" . ''', " All the News of All the Po;ntes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews I Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the New! Vol.29-No. 39 -iEI~lt~er;:;;e;ld-;a;;;s~S~e:;Cb;::n;;;d~C;:;;I;:as::s~~;:;I::;at~!e::r--:a:t--------------------------------------------'-------------------------------- ______________ th_e_P_o_st_O_ff_ic..:..e_.:atDetroit, ~Iichigan. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, Thursday, September 26, 1968 fso.M':~rc~~:r 32 Pages-Two Section-Section One Aged Beauty Picked to lead Parade ILongNegotiationsrHospi~alAsks I ..' ICOllllcII for iOver Pay In Park IMore Time Will Present More Per- lEnd in Contracts tinent Da fa At Next Thursday, Seplember 19 Meeting Scheduled THE SENATE by a vote of For Odober 28 7(}.17passed a bill Wednesday .Police, Fire And Public Works Departments Agree prohibiting mail.order sales of riflles, shotguns and ammuni, I To Accept Scales Which Will Apply For Two I A standing room only tion. Before giving its approl'al Years Starting Last July I crowd filled the City of it beat back attempts to require I .. Grosse Pointe Co u n c i 1 federal registration of all guns Followmg nearly SIX months of negotIatIons, new Chambers on Monday Sep. and licensing of their owners. two-year c.ontrac,ts be~ween the C!ty of Grosse Pointe tember 23, to hear the Coun- The bill, appreved after three Park, and Its P?l.Ice, FIre, and PublI': Works departme!1ts cil's decision regarding the days of debate, now goes to a have been rattfIed~ and now are In effect, accordmg request of the Sisters of conference committee with the to Robert Slone, CIty manager. Bon Secours for zoning House to resolve diffl!rences in "These new two.year con. 0 ordinances and variances both chambers bills. * * :::- tra~ts will give us an ?Ppo~. Pol:ce Face but thev were disappointed: IN CAPE F:ENNEDY. FLA., tumty to do much more mtelh... I. an attempt to launch the world's: gent financial and physical plan. In a surprise move, Neil most powerful communkations i Ding," S10ne said. "We feel that B:g Problem Hayes, attorney for the bospi- satellite failed Wednesday night I both the community and its em. .. tal. asked just prior to the when the Delta booster rocket ployes will greatly benefit, and W y meeting, that the del;ision be veered 01I course and was de.: we happily announce that all itlt oung deferred until the hospital was stroyed deliberately just tl'/O departments unanimously voted able to present more pertinent minutes after it blasted away. for the ratifications." data to the Council. A spokesman said tracking indio Slone announced that Park Parents' Help Urgently The Council voted to grant cated the rocket had begun to policemen have been given a Needed To Ct:rb Rising the deferment until the next break up when it W<lSdecided to 20 percent raise in pay over a T'd Of Y t regular Council Meeting on destroy it. Flaming parts of the i two.year period, in addition to I e oungs ers rocket sprayed into the Atlantic! some fringe benefits. He also Resorting To Drugs !\[onday, October 28. a few miles offsnore. said that the life insurance for In the interim, h 0 s pit a 1 b all city employes has been in. By Pepper Whitelaw sources will prepare the inIor- Friday, Septem er 20 creased from $5,000 to $10,000. A 21- year- old Pointe mation and present it to the POLICE COMMISSIONER Jo' Retroactive to J~IIy 1 youth is admitted to Wayne Council and the public for their hannes Spreen promised Thurs. Under the new police con. County General Hospital, perusal. The NEWS will print day, in a 15,minute televlk'sion . Ph,to by Warren Winslanley tract, which is retroactive to this information in an effort to "Report to the People." to eep RICHARD E. WILLIAMS, Chairman of the Second Ford WIll lead the 1 o'clock parade through The Hill July 1, 1968, patrolmen will re- hopelessly addicted to drugs keep citizens informed. his department free of "bias, Annual Antique. Classic and Sport Car Show to be and The Village prior to the show. (Rain date October ceive a base annual pay of . • • a teenage daughter bigotry or brutality." "There held at Grosse Pointe War Memorial, 32 Lake Shore, 6 same hours) $9,300 until Dec. 31, 1968. From openly defies her father and Want To Expand will be no retreat, not one.half on Saturday, October 5, from 2 to 5 o'clock. This 1908 Jan. 1 to June 30. 