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Practical Use of Local Anesthetics in Regional Anesthesia

Practical Use of Local Anesthetics in Regional Anesthesia


CURRENT OPINION Practical use of local in regional

Hillenn Cruz Enga, Shayanti Meela Ghoshb, and Ki Jinn China

Purpose of review The choice of local anesthetics in regional anesthesia depends on desired onset, intensity, and duration of block, as well as possible adverse effects. This review highlights recent advances in day-case spinal anesthesia; considerations in selecting local volume, concentration, and mass in peripheral nerve blockade; and the of . Recent findings Spinal anesthesia using 2- offers fast onset and rapid recovery, whereas and are suitable for longer procedures. Intrathecal lidocaine in the lithotomy position carries a significant risk of transient neurologic symptoms and should be avoided. Dosing studies of local anesthetics in peripheral nerve blockade suggest that mass of drug, not volume or concentration, primarily determines block onset, success, and duration. Commonly used doses of ropivacaine for Transversus Abdominis Plane blocks can result in high plasma concentrations and systemic toxicity. Summary There are effective alternatives to in day-case spinal anesthesia but more safety and outcome data are required, particularly for 2-chloroprocaine. The trend toward smaller doses of local anesthetics in ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia improves safety but should be weighed against possible reductions in speed of onset and analgesic duration. Strategies to reduce the risk of local anesthetic systemic toxicity should be employed when performing large-volume fascial plane blocks with ropivacaine. Keywords 2-chloroprocaine, local anesthetic systemic toxicity, mass, minimal effective anesthetic volume, plasma concentrations, ropivacaine

INTRODUCTION and motor blockade, and there is a significant risk of When performing regional anesthesia, the prac- primary block failure in abdominal and gynecologic titioner must decide on the specific local anesthetic procedures [1]. There has recently been a resurgence agent(s) as well as the volume, concentration, and of interest in shorter-acting local anesthetics as mass to be injected. This is based on the desired an alternative. outcomes of block onset, intensity, duration, and adverse effects. This review summarizes the findings Lidocaine, mepivacaine, and in the recent anesthetic literature that may influ- ence these decisions. Lidocaine, prilocaine, and mepivacaine are inter- mediate-duration local anesthetics, which have

LOCAL ANESTHETIC CHOICES FOR DAY-CASE SPINAL ANESTHESIA aDepartment of Anesthesia, Toronto Western Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada and bNorthern Deanery Postgraduate The main considerations in day-case spinal anesthe- School of Anesthesia, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK sia are rapid onset of adequate surgical anesthesia; Correspondence to Ki Jinn Chin, MBBS, MMed, FANZCA, FRCPC, rapid recovery of motor function, proprioception, Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesia, Toronto Western Hos- and ability to void; as well as minimal adverse pital, University of Toronto, 399 Bathurst St. Mcl 2-405,Toronto, ON M5T effects. Low-dose bupivacaine (5–7.5 mg) is a pop- 2S8, Canada. Tel: +1 416 603 5118; e-mail: [email protected] ular choice, especially for lower limb [1]. It Curr Opin Anesthesiol 2014, 27:382–387 does not, however, always produce dense sensory DOI:10.1097/ACO.0000000000000091

www.co-.com Volume 27  Number 4  August 2014 Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Practical use of local anesthetics in regional anesthesia Eng et al.

