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1) Keene(1996) 1...Cc6 vs Inglese e altre aperture (estratto) 2) Lane(2006) 1…Cc6 contro Inglese (estratto) 2 Cavalli 3) & Adrian Mikhalchishin - The Two Knights Defence(1999) 4) Jan Pinski - The (2004) 4 Cavalli 5) Nunn, John - New Ideas in the Four Knights(1993) Difesa Alekhine 6) Alekhine Defence [B03] 2005.03 (Voronesh Variation, by John Cox) DB 7) Alburt, Lev - The Alekhine for the Tournament Player(1985) 8) John Cox-starting out-Alekhine's defence(2004) Aperture in generale 9) Al Horowitz - New Traps in the Opening(1964) 10) Burgess G - 101 Chess Openings Surprises(1998) 11) Chess Openings for Progressive Players by M. Graham 12) Gligoric et al...- How to Open a Chess Game(1974) 13) How to Play Good Opening Moves - Edmar Mednis(1982) 14) Ideas Behind chess openings (Fine 1943-1989) 15) Jan Timman - Secret Matches - Botvinnik's Unknown Training Games 16) - openings 17) Mark Dvoretsky - Opening Developments(2003) 18) Mark Dvoretsky & Arthur Yusupov - Opening Preparation(1994) 19) Piccolo Manuale di Aperture Scacchistiche in Italiano 20) Reuben Fine - Modern Chess Openings 21) Ward - Improve Your Opening Play(2000) 22) Watson - Mastering chess openings volume 1(2006) 23) Watson - Mastering chess openings volume 2(2007) 24) Yakov Neishtadt - Catastrophe in the Opening 25) - Winning Chess Openings Gambetto Benko (Volga) 26) Bellin and Ponzetto - Mastering the Benoni and Benko (1990) 27) by Jacobs(1989) 28) Gambito Volga [Tisdall] 29) Neil McDonald - The Benko Gambit Revealed(2004) 30) Pinski, Jan - The Benko Gambit (Quality Chess Books 2005) 31) Yron Jacobs-Winning with the Benko(1995) Benoni 32) - Benoni Defence (A60-67, A70-79) 33) , Survey of a Structure - Zeuthen, S – 1973 34) Raetsky, A. & Chetverik, M.- Starting Out - Benoni Systems - (2005) 35) Vegh, Endre - Starting Out Modern Benoni (2004) Caro Kan 36) - B17 - Caro-Kann Defence 37) Play the Caro-Kann-complete repertoire against 1.e4-Houska DB 38) Anatoly Karpov & M. Podgaets - Caro-Kann Panov Attack (2006) 39) Kasparov - Caro-Kann Classical 4...Bf5 40) Kotronias- Beating The Caro-Kan (1994) 41) Peter Wells - Secrets the Caro-Kann (2007)] 42) Schiller-Caro-Kann Defence-(2003)solo parte iniziale 43) Karpov Podgaetz Caro-Kann closed and gambit systems (in russo) Catalana 44) Colin McNab - Catalan(1991) 45) Neishtadt, Yakov - (1986)(in russo) 46) Raetsky Chetverik Catalana(2006) (in russo) 47) Play the Catalan-Nigel Davies (2008) Est-Indiana x Bianco e Nero 48) Starting Out - King´s Indian Attack - Emms Palliser 2007 49) Barden - King's (1973) 50) Bellin and Ponzetto - Mastering the Kings Indian Defense(1990) 51) Bologan, V. - The King's Indian- Complete Black' Repertoire (2009) 52) Bronstein on the King's Indian - & Ken Nea(1998) 53) Dunnington, Angus - The Ultimate King'S Indian Attack(1998) 54) Gallagher - Beating the Anti-King's Indians(1996) 55) Gallagher, Joe - Starting Out - The King's Indian - (2006) 56) Hall & Cartier - Modern King's Indian Attack - System for White(1996) 57) - The Classical King's Indian (1990) 58) King's Indian with g3 - Bass Leonid - Trends 1990 59) Marovic- Play the King's Indian (1984) Francese 60) A. Kalinin, The , Modern Practice, Moscow 2003 61) C05-06 French Defence, Tarrasch Variation – Bareev 62) Dangerous Weapons The French - John Watson(2007) 63) Divers - The Ideas Behind The French Defence 64) Gary Lane - Beating