DB= libri in formato Chessbase Tutti gli altri titoli sono in formato pdf o djvu A) APERTURE 1) Keene(1996) 1...Cc6 vs Inglese e altre aperture (estratto) 2) Lane(2006) 1…Cc6 contro Inglese (estratto) 2 Cavalli 3) Alexander Beliavsky & Adrian Mikhalchishin - The Two Knights Defence(1999) 4) Jan Pinski - The Two Knights Defense(2004) 4 Cavalli 5) Nunn, John - New Ideas in the Four Knights(1993) Difesa Alekhine 6) Alekhine Defence [B03] 2005.03 (Voronesh Variation, by John Cox) DB 7) Alburt, Lev - The Alekhine for the Tournament Player(1985) 8) John Cox-starting out-Alekhine's defence(2004) Aperture in generale 9) Al Horowitz - New Traps in the Chess Opening(1964) 10) Burgess G - 101 Chess Openings Surprises(1998) 11) Chess Openings for Progressive Players by M. Graham 12) Gligoric et al...- How to Open a Chess Game(1974) 13) How to Play Good Opening Moves - Edmar Mednis(1982) 14) Ideas Behind chess openings (Fine 1943-1989) 15) Jan Timman - Secret Matches - Botvinnik's Unknown Training Games 16) king-pawn openings 17) Mark Dvoretsky - Opening Developments(2003) 18) Mark Dvoretsky & Arthur Yusupov - Opening Preparation(1994) 19) Piccolo Manuale di Aperture Scacchistiche in Italiano 20) Reuben Fine - Modern Chess Openings 21) Ward - Improve Your Opening Play(2000) 22) Watson - Mastering chess openings volume 1(2006) 23) Watson - Mastering chess openings volume 2(2007) 24) Yakov Neishtadt - Catastrophe in the Opening 25) Yasser Seirawan - Winning Chess Openings Gambetto Benko (Volga) 26) Bellin and Ponzetto - Mastering the Benoni and Benko Gambit(1990) 27) Benko gambit by Jacobs(1989) 28) Gambito Volga [Tisdall] 29) Neil McDonald - The Benko Gambit Revealed(2004) 30) Pinski, Jan - The Benko Gambit (Quality Chess Books 2005) 31) Yron Jacobs-Winning with the Benko(1995) Benoni 32) John Emms - Benoni Defence (A60-67, A70-79) 33) Modern Benoni, Survey of a Structure - Zeuthen, S – 1973 34) Raetsky, A. & Chetverik, M.- Starting Out - Benoni Systems - (2005) 35) Vegh, Endre - Starting Out Modern Benoni (2004) Caro Kan 36) Anatoly Karpov - B17 - Caro-Kann Defence 37) Play the Caro-Kann-complete repertoire against 1.e4-Houska DB 38) Anatoly Karpov & M. Podgaets - Caro-Kann Panov Attack (2006) 39) Kasparov - Caro-Kann Classical 4...Bf5 40) Kotronias- Beating The Caro-Kan (1994) 41) Peter Wells - Grandmaster Secrets the Caro-Kann (2007)] 42) Schiller-Caro-Kann Defence-(2003)solo parte iniziale 43) Karpov Podgaetz Caro-Kann closed and gambit systems (in russo) Catalana 44) Colin McNab - Catalan(1991) 45) Neishtadt, Yakov - Catalan Opening(1986)(in russo) 46) Raetsky Chetverik Catalana(2006) (in russo) 47) Play the Catalan-Nigel Davies (2008) Est-Indiana x Bianco e Nero 48) Starting Out - King´s Indian Attack - Emms Palliser 2007 49) Barden - King's Indian Defence(1973) 50) Bellin and Ponzetto - Mastering the Kings Indian Defense(1990) 51) Bologan, V. - The King's Indian- Complete Black' Repertoire (2009) 52) Bronstein on the King's Indian - David Bronstein & Ken Nea(1998) 53) Dunnington, Angus - The Ultimate King'S Indian Attack(1998) 54) Gallagher - Beating the Anti-King's Indians(1996) 55) Gallagher, Joe - Starting Out - The King's Indian - (2006) 56) Hall & Cartier - Modern King's Indian Attack - System for White(1996) 57) John Nunn - The Classical King's Indian (1990) 58) King's Indian with g3 - Bass Leonid - Trends 1990 59) Marovic- Play the King's Indian (1984) Francese 60) A. Kalinin, The French Defence, Modern Practice, Moscow 2003 61) C05-06 French Defence, Tarrasch Variation – Bareev 62) Dangerous Weapons The French - John Watson(2007) 63) Divers - The Ideas Behind The French Defence 64) Gary Lane - Beating the French -Batsford 1994 65) Gufeld, Eduard - The Modern French Tarrasch - (1996) 66) Jacobs, Byron - Starting Out - The French(2002) 67) McDonald and Harley - Mastering the French(1997) 68) Pedersen - The Main Line French 3.Nc3(2001) 69) Psakhis Lev French defence Steinitz Classical and other Systems(2004) 70) Shaun Taulbut - How to Play the French Defence(1991) 71) Soltis A. - Beating the French with the Advance Variation(1993) 72) Stetsko, O.V. - The French Defence - Classical System (2004)(russo) 73) Tactics in the chess opening - French defence(2005) 74) Uhlmann Winning With The French(1991) 75) Victor Moskalenko - French Defense Repertoire (CB database, Russo) 76) Watson, John - Play the French(1986) 77) Watson - Play the French 2ed(1996) Gambetti e Ipermoderne 78) Bill Wall - Grob's Attack (1988) 79) Joel Benjamin & Eric Schiller - Unorthodox Openings (1987) 80) Michael Basman - Play the St. George 81) Mihai Suba - The Hedgehog 82) Neil McDonald - King's gambit(1998) 83) Joe Gallagher - Winning With The King's Gambit (1993) 84) Ryder-Gambit [1.d4 d5 - 2.e4 dxe4 - 3.Nc3 Nf6 - 4.f3 exf3 - 5.Qxf3] 85) Siz-Gambit [1.e4 c5 - 2.b4 cxb4 - 3.d4] 86) Prie, Eric - 1.d4 & 2.a3 - A White Chameleon 87) Halasz Gambit [1.e4 e5 - 2.d4 ed4 – 3.f4] 88) Victor Moskalenko - The Fabulous Budapest Gambit (2007) 89) Viktor Korchnoi & Vladimir Zak - King's Gambit 90) Yakov Estrin - Gambits(1982) 91) Dangerous Weapons: Flank Openings -Palliser, Kosten,Vigus(2008)DB Gambetto di Donna 92) Starting Out: Queen's Gambit Accepted - Raetsky and Chetverik(2007) 93) Burgess and Pedersen - Queens Gambit for the Attacking Player(1994) 94) Giovanni Falchetta - 1.d4 d5 2.c4 Bf5 - Keres Defence(1992) 95) Graeme Buckley - Easy Guide to the Queen's Gambit Accepted(1998) 96) James Rizzitano - The Queen's Gambit Declined(2007) 97) Neishtadt -The queen's gambit accepted(1997) 98) Richard Palliser,Glenn Flear & Chris Ward - Queen's Gambit(2007) 99) Sadler - Queen's Gambit Declined(2000) 100) The Ultimate Tarrasch Defense - Eric Schiller Gruenfeld 101) Aagaard, J- Starting Out - The Grunfeld(2003) 102) Alexei Suetin - The Complete Gruenfeld(1991) 103) Jonathan Rowson - Understanding The Grunfeld(1999) Inglese e Reti 104) Anatoly Karpov - How to Play the English Opening (2008) 105) Davies, Nigel - The Dynamic Reti 106) Neil McDonald - Starting Out The English(2003)incompleto 107) Povah, Nigel - How to Play the English Opening(1991) 108) The Ideas Behind The English Opening 1e 2-Exeter Chess Moderna e Pirc 109) Alburt, L. Chernin- Pirc Alert! - (2001) 110) Davies , Nigel - Starting Out - the Modern (2008) 111) James Vigus - The Pirc in Black and White (2007) 112) Jon Speelman - Modern Defence(2000) 113) Norwood - Winning With the Modern (1994) 114) the complete Pirc-john Nunn(1989) 115) Tiger Hillarp Persson - Tiger's Modern(2005) 116) Dangerous Weapons:Pirc and Modern Palliser,McNab,Vigus(2009) DB NimzoIndiana ,OvestIndiana e BogoIndiana (incluso Tango) 117) Nimzo-Indian - Dangerous Weapons [Emms, Ward, Palliser, 2007]DB 118) Nimzo-Indian - Psakhis-Romanishin E42 - 4 e3 system DB 119) Ward - Starting Out The Nimzo-Indian (2002) 