• ~. ~ ' _,,*T. '.,.4, . < .. .•. $ ,,# ... ;'" l .. .0..'. tSF'?," -W&;¥.Si.b,.',f¥}LE.2 C2gd~ ' ,-' . , . ," , All the News of All the Pointes \ Every Th~rsd.y Morning '" * '" rosse C.II TUxedo 2.6900 ews Complete~ews.Cover~ge of All the ,Poiutes VOLUME 2o-NO: 18 5c Per Copy Entered as Second Clas5 Matter '3.50 Per Year at the Polt Offlc. at DetroIt, MIch. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, APRIL 30, 1959 24 PAGES - TWO SECTIONS .. Section I They're Ready for Clean-Up oj th~ Memorial Center All Residcnts '''EEK Urged to Do As Compiled b}' the $13,00Q Grosse Pointe News Drive Is Their Shai.c Thursday, April 23 Short of Quota Beautiful Pointe Depends A MUTINY by a band of Concord (Mass.) Reformatory Upon Cooperation of All Not Yet Donated Are Urged to prisoners was Drought to .an Who Have ,Act Citizens in Campaign end by the relentless attack To Meet $40,000 Goal Needed to aelance . of State Police. The prisoners seized hostages and holed up Budget for Coming Year Grosse Pointe's annual in a prison building. Clean-Up Campaign, spon- State Troopers rushed to the With just a month to gd before the drive's end the sored by the Grosse Pointe institution from all over the Gros~~ P~inte War. Memorial's 1959 Annual Fa:Uily Garden Club Council, gets state, and aiter a four-hour PartICIpatIOn CampaIgn must raise $13,000 in order to under wa,y Qn Friday, May barrage of tear gas, quelled balance the budget for the coming fiscal year which L It WIll be continued the rebellion and routed the begins August 1. ~. " - ! through May 10. rioting inmates. Officials said To date, $27,()21.43 'has been D '-_ that 35 inmates were involved. received from 1,999 don~rs as eUlye.d Call Success of the drive will de.' Twelve guards and two , compared to $26,847.61 from pend on the cQOperation of all civilians had been held as < 1,940 contri'butors at this time L B'. I residents. Everyone is asked to hostages, according to Gov. last year. However, $2,500 ets ltrg ar make special efforts to see that Foster Furcolo's offic.e. Origin- moPe is needed this year than their own property is cleared ally it was believed there in 1958. Flee ';n Pu,rk of winter's debris and made as were 63 prisoner-rebels, but Folilow-up letters combined II beautiful as' possible. when the uprising ended, offi- with a postage-free remittance Scouts Help Out cials said some were involun- envelope have been mailed to Ask Residents to Notify All this week the Boy Scout.ol tary participants. the homes of the five Poi utes P l' I d' I f have been busy hanging • • • this week. Insofar as poss~ble, 0 Ice mme late y 0 Clean-Up reminders on door Friday, AprU 24 the voluntecJl"S ass,isting with Anything Suspicious knobs, lest; someone forgets the PRESIDENT EISENHOWER the campaign at the Center 'dates. who admits to being senti- have elimialated iiI'om the A Park woman returning ." \ mental, drove to Walter Reed mailing all those ,~hose gifts t h h .As a traditional M(iy Day have already come in. 0 er ome, saw a man in tl'lhute, the Girl Scout tl'oop& Hospital and handed his old If donations .reached the an upstairs bedroom, called throughout'the 8l'ea have been. friend, John l!'oster Dulles, a commission as special consult- Center after the follow-up let- by telephone from next planning, ~picking and arrang- ant on foreign policy. Tlie job ters were taken to the post door to see if it was' herlll1lg flower baskets or bouquets , Grosse Pointe's annual Clean-Up Campaign starts . -Picture by Fred Runnells offices last week the Center's husband, and a burglar got to decorate their Qwn door- carries a place on the White working on their own properties to make the Pointe on Friday, May 1, and runs through May 10. These staff hopes the givers will away with a considerable ways. House staff as well as cabinet beautiful. Left to right are: - DALE PATTISON, rank, and pays $20,000 a year. members of the Blue Hi-Y Club at the High School understand and overrlook the sum of family cash, Many of the school children sponsor; GARY BROWN, HOLMES BROWN BILL • • • will be out Saturday cleaning' up vacant lots along RICHL and TED STANLEY. ' , rem~nder. .Mrs. Norman TomJi:'ltl O!f and Garden Club members are Saturday, April 25 main thoroughfares. They hope all residents will be Speeches Scheduled 1336 Three Mile'drive arrived joiruing in this .welcome te A NEW PROPOSAL, re- Speeches have been sched. home at 9 p.m. on Sunday, spring and it is hoped that larding formulating plans to uled