" . ''', "

All the News of All the Po;ntes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews I Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the New! Vol.29-No. 39 -iEI~lt~er;:;;e;ld-;a;;;s~S~e:;Cb;::n;;;d~C;:;;I;:as::s~~;:;I::;at~!e::r--:a:t------'------______th_e_P_o_st_O_ff_ic..:..e_.:atDetroit, ~Iichigan. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, Thursday, September 26, 1968 fso.M':~rc~~:r 32 Pages-Two Section-Section One

Aged Beauty Picked to lead Parade ILongNegotiationsrHospi~alAsks I ..' ICOllllcII for iOver Pay In Park IMore Time Will Present More Per- lEnd in Contracts tinent Da fa At Next Thursday, Seplember 19 Meeting Scheduled THE SENATE by a vote of For Odober 28 7(}.17passed a bill Wednesday .Police, Fire And Public Works Departments Agree prohibiting mail.order sales of riflles, shotguns and ammuni, I To Accept Scales Which Will Apply For Two I A standing room only tion. Before giving its approl'al Years Starting Last July I crowd filled the City of it beat back attempts to require I .. . . Grosse Pointe Co u n c i 1 federal registration of all guns Followmg nearly SIX months of negotIatIons, new Chambers on Monday Sep. and licensing of their owners. two-year c.ontrac,ts be~ween the C!ty of Grosse Pointe tember 23, to hear the Coun- The bill, appreved after three Park, and Its P?l.Ice, FIre, and PublI': Works departme!1ts cil's decision regarding the days of debate, now goes to a have been rattfIed~ and now are In effect, accordmg request of the Sisters of conference committee with the to Robert Slone, CIty manager. Bon Secours for zoning House to resolve diffl!rences in "These new two.year con. 0 ordinances and variances both chambers bills. * * :::- tra~ts will give us an ?Ppo~. Pol:ce Face but thev were disappointed: IN CAPE F:ENNEDY. FLA., tumty to do much more mtelh... I. an attempt to launch the world's: gent financial and physical plan. In a surprise move, Neil most powerful communkations i Ding," S10ne said. "We feel that B:g Problem Hayes, attorney for the bospi- satellite failed Wednesday night I both the community and its em. .. tal. asked just prior to the when the Delta booster rocket ployes will greatly benefit, and W y meeting, that the del;ision be veered 01I course and was de.: we happily announce that all itlt oung deferred until the hospital was stroyed deliberately just tl'/O departments unanimously voted able to present more pertinent minutes after it blasted away. for the ratifications." data to the Council. A spokesman said tracking indio Slone announced that Park Parents' Help Urgently The Council voted to grant cated the rocket had begun to policemen have been given a Needed To Ct:rb Rising the deferment until the next break up when it W

lIfonday, September 23 'I ing pools. and. the cost to the: 'an's. from 15 cents to 20 cents.:" ,-,,-, -. be hroadcast over lhe ~.A. and Isponse to the current prtition. and when he returned to it, pickup scrvice next 1I1anday, TilE SOVIET UNION took a' Park and Shores. to determinc Thcy will alsn alert the cnm. : Sorrmlf~1 t I,snt hsorrowful shown over color teleVISIon. Upon completion of this re- discovercd that an unknown Scptember 29, To utilize this hig stell Sund;y toward landing' the hest design for the Pier- mjssi~n to complaints from local anymo:e. ; sl~c~d er dna~e Among the cars expected ltt I vicw. thc council found iusuffi. motorist had backed into it, service. City residents should 'an on the moon by safely. Park. and what the cost would '.citizens regarding hoth serl'ice was Cd~ntgeh to el hi, an s'teh the show arc Conrad Bouchard's cient reason to change its orig- damaging the grill and front rake their leaves into piles or a nl 'I 0 recovering an unmanned space- be t0 the. F arms. '.1': and fa~1Illes. nn the I.ake Shore move1.1 Dm th erO'Cnew orne WI 1936 Mercedes, Carl Breer's Inal recommend l\ t'I?n t 0 cont'mue en.d Damage was l!St.Imaled at WID. drOIl's between the curb a~ld ship which had circled the i (Contmued on Pal(e 3) . nus Lme. rAs. oro y . ht,onnor. b Chrysler Airflow limousine, the two.way traffIC pattern. ahout $150. the sidewalk. as close to the 'moon. The spaceship, Zond5,: ------.------"So~rr..~ft:~" ~Igthe ~~~m a~~ John Egan's Ferrari, Hal Em. ------.------. ------1 curb as poSSible. was ta~en. aboard a Soviet res. W d' $1 25 M.". Street white puppy whose former own mon~' '29 ]'ineoln. Dave Gah. T if - L, E.f t Puhlic Works Superintendent, cue shIp m the IndIan Ocean 00.8 • r, lOll. J >,' er Cllt of( her ears because she h:lrts. 1903 Sianley, Dr. Ivor ra lC ll.lV It OrCPJneJl, Douglas Co I! ins on. cautions Sunday after splashing down' had "knots" on them. HarrIS ,1930 ,~annon, Arnold _ _ against raking leaves into the Salurday ni;ht~ .. Ligllt:Jlg Prl)J'ect NCltfS End lIfrs O'Connor read ahout!I1offma~s 19.~~ Auhurn, _An. Cuts CharleVOIX A("culents !s!reel or I~la~ing hrush and ... _, "Sorrowful" and decided on the i d~ew lit nderson s 1937 p,ackard I • ." .'. ,'. I ~amllnr dehns Ii' Ihe leaf pilcs. EIGHT WYANDOTTE, MICn. -_ __ _ 'spot that her home was just the IVlctona, George Hubbcll s 1927 . ... -_.-.. I The collection equipment will persons were killed carly Sun. The Woods' six.year, $1.2.1 dividrd avenue, should he fio.. place. for "Sorro\':ful." She con. IPac~ard Phaeton. George W~II-I Pnor to the sleppedup Iraff.,e aCCIdents durmg Jllly anrl Aug., move in an orilrrly route Crom dav when their car ran off a million strect lighting program ished soon, hul no dale has: lacted the president of the Anti, man s .1924 Chr~s~er ~ounng laws enforcement on CharlevOIX list. as comparl'll to. July aI"! one end of Ihe City to the other. ro~d and struck a bridge abut. throughout the city is nearing; hcen sct for this. When C'lm-' Cr Allv Association Mrsi)oro. car, RIchard Wllhams 1910 avenue. fro m Wayhurn to August 1967, :lpproxlmately 20 n C II' '. ' . 1 I . U'. " ,'. , II h'l Th r t Id' C d' h .. f th P k . Th' ,,,r. 0 mson mdlcates the ment 13 miles east of St;,nton, comp1etlOn as the Detroit Ed-, pletcd, this new systclIl 11'11 le thy Dvce who had heen carin" upmo I e. omas e zo s a ICUX, y orHer 0 e ar percen!. IS decrease has II r I' Ky. Dead are Tivis Tiller, 21, ison company is putting the fin. far SU)lC'rior 10 the present [or her ~nd was chosen to b~ 1919 Pierce Arrow. R'lY Schar. council, Charlevoix W:lS ratc(l mov(,d Charlevoix into fourth fO c~ 10~.X CYC~.IS planne~ for his wife, Lola, 21; and their ishing tOilchI's to dual-globe lighting along Mack ;,nd af!rr her m~ner (The A~ti.Crlle1ty fenherg's 1924 Rolls Royee. thr third most dangero'ls main position, displacing Vcrnor ollrd 0 t wo~ days. an~ .IS de. ~hl.loren The Tillers lived at poles in the islands along Mack: they are in oper:lh'ln. the 'lId A~sodation' was )'I1St snowcd- Hufus Hutzel's 1929 Duesen. thoroughfare through the cily. ElI('nbllrg said.. , pen en on t e avallahlhty of , . ., .., h P t 'I I 'k' 1901'. f Iff' 'd A' . manpower. etllllpment and lhe 186 For r' curh and sidewalk Ilill hc dls. ,wh'l wanted to take care of the Huntinghurg. Warn," Winstan I werc concerned. ; city council directed Ellenhurg ~I'e:l.. er. °1r.peratlOn of all Cltl' kl , 1 .' 1934 P, 11' r!1'o 1!l4R A I . hid I I k . , zens I.~neecedlo make the "no his wife, Geri, 21. of Wyano i Peter.~on, on Monday, Seplcm. mantled. .' PI.l\lP.V)M.rs O'Connor was se ey s. ,cn ey an 'I... I t a rcgll ar me('tmg e on to 00 mto till' ('ompl:llnts I .. .. dolle. i ber 23. : The new sy'slem. whIch Will I('cted' heca'l;se she was ho~e Continental 111KI and Charles Monday night, Sl'ptember 23, i made hy citizcns living in Char. )(l1l11l1g program a success. *" The only area that will not: comist of mercury vapor lights, during the day and r.ould give Nagler's 192.1Olds. . Direetor of Puhlic :'iafety Will. Ilevoix avenue, hetl\'een Audu. Tuesday. September 24 ha\'c the new IighlinlZ is Vernier will bring the Woods up 10 thc' "Sorrowful" the extra love and Ford Motor Company will iam Ellenburg ~evealed to the: bon .aml C:ldieux, and to se('k CONTRACf AWARDED ~"RF.TARY GENF.RAL lJ roltd, east of Mack,. at least [or I ~tanr!ards of street lighting rec- allention she needs b 'n I t. ! I .: counCIl that dUring a flvc.year solullOns to the problems On lIlonday, September 23 lhe SF.v h t N 1 h . . " n g severa an Ique ant (' asslc I • I h t d Th h . .. Thanl of thc United Nation, sug. ,t e presen. ew Ig Is in this! ommended hy the National Heidi's two favonle pastimes cars from the Ford Museum and I per.loc, t cmos angerolls ar, , (> aSlc complalll~s, at th(' P:lrk council accepted the' low gested on Monday a (;el\eral spclion arc. hl'ing held in ahey 'Electrical lIIuminalion Engi ;Ire eat,ng (four limcs a d~y will also have experimental and; tCries. whlc~ natur;lll~ carry hme, werc the exccsslve speed b.id of Vanopdenboseh Construc- Assembly vote on ending the ance. pe~d1Dg thc outcome of neering Society, Pctersen said, , pillS snacks) .and ndmg In racing ca:s present. . thc most vehicular tra.fflc. we~e of lrafflc on the avenlle, lInd tlOn company of Detroit, and I\merican hombing of North a dlseliSSlon IInderll'ay hetween. Along with the nel\' slreet the car i\el'onling to l\1rs M,1ck. Jefferson, CharlevOIX the freqllent vlolalron of SlOP awardcd the firm the cont t Vielnam. IIis suggpslion dn'w th(' Wo'lels :lnd the Stale lligh. li.£:hls, P('lersen saiel thai the O'Connor she slec'[ls like 1In Th(' ow~er of the mosl [l0pu a~e1Vernor, in that order, 'signs on north. south streets" for Ihe curbing along Wind~~1 an angry reSI)()nse from George way IJepartm('nt, regarcling ('ity has comp1et!'!1 negotiations angel In her nel\' bed on the' lar car Will Ill' awart!('/l a prlle: rhe director mformed the Also entered as a eomplamt, Pointe drive, The company "f. W Ball. U.S. Amhassador Bali proposcd Improvelllenis to the with the Wayne County !load Ooor next 10 Mrs, O'Connor's at ~ dinner for exhihitors [01 i council that stro~ger enforce. was the alle~ed fast, driviug, of fered to {Io the .iob ror the caJ1eclon T,lant aftcr he made road. ,Commission ,0 install new hed. . . . lo~mg the show~ In case of I ment on Ch,arlevOlx.•.at the be. the Lake Shore Coach tllle basic unit price of ~'\.40 per the suggcstion at a news (:00' I Petersen s~i

II Page TIVO GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 26, 1968 . Brownell School No applications have yet been Charlevoix Accidents Cut Fat"llls Suhlllits Building Report filed for nonassessable building LOOKING fOR 'RICE? NO LOWER FIGURE ANYPlACE. construction in 1968, and none Inviles Parenls , . ------. . The monthly huilding report number of such type permits recorded during the same eight LOOKING fOR SERVICE? WE GIVE THE FINEST, ({ untlOued fro III Page 1) 3. A contmuatlOn of selective I - approved numbered 62, valued An important lJighlighl each the bus drivers. enforcement on Charlevoix receIved .from John A.. DeFoe. at a total of $416,800. months of 1967. ALL THIS, " " AND MORE, TOO AT year ~t Brownell School has I ,I\t its meeting held on August which has definitely improved. Farms director of Publie Servo heen Its ~llnual "School on 26, the council directed City traffic condiUons; 4. The pur~ dce. showed that August 1968 ~chedut~ Nlght"-and this ye~r ~Manager Robert Slone to pre. ch~se o~ one additional radar 1 matched that of Augusll9li7. ex~ TOM TAYLOR BUICK, INC. IS no exc~p.tlOn, Duc. to. the .I~. ,pare a report on the cost of umt which would allow more cept in the total values in mis-, BUICK-OPEL D.EALER cent transitIOn (rom Junwr h/gn the plirchas<, of )dditional CCIUil) frequenl selective enforcement U I. Ir <01b <&rnrral ~tnrt scho I t th 'ddl . hi' . '. . . ce aneous cons TUcllon. New Cors • Used Con • Partl • Custom Collision Shoji (l 0 e!?1 e sc.oo.: ment and police personnel, peti. to atl crll1cal areas In the Park; 13033 GRATIOT LAkeview 6-3000 many. parents Witl be parl1cu, lioned by Ihe citizen.' in the. and 5. Addilional training of D u r i n g these corresponding EAST SIDE'S FINEST Night Service LA 1-9877 tarly mterested 1I~ the program Charlexoix area, and submit thc ,police llersonnel 10 be applied periods, no applications were CARRY-OUT PIZZA scheduled to. begm al 7:30 011 reporl to the council. (0 the traffic control problem. received for permits for resi- Moonday~vellll~g, September 30., At Monday night's session.! Stone based his recommenda. dential construction, none for: BAR.B.O CHICKEN • RIBS n this. flight parents of Slone presented his report, tions on the survey report pres~ commercial buildings, and only I FISH FRY EVERY FRIDAY A Message to the Many Pointe Wives9 Brownell 1I1lddleSchool students which showed that after a ented by Director Ellenburg. 11 for miscellaneous work. of ll~.------WIll have an O!)PUrl~nity to at. study. that the established proj- which was prepared by Sgl. which last month's totat values Who are Well Aware That Their tend their children s classes, celed cost of two additional George Blair, traffic safety amounted to $40,100, as com. 2900 ALTER ROAD meet thel,' teachers, .a~? tour radar units is $1,500 each; and officer- pared to August, 1967. which At Charlevoix Husbands Hove Too Little the general sch~ol f.acllJtlCs. In two additional fully equipped In concluding his report to came to $50.700. ~ Life Insurance, each class of l:l minutes, (sl.~ scout cars, $3,750 each, the coullcil. the direetor offered Since January I of this year. 823-1270 • 331-9153 suhjects plus home room)' Furth" h s'd tl ).' (f Ihe following: only three perm its were ap- WINE & BEER TO GO ~ General American Lofe has a '1ew, remarkable, low cost leachcrs Will explain the 'en. el .. e . ill. Ie p aClIl" 'A . I fl' g of the ec!uvalent of two police . Resu ts 0 se eellve en- proved for rcsidences valued at eral course of study, textbooks ff' f' h'fl h d forcemenl on Charlevoix durin" . h k 0 Iccrs or one s I cae ay " a total of $119.000,as compared I;;:;~~~;a$e,OO,O~O,o~UI~~rhi~i2~8"used, cI~ss routmes, orne wor when leave davs siek time and lhe months of July and August 10 Ihe same period in 1967. ~------.c expcctations. methods of cvalu. furlo " t' k' . t 'd have shown an increase in vio which saw six pcrmits granted iI off : Initial yearly deposit - Age 35 preferred rrsk atin' u g . I u"s arc a 'en m 0 consl - : 50 g p p ,11:0ress, speela eration would necessitate the lations issued by 37 percent; B. for homes valued at a totat of I S50,000 00 mon,mum ! help opporlt\mlte' p I ann c' d ... ' Th has h d t' lOn. $311,000. : ON ANY LARGE I activities ell' ., . adl.U!lon of thre~ palrolmen at c e_~e t eeC~a re .ucd .~~ ) It could be pr~lltablc to show him this item. l , . . a cost of approxlma'ely S36oo0 a CI en s on ar evolx urt <- Frolr. the beginning of this For other Age Prices and details. PT": prcsldent Floyd S. ~Ixon, a year. .., this period by 20 pcrcent; C. I year through August 31. the I Jr. Will welcome thosc m at- 'fh' .t' I tl f th f- The total number of hours by Gordon Campbell. 503 Neff. Grosse Pointe TU 1.9412 ~ t d . th hie 101 la ou ay or CIS. Far m s Building Department I' : PIZZA : en ancc via e se 00 P .A. al 196869 . I d' the radar unil has been in. ~lfice: 20840 Scuthlietd Rd., EL ~I system and a grou" of ci"hth c yea r ., lnc u lIlg d b t okayed a total of 62 miscellane~ WITH THIS COUPON I ~ " • l' ,., equipmenl and personnel would crease y 51 percen . ous permits valued at $304,500.i GOOD TUES. THRU THURS, gr~de stuJ.ents WIll ser.ve as amount to $46500 Th' f I D. The violations issued by whreas. from J an u a r y 11 I I gUides durtng the evenmg to "ear h dg t h' ' e t' Islca thl; radar unit has increased by through Aug'Jst 31, 1967, the ~-- - -_ ..------'._ .. assist parents in locating class nd ute. d aS nOth~artICU ar 94 percent over the same period - - - f S f f rooms. Refreshments. under Ihe ,u t se aSdle _or ItJSthYPtetho in 1967- E Street stop bars h . h' \en ure, an I t IS fe a e ,- c alrmans,lp of ~rs. :rhant probtcm can be dealt with by painted uniformly throughout Jarman, WIllbe available m the the im I me tat. fl' the entire length of Charlevoix school cafeteria during any eo p e tI! IOn dO_ cer am and no single intersection can - d d' t d " rc mmend a Ions an Improve. . " pcrlO eSlgna e as study I ~ t hI' h d b th especially be smgled out for haII" or "I unch" on a. studcnt' s traffimen s .s es da IS beyeth P b correction. schedule c survey one y e u - h Your Favorite ~AUi9"tor . lie Safety Division the city G. A check of t e type of Treasurcr Carl Norman .has manager stated.' accidents on Charlevoix are "of also arran~ed to set up stations "After a study of this report" the enter intersection without for collection of PTA dues. h 'd "'1 Id. t' proper observation on the part All-Weather Coat Has B II P. . I W'lli e sal I wou seem 0 me rowne rmClpa I am th t th'e t b' I t' of the driver" and no amount Christofferson eo m men ted, to ath t ~.os 0 b~IOUSsOCuhlOnof traffic e~gineering can cor. "This program has tradilionatty levol.e ra IidcbPr"'themd0I!. ar' reet the driver of this type Not A Brand New Look b f 1 k' k ff h x wou e e eVlsmg 0f . . '. een a succes u Ie 0 to t e methods to divert traffic from one aCCIdent ~eport has. mdi- school year, and we ext;ect an this street which could be done cated that addItional engmeer. even greater nu~ber thiS ye~r by the wi'dening of Mack ave~ ing is necessary. Educational ~ ;...: . to see what mIddle school IS nue (from Somerset to Cadieux' programs and materials should GRAHAM'" GUNN, LTD America's most wanted all abou!::" However until such lime as th~ be provided to eliminate this split rag I a n gabardine Wayne County Road Commis- accident cause. prenDU' the veJted luit ia looks smarter than ever sion sees fit to undertake this H. Statistically, both Mack in the new 40" length 1969 project, we will neccssarily have and Vernor arc higher in num- wit h backing pockets, to look in other directions for ber and percentage of ac- ,.~>iGREYFLANNEL reliet" cidents; I. 0 n e additional and 42" length, wit h Slone made the following rec~ oftic~r should. be trained. for For years cl.e choice Qf disaimilll.t. slash pockel~. The fine e~ ommendations: L Parking be traffiC and aSSIgned to full bme iag men, this fabric has again rism all-wool worstcd wit h eliminated on the south side of traffic enforcement; and J_ Con~ Alligator's dependablc. Mack, allowing two tanes of tinue selective enforcement on to i posicion of irnponancc in gca. durable watcr-repcllent is Now On traffic to progress during the a program basis_ clemen's . ,traditional. Get yours to- rush hours, although this flOS- . Direct?r Ellenburg said that Immaculately tailored by d;ry and be rC'Idy (or sihly will crcate i1arking com~ I? the light of a. re~omme~da- GRAHAM & GUNN'In our highly whatever weath.:r winter Display plaints on the side streets on bon that a traffIC SIgnal light has in store for us. Ihe soulh side of the avenuc. he i~statted at Charlevoix and favored GLYNFORD natural Sept. 26,27, 28 This could be diminated by Buck~ngham, a study ~vas made shoulde[ modcl, it is ttllly aD ideal AIIl"lllltor 65 00 traWc surveys and subsequcnt of thl~, ~nd that acctdent. rec- business suir. \ Gold. Lobel. .. .. • 9 a.m.-9 p.m. posting of either no r,arking, or ,~rds mdlCate that the SIgnal limited parking signs on streets light may wett cause a greater concerned. number of accidents then pres- $145 Refreshments 2. Rerouting of Ihe easl.bound cnUy experienced. The support- Lake Shore Coach from Charle. ing data on this is indica~ed by Ninety.day Ch"fI' Accounfl'ff IVIfI,bl•. voix to Mack to reduce the daily the Vernor Highway~Bucking. Boger number of coaches that would ham signal, he pointed out. WHALING'S Iliuke travel on Charlevoix during a 'l'he dire~t?r sai~ that an ac- Graham & Gunn amm$ "n EXCLUSIVI WITH UllN' DETROll' me1't's wear 24-hour period, from 104 to 52. c~terated balson WIth Russ Har. Cadilla~ (City Allorney Richard Rohr rIson of the County Road Com- said Ihat therc is a question of mission regarding the widening ---- oC whether the city can do this M~ck aven~e, has ?rought a Van Dyke ~ bet. 10-11 Mile Icgnlly. since this is under the prom.lse of mformatlOn £:om ~ Woodward Avenue at Grand Circus Park control of the Michigan Public H~rnson, expccted sometIme ~ Also in Chicago _.• __ _ ~<:~v_ic_e_C~m_m_ission). thiS week. fi&lft~~~:fR)rsifi)ti~t;¥NJ~Mr. Luck is the crossroad where It it'. nautical but planning and opportunity meet. nice.. we've gat it! Open Thursday and Friday Evenings Browse il OrOtic I ";::C ..~.: ~:Jecia ftieJ NATURALAffiE@ the Pointct Ne.ws I - nom9re need be said! nautical (fi/tJ ship's Published Every ThUIllday b, Anteebo Publishers, IDe. • HI. LO.d$hip Jewel •.,. wheel, 99 Kercheval AVeJ1ue • Dockle.,'. Sprodro •• 19605 Mack Grosse Pointe 36, Michigaa (alS.,.

; Stripes _ Traditional 1<:.1 co .. .~ 55 S.trQ)es ~ ~ iii Muted or bold, narrow, me. ~ 'in dium or wide. They make a 03 1O great ch,mge-of-pace suit. < )'ou ore invited b aIencI >co In Van Boven's flawless soft ~m ~ < a trunk showlft9 of >- shoulder construction. The m ktmbottoft MI"" Clothtal ~ fabric: a superior wool i 6) worsted in a great range of tii Thursday, Sept. 26 - 11 a.m. to 9 p.m, ffi colors. Available in either < Mr. Michael Kinney of Kfmbolton ctassJcI .. rnsIlnt .. 'W lwn ?lOll S(lY t. Nafll1(/{(lil~ " (0 I he 11/an > ~ ll)JIO .favols ClIP('lIt t rariitioJlnl f(lsllion, ~ 2-piece or 3-piece. See these ~ ~urrent collettion of Kimbolton natural shoulder ~ far Wm'l;C said it alf. Ill' lil/OWS, (rom l(Jl/a ~~:- r~ri(,lIr('. IIw( Tin model ca(da:" tlir call- ~ fine stripes now while we ~ the man who favors the pure traditional look In bIs 8PPIRL t~lIIromr!l spirit a, sllccess{lIlIy (IS "No/lIml- Featured will be lighter tones in ~ ...... lAd (lirc" b!lll. frc('llw/t & SOil. WI/iell is wily we ~ can offer full size ranges._ tii carry it in sueh va riel y. lDterasting color mixtuI'eS. from $125 ~ ~ ~ .~ f'rom: $100 '0 $17.1 ~ loW rnH;:!} !

I;Q 41 ADAMS AVfNlJ[ ~AST 01 GRAND CIRCUS PARK ~~ rn WO 2.1605 Jacobsons KUIl:IIEVAL at ST. CLAIR. GROSSE POINTE lO Charge Accounts Invited MEN'S STORE TO 211970 6i Store Hours: Mon. Thru Sat.-9 :30 to 5 :30 ~ Opell Thursday everljugs 'n Aho in Ann Arbo~ ~9J\8A81\8"8J\8I\8A8A8I\SN3ABASI\8I\8A8ASASIfJfj) ,. • • Thursday, September 26, 1968 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three Sympathy helps, but never I Habit leads a man into many ~~o~~~~~~gt~~lle_to~, I pitfalls, none of them justified. Adult Education Classes Offered on Many Subjects GROSSE POINTE Are you bored? Do you want just quite how 10 go aboul il, are $12 except for Russian o'clock for a fee of only $12. i Higl"vuy [0 find something new aud in. wh.v not join Chef Charles Mar. which has a fee of $15. Classes begin in October, so teresting to do? Well the De- chand's class in French Cook- Looking for a new hobby? if you are interested. call the WAR MEMORIAL Department of Community Servo I partment 01 Community Serv- ing'! This 10-week course pro- How about Beaded Flower Bou- .Asphalt Puvi"y Co. ices may have just what you're vides basic instruetion in the quets? This course in the ;;ge- iC''!s at 885.3808 or 885.0271, im. ASSOCIA TION looking for! This is the time spacious kitchens in the Home old art of the French and Italian mediately. Pre-Registration is 'of year the Adult Education Economic Department of South peasants will be offered on necessary. NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING OF MEMBERS • SEAL COATING. DRIVEWAYS classes are being set up. The High School. .Classes will meet Wednesday afternoons beginning courses they're offering t his on Tuesday mghts from 7 10 10 October 9 in the Commumly The Annual Meeting of the members of the Grosse • PARKING LOTS • REPAIRS Pointe War Memorial Association will be held at the Grosse fall have something to slIit o'clock. Fee is $25 for lO weeks : Serviees Building. This ten-week Kiddy Pool Poinle War Memorial Center, 32 Lake Shore Road. Monday, : everyone's interest. . Or. if your children are all : course will cost $15 plus mate. September 30, 1963, at 8:30 p.m. to hear reports of Officers, ! If you've always wanted to: grown.up and you're finding it! rials. The meeting time is 12:45 (Continued from Page 1) to eleet Directors, and to transact .iuch other business as Bremer said that the esli- I Telephone DI 1-4506 I surprise your friends with some I difficult to cuok for two, why: to 3:15.' These beautiful floral may properly come before the meeting. I exotic cooking and never known not join Ruth Engle's "Cooking: arrangements make perfect and mated cost of a wading pool in the Pier.Park would be between Six Directors will be elected to serve for three years ~~~~~~~~~~"",---.- ..-.-_-_--_---__---~II ------.-----.---.- ..- for Two" class, which meets on ,different Christmas gifts . to fill the vacancies caused by the expiration of the terms $10,000 and $15,000. which would . .----- . NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB Thurs.day evellings. ~ee is .$25: Always had the secret desire of office of Mr. William F. lIuetteman. Mr. Harry W. Mellen, fALL ACTIVITIES for eIght week. of InstructiOn.: to strum a banjo? Here's your include a water filtration sys. i ~Irs. Paul G. Hykes. Mrs. Robcrl P. Scherer, Mr. Robert H. telll, and a unit that would START FIRST WEEK With the holidays just around chance. Ray Terrill is providir.g Kanzler and Mr. Philip N. Buckminster. -- drain and reWI the pool ap .. /. IN OCTOBER the corner, wouldn't it be fun the instruction for Grosse Paiute proximately every foUT hours. i All persons who have contributed funds to the Grosse ~"ii\."- . Regi,ter Now .t to know how to do some fancy adults in a lO-wcek course iit Pointe War Memorial Assotiation are members of the As. 17150 Waterloo or Food De"orating? Arlean Yost the High School on Tuesday sociation and will be entitled to vote at the meeting. ~ coli TU 5.4600 teaches the artistry cf food dec- evenings for a fee of $12. A Boris Romanoff who'! By order of the Board of Directors. fJP.•...' :.'J;;;i!'...... ••.••....•..;;.•...... ••...•...•...... '.!.' ___. ~_ orating in an eight.week COurse limited number of banjos will Boris Romanoff the great \:.t.Ti ~ ..~ ,ru/.I whieh meets on Wednesuay:;. be availalJie for rental for $15.. pianist is at Andrea B. illulford (llrs. John W. Mulford) stonewood " '~,;'. r;"!AUTOMAT(ON from 7:30 to 9:30, for a fee of Since the computer .age is THE OLD PLACE M • $10... here, wouldn't a course m Data Secretary makes dialing !. Maybe your IIIterest IS read.: Processing be hC'lpful? Then tS30\~. /:/If;"on II?g.. .' t?e Department of: join this 10.week class meeting .I- ....J '--- __-._-_-_-_-__-_- ..-_-..-..-..------.....~~~~. unnecessary wit h CommuOlty ~ervlCes has a num- on Thursdays from 7:30 to il:30 bel' of cl)urses for YOIl. How ------_ "I":ODIA .. about a Reading Improvement PRES I' 't.. course? This course is designed Reckless Drivers Charcoal Broiled Steaks to increase the Sliced and com. prehension level of pupils IV h 0 Fined hI Court do not have serious' reading . pro b I ems. This eight.week TAKE-A-STEAK ! conrse is scheduled for TlIe~:day Ronald R. Salo, of 4316 Guil- 18499 MACK at OPAL (2 blocks west of Mack-Warren Int~rsection I evenings from 7:30 to 9:30 and ford street. Detroit. a deaf ! the cost is only $10. mute, found guilty of driving while under the influence of Or are you one of those busy alcohol, was fined $75, and had CARRY OUT OR DELIVERED-TUxedo 4-3000 persons who cannot keep up his operator's license revoked 25e Delivery Charge with today's Best Sellers. the for three months when he ap- Open Daily: 4 :00-1 0 :00 p.m. Sundays: t :00-8 :00 p.m. books Americans arc reading pea red before Park Municipal and talking about? Then join Judge C. Joseph Belanger, Wed. From the Charcoal Broiler t Robert M. Orr. Director of Pub- nesday. September 11. Police T: tAl: lie Libraries, on Thursday eve. reported he ignored a red traf .. DINNERS PRES I0' 0 nings in the Exhibition Room at fic signal, and was "driving in (EACH DINNER INCLUDES FRENCH FRIES, SALAD AND ROLL) Central Library at 8 o'clock, an erratic manner." Your Choice of Three Salad Dressings-Italian, Blue Cheese, Thousand Iskmd and hear him rev i e w there STRIP STEAK (8 oz.) (Boneless) 1.95 at tMpMM «Jt qf (I,~ books. Wilbur Harrington. of 433 Lakeland avenue. forfeited a STRIP STEAK (12 oz,) (Boneless) 2,95 ••• remembers your Or maybe you'd like to in. $20 bond for driving 40 miles STRIP STEAK (16 oz.) (Boneless) 3.95 crease your vocabulary? Then an hour in a 30.mile zone. Rob- phone numbers and sign up for the Vocubulary Im- ert McMullen, of 867 Notting. FAMILY SIRLOIN STEAK (2 lb.) 6.95 dials them for you! provemellt classes scheduled to ham road, pleaded guilty to (Serves four, boneless) 1 00 byREVERE meet on Thursday evenings backing his car without due BEEFBURGER (V4 lb.) ------.------. THE SHIRT OFTHE YEAR, by Revere. from 7:30 to 9 :30. The fee is care and caution, was fined $5. un Sesame Bun, Salad and French Fries IMMEDIATE ADVANTAG.ES $12 for 10 weeks. George Collins, of 20450 Bir- CHOP SIRLOIN OF BEEF ----- 1.75 "Stonewood," the fireside-to.formal turtle. 1, Convenient Planning a trip abroad? Why wood avenue, Detroit, paid a neck pullover, Cheers for 100% Orlon-, not learn to speak a foreign $20 fine for carelessly driving FRENCH FRIES ,...... 30e No looking up numbers! ONION RINGS SOe langullge? Join one of the l"cr- into an interseclion. George EXTRA SALAD .. 2Se POP ... 20c for the luxurious soft.knit look, the wash and 2. No installation eign Language courses current- Metcalf of 13940 Mack avenue wearability. Come in today for the most Plug in outlet and usel b: being o.ffered !n .the. Commu- forfeited a $15 bond for speed: 1 Family St)'le Bucket 0' Clzicken. OIty .Servlce BUlldmg. Monday i ing. ! B,te/wt 0' Chiclwn versatile addition to your wardrobe. No. 1 BUCKET, B Piece, Chicken, 1 order af 3, Economical even lOgs . from 7:30 to 9:30., Chester Brown 11, of 2605 (0 10 corte) No additional rental chargesl french frie" ,,,!od . . $2.85 Choose from the wide selection of colors. ~lasses 10 Spams~. German, I Lenox. Detroit, paid a $15 fine $2.30 No, 2 BUCKET, 12 Piece~ chicken, 2 crders of $1' 9.50 installed F re?ch and RU5s1~n can .~e I for speeding. Thomas Crowther, 8 Pieces, ~-erves 2 .. frenela fries, 'Diad. (Serves 3-4) .. $3.99 had. T.uesday, e~emngs. an m. \ 790 University place, paid a No. j BUCKET, 16 pieee, chicken, 20rden of '1000 -ouPont' Reg. T.M. Call or write ter.n~dlatc class 10 Spa~l~h a";d $10 fine for driving with an ex- $.3.1 5 french fries, salad. (Serve, ~-6) $4.99 for free demonuration Engltsh for new Aml;:rlcans IS pired license. and an additional 12 Pieces, Serves 4 . . Yz Fried Chicken (4 piece,), Slaw, Roll, Fries, offered. .. I $11 for speeding 35 miles an f '" M EN'S WEAR, INC. .. $ 4. 15 CHILD'S CORot'E~r~3sPi~~~~i;5Iaw:R~iCF~i~;;...... $1.59 ..A.RMCO Wednesday those 10 tbe mter- \hour in a 25.mile zone. 16 Pieces, Serves 5 . Cranberries $1.15 _ .~... 16930 Kercheval, :!IdJBTRIBUTCRB mediate category can take C er- Peter LaFond 467 Univer- $.501 5 Chicken, Shrimp, Ribs Dinner.... $2.75 man, beginning Italian,. or ad. sity place, charged with ignor- 20 Pieces, Serves 7 . .. Rib, and Shrimp Dinner 2.50 "in the Village" III .... -, 341 Fi,her Rood vanc~ classes In Sp~msh an?r ing a signal light. forfeited a $6 15 Chicken and Rib, Dinner 2.50 RUSSIan; Thursdays mtcrmedl- $10 bond. On an identical •. Roost Beef Dinner . J .75 Grc$$e Painte Forms 24 S 8 -,Iff Open Thursday, 'til 9 p.m. ate French is being offered. charge. Matez Jaksa, 2645 East Pieces, erves .. Rib Dinner ' .. 2.30 882-5710 Fees for the lO-week conrses }<'erry, Detroit, had a similar I ----- ..------.-. bond forfeited. . 32 Pieces, Serves) 0 $8. 15 ~;:a,R;~,I~in:oe:stBeef Sondwieh.:::::::::::::::::::::::: 3::g • l~ ----~.... H__ . n - ';J Jlen who are industrious and - sincere will have easy slcd. l~~~,=~~;,~~J~~~~~~ =J~69FR~ED.C~AM,D~~~E~;;..l:~~ ~ ding on their way to success .

•••• a ••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••• , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , •••• ~ ~ ... ~. . . . . $310 will buy yoU . . . '.. . . 60 hours of French lessons . . in New York: l see our .I $357will buy you European ! . 50 hours of French lessons' . . in Pdris,including the trip .. . . collection I. KLM announces the University of the Air. October 5, 1968. You can enroll for any . . two-week session from then until the end . . For liule more than it costs to study here, . . we'll fly you to Paris for two weeks of of March, . . The "tuition" is per person, based on . . French lessons at the Alliance Fran<;aise. . . Or to the University of Florence to study double occupancy rooms and IS-person, . . J4121-day GIT economy fare from New . . Italian. Or Heidelberg for German. Or . . Barcelona for Spanish. York. If you'd like to go single. there's a . KLM flies you over. You're taken to small extra charge. . From the Master Craftsmen of the Old World, Wood proudly presents ~ your hotel. Put up for I 3 nights. Fe~,b:c~k. Ifyou'd like all the particulars, fill out a magnificent selection of fine motor cars ... Volkswagen, BMW, ~ fast every morning. Given a set of Llvmg the coupon. Or see one of our admissions Mercedes-Benz. In each, hand-crafting makes the difference. Hand- ~ officers (otherwise known as your travel Language"S records, with a manual and crafting that is very much in the European tradition ... that marks the : dictionary. And sent off to learn the lan- agent). Or call KLM at WO 5-1650. important distinction between so-so ... and superb. That assures : ouane of the country. KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Dept. C .::> ~ The price? $357 for French. $377 1101 Wa~h. 81vd .• (ialeway Center Bide. you that your Wood automobile will retain its value and distinctive ~ for German. $387 for Italian. And $397 Detroit. Michigan 48226 : good looks year after year. And you'll find a complete range of E for Spanish. Send me a free "University of the Air" I>rochurc. In France and Italy you even get ; price as well, from Volkswagen, through BMW, to Mercedes- E student cards. Good for free or reduced ad. .: Benz. See our European collection. Visit the Wood Galleries today, .: missions to museums and theaters. And .~ . ADDRESS PHONE :. special student restaurants in Paris: . ~ ZtP ~. CITY STATE •••••••••• ( •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• t ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• How much can you learn III two "\ l" . weeks? You'll be getting at \cast 40 hours MY TRAVEL AGE:"T .. of professional instrl!ction !n the langu~ge .. you choose. But every Walter, street sl?n and pa~~erby is an instnJct(~r, too. You Ie learning something every ~lOute. "OVAL DUTCH "lftLINE. &0 .: ~ University of the AIr starts classcs WOOD IMPORTS, INC. WOOD MOTORS, INC. -Based cn we leading languagcS'hool's rates. 15415 GRATIOT AVE, (Af 8 MilE) I DETROIT I CALL 521-0600 W1 15351 GRATIOT AVE. (AT 8 MILE) I DETROIT I CALL 52H900 ~ . W • I• •

S5S 0.1 Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. September 26. 19M

Too many people are inRu- \ Hypocrites set good examples enced by everything but facts. only when there's an audience. Shift in Education Pattern ~~~i~h~~ntre~e~xe :~c~1:r3~:i Contracts Signed for Pay in Park course oferings. I (Continued (rom Page 1) uling. The Junior High School Eight: facilities and staffs (Continued from Page 1) street department, represented job well done." I which were built and selected elsewhere throughout the coun. 1 the DPW. ! Other officers of POA are sizes creative exploration. The emphasizes the principal.made with the Middle School concept try" he added. He also agreed In a letter to Park. negoti~. 'Ralph M?ore, vice.president; Junior High School emphasizes schedule.. in mind. CIIY OF ARANIIS, FLORIDA , tors, Charles A. Petne, preSI' Robert Saifyrd secretary and mastery of concepts and skills. I .The r.~lddle School. empha. The next article will explorE.' that the two.year contracts are dent of the Grosse Pointe Police Gary Mitchell. 'treasurer. ' sIzes van able group Sizes. The (Palm Beach County) much better for aU concerned Officers Association, offered The Middle School emphasizes Junior High School emphasizes the Middle School in operation belief in oneself. The Junior the standard classrooms. _at_P_i_er~. A Golf Course Community with 21 Holes of Golf than those which previously this thanks for their support. run for only a year." "I feel the members of our MIGHT BE RELATED High competition with others. The :Middle School emPha'l FOR SALE: Beautiful 2 bedroom, plus paneled den, 2 b.ths, . .' A~sociation can be proud that Mrs John Bracken 650 Wash. I . The Middle Sc~ool .empha. sizes team teaching the. Junior powder room, axt'a la'ile family '1II1m, ",eened patio, 2.ccu . Negotiators. representing t.he these items were all gained ingtoil' road cal~d City police dSlzesstudent 'dself.dlr;~t10~, 1;In. High, one teache~ for each . ' er expert gUl ance. e uDior class I 1969 ,,,o,e..0;' and heat. $62 500 city we~e Rlc~ard ~o.hr, city through collective bargaining, COMPLETELY FURNISHED . , attorney, Nunzlo ~rhsl, comp' and not through a display of on FrIday, September 6, to reo High emphasizes adherence to . . port that she found a small hole the teacher. made lesson plan. . The Ilhdd le S~hool emPha • troller. and Councilman George exhibition. Indeed, the willing. . . sizes a se lf.paclDg approac h eadill.tmL ~E~t~~ ..~EI~~.~~: ..~~'~is~ed ~.. bed,oom" $ 4,000 VerDonct. 'ness o( all officers to maintain in a jalOUSie window of her The Middle S~h??1 emph~slzes with students learning at dif. Other Team Listed a professional attitude through. home. On that same date of. ~tudent respo~slbilltr for learn. ferent rates. The Junior High Or will "" furni,hed $44,000 A team composed of Ander. out this difficult period has,. I ficers found three 12 gauge I~g. The JUDlor Hlg~. ~mpha. School emphasizes a textbook son Lee A. Fallieres secretary. feel, reassured not only the City shotgun casings and four 16 Sizes teacher. responslbllity for approach, with all students on Now On Pearl Malone, Associate treasurer of the FFA and Wi!. man8gement but the citizens of gauge casings. along with two student learDlng. the~'lme page at the same time. R. BRUCE PUCKETT, INC" REALTOR liam Hiner, vice.pre~ident ne. thi~ comm~nity, th~t w~ bave full bottles o( beer, scattered The l\Iiddle School empha. How Does It Work Display in the street near 444 Washing. sizes student independance, the Enough about the differences 1126 f. Atlantic AVI., Delroy Beach, Florid. gotiated for the firemen. WH. their best mterests m mmd. ton. Po~ice ar:! investigatin~ t~ Junior Hi~h. teacher control. Now just how does the Middl~ 'hen.: 305.276.6018 Evenin,s: 305.732.4036 Ham Griesbeck of the Water "I offer my appreciation to Department, and Walter Kolar the members of the negotiation determme whether the two IDCI. . The lIIJddle Sc~ool. empha- School concept work in our Sept. 26, 27, 28 and Camiel Geldhof, of the team for their support, and a dents are related. ,SIZes student planDlng In sehed. system? Pierce Middle School has aU 9 a.m.-9 p.m. the sixth graders in its district in the building this year, some Refreshments 29B students. I The curriculum features the humanities and other interdis. Roger ciplinary studies. Included in the weekly student schedule is Rinke independent and enrichment activities emphasizing student ~adilla~ planning and decision making. Van Dyke Guid,'nce activities function as an integr81 part of the in. het. 10-11 Mile structional program. Mr'. William Mogk, principal of Pierce, said in his opinion some of the common denomin. ators of a Middle School are; a real concern for the Teaching- Learning process with empha- sis on the student. Subject mat. ter is the vehicle through which to reach the student. Two: student involvement and decision making In his academic ('areer. This is accomplished through a sound, effective Guid• •• __ IIIJIiilIl_Im'''l!IilIT%TTi'imi~f7ilmmi]!lm~miilili!iil'@1il1?l1ili~¥?1m. mIlm."I!!l!!J •• BII.e.&l •••• II?mi'¥I!i".I11.i' I!I!l!!il!!lll1lR.mm.m_!5it@m'%l!iilllii@ilf!mIEi'.3?IT? MmW!?tlmW?*2iY;jj,';;f«i&?E¥.liIf~1it~~ ance Program. The parents are actively involved in this process. Three: the use of a wide var. iety of instructional media coupled with varying length of periods for the various sub.! jects. ; This afternoon he signed two new contracts, Four: a Learning C en t e r which is central to the function. ing of the total curriculum. Five: Team Teaching. Profes. nine business letters ... sional staff.Student ration ex- Credit card coverage and 25% ceeds the present GrossI'. Pointe more contents protection for ration. home owners at no extra cosL Six: Team planning centers, Only at Slate Farm ... number t\!source centers and the use of one In homeowners Insurance, with rates lower than most. paraprofessionals. I can give you Seven: opportunities for stu- king size home- ... " .. 1M owners coverage .A. and probably .. save you money. INI."N(I Fi.eplace CaJlme. •

Wood , Birch or Hardwoort MR, EDWIN • (ANNAL COAL HESKETT, (,l.U. • KINDLING WOOD delivery to all tire Pointes 886-8122 CALL 777-2800 63 K.rcheval "On th. HIli" VIAENE NURSERY SALES Colonial Fed'rll Building

HO'W to Select a Good Gas Furnace


ROBERTA, "Doc" WILLIAMS and a "temporarY;" stop-gap will. (AIR. INDOOR COMFORT)

In most o( our everyday why we recommend that purchases. 'we have learned you consider in your pur. through the trial and error chase of a gas furnace the method, just how to pur. sensational CARRIER GAS chase such common items FURNACE - the furnace as groceries, clothing, and that changes its size with many other household itel'ls. every change in the weather It's easy to make a mistake CARRIER furnaces are built in a purchase when experi. of the (ine;;t and most rug- ence dictates just what we ged materials. If you \\ish, Ideally, a will should not be made in a rush. reviewed regularly as a man'r. estate devel- officers. Our practical insights on property want and don't want .. If we you can compare thc thick. problems-and opportunities-are at your make a mistake. it is often ness of the steel, the excel. Actually, it happens all the time. Sud- ops, as his family grows up. returncd or quickly replaced. lent controls, and other denly confronted by a long business trip or Make sure your will is aU that it should service. It's quite different when working parts to those of it comes to buying a gas other furnactls. CARRIER a va cLition abroad. a man reasons that a be. In the process, you and your attorney Write or phone Edgar B. Galloway, Vice furnace for your home it's guarantees long life and unusual for a pel'son to buy minimum scrvice. With its "temporary" will is bettf-:rthan none at all. are invited to consult with NBD's trust President (965-6000, ext. 2182). a new furnace more than unique fealllre of adjusting ollce in a lifetime. In most the size of the gas flame That's true ... temporarily, cases there is a lack o! size and blower speed to TRUST DEPARTMENT buy i T. g expcrience and adjust to even the slightest But critical dangers lurk in the stop-gap knowing just what to look change in the weather, the for ilJ buying a gas fur- CARRIER FURNACE pro. 'wills. of yesteryear which so many men nace systcm. And. quite vidcs comfort for your home continue to depend upon today, "NATIONAL BANK OF DETROIT simply. you can't afford to that cann~t be matched by make a mistake! The mis. other eqUIpment; and with Even the most thoughtful will should be 'w00 D WA R 0 AT FOR T, DE T R 0 1T, M I CHI G AN 48 2 32 take can only be discovered i C~RRIER you'll get low fuel after thc furnace is in usc. bIlls. . . and then it hecomes expen. . \\,'e at .Wlll~ams .are spe. sive and difficult to correct clahsts In Instalhng the the mistake. With an in. C~R~IER furnace in an vestment of this size it is cXlSlIng home. You're as. wise to spen~ some ti~e and . ~urcd by ~l1r years of heat. effort in selecting the right; mg experumcc that you'll furnace system _ beforc a i gct the. right size and cus. mistakc is made and it is tom fit of 2 CARRIER too late. furnace (or your honte. We T,) be a wise furnacc o~(er a free. survey whic.h buyer, onc must decide WI\I dctermme w hat IS what is needed in a furnace ~eeded for your home and and then try to get it. As Just what the cost will" he. an aid and suggestion, wc Why not call 372'01500

submit lhat thesc are the < today and asks for a frce lhings to look (or whcn) survey of. y~U! home. huying a gas furnace. For ~ l' RI',E .SURVEY or more mformahon on the 1. CO:\1Pt.ETE CO~FORT famous CARRIER gas fur. 2. ABSOLUn; SAl"ETY naces, call "Doc" Williams 3. LONG EQUIPMENT at 372.5500, Williams Re. LIFE frigeration and Heating, Inc., 4. MINIMUM (Servicing Grcater Detroit SERVICE COSTS Since 1937) AN AUTHOR. S. I.OW FUEL BILLS IZED CARRIER DEALER. 'l'hcse are the reasons - Adv. - --~- -. ---,.-- _. -- - - - ~ ------p -~~~---- ...... ------'. '.