120) Gligoric Svetozar-Play The Nimzo-Indian Defence(1985) 121) Geller, Elfim - Queen's Indian Defence (1982) 122) Keene, Raymond - Winning With the Nimzo-Indian (1992) 123) The Nimzo-Indian Rubinstein - Angus Dunnington – 2003 124) Queen's Indian Defense, Understanding the Chess Opening (Soltis et al) 125) G. Orlov - Mexican Defense -The Black Knigths'Tango(1997) 126) Tango! A dynamic answer to 1 d4 by Richard Palliser(2008) DB Olandese e Stonewall 127) Jacob Aagaard - Dutch Stonewall(2002) 128) Minev - Dutch Defense - New & Forgotten Ideas!(2003) 129) Martin, Andrew - The Contemporary Anti-Dutch(1990) 130) Valeri Beim - Understanding the Leningrad Dutch(2002) 131) Dutch Defense A81,87-89 - Leningrad-Flear e Mcdonald 132) White System combining Colle,Stonewall,Torre- Soltis(1992)estratto 133) [A84] Stonewall con 5.g4 (1063-2003) - Jerzy Konikowsky DB 134) A90 Stonewall con 5.Ch3 1983-2000- Dmitri Tyomkin DB 135) Stonewall con Cge2 [A84] - Postny, E – 2003 DB Partita Viennese e Partita d'Alfiere 136) [Lane, Gary][The Bishop's Opening Explained]2004 137) Mih_Tseitlin, Glazkov - The Complete Vienna (1995) 138) Vienna Game - Lane, Gary(2000) Philidor 139) Bauer Christian-The Philidor Files(2006) REPERTORI per il Bianco 140) Starting Out - 1.e4 - Neil McDonald (2006) 141) Sam Collins - An Attacking Repertoire for White 1.e4(2004) 142) Play 1.d4! Palliser(2003) 143) Levy & Keene - An Opening Repertoire for the Attacking Player(1976) 144) Kalinichenko - Opening Repertoire for Positional Player (russo)2005 145) Kalinichenko - Opening Repertoire for Attacking Player (russo)2005 146) John Cox - Starting Out - 1 d4!(2006) 147) Davies, Nigel - Gambiteer I A hard-hitting opening repertoire for White 148) Evans , Smith K. - An Unbeatable White Repertoire After 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 149) Grivas - Beating Fianchetto Defences - A Challenging Repertoire(2006) 150) Chris Baker - A Startling Chess Opening Repertoire(1998) 151) Attacking with 1. e4 (J. Emms) (2001) 152) Attack With 1.d4- Dunnington(2001) 153) Alburt,Dzindzichashvili,Perelshteyn- Openings for White Explained 1.e4 154) Khalifman - Opening for White According to Anand 1.e4,Vol.1-2-3-4-5 155) Khalifman - Opening for White According to Kramnik 1.Nf3 Vol. 1a-1b REPERTORI per il Nero 156) Davies, N - Gambiteer II A hard-hitting opening repertoire for Black 157) John Cox - Dealing with d4 Deviations (2006) DB 158) Play 1.e4e5 Nigel Davies (2006) 159) Aagaard, Jacob & Esben Lund - Meeting 1.d4(2002) 160) Marovic & Parma - An Opening Repertoire for Black(1978) 161) Emms, John - Play the Open Games as Black(2000) 162) Harald Keilhack & Rainer Schlenker - 1...Sc6! (1995) in tedesco 163) LANE,Gary - Ideas Behind Modern Chess Openings - Black (2005) 164) Alburt, Dzindzichashvili - Chess Openings For Black, Explained (2005) 165) Marovic-Parma-Repertorio Di Aperture Per Il Nero(1978) 166) Soltis- Black Defensive System For The Rest Of YourCareer (1997) Repertori (vari) 167) Purdy's 24 Hours Opening Repertoire(2000) 168) Borik - Kasparov's Openings - A Word Champion's Repertoire(1989) 169) Nunn, John et all - NCO Nunn's Chess Opening(1999) 170) Nick de Firmian - Modern Chess Openings MCO-14 (1999) 171) Leonid Shamkovich & Eric Schiller - Kasparov's Opening Repertoire 172) Awesome Repertoire (1.b4 col Bianco; 1...b6 col Nero) A.
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