ Memorial Center All Residcnts '''EEK Urged to Do As Compiled b}' the $13,00Q Grosse Pointe News Drive Is Their Shai.c

Thursday, April 23 Short of Quota Beautiful Pointe Depends A MUTINY by a band of Concord (Mass.) Reformatory Upon Cooperation of All Not Yet Donated Are Urged to prisoners was Drought to .an Who Have ,Act Citizens in Campaign end by the relentless attack To Meet $40,000 Goal Needed to aelance . of State Police. The prisoners seized hostages and holed up Budget for Coming Year Grosse Pointe's annual in a prison building. Clean-Up Campaign, spon- State Troopers rushed to the With just a month to gd before the drive's end the sored by the Grosse Pointe institution from all over the Gros~~ P~inte War. Memorial's 1959 Annual Fa:Uily Garden Club Council, gets state, and aiter a four-hour PartICIpatIOn CampaIgn must raise $13,000 in order to under wa,y Qn Friday, May barrage of tear gas, quelled balance the budget for the coming fiscal year which L It WIll be continued the rebellion and routed the begins August 1. ~. " - ! through May 10. rioting inmates. Officials said To date, $27,()21.43 'has been D '-_ that 35 inmates were involved. received from 1,999 don~rs as eUlye.d Call Success of the drive will de.' Twelve guards and two , compared to $26,847.61 from pend on the cQOperation of all civilians had been held as < 1,940 contri'butors at this time L B'. I residents. Everyone is asked to hostages, according to Gov. last year. However, $2,500 ets ltrg ar make special efforts to see that Foster Furcolo's offic.e. Origin- moPe is needed this year than their own property is cleared ally it was believed there in 1958. Flee ';n Pu,rk of winter's debris and made as were 63 prisoner-rebels, but Folilow-up letters combined II beautiful as' possible. when the uprising ended, offi- with a postage-free remittance Scouts Help Out cials said some were involun- envelope have been mailed to Ask Residents to Notify All this week the Boy Scout.ol tary participants. the homes of the five Poi utes P l' I d' I f have been busy hanging • • • this week. Insofar as poss~ble, 0 Ice mme late y 0 Clean-Up reminders on door Friday, AprU 24 the voluntecJl"S ass,isting with Anything Suspicious knobs, lest; someone forgets the PRESIDENT EISENHOWER the campaign at the Center 'dates. who admits to being senti- have elimialated iiI'om the A Park woman returning ." \ mental, drove to Walter Reed mailing all those ,~hose gifts t h h .As a traditional M(iy Day have already come in. 0 er ome, saw a man in tl'lhute, the Girl Scout tl'oop& Hospital and handed his old If donations .reached the an upstairs bedroom, called throughout'the 8l'ea have been. friend, John l!'oster Dulles, a commission as special consult- Center after the follow-up let- by telephone from next planning, ~picking and arrang- ant on foreign policy. Tlie job ters were taken to the post door to see if it was' herlll1lg flower baskets or bouquets , Grosse Pointe's annual Clean-Up Campaign starts . . -Picture by Fred Runnells offices last week the Center's husband, and a burglar got to decorate their Qwn door- carries a place on the White working on their own properties to make the Pointe on Friday, May 1, and runs through May 10. These staff hopes the givers will away with a considerable ways. House staff as well as cabinet beautiful. Left to right are: - DALE PATTISON, rank, and pays $20,000 a year. members of the Blue Hi-Y Club at the High School understand and overrlook the sum of family cash, Many of the school children sponsor; GARY BROWN, HOLMES BROWN BILL • • • will be out Saturday cleaning' up vacant lots along RICHL and TED STANLEY. ' , rem~nder. .Mrs. Norman TomJi:'ltl O!f and Garden Club members are Saturday, April 25 main thoroughfares. They hope all residents will be Speeches Scheduled 1336 Three Mile'drive arrived joiruing in this .welcome te A NEW PROPOSAL, re- Speeches have been sched. home at 9 p.m. on Sunday, spring and it is hoped that larding formulating plans to uled at P-TA, church and April 26, and pulled into the home owners in general, will counter Russia's demands per- High ,School oth.er civic meetings to bring driveway. Looking up, she also ~dd a bright note. In the taining to Berlin, will be taken Rotary Club's Aoollal Show Methodists t'O the atrtJention of the public saw a man standing next to a Village and on. the Hill, th~ to the Western foreign minis- the Center's n~s in this dresser in an upstairs bedroom. business men are dressing up , ters conference next week by Orchestra campaign .. The Association's The bedroom light was on. these shopping centers with Of Antiques Opens. May 5, Plan' Drive. ClllT :\...... secretary of. State Christian Board' memben are g;ivirlg After putting the in the colorful surprises. Herter. The Western Powers .Wins Honors lIheir time to make these garage, according to Park On Saturday th~Blue and will be infonned that the In War MemorialCen~er ..~' FQT:$1,50,000 speeches. I Police Chief Arthur Louwel'5, Gold Hi- YJ 'boys will be seen .United States is prepared to I 1 ' • - __ --.,..'---''--'"'' , " 'f ,~; , . " '1" >,' , - " ,- ~ Remittance envelopes are M,'S. Tomlian 1IlOticed • light wielding :rRkes on vaca~ -Jot. Bhut down its most .powerful Newly Organiled . Group Park received any prolest.~, or iM'or- tact about the klilling qualities When last seen he was shab- night ,with Edward Jojichstadt, mamon, thai birds have been boats, a government commun- Farms Det. Sgt.~. George bily dressed, Detective Bureau, in conduct- of the DnT, is that fish have Gros.~e Pointe has fines for well known landscape archi- killed, d1rect1y, or indirectly, ique disclosed. The rebels are Van Tiem and Jack Paisley The bona fide money orders ing an investigation ,:,f the t«t. been killed when the poison Iittoring bhe highways Rnd the in possession oC Nombre de said the wanted men "re be- alleged firtn, found that there .as a result of the cit.y's spray- was washed into ponds and police ha'X! made arrest.~ dur- are. numbered ASB85405 to The .merchantll and land. ing .programs tliis year. Dios, a village about 75 miles Iieved to be the same ones AS885500. i~ no such company. sireams. ing the past year 1'01' throwi.ng away from the Panama ('.anal. lords in the district Ire en- lIe I'lllid {if. has never been Farms Cit.y Engineer Mur. who held up the store. One money ordt!r blank was If any resident is employing thusiasticaJly supporting plans bottles and debris from car An 0 f f i cia I announCement The officers said the men proven that birds have died ray M. Smith stated that his windows. No matter how care. found in a motel room in Cin- any men claiming to represent for an extenisve program of by being sprayed. ThNe is no stated that G<>vernment forces cashed a money order at the cinnati, number ASBB5443, by such a.company, or have c

., / • GROSSE. POINT'E NEWS Thursday, AprU 30, 1959 Pige Two , .Methodists .Pwn Drive or may not. be mOre ef!ecHve ) Although Michigan's tuber. DeJa'yed Call Pick Patrollers No Complaints, A""bout, DDT, than that which is now being culOsis death rate has dropped used. It is new, butnot stand. lH Percent in thelast 50 years, (ContlJllled from Pace 1) ferences and who are especially For Cap'ital Trip' TB still kills more people than (ConUaued from Pale 1) (C.ntbllued frerri Pare 1) building, aQCorcimr to Woods ard, and has not yet beerl ap. at the New JersC)' Methodist trained 00 aid churches in all other iMeetious diseases hOuse was open, then she Thomas~, 11, Mon- the calls pertained only to in- City Administrator William prov~ by th~ State Board of Conference Center. fund-raising crusades. . Agriculture, he said. combined. Mr. case comes to Grosse During the year ending May called police. teith &Chool. and George Hess; formation con c ern i n g the Lange. The, city owns ,and B'"'a- N...... - BA"". 11 f Richard hool h validity 01. the destructiveness operates its own spra.ying Pointe as a representatige of 31. 1959, the ministers in this "'.. _ '"" __ • rom sc., a~e of the DOT. ' equipment. the Department 'of Finance department raised over. 28 The woman noticed foot- been chosen to represent then , and Field Service of the Divi. million dollars in 388 cru- prints in the snow and heard fellow Grosse Pointe safety Mr. Smitll said the "'anns All the officials agree' that sion of National Missions of sades, mostly in local churches, a noise in the house. Thinking Patrollers' at the 23rd Nation. does its dormant sprayina be- death of birds in CON'lection The Board of Missions of The "bringing the grand total since it w'as the. doctOif's pet cat mak- ~l AAA Safety Patrol Rally fore ,the birds arrive, and with their respective spraying ,CHET SAMPSON Methodist Church with offices the organization of the depart- ing the noise, she calbed to it, in Washington, D.C., May 7-10. when, they do arrive, the programs is indirect. if at all. in Philadelphia. This depart- ment to over 112 million dol. and she heard a lobder noise Thomas, who lives a't 1953 'spray has already don~ its job ill that the birds eat insects Is Accepti~9 Applications for His ment, organized in 1932, is Jars in 3,942 crusades. as if :>omething was dropped. Littlestone, and' George, of a~d th.e potency,.~ far as ~ and other matter contaminated staffed with Methodist minis- Mr. Case will, come to Grosse She then closed the door. 324 McKinley; will be guests blrd-kllhngquahtJes are con- by the spray chemicals. ters wno are in active reI a- Pointe from Alders>gate Church of Automobile Club of Michi. cer~, has worn off. Too, all are ligreed 1iJat the tionship with their annual con- Detroit. c:::r~e O~~farh~~~:;;' gan on the' iour,day, all-ex- Shores ViIlJage Superintend- new chemical. Methoxychlor, European Tour ______• All that was missffig kom~=this pense trip. 'fhey .will be ent Thomas Jefferis ~d that is more than twice as ex- , I . 'd, 'among the 100-member dele. his office has not received pensive as the Dutdl,. Elm COVERING 11 COUNTRIES house, It was sal were two gati0ll of Michigan patrollers any complaints .fu'omresidentB spray beiDg used at present, compacts and afounta}n pen. attending the rally. represent- Ol his community. but :Mr. Smiilh is the only one Portugll, Spain, It.!y;'Austria. Switzerland, "This illthe second time that jng some 93 communities who, pointed out; that it may. a delayed call to police has ..' The Shores sprays ViUage Germany, France. Belgium, HolI~nd, England, , , permitted burglars to. escape," ' The 'youngsters were named trees, and Wayne eoJnty' and Denmark. Chief Lot,l\veors ~aid, ~'It dnly as out.standingamong .more sprays the trees along Lak;e Parents.' Respond our. citizens would just leave than 50,000 pittrolboys apd ShOl'e, a, coun,ty road, hoe said, police work to the police, and girls who each spend well and no. calls have come in To School Quiz. not try to investigate sus- over 200. hours every year about birds beillg lciUed be- picious . incidents themselves. safeguarding their classmates cause of the spray. COLLEGE ,STUDENTS ,P~nts of Grosse, fointe . ' our work would be a lot easier. at crossings neip' 2,200 Michi- No recofds of' caps have elementary school chIldren 'Citizens Have DIl'.j' gan eloeme~tary sch~ls., been received in the city. of. have given a .tremendous I'e-' AND YOUNG ADULTS FIRST DW'lng Itg stay m Wash- fice police statioo., or DPW sponse a school questdon- '!Citizens have a duty in ington, the Michigan group' --'------to helping theili' policemen just will join 35,000 other patrol- naire con c ern in g foreign June 26-Aug. 9 ••. $1390.00 language ilnstructdon for theilr as the polieehave a duty to lers from. across '.the nation Orchestra Wins children. enforce the laws of the com- and Canada for the tradition- munity. If the people do not al march down Copstitution A tabulation of the ques- 1tI•• rorl •••• fI Appllc.fio •• Anl/ •• '•• f , cooperate 'with their.pOlice de~ Avenue. The five-mile long (Cl)ntinued. from Pale 1) bionnaire has beenmadie and partments, then the law,. en~ parade is the largest held an- the sight reldingevent in the resW1l'l are, being studit:.d. Chet SampSon Travel Service forcement agencies have their nually in the Capital. which the orchestra perI',)rmed It is expected that more defin- hands tied., Michigan's delegation will a selection never' seen before ite action as 10 the possibiaitd~ 100 Kercheval, on the hill TUxedo ~751 0 FEDERAL of the new foreign language "Again, I plead with the meet Con~~ssmen from their by either the director of 1ile people in the Park. as well as home. districtS a.t a special students. instruotional program will be those in other cities.caU your luncheon arranged by the Auto 'Judges for Satut-day's Festi- taken by the Board of Educa- police departm61t whenever Olub. Other highlights. of the val 'were: Orien Dalley, Uni. tion during the lllIOI1th of May. you see. or hear anything' sus- trip will include meeting well.' versity of Michigan; Romeo School officials inqicate that picious. Please, please do not known entertainers and visit. Tala; Michigan State Univer- F\rench was the mo6t popular try to carry out any investiga- ing historic landn'1ark.~'and sitYi Vernon Stinebaugh, Man- choice of tbo6e' responding to tions yourselves, and above all, federal government buildinga chester Collegei' and .Louis the letter. HoWevEr, Spe.ndsh, please dO not delay inca~ling in the Washington area. Potter, Director' of the Mich. Genuan, R u s s ian, Greek, LaUn, Swedish, Polish, Italian PAYS if you see any suspicious per- The youngsters will board igan State Univmit.y Sym- WOK !HOING MAY' ,ORLON DYNEL som. or notice any' ausPicious their private railroad cars at phony Orchestra at East Lans- and Japanese were also men- cireurnstances. the Michigan Central Depot in ing. moned.' ,COATS Chll.'''';'' .. d br .d ... "We cannot carry out our Detroit on Thursday, May 8, C llWom duty, if the people will following registration and a BLOUSES 54 .... ':1~.~ not .cooperate. Policemen are physical check. up. They will .-..-. trained, and anned. and better depart from Washington sat- able to handle situations of urday evening and' arrive YOUNG MEN .FUR COA'tS, this nature. People attempting back in Detroit on Sunday. to investigate suspicious noises Staff members of Auto of GOOD TASTE e and persons, not only endanger Club's safety and traffic de. nOUSERS 5S RIOtERS' ' , them- own lives, but make work partment will escort patro1- MITHODS ., that much harder for their 1ers from outside the ~troit buy at WHALING'S ~~ ',~','S police officers.'" area to and from their homes. ...a ...... Ti~.,~~ ,- 1 -...- y $1. I"e.~;z SHilTS, 5 POll Warning . ...."ealt"'.;, I:~J~:.," N \ y 5-. ,--- --::=,.-.. '-11III*: '11' THOMAS HEEL (Continued from Pare I) U _~-~ __-.ROOM: .., Ask For Ollr Spedal when two men were seen leav. .EPAIl Shot aepalr Bervice, ing the room with their lug. CORRECT ....T 520 WOODWARD gage: MY CUAH YOUR WAU.-To-WALL ~ Sgts. Van Tiem and Paisley SUiTS' ...... ••.••••.••••.••••. 67.50 ... 75.00

said that severa'l of the money SLACKS .••.•••••••••••••••••••. , 0 •••• 18.50 .::"::' STAR-HOST ON ALL orders had been passed in SPORT COATS 29.95 45.00 YQU,SAVI SO% IY DOING If YOUISIU Detroit...... _ ... )00 ..,...... , $12.95._ Alltt!eftti c oceauo Fie. hi M etch Merchants and businessmen _ ,...... , ~ wlIII,..., y_ are asked to check any money ." ~ "- Ask Abo,il Olir 12.Month W..,.drob, PJ_ 0, ~ .. ;, .... ,"",,_,', ••• 11; We SAVINGS orders presented to be cashed, ~ pollOMI...... )'Ml' ~ ,.. ' .. - .. We and notify police of anything "wi-• ...... 2 ..,. . .. suspicious. If possible, try to get the license plate. number F1TTUl IY EXPERTS of any person answering the 5hoe PNIC~I Filled WHALING'S , ACCOUNTS description of the ,two men, or anyone attempting to cuh CHESTER'-S ?!18M waz.t money orders bearing the , SHOP numbers stated. CIIUd.. n', SII" lpeer.llat. 520 Woodward Ave, un W. 7 Mil. ltd. 15911 E. WARREN wo 2-1456 , UN 4-2600 10737 MACK AVE. • $1 opens your account. All accounts, sman or ., .ucklftllMm North cf City-County BId •. Near Liverno!ll GIOSSE POINTE WOODS EXCHANGE PRESIDEN'l'S TUxedo 5.0863 large, earn 3%, and )'OU can add to savings tI"y- Woods Director of Public '"!'~in _, amount.' Safety Vern C. Bailey, current president of the Kiwanis Club of GI"OQe Pointe, will preside at the Utica. Kiwanis Club • Single accounts are insured to $10,000. A hus- meeting on Monday, May 11. band and wife may have insured accounts to in cgnnection with Presidents' $30,000. Ask for details. Exchange Week. The Utica Club president wilJ. preside at the local meeting at the War Mem


D6dge v.... ts 21.74-m.p .•. pace ... MoItillOl lco,"*y I ....- fl"i"," 1-2 lit .... I • DODGE COSTa LESS TO BUY-Check the oftlcial rwediUM price field, , • beats all other ears ..... the "w-price V" dOlI ... .,. Manufacturers' Su~ted !'Wall Prtees. . -. . I Youll Jnd Dodge pkeI are low. "'- other I medium-priced cars. When a ear cleans up' on its ela.'IS m die gas Economy Ruro. Dodge not only 6nlshed \ economy nm. by a healthy 2.1 m.p.g., that's ].2 in the Jow.rnediumprioe field-it actually I • DODGE COSTS LESS TO DRIVI:-lfot only nc.vs. Bllt when. R big, lu:mriolls medillm~ beat all other cars from the low-prlOe V-8 I In gas econoI\'ly, but In tune-ups, brake relining, yoxr pricc V-8 actually h('al.~ low.price V-8 modeb c1~~ on up. spark plug replacement -)'OW money &aXel 10'1 at their own game - that's an engineering. Compare the amazing economy record of '59 I farther in Dodge. da,.of days brt'llk-through.' ,Dodge ~ over 21.74 miles to the~allon. Com- I H~dqwJ,tt.,,: Griswold at La,f(lfl~tu.Dtu-oU, an Here are the faets. A 19.'59 Dodge Coronet. pore. it against the other em in the nm- i • DOOM elves YOU MO"E "Oft Y'OUft ..... /r... tM tld Cit" Holl. V-B, fully equipped with powet' steering.' against the C'M you're now driving. Yoa'l find MONEY"': More 1'OOnl, more comfort and I'DOfI fee- power bra1ces,.\'bd IlOtomatio transmlssion. another good reMOIl why "1t raya ... Owa a I tures. too. Features like TonfoD-Aft IUd., TCltaI. scored a l'Weeping u(*t in d* ,.....,Mobi- Dodgo." , I Cont.~ BnbI ...... oo.d 011..., -.leI. ,,»riM ",.t.iS''''' ... TTfdEl'OOWNA ~ lJIJ'l$lOlf 0' K.rcheyal Near St. Clair C ..11 'or "ppoi#ll11l'''' '59 DODGE CHRYSLBR COR1'O«ATPON Bransby Tetf oth., offices ;" 11Iet,opollttl" De/roll STUDIO 19391 Mack Ave. 20083 h4.ck Av., TU. 1.1336 --M ,In IVotJs MICHEL MOTORS eLOSEO h40NDA VI ,. • • \' , '!";, f. . ,"r.'.~'~-.~'~<' '~~~'''.'''''''. :-r'~.T '....,.,'.;T""'". ,c" .$Q.o,.?;, ¥.• "_,:' ,P "P; ¥C'. d., '.i",,":~P... ';'+',. '",'.' 3 as" ,4£7.tiC,4; $ & $iW,;;:;'.a .w.a.?,.,e, "h,,:a, 4, , .' '. .' .~. ~..',

Thund.y, April 30, 1959 GROSSE POINTE NEWS PageThr .. Yaluable Art Farills Firemen War Declared Guiding Church Drive to Raise $600,000 Police Arrest Sex Offender Work Stolen To Show Film On Litterers £Iifforll E. White, 43,' whose the Detroit area to be on the 1 . lal>t known adJ.ess was, given lookout for the ma- - -'-,--:.' i~*::: A valuable painting was re- The Farms Fire Department Promising cooperation in the as 706 Glover, Detroit, was Cpl. French and Patrolman ported stolen from the garage will present a film, "Crimes of Clean-Up can;Jpaign, Pointe "po- arrested by Park police on Coonce, acting on Il tip that at the rear of the home of the Carelessness" 'in all schools in .lice have issued. a warning Whi~e was known to be work. Burt Weyhings 825 Grand Ma- the' oity d u r in g "Clean.Up that special attention will be Wednesday. April 22, for in- ing at Lakepoinle and Charle- rais, 'according to a Park po- Weeki, May 1 t h r 0 ugh 10, paid those who are" guilty of vestigation of violation of pa. voix, slaked a plant in that lice reiport. 'according to Fire Chiei M. Wil. littering and that they will be role, and turned over tJo State area', and waited patiently for Weyhing told police that the Ham Mason. hailed into court. parole authorities. several hours. White, who ,was recently l'e- The officers spotted. White ,painting, v8lued ,at $500, has . The. ohief said t~at the' film The following message has leased from Jackson Prison, at 4:45 p.m., and w.k him into been missing since sometime in ~s a~allable for prIvate show- been issued by Police Chief after serving fii.ve.years ofa custody. White offered no re- February when it was last mg In homes throughout the Arthur E. Louwers of Grosse 71f.l-l0-year sentence for a sex sistance, the policemen said. seen. It ~asreported gone on city, anq can be obtained on Pointe Park.' Saturday, April 18, Pol ice request, if citizens are inter- offense. was arrested by Park The following day, the ac- Ohier Arthur Louwers sQid. ested, "The Police Department in officers, .Cpl. Charles French cused man was turned over to , .. The movie is made available your City is delegated re~ and Patrolman He-nry Coonce. parole officers fo:: ~nvestiga- The ~nt.ing, an 011 on ~an- through the courtesy of the sponsibi:lities that affect the at Lakepointe and Charlevoix. Hon and disposition on the ~as. d~plct~ ,three monks dl'mk- Bureau bf Comm\lIlications Re- general welf~r~ of the citi. Harold A. VanDyke, parole charges. mg .wmem a ,basement. and search Inc. N.B.F.U. zens. Generally speaking, this officer for the State Bureau of _ ----- playmg cards. The work was ' __ • _ is to the protection of Iif~. and Pardons and Paroles, charged in a highly polished dark wood CLUB PLANS EVENT proPerty, .but more specificlilly White with two known recent frame, and measures seVen to the suppression of crime, sex offenses again&t small The Grosse Pointe Exchange fcet wide and five feet high, Woods Garden detection and apprehension of children since his release from Club will sponsor an annual Wehling tolll police. Club to ~leet I criminals, recovery' of stolen Jackson Prison. Spring Dinner and Dance at The title of' the oil is "The property, repression of, crim- Since White's latest address the Brodhead Naval Armory Players." and it was an exhibit, inal activity and thepreven- was not known, parole au- on SatlJrday, May 16. Further at the. Chicago World's, Fail'. The Gl'osse Pointe Woods tive supervision of non-crim- thorities teletyped police in details will be disclosed later, The painting was done in the Garden Club will meet a~ th~ inal conduct. 1880's or 1890s, Chief Louwers home of Ml'S. Buxton Jones, said. 10080 W. Kings court for lunch- "Involved within these 'class- ifications is a responsibility He said that acco~ding to in- eon at 12:30 on Tuesday, May 5. to assist all agencies in the formation he received, there Mrs. L. E. Carter,gue~t s U1' e r v i sio nof clea,lliness. were about 10 or 15 German speaker will talk on wild flow- This includes' general sanita- painters doing this type of ers. Acting as co.hostesseswill p a i n tin g for the American be Mr.;. Collier Moffet and Mrs. tion, food handling, distribu- market at that time. Faunte Gibson. tion of hand biDs, littering and many others, However, for the Shown above are some of the top speCial gifts chairman; HUGH W,:Mc- week of May 1 to 10,. the ,canvass leaders of the $600,000 build- TAVISH, general chairman; and seat. police scout car patrols have , ,been insl.ructed to, be particu" ing drive now undenvay at Grosse ed is the REVEREND ANDREW F. larly a,lert for the "litterbug" Pointe Woods' Presbyterian Church, RAUTH, pastor of the church. other ~.nd to issue a, court violation 19950 Mack avenue. From left to right .top ch,!.irmen are: Dr. Gomerf. Evans, notice for' appearance in the standing: - E. H. MEYERS, teams initial gifts; Gerald C. Schroeder, ca~- local municipal court. chairman; EDWARD Q. MERTZ, vass committee chairman. "Particular emphasis will be .. . r , IN A directed towards the motorist Thief' Ransacks Faruls HOllIe To. Honor Scouts using our streets for rubbish disposal. Pedestrians who in- Ernest Demas' of 438 Manor, the breaking of a rear base- At St. Michael's ~iDkeu.f1tleman discr. im.inalelY ~se th,,! curb or I left home for a few hours on ment window lock. ~ \ gutter area WIll be accorded "d re Troop 709 at st. Michael9 the same priyilege to appear W~nesday,. Apr~ 22, .an " - The officers said the burg- Episcopal. Church is holding in court. Residents who reside turned to fmd his house had lary is still under investiga- SU IT tion, and that they ha ve no its Boy Scout awards cere- adjacent to vacant property been entered and thoroughly clues at th~ present time, mony tonight, T h UT S day. YOIl get a g1'eat deal more should assIst the police by re- ransacked by a thief. April 30,' in the church audi- porting violators who dispose The Fal"ms detective team of The thief, or thieves, took torium at 7:30 o'clock, accord- thall a coat and t;'ousers. of rubbish in these areas. Sgts. Jack Paisley and George several items of jewelry, gold ing to Scoutmaster Chuck Keeping our cities clean is Van Tiem said' that entrance coins, and old style bills, col- Dawson. \ everyone's responsibility.", into the house was gained by lector items, and some silver dollars and, cash, the detec- The program will feature You get respectful attention [rom guest speakers and the Boy tives said. business prospects and others Scout Drum and Bugle Corps . Reported ' rttissing :were: a from Troop 244 at Guy 1.0 n whose opinions you value. You ar~ NOW GOING ON! .I lady's white gold wrist watch, School. This group, under the conscious of admiring glances and valued at $75; a lady's white direction of Scoutmaster John gold eight ~ diamond l' i n g, Bell, hasgiveri many perfonn- a new confidence that /lovys from SPRING worth $500; two $5 gold, pieces, ances of this sort since its in- the knowledge that you're making one $10 gold piece; two old ception, . ' lype- $5 and $10 U.S. bills; 40 The, evening's program will an excellen( impression. You can't Camera and Proiector silver dollars; and $150 in be moderated by Mr. Ed Wine buy ~ny finer ready. to-wear ~uits cash. slow, chairman of the Troop NEW DEPARTURE FROM IRELAND Originally 1(!p6rted missing, Committee. The follow in g than those (ailored by HICKEY- Scouts will, be r e c e i v in g SALE! was about $900 in United (3ordon of Phillldelphill's Terra linen jacketretllins all the FREEMAN-and you can't buy Olny States Savings bondS; payable awards: Barry Knoll, Richard Winslow, Bdan McDon~d, n1/ltchless good looh of the traditional linen jllcket ••• as fine for less money. to Ernest and Jennie 'Demas. with an exciting new character! LinE!n from one of Ire- but these were later, :recOV- Robert Most, Robert Stevens, Dick Taperl, Tim McCarthy, ered from among the. contents land's oldest and finest mil1~ 1, blended witb. origin!l\ Dave Ingrum, Dan Proctor, scattered ontbe Iroor In. the Polyester fiber, Terylene; resulting' in wrinkle resistance house by DemaS,Paisley and Greg Gulevich, Gary Landless, and Howard Navarre. that makes for the most wearllble linen jllcket ever. Wc!lsh. ~i()k~B.cyn~man Van Tiem said. Also on the program will be able, . in .tripe. only. j' • ",., " a ,reading of a: ben,edictWrt b,r CLOTHES the'Reverend Edgar YeoJ:l1an tlt'eJutliretiby liSi" Detroit Library OHers and apresenfation of. the Troop Charter by Mr.. Tolm Family Film,s 'Lapish and Louis Traglia . VILGOR , .Boys of Scouting age are il:\- The last program of. the vited to ~ttend. ~, I Family Film Night series.spon- G~05sr POINTI DETROIT sored by the Grosse Pointe Li- ' , 1259 W•• hi...,. 11,,11. brary will be Friday, MilY I, at I would rather be ignorant 92 K.rdNtvol I , . on the Hill ' in the Book Tower Woodward Avenue at Grand CircUs Park 7:30 o'clock. The three films than wise in the foreboding of evil, says Aeschylus in the "ISD ill Chic.,,. scheduled will be shown in the G t B k Meeting Room at the Central ~ 00 s. Library, Kercheval avenue at " .ActFast for* Savings Fisher road. Two new color films will be / featured. Entitled "People of from 30% to 40% Venice" and "Village of Spain':, they are excellent descriptive films of thearchitectu1'e, art, customs, and way of life in Venice, city of canals and gon- dolas, .and viUage lite in color- ful Spain.. The third film is "The Story of Peter and the Potter", which is the story about the Deich- mann family, who are widely- kno\vn artists in clay. Adults and chi'ldren accom- panied by adults are cordially invited to attend this program.

The pursuit of happiness 1~114 Kerchevlllr TU 1-4096 leads some people in this 0,.. Friday EvelliluJs 'til '.:00 wI> l' 1d into some mighty strange places.

.0... it easy M eM lightweight, water- repeft-eM MEN'S WASHABLE LEISURE JACKETS .... cMdoon, ..... cos~ 00fnb4 0* ow M'nOftfy st.,ted ~

left: fine combed cotton popfm %ipp«.front icKkehnth IWhd

cuffs and bock boftot. boft

rigftt: 11M docl'Oft-

k. cc>fkw',cuffs,~, ond aciioft.bod; iftMftl. """lA. 12.91

>. garet Zolliker. C. Goddard, Mr. and MiS. Na- Mr. and Mrs. SlCmey R. Mc- than ,B.' Goodnow, Mt. and Cleary, Mrs. Claude G. Mc- 'April 21 . Mrs. John M. Grah~, Mr. and GET IT HOT ••• GET A LOT for load after load of the cleanest, whitest Dortalc, Miss Margaret' Mc- Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Attarian, Mrs. Harry A. Hall, Mrs. Rob. laundry ever. Kenzie, Dr~ Roger F. McNeill, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ayes" Mr. ert L. Hatch, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E.' Measel, and Mrs. Frank C. Barrows; John Sidney Heil, Mrs,' Fred And washday or any day, you can be ,confident that an electric water Mr. and .Mrs. Carl Meininger, Mrs .• Arhhur Baylis, Mr. and Hibbard, Mrs. Laura B. Hig- Mr: and Mrs. WilIi8Jl1 N. Mil. Mrs. Arthur C. Beaumont, Mr. bie. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur H. heater, plus Edison's Super Supply Plan,'will provide hot water for all S leI', Mr. and Mrs. James C. and Mrs. WilHam B. Berno, Hollar, Mr. and Mrs. Robert other family needs, too. Millies, Mr. and Mrs. Ray- Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Beyer, B. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- L mOnd W. Miottel, Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Blank, MI'. ert H. Isbell, Mrs. James T. Here's the conv:enient, moderQ way to GET IT HOT ••• GET A LOT Mrs. George D. Moffett; Jr., and Mrs. Cecil H. Brown; Mr. Kenna. I Dr. and Mrs. Warren R. Frands H. Brown, Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. Victor G. Ke:n- for an operating cost as low as $3.88 per month. ' Moore, MI'. and Mrs. Marshall Mrs. James W. Bushong, Mrs. yon, MI'. and Mr~. E. N. Lang. M II ------Harry C. Clarke, Colony Town bauer, Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Club. Leahy, Mr .. and Mrs. W. Har- Onl)' electric water hHten ,Ive )'OU .11 these ImportIInt Mgma ... : Easy to carry! Mr. and Mrs. Albert D. Con- old Lightbody, Mr. and Mrs. key, Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Joseph J. Marshall, Mr. and Efficient-the heat goes into the ~ Connolly, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mrs.' D. L.McConachie, Mr, !BJ !BJ Fast-new, more efficient healing Earlel Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. and Mrs.' Clarence Moroney, water units' Evans, Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Far- Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Nolte, Mr. Install anywhere-need not be Outer shell-cool to the touch all go, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. and. Mrs. Vincent W. Norako !BJ f&J Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. and Son, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest neara chimney over Flintermaoo, Mr. and Mrs. R. Old, Mr. and Mrs. James 17 indl* Portable tv long lire-meet Edison's rigid [BJ Edison main!ai"s electrical parts John B. Ford, III, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Agos- !BJ standards without charge "ttwl>e O'I'efoIII dloe-l. 156 .... 101.plcMel Walter W. Fuller, Mr. and Mrs. tino Orlando. L... Libe,.1 lllustrated-MEDlUM KIT $8,95 Edgar Gore, Grosse Pointe Dr. and Mrs. Hervey C. [EJ Automatic-an the time [EJ safe-clean-quiet ....modem. Trod •• jn Allow.nea Womans' Club, Mr. and Mrs. Parke, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Pos- i Top Drawer Secrlt Cecil Halbert, Dr. and Mrs. selius, Jr., MI'. and Mrs. John are these Pacific Silver Cloth. William R. Hamilton, Mr. and H. Posselius, Mr. and Mrs. Vic- RCAVICTOR make-It-yourself. flatware stor- Mrs. Willard B. Han

2,ways to earn 3% on your savings•

MG.S~CCOu"l- med ,"0. st£C\Al U'l\ unt whicb I?8'f be£t~pl, CO 1 . hoOK ac . DePOSIts e . res t A pas8h dll.t.e 0 WI. • en Interest III pal our regu\l\r WONDERfUl I'" ID£A FOft AN" OCCASIOfit I withdrawal ISbgl~h~t:k or credited t~u may have Here's the most practical gift you can rive any homemaker. 6 mon~h!l 'jr chcc'kinl! l\CCoun~. nC convenient NO'other iron you've seen makes ironing 10 f&Stand easy, sav11\l!:f!0 dcpO'!lits entcred '" ,0 've a :;cpnrnt~ JU$t press the button I This amazinr iron sp-rays exactly e\\ of your hoOk or you m3'j each depo:;ll. nct AND-ett'cctive MAy 1 NRD the rIght amount of warm water in front of tlie iron. pall8 Savings'Certificate or Regulllr 8Rvingll AccQunlJl Eliminates sprinkling aDd pre-dampeninr of all but the e"rn 2%. Allk about thelle 'very largett pieees-euta il'ODiq tilDe way down. Nlvings plrmll lit Ilny of It's a .team and chT il'OIl too-with Geeral EIectrit •• Even- .. "nUl IlIIt our 64 convenient attiC('!!. Flow .t.arn .)'Item. EwD-Fiow IMam it oontinuoua-pene- ...... tntel deeper-moiateDI JOft fabric t\'tIlIJ tor perfect ironinr. .. Uee it as a dl'J iron ITiiualUer Fabric DiaJ ItIecte the pert...... -..... Il'000nc .mpentan for t'Yfl7 fabrie-l)'Dtbetieato linelll I . .,...... ,,.....,..,.,....",. """"'~ NATTONAI~, BANK OF DETROIT IENE,RAL. ELECTRIC

Mtlllllf, r,dlfol Dtpo'" I,:,,'''''''' C~,,..,.Ic...... - 011 '. , .. __ • •• 1.1, 11111.1= • • a 5 jJ ,0. 01 ; I( t. JJJAA 4 CU, 4)£ 3.. k'. ,Ai" tAJ" 0': J, I( o.