respectively), TNS occurred in 20% of the lidocaine KEY POINTS group, leading the authors to recommend avoiding  2-Chloroprocaine is an effective alternative to intrathecal lidocaine. On the other hand, in a com- bupivacaine in day-case spinal; it offers fast onset and parison of 80 mg of 2% lidocaine versus 80 mg of 2% rapid recovery; however, further safety and outcome mepivacaine in 84 patients undergoing anterior data are warranted. cruciate ligament reconstruction, TNS did not occur in either treatment group [13]. A slightly longer time  Intrathecal lidocaine in the lithotomy position carries a significant risk of transient neurologic symptoms and to ambulation (284 versus 251 min) and voiding (255 should be avoided. versus 227 min) was observed with mepivacaine but block characteristics were otherwise similar between  Local anesthetic combinations provide onset and the two drugs. The authors concluded that both were duration that is intermediate between short and long- suitable drugs for outpatient . acting local anesthetics alone.  Dosing studies of local anesthetics in peripheral nerve blockade suggest that mass of drug, not volume or 2-Chloroprocaine and concentration, primarily determines block onset, Articaine and 2-chloroprocaine are both short- success, and duration. acting local anesthetics with fast onset and excel-  High plasma concentrations and LAST can result when lent reviews of both drugs have recently been pub- commonly used doses of ropivacaine are used for lished [14,15&]. The availability of preservative-free TAP blocks. 2-chloroprocaine has renewed interest in its use for spinal anesthesia, although its safety is still contro- versial [15&]. Forster et al. [16&] compared equivalent similar pharmacodynamic profiles, except that doses (40 mg) of each agent in 36 patients under- mepivacaine has a slightly longer duration of action going arthroscopy. Onset times and duration than lidocaine [2]. Doses as low as 20–30 mg are of block to L1 were similar, but 2-chloroprocaine effective in knee arthroscopy, particularly when produced significantly faster motor (75 versus combined with intrathecal [3–5], and 120 min) and sensory block recovery (105 versus recovery is faster than with low-dose bupivacaine. 135 min). Data on 2-chloroprocaine indicate that The main concern with these agents is the risk of 30 mg will produce a surgical block of 40–60 min, transient neurologic symptoms (TNS). The literature 40–45 mg per block of 45–70 min, and 60 mg per indicates that lidocaine carries the highest risk of block of 60–90 min [15&]. The risk of TNS appears TNS, but the reported incidence is extremely varia- low, ranging from 0 to 1.9% [15&,17]. The previously ble, ranging from 0 to 40%. Higher concentrations, mentioned study by Vaghadia et al. [12&] provides a hyperosmolarity, and hyperbaricity do not appear note of caution however. Although no TNS was to be contributing factors [6]. Other risk factors have observed with 2-chloroprocaine, one patient devel- been identified that may explain the variability, the oped a syndrome that persisted for most important of these being type of surgery. several weeks. Despite this, the authors report that Surgery in the lithotomy position is associated with they favor 2-chloroprocaine in their practice over the highest risk, but incidences of up to 22% have lidocaine. also been reported with knee arthroscopy [6]. In summary, there are several alternatives to Mepivacaine has a lower incidence of TNS, ranging low-dose bupivacaine in day-case spinal anesthesia from 0 to 6.4% with isobaric mepivacaine 1.5% [7,8] that may provide more predictable onset, offset, and up to 7.5% with 2% isobaric mepivacaine [9]. and extent of anesthesia. 2-Chloroprocaine offers Again it appears that risk is influenced by type of particularly rapid recovery but vigilance for adverse surgery and the age of the patient [8,10]. Prilocaine effects is advised. The lithotomy position increases is the safest, with a reported TNS risk of 1.7%, the risk of TNS, and lidocaine should be avoided in comparable to that of bupivacaine (1.1%) [11]. this setting. These considerations were highlighted in two recent studies. Vaghadia et al. [12&] compared low- dose 2% lidocaine (35 mg) with 40 mg of 2-chloro- LOCAL ANESTHETIC DOSING in 40 patients undergoing outpatient tran- CONSIDERATIONS IN PERIPHERAL NERVE surethral prostate resection under spinal anesthesia. BLOCKADE Fentanyl 12.5 mg was used as an adjuvant in all The choice of local anesthetics in peripheral nerve patients. Although clinical efficacy and motor recov- blockade is mainly determined by desired speed of ery time were similar in both groups (120 min versus onset, block intensity, and duration of anesthesia 117 min in the lidocaine and chloroprocaine groups, and analgesia. Rather than comparing the merits of

