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“A ¥toht of IlniirrotanMitg for All” FEBRUARY 1978 Issue 53 Next issue:Februaryl7th. Ad deadline: February 7th 25,000 Readers REAGAN OPPOSED TO THE BRIGGS INITIATIVE...... REAGAN GIVES HIS VIEWS ON ¿r THE BRIGGS ANTI-HOMOSEXUAL ^ TEACHER LEGISLATION AT SAN FRANCISCO PRESS CONFERENCE! Former Governor Ronald Reagan lashed out at State Senator John Briggs for his proposed legislation which would ban nomosexual teachers in California. The I press conference took place at the Com- w monwealth Club luncheon held at the ~ ^ Sheraton-Palace Hotel. . .-¿v SF EXAMINER writer Corrie M. Anders quoted Reagan in the January I9th issue of that paper, “Reagan commented on the effort by State Senator John Brings to pass an initiative that would restrict the rights of homosexuals to teach in toganTid'hc did not believe that RONALD REAGAN homosexuals should demand recognition of their private lives in the classrooms. But he added, that any attempt to ban homosexual teach­ ers is “going too far'’ because that would mean the government must piy into private lives.” Reagan’s stand vyas cheered by local gjy publican activists! “Jerry Brown is afraid to say what Reagan did! GAY NEWSPAPER RAIDED TORONTO CANADA: Freedom of the press does not apply to the BODY POLITIC a gay newspaper published in this Canadian city. On Toronto po^lice officers invaded the offices of the BODY POLITIC with warrants to seize corporate records, mailing lists, advertisements, advertisers, letters to the «“•“>'• Kenneth Popert and Edward Jackson was well as Ed Hannon were arrested on January 5th and charged with violations of Sections 159, and 164 of the Criminal Code of Canada, (prohibiting the use of the mails for the purpose of transmitting or delivermg anything indecent, immoral or scurrilous.”) Those arrested are corporation officers of Pink Triangle Press and Body Politic. u . i,;. Gerald Hannon, one of those arrested, is the center of controversy because of his arti­ cle, “Men Loving Boys Loving Men”. The article referred to a subject which is con­ sidered “taboo” ....pedophillia. A topic which sends the so-called proper gays climb­ ing walls and “selling out” other gays to the various police departments around the nttions of C&nada and the United States. ^ ^ \ -a *»i Hannon, in an interview in the GCN (Gay Community News - Boston) said I suPPos« that one can be expected to be pilloried for open discussion of the topic. But I insist without reservation on my right to discuss the topic. i-i- t Also in the GCN, Hannon charged that since his investigation of the lives of three men involved in affectional relationships with consenting boys has been the occassion ^ r criminal charges against myself and others, (it) is testimony to the fact that such a dis­ cussion is worth fSrther investigation.” It is Hanlon’s contention that ft charges and subsequent trial do nothing more than “demystify the topic of pedophillia, the article in question will have served the purpose for which it was designed. SAN FRANCISCO: The reaction to the raid on the Canadian newspaper has been one of almost near silence, and the reason being the fact that the gay leadership in this very uptight city, cannot cope politically or mentally with the reality of pedophillia. -There has been almost no outcry except from the editor of this publication...... The Reverend Raymond C. Broshears, staunch supporter of sex between conwnting persons...(not adults), was censured by several gay activists in this city when he propo sed a public demonstration against the Canadian government for this act. Rev. Kay said that “The real perverts in society and that goes for gay society too, are the ones who insist on regulating another person’s morals... telling thein *•’“* *''*" want to do what they are doing ....it is wrong, or it will give us (gays) a bad un«8e! “To all this I say, bull.....! If we don’t stand together during the boy-witch-hunts it will be the end of gay liberation in America and in Canada. It canriot be us »"u “them”' For if the so-called “proper” gays continue in this attitude, it o"|y *'*'P those who oppose gay liberation, for their whole scheme is to find ways to divide us THE SO N and P ick us off one by one....and this Body Politic thing is only the biginning. and PICK us o ^ by the SF Police Department’s “Queerbusters

JMJ in this issue ...... F e b r u a r y i9 7 8 Page 17....Review of Movie....“El Paso Wrecking Corp.” Page 16..... DAISY comes to the CRUSADER ^ X/ WKECKINO Page 7 ..... “The Queerbusters”....Vice Cops Rampage! pP Pages 12 & 15....The MOCKINGBIRD 1 & 2. ¥ Page 3 Tenderloin Murder Suspects in Jail. Jp COUP. Page 18..... SACRAMENTO NEWS with CONAN P Page 5....Fire Department says 330 Grove Gay Center unsafe! P^e 14....HERMAN for EMPRESS XIIl...read w h y voushould vote! Page 9....Helping Hand Awards / Bishop Pierce-Weeks Comments Page 11....FOLLOW SPOT...Carl Driver reviews plays. Page 13....Male Rape...Why? & REV. RAY BROSHEARS Coments. at the NOB HILL CINEMA 729 BUSH €>an STranriarn OlruHaùir ^an JPranrtaro (Cntaaitpr Gay Murder Suspects in Jail....

“TENDERLOIN HUSTLERS” MURDER SUSPECTS IN JULY 1977 DEATH OF GEORGE WAYNE ANDREWS, 44, APPREHENDED AT LONG LAST. One was taken into custody in New , a Joe Cotto, 27, THE STRANGER... who is fighting extradition to California at the moment. Another, Ray­ mond Beauchamp was arrested in Texas, brought to California and has already been arraigned on January 18th. The third of the three who were accused, John Lyle “Quicksilver” Davis, 23, is out on bail. He claims he did not know the other two were planning to kill Andrews, and that he only “drove the car”! THE FOREMAN... After the killing of Andrews, the three drove to the homes of other men whom one or more of them had tricked with in the past, and proceeded to rob them. One man said he did not open his door, and told the police he beleives that “saved my life!” Homicide Inspectors’, Earl Sanders and Rotea Gilford say they believe that the case they have against Cotto and Beauchamp is tight, now that “Quicksilver” Davis has turned state’s evidence for the prosecution. THE HUSBAND... George Andrews used to frequent the Old Crow and the Peter Pan in the Tenderloin of the city. The accused killers had beaten him over the head, then tied him up, and then strangled him to death is one of the most vic­ ious murders in “Tenderloin hustler” history. THE FATHER... S.F.P.D. vs. BATH HOUSE... The facts presented!

THE S O N ... *V CRUSADER REPORTER PRESENT AND > Hubert Humplireg 0 ^ I SAYS THAT ALL OTHER GAY PUBLICATIONS ' ^ IN SAN FRANCISCO TOLD ONLY PARTS OF THE GREAT AMERICAN...... HUBERT HUMPHREY, PASSES ON THE TRUTH AND LEFT OUT THE IMPORTA­ Hubert Humphrey has been a part of the American political life since NT PARTS! rnost of us can remember. His oratory enthralled a nation. His patrio­ Despite stories in the SENTINEL and B.A.R. neither of tism seldom matched. His concern for the civil rights of all American the two publications came close to telling the full story of people was one of great dedication. He was a real American. And to the so-called “raid” on the Liberty Baths on Post Street. The EXAMINER and CHRONICLE both printed far more the end, he expressed his concern over the communist tide in America. truth than either of the two other gay publications. Hubert Humphrey, United States Senator, Vice-President, and a good The SFPD Officer who led the “raid” is Officer Michael Christian, will be missed by all who shared his concern for America. B.J. Beckwith Lee. He for the past few weeks prior to his “attack” upon EDITOR the bath house, had made over 17 arrests at a peek-movie place on Polk Street, the Ben The passing of Senator Hubert Humphrey touched the lives of many San Francis­ Hur Book?store. Lee told an associate that he “knew what is happening in that place, cans and we have collected a few of the statements on his passing. and am going to bust it!” He allegedly got his information about the activity at the bath house from a gay person who knew the floor plan....and he was angry that he had “His voice will live on in the history of the civil rights movement. He spoke strong been busted at the “peek-house”, and reportedly told Lee about the baths. ...long....hard, and at times, alone. He will be remembered well.” Officer Lee told a lie when he said in his report that he had been into the Jack’s Baths ELMER WILHELM before going into Liberty ....the manager of Jack’s said he never^w any cops there. President, Minutemen Democratic Club Officer Lee, is openly anti-homosexual, and the campaign against gays by he and his “Hubert Humphrey was the greatest man I have ever known. To me, was all of the partner, have stepped up their arrests of gays on Polk Street. good things in American life. He WAS civil rights. Without Senator Hubert Hum­ The Polk Street Merchants group wanted more police to “clean up the street” ...and in phrey, the black person would still be “using the other door”! A Great loss for recent weeks, there has been far more police than necessary, after the “clean-up” was me personally. God bless him, and pray for America.” completed. But, this was the excuse for Lee to “manufacture crime” in a bath house! MRS’ SARA BLAGBURN, attorney B.J. Beckwith, the attorney for Liberty Baths in this particular case, said that President, Cable Car Republican Club the reports that charges had been dismissed against all three was false. That only the “Our finest statesman! He was America! His voice, his smile, and his energy were charges against the German citizen had been dismissed, and that on January 23rd, the seldom matched. His love and concern for all of America’s citizens has seldom other two arrested would be in court. . The group on Grove Street meddled in the affair, by calling a meeting of all the bath ever been matched. America shall miss him. We have lost a friend.” houses in the city, and only three showed up. The meeting was with Giief of Police BJ. BECKWITH,attorney Charles Gain and has assistants. At that meeting, the attorney for Liberty in this case, Associate Member, BJ. Beckwith, domiiuted the meeting and kept it strictly on the subject at hand. Thus Republican State Central Committe of California the meeting ended up as a plus mark for all of gay San Francisco, but no thanks to the “He was a very great statesman. He will be missed by us all. When Hubert Hump­ meddlers at 330 Grove Street. hrey spoke, his voice was always one of hope, for a better tomorrow! I often have The Polk-Nob HUl Nei^borhood Association and the Teddy Roosevelt Republican Club wondered how America would be today had we had the good sense to have elected has requested that any anti-gay officers assisnged to the Northern Station be removed him president in I960!” from the Polk-Tenderloin “beats” and assigned to the Marina or FQlmore “beats”! ROY HARNETIAUX The letters were sent to Chief of Police diaries R. Gain, who was very unhappy over FRED RICHARD Teddy Roosevelt Republican Gub of San Francisco die action of Officer Michael Lee most all agree! Chief Assbtant District Attorney Daniel Weinstein is to be commended upon his swift “ America has lost a great statesman, and gay people have lost the first United action after his early momign meeting with attorney BJ. Beckwith, just after the busts. HALSTED LOCKE States Senator to ever come out for gay rii^ts. We have lost a dear friend and a Liberty Baths is to be commened for their community minded action in the matter and champion!” NICOLE MURRAY for assuming all costs of the cases....baO, attorney fees. President, Teddy Roosevelt Republican Club/SanDiego Liberty Bath personnel acted swifdv and calmly during the arrests, and had the good starring and judgement to call the HELP LINE tor assistance! They too are to be commended for their level headed response to the actions of SFPD Officer Michael Lee. FRED HALSTED • RICHARD LOCKE Mike Morris And from San Clemente, former President Ridiard Nixon had these words to say BRUCE GRAVES about Seiutor Hubert Humphrey: “Hubert Humphrey was a dedicated patriot, a Jared Benson • Guillermo Ricardo • Clay Russell • Lou Davis • Steve King decent and honorable man and one whose person^ friendship I deeply charished.” “To an extent that few others in the political arena ever had, he commanded the Aaron Taylor • Robert Snowden • Keith Anthoni • Ken Brown • Rob Carter genuine respect and affection of his political opponents and allies alike.” “Mrs. SENATE BILL 1437 IS DEADLY! Nixon joins me in extending our deepest sympathy to Muriel and to his famfly, & WATERED DOWN VERSION OF SENATE BILL 1.....SEEMS CLOSE TO PASS­ together we join with all the many others who were privileged to know him in sa­ ING...... UNLESS YOU WRITE TO YOUR U.S. SENATORS! Stan Braddock • Georgina Spelvin as Billie & The Wrecking Corps. luting the memory of one who was truly, in the fullest sense, a great and Good.... man!” In 1976 the notorious Senate Billl was “killed” in committee. In 1977, Senate Bill written/directed by produced by music by COLOR and 1437, all but ignored, is moving towards passage, yet is little more than a watered down version of Senate Bill 1. JOE GAGE SAM GAGE AL STEINMAN bUhnuiir^iHiKiJiirito This Bill would make changes in the Federal Criminal Code....some good, but many are very dangerous, even deadly, to our civil liberties and right to privacy. Supervisor Letche“shys” away If S-I437 passes and becomes law, you or your friends or any other citizen could be ARRESTED and PROSECUTED by the Federal Government for any of the following from word “homosexual”! activities. LEAFLETTING: to protest any government regulation you feel is unjust or harmful. Supervisor Harvey Letche (Milk in Spanish) “shyed” away from the word “homosex­ ual” in his first weeks on the Board of Supervisor. The term“gay” applies to a state BEING PRESENT AT A CERTAIN TYPE OF MEETING which might decide to try to block co'nstruction of an interstate Ifederal) highway through a park....(the charge? consciousness, and Milk evidently never learned it, according to one source, as he mi­ Criminal Conspiracy!) suses it constantly in his tirades before committee hearings at the Board meetings. GOING OUT ON A STRIKE WHICH IS EFFECTIVE in causing economic los.\ to an Milk, the first avowed honiosexual/gay to be elected in San Francisco, made many employer, but which the federal government rules in not a “bona fide labor dispute” enemies during his first two weeks of office with his “peck’s bad boy” behavior. As PICKETING what you consider to be unfair or illegal court actions or legi.slalive hearing well, he caused alarm amongst the concerned taxpayers in the city with some of his utterances which bordered on the Marxist side of things Milk is an avowed supportet MAKING ATALSE STATEMENT (not under oath or as a part of a judicial proceeding to any Internal Revenue Service investigator. Customs official, or any federal THE NOB mil of abortion (“murder” some call it). employee conducting an investigation. As well, he and Supervisor Carol Silver demanded to hold their Community Services As a newspaper reporter, refusing to disclose your confidential sources of information. 729 Bush 7819468 Committee hearings at night, where some say, they hope to “play to the media” and to “radicalize” the city via these hearings which are sure to be filled with their ultra- These are but a few of the items in S-1437 while would or could place you in jail for standing up for your individual rights. Write to your U.S. Senators now! Hayakawa or leftist supporters. Cranston. / .1 Already, rumors of “recall” are being heard in the Sth District, from taxpayers there.