the French -Batsford 1994 65) Gufeld, Eduard - The Modern French Tarrasch - (1996) 66) Jacobs, Byron - Starting Out - The French(2002) 67) McDonald and Harley - Mastering the French(1997) 68) Pedersen - The Main Line French 3.Nc3(2001) 69) Psakhis Lev French defence Steinitz Classical and other Systems(2004) 70) Shaun Taulbut - How to Play the French Defence(1991) 71) Soltis A. - Beating the French with the Advance Variation(1993) 72) Stetsko, O.V. - The French Defence - Classical System (2004)(russo) 73) Tactics in the - French defence(2005) 74) Uhlmann Winning With The French(1991) 75) Victor Moskalenko - French Defense Repertoire (CB database, Russo) 76) Watson, John - Play the French(1986) 77) Watson - Play the French 2ed(1996) Gambetti e Ipermoderne 78) Bill Wall - Grob's Attack (1988) 79) Joel Benjamin & - Unorthodox Openings (1987) 80) Michael Basman - Play the St. George 81) Mihai Suba - The 82) Neil McDonald - King's gambit(1998) 83) Joe Gallagher - Winning With The King's Gambit (1993) 84) Ryder-Gambit [1.d4 d5 - 2.e4 dxe4 - 3.Nc3 Nf6 - 4.f3 exf3 - 5.Qxf3] 85) Siz-Gambit [1.e4 c5 - 2.b4 cxb4 - 3.d4] 86) Prie, Eric - 1.d4 & 2.a3 - A White Chameleon 87) Halasz Gambit [1.e4 e5 - 2.d4 ed4 – 3.f4] 88) Victor Moskalenko - The Fabulous Gambit (2007) 89) & Vladimir Zak - King's Gambit 90) Yakov Estrin - (1982) 91) Dangerous Weapons: Flank Openings -Palliser, Kosten,Vigus(2008)DB Gambetto di Donna 92) Starting Out: 's Gambit Accepted - Raetsky and Chetverik(2007) 93) Burgess and Pedersen - Queens Gambit for the Attacking Player(1994) 94) Giovanni Falchetta - 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Bf5 - Keres Defence(1992) 95) Graeme Buckley - Easy Guide to the Queen's Gambit Accepted(1998) 96) James Rizzitano - The Queen's Gambit Declined(2007) 97) Neishtadt -The queen's gambit accepted(1997) 98) Richard Palliser, & Chris Ward - Queen's Gambit(2007) 99) Sadler - Queen's Gambit Declined(2000) 100) The Ultimate Tarrasch Defense - Eric Schiller Gruenfeld 101) Aagaard, J- Starting Out - The Grunfeld(2003) 102) Alexei Suetin - The Complete Gruenfeld(1991) 103) Jonathan Rowson - Understanding The Grunfeld(1999) Inglese e Reti 104) Anatoly Karpov - How to Play the (2008) 105) Davies, Nigel - The Dynamic Reti 106) Neil McDonald - Starting Out The English(2003)incompleto 107) Povah, Nigel - How to Play the English Opening(1991) 108) The Ideas Behind The English Opening 1e 2-Exeter Chess Moderna e Pirc 109) Alburt, L. Chernin- Pirc Alert! - (2001) 110) Davies , Nigel - Starting Out - the Modern (2008) 111) James Vigus - The Pirc in Black and White (2007) 112) - Modern Defence(2000) 113) Norwood - Winning With the Modern (1994) 114) the complete Pirc-john Nunn(1989) 115) Tiger Hillarp Persson - Tiger's Modern(2005) 116) Dangerous Weapons:Pirc and Modern Palliser,McNab,Vigus(2009) DB NimzoIndiana ,OvestIndiana e BogoIndiana (incluso Tango) 117) Nimzo-Indian - Dangerous Weapons [Emms, Ward, Palliser, 2007]DB 118) Nimzo-Indian - Psakhis-Romanishin E42 - 4 e3 system DB 119) Ward - Starting Out The Nimzo-Indian (2002) 120) Gligoric Svetozar-Play The Nimzo-Indian Defence(1985) 121) Geller, Elfim - Queen's Indian Defence (1982) 122) Keene, Raymond - Winning With the Nimzo-Indian (1992) 123) The Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein - Angus Dunnington – 2003 124) Queen's Indian Defense, Understanding the Chess Opening (Soltis et al) 125) G. Orlov - Mexican Defense -The Black Knigths'Tango(1997) 126) Tango! A dynamic answer to 1 d4 by Richard Palliser(2008) DB Olandese e Stonewall 127) Jacob Aagaard - Dutch Stonewall(2002) 128) Minev - Dutch Defense - New & Forgotten Ideas!