Kiwanis Club STORM SASH FOR STEEL CASEMENTS Nalbl. M?torCCYhclistl Woods' $1.25 4~illion Street Lighting ProJ.eet Nears End I To fit all styles of "Feneslra~" type wJndow', Selling Peanuts F o oWIng ase .. I furnished in Alum. or Steel, in color. __ (Continued from Page 1) Istatlon, and t~e s~ttmg of more, church is on Mack, directly op. on the southbound lane of Bour. "NOTE" AIR.TEC SEC.TIONS EASY TO OPEN I The Kiwanis Club of Grosse A 17.year.old youth on a mo. rector Allen Andrews, on Mack, modern tra£C~c slgna~s at the posite the MlInic~pal Building, nemouth, than there have been i Hinged for clnnlng. no star .... ItlYS on I Pointe: Inc., is again participat. toreyele, ~creechlng tires in the at ilie following intersections: Torrey road mtersechon. who use th«: public p~rking lot along the entire length of ye" 'Iound-US days 0' comfort. Anodlud I or baked enlmel flnilh. Bllck.brown-gr""" ing in the annual "NATIONAL Gros~e Pomte High Schoel South Lochmoor boulevard, Torrey Thi., he pointed out, will around the city hall, Will be ab~e Mack, within ilie city limits. gray.red or while. KID'S DAY" on September 27 parkmg lot, took off at high road, Cook road, and Bourne- benefit motor travel all ilie way to cross. M~ck to park their . ... . alld 28. The purpose of this func. speed when he obs~rved Farms mouth road. to Oxford road, and will give automobJles m the lots, and to Signal 1IghtIDg IS also belDg Burglar Proof Guards for Window. tion is to raise funds for youth Patrolman: am Cardella pulling It was revealed that the Ed.' peopte using the side streets a cross the l1venue o.nfoot, to and p!anned for ili~ ~a~k.7 Sh0r- and Doors Prevent Vandali.", We are speclaUsts in our field work through the sale of pea- up to the curb. The officer gave . .' h I better chance of getting onto from church services. plDg Center, which IS 10 Detro.t, and don'! you forget II. nuts .by Ki~a.llis Club members. chase. ::s ~~p~~it ~~Ide[~~~~n~i~a~ Mack. It will also benefit south- The public safety director just over. ilie Woods.DetroitteP "'0 lAST AIR- TEC w;;. SId. C.II TW2-7800 ThiS actIVIty has generated I Ca.rdeUa said that he \Vas on lights wbich will extend on bound traffic from Huntington said that the modern traffic ~un:ary flfeuf.0 be: u: ~p 7 ""Ll ID. I.,. Sid. Cau more pro c e e d ~ each year routme patrol in the High arms' over the avenue, except to. Manchester. The signals will signals to be placed at the e o.wo ra c, an ena e through. ilie combmed support School area on Tuesday, Sep- at locations where the intersect. slJll be preempted during emer- Bournemouth intersection, will :"otor;s~s to .J:tte{ t e:r and I 8LK. WEST OF OJ>.KLAND------of busmess and profes~ional tember. 17, when he heard the ions are too wide. There, the gency runs, he added. help improve the flo\V of traffic eave e par g 0 sere. ~~~~~oo.a~R~~~~~~~~~~a~~~bd~"to~w~oo~ ~th~beD~,~re_~wlfu~,a~~im~te~~~ ------

0.1 our Gro. s~ Pomte. commun~. tires screec~mg •. and when he ed on wires. pointed out, is that the Grosse accident rate at this location. ties. All momes receIVed gn dl- stopped to IDveshgate he saw Poi n t e Woods P b t. S f thO h'd rectly iuto the ~lub's Cbildrens' Roukos F. Sfire of IRan Chan- Total c~st of this program is I Church parishione;:S y\:~~~~ I the~e h~~e b'::n ~~~~ ace'iJ:~~ Fund for charitable activities. dler Park drive, Detroit, astride $27,520, With !he Woods and the ' ~ Members of the Kiwanis Cluh the machine. county sharmg payment, 50 AFCO yrill be s~lling peanuts at major Slire, on seeing the police car percent each. llltersections 011 both days from stopping at the curb, according Andrews said that the Mack. 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. to the officer. drove out and Lochmoor intersection lights Complete Comfort System ;ndudes These fUJ1ds have been used took off west on Grosse Pointe will be suspended on pole arms. I to purchas': buses to take chil. boulevard, and was paced at 751for belter viewing by motor. I dren to the L,I!;efront Park, pur. miles an hour. The policeman ist.s. This should, hopefully. I c~ase and repair of eye glasses, Ii said that the youth continued I move more cars through this gifts for hospitaliu,ll children, this speed past St. paUl.'s School, intersection and reduce the I food for needy families sum. disregarding students leaving back.up of south bound vehicu- mer camp facilities, sapport of classes for the day. I Jar traffic on Mack, the director B?y Scouts and Girl Scouts, Cardella said that Slire turned said. Llt~~ .League and other youth onto Kenwood, going north at a The biggest ehange, he said, JENZEN activities. fast clip to Kercheval, ilien will be the removal of the Buildillg This year the club used part: right onto Kereheval. at a speed flasher lights in front of the

of the funds which were so gen- I between 85 and 90 miles an hour. emergency vehicle driveway, crously contributed, to purchase Without slacking his pace, Slire le8ding from the police and fire a new bus for transporting chilo: ignored a red light at Kercheval ------Yo« hOllle comfort is not complete unless you hO'fe all threel AFCCfs ADDITIONS electronic air filter makes !he difference. This plus.feoture. odded 10 your drf:n to the Lakefront Park and I' and Kerby, and a second light THIEF TAKES PURSE ,_,UJ, for the construction of a picnic at Kercheval and Moross. ~~ REMODELING heoting and cooling system. operates yeor-oroond ••• removes up 10 900/0 Josephine Hildebrandt of 4831 of all OW. grime, pollen_ven $/IIake particles-from the eirculating air. shelter at the Park. This shelter I At Provencal road, the youth Holmes drive, Warren, notified I You mare easily. your home slays dean. its atmosphere healthy. I' ~eothe will. be completed. shortly and turned leU and headed north at Woods police on Sunday, Sept- dedicated to the CJly of Grosse between 55 and 60 miles an hour. ~.3011 Inveshgote the low cost of complete comfort conditioning by ~CO. SINCE 1900 ember 22, that her purse had TU.1.974-+ Since 1946 Pointe Woods. To expand its i In front of 290 Provencal, Sflre been stolen from the front seat We'll be glad to give you .011 estimate. . many worthwhile projects, the: hit a speed bump, and lost ~on- 20081 Mack avenue. She said club has established a goal of i trol of. his machine, which of her car, parked in front of raising $4,000 in 1968. i leaped the curb and sped onto she. was away from the vehicle Kitchens - Bathrooms lIesign.1I Call 779.2498-MI ".5458-754.9660 A proclamation declaring Sat- the Country Club GoU Course, TOTTE & HERMAN'S Member of aetter Heating Ind Coolin, lurtlu for only 10 minutes. The thief I Recreation Rooml - -Acoustical ceilinl' urday, September 28, as Na. coming to a sudden stop. The got $10, passport pictures, and Pe.ionalizeol Architedu"ll Service tional Kids' Day, .. has been youthful cyclist was tossed over personal items, she said. Complete Home & Cammercial Senici issued by Mayor Kenneth R. the handlebars of the two- McLeod and approved by the wheeler, and. landed on ilie City Council of Grosse Pointe ground,fue wind knocked out of • ~i~:~is~~t:;a~o~~~er~~~o~ hi~~r~~tao~:~:is~a~~~~~ was I • wide. placed under arrest. and with ______the help or" FarmsPatrotman, TWO TOO MANY Otto Glanerl, who is assigned to Introdudng the new Lincoln-Mercurycars. City pOlice' received a call on . the plainclothes detail, conveyed Friday, September 13, from a Slire to the station, where the Lakeland avenue resident reo youth was given a violation porting she heard moaning from ticket for reckless driving. her backyard. Upon auival of. Sfire was r~uired to pay a Three different cars you've never seen before, ficers found a 15.year-old Woods towing fee of eight dollars to the youth, lying in the busbes. He service station employe who told police he had drunk two towed the cycle to the rear of I bottles of beer at home then the' police building, after which I for people Who have never started for a dance at" the he was released on receipt of a I Neighborhood Club. He said, on $5<1 bond posted to guarantee the way, he passed out in the his appearance in municipal I Lakeland yard. Police notified court on October 9. I been in our showroom before. his father and released the I youth to him. He was charged High School TV as a disorderly person - drunk in public and filed in Juvenile ,Outfit Missing: Court. "" Farms pol~e investigat. i ing the disappearance of $1,560 worth of equipment from the 1969 Models Business Education Room at Grosse Pointe High School South, reported by Principal Roamer Gerald Gerich on Monday, August 26. Slickcrafl The items, all television equipment, were discovered Coming Soon m i s sin g by Miss FrBnces French, assistant principal, who No Wood-No Rot told police that she entered the locked TV studio room at 9:30 a.m. The studio is located at (ooper Chris (raft I the northwest end of Room 109. 24910 Jeffeirson I The equipment had been reo 778.3200 moved, cleaned, reconditioned New Marquis. The most cframaticany styled car since rhe Continental MarIe .. and returned by William Hoo- VOIl won't see a medium-priced COf lih \his in any other showroom. Marquis haS" a cke-lOtic ekgonce, a IDOjeslic beouiy liIDt ~ ~CIIlIaIoIlr Ample Paved Parking ver, audio visual director, in ollhe Continental Mark Itt could make. With this siyling and the stffprising price. ¥OlI kJ",e AO elIlCIfSe to seWe a Q cluIliitie car. ------_._. _ .._--- preparation for the opening of school semester on September 4. The parts were taken some- time between July 26 and the time they were discovered gone, police said. Officers conducting the initial investigation, said that who- ever had taken the things, used a key to unlock the door to the studio to enter, and loclted it after leaving. There were no pry marks on the doors or win. dows. , Reported missing were: a I TC.175 Fairchild Vidicon tele- CAlL YOtlEL.Rm I vision camera, valued. at $975; FOR All PEST PROBLEMS I a Vidicon television tube, {or Do-iI'J~rsell pe.sl tOlllrol caa lit the camera, worth $200; a 25mm do-It.yourself troolile. Be nfe. Be l8Ie. C,II lhe eJl)erts. Vorel.Rill F1.9 lens, valued at $40; a 75mm -If H'lOO. No more pem. No __ prOblems. IF1.9 lens, valued at $70; a New Marauder X-loo. Now you don't have to sacrifice comfort if you want a sporty road CC& i Panasonie CC television TR-900 A lull-size rood cor with more thrills per inch than anything that has ever beoo in our showroom. You gel a choke of bench, T...... COIaiort. Of ~ ~of ~Michill.n 1M Video Monitor, worili $200'1 seals; slyled olumioom wheels. a ~ !hal blows by squeezing the steering ~ rim, a 429-C\J.in.•4-bonel ~.g and rokisb ~ ~ ~ 12525 Snnd RlYer-TE 4-6900 The matter was refel'!'~d to for ,. tiob'. ',rm Fl.confrol, officers of the Detective Bureau ""II f.rminix-fE 4~902 1. for further investigation.

New American Cougar with a continental dCCeftt. COU00r ownors w,II tc:ll you how m<;ch lun Ihey arc 10 dllve. That nasn't d.or,g~d. BI)I the loafs hav~, Compore il 10 lf1e lore'gn spol'k ~ Anytn,r,,; Il,e f"rGr)''''''\ con do we can do betler. Cougar is nCjw available as a cCj[,'INI,bi~ And Cougor continues 10 be the be~tequipped lu~ury sporl, cor In Il'. elms, A big 3.)I-cubic inch V-B i~ stclOdard, So are concealed headlamps, ~q'.Ienlioi rear lurn ~noI~ ond bodel SllOls.. YourMercury dealer leads the way with the most exciting new cars in town. LINCOLN. MERCURY

CD FRANK ADAM, INC. 130 Kercheval Avenue, Crosse Pointe Farms. Mich. Thursday, September 2b, 19b8 Page Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS cerning these classes you are ! c\'xcn(s and all home basketball Ct d t D . urge~ to call the Department NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB . games. This is a $20 value for I., Adult Classes A.t North High Parents Offered Bargain by HS U en rivers of Community Services at 885. FALL ACTIVITIES S6,h)" (hewhichstudents.is (he same rate paid i: H G00d Id Adult education is scheduled teenage girls is scheduled for 3808 or 885.0171.Pre.registration START FIRST WEEK In an effort to enco~;;i; i ;;al'. ave eas I to be a part of the comprehen- Monday evenings from 7 to 8 is necessary. IN OCTOBER pe~ent aHendance at Grosse The package of season ti("kels The new ticket package can I sive program of Grosse Pointe's o'clock. The fee is $10 for the Register Now .t Po~nle Hlgh School Soulh ath. will cost S6 and the tickets will 17150 Waterloo or be .purchascd at the lllgh School, Grosse' Pointe High School new e s.t educational fac.il.ity, 10 weeks. coli TU 5-4600 Jellc event~. a special ticket be good for all home foo(ball _._~~~_g_e WIll he offered (his games, all home swimming offlcc. : Driver Education students have ' ~orth HIgh School. ~ull uhhza- Dr. Ruth Cook is new to the I Recreation rahle -- come up with some really I bon of G:oss~ Pom~e Pllbhc Grosse Pointe Adult Education I "Great Ideas" for improvina' School b u I I din g s IS a long- .,' driver safety during a Volks~ standing policy which provides staff, and s~e bnngs with her I Hea/quarters wagen.sponsored program that. extensive educational opportuni. ~n o~tstandmg set of. creden. I asked teenagers: How would; ty for both young and old, day bals m Home Economics. Sh.e I OU' 0 d' f t ? and night. J has a B.A. degree from the VOl' Y Impr ve fiver sa e y. . : versity of Toronto, M.A. and , . Grosse Pomte adults, by the I Ph D degrees from Cornell MISS Barbara Parsons, 895 thousands have found the satis. i u : "t 'th . . i\d It I, Winchester, Grosse Pointe Park fying ple~~ures of a wide range! mvers.1Y":I mal~rs m : . u

is a regional award winner and f d It f T t k' I I' E~ucatlO.n m Family Llvmg,! . . ? a u ac IVIles a mg pace. mmors m Home Management I has received a $100 savmgs 10 (he evenings in the same a d F '1 E . I bond and a plaque for both her. facilities their children use duro hn t ;m~: ~?n~~,csi p us ~ self and her school. Her win. ing daylight hours. os 0 0d er . I~ . eve experl' i ning entry deal( with the de.. ences an tramlng. i sign of new safety devices to I Classe~ scheduled fo.r the n~w Dr. Cook will utilize the new POOL - PING PONG i be produced for the interior and North HIgh ~chool thiS fall m. heme economics department (. f c1ude such thmgs as art, volley- ... POKER . ex enor 0 a car. ball for Men, Piloting (Power faclhtJes to teach ~wo classes. ! . Other presentations (0 the Squadron), Modern Dance for; O.n Mondays she ~vll1teach an • Accessories I "Great Idea" contest by local Teenage Girls, Housekeeping i ~Ight-week course 10 Hou5eke~p. • Supplies (eenager~ dealt with sl'ch prob for Yo,m!! Moderns. Home Man- i mg. f~r Y~u.ng Moderns WhlCh Iems as drunken driving, traffic agemfDt for Job Holding and i C?\ er. suc Items ~s' meal plan • Repairs control and safetv checks. Busy Homemakers, and Swim- f !ling and pre~aratJonJ devel?J>- . mingo i JOg a good kitchen, stretchmg Larry Markhom, 20854 Loch . your money, and selection and WOODS SPORTS moor in Harper Woods. re- . ~rt students who Wish to par- care of clothing and household ceivcd the "Outstanding School' tJClpate ~n ch,ar~oal, water c~l- textiles. CENTER Award" for his idea. Other o.r. or Oil pamt.lOg classes Will 19860 Mack Ave, G I' 0 sse Pointe South High fmd the new Fme Arts depart- On Thursdays her class in Across from the Sphere School students who received ment. at North Hi~h Scho?l. a Home Management for Job. ccrtifica(es for entering were' beautiful and spacIOus faclhty. Holding and Busy Homemakers . John Southcott, 691 Canterbury: Ronald Walford, a professional wi.1Iinclude i~struction. in such Grant Collin 1141 B' h d~ commercial illustrator and re- thlOgs as savmg your t~me and and Steve \:ll"s ;~o~p r:t ' spected Detroit artist whose I ener?y, how to ~ke 1t ea~y. LAMP d . " I , me "One Man Show" at the Iilter- makmg homemakmg a famJly five national Art Center drew great affair, and improving your work,

Edward Rateick, sales man.' acclaim, wiH serve as inslruc. methods. I TROUBLE agel'. and Leon Strauss, assist- tor for the water color-oil paint. For further information con.: ,HIt sales manager from Wood' ing class on Wednesdays and ------~--I 1I1o(ors, Inc.. made the pres. the charcoal sketching class on II. II WE CAN entation at the Driver Educal- Tuesdays. T.bese 10-week classes Radlo Program

"'tion Building. begin October 1 and 2 and will II • REPLACE require a $12 fee. Each student To Salute City I PARTS Receiving the school awards supplies his own working mate- I ' • REWIRE GROSSE POINTE' DIVISION for stude~t partieipa,tion was I rials. I -- I 15415 E. Jefferson - Phone 821-6300 ~ean Bal~lrak, ~oord~na(or for, Volleyhall for Men is a Mon. 1 The City of Grosse Pointe will Raila or low~.. Geor(Jc Measel, Ma71ager Grosse Pomte Dflver Educallon .. dny night class that affords a I be featured in the "Suburban the baR wee k I y night out "with the! Salute" radio program to be boys" in an atmosphere of broa Th 20 .' . . I. .: e .m1Oute program w111 st. Clair Shores I The Gros.se. Pomte . Power I deal with the various aspects 294-3980 Squadron WIll conduct Its ree.! of Grosse- Pointe City's com- 'I ular piloting classes in the new Imunity life facility at North High School: - . . with its first ~'~ssion having i begun on Monday. Septembcr 16. This is a 13 - week ciass which all boat owners and en- thusiasts should not miss. The. only charge for the class is the' purchase of the five-dollar text. Instruction is expertly provided ::J~~:J/U~ a( no charge by the Grosse Pointe Power Squadron. ?CUSTOM BUILDERS Modern Dance for Teenage Girls is available to girls from ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE - FREE ESTIMATES the ninth grade up. This unique RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL MODERNIZATION offering is only possinle because of the availahility of the tal- ented Myra Halsig, who also ~ 822- 8022 14259 MACK AVE teaches the class titled Women's DETROIT, MICH, Exercise in Modern Movement (Wednesdays). This class for! ------_._----- ...."- ,/ BRAND NEW

...and build a CHEVELLE I BISeA YNE 2 DIl. SEDAH 2 DR. SDN. $2045 L~rS68 !~:ITI $2079 return of 5.56% CI;I!YJ:NII. APPROVAL B~~!~ Nail us down 5/50 Time Savings Plan with an initial deposit Manufacturers new 5/fiJ Time Savings Plan will without boxing of $1,000 or more. And you can odd to your payyou 0 :;olid 5 percent interest on your savings yourself in account in amounts of $100 whenever you wish $1944 '2139 for fifty months ... no matter what the economic end earn the 5 percent rate from date of deposit. Even though we pledge to picture may be. It's ourwayof combining minimum NCaODY WAI.I,S AWAY FROM All transactions are recorded in the familiar pay at the 5% onnual rate ... risk with maximum earning power for your money. CHEVROLET'S "VOLUME KING" savings passoook ... a Manufacturers exclusive. compounded continuously And since 5 percent annual interest is the Start earning the highest rate possible on for 5') months ... any savings highest the Federal Reserve Boord will permit your savings Put our Time Savings .:>ndeposit a minimum of 90 any bank to pay, Manufacturers makes the most today. 5/50 Plan to work at the Manufacturers Bank office days may be wilhdrawn at of ,t by compounding interest continuously. This where you live or work. When you want the the quarterly interest pay- produces a return equal to 5.56 percent when most from your money ... If's good fa know ment dates or within ten held on deposit for the full flfty.month period. days thereafter. You can toke advantage of Manufacturers we're in your corner. ~[Ma[R f.D1C.


Thursday, September 26, 1968 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seven

Debt is a trap-easy to get The fellow who sits down and PTA at Mason IBilly Schoenith !Schools Reveal State Secretary into, but sometimes it takes a hopes for the best can be count- I Meets Oct. 2 ,Drowns in Pool :7 NelVCOlners Offers Apology lifetime to get out. ed out as hopeless. NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB FALL ACTlVInES START FIRST WEEK IN OCTOBER Register Now It 17150 Waterloo cr BELLE ISLE coli TU 5:4600 AWNING CO. STUDENT WINTERIZE YOUR PORCH WITH CLEAR PLASTIC .5KI TRIP CUSTOM DROP TO CURTAINS Winter Discount on Awnings VAil, Colorado for Spring Instollotion now in effect. Serving Grosse Pointe Since 1933 Dec.28-Jan. 4 LO 7-2293 • 7601 E. Jefferson AIR TRANSPORTATION Ct HOTEL White or Black Enameled Aluminum $185.00 STORM WINDOWS, $25.00 Deposit by Oct. 10th DOORS, CHET SAMPSON PORCH ENCLOSURES TRAVEL ALUMINUM SIDING, TRIM AND GUTTERS SCREEN PORCHES STORMS FOR STEEL CASEMENT WINDOWS Adult Ski Club 100 Kercheval TU 5-7510 We Repair Storm Sash and Screens Has Big Plans FREE ESTIMATES - (Across from Howard Johnson's) , AND STORM SASH. liN'C • .' 20497 Mack Ave. 881.6130 or 881.4600

------Presenting- Cadillac. for nineteen sixty-nine Wide Ovals 4 ply nylon RE~I~:w~~TE D-70-14 ••••. 19.95 New Lower E-70..14 .• •• 23.95 ----_ ..- Prices! F-70-14 • . • • • 27.95 Prices include all excise G-70-14 or 15 29.95 taxes H-70-15 .•... 31.95 WIDE OVAL 95 RETREADS 16 F 70.14 or C 70-14 We handle Firestone-Goodyear-Uniroyal- B. F. Goodrich-General Tire Distributors, Inc. 17611 E. WARREN(5 blocks East of Cadieux) TU 2.6522

Open Thursday and Friday Evenings

fisherman knit turtleneck

for boys, • ~the bold,

masculine wool sweater

that rotes top honors with

the knowledgeable grade

school crowd. Ton or -_..... blue. Sizes 8 to 12. Even Cadiflac has never built one fike this I A smoother, more responsive engine. 16.00 The craUsmen who cnginccr and build Cadlll<.Ies are ac- Cadlllac's ~rcat 472 V.S cn~lnc-the largest V.8 evM' to cuslomed 10crealing the finesl of molar cms. but they take power a production pass(~n~er car-Is smoother. quieter special pride In Ihese brilliant IO(>f)models. ~n(j more responsive. Never before has power been em. A sln~lc ~Iance at Ihls automolive masterpiece reveals ployed so efficiently In the operaUon of a car and lis equip. slriklng poise and beauty. dramalically new. yel unmlstak. men:. And for !flUO front disc bmkes arc pcovldod ably CadlIlHc. For Hl60. Cadillac's tradilional dignity Is com- plemented by youthful slyllng unique in the luxury field. Your judgment is invited. There are cleven different models 0( the 1969 Cildlllac. New concepts in comfort and convenience. mow Illan Is offered hy Clnyolhcr luxury car nlanufa<~lurcr_ The 1960 Cilclillac is complelcly new Inside. with m;ljor Edell is lruly a ,naSlerpl('ce from Ih(~ Inasler craflsmen. innovations In design, convenience and decor. A newly Your authorized Cadl1lm: dealer welcomes your personaf contoured 'control cenlcr~ Inslrumcnl panel milkes cOnllOls Inspm:llon of Ihls oncc.ln,allfetimc motor car. Stop by and even more accessible, "nd vlrltmlly surlounds passen- drive one at your f:i,rllest 0J1portunlty. We think Y

VILLAGE BREAKS RECORD Admissions to Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village topped the one million mark for the fiscal year beginmng I I April 1, 1968 as more than 30,000 persons attended the ViIIllge's two-day Old Car Festival. The fiscal count as of Sunday eve. ning, September 8, stood at 1,- 026,402, 1.8 percent ahead of the same time last year.

SOJIiftg.1~ Gu.wmdeed. To AU. U.S. NO.1 U.s. CHOICE CHUCK CUT Mlch"an FGlMet'JaU FootLSIwppm! ...... Prune Plum. CHOICE OF GRINDS COFFEE 19 Chal. & Sanborn ~k~''1 ••• f R.. d

FARMER JACK LBS C Light Chunk Tuna 6rw~~'2atCAN . 2 29 REAL. ORCHARD FLAVOR 1 LB. 28 ~.89C ~~i' C u.s. NO.1 JUICY Mottl Appl.lauce tf.s. CtlOlCE WHOLE BON ELESS WHITE S,\TIN C C Bartlett Pure Sugar ~l~'49 1M' Irlak.t LB.89 TOWN PRIDE U.S. CHOICE SEMI BONELFSS S.eet P.ar. Shortening ~l~'39t 1n,lIth 10.' LB.79C RICH TOMATO TASTE JONES DELICIOUS 40Z.1LB. 22 4 LB.99C Libby Catchup BTL. Unk Sau.a •• C KRAFT PURE CONCORD FARM MAIO 1 LB. L8.25 LB.•• 4 Grape Jolly JAR 39c loll Sau .. ,. SUNSWEET NUTRITIOUS FRESH FROZEN IN BUTIER SAUCE GT. C Prune Julc. BTL.. 39 , FARM MAID LOW FAT DUTCH Gr••• G".t CAMPBEl-LS DELICIOUS 1LB. 12 OZ. c Chocola,. Pea. or Corn Pork and Beanl CAN 20 WHOLE KERNEL OR CREAM 5iYU MI. ' LB. c Town Prld. Corn CAN 16 FRANCO AMERICAN lSXo oz. WT. 4 Hold this up to your mlrror-' 4'~~'$lo0PKGS. TCll'tyIp.. hettl CAN 12 %GAL'3gCTN. e WITH BEANS any way you look at it, we're behind you. lrw~~' 294 ASSORTED VARIETIE Horm.1 ChO' CAN FARM MAID PURE SPECIAL LABEL 'Ill, • 'Ill, ~,GAL'53C When we guarantee an electric waler of hot. water for about $5.03 per 2 R;'K~L GLASS Mapl. L•• f 104 Orang. Juice heater, we guarantee that you get all the month In norma! use. And for not. so-big Lady Scot Tissu. PiR ROLL MIDGET COLBY STYLE hot water you need. ThafsrlQht. All the families a 50'gallon heater that runs PINK BEAUTY 1 LB. 1 LB. PKG, 69t ho( water you need Or YOll get all YOlK about $330 per month in normal use. Ice C,.... CAN Lon,hom Ch.... Salmon 69C monoy back. And 'lOU have a full year Stili more. Edison's No-Charge Repair SKINLESS. GRAOE I FOUR llEASONS to make up your Service. No charge for electrical operat- 1~~~'49C mind about it. - . L.af and Grals lagl 4 CT. Mr. PI", 'rank. PKG. mg parts or labor. Got the picture? %GAL.59CTN, C 59t Satisfied? There's 1\',I",'l1I\\Iot a new electric one) SO.gallon heater ,. That'll put you in a good fram~ of mind, that prOVides plenty PRICES E FFECTIV€ THRlI SUN., SEPT. 29 RIGHT RESERVED TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. EDISON 19230 HARPER at Moross 16145 EAST J MILE at KELLY 14614 KERCHEVALat ALTER 20382 MACK (bet, 7 & 8 Mi.) Grosse Pointe Wels, I Mond

---_._~------_c ..." Page Nin. Thursday, Sepfemt,er 26, 1968 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

The 1969 Buick Riviera. More elegant and personal than ever. With new exclusive colors, elegant new interiors and a revolutionary new suspension system for improved handling and more driving ease than you've ever enjoyed before. Completely equipped The 1969 Buick GS 400. ",ith a 430 cubic inch V8, automatic transmission, power steering, With new functional hood sc.oops for power brakes and much, much more. deeper engine breathing. A stiffer, more" , l'esponsive suspension for improved handling and ride. And the new available Stage I optional high-performance package.

I The 1969 Buick LeSabre. New colom, new interiors and Buick"s revolutionary ", new suspension system for a LeSabre that's more appealing than ever before. More response and economy from a standard 350 cubic inch V8. And a long, impressive list of safety features.

The 1969 Buick Wildcat. With )Dore Buick luxury and rakish new styling. With Buick's new suspension system and a 430 cubic inch V8 standard. And a long list of safety features.

• •

The 1969 Buick Electra 225. New. Beautifully new. A distinctive new profile. With a big 430 cubic inch V8 and TH-400 automatic transmission standard. Featuring a new 60/40 seat that you can order. Sure, straight tracking from a revolutionary new suspension system. And much, much more.

There are many new features on every 1969Buick. Many features you'l1 like. See them. See ifthey won't turn you into a Buick owner. And a Buick salesman, .. ,,"'~ O. UClI.\.tNCt No wonder Buick owners keep selling Buicks for us. Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick? Thursday. September 26, 1968 Page Ten GROSSE POINTE NEWS RESURFACING OKAYED cheval, and Whittier, soulh of Mecke Accepts NilS Yea,.book Police Holding At a regular meeting held on Jefferson; and anolher for the Monday, September 23. the Park resurfacing of the parking lots Torch Drive Joh Staff Named Plane for Owner council awarded a 'contract to at the Waterfront and Three the Cooke Contracting Company Mile Drive Parks. Total cost is of Detroit, to resurface Mary. $44,380, the lowest of three hids Theodore H. Mecke Jr., of 296 Bayard Brandon has recently Anyone know someone \If h 0 land. from Jefferson to Ker- submitted. Cloverly road, Grosse Pointe been named editor-in.chief of abandoned an airplane at Win- .-. ---_ .. " Farms, has been reappointed Grosse Pointe North IIi g h i chester road and Korte avenue, cha,irman of the United Founda. School's first yearbook staff. i on Wednesday afternoon, Sept. Kotchers Grosse Pointe Le(Jsing CD. lion public relations committee. Assisting Bayard as managing' 18. If they do the owner can The Ford Motor Co. vice. pres- editor will be Edith Anderson. repossess it al the Grosse Pointe I I ident of public relations will Other appointments made by Park. police station, and no I • AUTO LEASING • 'continue in the post for the Mr. Richard M. Amberg, advi- questions asked. t ALL MAKES AND MODELS ., third consecutive year. sor. include: Richard :\Iontauk, You can imagine how police We Can Adju~t I He. will be. responsible for UF sports editor; Palricia Bartos, eyebrows raised when Mrs. One Car or fleet Our Plan publ~c relatIOns programs and faculty section editor and in. Mary Berndt, of 615 Westches. To Your Needs : st~dles .on a ye~r-round basis.: dex edilor; Laurie McQueen, ter, telephoned and reported 885-4770 ! HIS assignment Includes metI'D' : freshman section editor' Con. the "abandoned airplane". Mrs. I politan, community and trade' nie Snyder, sophomore ;ection Berndt said she had polled the 15550 E. Warren : ploy~ ,publications, radio and editor; Christine Conway, jun. neighborhood, but could not 10- George Polasky, Mgr. teleVISIOn. ior section editor; Gail Ensor, cate the owner. - . A n a t i v:: of Philadelphia student life section editor; Bar- So. Park police w!:') answered Iwhere he kattended LaSalle Col- bara 1II00ney. husiness man. the summons, carefuliy placed, ege, Mec e was managing edi- ager; Mary Shea, curriculum it in their scout car, and hauled! . tor of the Germantown, Pa., 'I section editor; and Laurie it off to the station for safe 'Courier before joining Ford in Smith, activities section editor. ! 1949 as assistant manager of 1 The staff pl~ns to includl' in. keeping. lbe s.outbeas~ern regional public I dividual picturcs of all students In case you haven't guessed; TAILORING rela!Jons office. attending North High School in by now, the "airplane" is a,

, Transferred the following year '1 its first hook. youngsler's toy vehicle which is: , : to the D ear h 0 r n office, he Suggestions for a name for propelled - along the ground, JM, 1969 Cadil.IrK lldbJu:lJiJJ LADIES AND MENS ALTERATIONS. HAVE THAT , ! s.u:ved in several public rela. the yearbook are now being that is-.by pushing foot pedals. tlOns posts. submitted by North students to ----- RIP REPAIRED BY AN EXPERT. NEW POCKETS, He was appointed general the staff, which will select ZIPPERS REPAIRED OR REPLACED. REWEAVING. JhL U11i.m.ak ilL c1:.uxuluf @Jl1tIJJJnaL CaJtIL public relations manager in three which will be voted upon WSU Promotes 1957 and elected a company by the entire sludent f:Y.)dy. vice.president in 1963. He is a Pointe Doctors TWO GROSSE PO~NTE LOCATIONS ~~~~~e of the Ford Motor Co. Bureau to Find DENBY CLEANERS A UF vice.president, Mecke Two Grosse Pointe men have T J b OUR 25th YEAR is a director of Catholic Chari- eenagers 0 S recently been promoted from Pick Up and Delivery VA 2-7055 , lies of the Archdiocese of De- associate to full professor in the 20087 Mock at Fai,holme - 15029 Kercheval at Ma'y[cnd troit, the Greater Detroit Board If you're a teenager looking I Schoo! o~ M~djcine at Wayne Paul McGlOne of Commerce and Southeastern for a job, why not register at State Umverslty. . Michigan Chapter, American The Neighborhood Club's Place. Dr. Geoffrej' L, Brinkman, Jr. Red Cross. He serves on the advisory ment Bureau? Just go to the of Lakeland avenue, joined the b club and register for the type WSU faculty as an associate Cadillac oard of Bon Secours Hospital of J'ob you'd like to have such professor in the Department of CITY OF and is a member of the Detroit . . Club, Economic Club Of Detroit, ~s: baby.s~tting, ya~'dcare, typ- Medicine in 1956. He was Detroit Press Club, Detroit Ath- mg, clerk~ng, dehver~ I boys, awarded his medical degree by letie Club and the Michigan I you nam~ It they. have It. the University of New Zealand. Q)ro~Sl!1J'ointt 1Fitt1ll~ Chapter of tbe Public Relations BabY-Sitters w~ll be .asked to Dr. Brinkman is currently Di. Society of America. attend one meetmg thiS fall tt) rector of Education of the De. WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN He and his wife the former I bear doctors, teachers and po. partment of Medicine at Har. 20903 Harper, Harper Woods M. Eleanor Flahe;ty, of Great !icemen speak. After the girls per Hospital. Barrington, Mass., have four I have heard the speakers they Dr. L. Murray Thomas, of sons. will be recommended for baby- Berkshire road, is now profes. TV 1-6600 The 20th annual United Foun- sitting johs. ' sor of Neurosurgery in the NOTICE OF REGISTRAliON dation campaign will be held Any persons who would like School of Medicine. Dr. Murray' FOR October 15 through November 7 to hire teenagers, for any type came to Wayne in 1961 as a I to raise operating funds for of joh, should call the Place- clinical instructor of medicine. nearly 200 health and commu- ment Bureau of the Neighbor- He received his A,B. and M.D. GENERAL ELECTION nity services. hood Cluh at TUxedo 5-4600. degrees from WSU. ------_._------._------_._,.,------._------to be helcl on TUfSDAY, NOVEMBER S, 1968

NOTICE ]~ HEREBY GIVEN that registration of (juali. fied electors who have nol already registered, can be made with the City Clerk of the City of Grosse Pointe Farms. at his office in the Municipal Building, 90 Kerby Road, City of Grosse Pointe Farms, Wayne County, Michigan. any day prior to and including October 4, 1968 and that the City Clerk will be in his office IIIonday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Wcdnesday evenings until 6:00 p.m. for the purpo[e of accepting regislrations.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that for the conveni. ence of the electors, the Clerk will be in his office from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p-m., on Saturday, Septemher 28, 1968 and from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., on Friday. October 4, 1968 for the purpose of receiving registrations.

PETER CAPUTO City Clerk City of Grosse Pointe Farms 90 Kcrby Road, TUxedo 5.6600 Published in the Grosse Pointe News Septemher 26, 1966 and October 3, 1968.


September. 9, 1968. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. Ifyou are less than proud of your lawn Present on roll call: Mayor William G. Butler, Councilma~ William G. Kirby, Henry E. Bod. man, II, RIchard C. Hudson, James II. Dinge- maybe the gras~ itself is to blame! man, Mark C. Stevens, and Benjamin S. War- ren, Jr. Absent: None. AFTER aU, most people don't slart with Windsor, the improved variety of Ken- A money-saving combination. Right now Mayor William G. Butler presided. tucky Bluegrass, is an exclusive develop- Scotts dealers are having a timely Seed- The minutes of the regular meeting of August 5 i\. a lawn of their own choosing. It 1968 and the special meeting of August 21, 1968 usually comes with the house ..And the ment of Scotts research. Windsor is un- and-Feed Sale. You can save money on were approved as submitted. grass may be an unsuilable kind or an usually attractive: alld hard wearing. Also, Windsor seed bought together with Turf The Council acting as a Zoning Hoard of Appeals its extraordinary root strength makes it a Builder. Stop at one of the retailers listed granted Mr. Leslie M. Lowrey, 255 McKinley Road inferior variety. permission to replace an existing garage at 255 Me: If you hate the thought of digging up grass that thrives in summer's heat, stays here, and you can be on your way to a Kinley Road. and starting all over, consider seeding green longest duringdrought, and spreads better lawn this \~ry weekend. The following reports were received and ordered WINDSOR grass right illto your prescnt underground to occupy bare spots. placed on file: Just as this is the right time to seed, it's No-quibble guarantee, All Scotts prod- A. Fire Department Report for the month of Ju~y lawn. This won't change a poor lawn 1968. ' the time to fertilize, for a bettcr lawn (his ucts arc fully guaranteed. If they don't overnight. But thousands of homeowners B. Building Department Heport for the month of have discovered to their satisfaction what fall and next year. Your grass is probably wvrk to your complete satisfaction-just August, 1968. a box of Windsor and a little patience hungry right now. Feed it with TUI'f let us know and you'll get your money The Council approved a transfpr or stock interest Builder, the fertilizer that makes grass back promptly and with no quibbling, in a Class C license busintss located at 12:~ Ker- can do. Alld now is the naturally right cheval Avenue. SCOTTS,tire grasspeop Ie, Marysville, Ohio. time to seed. multiply itself. The minutes of the Mayor's Advisory P1annin~ Committee meeting of August 26, H)6R were re- ceived 3nd ordered placed on file and aclifln was taken concerning the reconll"endations of the Com- mittee. The low hid of nowntown Ford Sales in the amount of SR,042,:36 fot the pun:'hase of six scout ears was approved. The minutes of the (;rosse Pointrs.('Jinton Heruse GROSSE POINTE NELSON C. FROLUND, Disposal Authority (lated .Iuly Ill, Hl6H were re. INc. ceived and orc!('rcri placed on file. ALLEMONS FLORIST & 1<)815 Mack Ave, The Quarlcrly Heport of lhc SOlltlH'asl 'fi('hi"

_____ .ndzezd « so r t GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven Park Judge Has Busy Court Day IBicycles Stolen Not only was Peter Koyle, of guilty of driving through a r~d By Detroit Bovs 1128 Lakepointe avenue, Grosse light, and paid a $15 fine. .. Pointe Park, riding a motor. Pie r n 0 Montagna, of 3033 --... i cycle, with no helmet attached. Philip, Detroit, charged with Two boys who live m ~he Jef. I he also was charged with speed. causing an intersection accident' rer~on.Chalmers area 10 De- ing 35 miles an hour in a 25- pled gllilty paid a $35 £ine. tro~t, were obse.rved by Grosse mile zone, and having no lie.,' Pomte Park policemen. Howard . enses plates. When he appeared: Fined $12.50 for driving 35; Carl alld ~olJll Kendall. walking VIAENE : hefore Park Municipal Judge C.. miles an hour in a 25.mile zone, : ?e,slde hl('yc!es, on Jefferson I i Joseph Belanger on Wednesday was Bryan Conroy, 1329 Mary. i au'nue near Lerkshlre road. I Nursery and Landscape Septemher 18. he was found land, Grosse Pointe Park, Jerry I~londay, September 16, at 12:30' guilty, paid total fines of $60. Nelson, of 908 Neff Road, had a.m. I a warranty bond of $15 fore- They Wl'! ~ taken to the police' Nemesio Republico of 182 feited. He was charged with! stalion for questioning. When SNOW Lakewood. Detroit, was fined speeding 40 in a 30 mile zone, :licenses on the bikes were $10 for having no helmet on his For not having a Michigan' ~heck~d it \Vas found that the ; motorcycle, and $25 for not hav operator's license Robert Syl- Juvemles had stolen them from REMOVAL ; ing an operator's license on his vester, of 13231 :Mack avenue, an open garage at the residence By the Season : person. Detroit was fined $15. He also o~ Robert Schrage, of 1021: I . ' Bishop road caU 771.2800 i Richard T. Mery, of 338 was assessed another $5 fer When j. k h I We Service The Five Po/ntes I Philip, Detroit, was found having an excessively noisv. po Ice as e~ t e boys muffler on his car. . 1 what they wer~ dOlllg out ~t ,that lime of mght they saId It cost Milo Barnett, of 20817 they had "sneaked into the' IIla~k avenue, Grosse Pointe I W~terf~ont Park. and gonc Come see the cars- LEASE Woods, thc forfeiture of a $10. sWlmmmg." bond fur "sudden acceleration." "We figured it was a IonI( LE BARON Thomas Morceri, 13387 lIamp. walk home. we saw the.le oj. withthe come-closer look. shire, Detroit, paid a $25 fine cycles in a garage, where thl' '69. IMPERIAL COUPE for passing through a stop door had been left open, and street. decided to ride thrm horne," I ~. Equippe~ with all standard equi.pment plus radio, white- walls, Vinyl roof, auto. temp alr.conditioner full tinted James Armitage, of 652 Perno the older boy cXlJJained. The i glass, shoulder bells. ' bertoD road, Gro~se Pointe case was referred to Detroit. juvenile authorities. INTRODUCTORY SPiCIAL Park, who now lives in Jack. sonville, Fl{l., came to court to C answer charges of driving with atch YOUllO"sters an expired operator's license' ~ ~c? month ~135 and hitting a parked car on StealinO" Bikes NORTHWESTERN LEASING, INC, , Barrington road. He \Vas found, ,t'! I i guilty, sentenced to a $35 or five,' . ---:- . 19711 LtVERNCIS DETROIT 341.9500 days in jail. He paid. CIty pohce re.:elved a call I on Tuesday, September 17, reo porting three hays were tamper. I ing with bicycles at :\1air e Sehool. Upon arri\'al officers ~pp..eilended l'l1'ee youths two fJJelroif :7Jank & 'Jrusf ju"cniles and one 17.yea~.old, Robert Charles Jackson, of 2102 Harding, Detroit. Jackson was riding a blue, gno.iies you 10 a 'ten-speed bicycle which had been reported stolen the day vpeciaf9inance gorum before by Russell Head. 5990 Canyon, Detroit. The 15 year- . on old was riding a 26" bicycle which belcnged to Jonathon New top-ol.the-line Olds 86: Cella 68 Royale Banks, 104B Yo r k, whose mother told ,officers, he rode 7rusls /or Ihe 7pJorJrI'o.f Women They're at your Oldsmobile dealer's right now. panoramic windows. To sa, nothing of a Rocf

rl 455 V-a. They're all standard on Royale, along ScI'ool that mornin • Captivating cars like this aU-new Delta 88 Royale 9rosse YJoinle War (JJ(emorial Jackson told officers that he -youngmobile thinking in a big, bP.8utiful package. with all the new GM safety features. There's even bought the bicycle from a Negro an ingenious anti-theft device to keep your Delta Jries Jludilorium youth, who Ii,'ed in Lillibridge Sportier looking vinyl top-that's young mobile 88 Royale your Delta BS Royale. Stop in &00110 :32 ,avenue, in Detroit. He said he thinking. Longer, easier riding 124-inch wheelbase Bafie cS/iof.e !J?oad ~and his brother were riding in : -that's youngmobile thinking. So is the custom pin- See all the cars with tile come-closer look. grosse :JJo.inle :Jarms i Grosse Pointe and met the 15- year.old who told them they striping. The side fender louvers. The nOoVel'!t 'nley're on display and waiting for you ri9ht now. ~.£urscfay, Oclober 3, ]968 ,could get a good bike for the 2/o4p,m. '14-year.old at Maire School. 1 Jackson admitted to police that , EKape &om the ordinary at your Oldsmobile dealei:s: 'he and his brother were at Toroftado,Ninety.Eight,DeIta 88, gJcfmission ~ fickelonlY i\laire to steal a bike. i The juveniles were taken to 4-4-2, Cutlass,VI5ta

