The Rose of Versailles
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THE ROSE OF VERSAILLES ,'l 'lhktr,ultlit (ir,tti llomrntir Il,ry UEDA SHINJI TRANSLATED -BY KENKO KAWASAKI be Rose of Wrsailles (Berusaiyu no bara) was first pcrfbrmcd in ry74 and has remained the greatest hit in the wholc lristory of the Takarazuka Revue Company, an all-female trottpc tltitr rt'ot Ueda Shinji, Tbe Rose oJ'Wrsai1\es,Takaru*tkrt ktgckitlrttr' stlrrtcd to stage thearical events in ryt4'The most recent producti<ln of 7áe (Courtesy of Takarazuka Revuc Conrparry) llosc of Versailles was in zor3. (Takarazukat productions usually are schcdulctl r,r run for no more than one month.) So far, more than 4 million pcoplc hnvc sccn this play. The Rose of Wrsailles has more than a dozen variants, depending on tltc year of the production and the various performances staged by Takarnznkrr's Íive troupes' The translation here, of about half the play, is basccl <lrr 7llr Ilose of Wrsailles zoot: Á Story of Fersen and Marie Ántoir,]ette, wlrich wls tl-re script used for the production of Takarazuka's Cosmos Thoupc itr zoot, clirected by Ueda Shinji and Masazumi Tani and published inÁ Collection of' Thkarazuka Grand. Tbeater Performance Scripts (Takarazuka daigehijo krien klakubonshu, zooz). Tbe Rose of Wrsailles is an adaptation of a long series of sbojo rnanga (girl comics) of the same title by Ikeda Riyoko, published in a weekly magazinc of girl comics, Weekfu Margaret, How Áppropriate! in ry7z and ry71.The plot of Tbe Rose of Wrsailles is based on the actual history of the French Revolution (1789-1799), although the main character, Oscar Frangois de Jarjayes, the youngest daughter of General Jarjayes, is fictional. In the play, because the general has no son, he raísed and educated his youngest daughter as a son, whlch allowed her to adopt the outlook of a man. Oscar llneg lhl rervetl ar the toyal gtrnrd of Marlc Antolrlétl Evef rlÍl grrrrdlm hnr l'(lMt'E l|ÉMEH(:ť, an Atlrtflan G'ltlllt' M^&tE ,,, ,l,. .r,,,",l rlÍ'|]rattcc, thc.litrttte l,rruh XVL ^NŤ(llNH''fTl'l ttltlÍhet' ,r|. ,,t'lirttrtcctt, 1rrlttr'e 't'1lFllť-!tt^, tlte qrreert rrÍ'tlte Arillt'l,ttt lirrrplr'e' M^nl!' rlrey irur*rrrly fill M^Bl^ ^H'l'(llŇE'',|"|'B't ,,,',t,I., ll,rrrr Axslvrrtt lietrctt, (irrnrrl ť;,:;i,*;;';;;;,;;i;;.it.l, (rlRllllEl.l,l{, it ttt*lot'lrr tlrc l(rly'rl with erclt otlter, Orsart f'*tefbl li& ÉERN^l{l|(ltlÁ.l.11l,lt,l,.lIrrurtt*lltrrrí'tlterevrrltrtlrlnaryplrry Tlrc ttt*Itt lttlry littc oť'tlte llasr t|'Yernil/c.r Íbllrrwl A t,l ll, nltnrq,r n tllt wll'c rtorttty tlrner beÍ'ore rnd Hort l<rvc rtf ljcrsclr irtld Marlc Alttollrcrte ln rlre bidricrr xvr, the klngoťl;rarrec dlvldetl tnto phyl * l.