I I ^an jíratirtarn (ttruaaîipr ^aii jírattf taro (Entaaápr EXPOSED! 330 Grove is UNSAFE p yours?” FIRE DEPARTMENT REFUSES PERMIT! POUTIX SEX ORGY & GAMBLING AT THE m ik e HENDERSON TO RUN FOR PRIDE FOUNDATION CENTER, STATE ASSEMBLY IN 17 th District. MIKE HENDERSON, popular young INVESTIGATION REVEALS ALL! Republican activist, who is pro-gay rights (At least enough to tell anyone that y...hu announced that he is a candidate tor the 17 th Assembly District seat that the 330 Grove Street facility is about IS currently held by the do-nothing Ass­ to fall....either to the wrecker’s ball, emblyman Willie Brown. While taxes increase and unemployment or to the Fire Department!) drastically in the 17 th District, “NIGHT FLIGHT” was the name of the Willie Brown is off playing national poli­ tical wouId-be-Ieader, orgy and gambling affair held at the Pride MIKE HENDERSON has already been Foundation’s Gay Center. The affab had endorsed by a host of people and he was originally been billed as a closed private EUROPE IN DANGER OF COMMUNIST TAKEOVER AS REDS affab, as Paul D. Hardman had leased out CLUB as well. MAKE HUGE GAINS! FUTURE OF NATO IN JEAPORDY! the Center to this “private group” whom member of the CABLE CAR “no one knows”! REPUBLICAN CLUB; Associate Mem- Eurocommunism” is sweeping across Europe, as Italy is crumbling and The group used all four floors of the old ter of fte Republican County Central falling into the hands of the God-less Marxist forces via the ballot boxes. condemned building, and had lavishly had Committee; and Member of the State Central Committee. France is in as great jeapordy as the Socialists and Communists join forces the place decorated for the one night of a YOU LL LIKE MIKE!** Especially if to oust the democratic government. real “Sodom & Gomorrah!’”! you want a real Assemblyman for the Pride Foundation president Paul Hardman 17 th District! Just last week, the 49th government since World War II in Italy fell, as the Communist in that strife torn county took advantage of the situation by said that “they only made $1.600.00” at •****«•*•• calling for new elections. least this is what he said. But, the group which put on the affair, were selling tickets CABLE CAR REPUBLICAN CLUB The Vatican meanwhile remains silent as they did when Hitler and his for­ at $10.00 a piece and well over 2,500 peo­ ELECTS NEW PRESIDENT. ces of facism swept across Europe, giving rise to the rumors that the Pope ple attended, and that would make it well has made a “deal” with Communist leaders. One part of the deal was to At the January 18 th meeting of the Cab­ over $20.000.00 in ticket sales alone. But, le Car Republican Club, Mr. Paul Lang- pressure President Jimmy Carter to return the Crown of St. Stephen to still Hardman maintains he knows nothing ^ n , was elected president for this year. the communist government of Hungry. The Carter administration does and that Pride did not check the number Charles Blagburn was elected 1 st Vice- of people that came in the door. President. Mrs. Louis Dickey was re-elec admit that the Vatican did intercede on behalf of the Communists. ted Treasurer. GREATEST AMOUNT OF COMMUNIST SPIES IN THE UNITED Hardman when told by one person that he At the meeting, ST* FRANCISCO RE­ nor Pride had an Public Assembly Permit PUBLICAN CLUB president, and former STATES IN OUR HISTORY...... The F.B.I. and the Attorney General re­ for the 330 Grove Street facility, he Just candidatecanaiaate fortor Supervisor in District 22, leased ivaavu a statement^iaicrnicjn saying that never oeiorebefore in methe nisioryhistory 01of our nation hihas changed the subject. LESTER O'SHEA spoke and administered] thereA been Aas M many «A M a communist - - * _ ^ Russian spies • • in our nation .• as January w of .. tne oath of office to the new officers. 1078 ■' Hardman did tell one person that the Board 1978. of Permits Appeals (a political body, not toO' Red-sympathizers denounced the government for releasing this informa­ concerned with public safety, if this deci­ tion, ^ying that it was “McCarthyism”, yet the facts do remain, Europe sion is any indication), ordered the Public ART AGNOS HIRES CONTROVERSI­ Works Department and the Fire Department AL LESBIAN FIRED BY GOVERNOR is falling into communist hands, Cuba is in communist hands and the Pana­ BROWN! ma is under a communist dictator now. to issue Pride an Assembly Permit. But the Dr. Josette Mondanaro former head of Locally, in San Francisco, the Teddy Roosevelt Republican Club has sent Public Works and Fire Departments refused California*s drug abuse programs was to break the law which is made to protect hired at $300 per month by Asaembly- communications to various legislators asking for an investigation into the people in the event of a fire, by granting a man Art Agnos of the 16 th District as growing red tide in the Bay Area and supporting the Attorney General’s his **aide**! Insiders consider it one of concern. permit to Pride/330 Grove Street, as the the most blatant “vote-courting'* acts on building is so obiously unsafe and has been the p u t of any politician, as Agnos is The gay Republican Club pointed out that there is a growing acceptance condemned. courting the lesbian women vote. He is within certain sectors of the gay liberation movement of socialist commu­ The Permit Appeals Board, had in fact told a candidate for re-election and will be nism, pointing out the meetings of Red Flag Union of the Marxist Revo­ opposed by ANDREW BETTANCOURT the Public Works Department to make that and possibly Dwight Trira who are oppo lutionary Spartacist League, as well as the communist Socialist Workers Permit for ONE THOUSAND people on the -sing one another in the GOP Primary. Party’s growing influence in San Francisco’s gay community as well as in main floor.....and anyone who has been in It is highly reported that a gay Democrat New York City. the building will tell you that 1,000 people will oppose Agnos in his Primary. Several well known “gay leaders” have publically stated they are members there would not be very wise. But on the of the communist Socialist Workers Party and of the Spartacist League, night of “Night Flight” orgy, there were hundreds and thousands of people on all the MINUTEMEN DEMOCRATSS ELECT and some are active in groups such as the Gay Freedom Day Parade Com­ floors. NEW OFFICERS...... Elmer Wilhelm was mittee, B.A.G.L., and the Coalition for Human Rights. Gambling and sexual orgies in a building un­ officially elected president of this gay The gay G.O.Pers pointed out that gays are not acceptable in Marxist Democrat Club, after having served in safe....and by a group which allegedly is the that capacity so often as the previous nations such as Cuba, Russia, Hungary, China, and Poland to name but a caretaker of this psuedo gay center, needs a presidents have failed to fulfill the full few, and that it is never in the best interests of gaypeople to join in with great deal of explanation. Mr. Hardman duties of their office. (See stoiw and pic­ the socialists and/or communists, as they are one in the same. They also is always ready with an answer, he is very ture of Elmer on page IS.) Others elect­ ed were Vice-President - Bill M ay; Henny denounced those leftists for their “smear” campaigns of gay patriots. slick, but, the fact remains, the Fire Depart­ Pumar - Treasurer; and Dan 0*Connor, ment has NEVER said the building is safe, Secretary. WARNING: “THAT “COLLAR” MAY nor has the Department of Public Works. NOT BE REAL!” Pride obviously shows little concern for the by Bishop Donald Pierce-Weeks well-being of their fellow gay sisters and brothers or else they would not endanger ANNUAL GOP “LINCOLN DAY DIN­ As a bishop of the Old Roman Catholic NER" TO BE HELD FEBRUARY 11 th Church and administrator of the Oratory their lives by having any kind of function in that building with more than 50 people in The Jack Tar Hotel is the site of the big of St. John Francis Regis, SamFrancisco, I GOP fund raiser here in San Francisco, would like to call attention tp a group of it. as the Republican Coun^ Central Com­ persons calling themselves “old catholics” But, who are these “Night Flight” people... mittee will have Republican Congress­ here in San Francisco. what happened to the money? It is time the man PETE McCLOSKEY as the guest I refer to a group of men and women...... proper agencies act according to the law...... Breaker. Cost is $ 13 per person and is operating out of the Golden Gate Anger­ RSVP. See ad on page 7 for more de­ shut doivn 330 Grove as a danger to public ing on Leavenworth Street (200 bloA). safety until such time it is given full clearan­ tails. They are connected with a group of so-call­ ed Old Roman Catholics of Long Beach, ce by the Department of Public Works and with a man who is **presiding bishop” by by the Fire Department It is expected KEN MADDY GAINS IN BID FOR the name of Paul Ira French, who also that Mr. Paul Hardman will be called to acc­ GOVERNOR...... Assemblyman Ken Ma- ddy of Fresno has begun a statewide claims to be the “pope in exile” and the ount for his failure to inform people using campaign for Governor. His signs have “transit pope’*. The only person who can the place that it does not have Fire Depart­ been popping up all over the State. lay claim to the title of “pope” is the Bish­ ment public safety OK! If you wish hirther information on KEN op of Rome. HERMAN Just as we were going to press, we learned of MADDY and his stand on gay issues, There are only two Old Roman Catholic other problems, such as “passing funds” in please contact. Rev. Ray Broidiears, who Bishops in San Francisco...... Lb handling that for the Maddy Campaign the Pride Foundation, something which we here in San Francisco. All letters or calU Bishop Mark Robert King the pastor of St. will go into in depth in the next issue. to his office are referred to us here. Justin’s on Bush Street and myself. Meanwhile, support your own safety by not (415)67a-)U4. The Old is represented by Archbishop Joseph M. McCormack. The using the Pride Center until such tiine it is Orthodox Old Roman Catholic Church is declared safe by the Fire Department. represented by Bishop Raymond Bro^ears. At thb time, only groups such as MCC and Any other persona claiming to be bishops the Council of Emperors are using the facili­ of the Old Roman Catholic/Old Catholic ties, outside of Pride and their radical les Church are not associated with the long es­ and a theater group. Most responsible Photo by ROYCE LAY tablished San Francisco groups and do not groups who are deeply concerned about have the same rights and privileges accorded me safety of the citizens have refused to our Churches. Nor do they enjoy federal tax exemption as do our churches which do uae it thus far. This include the T avm hold regular church services as requbed by (Juild, to name but one of many. Church Canon. 330 Grove has never been very popular. ^an iíraitrt0rn (Entßaiipr ÍFranriaro (Entaaöpr ^ Police/Vice Unit"Witch-hunt”...... Attention, Editor; Inclosed please find my response to your Survey. While it is true I consider it an honor to be placed on “Mockingbird’s” ^ y s ” are 'Excuse” for arrests by Enemies List...it is equally true I did not— DID NOT—attend the Republican Lunch­ eon of 8 December 19 7 7 , as you erroneo­ usly — and I think, viciously, reported. In fact, upon receipt of the Invitation to Captain Eimih "Queerbusters” ! that affair, I returned same to the sponsor ing committee of said event, with the no­ tation that I considered it an insult to be VICE SQUAD CHIEF, ‘‘CAPTAIN” EIMIL& AIDES, LT. PHILPOTT, INSPECTOR ART “DOORBUSTER’’ invited to any function which would be GARRENS..... ON ANITA-RAGE BOY’S RAIDS OF GAYS IN SAN FRANCISCO...... 49 ARRESTED IN NINE attended by Ed Davis (former Chief of HERMAN Police • Los Angeles), a man whose RAIDS, THE OVERWHELMING MAJORITY OF WHOM ARE OVER 18, AND 907. OVER 16; THREE OF oratorical utterances are just about as VICE SQUAD MEMBERS OF THE RADICAL RIGHT WING “KRISTIAN KOOKS’’ CALLED' “COPS FOR sick as those of the editor of the CRUSA­ CHRIST ” WHICH HAVE VOWED TO RUN GAYS OUT OF SAN FRANCISCO! DER. I would appreciate not only a retraction, Since homophobe sinpr Anita B^ant began tj,e son. The matter is under investigation Raymond Broshears, pastor of Christ Chapel but an accurate reflection of my senti­ her campaign against homose.xuals, police possible lawsuits against the dirtv min- of the Orthodox Episcopal Church of God. ments in the next issue. across the nation have taken up her cau^....