"Watchful Thb Apactatorslat Ttie Brus- Frederick Allen King, 75, One of An'"
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VOL XXXV, NO. is THE PLAYGROUND FUND. Wiu Probably Bo Ready For- Occu- King P®ncjr September 10th. Much Credit Due Miss Norma Allen "Watchful thb apactatorslat ttie Brus- Frederick Allen King, 75, one of an'". Miss May Davison. , , ;The. ^orkVo^ the store Thbmpsonville'8 most prominent cit sels-Windsor Locks game in this vil Since the movement started last ' r '-'r „ No. 4:8 Pearl street for. the post- izens, died in Northfleld late Tues office W! progressing rapidly, and it lage Saturday afternoon was noticed BoyKilledBy Train year, relative to the Playground ime Arthur Nichols, former scout for the day evening, of hardening of the ar >' WBH is fully'/expected that by September Fund, much work has been^ accom ' ' ' SrH St.: Louip -rNatlonals, who was on teries and other complications. It plished'. Through the pleasing and !S 1Oth ..tfiie office •'will be ready ''for oc had been his custom for many years OUTLOOK cupancy; . • Mr. ' Millligan is sparing haiid to jgive some of the Brussels fion of Jotittv Rossotti, of Whitworth tireless efforts of Miss Norma Allen UNITED STATES NAVY TO '-- ": •- rf®1?T- players the . "once over.' in com? to spend several weeks during the and Miss May Davison, who has been nothing in order that everything, will street was; Itfljed this afternoon by summer in Northfleld, where he s menting upon the wofk of the play giving all their time and help in be HAVE THREE NEW ''•: p^vvn^^d; State be arranged conveniently" for the the train^duefeat Thompsonville at owned a cottage, and he always had ,-W v '" ': '""^' : P^palgn^ Qpegedk-A NumbQrof postal employees and tlhe public. Bx- ers, he stated that two of the infield :5:10. The.V^oy wafc struck while half of the children and the play DREADNAUGHTS players, with - some coaching, would looked forward to his outing there ground fund, has, in all respects, Made. • >p--\ :v '. cei^nt; new" fixtures and a large safe crossing; ttie^ltracks north of the with a sense of pleasure. , He left possibly develop into first-class men; brought about the success in which it President' Sees Indian Chief, Two - - • S?A' --During the past tern days many with a • special banker's cheat will; freight housb'. The body was taken Thompsonville with Mrs. King three Thomas,Malley and family of Pearl now enjoys. Moons—The Reclamation Fund of ;-.-' ;#%hariges in the local, political .outlook make up part of the equipment. in charge by Undertaker J. Francis weeks ago. An incident occurred street registered at the Copley Browne. The co-operation of the people of $80,000,000—Naval Lines to South V . ;T r^-ve .been made. Indeed so vast and Mr. Murray, the postmaster, will KrS? last week in the cottage which in all have ai large and pleasant private of Square Hotel, Boston, last night. this village and vicinity will aid the America. •k, l^i' . drying -have been |he diffeirent al- Mr. Thomas Sheehan, manager of probobility hastened his death. He 1 - ; *••<;, Jiances that the European war looks fice. : Excellent light will be secured fund materially by attending the en Many people who cannot under- " the .Universal Clothing Co., Spring had been burning up some refuse in tertainment given at the Enfield stand the war enthusiasm in the dif-v: ' in a hay mound compared from both the front and rear and the fireplace, and in some manner field,, has returned from a business Country Club, next Wednesday even ferent European countries ought tor '••*'' V-™ith tl*e ' maneuvering, of local-,:po- the basement will be equipped with the woodwork in the room caught, «y< trip to Boston.r ing, for which a large number of ample shelving and closet room. The ^ V • •. < '" • refresh their memories regarding, M • i '1 • ''"'*•: • ' and for a few minutes Mr. King over The bicycle, that was stolen from tickets have already been disposed their own war of "watchful waiting '""k j "* f Bnfleldf; has been until recently a floor will not be lowered but the en exerted himself in his efforts to ex in front of J. Francis Browne's fur of. Talent ^from this town and time." Very recently the United; : normal Republican stronghold and trance will be changed so that only tinguish the blaze. Dr. James H. - vA® three wide and commodious steps niture store, has been recovered by Springfield have been secured and by States was ablaze with enthusiasm the prospect of infield returning tb .i'M Mr. BroWne in Warehouse Point. Darling, who had been his family all accounts a large crowd is antici for war, and the government held " lai now practically Assured, shaped in a graceful manner, will doctor for 39 years, visited him fre Miss Persls Bushnell, youngest pated. it off with difficulty. On a former;-..; ,,.