W------~------. 795 Lake Shore Road .,.-~.~:! !! I' t~. '~I I I i : I,:.: KOTEX I I M & M'-s I : I'd REGULAR or SUPER : CUT YOURSELF: '.'WI OaPiANUT : To the Qualified Electors of the Township of Grosse SAL Pointe: .I~~ 1St I. INONTERRIFIC,.. '249,.1 I $ ., • .'%•..", _ I \ SAVINGSI I~, FOI Ii You are hereby notified that any qualified eleelor of I L'Mn O~E. COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 29.1968 I . HUIIRY! WHILE TIlEY urn I LIMlT TWO. CllUPOK EXPIRES SEPT. 29.1961 • the Township of Grosse Pointe Wayne Count" Michigan • who is not already registered, ~ay register for'the Generai • •. • ••• I~------,------~------1••• I t II I "1 • Election to be held in said Township on the 5th day of • I I I I November, 1968. I 2 OZ.' REG. '" I lOZ.' REG. U~ I I I Registrations will be taken at the office of the Town- 5 ship Ch!rk, 795 Lake Shore Road, Grosse Pointe Shores, : FRESH START :V0 SHAMPOO: DRISTAN I, NEW DAWN = I • MfDJCATED GfL II R.,.flr. Dry. S.p.r • TABLETS I ~~ HAIR COLOR I Michigan, each working day, Monday through Friday be- • I It I tween the hours of 8:00 o'clock A.M. to 5:00, o'clock P.M. until Friday the 4th of October, 1968. i &1~! 79~!~79t!~ 13~! The last day of receh'ing registrations will be Friday, I LIMIT ONE. COUPON EXPIRES SEPT. 29. '968 I LI"IT ONF . COUPON EXPIRES SEPT 29. 1968 I L,,,'T ONE. COU/'ON EXPIRES SEPT. 29. 1961 I LI.liIT OME • COUPOll !nIRES SEPT. 29. ItA I the 4th day oC October, 1968, on which day the said Clerk will be at his office between the hours of 8:00 o'clock A.M., • • II I ••• I • It I ~ •• -I and 8:00 o'clock P.M" Eastern Daylight Savings Time. r------~------~------~------~I I • I I • I ", • ,:""{,.,.,.,,"":'8' , , i REG. 1..41 I 15 OZ. - IIEG. LII I For the further convenience of the elector the office of the Cterk will be open on Saturday, September 28, 1968, • RPETING : WESTCLOX I;,," i!~: MICRO-HI: WOO IT : from 8:00 o'clock A.M. until 5:00 o'clock P.M. for the pur- pose of receiving registrations of the eleclors qualified. : ~~ORfOU'DOO' : 1 .:' • '\, AlAR~n~LOCK I ..•. INTENSITYLAMP: lI~.i. or E : r tn", to vote. ' I :;~',,~\"',<} I I I: 39& I,. ~1~,"~.,:I\;_ " 2 _ : I, :,:' 1BS I. 9& J> I 77 "\>:~~ Thomas K. Jefferi~ I MMi~"%::il1f;;M' II '': ,. , ,.",~N I :. " I I I -.w""",~.ffimh.,,"d] "v'"."',;'. .. • Township Clerk I L,,,'T ONE _OIJPON E 'PIRES SEPT. 2'1. 1f"6I , LIMIT O~E COUPON EXPIRES SEPT, 29.1'68 I LlMlT ON£ COUPO>' EXPIRES SEPT. 29.1968 I LIMIT OtOE. COUPON EXPIRES SEPT 29,1961 .. I------_._------~------~------I • I I I • '. I • I I I I G.P.N.-9.19, 9.26.68 • • I I I ,',' ,'ij 11 OZ. - REG. 2.25 I 1 U. CAlI. RE.. • I I I . 9>c":m; • • WHISK BROOM I ,.' jf A DOR N I PARA MOTH I Air Freshener I I : a.allty Mad. ; I' I~jHAIR SPRA Y ~ C.y".b II ••••• ,' : ,w_...... _...... :' 44 00 Q Township of lake : 33tL~:"'ta 1 ; !,I !i!k" !10 !! 795 Lake Shore Road I UMoT OO[ COUPON F :., 4 _ I".~,~..." .83,.:~.j'., 'of!!, ~-44" •= • : I I:~,,:':>-;::-~;:j : :f*!k~",:wRmW¥% • Registrations will be taken at the office of the Town- • I'MoT 001 (OUP iN rxPIRn SI PT :>9, 1961I t ilIOn ONF COUPON [XPIOES SEPT. 29, 1961l I "":0 ON£ COUPON £kPlltES SEPT 29 194 L LIMIT CIflf. COUPOll EXPIRES SEPT 29.1961 • ship Clerk, 795 Lake Shore Road, Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan, each working day, Monday through Friday be- ~------I~\ I I I' t I ------~------r------" •• • I .. .' • I I.. I •• • • tween the hours of 8:00 o'clock A.M. to 5:00 o'clock P.M. .' I I I unlil Friday the 4th of October, 1968. : DDM~:;i~..cOIN BUCKET OF ! ,m~1 BowtiRUSH !.~., ROAsy'ER ! ! The last day of receiving registrations will be Friday, = BROOM I \.\ \..:.'.... PLASTIC HANDU I :.1.~.•. \.. WITH COVER I :~~' ";". 1.1 SPONGES I Ihc 4th day of October. 1968, on which day the said Clerk I , .... #0 I "..k1 ~ I ,~~~...,t~....~,.',,1.\\ I will be at his office bctween the hours of 8:00 o'clock A.M., . " I '.''28 ., I :;;h"., ' . 199 ~\o..,. «, 43 " I, ., Ii ' ..•....•... lili!wi'lMxtx,N --. ".~. ~tll ': " II and 8:00 o'clock P.M.• Ea~tern Daylight Savings Time. I " 7& I" .. /. I ~.,"~1":.': ••, ••,.,•.•,',••'••, I ,<~. I .,' '.' '0 ,ro>o "",.,' "r, 19 19.. L .'M" ONF COUPOtI ElPIRES SEPl :>9 1961.. l'~ll CHI COUPON ElP'RES SEPT ~ 1961 L ,'Mil O>tE ,COUPON EKPIRES SEPl :>9.196& • For the further convenience of the elector thc office I of the Clerk will be open on Saturday, Septembcr 28, 1968, I I • '.: •• • •• 'I • I------r------: !' • '. I ------r------I II : from 8:00 o'clock A.M. until 5:00 o'clock P.M. for the • nQT. _ BRASS I 1." .... IIiCH I ~r4', y/ IZ Oz. lIec1stn1 ..... I 2-CELL' IIEG, ISO I purpose ~C receiving registration.~ oC the elcctors qualified : WASTE BASKET I~ ENVELOPES : r:',;..':'.i~PINK DETERGENT! FLASHLIGHT : to vote, l T10 : f~ 2'01 HOII9°OffiCE1 I.~ SW otfWOOI0:"~'}~~\";'it 404 • I S(II&IOII I Arthur J. Berf< I .;z, I> I """(it)l'J1'\. '~ 0 I ,~j;J' "~ ~ I ~.= TOW.1ShipClerk • "1' "': ',','" i :: 4t~ IOIES .... _-: 1mt,,--,''''() I < • lI~ll ONE COUPON OP'R£S HPT ~ 1'6lI "MIT T"~H COUPCIfl UPIREI1UP! 29. I"'.. liMn O~E . COUPON EJPIRES SEPT )t,I96I LIMIT CIflE. COUPOH.UPIRE.5 SEPT•• 29•• 1961••• : I I -L.. •• ~...... • • I G.P.N.-9.l9, 9.26.68 ., Thursday, September 26, 1968 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen

13 grandchildren. in Southwest Harbor, Maine, on jorie Webber Buell; his sons, University Street, Montreal 2, I Rossi, 55, of 75 Moorland drive, May. and Mrs. Irene Jurgens'!ll. were held on Wednesday. Sep. 1 Interment was in Woodlawn Wednesday of this week. John Webber Buell and Richard Quebec, Canada. Interment wat'! in Forestlawa Obituaries Cemetery. tember 25, in the Verheyden I lIe was born September 5, Hurlbut Buell; his daughter, * • • Funeral Home and Holy Sepul- Cemetery. • •• ' 11911, in Quaker Hill, Conn., and Eleanor Hudson Buell: and his PAUL A. EISSA chre Church. He died on Salur- (Continued from Page 12) Idaughters, Mrs. Simeon Hyde, DR. JOlIN II. BUELL ~as a graduate o~ the Univ~r. mother, Mrs. May G. Buell. Funeral s e r vi c e s for Mr. day, September 'U, in St. Mary's tOI'!cal Society, the Grosse of Andover, Mass., Mrs. John Dr. John H. Bilell, long.lime slty ~rPennsylvarna and McGill . Eissa, 73, of "OB McKinley ave. Hospital, Livonia. Pomte Club and Metamora ShallcroCC, of Baltimore. Mr., resident of Provencal road died Medical School. The fanuly has requested that nue, were held nn Wednesday, Born in Chicago, III., Mr. 1969 Club. j and Mrs. Oscar Buhr' a son Saturday, September 21. Funer. Dr. Buell practiced for a num- memorial gifts may be directed Septembe'~ 25 in S1. Maron Ros~i was the ~wnpr of a so.und He is ~l1rvived br his wife, David N.; a sister, ~frs: Herbert al and burial were at the Mt. her oC years in Detroit, and is to the Friends of McGill UnIVer- , ' . equipment busmess, and officer Hazel P1Dgree Mills; three Gehring, of El Paso, Tex., and Desert Gongregational Church survived by his wife, Mrs. Mar- sity, c/o McGill University, 3618 Catholic Church. He d!ed on d ire e tor of Downtown Ford Cm/ilku;L S~nday. September ~2. In Jen. Agency. He was head usher at mngs Memoral Hospital. the Blessed Sacrament Catholic Born in Lebanon, Mr. Eissa is Church ami a member of the Now On survived by his wife, Jennie; a Holy Name Society. He was son. Edward; two daughters, graduated from the University Mrs. Amelia Kimaid and Mrs. of Detroit. 'Display Pauline Kanan. He is survived by his wife, Interment was in Mount EUi- Emma Jane; ~iS mother, Mrs. Sept. 26, 21, 28 10tt Cemetery. IMary M. ROSSI;three brothers, I •• • Edward. James and Charles. 9 a.m.-9 p.m. T isist eca~ , CORINNE SANDBERG Inte~ment was in Holy Sepul- ••• . ehre Cemetery. Funeral services for Mrs. • • • Sandberg, 77, of 20681 - THEODORE H!\RTl\IAN Refreshments • wood drive. were held on Tues. day, September 24, in the Ver- Funeral services for Mr, Hart. Roger heyden Funeral Home. She died man, 69, of 6BOHawthorne road, on Saturday, September 21, in were held on Tuesday, Septem- Rinke D . I ber 2., in the Verheyden Fun. eaconess Hosplta . era 1 Home. IIe d'Ied on F 1'1'day, Born in st. Louis, Mo., Mrs. September 20. I £adiUae Sal.dberg was th~ wife. of the Born in Mt. Clemens, Mr.' Van Dyke late Joseph. She IS ~urvlved by Hartman was the hushand of the I a daught.er, Josephme, and a late Helen and is survived by a 'bet. 10-11 Mile son, CalVin. son, Carl; three sisters, Carrie, Graveside services were held at Cadillac.Memorial Gardens- i East. I ersona • • • NOTICE OF REGISTRATION W!LLIAl\1 C.KLASGES I For The Funeral services for Mr.: CENERAL NOVEMBER ELECTION TO BE It's y-ours with Klasges, of 1221 Beaconsfield: avenue, were held on Monday, i HELD ON NOVEMBER 5, 1968 September 23, in the Verheyden! Funeral Home, St. Ambrose i In l'he Church and Mount Olivet Ceme. CITY OF .U1tra/Chek III tery. I He died on Thursday. Sep. Detroit Bank & Trust's NEW : tembel' 19, in S1. John Hos. pit a 1. Mr. Klasges is sur. fi~9t 'ointt lBooh9 vived by his wife, Florence; a prestige service for daughter, Mrs. Frank Kllmas; WAYNE. COUNTY, MICHIGAN four grandchildren; one great-. grandchild; one sister and two I TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS , brothers. ,I checkingaccount custorners GROSSE POINTE WOODS. MICHIGAN If you have it, it says that you are .... " FREDERICK A. ROSSI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that aU qualified electors of rantee the City of Grosse Pointe Woods, Wayne County, Michigan one of a select group of Detroit Bank Funeral s e r vie e s for ~r. who are not now duly registered, desiring to vote at the & Trust customers. It tells business General November Election to be held in the City of Grosse Pointe Woods on Tuesday, November 5, 1968 must register firmsthat your personal check for any ITeacher Salary with the City Clerk at the Municipal Building. 2002~ Mack Avenue, GrOlise Pointe Woods. Michigan on or prior to De- amount up to $100 is guaranteed and IHearings Ended tober 4, 196J, which latter date is the last day upon which will be paid by Detroit Bank & Trust. regis'trations or transfer of registrations may be mad .... I YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED, That you may register or And the card doesn't say so, but with I Final presentations and sum- ' transfer your registration by appearing at the office of the u to City Clerk in tbe MUIJiclpal Building, 20025 Mack Avenue, mations in the salary dispute Ultra/Chek you also have a personal Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan during regular office hours ,line of credit of at least $500 that you between the Grosse Pointe Ed. on Monday through Friday, 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. o'clock, ucation Association and the on any day up to and including Friday. October 4, 1968. can draw on simply bywritinga check. Board of Education were made to fact finder Leon Herman YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED, That for the conven- It's the kind of card you'll soon see in Wednesday, September lB. Mr. ience of the electors, the City Clerk's office in the Muni. cipal Building will be open better wallets. Want to learn if it fits Herman closed t1:e hearing and is now ~tudying the data pres. On Saturday-September 28, 1968 00 ,yours? Apply now at any of the more ented by both sides. Between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. than 80 conveniently located offices 'He stated that bis written and of Detroit Bank & Trust. findings would be ready in a Monday-September 30, 1968 week or ten days (September through 27-30). He will mail copies to parties. It will then be neces- Friday-October 4; 1968 sary for decisions as to whether Between the bours of 8:00 A.M. and 8:00 P.M. I his recommendation is accept- {or the purpose of receiving registrations and transfer 01 able. ' registrations. Friday, October 4. 1968 is the LAST day tor receiving registrations for the General November Election. DETROIT YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED That if you have not REPORTS PURSE STOLEN voted within the past two years and have not had your vot.. Vera Green of 5105 Pacific, ing registration reinstated. your REGISTRATION HAS BANK Detroit, informed Farms police BEEN CANCELLED and in order to be able to vote at the ErTRUST on Thursday, September 19, above election you are required to rere,ister with the that while she was cleaning City Clerk. several classrooms in S1. Paul's I LEONA D. LIDDLE <¥ourCf'a111.ilyCJJa1l.king GC1l.ter School, someone stole hcr purse, ! left atop equipment in the hall- City Clerk "9 years of seNice and seCI;iily I way. It contained her wallet, in I Dated Sept. 18, 1968 which she had $92 in cash, she G1JSSe Pointe Woods, Michigan said •

...... :. _ - .._ '~.--T.-- ,.., ~'..,.:.".,.;..-"'..

If you've never doyen a car Ii~e this .before, that'~ because Or maybe you'd like to break away with a brand-new Tbere's also The Great One. Our GTO, thc one that startcd And don't forge our luxurious BonneYille. With a standard. there's neYf:rbeen a car like thIS PontIac Grand Pm; before. Firebird. With typical Wide-Track handling and a range 01 it all. Complete with basehall-bat.proof bumper, fully 360-hp, 4~-cubic-inch V-8, a long, long 125' wheelbase, a So new, it's got its own 118" wheelbase. ~o new, it's g?t its available V-8 choices that'll make your head spin (including padded instrument panel, distinctivc Rcdline tircs, along new upper-level ventilation system, color-keyed energy own aircraft-type interior. A new steetlng wheel With a the fabulous 400 Ram Air option). Brand.ncw styling. too, with specially dcsigncd suspension. Plus an assortmcnt of absorbing bumper at. both front and rear, ~ "soft" material rim. With a Wide-Track on big tires. With Lean, clean, ready looks. Plus 13 exciting new colors ••• V-S's that'll make your brcak from dull driving just about plus the kind of interiors you'd like to install , GM • new bidden radio antenna we're daring everybody to find. new anti-theft igniLion, steering and transmission lock. as pleasing as any you've ever made. at home. Bonneville. Who needs more? - AR __ ....-DIo_

THE NEW 1969 GRAND PRIXS. BONNBVILLES, BROUGHAMS, EXECUTIVES, CATALINAS. GTO's, LEMANS, CUsrOM S, TEMPESTS AND P1REBIRDS ARB AT YOUR AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DBALER'S NOW, Page Fourteen G It 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S Thursday, September 26, 196~ ------'------BILL CROWLEY, a June National Honor Society. has en. graduate i>f Grosse Pointe High tered the freshman class at Dogs Versus Cats Good Parcells MUldie School School where h~ 'was the reci. Princeton UDiversity. He is the picnt of a Phi Beta Kappa son of the PATRJCK J. CROW. award and a member of the LEYS, of Stephens road. For Spirite~ Arguments Lists 15 Nelv Teachers By Walte~. W. Fuller lude on Cats," which is well Principal Vincent L. Peterson Ronald Glass, who will teach Often, around any hacienda, worth reading. of Parcells Middle School today science, is a graduate of Wayne things gct a bit llull, and con. Cats Mucb Neater released the names of IS teach- S tat e UDiversity. Following AciloEMYCKl versation tends to turn into a "One reason men have always ers who are new to The Grosse service witb tbe Coast Guard, GOLDEN be taught in WarreD. boresome kettle or mishmash. liked dogs." he wrote, "is that Pointe Public School System NOW James Spillan, a former The Return of thl' lIappy Ending AWARD ' Soo, how about stal ting a good. the dog flatters u" with fawning who have been assigned to his Doris Day-Brian Keilh old.fashioned dog fight ••• with servility; it is agreeable to' be building for the 1968-69year. Grosse Pointe teacher, has de- in BUDDHA cats on the' other side of the received by demonstrations of Mrs. Christie Brady, a for. grees from the University of "WITH SIX YOU WINNER argument? This can be done affection. But the devotion of a mer Grosse Pointe teacher, will Michigan. He left the I 0 c a I .EIT DtftCTOlt-IIHg does not compare in Mr. and Mrs. William C. Mc- cal education instructor. wild animals (ine1uding lions neatness with the cat. The dog Kay Sr. of 1 Alger Place, has Three teachers who bave been LAMB and tigers), and that dogs are is a jolly good fellow; he leaps completed his initial phase of assigned to sixth grade classes descendants of wolves or, per-' joyously upon you, places his Midshipmen indoctrination at are Miss Yvonne Okie, Mrs. Pa- haps, jackals. There you go. muddy paws on your shirt- the U.S. Naval Academy in An. trieia Shoemaker, and Miss now try that one for a starter. front. and, after swimming, napolis. Md. Susan Witzke. And, DOW,to set the' record postpoDes the shaking of his During the 10 weeks of sum. Miss Okie is an experienced straight, please be advised that frame until he is in close mer training he and other teacher from Detroit who did there are 3,247 licensed dogs in range." "Plebes" were introduced to her college work in Ohio. Miss the Pointes. If YOIl care for a Cat COJDmaads Respect and met the standards of dis. Shoemaker has a BA from Prices Effective September 26 th'ru 26th breakdown of the canine popula. Dl'. Phelps claimed that the cipline, conduct and perform. Michigan State and has taught 79~.tion you'll find there are 1,084 superiority of the cat is "shown ance required by Midshipmen. in Warren. Miss Witzke received dogs in the Farms, 1,073 in the most conviDcingly in his intel. He speDt hours on the drill her degree from Wayne State. ALWAYS Park, 563 in the Woods,. 410 in lectual resources. You may love field. days on the rifle range ------the City, and 117 in the Shores. a dog, but a cat commands your and more hours sailing in the IICome 10 the Pointe" FRESH Sad to relate the cat popula- respect. His infinite capacity'to academy's 26.foot sailboats. for ALL tion in these beautiful communI- keep still makes him good com. The summer training period ties never has been taken, be. pany for the quiet hours. The came to an end with a Parent's BEEF cause cats do not bark, prowl dog, as someone said, is always FRESH Open House Weekend when the BETTER DEALS I the neighborhood, snap at mail. on the wrong side of the door." Midshipmen's parents visited on men or growl when visitors "Every household should have the academy and were able to New anel Used Cars LAM.PATTIES walk into a home. Likewise, no a eat," he cominles, "not only observe the progress made by Complete Selection one seems to know the squirrel for decorative and domestic their sons. HAMBURGER OUR OWN populatioD, which may be dou. values, but because the cat in With the summcr over and the I CROSSE POI NTE hie that of dogs and cats com- quiescence is medicinal to iirj- upper classmen returning to RAMBLER bined. So, where are we? table, teDse, tortured men and Annapolis, the emphasis DOW Man's Best Friend women. shifts to academic subjects and 3 LIS. FOR $1.59 MEAT LOAF It has long been said that "a "Now, when the cat decides integration into the 4,OOO.man 57c lb. dog is man's best friend," and to rest. he not only lies down, he Brigade of l\fidshipmen. READY TO BAKE "recollect that the Almighty, pours his body onto the floor who gave the dog to be com- like water. It is reposeful mere. FRESH FRYING I own a cat farm, be assured o p,n lu ncl,y' 1D:DOto 4:. lb. panion oC our pleasures and our ly to watch him. TIlul'l.• nd r.l. Till ,:00 '.M. that this is not true. The only pan toils, hath invested him with a ,"If the cd wishes fu leave the 2 $1.29 noble nature, and incapable of room he makes no fuss about purpose of this piece is to bring WE DELIVER CHICKEN LEGS deceit." it, and does not anDOYyou with some solace to the often de- NO On the other hand, a cat is vocal importunities; he simply meaned and under-rated cats- 0" Orders of $5 or More Gourmet Corner said to have "an acute mind, an selects a position near the door, and to give cat lovers food for BACKS an argument against those who inflexible will, and It divine and waits paticntly until some- ATTACHED 49:. favor dogs. At our home we ROSLYN BONELESS STUFFED patience." Cat buffs can really one opens it. build a big case in favor of their "It's a pity that dogs take have had one or the other over MARKET U.S. NO. , EXTRA FANCY feline friends. But so can those no interest in washing them. a long period of years-and I who worship at the throne of selves; it would help in passing uOW throw my hat into the ring Oldest in tho Woo,. with those who own cats. Yes, Ibs. e CHICKEN Canis familiaris! the time. It is a constant re- 21020 MACK at Ro.ly" Ii. Some felineophobes call them source for the cat. If there is we do now have a solid-black PEACHES for 3g feline, with green.green eyes. 184-3600 2 "dumb, purposeless, self-cen- nothing ~Ise going on, or if the tered, indolent, treacherous." cat is wakeful, he can always His name is Aristot!e-Ari, for BREASTS Again, on the other hand, those bathe himself. To a cat self. short. LARGEl SHO-WHITE who diilike dogs say they can washing is a means of cleanli- Did you ever see a dog wag i his tail and knock things-some- be ANY man's best friend, are ness, an athletic exercise, a pas. devoted to lInyone in whose time, a :..fine art, a religious times objects d'art-into a thou- 1969 SUPREME company they. find entertain- ritual." sand pieces? A cat can very ment." Cat More Graceful gracefuliy hop up onto a table and nestle down among a lamp. Cadil.!rJa . d One of the most valued books Famed playwright William II~~~~~~;:::TA~~~H .. LB. in my library was written by a Gillette, once wrote: "Surely it an ashtray, a jar of goodies $1.29 man with whom I became ac- must be evident t


RI(;UARD BtJI(;K~.Ine. Notice is hereby given that registration of qualified elec- tors who have not already registered, can be made with the City Clerk in the City of Grosse Pointe Park, at his office 15103 Kercheval Avenue~ In tile PII,t in the Municipal Building, 15115 East Jefferson Avenue, City of Grosse Pointe Park, Wayne County, Michigan. any date prior to and including October 4, ]968, and that the City Clerk will be in his office daily from 8:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. and on Wl:dnesdays until 6:00 P.M.

NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that lor the convenience of the electors, the City Clerk will be in his office from 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P,M. on Saturday, September 28, 1968 and • Cram 8:00 A,M. to 8:00 P.M. on Friday. October 4, 1968, "See the Men Ln Blue-They Follow through for You for the purpose oC receil'ing registrations. N. J. ORTISI, serve you" City Clerk At two Locations to ]5115 East Jefferson Avenue VA 2.6200 GPN 9/19 and 1/26/88 IF------~-~~------

Thu:rsday,' September 26, 1968 G R OS S E POI N TEN EW S Pagl~ Fifteen ------_._,------"- .._--_._. __ .._---~- .".-_.- -~-~ ---- P,'!'.A. Board and Committee' boys and girls. This number far Enjoying a visit with her par. WSU Enjoying Barnes School To Fete Parents members and some of the i exceeds any past year's new ents, the RALPH E. CROSSES, Gasoline Bonfire Burns Auto Bames staff will also be there. I enrollment. of North Deeplands road, are Using gasoline 10 start a bon. IKensington road, now knows. Building Boon, Jack McllJahon, new ~rincipal-~~~.-;herc will be a welcome Some 60 new families have I !\IRS, PETER G. WODTKE, of fire is dangerous business, as Park police report that the I al Barnes Elemenlarr School, and get acquainted reception moved into the Barnes district The self.satisfied man has Beirut, Lebanon, and her son, the 10.year-old. SOD of the I lad had some difficuILy ignit- The clangs of cranes and call. I will be on hand tonight, Thurs .. for new parents and room par- this year. with some 84 new re,!ched the jumpIng off place. NICHOLAS. Thomas 111. Atkmsons, of 14091 ing a. pile o.f leaves raked. onto i struction crews-sound~ almost i day, September 26, at 7:30.8:30, ' ents, in the school gym. ------.-----.--.. - the Side drive or the Atkinson I as traditional as the gongs of I I home. He then poured some I the University clock on r.ampus ' gasoline aD the leaves, and' -will again greet students reo , tossed a match in on top of it. turning to Wayne State Univer. ' 1969 CARS- ORDERNOW The leaves immediately burst sity this fall. I VERBRUGGE'S into flame.' All through the sum mer ! FOR EARLY DELIVERY I In addition, some of the gas. months new buildings have been: _. If you' need a new car, aline spattered on the, side .of taking,shape in the biggest can .• Jnvest'gote the many advanloges of our leas;ng program the family's '1968 automobile; slruction boom in Wayne Stale' Any'Car-Any Model-Equipped as You lilce It parked in the driveway. Some: history. of the paint was burned off,' Four buildings. representing a I Complete Fleet Advisory Service police said. 'tolal cost of approximately 546 : Individual Attention Det. Sgt. James La Pratt,' million are now under construe- 1 Get The Facts Today ! ! ! commenting on the mishap,: tion-the Basic Medical Science' urged parents 10 be On hand Building. the University Center. as supervisors when their chil- Building, a Chemistry Building: dren attempt to light a bonfire, and Science Library, and a For. i

JIM CAUSLEY LEASING "They are especially warned I eign Langual(es and Speech I' 17601 MACK AVE. TU 6-4605 against using such highly in.: Classroom Building. BONELESS flammable liquids as gasoline,'" The University Center Build. I

he added, "That could pe: iug will be the focal point for I' I tragic." ' . student life on campus, provid. I i ing dining ,facilities, meeling PORK LOIN ' 'J; rooms, lounges and a University i CITY OF GROSSE POINTE Thieves Gel CIu) book~tore. Included in the build- ing, on the upper floors. will be ROAST I...iquo,'.,Cigarets the Charles Grosberg Religious WAYNE COUNTY, MICHIGAN Center housing the headquart- Ecrich-Old fashion Thieves forced their way into ers for all of the major religious ea. $159 faiths on campus. a semi-trlliler parked in, the lot In addition to the new build- MEAT LOAF 991~.fiIMd'LOAF 2.lb. avg• NOTICE OF REGISiRATION of the Lochmoor Golf Club, ings, work has begun on outdoor . 1018 Sunningdale, and escaped facilities at the Matthaei Phvsi- Farm Style Instant NEWt Low Calorie with $235 worth of merchandise, . for the it was reported on Wednesday, cal. ~duca,t.ion and Recr,eation UBBY'S Artificiaffy Sweetened September 11. " BUlldmg, ,:rst ~f a ~el'l~s. of POTATO FLAKES Richard Brennan manager of planned Umvel'slty projects III a For Delicious • Fruit Cocktail the club notified Woods police new campns area west of the '.Ib. Can GENERAL ELECTION of the breakin. disclosing that Joh.n.~. ,Lodge Freeway. !'Jew Alashed Potatoes 'l facJllhes lIlclude a new stadIUm Large Family Size-up to 30 servings • Yellow Cling Peaches th e bur.g.Iars en t ere d th e tr al er 16 tennis courts, and baseball: 1.tb. Can to be held on after fI1~ng off a master l?ck instructional and practice fields. on t~e .slde door of the, senu. Gronndbreaking is schedulod DRY ONIONS for Mlssmg. Brennan dlse!osed. this year for the new Shiffman 2 4~ TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1968 were two eases of whiskey; Medical Library and the Labor, brand unknown, valued ~tabou. Archives Building. I $120; 10 cases of premIUm and A considerable part of the I 3 ~~g 3~ Green Giant . ,NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That lhe Clerk of the local beer. valued at a total of I cost for the record building pro- I EXTRA City of Grosse Pointe, Wayne County, Michigan, will be $60; and 2~ cartons ,of assorted gram will come from gifts and I LONG NE.W · · ·~\ng at h~ oUice located at 17147 Maumee for the purpose ~:a~~;. of Clgarets, \\orth a total grants to the University. I pre-SOa: of r.e~e.iving registrations from qualified electors who have Tender, Green Discovery of the theft was • 'Of \aUnof'J !lot already registered and from electors who will possess made by Nick lIloffa of 22800 WALLET STOLEN I ASPARAGUS REGULAR such qualifications on November 5, 19G8, the date of the Gary. S1. Clair Shore::, bar Gail Artner of 19888 Doyle 39c General Election, manager, when he went to the place, told Woods police on Sun- trailer to replenish depleted day, September 22, that while Mcintosh SPEARS GIA.NT stock. The semi was parked at she was shopping at Arnold Nt. Wt. 1S'CII. C YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED that the City Clerk's 79 thl: northeast corner of the Drugs in Mack avenue, an un- Con KING Office will be. open for registration er:l!'y day exce~t Satur- Club property. known thief lifted her wallet APPLES from her purse, whicb was a Fresh Large Bunch 19 day ana Sunday. from 8:30 A.M. until 4:30 P.M. and $1 basket type, but coverless. Her C Wednesday evenings until 6:00 P.M. for the purpose of 55~1 Auxiliary ladies Making loss was $37 in bills and change. 3cek~PCk3~ BR,OCCOLI 39 accepting registrations. Anniversary Ball Plans operator's license and personal papers. IMPORTANT ThE: first meeting of the De. troit-Macomb 18th Annual Hos. pitals .Auxiliary Ball eommittee Fo'r' the convenience of the electors, the Clerk will be was held Friday, September in his office from 8:00 A.M. to :i:00 P.III. on Saturday, 13, at the home of general September 28, 1968 and from 8:00 A.M. to 8:00 P..lIl. on chairman, Mrs. Vollrad J. van Friday; October 4, 1968 for the purpose of receiving Berg, of North Rosedale cO!Jr1. Ideas, suggestions. opinions, registrations. and questions were. discusse.d with the purpose of planning THOMAS W, KRESSBACH for a most successful event. Sub-committees were selected 'City Clerk under the. guidance of l\ITS. Frank Pugliesi, 'vice-chairman Dated September 6, 1988 of the Ball, Grosse Pointe, IIlichigan Published in tbe Grosse Pointe News 9/19/68 and 9/26/68. The surest way -to test a man's character is to find out if he lives up to his promises.

NIID TO , I CUSTOMCRAFT ~an figure out a way to EXPAND SPACE for whoever or whatever re- quires it ... (and the nice part is ... it won't LOOK added on!) .. • • • We EXPAND space for PEOPLE (butchers. bakers. candlestick makers and even for kids) •.• WE EXPAND 5pace for THINCS too! (Garden tools, automobiles. pool tables. e.tc.) • • • ....~..:,.': REMODEL! ~'~ ..... ~: . .Our business is creating -more livable SPACE for people , . . Vie can do it for YOU! By EXPANDING either UP. DOWN, IN or OUT! • • If you need a family room, extra•bedroom, of- fice. den, garage (or what?)


.." .. "~~".:...... :.~. r:f:~';.:;~~.. ': "EXPANDERS" '.: ..... ,' USTOMCRAFT C &n£RuatlQII aMnpany 1969 Mus'ang. 1969 Torino. 1969 Ford. __ a IIMODElJNG CONTRACTORS • RESIDENTIAL' COMMIRCfAL All n.w, all overl! areat model.. The winner's bacK for more. , • Longer. Wider. Qui.ter. More engin•• than eyer. with two hot new Cobras to bootl And alone In its clan, They're like no Mustangs vou've ever Torino for '69 come! on lusl as ~,')I or as for 1969,Ford lracks oswlde asCadilloc. seen beforel longer. Wider. Roomier, luxurious 03 vou please. Engines range Smooths your ride wilh a longer wheel. 881.1024 front end back, And for, for sportier. olllhe way up 10 0 428.cu. in. Cobra Jet base l!Jan Chev/olet. Has more front Take Il,e new Muslang Mach 1. Or 1,,)(_ Ran"Air V.a. For Torino spiril with e)(lro head r60m and legroom than a Chrysler urious GrandE;' Choose hardlop, sparls, savino', odded, choose Irom eiQht new Imperial. The '69 Fo;d LTD is desi.,ned rool or convertible. Then dip into 0 long '69 Foirlarlos. See all S2 ollhe new '69 to ride even quioter than the LTD that list of oplionsond design your Must(lng. Fords lode.,.. rode quieter lhon Rolls.Rovco. ,lhe.Rl~~ y~~'vegot to go to see what's going on-Your Ford Dealer SIRVING THIS AREA SINC•. 1916 .. j • '. ! ~".•• ',. ".1' . ~ ..

Thursday, September 26, 1968 Page Sixteen POINTE NEWS Grosse Pointe News 0 Wltalj on ANTEEBO PUBLISHERS, INC. What Goes n new OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL at GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN 48236 II Second Class Postage Paid at Detroit, Michigan September 26 - October 3 Y00 r Library .r..,E .." Ll , , , ---- FULLY PAID CIRCULATION * AU MemoriaJ - sponsored activities open to the • by Sibyl . ______Grosse Pointe public. Hospital equipment available for By VirllDia Leoaanl Phone TU 2.6900 free loan: crutches, wheel chairs, heating lamps and 1' _ Discover . . . the decorative delights of ~atchmg fabrics and wallpaper. Ycu'll see an attra~hve .samp- ~ember Ylchlgan Press Association and National Editorial Association hospital beds. We're a bit late, but Seplem. On October 17, the title will be ling of traditional and contemporary des~gns m the NATIONALWeekly News~aperADVERTISING1'.~re~Dtal\Ve.RJ!I'IlESENTATIVEIDC. ' GROSS E POIN ITE GAR D EN CENTER AND LEND. ber 17-23happened to be League RED SKY AT MORNING bY window of DenIer, 77 Kercheval. Coor~In~te wall. 404 f'lflh Avenue,New Yorb1Il::.fciO'Ot~~CE BYranl 9.7300 ING LIBRARY. l\lrs. Harry Frost on duty Tuesday, Wed. sOfeptWemombeernv160~2elr,sCwOeNekST'ITaUn~'~aiCrhmardandBreandtef~f~i.ni;ghisSto~ySo~ paper with draperies. The pa.ttern can be.p~mted on ______333 North !dlchlganAvenue Phone Fmanclal 6-2214~__ nesday, dThursday,F 'd 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Volunteer consul. TION Week. Displays are still what,Y happened to a Southern vari-grounds . . . such as VInY~ for. unlu'l;uted and ROBERT B. EDGAR..., EDITOR and GENEllAL MANAGER Itant on uty rl ay, 2 - 4 p.m. TV 1-5494. up for your viewing in our Cen. wife and a seventeen.year.old dramatic effects. Custom colormg IS avaIlable for WILLIAM ADAMO...... ,ADVERTISING MANAGER I Thursday, September 26 tral Library, and we hope you son when dad went off to fight the perfectionist. JANET MUELLER...... FEATURE PAGE, SOCIETY i * 9:30 a.m.-Beading Gowns & Sweaters-Mrs. Richard will corne in and remind your. Hiller. JAMES J. NJAIM ...... ,.... N.EWS I & 12:30 p.m. Wadnitz, Instructor sell of the importance of tbese As this is an election year, it Fit To be Tied ... by repub1ican~• or democrats, are PEPPER WHITELAW...... NEWS *10:00 a.m.-Braille Transcri lion Class _ Mrs. Robert two observances. is surely fitting that THE CASE the good looking Bronzini lies wlth subtle all o~er WALTER W. FULLER , ,.. , NEWS P Both display cases contain a AGAINST CONGRESS by Drew elephant or donkey pattern ... black on a selec~lon MARY LORIMER ...... ADVERTISING McNamara, Instructor. combination of pertinent and in. Pearson and Jack Anderson BARBARA H. CICHY...... ADVERTISING 10:30 a.m.-Grosse Pointe Garden Center Bonsai Class. teresling materials, such as pic. would be on our list for October of six colors .. , six dollars :1t the ~ I Touch of Elegance in ~he Colonial LILLIAN KARR...... ADVERTISING & 1:00 p.m. es-for Members & Prospective Members tures, pamphlets and books-all 124. The subtitle of this book is: JOHN MacKENZIE , BUSINESS * 12 noon-Duplicate Bridge - Mrs. Marvin Bourget, underlining thp. need for aware. The Pervasive Corruption of Federal Building. Apropos for JOANNE EASON ...... :;. ACCOUNTS Director ness in ou.r country's f~ne heri-1 C~pitol Hill in Condemn.ing De. birthday gifts. are the Bronzini ties ONNELLEE KOENIG...... CLASSIl!IED ADVERTISING * 4'00 pm-Ballet _ Mary Ellen Cooper Instructor tage and mvolvement m many Ital!. It may be muck.rakmg, but with his zodiac sign i,l an all over ALBERTA WiLKE...... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 4:30 p'nl' Ballr D . f g d ' 5&6 M of the problems that face our it is important and informative. pattern. University of Michigan or TION * . ..- oom ancmg or ra es -- r. . .. . KAY STOUGH ...... -., ,...... CIRCULA CI $20 ~ 1 Inallon A new flchon title by Allen Michigan State fans will tote re- MARIE KREL"ER CIRCULATION, ass or 4 lessons. The'material on the Constitu. Drury. PRESERVE AND PRO. freshments in a regular size lunch ~I * 7:30 p.m.-Recorder Playing for Advanced Students tion is prOVidedby the Elizabeth TECT, will be reviewed on Octo. bucket with thermos, given special Oil C ° I 'William Pratt, Instructor Cass Chapter. D.A.R. This year, ber n. Here is another timely decoupage treatment ... specially . He's Stl ontroverSIO . 7:30 p.m.-Grosse Poin~e Numismatic Society September 17, marked the 181st political novel, by the author of for the Touch of Elegance. They come m navy and ... 8:00 p.m.-Thursday Night Dance Club - Mr. and anniversary of the signing of the ADVISE AND CONSENT, and gold or green and white. Tagged by many a.s the most controversial columnist 'I & 9:00 p.m. Mr.s. Ted Forrest, Instructors. First of a COD S tit uti 0 n of :he United the fourth in his series. Here in American journalism Drew Pearson unleashed several s~rJes of 10 lessons. $25 per couple. $15 ~~~~~~o~nO~~ehi~{:~~n~1~:i~~:~ :sesa~~~:ti~n,P~~~d~~~\p~~~:; Never Before ... Re.Nutriv• has there been such a thousand words (some ,perhaps WIt. h t ongue In. ch ee k) 'I I smgle. more important to rellect back of the House as ..careta k"er concentration of nutrient and mo~sturizing ingredi- during an hour.long address at Detroit's Masonic Temple] * Saturday, September 28 to our origins, and the struggles president. ents blended into one jar. Estee Lauder ~re~ne Re. 'd .ght I 9:30 a.m.-Ballet - Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor our ancestors had to obtain and A top best seller is "Adam Nutriv is for night-time. Liquid Re.Nutnv IS us7d Ias t F rI ay m . .' i * 9:30 a.m.-Children's Art _ Mrs. Stirling Loud, In- maintain freedom. Our libraries Smith's" THE MONEY GAME under make.up during the day. For a wonder IIp- stick that doubles as a lip cream try several of the His white mustache twitched q~ite afbDlt ats ~teCchlt.1 & 11:15 a.m. sftructor $27 for 14 lessons plus $3 material ~~r C~~s\~~yb:~~S e~~:~~tg p~~~ g~:rg:u~~r;d ~e=ln).na,';l':da~ I luscious colors at Trail Apothecary, 121 Kercheval. chatted on and on under the ausplces 0 e 1'01 om- ee. lems-it might be helpful to do Smith" knows money and its mandery, Knights of Templar. Most of the audience of *10:00 a.m.-French for Children - Henriette LaCroix, some reading in these fields to use; he presents a knowledge. about 800, (which included many Grosse Pointers), are & 11;00 a.m. Instructor. reaffirm our beliefs and give able and entertaining study for Gourmet Department . . •. is be- solid Republicans, it should be noted. ,.] 0 :00 a.m.-Enrollment for Grosse Pointe's Children's us a better background before investors-this' one is scheduled ing developed at The Mermaid. Much of Pe~rson's monol.ogue ~as a rehash o~ past -2:00 p.m. ra~~$t~~ for ~~sie~~~~~~ Reynolds, Instruc- making judg~e~ts~ fO~:~::~~e~ 14, 'I'HE HUR- The most recent addition is a complete line of famous forged y events about which most of his a';1dIence had preVlOUtsl 12:30 p.m.-Detroit A.A.U .W. _ Luncheon & Meeting Another fall activity about to RICANE YEARS by Cameron stainless steel cutlery from, read: He ~lso allowed as h;}w NIxon would ~e elec ed 2:00 p.m.-Beverly Scales _ William Kaman Wedding ~~~~~~~~t~:d:R~~~~sMArS~~~ Hawley will bi! up for eousidera. Hammacher-Schlemmer. . Presldent. If the votes were cast tomorrow, wh~ch. seems Reception ICA IS READlNG--AND WHY. tion. Here, the author of CASH most obvIOUS. He made no November 5 predlctJon. * 6:00 p.m.-Cocktail party ani! Dinner for Youth Coun- This class, liS you may know, is MCCALL tells of a 40-year-old - executive who suffers a heart Hamlin's Have ... a new •shipment of French crys. He also recited the yarn (rumor?) going the rounds i cil Members designed for the busy person attack and gains new perspec. talized violets, mint leaves, rose petals, pink whole ahlong newsmen in Washington, which has been .briefly I 7:30 p.m.-D.uplicate Bridge - Mrs. Marvin Bourget, who cannot keep up with today's tive on his wife and son. * roses, lilacs, mimosa and lavender. They come in D best sellers - the books Ameri- mentioned before in some newspapers and magazmes. Irector cans are reading and talking And finally, on November 21, attractive apothecary jars and are wonderful to . 8:00 p.m.-Good Companions - Sequence Dancing about. THE RIGHT PEOPLE, by Ste- keep on hand for decorating cakes, cookies and hors The story alleges that Geor&e Wallace proposes. to, I* 8:30 p.m.-Super "other Side" with the Camel Dri-. phen Birmingham will close out drop out of the ra:ce, and thro~ hI~ sUPI?ort to the major -11:30 p.m. ers Admission $2 in advance $2.50 at door. The flrs~ book,. AIRPOR:r, by the series. The author of OUR d'oeuvres . . . 89 Kercheval •.. TUxedo 5.8400. Presidential candidate who WIll gIve hIm t~e power to ID required. Arthur Halley. w,ll. be reVIewed CROWD here presents a portrait name the heads of the Department of Jusllce, and the F'd S t b 27 on October 3. ThiS boo~ has of the American social estab. Povungnituk . Today• we Department of H.ealth, Welfare and Education. Drew * . nay, ep em er been on. the best.seller list for lishment. lie has been accused learned many new words and ems to think it'S a good story, but that the "deal .., 4.00 p.m.-Ballet - Mary .Ellen Cooper, Instructor a Io~g time, an? IS.as cornpre. of inaccuracy, but his books are names as we explored Eskimo se 6 45 B 11 D f 7th d M henslv~ on a v 1 a t Ion as the widely read and discussed. In will never go through," which made everyone happier : p.m.- a room ancmg or gra e - r. aulhor s last book was on the this one, Grosse Pointe is fea. art at the League Shop, 98 Ker- than they were when he started to discuss it. and Mrs. Ted Forrest, Instructors. $20 for hotel. tured. cheval. The subjects . . . bears, 14 lessons. seals, birds and other arctic ani" . I ld t f t d' The following week, October This book review course will N ex,t the gema 0 maes 1'0 0 con roversy IS- * 7:15 p.m.-"Free and Easy Surfing Movie. Admission 10, Mr. Orr will be exploring meet weekly in the Exhibition mals are beautiful orignal sculp- cussed "Crime in the Streets," which he is against, ~nd & 9:00 p.m. $1.50. First show for families and young IBERIA by James Michener. Room at Central Library. Each tures, signed by the artist and "Law and Order," which he is for. Now, at this pomt, people. Second Show for adults. This is a book on Spanish trav. of the eight classes is devoted to registered. as he spoke he r~ised the hackles ?n the. necks .of a few * B:OO p.m.-Ballroom Dancing for 8 - 12th grades. els and reflections - it is a a thorough review of the book hundred Republicans, probably mcludmg Wilber M. First Class Every other Friday night. $20 monumental study, on the best by Mr. Orr, followed by a lively Look Forward . . . to the •next season's sports with Brucker and Lt. Gov. William Milliken who were at the for 7 TWO hour lessons. seller list, and a Book.of-the- discussion of books. ideas and fine equipment from Gray's Racquet and Sport speakers' table. * 8:30 p.m.-Parents Without Partners __ "Adjustment Month Club Selection. the major problems we face. Shop, 106 Kercheval. There's a good selection of footballs, hockey sticks and ice skates. By the way. Drew allowed as how this sad situation, which During Separation ~ After Divorce," those imported Shetland sweaters, will keep you scares the heck out of everyone but the perpetrators, is' Speaker" Mr. Ed Stamec. cozy while sporting. not the problem of the Federal Government, but of the Sunday, September 29 Public Schools .in Focus Governors of states. He admitted that h~ do~s not permit 10:30 a.m.-Unity Church & Sunday School Reservations Recommended• ... for lunch or dinner Mrs. Pearson to take after-dark strolls III hIS home town • 5:30 p.m.-Beginning & Advanced Karate _ Sang By Dr. Theos I. Anderson, Superintendent of Schools at the Bronze Door. Everyone is back in town .•• of Georgetown, which is in the District of Columbia, Kyu Shim, Instructor I would be remiss if I did not take advantage of everyone is going places. One Ot the most popular where they have no governor. Monday, September 30 this means of communication with the public to comment stop spots is 123 Kercheval. Of course, you don't need reservations at the piano bar where popular Here he cited a recent FBI report, which listed the 9:30 a.m.-Grosse Pointe Garden Council _ upon the results of the September 12 special school Freddie Warren entertains nightly surrounded by seven worst crime states in th.e USA as <;:alifornia, ~e'Y 10;00 a.m.-Weight Watchers of Eastern Michigan, Inc. millage election. ~ fans ... 886-1932. York,. Nevada, Maryland, Arlzon:.l, FlOrida and MIChl- *10:00 a.m.-Cancer Center _ Workshop First. in behalf of appr~xi-I ~ided locally. But w~ keep hear. gan, In that order. 12 noon-Pointers Duplicate Bridge mately I~,OOOstudents att~ndmg, 109 about alternatives to .the Mr. Sheridan-Books ... • invites you to an Open . I h' f h 12:15 p.m.-Rotary Club of Grosse Pointe _ Luncheon the pubhc schools. I Wish to Ilocal property lax. What might Then, wlth a most happy ook on IS ace, e ap-. 'thank those voters who cast [these be? House, Friday, September 27th from 8 p.m. until peared delighted to emphasize to his Republican audio . . & Meetmg . affirmative votes. We read constantly about the 10 p.m ... H's for Diane Hackatho~n. We ~ave ence that the governor of each and everyone of those 4.00 p.m.-Ballet - Mary Ellen Cooper, Instructor need "for equality of education- already admired her lovely pen and mk drawmgs states is a Republcian ,. 7:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe War Memorial Annual Dinner As y?~ [m~v, the passag~h o~Ial opportunity for all children in at 81 Kercheval. . 8:00 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Artists ProPosltl~n o. 1 ~eans a Michigan." To aebieve this end. At that there was a long mO~leJlt ?f dead silence in T e day Oct ber 1 y~.ur P.ub~~eS~~~~~~:~It~: o::~t ~ propo~al wa~ m.ade recently Start ... your morning with• coffee from the Golden the hall, then Drew ~bruptly sWltcnea t~ anot.her. sub. . u. s ~ ~. ~:~g :~rs. If the proposition had ~n LanS~ng to mstltute a .local Coffeepot and their special breakfast. You have a ject. He had left unsaid more than he saId, ~hlch IS an * 9:30 a.m.-Begmmng 011 Pamtlng - Ray Fleming, faile~ the school would he on Income lax for the operat1?n of choice of juice, two eggs any style, bac?n or s~usage, ancient trick of the professional propogandlst, and de. Instr.uctor.,.,. deficit financing this year to the the sehool~. ~ne taxes paId .to toast and jelly ... for a dollar forty-five. ThIS cozy liberate news slanter. * 10:00 a.lll.-Service GUild 101' Children s Hospital - extent of $671,000. In 1969.70the State of MichIgan would. be dls- Workshop d fi .t ld h b $2600. pensed on an equal baSJS to all restaurant is downstairs in the Colonial Federal What dear Drew failed to mention is that there are 11:30 a.m.-Senior Men's Club of Grosse Pointe - Gin ~ c~o;V~Utotala:fem~~: th~n $3 school districts. Building. 19 other .states where there a~e extremely low crime Rummy miliion. What is the im!llicati~~ of I rates, whlch also have Repubhcan governors: Just for 12 noon--Senior Men's Ciub of Grosse Pointe Our financial dilemma is not s~ch.a plan to ~~~.Systt~. Ob.! ax the fun of it, we should also add, that the natIOn's most Bridge unique. The general consensus VIOUSlY., a~d a I lO~a G on, " d . 'dd 't. h Cl la d. h' t persona IOcomes 10 rosse pu bl 1~lze ,crun~~n. en CI les ... suc ~s eve ~, 1:00 p.m.-Semor Men's Club of Grosse Pointe thr~ughout. t e na.tlOn seems 0 Pointe would raise a tremendous DetrOit, Boston, '~,hlcago, Gary and S1. LoUls, to mentIon Pinochle be mcreasmg resIstance to t~e amount of revenue. Unfortun. a few, have m~y~rs who ~re I?em?crats. Pearson may be * 1:00 p.m.-Life Painting _ Ray Fleming, Instructor local pr?perty tax as th.e basl~ I ately. for this district at least. able to use thiS informatIOn In IllS next speech, but we ]:00 p.m.-Women's Prayer Group of Unity Church fori pubhc school topefration. 1. 0I all the money collected would . .. ca taxes accoun or over 7 0 d G ' doubt It. 2:00 p.m.-Neighborhood ThrIft Shop - Tea and percent of the school system's i ~o~ Ihe returne to rosse .._. _ should be emphasized that we do not believe for F~shio~ Show .. receipts. various State Aid pro-I ~~~~ .f the State of Michigan It l I one seco!,!d, th~t a .man's political party has anyth.ing 6:30 p.m.-Kl\vam~ Club of Grosse Pomte - Dinner grams provide abou~ 22 percent, were to achieve "equality of i to do With CrIme m the streets, and we are fairly, & Meeting . . of our r~fenues, wl.th the bal- educational opportunity" in alii j certain Pearson feels the same way. We are doubly sure II 7:30 p.m.-~eight '~atch.ers of. E~stern MIchIgan, !nc. ance commg from miscellaneous Ischool districts, we would be: that Democrats and Republicans alike are e'lually con- ," 7:30 p.m.-LIfe & Shll Life Palntmg - Ray Fleming, : sources. .. _ ! paying a disproportionate share' cerned about the situation. That's the way it should be! 'Instructor ! Readers wJlI be mterested m to raise the level elsewhere, reo i , ." 7:30 p.m.-Grosse Pointe Chess Club 'learning that less than one per- sulling in a local educational I But, wh~n a. man of Pearson s sta~ure tries ~o; * 7:30 p.m.-Recorder Playing for Beginners _ William cent of the rcc~ipts of The program of diminished quality. I blame the CrIme In seven sta.tes h~. menh,ons on the.lr i Pratt Instructor Grosse Pointe Pl~bhc School Sys, In my opinion. the picture of gover!10rs, no matter what theIr polItics, he s way out In I 8:00 r.m.-Wily~e State Universitv Car Pool lem come from the Federal gov. ~na.ncing education in the future left field. . .CI b crnmenl. IS mdeed bleak Next week I . 8:00 p.m.-Grosse POinte Camera ~ U From the preceding break.: wish to comment upon three I .So, d~ar Dr~w, why not stop trYing to make the Wcdnesd~y, October 2 down you will sce that the bulk' additional problems facing thl) publIc belIeve thiS kmd ?f nonsen~e, and spend your 10:00 a.m.-Christ Child Pre.Sale of our operating funds are pro. I Grosse Pointe school district.