I '

GoROSSE POiNTE f4EWS Page Five CushiOn, Given Christ Church Antiques Show Gets Official Support Owner of Car Nab, Thieve, Needlepoint cushions, be. examples of this kind of Ec. Jesse Banks of 5843 Spring- stopped by Banks. addresr, untH he IPOtted hi, lieved to be. among the finest clesiastical art, were dedicated field, •Detroit,' wanted his Banks said that when h. dis. car. ., . covered his car gone, he cruis- The three boys, .n from. De- at the 11 o'clock service Sun- stolen car ret~rned, and aet day, A p r il 19, at C h ris t ed around in a car drivt!nand troit, were turned over to D... Church. out to find it himself, and owned by Dan Hatfield, same troit authorities. ~igned by Mrs. M. Riv- made a citizen's arrest of three 'Alterations ard Klippel, and created by 16 young teenagers found .....ith women of the parish. Those {lh. car in the Farms. Will eN'tlrt Muble.breosted ,FACTORY IOYOUt ladies who worked on the Farms police were cal1ed to ",in .. aiftlle-br,cllted., cushions are Miss Edythe Bal- ffl ...Iy sley, Mrs. E Irving Book, Mrs. Colonial court and Mack ave- Fireplace ScI'ltllS J. Lane Donovan, Mrs. A. R. nue on Monday, April 20, by On. Week Delivery $1822 Peter Ford, Mrs. H a r old Banlts, w:ho told authorities IkUled Workmanship Custom Made-Recess MOUAt G ump pe 1', Mrs. Rockwell that he was holding the ~n- JNlITALL IT YOURSELF agers, 13,.14, and 15 years old, Gust, Mrs. M. Rivard Klippel, A:n7 alze up to 40" wide Mrs. Preston Norton and Mrs. who had stolen his car from by 30" hIgh. . William seelbach. Anderdon and Mack, in De- Black Brall J!a Ci:$I'J iroit. Bar Bar Each cushion is done sym- CUANEItS & TAYLORS bolically. FOI' instance,' those Police said that the 13 and used at the Altar Rail isgnify 15-year-olds were involved in 19!! 24!! "4 Ch.I_" VA 1.4063 the 12 saints which are carved the actual theft CYf the vehicle, NEXT TO HEALY'S on the reredos. and the 14-year.old was picked up later, by his companions. Smitll.Mllttllews Found,y CD. At the time of the arrest, the ""0 CII.nev.i. WAI.ut 2.7155 FINAL CLEARANCE! 14-year.old was drivinr; when At K. l. A. in Grosse Pointe Woods The heads of the five'Poi~te muni- were completed, were, left to right:- up to '12 OFF cipalities have proclaimed the week of ROBERT SLONE, city J'nanager of the May 3 thruogh 9 to.' be observed as Park; MAYOR WILLIAM F. CON- Grosse Pointe Antiques Week, in con- NoLLy' JR. of the Farms, MAYOR nection with the annual show spon- KENNETH H. HOPPIN of the Woods, COMP'ONENT STEREO ON sored by the Bointe Rotary Club at' REMINGTON J. PURDY, club presi- the War Memorial Center. Attending dent; and BRUCE BOCKSTANZ, An- last week's Rotary mee'ting in the tiques Show chairman. .HI-FI MUSIC SYSTEM FOR YOUR HOME Lamp Shades, Gifts, Center, when final plans for the event -Picture by Paul Gach COMPLETE READY TO Pl.AY, Occasional Furniture' Melnoriql Ce'tter Drive Donors (Continued from Pare 4) Mr, and Mrs.' W. C. BoydelI, and Mrs. Jack Williams. • I Mr.'andMrs. E. C. Van Tiem, Mrs. Selden D. Burcheool, Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Conrad, Mr. April 27 I Mr. and Mrs. Al Walton, Mr. Come See "The Village's Newl5t Store" and. Mrs. W. L. Courage, Mr. I Anonymous, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Ervin H. WHee, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunwoodie, Ford Ballantyne, Mr. llfld Mrs. and Mrs. Charles Wright Ill, Mr. and Mrs. Cyril J. Edwards, William F. Bavinger, Beauty Opal UMPS& FURNITURE Mr. and Mrs. William J. Mr. and Mrs. Carl R. Engel, Counselors, Inc" Mr. and Mrs. DELIVERED YQung, Jr., Mrs. Sophie Zer- Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Estabrook, Albert B. Blixt, Dr. and Mrs. week. Dr. and Mr/i. F. Jaynor Evans, E. A. Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. TO YOUR HOME Mrs. Henry T. Ewal~, Dr. and E. M. Braden, Dr. and Mrs. C. , April %3 •. 17144 Kercheval Av~. ' Mrs. Charles Ewmg, Mr. and Roy Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. Al- AND CONNECTED Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. An- Mrs. J. Earl Fraser. len Brunson, Mr. Henry E. Can- drus, Mrs. James E. Atkinson, Mrs. Vatrice Ganopuls, Mr. dler, IMr. and Mrs. Ches~ F. TERMS UPTO and Mrs. David C. Gillis, Mr. Oarpenter, Mr. and Mrs. John and Mrs. W. T. Haberkorn, Mr. E., Caulkins, Mr. and Mrs. eBr- 16 MONTHS and Mrs. John S. Hammond" nard Cornillie. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hinks, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Crahb, Mr., and Mrs. Dan Hodg;nen" Miss Jane E. Doughty, Mr. and Mr. and. Mrs. Edgar M. ~ud- Mrs. L. A. Fischer, Ruben /ion, Mr. and Mrs. Melvm S. Frank, Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Ge- Huffaker, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. row Grosse Pointe Real Estate Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. William Wo~en, Mr. and Mrs. Walter M. Leach, Mr. and Mrs. Ayers S. Grzybowski, C. H. HabeT- Morison, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas kom, ,Jr., L. Hage, MI', and , McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Mrs. Richard D. Haase, Mrs. • 2 IlMkfol'll tMriwoI4 1.IucI..... klf Celt".. tI M. Nash, Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Earl r..Heenan, Sr., Mr. and Nicholson, Jr. Mrs. Earl 1. Heenan, Jr., MT. • I Ihctte-VekI 12.1 CM.lol s,..klft Mr. and Mrs. Wesley S. Peo- and Mrs. Palmer ~. Heenan, • Ge,...nI ItCl1:1 It_nI (I"",".d) ples, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pess!, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Herr- Ct...... Truly symbol!c of brid- Sr., Mr. and Mrs, Herman K. mann, Mr. and Mirs. K. B. Hol- • MI... MiD. s.-o,tlewl. "" ...... ".. c:.~ Rosenbusch, Mr. and Mrs .. E. lidge, Dr. and Mrs. Edgar al showers tnru the C. Schollenberger; Senior Club, James, Mr. and Mrs. Lowrey ., H.~K.NoIl It.rlli.,h ...1c A","ltillf (I... ''''''' A, brlllth.t"king cen- ages. . Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Sessioos, Kammer, Frank L. Knapp. Here's the eomplete high fideliiy music yN need to terpiec. ..dorned with The Shannon Family, Mr. and , Mr. and Mrs. Walter-C. Lait- rvffl.s and appropri- lustrous Sterling Silver Mrs. D. R.:::rn;unons, oTr., 'dr. ner, Dr. and Mn. Albert Law, enjoy true sterwo high fidelity music in yocH hclmI'.CG&- inets ovailabl. In blond, welnut Of' mol1ogony.':Co;;,:.;.' .... w.dding MIls. handle and tip a~ and Mrs. WillIam J•. Turner, I Mr. an dMrs. Emil Leidich, Mr. and Mrs •.S. J. Tu~ai, Mr. Mnl.Emma. Lenz, Mr. and Mrs. ponents Installed In eobinet.. Delivered 10 )'OUt' home ;.:; • to t u "I fJatw,,~ pet- ;' I,',lo. terns. . ' and Mrs. Robert VllllolllC.~. Robin G. Mace, Mr. and Mrs. ac.e:t connected. ,. , R. Bliss Wolfe. John MacKay, Dr. and Mrs. Cr•• ted for you Ly April U Harvey Maxwell, Mr. and Mrs. ,one of the country's Reserve the Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Beyer, Dona'id A. .Milton, Mrs. Ken- Silver Shower Umbrella TU 4-'1714 top designers. Dr. and Mrs. Harol~ E. Cross, neth L. Moore, Mrs. Reginald well in advance of 'your Dr .. a.nd Mrs. Henry M. Dam- T. Murphy, Mr. and Mrs. Bridal Shower. j , zalski, Dr. and, Mrs. CI~e 1.. Henry Neithofer, Mrs. Theo- Edm1:1n~s, Mr. and Mrs. John dore J. Richter, Wesley Robin- LABORATORIES, INC. ~'''''MT ,.... ~~ .... COlMUL., .. Nft lNc. 'K. L. A. H. GIllis, Mr. and Mrs. Robert son, Dr. and Mrs. Richard R. L. Gotfredson, Mrs. B. Wick Royer, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. ~'&iJJtW; , Henry, ~r. _an~ Mnl. Charles Sheean, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 19755 Mack A"(•• Grosse Pointe Woods L. Jacobson"Mlss Helen Jen- Sherman, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. kins, Mr. and Mrs. A. F.Kam- O. A. Soderberg. mer, Jr., Dr. and Mrs. Alfred D. LaFerte, Mr. and Mrs. E. .P.!!...~~':_'!f}. q:. Poxson, ,Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Earl H. Quibell, :Mr. and Mrs. 91 Kercheval--on- the Hill Paul R e e d, Mr. and 'Mrs. CHINESE. CANTONESE end AMERICAN FOOD Charles W. Zentgrat, and. Mr. ------'------'-----'------'------..,----'----''-'-- Announcing the THE MICHfCA.8AIIK pays •

Friday, Saturday, Sunday May 1.2.3 MOY'S restaurant INTEREST ON MARTER ROAD at E. JeHerson in Lake Shore Village.Center - St. Clair Shorea Yi Mile 5cHIth If , Mil. • ....

Interest compolltlded Ind paMi eve,ry 90 days You ~re ~or~i/llly invited to the opening of this are/l's most modern, most bMutiful rega .... of amount on deposit Chinese rest/lUrMt. You'll m/lrvel /It the Oriental c:'nd Americ/ln food prep/lred by masters, . , Md enjoy your rep/lst in /l restful atmosphere of modern Oriental decor, All deposits Insured up to $10,000 by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation You'll find it especit'lily delightful for ft'lmily dining out. Open 9:30 to 4:30 Monday through Thursday; 6:00 on Fridays Downtown Office (5 Doors North of Hudson's) also Open Saturday 9:30 to 4:30 I,:'n' Favors for AliI Businessmen's Lunches _. '( ( I.m, to 2 p.m. HOURS. It', So Eny .. Deposit by M." ,.fIE:" Deily-II a.m. te " ,.m. IYndoys, Holldoyt • Noon to 11 p."', eail WOo 1.5300 fer ""nk~y-M.iI Forms" Complet. Dinnerl,- 5 I'.m, to 9 p,m. C~rry.out Servic., PR 2.6662 TIlE MICIDGAN BANK W. c.t.r to p.rties , .""u r£D£RAt .RESIM SYSTEM Mt:"'IU FtOm.L llt:POIIT "flUR,"'" COtlPOll"TIO" 15810 EAST JEFFERSON, NEAR ALTER ROAD IN GROSSE PTE. PAR« I GROSSE PO'INTE NEWS Thur,day, April 30, i959

bel' of Alpha Gamma Upsilon in- Our JAdyStar of the s.. Church Group To Visit Clinic Ducks Unlinlited Honors Ned Skae I and served overseas in the Air on Monday, April 27. ' Burial .Obituaries Force. , ~ in Clevel.and's Calvary La fay e t t c Mental Health EdwardA. Skae,' of Lake and Detroit Recreation Co. Mr. The Service Committee of He leaves his, wife, Patri9ia, cemetery the following day. Grosse Pointe Un ita ria n Clinic on Friday, May 1. Shore road, was elected Mich. Skae has long been active in : I igan State Chairman of Ducks United Foundation campaigns OTIS M. KIRLIN versity of Detroit and Wayne and two ,daughters, Mary Pa. Church will take the fifth of Plans are for B May Party State University School of tricia and Kathleen Marie; Unlimited, the internationally In Macomb and Wayne Coun- Mr. Kirlin, 93, of 28 Renaud Amer.ican Scouts and Ex. the series of special holiday with a circus theme in decora- known migratory waterfowl ties, is a member of the Sputh Mortqary Science. He joined and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. parties to t,he child patients at tions and refreshments. The rfashion- Mothproof white acriton. fits designer Simonetta of Rome. • Combinetio" Deon The replicas in precise scale of twin or full size beds. and Wi"clows eight historical monuments ... • Porch E...,losu res the Bas i I i c a of S1. Peter's, , 7.2 JI( 90". '...... 4.91 • Jolculiel, Castel Sant'Angelo, the Pan- • Awni"9 Window. theon, the Imperial ...,Forum, • Horizontal the Coliseum, the' Arch of ~ Slidi", Wi"dow. Constantine, ,the Trevi Foun- tain, and the Spanish Sieps ... c.lI fa, (' were constructed of wood and compos1tion mat e ria 1 from ll( 111l"UIlS hand-carved wood mas tel' '-~~ie models. The display measures five feet wide, 15 inches high, and two and one-half feet Home Decorative Shop deep. Q. 17141 Kercheval So much more for so much less- Opr,II Deily 1 2.HOUR REE PARKING 1:00 to 5:30 Crabbed age and. youth can- ~ not live together, says Shake- ON ANY OF THE THREE MUNICIPAL PARKING LOTS 19678 Harper speare in. the Great Books, GAS naturally , Comer of Allard youth is full of pleasure, age Ticket validated when you make a purchase ,. • TUl(edo 2-5697 is full of care.

STORE HOURS: Monday thr0u9h Saturday 9;30 a.m. to 5;30 p.m. presents with a past\

wonderful, wonderful imports direct frOM DenMarkl striking examples of unique Doni. , craftsmanlhip, "' ogeless brass and coppe«, wi", up.rb l,)rd world char.,.,. .t,,,ly,

coll.ctor's it.... 1 yow'lt wcmt for yovr.'"

Of to check off yo.r gift list, especialty

for .... hOltell Of bride. vndupfKated HcM.ty to tr.osw'. for a lifeti ...... pric.d frOM 10,00 to 50.00

i I ... . ; • ,I .' ,'j

,.; ~. ,j

f' THE ....REAT THAT'S DIFFERENT . . . '/ llicr./Ii's Cmuly-FUIed "-'. llmmly "S.,Hjter" Gl(IS~ 'W" 0( " :~/ " Twelve ounces of delicious hord and fruit-filled candy-colorfully ~:>..':~ wrapped Md packaged in a graceful brandy "snifter" gloss. Gift. ~~;~'" boxed, too, for thoughtful hostess giving ... 0 remembrance ,- that will be in use long after the mouth-watering Ricelli candy is gone. 1.19 3 for 3.50



., - .••• .••• -.. ••. ~ ... - 'O' ...... ' ;.. ,- -. • -... ' •. • ,.

T1lursd.y, April 30, 1959 , G RO SSE PO I N TEN E W S Club to HoidSale of Mums Pro~encal.Roa~. Neighborhood Club Joins Catholic Circle Sponsors Event I. .=-' " The Men's Garden Club of This year, named hybrid Owners File SUIt '.W .k. O. b' , May 9 ~ been chosen for Mass atlJ L m. at the Grosse chairm&nof the day, iJ being F. Mary's Day sponsored by the Grosse Pointe is conducting varieties in white and various _._. . "tness. ee servance Pointe Convent of the Sacred asslste~ by Mrs. Charles Shan- its third annual ohrysanthe. Detroit Cireie of the Inter- H ~ 11 ed b \ non and Mrs. John G. E~se. shades of red, pink, yellow The Provencal Association \ ------' national Federation of Catho- eart 0 pw y breakfast. Als o k'ng on arrangements and bronze will be available ift and 'property owners in Pro- Pre.o>ldent Dwii'ht D. Eisen- of the Boys' Worker, Ted Hinz. mum sale. with proceed~, ear. lic Alumnae. All graduates of Monsignor Frank J. McPhillips are ~:. lCharles K, Kaiser, marked for the creation and pots with planting instructions vencal road in Grosse Pointe hower has proclaimed the Little League football is played affiliated, high schools, con- pestor of St. Paul's Church, and Mrs. James M. Fox. development of a botanical for 85c each or six.. for $5.00 Farms, have instituted Utiga- week of, May 3.9 as National on the Neighborhood Club vents. 'colleges and universi- wlll be the guest speaker. Miss Reservations can be made garden in the Grosse PQinte tion in the Wayne County Cir- Youth Fitness Week, The football field during the fall. Tickets should be obtained . C . G N . hOO hood CI b ties are invited to attend. M!"rg8r~t. Mary Lo~, ~egent, by calling KE 7-4747, LI 5- area. it was announced by . d f . CUlt ourt agamst the rOtSse elg r u as a recre. The Play Mates Clu),.'.&..r In a vance rom Mr. DIce. 920 P . t H t CI b ...... 1 . th ",--- ... "' Guest,s, will be most welcome. W1ll presIde, ' 0~99 or TO 8.9259. Early. res- John'R. Dice, Club President. Sh h d TU 58 om e un u lIU perma. ".Iona agency m. e ...... vo»<: children 4-6 also has a gym, . oreNa~1 roa ' F' 12-2d71; or nenUy close an old bridle path. Pointe area, is highlighting this perl'od whl'ch I'nclud-. scoo ....-. 'nle day will begin with Mrs. Joseph D. Loveley, ervations will be appreciat~d. from e son C. ro un, 9815 now be'mg use d for au tomo b'l1 e wee k w)'th ..pa rt' ICUIar emp h'aslS l""~;~g. h-' to catch.... a ball...... " Mae k avenue. TU .1-5233. t Ill' th I b th thl t' _n ...... VYY raulC as access to e c u on, e a e Ie program avlOU. and simple circle games. 'REM EMlER MOTHER - MAY 10 a••iY.rury Sal. The plants will be available from Provencal road. able to all people of the com- on Saturday, May 23 in the munity tor their physical well • Sununer Day camp is nOt to Wallpaper parking lot adjoining the Fro.. This 15-toot stl'ipof property being. be overlooked with a multitude lund Store, lies just north of 300 Provencal The NeighborhOod ClUb ear- of athletic events and spnrts in. 2.0% Oft _____ roacl. The property owners in ries on a varied proglram eluded in its program. Except Walltex and SanH .. Provencal road ~ve for yel\rs Al th N' hbo hood CI complained of this. ul)author- throughout the ,year including so e elg r ub LEIIOLD'S A book introduces new , f. d spring, summer. fall. and win- playground, is well equipped DecoratiltCJ Studio thoughts but it cannot make IZed use ,0 thell' private roa 'ter activities .. During spring. with swings, a . a jungle 2... 1 Kelly ad. Pit 1-2121 them speedily understood, for club purposes, and on reo summer and fall,. the six fine gym and plenty of room to run * Near Ealtland peated occasions have attempt- and I -Mary Bak.er Eddy ed to negotiate an amicable set- tennis courts are available by pay, tlement of the dispute, and phoning in reservations and ob- The club takes thisopportu- have even gOlle so far as to taining permits. at the club nity to invite the people of the a~ee to purchase the propehy desk. Also ~ring tennis clinic~ community ..to the. Neighbor- at a price far in excess of its will be startmg May 4 for boys hood Club and to enjoy the fa- real valu~. and girls ages 9-12. and 13 and cilities that can 80 well con- over. and plans are undu way tribute to the ~ll being of When their lat(ffif offer was for a summer clinic. yool1fIsters and adults alike. recently ~urned down by the Now, too, the boys are tUl)ing board of director!' of the up for the baseball season with Grosse Pointe Hunt Club, a Little League and Babe Ruth Thieves Enter for Infa"h end Children meeting of the Provencal As. hard ball leagues play.ing al. sociation unaq.imously author- most nightly on the club play- 2 City' HOlnes MPled Plpenl" ar. d"lfnea fcr' una. ized the institution of litigation ground. During. the winter feet, and are expertly fitted 'Wlder th. to stop the unauthorized 'use of l'I\0nths basketball is a major 'k'..direction of Mr. WlIUam M. cCourt, b, Two City homes. one vacant, cluslvely at.-Peter Pan 111Grcue PoJate the former bridle path and interest of many youngsters were reported 'invaded by with the Neighborhood Club Provencal road for club pur- thieves; it was disclosed by H , 170 J 5 Kercheval promoting a Midget Basketball poses. Oity Capt. Andrew Teetaert. Provencal road is a private League - coached and handled TUxedo 5-9236 by the dads, and then the~e are On Thurroay, April 23. Mrs. I road owned and maintained by Harvey E, Zens of 433 Lincoln the adjoining property owners the Senior girls annual basket. ball .and volleyball murna- road, wormed authorities that and used for residential .pur- ments. she returned home in the eve- poses. The Provencal road res- ning to find both rear Frtmeh There are 'also two gym idents claim that this continued dool\S open. and a portable TV Use of the private road for club classes, one tc1r boys and one for girls ages 7-12. These .~t missini. the capta~ said. purlXlses is in violation of the All the bureau and di'esser classes are based mainly on a restrictions in various' deeds drawers in house had been Bridal physical fitness program which the \. and has become a nuisance to opened and ransacked, the includes a. variety Of tests the the residents of Provencal road captain added .. Portraits and a hazard to their children, youngsters pass. Also i,ncluded in this pI'Oi/l'am are 'track On further hwestigatioo it The Provencal Association eventS, tumbling and gamefi. was found that Il .45 cal. Colt in and the. property owners are automatic was also Badminton is a favorite Spol.t missq asking for a permanent injunc- from a bedroom dTawer. with adults during the winter tion against the Grosse Pointe Captain Teetaert said that Natural Hunt Club, its members. their months and afternoon classes for junior members were held as far as couJd be determined. guests and employes,. from the rear door had been left un- using Provencal road and the while the' teenagers played in Living Color the early evening. locked. There was no evidence 15-foot stJrip of property for of forcible entry. automobile traffic. The Neighborhood Club also The second breaking and , b)' has a weight .lifting room TU4-4280 which is under the supervision entering was reported by Wil- Noting that 80 per cent of liam O. Dance of 220 Mc- all tourist tra vel is by car. Millan, on Saturday, Aprul Z5. Roy H. Park. head of the Dun- Leigh Gerdine who told Capt. Teetaert that a can Hines Institute. offers the vacant home he owns at 470 reminder that "courtesy pays To Give Lecture Washington had been gone big dividends and doesn't cost through. A Iso formal porlrtlils (4 one red cent. .Always have . Dr. Leigh Gi!rdine will talk Dance said he was last at )' 0 u r wedding in 1l4tural consideration for your fellow the h 0 use on Thursday, colors or black ..nd white. on his recent trip through travelers. Just make sure you Russia and show pictures of April 23. are going to live for another the journey at the Grosse Entrance into the house was Studio--15520 E. Werren, et Nottinghem -- day, and' have fun every day made by breaking the glass of E R Pointe War Memorial. Tues~ M~0 T you live." day evening, May 12; at 8:30 the rear door above the lock. willreolure the pert.et fit of ",",,', PfOPOrtioMd eotnpIi.fit • o'clock .. Only. odd pieces of articles Born in North Dakota, he were lying about.:it was said, . of 1oce.~.1ed wttite .,. ~ ..:.. detigned was selected as a Rhodes and nothing appeiu'ed to have ontY .,. Scholar and took his' doctorate been disturbed 01' taken. at Oxford in 1941. Professor to eo...pement h bralMete; ODd 1aIw, -1Iatt... .. bwiiae. and ,Head. of. tlhe Music, De- partment at WashingtonUni- Siena Heights Alumnae Wfl siz.. 32 to .eo...... 34 to 38 tallengtk . versity, he returned to'Lon- To Have Spring' Dance f come meet don in 1946-'48 to study piano rioht! siz •• 32 .. AD ,..,tar; _ )4 to AD tal 5SS under Louis Kentner. and .to The Eastern Metropolitan MISS MARIE DOWLER 00 post-doctoral work at Ox- Detroit Chapter of the. Siena ford, , Heights College Alumnae A.~- He holds the Awards of Phi sociation announces its annual Heh!lnlll Rubinstein's Beta Kappa, Phi Eta Sigma Spring. Dinner Pal'ty, Thurs- and Blue Key, Golbins Club day April' 30. of Lincoln College, Oxford .specia I beauty representative UniverSity.. ' 'l1his year's event will be held Dr. Gerdine was aide to the at Reichardt's Tassie Tavern, Commanding General of the 35401 E. Jefferson Ave. (M-29), Mondoy tIlrougll W.d •• sday. May 4.6 United States Air Forces in Mt. Clemens. For further in- Europe throughoUt WorlJ War formation and reservations call II and served as prisoner of ,Joan Jaminet-VA 2-5109. Have a private consultation with Miss' Dowler in our cosmetic department. \Vat- interrogator in thE' Med- iteI'ranean, theater. Since be- She will be happy to discuss your own bea~ty and ccmplexion problems,and coming head of the Music De- prepare /I be/luty ch/lrt just for you /lione. . partment at Washington Uni- LAST.3 DAYS OF BABY WEEK \ versity he has been program Come in /Ind meet our nurse on duty, from ASK HEI AIOUT "TIEE OF LIFE" IEAUTY PREPAIATIONS anootator for the St, Louis Symphony and been on the Bon .Secours Hospital. Have refreshments with us nIlture-inspired cosmetics that will restore a youthful r/ldi/lnce to your skin, boards of both the St: Louis in th~ afternoon and enjoy the pleascnf encou'rage extraordina ry smoothness, a fresher and younger. look! SymphOny and the St. Louis .surroundings in our Infants' Shop. Be sure , Opera Guild. Leigh' Gerdine is to sef! 1I FELON, the ex~iting new baby aPPllrel. 5.00-12,50 pili telx also originator of the T.V. Col. lege Credit Course "The Lan- hmalts' Dept,. 5KotHI Floor guage of Music ....', The only other place Dr. Gerdine will be speaking and showing his. pictures of Russia this year will be in San Fran- cisco. The War Memorial feels - .... C8MI puff'" and especially fortunate to be able to prel'ient him to Grosse ...., ...... ,.,0 __ .of Pointers at 32 Lake Shore.

pwpp,' 1ow.CJt lnt ,sig6It

of c. ~coIbiI ...... ~ ...... ,-..d wiIb ...... ~ --.d _

our pr .... n I,acluation clr••• applauds -p.r.• edged'"

th.,day's excitementl "Young Things" . it of washable arnel/cotton MIes. pW: Of 1M. with bouffant skirt and petticoah aifted -..0. 3lOO scoop neckline and pretty check IMed iMoM JCXqlM. MID cumb.rband. whit., pink, ~H~N_~~ or blue. 8.14 sitts.

10.9' MlIf~~~ -.cf ~ .,. c~. 7•


Yquth Center-5econd Floor Ticket validated wI1.n yOU make 0 purchase , " • Peg. !ighf e R 0 5S ! PO I N TIN E W 5 Thursday, April 30. 1959