1969, this refuses to give important What the Sisters of Bon Se- an inch, when faced by those _.. .. _ . amount will be raised to $9,500, information to either him cours are requesting is that the who would transgress upon the and from July I, 1969 to June or police authorities about present ordinance be amended frcedomof uS. ail.to live in Solons Ma]'ol" SIII-£tI-IIPattel"n Plans 30,1970, it will amount to $10" a group of boys seen main- to reclassify the block of prop- peace and safety. We will not. Farm S Cp-ltter 000. This contract affects the lining on the porch of her erty bounded by Cadieux, Mau- ~~~~~;~idi~:c~t~;:~~~:~;Xifcot:jStudy'Kidd,' , Of Educ-ation-. G'e.ts ~tal..t:e-~d'- Big Car Slto'w :~rt~~i~:'l11en in the Park de. home ..• another youth is ~e:~sfa~~~I1?~:~a~~dcl~:~~~~~ mumty. whether at the hands of ~ ' U .'1; S' I' ff' . I picked up in a dazed col1di- tion, wbich would permit the the crJ'ml'naI or the poll'ce OlIl'-, P l R. t At Th M-ddl S h 1 0''I 0ctober 5 willupervlsoryreceive a comparablepo Ice 0 lClaper.s t.IOn as a resu It 0f .smo k'mg expansion of the hospital and cer_" : 00 eques ~ ree lee 00 S I'" centage range, it was announcerl. too many marijuana cigar- the reclassification of that par- .. .. ", I I The contract ratified by the ettes and with marijuana cel of the hospital's land which RELIABLE SOU R C E S re.,' C ' I --d D 'Sf d t H M -h M C t 10Th I Antil'lue, CI ass i c And Fin' Fighters Association of on his person. is 165 feet wide and extends I'S vealed Thursday that General ounei men An epart. u en Asaved Th uc ore on ro ver emse ves 'S ., t V h' I T B lv'hl-ehLoren Anderson pres)'. THIS IS HAPPENING IN fr0m. CaroI'I~e t0 J eITerson t 0 Motors Will price ils 1969models ment Heads I.n s p e c t ' n eir Courses With Transfer From . por e IC es 0 e dent, is identical to the police THE POINTE according to permit parkmg. "well belol~" th~ average $89I Facilities Built By Park Junior High Concepts Displayed; PA Sys- agrecment, except that the an. police authorities! Another 100 They are also asking to per . carthOpnce klukeb thannouncedCh I And Shores \"") th b .. --..fIr ,. "pm- To Cover nual pay for each fireman will teenagers are on just one local amend a section of the zoning ear Iler IS wee GlIy • er drys-t ,.,II 1 e egmnmg 0 . c asses this month ' The Serles• be $300 less in each category, poI'Ice depar tment's books as or d'tIIance to provide that. the ler Corporation. r '...ec tile 0 . I Gl'osse Pointe Public School System underwent a major . I i.e., $9,000, $9,200 and $9,700, possible, or suspected, narcotics hospital can erect an addition comment on the report. A Me!?berS of the Farms shift in its organizational pattern. Grosse Pointe North Slone said. The Park has 24 users no one will identify the 45 feet in height, or equal to spokeGman told.11reporter.s1 t that1969 counCIl toured the Park and HI'gll School opened and nI'ntll graders began attendI'ng G The sP'e con dA Ann . u a I fire fighters. source. No one will talk. so the present building as well as th~ company WI re ease I s ~hores mun~cipal parks to the high schools, The three junior high buildings now rosse ("nte n t 1 que, Employes of the Public Works marijuana smokin~ increas(;s, amending that section of the pnces nexI.we.ek.. .lllspect wadmg pools con- contain grades six through eight and most elementary Classic and Sport Car Show Department. under their two. drug.taking picks up and NOW zoning orl1inance to provide Saturday, September 21 Istru~t~d by the .two COll1- schools house grades K.five. at Grosse Pointe War Me. year contract, have been given mainlining, that the required site area for THE DE T R 0 I T PARENT. mumtIes, m theIr respec- WI th . '. 0~------------- morial is rapidly taking a total increase of ~7 cents. per How long are Pointe parents a hospital be reduced from five TEACHER'S Association Coun.' tive parks. The inspection- cha glere e kmost ISlgnJ~lca~t Sch I shape under the chairman- hour. over that perIOd of hme. going to sit around and do Lo fOllr acres. .., t t kIT - n e has ta en p ace IS In 00. Future articles will de. h' f R' h d E w'n' Called Landmark nothing? How long are they cil for the fIrst lime In two our 00 p ace on uesctar, gradcs six through eight, where scribe in depth the middle s Ip 0 lC ar ,IIams Public Safety Director Wil.
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