tune trYIng to come up \vlth a solut.lon. to the problenl? 10:00 3.n1.-I)u licator Brid e 4~ ._. _ Then you can report your personal fmdmgs to the gover- 11:00 a.m.-Se~or Men's clUb of Grosse Pointe - k F Ol nors and the mayors, and make a hero of yourself. Cribb fl. Cutler Pic. ~ed or ym pies WWl<' . afe . ----- . . 12 Iloon-Grosse Pointe Woman's Club - Bridge The Olympic Committee re- During his college years, Culler " 4:00 p.m.-Ballet - Mary Ellen Cooper. Instructor renlly announced the selection entered the 1960 Olympic try . .. 4:00 p.m.-Life & Still Life Drawing for Senior High of Lester Culler to he one of a outs and clime in 4th in the Registered? 7:00 p.m.-Detroit Cribbage Kayak racing team represent. backstroke finals . Are You .. 7:00p.m,-Flying Instruction Ground School - W. E. ing the United States at the Cutler started Kayak racing Everyone of voting age in the Grosse Pointe area ('oche :mc! Connie Earl, Instructors Olympic games in Mexico City. in 1966 and trained in Sweden * 7 45 Ad I B II t 1\1 1"11 C Cutler will compcte in the Kay. with some of the world's fast(lst surely knows that there will be a general election : p.m.-/\ uta c - ary , en ,ooper ak e".'.nts '''I'th approxl'mately ~d I t t Y" pau iers, two of whom were throughout the United Slates on Tuesday. Nov. 5. ns nH' or 100 ('ontl'nd!'rs who will paddle Swedi.~h racl'rs and Gold Medal' On that day millions of voters will cast their ballots " 7:30 p,Ill.-Hc('orc!er Playing - William Pratt In. thrir SWift, Iightwei~ht Kayaks winners in the 1964 Tokyo for the Presidential candidate of thcir choice. There iJlso strurtor in a series of elimination evenls Olympics. 8:00 p.m.-9600 Air Forcc Reserve which lake plare in Octoher. will be millions of citi7.ens who, foJ' one reason or an. Th . t f 1 Along with his lea m mates, other, will NOT go near their polling places, which is a Thursday, Octobrr 3 . e appom ment wa~ wo~ o. Cutler will leave for Mexico * 9'30 a,I1l.-Beading Gowns & Sweaters-Mrs. Richard .lowmg the Karak racm~ flDa.ls City well in advanre of the pity. • ". : held at Rowmll Stadmm In Following the general election of ] 964, it was es. ~ 1.z:30 p.m. Wa.ldmtz. Instru~to.r , ,. ,"ong Beach, Cal.. where the Kayak events to undergo fur. Over A Century of Serv!ce timated that nearly 30 million failed to cast their ballots, 10.00 a.m.-Braille TranscrIptIon ?II, s. Robert American team was selected. ther practice and become accus. and that more than two million of these dissidents were McNamara. Instrurtor Cutler, Ihe son of Mr. and tomed to the country's high 11 :00 a.m.-Welcome Wagon. of Grosse Pointe liar. Mrs. Scnga Cutler of 20580Fair. altitude. citizens of Michigan. This is an indication against too & per \Voorls. Mectlng & Tea way Jane, is now a swimming ------many of us! • 12 noon-Duplicate Bridge - Mrs. Marvin Bourget, coarh at Esfancia Hillh School GIVF. BRAILLE WATCHES It is quite possible that there are a large number of llirec1 or in Costa Mesa, Calif. Th.e\Vm..R.1~am.ilton C'O. Grosse Pointers who are NOT now properly registered * 1:00 p.m.-Creative Stilcherv .. & Wall HanflinN .- Mrs. Cutler's prowess in Wllt{;f Officials of the .Metropolitan ... too Council of Lions Clubs went FUNERAL DIRECTORS to vote. Among them may be scores of young people who Marshall Massev, Instructor, 1st of 6 les- sports goes back to his high last Tuesday to Carmel Hall, II Since /85,) recently have become elegible to cast their ballots for sons. Fce $20, • srhool days wh~n he ca'plai~ed horne for the aged at 2560 the first time. ';'hen there are those who have moved 2:00 p.m.- Women's Dcpartment. Detroit Bilnk & Ihe Grosse Pomte s\\'l11~mmg Woooward avenue, Dctroit. and WILUAM R. HAMII.TON " OAVlO M. HAMILTON Trust ,team and was a Scnolashc All presented Braille watchcs to into the area, and have not applied for new registration CLARt;Nct: E. OTI~;R cards. • 4 ',30 p.m,- Ba II'room l)'anclIlg - "I.. r. an d Mrs, 'red Americanyears for three straight blind. residents' . who live therc, . . h h f' 1...1 f . t F tIt t . . ,ThiS was the largest numher of . Let us ~lOWempha~l7.e t. at t e .ma .\Iay or regl~,er. ~ . orres, IlS ru~ ors . . Mter graduating in 19S8 he' these watches ever given by CHAPELS

illg to vote ill the PreSIdential electIOn, IS Saturday, rl. i 7.30 p.m,-R('rorc!er PlaYing - Mr WIlliam Pratt, enrolled at the University of the Lions at one time, said OETROIT ,1')i.l CASS ,'VENliE • TE 1.2i12 5, just nine days from today. W~. urge th?se w~o lIave, I~stn~dor . . Iowa where he won Collegiate Common Pleas Judge Benjamin BInMIN(;II,\M 820 EMiT M.,rL~; nol already done so go to the CIty Hall III thelr com-I. 8:00 p.m.-C1assl('al GUItar -- Mr. ETlan ('Owe, In. All American for three years Stanczyk, chairman of the corn. MI4.6000 munity and make certain they arc eligible to vote on slructor 1st class $36. for 10 lessons and was appointed c~ptain of mittee which made the presen. November 5. Do it NOW! .. 5:30 p.m.-Ac!ult Ski Club Opener at Strohaus the slVimming team in 1961. tations. . Thursday, September 26. 1968 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen Previewing The Carnival IPre-Viewl Christ Child Carnival 'Pre-View' Is Slated "Much Ado About Something" Theme Of '68 Pre- Holiday Fair; Orders May Be Placed At War Memorial Next Wednesday The Christ Child Society will hold a "Pointe Pre- view" of its annual Fall Carnival on Wednesday, October 2, beginning at 10 o'clock at the Grosse Pointe War Memorial. fashions by Milgrims. 10 o'clock in the Grosse Pointe War dence in Briarcliff drive the evening before the lecture, on wbose private courts the MRS. BRUCE R. BARTSCH. elegant versions of the prover- Carnival Chairman is Mrs. to meet informally with Mr. Lerner, will be the Robert early elimillation matches in the bial wreath, Christmas angels Robert Gab:riel, assisted by Mrs. Seebers, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jennings, the John II. 1968 Tennis and Crumpets Tour. of Ridgemont road, graduated ing ill Madrid, Spain, and KA. Church, Roc he s t e r. Mark's and an assortment of tree skirts Harry Heilmann and Mrs. Masons, the J. Gera.ld Wetzels, the David Pollacks and nallfent were played are the with honors ill June from REN LOUISE Y.ULMA, daugh- mother is the former JUDITH and . Thomas MeGann. Erick Ericksons. . THOMAS T. PETZOLDS, the Grosse Pointe IIigh School ter of MR. and MRS. LOUIS MUELLER, daughter of MRS. Very professional-I 0 0 kin g Planning the luncheon, fash. ED WAR D N. HARTWICKS, where he participated in inh'a- J. KULMA, of Woods lane. and JOHN HAMILTON MUELLER, flower arrangements may be ion show, decorations and More are the Carl H. Larsons, the Thomas Swanteks, M R. and MRS. JAM E S mural sporls, and JOHN ARO. SHARON LOUISE BRANDON, of Deming lane. Paternal grand. ordered, beautifully done in awards are Mrs. Clayton Alondt, the William Osborns, the William Klingbeils, the WiIliam BARNES, DR. and MRS. HEN- NOW HOAG, son of tpe JOHN daughter of DR. and MRS. pal'ents are the HOWARD W. variations of silk, velvet and I_Mrs. Bruce Bartsch, Mrs. Delbridges, the R. Cabell Morrises and Dr. and Mrs. RY DOMZALSKI, the WALTER T. HOAGS, of Washington I FRANK B. BRANDON, of Ver- ASHLEMANS. of Largo, Fla. straw flowers.' Thomas Chuba, Mrs. Donald James M. Pierce, Jr. B. FORDS. the HENRY MUR- road, a 1968 honors graduate of nier road, both on Strasbourg, Godparents were MR. and MRS. "The Merry Wives of Wind. Pokonny and Mrs. John Tul- RAYS, MRS. MARY SIMONS. Grosse Pointe University School I France. FRANCIS X. KOTCHER. JR, sor" have been making decoup. loch. Mr. Lerner will attend the subscription luncheon at MR. and MRS. R I C H A R D where he was layout editor of! ...... of North Rosedale court, the age bags and boxes all summer. Proceeds from the Carnival the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club following his lecture., MAN 00 G I AN, MRS. JOAN the year~ook and a me~ber of I Members of the Grosse Pointe baby's uncle and aunt. (Come early for they won't last are used to maintain a tempor- ...... '" O'CONNER and MR. and MRS. the varsIty socceer and nockey I Branch of the Lawyers' Wives .. .. " long!) ary sbelter for homeless chilo h: WILLIAM C. FORD. teams. of Michigan who are attending MR. and MRS. STEVEN B. "All's WelI That Ends Well" dren and a school for the edu- And speaning of lectures . . . The Grosse Pointe '" " ,~, .. " " : the organization's 11th annual WIIlTTLESEY, of Mount Cleo in the knitting booth. The fish- cable retarded. Celebrity Series' Lectures are held Thursday MORNINGS. Pointe area members cur. MRS. JEAN F. MESRlTZ, o[ I meeting, being held coneurrently mens, announce the birth of erman's knits are "the great- The newest Christ Child Pro- at the Esquire Theatre - not Thursday EVENINGS, rently serving on the Women's Lothrop road, headed the com-l with the annual convention of 1 daughter, CYNTlIIA ANN, Aug. est." jert is the Child Appraisal Cen- as was reported in this column last week • • • Association' for The Detroit mittce which arranged paintings I the State Bar of Michigan in ust 31. Mrs. Whittlesey is the "Such Stuff Are Dreams Made ter, where members are able tD '" '" * Symphony Orchestra Board of and seulpture about the Detroit Grand Rapids September 25 and for mer G LOR I A ANN Of" features items especially participate in community affairs Artists Market gallery so that all 26, are MRS. DOUGLAS L. S C H MID T, daughter of MR. for little girls and boys: Dolls through speech correetion and Planned Parenthood Mart ' I~~e~~or~O~I~~~O~~rSRS~I~~l'L was in readiness for the 4 to 7 PATERSON, who will assume and MRS. ART H U R O. A. and Doll clothes-dolI beds too remedial reading programs. Planned Parenthood volunteers were the busiest LIAM H. BUNDESEN, MRS. o'clock reception Friday, Sep' the presidency of the State SCHMIDT, of Lakecrest lane. garages for little boys and"':"yes: -"'"------ladies in town last Tuesday and Wednesday when they ALBERT D. LAW, MRS. RICH. tember 20. marking the Market's group at the close of the annual MRS. THEODORE B. WHITT- STILTS-for the 6 to 12 group, The redeeming feature aboufl met to address invitations to the Planned Parenthood's lARD H. C AMP BEL L, MRS. 196B-69 opening. Hostesses for business meeting today, MRS. LESEY, of Lakeshore road, is eight feet taIl and hand painted. building castles in the air is 1968 Christmas Mart IRAY W. MACDONALD, MRS. the party included Pointers DAVID IL. MAR TIN, MRS. the paternal grandmother. Special orders for monogram- that they still remain untaxed. . I ROBERT B. HEALY, MRS. MRS. WILLIAM S_ HICKEY, RICHARD HARVEY. MRS. DA- --~------(Continued on Page 25) PHILLIP MARCO and MRS. MRS. EDWARD LAMBRECHT, VID WILLIAMS, IV, and MRS. JOSEPH J. MARSHALL. Among MRS. EDWARD S.EVANS. JR., GEORGE COTICCHIO. the Association's 1968.69 com- MRS. GAR! M. STROH, MRS. mittee heads who hail from The R!CHARD SIMONDS and MRS. ( Pointe are MRS. HAROLD K. JOHNSON LACKEY. The Mar. MILDRED HOW ELL was .~-.. .' DANIELS, MRS. STERLING S. ket's contributing artists are awarded the Championship RICHHART, MRS. JOHN W. currently exhibiting at the gal- Flight trophy at the Austin \'NELSON, MRS. MURR'AY lery: . . Mothers' Club's annual Handi- iYOUNG, MRS. <-HARVEY''0...... cap Tournament's conclusion. ,DIXON, JR., MRi). J .. C. HUR- ,Among 177 Kalamazoo College I .... ,. I LEY and MRS. ALFRED D. juniors who have begun their MARK WI L L I AM ASHLE- MORAN. ' fall terms of study in 21 centers MAN, born August 23 to MR. iii': * ::= around the world ?re HENRY and MRS. RICHARD WILLIAM Six, Wavne ,State University WESSEL TAYLOR, son of MR. ASHLEMAN, of Rochester, was alumni from Grosse Pointe have "nd MRS. BURT EDDY TAY. christened Sunday. September been elected officers for various LOR, of Kenwood road, study- 22, in St. Andrew's Catholic Wayne State school anll college -----,_ ..._-~-~~-_._------_.--- alumni associations. Elected to t serve during the 1968-69 aca- 1 dcmic year were: JAMES J. The I AIUTO, MD .• Lochmoor boule- vard. president of the School of Medicine Alumni Association; WILLIAM A. HARRITY. M.D., Moth Hole Devonshire road, secretary of the School of Medicine Alumni Association; THOMAS C. LOWI- CHIK. Allard avenue, treasurer Needle Point of the College of Education Alumni Association; VIRGINIA F. RICE, Fairford road, record- ing secretary of the College of NEW DESIGNS Nursing Alumni Association; MICHAEL T. TIM!lHS, McMil. I ARRIVING DAilY Ian road, secretary-treasurer of' lion; and FRANK B. WALKER II. !ltD., Balfonr road. president CUSTOM DESIGNING : of the School of Medicine Alum. ; ni Association. PERSIAN WOOLS I ~::: ...;-. I Named to the Ferris State : College Summer Quarter Dean's Upstairs at 81 Kercheval Honor List are RONALD G. NOVAK, of Somerset road. and on the Hill ,CAROL A. LIBBY, of Severn : road. TU 5.3770 Hour$ 10-4 I * .. * I Among the 310 students who ,began classes at Amherst Col- --._-_ .. --_ .. __ .. _-- .. *4 lege this week after four days of orientation are W. BRIAN tilC SI)llerC BEDWELL. son c[ DR. and I ;\IRS. WILLIA!lJ L. BEDWELL. n IJ. J t-erJonalize \'0 ...... every Sunday at eft C J *~~~. I'~iial' J hm~8~e ~ ~mc:/'",;)i '" • ~."""1II~_RJlC-m~f1M1~ ... KIMBERLY knits just what all active women Tender, skillet. browned chick- want. A unique costume in pure wool. The ex- en, snow.whipped potatoes, quisitely tailored window-pane-plaid. cardig~n green vegetable, festive red cranberry sauce, hot buttered ...... -..---- jacket is cuffed and collared to coordinate WIth biscuits with plenty of honey, the jewel neck sleeveless dress underneath. AI. for dessert-your choice of ice \,. cream, sherbet or sparkling Save 10% Thrlt } . ,,' ways ready when you are. Relatin. The cost is a moderate \._ $1.95 for adults, just $1.00 for \ children. Septelnber 30th Sunday Cocktails 2 P.M, to 10 P.M. {~/ _ " , "56.Conner ."P"Exit i 1 3ht sbops of 3 Kercheval Ave" at Fisher Road Pll11CI1 alld JlIdy Block 19849 MACK AVE, 884.6615-Grosse Pointe Woods W"ttolt.J'i~r,~ TU 1-1505 D:~~~~:'. )(erch.yol at St. Clair IIG'llf Card. (';PEN THURSDAY EVENINGS Grosse Pointe _ ....iiiIi... _ 550 N. Woonar. Ilrmlnsham

f Page Eighteen GROSSE POIN1'E NEWS 'fhursdlY, September 26. 1968 Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes Special 'Paper Lion' Smith-Korte Previewing Old World Market Wares Fall Plans Made By Newcomer, Riles A re Held The Grosse Pointe Newcom- ber 5. ers Club began its fall season Newcomel'l .Dd their guests Speaking their wedding vows with the formation of a new will bus to Ann Arbor and en. Evening Set At DAC Friday evening. August 30, in political party: The Bridge joy a tailgate lunch prior to the st. Jude Churdl were Virginia Party. Club members met Sat- gallle. Chairman of this event Anne ("Ginger") Korte, daugh. urday, September 14, to play will be Dick and Anne SUven. Busses Will Leave Club After Early Dinner: Transport ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. progressive bridge, (and, per. They wU1 be assisted by Harry haps, to elect "Snoopy" as their Members And Their Guests To And . Korte, of Detroit, and Sheldon and Nancy Brown, Bill and Dodge Smith. son of Mrs. Berns president?). Sally Pierce, Ken and Betsy From Adams Theater Smith, of Lakeland avenue, and The caucusing committee was Schooff, Jim and Emmy Seegert, headed by Bob and Joan Rein. Fred Smith, of Salem, Va. Couples who have recently . .------. I hard and includes Aland Mary WIth the world premier of the "Paper Lion" coming A reception at Hillcrest Coun. moved to Grosse Pointe from Kleusner, Dick and Joanne outside the Detroit area are up at t.he Adams Th.eatre on Thursday, October 3, the' t~y Club foil o.w e d. the 7:30 Mills, Eddie and Mary Beth invited to contact Ed and ],Iary entertamment commIttee of the Detroit Athletic Club 0 c!ock double rmg rites. over Pittman and Clarence and has arranged a special dinner and bus ransportation whlc.h Father John O'Callaghan Eleanor Wascher. SullivlD, 8~1-1a2(). for informa. for members and their guests to amI from the theater preSided. The Afterglow convl.'ntion tion on Club activities. Just so that DAC'ers may~ . I The bride, given in marriage was held at the Knights of be in on all of the fanfare ), '11 h b . I by hel' father, wore a white or .. Columbus Hall, Warren at NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB 't W 10 WI ave a ta Ie for fl~e, gandy Empire gown styled with Radnor. FALLAcnVInES an d ~XCI ement of t.he gal.a a~d :\Ir. anI! ~~rs.Ray Whyte. pleated puff sleeves' and a Vie. Arrangements lor the N"!w- START FIRST WEEK c\ elling, a!l early UIIl>:iel:IS I WIlO have Jnvlt~d l\Vo other I torian bodice of Alencon lace. I comers' second annual football IN OCTOIlER planned WIth busses loovmg tOll pIes to be wllh them. i A seed pearl.acceDted pillbox party at Ann Arbor have been Register Now at t~e Club promptly at 8 . Others from The Pointe look. ) held her bouffant illusion veil, 17150 Waterloo Of completed. The group will see call TU 5-4600 o clock for the Adam:s. WI( forward to an evening of and she carried a French Colo. the Michigan.Navy game Octo. fun are the Senior Ralph Wil. nilll bouquet of daisies and Joining the DAC grOOlp of sons. -'Ir. and -'Irs. George white roses. some 300 theater goers will be Brooks. the Pete~ Koenigs and She was attended by honor ?IIr. and )Irs. Frank McCaffrey, Mr. and -'Irs. Elvmg Anderson II a'd C I II I d b 'd ------._____ . I " I aro. ame an n es. maids Marilyn Short, Karen Walters and Donna Sewell, who !lliss Nancy s llairdressers I selected floor length Empire frocks of lime peau. Specializing in Hair Coloring and Wigs Their headpieces were veiled I 19877 MACK AVE.• 801.0761 • GROSSE POINTE WOODS hands of lime flowers, accented Open Tues., Wed., 5ot. 8 a.m.-4 p.m .• Man .•Thurs.Fri. 'til 9 with pearls, and their French Colonial bouquets were fash. MRS. ROBERT M c KEN D R I C K, oversee the Doll and Toy Booth while ioned of purple carnations, dai. (right), of Merriweather road, and her her mother will have charge of the In- sics and baby's.breath. mother MRS. DONALD BAXTER get a tl"rnational Booth stocked with gift items UPHOLSTERING (0. The bridegroom asked Wil. chuckle out of the bear mask from India from all over the world. Other Pointers 14322 Mack Ave. Phone VA 2.9660 liam Mumaw to act as best and strings of colorful Mexican beads man. Ushers were Richard assisting in the Doll Booth include Mrs. • Custom. Walker, Richard McCarron and featured in the International Institute's R. J. Leinweber, Mrs. Joseph Gerey, REUPHOLSTERING & RESTYLING Ronald Korte, the bride's broth. "Tiny Shop.1t Both ladies will have spe. Mrs. Mary Ann Walton, Mrs. Max Gard. er. cial jobs as volunteers during the Insti. ner, Mrs. Fred Metry and Mrs. Sherman • free pick up and deliveTJI tute's traditional Old World Market, • select from hundreds oj fine The newlyweds have returned Chamberlain. Hours for Detroit's ori- fabrics from a vacation in the East and which opens Thursday, October 10, and ginal folk fair are noon to 10 o'clock • custom made slip covers are making their home in Dc. runs through Sunday, October 13 at Thursday, Friday and Saturday, noon • guaranteed • terms aVllilable trait. the Institute, a TOl'ch Drive Agency in to 9 o'clock Sunday . East Kirby street, Detroit. Ginny will FRlE ESTIMATES- VA 2.9660 You can always spot a well. OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE informed man. His views coin. Icide with yours. Mary C. Francis P.l.M'.E. Guild To Hold Tea 1~~~.--.-~~-.-'-.-.-~-.-m~dA~ustU M~GOO~~M,~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; THE FOOD BASKET ~Mrs. George Alexander Fran. ~~~~ r~o~a;,illTh~~~d~;,r ~~~: ~~P~~~Il:'~~'~;u~ltS}~~:;~~~ 1.:.' OF GROSSE POINTE If~~~a;;~~~~ :t~~r a::~~~t~~~ ~~~:ce:. ::~ :~°'Fnvft:t~o~l ~:~ ar;;rs~O~~ninw:~eJ~og:a:~~ct ..: 20915 MACK • 4 BLOCKS NORTH OF VERNIER • 884-3880 m Mary Carmen, to Christopher to acquaint Grosse Pointe wom. a tour of her home in which ~!Jlutu~s.Arts ~NJ\utiq1ttlt i;~ IS NOW FEA ~ ~~~~h~~i~~\~~~\~:ll~~ ~rr~ ~~o~~~h ~~~n~or~.~~~~E~y ~~: ~~~c~airo~a~~ ~~~~u~:~~~!~~ 19869 mack ii TURING DAILY !~England, on August 26. ~~~io~~i~~i o~~: t;eU~~una~~s:~ aArmeOangstSaOtmueeOOffStht.eFraarntcl~,ieAceS~ r: ,',,, Father 'fhomas Finnegan of. " (Jrosse [Pointe Woods, :~~SJ:::~;I g~i:t~ aaJ :h~t~rUp~~a\ ~=ssS~~ i~~d~~r ~,~~~n:rp~~~s ~~uc:t ~i:~iall~n~c:~~~~d c~~~ne~ue~~ FRESM • BREADS '1 Church. rica. Maria Therese of Austria and a 886--8828 ALL fROM TH'" .:1.~ The hride, who is also the Reverend Father N. l\lae. Sassiferato Madonna. Opening Friday, September 27th, 10 '" A daughter of the late !\Ir. Fran. strini. Detroit Spiritual Direc. Mrs. Clayton P. Alandt, is a.m. to 8 p.m. Come and browse i cis, was given in marriage by I tor of P.DI.E., will be on hand president of the Pointe P.I.M.E. among paintings, sculpture, jewelry, ; I b th J W ------Guild. Assisting tea chairman woodcraft, stitchery, pottery - along 12401 MORANG :.;.•.t.i.' ~~~ncj,;.o er, ames acner ALLAN F. COLEMAN, son JIIrs, Claude A, Greiner, are (NEAR KELL YI . with antiques. For the unique - it's w Georgia Kay served as her of MRS. W. R. COLEMAN, of ;\ll's. Dominic Pucci and Mrs., 526.9233 ::i sisler's honor atfendanL Mich. Brys drive. was awarded the Frank W. Hilton. Mrs. Charles Sylvia's. 10 to 5 daily. ~J. ael Cameron acted as bestman military rating of Advanced En- Dawood is publicity chairman. d: for the brjdegroom, who is on gincer ~quipment ~!aintenance ~... "_._.-._- -.--.- 51 adive duly with Her IIlajesty's Specialist and received his di. Navy. ploma for having successfully Following a small reception completed the Advanced Engi- . for members of the immediate neeI' Equipment Maintenance Course in the Department of ~GroS$8. family. al the !Iillcrest Country Mechanical and Tee h n i c a I Cluh. tbe newlyweds lefl for a ; Vllc:ltion on Mackinac Island. Equipment at the United Stales . I k' Army Engiheer School, Fort TIICY WII he ma 109 their B I . V I home in Cbatlwm. England. e vOir. a.

KATHLEEN CROSSEN, of N. Associate yourself with men Renaud road, bas been en. of good quality :.r you esteem rolled as one of 204 new slu- your own reputation; for it's denls at the Interlochen Arts better to he alone than in bad, I AcadeJ11y~~~e_!.::_:l~.~~io~ ~ompa~: . _

WANTED WE WANT TO BUY OLD LEADED GLASS 20 old leaded gloss lamps or SHADES and LAMPS shades. They are usually found in attics and store rooms. When was the lost time you laaked in your attic? CALL US COLLECT "LILLIAN" THE FLOOR SHOP THE 22S~ Elizabeth lake Road Pontiac, Michigan 48053 HEIDI JUMPER 313.682.4421

Specially Priced at POTPOURRI RESTAURANT Reg. 16. 16624 MACK AT HARVARD Gras.. Pointe Po,k Featur;1I9 .•• Excellent values on this K. LEFKOFSKY CORNED BEEF H. ALPERSTEIN NEW YORK PASTRAMI season's favorite look ... S"'5JIcD,'ck SandWIch 95c Check. plaids and patterns D"L1bIcD'ck Sannwlch I 20 HY 0lJr! in si7.CS 5 to 15. (,,(II)I "("pl '10 '0'" Sonnwich 01 SJ'iO ('hlrll "r ""il H"", " Sandwich at S I.~O R,h r,., Sr~()k Sandwich Plo'~ 01 $1.7~ hh, ....0 ~( pi 1(1 Lo)o', Prole 01 $140 f)ody Dmne'S ... 01 All Time,

Sic"" 01 $3.25 Horn 01 $2.60 CllIcken 01 $235 Loke Perch ot $1.95 All served With tossed salad, French fries, IeI""e'" hom~madc muffin and biscuil wilh buller Only 0" ••• F,,

you'll have when from the BJffalo Seminary, Buf- I you wear Ihis lIIRS. CHARLES A. NUTTING, falo, N. Y,. and Endicott Junior: little-heeled of Somerset road. was honored College, Beverly, Mass. She is a Sunday, September 15, hy her pump. With member of the Sigma Gamma fa mily and friends at a surpris!) high-rise buckle Association. birthday party. !\Irs. Nutting, Qf antiqued sold. th f RUTH WILKINSON She is the granddaughter of I e bormcr. D tt '1\" ,r. an d' Ihrs. D. F raser, SuII'\- was om III e rOI 75~veal'S ~gO van, presently residing in Cam- on September 15, 189", and nas 'laehie, Onl., and of Mrs. Harry lived in Grosse Pointe Park, C, Clark<'. of Beaupre avenue. The SHOE SALON of since 1951.. _ i Airman Spain. son of !\Ir. and Mrs. John N. Spain, of Packa. The COAT NEIGHBORHOOD CLUB nack Lake, N. J,. formerly of FALL ACTIVITIES Grosse Pointe. attended Mem- START FIRST W(;;EK phis Slate UniverSity. Memphis. IN OCTOBER Tcnn., and is currently serving Kercheval at St. Clair, Grosse Pointe Register Now .t with the United States Air that 17150 Woterloo or The Salon that gives you service with quality in the fit Fflrce, stationed in Phoenix, call TU 5.4600 Ariz. says it all YOUR DIAMOND Fashion ••• is Persian lamb collar and cuffs Fashion •• • is buttons heaped high IS A / Fashion ••• is spare and flare BETTER Fashion ••• is neo-Edwardian WAY Fashion ••• is wool Anglo fabrics Fashion ••• is by Seymour Fox ~,Fashion is MARGARET RICE • • • and more •••

enjoyable The coat sketched, $495 • • • just one --,~- from a collection at $185 and up. A safe is a jlne place to store and protect your money .•. hut. there is a better way: An investment in a I diamond is a safe and more plcJsl1I'.lble way to store your money. \Von't you drop in and discuss your investment with us? Our diamonds are the very finest rour money can buy.

rg ~ Valente jewelers [)[(\ ~ Fine Jewelers Since 1934 & 16601 E. Warren at Kensington Rd, - TU 1.4800 m ~~I!Si!S2Si52~ii!i!!'2'i&&i!i2!i!!22Y22!i!52?5i5!GSS2.S2'S2xSi!9:sc9'Si!!!ii.:!!il.!i5d5 ....5x5555i5!5xi!Sxi!S;i!S55?i!Si!.!'??&i!Si!!ii!9'42iii!!&.i2:52i!S5i!.5i!"'!i2&5;!2S2:!!ii'W92iC5552!51!5.!5liC5i-c5-..tQ!Si-c56i58i52S!5?S~4S!•• llI!lIS!5 ~ Page Twenty GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursd.y. September 26, 1968 Society News Gathered from All of the Pointes

James, who has moved to New PJ.M.E. Fiesta Slated York. TheyJII Happily Collect Your Rummage Sunday Detroit Gra nd Opera Mr. Mack announced that 1 Local favorite "Ricky the nie Hoy. Mrs. J. B. Hill, of Neff Mrs. Ralph T. McF:lvenny, of Clown" will be the special at. road, assisted by Mrs. L. J. :Me- Clov~ly road, will continue as traction for children at the 1968 Pharlin, of North Oxford road, I general chairman until the P.I.M.E. "Fiesta and Spaghetti and Mrs. B. F. Westley, also of Annual Meeting Women's Committee luncheon Dinner" this Sunday, September North Oxford, is chirman of the , in January, 1969. 29. He will give two perform- ''Trinkets and T rea sur e s', Pointers Frank W, Donovan And Wilber H. Mack To Mrs. .Mc~lvenny served as ances, one at 3 and one at 5 booth. Continue As Chairman And President ... ~ s general chaU'man of ~be 1968 o'clock. Admission is free. Mrs. Mildred McKillop, of • • IVIr • opera season, as co.chauman of With Ricky will be his popu- Beconsfield avenue, and Mrs. R I h the out.state committee for the apT. McElvenny To Continue As lar "Nose Ark," a fun house Sue Palms, of Notre Dame ave- General Chairman Until January Association for four years and i and exhibit. There will also be nue, are chairman and treas. ------as general co.chairman of the ponies and merry - go. round urer, respectively, for the "Mil. M.embers of the Detroit Grand Opera Association, Metropolitan season for one rides. lionaires' Party." atten~mg the annual meeting held Friday afternoon in year (1967). Held at the P.I.M.E. Mission Proceeds from this charitable DetrOIt, re-elected their officers and directors elected Mr. Mack also announced' House in OakJand avenue at the event will go to help the PIME two ne~ directors, received news of a forthcoming that M.rs. Ernest .A. Jones, of foot of East Boston boulevard, Missionary Fathers in their ch~nge m the general chairmanship, received the ap- BlooJ.l1fleld Hills: IS the newly . Detroit, the "Fiesta" offers work in overseas missions, as pomtment of a new general co.chairman and were in- app?mted co.chauman and, fol. variety for adults, too. well as in the training of future f, d f th . lowmg the January Juncheon or~e 0 . e ?~eras to be presented durmg the May, will assume the position of There will be big, beutiful missionary priests at their bargains in jewelry, linens, im. Maryglade College in Memphis, 1969, DetrOIt VISit of the Metropolitan Opera Company. general chairman of the 1969 port items and baked goods. Mich. The Association will again ~>------I Metropolitan Season. Mrs. Jones ,Early !>ird Christmas shoppers sponsor tile Metropolitan Iing and Donald M. D. Thurber ser~ed with her husband as co. will want to take advantage of People who live on velvet are season at !the Masonic are vice vresidents. Henry Led. chauman of the 1968 opera the low prices on dolls, toys soon called on the carpet. Auditdrium ,- yard is vice president and man. afte.rglow supper.dance and as and stuffed animals. ------• ager; Ferdinand Cinelli secre. chauman of the Bloomfield The "Fiesta" will also feature Frank W. Donovan, (If East tary; Mark Littler, tr~asurer; HilJs.Birming~am.Franklin area games and a spaghetti dinner TH E OLD PLACE Jefferson avenue and Wilber and Paul V. Engstrom comp. for the DetrOlt Grand Opera As- served in a circus-tent setting persuaded the Old Maestro, Boris (1964- H. Mack" of Country Club troller. 'socioHon for two years from noon until 7 o'clock. Prices Romanoff to return for a limIted drive, were re.elected chairman ..65). for the dinner at $2 for adults engagement and pre sid e n t, respectively. Newly.elected directors are I Seven operas will be present- :lnd $1 for children under 12. 15J01 E. Je'1ferson Henry E..Wenger was re.elected !I.irs.Er~est A. Jones, of Bloom- ed at the Masonic Temple Audi. Chairman for the "Fiesta and VA 2.4118 vice chal11llan. Ifield Hills, an.d ~arry Neder. torium from May 26 to May :U. Spaghelti Dinner" is Mrs. Jen. lander, of Blrmmgham, who Two performances will be n

~I Thursd~y, September 26/ 1,968 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-One Woman's Page • • • by,. of and for Pointe Women Stewart-Coggan Mrs. Pierce Shows Collection Symphony, Choir Rainbow Girls Hold Ceremony Five Kaleidoscope Troth Revealed ...... To Join Forces Suzanne Cort was installed as I~chapter meets at the temple the new worthy advisor of Com- on the fourth Monday of each Dr. and Mrs. Mark Coggan, Ernest Bloch's "Sacred Serv- posite chapter, Order of Rain- month at 7 p.m. Lectures Scheduled of Flint, have announced the ice," the first large-scale choral- bow Girls, at public ceremonies ------engagemenl of their daughter orcheslral work written for the in the new Grosse Pointe Mas. MISS BAR BAR A LONG. onic Temple. on Vernier road, YEAR. the daughter of MR. Women's and J . W I A Marcia' A. Coggan, to Paul G. synagogue by a major com- unlor omen s ssoeiation for Detroit Stewart, son of Mr. and Mrs. poser, will be performed at tbis last Mon

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Ouarrty is what counts in prescription eyewear and Van Dyke Optical measures up. TIME Constant concern with quality assures a scientific eye examination of utmost accuracy and prescription-correct lenses. That's why so many people all over Mic!ligan enjoy confident, comfortable vision with Van Dyke glasses. Be particular. See Van Dyke. Now is the time to select your winter cruise. Cruise reservations are heavier THOROUOHEYE EXAMINA~ • F1RST.QUAUTYBLASSES • CONTACTLENSES than ever this year. Choice space still available however, on most departures