(2003) 129) Martin, Andrew - The Contemporary Anti-Dutch(1990) 130) Valeri Beim - Understanding the Leningrad Dutch(2002) 131) Dutch Defense A81,87-89 - Leningrad-Flear e Mcdonald 132) White System combining Colle,Stonewall,Torre- Soltis(1992)estratto 133) [A84] Stonewall con 5.g4 (1063-2003) - Jerzy Konikowsky DB 134) A90 Stonewall con 5.Ch3 1983-2000- Dmitri Tyomkin DB 135) Stonewall con Cge2 [A84] - Postny, E – 2003 DB Partita Viennese e Partita d'Alfiere 136) [Lane, Gary][The 's Opening Explained]2004 137) Mih_Tseitlin, Glazkov - The Complete Vienna (1995) 138) - Lane, Gary(2000) Philidor 139) Bauer Christian-The Philidor Files(2006) REPERTORI per il Bianco 140) Starting Out - 1.e4 - Neil McDonald (2006) 141) Sam Collins - An Attacking Repertoire for White 1.e4(2004) 142) Play 1.d4! Palliser(2003) 143) Levy & Keene - An Opening Repertoire for the Attacking Player(1976) 144) Kalinichenko - Opening Repertoire for Positional Player (russo)2005 145) Kalinichenko - Opening Repertoire for Attacking Player (russo)2005 146) John Cox - Starting Out - 1 d4!(2006) 147) Davies, Nigel - Gambiteer I A hard-hitting opening repertoire for White 148) Evans , Smith K. - An Unbeatable White Repertoire After 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 149) Grivas - Beating Defences - A Challenging Repertoire(2006) 150) Chris Baker - A Startling Chess Opening Repertoire(1998) 151) Attacking with 1. e4 (J. Emms) (2001) 152) Attack With 1.d4- Dunnington(2001) 153) Alburt,Dzindzichashvili,Perelshteyn- Openings for White Explained 1.e4 154) Khalifman - Opening for White According to Anand 1.e4,Vol.1-2-3-4-5 155) Khalifman - Opening for White According to Kramnik 1.Nf3 Vol. 1a-1b REPERTORI per il Nero 156) Davies, N - Gambiteer II A hard-hitting opening repertoire for Black 157) John Cox - Dealing with d4 Deviations (2006) DB 158) Play 1.e4e5 Nigel Davies (2006) 159) Aagaard, Jacob & Esben Lund - Meeting 1.d4(2002) 160) Marovic & Parma - An Opening Repertoire for Black(1978) 161) Emms, John - Play the Open Games as Black(2000) 162) Harald Keilhack & Rainer Schlenker - 1...Sc6! (1995) in tedesco 163) LANE,Gary - Ideas Behind Modern Chess Openings - Black (2005) 164) Alburt, Dzindzichashvili - Chess Openings For Black, Explained (2005) 165) Marovic-Parma-Repertorio Di Aperture Per Il Nero(1978) 166) Soltis- Black Defensive System For The Rest Of YourCareer (1997) Repertori (vari) 167) Purdy's 24 Hours Opening Repertoire(2000) 168) Borik - Kasparov's Openings - A Word Champion's Repertoire(1989) 169) Nunn, John et all - NCO Nunn's Chess Opening(1999) 170) - Modern Chess Openings MCO-14 (1999) 171) & Eric Schiller - Kasparov's Opening Repertoire 172) Awesome Repertoire (1.b4 col Bianco; 1...b6 col Nero) A. Martin DB Scandinava 173) A. Martin - Essential Center-Counter - Practical Guide for Black(2004) 174) Lane, Gary - The 3...Qd6 Scandinavian(estratto) 175) Melts 3...Qd6(2001) 176) The Scandinavian -Emms(2004) 177) Does Melts thaw the Scandinavian Ice?- articolo 3…Qd6 178) The remarkable shift toward 6.g3- New in Chess articolo su 3…Qd6 179) Sorry,no advantage for White!