OrOIlt, . Pointe New. PUBLISHED EVERY THUR::lDAYBY ANTEEBO Gr••• e~ Memorial Center Schedule Whai Goes On PUBLISHERS. INC. ALSO PUBLISHERS OF THE DETROIT WESTWARD. . ai OFFICES UNDER THE ELM. AT 99 KERCHEVAl. E.all~,r.tloD. APRIL 30 • MAY 7 ~, OPEN SUNDAY lZ .. 5 . GROSSE POINTE FARMS3~. WCHIGAN TU 1.7511 Phon. TU 2-6900 "'ALL CENTE'K 'SPONSORED ACTIVITIES OPEN Your Lihrary Three Trunk Linel A. PRYOR T,O THE PUBLIC, By J,rm Taylor tiembu Mlch'-an p~ AuoClatloll nit National .Edt~rlal ,"-~UOD "Home's "oJ merel)' four sqT' willis} NA1:IONAL AJ)Vla'lIIING al.l"aI:II:NTATIVII Weekl,. Newlpaper RepreaentaUva, Ine. Though with picJur,s h~"g _ gildea; NOTICE: Please call lor lost' artides at the office, ~ Fifth .....venua, New York Ie. New York. BR7ant '-7300 Hom, is 'wher, Aj{,cJi01l c.lls • , • ' . They will be held for 30'days, Guest Columnist ice. It is full of rich, juicy CHICAGO omo: Vir&inia Leonard anecdotes on the fine al't ot 333 North MIch1£&n Avenue. Phcna I'lnanclal .-ua Filled wilh shri",s ,h, Hellr' hll/h builJea! Grosse Pointe Garden' Center &o'm anJ Library open Hom,! Go walch the faithful dove, for consultation and service. Mrs. Leland Gilmour Are you feeling particulai-Iy swindling. Entered as second-class matter at the post office. Detroit, smug over the wisdom and In conclusion, let us return Michiean, under the Act of March 3, 1897. Sailing '"ellih Ih, Heat'''' ahove us. will be on duty in the Garden Center Room every Hom, is where there's on, to /Oll'! k d progress of mankind? If so, I for a moment to Mr. Tabori's FULLY PAID ClBCULA~ON Home ;s wher, ther,'s qf" to lOll' us." wee on Tues ay, Wednesday and Thursday from would advise you to read Paul book. (Charles Swain) 10 a.m. to ( p.m. A consi,ltant will be on duty on Tabori's new book: "The Nat- A favorite insult in Central ROBERT B. EDGAR ....EDlTQR and GENERAL MANAGER '" • • Friday from 2 to 4 p.m. (Call TU 1-(594). ural Science of Stupidity," the Ew'Ope some. twenty years ago MATTHEW M. GOEBEL ...~...... /'.DVER'rISING MANAGER impact of which will be similar was in the form of a question: PATRICIA TALBOT ~.._ •...FEATURE PAGE. SOCIETY A Dog'. Life HoSpital equipment available for free loan~r~tcbes to a dash of very cold water in "Tell me-:-does it hurt to be FRED RUNNELLS.: _ SPORTS EDITOR ijack in our pinafore days, we were always bringing wheel chairs, heat lamp and hospital beds. "Blood the face. Mr. Tabori does not stupid?" If stupidity were like J.AMES ,J. NJA1M~t..~•••H••_,.I4 , '.U , " u ••••, I••NEWS mince words; here.is his open- t th h . 'f't . ALDEN. G. EDGAR _. __ ;..; NEWS home stray dogs who were constantly being evicted by available to Grosse Pointe residents in case of . " . . a 00 ae e, 1.~., I I were pam- ARTHUR R.• BLYLER. ADVERTISING gr~~dma as .soon as our b!lck was turned. So we are accident or emergency-free of charge." mg sentenc~:, ThiS Is\a book ful to the person com'erned, •., MARY LQRIMER ADVERTISING about stupIdIty, ~oltI5hn~ss, something would have been • JOHN MacKENZIE , BUSINESS highly sympathetic with the little G.P. girl who came • • •. muddleheadedn~ss, mcapa,clty,' done about it long ago. Stupid .. ALBERTA WILKE CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING home recently with a dog. GROSSE POINTE PUBLIC SCHOOLS ART EXHIBIT hebetude, V~CUlt~, .short~aght- ity does hurt, and it does take J!ERN GREIG CLASSIFIED Our heroine entered her mother's bedroom one day April 30 • 1\Iay 15 ~e:ss, frtUlt.y,. Idl~Y. folly. its toll ,in the world. only it JOANNE EASON _ ACCOUNTS lPdd~ness, .deslplence. .And he seldom hurts the stupid, and FLORA HARDING ; CmCUlOATION after school and announced that a "nice doggy" had fol- (Weekdays) 9 a.m.-9 p.~. (Sundays). 12 noon-5 p.m. contmues m such a vem for a that, says Mr. Tabori, is thi A.ddress all mail (subscriptions, ch,uige of address, Forms 3579) lowed her home and could he please stay for the night. Grosse Pointe Public School Art Exhibit featuring full paragmpa. tragedy of our world. 10:-99 Kercheval Avenue, Grosse Pointe Farnu 36. Michigan. Mother dear, who had a splitting headache along with the work of .students in both the grammar schools and What is a stupid man? He is . her virus flu ... waved the child. out of the room with a junior and senior high schools. Please call Center before one who has a faultless instru. "Yes, yes, ANYTHINO, just leave me alone and DON'T coming ~o view exhibits, as rooms are sometiml!6 oc- ment of reasoning, a brain,. out ~Iany Respond bring the dog in here.". . ' cupied by meetings. does not use it properly, says What's Wrong With ~eople? Mr. Tabori, who throughout Junior Miss took the dog hl the house, gave it some ROTARY CLUB OF GROSSE POINTE - ANTIQUE this provocative book piles up To Police Plea , "Why aren't people getting their polio shots?" asked food and water, stayed with it in the back yard for SHOW -DAILY - May 5, 6, 7, 8-1 p.m. to 10 p.1l1. a mountain of evidence. of Dr. Joseph G. Molner, Director of the Wayne County awhile and when dinner time came, she parked the ALL EXHIBITS FOR SALE. man's stupidity through the Park Pol ice Ohief Arbhur Health Department. . animal in the basement to rest for the night. Thursday, April 30 ages. There are a variety of Louwers expressed gratifiCfl- facets to be investigated and tion in the response of citizens Twice as many people stood in lint' at the polio The following morning, Mom, feeling MUCH bett~r The Duplicators - Bridge - 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. exposed: gold, governmental to his appeal for a ping-pong protection centers last fall to get their first and second descended to the first floor in time to wave goodby to Welcome Wagon Club of Grosse Pointe-Coffee and red tape, legal peculia.rities, table for recreational activities shots. Where are they? Only about half of .them are her off-to-school daughter .•. who said: "By the way, Bridge-ll a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Reservations Chair- medical and religious quack- of departmental personnel. showing up at the centers to complete their polio pro- Mom, the dog il in the tiasement. Keep him there 'bil I man; Mrs. Charles Fisher, 806 Harcourt, VA 1-9561. ery, to mention a few. Stupid- The chief said that he re.- tection which.requires a third shot six months following get home." Junior League Glee Club-Rehearsal-l p.m. ity is no respecter of profes- ceived many calls from Point. the second one. . sions, nations or time. As the residents who offered tables, Not being in any rush to' check on the animal, • , ."'Children's Art Class-Margh~ritta Loud-Instructor- toll mounts; both the reader and accepted one donated by Do these people believe they have enough protec- Ma went about the house picking up a few odds and . 3:45 to 5:15 p.m. I and Mr. Tabori become more Mrs. Shirley J. George of 828 tion, or is it that they just don't care? Does it take an ends, brewing a spot of coffee, etc. Finally, on hearing a .Ballet Classes -' Mary Ellen Cooper - Instructor - discouraged; by the end of the Berkshire l'oad. book, one wonders it there is epidemic with a lot of tragic and frightening experi- slight noise below stairs, she remembered the dog and 4:00 to .7:30 p.~. "We received many calls," thought she'd let him out. . Grosse Pomte Pamters Club-Class-7:45 p.m. any cure, really. or any hope ences to get people excited about doing something about that mQll will ever become the chief said, "but we could their own health? W ' .. tGrosse Pointe Men's Chorus Annual Spring Concert. clear-thinking. ~. Tabori has not make contact with all of hat greeted her eyes when she llIflVed downstalrs, John Finch directing: Admission 75 _ 8 p.m the wonderful people who reo shouldn't happen to a dog! On the floor lay a HUGE st. • * * c . the parting shot. His last words If so, it's a shame. The polio season will be back are: "THE END ... but there sponded to our plea for a . Bernard who had just given birth to nine puppies! From ping-pong table. The entire de-- I again the latter part of June. Will there be another siege is NO END TO HUMAN STU- , a friend of a friend of a friend of the family's .. : we Friday, May 1 partment is grateful to all the , of terror, or will the citizens of Wayne County lre able PIDITy." , I got the word that. as soon as the puppies are weaned, people who offered to. give to go through the summer feeling safe and secure in .Adult Art Classes - Emil Weddig,e - Instructor - In pondering over man's ,. Mother dear would like to GIFT them to any interested 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.; 12:30 t02:30 p.m.; and 3 to 5 p.m. theirs. Sorry, we could not the knowledge that each one has done his bit to safe- shortcomings in this field, it is accept them all." . parties. With her permission, we will' print the phone *Art for Pre-School Children and their Mothers-spon- interesting to speculate how guard himself and his family against the summer killer- number in next week's paper in the classified section. In The table from Mrs. George polio? • sored jointly by Extension Services, the Detroit frequently, perhaps, we have has been placed in the base- the meantime, as a warning to all mothers .•. better take Institute of Arts and the Memorial Association - all been victimized by double ment of. the Municipal Build- Don't make the same mistake you made a year ago a look-see at the HE dog your child has brought home 10 a.m. to 12 noon. dealers. Every day one reads of ing, where police officeu mus- and don't gaml)le with your children's lives. Remember for a mere weekendl Matinee Musicale-Musical and Tea-2 p.m. swindl,ers and imposters who ter before going on duty. They have been successful in hood- . that it is. among pre-school children that crippling tBallroom Dancing Classes-Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilson:":" enjoy a little recreation. prior • • * winking innocent victims. to mustering time, and accord- polio strikes most often. Sixty-on"! per cent of the TV Special Instructors-4:30; 5:30; and 7 p.m. Alexander Klein has edited ing to the chi e f, they are crippling last year was reported in the age group from Before leaving the children's department, we must Grosse Pointe American Legion Auxiliary 303-Dinner two books on tills subjecl The having a lot of fun. one to five. pass this on. An educational program on radio recently, -6 p.m. . first, entitled "Grand Decep- told about the effect TV had on small children, as to "'Memorial Bridge Club-Duplicate Bridge-Mr. and tion," is a lascinatingcol1eetion Young adults said, "It can't happen to me," but what they should or should not see, and what has what Mrs. Andrew Walrond-Directors-7:30 p.m. of news stories and articles It did! affect on whom. Very enlightening. Four-year-olds seem Iadom Club-Meeting-B p.m. about infamous hoaxes, ruses, Sluffed to discuss Rock and Roll as if they wrote it •. , wee tots "'Center Club Dance for young single adult Grosse Point- frauds and. similar deceptions. The Wayne County Health Department has doctors, Apparently we are all gullible Eari. nurses, volunteers and facilities to immunize 200,000 are asking their mothers to buy them ballet dresses and ers and their guests. Orchestra-Refreshments- from the lowest day laborer to citizens. According to the response so far hardly 60,000 shoes so they can make like the youngster who danced $1.50 per person-9 p.m. the most affluent banker. His will be safe. with Astaire, eh:; * • • second book, entitled "Double B1 Fred Kopp, R. Ph. The interview-ee •• , a kindergarten teacher, vowed. Saturday, May:! Dealers", again relates true ac- Don't let time run out for your family - GET POLIO counts of adventures in decep- When YOw:" 'grandmother PROTECTION NOW! the following incident was true. A six year old boy came .Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Cooper - Instructor - tion of varying types. Both was a girl. cotton' dipped home from school one noon and told his mother that he 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. books are lively. entertaining in black pepper and sweet and amusing ... oil was her favorite earache At Eastland, last Saturday, inoculatlol18 were given would have to take a gun and 'holster to class the foUow- •Children's Theatre-Mrs. Syd Reynolds-Instructor- remedy. Thanks to medica! to 8,036, about half the number who appeared for their ing day. Being a sensible mother who didn't blow her 10 a.m. to. 12 noon; and 1 to 3 p.m. .A book by Geddes MacGreg~ science our ears fare much earlier shots at that location. The last clinic of this top and ~anthe Superintendent of Schools to find out Tri Del Alumnae of Grosse Pointe-Breakfast-lI a.m. or. "The Tichhorne Imposter," better today. We'\'e many series to be held in the P.ointe will be this Thursday what kind of a screwball teacher would make such a to 1p.m. relates what was perhaps the effective medications that night from 6 to 8:30 o'clock at the Brownel~ Junior request of a child, , • she questioned her offspring like most extraordinary imposture stop infections fast . • • re- Detroit Historical Society Guild .- Dessert Bridge - in the history of mankind, the d u c e complications. So, • D.A. He kept insisting he was supposed to bring the don't rely on "h 0 m e High School in Chalfonte road. However, tHere will 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. story Of Arthur Orton, who •, gun ••. llDid the teacher tell you too?" ••. Well not .remedies" when you're ill. I be other opportunities for those who have not yet com- "'Youth Council Pliity for Teens - AU pupils in the' laid claim to being the missing I pleted their series of inoculations. ' exactly, but he knew he'd have to have one with hqn ..", Your health is your most . Pointes' public, private, and parochial secondary Roger Charles Tichborne. This precious possession. Treat it I case included the longest crim. Dr. Thomas S. DavieS, health 'commissioner for the Finally Mom laid: "If you will tell me WHY you' schools are welcom~Dancing and refreshments- as such. Let your'physician ,• think you should have a gun in school tomorrow, I MAY $1.50 per couple-9 p.m~ inal triai in the history of the prescribe the medicines that • Grosse Pointe - Harper Woods District, calls attention English law courts. will be most effective for • to other clinics which will be conducted in 'locations buy you one." That did it. The exasperated child ex- • • • A much earlier boo k, you. Then remember us for • claimed, "BECAUSE ••• she said tomorrow she was Sunday, 1\Iay 3 "Crooks in Clover," by Percy quality prescription com- ,I convenient for Pointe residents. Listed in chronological pounding. I order, they ,are: going to teach us how to DRAW!" . tYouth Council-Meeting- John Smith, relates the per- ,j Grosse Pointe Community Theatre-Casting-2 p.m. sonal reminiscences of an ex- This is the 75151: of a MrieI I .oo, with .u n\w Westerns scheduled to make ap~ of Editorial advertisemenl5 apסס8 May 2: - at :E;asiLake Baptist Church, '1'28Connerl detective inspector, .kte of • pearances on TV this fall .. : maybe Mom and Pop better * • * pearlng in this paper each wee!(. I from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Scotland Ya!'d, during hi~ I take !Wmetime out to buy Junior a few picture books Monday, May 4 twenty-six years in the servo ,I May 12:- at Peace Lutheran Church, 15700E. War- and show him how to draw pictures! .Cancer Information and Service Center-Service Work I 1 ren, at Balfour. 6 to 8 p.m. • • • • -10 a.m. to 3 p.m.. The volunteer workers are I I May 13:- at st. Jude's Parish Hall, 15879East Seven I Teenagen . .. urgently in need of clean white material to carryon 1 MHe road. 6 to 8 p.m. This comes from two fal]:1ilies,one the boy's and. the their work-anyone having old sheets, tablecloths, ,I May 14:- at Cannon Memvrial Center, 5103 Guilford other, the girl he sometimes dates. Since ladies are first, shirts or the lil~e iSlurged to press the material and COMPARE ,1 8t Warren. 6 to 8 p.m. we will begin with Junior Miss who is somewhat less drop it by th'e. Center to aid this worthy endeavor. May 16:- at Assumption Grotto, 13780 Gratiot, at than 16. She had been invited to her SECOND party.in Rotary Club 0:£ Grosse Pointe-luncheon and meeting- Six Mile. 9 to 11 a.m. a year ... and insisted she wanted a new «formal" al- 12:15p.m. :- though she had worn the one she had only once. *Memorial Bridge Club - Duplicate. Bridge..,... Mrs. . After a family pow-wow over the deal,. the child Andrew WaIrond - Director - 1 p.m. Letters to the Editor .broke down and admitted that while she LIKED the one .Ballet Classes - Mary Ellen Cooper - Instructor - she had, she felt her arms were getting a little heavy and 4,.to 7:30 p.m. To the Editorl in the U.S.A., to keep our she wanted something to "cover them up" at the top. Her *pale Carnegie Leadership Training Class-7 to 11 P.lll. If every newspaper editor cheap politicillMin line. mother poo-pooed this idea, but since the pre-Deb felt *Ballroom. Dancing Class-Mr. and Mrl. Bill Wilson- would get aft e r the poison The whole trouble is with so strongly about it, tLey agreed. The gal was permitted Instructors-'1:30 p.m. spray as you did, we might get our method of voting. We vote to do her own shopping for the dress (after a price limit Recovery-Meeting-8 p.m. somew,1ere in eliminating this for a president and governor, was put on it) ..• so off she went .•. charged the dress '" * • menace to our birds. then saddle them with i. 50- Tuesday, May 5 Ii you chased this up, you 50 House and Senate. They , •. and came sailing home with ~er prize: It WAS pretty, might find that the less harm- will all "gang" up on a "good •.. everyone admitted that much ..• but it was also .Service Guild. for Children's Hospit8l--5ervice Work- ful "Methoxychlor" is made bill" and kill it, for fear that STRAPLESS. A neat way of obtaining a new frock! 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. by .. small company that can't the opposition will get the • • • Grossp.Rointe Real Estate Broker!! Association-Lunch- afford to hire loobyist.~. This credit for it. As for the big DATE •.• he told his mother he had eon and Meeting-12 noon. ClOuntry is in bad ehape. on The only cure is to elect a better get Some flowers for his girl to wear on her dress. Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe Antique Show - 1 to account of the weak-kneed president, or a governor, then p.m. . , politicians we send to Lansing Mother said she would take care of It for him ... but 10 let them put their gang' in, and Washington. he insisted he was grown up and could do it himself. She "Children's Art Class-Margheritta Loud-Instructor- then it they get off on the A similar example v.1l!l the overheard him dialing the florist, .. and then: HThis is 3:30 to 5 p.m. . wrong we know where passing, by the Lower House, toot, Grosse Pointe Optimist Club-Dinner and Meetmg- the trouble i5, and throw them Joe &andso. I want a Hcorsette" for my girl and she's (how 1()W can they get), of the all out at the next ele<:tion. wearing a blue dress .•• Oh, no, I , , • WHAT. , . Oh, 6:15. p.m. Plu. Yal••• Chicago Water Steal. Also, t.here's • sure cure fO'l' this ISN'T the florist?" Exchange Club of Grosse Pointe-Dinner and Meeting qUALITY AUTOMOIILES FOR OnR " YIARS Just send those "birds" a the rat problem. We have He hung 'up and was heard to dial again. This time p.m. letter uking how ITI8ny,.5teak -6:30 fiive nls that decided to start dinners, or botAles of liootch, he ASKED if it was the right number ••. then launched Kiwanis Club of Grosse Pointe-Dinner and Meeting- up housekeeping in our rock into this man-of-the-world monologue about a corsage 6:30 p.m. . FIAT it took lot a few &luthern garden. My sling shot. got rid "R" "Y" ]obbyistl! to put that one OVef'. . .. except that he now called' it (instead of a corsette) a .Sea Explorers Ship 690 -.:..Meeting - 7:30 p.m. - at three, and 8 rat trep gO\. MODEL 1100 The COJl.c;ervation of our rid of the othen;. CORTEGE! Anyway' •.. the florist • , . bless him . , . Junior Chamber of Commerce-Meeting-8 p.m. water supply and the prote<:- Hot Water 'aft-Orinft "aft-Dri,,,, Pouring powdered glaS8 in knew just what to send in spite of what it was called! HEATER tion of our wild life, are ju~l '" '" '" Fresh~Air Hot Air Hot Air the holes, it 8 not her good Ah, wilderness! WednesdaYI May 6 .. two of the aims of the Feder- Fra ... method. Once they cut their Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe - Antique Show - 1 to s...-r4 ElltnI IlItni filed Org&nic Clubs (){ Michi- Oil Filter fl!et em the gIBS8. they bVak .. gan, of which I am I member 10 p.m .. Fift"ei Alum. Hot Hot the lease on your property, First Anniversary Offer "'Ballet Classes-Mary Ellen Cooper Instructor-4 to IRAKES A,r Cooled A,oilablt Annab" (){ the executive board, a.nd pronto. . . president of the Motor City 9:30 p.m. Pr_iulft RUSS HJLL In oppreciation of V011l' potrooog. in the first year at tl1i. TIRES btr. btN Or g I III 0 Farm and Garden Whi .. w.nl locotion "'Memorial Bridge Club - Duplicate Bridge - Mr. and Club. Dear Sirl Mrs. Andrew Walrond - Directors - 7:30 p.m. HarM 'aw., 43 h.p. 32 h.p. 36 h.p. Heve 'ust lent Sen. Pat .Dale Carnegie Leadership ~raining-Dril1 Session- McNamara a petitJion (poster I am in complete agl'('ement size), 24 by 28 inches, contain. with the vi~ws expressed in 7:30 p.m. your f!

-. • . p,'ge Nine Thund.y.April 30, 1959 G'ROSSE POINTE NEWS I tomeI'S from the .Jefferson Students to See Girl Scout Art Report Missing' To Hold. Sale .1tSt ..Ambrose Sears Roebuck's Pointe store. The balance of the staff which began with Sears a year Put on Display $11,000 in FUrs st. Ambroee Al~ Society Ifrom 9 '.m. to 8 p.m., and OIl &go is still. associated with the Civic ()fficials will hold. rummage sale in Se.t1Urday, May 2, !rom 10 '.m. Store Having Anniversary companyiand with few excep- the parish on Friday, May 1, to 5 p.m. tions are full fledied mem- Thirty-six Brownell JuniOr from the Grosse Pointe area A report-of- missing fur Sears Roebuck and Com. motive service needs O!f the bers of the company' profit High School Civics students Girl, Scout Art Exhibit re- pieces was. received by GI'OlIIIe cently held at the War Me~ Pointe City police on Sunday. pany's mod er n C()mmunity shopper, has been highly suc- sharing plan, plus receiving the will visit the City-CoWl.ty many other benefits oifered to Building in downliown Detroit moJiial nine pieces of work April 12. The complainants llt.or~ a,t Moross (7 Mile road) cessful in its first year. While in Grosse Poi~ Farms is regular employes. next Tuesday, May 5. were selected to be sent on to were listed as Mrs. HatTY WO-lic Sprinkling System his car is beinc serviced by the ,Detroit Institute of Arts Tw-ner, and her sister. Mrs. celebrating its fi'rst year of This is the Second such !ield Evidence of the close per- Exhibit to be comprised of Wanda Besancon, both business this weekend. expects" for anything', from a trip Grosse Pointe ninth livinc sonal and financial interest in tor ~leCted works from local ex- ~t 544 University place. According to E. R. Bunn, new .headlight or oil change. grade students inasmuch as . their company can be found Wbits throughout Metropoli- The loss was estimated at a.i •• t Y •• r C ...... d store manager. the store rep- to brake shoe~: or seat covers. in the: number of employes Parcells students made a simi- lar trip April 22. The purpose tan Detroit. The nine and their $11,000 with two full.length resents a new approach to the the shopper may pay utility wearing "Stockholder" ribbons ;authors, aacording to Scout mink coats. valued at. $4.000 Terms Arrlnged, Fr" Estimlm community store, and by all of the visit is.to see civil of., bills. purchase money orders; and. "Billion$" buttons, the levels are: and $5,000 apiece, and a pair indicatiOns a very successful latter representing 1lhe em, ficials in action and to relate or travelers checks at the Brownie Scouts - "Lake st. of mink stoles, each valued ALL WORK GUARANTEED one. . ployes' share in ownership of what the students have been "Customer Convenience Cen- Clair from Grosse Pointe," an at $1,000 reported missing. the company. Locally the learning about government to .III Year F.... lemce--Ait .. atlc Ir Ma•• al c.ltrtt oil by Marilyn Ellis, "The War The furs were last seen,' in The store is the first of its ter". , Grosse Pointe store. staff rep- what they ~e being practiced. Memorial," a tempe~a by Shar- the front coat 'closet. a~ 11:30 size to contain a snack bar Many of the former J effer- res~llts a total interest in com- The Brownell students will on Altman; "New for the evening of April 10. It and a garden shop area en- son store ,employes helped pany ownership through profit visit the office of the Mayor cars Transportation," a crayon wasn't until the women went closed for all season use. achieve rapid acceptance of the sharing in the amount of $223,- of Detroit, the City Council py Christine Van Hoek; and "Fox: to get them, for church, on new. unit, by titleir experience 000 including 4.000 shares of room, anD. a c;ourtroomon A six.car service equipped Oreek" a photograph by Holly the morning of the 12th that to efficiently handle the auto- and cordial relations with cus- Sears stock. their tow. Upon their return they will repol't 110their class- -t\ngell. their loss W88' discovered. I Bunn was quick .to give mates on what they have ob- I~termediate S~outs: - ':De-I Mrs. Turner told polic;e that credit for the store's success served. trOIt .and Canada Meet,' a there was some member of in the community to the rapid Following are the names of water color by Carol Kraemer; her family in the house at all acceptance of Sears merchan- those taking the trip from Mr. "The Home Fronti!'1' :- Our times, throughout the week. dise and service pOlicies. '~It Dodge's classes: Cort . Johns, Con:unu~ity Close By",. a col. end, but she ltid say that all is a serious' obligati9u," he :laid Coleman Gittens, Jane Koch, lechon of photography ,by were heavy sleepers and that to maintain the high standard T roo p . 868 from Richard she had left the back' door of our business wMch the lo- Donna Mahin; Pam Isley. Paul Kluzak, Janet Schram. Bill ~hool, Mrs. Michael Madarasz open late both Friday and cal public has come to expect. 15 the leader. Saturday nights for her daugh- As •in the case. of any neW Taylor, Marell Kraft, Lynne Lei sin g e r, Elaine Slowik, j>usiness,. Wf' have hadprob- Senior Scouts: "Canal at ter. . lems to overcome; however. George Lewis, Nancy Brow- Alter Ro~~", a~oil by ~a~:ma The loss has been repOrted from the day of opening our nell, R:cbard Holbert, Kay Thorne; .. Dancmg Waters, ,a to the insurance company staff has been trained to treat' SteWnan arid Pam Madill .. water color by Betsy Wunsch, covering the fur pieces' and is our customers by the Golden , Students from Mrs. Ria~'s and "Old .Mariners' Church," currently perxling in~estiga'" Rule. Bunn's . statement . is classes./ include: Judy Law- a pastel by Carn Cw:nmins. tion. borne out upon entering the rence, Eileen Sullivan, Kris- From May 2 through May 31 attractive, we 11- displayed tlineNichols, Christine Jacob- the exhibit will be held at the • store. Smiles and courtesy are son,' Nancy Collins, Murray Art Institute. Winning art. at Garden Meet INTRODVCTORY much in evidence and give the Robertson. Sharon Mitchenall, the Detroit show will go to store visitor a feeling of per- Ken Davis, Linda Ruester, Sue the 1959 Senior Round-up in At Mackinac FOR HER sonal interest in his needs" or Hunt, Fred Gerow, Steve Colorado Springs in July to ON • SPECIAL • Kothe, Libby Herndon, Kitty service problems. be 9hown with winning' art The MicWg~ Division, Wo- Synder, John ~ynder, Mike from every state and foreign "As we look back' on Our man's National Farm and G6r- Reynolds, John (Bethea, John country participating in World MOTHER'S DAY MAY 10th first year, we realize how. far Henderson, Penny HenrY and den Association will be hostess COMpLETE wide Scouting. to the national annual meeting we have come since the first Dawneane Ferry. at Grand Hotel, .Mackinac Is- Choose e gift from our, lerge sel~- hectic days of our opening," land, June 7-11.' . Reti. $12.50 lutheran High School ticn of jewelry, figurines, crystel, PERMANENT said Burtn. On Tuesday Mrs. !LEad Party Planned To Have Spring Festival Yenetilln or milk glass, ~ps end We are introducing two new types of permanents. Our price The corner on which ~ars Hanson presided at a planning session at the Oakland Hills for eithl!r one will be $10.00 during the month of May and saucers. is located also contains the By Ne'lvcomers Lutheran High School East Country Club. will increase to $12:50 later. rhone tor on appointment now! newest Harry Suffrin store, will hold its first spring f\esti. Among those. serving on the See our large selection of Mothl!r:'s Day cords. opened in the SUlll.mer of 1958 The Grosse Pointe Newcom. val thds Thursday and Friday committee are Mrs. William and joined to the Sears store ers Club will toast the roaring in the cafeteria of the school Ullenbruch, Mrs. Cash Talbot, .1\:0 charge for wrapping any gift you .select, twenties era at a party Satur- in Harper Woods. . Catherine Kammer. by a covered passageway, as Mrs .. Trwnan F. Baa-bier, Mrs. I day in Roma HalL . Musical selections will be Standish Backus, Mrs. Marvin 20455 Mack Ave. TU 1-3300 well 88 a large Kroger store There Will be dancing, re- given by the s c h 001 choir, L. Katke and Mrs. William Mc- and Gold Bell Gift Center. freshments and entertainment bands, students and faculty Callwn. WRIGHT'S in the spirit of .the flapper age and there will be skits, panto- OtherS are Mrs. IF. Gordon promi5eji J. G.Kroenert, chair- mimes and education exhibits. Davis, Mrs. Marvin Wee~, men. Proceeds from the' festival Mrs. P. Russell Olin. Mrs. Gil Also on the committee are will be used for improvement R. Every, Mrs. Clarence E. Ma- TU 5-BB3~ the George AldridgeSr the Lar- of driveways and parking guire, Mrs ..Howard B. Steg.ga11 ry Aikens, the Edward Calla- areas at the school. and Mrs. Clifford T. Ekelund. hans, the Gi!or~ Davises,' the Ray Ellisee, the Harold Heyers, the Vincent Kilmartins, the John Machos, the Russ Man. nings, the Paul McGraths, the Dick Smiths and theRugh Complete Wankes. GARDEN .Frolund's SHOP "1151115 'HE 19S9Ll.1 0'

Welcome, . . Large selection of Wag0t:I SAVE 7.00 Flowering, Fruit TURF .UILDER ..... '.95 is waiting' to.- M.OWERS 2 bags. 10.000 Iq. ft. " • and Shade #35 5PREA.DER0111,16.95 . 'OWII Separately would cost 25.90 greet you Jacob sen . Both now 'REES. In We have the right JaCobsen PoWer Mower for )

A -Welcome. ll!lrge Selection Wagon MANOR Sodding and Shrubbery Planting Jacobsen IIotIeI28F FHA TERMS • Up to 30 Months to Pay Fame- kimmtng type mower wilb * bigh speed, 6-blade reel for velvc* WELCOME smooth cPlting..trims close to obstacb, Viaene' 5 Nursery mowes over cdgis.Or walks or flower IV -- WAGON bt:ds or ... sbnbbery. Rear wheci LANDSC:APING .:IN ..GROSSE POINTE FOR PAST 22 YEARS dririIc will not press down WlQIt ~- Between 90ncl 10 Mile .TU 5-4817 . '22950 PR 7.0639 TU 5-0994 21807 MACK AVE.. at Sunnyside (Gr. Clichei' OflIioMI. at exira IOlIl) 1.1." cMlisI wWlII :2 ...... i1.'hf .. E...

Savings Grow HEAVY DUTY MOWERS at 3% '::",In your accou'nt at , PEOPLES FEDERAL, SAVINGS ~h-;~_.X ~ ~•••"'.fI . I J.u ...." tI., J.c.l .. ell Visce'" 3f.IIIdl cvIIIIIwWiI --. JoIc.",,, T.. ' .... Vu- c, , lip..... 1.1~ II....,. Mew 22.itlch Pow« P10peMsd T.... £_ .... 75 GIISSCaldllfll C... rMnt) "IS (lIWsI - All w nilll ",idth • 21i lip till II~SI)'. 22.1nc11 cut. lIolary ,IS.inch tulll"( 71~~ •• wldlll • 2\01 119 JaeobMn Brias" Slll!ton [nriM till&widttI. 3lip !If.... Accounts Slr.IIOft EllIln, $Ut.SI Ill- Torque [nljne $13UI $74,50 Insured to $10~~OO_ As Adv.rtised in Jacobsen Life, Post and "J)~•. Opeft an account at Peoples FederaT Savings where every dollar of your ~~~.fi..ut! ~ J. savings earns the current rate of 3%. Every dollar entered before the tenth Suburbia Today (t'..,~ of the month earns from the first of the month. Gef the happy feeling of "money-saved" ••• savings that GROW. and are insured agaInst loss, by VISIT OlJR GARDEN SHOP NOW AND LEARN OP TliB MANY THINGS YOU SHOULD 00 SARty FOR The Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, up to $10,000. BEST RBSULTS. EOPLES FEDERAL SAVING :~~:~'~~2;~ t!~ GROSSE POINTI ,.: ...... 0Ik. we 1-"10 ... DIk. LA7.721 Grou8 Pointe's G~rden He~dqu~rtel'1 19815 MACK AVE., at HUNTINGTON 1201 Grlswold.t StIlte H.rper .nd Outer Drive


_...... 1.' ..;...... __ ._ ..__ Page T.n GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. April 30, 1959 ...... (. ~.- d Worship s e r vi c e. Church . ; I Near _k aD VerDier) School. 11 a.m. MOfningserv~ (Senior High at 9:30 a.m; Women's Association executive ilion Chairmen. 7:30Planmnc ices. Rev. Hammond will cele~ only.) 7:30 p.m., Tuxis Club Poard meeting. 7:30 p. ni. Committee - Weinberg's. School for Crib room through Tbe Rev. Edpr H. Yeomaa' :C"h h; N' The Kev. Geor(e H. Hahn brate'the 20th anniversary o~ for young peOple. of high Stewardship Committee meet- 6th grade. 11 a,m., WOrship . . . I his ordination with a discus- sohool age, men's lounge. Mr. ing. 8 p. m. Den Mothers and POINTE CONGREGATIONAL service. Chul'Ch School for Ken Cook, chemistry teacher Committeemen. .E~~:i~i~:~y7 ;:.~.: ::~ sion of the function of the 240 Cha1fonte at Lothrop Crib room through Senior i 'urc, ews. minister in our society. His at Grosse Pointe High School, Wednesday, May 6: 10-2:30 Ministers High. 7 p.m., Can g 0 Club p. m.. 0 e t r 0 it. Preshyterial ...... ,...... Holy E u c h a ri s t. 9:30 a.m. subject is "In and Of This will speak on':The Organ- Club mooting in Youth Room. meeting at Calvin (West) Mareus William JohDsoft World," Its Use and Abuse," 7 p.m., senior Hi. P. F. meet- THE FIRST ENG. EV. LUTH'I Monday, May 4: 8 p.m., Morning Prayer and S.ermon. ~ ChUrch. 4:15-5 p. m. Carol Arnold Dahlquist JOhIlSOll 800 VernleraDCl Wed(ewood Mother's Club; 11 a.m. Choral Eucharist and .. . ing in Lounge. Sunday, May 3: 9:30 a.m., GRACE UNITED OF CHRIST Monday, May 4: 6:30 p.m., Ohoir rehearsal. 8 p. m. Boy Rev. Paul F. Keppler, Pastor Wednesday, May 6: 10:30 Sermon. Scout Troop Committee meet- Thursday, April 30: 8 p.m., a.m., Altar Guild meets. Noon, Church S c h 0 0 l. (Toddl~rs (EvallJelical & Reforme" Men's Bowling banquet, gym- ing . Senior Choir Rehearsal. Luncheon of Altar Guild and through Grade. Nlne durmg .Lakepoinle at, Kercheval nasium. • Saturday, May 2: 9:30 a.m., Women's Missionary Guild. I above two services). Robert P. Beck, Pastor • • • • • Thursday: 8 p.m. S e n i 0 r Tuesday, May 5: 10-3,' Wom- 4:15-5 p. m. Crusader .. Choir Catecheti~al ~truction. 11 p.m., Women's Mis s ion a r y T h u r s d a~, May 7: 7 a.m. rehe~rsal. 7:15 p. m. Boy Scout a,m., JUnlor ChOir Rehearsal. Guild meets. 8 p.m., Board of Choral .Euchallst. 10 a,m. Holy Choir, en's sewing and knitting, Friday: 4 p.m. Junior Choir. women's parlor.' 10-3, service Troop 5~ meeting. 7:30 p. m. Sunday, May 3:9:45 a.m., Trustees. EuchariSt. Sunday School Workers' eon. SUllday School. n a.m., Church ------'------Saturday: 9:30-11:30 a:m. Guild, assembly room. Nul's~ Confirmation Class. ery Care will be provided. 10 ference. 7:45 p. m. 'Chancel Worship. (Nursery provided ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL POINTE I\IETHODIST Ohoir rehearsal.' . for infants). 20475 SlWnlncdale Park ~ 211 Moross Road Sunday: 10-11:30 C h u r c h a.m., Executive board meeting, ______--'-'_ Hugh C. White, Pastor School. Beginners t h ro ugh board room, 12:30 p.m., lunch. ST. PAUL EVANG. LUTH. Junior Higl1. Crib room. 10-11 eon, gymnasium. J:;:J:.:r:.3r:~ntn1iE~VE~tjM;::nNH:n~WMqF:::;::.:;\%y::m1Fn:~Y.i1' ~~.I~~ .~hri~t~::~~. 375 LOTHROP at Chalfonte M 0 r n in g Worship. 11-11:30 I Rev. Charles W. Sandrock :....' NEW ...... iA Sunday, May 3: 9:30 a,m., Discussion Period. Membet.- I CALVARY LUTHERAN Mr. Richard Hofmann, Vicar ship Class.,,(,vith Pastor. 2 p,m. Gateshead Ave. at ~lack Thursday, April •. 30, 4:15 Friendly circle meeting at Rev. Haro~d E. Schroeder Catechismc1asses, 4:15 Junior decaa:~~~kireOOn :!J1'~'~:~~"1.~1~:;~;4f:J;~::..WT2MI'S. Shoub's, 21812 Lake. Pastor Choir. 7:30 Church Member- I shore, 7-9 p.m. Youth Fellow- Sunday school at 9:30 a. m, ship Class, 7:45 Senior Choir. ship. . li~1FliPpsn Worship and Sermon; Church Church Service at. 11 a. m. • • • '".:.;.: . ., School. for Nul's e l' y thru Monday-Wed.: Synod Meet. Nw'Sery Service at Pal'sonage. Friday, May 1: 9:15 Bowling. ing at Fort Wayne, Ind. 4: .. • . " , Tuesday: 10-3 p,m, Christian WOODS PRESBYTERIAN Sunday, May 3: 8:30 Worship ~,:t<,f:~:,.:.•I: n;.~ luiIt-in OYEN.ncIIANGE W~::~!1.1~~.S~.;.7;~Sewing Service. 19950 l\lack Ave., at Torrey and Ffuly .Communion. 9:30 :; Yoo'll be Illrilled .with HIe Andrew 1:". Rauth, ~lini.ster SundaY'School for exceptiona~ A REAL :l MIDGET RACE CAR ~fl glamorous built.in kitchens Monday, May 4: 8:15 Bowl- Charles B. Kennedy, Asst. Min. • Up to 30 MPG • 3 HP Continetal Engine A:~ in th~ up.lo'lhc.rninute POINTE I\IEMORIAL Children. 9:45 Sunday School I 16 Lake Shore Road Victor Novander, Jr., (all ages), 11 Worship and • Retails for $399 • Sturdy, Fibreclas Body The Rev. Ben L. Tallman, Asst. Min. Holy eommunion. 11 Sunday • Overall Length 86" , Associate Minister Sunday, May 3: 9:30 8.m. School (l-B). Can be enjoyed by anyone from 6 to 60 ~~2fj~~i~ F :i;~~~'~i;.~~:3~:.::::Thursday, April 30: 4:15 First Worship Service. 9:30 • • • I p.m., Junior Choir rehearsal, Chl,ll'ch School - Nursery . Monday, May 4: 8 Couples' Club Executive Board-Ropp's. men's lounge. through Sendor High. 11 a~m. HOW TO WIN: A"y Itoy Of girl ClIll Htar by • • • SecoI).d Worship Service. q • • • obhininll • flU enlry blellk iI'I tho shoe deportment ot P.ter Tuesday, May 6: 7:45 Sunday II.t.l. FridaY,.May 1: 7:30 p.m., a.m. Church School -. Nursery I ~~~. School Teachers. Pa" .... " et'lh'y bl."k. mu" be occompuiacl by the FNHlt Ponal I!.. Junior High party, gym- through Junior High; Sermon :l~~~~;;~:~.:~:~;.: of B.F. Goodrich "PF" Of 0 .... _.ble f.csimile e,ul nasium. 8 'p.m., Synod of theme at both Services: • • • Bo". .!~r~ ." ~~~:s~:~n~~~8~.~.i ~~r:n~Michigan Youth Assembly at "Strengthened, to Strengthen" Wednesday, May 6: 7:30 W. "lIpOIited i" the "oro u"til 7 p~.... Fridey, M.y 29. of C, Ex. Corom. and Educa- #~~ mission on .Ed~ca:ion. the First Presbyterian Church, 5:30 p. m. Westminster Fellow- 1It Pri:a:e: $399 Monza Mustang Saginaw. ' ship {Junior High youth). 7:30 ~.r~~; Thursday, May 7: 8 p.m., . .. . p. m. Thistle Club (Senior 2nd Prize: One year's supply of PF Canvas Shoes.,-- High youth). . t:~r.~..i.::;!; EASIER CLEANINGSpeed.flex units lift ..p. Extn-decp spilt. Chancel Choir Rehearsal. Saturday, May 2: 10:30 a.m., Winner's choice of styles (4 pair ,'. O"U bowls fit right inco dishpan for fastest, _ie5t dflIniD8- • • • Senior ChoiT Rehearsal, men's . '. . maximum) , 'e:J Friday, May 8: 4 p.m. JWlior lounge. Monday,. May 4: 4:15-5:15 -;~ Choir rehearsal. 7 p.m. Young • •.• p. m, Westminster Choirre- 3rd tr 4th Prizes: Six months' supply of PF Canvas Adult Potluck. 7:30 p.m. Sixth Sunday, May 3: 9:30 and 11, hearsa!.. 6:30 p. m. GroSse Shoes-Winner's choice of styles Grade Party. moming wor.ship, sermon by 'Pointe Memorial - Woods (2 pair maximum) . • • • Dr. Kenneth G. Neigh, execu- Bowling Banquet - Memorial Saturday, May 9: 10 a.m., tive of the Synod of Michi- Church. "Youth choir rehearsal. gan. 9:30 and 11, Church I • • • School in all departments Tuesday, May 5: 12:30 p, m. COMI. BASEMENT $3.25 POINTE UNITARIAN SELF STORING ••• $9.95 17440 E. Jefferson Avenue Z.TRA.CK TILT ••. $14.00 9941 HayesAve, LA 7-9600 Rev. William D. Hammond Introducing our new 3.TRACK TilT ... $14.95 , MinIster Betwee1l Hflrper flnJ Outer Drive Mrs. Helen Leuzinger Custom Drapery I~~ 1~~! Fenestra Screels Truscon Organist and mllmimn@!mm!@mif@rgr@@M&H~@g~m;@@&fi@iW:@lt@Mt;J~jl 10 a.m. Adult Forwn. Rich- ard Wilde will speak on the Decorating. subject "If A Catholic Runs for President," 10:30 Sunday $tudio showing hundreds of the newest BOILS WATER IN 2~ MINUTES VILLAGE OF, patterns and colors in fine drapery D13'0~ GROSSE POINTE SHORES and slip cover materials, Compare . 795 Lake Sbore Road our prices. FOR INSTANT COFFEEOR JUI Grosse Pointe Shores 36, ELECTION NOTICE Betty Mco-old. decofOtin, COR- ... Itant, is at your __",ice. ~~~~. To the Qualified ...~ tj~ Electors of the Village of 19 years ;n Poin.t and Wallpaper Grosse 'Pointe Shores: Color Harmonizing, . I Notice is hereby given that COLOR IS OUR BUSINESS GUARDS B~:g~~R the regular annual Village . Wi.dow, Door,.Bo_t Election wiU be held on COOK'S Tuesday, May 19, 1959 for SCREEN WIRE the purpose of electing BRONZE 1100' I ...1.. 11I. VULCANIZED fo~ Longer Wear Three Trustees. ' 12c Sq. Ft. Roll 1Dc Sq. Ft. Safer Washing For the regular two year term. ,Screen Porches .. THE MONIA MUSTANG will be ow.rded Friday, M.y 29, 7:30 N..,tice is also given that Alum .• Bronze ~ Steel p.m. lit the "'r of our "ore, 17015 Kon:hevol, GP. No the polling place for the pllrcho.. llec_ry 0•• willn...... 1lOt be p_t. said election will be at the .Casement Storm Sash Vernier School, 36 Verniea- IllSide or Olltside Type Road, Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan. The polls for the • said election will be open Repair Aluminum, from 8 o'clock A.M. until StorM So.. - Scrnns ...,. Doon CHILDREN'S WEAR 8 o'clock P.M. Eastern Pick.Up and Delivery 17015 Kercheval Standard Ttime . . OWN£R. C..... WINES TU 5-9236. Crosse Pts, clifford B. LOranrer of FISHER RD. Village Clerk r * * * " IIllC; w. or. offici.1 diltrib ..ton fat , Moft ... M..IIta"91 Nce can.