('t,lti Frcnch ltcvolution.'llrc vtrlous Taknrlzuka vcrsltlnr lre Attdré, wlro h n gŤnndtBn and Mirric Anroinettc lttttl tlrose irlrout oscirr url cxcerpt trnnrlated here h *b nrrrsc irncl hm bccn secrctly in love with hcr.'lhe Antoincttc, m ihe subtidc suggcsts' nlthough elcmentr of C)rcar PART I urtl Mrric -, SCENE 1. PROLOGUE A arocototiamc curtain operts. Low ouer tbe stage hangs ll,ltlt,t.fl,trnbllarut .uerture, tbe stage i'rb, Infont of it, prett! luilng boy and glrk o|,lrltrrs spalling tbe *rrj, nír, ,f ra-iilrr." tittg ttnrl dancc. ( lll ollus: confcction. llcholc{, behold, the Rose ofVersailles There are several reasons why Tbe Rose of WrsaillesbecameTakrrrazukg'r llchold, behold, the Rose ofVersailles all records in salcs <t!.shaJo ecss. First, Ikeda fuyokot original comic broke important film rt$r IIoY ARISTOCRAT: nrtrtcting audiences new to Takarazuka' Second' an So now let me tell You this tale a highly praised stagc style r Krrzuo, d]r..t.d the first production, establishing A tale of a man and a woman from and superior to th u'l prcscncc and a precise form, which was different I)rawn together by mysterious ties Third, the role of Oscar' a woman who looks likc I ntcn' t' )uk,. prodo.tions' listen to prodr Come and .r."t.d for star performers who portray men in Takarazuka The Rose ofVersailles for a story about thc zuka's extravag"rr, p.odo.,ion is' ofcourse' perfect The Rose ofVersailles play know n as Beru bin., the rococo pJriod. fin"lly, the musical hit-from the The Rose ofVersailles the work-has been rcgard viation of Berusa{tu ,o buo,the Japanese title of The Rose ofVersailles of national anthem for young women' (Th e ro co co farne ris es') SCENE 2. PROLOGUE B ()nthestagei,sarocYc\setwithafrarneintbecenterdisplaryingMARlEÁNTOINETTE,J Characters on a trapd'oor lifi, bolding the doll Stepban portrait. Irljiont of tbis,rr*rr* ,íofo* below inbisarrns.Herecallshisrnernorieso,íuenIrANToINETTr'wbilebesingswithgreat HANs AXEL voN FERsEN, a Swedish noble .feeling. MARrE ANToINETTE, the queen of France commandant of the oscAR FRANqoIS DE JARJAYEs (dressed as a man)' the Guard Heweould l l)onibly lir6et lrer Slte wnr, rlte w*r l.lke a lore lclNl t. FRoLoouÍ c Hcr lntnge rtlll brrrrl llrrrrtlirrg rrry ltclrr ,b. t,llťťrugť tcl ls hnlks like a ltugt ruoto t'hnndellen !l{ltŠliN ,tnil MAlllt, AN't(}l Nll-|''Í'lt 'I I srill long firr hcr Iek turns appťdril,Šstilg'ť ťenten 7hqy sing lhe torry "t!i arella ko,ta'' (l}euula 'oae), Mdny 'lbc Wrurdcring hclplcsslY b*tut{itl gltls tliuca u,llile lhe1sittg' *qe r'ulillťs. My worltl chtngctl Thc motnctrt I rrtet hcr' BllltsllN: Hcr cycs l,rtvc eittr bc so swcct Her voicc t,rtvc citrr bc so strong Her soul MAITIIi AN OINITTEI My life was tied to h.rr' Lovc cur be so precious !7hen I recall the wasteland that w:rs my soul l,ovc crn bc so sublime I see the image of my love, smiling so swee tly 't'o(lt.:'l'H ER: !