- New in Chess articolo su 3…Qd6 Scozzese 180) How to Play the Scotch Gambit - Eric Schiller(1992) 181) John Emms - Starting Out - The (2004) Siciliana 182) Taimanov, Mark -Winning With the Sicilian(1991) 183) Ward, Chris- Winning with the Sicilian Dragon (2001) 184) Yakovich - The Complete Sveshnikov Sicilian(2005) 185) Adorjan & Horvath - Defensa Siciliana Vte Sveshnikov(1984) 186) Arizmendi-Moreno - Mastering the Najdorf(2004) 187) Beliavsky A., Mikhalchishin A. - B86-87 188) Burgess Graham-The Taimanov Sicilian (2000) 189) Chess Explained - The Classical Sicilian(Yermolinsky) 190) Chess Publishing- Sicilian- Sveshnikov & Kalashnikov [B32-3] 191) David N. L. Levy - Sacrifices in the Sicilian (2nd edition)1974 192) Defensa Siciliana (Ludek Pachman) 193) Desmontando la Siciliana (Jesús de la Villa)2003 194) Eduard Gufeld - The Sicilian Defence(1983) 195) El Ataque Inglés (Jesús de la Villa) 2000 196) Golubev - The Sicilian Sozin (2001) 197) Guide to Grivas Sicilian (Db6)2005 198) Hellsten- Play The Sicilian Kan; A Dynamic Repertoire fo Black(2008) 199) Hodgson & Day - Grand Prix Attack - f4 against the Sicilian(1985) 200) John Nunn - Beating the Sicilian(1984) 201) Nigel Davies-Taming the Sicilian(2002) DB 202) Jones, Gawain - Starting Out Sicilian Gran Prix Attack(2008) 203) Jouni Yrjola - Easy Guide to the Classical Sicilian(2000) 204) - Trends - f4 Sicilian(1991) 205) Julian Hodgson - Trends - Sicilian Sveshnikov(1990) 206) Kalinin A. - Sicilian Defence. Modern Practice(2003) 207) Kasparov - Sicilian Scheveningen (1991) 208) Kosten, Tony - Easy Guide to the Najdorf(1999) 209) Levy & O'Connell - How to Play the Sicilian Defence(1987) 210) Kopec-Mastering the Sicilian (2001) 211) Nigel Davies The 2.f4 Sicilian(1988) 212) Openings Booklet - Gisbert Jacoby - The New Anti-Najdorf 6.Be3! 213) Plaskett J - Sicilian Grand Prix Attack(2000) 214) Pritchett-Starting out-Sicilian Scheveningen(2006) 215) Richard Palliser - Fighting the Anti-Sicilians (2007) 216) Rogozenko - Anti Sicilian (estratto) 217) Sam Collins - Chess Explained The c3 Sicilian (2007) 218) Schiller Eric - Sicilian Classical Richter-Rauzer(1987) 219) Sicilian Wing Gambit 220) Starting Out - Closed Sicilian - R Palliser (2006) 221) Tactics in the chess opening - Sicilian defence(2003) 222) Taylor Timothy - How To Defeat The Smith-Morra Gambit(1993) 223) The Grand Prix Attack - Gary Lane- 1997 224) Tim Harding & P. R. Markland - The Sicilian Richter-Rauzer(1975) 225) The Safest Sicilian(Delchev&Semkov)2006 DB solo partite 226) Dangerous Weapons - The Sicilian [Emms, Palliser, 2007] DB 227) Sicilian Bb5 [Palliser, 2007] DB 228) Starting out Najdorf- Palliser (2007) DB 229) Starting Out: Sicilian Sveshnikov -John Cox (2007) DB Sistema Colle-Torre-London 230) -Exeter 231) EDAMI- Colle Zukertort [D05] 232) Eduard Gufeld & Stetsko - Winning with the (1993) 233) Eric Prié & Aaron Summerscale - Colle & Anti-Colle [D02-05] 234) Exeter club - Black after 1.d4(anche Stonewall,London,Merano ecc) 235) Johnsen Kovacevic- Win with the (2005) 236) Ken Smith & John Hall - Winning with the Colle System (1990) 237) Tim Harding - Colle, London and Blackmar-Diemer Systems(1979) 238) Starting Out: The Colle- Richard Palliser(2007) DB Slava,Semislava,Slava Moderna 239) Starting Out - Slav And Semi-Slav - Glenn Flear – 2007 DB 240) Flear Glenn - The...a6 Slav – 2003 241) Bologan, V. - Slav Defence …a6- Chebanenko System(2008, in russo) 242) Knaak, Rainer - Semi-Slav and Meran(1991) 243) Pedersen, Steffen - The Meran System(2000) 244) Vigorito -Play the SemiSlav (2008) Spagnola 245) - Starting Out [Shaw, 2007] 246) Andrew Soltis - Winning with the Ruy Lopez Variation(1995) 247) Easy Guide to the Ruy Lopez - John Emms(1999) 248) Glenn Flear - Open Ruy Lopez(2000) 249) Marin, Mihail- Spanish repertoire for black (2007) 250) Mastering The Spanish-King&Ponzetto(1993) 251) - Spanish Opening Trompowsky 252) Nigel Davies - The Trompowsky(2005) B) MEDIOGIOCO: Strategia 253) Excelling at Chess Calculation - Jacob Aagaard (2004) 254) Excelling At Positional Chess Jacob Aagaard(2002) 255) Jacob Aagaard - Excelling at Chess(2001) 256) Jacob Aagaard – Excelling Technical Chess(2004 incompleto) 257) Jacob Aagaard Inside the Chess Mind(2004) 258) A. Soltis -Turning Advantage into Victory(2004) 259) Alex Yermolinsky - A road to chess improvement 260) Agur - Fischer - His approach to chess(1999) 261) Andrew Kinsman - Improve Your Middlegame Play(2000) 262) Andrew Soltis-How choose a chess move(2005) 263) Angus Dunnington - Can You Be a Positional Chess Genius(2002) 264) Avni- Chess tips for the improving player (2008) 265) Avni A.- Danger In Chess (How To Avoid Making Blunders)(1994) 266) Baker, Chris - Learn From Your Chess Mistakes (2002) 267) Beim, Valeri - How to Play Dynamic Chess(2004) 268) Bishop versus , The Verdict - Mayer, S (1997) 269) Bruce Pandolfini - 's Outrageous Chess Moves (1985) 270) Buckley Graeme-Multiple Choice Chess II(2002) 271) Buckley M - Practical Chess Analysis (1999 - 100pp)INCOMPLETO 272) Carsten Hansen - Improve your positional chess (2004) 273) Chess Master Secrets(vol.1) Eddie Mark 274) -Lasker(1915) 275) L3 (Karlsbad 2)12 pagine 276) Alexander Kotov - Play Like a Grandmaster(1978) 277) C.Kongsted - How To Use Computers To Improve Your Chess(2003) 278) Colin Crouch - Master Class - Delayed 279) Danny Kopec - Test, Evaluate and Improve Your Chess(2006) DB 280) David Bronstein - Sorcerer's apprentice(1995) 281) David N. L. Levy - How Fischer Plays Chess(1975) 282) Defence & Counter-Attack - (Tibor Florian) 1983 283) Dunnington - Starting Out Defensive Play(2005) 284) Dvoretsky & Yusupov - Attack and Defence(1998) 285) Dvoretsky - Secrets of chess training(1991) 286) Dvoretsky - Strategic Play(2002) 287) Eduard Gufeld - Exploiting Small Advantages 288) Emms John- Simple Chess(2001) 289) Emms John- More Simple Chess (2004) 290) Fischer, Robert - My 60 Memorable Games(1969) 291) Foundations of Chess Strategy - (Lars Bo Hansen) (2005) 292) Frank Brady - How to Improve Your Technique(1974) 293) Gligoric- Shall We Play Fischerandom Chess?(2002) 294) H.Berliner - The System -World Champion's Approach to Chess(1999) 295) Harding, Tim - Why You Lose at Chess(1982) 296) Hartston - Teach Yourself Better Chess(1997) 297) Heisman-Looking for Trouble-Recognizing and Meeting Threats (2003) 298) Il Metodo - Dorfman (in italiano) 299) Imagination in Chess, Paata Gaprindashvili(2004) 300) Jeremy Silman - How to Reassess Your Chess (1993) 301) Jeremy Silman - The Reassess Your Chess Workbook(2001) 302) Jesper Hall - Chess Training for Budding Champions(2001) 303) John Nunn-Secrets of Practical Chess(1997) 304) Jonathan Rowson - Seven deadly chess sins(2002) 305) Jonathan Tisdall - Improve your chess (1997) 306) Ken Smith &Hall - Modern Art of Attack - Tal, Fischer & Kasparov 307) L.Christiansen -Rocking the Ramparts-Guide to Attacking Chess(2003) 308) - Test