DAY TRAVEL CO. BUD DAY, PRESIDENT GROSSE PTE. WOODS: 21207 Mack: Phone 886.1066 Open daily, including Saturday 9:30 to 6-Mon. & Thurs. 'ti/9 16847 Kercheval TU 6.0111 DR. HENRY M. MARKOWITZ, Licensed Optometrist in the village _p_d9_8_T_w_&_nt_y-_Tw_o -:G R 055 E POI NT E NEW S Thursday, September 26, 1968 Society .News Gathered from All of the Pointes , Strehler-Aluia Rites Celebrated Re.teal Otto.Klemann Joanne Carol Ropp iKathleen Kain Mrs. Leon Nicholson Troth In Dolray Beach Following their wedding Wed. In Victorian style gowns of .d !Speaks~lVS I nesday evening, September 18, I turquoise. worst~d silk. were The engagement of Catherine I Kathleen Ann Kain, daughter in St. lIIatthew's Church, and a ,honor maid Marlann Alula and Crapo Klemann and. George I5 September rl e lof Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kain, I reception at the Gourmet House, I' bridesmaids Stella Marie Aluia, Norman Otto has been an. B Mr. and Mrs. John F. Strehler Cathy Cipriano, Joann Cusu- nounced by her parents, Mr. I of Bedford road, and Robert Ileft for a vacation in Northern mano, Josie Locricchio, Roseane and 1\1rs. Robert Byron Kie. I Carl Vorwith, son o( IIIrs. John I Chooses Lace- A ceented DuIcette Satin Gown For I Whitelaw and Carl Vorwith, of Michigan. They will return to Bommarito, Stella Bommarito, mann, of Delray Beach, Fla. Evening Rites At Which She is Married To ,St. LoUIS, exchanged marraige make their home in 81. Clair Stephanie Smith, Carol Dobosz The prospective bride, who is Shores. and Kalhy Pappas. the granddaughter of Mr. and Leon William Nichol50n ! vows Friday evening, August, -______i 23 1111'S.StrehleI' is the former', They wore small turquoise I TMrs. .William W. CrapdO,t °df . C AI' d ht f I ourame roa d, was gra ua e . At an evening ,ceremony Saturday, September 21, I The Reverend Vincent Burn. Josephme . ula, aug .er 0 bows in their hair and carried f P 1m B h D S h 1 w S1. Paul Evange!Jeal Lutheran Church, Joanne Carol ell, O.S.A. officiated at the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph AlUla, of. . rom a eac. ay . C 00, R?~p •. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Guy Ropp. Jr., of double ring ceremony in St. East Outer dril'e, Detroit. The I' ColomaI arrangements of ffilxed at~en.ded the .Umverslty of \\ hither .road, spoke her marriage vows to Leon Wi!. Clare de Montefalco Church. bridegroom is the son of Mr. garden flowers centered with MichIgan and. IS prese~tly ~ liam Nicholson. ".------_____ The bride selected a gown of and Mrs. Charles StrehleI', of cymbidium orchids. stud~nt at Flonda Atlantic UI1I- !\ r t th E ,. ,white silk organza,over-taffetz: Linville avenue. I verslty. . recep IOn a essex In ~Ioor length ~rocks of wil Itrimmed with re.embroidered For the 5 o'clock rites, at I Kirk R. Strehler was best Her fiance, son of .Mrs. Wood G~lf and Country Club, lo:v oreen org?zme accented I Alencon lace and styled with a which Father Richard Perfetto Iman. In the usher corps we.re OUo, of Lake Worth, Fla., and Wmdsor, Ont.. followed the' with t'cru peau d ange lace were ! mal~hinO'Chapel train {;",~officiated, the bride selected a Jo~n Cusumano,. lIf~tt ~crlc. the late Friedric~ Otto, attended 7 o'clock service at which, honor attendant Nanty Peter. i ," . . • . I 'C" gown of candlelight sheer spun chlo•.Jos~ph Locf\cchIO, Vmcent IPal~ Beach ~l!D10r~olle~e and Th R d C'h i wn, bndesmaids Cheryll Salo-: Her f1oo~ l,ength ~]IuslOnveil, silk. Accents of Alencon lace on LOCfl~chlO,John Drummy, Jr., Flonda Atlantic Umver~lty. e evere~. arles W.' mon, Mrs. I\lton J Buchman i also apphqued With Alencon her bodice and skirt were DennIS Dobosz and Charles. A Nove~ber.; weddmg, at Sandrock offICIated. and Barhara Olson 'and flower 11~r.e, fell from a Dior bow of Istudded with pearls and crystal Pappas. ,81. Joseph s EpI.copal Church, Alencon lace frosted with girl .'lal'Y Joan Buchman. I silk. organza a~d taffata. She seed pearls and eQ'stal clusters. : carned a Colomal arrangement clusters, and a Cathedral length The bride's mother wore a Boynton Beach, Fla. accented the bride's white dul. The bridegroom, son of Mr.! of white and pink carnations Watteau train fell from her high floor length gown of pale lime fACIAL HA-IR--- cette satin gown. Lace medal. and .'Irs. Charles Waldeck. of and stephanotis. back yoke. chiffon, fashioned with a beaded Permanenlly Removed lions were scattered over her Gary lane, ::.1. Clair Shores, lIIarilyn Kain served as her Her. Cathedral length illusion jacket. The b rid e g roo m's Eyebrows.Neckllne-Arms.Legs Court train, hemmed with two asked Charles A. J. Kotcher, sister's maid of hODor. Brides- veil fell from a miniature silk mother selected a floor length Re'i'M~e~g~ds~rINt~~ns rows of Alencon flowers. •Jr, to act as best m~n. In the maids were Lorraine and Mar. pillbox trimmed with a cluster frock of pale avocado worsted ..\ lace Watteau bonnet, edged I usher corps. w~re HH:hard A'I le~e Kain, also sisters of the of jewelled Alencon leaves. Her silk, accented with neckline SHI RLEY PERS.N w~th seed pearls and topped Hopp. thl' bnde s hrot~er. John bnde. They wore light blue Colonial bouque', '" as fashioned beading. Both mothers chose 1157RegisteredDavidWhitneyElectrologistBldg. w1th a triple looped bow appli- Kolly and lIlark Rasllqne. Saki E m p ire dresses with of orchids and stephanotis. . orchid corsages. WO 1.5558 qued. with I.ute. ne~rette~, held I For her daughter'.s wedding Imatching headpieces of daisies her here~ sl~k IllUSIOnveil, a~d and the reception, lIlrs. Ropp I beaded with seed pearls. she camed a casca~e of white Iselected an A line dress of tur. I They carried nosegays of Windmill Point Custom Home Reduced roses _and~~phanotis. Iquoise silk worsted. The bride-[ white and blue carnations: gr()('m'~ mother wore a three. Donald Gutsgell, of St. Louis, Boris Romanoff is I piece aqua suit. served as best man. Ushers ounding th 1. t I, When the newlyweds left for Iwere Henry Stumpf and R?bed P e .r.eys a Ia vacalion in Northern .'lichi. Wilkerson. both of St. .Louls. Pholo "y O'ConnorSiudios The Old Place gan, the bride was wearing a I The m?ther ?f the b~lde chose Married Saturday, September 21, in St. Paul r 15301 E. .fferson Iwool gabardine costume featur. I a . shockmg pl.nk .~.hue dress Evangelical Lutheran Church were .JOANNE CAROL VA 2-4118 ing a white dress anu foyal IWIth a. matchl~g Silk organza ROPP, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Guy Ropp, Jr., of plum coat. I t~pe trunmed .m. marabou. She Whittier road, and Mr. Nicholson, son of Mr. and Mrs, pInned a cymbldluln ore hid cor~ --"------.===------.__~~______Charles Waldeck, of St. Clair Shores. Isage to her purse. PHONE 779.1970 'i'he. hridegroom's m o.t her w?rc a light blue lace dress I r Shorewood Imerio1'S With matchmg accessories. She i w Olll.en's Trust Forum Slated

Fine FUTlliture • Specializing in Woo! & Kitchen Carpeting pinned a cymbidium orchid to I' "Trusts (or' the World of the program. Among them will Custom Drapes & Slipcovers • Wall Coverilig & her dress. .. Women" will be the theme of be Mrs. Katherine Gannon, an Office Furniture . The ne~lyweds,. vacatlomng Ia special financial forum to be assistant cashier at the Mack. FOR DECORA:TOR SERVICE CALL RUTH MILLER 779-1970 In the B~Jlamas, ~vlll return to Iheld Thursday, October 3. for Hillcrest office of the bank. 226!>4 Grealer Mock HOURS make their hom~ JJJ ~olla, ~o., \Vomen living in Detroit's north- Between 8 & 'Mile GEG. J. BOUHANA, 9:30 a.m.10 5:30 p.m. Cor. of Englehardt Thurs.-Fri \V.here~r. Vorwlth wl~1co~tmue east side, Harper Woods and Tickets for the forum arc St. Clair Shores Prop. 9:30 a.m.to 9:00 p.m. 11I~stud!es at the Umverslty of I Grosse Pointe. avilable from the managers of lIIlsSOUfl. : the Detroit Bank & Trust of- The forum will be held at 2 fiees located at Harper and .tter-Gla.sflOtV o'clock in the Fries Auditorium Chalmers. Jefferson alld Piper, S,., ~ of the Grosse Pointe War Me. Mack and Chalmers and Mack Vows Spoken modaL . and Hillcrest. 1 WATCH , I The two-hour program IS be. Additional information is also I Custom-bui It center entrance 4 bedroom, 2 12 bath colonial with . -- i ing sp()nsored by Detroit Bank available from the Women's Weddmg vows w.ere exchang-I & Trust and is a repeat of a Banking Services Department, large living room, formal dining room, library, family room, break- ed Saturday evenmg,. Seplrm. program offered by the bank 222.3881. REPAIRING her 14, by Cathy lIIarl1yn Glas. last year, which attracted more I ------fast room, and superb kitchen. There :s a panelled recreation room gow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. than 200 women with fi replace, 2 V2 car attached garage and beautifully landscaped Paul H. Glasgow, of Adrian, . It's time and Robert R. Sutler, son of Two of the bank's vice presi. grounds with sprinkling system. for aII ma kes Mr. and Mrs. William G. Sut- dents - both, Grosse Pointe ter, of Wedgewood drive. residents - will be featured 011 They were married in the the program. . done on our premises First United Methodist Church, John E. Park, of the Trust ~ Adrian. Business Relations Department with ultrasonic cleaning Both attended lIIichig:1IlState will speak on "Why a Trust?': I yon owned TAPPAN University. (rom which Mr. John B. Watkins of the In. Suiter was graduate with a de. vestment Department will OMEGA & TlSSOT gr~e fro~ the College of Social speak on ':lIelp for You~ Invest- 90 Kercheval 884.6200 SCiences m June. ments." Authorized .4.gency After a wedding trip to Ni. : A question-and.answer period agara Falls area, the newlyweds .... will follow the presentations by are residing in Detroit. agoodp~of 1------Mr. Park and Mr. Watkins. Tea will be served in the ballroom MR. and MRS. JOIl~'J D. after the.formal program in the I, REGENCy 1)aiente ,gewelers MIGLTORATI. of Alter road, ,announce the birth of a son, auditorium. I Fine Jewelers Since 1934 •.JOliN LAIRD, September 19. The forum is heing developed; I\lrs Migliorati is the former and coordinated by the Women's I sun glasses 16601 E. Warren at Kensington Rd. CONSTANCE CHADWICK, of Banking Services Department -- :R i v a r d boulevard. Paternal of Detroit Bank & Trust, which I TU 1-4800 .grandmother is Ml{S. JOSEPH was instituted by the l,ank •"1IIlGLIOHATI.of Pre s t w i c k several years ago. Miss Leah _~~~~ road. [DUnham, assistant cashier of ------_. - the hank and officer.in.charge Really-..good ones that ,.. IOf the Department. will wel. fully protect your eyes come thl! guests ami 1II1roduce from sun and glare. Find , thc .'pe LOM. II> ,vlcmlt)' of Grosse Pointe will I e . 'serve as hostesses and hosts for;

~IARY .JO CLAPP. daughter' ~t4:uN:8sn And note the fine arrangement, the of MIL and MRS. WILLIAM i easy circulation pol/em for enter- I!. ('\.;\1'1'. of South Oxford i Johnston Optical (0. taining, the plentiful Bedrooms and Maker,. of high grade glasses road. h • WALLACE • HEIRLOOM guaranteed • • INTERNATIONAL EVERYDAY DISCOUNTS sm.use; 1I0~'ES IS OliR Rl1SIi'iESS ON THESE FAMOUS • REED & BARTON ,\NO liAS REK'I FUIt ,Ill n:,\HS BRANDS Member Grosse Pointe

\\ r. h.l\t' 40 ("IWlll'lll NI. full tllHf' ~;d(>.'PI'OJ.I(. oprlatlllJ,: ..1 0111 :l (;.0 ..."'. I'hllltf" Real Estate Boards O'JI('".., \\'t' ;111\1 rll"'(' ('\I("n ...I\"rh. flnan('f'. ha\l' a h'-Iff(' .•.., 1*111. lJl"III;:IIH'f' ~Il'. 1r;lor; 1';lIlnIl'111, :Ind 11(']0111.: to II 240 mrmhrr l':a1wn;11 lkl('ll,11 On.:alll/atlorl \\hwh Multiple Li.\ting System Ct\('~ "'" ,1(h:m4'f' Jllk'lnillion nn p('opll'" IWIlI": 11;llI..II'ITC'd to .1Ild from ttus Jewelry , .arr';l ~H)', ol rlln li~tlllJ.:'" .Ut' IJ"'lI.~Il\ ,"old \\IOlln .10 d:1\'" CW1')C' ond ',C(; I~. \/ll"1I 1I0\lE " HIll '\II: - lIllY :-;OT (;In: ,., ,\ (.\1,1 .. WI: \\11.1. ow h('outdul fall ISSI'HT 1"111': I'llf..\J1St:S ,\SII .\11\'1'1: Tilt: I'lun: In: n:I:J. «'AS lit: 011 T,uSI:fI 111I:IIt: IS so nIAR/;I: 1011 TIll: SI:II\.IO:, (~)II( ( Ilc,n ~ MR AND MRS. HOME SEEKER:

DIAMONDS. WATCHES. BIRTHSTONE RINGS We don', rcolly srll homes. A home includes the wife and childrcn, which hove OUR EVERYDAY PRICES ARE never been r"led With u~ We dc,n't cven know how to appralsc them. Howev')r, (;ROSSE 1'01:10"1: ALWAYS THE LOWEST we hOve many finc houses WIth possibilllies for your ncw home. And our floor 3 lItTIC'~;S pions and photographs con 5(lve you lime and trOlJble.

Ac i t.!II0;1 M. Vogue JEWELEUS f,fAllOi!', Exclusive Agent 7 Mil. nUr Maclr Av •. TU 4-0600 MAXON BROTHERS, Ino. TU2-6000~ OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS MIMBERS OF THE DETROIT AND GROSS! POINTE REAL ESTATE BOAflDS- 22377 MOROSS ROAD TU 4.2585 makes its own friends

\ Thursday, September 26, 1968 G R 0 SSE PO IN TEN EW S Page Twenty-three ------_._------=-_-.:.-.:....- Woman's Page • • • by, of and for Pointe Women-

Launch IFCA 'ProJ.ect T ACS' rveryexiSlence. 1educational funds~ and Third, to Trowel, Error Aug ust Bride , The lat(l summer announce. encourage Catholic alumnae to Rummage Sale Set . . . Imenl of the closing of many involve themselves in school, Club To Meet A hammer and tacks an 1DCO~- Iof Balla~ty~e road, IS Governor Catholic school classes in Michi. Church and communit~ services. gruous symbol for a. woman s of the MichIgan IFCA.. . gan moved IFCA from hand. as their persona! testimony to Trowel and Error Garden pro~ram? Not a.ccordmg to the As alumnae of Cathohc high wringing to action and, at the the truth about Catholic schools. For October 4 And 5 Club will hold its first meeting Advl~or~ Co,mmlttee and Board s~~ools and colleges, IFCA af- August Board meeting, the res- IF C A's priority pro g r a In of the 1968-69 season tomorrow, of Michigan s Chapter of IFCA fillates hav~ been acutely awan. 01 t' I h' g P . t. TACS throughout Michigan for the (Interna t'lonaI F ed era t'Ion 0f 0f the growlDg. tren d 0f debate U IOn aune. mI rOJec. 1 It next two years and will be of.. Friday, September 21, from . I) . . ChI. was unammous y approvell. s • Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church Women Cathollc A umnae • : and re.evaluatlon on at 0 IC . t t t g fered for review at the IFCA noon until 3 o'clock, at the i Th' . b h . purpose IS 0 coun erac ne a- Spo~sorin9 27th Annual Event; Mrs. Alexander Michigan Consolidated Gas I . e bigger the JO , the. more u" 0 0 I s today: Co~struch~e tive thinking and ublicit Regional Conference in Boston, Important the tools, and III the though re.evaluatlCn might be ill p y. October 18 through 20. Gill and Mrs. Bernard Kirk are Co-c~.airmen Company Hospitality House in opinion of Michigan IFCA, Pro- some regards, .his debate has The pr()gram will be three. Kercheval avenue . ject TACS, (a program aimed at unfortunately concentrated on pronged: First, to promote the . Real rummage' sale veterans already are marking One of the advantages of hav- theIr. calendars with the dates October 4 and 5. That's Jack Schwartz, of the Wayne nailing down the Truth About the problems facing Catholic Truth About Catholic Schools, County Extension Service, will Catholic Schools), is a big job of schools while practically ignor-I Second, to promote a clearer un. ing an open mind is that once the b.me for the 27th annual Grosse Pointe Woods Pres- give a .illustrated talk on top priority. ing the positive aspects and derstandillg of distributive and in a while something good drops byterIan ~hurc~ Women's Association Rummage Sale, "Tulips." Members are urged' Mrs. C. Bradford Lundy, Jr., I basic principles behind their social justice as it applies to into it. bIlled as the bIggest and best in the Pointe." to bring guests. Each year for the 27~r------. years of its existence, the, sociation is Mrs. Lloyd Nyman. Martin Schnurr; Publicity. Mrs. Open Thursday and Friday Evenings ?ale's rep~tation has grolvn I Co.chairmen. of the rummage Frederick Olstead and Mrs. III The Pomte and through. sale, the Association's largest Malcol~. Jolliff;. and Kitchen, out the area from which its fund '. . f 1 Mrs. Wilham Elhot!. r' I .ramng project 0 t Ie year, C Ientele IS drawn. Iare Mrs. Alexander Gill and Hour~ of the sa.le are from I Special effort is exerted by' Mrs. Bernard Kirk. ! 9 to 8 O,clock on Friday, October the sponsors to insure that ou'. 14,. and from 9 to 11 on Saturday, . standing values are represent d Churchjwomen assisting in the October 5. I PI'> f"'OI°tob)b'Brallsby. Studio . e sale include' Furnitu l\f annmg e marrlCd next III the merchandise and that B rn . . re, rs. Contributions of rummage are I August are KAROL SUE LEH. they are preserved for the sale R.eh ardd i'fY' J~~verly, ~rs. welcomed, and may be brought' MANN and George P Lasto- customers who line up an hour ~c ar .0 lD~; mens, r.s. to the Church the week of the vich, whose engagem~nt has or so before the doors open to j.~lchar~h p:r~'T~YJi lI~rswWJl. sale. Heavy items will be picked been announced by her oarents make sure of having first erack I ~arm W.I~' er, F ad e.s . H£3 r, up; donors may' call TV 4.2396 lIfr. and Mrs. Richard Lebmann: at the bargains. s. I lam re enc,k a st or TU 1-4165 for this service. f F' h d . . and Purses, Mrs. John Storey; 0 IS er roa . It IS thiS (lccent on value that Men's Wear, Mrs. Carl Asums; ----- The bride. elect is a senior at has continued to make the sale I Lingerie, Mrs. Frank Kaufman; GEORGE and RUTH CODD, Michigan State University. ma. a constantly growing success. Housewares, Mrs. Tho mas of Devonshire road, were amo:lg joring in Dietetics. Her fiance, Proceeds are used to help in the Clarq; , Mrs. Donald a group of Nomads Travel Club son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lasto. \~ork of the Women's Associa- Koch; Electrical, IIIrs, Robert members who flew off recently vich, of Hibbing, Minn., attends tlon. Goodhand; Books, Mrs. Freder- for an early fall weekend in the University of Minnesota. President of the Women's As.l ick Tew; Children's Wear, Mrs. Manhattan. ------_ .._------._----._------

the wee ones in red velveteen sets stn1ce a fes!'"..,. note Oft spedal ell:cas;clI •

• ,.charming colton velvefeens .,ith easy-core pof-,resteflcoftoQ sbirts and bIo.ses. A. Boy's vest, ponts, bow-fie and shirt. Sizes 2-3-4. B. Bcbbr SIll o nd sh in. Sizes 12-18-24. C. Topper. Io<:e-edged bIottse and pantaloon.

Sizes M.L-Xl. 0, Smocked jumper dress. Sizes 2-3..4. ~ iDionIs' ~ IIKl60 .. 6.00

Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Pope, of Roslyn road. are announcing I the engagement of their daugh- ter, DONNA JEAN, to Lt. JIG Talk About Inspiration! William Robert Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gilbert, Each morning your day would begin with a gentle descent down the of Berea, O. graceful winding staircase of this 3 bedroom, 2112 bath Colonial resi- Miss Pope was graduated Jacobson's dence located on McKinley Road near Waterloo. Some of its unusual IN THE VILLAGE from Grosse Pointe High School features are: living room 15 ft. wide, dining room 14x 13, that all and attended Northern :Mich. important extra room on the first floor, 2 of the bedrooms are 17 Iigan University, where she af. feet in length, recreation room with fireplace, etc. An excellent filiated with Alpha Phi Delta. I location for all schools, shopping, and transportation: For those potential buyers who want that "special house," our tip for the day Her fiance was graduated Ifrom Ohio Stale University. would be to contact one of our consultants pronto! Priced at $40,500. I where he affiliated with Tau Exclusive by I Kappa Epsilon fraternity. He is currently serving with the I United States Navy, in Pensa. cola, Fla, Bill Lee i An October 26 military wed. ding is planned.

TERESA ANN CARAM~GNO, of Fairford road. has received her Bachelor i)f Arts degree OldslDobile ~CHEVAL TU 6-3800 from Marquette University, Mil. waukee. Wis Open Thursday and Friday Evenings ~xtends You An Invitation To See The New1969~s

3 '69 Oldsmobiles to be given away. Be sure to registe, here.

1969 98 LUXURY ~••• ••• .. •• "-:=-.~.0 ••• SEDAN 1::5. _-'C-:..C,_...... ~.;)Y

1969 DELTA 88 ROYALE HOLIDAY COUPE [J{e!reshments

girls beat the weather in knee-high stretch .

of gleaming potint vinyl with a deep stitched.on tonqut, There's 0 DILL LEE OLDSMOBILE ef10lce of tHo rlght.now "eel heights calculated just 295 GRATIOT, MT. CLEMENS for glrb 01'1 the go. Alobosta" blo~ or brow", 465.0456 $lze5 12Y2.4,9.00 Sizes 5.8, 11.00 _I , 'I ( Open this ~r11U,.sda)':, 1;~,.idaJ:,all d. !.';aluruay tl 9 p.l11. Jacobsons JUST 20 MINUTES AWAY SEE NORM MARTIN in the Village FROM THE POINTES FOR SERVICE -' ~~---""""'~~--"""------~---~...------_.

Page Twenty-four G R 0 SSE POI NT ENE W S Thursday, September 26, 1968 Society News Gathered from All of the Poinles

Youth Council June Bride IPorcelain Talks ! Ready To Sell You Tickets Facutly Wives Slate Reception Holding .Party iBegin Sept. 30 I I The Grosse Pointe Faculty deva1. I Wives will hold their annual fall) Since this is the firs! time the Grosse Pointe War Memorial's Noted porc~expert Louise j ! reception and tea Monday eve-' new facilities are being used, Youth C(iuncil is holding its first I ILanglier, of Cleveland, will give i ning, September 30 at 8 o'clock. the party will give members an Super Other Side of the season a series of four lectures on 1 This gathering to ~elcome more opportunity to view Grosse for Senior High School students "Seventeenth and Eighteenth I than 45 new Wives will be 'held Pointe North. The "green and this Saturday night, September Centry European Porcelains" I at the new Grosse Pointe North gold" candlelight event \~iIl not 28, from 8:30 to 11:30. for the National Cathedral As- High SChool cafeteria. only be in honor of the wIves of The featured band is The . . new faculty members. but a sociation. Diocese of MiChigan., Co-chalTwomen are Mrs. Wil-, fall et,together for everyone, Camel DriI'ers, popular rock The sessions will run {rom I group whose hit record "Sunday I ',Ham Craig and Mrs. David g 10:30 until 3:30 o'clock on Mon-, Thomas. Their committee in- 'Ioming Six O'Clock" is a must I day. September 30. and Monday, in all collections. During their ! eludes Mrs. Joseph Devine. Mrs. Men who live on promises October 7, at the Cathedral I Donald Dungan, Mrs. Russell bave a slim chance of real suc. breaks a local bantl will take Church of SI. Paul. Tbere will Reed and Mrs. James Schan. cess. over so continuous music will be morning and afternoon lec-j I be provided. tures both days. Tickets for the Super Other Participants are asked to! CUT.OUT THIS ADVERTlSE~1ENT NOW! Side may be purchased in ad. brillg sandwiches {or the "lunch' vance at the Center's office by break," and coffee and cookies: Your son m"y be next ill the draft and you may want to send ~tlldents in glades 9.12 of the will be provided. : a cake. privale, parochial or public In addition, there will he ;>; WE SHIP: schools of Grosse Pointe. lD "True and False Competition": wiII be requir'.!d at time of pur- at 10:30 o'clock Tuesday, Octo.: chase. Admission IS $2 by ad, • ber 8, with pieces ()f antique I CAKE-TO-VIETNAM vance purchase by $2.50 at the Photo by Bransby Sludio ,porcelain as prizes. A workshop door. Plans for a Juue wcdding are I' will follow in which class memo and to Military Men Anywhere in the World Prior to tbe Super Other Side, being made by SYLVIA RUT- bers can have their own porce. the Youth Council is inviting LEDGE and Eddic B. RObert'llains identified and authenticat- prospective members to coke- "Angel Food Cake Bomb" son, whose engagement has been ed. tails antI dinner in Alger House. announced by her parents, Dr. Mrs. Gaylord W. Gillis, of PACKED.!N.POPCORN Those invited to dinner wi!! also I and Mrs. Aaron L. Rutledge, of Merriweather road, is chairrr:an I We bake the cake In a new exlra.strong.foll U.S. Patented pan. bc honored guests at the dance Kensington road. of the project Regisration is I Coats and ties will be worn at put the cake in a polY bag, Ulen Inlo a strong IOxlOx5corrugatecl the dinner, but the dance is Both the bride.elect, a Grosse ~. Checks, payable to t~e ~a- More than 25 members of the Assistance League box, sluff the corners UghI with popcorn. then we ship It via air Pointe High School graduate, ti?nal Cathe.dr.al Assoclatlon. strictly casual and dates aren't for the Northeastern Wayne County Child Guidance (overnight) to A.P.O. Postmaster and il Is delivered as far away and her fiance, son of the Diocese of MichIgan, should be necessary. Clinic are manning a booth in the Grosse Pointe War as Vietnam in one week at peak of flavor. The boys enjoy the Thomas E. Robertsonr. of Gray- sent to Mrs. Edward Howell, 209 Memorial to sell tickets to a special one-night bene. Ii . Alm' Col Lakeshore road. popcorn 16 quarts} as mucb as the cake. MR. and MRS TIMOTHY M: ng, are seDlo~s at. a . - f _ fit for the Clinic which will star singer Robert Goulet. . . . lege, where he IS affiliated Wlth I • The benefit will be held at 7:30 .o'clock Sunday, Sept- TAYLOR (M~nan Menges), of Delta Sigma Phi. Church CIrcles Send Parcel Post Label Cypress, Caltf., announce the I ember 29, in the Masonic Temple. MRS. THOMAS birth of a second son, JEFF. 81 t S . DeVRIES (left), the League's project chairman for REY MICrIAEL, August 17. S H A RON K. FUCHS, of a e eSSIOltS the benefit, and MRS. WESTON JENKINS, JR., PLEASE FRlNT! Paternal grandparents arc DR. Moross road, a senior majoring I -- League president, review the benefit materials at the Name _., _ _ _._ _ _...•.._ and MRS. NELSON TAYLOR, in Nursing at Michigan State Grosse Pointe Me m 0 ria I booth which is located in the foyer of the War Me. , of Dean lane. University, achieved an all-A i Church Circles will meet Tues- S-eria! Number. ------record during the summer term. day, October 1. to continue the moria!. In addition to Goulet, the benefit will feature 'Theat..: of War or Occupatio.: comedian Corbett Monica and dancers Bud and Cece (a-k One) She was among thc stmients study of Mark and to begin o VJe""'m 0 Europe DRAPERIES placed on an honor role that mission discussion of "Christ Robinson. Tickets are priced from $4 to $12.50. The With or without offers "recognition of the high. and the Faiths of Man." o Korea a Other your fobric. booth is open from 10 to 11 o'clock and from 3 to 5 o Fleet • P.O. Custom mode. est attainment in scholarship." Hostesses will be Mrs. Fred o'clock Monday through Friday, and from 10 to 4 .. She will be, among the guests I R. Walker, of Whitcomb drive, o'clock Saturdays. E .o\.P.O. Postmaster. 0 S~n Francisco by Rita at a dinner in their honor in Circle One; Mrs. Robert Con- Z'" (CbecA; ODe) 0 New York 791.3073 late October hosted by MSU way. of Merriweather road, Pre5ider.-t JOHN A. HANNAH. Circle Two; Mrs. Lester Mcln. Slate Welcome Wagon Meeting tosh. o{ Shelden road. Circle Enclosed $2.00 Cash or Check for $2.10 (Our baDk charges lOi: 011 smaU dem), We Pay the postage. Three; Mrs. David Wormer. of The Welcome Wagon Club of I chairman, received.the birthday Merriweather road, C i r c I e Grosse Poinle wiII meet for i cup and Mrs. Darwm Tuttle was l"our; Mrs. Frank G. Raphael, TO: LUKER - "The AllIe) KIIg" WELCOME brunch at 11 o'clock next Thurs. 'awarded the floral arrangement. of Renaud road, Circle Five; High scorers at bridge were 104 Railroad street, Buekley, Illinois &0918 Mrs. Roy Jenkins, of Cook road, day. Octoher 3. at the Grosse l Mrs. Molly Shook, Mrs. King, I Circle Six; Mrs, .Forest Bram, IPointe War Memorial. "We Ship Cake to Kids III CoUege, Too" POOCHES! Mrs. Edwin Karrer and Mrs. mer, of DevonshIre road, (co. lI'!rs Martin Hawl Wallace Ernsberger. ALL BREED~ GROOMED hostess, Mrs. Harry W. Mel- .' .. ey, program Located in len), Circle Seven; and Mrs. chairman. Will mtroduce Pat PUT'N ON THE DOC William Baird, of Renaud road, Setter of Vivienne Woodard Cos- Circlc Eight. meHcs, who will offer beauty Appo,"nt-ftnt W~~t61~ ~0l:'~~ Mrs. William Clark, a memo i hints and present a cosmetic Call for ... ~ 0 er s rre her of thc Board of National' . Complete Pet Missions, Chicago, will be the, demonstrallon, 882....-..5. .512. . Supplies ond A.ccessories I guest speaker at a dinner: Bridge and canasta will fol. Downtown ___ ._ ...... me~ting of t~e .Detroit Presby- ilow. the prog~am and a sho~t Ford's ~-"""'----1~~::':~:'~:]o~~l~;::(;:ii;f~1:F:;o~:~i~!:.~:~~;~:~~ TRUCK & flEET I C> '1sp:c;~~Og:::siCO{ ;~~~~:~Gnll:;~~ ~::mZ: :=~~y~yT~a~~~Orr:; ;; ..A Clark's presentation "Let's! Mrs. Jerollle Shulec. TU 5.4739, SPECIALISTS .' );: Venturc," (A Look Into the i no later than Monday. Septem ::: M I Fulure). Reservations must he' ber 30. , Bob Manier. , W made by nOOn, Mond~y. Sep- Mrs. D. 1. King, Mrs. John I " % tember 30... by calling the Mcloy, Mrs. Robert Prince and ,.~.. ,;;' I Church ofllee, accordmg t() l\lrs. Waltcr Stern were hos. Ed Skalnek ;f ~~1 Mr~. Raymond J?ddy, Preshy- tesses when the club met last, , ' terlal rcpresentatlve. Ion Thursday. September 19. ~~ :1; Plan Methodist IMrs. Louis Barney, membership looking lor II new Forti ellt or truck? ;~ LAST 4 DAYS T Wo,nen~s Lunch I RunululAe Sale Ed, Bob and all the staff at ~ I! Slated Thursdav Downtown Ford Invite You to come and see m ~ The Womert's Society of I the 1969 FORD FAMILY OF FINE CARS . @ Christian Service of the Grosse 1 , ff save 10% :i.i Pointe United Met hod is 1 , The fall rummage sale ~t St. , @ r:: Church will hold a general' James Lutheran Church WIll be Charlie Rossie's 1: by ordering your :3 luncheon meeting ncxl TU€.'iday,! held next Thu,rsday, October 3. ~ ~ f." October 1, in the Community from 9 to 5 0 clock. dll" : -np.hA..ln?.h,~ Room of the Church at 12:30 Mrs. Bernard Beierla, chair-: IUI.m.:~.. - , •• it ,- .__ 'J: o'clock. It being Charter Mem. man, promises a good selection I ~. J.' ',I. :,l<:~.~.;..,: her :\Ionth. a new org~nization of clothing and household items. F:; " Christmas cards is to be formed with lhe lheme Antiques, china. glassware and: D,OWNTOWN tf: ~:::::: 'IA New Beginning .•' better 'Juality clothing will be: % early from i~' Those membels taking parl found in thc Frcnch Room. ~.t.:.; ,., in the program are Mrs. Marlin I with :\Irs. Arthur Wible in FORD SALES 1833 E. JEFFERSON AVE. WO 3-4700 ~:',.' Jacobson's ;;1 ~r:~;~:~!:~;F~:~1F~~:~:I :~i~;;-cr~~~Chafs i~~~~~~a\n :J~: ~ ncdy, Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs. nue. ~ @ John Lee Thompson, Mrs. Mar. .__ "Coming 0/ Going 10 Grosse Pointe ••• You pass our 1001' everyday" F.7.';.; * vin Rants, Mrs. Winston Living, » 10% discount on orders for @i ;;ton, Mrs. Russcll Allen and Admilled with Honors to the K~ r. :\frs, Joseph Kiefus, organist. freshman class at Trinity Col- "..": personalized Christmas cards ~:~: HostC$:,cs W j J] he Doris, lege, Washington, D,C,. is Lake. ~:',':"~~'~.: ~ I White ami Susannah wesleY!1 shorc road Academy of the ,! placed before October 1st, H I Circles. Fall flowers will decor. Sacred Heart graduat(' BAR.

rbti:",{{,./U'J/;%i£Ztv~~.,/~,~;.:%'~w:.}}J.:a&::U(\l@i, ....;,~ I;::Vi~~~~~~~c~:~nf~a~l:s~ilI be I~~~tl~~;'~:~~~_':~~r~:~{~1:

you are invited to meet


noted Mew l«k scatptOl'

and see a wnique collection of his sculptured

art pieces ior the home

SKY LIFT THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 PLUS HORSEBACK RIDING 2:00 P,M. TO 5:00 P.M. • HIKING. SHUFFLE BOARO .. BICVCLlNG • DANCING It'I THE EVENING - ALL WITH Come visit with Mr. Si1as Seandel and enjoy tne beauty d his esthctk., individually signed art COCKTAILS ANDYOUR FAVORITE FOOD SERVED originats. handcrafted at plated and natura{ metals .•• geometric hanoir.(j~ (lower fantas ies. BOYNE STYLE. .and fr.ee $I..andiog sculptures on dtsplay for your selection. TENNIS FISHING

WHY NOT WRITE OR CALL RIGHT IIOW - - BEFORE WE'RE FILLED! ' MOUNTAIN LODGE Jacobsons • BOYNE FAllS, MICHIGAN-PHONE 816.549-2441 Home Decorative Shop 8' \ Thursday, September 26, 1968 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Five AI.Di.La II 'Lions Gridders Packers Lose I IHockey Season Troop 96 Scoul~ Henry Beyster Wiu Sails to Title ISplit In Opener One, Tie Two From Another Pointe of View' Gets Underway Enjoy Calnping CG Tennis Tourney ------Yeoman Third Class Henry Frank ~iku's Columbia. 50 By DUW;;- Peterson By lUck Moore (Continu-lld from Page 17) Over 225 youngsters from all Lucky members of Boy Scout E. Beyster II, USCG, son of sl,~oondPsAslh.Del-Lthfa'IIvl..~gotoDthelD'ligthhet The Grosse Pointe Lions I The Grosse. Pointe Packer.s the "Pointes," ages 6 thr;)ugh Troop 96 at Grosse Pointe Me- Mr. and Mrs. James D. Beyster 'u... I d th 1 This year, Mart', dates are October 22 through 24, 1B, have already registered for moria 1 Church, have been mak. of 523 Barrington, Grosse Grosse Pointe Yacht Club's 30th Little League Footballers from. opene up elr 968 All-Amerl- d th. 25 . It h ' f th th the 1968 69 hockey season under jng a lot of discoveries of late. Pointe Park, Mich., won the annual 4Q.mile Blue Nos the Park aDd City, traveled to : car.. Football League ~('he~ule an . more an specla y sops rom nor ,sou " , . e race. . . ! against the East DetrOIt Tlg~r east and west - including New York's Abercrombie and the banner of ~h~ Grosse Pomte Under the able guidance of 14th Coast Guard District Ten- . By the time she reached th~ IRlveTVIe~ last Satu~day where j' Cats last Sunday. It proved to Fitch, Florida's Lilly dresses and Washington D.C.'s, Hockey ASSOCiation. . their Scoutmaster Ralph Sandt, nis Tournament by rolling over flrst mark of the flattened trl. the VarsIty team p!!~ked up a be a disappointing afternoon "Pineapple" _ will be featured at the Veterans Mt.'m- I AI.though registrations IVfIll ~:~y ::~~~:rngter S:~~t~~:~~~~shtriS"lgfhitnasletsCom6.P3~ti:.gnin two a~gular course -. the Tham~s 7.0 victory at 'the expense of i for the Packers as they came . 1 B 'ld' . I D t D t 't contmue to be accepted or ~ . • , • River buoy-:-~he bIg sloop had the Riverview eleven Iaway with one loss and two ties. 01'1a H UI 109 lI'h ?wn own the r?6IS'M t. M J h most teams, until Dece~ber, ~ono~an. the boy~ have ~el'~ While attending Grosse Pointe her competition almost out of . Th F h d onorary c aIrman 0 f e . ar IS rs.. o.sep. several Divisions have indicated a v I n g a campmg wee en High School, he lettered in ten- sight behind. ' The Varsity defensive unit I e res man squa was d~- Schlotman, of Lakeshore road. ChaIrman ex OffICIO IS that they are fast approaching ever~ month. . nis for two years. He also play- "Th t' h th . . shows great promise with. a feated by a faster East DetrOIt Th dB' k f U' . I G 1 h' ThIS summer they spent eight I . 1 te • ahs w den e • W1 nddIed hard chargm'g line and a fa'st team 19.6. Early in the first eo ore uttnc, 0 mverslty pace. enera C alr- their player limit. The most d '. th U ed in the Navy regJona~L'J tto t d d y a ge er an so I -near. I a t r M'kl S h 'dt. f th man is Mrs. Gilbert Hudson, of Beverly road. Ipopular Divisions continue to ay~ camplllg III e pper tournaments, before meeting ly," said Skipper Piku. "We badckfield. Bill MacConnacltie I iYg:r e Cats ~entC 4~1 ya:ds o~ * ... :10 be the Squirt, ages 8 to 10 and 1 Penmsula and several days. on defeat in the quarter-finals. were right at the turning stake an Tommy Steen sparked the i • ., the Pee Wee, ages 10 to 12. Any j Isle Royale. A~ong the eXCited Beyster works in the Person- nd h d I t h d defensive squad while Mike' a reverse for .the first score o{ Action Auchon Iyoungsters I'nterested in these I,campers were. K.onra~ ~b~tl, nel Offic(' at the 14th Coast a a os ea way. We sat.. h . I the game MIke Bush scorerl J L b KkK I J m there and watched all of the monag an,. Joe BrIggs, and: the extra 'point to make it 7.0 " ., Divisions are urged to registet I ay arra ce, Ir Ir!D, I Guard Disuct in Honolulu, other boats come up on a new Steve Mormon were very sharp Th P k . kl t k Do .;ou dream ~f a vacah.on In M~"lco S s~nny Iimmediately if they wish to par. Scott, Bob. Scott, Dea'.l El"I~s' where he is an a~mini.'>"trative wind." on offense. _ . . Ib~~ wi~ e;arkqu:da~o Sg~~~g Acapulc~ •••• of ownm.g a lUXUrIOUS RUSSian sable .••• ticipate. Registration is on a. berger, Enc Bott, Dellius Ma.Ill, and clerical' specialist. But the wind favored Al.Di- Daye Hyde, m addition. to I the final 15 yards for the of spending a weekend In New York? ••• or maybe hav- first come.first play basis. I Greg Thomas,. Geoff Thom,,~. A graduate of Grosse Pointe La and she was up to saving runnmg and pass catchmg, touchdown but the Packers mis. !JIg cbolcklaUs 'an~ dinner served in your home by a fash-I' The Bantam and Midget Di.. ~~e;~a~~~tsp~~~ Sandt, Chm High School, P:tty ~ffic~r her time in what amounted ~ handled the punting chores and sed the extra point to make it 10na e ca eress.t . . . visions, ages 12 to 14 and 14 to. The boys visi~d Tahquame- Beyster entered t e servICe m a new race. She covered the 40 at one point got off a 45.yard 7-6. Maybe your "thmg" IS tennIS, and you could come 116 respectively, still have a can. non Falls Baraga State Park. November 1966. miles in 10 hours and 26. min. kick, leaving the Riverview in the second halt' touch. away owning a family membership at the Lake Shore Isiderable number of openings and took' a six.hour boat trip I utes to beat Fred Ford's 39.foot team on their own 5-yard line. downs by Jeff Ragl;nd and Te . H tIt' t th I f for league and travel team posi b d th R III f B l D t sloop, Bright Star, from the Coach Don Ma.cKenzie was IR""k Marasco rounded out the mus ouse, s ee enms racque s or e ease 0 a;. . ~ a oar e anger ,rom mv ers ona e V~ private court for two weeks. • . I !lons, and y?u.n?sters mterest.ell Houghton to Isle Royale Nation- • Little Club. plea~ed that his boys were I scoring for the Tiger Cats. I? " " I m these DIVISions should m. al Park. IT To ch Drzve Conquest, tied within a frac. playmg so well as a team after i Packer standouts incluuded Dterest~d .•.. :rhen ~ s~re to make the scene quire about registration and On Isle Royale the Scouts' 0 r lion, with AI-Di.La II, going into only three weeks o{ practice. : Robbie Burns, Guy Aubrey, at the DetrOIt AthletIc Clu'l Fnday, November I, when practice schedules from Don hiked camped and went swim.: the Bluenose, ~or ~e sea;ron's The Lions Freshman squad Mark Adamo and B~b Nevill!. Action Auction '68 offers guests all these things and McCubbin, manager of the Ban. ming' in water thal warmed up i For the past 10 years the class A chamPIOnshiP, f"mlSbed lost 21-D in their encounter but The Packer Jumor VarsIty more. Festivities get underway with cocktails and horstam Division, telephone 886- to 45 degrees. Detroit Women Bowlers ~ss~ t~ird. Thus, AI.Oj.La n, ~ her their Riverview opponents ~ere fought a hard-hitting Tiger Cat d'oeuvers at 5:30 o'clock. 4213 or Ted Wells, telepho.ne Troop 96 meels every Monday ciation has looked 0'.l the MIChl- fIrst ~ear, won the highest not really three touchdowns team to a 12.12 tie, as both Production chairmen Mr and Mrs Phillip J Meathe 882.~9~,. manager of the :r,fld. evening from 7:15 to 9 o',:lock ga~ Cancer .Foundatlon, a Tor~h honor m the class. She also took better than Ollr Lion cubs. defenses rose to the occasion. '. • . • • get DIVISIOn.Any 16 to 18-ye'lr. in Fellowship Hall at the Dnve serVice, as one of Its ol'erall honors in the race with Coach Barry Quinn said "Our to spoil extra point attempts. Pfom~e£ to ~av~ mabnY of the tJ.!l0re thLan 100 Ite~sl\ldIS- olds interested in playing Juve. church. Scoutmaster Sandt ad. favcdte charities to. w~ich it the best corr~~ted time among boys started practicing' a full Ray McMul~in scored the first P aye .or vlewmg e fore aue I~ne_er awre~ce u ou. ni.le hockey should contact Bill vised .that there are still a few give~ an .annual contrIbution ap~ th~ 104 crwst,ng yachts that week later than their competi- East DetrOit touchdown. The chelle SIgnals the stall of the blddmg at 7 0 clock, Gill, telephone 884.6472, openings for boys who would proxlmatmg $2,000. sail~d .~e40'mi!e course. lion, and with youngsters who Packers s~uck back with Whit C,ommittees headed by Dr. and I\Irs. James E. This year, for the first time like to join this award.winning Mrs. Lillian Jacob, of Bishop . SJgnifl~antly, It was the fourth a.re p.laying football for the: Boyd scorln.g arou~d e.nd. T~e Coyle and Mrs. Edward J. Hickey, HI, have the invita- in its history, ~h~ Gr~sse Po~te Troop. road, president of the. associa- h~e durmg the Season that AI. f1!st time, one week makes.a Packers talhe~ agam WIth FrItl Itions in tlte mail, and reservations are being taken by Hock.ey A.ss.~latlon IS formmg tion, usually submits the check DI-La II ha~ won ~verall re- big difference." j Lehmann scormg ~n a perfect Mrs Daniel J Tindall Jr James P Danaher and Mrs. a ~hte 1?lvlslon! ages .6 to ~, Taks Arluy Course during the Christmas season- gatta honors III the bIg fleet. As I i pass from Mark Sunon to run' . ". '. • whIch WIll begm playmg thIS sometimes requesting a minimal THE NEWS goes to press AI- Mark Monaghan and Bobby; the score to 12.6. The teams ILeo Marx are general co-ehaIrJ!1en, while FrederIck .~. fall when the GPUS rink opens At Medical Center number of greeting cards, some- Di-La II is in the running for i Go~gh handled the ~uarterbaek ! struggled hack and forth until Cody and Mrs. Charles Wollenzm, Jr., head the ACqulSl- in late November. This division I __ times merely giving the contri. boat.of-the-year honors. I~~h.es ~nd ~fb h~nedlaD and I Saier scored for East Detroit I tions f'ommittee. lias already received over 30 Army Doctor (Captain) Fred- bution in the name of the or- While Al-Di-La II loved the rllSt I r:wa s o~v bso~e Ion a oDe.yard sneak. ,'Other committee heads include R. Frederick Kolo- registralions and is fast ap- erick R. Cusbing son of Mrs. ganization. light g~in~ other queens .in the I~~e a~~Sul~~'a:-:,m~I~: :~i:~ The. "arsity fought ~ titanic wich, Mrs. Don T. Galvin, Jr., tbe lUesdames John D./ proachin.g its player Jim.it. Any. Mary R. Cushing. 712 Shor('. tot;~s d$2a~,3~~~\;~~r~t~~ fleet didn 1. WMD the Judges M 1 k d d d f Id~fenslve struggle With the Peacock Alfred J Jehle John L King Walter R. one. havmlf Y0!1ngst.ersmterest. ham. completed the medical gave up there were stili more ~ers ~o e goo on e ense. Tiger Cats in a 0-0 tie. The ' ., • ~ ' _ •• ~ ed m playmg m thIS age group service officer basic course ~t gift soon to come. than 30 boats drifting out in John Willtams played well on Packe .. defen~e 8110wed the Howell, Robert Grambo and Robert reabody, and should contact Harry Jewett,j Brooke Army Medical Center, ---- e I I nn., Lake S1. Clair. No one minded tf::: h~~d defense and Jo~n Tiger Cats inside their 4O-yard I and Mrs. Claren.ce J. McLeod. telephone 884-7798. Ft. Sam Houston, Tex., Aug. 30. from Austin Catholie High much except crews aboard craft f h h ~e crowd on Its I line only onee aided by inter- I Proceeds wIll benefit the Academy of the Sacred I Will Henderson president of The five-week course pro- Schol in Detroit, in 1956 and that had run out of beer. e~ w e~t ~ l~e;~ePtedsda pass, cepHons by Stuart Thiede and I Heart in Lakeshore road. ' the Grosse Point~ Hockey As. vides basic branch training and received his B.S. and M.D. de- Velera II, Doug Wake's Cal. an ran I ac yar. IPhil Simon. Great defensive ...... • sociation, has indicated that orientation for newly com mis- grees from the Universily of 36, from Crescent SailYC, prob. The Lions Junior Varsity plays by Thiede, Ed Troop, Bob "A h "C . T CPHC over 300 youngsters are expect. sioned Medical. Dental and Detroit and Wayne State Uni- ably the hardest sailed and were well matched to their op- Kaiser, John O'Niel, Dave rt ur om 1ft g 0 ed to register for the 1968.69 Veterinary Corps officers, versity in 1960 and 1964, campaigned cruising boat in the ponents and dropped a 13-6 de. Thomasson and Paul Kappaz It'll be a Mod, Mod World at the Grosse Pointe Hunt hockey season by the time the Dr. Cushing was graduated respectively. f1eet-:-sailed off with the clas~ ci.sion. Jeff Gardner scored the stopped the Tiger Cats cold. Club this Saturday evening with members Mrs. Norman registration period closes. This ----- B pnze, bea~g a si.ster ship, LlOn~ onl~ t~lly, wh~le Mike A struggling Pac~er offense was Wc:rthmann, Mrs. William' Tettelbach, Mrs. William J. will be the largest number of Gene Mondry s Leading Edge, Verbl~st did h~ part WIth a key st~pped four. times deep in Lilly. Mrs. Garland Knight Mrs. Leslie P McDougal and Gro.sse Pointe youngsters ever from Great Lakes YC. pass interception. .Tohn Banks Tiger Cat territory by a IiTed- M '. . ' . . "registered to play hockey under Don Smith's Yare, 37.£oot was a standout on the defensive up defensive lie. The Tiger rs. M.IC,~ael Dlsser modelIng. fashIOns from Par~- the auspices of the Association. S&S sloop, "*:as the Class C squad and Don Brower piayed Cats defense held off Packers phernalla and everybody dancmg to the psychedelIc The Association indicates that winner over .Misty, Les Mcln- .well on offense and defense. twice in the last three minutes sounds of the "Burnt Sugar." ice time continues to be the tos~'s Grosse Pointe YC ya~I, Coach D!'n Hitchens felt that wiill liTst down and goal inside Hosts Rudolph Barden, Mr. and Mrs. John Sarvis, main obstacle in the further which cam~ on fast to place.m b!s youngsters too sh.owed the the ten. . . Mr. and Mrs. Tettelbach and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Martin de\'eloP~lent of minor l~ague the season s I~te regattas. MlS- d,isadvantage of startin~ pra~- The Packers WIll try to lDl. have arranged to have "Arthur" come to the Club, and hockey m the, Grosse Pomtes, ~y won the Plngre~ Bowl, f~r ti~e. a week late and .'s ~pti- prove upon. Sunday's perform- Mr. Barden entrepreneur of the mid-town Detroit dis- eVen though they are fortunate mstance, for the third year m mlStic about them tummg ID a ance when .hey play the Rose- '.. enough to be granted a con- a row in the Detroit YC Swe(!p- higbly respectable record this Iville Mohawks Sunday in Rose- cothe,que, W111 have as hIS personal guests ~r. and Mrs. siderable amount of winter ice stakes. season. ; ville. Haro:d R. Boyer, .Jr., Mr. and Mrs. John Winans, Walter time by the Grosse Pointe Uni- .. -- ..------.-.------...------.----- Keatmg, Glen FrIedt, Jr., and Jack Tucker. vcrsity SchooL As such, addi. Guests of the Sarvises' will be the Harry Constants, tional ice is required, and this the John Blunts, John Tait, Jack Williamson, Emory has 1?ecessitated many teams i Ford and Kirk Moore. Other members planning to at- travelIng to Canada, .Po~t Huron I i tend include Dr. and Mrs. Donald Blain, Dr. and Mrs. and elsewhere {or pi actlces and I Wallace Carruthers and Dr~ and. Mrs. Renato Staricco. ga;:e:'pite of the problems re- • gardi!lg ice time. the Associa. ,Meadowbrook Theater lion has made arrangements {or BRAND NEW 1968 InllflJ , a complete schedule of prc. I The fall theatre season will soon be upon us, and season and winter practices, I MODEL BB3i< many Grosse Pointe women are busily introducing their and there is every indication i friends to the delights of Oakland University's llieadow. that this will be a most success .. PEUGEOT MOTORBIKES TRIAIlNEW brook Theater. {ul and rewarding season for The Theater's women's season ticket campaign, cur- the Association and for the I Gva,anteed 6 mos.-6.000 MI. ; rentlv underway, runs through Sel)tember 30. Now start- ~any youngstcrs affiliated with Iin~ its third year, llfeadowbrook will offer a season of REG. PRICE 00 Bnirks seven plays, including a range of playwrights from Anyone interested in helping i $295.00 SALE PRICE $175 Shakespeare to Jean Giradoux plus the world premicr to support and promote hockey! I in the Pointes, or anyone wish. I I'JO ADDED TAXES OR COSTS i of a ne,,' Black Comedy. ing further information concern. I Please come, I. Once again, the Grosse Pointe War Memorial will ing the program, should con. i CONTINENTAL CYCLES(ORP present a Season Ticket Package PIau, includin~ dinner tact WiI.ton Henderson, presi'I" • Please be our guest. and bus transnortation to and from the Thcater, (this de~t, .Grosse Pomte Hockcy As. 19430 HARPER AVE. HARPER WOODS Please participate in hundreds of fabulous prizes by Buick. Iis also avnilable on a single.night basis}. I soclatlon. telephone 8843498_. . _ Public showing Sept. 26. I Grosse Pointe area chairman is ~(rs. William Hok- . -- i ram. Publicitv chairman is Mrs. Hu~h Harness. Team ! Cantains are Mrs. Arthur Kirchner, Mrs. Joseph James! and Mrs. Richard Lan~s, and committee members include Tom Taylor Buick the Mesdames .lo~enh Crocker, Jack Fife, William Porter. JlIme~ FiehHnlt. Bowl Horne and Stcl}hen Holm. 13033 Gratiot LA 6-3000 ------FLY FREE! GPNHS Harriers Chalk Up Slanl