at P-TA, church and April 26, and pulled into the home owners in general, will counter Russia's demands per- High ,School oth.er civic meetings to bring driveway. Looking up, she also ~dd a bright note. In the taining to Berlin, will be taken Rotary Club's Aoollal Show Methodists t'O the atrtJention of the public saw a man standing next to a Village and on. the Hill, th~ to the Western foreign minis- the Center's n~s in this dresser in an upstairs bedroom. business men are dressing up , ters conference next week by Orchestra campaign .. The Association's The bedroom light was on. these shopping centers with Of Antiques Opens. May 5, Plan' Drive. ClllT :\. ..... secretary of. State Christian Board' memben are g;ivirlg After putting the in the colorful surprises. Herter. The Western Powers .Wins Honors lIheir time to make these garage, according to Park On Saturday th~Blue and will be infonned that the In War MemorialCen~er ..~' FQT:$1,50,000 speeches. I Police Chief Arthur Louwel'5, Gold Hi- YJ 'boys will be seen .United States is prepared to I 1 ' • - __ --.,..'---''--'"'' , " 'f ,~; , . " '1" >,' , - " ,- ~ Remittance envelopes are M,'S. Tomlian 1IlOticed • light wielding :rRkes on vaca~ -Jot. Bhut down its most .powerful Newly Organiled . Group <C_tfaaed - P",e 4) . on in". back bedroom, and un- on JefterSon Kercheval, Mack Residents Urged To Support Project .Which Reises Se~~ Fu~~i,to Equip' Re- ---~-- mediat~~y went to !nvestigate. and MorOS\S.' .', . and effective propaganda in- Takes Highest Award 'In . stl'ument in Europe, RIAS, a S Co funds for the, Meny Charitable Works . cently Completed Unit . M. P . She found both reM' French "Littering" Jlas 1 n Ex radio station in West Berlin, tete mpetition. ..9f. ~r~ice9~ganilatiori :5 'M;,undation ., end. Make Bi9. Mortgage en resenting doors o~": . serious problem ~ng G::s: in return for acceptable Rus- --1- . h Dldn t .Call Pollee, Pointe as well as in other parts sian tenns. The newly reorganized , The Grosse Pointe Rotary Club's annual Antiques Payment Concert TODlg t Instead of calJing police, of the country. At the Grosse • • • Grosse Pointe High School Show will open in the War Memorial Center next Tues- Chief Louwers said, the wo- Pointe Woo d s Community Sunday, April 26 Orchestra under the direc- day, May 5 and run through Friday, May 8. The show The Grosse Pointe Metho- The Grosse Pointe Men's man went next door to the Club and the' Ne:ighborhood THE OPENING of the St. tion of the new director, will be open from 1 to 10 o'clock daily and admittance dist Church will begin on Chorus will present its annual home of Dr. GHbert F. Beck, Club refuse containers and spring concert at the Grosse 1342 Three Mile drive, and "Don't Be A Liliterbug" signs Lawrence Seaway began a new Richard H. Snook, partici- is by ticket available through any Rotarian in the area. Sunday, May 3, a Financial Pointe War Memorial Center telephoned her house to find wi1tl be prominently placed to era in the' heart of America,' pated in the State Orches- This is the fow-th annual~) - C r usa d e. to completely ddsplay and sale' of antiques club does not benefit fu'om any equip its recently com- under the direction of John out if it was her husband. help pI'6SerVe the careful and for Detroit ~he. day may tra Competition Festivals Finch, head of the trocal music Naturally, the chief said, the groo/Iling of the grounds. Mrs. by the service organization. As of the sales made by the deal- pleted' secona unit and to heral~ the be~mnmg of. a last Saturday in G ran d department at Grosse Pointe burglar was not going to George Weller chairman of the gr~ater prospel'1ty. The fIrst Rapids and like the band a in the three previous su~cess- ers, and takes its rev~ue sole- pay a substantial sum on high school tonight, Thm;sday, answer. gJ1'Ounds comn1.ittee of' the shIp through the lock gates . ful shows, all proceeds Will go ly from the sale Of tIckets at the existing mortgage. This opposite Montreal was the week .ago, came away ~th April 30, at 8 o'clock. Dr. Beck went to the fiTOnt Neighborhood Club board, has to support the many commun- $] each. campaign is being cqnduct- The men1s chorus, which of bhe house, the chief said, call1'ied out herculean job ot Canadian Government ice- the hIghest award poSSIble ity projects of the GrOSlie . ' • d d th h h f a: breaker, D'Iberville, packed in the State .of Michigan, a Pointe Rotary Foundation. O~ agam.
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