^ops (for Christers). “Gerrans and Eimil have tried to set me up With due consideration, the San Francisco Police Department's in­ Confidential sources inside the Police Depar for one of these busts, for some of the kids THOMAS M. EDWARDS famous “Cops For Christ” is one of the best -tment have told the CRUSADER that this who hustle on the street told me that the know groups. EDITORS RESPONSE: Dear Mr. Edwards.... “is only the begining”. He went on to say cops who questioned them tried to get them We heve elwere tried to be polite end conrcet in Inspector Art Gerrans who was always kno­ that when talking with Gerrans and “anoth­ to say they had sex with me, as well as sever­ deellng w ith e person of your difficult pereoneli- wn for kicking in doors when he was the al other well known “names” in the gay com ty. Agein« we heve shown oxur feimess by print* er cop” they said they have a list “as long ing your communleetion to us. We do epprecie* “tough guy” in the old corrupt Narc Unit... as their arm” that they intend to see all on munity. Those asses over at Pride or SOHR te eny corrections on mietekcs. is a member of the Cops For Christ and is it, busted. don't care about anything but their phony UNDER ARREST? CALL US! Sir, the informetioD wes given to us by the CR- the leading figure in the “Queerbusters” as We are here to help you find an ER founder, who I ein eshemed to sey, wes epol* Gerrans allegedly told the source that this respectablity, but let me tell you now...... attorney and release from jail or with nted by myself to the Republlcen SUte Centrel the unit is known around the Hall of Justice "is the only way we can destroy the gays this is only the begining...for if they are allo­ Committee es wes his lover Don Jemes end they nowadays. wed to continue, it will only be a matter of your legal problems. Referrals! fai turn both hooked up with you end your devi* in San Francisco!” “God never intended ous weys end **stebbed me in the beck** which is Lt. Philpott, who used to be in Police Com­ for those fags to be running our city”. The time before they grab off some well known e typicel treit of redicel right wing Republicens munity Relations, and is using confidential source said Gerrans was referring to Super­ gay politicians and lawyers as well as some such es you ell in CRIR most essuredly eppeer files of retimed Sgt. Elliott Blackstone in visor Harvi^ Milk. of the so-called respectables overat Pride 771-3366 to be. Tom Isenberg, the men of whom I sm speeking, wes in his tiny little book store which [pcuiŒ ficxsauâaæ p their efforts to “set up” various gays for the Another recent arrest in which NO under and MCC.” “We cannot turn our backs on hes nezl books, etc., in it, end his spokesmen alleged “boy” sex acts. wes Dr. Lowell, who while leenberg set there in[ ‘unB'OTCC0S7 (ioaas age 18 boys were involved took place on a person Just because the police SAY they silent egreement told me thet you were one of Lt. Philpott has been charged by some gays Sutter Street. The police.who “forced” a are involved in child sex!” the perty ettending by the CRIR. Isenberg seid as being one of the “kookier cops” on the Many of these kids” he went on to say, “are thet **I protested by not stending up or eppleud* “witness” according to our sources, to say I ing when Chief D ei^ cerne into the room**! Sir, Police force. His phobia (fear) of homosex- the man was having sex with minors and more aware of sex than most of us are at by peying your money to en effeir such es thet ; uals goes way back to when he was in Police with under age boys, (minor 18-21), as well 40-t-, and as well, some of them have Califom some of which went into Ed Devis*s cempeJgn cofférs, the CRIR leeder^ip geve defector sup­ Community Relations. as allowing prostitution in his apartment.... -ia Drivers License which say they are 18+ port to Chief of Police (Form er) Ed Devis! You lock, li-1 Icrttio Several weeks back the “queerbusters” with- say that this is a “major” key is a string of and they look it too.” “Those gay pious ere to be eppleuded for not ettending which is naore then I cen sey for the leedership of the do 4 k -h-^4U,4k out a court order, went into the home of a arrests to be made. hypocrites had just better remember what CRIR end their new **sitger deddy** Dwight iivCar-ha «^ole -truik anj man and his son in downtown San Francisco 90% of the youths arrested are over tha age Pastor, Marlin Neimoller said in nazi Ger­ Tripp! So, we sincerely epologize for seying ^ d the father was not in, so Inspector Art of 16 and were involved for several months you were there end you should get some truth t e l l t k many, “First they came for the communist, out of your CRIR leadership. They ere not ...... Gerrans arrested the 11 year old step-son. of their own free will, in prostitution....as and I said nothing because I was not a com­ GAY in eny sense of the word, but s bunch of He took him to the Hall of Justice...there, munist. Then they came for the Jews and I closet queens. They heve refused to identify the they were runaways frorn home because the themselves es gey st various Republican functio- Gerrans and his fellow “queerbusters” tried parents would not accept their homosexual­ said nothing, because I was not a Jew, then I ns, which is something I cannot sey about you. 3na to make the 11 year old youth say that he ity. they came for the tradesunionmen, and 1 I Good luck in your efforts tujring liberal, es noted was having sex with his father. They also I in your **colunm** in that **other** paper which I'ctki.vi COWARDLY GAY LEADERS.....Those said nothing, for 1 was not of them either. I is printed by a non-union press. asked the names, addresses and phone num­ gays being arrested in this “witch-hunt” by And finally, when they came for me, there EDITOR bers of friends of the boys' father. The t f u l k , the SFPD “Queerbusters” are being thrown was no one to cry out to....I am guilty of the father is an admitted bi-sexual, and Gerrans to the “dogs” to to speak of, for these so- sin of silence!” and Philpott, with what would appear to be Dear Editor: called proper gays don’t want the taint of “The raids by the police in Boston and in very wraped and dirty minds, tried to say Sex with minors to touch their precious Toronto Canada should convince the gays in Enclosed please find my answers to the they boy was having sex with his father.... groups, meaning the Pride Foundation and our city that not even they are safe.... but j Survey in the last issue of the CRUSADER which was totally untrue .and I want to say that of all the gay Save Our Human Rights, and Bay Area Gay then, we do have a bunch of prissy holier I papers in the city, the CRUSADER is the Still without court orders...they took the Liberation. MCC the gay church, also re­ than thou gay “leaders”! broadest publication. You have more real boy to the General Hospital and had him fused to stand up for the gays being perse­ The rank and file of the gay community are news than all of the others combined. It physically examined, and the examination cuted by the “Queerbusters” either. urged to speak out now, while there is still is a pleasure to read your paper. I do app- proved that nothing was wrong. Meanwhile, while the Queerbusters contin- time to halt the queer busters.... tomorrow i reciate the articles about religion, as well (Still, Gerrans and Philpott were not satisfied ue on unabated, it could be you who is set up by the Queer­ as the ones on politics. REPUBLICAN COUNTY CENTRAL COMMITTEE....presents.... and took the boy to Juvinile Hall, where DENOUNCES “QUEERBUSTERS” AND busters of Captain Eimil and Insp. Gerrans. MR Yours is the only paper which gives an in* they continued to threaten . the boy and SOCALLED GAY LEADERSHIP! If you are concerned and want to help halt depth service to the readers. scare him with threats of jail terms if he “At the expense of my own safety, I am say- the “queerbusters” join in with us who are I am employed by the San Francisco Poli­ I LINCOLN did not confess that he and his fatherwere ing that the “queerbusters” in the SFPD aie concerned and not about our reputations.... HARRY ce Department, and I want you to know that I see your paper being read all over having sex. This went on until the lawyer nothing more than vile pigs, in the same cali- but about the wellbeing of our brothers and the station just after it is out. I don't kno- DAY for the father acted the matter after they her as Anita Bryant, John Briggs, Ed Davis, sisters, by calling, 771-3366 NOW! J*- w how it gets here, but alot of the men had finally found out what happened to and a few others of their ilk”, said the Rev. □ □ a □ □ □ □ » I are in agreement with much of your paper 4- DINNER PRESENTS Please keep up the good word, and keep 4 4- $10 per ^ O - v on crusading for honesty and justice as 4^ year...... 4 4- I well as law and order. 4 January thru Jan. FEBRUARY 4 Baltimore Cops 4- San Franciscos NAME WITH HELD BY 4 SUPPORT THE TRRC 4 Boston Police Arrests 4 REQUEST. 11th 4 4 SAN FRANCISCO & 4 EDITORS RESPONSE: I appreciate your ana- 4 4 CALIFORNIA'S ACTIVIST wering the Survey and the later telephone call ini\nita-rage” ! 4 4 GAY REPUBLICAN GROUP. from you. It is true, our paper doei not cater 4 4 GAV GOURMETS to the sicko bleeding-heart-liberaU in town. We JACK TAR 4 Gay Republicans have a club they can are trying to inform the public as to what it hap­ 4 24 Men in"Boy-Witch HOTEL 4 The BALTIMORE GAY ALLIANCE infor­ 4 call their own at last. The Teddy Club pening. Our ftandt on law and order are not too 4 well liked by various gay busineia people who 4 ms us that the Baltimore Police have gone 4 is America's 1st Gay Republican Club. have something to hide. We defend the good 4c PM 4 on an “Anita-rage” against gays, with the 1978 is a REPUBLICAN YEAR...... honeit gay people and we uncover and expose to 4 'COOKBOOK all the wrong doings of othdta. Too many gays 4 highest amount of arrests of gays in recent help us elect Assemblyman KEN 4 have fa lle n in to th e **trap** o f believing t h a t lu st sp e a k e r. 4 years being recorded. Hunt!” 4 MADDY , Governor this year. Help because they are homosexuals they can mask all 4 the gay leaders, but not those who are in wrong doings and hide behind gay liberation. 4 Also, the Baltimore Police have arrested BOSTON: The GCN (Gay Community 4 us Stamp Out Brown (SOB)! With Ken The gay buaineu exploiters will ail meet their o n g re ssm a n the know about her real trip. 4 one man in an alleged boy-sex case and is News) reports that the Boise-Committee of leading the GOP ticket, we will have day in court, and we shall be there to report it. investigating several others. Boston has had success in breaking up the State Represenatfve Barney Frank, a long 4 more than a Democratic Party Brown­ COMIIMG God never intended for His people to ignore the­ PETE 4 ir fellowman. We are our brother*! keeper. We The Baltimore GAY ALLIANCE switch­ Boy sex ring hotline” of the Suffolk Coun time friend of the gay community came to 4 out...we will black 'em out! have a responaibiUty to one another. And, if we McCLOSKEY board is operating 24 hours to help any w()o ty District Attorney’s Office. the defense of the Boston-Boise Committee 4 The Teddy Roosevelt Republican WITH LOTSSA don't police oursetvea,....the police will do it for 4 4 us and then it is always the little guy who gets 4 are arrested. „ The “hotline” resulted in the arrrests of and demanded the “hotline” be dropped. 4 Club meets once a month. You do hurt. Thanks for your kind words! 4 ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 24 men in a so-called ring, in which the Bo­ Tom Reeves of the Boston-Boise Commi­ 4 not have to attend to be a paid in full THOUGHT, EDITOR 4 ttee made statements regarding boy-love 4 $13.00 4 ston Globe and other media sensationalized 4 member. Membership cards will be 4 the arrests. which infuriated the so-called established 4 mailed out in February. RSVP 4 John Ward, attorney for the Boise Commi­ gay leaders of Boston. 4 EDITOR: $9.00 Seniors A 4 Name;______S tu d e n ts Seattle Fuzz& ttee said that the shut-down of the phone He recently wrote an article in the GCN on 4 Did you know that the Sutro Baths was 4 4 busted for haying a 16 year old girl in it? 1 line was a “victory in that we forced the boy-love. In it he points out that relation­ Address;______Well, if not, I m telling you now...it is a ENTERTAINMENT 4 ships between boys and men can be both 4 ^ tte r of police record. I am writing this office of the district attorney to publicly 4 City:_____ sute: to let your readers know that I was there DiscomanBust state that the hotline be dropped .... We beneficial and sexual. 