By John Edwards '71 f made a perfect slam which i~ Richard Montauk '71 of Grosse taking the firsl seven places Pointe North High School again IMick Kamlay '70, Doug Nichols lIed the Norsemen Cross.Country '70, Tom Taylor '72, and Tom ENTER OUR team to its second victory of Peck '71 took 4. 6 and 7 place, the season as it demolished Clin- respectively to complete thr tondale 15 to 50. slam. For the second time Monlauk Their n ext mect will b(. "GOING ;s your headquarters for Chevrolets! was first in the time of 11:01. against the South take Cav BiD Rider '70 was secord in aliers on Sept. 25 at the hill on 11:08, and Dan Janicak '70 was Vernier at 4 p.m. The Cavalier" third in 11:21. are undefeated and are thc dr THING Not only did the Norsemen fending champions of cross * SUPER * have Ii perfect score, but also country in the Bi.County League' FLING'! SPORT CONTEST * SWEEPSTAKES * antt'que 1st Pri:a:e 2nd Pri:a:e 3rd Pri:a:e Come in and enter. REPRODUCTIONS ... YES ... A NEW COLLEC- Fly free 2,000 oir mile'S Fly frec I,OGO air miles Ski! 2.speed ji, law kit * * TION OF EXQUISITE REPLICAS OF 18TH & 19TH See the '69 Chevrolets. ,tth Pri:a:e 5th Pri:a:e 6th Pli:a:e CENTURY MASTERPIECES. EVERYTHING FROM Imperial 50 piecc stainlcss Fhilco 6 tran,istor radio Shetland Pany Vat with * Thurs., Sept. 26,h, fri., Sept, 27tn~ Sot., Sep'. 28,h OUR FAMOUS BUTIER TABLE AT $105.00 TO AN servicc far 8 accesso,i .. * 7th Prixe 8th Pri:a:e EXCITING WIG STAND ... THE PERFECT PLANT- 9th Pri:a:e Universol "Srigadoon" West Bend 30 cup slainless Phi/co AM-FM radio. ER FOR YOU. AlSO NEW MINIATURE CHESTS, picnic outfitting kit slcel coffee maker miniature penonol hOn,iatO' * * TABLES, CONSOLES, END AND NEST6D TABLES. EVERYTHING PRETTY AND COMPETITIVELY Winning will be s~lected from this dealership! PRICED FOR THE BEST SELECTION IN TOWN ..• FREEGIFT ... Just for entering the contest See The '69 Ford Friday, Sept. 27th

19849 MACK AVE. 884.6615-Grosse Pointe Woods CHEVROLET OPEN THURSDAY F.VENINGS COOK FORD 15175 E. Jefferson A.ve. VA. 1.2000 16901 Mack 885-4000 , Thursday. September 26, 1968 Page Twenty-six GROSSE POINTE NEWS .. -_. ..__ .._--. __ ..._------Fishel's Win Richardson Norselnen Lose Blue Devils Ready to Open First Grid Galne Series; Going to Coast League Play in Ro'yal Oak ____,__ By John Edwards '71 Tom Fisher's Cal.40, Conquest, will be shipped to The Grosse Pointe Norsemen The Blue Devi)r- open their Then. weaving back and forth Ihe west coast - Lon,g Beach. Calif. - next month for lost a football game September Border Cities League play this across the field, he brilliantly ran the ball 85 yards for a Ihe famous Congressional Cup series scheduled for 120, 19 to 12, to the L'Anse Friday in Royal Oak against a ~Ialch 13.16. S I Creuse I;ancers. leam that has failed 10 score a touchdown. ',. I The fIrst quarter was a de- single point this year. The Devils then scor.:d their Fisher. with his son, Tom, i was a typical expression. Joel' fensive battle until the last 23 Dondero haslosl its first two final TD in the fourth quarter .1r .. as co.ski?per: will re~re. ~B~emer, a patrol judge said' seconds when a Laplander to games by scores of 40.0 and 7~ on Bill Schleicher's 5-yard run. ,pnl t~e. Detroit RIver Yachtmg this. The ru.lmg sel a precedent I Burlingame pass completion for to Ferndale and Hazel Park. His effort capped a Devil drive A,sOcla~Jon and the Yacht Rae. fOr th~ senes,.]1 was no-race: a touchdown broke the ice to However, Head Coach Russ that covered aboul 60 yards. IIlg UnIOn of the Great Lakes each time a sail was torn. i give the Lancers a 7 to 0 lead Hepner does nol believe that * * .. in lhis round-robin series of 10 The re.match between the' with the extra point. the team is a pushover by any match .racc, involving ~hat Lake Michigan and Lake St. In the second quarter the means. Royal Oak Dondero Two weeks ago, on Friday the many sklpners from all sections CiaIf crews was the best of the Norsemen scored when the Lan. was rated highly by experts 13th, the Devils opened the sea- of the United States. series as Fisher, with a fine cers failed to make their downs, before the season and Mr. Hep. son in an unlucky way. They The Grosse Pointe Yacht. performance up win d, beat the Norsemen regained control ner says, "Their personnel is were shut out by Ann Arbor, (']ub co-skiopers, and thpir. Schoendorf by 53 seconds. ,of the hall. marche,1 down the as strong as Ann Arbor." 20-0, ('rew, earned the riqht to rpo- Tom Fisher (Sr.) out of yacht' field. and scored on a one.yard In explaining the R

e _ • • • s sse Page Twenty.Seven ThursdaYr September 26r 1968 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

«iC-OFFICES FOR RENT a-ARTICLES FOR SALE I ti.-"I,l~~EL~ WANTED __ ~._ ~=-SIT~_~TION WANTED 6-r8:fu~~~~;di 'ii' BEAUTY OPERATOR to take RESPONSIBLE adult, child .__ -----1 AIR conditioned, panelled, car. HAND PAINTED basket purses, ,} over clientele at Josef's care, my home, daily. 6 Mile. GROSSE Pointe, Lakepointe, peted, ample parking. 19946 lunch box purses. Painting i1:: Fasbion Door. TU 2.4246. Gratiot area. LAkeview 6.9865. upper flat, adults only. VAi. Harper, 881.1201. on wood. Special orders. TUx. ,:,'. - .-- -- ._------ley 4.9403. edo 4.5392. '.,..••.: DENTAL ASSISTANT. Single, PART time work desired, book. IAVAILABLE immediately, sev. i recent high school graduate keeper, office work. 823. GROSSE POlNTE PARK - 2 eral air conditioned offices. BARN SIDING - Authentic I" :': or experience as a chair side I 0465. bedroom lower. Carpeted, Price range $50 to $100inc1ud. weathered, hand hewn, na- .,' assistant. TUxedo 2.1511. ------draperies. $150. Security de. ing utilities. Chet Sampson tural timber. 1.463.2179. .:;; Grossc Pointe area. SA-SITUATION WANTED posit. Weekt side or Grosse want done, we'll do it • . . TU 4.7000 Stokes Multiple Services, VA 1 year lease. 886.7358. 6H-GA.RAGES WANTED 3975 Cass Ave. Wednesday. 4-,HELP WANTED Pointe resident. Call for ap------._ .. _---- WALNUT conference table, 12' 4-9172. WESTCHESTER. Two bed. ------.-- - II-KALE f--I---'---d. pointmcnt. R. A. Kehrer, GARAGE for boat storage. 22' with eigh, chairs; round wal. The Hibbard rooms, one and one.half l-PUBLIC NOTICE" . or ema e, ex~erJence Bruce Wigle Plbg & Htg. Co. JEFFERSON EAST, 8905 minimum. 885.0315. nut clothes closet. I\fimeo. ______.____ ha~rdresser to work.m Grosse VA 2.9070 TRI.CITY baths. Lease until :Mayor Very large, attractive 5 room .graph, etectric addressograph, ARE YOU a widower or bache. POlOte salon. MagIC Touch 1------.------June. $250 mOnth. 7-WANTED TO RENT lor, 40 to 65? Write for in- Beauty Salon, 20962 Mack' RELOCATING our present Real BABY SITfERS 2 bedroom apartment in lux- 4 air conditioners, several plastic-top tables. odd chairs,' formation, Widow/Widowers ave., 884.0661. Also shampoo Estate office to larger quar- Competent. adult women urious 10 story fireproof EXECUTIVE desires 3 to 4 bed. Club, P.O. Box 304. St. Clair girl and assistant. ters in Grosse Pointe. We are building. Walk-in c1esets and GARDEN COURT electric stove. 567.9515 week for babrsitting, convalescent room, 2 bath home in Grosse days 9 to 5 or TUxedo 2-8522 Shores, ~lich. 48083. DENTAL HyGiiNISTfo~ busy in need of aggressive, neat dining room. Off street park- APARTMENTS Pointe. One to two year lease. and elderly care, available. evening,;. ____ and conscientious sales pea. ing. Adults o~ly. Apply man., 2900 E. Jefferson Excellent rcler(oOce~. 886.2218. 1A-PE~SONALS suburban office. Present hy- pIe. Experience preferred but LICENSED and BONDED ager on premises. Lovely one bedroom apartment, ------DECOUPAGE purses - Fruit, gienist leaving because of not cssential. We will train furnished. from October 26th GROSSE POINTE. 3 to 4 bed. scrolls and flOWCl' tops. Navy, FORD HOSPITAL employee, anticipated motherhood. Ex. you. Excellent commission 754.6070 2.BEDROOM corner apartment, for 6 months. $250 per month. I room spacious. business exec- cherry and fl'uitwood. Special top floor. Prestige building. Buy or female, wants ride from cellent salary. Dr. W. Thomas and bonuses. Pleasant atmos- CHAMPION utive, pay all cash. orders also made. 293.3376. Vernier-illorning~ide are a.: 772-2090. phere and congenial co.oper. SECRETARIAL SERVICES Lafayette Park area. Avail'j REALTOR lease. VA 3.5179 or 372.0070 881.0078. I \VO~lEN TO \VORK ation. lntervi~ws will be Grace Brown able 7.1.68. Carpeling and I TU 4.5700 days. 3-5"--1I-1A-G[C--.C-l1EF'-st~care for new.born Charcoal Skctching. Call Depl CONVAT.F:SCING amI invalid I-----+ ------,----_._- I ------Wi\.NTED .. t~ d d ht chaIr. toys and books. 884-9339. cd his Navy check which he infant and mOlher. Grosse Communily Services.' 885.3808 C;ll'{' Kind and depcndable. I GROSSE Pointe Farms. 4 bed- i PLEASANT quiet room. near i I I ',:"'0 ..Cf an :mg er 1------purposely had sent here Pointe refercnces. 8864838, ExpcriPllcc d. Refercnccs. TO room, 2 baths, family 1'00111. t ran s po r tat ion, Village, I \I'oulrl like ti~ suhlel CromaNo. while visiting his brother. Ir-----. -_-_-_.._-_-_. ._-._-_-_.:~.81t9. Newly dec&rated. Children .;chools. Employed person. vember Is~ through M rac; HOUSEHOLD FURNISmNGS Thank you, David L. Lee, ----- welcome., $250 per month. Refcrences. TUxedo 2.5618. 31st, East Side preferred. H - 8865286. GPII SEt-lOR dcsirc~few TUxedo 40969. __ ------.--. sen s J.~land 1.748.3475, Furniture, silver, china, cr)'stal,

COI~OR-WE.DDING-C-AN-D-I-D-S.!I U N IR0 YA L IN C . t~O~~~~~~r~u:f:f~es~~o~e~~~:~ GR-O-SS-E-P~i;;i~citY~pp~-j;;: R~~:'!t fnve. I .111 ,rosse oln e ar. ATTENTI(lN II bh Sh s I Ihrough university level. Wal. I WLlJ decoratc and divide to wiLl or 3 I rfrooms 2 chIldren ' l 0 Y or . m. tcr 'ITlielirr. 4"2 Colonial Ct. Grosse Point e rcfrrences. rte Onp he d roo m apartment. . le. 'ported wood veneers, lmusual "irr.' take ('arc of tlclerly or S14;). tl

15 Kercheval I EXCELLENT Ic?m~aniOnl for ell~rP:.ly,1:t d Y .: portation, $7!i I,~;~~~~r~l:~~~. ~~~il:~f~~~w, ;:~\aI7.~;lil}y'~:.so;:1i~C~~onG~;\7;14.46 lonr,. $1.'i,OO.111l66:,9H. Grosse Pointe Farms I .Ive'ln p liS ~a".,. .l---'-g h t .---- .... TU 4-4440 Res. TU 6.3399 ' WAGES AND FRINGE BENEFITS hous('kecpiQg.271.S1I!l 2 P,ED1WO~1 apartm('nt, lar,l:le Shown by appointment. Call Lane. Grallite City, l1Iinois 3.PIECE Iivin~ room srilioll,ll; living room. ni,'(' kitchen. I 3720074 62040. table~, tl861l50S. STEADY WORK lIIGII SCHOOL girl wO\llrt like cllrpeted. hcat and car port. i Jas, (;, C\lnninghaOl, Realtor ------... - .. -. ORGAN instructions in your hahy sil1ing Mter schoo] on 21123 Vernier, Call 881.3281. i ..- ..\lnd)'c~'I."rofh.,s:l.onaJ- IlOUBU; bcd, eherry spool heel, IRONRITE, hardly uscd, $100. home. All types and makes of APPLY Tue.~days a])(1Thursdays. AIso ,'c" , 0 mattrc~s and box spring. Universal (ank type v

lOB-TRUCKS ll--AUTOS FOR SALE II-AUTOS FOR SALE .F~'~x~~w~'.~~?1$~~J~~~~W!$~~~~~~~l :NT::::C~~t:ri:~Rde::::ve :::-~N:~~~eE~ressmg able 1961 COUGAR HARDTOP - NeN '68 Truck Sale Power steering, power brakes, ~ iJI1 ~~ r-.J'.-.J'" t.~ with attached mirror, circa BUT factory air conditioning. A 150 Trucks Midnight Blue Beauty! $2395. ~::i;~ ~'LA~~I~l.~'D f..:,.,'~.",:ii~~~::t!~~i.:~t;~r;:~~~1830, $100. rUxedo 1-4814. .; breakfront of fruitwood, grill 9-ARTICLES WANTED BEFORE FRANK ADAM ~II doors; 3 paneled black and For Sale LINCOLN.M ERCURY i'"'@.!"6"O,!2".mirroredscreen,heightBOOKs,Art Objects Sought. :._ ~...' An'S &. T' Browsers always welcome. Ready to Work YOU BUY 20171 Gratiot, E. Det. ~ .' w. '1 B. C. Claes Book Shop. Miss El Camino Camper PR 2-0200 fi ill THE Ethel Claes, 1670 Leverette (.Wheel Camper BE S\,JRE :, ~ ~ I SWITCHING POST (48216). we 3.4267. Jf.l &. o/.a Ton Pickups 1964 CHEVROLET Malib': wa- 50 to Choose From gon - V8, automatic, p0',l'er. .. Call TUxedo 2-6900 - 3 Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly @ . 1~163 Livernois WE BUY old gold, jewelry and . @ I Parkmg m Rear UN 2-1812 Step Van, 8 to 12 Ft. TO Original owner. 38,000 mIles. - S', Your Ad Can Be Charged ~I. Hrs.: .10-5 Mon,.Sat. . silver. Vogue Jewelers, 22377 Dumps-Smgle & Tandem Axle $700 or best offer. 882.1879. , llJ ::' All MOnies Go to Chanty Moross Road. Vans &. Stakes 100 in Stock VISIT CHRYSLER Newport .( door ~~~jU&'E"~~~~,'1.n'!1.~1!m.~ft!W£1~~~~1@W~@'p..~~>1!r4!!!~?lf.:~,1;~'~Wj:'itJ%it::.?~'!!'~TI%. I c!IERRY-DININGf;;;:;;;ture, WANTED: Old guns, gun parts '62. Original owner. Good I 9 pieces. $250. Twin bed, or pieces. Any kind, any con. Shalla Chevrolet condition. Automatic. TUxedo Out of Town Calls Accepted 6.0308. : B-ARTICLES FOR SALE ~-=ART~.~LES F~~_~~~~._._I ~:-A~~I~.~~ .._F_~R_S".I:.~_I ~v:':tecal~of~:~t;. to l\~.s~~~er:f~ ~:i0r.~~J~xedo 4-2654, ask 16700 Harper 885-2555 DALGLEISH '66 MUSTANG-excellent con. WE BUY-SELl,-TRADE ANT I QUE IVORY Powdre I MAGNIFICENTLY ornate 9' I 2-8442. GUNS Table, $40. Twin Blonde Ma'i antique mirror. Baby grand- - -.---~.... - PIANOS WANTED '66 CHEVROLET I dition. F act 0 r y installed hogany end tables. $30. Twin' piano. cxcellent condition. PIANO-Sohmer upright. Ma- Grands, Spinets .and small Up- %.TON pickup, V.8, heavy duty CADILLAC stereo, wire wheels, 3 speed Reloading rquipment and com. M.ahogany end step. tables Jacobean solid oak 9 piece hogany. $100. 881.2231. rights HIghest cash paid. springs. synchro V-8. Warranty. Call ponent.s, Scope and Sight In. lh d $40 SId 1\1 VE 7 0506 I 6161 WOODWARD TR 5-0309 between 6.9 p.m., 881.1410• • 'Stal1ations. Stock fitting and WI rawers,.. 0 I a. dining. room. set. .Numer.ous iEAUT JFUL -~~~ci~-;;~at mink' $99 DN. Michigan's Largest Cadillac cr ,complete gunsmithing. ~~~~~~a~:~~~t.S~d:~Ot;~' ~~~ Olr Ilf'~1. I~cludmg Omn. collar. size 14 worn 3 times WANTED:' "Starlight" by Rei. II ED RI NKE Dealer '66 PONTIAC Catalina station BROWNING &. WINCHESTER chairs at give.away prices'l.ta_~~.~s_. _ 1~~~_~~76!5:____ cost $129, sell $50. 821,6786. zert. crystal. 4 ~omplele place CHEVROLET FREE PARKING DRIVE.IN wagon-light green, air con- WEATHERBY ~ REMINGTON 8866598. 1776 Severn. GARAG,E SALE. A real mixed 19"TV-~ith stand-g~od -~;;~~ settIngs .of FlIntrIdge Sage VAN DYKE AT 10'h MILE RD. ditioning. TUxedo 2.4()17. SALES & SERVICE 1-.---- .. - .... --.--- bag. l' or instance-Silver gray i dT $35 III 1 h' I Green chllla. 886.4184. I J E 02 1965 CADILLAC Sedan deVille. 1967 BUICK 4-dodr harutujl: full ., GUNS & SHOOTING MN'S golf clubs. Croquet set, mink stole antique pendulum I. 8~~.0..:7.86.. '. ape. c alrs'iLOCAL h' t .. , h 6- 55 Power steering, power brakes, - ACCESSORIES zipper lu g gag e, artificial clock. br~ss fireplace set, ._ ...... ____ chase ~:r~~~ :I~ :s .to pur. power, including windows; air conditioning, AM.FM ra. Christmas tree. 886.6312. bentwood chair (reproduc.' CRIB and matress 2 rugs with . d a eb~:; and ll-AUTOS FOR SALE factory air; ivory with deep - ' . souvemcrs, me a ls, unifonns, dio, 6.way seat. Good condi. be i g e upholstery; 16,000 B M DAN IEL CO d . ". C . FENDER amplifier and Echo- hon), bl0!I be~ver coat, pads sofa, end tables, ~Ire. helmets, guns,' books. etc. 1966 CHRYSLER IMPERIAL tion. Private owner. Call after miles, owner driven; has pad Cor. :Maryland VA 1-8200 Plex echo chamber. 772.7009. curl~',cuc Iron be", map I e place screen and andiron Tuxedo 4.0609 ! CROWN COUPE. Full power. 6:30 p.m. TUxedo 1-4151. no winter use; top condition " 15102 KERCHEVAL -~- .. ! dinelte set, toys. silver, blond sets, 3 [adders, wheelbarrow -_. __ .. Factory air conditioning. Vi. every respect. $2,675, To see, ~. 15'PIECE bedroom set. Couch, 3 sheared rabbit jacket, de- Tuxedo 1-8582. WANTED: WET ALARM. Tuxe. 'I BY OWNER. 1965 Dodge Mon. nyl roof. $2495. phone 882.3105 between 9.11 DECOUPAGE by Lorella Clov- chairs, 4 tables, dinette table, signer elolhes (sizes 6.8), lug. do 1.9147. aco hardtop, bucket seats. a.m. or after 6 p,m. cr. Custom bags. Decoupage 4 chairs. 886.6312. gage, men's suits (44). tod. DARK ranch mink jacket. Tour. , FRANK ADAM Excellent condition. Low mile. classes start Tuesday, Octo------.-.----. -- dlers' clothes, china, lin.ens maline bubble cape jacket. 3 lOA-MOTORCYCUS ' L INCOLN-M ERCURY age. Second car. Factory war. '66 MUSTANG, 6 cylinder, dark ber 1st Morning-evening ses- PORTABLE teleVISIon, 23'Inch. and other assorted kmck. tier blue fox shrug. Huge FOR SALE ranty. Call after 6 p.m. 772- green, black vinyl top. Red ~ons. 12251 Lansdowne. 526- Channel 50, 1 year old. 772- knacks, and what.cha.ma. white fox collar on black 20777 Gratiot, E. Del. 6393. stripe, one owner, $1,495. 9011. 9585 after 4 p.m. callils Wednesday-Friday 10 cashmere sweater. worn only TRIUMPH '66'h _ Excellent PR 2-0200 886.3663. ,. ....EARS C ld t ( . t a.m. to 6 p.m. 850 Crescent a few times. Sizes 12 tu 14. h '62 TEMPEST LeMans sport : LAWN SWEEPER. 30", good,::> 0 .s»O, re ngera or, Lane (of{ Cook Road). All at minimal \:ost of original s ape, low mileage. Stock JAGUAR, 1968 XKE coupe. Air- coupe, power steering, 4 BUICK, Electra, '64. Well cared condition, Bargain, $10. Tuxe'l 16.cu. ft. ~lth IC~ maker. Ma- _ ...... __ price. All in excellent condi.. hlOking. TU 1-9073; 871.9007. conditioned. 3,000 miles. Best speed. Clean. TUxedo 5-1525. for, 45,000 miles, $1,200, 4 .~ do 1-5"10 hogany king Size bed and CHILD'S youth bed. Kant-\vet lion. 884.3232 after 10 a.m. 1968 HONDA 90 Scrambler 600 offer. Also a Corvette hardtop door. TUxedo 1.3314 after 4. : ~. 'I headboard. linens, $150. Ma. mattress, like new. $25. 886.-' ' TEMPEST, 8 cylinder, 1966, iles '63 through '61.886.7404. 'RUMMAGE SALE-Best in De. hogany dressing table and 3067. G.E., dO,,Ub,Ie ",door refrigerator, I l!I , mint condition. Phone custom 2 door hardtop, origi. CHEVROLET, 1962. Ciean, sta- troit Area. Grosse Pointe mirror, $40. Call afl~r six. 4 YI!arS old. TUxedo 53290. &86.5329, after 6 p.m. CONTINENTAL convertihle '6ll, nal owner, 22,000 miles, $1,' tion wagon, full power, auto- , Woods Presbyterian Church, 884.7304. GAS RANGE, in good condition. VELVET soC;;:-Italian t;b'i~~ 1 GO.KART, gas powered, $10. air, loaded. 229 Lothrop, 395. TUxedo 1-4982. matic, electric windows, ex- , 'Mack at Torrey Rod. Between -- - Reasonably priced. 886-2550. orl'ental kl'ng bed, sweeper, 886.7074, Grosse Pointe Farms, TUx. cellent tires. 88(;.3725. , 8MM Keystone projector. Like I 1966 CONTINENTAL. Tempera. : 7 and 8 Mile, Friday, Oct. 4, d . .th FRENCH P . . I Id F Al I - t edo 5.2352. '9 8 S tOt " new an new reVIewer Wi rovmcla go mat. rench screen. so c anne. lOB-TRUCKS ture-controlled air-condition. '68 VOLKSWAGEN, perfect a.m.- p,m,. a., c. J splicer, $40. Shown Sunday the elasse, 3 piece corner sec. Call between 9 a.m.-8 p.m. 196B CHEVROLET IMPALA ing, full power, excellent con. condition, 6,800 miles, stick, ,.9-11 a,m. 29th. TUxedo 1.8165. tional (Kingsley), excellent 382.0855. ' "A'1 TRUCK ENGINES STATION WAGON. Excellent dition, $3,300. TUxedo 1.4177. $1,600. V Alley 2.9740. t....STEiNWAy mahogany console ------.--. ---- condition, $20G. 884.4828. ELECTRIC sewI'ng 'm' a.chine. Factor rebuilt condition. Fully equipped . .' . 'H' I h'te needle ,SHOTGUN - Browmng 12 ga. . 22 EZ terms plano, Ipp ew I , . l 5 I t R '1 d C tt.. V t d C 11 885 19 Executive car. Best offer. .. point covered bench, Exeel- au 0, -s 10. eCOl pa, u s RUMMAGE SALE am y resser. a . , I 537-1117 Dealer. TU 5.4871. lent condition. 885.3597. comp. 'with tubes. Excellent after 6 p.m. ~ condition, $100. TU 6.7656. . St. James Lutheran Church '64 DODGE station wagon cus. 1965 . McMillan at Kercheval RAY FOUCHER'S I '65 FORD F250 tom 440. Automatic transmis. Automobile ,. OCTOBER 2-SALE 1 R~A PORTABLE dl~': TV. West. Oct. 3 Thurs. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. COUNTRY HOUSE rAMP'ER SPECIAL sion. ful! power, new tires, & >Christ Child Society's Pre-sa e inghouse air con Ihoner, 10,500 '-' • of Carnival Hems. G.P. War BTV's. Combination r ad i o. 14922 Kercheval 36,000 miles, excellent condi- I tion. Wife's car. Only $750. Memorial-10 lo 3. record player. 8866312. RANCH MINK, Spencer style 'I Just east of Alter V.B, AUTOMATIC transmission, Salesman 1966 jacket. Excellent condition. Quality Moderate custom cab, power steering, 77~-6099. I 'DECOUPAGE bags by Evelyn, LADY'S Haig Ultra golf sel: 3 Call 777.2033. Furniture' Prices power brakes, 950x16.5--8 ply I CHEVY '63 Biscayne, 6 cylin. 30 coats of varnish. Custom woods, 8 irons. Excellent con. SALE NOW IN PROGRESS tires .. Only. 3000 miles. ~ Continental der, stick, original miles. made or from stock. VAlley dition, $75. Men's golf set with HAMILTON gas dryer. GE Mo-1 H 9.9 Mon. through Sat be~u~iful oltve . green .. ThIS Immediate ape.ning for the .' . 1.3485. carl, excellent condition, $40. bile Maid dishwasher. Frigi. rs. . , umt IS also eqlllpped WIth a Owner. $500. Thursday, Satur- day and Sunday, 10024 Bishop right man. Convertibles Revere 8mm movie camera, daire eleclric stove. TUxedo INLAID ~valnut dining table I 1968 11 FT. ,FARFlSA ORGAN - Mini- $10. 893-4277. 6.0139. and 6 chairs. Spanish style. Road, Detroit. Fully equipped including :. . Compact. excellent condition. Extend~ to 116". Could be FRAN KLI N CAMPER 1968 BUICK Skylark 2 d 00 r '. Best ouer, Sony stereo ear- BOY'S junior Stingray bike, like KITCHEN AID portable top used for conference table. hardtop. automatic, pow- Apply in person. air conditioning " . phones. 884.1645. new. Girl's (18 monthF,) 3. loa din g dishwasher. White TUxedo 2.5750. Monomatic toilet, FM radio, v-a, piece win t e r dress outfit. wilh formica top. Excellent :;tereo tape deck, large refrig- er steering, power brakes, ra- ESTATES bought and sold. Girl's 3-year Town & Country condition. $120. TU 5.1664. erator, 4 burner stove and dio, white walls, custom trim. Complete or odd pieces. An. coat and hat. Boy's 4.year .-----.- ANT 1QUE S oven, inside gas light, 9000 Factory warranty. G.M. exec- FRANK ; . tiques, silver, cbma, £urni. Merry Mite navy corduroy GARAGE SALE. Salurday, Sept. BTU heater, air compressor, utive car. $2,5Q5. ROGER RINKE . ture. Oriental rugs. Hugh C. elon suit. All worn 2 or 3 28lh., 10 to 3. 250 Mt. Vernon. Furniture and accessories in. intercom, sun.deck with lad • Bolan, 10233 Woodward, TO times. Paid $25 each. Will sell GARAGE SALE. Salurday, 10 eluding co[;cctor's items. Call der. $450 down. Up to 5 years ADAM 62500. $10 each. to 5. Household and miscel. WOodward 2.8288 or TUxedo to finance. JIM CARNEY GARAGE SALE _ Tricycles, A mosl altractive walnut din- Ianeous items. Tools, lumber, 2.6506, after 6. CADILLAC LI NCOLN-MERCURY e ED RINKE .' tahles, clothes, sinks, babY' in~throoml set. l?,roP lefaf lha.bla table saw. 'h motor. 21211 "TEINWAY piano "L", $1800. BUICK 15 I 20777 Gratiot, E•. Detroit needs, etc. Saturday 10 a.m. WI ex ra ea, c In River Road. U CHEVROLET 24321 VAN DYKE Van Dyke -.. tiI 4 p.m. only. 1625 Hamp. cabinet wilh sliding glass 'By appointment, 882.1891. VAN DYKE AT 10lh MILE RD. AT 91,2 MILE doors, 4 high cane backed RATTAN FURNITURE. 3.piecc bet. 10.11 Mile PR 2-0200 lon, 886.5972, chairs with olive green up. sofa, 1 chair, 3 lables. 886. SIDEBOARD, screen, library JE 6-2550 SL 7-2103 1 EPIPHONE guitar and Kala. holsleredseats. Excellent con. 4993. table, blue chintz draperies, ma7.0O amp. and folk guitar. dition. Reasonable. --.-.--.------large fruitwood office desk, GARAGE SALE: Brass fire- 2 large upholstered chairs, . lI1ellonome. Sacrifice 821- 886.1265 place scren and andirons. 4 bureau, double bed and _ ~~66.____ CON-T-E-M-P-O-R-AR-Y-s-olld--w-oo-d chrome chairs; dining tahle; matching bureau, dressing I CORVETTES & SPORT WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR GRAY matelasse chair. like bedroom set. Large double 3 wicker chairs; har stool; lable, washing machine, legal ~_ new. $-10. Two matching lamp bed, complete. Excellent con. toys; clolhes; golf bag; house. size filing cabinets. lockable CARS' Vv'ANTED NEW CAR TRADE-l NS bases. TUxedo 2.5878. dition, $100. 881.9061 after 6 hold items. 238 Fisher Road. melal slorage cabinet. By ap. __ . . ----- p.m. Sept. 26, 27, 28. Nine to six. pointment, TUxedo 54151 or! '66 Mustang V-8 4 spd. '65 Falcon. Show room EARLY AMEHICAN brown ATT-EN-T'IO-N ::'-C-I-ub'''s-, .f-•.lI n--d TUxedo 29433. i tweed sofa, 82". good condi. RATTAN FURNITURE, repos. - Vinyl top W. W.t. Extra condition. Low mileage. tion. $75. 881l.31l7, sessed. Sel! at :\larvel Furni- raising organizations. Raise COiT"-;i~gi~ action Army .45 i HANEY SPORT CARS sharp. 1 owner. Only ______._. __ --- lure Refinishers, 14325 Ker- money fast without any sell- caliher, 7l.-~" harrel, pre 1941 : $1595 $1095 OLD GUNS wanted-Any agc, chevaL Bargains! ing. For details write Perma manufaclured. Beautifully en. : 15200 GRATIOT BET. 7 & 8 MILE make, condition, obsolete, -.---- - .---. Products, 88 :\Iuir Rd., Grosse graved mint. Colt .45 auto. i DR 2-1777 '64 Econovan. Excellent broken, incomplete. TUxedo Pool Tabl e Pointe Farms. malic, civilian model. TUxedo i condition. Great for '64 Ford Galaxie 2-dr. . 57182. BRUNSWICK Celebrity. 4x8, - . 5.3074 MOVING: Must sell console . I small business h.t. V.8, 4 speed trans., DRIVERS! Approximately $18 fully equipped, 2 years old. piano, small buffet, assorted GARAGE SALE: Tools, hOUSe-j Only $895 sharp. buys $lQ,OOO/$20,OOULiability. I _~3~~:~~~~0~73. .. living room tables, lamps, hold items. clothing, miscel-I OUR WHEELS COST LESS Properly damage. Medical GROSSE POINTE. Rummage chairs; wrought iron lea cart, laneous. Saturday only. Sepl. , '66 Pontiac Tempest 2- $895 paymenls. TUxedo 1.2376. Sale. Benefit Child Guidance blankels, luggage. camera, 28th, 10 am. to 2 p.m. 656 I NEW 1968 dr. h.t. Auto. p.S., r. & h. ;;A-SI[ER -.1 t"d' ---- Clinic, Thursday, October 3. golf cluhs, misceIla"eous. All Washington, I W.W.t. Only '66 T-Bird. Black beauty. ,.. " c. ec r~c ryer, gas 9 a.m.4 p.m. Revere Hall, at low prices, 564 Hampton ------. Low mileage. Full power. ' slove, _~~rlgera ,or. 527-2452. 24725 East Jefferson, Sl. Clair Rd. i 5 PC. MAHOGANY bedroom CHEV. IMPALA Only $1695 Shores.'-'--- suite. complete, $125. Pair R 6- H., W.W.t. Only ...... _ .__ .. ' __ . _. KENMORE WASHER, 6 years slipcovered arm chairs. $15 Full '65 Mustang convert. OUTFIT YOUR FAMILY V~8, auto. Sharp. Only $1995 JIG SAW PUZZLES. Springbok. old. good condition, $40, Elec. each. Wringer washer. $10, Price Largesl Selection of Resale % price. l.J70 Devonshire. Iric drycr, $15. Call after 6 MisceIlancous items. CaIl after $2335 $1195 _. _...... - -.- p.m. 8851872. six, TUxedo ]-5951. '66 Mercury Park Lane. Clolhing in Arca. WSW" B.U. Lamps, P. Dash, Seat Belts, S.v. Mirror, OCTOBER 2-SALE ...... __ ._- '.. '66 Ford 2 dr. Why V-8 auto., R. & H., w. Christ Child Society's Presalc DESK, lamp, chair. Weighl lift. SA-OFFICE EQUIPMENT Payments $57.98, Our Special Payment Plan. New sportwear and lingerie ing equipment. Cedar chcst. walk? W.t. One owner. 50 to 75% Off See or Call Ron Blakely or Doug Seigfried Only $795 $1795 Original Price ~~e~~r~~~~I~~~~m_;:::p ~~.a.r, _ Di~e:t~~:2Ux=~~~~1~ VIf~I~O~hf:~~.Ul~~:ci ~~~di~i~:~ I CredIt Checked by Phone n U IIf MAG E SALE. Bethany No dealers. 771.1870. ' "Our reputation rides in every cor we sell!O Fall Clolhing Taken VA 1-0678 on Consignment for Lutheran Church. 11475 E. Moving to aparlmenl. must sell: --.- '-Q-"S Outer Dr. corner Chatsworth. SS-ANTI UE Sept. 27th 9.1 p.m. Sept. 28th, Maylag Washcr 9000 TIQUE- SHO\V---- COOK FORD LEE'S FASHION MART :lIaytag dryer 7500 1---'-AN • TED EWALD CHEVROLET 2(1339 !IIa ck TU 1.8082 101 p.m.. Davenport 65'00 REDFORD DETROIT 1690 1 M~ck TU 2-7787 10 to 5 Daily: FI'i. 'W 9 IIENREDON dining room Sf'1. Round occasional table 6'00 I Sept. 27-28.29 15175 E. Jefferson ai' City Limits Magnificeol condition Rrellk. Small oval coffee tahle . 5:00 'I Carpent~rs Hall 22521. Graml JlOTPOINT rangc. 40". excel. front. Italian marhh' top Raffia porch rug llx12 7.00 RIVer Ave, DelroJl Icnt condition. $100, Li!(ht scrVl'r, oval tahle wilh 2 White porcelain kit. tahle 3.00 I ~ . colored oak c1inellc sc~ with lean's. 8 car:e hllCk chairs. Paintl-d gatelel( tahle 10.00 1<. leve!s of period a.n,~. country 4 chnirs. $r.;, 776.3155 Prime f r u i two 0 d finish. Porch chairs. Console TV and i furmture .. Glass, c~.... :. dolls. "-,.-- 'h.C . d d I C. olher items. I paper WeIg~ts, onen.a~ rugs Paul McGlone Cadillac BRIDAL gol\'o and veil. origi. .Scotc ,U,lr e sea s. ~IS and decoratIVe accessorIes. nal hy Bianchi, 10.12, ivory 10m Dl1\dc lahle pads m'l ' I d'd 8A60520. 5082 CourVille. Sat. I to 5 p.m. Hours: 12 noo!! to 10 p.m. DETRO:T'~ NEWEST CADILLAC DEALER WOOD Jll'au rle soie. $50, TUxedo cue. ,.. ... , I Sund.ay. c10smg 6 p.m. . .2.[))7(; PAIlKERETT!': Iml'n swei!)ler, I.. ._ .. - .... "-.--' .. -- ,$1.00 admiSSion Free ParklOg 1(0011conrlilion, $10. Swioi( scl. i WICK.ER furniture, while. 2 I --. AN '-EJi:J.iriITION-- . G.E. cll'ctric rangl', 1!000d I'on. '68 CADILLAC '66 CADILLAC dition, Besl offer TU 1,5~)~12, .~\\'ings only $5 TUxedo chalr~. I rocker. and 1 t.ahle, OF SMALL BRONZES 4.4082. chairs need cushIons. Wrmger , , AND ~fr,DERN 2-Dr. hardtop. A beautiful INC. GARAGE SALE. !\Iostly <,n I.'; p.m. lI11ily 11;615 l1\hle, Ilsahle for ping pong .Jackson; Era s.t u s Dow fier. 4 speakers. 120 watts, ah East .Jdfl'f.'on, corner Bishop, or to mount trains. etc. 775. P1\lmer: Robert AItken: Anna $495 Down Full Price $3195 solntely lih ncl\'. rl'asonahlc (;rnssl' l'oin!P Park 2738, evenings. I Hyatt lIuntin,glon. ,I u Ie s I 60 To Choose From I Moi,gniez: .Inles !\Iene. Anton Phone 8816659. THANSFETlHEJl _. (;ARi\GE nUM!\IA<;r-: SALE. Soroptimist Weinkopf; .\lelial hy Pmd '66 CADILLAC '68 CADILLAC 'FnIGIDAIIU: white c I e c I r i c SALE. lI1:Jt('rnili('s, size 10 Cluh of (;rnssf' Poinle, at 'Homme; an Indian Peace, 100% GUARANTEE slove, clouhll' oven. in good Ihrough 14, lIally clolhes Ameriran Lcgion Post. 20916 Medal. :md many o(hf'r items, Good selection of all models. 2. Sedan deVille. Turquoise with condition, T1Jxf'lio 5.41lBI. ("irl's) ~iz('s 0 10 :l years. !\I,I('k Ave. al. Hollywood. Fri. for thc discriminating collcc. i drs., 4.drs, and converts. 1 '.. . Il:lhy furnilun' ;tnr! I'(luip owner. new-car trades wilh a block top. Factory air and ON MOST MODELS day. Sept. 27, 4 10 10 p,m, lor. many miles of trouble.free driv. K 0 N I C A III 3!irnm camer:l, men!. Vacllllm~, lamp~, IlI1 Se]!t. 30,Nov, 2 Weekdays ing ahead. All fully guaron. many extras. , flash atl(l cellent cood,tion. $20. Kodak !I, III, (ias stoV(' ~lbl'ellanf'. eoal wittl hlack fllr collar. COLLECTOR'S 30 days or 1,000 mi les aulomatic 8 mOVIf' camera, OilS. All lik.' n(1\' condition. i Bei"e oouhlf' hrcasled camel CHOICE Your Choice at $3095 $495 Down worn lens, auloli11\tir eye and l!l!l7.S W('sl Williams Court,: h:lir, Uke new S8 cach. IIAI. Thl' Arcade. South .-'lliaOls case. excell.'nl condition. $2.S. Thursday, Frid1\Y, 10 3.m,.2 0332 after Il p.m. Square 15351 GRATIOT at 8 MILE Korlak ,ri~hlander II shdf' pro p.m. 8842030. Rirminl(ham j('clor and caSt', $10. Lady, ...- . Paul McGlone Cadillac Ronson electric shaver, likc. BALDW[N ORGAN wilh bench, DATA PROCESSING BETTY'S ANTIQUES, Bou. LA 1-6900 PR 8-6400 new, $8. 88.1.3249. cxcellent_. condition. 882.8497. tiques and Odditiqlles-Hrs: 10.4 Tuesday through Satur. GARAGE FLEA MARKET. IO GARAGE SALE-Clothin,g, fUf. Basic Inslruclion in Adull Edu. 15300 Gratiot day. ~Engir'le,trans., rear axle, front axle assemblies brake piece dininl( sl'l, oishes, some nilure, miscellaneons, Friday, cation Classes. Call Dept. 2 81ks, S. of 8 MI. DR 2-0380 system, and electrical systems, ' 1460'{ Kerchcval, corner Philip antiqucs, prinls, clolhes, lires. Sept. 27, 10 a,m ..3 p.m. 1358 Community Services, 885.3808 824.9342 Saturday 10.3. 1692 Liltl~tone. Graylon.