-..-,7.,,?.^Ai wm?•"'•' ~~~ ~'~J' t° the opinion ot political gr^ately add. to the appearance of quently during the past week, and the entrance; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. LOCAL COitfANY MAKES The entertainment is looked for occasion, President McKinley stood' KvsSi^ilf observers who are well versed in'the Bushnell of Pearl street, is spending when he went to Northfleld Tuesday ward to as the "event" of the season as a check to this same war spirit, v .. •. / "V .V'^ local situation. ' The business men and general Wos <WER TO THE afternoon he found |tfr. King in a ? public arb greately pleased with the her vacation in New Haven at the and will be under the personal di and only let loose the guns of bat- : • ' 0^ '* v Meetings have recently; been iiield. state of collapse. He continued in rection of Miss Norma Allen and la improvements being made and the home, of; Mrs.. E. C. Smith of that iii tie when our justification to tako up^':^ ^ ®s have ' .been .. formulated and cityi 'j, that condition until his death at 10 Miss May Dayison, who has been arms against the enemy had been ' v -everything is ready for the bomb, to universal opinion no^is that no mis Measures AU Pab|Ilc Service Corpor- o'clock Tuesday evening. take was made in the' selection of the Mrs. James Bohanna;-is vacation the moans of putting the fund in its fully established. Amerioans who di§ff§l " ' «• V''*- be° fired.• * »... What»T theLUO result tysrill be ations Skouid ^dopt—Every Em Mr. King was a native of Enfield present flourishing condition." The are wondering whether Europe has. ^ -' ^1 can a new location. Even those who in the. ing at Madison, Conn. • ^ t this, time onlybnl be; meagerly ployer on the <Mitlook For Safetv and was born Noyember 5, 1839, a interested public, will, without doubt gone erazy should recall their own ' f / 'f»ree^Bted. NeverthelessNa^ertheh it< is almost beginning objected for business rea- The time limit to enter applica First, so* of Albert abd Sarah (Abbe) ' •• O VtflAIlt •Altr '.'.Amtln? J1- i.1. sinB .low admit that the site selected tions for carrying the mail from th^ help this much needed cause by at excited mental condition when the-"- - • „>•> absolutely <•'certain that Dr. Thomas The Northern Connecticut Light & King of Enfield. He received his ele tending the entertainment question of war or peace confronted ' g- Alcorn, the powerful Republican is an,., ideal 'one and all are pleased depot to the new postoffice' quarters Power Company make the following, mentary training in the district in the Mulligan block on Pearl street the United States. ^ cbairman wiU. bb able ,to piit across commendable. bon% offer to their em ^chools of Enfield and afterward at 1 will expire Saturday, So far ten ap Our Army and Navy. f V Charles p. Bent as first'selectman ployees to furtkerjihe public's safe- tended the Goldwaith private school LETTERS FBOM THE PEOPLE The office when ready, foroocupan- plications for the position have been Contracts have been assigned for' a^p|||-3^^ith very little opposition, not only iri Longmeadow, and later Williston three new dreadnaughts for the it';-® f ^ the caucus but pn the date o|«leci cy will be as unique and, pretty as entered through the Thompsonville <"^^e .-CompanyMBing desirous of academy. Soon after leaving school Hazardville, Conn., any In New England.V. postoffice. "'.'' ' ^ •' •. United States navy. These new in- tion. I . v.,v ^ ' ' ' 1 . • ' - • .« -V " V-- preventing accident|; to its employees he accepted a position as teacher in August 12, 1914. struments of warfare will be forty-'®M& ••m James Laughlin who has all a long Miss Peari Manning has returned and the .public; and^esirous of pre the. Shaker district school in En To the Editor of The Press, one feet longer and of 4,500 tons 'i 1 ^fBRUSSELS' WIN series;; . to her home Jon Springfield road after been spoken of as the likely candidate venting waste any nature offers field and later taught in the Enfield Dear Sir:—The daily papers print greater displacement than any now.now • SM' . - ' .jf;' -S spending six weeks in Washington district school, spending in all about for representative .from the east end mk: a monthly bonus for reporting de- ed in nearby cities had accounts this in the United States service. It may.. £ and Philadelphia. > v, fective and tiibafe^ conditions of its seven years as a teacher. Among his r ,v .r ,v ® tlie ..town; will forego the pleasure Outclassed tite Windsor Locks in,All week of some sort of a squabble be that before Europe gets through^ tiaSfttpl v\ of. holding down that office, but will . Tliree Games. Joseph- and Mary Manning - of property and ' aiiy. other conditions pupils in the Suffield school was Miss among the selectmen of the town.