24 16835 Kercheval Hau« It's No Secret! , S«,k. Across from Best's' • Fine Carpeting TUxedo 5-1232 •. Quality Installations • Low Prices • Terms Arranged Appliances eclar cued io ycA1' CUSTOM KITCHEN

• 15839 E, Warren near Buckin9nam .TUxedo 1-6022

LAWNS STAY GREIN-AlL SIASON WITH ;Vaughan's HERE'S'la.IlEAL SAYU18SACCIUIIT (Jffi) Merion Fertilizer \ Research proves Il1wn grass needs a complele • Slart' with ~ ~'add ." amcJIIK, ." Ime fertilizer with at least 4 lbs. of Nitrogen per 1000 sq. ft. of lawn. Vaughan's Merion Ferti. .~~~ lizer is the only plant food that meets these .... unusual requirements. 20% Nitrogen, 5% • qet top bari inteRst III a b cr a I1Ie -*ttIer ,. aaun Phosphorus and 5% Potash, makes Vaughan's MERTON FERTILIZER just what the plant is only a few doIas tr .., ...... r;g Sri ~ doctors ordered,

If YOllr kitchllft Is unbecomin, to you. yo .. ,hollill be com;n, to ..s! .:.;;; J, Six different types of Nitrogen are blended W6:t ~( to r~rca.sc planL rood uniformly throughout S*-MIMle- If you're plllnning !l new kitchen, your first move is to see • \J::)\} the whole growing ~ason. That's 'why, for ...... !MINd $ft,OOO our display of GE color-choice llrr1i!lncos around which we ,...,.~, only $8.915 (a 50 lb. bag coverin~ 2500 sq. ft.) to i ~ .•.; Vaughan's Merion Fcrtili7.er ~vcs the aver- Passbook will design II, whole new wood or mel,,1 ~itchen for YOll...... Deposit _. aRC lawn all tire food if. needs for a (Illl grow- Wa'va dasigned m,,"y of the fined ~ilchens in the Pointe -;' ..... ing sea.~on. ONE application of Vaughan's tnswrMICe ClMporlfilll I '•• , and with so little inconv8r\ience to the housewife. Savilll5 I "!M':;;~~~'"One Shot Merion Fertilizer dlX'S the work of i' , cen for Estimllte TU 5.3206 . . , iJ' FOUR applications of ordinAry fertiJi?.er. AVAILABLE NOW AT YOUIt VAUGHAN DIALER STORE HOURS: TII.I4I.y, W.dn.,ciay OIld Soturd.y till 6:00 Mett4ey, Thundoy ond Fridoy till ':00 .CITYBANK MAIN OP"IC~~ PeNOeSCOT 8U11..0tN6 Serving Grosse Pointe eurl;, 'fRomer IJ MACK at CADIEUX ELECTRIC,Al APPLIANCES , Drive-in Banking • Free Parking 17921 Mack AVI, TUxedo 4.2184 "511 MtlCk at TOllrah •• Nil DRIVERY ~trolt IdIlOt'l krvloe A'lIler

i r \

&ROSS! POINT! NEWS Page Eleven NOW.. Shop and Save During' Our 1st Anniversary Celebration!

the Store!

',;Wi .@~ >t ,I '.~M ..' 1M:@

..:,~ .• ' w, >i~] Cubag. Disposer Door 'Canopies L.P, Record AlbuMI 88 R.,. 44.95 37 41" Wiele 7" bg.4.95 $4 Do_ .... 1.4' 'I Unpainted aluminum. Protect : c.:ho,.e It . Continuous feed model with split and beautify your entrance ••• ~njoy the finest reproduction o~ phose )Ia-hp motor. Die cost alu. install it flat or any angl. to 'outstanding artists, all with full minum cone, stainless steel blades 45 degrees. 'orchestra. Lorge selection. Sears Complete K,itchen Dept. Sears Complete Building "'''aterial Dept. : MClrs Complete Record Dept.

SALE! Silvertone Portable Free Estimati ng' Service :~~~'\ "11/-:;. 17~lnch TV on Chain Link Fencing .,..-. - \\\'1,1.\ ::,..... \\~~, ~. :~ Asphalt Floor Tile ; ~/,,\\"'" Rerul.r 129.95 As Low AI • I . $10S' SOC'I, 5.1.! Cuttering : Diamond Needle. W •• h-Welr Shirts 36" 'FABRIC 9.9" 5- Heh 39 $5 Down Delivers .... 1••9 57 Chain link 11 gauge Premium quality fencing. Com- Morbalized dark colors. Lasting 1 *ra Ret. 1.91 Chorg. It Low Price 595 1 .Good sound and picture performance with this Silver- plete with top rail line, post and caps. Aluminum ties. beauty at lowest cost! ideal for , Ch.,.. It basement floors. Pattern can't Heavy galvanized 26-gauge steel l.y'. Gue ,utee ton portable. 155-sq. in. of viewing area. Attractively Material only ... Install your fence to Sears Exacting Choice of solid, calor knit or wear off. Lighter colors avall- gutter in 10-foot length, 4.inch }'iardest and most 'durable tip plaid Don River Wrinkl'sh.d cot- finished in Frosty Gold or ebony color. Side controls, specifications. No money down , .• 3 years to pay! able. 6Y2 ta Be: ea. width. Complete line of filting •• available. Polished to a bright ton. Short sleeve style.' Sizes recessed handle. Metal cabinet .. . ~omplete Installation Service Sears Complete Building Sears Complete Buildlng finish to minimize fricton. S.M-L-XL. . Sears Complete Fence Dept. Material Dept. Material Dept . ~ Seers Complete Record Dept. . Men's Sportswear ~t. Sears Complete TV Dept. • • And ... If You Don'~"Have.Ready Cash -'Your Credit Is Good at Sears e •• Open Your Account Today! • •.

!t. absorbers. Far most cars. . Sears Complete Building Material Dept. Sears Complete Auto Dept. Sears Complete Housewares Dept. Down on Appliances Priced. Under $200 -:-:$10 Down on Any Appliance Priced Over $200, or "Charge It"

Sale! Coif Balis SIIef Hose Hanger l.,. 3....,167 3/2.59 I. JO' 1'... c 1t... 5'c 44 DOUG FORD tournament quality 4." It Chorge It golf balls. Vulce.nized cover, liq- Guaranteed 10 years. %" diam. Heavy duty corrugated steel uid center. Perfect balance. eter. Lightweight, flexible. Sove! holds 100 feet of hose, mounts Sears Complete 75.Ft., R"IIIe, 6." ...... 5.66 on wall or post. Enameled fin- Sporting Goods Dept. Secus Comillete Hardware Dept. ish. Sears Complete Hardware Dept.

. . Sale! Powerful Craftsman Sale! Elgin 20" Rotary Power Mower 7!.HP Outboard Motor

... ~~':;- .~:;; .. :~\ R'IUI., $199 ~:~~.1Jtl'ii:'t1,;\;,. .,,",1 id:VJ ,~.r,Mnll $5 Down ""hest Hip Widen "'-:-:' •.;::r::9. :~. "...... - ,.tg....-: , 69.95 $169 $5-. 16" Hand Mow.r 598~,,,,...... 5.91 ehe". It r Quality 2lh.HP 4-cycle Craftsman engine ... with Easy operation with control levers on side. Forw.rd- 4" 11 J. C. Higgins, lightweight plostlc .... 16••1 recoil starter. Lightweight aluminum housing. All its neutral gearshift, 360' reverse. Cushion Power mount- Sews a double lock stitch. Ia.r- 23 ing. Rewind starter. Positive speed cotnrol. Complete with free fitting design, $I DntI power easily controlled at your fingertips. Fast wheel more comfort. Repair kit in. to.threod. Foot centrol lneluded. with 2112-gallon r~mot. gas tank. Buy now .nd adjustment gives you 5 different heights of cut. Guar. cluded . Guaranteed. Craftsman strong ... , lighter thon s.

) r------1.a.slllsllls ••2I11sllla.2 •• a.2---.a.s---a.s--a.t __ 2.2__ .. 3..... -2----...... --.-.-.-.-.-..-..-.~._._----

, r

'.Thursday; April 30. 1959 Pig. Twelve G R 0 S S'E : POI N T E: NEW S , erably with peat moss because it is free . of ! weeP. seeds and CARRY OUT IE.VICE ~onteithPTA ¥ee~s May 5 "Advice Offered on Care Of Ice-Battered La'wns retains moisture much better Phone"TU 2-0102 seeding rake gel~tly to cover move aU. grass clippings and than soil. Saturda)' 12:30 to 11:00 p.m. Other hours. advise in advance the seed a trifle. other winter debl'is so that the . Utilizing these suggestions FAMOUS CANTO~ESE If one is contemplating a seed can sift down to the soil. al~ng. with some hard work CHINESE FOODS general reseeding of the entire If the lawn is vel'y thin,- it willm most cases make your at ' lawn, it is advisable to rake Ishould be topdresse.m. Sunda)'. noon to fp.m. ;~: MAUA~'~ARnKFDRS..uM.C"EED.NDI:I~r~~'~:~:R • Mo.lc, s.. , .4 c... 4r T... It's Lobster-baht time! Done!., .to JOE )ANKEr'S OlCHESTl!t. • COCKTAILS SIX COUlIE DINNEIS. S:JO. ':31 1'. ".- SUI SPECIAL IUSINESSIIlEN'S'LUNCHEON-1Il0N. THlU fRl.~1.50 Salt-water fresh HOW TO MAKE F•• IlI.. SIItw IL.KIltH I SUIDlY FAMILY IUfRT M..... d Scrt.-I r.M. .11 'f •• C.. IlIt-$l.1S U.H bHr.crtl .... Pi.... c:~lhlr".1 P... ~$l.7S If,.•. VACATION. HOURS R.EALLY COUNT LOBSTERS I I Just a few hours TU Mighty precious hours, those VA. 3-1155 vocation hours! So why wostl from the sea to you! ~ .....'2~~8dO~"'~!SF!'" Now thru Tuesday tt-em \1edioU&ly troveling to "best steaks Ros.llnlt Russell , Reserv.ti~s - TU 4-5015 ond from 0 for ploce when you "AUNTIE MAME" • con enjoy a full, fUll-filled fort- 8 l:.OBSTERS (In Technlrama and Technl- night or more ot a famous in town" color). Tops tile Best 8....1- . Serving ExehallgeClltb resort close to home? 112peck CLAMS ... C a me in and DANCIN~ er! Tops th.e Play! choose your NIGHTLY Start. Weltnesd.y You've 0 fetling you're a thou- Ladi~s to Meet GMr,. PriMO own. See the The Most Honored Film In Wonder'ful Food sand m; les' oway from 011 cores ond his orchestro 10 LOBSTERS largest lobster Academy Awa,'d, Hisioryl Clnd worrln when vocotioning pound in the The Ladies Auxiliary of the with M.rionll. J.MO' Leslie Caron at ST. CLAIR INN, only 50 112peck CLAMS .... 00 midwest. Exchange Club wiII hold its good fll" Maurice' Cbevaller Wines and Liquors ~24 Luncheon 11. a.m.-3 p.m. miles upriver from Detroit! While Elephant luncheon at I Dinner starUnl: at 5 p.m. "GIG1'• ••• AT MODERATE PRICES the home of Mrs. GordonRoeg- Spec i.1 Att.t1tion to Best Picture of tile Year! Her. there's .verything to Not e: These ...... uetl olld Parties 12 LOBSTERS make vocation dreams come speciols include lin, 1201 S. Renau. d.road, at 121 LUNCHEON DINNER peck CLAMS ... a cooking can- p.m. on Thursday, May 7. Edd, Shepherd'. ..U:,,"IOL.S ,OSE SEATS true! Golfing on on 18-hole '12 $27°0 toiner! w~.C ..... Tl..\'" 2"'1.~_"'q~ Closed Sundays and Mondays course with watered fairways! Members and guests wishing' 1909 E. JeHetlOft ot .Von Dyk. I Va lobster size used to make reservations, should Member or Diners' (:Iub ~~ Swimming in a sparkling, tem- contact Mrs. Herbert C, 'faube, perature-controlled pool! Boot- , club president, at TV 4-2339. ing, fishing! Sleeping like a f4 A Grosse Pointe Tradition" MICHIGAN FOOD SALES . The proceeds of the White CITY OF kitten In a luxurious, air-con. ditioned room! Savoring the (Th. lobster h.. dquort.,. of Michi,oll). Elephaqt are used to purchase ~ard goods for Ruth Alden Inn's wonderful food and cock.- '6635 HARPER AVE. . TU 2-7779 dr.esses sewed by the ladies of I' toils! Watching the great ships Carry~Out Service the auxiliary. .. . I (jt'O~StJoint~JitrmS that ply' the world's busiest waterway! Hoving fun wltn atCombines fine Food With Fine Entertainm.nt congeniol companions! ~fl~ , Open Drlily /tIC/tiding SflnaaJ's SUMMARY OF MINU,TES For full vacotion information, ~\b;o nu....~l!;. ~ a;~ Luncheo"s 11:00 to 3:3.0 Din/leI'S 4:00 10 Midnight please write or' to Ie p h 0 n. HERSHEY'S APRIL 20, 1959 Late -- Drlncitlg from 10:00 p.m. ~-FOOD~~ Creighton Holden or Mrs. Mar- garet Nelson. Meeting was called to ol'der Ilt 8:00 P,M. NOW APPEARING' Present en roll call: Mayor William F. Connolly, Jr., CHOP Councilmen Henry E. Bodman, II, J. Lawrence Buell, Jr., William G. Buller, William G. Kirby, Richard L. Maxon AI Navarro One'Trial Will Convince You f and Edward C. Rooney. Jr. and his S9ciety Orchestr. SUEY Absent: None. Reservatiorts Suggested. VA ~-4118 Strictly Fresh Carry-Out Only Mayor William F. Connolly, Jr. presided. .15301 E. Jeff.rson, at leaco.sfield Frlmolls erlntones, Food . Minutes of the adjourned re~lar meeting of April Whole Special Party Rat.s 13, 1959 were approved with certain changes. The reports of the Police and Fire Departments, for the Beef Tenclerloi n ..99~ month of March were received and ordered filed. . Id.. l for ChorcHI lrom", Wan Kow The Grosse Pointe Club was granted permis~ion to 20922 Mack Ave. hold a fireworks display on Saturday, July 4, 1959. 3 Blocks north of Vernier The 1959 dance permits of the Country Club of De- Young, Tender troit and the Grosse Pointe Club was approved .. , TU 4.78bO . The City Engineer. having certified that all subdivi- Spring Open 7 Days .sion improvements in the Burton Warner Sub~ivision MICHICiAN were completed, with the exception of the sidewalks, the Leg 0' Lamb.~ Sunda, to 'Thunde, • • • 12:30 to 9:00 surety bond posted by the Renmoor Park Subdivision Company was reduced from $45,700.00 to $7,000.00.' Frida,'" Soturdoy • Notice of Annual Budget Hearing 12:30 to 10:00 A contract for the appraising of all City buildings Imperial Brand, Ready-to-Eat and their contents for insurance purposes in the amount The City Co:mc~l of the City of Grosse Pointe Park has proposed a of $1,400.00, and the contract for the annual appraisal maintenance service in the amount of $140.00 was budget for the FIscal Year, July 1, 1959 to June 30, 1960, in summary as Shank Half awarded to Marshall & Stevens, Incorporated, the low follows: Open Sundays bidder. Smoked Hams .•. 10:00 to 4:00 BUDGET REQUIREMENTS 39~ The City Manager ,was authorized to employ a man at Kerby Field on a part time basis for the purpose of General Government $ 36,088.50 maintaining the grounds and supervising the use of Finance ,...... 34,603.34 Choice Cut the field and City properties. Public Safety 384.130.18 WE Parks & Recreation .~...... 46,150.00 The City Manager was authorized to take' bids for Tender the installation of two drinking fountains at Kerby ~eld. Public Works 341,028.54 " . The City Manager was authorized t{) contract for. the Water Supply :...... 152,438.18 Round St~k DELIVER following work at Kerby Field: Redress Little League Public Health & Welfare 5,100.00 ....89i ball diamond. remove excess materials ftom the field, Contingency .....:...... 50,000.00 ON FAMILY ORDERS .and fill in loW spots where needed, and clean and fertilize certain areas of the field. Insurance & Pension 90,514.00 Strictly Sresh, Grade A OF $5.00 OR OVER Debt Service 61,606.81 The members of the Coun~il were of the opinion Improvement Reserve 167,500.00 Open Tlmrs. rind Pri. that in the future Kerby Field should not be used for Large the dumping of snow. Evenings Till 9:00 TOTAL $1,369,159.55 In regard to a communic~tion received from the White Eggs . . . . . Sll11drl)'s 10 to 4 351. residents, on Mapleton Road and Lewiston Road between REVENUES Kercheval Avenue and Grosse Pointe Blvd., stating their concern over the rat problem in the area, .the Cily En- Property Tax $ 787,200.00 ROSLYN gineer repOrted that the matter had been referred to the ~iscellaI1eOus Revenue 299,950.00 Wayne County Health Department, which was making ater Department Revenues ,...... 181,475.00 every effort to eliminate the nuisance. The communication MARKET was order'~ placed on file. Surplus Reappropriated 100,534.55 HERSHEY'S Old.1t in the WaHS . Approval was given to pay Shock Brother Tree 14316 E. Jefferson Bet~een Lakewood TOTAL $1,369,159.55 Ph and Chalmers r Service Company the sum of $2,654.30, in payment of 2 020 MACK at Roslyn Rd. their contract for spraying City trees for Dutch Elm one VA 1....377-Your order will b. waithtCJI ~he c~mplete proposed budget is 011 file for public inspection. A public TU 4.9821 disease. . hearmg WIll be held in the Municipal Building, 15115 E.Jefferson Avenue . Ccn ....niellt I'orkin, for 100 co'" OCroII tho lItrnt Grosse Pointe Woods On prol?er motion made, supported and carried, the May 11, 1959 at five o'clock P.M. at which time the City Council will he~ meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. suggestions in relation to such proposed budget. ' ~ILLIAM F. CONNOLLY, JR. DAWSON F. NACY CHARLES HEISE, Mayor . City Clerk City Clerk.

Published in Grosse Pointe N"ws issue of April 30, 1959. Published in Grosse Pointe News, April 30th

NOTICE TO OOG OWNERS "'El', "METltllll"EtIAlI Dog Licenses for 1959 become due M~y 1st. Owners should have their dogs inoculated against .JOIN MNB'S rabies by their veterinarian, and present a certifi- The Po;"tt's O/desJ M",!eel Hit ytIUt tIIrpt with .. cate. of vaccination to the Department of Public MNB Tare- Clult 898 St. Clair Ave. near Mack TU 5-1565 TU 5-1566 Safety at the time the Dog License is to be issued .. account: The License Fee is $2.25 plus 10e for tag. BIRD'S EYE PREMIUM FLAVOR o Vacaliola CITY OF GROSSE POINTE WOODS • TaJIft Prime Departmut of Public Safety and Frozen POTATO PATTIES Choice • eou. .... \ • .DowlI " . 12.0z. laoI'M A new way to save for Something.special that BONELESS .N.~ ROLLED WINES. requires cash. Wirh your first deposit you r.ceive LAMB ~HOULDER a Target Club coupon book. You deposit 'any pre- • JlfOllN l..pfOwi: ... C CAMPBEll'S SOUPS arranged amount YOIl wish each ,payday. Open Roast lb,69 an MNB Target Club account roday. • [,....,.",.. JU Sllili •. CHICKEN NOODLE LIQUORS CHICKEN RICE If You Want D.poalt .v.ry W.. k • Yaw aIM "SoMe- '2.00. IItht« ap«Ml'" CHICKEN GUMBO 3 for eo...,' ••• liM of: '100 C ~I.tic .nll ImportH I..n, Wines _nllliquon '250 '15.00' 67 lb. CREAM OF CHICKEN '500 '10.00 I'.rty III'Ick mill", Soft Drink. HOrl D'O .... r.s.

LEAF SPINACH Horre Mode Planter. Peanuts PORK 10.02. SAUSAGE MANUF~~!~~~,~~AL BANKIS c c 71j04"OZ'eM 39 1 ftr 39 MACK NrAR LOCH MOOR JIFFIRSON I. AT COPLIN 16711 Meek lit yOtic.hl.. CAM"'" '- M.rtl .. WARRIN I, AT THREE MILI'DRIVI TU '.7140 ' ...... IIt .1. 0,. Dell, • te '-SvIl. TO te 2

'. r.

GRO~SE POINTE NEWS Page Thirt .. n Getting. Good Start in Life Susain Denier Weds Mr. Murray June 15 Will, Speak Vows in Grosse Pointe Memorial Ch!Jreh . With a Reception To Follow in the Cloverly Road . Home of her Parents, the William H. DenIers Sever! attendants will precede Susan DenIer, daugh- ter of the Williar:n H. DenIers, of Cloverly road, down the aisle of Grosse Pointe Memorial Church June 15 WOMEN when she speaks her wedding vows to Edmund Marshall Murray, Jr. ":' Mrs. Eugene F. Wambold, hostess at a luncheon at the Jr"will be matron of honor Detroit Boat Club on June 4, and the bridesmaids include and on June 11, Mrs. Wambold Pamela Waterman, Mrs. Ben- will have the spi'n~ter .dinner. jamin G. Chapman III, Mrs. R. Mr, and Mrs. John Failing Scott Daugherty, Jane Bragaw will give a cocktail party on and Mrs. Peter B. Paddock, of June 13 and Mrs. Charles B. Cincinnati, O. will give a cocktail party on Her couSiri, Bonnie Den1er, June 14.. before the rehearsa,t daughter C1f the Jonn Den1ers, dinner at the Country Club, Short and to. of Pine court, will be tuower at which the senior Murrays From Another Pointe girl. will be hoSts. the Pointe Wendell P. Murray II wHl On the day of the wedding of View be his, brother's best man. Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Hanna MRS. RALPH BUSH enter. 'l1heyare the sons of Mr. and and Mrs. WilLiam J. DenIer B:v Patricia Talbot tained the Alpha Delta Pi Mrs. Edmund M, Murray, of will give a luncheon at the Alumnae Associaton on Tues- Cohasset, Mass. Hunt Olub for the bridal party. day evening in her Pemberton Ushering wil!l be Donald C. , Ten years ago this June the class of 1949, over two road home. Premature babies get a' better start intake, temperature and. humidity in- Broderick, William J. Del1lle1', David C. Lee, of Wellesley, hundred strong, donned caps and gowns for graduation • • • in life in this new type of incubator- ' vigorated the more delicate of the pre- Mass., Viggo P. MorieIl5en, of Dance Planned from the Grosse Pointe High School. Since that evening EDWARD TWEDDLE of the Isolette, demonstrated at the Cottage mature infan.ts. Tn e yare completely Lakeland avenue surprised New York, and Eugene F. By C~nter Club the class has separated into 26 states, South America his wife, MARGARET, with Hospital of Grosse Pointe by NURSE cared for without removal from this Wambold, Jr. and the northern reaches of Canada. a bon voyage party at. the NELL SAFRAN of the obstetrical de~ ideal environment into normal nursery Parties for the bride.elect Many of the graduates will be gathering from dis- Detroit Yacht Club recently. partment. Within the roomy plastic atmosphere. began Saturday with the The young singfe adults of Mrs. Tweddle will spend a housing, optimum conditions of oxygen. luncheon and kitchen shower the Grosse Pointe War Mem- tant homes for the ten-year reunion this June 13 at the given by Mrs. Fredr.'\ickW. orial Center are holding their Village Manor, including a big reminiscing session with month in Europe visiting Am- ." dustrl'al engl'lleerJ'ng J'uru'or at Parker) Jr., and her, daughter, monthly dance at the Center supper and dancing, too. .' sterdam. Germany, Austria, He was graduated, from t he meyer is the former 'STARR . . Italy. the Revieria, France "an'd Grosse Pointe High Sch'ool. HOLLAND of C a m b l' i d g e Wayne State, is one of 14 stu- Mrs. Chapman In the former s this Friday, ~ay 1. Because 'it :Tom Auch is general chairll;lan of the get-. together England. • • • court.' dents who will be initiated in- home in" Washington road. comes at a time when the and members of his committee include Kathy Droege • • • " • • • to the fraternit.v. On Saturday, May 9. Susan War Memorial is holding its Lauer, Marcy Wetherbee Priehs, Kathy Strek O'Connell, MR. and MRS. VINCENT M: A Dartmouth College junior • • • will be honored by Mrs. Loot annual drive .for funds the from Grosse Pointe, was re- MR. and MRS. R 0 L L I N M D _. 'th 1 ch . CI 'b " >... LAPORTE of Yorkshire road, m."o Pointel~ al'e members ' ewon WI a un eon Center u mem""rs are go- Jim Mast, Ted Fuger, Fritz Bloy, Ginny Granse Walker cently elected president of his DUENSING (S I G RID OL- l. \y ~ d l' h ' 0 M 16' , t te announce the birth of a son, " I of the golf team at TI'lnl.ty an Jnen sower, n ay mg to gIve an ex "fa qual' r, ,and Nancy Voorhees Laitner. fratern1ty, Delta Tau Delta. SON) of Bea cons fIe d avenue, th I """'I be to t d t h KEVIN MICHAEL, on April " d th b' th .4 .L' College, Hart f 0 I' d, Conn., e coup e w'" as e a a or more if they feel t ey can, He is WILLIAM F. WACH'. announce e II' Vl. lIuelr '1 ' . h J ' . Only eight of the class have been reported missing 22, Mrs. Laporte is the former whl'oh "'1'11 conlpete J'n the cocktaJ 'party gIven y ane to the Center's' efi()IJ:t to bal- TER, son of Mft. and MRS. second daughter, SHARON • n B th and the committee is anxious to-locate these forty- MARY LOU COBURN. daugh- 'l ' quadrangular mat ch w J't h ragaw. ,ance the budget for e com- FRANK L. WACHTER, of LEIGH ,on Apl'l i). M G S h '11 niners, James Clark, Marguerite Clark, Robert Clark, ter of the FRANK W. CO- Sprl'ngfl'eld, WJ"Ill'~~" and Am- "rs. eorge c emm WI' ing fiscal year. BURNS. L

admission. Funds raised by the giant 'fair add to the tees are self-perpetuating, and Miss Anderson. a junior at • • • i week was JAMES C. OWENS. 8Chool's scholarship fund. number presently 22. Marycrest, is majoring in .dra- DR. and MRS. C. H. EWING, son of MR. and' MRS. S. GEORGE P. BLACK, his matics. She' was r.e c e n t 1y of University place, have been OWENS. of McMillan .road. PERFUME. FROM ROME . * • * son, was graduated from Wil- elected president of the Stu- visiting t1heir son-in-law and He'it, a senior honors student League Sale May 8 liston in 1955. He is now a dent AsSociation. She i~presi- daughter, MR. and MRS. S. W. in physics and a member of Shoppers for brides and new babies please note:- student at Trinity College, dent of the ~rycrest Players, LAMER, of Hays, Kas., and Sigma Xi. Hart for d, Connecticut. Mr. vice-president of the Interclub they stopped enroute home in • • the Detroit League for the Handicapped is holding its "Council, afid campus chairman New Orleans. ' MRS .. THE 0 DO R E H. annual spring sale in the Edgemont park home of Mrs. Black expects to a'btend his first meeting as a trustee on of the forensics commission of • • • GRANGER. of Mapleton road, James Bulkley on Friday, May 8, from 1'0to 5 o'cloc~. June 12. at the school. the National Federation of RONALD C. MORKETTER, entertain.ed last week at a tea This will be the .only opportunity for Pointers to buy ,. 1; • Catholic College Students. of Balfour road, ,\/'ill he initi-, for ,her slster, MRS. ANDREW the exquisite hand-made linens, children's c-Iothes and ANN GIROUX. daughter of • • • " ated into Tau Beta Pi, honor~ CREAMER, who has been MR. and MRS. JOSEPH P. LT. and MRS. WILLARD H. ary engineering f l' ate r nit Y. vis i ti n g her' parents, the toys which the League workers so skillfully make. Mrs. HAGENMEYER ann'ounced this Saturday, May 2, at. 5 CHARLES R. MURPHYS, of William B. Canfield, Jr., is general chairman. . GIROUX of Lothrop road, has won a part in the E a s tel' n the birth of a son, WILLARD p.m. at the McGregor Mem- Bedford road. She returned Volunteer sales ladies include Mrs. Charles Casgrain, Michigan College production HARVARD Iq, On April 19. orial Conference Center on the .to her home in West Ha,rlford. Mrs. Frederick L. Colby, Jr., Mrs. William M. Delbridge, of the musical comedy "Qkla- Lt. Hagenmeyer is statJioned at Wayne Stale UniverSity cam-' Conn., with MR. CREAMER Mrs. Ernest B. Kelly, Jr., Mrs. Henry Kohring, Mrs. homa." She is a senior at the Selfridge Field. Mrs. Hagen- pus. Morket1er, who ,is an in-

The Chesterfield Car Coat ~ In Girls' and Su.. THn Sizes f b'CJ J»Wf Dt~ ~ For every girl-on-the-go, ~:.;;;~ :l.trimly tailored car coat .•. of Rome washable cotton poplin with f!WfJ ~~ ' Simonetta •. ,Italy's most outstanding couturiere creates a new and fabulous fragrance l.,. heavy ribbed corduroy on ,;.,r\ the collar :l.nd pockets. Inr.. nlO Perfume, 14 10 $30, imporled from Rome Inranlo C~Jogne, in column boule, $5 to $7.50 >~'fBeige with brown corduroy or ". blue with black, ... both Also availahle in DUSlin!! Powder. Bnlh Oil and with gay cotton print linings. ru-t.~t~ Colo!!ne Spray Miet ""CES PLUS TAX Girls' si2~s 7 to 14. 5,95 Sub-Teens' sizes8 'to H. 7;95 f:::. ... Ask for Free Triol Size of SIMONETTA PERFUME a~-...~ [lO THTiS LINE ~, BEST & CO. 3'17 ,;7.:tk /€,ao( ~ ~~,." &tt~~ .-rt St.PauI, GROSSE POINTE-Kerch.vol Av'•. neor Codi.ux • TUxedo 2.3700 16926 Kercheval Ave, Deli,.eries-7'l1 H/900

.(, /' , ~------~--....------~-~~.~-~-~-.....~~~-~------.....+..-.------.--- ...--.-....-.-....-.-- ...--.-- .....-....- ...------.-.- ...-.- ...... -----."".-- ....,-- ...... 14IJI.--..4- ...--.-.- ...- ...... - ...... 1141

P'ge FourtH" 6 RO' SSE P0 f N TEN EW'S Thurscl.y. Apt" 30,~1959 Society News Gathered from .AII of the Poill.tes" Defer Varfety Tea Party Held Mrs. James Clement~ Women ,. W. .Methodist, \ Show Friday For Cathedral Judith Kahn Weds