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different agents, recent research has focused on the on what this dose threshold might be. It should influence of mass, volume, and concentration of be noted that these studies generally define efficacy drug injected on these efficacy outcomes, with the only by successful block onset and provide no infor- primary aim being to reduce the total dose of local mation on analgesic duration. In addition, it is anesthetics delivered. problematic to generalize from these results as there are several factors that determine the efficacy of a given drug volume in any one patient, including the The effect of volume, concentration, and accuracy of local anesthetics deposition, which in mass on onset, success, and duration turn depends on the operator’s skill and experience; Fredrickson et al. [18] studied the effect of three and the specific technique used. different volumes of 0.75% ropivacaine (5, 10, For instance, O’Donnell et al. [22] determined and 20 ml) and two different volumes of 0.375% the MEAV of ultrasound-guided axillary ropivacaine (20 and 40 ml) on the analgesic using a perineural technique in which local anes- duration of interscalene block. They found that thetic was deposited around each of the four indi- 5 ml resulted in an unacceptably high analgesic fail- vidual terminal nerves by a single experienced ure rate (30%) and that higher concentration and operator. They started with 4 ml of 2% lidocaine volume (and thus mass) were clearly associated with per nerve (total dose 16 ml) and were able to reduce prolonged analgesia. However, the gains in duration the dose to 1 ml per nerve without experiencing were relatively modest, with median differences of any failures. In contrast, a more recent study by only 3–5 h between the upper and lower limits of Gonzales et al. [23] investigated a double-injection volumes and concentrations studied. Gonzales et al. perivascular technique of ultrasound-guided axil- [19&] investigated three different concentrations of lary block performed by trainees and experts and lidocaine (1%, 1.5%, and 2%) for ultrasound-guided estimated the MEAV in 90% of patients (MEAV90)to infraclavicular block while holding total dose con- be 5.5 ml of 1.5% lidocaine for the musculocutane- stant and found no significant difference in block ous nerve and 23.5 ml in the perivascular location. onset time. Block duration was not assessed in this Similarly, Tran et al. [24] reported a MEAV90 of study. Gupta and Hopkins [20] assessed the impact 32 ml of 1.5% lidocaine for ultrasound-guided of different concentrations of bupivacaine (0.25%, supraclavicular block using a double injection-tech- 0.375%, and 0.5%) on the median effective dose nique, in which half the volume was deposited at (ED50) required for successful supraclavicular block. the intersection of the first rib and subclavian artery They found no significant differences in ED50 and and the other half in the region of the plexus itself. concluded that mass was the main determinant of The majority of blocks were performed by trainees. block success. Finally, Nader et al. [21&] examined Song et al. [25&], on the other hand, were able to the effect of different volumes of 0.5% ropivacaine achieve a much lower MEAV90 of 15 ml of 1.5% or bupivacaine on onset time and analgesic duration mepivacaine, which may be because of the fact that of in total knee arthroplasty. they used a multiple-injection technique designed Volumes studied ranged from 2.5 to 30 ml. Sensory to spread local anesthetic within the entire plexus block success rates at 30 min and analgesic duration and that a single experienced operator performed all were similar for volumes of 10 ml and higher. the blocks. Volumes of less than 10 ml, on the other hand, Another approach to reducing total local anes- increased onset times and shortened analgesic thetic dose is to use lower concentrations. Taha and durations. Taken together, these studies indicate that Abd-Elmaksoud [26] performed ultrasound-guided mass of local anesthetics, rather than concentration femoral nerve blockade with 15 ml of lidocaine in or volume, is the most important determinant of arthroscopic knee surgery and used an up-down peripheral nerve block onset and duration. There approach to determine the MEAC in 90% of patients appears, however, to be a dose threshold beyond (MEAC90). The endpoint for success was complete which improvements in onset time, block intensity, sensory and motor blockade within 30 min. They and analgesic duration become less significant. estimated the MEAC90 to be 0.93% (95% confidence interval: 0.8–1.03%), which supports the clinical use of 1% lidocaine for surgical anesthesia. The effect on Minimum effective volume, concentration, surgical and analgesic block duration is unknown. and dose Research into the minimum effective anesthetic volume (MEAV) and minimum effective anesthetic LOCAL ANESTHETIC COMBINATIONS concentration (MEAC) for various ultrasound- Combinations of local anesthetics are often used in guided peripheral nerve blocks sheds some light peripheral nerve blockade to marry the faster onset