(/hen I recall the wasteland that was my soul - t,ove, love, love I see the image of my love, smiling so sweetly I;IiI{SIiN AND MALE ENSEMBLE: MARIE ANTOINETTE: llccause oflove A seed born . IIIiM ALE ENSEMBLE: On the banks of the blue Danube Ahh ahh ahh The memory of a beautiful rose Thcre is joy in life Blooming on the banks of the Seine llccause oflove Forever and ever '[he world is one Unchanging That is why people are so beautiful sides ofthe rococo set transform into (Tbe portrait closes. Át the sarne tirne botb 1 SIIADO'W CHORUS: and sing.) of osclx andANDRÉ. Tbe two of thern step out of tbeir portraits Ahh ahh OSCAR: Love can be so sorrowful Love can be so painful SCENE 4. THE SCHONBRUNN PALACE ANDRÉ: Love can be such a torture ,4pril zr, 1774. Vienna, Áuxria. Tbe Hall of Minors at Scbijnbrunn Palace.7 d GRAND Love can be ephemeral (:HAMBERLAIN aPpears. TOGETHER: Love, love, love GRAND 6HÁMBERLAIN: Your Majesty Maria Theresia, the comte de Mercy is here to Because oflove s you. There is joy in life (Grandf.owerlt rnusic. rvrApt,x THERESTA appears,followed. by a lafu in waiting. From Because oflove tbe other side of tbe stage, the coMTE appears.) The world is one C9MTE DE MERCv: Your Maiesty, I have come to offer you my farewell gre etings. That is why people are so beautiful ď t$tb* ,. .,1 . ':*.' r. 1:.1'1#'* 5 r' . ]:.1: l M^ltl^'|'lllillHsl^l (]rrtrtle rle Met'ry' tťl'vť trle well, tlnrttt thlt,lay ť,llwerul, ()n {lit,n,et'Y ,rr,,l ,'l'rtě tllush, tlage, rhe pal*e l|é,l,trtť' t)llilrÍ,,u'ÉrrÍ,anl l glart t,tt' rl,rrrglrrcr'\ lili' irr y,'ur lrlrr,lu, t t,t.t,r lnllril ltt, tt,ltitr lnt,r, tltlr,tt r ) c()M't'li r)ti M lil{cYl I .rrrr p,L.rrclirl lor ynrrr tr lr\t ln nl(' l rvill tlr r rvlr,rt l t ,lrr trr grlaltl Éff llcl lJighrrcss, tltc pritrt'css, MA|{lÁ'I'Hl.]lllisl^:Slrcis<rrllyíilttrtcctr.Asil 1ritrt'trt,it'rrtttlrt''tt'tlrlcliri trre trrttla fy a daughtcr of such tcndcl rrl;c, brrr rrs thc curl)r'csr ol'Arrrrli.r, I rrrurt trtt'tr a blind SCENE 5. THE DREAM CARRIAGE to those feelings. l\y tttulir. H;t h l l] N'l'( ) lN li'l''l'li rlinh ittltl ,q/tt.t't ŮIl'|'itl(ťl ltltilrill,llrli('il .fltln'cr.y Ilr CoMTE DE MERcY: YotrrMajcsty, I rcalizc tltis rrltrst llc lr,rrrl lirr'y.rtt, llrlrvcveí, thfi ^ |,ri, t,i|!ť \l,lt'l'\ ll) ttt0'I|ť' the best strategy for ending the ltlrrg ctlltí]ict lrctwcctt ()tll' l lrrrr'ie rlf burg and the French House of Bourbon. ^llstl'iilll I ll(tlalls: MÁRIA THERESIÁ: As the empress of Austria, l r'clrlizc lr<lw iItt1rttt'tittll L,r li l,r l;r lu ll ll, between Austria and France is' However, Mirric Arrt<liIrcttc: is ('llly Íilttrteen L,r li l.r lrr lrr h lrr. l.rr li la la ltr la la, doesn't adequately comprehend the meaning oíthis politictl trrirrt'i;tge , l.,r li I'r lir lrr Lr l;r, l,t li la la lrr h h, coMTE DE MERCY: Your Majesty, just as you arc thc cn1prcss <lť Arrsrril íirrt l,,r li l;r lrr lrr ln la, La li la la lu la la, mother second, Marie Antoinette is a princess of the Housc oť Hlpsbtrrg firlt ( u n lr t ti A N'ro r N DTTE, ouerj oy ed, starts to sing.) fourteen-year-old girl second.