The Defer PTA wil~present The annual meeting and To Hold Breakfast a variety show at Pierce audi- Silver Tea' ot the Eastern James Clemente torium on May I, at 7:30 p.m. Michigan Chapter of theNa. ,W. "Defer's De Follies'~ as it is tional Cathedral' Association The Woman's Society of Chr1stian Service of the called, will benefit the Defer was held at Christ Church, Pair Speak Vows Saturday in Our L.ad.y Star of the Sea Grosse Pointe Methodist Church will hold a May Break. School. Grosse Pointe, on Tuesday, Church: After Wedding Trip ,to Bermud. Will fast on Tuesday, May 5 at 9:30 o'clock, at the church in From the proceeds the PTA April 28 at 2:30. Make Their Home in Whitti.er Road Moross Road. The Breakfast will be the last general will buy the library a TV with Mrs. Charles Dengler of meeting of the year for the Woman's Society. Channel 56, and buy items sug. Jackson was the gues~ speak. Judith Carolyn K a h n, daughter of the Roland gested by the teachers to the er and showed new color Kahns, of North Oxford road, was married Saturday in Guest speaker will be' . . PTA which the classrooms slides of the Was h in g ton Lady Star of the Sea Chl,rch to James W. Clemente, Mrs. Bert Wicking, well Mrs. Clyde Bowles; ~ubhcl.ty, would. enjoy having to aid Cathedral. Besides the elec- 0'11' known for her interesting M:-,. Joseph Connors, nomm- them in their studies. . tion of officers, theappoint~ For the rites, the bride~1 .'" . , 'h f atmg, Mrs.. Leo Luke; altar, pres en t at Ions ~m teart 0 Mrs. Carl Cordier, and local This year's PTA president, ment of the new Regional wore a gown of candlelight ,best !pan f. orr~h.e bridegroom, flower arrangmg. church activities, Mrs. Wal. Ken Tollidge, and next year's Chail'1nan' for the State of satin accented with Alen- son of Mrs. "Illiam Clemente, PTApresident, Bob Maynard. Michigan WllS announced. con lace. and seed pearls. of Fairholm road, and the late Also on the program wilI be :ace Brownson and Mrs. Mor~ ' ld Mr. Clemenle. the installation of officers for gan Johnsoll. team up with Joe Desmet 10 Regional Chairmen ar~ Qe- A ma tc.hing h ea dd ress h e . present a pantomime "It Only ing appointed by the Bishop the coming year: president, C i r c I e chairmen: Doris her fingertip veil of illu- Ushermg were Henry J. Hurts A Little While." . of Washington, the Rt. Rev. Mrs. Fred Steiner; vice-pres i- White, Mrs. Walter Kann; Na- sion and she carried a cas- Mok III and Gary D. Kahn. d~nt, M~. Thomas Estes; ,2nd omi, Mrs. Robert Balck; Re- A . melodrama will be pre- Angus Dun,. at the annual cade of calla lilies.. Following the reception the sented by Defec fathers en. meetipg of. the Natiooal Ca'. vice-presIdent, . Mrs. Robert beeca,. Mrs. William Horsch, Vincenette Clemente was the .newlyweds left. for Bermuda. titled "Innocence Triumphs". thedral Association which was Nelson; recordmg secretary, and Susannah Weslpy, Mrs. maid of honor and the brides. .When they return they will Players are Ray Michael as the held in Washington from Mrs. II. J. Quinn, and treas- Willis Bullard, all evening cir- maids were Gail Ambrose and live in Whittier r~d. villain, Bill Quarnstrom as the April 20 to April 23.. urer, Mrs. Norman Mooney. cles. Officers of the now four Orinda Koepplin. ----- hero, Bob Potthoft as the hero. Mrs. Alexander WI e n e Secretaries include: promo- afternoon circles will be an- r. They were gowned in copen JOSEPH J. WALKER, JR., ine, Frank Premer as the doc- pre s e n t Regional Chairman blue silk organza and carried of. Audubon road, has been tion, Mrs. Kenneth Huddleson; nounced at a later date. tor and Don Girodat as the and trustee of the National violets and pink sweetheart named 00 the Dean's List a1; missionary e d u cat ion and The hostess circle for the reader. . Cathedral Association went to service, Mrs. John Lee Thomp- May Breakfast is Alpha Cir. roses. Boston College, 'Chestnut Hill, Ev~lyn and Robert Snyder, .Washington .for this event, JoSeph V. Clemente was Mass. son; christian social relations, cle and reservations can be PTA parents, will present a and was accompanied by Mrs. Mrs. Alma Weinberg; student made by calling Mrs. Carl pantomime "I've Got A Wife", Harold Beatty, Mrs. Luther work, Mrs.F. E. Greifenstein; Mallgus, TU 5--1007. There Evelyn as the man and Robert Leader, Mrs. Charles Marsh, youth work, Mrs. Alan Schae- will be a nursery provided, as the wife. Mrs. Rockwell Gust, Mrs. fer; children's work, Mrs. Rob- free of charge, for pre- school Tickets are $1.00 for adults Frederick C. Ford and Mrs. ert Fleming; spiritual life aid. children of guesta, and 25 cents for children. John B. Warren. Mrs. John Wright; literature safe and sound •• and publicatiqns; Mrs. C. R. MARY JANE ANDERSON. When tuberculosis is dis- . The gameo!. life d<>e8 .not -Photo by Dieterle Amluxen; SUpply work, Mrs. of Maryland a v e n u e, has covered early, it is easier to consist in holding a handful In Our Lady Star of-the Sea Church on Saturday, at home and l'lround Lawrence Kennedy, and status achieved the honor roll lilt cure. Get a chest X-ray an- of trumps, but in having the JUDITH CAROLVN KAHN, daughter of the Roland With of women, Mrs. Russell Scott. Marycrest College, Davenport, nually to be sure that you ability to win with a mediocre Kahns. of North Oxford road, became the bride of Mr. Chairmen of membership: Ia. don't have tuberculosis. hand. Clemente, son of Mrs. William Clemente, of FairhoIrn road, and the. late Mr. Clemente . e'as.ybaby Guild to See Flilm on India

The monthly meeting C1f the A study of PauL's Letter to Women's Missionary Gu.ild of the Ephesians will be pre- CRADLE CHAIR the First English Evar.gelical sented by the Rev. Paul F. L u the ran Ohurch, Vernier Kepp.1er. ' Keeps baby happy trav- road, will be held Wednesday, eling or ~t home. Pink, May 6, in the Fellowship Hall. THIEF TAKES HUBCAPS ,blue or y$lIow wood: The luncheon will begin at noon with the program to fol- On Saturday, -April 25, Park pJasH<: mattress; 5afety low. May is the month of police took a report from W. V. strap. 9.95 India Women Missions and Bernard of 1363 Devonshire, cliairman, Mrs. Lawrence A. in which he rePorted the theft Bluck, has arranged a program of two hubcaps from his cer which will feature a film on while the vehicle was parked India, "Ambassadora in Bond." in his garag;e during the night. CA~ .ELT Safety for long or short

(,I - trips! Belt allows child to sit, stand, lie' down com- DOES YOUR INSURANCE MEASURE fortably; is never in the way; r.pl~ces bulky, car , UP TO CURRENT VALUES? , 'seats. Strong blue web. bing, secure catches. 2.25 • ARTHUR J. ROHDE , 4IlID oox......

INSURANCE YIIII.. -=LII'rIlEIl , ....------2711 East Jeffersotl, Detroit iMich. LO 1-6100 110 Kercheval, on the hill-' TU 1-7227 ;


in our Dress Sa,IOll TueSday, May 5, I;00 to 4:00p.m. Refreshments fram 2;00 ta 4:00 p.m..

...... rom."'ier our ...... dress RoatI ... ~ ...... , doMes and cocktail pcwtieI ~ a ~ sfw»w of polio does. ...,...... too, .it .. pvff of great IIee¥eI 10 Gtc'" ~'s widw .. 01 sltovtders; and, .. JOtin.. Qnctt.d Iittk wam ~.

while dots a.. bb:k Of bJow,a.. 8 to '6 ..:res. &tIS



PIERCE Tiektt validated yov mol<. a purchase WAtTon. when • laclllM AI .. CUll ......

,\ , .. , .' .' r Thursd.y, April 30. 1959 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen Woman's 'Page ..• by, of, and for Pointe Women

Unitarians Plan Square Dance 'F' VA Soliciting Home Discards IG'PYC B 'I t' d From Another Pointe of View -,------The Grosse Pointe Unitarian He teaches the new dances' 0 W e rs' .e e Twenty-five Volunteers at zines and paper, and repairM Church will hold its monthly that come out, as well as the' d (Continued from Pare 13) America'trucks will be avail- able appliances. square dance at the Monteith old favorites At AD. Jerome C. DuCharmei~ chairman of tl1e dance and able for home pickups of Salvaged mat e I'i a I helps School, Cha1fQnte and Cook All those' who unde~stand' .'war s Inner road, on Saturday, May 2, at the fundamentals of square several Pointers have 'reserved tables including the household d i s card s during support the entire charitable 8:30 p.m. danoing are invited. Hen'ry Munroe CampbeUs, the Charles Wrights, the Spring Emphasis Week, May program of the Volunteers in Come and b I' i n g your Chairman Forrest R. Old Gives Honors Saturday Richard Turners, Dr. and Mrs. Donald C. Winans and the 2-8. Delroit and Wayne County. friends to this dance, where Broken promises are the At Dinnerdance: Club ladies Turn Out For First William F. Connoflys, Jr., Col. W. G. Boswell, local everyone relaxes to Wes' call. tl'ademark of a weak charact- For home sewing, extension ing at an intermediate level. er, Spring luncheon Fashion Sho~ post commander, said caUs . , . . I The Players' Frolics will attract a large' audience clothing specialists at Michi- will bP. made anywhere in the gan State University suggest There's no merrier party than the annual Bowlers Frida~' and Saturday evening. Before opening cur,tain Detroit area, to assist. house- Jamboree at Grosse Pointe Yacht Clut>-:-that was the you allow one inch seam al- the C. V. Blackbuins, Jr., will give a dinnet in their holders in getting riP of dis- lowances for side and shoul.. , keglers' consensus last Saturday when they cocktailed Touraine road home. carded but usable articles. del' seams. This allows for fit- and dined, received awards or applauded their,bestowal .. Such items include fur"i- ting and makes it easier to put by Bowling Chairman Forrest R. Old, then danced to '" '" ture, bedding, clothing, maga- in .zj,ppers. their hearts' content. 1'~------For Interes~ed Volunteers It was a, big week at Dalton, Robert Fairch~l~ and Mrs. Ward A. Detwiler is opening her Three Mile GPYC, what with the April E. Edward WIlson..Su~shtutes drive home on May 6 1'0 acquaint friends ,with the work 2.5 Jamboree' marking the fo: Mesdames Fall~hlld a.nd of the Ha.dley Sc.. hool of the Blind in ,Chicago. . WJlson, who were In FlOrida Beaulilul.JJair is a close of the le~gue se~on, at' bowl-off time, were Mrs. Mrs. Detwiler heard of the school through Mrs. and t~e b~aubful brIdge- Cyril Defeverand Mrs. Fred Ernest S. Ballard; of Winnetka, and hopes that Pointers lunch - fashIOn. show two Somes, Jr. ' interested in volunteer work for the blind will answer days before. (both on the Everything was beautiful at her invitation for~thisevening meeting. Donald Wing al he e Isof the "Gay 90's", the April 23 bl"idge luncheon llathaway and Richard Kinney, of the Hadley School, :Jam;!';!.A//air • • • • stage production). and fashion show, th~ first of will speak . Keglers.and Other GPYC'ers 1959 ~t GYFC-beautlful h~ts, flocked to the main dining beautiful costwnes, beautiful Mrs. John N. Failing, Jr., and Mrs. Alexander room at 7 o'clock for the cock- mem~rs a~d guests, A~D Wiener will ~ur at the reception following the talk. Bi,.d; tail fete opening the Jamboree. beautiful, criSP lo~ely spr':l1'g * * * They took time out to admire and summer. fashlons :-vhlch the display of stunning tro- were presented by Valerle De- Swedish Visitors phies and chatted about plans GaTlan ' . th b llr e Thirty three Swedish engineering students and Pro- for next ear. a esb lill e a O?m wer ,y .. pretty as pretty-their cloths fessor Osterberg, of the Royal Academy of Stockholm, The scene Shlfif.edat 8:30 wer~ a fresh yellow; they were made a flying visit to thePoin~ recently. p.m. to the ballroom wh~re centered with upturned straw league tables,. decked W:1th "boater" hats with bands and Their trip was sponsored by the Association for fl.owers and gilded bowhng short streamers of gleatnfng World Travel Exchange and the Watson Fords arranged pms, were set around the satin ribbon; set in each hat the party's itinerar~' and entertainment here. dance floor. CQlored balloons was a blooming African violet c 1u s t ,eI'e d overht:ad. Art pla~t. Around the walls and The group arrived on a chartered bus from Chicago Qua!'t'0s band proVided the on thl! great trellis shielding en route to Toronto and then New York. The tour will musIc. the fireplace were hats and last a month and a half, its purpose to study US engi. At dinner's end Chairman violet plants. The sun shone- neering construction, Old ronferred the prizes, as- it was all "Spring" even to the sisOed by ViceC h a i I'm a n huge bouquet of yellow for- The Swedish delegation was entertained here by the James N. MotschaU. sythia on the yellow-skirted Ben Beyers, the Eugene Culps, the 'Clifford Curries, the Arthur G. Hermann was table in 1:herotunda, Barry Everetts, the Ed Grcnards, the Alton Huntingtons, men's champion, receiving the Mrs. Frederick B. Watts, the H. G. Hinckleys and the William Hulswits, Harlow Stahl perpetual tro- Mrs. Edmund Brady and Mrs. Other hosts were the Stewart Kcrrs, the Clarence phy. He also took the men's Eugene Gargaro, the c;:o-chair- ["tra-Curl Cllt alolle , .3.00 Maguires, the Theodore MetzIers, the C. ~. Parshalls, prize in the Thursday mixed men, were the embodrment of With Creme Shampoo atld Hair StyU"g ;..:': 6.00 league, Mrs. Paul Ackerman spl'ing in light wool co~twnes the Howard Reeds, the Dale Seifs, the O. A. Sode:bergs, winning the women's award and flowered hats - 111 the the Wallace Temples and the E. O. Warrens. Custom P~rnJatu!1ttsbJ' our Staff $15 to $25 in this league. mood of the day, ,Mrs. Brady's .. .. '" TUxedo 1.6833, for appointment Mrs. Kent A. Zimmerman, little cloche had violets be- woman champion, received tween folds of pastel gray. To See Son at Oxford . the Commodore A. P. Teetzel. Mrs. F. Rankin Weisgerber' John Taylor was graduated summa cum laude fr~m perpetual trophy. She also. ~ntertaint!d in honor of her Princeton University last summer, his special honors won the' Wednesday ladies house guests; the honorable league prize. Mrs. Philip Glover and her works done in English literature, and he left last fall to Fred B. Hillger was prize- daughter, Ann, of Guildford, continue studying at Oxford University. winner in the Monday stag Surrey, England-in the group His parents, the Alfred Taylors, of Handy road, are league; the Tuesday mix e d were the hostess' daughter, fly'ingoff May 15 to visit their son at the English uniM league pair of prizes went to Mrs. Thomas GaLTed,and a husband and wife duo, Mr. Mesdames Sam Keller, C. H. versity and incidentally motor about Europe. and Mrs. E. M, Gregory, Jr.; B a ic he lor, Leo Fitzpatrick, On Saturday. they will be honored at a bon voyage Wednesday t\vilight league Leon Alvarez, Cheslie Parrish, party by the JamesG. Morrisons, of Hall place, who 117 Kercheval Ave. 2 Blocks East of Fisher Road winners were John R. Sutton Dwight M. Nelson, John O. have invited friends to drop by for cocktails~ P-of(}~ TII and Mrs. Maurice German; Huse, T.hornton Waterfall, Wed n es day night league John J. Gorman, James Zeder, prizes went to Walter S. Clark and A. Griswold Herreshoff. -Ig . CoLoRr~ and Mrs. Edward D. Barrett, ------and the Friday mixed league INJURED IN FALL awards to Dr. Joseph A. Bark- ley and Mrs. Irene Sorensen. Miss MarguriteStroh, 69, of o Mrs. L. ~rge Hooper was 30 Lee Gate, was transported winner of the Tuesday ladies' to Bon Secours Hospital by league and Mrs, Fred J. Somes, Farms firemen on Tuesday, ~ FiN GRouP' ,oF Jr., of the Friday afternoon April 21, when she fell in her ladies league, home and broke ,her right hip. GPYC's mixed league cham- pionship went to the Wednes- In 1814,. Alexander Bara-' DE '.. " E ~ H'AT~ day twilight league, the bowl- noof, the Russian governor, of ers including Dr. C. 'Roy Alask;>,sent a ship on a seal- plain pump. , • with Brooks, Edwin F. Sanders, 'ing vo.vage to the islands. The al~ itmer glow ••• o1iQ Mrs. John A, Bott, John W. Russi

Informal modeling by our hy TEEN PANEL Saturday, May 2 12 Noon to 4:00 'P.M. lady-like o).'/ord flat, Chris 5cltoew traditionilll y per- Grosse Pointe High forated • , . tied alld bowed, , • 11.95.

Mcu'ifuf, binowi", b.n sfeevfl~ ring in pappagallo

... IMW look if! 511":,,,,.r biOI/58 weor ... M9.ciolly lovely when dainty eyelet .. broidery fo",u the sleeve and co"or on cool, drip.dry cotton Ollt! /rom. new.fashiolled, batiste. flrociously feminine. o/d.fllShioIUd spool heel • , , com. wllile only. 10-16 sizes. a, • fortable walki"K 6.50 collection compillliolU • , • 12.95,

lillie git'l 'f.strrrp S4tH/flt • , , 12.95.

ISTORE HOURS: Monday through $oturday 9:30 a,m. to 5:30 p,m, 76 K.rcheval • • • on the hill 76 Kercheval .. , on the hill

1/ "-" " '. Pig. Sixt.. n G'R'O SSE' POI NT ENE W S Thursday, April 30, 1959 Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes . .

Mrs. WilHam M. Brown, general chairman of the ewnt, Winners Listed reports that $650 was. raise

We are selling the contents of,this fine home 300011em's Antique settees, ladies and gents chairs, fiddle.back chairs, mahogany rose.carved chairs, curio cabinets, Herschedes grandfathers dock, Governor Winthrop desk, arrow back chairs, Lincoln and Boston rockers, French card table, Louis VI settees, cherry and maple, mahogany night stands, chests :and desks~ Many oil paintings to select from,

i' ,A rare collection of Bennington Staffordshire, antique C:jlass, Limog8 dinner set, Sheffi~ld trays, candelabras, milk glass, steins, sterling tea set, wall docks,' antique Doulton, early American brass, copper and pewter.

Aim /"ie. ~ alUJel CoIIKti~.of pOrulail mileclftlres. SUPER-TONE Oriental rugs, Bokharas, Sarouks, Kermans, over 50 rugs to select from, Skin Condftioner New qllick.as.a~win1<. cleanser that gives your -All items priced- face a brand new outlook on the world. Won. d~rflll way to starl tlieday, it's even better as Sale conducted by - • pre'parly pick'llp. 3.00, 5.00, 8.00 plus tax. Du Mouchelle. • Art Galleries Co. ; . 409' E. Jefferson

,. Lawrence F. Dt1Mouchelle, Auctioneer & Appraiser 16926 Kercheval Ave, For further information call WO 3-6255 Since 1920 Deliveries-TV 5.8900 f 690 I HARPER AVE" cor. Harvard Phone TU 1.1900

i; a a a • a • • aa e •• e $ • e • •• a ? • • $ • • a. e •••••• cu. p • •

TlwrsC:IIY, Aprd J01195' GROSS! POINTE NEWS Pag. Sevent.,n

Woman's Page, • • • by, .of, and for Pointe Women DuJey.Dapi~ Empire Daughters Begin Clark Women I, Club Pointe Colony Elects May 5 New Chapter in Pointe Pierce Students Honor Teachers To M.et on May 4 Rite, Read The annual meeting, elec- Booth, Mrs: Wilfred J. Camp- The Daughters of the Brit- The Clark Women's Club tion and installation of new bell, Mrs. Willis E. Chapman, Mr. and Mr.. James H. ish Empire State Board gave will meet an May 4 at Christ officers of Grosse Pointe Col. Mrs. Edward A. Davy, Mrs. Davia, of Farmington,an- a tea at 1Jle Women's City MethodistChurch at East War- ony, National Society of New Frank G. Horton, Mrs. Ralph nounce the'marriage of their Club Monday to present the ren and Haverhill at 1 o'clock England Women, will take R. Johnston, Mrs. Albert C. daughter, Taplar Jean, to chart to the new chapter re- for their annual business meet- place Tuesday, May 5, at the Pasini, Mrs. Lloyd DeWitt Kent Richard Daley. cently organized in the Pointe, ing and, election of new of- Women's City Club, of De. Smith, Mrs. John P. Thomas, the St. Lawrence Seaway ficers. troit. and Mrs. Edward D. Trow- The couple exchanged vows Chapter. Hostessea tor the 12:30 bridge. in the bride's home Saturday Mrs. Jack Thorpe of Hidden Mrs. Austin Wheatley is the o'clock luncheon will be Mrs. Alternates named include: with Mr. and Mrs. War Sussex Lane has planned an interest. William G. Nelson, Mrs. Ed- Mrs. Howard B. Bogrette, Mrs. u'attendants. ThI> Rev. Ralph regent and the other officers ing program. Dr. Harvey M. ward J. Savage, and Mrs. Ed- Louis Gascoigne, Mrs. George Stribe officiaied. include Mrs. Ernest Whitney, Mrs. Russell Skitch, Mrs. Wil- Merker, retired director of ward D. Trowbridge. A noon S. Guy, Mrs. Fred W. Haines, Mr. Daley is the son of the liam Teeter, Mrs. Harry P. scientific relations with Parke board meeting wHl precede Mrs. Harold. C. Lu

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Page Eigh..... GROSSe POINTE NEWS Thursday! April 30, 195'. Society News Gathered from All of the 'Pointes To Be Wed Troth Told I Parcell, PT A Students to Vie To See Show Symphony Helpers

, An evening of. pleasant en- Tabfe Setting tertainment will be presented Name New Officers At by talented students of Par. cells Junior High School as a Charles W. Warren Co. Sponsors Contest for Women special feature d with Chi Psi. nese Sandman," will feature Da\'id, Winfield S. Jewell, Jr., dinner at the Women's City lected at the Warren store. white striped canopy covering Her fiance studied at Colum- An August wedding is plan- Sharon Wright and Marcia Leon H. Lewis, Robert Martin, Club on Wednesday, April Contestants wit! specify flow- Center Teens Murray Young and Miss Isa- the ballroom, striped poles and bia Grammar School In New ned. Florin. 29th, at 6:30 p.m. < ers wanted for their tables. belle Hoersch. circus characters, six feet ~ll, Holding Dance York, and Dartmouth College. . Not~an Buckler', playipg an Mrs. Carl D. Macpherson, decoratin{;. the walls .. A huge Honored at the luncheon A prize of a six-piece ster- accordion S(',lo, will be fol- Regent, presid~d and members 10 foot balloon, confetti' and with awards were Mesdames ling silver .place setting will Marie Torre lowed by three ninth grade of the Evening Group were smaller balloons will add to Teen couples in grades 9-12 Robert K Baker, Richard ..F. be awarded the winner table Soroptimist Del~9ates boys in a record pantomime. special guests. Delegates to the festive scene. . Brennan, Bel.t Cremers, Ralph in each class as a result of of Grosse Pointes' public, pri- ~eturn from Conference To Talk Here The boys are Jim Meyers, Ken the 66th Continental Congress, Dr. .{aymonrl A. Gadowski J. David, James M. Gillen, popular vote. A five-piece vate and parochial schools Mantay, and Dennb Wortman. held in Washington, D.C., is chairman of the black tie Walker Graham, Roger P. china setting will be awarded will be welcomed to the The Grosse Pointe Soropti- Made Torre: New York tele- Another record pantomime April 20-24, reported. the winning table in each class party and other committee mists delegates have returned Hubbard, Donald W. Jennings, Grosse Pointe War Memorial vision columnist who made will be "Stranded in the The Service Group of Fort through the selection of the heads includ" Seymour Can- from the Midwestern Regional Jungle," which will display E. Nelson Kimball and Earl Pontchartrnin Chapter, will judges .who will be: Kay Sav; tor; Dr. and Mrs. W. Clemens this Saturday evening, May 2, Soroptimist Club Con

\ i .. " $42 ., g * " a $ a • 0 e • a .s • saoai. ss ••• a.a a •• a a a. . • •• • a.a.a eaeee.a eo. • • ••• 4 = • • • • • • u • ••••

Thursday, Aprn 30, 1959 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nineteen ,Woman's Page. • • by, of, and for Pointe Women Emma Willard St: Joseph Mercy Aides AAUW Slates Church Women Enzabeth eass Chapter GOP ..,Meeting To Hold Annual Meeting It's News: Two for the Tee Meeting on Mey4 Alumnae ;.Heet Week's Events To Hold Banquet '11he 14th Congressional Dis- The annual meeting and E Iiz a bet h Ca~ Chapter, trict Republican Club will Recently, committee chair- election of officers of the Aux- The American Association A Mother-Child Banquet Daughters of the American have a party this Thursday iliary to St. Joseph Mercy man pnd members met at the of University Women, Grosse will be sponsored by the Wo- .Revolution, will hold its an- in the district headquarters\ home of, Mrs. George A. Hospital will be held May 6 at Pointe Branch, will hold a men of the Church ofSt. Paul nuel meeting at the Women's 15316 East Warren avenue at Schemm in Grosse Pointe for the Detroit Yacht Club. final card party of the season City Olub on May 4, at 1:30 8 o'clock. iuncheon to plan" the celebra- Members will attend Mass to, be n e fit the Education Ev.Lutheran Church, Chal- tion in the Detroit area of a in the hospital chapel at 9 Building Foundation on ~at- fonte and Lotprop, on Friday p.m. nation-wide Emma Willard o'clock and attend the meet- urday at 7:30 o'clock in the evening, May 8, at 6:30. G',lest speakers will be the Day. Fontana lane home of Mrs. ing at the club at 11 o'clock to alternates and delegates who Albert J. Klick. The program will feature First English On Wednesday, October 28, be followed by luncheon at Sagebrush Shorty and his l2:30 o'clock. Mrs, O. J. attended the Sixty-ninth Con- 1959, the alumnae and parents Mrs. Wilfred McLaughlin television act. Tickets may be Ev. Lutheraa of the Emma. Willard School, Hastings and Mrs. G. A. Troes- and Mrs. Burke Arehart are tinental Congress in Washing- purchased through the Circles ton, D.C., on April 20-24. which is located in Troy, N. Y., ter are in charge of reserva- co-hostesses for this dessert or directly from Dolly De- Church and is the oldest .school for tions. bridge and husbands and Coster or Eleanor Horvath. friends are invited. women in the country, founded. Reservations may also be made Vernier Road af Wed9~wlll)f in 1814, are undertaking a na~ Recent grad1.!ates will meet FIRST CHURCH OF by calling the church office Driv., Gros •• Point. Woalls tion-wide project to raise funds U.M Wonten to Tuesday in the St. Clair TU 1-6670. ' CHRIST, SCIENTIST, for "The Second Century Shores home of Mrs .. G. Ken- 9:30 a.m.Sllnday School Fund". Part of this money will Hold Election an Jacobi at 8 o'clock. Co. GROSSE POI NTE . 11 a,m, Church Worsllip give scholarship aid. and will hos~ses are Graechen Beck. LeBoeufs Wed FARMS . increase facl.\lty salaries. The Detroit Association :of er, 'Mrs. Jack Grenard and TUxedo 4.5862 Mrs, E. Dawson Fisher. The SlDlda, servtee.~~ ....:._...10:30 • .m. Henry Fonda, whose daugh- Sunda, SChoci-lDtanW University Of Michigan Wpmen Rev. ,Janus Laupmanis will For 50 Years Room ...... _._. __ .....10:311 .... ter, Jane, graduated from will hold its annual luncheon and election of officers in the speak on his experiences be- Wednesday '1'eetlmCJ1Y Emma Willard in 1955, is to be Mr. and Mrs. Armand Le. V.tln _ _ - 1,00'1'1'" the national chairman. private dining room at the J. L. hind the Iron Curtain. Hudson Co. on Saturday, May Reading arid criticism ....of Boeuf, of Detroit, formerly of k EItIY SCHOOl. TII. Gross. Point. w Iterlly &oad. '" B... ," The Detroit al'ea plans to 9 at 12:30 o'clock. manuscripts is the program Risher road, Cf!'lebrated their ConCJr'e4Jational hl\ve IIn open house tour on planned by the Creative Writ-. golden wedding. anniversary ALL ua ~n.COIO October 28, which will include Mrs. G. E. FI'azer Clark is ing Group on Wednesday at Monday witlh a high Mass at Church \:yell-known and interesting chairman of the committee 12:45 o'clock in tht! Moross st. Brendan's Church. 240 Chalionte at Lothrop homes in Grosse Pointe, Palm. making the arrangements and road home of. Mrs. Allen The couple have three Grosse Pointe, Mlclllgan er Woods and the Birmingham- assisting her are Mrs. J. Otto BrunsOn.. . . daughters, Mrs. Russell Peters, GROSSE POINTE 1I1lNISTERS Bloomfield area. This tour will Scherer, Mrs. Cliffol'd Buehrer The final wprkshop of the Mrs. Frank Moeller and Mnl. METHODIST CHURCH Marcus WlIllam .Johnson Arnold Dahlquist .Jllbnson be sponsored by the American and Mrs. Edward D. Maire. Studio Arts Group will be Kurt Achenbech and 12 grand- 211 Moros. • .... Institute of Decorators under The luncheon speaker will be he I d WednesdlJy at 7:45 children. A dinner at Lom- lEV. HUGH C. WHITI. ~h~c"hrngChoorf~~j8rlbse~~ the direction of William H. Dr, Margaret A. Judson, pro- o'clock in the McKinley ave- bardi's was held in the Le- '.dol ~rough eth grade. Denle'.!'. fessor of history and head of nu; home of Mrs. L. H. Ore- Booms' honor. HEUH D. THOMAS, D.C.E. 9:30 and ll-Morrltnl Worship b~~rc:1ch~1V:~;Shmlbse7~ Committee' members who the d,~oartment of history at .baugh. , . through Senior High. met at Mrs. Schemm's home Bryn Mawr College. Dr. Jud- The In~rnatlonal Relatlons 9:30-Adult Bible Clall 9:30 and U-ehurch School were: Mrs. Joel Bremer and son is teaching this semester at Group W111 meet Thursday, Society Evening Youth Fellowships

Mrs. C. Allison Monroe, chair- the University of Michigan as May 7, at 1 o'clock tn ~Ie IO S e r m 0 n_ A Formula that