4 To Benefit Operation Concern, ard You and it IS NOT a gay bath house. Please No Holt CocktaUi Reeves stated that gay teenagers have spe- ZIP. . Phone: 6 - 7 PM voluntarily dismissed our injunctive effort I do not list them in your paper if you are After an article entitled “Lives of Boy Hus­ against the ‘hotline’ but retained the option cial needs which are being ignored by the Sky minded! tlers” appeared in the Seattle POST INTEL­ If Mail to: Teddy Roosevelt Republican KEN to bring it again.” gay community in ' general. ' 4 Club. P.O. BoxlSlS, San D ear K e n ? LIGENCER the Seattle Police placed Lesbian Elaine Noble who is a member of DIGNITY of Boston gave limited support Francisco, California 94191 Yes, we know of the arrest of the 16 year old Send to: RepubUcen County young men on the streets to pose as hustler and her two partners who were not much old­ Central Conunlttee the Massachuetts House of Represenatives to the efforts of the Boise Committee in types in an effort to collect names of men j Our phone number If you wish m an er. We have NEVER listed Sutro as being gay 62S Market Street, said that he did not approve of the Boise their efforts to bring about justice in the even tho the on paper owner is alleged to be so S u ite 2 0 5 in Seattle who are “buyers” of young men cases of the 24 men thus far arrested. ^ information is(41S) 973-SI94...... but, with a mixture of people like they San Franelaco. Committee and urged gays to phone into - have, we would never say ao, and we do not en for sex. The attitude of most other gay groups in 4 Governor CalUomU 94105 the State Attorney General’s office any in­ KEN MADDY courage gays to go there ever. Right now neig­ Also, the owner of the ASSOCIATION, a formation they had regarding any sex with die city has been to “keep away” and to if MIKE CURB • Lt. Governor hbors are complaing of the noiae(muaie) from V \982-1532 for information. gay disco, was arrested and convicted in the place late at night. Yes, we KNOW ALL boys cases. Her action shocked some of ignore the Boise Committee’s defense work 4 ABOUT Sutro “Baths**! , December in a “pimping” of boys case. A***-**«*«** 9r EDITOR 8 ^an ÎFranrtaro Qlritaaìif r fenjffrattrtarn (Eritaaiipr tern of things is based on “get what you can and enjoy while you can at the expense of others.” We have become civilized and with a .social HELP! S ia l; a p HELPING HAND AWARDS life next to nothing. But with this great dev­ MONEY NEEDED TO elopment of civilization, we have de-Humani- CONTINUE SERVICES TO zed ourselves.....we have become un-natural ELDERLY AND TO POOR Ì9ottalìi Pierre to the ways of nature. What is the plan? The answer is think natu­ GAYS! Heeka ral....then eat natural! Helping Hands Services which With deep interest I have been reading the BISHOP PIERCE-WEEKS This would be the way to start your total puts on the monthly luncheons past articles in the CRUSADER regarding Today, there are several who lay claims health program. The most important part for the elderly is in need of mon­ the . The first article, as the head of the Old Catholic and Old is to actively think about how healthy you ey and lots of it. Supplies have “ Will The True Bishop Please Stand Up” Roman Catholic Church in the United want to be and how you will accomplish th­ is what I shaH write about in this my first States. With over two-hundred bishops is goal. There is logic used when it comes ran down to all time lows. column for the SAN FRANCISCO CRU­ it would be hard to select the true Nolurol to having good health. One must eat good SADER. We do not get any of the money successor of either Vilatte or Carfora. clean raw vegetables, fruits, grains, and to people say they give to us when The first Old Catholics settled in the Unit­ As stated, Lloyd took over the leader­ drink pure water. they give it to “Tenderloin Tessie ed States around 1880 at Duval, Wisconsin ship of the Church at the retirement of You all probably have heard that many timet ....and in 1884 there were 40 families who Bishop Vilatte. He was succeeded by Thing “what you eat is what you are” , but it even .... where that money goes we arc approched the Episcopal Bishop of Fond- Bisho Daniel Hinton who was succeeded gets more accurate to say “you are what you not sure of....but, we know this, Gay-health Column du-Lac to provide assistance in obtaining a by Bishop Francis Wilkie (currently liv­ assimulate.” What this mean is that because it does not come to us.... so when priest. They selected Rene Villatte, a for­ ing in New York City) however as pre­ you have polluted your body for so many you give money for luncheons mer Christian Brother who had been active viously stated...... there are other bishops Prolongation of life is not a m yth...... it as years, without proper cleaning, your diges­ in missionary work amongst the Old Cath­ consecrated who claim to be the appoint is a person who gives no care about his body tive system, it does not break down your for the old folks, always ask, are an experience that we all can enjoy with and what goes into it and he is a lost soul olics. Bishop John Brown, Episcopal Bish­ ed successor and head of the Old Catho­ vigor.lt takes a little love in your heart for food enough to gain total benefit of your in­ they for the Helping Hands old op of the region corresponded with Bishop lic Church in the United States. that can find no purpose in life but to pay take. which means you are nutritionally star­ folks or Tessie’s ones out in the your own well being....that is not being self­ taxes and die...... he/she is a person who is Herzog of the Old Catholic Church of Bre- Bishop Carfora also died without appoin­ ish, that’s giving a new happier healthier and ved wich leads to an eventual breakdown of Mission district. ne. A date was set and Rene Vilatte was dying to life , but living to die! one of the body functions giving you every­ ting a successor. Father Gerard G. Shel­ more concern to your loved ones, and hope You can change this state ..... you can have Our luncheons began in 1968, ordained priest on June 6, 1885 at Brene. ley was elected successor of Carfora in for others that they too can live a long and thing from a runny nose, to a heart attack, He returned to Wisconsin to work among a happy healthy purposeful life with people from warts to cancer...... ! and have been continuing ever 1958 and consecrated by the Vicar-Gen­ healthy life. who care about and for each other. his Old Catholic flock. Soon, missions we­ To make sure your body can assimulate since. For a time we held athem eral, Bishop Richard Marchenna. Upon It is a difficult task some may feel, but isn't I want to live a good life with people who re established in Green Bay, Little Sturgen the death of Archbishop Bernard William a longer and healthier life worth it? are earnest in their thoughts and goals and properly, you must clean your body and at SIR, and then back to 26 -7th and Gardner Wisconsin. one of the best ways is to fast...... not a Six years after the ordination Vilatte, the -s, the successor of Archbishop Arnold I have to say it is much more senseless wast­ for a better tomorrow .....and a life giving Street, the Christ Chapel/Ortho- Matthew of Caer Glow, Bishop Shelley ing your life in front of the “boob tube” or juice fast.....but a total water fast. flock of Old Catholics elected Rene Vilatte today, and that I am sure is no bore. Start slow, like one day a week, and work dox Episcopal Church of God. was elected third Archbishop of Caer perching yourself on a bar stool drinking Some people find perfection boring or unin­ as their Bishop, and as there was need for up to seven days for four times a year. Our next one is February 14th, confirmation and other episcopal sacrame­ Glow and appointed the head of the va­ your sorrows .somewhere forgetting about teresting or may argue “whats perfection?’ rious Old Roman Catholic bodies in the the ones who care about you never establish­ Then work to clean out the lower bowels Valentine’s Day. nts. Due to interference by the bishop of It is for those who «ek the ultimate life to .\:';Dr rohn Christophe; hara g^^ Fond-du-Lac, Father Vilatte could not be world. ing a meaningful or fulfilling relationship. discard/IlCz'OrH tn

“HOME FREE” by Lanceford Wilson, by far t t t the most powerful of the offerings is a two s b e P ñ o n c character play about a brother and a sister; HOT SPOTS: she pregnant by him...... he, suffering from Apologies to RICHARD RAND for the . Bar and SPOTLIGHTING PLAYS...... FILMS...... CABARETS...... ENTERTAINMENT agorophobia (the fear of going out of the typo....that left his last name out of last house)...... ! These two live in a world of th­ Restaurant month’s review of “Haagar's Children” . He W H h K eir own fantasizing to the almost complete "DYER DAY” by Jackson Burgess, directed by Hillary Joffe; "COCAINE CITY^ was too good to be slighted. Excellent!! BLUES” directed by Jonathan Stutz are playing at the SHOWCASE. 430 Mason. exclusion of reality. 18th & Castro San Francisco Presented by the BERKELEY ONE ACT THEATRE COMPANY. Jackson McGarry and Maureen Coyne are t t t little short of superb as they manage to in­ “ALL THE WAY HOME" is at ACT (see review in "FOLLOW SPOT” Column. volve the audience with, to the point of damn DICK SHAWN as “The Second Greatest "EL PASO WRECKING CORP.” a motion picture of male erotica, possibly the near making us also believe their fantasies. Entertainer” etc., is still packing them in at finest presented in San Francisco to date. Now at the NOB HILL CINEMA, 729 the Alcazar and has had his run extended Bush Street. **** HALLOWEEN” by Leonard Melfi, has recei­ ved the best reviews of the three but I found for the third time. it wordy, drawn out, because of poor costu­ “CRIMES AGAINST NATURE" by the Gay Men’s Theater Collective, (see re­ t t t view this issue in "FOLLOW SPOT” column. ming, unbelievable. Another two character play, it opens with an ostentatiously macho And without belittling in anyway, Mr. "LET MY PEOPLE COME” by Earl Wilson Jr. now at the Palladium. Possibly young man, Joe Spano, returning to his apart­ Shawn...... here’s a vote for CAROL the worst production to hit our town. The bodies which are nude aren’t even fit ment to discover that he has been ripped off. CHANNING as THE Greatest,.....Entertain­ for BLUEBOY or PLAYGIRL! Tacky and verrrry boring! After several minufes of hystronics, as to what er....Friend...... Native San Franciscan...... he will do when (if?) he catches the bastard "SOUL, STYLE & SASS” musiccd revue at the Chi Chi Theatre, 440 Broadway, is and Person. still packing them in. Produced by Odoch/Ron Stacker Thompson. **** who robbed him .....he rather too suddenly, switches to trying to kill the hundreds of ro­ Thanks CAROL for being You! "SUMMER OF LOVE” by Larry Hayes in at the Fort Mason Center, Bldg. 310, aches that infest his apartment. During these 3rd floor) Laguna & Marina Blvd.s Sundays at 7:30 PM — Thurs. thru Sat. 8 PM. shenangins he is interrupted by the arrival of — 30—- Carl Driver ÍS“ ot reviewed as yet). the floor maid, Barbara Oliver. Unfortunately "PURLIE” by Ossie Davis, a musical version of his Purlie Victorious, is now at the .she is dressed and coffeured as if she has just Phoenix Theatre, 430 Broadway Street, Wed-Thurs. 8:30 pm. Sun. 7:30 pm come from a three hour appointm ent at Eliza Fri. 8:30 pm and Sat. 8 pm & 10:30 pm. beth Arden rather than having just finished an eight hour shift of vacuming halls and clea­ BUENA VISTA (rock band) will play at the A LITTLE MORE, 702 - 15th St. ning toilets in this sleezy apartment house. at Potrero, on Thursday, Jcmuary 26th. Good hot music. SHARON McNIGHT is at the CHEZ JACQUES, 1390 California Street. She is so goood! Phone 775-7574 for times. JOHNNY SANT is still playing at GORDONS, 118 Jones Street. 771-7575 info. Bluegrass music can be found at PAUL’S SALOON, 3251 Scott Street nightly. OVERLAND FREIGHT will be at the YE ROSE & THISTLE, 1624 California St., on Friday, January 27th. T^ey are truly good. FANNY’S is presenting Marlene Fontenay each Wednesday thru Saturday; Fran Fosten on Sunday and Monday. FANNY'S is at 4230 - 18th Street. “FORTUNE AND MEN’S EYES” is at the Lumiere, 1572 California Street. Clas­ sic gay film. "Short Eyes” on same bill, phone for times....885-3201

An Ódoch/Ron Sucker Thompron Production