384 www.co-anesthesiology.com Volume 27  Number 4  August 2014 Copyright © Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Practical use of local anesthetics in regional anesthesia Eng et al. of short-acting local anesthetics with the prolonged reported with a lidocaine–ropivacaine mixture [33]. duration of long-acting local anesthetics. In theory, There may also be pharmacokinetic interactions exposing the nerve first to a short-acting local anes- that have safety implications. Chen et al. [34] dem- thetic by sequential injection of the short-acting onstrated that sequential injection of 2% lidocaine and long-acting local anesthetics might produce a followed by 0.75% ropivacaine for lumbar plexus faster-onset block compared to mixing them. How- block compared to the same dose of ropivacaine ever both Gadsden et al. [27] (interscalene block) alone increased both peak plasma ropivacaine and Roberman et al. [28] (supraclavicular block) concentration and the plasma concentration area- have clearly shown that there is no difference in under-curve. The authors postulated that the vaso- block onset or duration regardless of which method dilatory effect of lidocaine might have offset the is used. intrinsic vasoconstriction of ropivacaine, resulting Laur et al. [29] evaluated the combination of in increased vascular uptake. mepivacaine and bupivacaine in ultrasound-guided In summary, local anesthetic combinations can infraclavicular blockade. Patients received 40 ml of provide a middle ground for block onset and duration 1.5% mepivacaine (with epinephrine), 0.5% bupi- compared to short-acting and long-acting agents vacaine, or a 1 : 1 combination of both. The duration used alone, particularly if modest doses are adminis- of sensory and motor block in the combination tered. The potential for LAST should be assumed to be group was 50–70% longer compared to the mepi- additive and careful consideration given to the total vacaine group but 50% shorter than the bupivacaine dose of local anesthetic administered. group. This effect on duration is consistent with earlier studies. Gadsden et al. [27] performed ultra- sound-guided interscalene block using 30 ml of local ROPIVACAINE: INSIGHTS INTO anesthetic and found that a 1 : 1 combination of PHARMACOKINETICS AND SAFETY 1.5% mepivacaine and 0.5% bupivacaine doubled Ropivacaine has largely replaced bupivacaine as the sensory and motor block duration compared to most commonly used long-acting local anesthetic in mepivacaine alone, but reduced it by 30% compared peripheral nerve blockade. In equivalent doses, it to bupivacaine alone. Cuvillon et al. [30] reported produces less motor blockade compared to bupiva- similar results with neurostimulation-guided femo- caine but an equally effective sensory block. This ral and sciatic nerve block (20 ml of local anesthetic was most recently demonstrated by Nader et al. at each site); there was a 35–40% reduction in [21&], in the dose-finding study previously dis- sensory and motor block duration when 2% lido- cussed. They observed that ropivacaine produced caine was mixed with either 0.5% bupivacaine or equivalent postoperative analgesia but less potent 0.75% ropivacaine, compared to long-acting local motor blockade (relative potency 0.72) compared anesthetic alone. to bupivacaine. The effect of local anesthetic combinations on Ropivacaine is also less cardiotoxic compared to block onset time is less clear. Both Cuvillon et al. [30] bupivacaine [35] and is therefore a popular choice and Laur et al. [29] demonstrated significant for high-dose, high-volume fascial plane blocks such reductions in onset time with combinations com- as the Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) block. pared to long-acting local anesthetic alone. Gadsden Several recent studies have examined the pharma- et al. [27], however, reported similar onset times in cokinetics of ropivacaine in this context. all three-study arms. This may be explained by the The quoted toxic plasma concentration difference in the block under study: 30 ml of local thresholds for ropivacaine are usually based upon anesthetic is a generous dose for ultrasound-guided a classic article by Knudsen et al. [35], who infused interscalene block and the relatively large mass of i.v. ropivacaine into volunteers until clinical bupivacaine may have contributed to faster onset. features of central nervous system (CNS) toxicity Local anesthetic combinations may offer a occurred. It is important to note that the arterial, safety advantage by dose sparing of the long-acting rather than venous, plasma concentration in this local anesthetics, which are potentially more cardi- study of rapid i.v. infusion is more likely to represent otoxic than the short-acting local anesthetics. effect-site concentration and thus may be more Cuvillon et al. [30] have demonstrated that this relevant to perineural blockade. In addition, clinical approach does result in reduction of plasma con- toxicity occurred over a large range of concentration centrations. This is less relevant if smaller doses are thresholds, and thus, the lower range limit may be a used, as is the trend with ultrasound-guided tech- more appropriate safety threshold than the mean niques. Practitioners should be aware however that value that is commonly quoted. The final factor local anesthetic toxicity can be additive [31,32] and to consider is that the free fraction of ropivacaine local anesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST) has been is inversely proportional to the concentration of