sds. Thursd.y. September 26. 1968 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty.Nine

12D-ACREAGE AND 12H-LAKE ~ND RIVER l~-REAL ESTATE I 13-REAL ESTATI U-REAL ESTAn SUBURBAN PROP. PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR $AU ERTY FOR SALE 1------GAYLORD-Wilderness Valley CANTERBURY S92, nea.t Mom. ALL OPEN SUNDAY 2.5:30 1452 N. Renaud (Mancelona Rd.• W. of Old 27) iDgslde. north of Vernier. PEAR TREE LANE 656--4 bed. CLASSIFIED 7.5 ACRES, rolling land, over 10 ACRE TRACTS Builder offers Dew larger 4 Large 3 bedroom ranch. Fam- 500 feet on blacktop road. Ro- room, 2lh bath Colonial. First bedroom colonial, circle stair- ily room. Many extras. EIt- Gold and russet autumn foliage ~i chester Schools. floor library, kitchen built-ins. way. laundry room and loads cellent area. Mid 50's. Private cover the countr.vside. Stop to Family room with fireplace, of lovely features. Open daily. parties only. 5~% mortg.,_ l"J 4 LOTS near Oakland Univer- see it and benefit from the ex. 2-car attached garage. LLOYD MARKS BUILDER available. 881-1305, ADS ~ sity and 1.75, loaded with hilarating crisp autumn air. ~:! trees, close to small lake. $2,- Winterized Chalets LINVILLE 19282- Excellent 3 I ~.l 500 each. bedroom. llh bath ColoniaL 3.BEDROOM colonial with VMw George Wellington Smith GROSSE PTE. WOODS of lake, at 12 Mile at Jeffer. C.II TUxedo %.6900 - 3 Trunk Lines To Serve You Quickly MA 6.2925 Franklin Village Natural fireplace, carpeting, ~i7 ACRES with 1,000 feet Paint family room. son. 21h baths, large famlJ,. "" Creek Stream, completely se. I------2000 OXFORD ROAD - Brick room. 2-car attached garale' Your Ad Can Be Charged eluded. Rochester Schools. 13-REAL ESTATE Ph story. 4 bedrooms, sepa- $37,900. Call Tom Seh,"", NORWOOD 2041 - 3 bedroom, rate dining room, kitchen 884-4423. _ 3% ACRES off Adams Road, llh bat h Colonial. Natural has built.ins, full bath plus I FOR SALE approximately 1,500 feet fireplace, recreation room, 2 plus 2 half baths, 2 car ga. GREAT OLD ENG:(,ISH family car garage. ll-AUTOS FOR SALE ll-AliTOS FOR SALE ll-AUTOS FOR SALE Paint Creek Stream. Roches. 45 NORTH EDGEWOOD. OPEN rage. Excellent condition. 1m home, Grosse Pointe Park. ter Schools. SUN. 2-5 P.M. Luxury 3 bed. mediate possession. Fine condition. Priced in 5O,'s. 1961 ~HEVROLET Impala con. 1967 CADILLAC Coupe deVille. room ranch in the Shores. VERNIER RD. ~2Oa - 3 bed- Immediate possession. 1113 IMPERIAL '65-Crown coupe. 21197 PARKCREST DR I V E, vertible. Power steering, Loaded. $3,850. 892'1100or SL CONVENIENCE and be aut y Big built-in kitchen. Large room fa.ce brIck bungalow, Bedford. TU 6-5l3S. Open Black vinyl top. Gold body. Grosse Pointe School District. brakes lInd top. Good rondi. 4.6078. combine in a custom.built 3. family and recreation rooms. I breeze~ay, attac~ed garage, Sunday 2-5. Black plum leather intel'ior. Brick ranch, 3 bedrooms nice tion, $261>.886.7074. Power brakes, steering, win- bedroom house on lovely land- VACANT. $66,000. recreation room wllh lavatory. THUNDERBIRD convertible scaped lot. Call 651.9112 for living room with fireplace, dows and seats. Front passen- FAIRHOLME 121O-Superior 2 large kitchen, garage. Nice BUICK, 1968 Electra, vinyl top 1965, e xc e 11e n t condition' appointment. 387 NEFF. OPEN SUN. 2.5 ger's seat reclines. Radio bedroQm semi.ranch. Space landscaped lot. OPEN SUNDAY 2.' aU power, air conditioned: $1,495. PRescott 5.6292. ' P.llt Brick home for large with rear seat speaker. Heat- for additional bedrooms, F'ISHER Quick possenion. 884.5350. family. 4 bedrooms plus 1m. 1968 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville er. New spare. Other tires plumbing roughed in. Central OFFERED BY English, 3 bedroom, 1J,j maids quarters. 31h baths. 1967 PLYMOUTH 2 door hard. -black vinyl top leather in- excellent. One owner. Com- air conditioning. sprinkling baths. gas heat. large lot, CS Realty Co. Beautiful kitchen. TV room. to~. Like new: Lady owner- terior, E-Z eye glass, power plete tune.up recently. 18,050 system, 2 car garage. ANIEL 2 car garage. dnver. Low mileage. Reason. locks, seats and windows. considerately driven miles. 444 W. University Dr. $44,900. able. PRescott 9.1282. Pinecrest green. Mint condi- 1\1ustmake room for new car. LOCHMOOR 2126-4-bedroom, 2 20225 Mack TU 6.1190 BY APPOLl'olTIfENT $1,700. No haggling. 88f;-o520. Rochester, Mich. 3499 KENSINGTON. Detroit. full baths bungalow. Family Are you thinking of selling VERNIER, 1144. First offering. '68 COUGAR, Dan Gurney Spe. tion. 88-4-2030. _ OPEN SUN. 2-5 P.M. Brick Immaculate 3 bedroom Colo- 1968 PONTIAC GTO Phone 651-9111 room, recreation room and your house? If so, call us. cia! with air conditioning, 1968 OLDS Cutlass Supreme - home in good condition. 5 nial. First floor den or bed. Excellent condition. Fully equip- garage. Price reduced. 3,200 lIctual miles, 2 months 20,000 miles, 4 door, air, bedrooms, large built.in kitch- room with lay. Fully carpet- pefi. Best offer. TU 5-4871. ACREAGE - 10, 20, 40 acre old, $3,000. 885.4072. pi! W e r brakes, steering; en. Family room. VACANT. RIVER ROAD 21211 - excep. 226 BEAUPRE in Farms, be- ed. Terrace. Dan Cronin. Dealer. parcels available within 45 $35,500. tween Mt. Vernon and Lath whitewalls. $2,400. 759-1213, . minutes of Grosse Pointe . tional 2 bedroom brick ranch, 1965 DODGE ~ passenger Cus. between 9 a.m .•3:30 p.m., '66 LINCOLN Continental, gold, large family room with na. rop. $39,500. TUxedo 2-4611 LANDER TU 4.0100 tom 880 station wagon. Real Monday through Friday Some parcels wooded and on 1002 AUDUBON. Farm Col. 4 door, full power. Owner. paved road. $500 to $650 per tural fireplace, first floor uti!- 1- clean. 1991 Severn Road, . onial, 1964. Mint condition. ity room, plus basement, 1'h ONE BEDROOM co-op apart Grosse Pointe Woods. '64 CHEVY II Nova 4 door se. 886-7508. acre, 25% down with balance Four bedrooms, 21h baths. on land contract. baths, attached garage. Price men!, Detroit River, $20,000 , . dan. v.a, automatic transmis. '63 CHEVY Impala convertible Large family room. Big built- reduced. Owner moving to cash. Monthly maintenance APRIL LANE, 14065 (Warren), 62 OLDS ~8 convertilbe~ power sion, radio and heater. One GEORGE B. BAILEY, JR. Buyers - 3 bedroom ranch all power and extras. Very in kitchen. Large lot. Vacant Florida. $60. For information 777.3310 steering, brakes, wmdows, owner. 881.8016. good condition, one owner. BROKER 886-5850 October 15. $59,000. plus family room. 2 full baths, seats, antenna, trunk. Black 821-6786. ROSLYN ROAD 1243 _ 3 bed. 1_ Evenings 881-0430. utility room and basement. with .white top. Clean, $325. 1968 BUICK Wildcat. Custom 4 1372 AUDUBON. Center hall room, brick bungalow, 2 full Just what you h.a v e be~n 893-4277. door hardtop. Air condition- '68 IMPALA Custom --Co-up; 12E-eOMMERCIAL PROP. Colonial, 1959. Top condition, looking for and can't find baths, carpeting, recreation WE'RE KICKING off the Fall ing, power steering, powe~ 307 powerglide, power steer. ER_TY__ F_O_R_S_A_L_E__ fully air.conditioned. 4 bed- at a moderate. price. Many 1966 AUTUMN Haze Cadillac room, garage. season with the introduc- disc brakes, power windows, ing. 6500 miles. Other extras, rOOJllf, 21h baths. Excellent extra features. Best of a11- convertible with antique sad- tion of a new member in 6.way power seats, radio 'with private owner. $2500.00. Sat. DOCTOR'S CLINIC - Warren ROSEDALE SOUTH 681-4 bed. built. in swimming pooll :By dle leather upholstery. One kitchen and family room. our line of able contenders electric antenna, power door or Sun. 10 to 6, 19870 Holiday Avenue. Terrific building com. room, 2lh bath custom built appointment. ~58,500. For the many of you who owner. 886.1265. locks, ;rear defroster, tinted I Rd. pletely air conditioned. Large colonial. Family room, li- missed the opportunity to glass, automatic trunk reo reception room, 2 Doctor's Of-I brary, first floor laundry HARVARD. 3446 - Are the 1929 CHEVROLET - excellent FABICK REALTY buy a townhouse the last walls of your home bursting lease, white walls. (,T.M.-exec- 1960 AMBASSADOR. Good run. !ices, waiting room, five ex- room, 2 car attached garage. condition. 547-4292after 5 p.m. time a few of them came at the seams? F ami 1y just utive car. ning condition. Best offer. amining rooms, dispensary, TU 1-7710 Many extras. BUICK Convertible 1961-Blue TUxedo 4-4422. laboratory, 2 lays"~ large util- on the market, we are able squeezed in? Let us show you to show 8nd sell you the this large, roomy house with body, white top, automatic, CHEVELLE '64 Malibu hardtop ity room. Carpets and drapes JIM CARNEY induded, equipment and fur- only one available today 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths and pOwer, good condition, $300. - VS, stick, $750. VAlley Call after 6 p.m., 885-5745. nishings optional. Bur g 1a r A VISIT to this New Carter & Co. Conveniently located in the 2 half.baths. PrivaCY for the 2-8373. alarm system. Large parking City, just a few feet from entire family. Immediate oc, ANOTHER ROYAL PONTIA~ BUICK area. England Atmosphere 20223MACK TU 4-4400 Jefferson, this terrace is cupancy. 24231 VAN DYKE SUNBEAM ALPINE '67. Low 1967lh Firebird, 400 cubic mileage. Best offer. VAlley priced to sell below recent AT 9~ MILE will find you the home sales in the same oomplex LAKEVIEW, 3985 - So you inch Ram.Air. Blue printed 2-1242 after 5, JOHN S. have very little cash? Don't and balanced motor, Beefed SL 7-2103 of your choice. GROSSE POINTE FARMS let this stand in your way _of hydro, 4:33 Positraction, re. 1966 OLDS Custom Vista Crui. OUR TWO listings In the two .3, 4 and 5.bedroom homes 171 MORAN having a 3 bedroom charmer. worked suspension, Loggie 1968FORD LTD Country Squire, ser, 3 seat, full power. Excel- GOODMAN family category make it You will be quite surprised lent condition. 881-9417. bars, Hurst shifter, Doug's 10-passenger station wagon. 93 Kercbeval 886.3060 • Grosse Pointe Schools GEORGIAN COLONIAL, 3 bed. now possible for you to when you walk into this doll headers, M & Htires. Turns Private. Low mileage. Show. ------1. Hudson's Eastland-5 blocks rooms, large kitchen, paneled grab off one and make a house. 12.50 F~ at 110 m.p.h. Call room condition. TU 4.9266. CADILLAC convertible, '63, all power. Like new. $895. TUx- SUBURBAN • Edsel Ford Express-l block library, 2 full baths, 2 half. spectacular return on your Lew, home 272-0621. work 8 UNIT MOTEL in Yalil, Michi. invested house dollars. So OAKWOOD, 22143 (East De- 1967 4.door Ambassador. Aqua edo 2.0930. baths, basement recreation 894.9092. gan, completely furnished,. Park.Playground-1 block room with large fireplace huddle with the rest of the troit) - Lovely 3 bedroom blue. Power brakes. Radio, car~eted, electric heat, indi- family and come up WIth a ranch, excellent location for '68 IMPALA 4.door hardtop. '64 BARRACUDA, 4 speed, 273, whi~h includes "e par ate heater. 10,000 miles. $1,950. plunge play which will put children to walk a half.block Low mileage, excellent con- rebuilt engine. 881-7107. vidual batbrooms plus a DANBURY PARK SUB. B-B.Q pit. 2.car attached gar- Can be seen after 4:30. 884- beautiful 3 bedroom brick you in scoring position to school. This home has so dition, $2,325. See Saturday a development by age. Lot 85xI45. Call owner 7254. 19681h MGB GT sport coupe- ranch home on property lot evenings or Saturdays and We're sure our owners much th offer. Call for ap. or Sunday, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 1657 low mileage. Must sell - in pointment to see for yourself 1968 CORVETTE convertible, 110x233. Excellent location A. W. MILLER, INC. Sundays. TU 5.8409. won't be called for defen Broadston~, Grosse Pointe. service. TU 4-6098, before 10 sive holding. the extra features. 886.1565. . 427-390, 4 speed, power wi s e investment. $65,000 VA 2.2590 brakes, steering, AM.FIIL Ex- a.m. or after 4 p.m. terms. I 1960 LARK, new rear tires. $55. cellent condition. 651-6076. CORVETTE BUYERS Open 9:00.5:00 week days; 2.00 A FOURTH DOWN situation is Call 882.2223. lI'1ARTHABACHERS 5 Sundays. Closed Saturday. 1969 or 1968 Corvettes avail- REALTOR KENMORE, 1974 - Luxurious what we arc talking about BETTY VJNGI 1964 GALAXIE convertible, ex. when it comes to equity 1967 CADlLLAC Sedan. de Ville. cellent condition. $850. 294. able. New and uSlld. Fully VA 1-7710 Located off the West Bound 2 bedroom ranch house with equipped. Call Dan Cronin, money required to finance Fully equipped. TU 2-1126. 2470. Call Ann Peiprzak Harper Ave. Service Drive, family room and den. Carpet- REALTOR TU 5-4871. Dealer. St. Clair 329-9139 between Eight Mile Rd. and ing, draperies, gas heating this center hall offering on Touraine Road. Upstairs 1967 JAGUAR SKE. Low mile. P 0 N T I A C Bonneville coupe, . Vernier Rd. in Harper Woods. and central air-conditioning 20741 MACK 886-3210 age. Call after 6, LIncoln 1965. Full power and air. Orig. l1A-AUTO-PARTS- system. Has recreation room there is a bedroom each for OWNER WILL TRADE or sell I 8-3674. inal owner. Mint condition. TU SERVICE in basement with Jh bath, a six man line, and. three lot in Boynton Beaeh, Palm GROSSE POINTE WOODS shower rooms. The 160 1-5525, 1584 ROSLYN. Charming brick powder room on 1st floor. BUSINESS AND ENGINES: Factory rebuilt for Beach County, Florida, for 2 car attached garage with foot wide lot has enough '68 CORVE'ITE Stingray. Le property in Grosse Pointe or bungalow, 3 bedrooms. 1Jh room for punting practice cars, trucks, $69 up. High baths, rec. room, near schools, electric door opener. Large REAL ESTATE LA'oN Mans blue. Hydraulic. 886- resort property in Michigan. lot. Reasonable taxes. Open This one is certainly no 8016. performance specialists - transportation, Under $30,000. lIfotors, Heads, P~rts" Mani. Sunday 2-5. wall flower .•• mum's the Adult Education Classes. Expert JOHN S. By owner. TUxedo 6-2127. word. Instruction. Call Dept. Com- 1968 1960 PONTIAC convertibla folds. Open Sunday 2 to 5. White, only 55,000 miles. CORVAffi ENGINES munity Services. 885.3808 $125. 886-8415. Terms 537.1117 GOODMAN A PERFECT BLOCK will help BETTER L1VING ROWE you up for this play. And 93 Kercheval 886.3060 Cadillac 12A-BOATS A.ND BEGINS WITH & the block to which we refer is just one block from the 1446 SEDAN DE VILLE MOTORS A NEW HOME 12G-FA.RMS lake in Deeplands. You'll lOCHMOOR BLVD, CABIN sloop "Aye Aye", fully GROVE find no interference with 3 BEDROOMS 1968 Our idea home at 9 Alger Place -tI equipped, two bunks, two sets NEED LARGE FARM 21043 MACK TU 4-1000 your view of the water -r:r 1V:z BATHS Turquoise with a sails, make offer. WO 1-9300. will be open Saturday and from the front yard. A HOME ON 20 ACRES? Sunday from 2 to 4:30. Alger -tI NEW IXL KITCHEN black leather top. Air We have it. One hour, 20 min- thickly planted backyard -tI NEW FURNACE CADILLAC 16' LYMAN - 35 h.p. motor, Place is south of Jefferson perimeter will give you the utes from Detroit. Recreation NEW HOT WATER HEATER trailer, $475. TU 1-4006. and west of Fisher. protection you want for that * conditioned, full y area. $15,950. -{:{NEW DRIVEWAY JOHN A. ROWLING, INC. We also have other homes under screen play. Why not pick ~AILBOAT 27' Sloop, L-16 de- -tI AIR CONDITIONED equipped. Factory ex- Demos sign, to be sold with all equip- Lexington Office Open construction and a limited McMillan. 227 up the ball and run with -tI NEWLY DECORATED ecutive's cad 4,300 ment. In water, guaranteed 1-359.9611 or 883.3700 number of building sites. this onc! G.M.-Executive Cars sound. Call days WOodward GROSSE POINTE FARMS near -tI COMPLETELY FENCED -:r PANELED FAMILY ROOM actual miles. Must be at substantial 1-5300 ext. 233. Nights 567- 12H-LAKE AND RIVER WALTER H. MAST CO. the Hill Shopping Center. WE'LL PLACE this story and 5476, or 538-8534. PROPERTY Unusual features found in a half on our starting -tI CUSTOM DRAPES & see n to be appre- TU 2-1401 TU 2-1400 this 3-bedroom co Ion i a 1 team. and when you read SHUTTERS savings 22 FT. OWENS Flagship Ex- which distinguish it from the the description you'll know -tI LOT SIZE 100' by 167' ciated. press, 96 hp. inboard. Stand others include a slate en. why. Two bedrooms and up head, sink, water, ice box. "THE POINT" BY OWNER - 4large bed. BY OWNER OF SAND POINT trance hall, large living full baths on each floor, nearly new cushions. $1,200 rooms, 21h baths, 2 fireplaces, room, outs Landing combina. family room with access to ROGER RINKE or will trade for inboard.out- Choice lakefroni. and protected family room and finished rec. tion family-dining roo m , bay lots available, with 100 the kitchen and attached TU 6-2755 COFFEY board or day sailer. PRescott reation room. Priced in the modernized kitchen wit h garage, positioned on a I 5-3255 evenings, and week- foot of WATER FRONTAGE 50's. 860 Crescent Lane. Call built.ins, convenient first- on beautiful Saginaw Bay. Lo. limited access street, yet CADILLAC end. for appointment. TU 6-1294. floor ]a vat 0 r y, excellent cated in the Caseville area. close to shopping and four CADILLAC Open Sunday 2-6 p.m. master hedroom, decorator schools. FOR SALE Ven Dyke bet. la-II Mile TROJAN, 1968, 31', Fly Bridge For further information, call wallpaper and lighting fix- Sedan. Dual controls, t\\in Royal Oak - LI 5.2500, or 3180 E. Jefferson BALFOUR, 1338 tures, lush carpeting and BY OWNER 210's, loaded. Sacrifice. 778- write: "THE POINT", 724 So. draperies. Well located near DON'T BE LEFT warming the SL 7-0767 6099. Washington, Royal Oak, Mich. Gracious center entrance colo- bench while someone else LO 7-6811 nial, 10 rooms, 4 bedrooms and public and parochial schools 1032 KENSINGTON igan. and realistically priced un. steals the show. You'll cap- COLUMBIA Contendcr 24 ft. maid's quarters. Immediate oc- ture the scoring honors by Sales by Easlick Prop" Inc. der $40,000. fiberglass sloop. Full racing cupancy. Open Sunday 2-5. putting the family into this TU 5-7164 gear, sleeps four, many ex- TUxedo 4-7059, farm ('olonial by mid.se2- _tras. Mustsee. ~6-4096. 200 FT. OF nice h,gh frontage son. Watch the games on This f'lUr bedroom center ent.. on Big Twin Lake. sandy rance coloniol is an ideal fam- ICHRIS CRAFT Cavalier, 35 ft., GROSSE POINTE WOODS- Touraine Road your television in the new ily home. Solid brIck construc- beach, includes a modest cot- family room. If the kids double cabin yacht, 1963. tage. !\Iany large birch trees. Lancaster, 4 bedrooms, 21h tion wilh a slate roof. (So is Fully equipped. $15,500. Cov. FROM THE SPACIOUS flag- make too much noise send the garage.) Lovely large new. I $22,000.FORD REALTY, BEL- baths, bungalow, $32,500. By them up to their bedrooms Iy fenced.ln 7S'xl1S' lot in a POINTE DODGE ered well #167, Jefferson owner, 894-8983. stone entrance hall to the LAIRE. ••• there ere four of them. beautiful Grosse Pointe P('f'< Beach. 'l'Uxedo 6.2443. master bedroom with its neighborhood. Children's ploy vaulted and beamed ceiling Tell your wife to bring CHRIS CRAFT. 24' Express: dinner in on a tray • • • roo"., on second floor of gar. you will l'e delighted with age. Copper sprinkler system. '68 POLARA '68 DART Cruiser. You be the judge-I MARTHA BACHERS-REAL TOR the special kind of charm she'll love this 'cause the Complete new gutters this year. 500 convert. Demo. 383 engine 2 door stick. Full factory it's clean and must be sold. ! that can be created only by kitchen's new with all built- Exterior pointed this summer. Make an offer. TUxedo 4.9363 I ST. CJ,AIR-50 acres on corner-half mile front<1ge.Clean, ins. New aluminum screens and Block top. Racing Green. Light equipment. authentic English architec- pkg., trailer towingpkg. Tor- 4 bedroom, brick, basement, out.buildings, $50,000. One ture. A new paneled famHy storms. 128- TRAILERS half down. que.trons automotic. sure grip $2050 I room overlooks the lovely "A mortgage may be necessary An outstanding featul ~ Inside differential, radio, power steer- MARINE CITY AREA - 12 acrcs near Belle River. $7,200. walled patio and yard, and at times. but the conscience il\1, power brakes, tinted gloss, is the $7.000 games room on APACHE I Contract. there is a breakfast room in should be kept unencumbered." the third floor. This 33'x 16' white tires, remote control mir- carpeted, paneled, heated and ror, 3-speed woshers/wipers. ~T. CLAIR AREA - 30 acres - long frontage - $24,000. addition to the formal din- CAMPING TRAILERS I ing room. 4 hedrooms, 3'12 Clayton C. Purdy, Jr. air conditioned room was added low miles, 1965 DELTA 88 TWO. BAY GAS STATION in Richmond.St. Clair area. lost winter. Most of interior TRAVEL TRAILERS baths, attached garage. Lo. Robert G. Edgar $3385 Full Price Convertible. Automatic, Priced to ~ell. cated close to schools lInd was redecorated this year. Don't buy a recreational vehide : Mary F. Schlaff Beautiful new brick fireplace radio, powe r steering, NEW BALTL\lORE AREA-YCJr around two bedroom cot. priced at only $59,900. wall In living room. Entire until you see ALL the Apaches i Marian J. Bode power brakes, white tires, tagc, with large boat house on lake-$21,5OD-$5,OOO down. house carpeted - second floor 1962 VW at Camper's Paradise. John R. Strongman new lost year. lorge enlrance ST. CLAIR AREA-4 bedroom ranch-$9,8oo. fully equipped. NEARLY EVE R Y home for Julia B. Tobin hall and front stairway. De. Nice Second Car Special Prices in Effect for a pendable, economical hotwoter $1275 Limited Time Only ALSO 100 acres @ $700.00 per acre-wUl divide. sale in Grosse Pointe can Dorothy Meeker $495 I be seen in our catalogue of heat. Electrical ser..lce updated NEW BALTIMORE-Aluminum siding, 3 bedroom, ranch, James P. Danaher when games room wnl odded. CAMPER'S PAMDISE large living room, newly carpeted, family room with fire. photos. ~\:JP in and sea Sue Mcgowen One bath on the second floor 20804 Joh!: R Hazel Park place, kitchen and utility, attached one.car garage, $22,000 then! today. and a lavatory In the base- cash. ment. Room to odd both, if 545.9026 desired. Reasonable t 0 xes. FRANK KEARNEY'S MARINE CITY AREA-42 acres, 2 road frontages. Priccd Ready for immediate occupon- 28790 Plymouth Rd. Livonia I to sell. Purdy ~y. Priced to sell. Owner is TOLES ready 10 move and is anxiOUS I MARINF~CITY AREA-6!1 acre farm with long frontage Qn & 261.1100 Realtor to sell. Coli own'r for appoint. POINTE DODGE two I'oads. Priced to sell. ment. 6715 Park Ave. Allen Park 74 KERCHEVAL '1'U 5..4100 Edgar 19319 Mack TU 4.7210 388-3347 Call Ann Pieprzak, St, Clair, 329-9139 l'U 5-7164 .M9.I9 Our 27th year In Grosse Pointe TU 8-801() Open 7 Days 63KF:RCHEVAL

( '.'.'0,

Page Thirty GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, September 26, 1968

II-REAL ESTATE U-ItEAL ISTATE I3--REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE GROSSE POINTE Open Sunday 2 to 5 GROSSE PTE. WOODS OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 HARCOURT. Handy to Jefferson 65 MORAN ROAD Farm .Style Rambling Ranch bus. Lovely 2 FLAT, 5 rooms Grosse Pointe Woods each plus family room, 11k 41h bedrooms, 3 baths, 2 MOORLA~D DRIVE la vatories. BUILDER'S own home! Hurry HAWTHORNE, 2057-Most de- baths, divided basement, 2 on this 5 year old beauty! 3 sirable 3 bt;droom bungalow, 2 gas furnaces, 3 car garage. twin sized bedrooms, paneled car garage, recreation room Good investment, never vac. HARVARD 5218- 3 bedroom, Excellent condition. ant. Excellent tenants. Land. 1III baths, Englisb eolonial. family room, large covered lord ltlaving state, must be Extra ~'oom on first floor. patio, excellent carpets and sold. Carpeted, fireplace, up.dated draperies throughout. Many kitchen, breakfast nook. fin. hidden extras. Has all those Harper Woods TUxedo 1-6300 ished basement, gas steam extra niceties for modern and convenient living. Priced at WOODLAND, 2048S-Outstand Johnstone (7 Johnstone beat. 2 car garage. Air.condi. ing custom ranch. 3 bed tioning in 2 bedrooms. Priced $48,500 for quick sale. Hunt Club Drive rooms, family room, full din in mid 20's. Owner. Open ing room, 2 baths. 3 car at Sunday 2.5. TUxedo 2.4871. CONTEMPORARY 13-REAL LEWISTON ROAD TE ATE ESTATE Vacant. Attractive 3 bed. tached garage. Complete rec 13-~~~LSii1A 113-~~~LSii1 FOR SALE room Colonial located in QUAD LEVEL reation room. Immediate pos Comfortable family home in the heart of Grosse Pointe session. GROSSE PTE. SHORES 1039 CANTERBURY - Open desirable Farms location. Sunday 2.5 p.m. for your in, ; F-'~~,-II~;-~AT-1133 BE; II~,-pe~--~-u-n-d-a-y-2-'3-0--5- Woods. Ideal location for 55 CRESTWOOD (R 0 B E R T GROSSE PTE. SHORES access to shopping, trans. Five bedrooms, 3% baths, spection. Has an excellent CO:'\SFIELD - G R OS SE . family room. two car at. JOHN RD.) - Newer custom POlt\'TE rARK, 6 rooms! 586 NOTRE DAME 35 FONTANA LANE portation, recreation fields, floor plan for family living CIinton Township tached garage. Priced in built 3 bedroom ranch. The and extra large family room. down, 5 up. Excellent condi ' , .. NEW CAPE COD-5 bedrooms, and schools. Assume exist. noor plan is excellent, with ing mortgage and avoid low sixties. Carpets, draperies and a tion, wall-to-wall carpeting Fra~he f~ungalow. I:1~Jng room 3'h baths, library, family SAR~ETTE. 38015-Spacious 4 23'carpeted family kitchen throughout. many extras. WIt lreplace. dining room, closing costs. Priced at built.in kitchen. Immediate room, 1XL kitchen. 2112 car bedroom Colonial, one year with, built.ins, 17' family Solid side drive 2 car garage. kitchen, 2 bedrooms and bath. $29,900. old. 2112 baths. Large kitchen, GROSSE POINTE BOULEVARD occupancy, too. Don't delay- '. . , .'. Walk to shops and transpor- garage, air.conditioning. 1m. room, 2'1. attached garage. be sure to see today.' "car s( hools, church, trans tatl'on SI po I' . h mediate occupancy 0 pen family room witb fireplace Unusual home - Cozy and Beautifully landscaped 80' - t' 0 S t d " aU S paris. I~ort a Ion. ptn a ur ay, Don't mis this litH ' I Sun. 2.6. TU 4.2750. Good mortgage assumption. cOlnpact.in appearance with lot. Priced in the 50's. OPEN GROSSE PTE. PARK Sunria\', 1-5 p.m. Owner. s e gem. Lakeshore Lane spacious interior. Large liv. SUNDAY 25. BUILDER'S OWN HOUSE BY APP'T. ing room, dining room, two DEVONSHIRE (First offe;lng) GEORGE PALMS 65 FONTANA LANE, large 3. Picturesque ranch horn e -Charming 6 bedroom, 3112 REALTOR I TDfBERVIEW - Spl end i d large' bedrooms, 21h baths, GROSSE PTE. WOODS bedroom custom built ranch. built in 1951 and nestled on center e n t ran c e 5 bed bath Regency Colonial, ~ituat. an attractive sprinkle red enclosed porcb. New fur. TU 6-4444 Air conditioned, many other room Colonial. Large kitchen ,nace, wiring, etc. 1600 HAMPTON RD. - FIRST ed on a large l00xl80 it. 'lot, lot measuring 91x121 feet. with built. ins, family room OFFERING. 7 room, 3 bed. with elegantly proportioned GROSSE Member, Grosse Pointe f eat u res. Open Sun. 2.6. TUxedo 6.1068. Partieularly appropriate with fireplace, 2Jhbalbs plus room colonial witb 1st floor rooms throughout. Shown by HUNT CLUB•.HARPER WOODS I Real Estate Board !~r the couple desiring spa. powder room. Immediate pos- lav. Family room. Priced be- appointment only. Call today. cious rooms. 2 bedrooms 2 POINTE FONTANA session. Assume mortgage. Three bedroom bungalow. low $30,000. OPEN SUNDAY 1-- baths, den, modern kitch. 2.5. BUILDING CO. en, 2 car attached garage, Living room with fireplace, BEAt'FAlT-Immaculate COL./ OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 three bedrooms, two car ga. etc. Immediate possession. 506 SHOREHAM - Distinctly Mp,RV Oi\'IAL in choice location. 1 I' TO 5 :00 Arrange for your inspec. rage. Grosse Pointe School different tri.level, club room bedroom down; 2 bedrooms tion by contacting one of SCHWEITZER Distriet. with built.in wet bar for en. up. 1'12 baths, enclosed tel'. 55 North Deeplands our consultants. Priced at REALTORS tertaining. Living room has BOUTIN race, 2car garage. Ilh blocks i A larger house which should Grosse Pointe $48,000. JEFFERSON ON THE LAKE: cut stone fireplaee and studio to ~Iack. TU 1.4200. i have a tremendous appeal to ~lembf,rs of McEdra and ceiling, many other features. 884-7733 Grosse Pointe Multiple List. Six bedroom, four bath Co. a family which requires at OPEN SUNDAY 2:30.5:00 nia!' Kitcben with complete Immediate possession. OPEN I'ISIIER,. . .3;)2-In_ the ""'1Farms at least a half dozen bed. ing Assoc. SUNDAY 2.5. 20559 ~Iaek Ave. Successful Men built.ins, family room, small Ileal' "Hill" shopping; ~a 3. rooms. L 0 cat e d just two NOTTINGHAM 1124. First ad- Grosse Pointe Woods hedrO'Jm 1% bath brick blocks from the lake and rely on the experts. For library plus c h a I'm in g I verUsed. One owner house. TU 2.2100 ranch-ideal for guests, reo HARPER WOODS COLO:\IAL in mint condition priced above $100 000. effective real estate results 18530 MACK with new built.in kitchen, ' Updated and exceptionally latives or extra income. 20639 LANCASTER - 2 large BY OWNER-459LA BELLE, well maintained. Three bed- •.. contact one of our con. and enclosed tcrrace. 2.car I 1794 Allard sultants listed below. oak trees shade but don't Grosse Pointe Farms. 3 bed. rooms, one and one.half 3 BEDROOMS and batb, up- hide the quality of this 4 bed. room Colonial, 18x2O family garage. See this at once! 'ru I Three bedrooms in a dreamy, baths. Den. stairs. Living room. dining 4-0600. side entrance colonial which Richard E. Borland room, custom built bungalow room, recreation room, alumi- I foom, den and kitchen, 1st ! can be ready for you at your LAKEPOIJII'l'E .939. South of William R. McBrearty with unique floor plan. Grosse num siding. $39,900. TUxedo f100f. $16,500. Grosse Pointe SWEENEY Pointe schools. Outstate own. lJOLLYWOOD-First offering. option. Just the ticket for that Jefferson. Substantial Eng. Geneva E. McCullough 4-6828. Woods. 775.56811. er wants offer. OPEN SUN- Ideal small hrick R '.NCIl in $30,000 prospect. lish. Well kept. Three bed. Lee J.Grylls excellent condition. Close to & DAY 2.5. rooms, one and one.half baths'j Margaret E. Sullivan GROSSE POINTE CITY-Con. TROMBLEY. 704 bus and shops. TU 1-4200. d Family foom. Recreation P dominium Terrace •. .( bed. OPEN SUN. 2.5 room. I rooms, 2 full and 2 ball.baths. PEMBERTON _ l\lol1ern 2 . ur y MOORE, WILCOX 1 Exclusive by Central air.conditioning. Fully Fine 4 bedroom, 2 h bath home STORY in lleautiful setting & EDGEMONT 860. Attractive of contemporary design on wilh bird's.eye view of Lake colonial design. Built 1955. carpeted. Family room. TUxe. d do 2.6868. INC. REALTORS 100' lot near the lake .. This SI. Clair. 3 lovely bedrooms, E gar Four bedrooms. two and one. BORLAND lovely bome features a family 21,4 baths, large paneled half baths. Library. First 881-6800 884-3550 room, powder room and util- family reom, 2.car attached 63 KERCHEVAL TU 6.6010 noor utility room. 150 foot ST. CLAIR TERRACE ity room on 1st floor, as well Jot near Take. Well land- garage, luxury carpets, dnp-. • IN GROSSE POINTE GROSSE POINTE WOODS. 1549 as a large sundeck over the cries. Extremely good value. i scaped. Qui c k possession. Grosse Pointe Woods Hollywood. Attractive colonial attached garage. Owner is 3 BEDROOMS, one bath, also TU 1-6300. $74,500. .( bedroom colonial on large lot. home. 2 large bedrooms. Cut transferred and can give McBREARTY 3rd moor bedroom and bath. early possession. Truly a bar- E. OUTER DRIVE 13253. Close $32,500 stone, aluminum siding. Pan. N. RENAUD.-Sapcious 3-bed- lleaItortl Carpeting and drapes. Imme. gain at $48,500. room RANCH on lovely land. to Grosse Pointe. Pleasing MANQR REALTY . eled den. Carpeting. 2.car ga. CHAMPION d i ate occupancy. $28,000. I rage. Handy to schools and ~c:l)led site. 21/2 haths, gor. English. Four bedrooms. one 19 KERCHEVAL TU 6-3800 776.2020 TU 6.0550 OWNER. 886.4939. shopping. Owner. $27,500. geous family room, panelcd and one.half baths. Silting Next to PlInch & Judy Theatre RIVARD,' 339 '. REALTOR SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT. games room with bar, sc- room. Sun room. New carpet. GROSSE POINTE WOODS GROSSE POINTE VICINITY duded patio and. 3-car at- OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 ing. St. Ciare Parish. $31,500.1------5 bedroom. 3 bath terrace unit Center entrance, 4 large car- Courville-7 room brick. 3 large JUST .THE FACTS t'-;clJed garage. Many refine bedrooms, TV room, recrea. reeen tly redecorated.' For the MAISON 437. Choice Farms 10' peted bedrooms, 2'12 baths. family that needs many' bed- ments and extra features! CHt,LFONTE 423 _ California cation. Three bedrooms, new. BUY Of<'THE WEEK den, screened porch. 5',4% tion room, garage, drive. OPEN SUNDAY, 2:30.5:00 rooms inexpensively in. a Owner transferred - quick throughoul., r::x;cll~nt Iay?ul' hound owner says sell in low Iy decorated, spacious colo. EAST Ballantyne Court, excel. mortgage. FOl' appointment choice area wiih excellent possession. N. DEEPLANDS, 77. Elegant ;~rto~n~;~~~i~~,J1~~;dI~~~r~~~~f forties. This (1C~ightf~~~family nia!. Move right in. Conven. lent 3 bedroom RANCH lay. call 884.7918. By owncr. s c h 0 0 I S. $34,000. Vacant. out with family room and 2 CROWN REALTY VA 1.6500 country colonial. Four splen. Iion. MOl"!right in. Realistic. home has four ~I)ad ,I~ed bed- ient to Monteith & Brownell. Move in at once. car attached garage. Large did bedrooms and three baths III ). "d '1'(J 1-6300 rooms, 2 full batbs~ pme p~n. In new Norlh High district. , y J fll'e . . eled den., mudern kl1chen WIth kitchen, games room, lovely GROSSE PTE. CITY NOTTINGHAM, 1034-Spaeious with a possibility for a fifth and sixth. Marvelous first HOSLYN - VACANT. 3 bed- amplc eating space, 2 fire. FOLLOWING BY carpets, dr;J,peries. Short walk FIRST offering of this attrac. APPOINTMENT to Star nf Sea, Barnes schools. .( .bedroom. Newly carpeted floor plan with living room KARL room 11/;' STOHY handy to places, lav., new carpeting, tive Cape Cod with paneled Good value, $46,500. Living.dining and den. Panel. library and family opening t~ ~ellools, hus, shops. Large fine recreation ~O?lD, gas SOMERSET. Near Jefferson. family room, 3 large bedrms., ed family room. Finished a gracious reception hall. kitchcn, enclosel! terrace, ga- heat •. garage. TerrIfIC value. Well arranged ranch. Two & one of which is on the first basement. Excellent condition. Stereo throughout. New price. DAVIES r,lge, d('ep Jot. lIlust he SOLD . bedrooms, one hath. Recrea. Johnstone Johnstone floor, and rec. I'm. Gas heat. $41,900. WOodward 3-5343 or to ~ettJe estale. TU 1.6:lO0. NOTTINGHAM 841-843 - AU tion room with lavatory and TU 1-6300 Convenient to schools and the 885.2546. I LAKESHORE D R I V E, 555. TU 5-3220 hrick 55 flat. '1wo gas fur. stall shower. Village shopping area. $36" Glamour house with a view of HOSLYIII ROAD-New 'year naces, two car garage. Good 500. tbe lake. Four spacious bed. (l\d SI':~",RANC", eustom rental income. Lower vacant SUNNINGDALE. Very well 10. VERNIER, 543 rooms, three baths plus servo 4187 GRAYTON. One stc,'y 2 lHlilt with Ill: eye to "no cated in the Shores. Oppor. GROSSE POINTE WOODS T. RAYMOND JEFFS bedroom, living and dining ~oon. Oul of lown owner says Excellent for doctor. This eight ants or g u est quarters. upkec I)." Exeellent :l bedroom tunity for the large family. BROADSTONE I TU 1.1100 If no ans. TU 2.0176 room, newly carpeted through- SHL. room semi.ranch compare 8 Charming new garden room ~ halh layout. Top (Iu:llity Six bedrooms, five and one- with fireplace. Air condition- out, Fenestra windows, ja. 1 large rooms 2 baths, 2 half ki (till'n h~lilt-iIIS, 2ear ga. half baths. Needs some up- Large colonial, 3 bedrooms. 1 h lousied window back porch, baths and attached garage. ed, outdoor lighting Md rage. Quick occupany. ~31,BOO. dating but worth the effort. baths. carpeti.ng and drape. panelled rec. room, Ph.ear BY APPOINTlIIENT ries, 2 enclosed porches. TAP PAN Says We can arrange a mortgage sprinkling system. TU l-!i300. garage. $25,000. Owner, by WEDGEWOOD. Colonial in im. of 80% of the selling price at 1tIAUMEE, 17015. S p e ci a I FIRST OFFERING. A charm 3 appointment. Principals only. IWOSEVEI.T - LarJ;e 4.hed. house. Two bedrooms, 1 bath maculate condition. Built in HURT REALTY 6 k interest. Low 40's. Owner ranch, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, 885.8758. anxious. roolll fram!' (;OI.O.'\IAI. suil down. one large bedroom up, 1958. Thrce bedrooms. two TUxedo 2.4661 "LOOK AT OUR spectacular kitchen, low 30s. ahl<- for. large family. 5t. terrific closet space. Call us and one.half baths. Central PENNANT WI NNERS BOTJRNE.\IOUTH,1570 BEDFORD. Excellent English Paul's Parish. Necds some for fHl appointment. ail' couditioning. Many inclu- I GROSSE POINTE WOODS work. Quick oCl'upancy. I'R Save high parking costs, this ~Ionial, under $35,000. Im- sions. -A WORLD SERIES AL:\IOST new 4 bedroom SPLIT 1.2300. is elose to bus. and shopping. mediate occupancy. Assume UNIVERSITY 808 - G I' 0 sse BALFOUR. Special colonial, 1ST OFFERII'-JG OF VALUES." New roof and furnace add 6% mortgage. LEVEL in Liggett School SEVEHN--See this immaculate Pointe City. Excellent Center built in 1950. Four bedrooms. to the value. area. Large family room, ex. a-bedroom face hrick COL. Enlrance Colonial. Three bed. Ihree and one.half baths. Pan. . Kenwood Road BY APPOINTMENT WINDMILL POINTE DRIVE. cellent landscaping with se. rooms, large screened and eled family room. Centra; Members of: Outstanding size and condi. c1uded patio. Lovely decor, ONIAI" 1'" hath, paneled Ideal Grosse Pointe Farms Local and N a t ion a I Real lihr,lry. enclosed terrace, new glassed terrJce. Ncar schools air conditioning. Mutschler 884-6200 tion. 1Iiaster bedroom and immediate occupancy. Owner location, If., .block to St. Estate Boards, National Insti. (arpeting, fil'cpJa~e. 2-car and transportation. Se(! this kitchen. hath on first with two huge transferred. TUxedo 1.6300. Paul's schools and Church. 1352 BEDFORD-A rare find! tute of Real Estate Brokers. garage. Lady Queen of Peacc I and you need look no further. 5 family bedrooms. 4 baths, bedrooms amI bath on se~. VERNIER. Fairly new Cape 4 bedroom English with un. National Women's Council ond. Johnstone & Johnstone I'ari,h. TU 4-0GOO. ' Priced in mid 30s. 3 bedrooms down-may be Cod. Two bedrooms on first usually fine updated kitchen Grosse Pointe Women's Coun. used for family, guests, with large ealing space. sellors. THANK you for reading our TOURAINE-In the "Farms." I HARPER WOODS noor. Unfinished second noor maid's or playrooms. House COllrtyard COLONIAL. 4 bel!. for expansion. Priced in low 40's. Always advertising. Call us. OPEN SUNDAY 2. 5 has everything any 0 n e the home of executives on RUTH ASSOCIATES SPEED READING rooms, 2 haths, paneled