...ELEPHANT WALK HYSTERICAL HOUR” MONDAY - FRIDAY C .D r t n r - a U Cmu dir ^ CHI CHI THEATtE a U B ^ A«0 BWAOWAY 4:30 - 7:30 PM SAN FRANOSCO Reservatiom 392*4213 Well Drinks .75 TKXm AVMUSU AT AU MAJOt ACBCKS “AU The Way Home”.....aB ACT Prodnctk>B....aboTe from the left h; Jay O. Sanders; Draft Beer & Wine .50 Barbara Dirickson; and David Bransten. Play about a southern family in 191S. Now at the ACT on Geary. photo by William Ganalen. 12 ^an ?ffrattf tarn (Eruaa> # a n 3Hranrtani Qlruaaifrr 13 S p u rrrn ii COLUMNIST HowtMtTsNole

by HOWARD BURTON lous for blacks. White gays don’t mind being seen The MOTOWN Record Company and with black gays. it’s President....Berry Gordy, is be­ No bigotry whatsoever. ÎBrnfibrata ing sued by MARY WILSON, the Last year, a lot of white gays wou­ only original member of the Suprê­ ldn’t dare go out with black gays. (Eammrttts... RAP mes. Part 1 It was beneath their dignity. This JANUARY OLD FOLKS LUNCHEON Ms. Wilson ways that Mr. Gordy year, the blacks have been accept­ upon the Christian churches are helping took advantage of her mother, sign­ CANCELLED.... LACK OF FUNDS! to destroy gay liberation. I would call ed for being gay...... n o t black. ing a contract, because at the time upon the thinking homosexual, to reject W H Y + While white gays were out looking We were truly sorry that we had to cancel Mary Wilson’s mother couldn’t read the January Old Folks Defense League lun­ these bigots, and look at them for what M ockinçbird for Mr. Wonderful, and Mr. Right, or write. cheon, hut we just didn't have the funds. they are. PRISON & THE POLITICS O F I whom they thought was white, A D ll’ l%x> U y-v xm > Also, as reported earlier, Ms. Wilson The Helping Hand Awards event which was In nations without religious freedoms.... RAPE...... by David Howard Mr. Wonderful and Mr. Right pass­ there is no freedom for homosexual eith­ “sissies” probably like what they ....Mockingbird Part I .....Part 2 is on page ...... LA TISH & DORIS SOARES who will not leave the Suprêmes because supposed to finance it, while attened by are seen around ALFIES are reported to ^ ed right by without even a glance. er. So, consider what I have said. We have all heard about the atroci­ 15 . Tow pages of goodies on your fellow of the dispute going on. twenty people, only two of them brought ty stories about Alameda County’s get anyway!) that will miraculously San Franci.scans! building a “tornado celler” out there! The White gays didn’t notice, because any food for this lunch and none gave any way all those studs are dancing on that be­ Scherri Payne, and Susaye Green vanish as the intensification of the Mr. W & Mr. R were black! How money. We are sorry, and we have sent a Jail at Santa Rita, and at San Fran­ ....DANNY PERDIOS, is the most hand­ autiful dance floor, it does create alot of are no longer in the group. Cindy cisco’s City Prison and San Bruno struggle to change to consiciousness some and efficient young man to date, in wind! ALFIES, still hot and still going the sad!!! letter to our regulars telling them so. But, LAWSUIT GATHERS STEAM of the inmates, and .society as well. the *P.S. Dining Room. He is very polite, strongest in the city. It does pay to adver­ Birdsong is back, and Mary is now without mohey, you cannot feed the elder­ County Jail sexuality..... the gang very nice looking, and a hard worker. He tise...doesn’t it gentlemen??? auditioning girls for the group. The Also, would you believe more and Dear people, as you know, we have filed rapes....the atmosphere of terror... All of this may be partially true...... does not try ancTbe “ cutesy” like some more whites are coming into the ly- of the *P.S. Dining Room employees. If ....‘‘THE GAY SNAKE PIT”....These are group may be named Mary Wilson There are reasons which I do not care to a lawsuit against certain peoples for five the mistrust that permeates the en­ a) prisoners are the most oppre.ssed they want to increase business....hire a our Awards for 197 8 .....and the winners & The Suprêmes. CLUB FRISCO on Sixth Street? go into here about why there were not ma- million dollars. They have been served tire prison enviroment. males in America; b)they are clear­ few more like DANNY! Right DANNY?? all have to stay “off the rug”! “The Cuko- The black gays in the CLUB FRIS­ ny people at the Helping Hand Awards.... with their papers, and must respond in ly political prisoners, persecuted be­ ....that’s DANNY IRVINE (Trixie)! o ’s N est” awards by DIRTY DICK in that Martha Reeves is now recording for The weak and isolated arc especially other publication were for the birds...our CO have accepted whites for being but one major reason, was the fact that it a very few weeks. One^ of *the people ' in subject to rape..and..to abuse, but cause of their economic status or .....And while at the *P.S., didja know SNAKE PIT AWARDS are far more inter- the FANTASY label. The TEMP­ a gay brother or sister. was held at the Church....and of course.... the suit. Robert “Bob” Ross and also his that while the “favorites” of the "bobs” all men experience the paranoia ass­ refusal to conform to a decadent and cstinss! TATIONS are now on Atlantic. At CLUB FRISCO, which is about gay people do have the sad reputation of B.A.R. newspaper, well, the poor soul go on numerous vacations each year...... 1 st Place...... The Kitchen of the *P.S. has been saying things that just are not ociated with the possibility of being hypocritical ethic; c) the guards are some of the employees have beenthere 2nd Place...... Tavern Guild Member­ SYLVESTER is currently recording 20% white now, it is pure fun! being anti-Christ/anti-ehurch and very very “turned out”. It therefore behoo­ often sadistic, racist, and homopho­ for over a year with no vacation! Maybe ship Meeting. a new album for Fantasy. pro-booze. It is a shame that for one even­ true about yours truly. So, I would ask ....just maybe, things will change soon! 3rd Place...... Dirty Dick’s kitchen. Whites dancing with blacks, and all, if you hear something from his lips ves the new inmate to prove imme­ bic. 4 th Place...... Sunday Brunch at any Martha & Izora, the back-up sing­ laughing and getting to know each ing that some of the so-called gay leaders But, all this still falls miserably sho­ ...... OKIE JOHN who waits tables at the about myself, to please imeck it out with diately his strength or power, his flsy C&lC • ers for SYLVESTER are currently o th er...... absolutely beautiful. could not have had the moral courage to rt of adequately dealing with the ELEPHANT WALK, looks as if he has 5 th Place...... The Mavis “ Groupies” at enter into the House of the Lord God to either myself or my attorneys! “manhood” to survive....he must been sewn into his pants. Tigggght!!! negotiating for an album, entitled, psycho social political dynamics of Dinner. One last thing....the Kalendar, the see deserving souls honored for their good >((***♦* 4m|c ** also ally himself with a larger group .....MAVIS was visting her “son” JOHN 6 th Place...... The office of the Grand "The Two Tons Of Fun”. B.A.R., and the Data Boy now ha­ works in the City of San Francisco. of inmates, a condition of allinace prison sexuality. KRAUSE during the recent typhoons at Southern Hotel on the ve blacks writing columns for them The issue is RAPE and the issue of KIMOS.....and it was funny when KIMO day welfare checks arrive. The CLUB FRISCO, 60 Sixth Stre­ You who were not there because of illness, WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE often being the acceptance of group walked upstairs and caught MAVIS mak- 7 th Place...... Jack In The Box, 7 th & et, is under new management. And ..... if you believe that, then you of course, we understand why you could SOCIETY FOR INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS ideology which might include the RAPE is always the issue of “domi­ ine fun of the leaking roof bv putting her. Market any evening. has two new bartenders and a hot believe in Santa Claus, the Easter not be there....but for those booze guzzling S.I.R.?. nation”. head under the leak and sang....rmm 8 th Place...... The Ballroom after 2 am. victimization of other less well pro­ new DJ. HOWARD..... EDDIE and Bunny and the Tooth Fairy! title-hounds, it is a shame, a real shame. Well, as most of you know, Paul Hardmar RAPE IS THE BASIS OF MALE Gonna Wash That Man Right O ut of My 9 th Place...... Supervisor Letche’s cam­ and the Pride Foundation got SIR out of tected inmates. Hair!” It was funnnny, but, MAVIS, era store on Castro. the TRAMP! It can happen tho ..... it should hap­ Do any of you give much thought to your Let us inquire into these circum­ SUPREMACY AND MAN’S I 0 th Place...... The offices of the RIP salvation? I pray so! the way by inviting them to move into what hair?????!!!!!! They are tending bar...... and Pretty pen and if all gays work with each stances and attempt to discover and DOMISION OVER WOMAN IS OFF RAG.....and the « 4t 4t « 4t 4t * * 4K 330 Grove Street as non-paying guests of THE BASIS AND ARCHETYPAL .....Have you been into the GRUBSTAKE CRUSADER 24 hours be­ PHILLIP and MICHAEL are at the other....it will happen. Pride....for Pride did not have a lease on analyze the political source that to have one of those very fecial “Nugg­ fore deadline. FEBRUARY OLD FOLKS VALENTINE encourages the development of a MODEL FOR ALL SUBSEQUENT et” hamburger meals??? If not, do go in II th Place...... Any meeting with LIPS turntables. Until next time...remember-. 330 Grove so they cannot charge any DAY LUNCHEON & PARTY SET...... rental to anyone legally. situation culminating in the comm­ FORMS OF DOMINATION AND and have ANGEL and/or PAUL VOGEL & WAYNE FRIDAY. There is a DANCE CONTEST each OPPRESSION! cook it up for you. You all remember 12 th Place...... LARRY EPPINETTE’S Sunday night.....and a w om en’s fas­ We once met February 14th, Valentine's Day....will be But, recently, Paul Hardman sent Larry on prison vulgarism...... “SHIT ON PAUL VOGEL, don’t you?? The hand­ house when he getting Then we met again Eppinette, president of SIR, a letter, de­ What we observe in prisons is only somest man in Polk Valley?????? hion show each Thursday night. our next function. It will begin at 12 Noon MY DICK...OR BLOOD ON MY ready to go out. We made love promptly. If you wish to make any dona­ manding SI ,000 for back rent or else! KNIFE” ! what women endure as daily life ex­ ...... LEON’’ANDY” ANDERSON who is 13 th Place...... HERM AN‘S Factory IF YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES perience. Susan Griffin said; “1 havi learning to become a bartender from the 14 th Place...... LEE RAYMOND’S bed­ We made love again tions, please send them to...... The issue is currently being studied by The traditional liberal analysis con­ bartender of the year, HARRY GARD­ room! ...... Then you’ve got to believe that We became lovers Christ Chapel, 26 - 7th Street, San Fran­ the SIR Board of Directors, Eppinette. cedes that this depravity exists but never been free of the fear of rape. NER, also serves you in other ways!! If 1 5 th Place...... A COPS FOR CHRIST 1978 in San Francisco has started You got down and out cisco, California 94103 attn:Old Folks Larry Littlejohn and attorney B.J. Beck­ .insists that the men have become From a very early age I, like most you want to know what I mean, just take meeting with any gay! Luncheons. with! The results will be most intere.st a look at his lower mide-section. out with a bang for gays. I heped you to rise inhuman because of the conditions women, have thought of rape as a ..WEDNESDAY NIGHT Bowling at Just th in k ...... ail the popular discos o************* ing, I am sure! part of my natural enviroment...... HERMAN for EMPRESS XIII that is the JAPAN TOWN BOWL is going great.... You got down and out again ...... of the prison system (as oppo­ what the people are saying and it looks the league is big and the entries all good. ...The I-Beam....N’Touch.... now 1 helped you to rise again THOSE “GAY ”? ANTI-CHRISTS...... *4<************4i sed to the conservative position Rape and the fear of RAPE are a like HERMAN will make it, as Ruth has Drop out some Wednesday evening and have real live BLACK ....D.J.’s! I got dow n and out In recent weeks we have become more and that inmates are bad men who got daily part of every woman’s consci­ faltered badly during the last two weeks. dieer your team on! HARVEY SUPER-SOUR GRAPES...... Char is still right in there, with little ole And, Toad Hall.....Tw in Peaks..... But I rose more aware of activities of so-called gay what they deserved). If we only ousness.” ...... MISTER B of the Ballroom has taken BUZZBYS....all have black barten­ leaders and activists in San Francisco, who Supervisor Harvey Milk is guilty of sour The critical point though is that Mae an outside chance winner. But we to raising rabbitts...... he says he can’t affor Now I’m down and out again grapes according to many-; when he and mitigate the conditions say the lib­ are going with HERMAN...... see page -d chicken and rabbit tastes better. Augh!! ders now! I will rise again are out to destroy Christianity. These pe­ eral (paint the walls, allow conjug­ MEN TOO, endure this terror! The 14 and 15 for the reasons way! _ , ople, a good many of them, have names Carol Ruth Silver, Supervisor 6th District w t PAUL ARCHER of the MAJESTIC Black gays now have no trouble in Yet, with all this both cast NO when the new Board of Su al visits, diminish guard brutality, black man.... the prisoner.....the .See where DAVID, a new member of Bookstore on r6 .thu .