University of Windsor Scholarship at UWindsor Assumption College Purple & White Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive 1934 Purple and White: 1934 - 1935 Assumption College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Public History Commons Recommended Citation Assumption College, "Purple and White: 1934 - 1935" (1934). Assumption College Purple & White. 11. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Southwestern Ontario Digital Archive at Scholarship at UWindsor. It has been accepted for inclusion in Assumption College Purple & White by an authorized administrator of Scholarship at UWindsor. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. ,4 Welcome Welcome , I New New “ii-0.. .A i i - StUdents ‘ u"munImummmmmiiiuimumlIuimmumum-r meessms (1,,, 8:] ‘ . VOL 1 Assumption College. Sandwich, Ontario. October, 1934 No. l P. CONNIE M ACKVISITS NEW COURSES OFFERED ASSUMPTIQN AT ASSUMPTION 5 Students Gather in Gym to Hear Increased Enrollment is Result Hun S peak To enable all students to specialize in an O September 7, COlmiC MaCk camc to those branches of learning in which they / A ssumption, invited by Father Frank feel they have a special aptitude, a new \Valsh, Who is a friend 0f 1011?: Stalldingl arrangement has been put into operation Considering 'the numerous other invita— after considerable thought and investiga~ tion‘ For some months the committee ’ tions that Connie had received while in Detroit, his acceptance is mute evidence has been studying the best means of en- , , of their close friendship and the honor abling a new student to become accus- lfi » conferred upon the College.