man and co-chairman of host- the Alice Freeman Palmer vis- Trombley road home of Mrs. The regular meeting of the never changes. II ~sses; Mrs. Edward Lambrecht, iting professor of history -John Pear, who will be as- District Nursing Society will Guest Pastor: Rev. Richard chairman of ticket sales, Wil- . ... sisted by Mrs. Wall,!-ce Tem- Match a golf bag to Bermuda shorts to achieve be held on May 6 atll o'clock Y. Cue. liam DenIer, chairman of the :rh~ natlonal organ.lzaho.n. Of pIe. The program will be ultimate. luxury in sportswear fashion! Both are in the Three Mile drive horne T~xedo'.7811. Mlchlgan alwnnae 15 ralsmg "India _ Between the East sponsoring committee of the worsted flannel in caramel and vanilla ice-cream.. o( Mrs. Edward S. Evans. A.LD.; Mrs. DenIer, Mrs. Ar- money to comple~e an endow- and West," with Mrs. William stripes. The bag is bound it:l supple cowhide, also used I, thur Krentler, Mrs. Schemm, ment fund, the income from T. Krebs as speaker. which will make possible a for the trim belt which is ornamented with golden tees chairman of Patrons' Commit- permanent professorship for a tee and Mrs. Edward E. Roth- and bUCKle A white silk shirtwaist completes the JeHersoll Av•••• woman in the field of, history. ensemble. Robert Powell Johns, noted for his elegant, ~an, chairman of publicity. This professorship honors the Guild to Hold ladylike casual wear, conceived the idea, a perfect Baptist ~hlrch , Emma Willard School has memory of the distinguished ~IDtI Moron Rd. at Harper (Presbyterian) pioneered in higher education RUlnmage Sale compliment for the sporty lines of a sleek all-white scholar, Alice Freeman Palmer, 'oltof I. Arttl. r .~ cAlh 13337 I. J.ff.notl .t lokevl.w III Lake Shore Rd. ~or women, first through its '59 Dodge convertible, with swept-wing styling. a graduate of the University of Dovi" W. litho" Mlnilt.r Rev. H. F. Fred.~eU, original founding by Madam Michigan and later president of The Women's Guild of Grace 10:00 •. m. Morn1nr Worah1p n.D .. Moderator Emma Willard, and recently in Wellesley College. United ChUiI'ch of Christ, Lake- Rev. B. L. Tallman. 11:20 .,m. Sunday School MORNING WORSHIP , M.A.. Associate Min. being the first secondary school Inactdition to Dr. Judson, pointe and Kercheval, will League Studies Foreign Policy to offer a coordinated plan of Iund.y I:M 11:" a.m. Rev.• Frank Fltt, M.A., guests of honor at the luncheon sponsor a Rummage Sale on 7:30 p.m. Evenl"ll servlce all. if --- noD., Pastor Emerltu. study. This plan, worked out Saturday, May 2, in the ch1.\rch The Foreign Policy Study ment and collective security." will include Regent Irene E. All Welcome CHURCH SCHOOL - WORliHIP SERVIC~ with ~arvard University, was Murphy; former regent, Mrs. basement. Group of the League of Wom- The local study group is at- , ~ first instituted at the school in There will be a wide selec- en Voters of Grosse Pointe tempting an overell look at !lunday, 9:45 •. m. --- < CHUltCH SCHOOL , 1949. Stuart G. Baits; Miss Deborah Bacon, dean of women, Mrs. tion of clothing for men, wom- meets each Thursday pro~t- the many aspects of United ..--_n: ::~~~;:::::: Coordinated study begins in Alison T. Myers, alwnnae sec- en and. children, as well as lyat 1 p. m. All League mem- States foreign policy in the : the sophomore year. All cul~ shoes, hats and,many other bel'S are invited to participate. light of changing world conm. reta'ry, and Miss Geraldine You are Illvited to UM the tural subjects, such as art, lit. Groce. Miss Joan Edmonds is miscellaneous articles. The first half hour of each tions. Specific policies are be- You are ,cordially invited to attend ••• meeting is devoted to a dis- ing considered against a back- erature, his'tory, social science president of the Detroit alum- Doors will open at 9 a.m. cuss ion of news events of the ground of the interdependent Christia. Scie.ce and music are centered in a nae. given period. Required curricu- week. world of nations within which R.. dinc Room Sixth Church of Christ, lum for junior I'lr four year col. Church Ladies At th A ri1 30 meeting the United States r:ational in- lege is, of course, included in e p , . ' terest must be achieved. 19613 Mock Av•• AWVS Benefit ~hs. Oswald Gruhzlt, who h~s This examination will serve Scientist, Det.r<;>it this plan. Plan, Breakfast G_ '-IIIN Woods ,-- J~st returned f~om .a year m two purposes: (1) to provide Open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 14110 Kerchiv.I, bet. Manistique .nd Ashland ~ Five girls from Grosse Pointe The American Women's Vol- Hong K?ng, WIll discuss her League members with a. basis daUy except SundaYl and HoU- are in this year's Emma Wi1- untary Services will hold a LochmOQl' Club will be the ob:-ervatlo~ of .the ,Far Ea~t. for. evalualling specific foreign days. ThursclllYl and FrIdays IhInday service. - 10:30'••m.and 11:00p.m. . lard graduating class: Chris- W1W • p.m • lAfant'. Rocm Open tcr 10:30 Service benefit ,fashion show,' card setting for Our Lady Star of ThlS meetmg WIll be ,held. 10 policy measures, and (2) to tina Beebe, Mary Louise Brem- party and dessert at J. L. Hud- the Sea Rosary Altar Society's the home of Mrs. Verne Sld- provide the League with a ba- FIrst. Churcll of Christ, READING ROOM - 11348 l:AST WARREN er, Beverly Chalmers, Susan son's downtown on May 6 at 'j\'ednesday Evenlnl TstlmonlaJ Meet1ng-8:oo p.rn. annual breakfast on Sunday, .nam, 360 Mary Str.=et, TU 2- sis for detailed study and even-I Sel... tfst, Wedneada, 10 un. tc 7 p,m. Sunday J ~ 4:30 P.nL Lambrecht and Robin Lepard. 12:30 o'clock. ' May 3, following the 8:30 Com- 0085. , tual action on selected aspects Cirosle Pol.t. FarRIl MOil•• Tue. .. Tbun. rrt. and Sat. 10 • .m. to I p.m. munion Mass, On .May 7, Mrs. Jo~ ReIlU~- of foreign licy. • Talent from the parish will let w~U report on Africa. This WHEN YOU SEETHIS SIGN AT take part in the Crowning of meeting will be held at the • , Mary Ceremony and entertain. home of Mrs .. James Graves, ment program. 1304 Buclcing~m, T~ 2~8955. YOUR NEIGHBORS Chairmen working on the' Mrs .. Blom-qul,st Wlll report committees are as follows:- on Latm Amenca on May 14 Mrs, Gordon Spoor, progr,arrt; at the home of Mrs. James assisted. by Mrs. Henry Mok; Graves. , M!"S. Stanley Evatz and Mrs. On May 2Bi Mrs. D. Charles Joseph Price, tickets; Mrs. Marsten will report on Japan. John Haas, arrangements; Mrs. This meeting will be held in Jasper Jamerino, finances; and the home of Mrs. John Remil- Miss Lol'raine Moran, pub- let. licitr. Mrs. Graves is chairman ol ------the local Foreign Policy Study Group. The. purpose of this Suburbia Makes group is to give concentrated study to the League's National May Baskets Item on Foreign Policy .. This item as set up. by the League The Suburbia Garden Clu~ at the 1958 National Covention will meet Tuesday in the Re- specifies "Evaluation of :the YOU KNOW naud road home of Mrs. United States foreign policy Emory Wicklirie for luncheon. with continued support of the SOMETHING NICE IS BEING DONE Hostesses will be Mrs. Cor- United Nations system, world inne Howard and Mrs. Bern. trade and economic develop- A NEW ROOM ••• A NEW HOME ard P. Peat'Se. Einer " Hi.F; loob"elves Members will spend' the REPORTS LARCENY C"";,,.f, afternoon .making May bas- Helen'Grnnger of 1235 Chal- or G.... r ..1 ...... d.II.' kets for children at Christ Child House. mers, Detroit, an employe of the Woods Drug Store on Mack avenue, told Woods police on GROCERIES STOLEN '1'hurs"day, April 23, that wril 22, that someone stole a . bag of groceries ,valued at $7, COIFFURE? from her car parked in the F~ith may move mountains, Kroger parking lot on Mack but the man who wants a tun. HAVE WE PLANNED FOR GROWTH? One visit to our modem avenue. nel has to dig for it. solon to make acquointcnc!l with our There ,vas the St. Bernard who grew and gre,. behind the kind of community planning that skilled beauticiaN ••. and we know VOU'II as some dogs will and awoke one day to find provide! for growth and opens the way for return again and ooaln. The same beauty care will himself stuck in the dog house. All becau~ prosperity. It includes, for exampl~, modern be extended to your lAX nobody planned {or his growth. Solne town' zOl1ing, thorough financial planning by the mu. little girls, too. FREE have found themselves In the same fix, and for nicipality,jlreparation for adequate schools and We specialize in the same reason. service. and the provision of fully developed land for Induefry. If your income is over $12,000 per year you. should How about our town? • Tinting • Frosting investigate Tax Exempt Bonds as a source of Join hands with your local industrial develop- • 3-Dimensional Coloring increased income for you. Are we concerned enough about havinr a tuture for our town, about having a future In our town ment organiZation and the Miohlgan EconomiC! •• f"d.., Ski" Treatmtllts 'We will be glad to call on you at your home or for the boys and girls now growing up? Development Department to help YOWl tomIM- office and explain the many advantages of this GIII",mte~!(1 Spedltl Blend Cosmetics to If we are, then we as individuals will be solidly nlty prosper. form of investment. YOllr lmJiviJflll1 Reqfl;remenls Take advantagl of our new, convenient free parking iot Please call or write for our free booklet "An in tnerear of our Mack Avenue salon. Introduction to Tax-Exempt Bonds." GROSSE POINTE NEWS MAIER & WERNER Coli or wdf. to: 0", of the Pointe's Most 6(11111#flil SIIlOfl.S fiRST OF MICHIGAN CORPORATION tM. " " .1It ., • ..,1.. ~U""Mi... t\ ~u.1h,.,~Ic•• , "'I. ".'u,.,., lit ""'lfl/", I 17670 MACK U311 E. WARREN 2450 1.'" lid" ,. Detr.I' 2', MId, ./1/0 tltt "'/e/ol,." ""' AUH"'M _ '1M 1If1,~ ,,,_,, "'''''''tII' 1>""',,"/1'. At UniYlnitT HQ, hMonrHtN TU 1.72.7 TU '.11" WOodwor4 2.2055 ••• ''''''' ..,a: rUred. of.UN .• ll4trillltl 'M 'ecl.1 T,..hlMnh Oftly .. M.. Ie... r Mlc"',.,,', IAr,.", M...lc',., ,.,,4 DeGI.rl , -," .-"." .'~ .' .' .' ~ ,',.. ',,' ',~ ',' .. ,'j • '", ."j

.ROSS! POINT! NEWS Thursday, April ]0. 1959 Devil Tennil St. Paul Beats St. Ambrose St. Ambrose Blue Devil Baseball Team {eam,Beqts And Loses to, St. Anthony Winner in Wins Two andLe~ds Loop, Pair of Foes St. Paul's winning baseball streak came to an abrupt Track Meet Baseball followers at Grosse Pointe High are cheer- halt last Friday, April 24, when S1. Anthony pushed ing loud and long this spring an.d. they have every across the deciding run in the seventh inning to win 6.5. ~ •.'eason. The Blue Devil baseball team has .sh~wn.a c~m. Coach Bud Kurvink's Three days earlier the Lakers thumped St. Ambrose 9-4. St .Ambrose captured the plete rever.sal of form fl'om last year in wmmng Its flrllt Blue Devil tennis team con- Against St Ambrose, .tart- . final 880 relay event to edge two games of the season and is at the top of the Border tinued to roll toward the S1. Paul by half a point in ing and winning pitcher Ted St. Paul, Bob had played four Cities Leag~e.race. .' . show-down with Monroe quadrangular meet held Budda experienced trouble in yearS ,of football, .basketball a Last year the Devils in .the meet. Marty The DeVils made Foraker s to give the Devils a 5.0 lead. . added three more in the sixth top the second inning on II On the Pontiac Central track Sesteck if he wanted to play ot Peters wastJrip~ on, the chore an .easy one as they MacDona.ld aUo~ the Bears the Devilsjust barely 'squeezed for good measure. single by Glen Cross arid a first turn of the relay when b:111ed a trIO of hurlers for 11 onlyrour hits while histeam-' IO~Prik~l{~~~~~~W~inr~.03(~e. it stl'aight Or juggle .the line- another runner cut too quickly through when they won the Man!llold. Delfs. Brown. -Harper). Ups. He chose the laUer and The victory was Budd'. II1!C" squeeze bunt by Ohuck Heiner. hits. mates banged out eili(ht again~ going into the turn. Conse- final and decisive 880 relay on Time: 1:~iiLD EVENTS I still came out sl!$0nd besl as ond in as many starts. The, TeutonS tied the gIDne Hooth Scores Thrre losing pitcher BiB Caldwel~ quently St., Paul finished a Ron Harper's magnificent final SHOT PUT-Brown (P); Prllt. Kurvink. outguessed him to a Although the Lakers won once more in the third inning. 'I1he bal'rage started early In and sophomore relieof hurler 220 sprint, which brought him chelt OP); Andrll (GP). Distance: man. the game to remain' in ~he St. Paul moved out in front distant last in the event while the first inning when .left Joe. Erigler. S1'8~f'. I' C h Pit W'ts St. Ambrose's Toermino, For- from fifteen feet behind to a . BROADJUMP-Lallerfeldl (GP); oac " 1 thick of the East Side Paro- 4-2 with two. runs in the fielder Bill Hooth belled out The Devils u-avelied to Mon. one-foot viotory. This gave Uhe Gerich (GP). and Harper (GP) tie In the singles Coach Kur- chial 'League race, Co a c h fourth inning, but were unable mer, Lancy and Di Angelo a wiple to drive home bee roe to take on the Trojans in Pointel'll an unpressive 5{l-:l3 lor second, DIJtance: 20 •• \'.... VI'nk. elected to let his regular George Solomon and the team to hold it as St. Anthony raced to victory and the de- runs. Catcher Dave Lowry the third BOL game of the sea- POLE VAULT ~ Finley (P); ciding winning points. ' win. Shor~r (PI; Andet'lOn (P). H~lllhl:' number three singlell Roger were downcast over the loss pushed across three runs in singled to left scoring Hooth son. on Wednesday, April 29. 11'0". St. Pau1 missed ..a golden Helping Harper were Dennis HIGH JUMP-Gerlch (OP): Lat'- Wilner play number one and of veteranOlltcher Bob Hall. the bottom the fifth inning with the fourth run of the in- Results of this game came after 0' opporturuty the '180 low de Mainigold, Neil Delfs and er!eldt (GP); and Brook. (P) tl~ as it happened the Highland who seriously ,injured his right to take a 5-4 lead. Hi ning. Lowry came through the News went to prey. hurdles when Dan Miller tl'ip- Holmes Brown. The 880 relay lor second. H~lllhl: 6'2". Park coach selected ,the same knee trying to ;;teal home in The Lakers tied the count with a sotlt grounder into right GROSSI: PTI: .• 1, WYANDOTTE ped on the second to. Ja.«i team used what it call1lthe al. way. It was the Nme all tht! the 5eCOJ1dinning. in the sixth inning when Glen field, which scored M Lang hurdle and fell and went un- and George Oliver to give the Latest estimates indicate "Ruasian Start" which lets 110 KlJ'f}A~M~T~ C.-ulla way through the remaining Hall will be hospitalized for Cross opened with a single and placed. At the time he was Devita a oomfortable 6-0 lead that 250,000 Americans have each boy start from a crouch lW); deManlfold (OP); Clark singles pairings and into the at least ten ,days with a dis- scored on Ted Trefzer's triple. leading the field by .three in the second Inning. active TB, l(}O,OOOof t~em un. instead of standing waiting for ~r)Mibr~~iR~Y_Gro_ Pte. three doubles matches. located knee cap, torn carte- The Lakers loaded the bases yards. Dan also was the vlC- Starting pitcher. Ka10fayan known to health authorities. the baton to be passed. Monroe (Hamilton Brown. KrOlh. Franck. The Devils dropped the ledge and'ligamel\ts and will in the top of the seventh wjth Kurtz). Ttel Wyandotle field Tee- number One and number four tim of a tire race with Holy was relieved' by McGraw in Many of these people may not U!ed it successfully against the ord. T1m~: 2:37.4. be forced to wear a cast for no outs but failed to push Redeemer's Bill Chiemileuski the third and before he was be receiving any kind at, Devils in the openilli meet I lOll-YD. DASH-Donovan (OP); singlets and dropped the num- at least six weeks. He was in across a r~ Malacki (W); DeU. (GP). Time: bel' two doubles. But as Coach in the' 12(} high hmdles. In- replaced was touched for treatment, may not even know week previous. . sUl1gery for three and & half A walk and tiW() Laker er- stead of using a tape to de- two runs in the third and five that they are'ill, and may be The outcome of the Wyan- 104~ DASH-Harpel' (GP); Holm" Kurvink figured, no 'matter hours at Bon Secours. Thus rors let in the winning Teuton, Brown (GP); HOKh (W). TIme how the lineups were iuggl'ed termine the winner, plus stop more inthe fifth. Centedielder spreading the d i sea a e 110 dotte meet was never. in doubt ends the prep. career of an run and dropped .the Lakers 52tilLE RUN-Purdy (GP); Bryan the pairings would have been watdJ.es, only the watches Dick Krlvak oam. 10 the others. as the Pointers captured. three outstanding Laker performer. out of the undefeated class. were used. Both clocks showed ('i~.f8.c,er..bW)HJA'Bt~~rul- the same if each coach had of the field events, both relays Hall, ironically, was side- BOX SCOREll identical times although spec- la (W): de Manl«old (GP); Kro«h elected to play it straight in- and five of the seven individ- lined with a broken collarbone St Amb R H E tators claimed, Dan )ledd a (G~:y'B~ekJ~!:-Harrlson (GP); stead of trying to outguess the ual track events. sustained in the football game sT, PAJt.5e m ~ ~~~i scant margin as the two boys Rem Purdy, GroSse Pointe's Ehrlich (W);, MUier (GP). TIme: other. against St. Ambrose last fall'I'T PAUL ~ ~ ~ 2 :08.8. Actually by allowing the crossed the finish line. MICHIGAN'S LARGEST premier miler, scored his third 220 DASH-'-Donovan.(GP): Dell. th .. During his athletic career at ~t.' Anthony m ~ r 6 5 3 Joe Lauer turned in a stellar win in as many starts. He won (GP); Franck (GP). Time: 23.0. coachEill to juggle e palrmgs S80 RELAY-Grosse Pie. (Dono- ther'e could be a potlSibility of perfonnance in Sf. Paul's in the Pontiac meet with a time van. Delfs. Holmes Brown, Har- , t losing cause. He won the balf- of 4;31-and was only two tenths per). TimFe:I.JL:3SD.I VENTS, a good boy going agaU1s a mile, llhe broad jump and ... E boy of lesser talent thereby POTTED ROSE of a second slower in the Wy- finished seoond in the high reJd!SHOT(OP);PUT-AndrioGarrison(GP);(W).Llller-New makl'ng a ...... l~I'ded~ match. Neighborhood Club News andotte meet. I GroSse Pointe record. Diltance: Matching boys of equal talent jump event. Iii. doing 50 he in- Tom Andris cracked the juroo his right' foot and may Grosse Pointe school record in lIOill~AD JUMP _ Gerich (GP); makes for better tennis, both •Iarp~r (GP); K'..pchlck (WI. Dls- from the players' stand (H>int be lost for at least a couple of DISPLAY the shot put with a. toss of 50 Thur~day meets . tance: :10'0". '11 th t t ' EXCEPTIONAL QUALITY. Chooae feet two and one half inches. HIGH JUlIlP-Gerlch (GP): La«- 88 we as e spec a ors . erleldl (GP); Cornwell (GP). SUl\IMARIES 9:30 a.m. Jr. League Follies Rehearsal St. Paul displayed ~p- from tens or tbllQl8J1dl. anurilll 11011'1 Tom held the olel record which HW,~ 5J~'uLT _ Mlllckl (W); GROllU PTE5J~JlJ~~:,LANDPIt. 3 11 a,m. tiona1 sportsmanship when it he set last year at 49 feet 9 and Knitting Ladies refused to insist the pole vault T Y r r ell' (GP); Dimaria (W). NO. l-Sam Johnson .(HP) beat one half inC'heS. Helrht; V'8". Ro,er Wtlner (OP) 8-3;.5-4. 1.3:30 p.m. Open Gym event be held. The Lams The three quarter mile relay NO, 2-Gordon Vanderbru, (GP) ----- beat Ullas Plnka (liP) 8-.; 8-3. 3:30-5 p.m. Girls Gym Class (Ages 7.12) were the only ones who had team of Hamilton Brown, Paul . F.' NO. 3--Ron Llnclau (GP) beat enbries in this event and could Krogh, Dennis Franck and A ustln rlars Nerb HUllhes (liP) 804; 11-3. 6:30-7:30 p.m. Jr. Girls Sports Program-Includes Bad- have slammed it for ttle nece6- NO.4-George Clonca (liP) beat Grant Kurtz tied the Wyan- minton, Volleyball and Basketball (Ages SilloJIY winning points. dotte field record with a blu- Nine Beats U.D CharlN yer ~JJJLhll-l. NO.1-B. Clanca and McLosky 12 and over) Summaries ing 2;37.4. (MP) beat John Berkey and Jim .7:30-9 p.m. Sr. Girls Sports Program-Includes Bad- ST. AMBROSE vs. ST. PAUL . IlUMMAIUEI Gilmour (GP) 2-8; 7-5; 8-2. lose Speclatista GROSSE PTE. H, PONTIAC II,. 'BOB BEA'rrIE NO. 2--Peter Ness and Carl Mac- minton, Volleyball and Basketball HOLY REDEEMER ...... ST. CENTRA~ikcJ( EVENTS The Austin. Friar baseball pherson (GP) beal Weav~r a.nd 8:00 p.m. for 22'""I SwInea (HP) 8-0: 8-l. Jr. League Follies Rehearsal CHA~~CK EVENTS 120 HIGH HURDLES-Terry (P): team pulled up to Ule 500 NO, 3--Buck Blair and Jim Heid- Howze (P); PrenUs (P). Time: en (GP) beat Ozburn and Lorey Friday 120 HIGH HURDLES-,-Miller Beautiful"--a"_ mark in the Central Division Dark Ore.a 15;~.MELEY RELAY-GrOllle pte. race when iot squeezed out an (SP); Chiemileuski (RR) Tied (~~J8~~gp~E.7. WYANDOTTE •• 1-5 p.m. Oldtimers Club-Retired Men for first; (H'.'Brown. Krogh. G.rlch. Kurtz). 8-7 win over U of D, Tuesday, SINGLES Arborvita NO. I-Ro." Llnclau (GP) beet G. 1-3:30 p.m. TI1cJ8\lri~7.BASH ~ Brook. (P); April 21, in the II eve nth Open Gym (SP); Chiemileuskm (RR) Kordes P.rfect.. . ..•. $3.50 I ft. hi«h. up '10 3 ft. wId •. CaldwI!1\(W) 1':--3; 8-6. '4-5:00 p.m. Holme. Brown (GP); Delfs (GP). inning. NO. 2-Cltarles Dyer (GP) beat Boys Midget Hot Rod Club Tied for first; Wies (SA); Wonderful for J. Betwel (W) 6-2; 6-2. Hardy pink and . .cremin.. $7• 75 TI~: J~~H-Harper (GPI: Prltt- The victory tHlbanced the NO, 3--Ro~er Wilner (OP) beat 7:30-9 p.m. Guys & Dolls Dance Club (Boys & Girls Alter (SP) Time, 16.5. lIhet (P): Halbert (GP). Time: 52,8. Ages 7-12) . 3/4 MEDLEY RELAY - ST. red Aulee. • •.... $4.50 MILE-RUN-Purdy (GP): Ander- Friars' chances of retaining P'N~W~rJo~-3{,~~.erbrull (GP) IOn (P): Price (GP). Time: .:31.0; their division title. beat G. Croll (W) 6-: 6-0.• • 7:30 p.m. Grosse Pointe Sword Club PAUL (Oobb, Becker, Loe- 1M LOW HURDLES-Howze (P). In a non-league conlest the DOUBI,ES her Evans) Time, 2:46. Gerich (GP); de Manl,old (GP). NO. I - Carl Macpherson - Peter 8:00 p.m. Jr. League Follies Rehearsal 100 DASH-Laney (SA); Di- Friars came from behind to TI~~~y~.2'DASH _ BrooKI (P): Ness (GP) beat Elker-Tlnker (W) deadlock Catholic Central 3-3 8.6; '-5_ Saturday Angelo (SA); Jones (SC); Holmes Brown (GP); Dell. (~P). on tenthlP'ade pitcher Bob O. Z-BUCKY 1 andFQ - Hoahm&n (HR); Noman NO. 2--Buck~' Blair-Jim Heiden 1-2:30 p.m. 'l'l8ll8:Rt}k ...splewalc (GP): Jeffer. Meniere's seventh inning two- (GP) beet Grav... Les!c!ynskl (W) Playmates Club (Boys & Girls Ages 4-6) (SC) Time, 11.0, run horn. run on Friday, lI~O~-LJini Gilmour-John Ber- 1:30-5 p.m. Open Gym 880 RUN -Lauer (SP); Fiori .Hall's Nursery April 24. key (GP) beat Dawson-Kovaco (W) 2:30-4 p.m. Funsters Club-Crafts, Cooking, Hikes, (SA); Sbrochti (SC); Glu- 11-2; 6-2. Keglers Fight In the Cat.hlolk! C e n t r & I and Special Events . baskas (UR) Time, 2:12. 24300 Harper St. Clair Shores A 44(} DASH - Wright (SP); game the, Friars presented Special Events (Boys and Girls all ges) Becker (SP); Fielman (RR); let. 9 and 10 Mil. Rood...... o,.l1 D.ily .-4 $ulHMy--.f'R 5.345S F or 2nd Place Centra.l with three unearned runs in the first Inning. As Johnson Paces Monday Smith (HR) Time, 55.5. • With the end of bhe :oeas~n the. game progressed, it ap- 180 LOW HURDLES - Ohie- GPUS to Win 9:30 a.m. Jr. League Follies Rehearsal mileuski (HR); Fornier - only t h r e e. weelul ~way, petlred the Friars would be 1-5 p.m. ". leaglM -leading Adam - Stmms the victims of their own mis- Open Gym ,(SA); Cobb (SP) I Miller appears to have t.he ~o~d cues as they repeatedly left Dick Johnson, a~ outs(an~i 6:30-9:30 p.m. Rifl. Range-Children only (SP) Time, 23.3. half .eason champtOnshlp m runners on the bases. ing all-around semor athlete, 6:30-9 p.m. Open Gym 22(} DASH-I...ancy (SA); Dl- the Grosse Pointe Businesl! Jim Breciami's single in the paced the Black Knights of 8:00 p.m. ,Jr. League.FolliE!l1 Rehearsal Angelo (SA); Jones (SC); Men's bowling league all lock- firth broke the ice and the GPUS to a victory in a tri- PheiIfer(HR) Time, 24.0, ed up. The Simms team holds Friars averted an almost cer- angular •track meet against Tuesday MlLE--H'utton (SP); Miskus (SC); Holmann (HR)j • l(}"(H>lntmargin over second tain shutout. This co up 1e d S1. Paul and Lutheran East, 9:30 a.m. place Beaconsfield-Kercheval Jr. League Folliti Rehearsal Schnieder (SP) Time, 4:52 . with Bob Mar.lere's seventh who finished in that order. 1-3:30 p.m. who barely holds second inning home run, 58ved the The Knights sooreti a total Open Gym ., 880 RELAY~T. AMBROSE It NEVER•thought Icould 3:30.5 p.m: Boys Gym Class-Includes Basketball, (Toermino, Fornier, Lancy, place wit.h 34 points. day as the game was called of69 (H>ints and Johnson con- Simms held its lead with a on account of darkness in the tributed 19 of them, He cap- Track, and Games (Ages 7-12) DiAngelo) Time, 1;39.0. two-point split with Belding eighth inning. . tured the lOO-yard dash, 220- 4-5 p.m. Girls Arts & Crafts (Ages 7-12) FIELD EVENTS Open Gym SHOT PUT - Bringard (SA); fHl.f~iJ 4 lut Thursday, April 23. Sec- Jim Beauregaurd was the yard dash, the broad jump 6:30-9 p.m. way.ut ond place :Beaconsfield-Ker- starling pitcher who was re- and tied Joe Lauer of st. Paul 6:30-9:30 p.m. Enameling on Copper (Men & Women) Chiemileuskd (HR); Pom- cheval had its chances of lieved by Tom Wright, who for first place in the high 8:00 p.m. Jr. League Follies Rehearsal . \ f:Ze~~~:,.smith (RR) Dis- ffl1l1lzer! n overhauling the leader knock- handcuffed Central in a lItel. jump. 8 p.m. Grosse Pointe Camera Club - 1st, 3rd, BROAD JUMP _ Lauer (SP); ed into a ~ocked hat by four- lar relief job. Joe Lauer was recond high teenth place Wigle, which WlIlI individual performer with 1"2 4th Tuesday. Laney (SA); Peters (SP); the only four-point winncr or points, which were scored Smith (.fIR) Distance, 19'3". . Wednesday , HIGH JUMP - Chiemileuski the night. Place New Buoy when he won the 880 and tied There still ill a scramble for for first in the high jump, 9:30 a.m. Girl Scout Camp Craft Training Meeting (RR); Lauer (SP); Jones the remaining places with no Off G.P. Park which helped St. Paul gain 49 9:30 a.m. Jr. League Fol.lies Rehearsal (SC) and Smith (SA) tied Jess than eight teams holding for fourth. Height 5'8". poin!.<;. !Althcran East wound 1-3:30 p.m. Enameling on Copper (Men & W omen ) NO pole vault event held. a chance to grab second place With the widening of t.he UP with 22 points. 4-5 p.m. Girls Tap Dancing-Beginners only (ages \ hanors. Eighth place Gocbel freighter channel into Lake S1. The meet was held on the Two Ie only six (H>ints out of Clair, Grosse Pointe Park has GPUS track, Saturday, April 7-14) . . Dramatics-Boys & Glrls (Ages, '7-12 lIeCOIld place with • possible il.~own buoy, 8cCO'J'dingto De- 25, in' a stiff wind that slowed 4-5 p.m. Better J2 point.; available in the re- troit Yachtsman, the new boat the times or the distance men. 4.5 p.m. Jr. Badminton-Boys & Girls (Ages 7-12) maining three weeks of the magazine. , llUMl\fAJUP.S 6:30-7:30 p.m. Teenage Badminton Shoe Repair GJ'US.ST. P,\Ul,- season. The buoy, marking the edge J,UTJJERAN F.AST 6:30-9:30 p.m. Enameling on Copper (Men & Women) Moros. at Mack Nineteen 200.plu.~ g a m e 1I of the channel, l1<;ats in 25 feet TRACK F.VENTS 120 HIGH HURDLES - Miller B:OO p.m. Sr. Badminton Back of Kinsel', were rolled with Mel YOUl1g of water 0'" the waterfront (SP): Smith fGPUS); O'Brien 8:00 p.m. Jr. League Follies Rehearsal leading the parade with a 246. park. Established there this (GPUS): Alter ($Pl. Time: 179. .~ MEDLEY RELA Y - GPUS. He Is followed by Bob GrOO'l, month, and maintained by the Llith~ran F.. at. SI. Pftul. Time: 2M; Tony Rull.'lO, 226; John U. S. Coast Guard, the buoy Is 2:~lJ'DASH __ Johnson (GPUS): LAWN SPRINKLERS Zamiskll, 224; Tony Nowak, I black "can." The Coast Guard Haggerty (GPUSI;, 1.other (SP); 224; Con J.()kanis, 221; Ray calls it "Grosse Pointe Park Ymlnl (I.F.). Time: 10.8, SERVICED R80 RUN-Laller (SP); Numan Regner, 219; Paul Fredricks, Buoy 11" and lists it after (LF.I; FUller (SP), Time 2:12. lInd repaircd. all malcell,Turned 214; Ralph Shelby, 214; Bruce Windmill Pointe Light in the 440 DASII-Wrll!ht ISP): WA'k~r on. checked. headll Addl!d. N!- (GPUS); Carrsnlcr (GPUS); Kenl placed, Installed. Morris, 213; Charles Atwell, 19.')9Great Lakes Light T.list. IILL PR 9-0$77 210; RUllS Blawier, 208; H8p C4IlIed a can buoy because it (~i~'L~W~~Il~,gT.F_'>-MIllp'r (SP): Aalto, 207; Bob Lieckfelt, 206; is shaped like a can.. the buoy Smllh (t.El: Cohh (51',: Smllh Ernie Nierllth, 204; Jim De is all black with the white (C~S~'A~~r~.:.. 2.1o~;nftOnIOPUSl: I Smllh ILF.I; Connley (OPUS: Sm<.>U.t,203; Sam KUIl8'lh, 203; number, II, on it, and a white IAChp.r(51'I. Time: 2.15. Bruce WArren, 202; Claude rcllector circling its top. The MJLF~Jlutton ISP); Schnieder SPORTSIEI Dl!cker, 200. (51'); KaurmAn (I,F.). Time: S:02. Coast Guard classifies it as a 880 RF.LAV-CPUS. 51. PAIIl. Rlne ranlell. .ked, TP.AM llTANnlNG' I,ulherltn F.asl, Tlmc 1:40,2. lrap. 'and pISIOI.hoot- AdAm SlmmR npecial second.claSll ~n. This FIF.I.n EVENTS Ing wllhln 25 minute. ~ T!<' A conMltld.l{ ~rcheval means it projects about 5 feet, SHOT PUT-Q'Brlcn (OPUS); drive of Gr. Pointe, • Large Bag MAIlI .. J-anP'R 9 inche..~above water. Baron rGPllS); Andrls (OPUS); Gun Ihop carrie. • NOW! '3.90 Barrett .• Love (GPUS). DislAnce: 40'3". complele 11M hunt- l Covers 5,000 sq. G. 1'. PhAtmAc)' It is a violation Ot! federAl nROAD JUMP-John.on (CPUS); In, equipment and fl. ., G. P. Wood. law to tie a boat to the buoy. J..auer (SP); Raron IGPUSl; GII. cloth I n I. Tele.cove 'i~ lArry'. lis IGPUS). Dlslanre: 19'91,~". 10 BAG PRICE (,.oeb~l TW/l and Iron IIlghtli lO.d ~ Detroit Yachtsman saYfl. The HIGII JUMP-Llluer (SP). Jahn. and Installed. Ex- io':::i CIlX and Blk6l' magazine i8 publishcd bi- Ion (GPUSl. Tied for flrat. HeIIM: perta on .n.nd at an Kl!'I'ln ell y &'7" Um. to "sight In" U.. all lummer long Goeb~T On. monthly at 308 MarqueUe POLl: VAUl.T-B.ron (GPUS): your rlOe or to help / Mlck-Prertwlrk Bldg. in Detroit. More than 50 O'Toole (51'1; Adair IOPUS); Love you d~clde on your Beld.!n, (GPUS). He Ihl: 8' 8". Wille ~rcent of its Ilubscrlbertl live huntln« equipment. DOES NOT BURN' Atwell Cramer In the C''llt0l1l8Point". MAPLE ~.. III!AllON' RP.COROI Some !I5,OOO,OOOAmericans Ind. Hlrh IIln.l. KIlftCy Xay Arlner, • mem- aN Infected with germs that GROVE KaJ Nlerath Wm. .I. Allemon John Holla ber Of John Paul Jonec So. rrw.y cause tuberculosia u~less GUN SHOP = GROSSE PTE. WOODS .CLEAN ERS GARDEN SUPPLYI 'Inc, Ind. HI,,, Th, .. ciety MI4 vice president ot the their TelIlstance 18 malntamed. Eml. Nlerslh .114 IttMtIllf II.... state lOC~y will meke are. Experta say that 2,700,000 of Th~ Pointe's lArgesl ScoW, De"ler HaJ NlerAth :r 21.MU. .4, .t ...... t & SHIRT LAUNDERERS TUM"I.h "n.l. port. MI'I. Ches'ter McFarland these wl1l develop TB during their Hwc, if the preHnt rate FOUl MII.s North ot MI. CI.mens 17016 E. Warr.n, West of Cadi.ux FREE TU 2.9015 ill ""lor preeidet'lt &t the 17727 MACK DR.IVERY TU 2-9016 g.~~~~ ~~ tJf dfrVelopment of dillea .. Gro.I Polnten NIt laIl. Harper • TeaM .. ,II ..... IfMlJl *...U attend the .:1ft. to s...ch Kllh'"7. to U 8. 25 • 14941 KERCHEVAL, EaU of ALTER ROAD et UIlI¥enlty TU 2.1IM g:~ '{;!..o == f•• c.. from infection oootim......