and Improve Your Chess (1989) 309) Lev Alburt, Sam Palatnik - Chess Strategy for the Tournament Player 310) Marovic Drazen- Understanding Pawns Play in Chess(2000) 311) Marovic Drazen - Dynamic Pawn Play in Chess(2001) 312) Master Class - Typical Mistakes - Neil McDonald(1990) 313) Max Euwe - Trattato di Scacchi(1976) in italiano 314) McDonald - Chess Success-Planning after the opening[2007] 315) Michael de La Maza-Rapid Chess Improvement(2002) 316) Neil McDonald - The Art of Planning in Chess Move by Move(2006) 317) Neil McDonald-Concise chess middlegame(2004) 318) Nigel Davies - The Chess player's battle manual (1998) 319) Nigel Davies-The Power Chess Program (1998) 320) Nimzowitsch-My System(1925) 321) Palatnik & Ishee - Tarrasch Formula (+Neo ) (2003) 322) Pandolfini, Bruce - The Winning Way 323) Pozharsky - Modern Chess Self-Instructor, Book 1 (Russian-English) 324) Pozharsky - Modern Chess Self-Instructor, Book 2 (Russian, English) 325) Pozharsky - Modern Chess Self-Instructor, Book 3 (Russian, English) 326) Perfect Your Chess - A Volokitin & V Grabinsky(2007) 327) Planning in Chess - Flesch (1983) 328) Polugaevsky, Lev - Grandmaster Achievement(1994) 329) Przewoznik & Soszynski - How to think in chess[2001] 330) Raetsky & Chetverik - - Master of Attack (2004) 331) Romero Holmes, Alfonso - Tecnica creativa en el medio juego 332) - The Art of Positional Play(2002) 333) Secrets of Spectacular Chess, 2nd Edition - (Levitt,Friedgood)2008 334) Shirov A. - Fire on Board(1997) 335) Simon Williams - Improve Your Attacking Chess(2004) 336) Suetin - Plan like a grandmaster (1988) 337) The Middlegame Book 2 (Dynamic Features) (Euwe,Kramer)1994 338) Tim Harding - Better Chess for Average Players(1996) 339) Tim Harding - Winning at (1996) 340) Timman- Power chess with pieces(2004) 341) Understanding Chess Move by Move - John Nunn(2001) 342) Valeri Beim -Lessons in chess strategy(2003) 343) Valeri Beim-chess recipes from the grandmasters kitchen(2002) 344) Vladimir Vukovic - Art of Attack In Chess 345) Watson - Chess Strategy in Action (2003) 346) Winning Chess Strategies-Seirawan e Silman(2007) 347) Winning Pawn Structures - Baburin(1998) 348) Yuri Averbakh - Chess Middlegames - Essential Knowledge(1996) C) MEDIOGIOCO: Tattica

349) Alburt, Lev - Chess Training Pocketbook(2000) 350) Blokh, Maxim - Combinational Motifs (English - Spanish - Russian) 351) Bruce Pandolfini - Chessercizes(1991) 352) Bruce Pandolfini - More Chessercizes - !(1991) 353) Chess Tactics for Advanced Players - Viktor Vamos (2004) 354) David Lemoir - Essential chess sacrifices 355) David LeMoir - How to Become a Deadly Chess Tactician(2002) 356) Dunnington -Understanding the (2002) 357) Encyclopedia of Chess combinations 358) Gennady Nesis-Tactical Chess Exchanges(1991) 359) Hort, Vlastimir & Jansa, Vlastimir - Der Beste Zug 360) I. A. Horowitz - Winning Chess Tactics Illustrated (non algebrico) 361) Sharpen Your Tactics-Lein e Archangelsky 362) Lou Hays - Winning Chess Tactics For Juniors 363) Mark Dvoretsky - Secrets of Chess Tactics 364) Mark Dvoretsky-Tactical Play(2003) 365) Martin Greif - 200 Perplexing Chess Puzzles 366) Martin Weteshnik - Understanding chess tactics(2006) 367) Neil McDonald - Mastering Chess Tacticts 368) Neishtadt, Yakov - Test Your Tactical Ability(1984) 369) Plaskett - Could you be a Tactical Chess Genius(2002) 370) Polgar S., Truong P. - Chess Tactics for Champions(2006) 371) Seirawan-Silman - Winning Chess Tactics(2003) 372) Tactical Combinations 373) Valeri Beim-How to Calculate Chess Tactics(2006) 374) Ward - Starting out- Chess Tactics and (2006) 375) Wilson F. & Alberston B. - 303 Tricky Chess Tactics(1999) 376) Yakovlev& Kostrov - Find the Best Move!