«itreetStreet near Folsom, is getting into any bar or disco they You never believed ssiiich are associated with the Hebrew Faith proletarian has been fucked in the ‘Dial-A-Model” ran up some $300 in tel­ working hard these daze to keep the young pervisors set about to begin the new year and develop interesting programs ephone bills on a “fiddler”. Well at least choose! ....! And, how they can make attacks upon ass, made a “sissy” of and turned mens hands off of him! I loved you the Christian community while not expect­ on a note of harmony via the motion by of rehabilitative education and re­ he knows where to find him ..... at the They are no ionget asked for three And still do Supervisor Bob (21 votes) Gonzales, to creation) (Editor’s NoteiWe do not out..... all of his life! Rectumry of Sister Ileen Stenchferd or ...... SUPERVISOR DIANNE FEINSTEIN ing us to stand up for Christ, I’ll never kno- As Nick Benton points out in a cri­ at Dial-A-Model. will be the guest speaker at the luncheon or five pieces of picture I.D. w. One them, said to me, “You are anti- make the most welcome election of the agree that suQh programs will elimi­ of the Teddy Roosevelt Republican Club Unlike 1977, the cruising is fabu- Think about it..... HOWARD! Semetic for saying that....!” But as I did new Preisdent of the Board, unanimous. nate the rape situations, this is only tique of a first person narrative of ...... Carnation CRAMER another EX-em- 12 Noon, Saturday, February 4 th in the But, Harvey and Carol don’t like Dianne rape in jail.....“Who in prison isn’t peror who doesn’t realize his term is up... Casa de Cristal. 1121 Polk Street (*P.S.) point out to him and document, that the the opinion of the writer and the is holding her broken down Cable Car overwhelming majority of nasW articles and so they voted no, they didn't want to “bleeding heart liberals” who do raped? Who in America doesn’t Awards. Booooorrrrring! It is the same •‘EL PASO WRECKING CORP." at make a vote of harmony...... so nine are have the Washington Monument up old tired CRAMER-CLIK faces once mor- the Nob Hfll Cinema 729 Bush attacks upon the Churches of Christ, have not understand that prison allows came from people who are Jewish, and for in tune and two very sour notes. We give his ass or down his throat? And e....don’t they know the parade has alrea­ Harvey and Carol the Sourgrapes Award the real animal to come out in so dy passed them by?? By the way, the nie to point this out, is not being anti-Jew- many people.) every man’s personalized version of bill collectors are looking for one of his ish or anything of that nature....but to say for 1978! Get the highchairs ready kidd the same ... down her throat or up “ U lent” ! les! then we shall solve the problem. It that Judiismand Christianity are not really is only a matter of correcting a few her ass? “Just who is the real rapist ...... GARY is still at the CHURCH STR­ any more compatiable that Christianity and *4t«*X********* in this society when a black man is EET STATION....and ROY HARNETIA- communisim, when persons with Jewish flaws in a basically sound system. •UX is the manger full time and the place THE “INSIDE STORY” ON TOM ISEN- Needless to say, this approach is just the distance of one white man’s shows it....better food....better service & names attack Christainity and say the Chur­ ass from the jail cell floor?” and better place. The place Jay Levine ch of Christ must be destroyed....that the BERG AND DON JAMES AND THEIR incredibly shortsighted and inade­ must admit, has improved. The place Christian Church is responsible for the prob ULTRA-RIGHT WING REPUBLICAN quate; jt fails abysmally in getting Our responsibility as aware human that ROY left on Polk Street??? well, the CLUB....CRIR (Concerned Republicans beings is to getting it off of womens food has gotten more complaints and the lems that gay people have. to the terrible root of the problem, service at times is sooo bad! That is not true. There are extremists in all for Individual Rights). and .in viewing the prisoners as un­ backs....to repudiate the ideal of Oh yes, ALAN LLOYD & CRISTAL are religions. Here in San Francisco, if it had Both Don James and Tom Isenberg have fortunate sub-humans it makes id- “manhood” and to identify with all both working at the Hide-A-Way Bar at been toiling as closet-queen Republicans who have experienced the terror of the STATION...... drop in and see them.... not been for the Christian ministers stand­ entifleation with the plight of the and buy a drink in memory of some of ing up to the San Francisco Police Depart­ in radical right wing causes for years. individual inmate impossible; re­ rape....to do this in unity against the the good ole days! ment on behalf of gays, way back when we Don and Tom lives together in the 6th maining obnoxiously (and usually “man” with whom all men have co­ ...... TAVERN GUILD is in a tizzy and were called homosexuals or homphiles, we District, yet Tom registered to vote at llaborated; if unconsciously, at least would not have the freedoms we have today his mothers address in the Sth District so racisly) aloof. That the prison sce­ that is because so many of the Board Me- ne is a microcosim and logical ex­ institutionally, but who has ripped mebers are on wild savage ego trips. The ....so the Christian Church is not the enemy he could vote for his pro-abortionist us all off. This is the struggle again­ way they have “lost” the title to the Bea- ....but you yourself are the enemy if you friend, Harvey Milk for Supervisor.... is tension of the outside world never uz Arts Ball....and some prestige as well, st sexism.... rape! with a very poorly promotedoted Elmpress The Father and his Son in “EL PASO’' attack the Christian Churches. And to^ that honest? occures to the liberals. race....well, what can one excpe

Part 2 M ockinobird

Saturday.... U ...... KIMO’S , one the finer bars in the city, election day for has an all star staff....with a couple of ex­ Empress XIII... ceptions tho...Iike that rude “Barbara Ball’ and we here in whoever he is....and the other two I won’t the MOCKING even mention. But, connadulations are in BIRD all urge order to HARRY GARDNER who not only you to vote for received a Helping Hand Award this year, the people’s but has been named “Bartender of the Year candidate...... and to GREG I for being named Hunk 6: HERMAN! the Year.....STEVEN for being named wait­ HERMAN has er of cocktails for the Year....and to KIMO done more for for having the bar with the best decor. And the very poor of course for having KENNY (who we see of our city than far too little of, a shame too)....DAVID all the other CAFFERTY (another one we ^ould see candidates co­ more of) and CRAIG and JOHN KRAUSE mbined. ...a real good cast (with a couple or so ex­ HERMAN is a ceptions). “ Drag’' has it’s place sirs! hard worker.... her will be an ...... Gays are really switching to country excellent person musci.....me, I have been loving it ever since to be Empress I was a little kinds kid. HANK WILLIAMS XIII...... He is and RED FOLEY were the “biggies” back a beautiful and I do mean,beautiful, drag. in those days, along with ROY ACUFF and And that is exactly what the Empress is the CARTER FAMILY. Yes, K.N.E.W. is supposed to be. We have had a year with real big in the gayer parts of the Bay Area a ^rson who did not care to live up to and that include Polk, Castro, Haight and the role for which he was elected.....and the Tenderloin, Folsom too! that is to be a “drag queen” of the SF Radio 91 ...tune it in...24 hours daily! TAVERN GUILD for 1 year. You know ...... Hear tell that some folks have bo u ^t a that when you run and you are expected one way Trailways bus ticket for DARREL to live up to that. HERMAN will live up the new manager of the *P.S...... dear me!! to that. He is very gracious, charming, ...... Notice to ANDRE of the ROR! Saw and is politically aware and is not the pu­ the item in ROR about yours truly. By ppet of any political group.. HERMAN the way dear one, did you tell everyone of just wants to do what the Empress is supp­ your readers about the mess you made of osed to do....preside over official TG func­ tions and represent those who support the yourself at IRENE’S Christmas Party???? empress title, properly, as should be done. Of course you didn’t dear!! Saturday...... January 28th...... you are re­ ...... WAYNE FRIDAY of the N’ TOUCH quested to give every consideration to vo­ jumped over the bar....which is a real no- ting for HERMAN for Empress XIII of no....and was going to hit a customer and San Francisco, ..There are many drags... the customer nit hun first and often iq^his but only one qi ..HERMAN! face...... broken nose and teeth! ...... Rough seas for MIA & SHELLY_at the •P.S. wonder why???? .....Who is the new owner of WATERGATE \^S'T on Divisadero?? Ron who??? Ask ROC SAND the deejay!!! .....EDDIE VAN and his lady friend nearly were killed when their auto was involved in a terrible accident on the Golden Gate Bridge recently, during one of those rain and wind storms...... RICK P is now working at the RED LANTERN alone with GRETTA and the WRITERS A FRIENDS OP THE CRUSADER GATHERED AT THE HOME OF “DAISY" FOR A ROSE I! TheI RED LANTERN used to LOVELY DINNER ONE SATRUDAY THIS YEAR AND IT WAS FUN AND FINE FOOD! be the hottest spot in the Tenderloin, but Pictured at the top, fromthe lett U, Bishop Plerce-Weekt, our editor, A John Krause. Then is Daisy, certain people don’t want it hot....just???? and then Lee Raymond. 2nd row is Daisy snd her tood. 3rd row is Andrew lBetsneourt..Lee A the Bishop and Carl Driver. Bottom is Lee, Carl toasting and Richard Lasker and Andrew Betancourt, .....Didja hear about the time (last week) when toe EMPRESS MELVIN A was in a bath house and a man was atop her and he fell asleep while doing it????Dear me!!! a special douBie DIII..I