, , t / / I

nr .. T.... k U... T. Serve YOII 911icldy Tllree T.... k Li•• s To Serv. YOII 9~lckly CALL TUxedo 1-6900 f~ .. 2C-CAMPS SA"";;'SITUATIONS WANTED 6-FOR RENT '-"FOR itENT';" 6D-1ESORT PROP.RTY I-:-A.,,!CLE~ .~. SALE,' I-AftTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED RATES DOMESTIC (Um.r.ishe41) (Ulfllr.lshed) ENROLLMENT time at CAMP ~ SPEND your vacatiOn 'on the FIREPLACEEQUlPMENT - TURQUOISE DAVENPORT Charge Ads. 1f) words for $1.00 GEOKENL:\ W for boys 8 to RELIABLE w 0 man wants GROSSE POINTE, 1339 Som- GRAYTON and Warren - 4 Gulf of Mexico. Efticiency Screens, aU types, grates, French mohair, solid mahog. Cash Ads- 15 wor,d, for 90c 14. Wabeno, Wisconsin, near work as nursemaid, kitchen erset Lower six rooms, rooms, tile bath, heated, ga- Apartments, on the beach, andirona, tools. See.clisplay . any frame, $50. Matching , 5c each additional word Rhinelander. Write for free helper, or in motel. WAlnut automatic gas heat, $110. rage. $80. Couple. TUxedo ,lose to shopping and amuse. at SMITH • NAT1'HEWS, chair, goJd. aIltique velvet. catalog. Winter add res s: 5-2196. TUxdeo 2-1037. 2-1044. mentS. Reasonable weekly or 8640 'Charlevoix Ave. WA $25. TUxedo 4-7079. Cen Route I, Oregon, Wisconsin. monthly rates. 2-7155. MINK COAT purchased at TUXEDO 2.6900 Dn!'!'t miss out. Sign up now! EXP.ERIENCED woman wishes anne parker offers a flwo.bed. GROSSE POINTE PARK, 1134 SEASIDE MOTEL housework and cleaning by Wayhum. Upper 5 room flat, 2 PIECE gray living room Dittrich's for $3300. Used a 3 Trunk' Lines room duplex. , . a three-bed. APARTMENTS 2E-IDUCATION the day. $8. Ask for Florida. room bungalow, Park, May redecorated, gas heat, no 8560 West Gulf Boulevard suite, excellent for cpttage, few times. Sacrifice at $1600. LINER STATioNS VInewood 2.4254. . 1st, $125. TUxedQ 5-0448. small children, $65. VAlley Treasure Island $50. TUxedo 1-6868, LOraine 7-2fj73. CUNNINGHAM DRUGS M~THEMATICS - Practical 2-0440. St. Petersburg 6, Florida 16941 Kercheval al Notr. Dame home study courses for tech- EXPERIENCED woman wishes APARTMENT on CadieuxJJe- CHINA, ~ture, rugs, an., TU "1l61l1 nicians, shop workers, and day work; laundress only, tween Harper. and Morang. BEACONSFIELD, near Ker- NEW ranch farin home on 200 tiqut$, misc:eUaneo~, ~ught Grosse Po'inte HARKNESS PHARMACY others who need math skill!; $8 peri:lay. Ask for Florida. Living room, bedroom, bath cheval. Upper 4 rooms and acres, near Jonesville, Beau- lI,Jld. $Qld. Maje5tiC NmUure, ZOlIII Maclr Ave. al lMlhmOCll bath, heat and hot water. • TU f-3100 in their work - INTERNA- VIne wood 2-4254. and kitchen alcove. Stove, tifully furnished. Near. golf, 10227 Woodward, TOwnsend Married working C 0 u P 1 e. KINSElS TIONAL COR RES POND. refrigerator, hellt, and park- fishing. swinuning .. Lease 6.2500. Rotary 17llrll Kenlh.va) at II. Clair ENCE SCHOOLS, PRescott LJ'..DY desires office cleaning ing furnished.$Rti pE'rmo.oth EDgewa.ter 1-2397. for SummeI'. VAlley 1.3715. . TU &-4827 1-2016. or day work. Own transpor- No lease. TUxedo 5, ~523. t a t i 0 h."Good references. 860 BEACONSFIELD. 5.room PRIVATE beach on Lak:e, tour DO IT YOURSELF. Antique Show • ' H1!:WI SALES. STATIONS WAlnut 5-2112. upper, newly decorated, ga. • CABINETS 4-HELPWANTED , miles above Port Huron. DOWNTOWN AREA GROSSE POINTE TERRACE rage, gas heat, automatic hot New brick, 3 bedroom. Sea- • FORMICA MALE Clnd FEMALE EXPERIENCED German 20 Outstanding Antique ,Grand CIrcus Park news stand water. VAlley 2-7185. son or monthly. MIdwest 4- • PLYwOOD 14alt,5tlc Bldg, News Stand woman wouid like day 17000 M a u me e, corner Dealers. All Articles for 4350. • PANELING E, JEFFERSON TO CITY LIMITS work. References. PRescott Notie Dame. Convenierit 6A-FOR RENT FURNISHED Alden Park Manor I PART TIME office work. to shopping .centel1. Here • DOORS Sole. 5-6ttI3. FOR RENT:' Caseville, on the Camerons Gllt Shop, Wayburn Typing essential and must is a completely decorated HEATED 4. rooms and bath, • DRAWERS. &< Je!t , ' beach. Fine for children. 3 Park Drol', City Limltl EXPERIENOED woman wishes 3 bedroom unit with gas partly furnid.l1ed. Side en- 22500 MA& be willing to work all, day bedroom contemporary. 2 Grosse Pointe 3 01'4 days, or work by the heat, stove, refrigerator trance. One or two adults, PH 5-0470 GROSSE POINTE PARK Saturday. Phone TU 4-6200 weeks minimum. MIdwest Miller Pharmacy, Wayburn and week. WA 5-7554. and garage. Open daily, TU,:edo 2-0083. " KerchevIII 6-0084, TRUE-COLD air conditioner, aulllvan Pharmacy. Beaconsfield $140.month, adults. War Iv\em'orial LADY WAN.TS washing ~nd KELLY-10 Mile Road Area- practically new. One ton-. , 'and Kercheval, , WOodward 3.6585 Wesson DruBs, on Charlevoix Av. THIS IS your opportunity to iron~ng at home. 4352 Mary.- Three-bedroom ranch, llh 6G-STORE FOR lENT SLocum 7-7146. 32' LAKESHORE ROAD become ass.ociated wilih one LAMBRECHT REALTY CO. GROSSE POINTE CITY land. TUxedo, 5-5226. baths. Will. rent 'furnished, KERCHEVAL, near Grosse Knopp'. Pharmacy, Notre Dam" of the oldest, best known partly furnished or will Attractive Gifts - Jewelry r p.m. to 10 p.m. and ,Kercheval . ' companies in the Real Estate COMPETENT woman wishes Pointe. Nice store, heated, THE ALGONAC INN, Algonac Cunnlnlhams Oruls, Notre Dame WHITTIER, 9540, Harper. s h are. PRescott 7-2f12, $100 per month. Good for and Kercheval 'business. Experience is help- day work, Monday and ;ear 3649 M-29 Hwy. SW 4~3911 Luxurious new 3 rooms, pri- days; after 7 p.m., PRescott office or any profeei6ional f...dmission $1.00 Notre Dame Pharmacy. Notre ful but not neceS.'lary. We Wednesday. Refen>nce. LO 1-0183. Open Daily 11 a.m, and Kercheval vate balcony. From $105. business. TUxedo 2-3046. May 5, 6, land 8 Kinsel Drua:l, SI. ClaIr and Ker- specialize in Grosse Pointe 8-0306. Luncheono, B&nquets, Cocktail .. cheval and East Side properties, For TUxedo 1-5853. Lounge. A Bite or a Banquet. EXCELLENT cleaning lady BEVERLY ROAD MACK, 1672.1. Ll\DY'S SUITS and dresses, GROSSE POINTE FARMS an interview ph 0 n e TU Furnished to Nov. 1st. 3 Near Yorkshire, Groue TraU Pharmacy. Kercheval on 5-9470. . desires 3 days. References. size 18. Also maternity ward- the HIU ' TUlsa 3-4157, GROSSE POJmE GARDENS bedrooms, 2 baths,' guest Pointe vicinity. DOLL CLOTHES , robe. Very good condition. ,I'arms .Drugs, I'lsh~r Rd. and room and 'maid's rooms. Modern store, 15x60. Ma- Washable; small popular Kercheval . HOMER WARREN & CO. NEAR FORD EXPRESSWAY TUxedo 4-4826. . • 'Schettlers DrtJls, Fisher Rd.-and EXPERIENCED woman with ClOSE TO EASTLAND $300 per month. TU 4-0600. cotta front" asphalt tile dolls and 18-inch Revlon, Maumee 102 Kereheval Ave. the best references wishes f)oor, gas heat, newly dec- CU8tom made. SAND AS IT comes from Lake Xlnsd Druls, Mack and '-Mile WONDERFUL VALUE Johnstone & Johnstone Rd, G.P. Farms ,cleaning, days. VAlley 2.6245 orated. M. HARGIS TU 4.75!K Michigan dune5~ For chil- Woods. Drull Cenler, Mack and $100 $105 $1 J 0 , VALLEY 2-2795 dren's sand box. 50 pound MARLBOROUGH near Jef- Boumemouth (7 Mile Rd.) QUALIFIED teacher for estab- SITTING with elderly people Very attractive large new- MAHOGANY chHt of drawers, bag, delivered, $1.35. 2 bags, fersolL Employed lady. win GROSSE POINTE WOODS or children. Experienced. ly decoraled one bedroom 7-WANTED TO RENT vanity, mirror, need:1epoint $2.50. LAkeview 7-9427. GrosaeP(jlnte Pharmacy. Mack lished co-operative nursery share new 1y furnished Own transportation. TUxedo apts. wine dining room, bench, two night' stands and and Huntington S<'.hool.Call TUxedo 4-5279. apartment ,vith same. Call Barkne&!! Pharmacy. Mack ancl 2-9284. separate kitchen and large WOULD LIKE to rent unfur- maple single bed. TUxedo ,CAMERA, 16 mm, Revere, 3 I Lochmcor WO 1-098~ days. nished home in Grosse , living room. Cross ventila- 2-89fl3. lens turret type with normal ,Boward Johnsons, Mack and I- DISTRmUTORS EXPERIENCED woman de- Pointe area with option to F1,9 lens, F2.5 ,vide angle • MUe tion, free paved parking, GROSSE POINTE WOODS, ,Goronflo. Mack and Anita WANTED sires house work East side. buy. Grosse Pointe refer- lens and F2.8 3" telephoto individual Controlled heat lease; 3 bedrooms, Ilh baths, ,Arnolds Drue, Mack and Haw- Day or week. Home nights. ences. Private. PH. 3-2895. .01L PAINTINGS lens in focusing mount and , thorne Men or women. included. Mr. Cole, Mgr. fami'ly room,' basement rec. WAlnut 5-3598. Relsoto!'ed to their original matched objective finders. 'Bob's DnJ,.. Macle and Roslyn Part or full time, 21401 Kingsville-l block' room, 2-car garage. $200 per GROSSE PTE. family wants beauty, trames refinished. Aimost new; list $377.50, seLl DETROIT AREA Experience not necessary NEAT lady wishes day work, east of '7 Mile (Morass month. TUxedo 1-6677. .Brlgg. Dl1l(' Store, Mack and modest house in F~, $190. TUxedo 1-2898. 'Touraine . but helpful. Monday, Tuesday, Thurs- Rd.), 3 blocks south of Brownell district, 3 beQroom, FONTAINE '!lands Medical service Phannac7, day, Friday. TYler 8-1058. Harper. FURNISHED '2 bedroom Colo. WAlnut 1.3527 Mack and Moran Excellent returns for llh or 2 baths, untu,rn'ished, ANTIQUE I q u'a r e piano, nial available June 20th to garage, one year lease with 'Blue Crou DnJIl'I. Mack and Neff enjoyable work. EXPERIENCED Woman wish- WROUGHT IRON furniture: mother - of - pearl keyboard, Blue WlI Pharmacy, Mack and ALTER, and East Jefferson. Sept. 6th. G r 0 sse Pointe option to renew. T hr e e Blue Hill TUXEDO 2.6167 es work by day or week. dining 32" x 60", e:lCten. beautiful mahogany cabinet; Spacious 5 room apartment, Wooods. Call after 4, TUx- adults, 2 growi

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YOUR ,AD CAN IE CHAITGED CALL TUx~o 2.6900 DEADLINE 3 P.M, TUESDAY I-AlTICLES FOR SALE l1--AUTOS FOR SALE 12A-IOATS & MOTORS 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-1EAL ESTATE 13-1EAL ESTATI 13-IlEAL ESTATE PROVINCIAL bedroom suite, 1957 MORGANA 2-seater. 14-FT fiberglass lined boat FOIt SALE FOR .SAL~ FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE walnut, one year old. Best One 'owner, excellent condi- with 10 hp. motor. Excellent BY OWNER, 408 NEFF, Three 21143 Courltry Club. 2 bed- offer. TUxedo 1.6487. tion, low mileage. Cash, condition. TUxedo 2-4297.. bedroom Colonial, llh baths, 1126 ANITA STEPHENS ROAD, 260 OPEN SUNDAY 'room brick. Low pl'ice, smaU $1,795, no dealers. Reply Youngstown pine paneled First offering, 5-year-old 3-bed- "Farms" I BALFOUR, 986 down payment. TUxedo 2. LIVING ROOM and dining Box R-IO, Grosse Pointe 12E-IUSINESS PROPEITTY kit c hen, large reCl'eation room ranch. Fireplace, carpet- Charming ranch, I1h s~ory room furniture. Excellent News. ~~~ ,~:::~ft;~~~.lis;.u~ b~tooC: _1_3_99_. _ condition. 458 Colonial Court 3601-3605 TWELFTH STREET room. Open Sunday 2 to 5. ing, screened tenace, 2-car ga- brick. Full basement, gas TUxedo 2-1469. off Mack. 1956 OLDSMOBILE: - 4-door -Store, 5-room upper fla~, rage. Immediate occupancy. heat. Attached 2 car garag~. Colonial, family room; pegged Beautiful large wooded .lot Meadow Lane Holiday hardtop. Immacu- all rented. Vacant lot next By Owner TU 1-2382 oak floor, fireplace. GE kitch- . 3-TON Silverc;.aft coo 1i n g late inside and out. Black to store available. Cash offer GROSSE POINT!: landscaped. Scn~ened terrace. en, Priced to sell. "FARMS" tower, 3 years old, little willi white to~. Whitewalls, or land contract with $1,500 Custom draperies and carpet. 'VAlley 3'-0875 used, good condition. TUx- power sleering and brakes, down. Annual rental income, Shop for Your House TOUIlAINE ROAD. ThelitUe ing. $42,900. Tenns. Firsl floor - living, dining, edo 2-1792, r'cldio. Black inteL'iorand $1,400: Owner. TU. 2-2907. gem. 3 bedrooms, 2 blltJ1S. OWNER TU 2-0B58 1504 ALlNE-4-bedroom bun- kitchell, den, Florida room, and The Simple Way galow, carpets; draperies, ga- powder. 3 twin size bedrooms BRANDT anniversary pine 8- carpets with white leather Master suite. with complete trim. To find another like WILLIAMSBURG, MICH. Spare yourself and the' privacy. Florida room over, 1265 CADIEUX. Choice 3 bed- rage ,extras. $24,800. By ap- and bath on secpnd. Recreation piece dining suite., Drop pointment. TUxedo 4-1621. room, gas AC, dishwasher, db. leaf, seats 12. Boy's. sport this at $1,495 will be' diffi- BRICK s1JOre.building with 2 home owners many inap- looking garden. Recreation room Cape Cod, with }.,bed- bedroom modern apartment, room. 3 fireplaces. 'Superb ------posal, 2 car garage. coat and car coat, size 14. cult. 32,000 miles. Has never propriate interior inspec. room on 1st £ioor. Large PRescott 7.2184. been more than 100 miles Full cement bas e'm e n t, tions by firet com;ulting decor. OWNER TV 4-6241 70x25, with drive in. Near breezeway wit h! attach~d GROSSE PTE. WOODS out of state. Private Grosse one of our salesbooks of HARVARD ROAD. Buy On SACRIFICE summer cocktail Pointe car. TU 4-7527. P.O. Will show place May 2 photograpp.s and f I 0 0 r garage. Very handy to shop- 25 SOUTH Edgewood Drive. land contract. Fann Colonial Grosse Pointe Shores. Spa. and street clothes, sizes 12- and 3rd. Mary Fairbanks. plans. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, all lal'ge ping and tran~pOrtation. 14. Some new. Man's golf CHEVROLET 19M 2 - door. 1-936 cious 2 bedroom ranch, near Powerglide, excel1el1Jt condi- 12F-RESORT PROPERTY A large number of Grosse rooms. ~usi:s, stores, schools LEON P. SANKAR, TU4-3078 lake. Custom dro.peries and set, shoes, portable type- at your ffingerlip. writer. Friday afternoon, tion, lo~ mileage. A terrific FOR SALE Pointe houses to .choose carpeting. Must be seen to from, of which the follow- LITTLESTONE 1065 Lochmoor, G I' 0 sse second car, $495. Page Motor OPEN SUNDAY, 2:30-5 695 HAMPTON be apprec.iated. Ask in g LAKE ERIE, Canada. 30 min- 7 room brick colonial.21h Pointe Woods. Sales, 18525 Mack, Grosse "ing few are representative HILLCREST, 166. Tri level, a $55,000. Owner. Open Sun- utes from Detroit. Chal'lriing OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 car garage. Paneled den Pointe. ' of their price classes:' few steps to everywhere. day, 3-5 p.m. TUxedo 1-9997. lakefrorut' sum mer home. Excellent llh story. Bedroom with heater - air condi. ~ BIKES-boy's 24" Schwinn 973 Lincoln $21,000 Possible 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, CHEVROLET 1958 Biscayne. Studio living room, large tioner. 3 twin size bed- anne parker open-sSunday: 382 racer; girl's 20". TUxedo 1226 Roslyn, $23,000 sunken . playroom opening and bath down; 2 bedrooms Radio, heater, irpmaculat.e slone fireplace,. large porch, rqoms, 1st floor lav. Fin- McKinley, Farms, Richard, 1-0191. 438 Madison $23,400 into garden. \ and bath up. Fann kitchen, condition, 10,000 actual beautiful view of passing ishe4 basement.. Owner St. Paul, Brownell, 4 bed- 254 Ridgemont $25,500 large lot, gas heat. LOVE SEAT. VALLEY 1-0604. miles. Traded in on new boats, all conveniences, safe BALFOUR, 798.. Spacious, al. tran~ferred, m u s t sell. rooms, 2 baths, powder, new sport car:$1575. We sell Our 220 McMillan $26,800 most new Colonial. 6 bed- PRICE REDUCED Mortgage tenns available. BEAUTY CRAIT professional swimming, attractively fur- 380 Fisher $27,500 kilchen carpeting, terms .•• American 1 trades at whole- rOOms, 3 baths, library and STUART A. FRASER, JR. ha,ir dryer and chair. Christ- nished, excellent condition. 911 Washington $31,000 $28,500. 1976 Anita, a young Cape sale prices. Page Mot o!, Fl<)rida room. TUxedo 1-9075 Cod, 61h adapting rooms, mas gift-new. Cost over $15,400 or offer to settle. es- '344 Notre Dame $32,500 TUxedo 4-2611) Sales, 18525 Mack, Grosse tate. TUxedo 5-8167 week- ANN BEDFORD GOODMAN gas', rC<', fireplace and extra $200; Reasonable. V E n i 0 e 288 McMillan $34,000 Pointe. days, . TUxedo 1-2850 Sun- 64 CLAIRVIEW, 3.bedroom lav., 21h car, urgent, May 9-1964. 921 Berkshire $37,500 TU 5~6063 LO 7-470~ days. brick ranch, paneled library GROSSE POINTE FARMS 15th possession, land con- STUDEBAKER 1953. Automa. 1275 Audubon $38,500 JOHN S. GOODMAN and paneled Florida room. Moran 323, Attractive Cox; tract . .. . and in Star and STEAMER TRUNK, traveling tic transmissionV-8. Excel- METAMORA-OXFORD AREA 711' Trombley $39,500 Large living room and din- bag, commode, leather top, lent condition. Ideal second 54 Roslyn $40,000 & Baker home, large rooms, Ferry schools, 20620 Fairway 48 acres, modern co u n try ing room, kitchen and utili- perfect condition, 4 bed- off 8 Mile, opposite golf other tables, pair lamps, car. Take advantage of Stu- home set' among beautiful 655 Hampton $41,000 BERKSHIRE ROAD, 776 ty. Beautifully land,scaped; lounge c h air, Provincial debaker's tremendous depre- 19946 O'Mara $44,900 English Tudor. 4 bed- rooms" excellent kitchen, course, a 'giant ranch type trees, spacious lawn. Large Cyclone fence: and alumi. screened terrace, recreation for big brood, 4 huge bed- chair. miscellaneous. VAlley dation, $225.00 full price. 55 Lake Shore La. $47,000 rooms and maid's quar- spring-fed pond, barn; 3 bed- num greenhouse. Open daily, . room. Beautiful carpeting, 1-9560. Page Motor Sales, 18525 1018 Bishop $49,500 ters, recreation room, wal- rooh1S, 2lh baths, immacu- rooms, bath up; 1 bedroom, Owner. TUxedo 1-9716. many extras, gas heat, $29,- late, immediate, ,mder MAN'S SPRING overcoat, gray Mack, Grosse Pointe. bath down. Large living room, 364 Cha1fonte $51,500 nut paneled de~. 55 Tonnancour $70,000 GRAYTON ROAD, 1154 900. Owner, TUxedo 5-9965. $36,000 " . and by appoint. cas,runere, 40-42-44. Worn. FORD 1954, 6 cylinder, stand- fireplace, dining room, sun" BY BUILDER AND ,OWNER Open Sunday 2 to 6. ment in Woods, a photogenic 180 Stephens $87,500 English cottage. Designed by ------_ tWIce, no dealers. VAlley ard shill, radio, heater, no room, family room. Modern ROBERT E. SCHULTZ ranch with 2 twin-sized bed- kitche'n, breakfast room. Full Consult one of our repre- prominent architect. Studio 1-2936. rusl, $350. Traded in on for- TU. 1-7786 VA. 1-9389 rooms, fine air-conditioned, basement, hot water heat. All senlatives. He will bilor a living room, dining alcove, li- 78 PUT'NAM PLACE 13x21 living room, dishwash- ANTIQUE white upright piano eign car. Page Motor Sales, carpeted. Priced to sell. Owner. brary, modern kitchen with list to your requirements. 1585 BRYS. 2 bedroom frame er,21h car, $250 tax ..• and and bench, $100. Freezer, 18525 Mack, G;osse Pointe. built-in slave, dishwasher, di~. New Idea in TR 5.7633 OA 8-3110 Call TU 2-6000. . bungalow in Woods. $11,900. some fine retirement spe. $50. Child's folding table and '56 STAR CHIEF Pontiac. One posal, refrigerator. First floor F.H.A. \ No brokE!rs. Open Contemp~rary' Ranch cials. 4 chairs, $4.50. TUx e d 0 owner. Whitewall tires, auto- lavatory. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, ON ST. CLAIR RIVER MAXON BROTHERS, Sunday, 2-5. TUxedo 4-6113. 4 bedrms., paneled fam. I'm., tuxedo 5.0448 2-7695. matic transmission and pow- A BRAND NEW INC'. recreation .room, ga~ heat, cop- Mutschler kitch., all elec. er. Clean inside and out. TU BRICK RANCH 645 HOLLYWOOD per plumbing, attached 2.car app., washer and dryer. Plas- 13A-LOTS FOR SALE '~FFICE EQUIPMENT. 4-2339:. It's de Ii g h tf u 1 throughout. , 83 Kercehval Ave. garage. Carpeting and drap- FOR SALE __ ...0.0- _ 3-bedroom ranch. Large kitch- tered bsmt. and ,attached 2 Lovely kitchen, ouilt-in fea- Grosse Pointe Farms eries included. By original car gar. GROSSE POINTE SHORES- '51 DODGE convertible. Gopd en, screenC(i terrace, patio and tures, spacious carpeted living owner. Immediate occupancy. French Acres Sub.,. Duval TYPEWRITEH.::l and adding condition, $250. TUxedo 2- 365 BELANGER, Grosse barbecue, carpeting, natural room, fireplace. River room. ED: 1-6642 DAVID WILLISON, BLDR. Road, 125x100 ft. $11,000. machines, new, rebuilt. Rea- 3294 after five. Pointe Fanus. Ilh story, fireplace, attached 2-car garage. Finest view of ocean and lake Near school, large 75-ft. lot. TUxedo 4-2106 Richard M. Kimbrough Co" sonable prices. N at ion a 1 b I' i c k, 3 bedrooms, 1% boat. Real value here-$24,500, Off ice Equipment, 16749 CHEVIE: 28,000 miles. '52 but baths, recreation room, 2- Open Saturday and Sunday. KARL ,DAVIES 17850 Maumee, 111. 2~2593 Harper at Bishop. TUxedo hard to believp. New power- . VERA 'FULLER, RLTR. car garage, fenced, gas heat. BY OWNER TU 1-2209 , REALTOR GROSSE PTE. SHORES Monday through Friday. glide, new tii'es, strictly a 3221 M-29, ALGONAC 1-7130. Olose to Schools, transporta- TU 5-3220. GROSSE POINTE SHORES neighborhood car. A real SWIFT 4-3921 tion and shopping. Immedi- GROSSE POINTE, DEEPLANDS transportation bargain at 40 South Duval Road 120x91 9-ARTICLES WANTED ate occupancy. Week days or 81 Kercheval Ave. 4 BEDROOM $12,000, By owner. TUxeckJ $450. TUxedo 2-7695. 13-REAL ESTATE by appointment. Open 2-5 Member G.P. Broker's Assn. CONTEMPORARY BABY BATHINETTE and play FOR SALE INDIAN VILLAGE 1-0060. SINGER, 1950 roadster. Looks Sunday. $20,750. By owner, By owner or your broker. pen in good condition. TUx- TUxedo 1-9160. Property LEWISTON Road, near Kerch- edo 5-3053. exactly like a MG-TD. This Two story custom built. car is a rare classic. Full ST. CLAIR SHORES HUGH CHALMERS GROSSE Large step-down living eval. 100'x167'. G<>od loca- BOOKS purchased for cash. priceon1y $300. Page Motor room, s e p a I' a te dining tion; near shopping and 22307 Centennial Drive, near TU 4-4040 transportation. Entire libraries or fine single Sales, 18525 Mack, Grosse 436 LODGE DRIVE room 3lh baths, beautiful Jefferson and 10Y.!Mile. 3-bed- Member Gr. Pte. Brkrs! Assn. KARL' DAVIES TU 5-3220 items. Midwest Book Serv~ Pointe. room face brick ranch. Living, Colonial, 4 bedrooms and POINTE kitchen adjoining redwood ice, 4301 Kensington. TU paneled den, with built-in LOT loo'x60' on Beaupre Lan. CHEV. 1956 convertible, red dining rooms, rec room, alumi- maid's quarters. Carpets Shown by Appointment 5-2450. 22 LOTS Hi-Fi cabinets and TV. between Kerby and Cam. IUld white. Heater, radio, num storms and screens, tel" and draperies. Large sun- COLONIALS GROSSE POlNTE WOODS Carpeted and draped. bridge. TUxedo 5-3485. new top. Stick shift, $995.- race. $23,900. Owner, PRescott 917 Grand Marais ...•. $54,000 DOGHOUSE - Must be in I' 0 0 m, enclosed jalousie Will b u il d to suit. TUXEDO 4-7587 PRescott 7-0763. 7-7628. 45 Shoreham ; 52,500 good condition. Reasonable. porch, complete kitchen, See builder at model LOT 40x133.5, Harrison Town. TUxedo 4-3048. 920 S', Oxford : 48,500 ship near Lake S1. Cla.ir and 1956 AUSTIN Healy, faclory 1250 GRAYTON home, 72 Moran Road. recreation room, 3 car ga- 721, Balfour 48,500 Tassie Tavern. City water modified Le Mans model, Brick Colonial, 3lh bedroonu;, NEW HOMES FOR SALE rage. One of Detroit's 1026 Kensington 45,000 available,' well restticted. WANTED 31,000 miles, 8,000 since com- 1% baths. Modern kitchen, Brown Investment Co. breakfast room. Rec. room, gas most beautiful locations TUxedo 5-2500 1100 Balfour 45,000 Grosse Pointe Farms Very reasonable to settle es- OLD CLOTHING plete new engine. Black 796 Lakeland 42,500 leather iritel'ior, tonneau heat. Screened terrrace. Near near the water. Priced be- 420 Kercheval - 6 bed- tate. TUxedo 2-2451. BESTPRICES PAID 878 Lochmoor 41,000 rooms, H~ baths, 3 car ga- cover, radio and heater, $2,- schools, shopping, transporta- low selling m~rket. GROSSE POINTE WOODS- '/45 Bedford 39,750 rage, library, etc. $76,500. FOR MEN'S SUITS 100. LOraine 7-4880, days; tion. No brokers. Open Sun- Duplex. 2 brick units. New 13D-MORTGAGES day 3-5. TUxedo 5-6219. 1050 N. Oxford .; 39,500 irOPCOATSAND SHOES PRescolt 8-0941, evenings. ROBERlE. SCHULTZ condition. Garages, side- 832 Balfour 37,500 Grosse Pointe Park MORTGAGES TUlsa 3:1872 TU 1-7786 VA 1-9389 drives, disposals, incinera- 580 Roslyn 37,500 PLYMOUTH '50 coupe. 31,- GROSSE POiNTE PARK 16615 J etferson near Residential - Commercial A telephone call will bring us I ' tors, tile basements, owner. 40 Hampton , 36,000 000 aclual miles, $150. TUx- Berkshire, 726; under con- Bishop. 4 bedrooms, 2lh FIRST MO'RTGAGE to you immediately edo 4-4417 nights or Satur- struction.4 bedroorri Mon- THREE-Bedroom brick bun- VAlley 2-8604. 861 Washington 35,900 baths, 1a I' g e activities Commitinent 24 hrs. Money day and Sunday. terey C 010 n i a 1. Will. galow, tiled basement, 8 1021 Buckingham : 34,500 DUE TO a broken home, we room, all electric kitchen, . 4 days $1,000.00 up, 6%, 5-7 complete to your specifi- yea r sold. 1522 Anita, PRICE REDUCED 1652 S!lvern 32,900 are asking for help. Is there 1955 DODGE custqm .Royal dining room, 2 car attach- Yrs. Repayment. cations. Grosse Pointe Woods, 1. BEACONSFIELD near schools, 189 Mc~inley 32,750 anyone more fortunate than •Lancer, power steeribg and ed garage, $47.000. BUILDER b 10 c k from elementary Well maintained older bunga- 1838 Hawthorne 31,800 SECOND MORTGAGE we are who will contribute brakes, radio, heater, 3 tone. 1378 Audubon .., 30,000, LOANS. Equity alliove MDrt- clothing for a handicapped ROBERT E. SHULTZ s c h 0 0 1. $16,750. TUxedo low, 2 bedrooms, bath down; 16635 Jefferson near TUxedo 1-5905. 420 Touraine .' 28,500 gage of Land Contract Balanc. girl? Sizes 18-20, tall; shoes, TU 1-7786 VA 1-9389 1-3621. 2 ~drooms up. Gas heat, fenc- B ish 0 p. 4 bedrooms, 258 Fisher , : 28,500 plus Chattel on Contents, $525- 9B. 'LAkeview 1-6489. ' ______------ed Y8rd, side drive. Carpets, 2% baths, library with 12A-IOATS & MOTORS 268 Merriweather , 26,400 $2,000 - 18 Mo. Repayment. No BALFOUR, 699, corner Avon- drapes included. fireplace, din in groom, FOR SALE NOW 455 Kerby 25,300 appraisal charge .. ' WANTED: Used baby buggy in 18 FT. CAPE COD sloop, hiJll dale-Executive home with 5 large porch, 2 car attach- PRICE REDUCED 837 University -r-.• 21,900 excellent condition. TUxedo fiber-glassed, complete sail bedrooms, 3 baths, servants' Five and five. 2 bedrooms, side ed garage. $49,500. ROSLYN ROf-D, 1034. 3 bed- 1608 Roslyn 20,900 GRISWOLD 5-1107. inventory. ,Refinished; trail- quarters, library, terrace, dis- drive, 2 car garage, gas heat. e~ included, $500. TUxedo Excellent investment or fine rooms. 2 bath Colonial. Dish 395 Mt. Vernon 20,800 Grosse Pointe City MORTGAGE CO. , posal, dishwasher. Completely washer, disposal, brkfst area. 1504 Roslyn 20,000 , -PO!> ITTVELy 5-3185. home. Priced to sell. 423 Ford Bldg. WO 3-728D gone over to be bright and Near bus, school. Good decor- 2135 Lennon 19,800 767 Fisher. 3 bedrooms, HIGHEST PRICES-PAID for cheerful. Garage apartment LA 6-3000 or TU 1-7373 ating. 2lh baths, 2 oar garage. F1JrniturtJ !lnd Applionces VINEYARD HAVEN 22 ft. pays taxes. Open to offer. TRI-LEVEL CONTEMP. sloop, day sailing, excellent 765 VERNIER, exceptihnal 3 $31,500. 16-PETS FOR SALE "I Piece or & Houseful." Terms considere go. TUxedo 1.5174. Stlnday, TUxe-do 5.1822, kers, $30,000. TUxedo 5.6932. TU 4-6200 JOHNSTONE Compliment! of_IP1ul " From the desk of- Addl tlona1 Inter-of/lea memo_ Line!! or Any a Line. of COpy A4",i,.tl... II the Mall your check Wllh eopy- "lith.., Iff lodayl 1,1tO,. Il,e. SAVE AT COLONIAL FEDERAL SAVINGS ~ Park Cab Co'. PRINTERS Whtre Yo.r Dollars Ear. More . KRAIER Lltllolrapllen Complete PrInU.( Ihn1ee 10147 M.ck ., HIfIII CI.1t • 0, .... w..... CUR.E~T lATE 8N SAVINGS '.Ift'. VA 2.2411 ... I.velluentll, Detroit 11, TU 4-5200 OPEN MOH.-THURS. ':30 - 4:00 • flU. ':30~':OO 'I'AIIIM" ":Mtl Thund.y. AprH 30" 1959 GROSSE POINTE NEWS / Pig- rw.nty-thrM 21H-IUG CLEANING 21I-PAINliNG AND 21N-~",ITAGE 215-CAI'ENT.EI WOIK 21T-DRESSMAKING Classified. . Continued DlCOIATING MOVING-Quick service and DRESSMAKING, ;coats. suits, Final Tryout8