(1998) D) FINALI 377) Averbakh & Chekhover - Vol 1 – (Bishop & Knight Endings) 378) Averbakh - Vol. 2 – (Bishops vs Knights, vs Minor Piece) 379) Averbakh – Vol.4-Comprehensive chess endings(pawn endings) 380) Averbakh- Vol.5-Comprehensive chess endings(rook endings) 381) Averbakh -Chess Endings Essential Knowledge(1993) 382) A. J. Roycroft - - A Comprehensive Introduction(1981) 383) Basic Endgame Strategy, Queens and Rooks - Bill Robertie(1998) 384) Comprehensive Chess Course 6; Just the Facts! Winning Endgame Knowledge - Alburt, L & Krogius, N - 2000 385) Chris Ward - Starting Out - Rook Endgames DB 386) Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual (2003) 387) Dvoretsky's Endgame Manual (2nd ed)(2008) 388) Edmar Mednis - Practical Rook Endings(1995) 389) Emms, John - Starting Out Minor Piece Endgames(incompleto 2004) 390) Endings Bishops at Work by Karsten Muller(2002) 391) Flear, Glenn- Mastering the Endgame(2001)incompleto 392) I segreti dei finali di pezzi leggeri 393) Ian Snape - Chess endings made simple (2003) 394) Jeremy Silman - Silman's Complete Endgame Course (2007) 395) John Nunn - Secrets of Rook Endings (1992) 396) John Nunn - Tactical Chess Endings(1981) 397) Jon Speelman - Analysing the Endgame (1981) 398) Jon Speelman - Analysing the Endgame (1988 2nd edition) 399) Karolyi & Aplin - Endgame Virtuoso:Karpov (2007) 400) Ludek Pachman - Chess Endings for the Practical Player (1983) 401) Maizelis, Ilya - Finales de Peones(1969) 402) Pandolfini's Endgame course (1988) 403) Paoli-Il Finale Negli Scacchi(1974) 404) Rosen, Bernd - Training(2003) 405) Endgame Analysis - M. Dvoretsky(2003) 406) Shereshevsky - Mastering the Endgame 1(1996) 407) Shereshevsky - Mastering the Endgame, Vol.2 - Closed Games(1992) 408) Steve Giddins - 101 Chess Endgame Tips (2007) 409) Survival guide to rook endings (John Emms 1999) 410) The Final Countdown - Hajenius & Van Riemsdijk(1997) 411) Viktor Korchnoi - Practical Rook Endings E) per PRINCIPIANTI

412) Alburt,Lev - Comprehensive Chess Course - Vol 1-2-3-4-5-6 413) A Guide to Scholastic Chess 414) Andreas Vogt - Il Mediogioco (in italiano) 415) Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess(1972) 416) Bruce Pandolfini - Learn from the New Champions(1987) 417) Byron Jacobs - Starting Out in Chess(1999) 418) Chess Training Guide from Susan Polgar 419) Chess Training Material - A Homework Set 420) Corso di scacchi per principianti 421) Elementi di Strategia Negli Scacchi (in italiano) 422) Kasparov - Corso Completo di Scacchi Vol.1-6 (dispense De Agostini) 423) James Eade-Chess for Dummies-(2nd.Ed.2005) 424) James R. - Learn How to Play Chess (Beginners' Course) 425) King, D - How to Win at Chess - 10 Golden Rules to Follow(1995) 426) Manuale per un corso elementare di scacchi 427) Patrick Wolff - The Complete Idiot's Guide to Chess (2002) 428) Ron Curry - Win at Chess(1995) 429) Scacchi! - Le regole del gioco 430) Scuola Di Scacchi - (P.Ponzetto) 431) Teach Yourself Visually Chess (Wiley-2007) 432) The Manual of Chess Combinations - Chess School 1a (Ivashchenko) 433) The Manual of Chess Combinations - Chess School 1b 434) The Manual of Chess Combinations - Chess School 2 435) The Manual of Chess Combinations - Chess School 3 436) Corso in 58 lezioni singole, in italiano(formato Word) F) CLASSICI,BIOGRAFIE,TORNEI