, S'd ThUl'lcl.y, September 26. '1968 . ; ~ GROSSe POINTE NEW,S Page Thirty.on• 21'-PAINTING AND 21 P-FURNITURE REPAIR 21 S-CARPENTER WORK 21V-SILVER PLATING 2JZ-LANDSCAPING DECORATING ELEGANCE IN • SUver ~ Gold PlatiDg SERVICES UPHOLSTERING CARPENTER wants small jobs, • Oxidizing and Repairing PAINTING AND DECORATING panelling, repairing, screens, r The Best.In Paints Custom made furniture: dec. • Brass Polishing & Lacquering FREE ESTiMATES (....' orative fab r ic s; professional porches, etc. PRescott 1-3729. • Fireplace fixtures l('.finished Interior and Ekter10r call CLASSIFIED needlepoint mOUIlting, tapes. • Copper polishing &: buffinJ : Expert Wallpaper Removing DOING an types of carpenter ,~ • NEATNESS IS MY tries and yarn; chairs and VALLEY 1-2070 l slools in stock. EWALD, estab- wnrk, remodeling attic rooms, LEEBERT BUSINESS • • Fall Clean.up i~ lished 1926, 13929 Kercheval at porcbes. Small or big jobs. m VE 9.5324 ' PH '1.5879 Estimates free. TUxedo ~ SILVERSMITHS • Fall Fertilizing ADS Eastlawn, VA. 2-8993. 5892. 14110 CHARLEVOIX • Lawn Cutting ~ INTEIUOR. EXTEIUOB ~ CHAIR RUSHING and Caning- . 3 Blks, West of Chalmers • Leaf Removal II in,. AtteDtion .partlnellt own. VA 2.7318 • Evergreens Trimmed GeDeral worn seats rewoven like new. Additions - Alterations elll TUx.do 2-6900 - 3 TRIck Lin•• To Serve You Quickly !i era - retirees. car- '1'Uexdo H432. • Shrubs Trimmed pente!' repair., wall papering New Homes liZ-LANDSCAPING e Landscape Planting Your Ad Can B. Charged Free estimate. 21Q-PLASTERING Kitchens, Faron, Rooms SERVICE • Landscape ConstructioD =~tter.. • Snow Removal We Also Specialize in INTERIOR and exterior paint- PLASTER cracks repaired. Tile Modernizing Bathroom. ing. Grosse Pointe references. and drywall repairs. PRescott SCHERVISH 1JA-uns '01 5ALI 16-PETS FOR SALE 21G-ROOFI~G SERVICES Free estimates. Start imme- 1.4580. TH IELE Construction GENE'S diately. LIncoln 3-5099. DOG GROOMING by Tony Rico. EXPERT PLASTER and dry- & Supply CO. Landscaping Co, PR 5-2323 CHOICE PARCELS All breeds, toy and miniature PAINTING - WALL - Tex- wall repairs. Licensed con- Complete Lawn and LANDSCAPE poodles $5.95, pick up &and J. D. Candler and paperhanging - remov. tractor, 20 years. Free esti. GROSSE POINTE FAR M S , males. 778.2678. Garden Service Lakefront. $49,500, deliver $1.00 extra. Prices ROOFING CO, ing - wall washing, 30 years H. F. JENZEN include clipping, shampooing, experience, work anteed. Landscape Design SERVICE INC. suar BUILDING GROSSE POINTE CITY. Alger nail and ears. Call for appoint. Mertens, 122 Muir, TU 2-0083. 21 R-BRICK AND Licensed Bonded Home and industrial repairs. • Complete custom lawn and Place (2nd lot off lake), $30,- ment. 823.0506. Michigan's Oldest Roofer CEMENT WORK garden maintenance. 000. Residential and' Commercial INTERIOR, ExterIor pa inting, Additions, a t tic S comp!eted, BASSET puppies AKC champion AU types of Roofs and Decks floor tiling, carpenter r epairs Porch enclosures, recreation • Landscape Design and GROSSE POINTE CITY. Lake- sired, red and while. TUxedo Gutters and Conductors Quality materials use d. Free ALL KINDS CEMENT rooms, gara~es repaired. Construction Bike Hits Truck; front. $59,500. 4-9905 or 1-IIlY 3-1334- estimates. Lakevie\9 7-5318, TU 1-9744 TU 4-3011 -Walls, patios, back and Repairs. No job too lar&o, after 6 p.m. AND BRICK WORK o ALTER. 50 foot income site. BLACK Labrador Retrievers, front yard planting, sod- 9.Yeal .Old Hurt or too small. REMODELING ding. $8,000. for companionship, protection A.1 INTERIOR and exterlor Garage floors, driveways, rat Custom built kitchen cabinets and sport. 10 week old AKC CALL 899-2100 painting, wall washin g and Nine.year-old Reinhard :Motte, GROSSE POINTE j,<'ARMS. Free Estimate walls, pre.cast steps, pOrches recreation rooms. Additions • Licensed by the lIikb. Dept. pups, excellent lineage. Phone pa~r banging. Have insur- rebuilt or repaired. Patios and all types of porch en. of Agriculture. Members of SOD of Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Lewiston 100 x 150 feet. S1.o. 616.335-8801. ROOF LEAKS, decks, gutters ance. Kenneth Pygott, and natural stone planters. closures, siding and roofing. the Metropolitan Detroit Motte of 1403 Yorkshire road, $28,500. cum 8.1'180, after 5:30 p.m. suffered a cut lip and scratched $EALYHAM Terriers, white cleaued. Do work myself. TU All cement cracks repaired. FHA terms. We are insured, Landscape Assoc. and East. arm when he rode his racer balls of fluff, available in sev. 1-4807. MARRIED college stude nt ,ex- Basement waterproofing. licensed and bonded. side Landscap$ Assoc. MAXON BROS, bicycle into the side of a pick- eral weeks. CaU Tony Ricco, perienced interior an d ex. FOR GUTTER • • • FREE ESTIMATES _ " Inspection of complete work • Completely insured. up truck at Cherlevoix avenue TU 2.6000 823.0506. terior painting. Excelle nt re- NO JOB TOO SMALL invited; we guarantee our All work guaranteed and AND ROOF REPAIRS ferences because of quality and Bishop road, Tuesday, Sep- JUST CALL workmanship. personally rendered to satis. tember 17, 8:35 CUTE KITTENS-Ih Siamese. work. Call after 5 p.m ., 371- at a.m. TUxedo 2.5735 ONTARIO faction. CROSSE PTE. FARMS Free to good Ilome. TUxedo Call Richard Willertz 2296. The driver of the truck, Henry 2-7455, after 6 p.m. 50 Roslyn Rd. TU 1.8170 CONSTRUCTION CO. L. Huvaere, 68, of 22413 Caro- 4Sxl30 residential Serving Grosse Ptes. ALL small paint jobs w anted. FRED NAVARRO 881-4400 lina, St. Clair Shores, reported OWNER. 886.2767 POODLES. AKC, shots, minia. Yes, we clean gutters' and are Do work myself. TU 1-4807. for Six Years to police that he was driving ture black male, 1 year old. fully insured. -_. ALL REMODELING west on Charleyoix when the $75. PRescott 5.0808. R. L. SHURTLE FF DAVID W. SCHERVISH boy l>uddenly rode his bike off H. CHAUVIN Carpenlry, alum. siding, g!ltters, 240 FISHER Ru. the sidewalk into the street and EASTLAND POODLES, Toys, AKC register- P. P. GRACE & SON PAINTING CONTRA CTOR storms, doors, awnings, en- CEMENT CONTRACTOR Call afler 6 P.M. for struck his vehicle. ed, 8 weeks, paper trained. In business' since 19i1 closures, baths, kitchens, van. INVESTMENT SPOT All types roo fi n g and gutter ALL TYPES OF CEMENT Free Estimates Young Motte was taken to Bon 8 lIiUe cor. Beaconsfield 886.0107 after 5. Best Material. Service and price. Hies. 294-fi644. Terms. repairs. 25 years in Grosse Point e. For WORK TU 4.4677 Secours hospital, where he was 190xl60. Business p uppi e s, AKC, SAMOYED Commercial and residential. free estimate call • Walks • Drives • Porches given first. aid treatment and TUxedo 6.2761 championship bred beauties. CUSTRED CONST. E & R LANDSCAPING. Lawn 26355 Kathy Roseville • Patios e Waterproofing taken bome. Reinhard was pre- Shots, wormed. Also Samoyed REPAIRS A SPECIALTY and garden servile. Hedge 179-0010 731-9037 • Pre.Cast Steps sented with a bike safety ticket service. 371- TU 1-7336 and shrub shearing. VA 4-4258, proven stud • Tuck Pointing by police. GROSSE PTE. SHORES 4593. ALL ROOF & GUTTER WORK 886.6431. LAKESHORE ROAD LOT, EXTERIOR No job too small. Free esti- PO 0 D L E S, AKC regislered. Caulking, chimney repair •• Professional full time pa'mlers. mates. Modernization HAVE your Ia\'.'ll and garden REPORTS BEER THEFT 13:sxl85 blacks, completely ready for spring OWNER, 775.0BQO Toys, miniatures, Gutters cleaned, Reasonable. DR 1-7478. CALL MORE VALUE for your money. Lawren~6 M. Crane of 19833 white, apricots. puppies and ADVANCE MAINTENANCE TU 2-6586 TU 2.5956 Additions, kitcbens, dormers, and summer. Get rid of crab Wedgewood, informed Woo d s adults. Excelient COMPAN. TU 2.5539 basements, bathrooms, wall grass and weeds now. General police that someone entered bis IONS and WATCH DOGS. Stud removals. No job too small or clean up - power raking, Interior Paintin g CHIMNEYS, porches built and garage during the night and service. 831-5489. REPAIRS A SPECIALTY too large. power rolling, fertilizing, repaired. Leaky basements, stole two cases of beer. The in- MULTIPLE ALL ROOFING, gutters, siding, • College students lawn cutting aild garden culti • cident occurred on Sunday, BOUVIER DES FLANDRES. 9. broken steps. Call anytime. storms, doors, awnings, en. • Three year expe dence BIDIGARE BROS. INC. vating. Reasonable rates • September 15, he said. 294-4216. 771.4559. 9 MILE Dr. Jefferson S.C.S. week.old male. C ham p ion closures, remodeling, terms. e Odd jobs office 772-5715 322xl90~ All or part. stock. 293-1636. 294-6644 evenings' till 11 ':U 1.6988 COMPLETE landscaping servo Owner TU 1;300D 886.74.04 88I~B136 BRICK, BLOCK, cement work, SAMOYED female, AKC, 21 chimneys, porches, s t e p s, ice by Julius LaQuiere. 'l'op months, fully va~cinated, very 21 H-RUG CLEANING EXTERIOR painting,. cau1king, dressing, cultivating, edging; I built and repaired. Basement .Atties .Poreh Enclosures St. James gentle, $125 or best offer. 886-. . free estimates. Paint repair shrubs, evergreens pruned. 2 ATTRACTIVE lots IIp.ar the waterproofing. 294-41l74. eAdditions eKitchens .Garages 7193 after 6. ' and cleaning gutters. PRes. Lawn cut tin g, fertilizing. Lutheran Ghurch lake. .' DURACLEAN cott 9.3947. .Commercial Buildings For Further Information CARPET . FURNITURE Spring clean.up work. Hourly Korcho •• 1 .t McMille. POODLES - Beautiful b Ia c k LAWRENCE VERBEKE JIM SUTTON rates. Reasonable. Free esti. standards - 6 weeks - AKC. SERVICE TU 4-0511 CALL CARPETS, rugs and upbol. Customized CEMENT CO. 1677 Brys Dl'. mates. 885.5659. 544-7513. CONCRETE-BRICK TU 4.2942 TU 2-2436 stered furniture cleaned on THOMPSON 9:30 and 11:00 un. Service. GEORGE PALMS, STONE-WATERPROOFING VIZSLA Hungarian bird puppies. location by the world famous Painting and Decorati ng LANDSCAPING CO. (Nuraery for .small ehlJdren) Rare. AKC. Shots. wormed. "Flower Fresh" DuracIean TU 6-4444 . WE specialize in paperha nging, CONCRETE - Driveways, side- Custom lawn and garden serv- 9:30 a.m. Sunday School Champion field blood .'lines, process. Moth proofing. including Flock. walks, patios, garage floors, THINKING OF ice. Complete landscaping and Roy. Geo",o E. I(urz, Padeu $75. 775.6033. NO SCRUBBING.NO SOAKING cement patching of all types. designing. Fertilizing, sodding Re•• Alan P. Harre, Pado, APARTMENT LAND NO SHRINKING 882-5601 EVE. 821-8387 and trimming. Free estimates. 20-PIANO SERVICE Free Est. Quality 'Services BRICK AND BLOCK-Porches, Remodeling? PO Box 5047, Grosse Pointe APARTMENT house site, 52 t PR 9.071o-Geo. Bouhana, Prop. pre.cast steps, expert tuck Mich. TU 4.2720 units. Excellent location in st. and' servicing, 21J-WALL WASHIN DON'T TAKE A CHANCE PIANO tuning G pointing and pa,tching, chim. CALL A PROFESSIONAL Clair Shores. Utilities in. Ar. guaranteed. Waltel' !\:lueller, NYLONS, acrylics, polyprop. ne~'s. chitectural plans available. TUxe,do 6-1090. lenes, cotton and wool carpets WALL WASHIN G W~~~~S!~~~AN. all clean beautifully with Ra. FERRIS TUxedo 4-6550 PIANO tuning and repairing, PAINTING &: DECORA TING Ev. Lutheran Thomas Pellit, TRinty 3-9239 cine. Walk on immediately. HOME MAINTENAN CE Shrubs trimmed, gardening. No or TUxedo 1.2382. Rent machine. Walker's, 20369 lawn s('rvice. Experienced Church Mack. ELMER T. LABAD IE e individual. 779.0269. LAKESHORE LOT COMPLETE p:ano serviee. T!ln- TUxedo 2-2064 Verni., R.d at WedglWOOll TRIMMING, removal,lIpraying, Located in Grosse Pte. Shores. ing, rebuilding, refinishing. CALL FOR FREE ESTIMATE D,i•• , Ciroue :'olnt. Woo4. 211-PAINTING AND 11 years in the Pointes. feeding and stump removal. 135xl88. Build to suit your de.mothing. MemJer Piano DECORATING 21K-WINDOWWAS HING AND COUNSEL SERVICE needs in this prestige area. Technicians Guild. R. Zech, FREE ESTIMATES, LA 1-4693 Free estimates. Complete tree Church WOrt hip 1:30 731.'1'/07. G.OLM[N NO JOB TOO SMALL service. Cal Fleming Tree & 11 a.m. l00x:126 on lovely McKinley Licensed - Bonded - Insured • Service, TUxedo 1.6950. S>lnday Church School 9:30 Place, street with loads of KURT 0'. BAEHR WINDOW CLEANIN G SERVICES charaeter. 21-MOVING 6' STORAGE, CUSTOM Painting and Decorat. B R I C K repair, patios and CUSTOMCRAFT 814-5040 ing. Wall papering. Guaran. FREE ESTIMATES porches. Free estimates. PH ST. CLAIR SHORES KEN'S MOVING - Local teed. Free estimates. Ll.ke. CONSTRUCTION Sf Paul Ev. SUb-1 WE ARE INSURED 9.3947. urhs. One piece or houseful. view 1-5716. COMPANY Grosse Pointe United BOx130 (Canal lot) corner of Low rates. TU 2.8540. Lutheran Church Jefferson and Rio Vista. Chalfonte and Lcthrop METHODIST CHURCH I CUSTOM PAINTING Masonry Specialist 881-1024 TU 1-6670 211 Morass ROG" & DECORATING 886.2363 B7'xl.1O', residential lot ~'i t h II\lAYWEATHER lIWVING CO. Quality Masonry Repair We Invite YOu to WorshIp pnvate beach for reSidents WALL PAPERING Mlnlsler only. I Licensed.. R~sponslD.,e.., HOllse. Interior and Exterior Work With Us Pe'fT'll A. ThlltlULt hold and offIce furmturc. Day CHRISTOPHER Worship: 8:30 and 11:00 o,m, Autumn Schedule 20 Years Experience Custolll Firepl:,ccs and Harper Ave. Business Frontage or night service. No job too CON~TRUCTION co. Sundoy School (I)!I ages) 9:45 9:15 FAMILY WORSIUP witb RUDOLPH TONELLO SUllday School classes for StOIlC Work Sunday School (ages 1-8) II:00 zoned commercial. 65'x275'.' large or too small. Free esti Three Mile Drive prc~s c h 0 0 JJ clementar)', CUSTOM modernization. addi. youlh and adulls. mates. 861-2280. 882-0870 Rev. Charles W. !landrocl< R. A. Seefbinder tions - atlics - kitchens - Pastor 11:15 MOIlNING WORSmp with ;I"'Hlal' Sehol>l classes for 5526 Lowe 2643517 Estate maintenance. Thomas W. Andersen prc.s c h 001, Kindcrgarlen Vicar and grades 16. 6:00 Junior IIigh Met hod I. t Youlh Fellowship 7:30 Senior 1lI1(h Met hod 1st Youth li'cllowshil'. ."'1 are welcome, Sf. Mi(hael's Regardless 01 ..ac. Epis(opal Church 20475 Sunningdale Pork Grosse Pointe Woods

TI,,: IIC\'. t:,I~ar II. Yeoman, lkctor The Grosse Pointe Memorial Church United Presbyterian THE GROSSE POINTE 16 Lake Shorc Rd. HEMS adjmtcd for IIproming BAPTIST CHURCH For information, scason. Abo clrcssmakin" lor II IUile at ~Ia('k nh::ht or day, ladies, toddlers I" _ ... _ ...... Wilter lIealers-.I\, O. Smith Worship &rvices !l and II:to CARPENTF.R--All ty~s repair: l'C'rmalliass llnd Hhecm Glass. 10 to II 11.111. CllIlI'(.h Jl:duratioll School amI ~('modclinl:. Carl Watson,: Imt', 1l1'1, (;('1 aid K BIl'\'ins 1./1 65501. Tu.\edo 1.7410 !:'\'lll''l'n i'l ."'1' "il'.'''' • Page Thirty.two GROSSE POIN TE NEWS Tnursday, September.26t 196~ * * * * Feature Page * * * ffJ-Otnfe Pointer Of Interest 'Gooo Ta8te who, whe..e and whatnot Favorite Recipes by whoozit r>f ", . Counter Points Pea Ie in The Know I It's tl'Ue •.• Fifteen-year-old John Chanot. son of p I the John Chariots, of Hawthorne road. DID ,play the By Pat Rousseau drums with Buddy Rich's Orchestra. and he s STILL CRISPY FRIED RAINBOW walking around with stardust in his eyes ••• Young 1\1rs. William Rust Pierce ••• invited us to view velvet TROUT John persuaded his parents to take him ~o The Rooster- tray after ve~vet tray of precious jewelry from France I ~ . . Itail to see and hear his idol, Mr. Rich, ill person •••• Italy and SWI~zerland: She was hand-picking pieces fo; I An IbSU Exte!!SlOn ServICe The Chariots managed to secure a. ringside table; they the Walton-PIerce Fine 'Jewelry Collection. We were . . 'Recipe stayed through the first show~ and the. secon.d, and also encouraged to ask lots of questions. The important I 6. pan~dressed rainbow trOljt fina.ny JQhn asked the en.tertamer, chattlll;g WIth the answers from experts go like this. The trend is toward other small fish fresh audIence at the end of hIS performance, If he cou~d colored stones. Top international designers are using .or or frozen ' have a pair of his sticks as a souvenir .•. "What," saId more cabochon rubies, emeralds and sapphires because 1,4 C.evaporated milk Mr. Rich, "are you going to do with them?" _ •• "I," of t.heir subtle colorings and for a new facet. Cabochon Jl/2 tsps. salt answered John, "am going to play ~n your ~and" • ',' rubles w~r~ combined. with .cut' sapphires and diamonds dash pepper "Okay, kid," responded the entertamer, .callmg John s for a stnkmgly beautiful pm and earring. Mrs. Pierce 112 C. flour bluff, "C'mon up here" ... And John dId .•. and selected an exquisite gold bracelet scattered with semi. he floral designs in cabachon emeralds rubies and sapphires 1,4 C. yeHow cornmeal played .. , and he brought down. t11~'hl?use! ... After I 1 tsp. paprika some 20 minutes on stage, Mr. RICh InvIted John down ... srarked with ~iamonds .. She also chose a fabulous I oval pm of cut rUYles and dIamonds. The unique can't- ' , '. to the dressing rooms, where he met all the members Thaw frozen fish..Ci,ea~, wash of the band ... "Our paths will cross again" were the take-your-eyes-off-of-it look acheived by the beauty of is I and dry fisb. ComblDe.milk, salt bandleader's parting words to the boy he called one the stones and a slight off-centering. We could go on and pepper. ComblDe .flour, th . . d I ' t and on but you can see for yourself sparkling examples. cornmeal. and paprika. Dip fish of e most promlslllg young rummel's Ie s ever me '" ~f the trends a~d tale~ts of the world's finest designers in milk mixture roll in Bour * '" * III the Walton'PIerce Fme Jewelry Collection. mixture.' Fry in bot fataf mod. Committee members • • • for the 1968 Woman's erate heat for 4 to'S'minutes, or National Farm and Garden Association Michigan Divi- * ,~ * until brown. Turn carefully and T fray 4to 5 minutes longer, or sion International Tea included Pointers Mrs. ruman "The Star" , '.' with Julie A.ndrews playing Gertrude until brown and fisb flakes eas. Barbier and Mrs. James A. Lafer, both of whom main. LaW1e~ce has .lmportant fashwn impact. Wait until it ily when tested with' a fork. tain that the setting for this year's tea, "The Acorns," opens tn Detrmt for all to see. Hair styles are soft and Drain, on, a bs 0 r bien t pnper. Metamora estate of IUr. and Mrs. John Q. Nagel, is one gentle. Soft waves for the sides •.• the back smooth with Serves 6. of the most beautiful EVER .•• Mrs. Barbier and Mrs. a ~lean neck. This style needs an expert. Perfectionist Photo by Eddie McGrath. Jr. ------Lafer were ~mong a group of party-planners who en- sClSsoring at Leon, not only 11U.Ikes this hairstyle so MRS. URBAN W. BORESCH, OF KERCHE,~AL AVENUE S" . . Cl b joyed a preview tour of the Nagels' authentic Swedish wearable but flexible. TUxedo 4-9393. By Janet Mueller 'I' ,enUlla, Y It Hunting Lodge and two lovely formal flower gardens '" '" * she recalls). before she and IH Id D' . . . A drive through the estate in all English land B~ck By Popular Demand ••• lIfr. Freddy, Helser made such a Wherever she went, she planted a garden. And she I Linda could board their ship. I ,0 S 11lner . rover provided the ladies with a view of a herd of Blue hIt last year and gave the ladies of the Pointe 60 many excellent went a lot of places. "I'm an Army wife," Mary Lou I ~Iilled Variety Dog I -- Ribbon Aberdeen Angus bpef cattle, a tremendous flori. and advADced tips on what to wear where and how to accessorize Bore,,;~h explains. She moved in the early days of her That dog is gone now, but in The Three Mile .road home of bunda rose hedee in full bloom and a stand of beautiful tbat Micbelle's Boutique invited him to visit again. He'll be at mar, riage, "on an average of ~nce every seven months," i ~is ,place th~ ~ores~,hes, have IlIfr. and Mrs. Joseph E~chen 14.year-old evergreens •.. Proceeds from the Tea, to Leon, 17888 Mack Avenue; Thursday, Friday and Saturday _ •. to (and from) Houghton, Mich., Kansas, the State of, F~ltz the BlItz - He s hal1 laub .was the scene of a D~n.er- be held next Thursday afternoon, October 3, from 1 September 26, 27 and 28. Refreshments will he served and you'll Washington Germany. ., I We\maran~r and ~alf .some un-I Mee~ng for the Augu.slIman til

be able to see a preview of his new ~ruise wear collection before ' .. : I' known varIety," bls mIstress ex. SemInary Club and GUIld on un 4 o'clock, go to support the International Farm he takes it to New York. The Boresches, "Bo," Mary I vard and 16935Maumee avenue plains. September IS. The occasion Youth Exchange Program (IFYE). The Michigan Divi. ,., ,., ,., Lou and dau~hter. Linda, came are. beehives of activity. The Bo, Mary Lou and Linda was especially graced by the sion of WNF&GA, with 90 Branches and .4,800 members, No Matter . _ • how avant-garde or traditional your to Gros~e Pomte In 1956, Bo to IladICS of the houses, Mrs. John. thoroughly enjoyed their two J presence of the Very Rev. Rich- is one of IFYE's principal sponsors . . . Tickets for t t M ts hI Ki work wltb the Army Corps of I Cobau, !\Ir.s. Paul .Hykes and years in Germany Mary I,ou ard . Preston, O.S.A., former members and their guests are available through Farm as e, u c el' tchens, 20227 Mack Avenue, can de- Engi.neers in Detroit. He liked Mrs. LewIs. Morru",:, are at. i was able to plant 'ber garden: Librarian at Austin and Mod. d G d s~gn and remodel you~ kitchen for yo~. Built with distinc- the lob, and the .area. so weill b~me to take In donatIons. She was delighted to find a era tor of its Mothers' Club, who an ar en Branch presidents . . • tIon and craftsmanship, Mutschler kitchens feature not that, when he retIred from thc 'No donation is too sma II Nursery at the end of the street for the last four years has been * '" '" only the decorator look but the practicality of excellent Army as a full Col?n,e~in 1960, . and we'll collect unlIl th(' day in which the Boresches made assigned to Tolentine College The ladies came .•. from as far. west as l.as Vegas .storage and perfect la:t-o~t. Let t~em he~p make your he stay~d on ,as a CIVIlIanCorps I of the Sale," l'ays Mrs. Parl:er their bome, and to discover. that in Olympia Fields,. I~L. as and ~os Angeles, from Pennsylvania, Virginia and, the ehores a breeze by deslgnmg the kItchen Just made for I of E?gmeers employe. i Col~y. of St,~nton Jane, collection the "fireman" who came In to IC~unsel1or t? the ProvIncial ~nd CarolInas, from George, Mississippi, Tennessee and Okla- you. I He s currently the Corps' Head I chalr.man, .The numher to ::all sloke their furnace was a great I MId-West DIrector of the ~U11d. homa from IIlir ois and Texa Th . YWCA • * ,., of Operations. for pIck-up IS 882.1875." gardcner, more than willing to Also present at the dInner-. t 't I. S ...• ey were > " • Mary Lou liked it here too Sale pro c e eds go toward exchange Green Thumb "trade Imeeting were the paslor of SI. I~S ruc or~, occupatiOnal therapIsts, art teachers and There s A Cape ••• 1n Martha s Closet, 373 Fu;her Road. and s d'd 1 ind 14 no 10th AAUW's Graduate Fellowship secrets" with the American Clare of l\Ionte£alco, Father I dIrectors, Instructors and owners of art and craft supply It's a won~erfully ~.oearable light-a:s-a-breeze.1I'I1Jhair cape. grade~ ~t Gros:~ Poin~~ ~outh P.rogram. which gives financial colonel's wife. John MeL.aughlin, Father Wi!- shops and studios, Senior Citizen '.'c!aft-~lObile" direc- It comes m, fla~ter1:ng colors and lS ,!,ery ChlC n~ black or High School. aId to women stude~ts at home LiMa arrived back in The Ham SullIvan, t:'ather Robert tors •.• ~1l. conve~g~d at the P~tncla Nlmocks Decou- camel. You II fmd tt a perfect travehng camp anIOn, They all slill like it hcre. a.nd abroa?, (some Idea of the States at two.and.a.half bi. Atwood fr0J.D ChIcago and the page StudiO ill LOUISVIlle, Ky., thiS summer, for a three- • • '" Two Pointe Gardens sIze. of thIS Program may be lingual in English and Ge~mlm. newly app?mted Moderator of week invitational seminar on thp Art (f Decoupage •.. Globe •• , .bas sent The Sphere a Dew ship. . Mary Lo~'s dug two gardens ~.b~~I~etbr a glant~e a: o~~V~ Gardening is not by an~ means the ~e~o~ Chapter, Father And lea~ instructor at the semmar was Grosse Pointe's IIpi 2 ment ., boutique items. There's a complete In T~e Pomte, ~nd seen both ~~~~~he:s i:e~~~hig~n ALONE ~ary Lou's onl.y avocatlo.n. She Jo~ethers ~n m:t~~ndance were: own LOUIse Hoyt .•• nil" or hlDll finished 24K gotd plated boudoIr grow. The first 10 Manor ave. '. 1 lIkes to play brIdge. She likes to C . £ * :II * -_...... - t • n.-li te fill nue site of the Boresches' orig. rn~sed over $43.000 for F el,ow. I cook-pies especiallv Mr. and Mrs. F. ronIn 0 ...... a coor...... cr• ..,.. c. I gree patterns re , ' . h ' shIps') . . Whittier :'oIr and Mrs B Capp Each pa t'c' t I d t k b Rt ell .Iarm eloclnr perfume bottle S and lOal Pomte ome, the second lo . . I Freezes Her Pies ,. . d lit . d M • • . r lipan ••. earne 0 ma e a ergere tny. "'.s'- hasket-' ....mb a " bru h sets the large hackyard of their pres- Prison To Benefit Too ! "Every summer" she says of South Renafu, r .aRn rds. clock, a vue d'optic shadow box, a Faberge powder box • ... "' ..u nu s. t h . K h I There'll be a 50 perc"nt k I .'. lit DeFour 0 Sou th enau , he the lIew .eleeUo- .t 198'" M._L A nu en ome 10 erc eva avenue. " . mar -. "I bake pies for the freezer.'" hb k f Wh'tt' done 'th t I I I'd ith Id f'l' . .. • ~.. \:& * ve e. She's had four years 10 work down the last day of the 1.968 I This ear ei ht of her ies are Mrs. D. Bersc ac o. I ler, WI na ura pear over al w. go I Igree. a The K 1eld "ts. S d Ch . t d on the Kercheval garden. and Sale. Any left-over books will be I mad/fro~ >(:terries off her own Mrs. A. lIIarce~o of BIS~O~~~.r. polished glass switchplate using a cut-out of humming- . ~ oscope ••• Vle"Y 1 vane .ns mas car it bears the fruits, vegelables donated to the Jackson Prison i tree I and Mrs. C. Nev~ux 0 III Ie birds in flight incorporating mO,ther'of-pearl under glass collectIon and comes up With a few favorItes. Ours as and flowers of her labor, apples Library, . place, Mrs. N; RItter o£ Cook always is Marty Links but there is the Troubador Group and cherries, squash. corn and This, incidentally, is the 251h She lear~ed to mak~ a mar-' road; Mrs. SInger of R~dge- •.• The decorative arts of the 18th century and their and Designer's Edition. Pick your greeting card now and tomatoes, chrysanthemums and Anniversary Year for the Grosse vel.ously thick, authentie ~rench mont; Mr. and Mrs. W. Stieber influence on present.day interpretation of the use of craft get a ten per cent discount roses. 'Pointe Branch of the AAUW, ~111onSou~ in Germany, 10llow- of Bedford, Dr. and Mrs. V. materials and the study of the Art of Decoupage were • ~ * She's had 12 years 10 hecome which now numbers 350. memo 109 the directions of her Ger - Taylor of Hawthorn.e, and Mrs. involved in her commnnity; bers of whom approximately 100 man cook w~o had worked for A. Terrace of Kensmgton. stressed .•• Special •• ,for on~ week on~y •.• at Not~e D~me .Phar- here, too, her work has borne arc working in som'! capacity, many years 10 France. Proud!y,I- _ macy ••• Notre-Vlte, the lngh pot~nc!( mtamln-mmeral fruit. (collecting, sorting, cataloging, sh~ shows off a heavy white I beach, chip oysters right off tI,e M * * capsules manufactured for .and ~lStTZbuted by Notre I Out.going, (Il([er a two,year pricing, selling), for the Sale. chl.na souP. tureel!, her out-! rocks ... " . .. rs, Hoyt ... home now in 81. Paul avenue, Dame Pharmacll are three mnety-fwe for one hundred. term), president of th:! Gr?sse I Mary Lou!l0re~ch. a graduate Gomg Ppre.sldenAtAGuifwt.from the I It wa~ all great fun .. '. but starts her eighth year of teaching decoupage to Grosse You save a dot/ar. Stock up 7WW. Pointe Branch of the Amencan of Duke Umverslty, has belong. Grosse OInte . there's fun, to<), to be had m a Pointers September 30 ... Registrations are now being • * * I Associalion oC University Wom. cd 10 the AAUW. "off and on," "I was always be,!!oaning the I' Grosse Pointe backyard, pulling taken for her classes, presented under the auspices of Robert's Place. _ • is an oriental rug In ~ en, she's served AAUW-al~d. since before sh~ was m~rried. fact that! had noth1O~,~Oserve in a patio, (Bo's, dl!ing th.?t, the Community Services Adult Education Program of the drying area, a French clock, a crystal Ihrough AAUW. the commumty She met Bo In Washmgton. my sou~ In. Now.. I do,; .. hying 65.pound.aplece sla~s 10 the Grosse Pointe Public Schools •.. Available are cbandelier. It's also "the group" a team .. ... -in numerous ways. D.C. - "under a n ass u m e d ~he lIkes to smg: 1 slu~led I his spare time"). nursmg a c:lasses for beginners, intermediates and advanced stu- of ~xpert bair stylists, headed by Robert. ~ ~ _ She's continuing to serve. as name." as she likes to tell it. vOIce for fo~r years .at on~ hme "drowned" fruit tree back to dents, Mondays through Fridays, morning, afternoon It's 405 Fisher Road. It's 886.4130 for an -v membership and Nominating She was working for the Na. -:- n~ver WIth ~he mtenlIon of Ihealth , . - and evening sessions , .. TUxedo 5-3808 is the number appointment, committee chairman for Ihe' tional Security Agency; thCJ:e smgmg pr~fesslOnal1y. but f~r It's fun to move from place to t II f f h * • • Pointe Chapter. a~ a two-hour! was a sho~tage of apartmca~s. m I my ?wn en~oyment ... I .wa~ In I place '.' . but t~ere's fun. ~o~, 0 ca or urt er information, .. Decorat0'-s ... have used shag rugs as accents for years. a-week vol~mleer In the Chap- Ihe Was~l~glon area; waItmg a private Irlo when I \yas!~ hIgh i it, seU!mg down In a c~mmumt~. '" * '" . ,ter's Tulorme Program at the lIsls lor hVIng space were long, school, and I do still .lng at. bewmmg a part of It, contn- \Vord from La D g f th L _ No~ they ~ave com.e Into the popular prIce area. At Ed 'Inner Ci1y's Lingeman School Fi':ends of hel's had managed to parties ... " i buting to it . . . . wson uenw'l! '" son 0 e oms Mal.Iszews~1 Carpetmg, ?1435 M~ck Av~nue, they are and as chairman of the Chapl s{'{'ure one of these ultra'pre- Natllraliy. then. Mary 1.011i It's good to see your garden Duenwegs, of Devonshire road, on his first trip abroad avaIla~le m J!1any matenals. CabIn C.raft s shag carpets er's 1968Used Book Sale. .;io'" Washington arca ap1rt- gravitated toward membership: grow. alone, is that students enjoy their foreign travels MUCH have Interestmg textures and come In so many colors. Sale Opens Octoher I 1.1,'nts in the AAUW's American Folk: __ . ------.- more if they realJy KNOW a foreign. language •••

Go ahead, be a decorator ... it's easier than you think Tbc Sale opens next Tuesday When onc of the girls who I Music Study Group, (The AAUW : Havillg a birthda, part,? ~awso~ spent t~ree summer months "doing" Europe . - . 776-5510 arternoon. October 1, at 3:30 shared the apartment moved ,sponsors an extremcly Jar~e va-' . mten~lvely, particularly those areas where his parents ¥ • ~ o'clock in the Grosse Pointe out. Mary LOll move in-under riety of small Study Groups had lIVed. He retraced their footsteps, visiting places O.K ... _you're thinking of refurbishing for fall. Wright's Unitarian Church Annex. It con. Ihe departee's name. to avoid catering to members' special he had hear-d about at home all his life • _ • He found C'ft d L . . 18650 M k A tinuesWednesllay, Thursl!ay and the waiting lis\. 'intercst.~). .Vienna "with its marble and gold palace, probably the I s an amps lS convemen t ... ac venue. Friday. Ocloher 2. 3 and 4, from Bo's firsl assignmenl aftcr Don't Have To Be Good our Bri1l9.1/ lamp with you for perfect balance and if you 10 in the morning unEl 9 in the they were married was in One doesn.t have 10 be a most beautiful city I ever saw, Venice the most interest. want It elongated through the top. tlley can mcrease tile evening each day. !Ioughlon. "It was ROTC duly," "good" singer to ioin Ihe Amer. . ing-St. l\lark's is simply fantastic, and the Doge's size from four to six inclles , .. TU:r;ed.o 5-88.19 I "This year wc're slressing Mary Lou recalls. "and hc was ican Folk Music Group. "We palace is something to write home about" •• , But .. '" .. I BeUer Books, Old anti New." struggling to keep two pag('s don't specifically sing," Mary Florence is his favorite of the Italian cities: "One could Wedding Plans ..• should include photography by Eddie l\lc. I Mary Lou reports - and thcn ahead of the sludent~ . _" . Lou explains. "We more or less spend months there just visiting the art works and I Grath Jr. Drop by 16839 Kercheval and see a sampling of his hastens 10 add that the carlons , Fighl for Cleanliness !study tbe musi".". being no great student of art, am always pleas~d whe~ beautiful portrait work and f'andid albums. alld cartons of IOcapiece paper' Sh(' was s!ruggling to keeTJ! She b e.l 0 n g s to Questers. I find paintings I know, as I did many times in Flor- • • • hacks will. of COHrSI.'.3gain he clean: "In Houghton. I learned! "ThaI's why I'm interested in encecnce" ... He found the French Riviera, Nice Can- Cluster Of Curls .•. C"n be pinned on to enhance and availahle. to apprcciate the luxllry of hot, all these horliculture maga- nes. and !\Jonte Carlo a bit too sphisticatcd for te'enage: reinforce a look. At Edward Nepi Parrucchiere. ] 9463' But it's the ,,1(1hooks lhat arc water." Our apartment nrver zir.es," she says. gesluring to. b Mack Avenue, YOIl can pick as many as you like. Their mosl m. I.'rJgllmg: An" 1<>31('~r'e - ('OT, any; 1'f I wantit1'( 0 Iake a ward a pI'1e 0f beau t'CI U IIY I'11liS' CcnJo.rment,I b ut well worth a visit-particularly !llonte stylists recommend five. A charming way to wear them roan B.tI) Ie .. A "NI C\\' "(18S3). • I):1 111. I'"" have t0 annOlBlce my trate d ..back num b"HS sIat I'd ar 0, ecause the former Grace KelIy , Prince Ral'nl'er's - th 'd FI tt d fIe I t t t Paris Guide-perhaps the person int{'ntion to the Illh<:r n'~i(knl,. evenlually Cor the U~ed Book wife, lived in "the same small town ;n California Bcv. IS on e SI e. a ery an un. ,ur s cos \vo or WOo who purchases il would like. as all sl\l[len\.~. hour~ in advanre. Sale. "I'm going 10 do a paper eTly Hills, where I was born and spent my childh~od_ fifty, each. TUxedo 4-8858, I a companion picce. a magnifi. so Ih{'y wouldn't use any hot wa- on hrrhs for my Grand Marais MAGICIAN however, my only claim to fame via motion pictures '" ,.. 'I< ecnlly illustratcd Hislory of tcr until I'd had my chance." Chapler," TED JOHNSON was as. a piI.lt.sizcd thespian, a five-:ycar-old kindergar- Fish Fry ... all ?IOU can ent! Every Friday! Fresll lake Paris. puhlished in 19,';8 and still But Mary I.oulikcd Houghton:: She's a memhcr of Ihe Daugh- I (eneT In ElmoI' Powell's and Glenn Ford's 'FaJ'th or perch with "'rench fries, cole slaw. fresh roll ml(l hutter in pristine condition? ... edi she helped orgimize a Lillie lers of lhe Amcrican Revolution. S",,;~~li~:;:r~~,~:~rd;~'~.:S~;desOur Children," a religious series." ... just a dollar forty-nine at Wesfielrls. 2,5506 Mack at lions of Harper's Firsl and Sec. Theater (In,up Ihere. Shc liked historian of the Elizabeth Cass 1------.... Somerset. TUxedo 5-1003. ond Readcrs . , . The Memoirs being an Army Wifc. Chapler. She arrangl!dtheChap- ...... p. • ...... __.• ._. __ , ,_"_ - ,_._, __ ,

• '" 'I< of General Andrew .Iackson. She enjoyed Iravel;ng almul Icr's Conslitution Week Display I. ~--~~ 1~,1,,~, It's Posh _ •• "An ('ssenc(' (,f ~Iamour pIns the ahility 10 w('ar dated 1845 . . . Ihe counlry and ha.~nothin,£:hut at the Grosse Pointe Public J.j. :-- -ft!Wf- :'S ( ""'...... clothes malle thes(' girls eligjbl~ to be candidates for mod('J "r (Our IlI'rsonal favorite is the praise for the way the Army brary. l\!:tin Branch, I --:-- -='U;A=- :::: .f .• . i the year." 'I1tese words w('re spakrn hy Arlene Dahl to thlrly 1900 "Woman's Guide 10 Ilcill1h. lakes care of ils reopl.-, "The She bowls once a we(:k WIth -re- ,f beautiful youug girls modrling some of the lovlie.~t rostumes of Bcauly and Ha)lpines~" -: this !Hmy is wond('rful .... "h{' says, th(' Grosse Pointe. 1I~('moriali -- _:n 'I-~ewt , this season _ •• some by Vkky Vaullhn. You can wear winning you have to see to believe.) "Thl'Y reallY come 10 and move Church League and IS Vlee.pres, I .:... V ~'.L= , t' fashions If yoa shop at The Posh Set Boutique, 18700 l\lack Ave. Plenty (or F,\'eryone you .. ," ident o( the Church's Friday, -=-.-- I DUe. where you'll find designs by Vlck,. Vaughn. Th(' houllque is And Ihere'll bc chilrlr('f1's Some moves. of rours('. \Vef(~ Book Revi{'w Group. She likes. I I JlOW open every MoneJay evening for your convenience. hooks, too. evcrylhinl( from Dr more difTicult than othcrs. Mary 10 work witb her hands; last " " • .. .. Dooli/llc 10 Dr. Seuss. aulo LOll recalls the lrain Irip 10 year, she scrv<,d on the Flower I !(raphl!cl hooks. textbook.~. IlOV- Neil' York on her way 10 calch Arranging ('ommi\tce for the , I 19700 Mack The Party Season ... is here. Don't rely on last season's cis. hio~raphies. "how-Io" hooks. Ihe boat for G{'rmany. traveling Memorial C h" r c h Christmas I " at B/osso", Lone I permanent wave. Try an expert Cllt, a new permanent hooks in t'rench. Gcrman and wilh infanl Linda.andher.dia Jo'air-and loved it! "All those ,. and complete restyling by one of tI,le Posh. Studio's ten Italian. maga~ines. including pers in a laundry hasket and women." shc marvels. r{'ferring j TU 6-3600 stylists. Count Lorenzo's French wlgl('ls gIve you that hounrl copies of \ll(" National the family dog. which sh(' hlld II, hcr fellow Flower Arrangers, I I extra touch of glamour for special evenings. They are Geographic's 1915 and W1f.1'(Ii. lo sc{' safely aboard a 'planl' at "arc fantastically talented!" ,'.i Exciting tOltch of fall in your home witl' , • • " priced from forty-five dolIars at 18700 Mack Avenue .. , lions. records .. ~heet mUsic . , . then-Idlewild Airport. ("lIc wcnl I.ikes Outdoors Rest You can't self your ' • 886.1377 for an appointment. Collcction centers at 1500Ox- 10 Germany via Pan Ameriran. nut most of all Mary LOll I' ,~ • ¥ ford roall, 4,';9 Rivard Imule-' in the company of a Ilri~e hull," Iikl's to be outdoors. Sill' and Bo mistakes for what I 5TRA W J Come In ... and see the 11('10 lIotpoint built.in appUnncr,s :~v\lealllyO:pl'~ddi:;;~i~h~a~v~lo~~,CY h ,f f at Kitchen Remodelers. 1S2R I .Jeffer.~oll, Let oue of U,elr lhrm dirl'ctly to thl' alrlinl' or thrir ('hoicl'. no in('on\'l'lllent h t ey cost ji.' FLOWE .5 49 , h t k't I transfer to makl' and no lullllall{' to tarry. Smar1 younll ladirs This past summer. t ey were I c ,. experts show 1/011 ow ° sa~e mone,!! .0" ,'C leI( re. invitcd to try Iheir luck at a., Bunch modling tllrough proper p~mil1lt1g Tllt'lr lIItenor decor.a'i lake Ihe Ref, ••• 1000l B.oth f'a!1 TVX~dO6,1322. friend's cottage iT' C:mada. ! SPICED WITH OAK LEAVES of 1 Dot. Flowers . tor will do a color retidrnnf} nf your propo~rrl lW1IJ kIt.. ' ..' ') north of The Soo. Tiley had a -=... . I ellen so 110U c(/n see how it WIll look before 11011 dCC1rleto ~('r Y Inlereslmg '.' . 1\11 .. McI h~gh s Su(,c.CSS~\1I MUSICI I~y- marvelous timp. STUDIO CAMERA SHOD ; i Thursdoy Thru Sundoy o",y j o ahead ... LO 7-2400. ,shop of(cr~ a ullIquc pIano t~ass. deslgn~(~ 10 .acquam.t ~lary Lou ree:l\ls other mar. I~ ,f Note: You must menllon this ad to receive this wllek's specia' I' 9 • * • students. With sounds and feehngs of m~slc WhICh motl. velous "fishy" timcs: "When we , Q tf • How do nice old I. dies get from the l:ast Side to I vates, stl~nulates an~ chalIenges. Appealing teenag.c pop., were in Washinllton State, on: Z022~AR.L ~0:V':iR ~ 13300 E. WARREN M~'t:o ~irport? I ula,,1'musIc ••• speCIal pre.school c1asscs. For detaIls call the Olympi.c Penin~ul8, wc'd I MACK .. ua. e WD~ f ~_ou,_'h _Gc,_nc_,olion ._Of._FIO,_"SI_S"__ I Answer: They ride the Royal Coachman Limousine. It takes t 88,).6215. I have crabbIng parties on the I ,_.-_--_"Our_. -, ---- _ ..__.. . _--J