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binding protein, especially alpha-1 acid glyco- Plane (TAP) blocks are administered, especially in protein, which increases the following surgical the first 2 h after a bolus when plasma concen- stress. The toxic arterial concentration thresholds trations are at their highest. Despite the intrinsic in Knudsen’s study ranged from 0.34 to 0.85 (mean vasoconstrictive properties of ropivacaine, it may 0.56) mg/ml and 3.4–4.3 (mean 4.3) m/ml for free also be prudent to add epinephrine to reduce and total ropivacaine concentrations, respectively systemic uptake. In a pilot study of 12 patients [35]. The toxic venous concentration thresholds randomized to receive a total of 450 mg of ropiva- ranged from 0.01 to 0.24 (mean 0.15) mg/ml to caine with or without epinephrine 5 mg/ml in a 0.5– 3.2 (mean 2.2) for free and total ropivacaine combined femoral-sciatic block technique, Schoen- concentrations, respectively [35]. makers et al. [39&] observed a trend to reduced total & Griffiths et al. [36 ] measured venous concen- Cmax (2.16 versus 2.81 mg/ml), free Cmax (0.12 versus trations in 30 patients undergoing cesarean section 0.16 mcg/ml), and increased Tmax (1.67 versus under spinal anesthesia who received bilateral Trans- 1.17 h) in the group that received the epineph- versus Abdominis Plane (TAP) blocks with a total of rine-containing solution. 40 ml of 0.5% ropivacaine (200 mg). The pharmaco- kinetics was similar to a previous study of bilateral Transversus Abdominis Plane (TAP) block in parturi- CONCLUSION ents under general anesthesia [37]. The average time While no new local anesthetic agents have been to peak concentration (Tmax) was 35 min, and the recently introduced into clinical practice, there average peak plasma concentration (Cmax) was 1.82 has been a renaissance of older agents in spinal and 0.07 mg/ml for total and free ropivacaine, respec- anesthesia, especially given the increasing pro- tively. They noted that 12 patients had total plasma portion of day-case surgery performed worldwide. ropivacaine levels >2.2 mg/ml, and three of these The increased accuracy of peripheral nerve blockade patients had mild symptoms of CNS toxicity afforded by ultrasound guidance has permitted the (Cmax ranged from 2.6 to 3.2 mg/ml). exploration of smaller doses of local anesthetics Hessian et al. [38] measured venous concen- with the aim of improving safety while maintaining trations in 20 patients who received bilateral Trans- efficacy. At the same time, the current popularity of versus Abdominis Plane (TAP) (either large-volume fascial plane blocks means that local posterior or subcostal) for midline laparotomies. anesthetic dosing and the risk of LAST are still An initial total bolus of 40 ml of 0.375% or 0.5% important considerations for the regional anesthesi- ropivacaine was administered depending on ologist. whether body weight was less or more than 70 kg, followed by an infusion of 0.2% ropivacaine at Acknowledgements 0.1 ml/kg/h (maximum dose 7 ml/h) for 72 h. They Dr Ki Jinn Chin received funding for academic time from noted that total plasma concentrations rose gradu- Merit Awards from the Department of Anesthesia, Uni- ally for 48–72 h, whereas free plasma concentrations versity of Toronto. peaked at 24 h; this difference was attributed to an increase in plasma-binding proteins following Conflicts of interest surgical stress. The mean Cmax was 2.50–2.64 and There are no conflicts of interest. 0.070–0.078 mg/ml for total and free plasma ropiva- caine, respectively. Only one patient had symptoms of CNS toxicity; however, her C was within the REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED max READING mean toxic venous thresholds defined by Knudsen Papers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have (free and total ropivacaine 0.08 and 1.5 mg/ml, been highlighted as: & of special interest respectively). && of outstanding interest What these studies indicate is that there is tre- 1. Nair GS, Abrishami A, Lermitte J, Chung F. Systematic review of spinal mendous variability in plasma concentrations of anaesthesia using bupivacaine for ambulatory knee arthroscopy. Br J Anaesth ropivacaine following commonly used doses of ropi- 2009; 102:307–315. 2. Urmey WF. for outpatient surgery. 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