2 FIRST RUN FILMSI ....GARY above is smiling and his friend hiding behind the fern likewise! Wonder what they are up to? That place looks so familiar....right JEREMY?????????? ^ E R O T IC * * .....MARK EARNSHAW,24 is “big” enou­ FANTASY TFIIR gh for the job! Which one? Ask him....he works at SUKKERS LIQUORS. Tall man .....Rumor has it that MARCUS the very Dear Friends, Fellow San Franciscans, EX—emperor, got into a scuffle on Sixth Street and tore another persons shirt.... As you are probably aware, this is the time of the year when our community chooses a new Empress. and the FUZZ buzzed by. Tacky!!! This is a message of introduction to you of myself, and I hope, a message which will assist you when you make your selec­ .....LEE MACHADO registered the title tion for Empress XIII. “Beaux Arts Ball”.....wonder why???? .....VICTORIA also registered the title... My name is Herman Nieve, and I was bom and raised in San Francisco. By profession I am a self-employed costume design­ “Empress of the Pacific Coast”! er, make-up artist, and hairdresser. I have been active in our community for over 20 years involving myself in many things HERMAN FOR EMPRESS...... FIVE including designing costumes for “Marne”, “The Michelle Show” and Emerald City in the “Wizard of Oz”. In addition, I .....CHRIS of ADVENTURE STUDIO Is have assisted with such charitable fuctions as Operation Concern, Helping Hands Senior Luncheons, and Meals on Wheels. a “painter” and he just loves chicken!! CLAY RUSSELL is toe man above in Through my profession I have assisted many of our past Empresses achieve their individual look and style. And as I assisted ...... DONALD STAY, also known as..... a scene from the hot hot film, “EL EUGENE of HOLLYWOOD??? now has a PASO WRECKING CORP.” now at the ■ara* them, I have had the unique opportunity to view their office at a very close range. I have observed that being Empress re­ real estate license. M ^be he’ll do better Nob Hill Cinema, 729 Buto Street selling things like the Golden Gate Bridge. quires a great deal more than most individuals realize when they aspire for this highly visible office...... Good news....ELMER WILHELM is not Our Empress, as hostess of the Tavern Guild, must be ready and able to present herself at innumerable functions during her ...... Is it true that MARSHA PISTOL is at the HOT’L bathouse any longer. He has “aced” out about ACE? ESCAPED that place! The new manager Onstage... year. And as Empress, she is to look like an Empress, as we already have an Emperor. And though she is just a hostess and ...... MICHAEL BROADWAY didn’t win has a personality to match that place!!! not a political official, her position can serve as a focal point in rallying support for our many worthwhile causes. the title “Mr. Gay SF”, but he is a real .....ELMER is now in business with a good Four live shows daily I feel that with my understanding of these requirements and responsibilities of this notable office coupled with my talents MISTER in GAY'^SAN FRANCISCO! friend of his, they own the SUTTERS Well be seeing lots of him in the future!! MILL ART GALLERY at 102 Powell S tr­ 1:00, 4:00, 7:00, 10.00 and abilities, I can bring a fresh new meaning to the office of Empress de San Francisco. I would hope that our community eet. Will have its opening in early early would soon know that the man in this royal office is not just another queen, but an Empress! ...... What owner of what model agency is February! Good luck ELMER & ALAN! 421.52S! allegedly making threats on his models in order to keep them??? Blackmail?? ...... Everything is A-OK with PAT McAD- 'i Sincerely vours. AMS now....and that is good. PAT is very San Francisco's Largest ...... Is it true that PETER DECKER has misunderstood. Keep it cool kid! All - Male Cinema & Lounge left the city? Is it also true that PETER ...... JON SKAGGS a lover of TOMs of toe &.TAMMY-still have not paid off National Grand Southern Hotel, talks to cockroach« 150 MASON STREET OPEN 10 to 2 Trophy? Is it true?? es. How interesting!!! adults only ...... PAUL VOGEL, cook at the GRUB­ ...... Well, that is about it for this issue....be STAKE is a real “leg-man”! So tall, so of good cheer, don’t believe everything slender....so easy on the draw...... ??? you hear. Think positive and work to nelp I hope he is!!!! those less fortunate. Go to church too!!! 16 âsîLZrayrisrn (Eritaaiipr 3 v m t x B w (Eritsaú^r 17 COLUMNIST TUVELS HOLLYWOOrby WITB

Happpppy Neeeew Year! And a Happy Valentine’s Day to all! There were some MY mteresting entries for Movie Quiz 12, which was won by JOHN W ALLRAFF B^ause of time and space, 1 can’t tell you all I would like, but 1 must mention ED f » DOLLAR who has been a past winner. ED told me he really enjoyed the quizes and enjoys re^arching for the answers and it shows in his entries. His first was a 4, and UHT realizmg his mistakes, he sent in another, but by the time 1 received it, I had already had a winner. Winners are chosen by most correct answers and by earliest post mark ;..... so» tnem in quickly and correctly. ED DOLLAK is a nicel guy who’s really mterested in movies, and it’s people like him who make me feel good about my col­ umn. Also, if you remember the last issue I mentioned receiving a nice letter from a guy named TIM, well he did get in touch again and he had a very merry Christmas. DAISY Here are the answers to KUIZ 12: A) 1-Donald O’Connor 2-Alan & Dottie sang “Tallahassee” in “Variety Girl”. 3-Eduardo Ciannelli 4-“The Scapegoat” S-CIark Gable was nominated for an Oscar three times, in ‘34 for “It Happened One Night” (he won that one), in ‘35 for “Hello!” two escorts for her! How nice! “Mutiny On The Bounty” and in 1939 for “Gone With The Wind”. “Before starting my column....you They very kindly drove my Aunty 6-Dorothy Lamour, Diana Lynn & Mimi Chandler 7-“Not As A Stranger" know me don’t you?.... “Daisy?” to the city limits and told her not to 8-Harry Davenport 9-“Not As A Stranger” 10-Don Taylor 11 “The Well, I thought is would tell you all Black Hand” 12-“Canyon Passage” 13-Nineteen year old Lauren Bacall return! So, here she was again! lip-synced a song in “To Have And Have Not” to the voice of 16 year old Andy about my Aunty. She needs help!!! On her way! Where? Well, she had Williams. 14-Cary Grant 15-“ All The Fine Young Cannibals” She was bom in Louisville, Kentuck> heard about a town up north. It is B) 1....David Niven 2-Burt Lancaster 3-Frankie Avalon 4-Rock Hudson S-Ri- on a cold October night. Just in a place where where people where chard Burton 6-Humphrey Bogart 7-Anthony Perkins 8-Sean Connery time for Halloween! stopping off at on their way to the 9-Laurence Olivier lO-Edward G. Robinson In fact.... she first came “out” be­ gold fields..it was called, San Fran­ C) l-“The Hunchback of Notre Dame" 2-Maria Montez 3-“The Li.st of Adrian KEITH ANTHONE sets astride his new motorcycle and KEN BROWN examines the cause there was a contest for the cisco! a , off she went....but was Messenger” 4-“Hot Blood” S-Stromboli from “Pinocchio” seat of it, in the thrilling film, “EL PASO WRECKING CORP.”. If is now playing “First Belle Of l^uisviUe” ! The San Francisco ready for her? The Phillip Friend part wa.sn’t meant as a question, I simply wanted to find out for at the NOB HILL CINEMA, 729 Bush Street, just off Powell Street. You will have annual drag ball in that lovely city a e arrived at night time, which is a fan what ever happened to him after 1955. From your entries I did find out the to see this highly aclaimed film soon! Now in it’s fifth week. on the banks of the beautiful Ohio the best time for Annty. She met following...... Phillip is semi-retired and living in England with his wife Eileen. In the River. past years he has done a TV series over there called. “Invisible Van” and “ Rendez­ REVIEW several nice people while walking vous” .....and a movie called “The Vultures" in 1960, and in 1970 a stage play called ■^e first prize was a ..... Round trip the streets! a m e them told her “ Forgotten Factor” and more recently a TV production of “Dial M For Murder”. EL PASO WRECKING CORPORATION ticket on the TITANIC or a one way where to go, and she told them like­ And now for QUIZ 13...... by the Gage Brothers trip to Hollywood! wise! A) Can you name the actress who played Jimmy Stewart’s wife in at least 3 films? Cast ; So....off came the sheets...from the a e arrived on Polk Street.... and 2- Who was the only child star to get billing over Spencer Tracy? MIKE MORRIS as the Father bed (even then they were trying to this quiet little street was not quite 3- Alan Ladd made guest appearances in two Betty Hutton movies, can you JEROD BENSON as the Son One of the “trippier” scenes was that of get rid of her!). ready for Aunty! The people were Great Entertainment name them? CLAY RUSSELL as the Park Ranger the heterosexual boss who plays the fa­ But, she did win the contest that kinda wierd, but then so is Aunty! 4- Claudette Colbert played Jennifer Jones' mother in what movie? LOU DAVIS as the rug cleaner ther of Jerod Benson, a Mike Morris.... 5- Can you tell me in what movie Marilyn Monroe was killed by her husband in FRED HALSTEAD as Gene who is very hunky..... he walks in on night....and obviously took the trip I mean anyone who is still dressed a bell tower? GUILLERMO RICARDO as the Fred Halstead receiving a little oral job to Hollywood! If she hadn’t, I wou­ as if the civil war was being fought 6 - In what movie did Robert Stack play John Wayne’s co-pilot? Mexican gardner from the boy....the father was shocked, ldn’t be here now! all over again...that is straaaange! 7- The 3 “L” s...Leslie Howard....Laurence Harvey ....Leonard Whitting all played RICHARD LOCKE as Hank but them proceeds to watch from a dis­ Bob Sondner the same part....what was it? She had the idea that when she got a e still had on the drapes and bed- tance and “massages” himself while wat­ to Hollywood she would be a stand- ^read from Hollywood. 8- Who played Deborah Kerr’s son in “The Sundowners”? The crowds at the NOB HILL CINEMA are 9- In “The Cold Diggers of ’33” which actress sang in ‘pig-latin’ ....’’We’re In Thedue to the most unusually good porno film ching his young college son give Fred a in, for Maijorie Main (Ma Kettle). WelL she settled down once more in at the Piano Bar Money” ? done yet in America....“El Paso Wrecking treat. Well....at last she arrived in Holly­ her way in this beautiful city by the 10- Ronald Reagan graduated from a midwest sports announcer to a Hollywood Corp.” That scene would have been better had wood! It was in January, just in Caiden Gate....not knowing that this acting debut in what movie? Filmed by the Gage brothers, Sam and Joe, it been the redneck “Ox” walk in and time to start the new year right! city had more royal titles than all B) Can you name ten actors and ten actresses who’s initials are “J H”? who had the smash hit, “Kansas City Truck­ the boy been his son....that would have been a mind blower and of course would Her mother taught her as a child the the crowns in Europe combined! C) Each of the following actresses have made two movies with William Holden, can ing Company”, the Gage boys show that in the year past they have only inmproved and have led to another fight scene between fundamentals of “survival cooking” But, she soon learned! you name them? Ox and Fred Halstead. They went at it .. .sewing, keeping house, etc. If a e got involved in the Polk Street Audrey Hepburn, Barbara Stanwyck Grace Kelly, Joan Caulfield, Deborah “El Paso’’ is a classic. Kerr. The color in “El Paso” is dynamic, and the twice in the film and was well done.... she ever settled down she might make people and she was always off and very convincmg. someone a good wife! running at the drop of a hat....and D) It was the mating season on the Riviera and Frank lived the way of a Gaucho camera man, Nick Eliot, did a superb job, and it shows all through the film. He does The stud of the film has to be the young But, she didn’t have time for that usually running for her life! for he was one of those pleasure seekers, a son of fury. I was a simple China girl hot Mexican gardner, Guillermo Ricardo right now! Lunch Every Doy* from Hudson’s Bay, tired of waiting for him and playing with my toys in the at­ know how to do it. Possibly one of the best People looked at Aunty so strangely tic, I was in need of a personal affair. I had that wonderful urge to take a Ply­ things that happened to the Gage boys was ....and the scene when the sexy sexy Lou With all her worldly possessions in at times, it did bother her! mouth adventure, so bought a ticket on the Dragonwyck, which almost got lost the “dumping” of the man who started out Davis tosses a bucket of rug shampoo tow.... 27 pieces of luggage...4 boxes Walking the streets one night she saw in a whirlpool but the Egyptian rang the bell for Adano who quicklycame to but left at the begining of the filming. Such out of the window into the garden on and 1 cot! One just didn’t know all the people standing in doorways. from ll’-00amto3:30pm the rescue and steered the ship to safety. On board was a black widow with egos as his are not needed. the unsuspecting Ricardo, was a laugji. when traveling by train (the cot you Maybe they were waiting for a moon rings on her fingers, her name was Belle Starr and she told me the secret of Con­ The Gage boys know what they want, and When they “get it on" and the people ninny!). vict Lake before the return of Frank James who showed her the razor’s edge, so cameraman Nick Eliot was able to translate see what Ricardo > has below his belt... light sale or something! she clung to me for protection and kept saying, “Never let me go", but Frank it was super super hot. Ricardo only She found a hotel room and settled a e didn’t know. But she did do her was too strong for us and locked us behind the Iron Curtin. Belle soon died, but their genius onto film. One gay reviewer referred to “El Paso” as spoke Spanish ...that is what Lou thought down for a long winters nap. best work up a dark alley with no I wouldn’t give in. I’ll never give in, heaven can wait, I must live! Live for a ....until they finished their little after­ She had to....it was raining so hard, street light! * Brunch on Sunday happier tomorrow. Who am I? the “Gone With The Wind” of gay porno.... while it is very good, it is hardly a “GWTW” noon sex in the garden session....when the only thing that didn’t have the Thusly dear Aunty plyed her trade, Ricardo