" TACKED DOWN CARAETS WALL WASHING and interior' recession' . rates. Lockrid.e Additions .'Altet~Wons ' alterations. VAlley 1-5083. AND FURNITURE ,and ex~rio.r .decorating: 20 . an~ ~n, WA 3-1029.: '. Set' By League l~,S. POR SALE 21C-IUCTRICAL Kitchen Moderniz~tion EXCLU,'SIVE alterations on years experience. Pou or Minor ,Repair MINIATURE b I a c k poodle SERVICE' 'on 0.' 21O-WATEI'ROOFING dresses and suits by Marie -- part. VAlley 2-2522. Free Estimates . puppies,' Slix weeks, AKC (LEA,NED Step~ens; also remodeling The Farms Little League will , Licensed Contractor registered. LAkeview 7.0037. ELECTRICAL WIRING AND EVERABYROANDNTRAUM~TSNE . B~semenh' Made Dry. and. repairing furs. Quick; hold the thiro and final tryout Friday. ' REPAIRS '" Cracked .",alls repaired. re-in- service on hems. TUxedo on Saturday, May 2. The Ame-r- LOCATI forced. All brick repairs. Guar- FRANK J. ST. AMOUR Repairs Our Specialty. , 0 N 5-7610. .. icen League will be- at Kerby MOTHER'S DAY Gift: Minia- RUGS PICKED UP You can.t~st us todo,to satisfy anteed, inJured. TU 2-8324 'l'U 5.5791 Prompt Service. your pamtm. an .decorating Manuel Marchese ture poodles, 2 males, 8 21U-oPLUMIING Field .and the National League License #22.654. AND DELIVERED needs. I~ide or outside. We LAkeview 6.9300 weeks, AKC registered. TU KRAUSMANN ELECTRIC , have the kn()w-how and clean 'KITCHEN CABINETS LICENSED master plumber. at the High School Field. 2.1182. COMPANY equipment. We wil) assist you 21,-FuRNITURE IE'~II & FORMICA TOPS Repairs, remodeling, instal- Minard Mumaw, players' TUXEDO 2-5900 if you have a proclem.' I work Custcm Made l'um1ture ... Jtjtcb. lations. Guaranteed electric agent for ,both leagJes. stated 'MINIATURE Poodle, female. 20% myself. Over 30 years. serving CHAIRS RECANED. WA 1- en Cabinets. !'~rmlca Tope. Bars sewer cleaning. Reasonable. that in the event of rain this OFF CASH and CARRY . Can daily after 6. Sunday 2100-:-iLEC, APPLIANCE Grosse Pointe and east side. 2710. and. CelliniRecreationTne Rooms. Guaranteed., I'loor Ca1 Roemer. TU xe d0 2-31SO• Sat.>~ur .....y. tryou ts wou Id be all day. TUxedo' 2.5588. We are insured. An esUmate Work. held Sunday, May 3 at the EXPERT VACUUM costs, you nothing. VAlley FREE EsTIMATES KITCHEN, bath. ceramic tile. same times. n~e.year-olds at 20-'IANO SERVICE CLEANER SERVICE PRIDE 4-3227. FINE AMERICAN CABINET & gas heat, dish washer, dis- 1 o'clock, 10-year-olds at 2 CARPET AND FURNITURE. WOOD PR01(UCTS posal. VAlley 2-2328. o'clock, and 11 and 12-year- PROFESSIONAL Piano Serv- 24.Hour ,Service JOHN F TROMBLEY ice. Tuning, repairing, reo HARPER VACUUM 16750 E. ~ Mile Road PLUMBING and heating,elec- olds at 3 o'clock. Auth. Eureka, Hoover' Dealer COMPLETE decorating eerv- FURNITURE East Detroit tric sewer cleaning, gas It is necessary to complete stringing. 'keys recovered ice. Interior and' exterior TUxedo 1.3173. NEW • REBUILT - PARTS CLEANERS 17176 E. WARREN at Cadieux FREE ESTIMATES painting. Paper' removing PRi-5269 ~~t;U6~~:~~r~u~n:J~I~~'95~: ~t and paper hanging. Wall REFINISHED ~f~e~~:~e:n~a: COM P L E'T E •piano service. TU 1-1122 OPEN 10 TO 7 1061:5 CADIEUX and practice started.in prepar- Tuning, repairing, refinish. washing. W 0 r k man s hip Antjquing,GI~zing H. F.JENZEN BUILDING PLUMBING, heating. kitchens. ation for opening day May 23. ,guaranteed to be the best. ing and moth proofing. Place 21E--eUSTOM CORSeTS TUXEDO 5-5700 and Gold Leaf Home and Industrial Repairs. baths: sewe'r service. free your order early. R. Zech, For estimates. Additions, attics completed, estimates. VAlley. 1-9218. SPENCER CORSETS . RE 9.3232. CALL WM. FORSYTHE . VAlley 4-9634 Porch enclosures, recreation 21V-SII:VER PLA:rIN'G Austin's Tennis [ndividually designed, light- 211-'AINTING AND VAlley 2.9108 rooms. gar age s repair~. weight foundati'ons and sur. 21A-GENERAL SERVICES DECORATING TU 1.9744 TU 1.9611 SILVER & GOLD PLATING Team Wins Three gical gar men t 5, over 26 C U S TOM upholstering. A Painting & Decorating splendid selection deco- C t G I R .' Oxidizing and Repairing I.UGGAGE. trunks,' zippers, years experience. M a u de ALL - AROUND PAINTING- of arpen ~ry - enera epa1l's Brass Polishing & Lacquering sample cases repaired. Gold Ban ne rt, 368. McKinley, Wan Washing. rative fabrics. Expert need- by BOB BEATTIE WOl'k guaranteed. Good ref- HOMe MAINTENANCE Jewelry Repairing, Engraving stamping, custom built lug- Grosse Pointe, TU 5-4027 or eI:ences. Jesse Page. White Floor Maintenance lepoint mounting. Estimates .The Austin tennis team cap. gage. Travelers Trunk Co., TOwnsend 9-3317. cheerfully g i v e n. 2wald, SERVICE , LEEBERT labor, work' myself. VAlley JOHN'S DECORATING turea . three matches at Bal- 10323 Mac~ VAlley. 2.6734. 2.7348. If no answer. call 13929 Kerche~lll. VA 2.8993. C. Bruce Warren TU 1-8722 SILVERSMITHS duck Park. last week and 21G-.ROOF SERVICE TAshmoo 6-7585. VE 9-7281 VA 4-9676 appear to !lave thest~ength . GENERAL CONTRACTOR CARPENTER would like to 14508 CHARLEVOIX 219-'LASTlRING to make a more substantial DEAL DIRECT. Roofing, gut. help solve your modermza. 1 Blk. east of Chalmers ~ement work, brick repairs, bid for State honors this year. sewer clefming trucking, top . ters, met a I and can vas Painting end Decorating LW P. KISTNER tion problems. Kitchen, ree- VA 2-7318 PLASTE~ING The Friars beat Servite 6-1: soil, fill sand, gravel. Rub- decks. VAlley 4.7109. Best of Grosse Pointe Reference~ Interior painters, exterior. reation rooms, bars. attics, bish pick-up. • Interior • Exterior Free estimates, work jfuar- AdditionS, basements, arches, bedroom storage, etc. Call 21%-LANDSCA',NG Cranbrook 4.3 and U of D GUTTERS cleaned, repaired, Free Estimates anteed. Rates reasonable. ceilings, general repairs. R~ PRescott 5-0470. 4.3, in that order to run their TUXEDO 4-5~68 to and painted. Conductors un. JOHN R. FORTIER Custom work and color. sone.blecharges, references. streak t~. WILL CLEAN basements in PRescott' 7-5876. PRescott HOWARD PROBST Coach Ed Carroll is pleas- plugged. Any kind of roof PR 7-3551 PR 3.2968 ED. MAUGER exchange for unwanted ar- repair, ereosoted or recov- 7-5853. Working Contractor Landscape Gardening Co. antly surprised at the new ticles. Light Hauling. TO 7- ered. TUxedo l-!i110. FIRST CLASS painting, paper- 21R-CEMENT WORK With Skilled, LAkeview 1-6896 strength in the doubles which CUSTOM PAINTING and Reliable Tradesmen is being sup p Ii e d by Bill 0282. ' hanging. wall washing, patch d,e<;orating; 15 years' experi- ALL CEMENT worki side EAVESTROUGHS . plastering, spraying. Free es. LAWN and garden mainte- Hodgman. Earl Meyers; Joe ence. N. Powers. VA. 3-0124. drives. sidewalks, garage Harry's nance, clean up, rolling. fer- Thibodeau and Ted Bonneau. CARPET LAYING DOWNSPOUTS timates, reasonable rates. floors. ,rAlley 2-4618. Home Improvements NEW AND OLD references, insured. J. L. PAINTING tilizing. grass cutting. G tion can re.sult in a' tragedy. Full Insurance Coverage For NORDIC HOME improvement: Guaranteed Wor.kmanship Associc!ltes Decks . Your Protection DECORATING Family roor"s, attics recrea- FREE ESTIMATES "No Job is too Small" GuHer Work SAM VAGNETIIE tion rooms,' ,kil.chens, etc. TU 4.4228 21Z-LANDSCAPING CEMENT WORK One p h 0 n e call for all SM'ALLPAINTING JOBS PAINTING. d~orating, inter. JOSEPH T. PILLARS Free elStimates. Work guar. tIlt DoeS Make -a Difference Sidewalks. driveways, garage PHILIP TROMBLEY home maintenance prob- Sewers Unplu9ged ior, exterior, wall washing. anteed, Can after 6 p.m. Who Does Your Work" . lems. Expert work, best materials. 'State licensed and insured. floors, steps and porches. TUxedo 5-0143. Landscaping ond VE 9-2220 WA 5-2762 TREE TRIMMING, . PR 8-3038 TU 1-8444 Guaranteed. TUxedo 4-0712. PRescott 7.2228 Basement, Rc!ltWalls HOME REMODELING :REMOVAL, SPRAYING. Lawn Cutting 3908 Cadieux TU 5.0785 aTONE expertly cleaned to SPECIALISTS Dutch Elm disease spraying. "Serving the Pointe," - cabling. look like new. Demonstra- 21H-~UG C"EANING DONALD BLISS A-~ CEMENT and brick work Birc~ kitchen cabinets. bath PRescot 8-7734 Decorator EXPERT pamting. paper bllJ1l- Free estimatet. tion at no cost. Jess Page. HARRY'S CLE.ANING Serv- ing by mechanics. free esti- of aU. kinds. Chimney re- fixtures, formica vanitory, at. VAlley 2-7348, or TAshmoo I!:x:terior Interior pairs. All estimates free. tics, porches. TU 1-6950 EXPFRIENCED gardner avail. ice. Wo~k done in your . Free Estimates mates. Van Assche, TUxedo 6-7585. VA 2-4618. No money !town,' easy terms CAL FLEMING TREE able for additional work. home. Free estimates, rea- 30 Years in G.P. 4.1187. VA 4-1492. HERMAN ~OTHERS SERVICE Lawn and shrubs fertilized. CHIMNEY, porCh and mason- sonable. PRescott 3-1282. TUxedo 5'-5500. ry' service. Also gutter TU 1-7050 ZlJ-WALL WASHING VA. 2-8333 VA. 2-0304 LICENSED TOPsOIL. :fm s.~t1d, :fill dirt. cleaning and repair. Refer- C. R. SHIRK,' painting and . ence6 on request. VAlley BESTCARPET CLEANERS CEMENT CONTRACTOR hi-loading. bulldozing, grad • EASTLAND. !iecorating, wall washing. 3-0969. CLEANING DYING WALL WASHING HOME REPAIRS ing. plowing, discing. lawn Fully insured. VA. 2-7929. WALKS, DRIVES, FLOORS, LAWN CUTIING CO. REPAIRING WIND.oW CLEANING PATIOS, BRICK && BLOCK Family rooms, attie.-., , altera- building. POWER ROLLING DRYERS VENTED PROMPT HOM'.!: SERVICE EXTERIOR - INTERIOR Free Estimates , WORK, PORCHES, tioLW. Anything' in repairs. STOCK BROTHERS . Tandem Rollers FREE ESTIMATES Grosse Pointe references. Satisfaction Guaranteed GARAGES. ADDITIONS Over 30 years a builder. Li. PR 3.0909 TU 4.566ti PRescott 7.5296 ' - $15 Complete REASONABLE RATES INSURED I Fine Paper Han«ing VENICE 9-3941 censed .and insured. My per. CALL TU 2.6556 Work m~Tself. insured. PRescott 8-6#8 ' sonal supervision ~ every job. K & S POINTE LANDSCAPE CO. LANDSCAPE SERVICE LEON ,STRIEGEL Landscape and lawn mainte. LA 7-0533 or TU 1-4162 RADKE CARPET CLEANERS THAT MAKES TH E: Complete .lawn. and garden VAlley 1-7275 WALL WASHING A.I CHIMNEY work. broken nance, planting.' Plants for service. Spring clean.up, ferti- Carpets, rugs (tacked down or steps, brick work; all other DIFFERENCE sale. 211-WATCH REPAIRING FOR THE FINEST general PAINTING lizing. .rolling, top dressing. loose) and upholstered furni. repairs. VAlley 2-4956. BILL CROTHERS _", 4OO-DAY clocks rejuvenated ture expertly cleaned and painting and decorating at INTERIOR-EXTERIOR Free estimates. reasonable cost see Charles PR 2-1898 reasonably. 40 Ham p ton moth proofed. deodorized at Professional Services at HELMER A. Schrader VAlley ~0388. PR 1-5057 22304 Ten Mile near Jefferson TUxedo 2-6720 Road, Grosse Pointe Shores, smoke and house pet odors, in . Reasonable prices. • TUxedo 4-0522 LANDSCAPING. sodding, your home. We specialize in Neat, Clean, Dependable. iEASTERN MASON , TUxedo 4-0056. serge binding throw rugs and JOHN~. MARTIN EXPERT GARDmING:Gar. lawn cutting and mainte- . ALL WORK CONTRACTORS' dens and lawns made and runners: picked up and de- Quality Odorless Painting CARPENTER, repe.irs. doors, nance. Tree. work, spraying. EXPERT WATCH and clock GUARANTEED. cared for. General mainten- livered. Paperhanging _' Decorating Commeroilll and Residential locks, sash cords cabinet Plowing. WAlnut 5-9323. repairing. 'Prompt service. ance of shrubs and hedges. Free Estimates "Serving the Pointes VE 9-7169 JU 5-5835 Building Tuck Pointing work. EDgewater 1.4576. Reasonable prices. Bradley I Former gardener of 619 COMPLETE landscaping serv- Jewelers, 20926 Mack at Reasonable Prices for 30 Years" Silicone Waterproofing JIM SUnON I. Lakesho~ Grosse Pointe ice, lawn cutting,cUltivation . Hamptol.. To 2-9~~9. DREXEL 1-3133 LAkeview '-1044 WALL WASHING and paint- Masonry Waterproofed Shores. l,.;1111 or write Oscar and fertilizing, edging and ing done. Very reasonable; Basements Waterproofed 1677 BRYS , Walls. 27801 Larchmont. St. clean-up work. Julius La. ERNEST A. BOCK efficient. TUxedo 1.5306. Leaky RA;'<>fsRepaired Carpenter Work, Repairing & 'Clair Shores. PR 7-6181. Quiere, PR 8-2709. Free esti- Painter and decorator; quality Remodeling, Attics, Porches, mates. $2.00 per hour. and c~lor matching, the finest! WALL WASHING EDWARD M. COOK Garages. PAINTING DECORATING BIRDS ARE NESTING Lavigne Allto Sales Served Grosse ~olnte homes for & 16484 E. 10 Mile Road TU 4-2942 REDUCED WINTER PRICES ROOFS - GUTTERS lO years. PRl-5OS7 "ROOST NO MORE" RAMBLER DEALER ENDS BIRD NUISANCE DECKS- HEATING 20685 Woodmonf TU 1-6905 ELMER T. LABADIE GROSSE POINTE Now' Servich,CJ All Makes 215-CARPENTEI WORK Over 30 yr.. In thla Businea HUGHES BROTHERS, paint- TUxedo 2.20M WM. R.PIERCE Spec:ialmng in Automatic Trlnsmissions ing and decorating, wall DOING all types of carpenter CUSTOM BUILDER Cen Ind Front End Alignment. Distributor TU 2-1050 washing, expert paper hang- 21K-WINDOW CLEANING work, remodeling' a t tic Will rem 0 del .your General Roofing, Inc. 14201 E. Warren, It Newport ing. . free estimates. 5293 rooms porches. Small or big kitchen or family area COMPLETE lawn and garoen 14627 Ch.rievoill jobs. ~timates free. TUxedo Yorkshire. TUxedo 2-9750 WINDOW CLEANING •.. provide m~ living maintenance by 2 experi- VA 1.3344 VAII.y 2-3459 or TUxedo 1-7637. 5-5892. WALL WASHING space with the addition enced college students. DR Nights - TU 5-lI6lll Service on Screens and Storms of a family room . . , 1.0737, after 5 p. m; - . SUMMER ~PECIALS Brick Wnshing Expertly Done MODERNIZING Same quality work. Base~nt Painting AIIOUIOII. OUR IEW LOOATIOI Living Rms., Dining Rms., REMODELING manship as our fine cus- Bedrm!l. H. E. GAGE & SON ADDITIONS - PORCHES. • tom homes. See our mO. $35 LABOR & MATERIALS TU 4-0136 PR 1-6571 ATTIC ROOMS - GARAGES del at 580 Sheldon Road. Wolverine; Sherwin - Williams Paints WINDOW cleaning by Den- EARL DECK WALTER H. MAST CO. ~~ Professional Painters rick. Residences and offices. PRescott 8-7843. Licensed 20039 MACK TU 2-1400 OUR EXTERIOR BIDS ARE T"•• ril.,Senic. eo.plI' . DR 1-119~ ItOw' 'HatH af ALSo VERY REASONABLE RESIDENTIAL COiiiMii"CIAI, INDUITRIAL G.OLMIN R E P A I R SCREENS. fences, 21T-DRESSMAKING' R~$ERWCE'".• EAVESTROUGHS RoofilC CONRAD A. BEGER . . WINDOW CLEANING • Authorized Dealer-Carload Buyer porches. ItepS. dool"S. win- Celotex • Barrett 13131 E.JeHerson Ave. SERVICE dows, cabinets. book. SEWING of all kinds. $1.50 an • Bird Co. • US. GYJ)aUm PR 5-8045 hr. me shol"ten your R'Pllrs SCREENS AND l!Ises. good work,. prompt Let , • Fllnkote • John-Manville (Next to the Savarine Hotel) skirts, my own machine, ref. ,. ... VAII.y2.356O • Detroit 15, Mlell. STORMS SERVICED service. S. E. Barber, 20380 ROOFING AND PAINTING, papering, paper VAney 1-9321 Hollywood, TU 4-0051. fum. PR 7-4861. removed. Wall washin,. LOCKHART SIDING CO. ALTERATIONS and sewiiJg Neat, reliable. Work guaran. CUSTOM MODERNIZATION 21L-TJLE WORK reasonably priced. TUxedo A C.II Will I. ri... s.",,Mt teed. Mertenll, 122 Muir, TU Additions, alterations, recrea. For Y.. , Select"", LA FLOOR, wall. ceiling. Deal di- 4.1886. 7-7200 ':~:::T 2.008:1. tion rooms and kitchens. Free Est. ItZ3 (Llcrn.eltl (Insured) Nlrht.l, TV 1.115' A, H. PETERS FUNERAL HOME rect. See work, samples. estimates. SEWING alterations, adultl VAlley 4-7109. and children; hems, zippers, PAINTING • THE BARLEC CO, AND ,DECORATING 21 M-SIWER CLEANIN~ plain d.'apes, aprona and SPECIAL A"INTIO" - FIlE INSPICTION ... E~tdblished 1917 VALLEY 1-8146 pillow •. TU 1-7455. Interior I:lnd Exterior ELECTRIC SEWER SERVICE. Cadillacs • Lincolns •. Chrysler. Plumbing, heating, remodel. ROBERT DEVOS ing, repairs. disposals. VA, VAlley 1-0672 1-9218.

. . PAVING. Good. Fences for 49 Years . - ASPHALT L",r- 'Iu-a E.,.,.,Ityl. of Fem:e SALE! Dunlop TiNS ~ I A{l\, ."" Ity Woe' top ,.yh." Wholesale to alii Brand new DunlOp lit-not ~ .ec:ond-not It reclp-not I chan'l!Over-I959 Tyrex erecfeci 'Ot you I","",_h, "4 COIIC t., Cord. '00 16 $ 988 100% Lifetime WAf 1-62.81 Colored • .,..Ih • , • lei,•• Gr Grev 6• X .' IX, Road Hazard. We . 7:50x14 17.88 IX. beat tt¥lhl::~C'In I hie C...."... "rf.. w.y c ctlol'l I."" 6:70x15 10.88 IX. "::.~ Chil'l Li..k AII.~f'" .tMI Go•• , ... t.... w.Hiu 'IJI' "Itic Styfes , 12057 GltATIOT AVE. 20705 MACK AVE•• t VERNIER ltD. DETROIT S, MICH. GROSSI POINTE WOODS 36, MICH. HORNAK TRUCKING CO. 1~~:NTEl. LAKEVIIW 6-7700 TUX'Do 4-SIM MEHLElBACHER FDlGE, CO. 22 ... 1 Metk tit Me_. .... 1.4462 , I'" MAl'" IUIDINT1AL. INDUSTRIAl 'Epublic 2-9173 W. ~. ""Yttlltlt ,.. Mf ..... It wMIIMII JIric.. , ..... rieI - GI".,...,. - VllteteR.....,. ....

( , • ...... - .. ,.,-""".,-,. ---- .....- ... -'.,-....-.~...... u-~,-.,'..- ....~--;.~-.~~~:~~~ ...3"A ..P .....¥4 ...9i.....Q;J?$4.P ..94..P..PUP,i., .... 'AtPJ p (tAW "a g 2 • a &Q

Page Twenty-four G'ROSS'E POINTE NEWS Thursday. April ]0, 1959 * * * * Feature * * * ..r' ...... ::r-r~ Pointer of Inter~st . when the POINTE Favorite Recipes ~: • 'UJo.S ~roU1in9 Up' •· of ~ ..II . .. .'_ People in The Know I fiJ&tnte ~ ..-.-..-:.. .' -~;~ CARROT CHEESE SOU~FLE Counter points Contributed by by Pat Rousseau Chet Saml)Soll B~' PAT TALBOT 1 ~up milk The fille culinary. art . . • is abbetec1 by the fine Itt tsp. sal t culinal'y aids collected by The Dant's, Here's the news Editorial note: 1'hrough. the kindness of Mrs. Claude . .. they are gathered together upstairs in a room that G. McDonald we ha\'e discovered J. D. Johnson's Detroit 1 cyp bread crumbs made from two slices white is a cuisiniere's delight. Outstanding Santig Copper- City Director~' and Business Advertiser for 1853-54; wear, handsome stainless settings .•. everything from Pric:e lO shillings. The priceless directory handed down bread 2 Tb butter . Early American Country 'Prints ••• to a sleek modern, in her husband's family tells a great deal about Pointe coffee grinder! ' residents before they mov~d to this suburb. 1 cup grated cheese (me- . dium sharp) • • • • * 1 cup' finely c hop p e d • , James Dale Johnson came to DetroitfromLiverpool cooked carrots "Sweet rJreill/lSttre stlleei"!t'slill" • ~.• wilh your d"y-tillll, and immediately was struck by the city's great potential, 3 eggs, Separated coiffllre tllcked beautifully bmealh " fla/terillg Comfy pj.". He endeavored in l1is book to compile a census of the Cllrl Bot~nel. It jits all head sizes ..• will not bimJ MId comet Scald milk then add bread cit.y, then numbering 40,000 and predict its future in a in dream)' colors 100. Found ilt Trail Phar1llilc.l'. most unusual foreword. crubtbs and salt. Mix butter and carrots and add to mix- • * • He predicts that the city would possibly have a ture. Heat slowly and stir till population of 100,000 and urges businessmen to locate well blended. Remove from Snow Whites •.. by Jaffee for graduation .•• voted the their factories in Detroit because the city offers "the stove. Beat en yolks and add most likely to parly prettily afterwards. Find them at Jacob- lahor of about ten thousand unemployed boys and girls." to carrot mixture. Fold in SQn'sPre-Teen Department. Shirl-walsles or hi.rlse styles, •• He extolls the city's scenic views, invested capital, and th'ree err whites, well beaten. some with blue belts. InvesUrate the shafts of White Arnet Pour into buttered casserole opportunities. and place in pan of hol wate!.' Pleats ... with sharply cut tops to mix or match, In the directory proper many of the names to. be- in oven. Bake at 350 degrees come well known in the Pointe ten to fifteen years later until set. • • * ',' " . -Picture b)' Fred RU\1l1ells are just making' their mark. Respectable, financially suc- Mrs. Paul G. H~'kes, of Rivard boulevard , Newly atrived .•. for the new arrival. Sets for baLy cessful citizens art) in boldface capitals, the more humble COUNCIL APPOINTS packaged with a smile! Appropriate stitching on the bib in light print. by Patricia Talbot The 'Park council on Mon- about the' co un try flearina day, April 27, appointed City says "Excuse please" ... the wash cloth .•. "Mop me T. H. Hinchman, who was to build a mansion on the , "Parents are increasingly concerned about their pastors and spent many more Manager Robert Slone as City up" . . . etc. Sets of three ... two twenty-five ... at lakefront the year the Civil War began, was working high school age children's accelerated social activity," hours with the other 13 mem- Street Administrator. with The Leag~e Shop. Find there .. , s-o-f-t .•. beautiful in the family firm, T. and J. Hinchman between Shelby M PIG H k f h G P . bel'S going over applications. power to negotiate with the infant's sacks in plain pastels or flora Is .•. foUr ninty- says rs. au . yes, president 0 t e rosse omte She is an active membel' of State Highway Department and Griswold at the foot of Woodward, on Jefferson, five. High School Mother:s' Club, with three children of her the AAUW and the Pointe regarding the repairing, main- ,.. wholesale and retail druggists, provision grocers and own. IGarden Club and bowls every tenanceand improvements of oj< '" ship chandlers, paints. oils etc. This is a potent force, this The Mothers' Club is one of Tuesday. She enjoys bridge streets and roads within the The Rev. George Duffield on the northwest corner reawakened parental interest the few parents organizations with Mr. Hykes. city limits. Gatber Violets •• , jor Ibe nelllest bouquet o/,olors m. of Woodward and George had living with him D. in tightening up on social pd- in the state to sponsor bus Her particular hackgrol.lnd _ the decoratiug rretle ••• jeatured at 1I7alUm/alter's Studio. If Bethune Duffield, of Lothrop and Duffield's law firm. vileges. Mrs. H y k e s feels. trips to the fall football games. has stimulated her to this deep ------j'ol/,.e plam,illg to redecorate (()flSltlt the Studio on the lates, These ~ine spring days she is Last fall 80 parents chaper- interest in schools. She was. ,'olor Irends ilud materials •.• especially the beautijul new He was to build ,here too in a few years, when the firm spending a great deal of time oned 40 buS{!s carrying 1600 raised in aumversity town, over the Peninsular Bank became more ,successful. jabrics wilh theliiolet i"jluCllct. All upholstering MId with committee members and students to away games.. Lafayette, Ind., the home of rejiflishing is e.\'pertly dO'le in their Uiorkrooms. George Van Ness Lothrop. was not only an attor~ Mrs. Flam, Dean of Girls at Purdue, and then taught tenth ney at law but city recorder and president of the Young the High SchOOl, revising a ~Iothe..s' Club Actlvitl~ grade English aitel' gradu- social guide first published in At Christmas time a lovely ation from that same univer- • • * Men's Society, an organization to aid the poor and 1949. ... ' formal tea helped 1Jhemothers sity. Reading is still her fav- Mad.. in France '.' • by.a P.rench tennis star for the needy.,.,' all The Mothers' Club is pre~ of the 2200 students become orile leisure activity and be- worl~ to wear •.• the much admired ~c05te sport shirts. Edmund Brush, one of the city's first fathers, a paring, too, for the ann u a 1 better. acquainted. The Janu- fore becoming head of the Recognized internationally for ease, comfort ar.d style •.. find commissioner of the water works and chief fire warden spring scholarship bridge tea ary, class was given a coke- Mothers' Club she was a pro- them along with other handsome sports"wear at Proper'lI, already had one of the streets named for his family. on May 8. Last year from this (nil party' and formal dinner fessional book reviewer and , The Buhls, F. and C. H., were established manu- major fund raising effort the at the War Memorial before taught Sunday school. M h ' the Senior Prom,' all details • • fadurers and dealers in Hats, Caps and Furs, on Jeffer- at ers Club gave $4,700 to Although the Hykes have * d 12 t d ts t M. ". handled by the Mothers' Club. sen s u en 0 ICmgan ll'\'ed I'n the POI'nte less than Two sides to every story .•• you'd never guess that son betwecn Griswold and Shelby, James Joy's law II h h This June's class \vill have the offices were not important enough to be listed in black co eges, w a ot erwise. h mightd same very elegant party. After ten years !Jhey have entered the permanent looking luncheon table at Jacobson'. not haye had a hIg er e uca- into most important commun- type. There was no listing tor Joseph Berry, one of the t' Commencement ex e r cis e s Home Decorative Shop can be easily stored away. Made city's \\'elllthiest residents a few years later. Trow- IOn.. there will be a dance and ity, school and church activi- of indestructable Formica that looks and feels like fin. CoHere Entrance Difficult's m 0 r gas b 0 r d, also at the ties with a will,' and made a grained wood ... thirty six dollars ... P.S. Bridge play- bridges had made their mark as president of the Michi- , C ~. great contribution. gan State Bank, forwarding and shipping merchant and Because parents realize that emer. ers like this deal also! insurance agent. it is getting more difficnlt for But the. Mothers' Club's big When her term as Mothers' even good students to be ad- effort is the schOlarship spring Club president is over,Mrs. '" * * Hunt and Newberry were respected attorneys and mitted to, the college of their tea. There is a $1.00 member- Hykes will be free to take on • Miss Hunt was principal of Detroit's Young Ladies ohoice, they are not going to ship charge. to. ~long to the other responsibilities, but her Focal Pointe •.. the eyejull oj colOf"hll,'mony -rt hllppy , Academy. Dudley B. Woodbridge still lived' with his allow a frantic social pat,tern club but thJS Just takes care interest and, concern ill stu- tbemes p,.esellfed in tbeneUJ Italiat' pottery at The Le"Ku. father, the ex-governor, below Eighth street, and G. and to interfere with studying. of ~l'ating costs.. There are dents. and their academic and Shop. lUall)' comer brighfmers , , • itlelurJing bouquets of R. McMillans were doing a t h i r v i n g business in For years some experts ad- 67 neIghborhood br!dge. groups social pro b Ie m s will never tlllips or camafions. groceries. monished pal'ents for giving (last year they raIsed $1,45~) dimirrish. too much discipline, now the an<\,the rest of the, scholarshIp ------• • There were probably more Campaus in the 1854 * pendulum has swung the other mo~ey must ~ome from thIS "One perfect rose" •.. the Ion, stemmed variety ••. OD directory than in the most recent one, with Joseph AIS. way, and just in time, too, s~nng tea. Tickets are $U5. '. tar OClety a perfectly .lovely nole pad. For milady's desk or telephone leading the family. The directory listed almost all the says Mrs. Hykes. This year Mrs. Hykes says T H P t table ••• (if you prefer ... blue with white) •.• To keep or inhabitants by trade-milkman, carpenter, coppersmith, She sees the problem from the .scholarship committee .has 0 a:ve ur y give ••• another rift suneslion from Trail Pharmacy ••• "fit clerk, cabinet maker, stone cutter, stair builder, as well three viewpoints as a parent received many more apphca- Select your frame from for a teen" • , • a cute Kleenex box with a plaid skirted ... as telling with whom the resident boarded if they didn't as a former teacher, and fro~ tions for ai~ than usual. Tpey Members of the Sacred Heart our larlle .tack of seated on it ••. amid scatterings of records, books, coke aDd have a home of their own. (he eyes of her junior daugh- are .all bemg screened very Circle of the Rosary Altar So- The 18'54 directory is a min~ of information on life ter, Susan.. The H y k es also carefully So that. the money ciety of Our Lady Star of the the etceteras of that a,e plateau . have a son at Purdue and an- will go to those WIth the most Sea Church. are planning-a in early Detroit and an indication of how the future other son, Greg, at RichRd'd need. .pauil. Pointers got established. spring fashion show 'and lun- School. 'rhey have a I vi a y s Other Interests cheon on Tuesday, May 12, at taken a deep interest in edu- In spite of all the time she 12:30 o'clock, in the Anchor TI •• IS lAC lETs cation, its progress and prob- Room of the J. 'L. Hudson Com- lems. devotes to high school affairs who, where and whatnot she has equal time to devote pany, at Eastland Center. MA,Y SPECIAL! by whooz;1 Parents' Responsibility to her church. She is a mem- Donation is $3:50. Mrs. Frank ber of the pastoral nominating Trentacosta is chairman and Coron~t .... 10.95 "Education is my chief con- Mrs. Don DeSpirt and Mrs. cern," admits Mrs. Hykes. who com m i t tee .of Me mar i a I NylOfl Strung Those little aditions which make a hou~ a home C h u r c h, w hie h. has been Don Schneider are co-chair- also believes "an alert and men. Hi Point ..... 13,95 are abuilding now that spring' is really loose. The aroused citizenry must take searohing for a new minister Charles M. Whites are planning a swimming pool on ~uch of the responsibility for since the retirement of Dr. 'For reServations cal1 'fU Nylon Strung their Provencal road est ate and so are the Allan Its school system." It's not Frank Fitl She has traveled 4-1726. Nylon Restringing CROWN Sheldens III. The Lowrey Kammers are beginning a fajr to blame the school for 5.00 - 6.00 beach house in the grounds of their Lothrop road home. problems the parents should CLEANERS Down the street Mr. and Mrs. Jean Mesritz are in the shoulder too, is another tenet ACRILAN Gut Restringing of this forthright Mot her s' 8.50 - 14.75 midst of what they call a "project house" on the site Clup president. of an old shack, which had to go. CARPET Deluxe Dry Cleaning Two years ago a board of 12-Hour Service '" oj< '" education truck. delivered the Mrs. H an s e I Dwight Wilson delights after-the Mothers' Club steel files to -lor the Particular People theater supper guests with a wild rice kedgeree dish ... her pleasant home, where the Ope" MOfI., the mystery ingredient is tuna fish, which Mrs. W. defies utilitarIan cabinet sets a bus- Thun., snl'ing the Po;n.te, any gourmet to identify. inesslike note in 1Jheb rig h t .JMI Fri. [nl. sunroom. Mrs. Hykes went Till 9:00 fOr over 25 }'ettrs * • '" right to work and this June In the field house at GPUS som,e amazing white will. be able to look back on elephants are gathering for the June Carnival, with two successful years us the 18520 Drape'ries a Specialty Mrs. Jeremiah Jenks in charge of sorting and pricing. Mothers' Club has taken on I Porcelain pe~eslals which formerly held Victorian art addit\onal responsibility in RaCIJILlt and are vying with three foot wrought iron ivy planters as copinR with school problems. Sport ,Shop Courteous Pick-up end Delivery Service TU '-7500 items most to be cherished...... 106 KERCHEVAL E. Jefferson, .t Nottingham Last week our Pointer of Interest, Mr5. I.conard S. Starck -Otl the uut Rosenfeld, was photographed with one of her fifth grade students, identified in the picture as her tecn aged Grinnell TV '-5262 TV '-2262 daughter. Our mistal,e, the young mis5 was actually S Cahle.Nelson Secl~rity for Your Business Muffie Ford, daul{hter of the William Clay Fo~ds. Steinway ...... '" Wurlitzer Emerson said that an institution is the lengthened shadow The Grosse Poinle Garden Center which holds an- of One man. So, most businesses are made ¥p of the nual fall house tours has persuaded some of the Pointe's Leonard creative urge, the drive and the tal~nt ~f a .sll~gle man most magnificent home owners to show their mansions or a small group of men, HO'Wcver,If thIS movmg force A Mason-Ham Iin is cut off by dellth, something !lew mus~ be brought. i~to for the October 24-25 tours next autumn. the picture to satisfy the live credItors and hvmg '" . ... Baldwin families. That something, whatever form it may take, CoHedors' notes ..• C.. JIlJian lIcckcrsearchcs for Lester wi1l only be as s~ccessful 8S the estate plan from. whence hrass, restores its glcaming luster by arduoll5 huffings it must stem. Lady luck plays a small role In these Vose arrangements. Only long a!1d caref'u.1conside~ation by himself." the Rohert Kanzlers have over 100 pieccs or L the busines.q owner and hIS profesSIonal advl.!!Orscan fine Lowestoft china. adequately secure his business interest for his family. U~ SlrlnWAY Hepplrwhile The man who fails to face tliis problem risks the work . . '" COOllOlt. WAlnut FinlAl1 of a lifetime on unknown forc~ and unknown event.q. PILn~RrNGS SAve Nearly \It ) "After 8. difficult day with the children," a youn~ If you own a business interes!, your estate plan must be , shaped to fit your bullines.qand famil~ situation. mother says, "I like to take the cllr and go lor II drive; E I like to have something in my hands I can control. U~d P-ianos 1. You must reduce the UlX burden as much as possible...... Con.~les and Grancls 2. You must leave your estale in a form liquid enough to If you must talk aOOut your troubles, don't hore • All pionos guoranteed - mony refinished ond meet your estate tax liabilities and carry on the your friend5 with them ..• tell them to your enemies, recondilioned. business. who will be delighted to hear ahout them. Olin Miller. • Delivered with bench at no extro cost. 3. You must determine with liS much certainty as '" '" . . • Dork ond light wood finishel. possible the actual value of your estate. From 8.c1rcuJar letter to Lions Club members In F6r further information Cllll or write Rome City, Ind.; "All members are requested to bring W. will nn.ne. your Pi.no Purch.s' 'wtihout #1. III' of outside financial 'gencie, , •• their wives and one other covered dish, along with table OlH' ,.t. is only'''.. ' service." W. R. Cavanaugh Agency, Inc. '" '"" Helin: '-I 1510 Wt04w.,4 . . T_ •• 114Thwn. "', ",. Ex',...... , Father to teen aged son: "Mind If I ulle the ur my- 19854 Mack Avenue TU ~-7900 StI""V 1- S 'rint. '.rill". lelf tonilrht? I'm taking your mother out ar.d I want Allyb •• II, .".IMwl.... SmUevBros. n 3.6100 GrOtSl Pointe Woodt 36 to impre.1 her."