437) Burgess, Nunn, Emms - Mammoth Book of Greatest Games(1998) 438) Capablanca, Jose Raúl - A Primer of Chess 439) Chess and Checkers: The Way to Mastership-Lasker 440) - Fighting Chess(1983) 441) Hans Kmoch - Rubinstein's Chess Masterpieces - 100 Selected Games 442) How not to Play Chess - Eugene Znosko Borovsky(1959) 443) Howard Staunton - The Chess Player's Companion 444) Howard Staunton - The Chess Player's Handbook 445) Howard Staunton - The Chess Player's Text-Book 446) J. H. Ellis - Chess Sparks - Short and Bright Games of Chess 447) John Cochrane - A Treatise on the Game of Chess 448) Lasker, Emanuel - Common Sense in Chess 449) Max Euwe- The Development of Chess Style(1968) 450) Philidor - Analysis of the Game of Chess (1790) 451) - The Game of Chess 452) Znosko-Borovsky - The Middle Game In Chess 453) Anatoly Karpov - Chess and Art of Negotiation(2006) 454) Anatoly Karpov - Scacchi Primo Amore 455) Bob Fischer, diario segreto di un maestro di scacchi 456) Bobby Fischer Part 1-1955-1960 (1992) 457) Games of B. Fischer ( Wade, R.G. & O'Connell, K.J. - Batsford,1972) 458) Botvinnik - Achieving the Aim 459) David Levy & Kevin O'Connell - Korchnoi's Chess Games 460) Garry Kasparov - Fighting Chess - My Games and Career 461) Gufeld Eduard - Master of the Risk Strategy 462) J. Hajtun - Selected Chess Games of 463) Larry Parr - World Champions from Philidor to Spassky 464) - Taimanov's Selected Games 465) Philip Sergeant - Morphy's games of chess 466) - Aron Nimzowitsch - Master of Planning 467) Summerscale, Aaron & Claire - Interview With A Grandmaster(2001) 468) Tal, Mikhail - Tal's Winning Chess Combinations(1979) 469) Joe Gallagher - Magic of Mikhail Tal (2000) 470) Vassily Smyslov - My Best Games of Chess, Vol.1 - 1935-1957 471) Viktor Korchnoi - Chess Is My Life - Autobiography and Games(1978) 472) Viktor Korchnoi - Viktor Korchnoi's Best Games 473) Viktor Korchnoi,Wade, Blackstock - Korchnoi's 400 Best Games 474) Glatman- Akiba Rubinstein's Chess Academy(1992) 475) Graham Burgess - The Quickest Chess Victories of All Time 476) Karpov- My 300 best games(1997) 477) Motwani- Most Instructive Games Of The Young Grandmasters(1999) 478) S.Gligoric - Fischer vs Spassky 1972 479) Samuel Reshevsky - Great Chess Upsets 480) Hartston &Reuben - - London 1980 481) Chess Today (magazine compilation 2000-2004) 482) James Mason & W. H. K. Pollock - St. Petersburg Tournament 1895-96 483) Timman-Curacao 1962- Battle of Minds(2005) 484) Kasparov vs. Karpov - 1990 G) Scacchi e matematica,psicologia

485) Tesi Laurea:Valutazione baynesiana abilità giocatori scacchi 486) Benko, Pal - Winning With Chess Psychology(1991) 487) Bruce Pandolfini- Kasparov and Deep Blue(1997) 488) Chess and content-oriented psychology of thinking 489) Computers In Chess, Solving Inexact Search Problems – Botvinnik 490) Gelb, Keene-Samurai Chess 491) Gordon Smyth - How to Beat the Computer at Chess (1995) 492) Learning To Play Chess Using Temporal Differences (Jonathan Baxter) 493) Marsland, Schaeffer - Computers, Chess and Cognition (1990) 494) Psychology In Chess - 495) Reuben Fine - La Psicologia dei Giocatori di Scacchi 496) Approccio euristico a didattica degli scacchi-Bartolotta Salvatore