told him he had fun and hoped sense to come in were the ducks! Well, that is it for now. Remember to send in your answers.....quickly to ...... The Gage boys next film will surely be "even working days making drag and doing 625 Post Street, Box 1676 San Francisco, California 94109. Take care and I better, for they are level headed men and to see him again...... funn-ny!!! And besides, they weren’t in season. “shows” here and there.... mostly. pray you will all have a very happy new year. are learning everyday. Fred Halstead with Certainly once you see “El Paso” you there. will think about it and then....you will In a few weeks she found a job as a THINK LOVE! them is an asset. Only hope he in future projectionist for a movie studio.... Her friends saw fit to bestow all sorts ALWAYS, flicks doesinot bring his his “trip”! The find yourself wanting to go back again and most likely will. It has that kind a sort of a dirty book store. But, of favors on her, giving her royal LEE RAYMOND Gage brothers are doing great they way they she was on her way! titles....she has been everything from Dinner Every Night are, “El Paso” proves that! of effect upon you. a e worked days....nights...and any- 3 "nfiistress of the royal bed chamber ★ ♦★ ★ AAAAAiA ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ »kYfrA A tim« she could! -s” to an “imperial nanny”. ¿sMiUÿ ic a e saved her money! ....after 13 years. Aunty had Now, it was that time of year again! found a home! This is my crazy old from 6*00pm <£/^om£nt± Mi/ Halloween*! She had saved her mon­ Aunty! Much loved....but oh so..... I When in San Francisco visit 4^ R O V C E UAV ey, but aias, it was not enough! dizzy! TTI'ISOO Soooooo? Down came the drapes, Well, that is enough for this month, and the bedspread too...... they wou­ n i return next month with more... ld have to do! Off she went out in­ but, remember. Aunty does need.... to the night! HELP! Reservations ^ ^òiJlcaitA to iti*. of a e got only two blocks when the Sincerely, Î -not the biggest; B e o u iy In ^ H L LAPD Chief of Police Packer sent DAISY! 6 2 0 - 6 6 3 6 <415)441-7798 i just the best. Elmer Wilhelm, new The dirty old frenchman brings you president of gay club. the largest selection of erotic MINUTEMEN GAY DEMOCRAT CLUB ELECTS NEW 1121 POLK STREET films and magazines anywhere in PRESIDENT...... Elmer Wilhelm. the world. Wholesale & retail. With very little opposition, Elmer Wilhelm w o elected (Delaer inquiries welcome) president of the Minutemen Democratic Club. Also elec­ LE SALON 1118 Polk Street, open 7 days ted were Henny Fumar as Treasurer and Dan O’Connor between Post ond Sutter 55GR4NTAVE, as Secretary. 8 am to 2 am phone 673-4492. VisH our new San Franciscor r a i i c i s w »store w i v ------LE SALON NORTH------BEACH Elmer haa aerved the Club in many capacities or years BOOK & NOVELTY at 617 Broadway, phone 391-9561. FIOOR THREE and now, he is at long last. President. Elmer is a Mem­ SAN FRANCISCO A Part of San Francisco gay life for 12 years. ber of the Democratic State Central Committee. r 'Ia ***************** A***** ****** ******* ****** TEL391-5490 18 # a n ÌFranriaro (Entaaìipr ^an üíranriaro (Eruaaìipr 19 lossif led Ads ^rram m to Nm a nDYCflTURC SACRAMENTO: /TÜDIO Greetings from the City of the Floating There is a new gay coffee house in the Camellias! Another month of this lovely brewing (groan....brewing? yup!) and We have rain and Venice will have nothing on us. volunteers are needed for this communi­ CALIFORNIA'S MOST ATTRACTIVE MEN I have survived the past 11 months tour­ ty project. And so should You! ESCORTS PERSONALS SERVICES h o u s in g ing Canada and the midwest with my ole This project is also being supported by Crazy....rock n' roll band (Conan-St.Reg- DIGNITY, VALLEY KNIGHTS M.C. MOVING? MODERN 1 BEDROOM Apart­ MUTUAL MASSAGE David’s Moving Company. Expert, and is). VVe are back for the spring complet­ the MCC and several of the club owners. MODELS Slim guy, 31, warm, affectionate, seeks ment on DuBoce and Market. AEK ing our new album entitled “Gay ‘70s” Benefits are being planned for the 1st same, for mutual massage and all kinds careful moving. One or two men. Enclo­ Garage.... Sundeck. Newly decora­ which will be on the radio programs so part of February for the initial costs of RUCK5ED BLONDE of sex. sed truck. Pads. Reasonable rates. 24 ted. $260.00 monthly. soon... .m id-February. renting a house, telephone, (installation). Write to: Ray, P.O. Box 3205, Daly City hour message service. 824-1600 The Gay Coffeehouse will provide a 7 Good lucks, smooth hard athletic DAVID’S 626-3325 Our band, Conan-St. Regis is available California 94015. day a week telephone referral service and build. Long and hard elsewhere! for benefits....call, (916) 457-6734 in a Friday and Saturday night coffee Hou­ At your service anytime. BARTENDER TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT Sacramento or (415) 771-3366 in the KEN 621-6620 HOT VERSATILE MEN Experienced bartender and also house- DuBoce & Guerrero Streets. Nicely Bay Area. se 8 PM til 12 PM, where people o f all ages can socialize without a blasting dis- Well endowed hunky man. S’ 9”, 150 deaning. Will do odd jobs. decorated, new appliances. A hearty welcome home to the Reverend coteque in the background. NUDE MASSEUR lbs. Hairy chest and uncut. A top man Call me now! 552-5741. $250.00 monthly Frieda Smith the pastor of the MCC here The coffeehouse will also provide over­ Masculine, nude masseur. Body­ but seeks other hot versatile men....must 824-1600 in Sacramento. night lodging for those stranded or in builder for homy males. Very good- have receptive rear. HELP LINE He has been to England, where she spoke 'looking. Tan, hairy, good deRnition. Write to: Alex, Box 9706, 537 Jones St. need of housing in our fair city. 771-3366 at the MCC’s there and was interviewed Anyone interested in this project..... Well endowed! 5’H ” 160 lbs. San Francisco, California FOUR ROOMS...... SUNNY by GAY NEWS and also had meetings please call (916) 457-6734. Age 26. 94102. Your Gay Assistance Line. Newly decorated, 21st & Capp St­ with SAPPHO the controversial lesbian NICK 861-1552 reets. Right near the MCC. The PARKING LOT is holding a m onth­ organization you have been reading and LOOKING FOR A $250.00 monthly. ly Hall of Fame Awards presentation for hearing about lately on the artificial YOUNG MODEL LOVER? EMPLOYMENT 824-1600 insimination program there. They are those who have contributed in an out­ standing way to the community. Clean cut! Try us! Advice/Personals/Fantasies/Esco- the leading lesbian group in England. Affectionate, clean, ready and will­ rt Directory/Discount Erotica/Photo Gal­ SOCIAL WORKER Don’t forget to attend Church. DIGNI­ Bob and Frank of the UNDERPASS had ing to satisfy. Age 19. 5’10” and lery. TY conducts Mass the 2nd Sunday of $1,104 monthly. Yolo County De­ APARTMENTS their 5th anniversary blowout on the 165 lbs. Also available for parties. Twelve Issues.... SIO Sample SI partment of Public Welfare. Must 20th. It was a real bash. each month at St. Francis Church, at 25 JIM 626-9757 Send to: “You Are Not Alone” HOMES th and “K” Streets. apply by February 14th. Submit The VALLEY KINGHTS M.C. is having P.O. Box 8398 J MCC is located at 2741 - 34th Street applications to: Merit System Ser­ INCOME PROPERTY an open meeting for the installation of HANDSOME Atlanta, Georgia 30306 vices, 909 - 12th Street, Sacramen­ new officers on January 29th at 1 2 noon and Services are conducted every Sun­ Tan and smooth body. Well hung. day at 11 AM and 7:15 PM. With the to, California 95814.(916>445-34 Callus! We and will be at the HIDE & SEEK bar. Brown hair, green eyes. Handsome TOP MAN WANTED 95. have it!! Mid-Week Prayer Service at 7 :15 PM on and young. Tall, slender, longhaired, bearded youth­ This group, along with DIGNITY, MCC Wednesdays. MIKE 621-5567 REDWOOD PROPERTIES and the ROYAL COURT and local clubs ful gay farmer, wants a bearded or long­ SANITARIAN 824-1600______have raised much money for the gay co­ Until next issue.....keep a little love in haired San Francisco “Top Man”! If your heart for everybody. $1,146 monthly. In Riverside Cali­ mmunity. Who says that Sacramento THIS SPACE interested, send photo and letter to me. GUILLERMO RICARDO Love, fornia. Apply by 31st of January. doesn't have it together? Models • Travel Companions • Escorts Have farm high in the hills! stars in “El Paso Wrecking CONAN (Ron) IS Send to: Steve, Box 109, Mail to Merit System Services, 909 Confidential — Discreet - 12th Street, Sacramento, Califor­ San Francisco YOURS... Aukum, California 95656 nia 95814. (916) 445-3494 (415) 441-1800 for 10 cents a ^arrampnto Sirprtorg word. LOVE TIMES STENOS A Gay Pen Pal paper! Send S3 for sam­ $845 - $1082 monthly. 40-50 BOJANGLES (disco), 7042 Folsom Blvd. Sacramento HAIRY & HUNKY ple copy. Inquire about our membership UNDERPASS (drinking bar) 1946 Broadway, Sacto. typing. 80 - 90 dictation. Call by ti 51 Huge endowment! Uncut and oh so S15 yearly. Join us! PARKING LOT, (disco) 2804 Auburn Blvd., Sacto. Send to: Love Times January 31st for application. large (hung). Hairy chest! Hunky! 835-3(K)0, ext. 270. Equal oppor­ Hawaiian Hut, (disco) 2400 West Capitol, West Sacto. IS THIS YOU...... ? 5’ 9” 150 lbs. Brown hair, eyes, Box 15607-G TOPPER, 1218 ‘K” Street, Sacramento (downtown bar) ' • .!& Honolulu, Hawaii 96815 tunity employer. m/f...... MINI-EDITORIAL and moustache. Top man, but seeks EAST BAY M.U.D. JOSEPH’S, 7 604 Fair Oaks Blvd. Sacramento The statement at the left is a other “hot versitile” men. Must have HIDE *N SEEK, 825 Sunset Avenue, West Sacramento When Hitler came for thè Coimmink true statement from Pastor Martin Niemoeller. His words receptive rear. AFFECTIONATE MERCANTILE, 20 th downtown Sacramento / didn ‘t speak out in protest Jhold just as true for gaypeople ALEX 441-8294 Slender 30 year old blonde male, very (Dishwashing, cleaning, etc.) STEAMWORKS (bath) 5 th & Broadway Streets ■ bteause i was not a Communist, \ “ today as they did for all the ^y....seeks an old fashioned relationship. 771-3366 9 am-5 pm. CLUB BATHS, (baths) 1537 Sacramento Ave., Bryte I freedom lovmg people in nazi Whép hh soldMrs arrested the Jews, Germanyiny then' $20...... MASSAGE Nothing too serious...just for good old HELPING HANDS SERVICES Corn.’’ now playing at the METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCH...... fashioned fun times. Goal....satisfaction ^ ..t did n Y p ro test » ^ Today, thele so-called gay lead-le Defined & Dominant! HELP LINE Nob Hill Cinema, 729 Bush. 2741 • 34 th Street, Sacramento. Rev. Frieda Smith, Pastor ers have chosen to collaborate Age 24. 29” waist. and companionship! DIGNITY (gay Catholics) 25 th & “K” Streets, 2nd Sunday r because / was not a Jew, with the SF Police in an effort Write to: Goldie, Box 1676, 625 Post St - ' of each month. to end Boy-Men love. They Hung nice. 6’ l ” and they arrested labor organizers, do this in the hopes it will 165 lbs. 40” chest. San Francisco LAWYERS CONAN NOTE: Any additions or corrections...... please call me at make them "great” in the eyes California 94109 S r e a t j^ o i^ (916).Ì 457-6734 (916)457-6734. This section will be as large as we here jr 1 didn't say anything Have care....will travel! of the Police and Anita’s peop­ BILL 441-1054 Or phone: 771-2670. B.J. BECKWITH Saacramento eran is in Sacramento want it. If you want to write a column for fo r / was not in any union. le. It does not! It merely my beat + home! the paper...do it! Have it in on time tho. Ads welcome too! Then they came for the Catho/fbs, shows them we are weak...that Attorney - At - Law we are divided. Today it will READY & WILLING WANT TO PLACE YOUR PERSONAL 552-4428 Il but i didn't speak out be the Boy-Men lovers....to- Young model 19. Always ready HERE? IF SO..... DO SO! Just fill out ■ because I was not a Catholic, morrow it may be the S&M’s, the blank below.... 10 cents per word and Trial Lawyer - Criminal and then another group, and JIMMY 626-9757 and Civil When they came for me then there will be no one left. send to us right away! Don’t be lonely. it was TOO I urge you in the name of jus­ And the person you are looking for in a tice, and honor and self-respec- AD DEADLINE FOR CRUSADER KLASSIFIED PERSONAL LLOYD TAYLOR No one was /effie stand up fOi t...to no longer co-operate with, AD today! Attorney At Law (Pattar the jx>lice in this matter. NEXT ISSUE...... Today it may be "them"....to­ 788-1140 his morrow it will be "You!" ary Legal Services / Reasonable Rev. RAY Broshears UNO UNDER ARREST?? HERMAN If so, call us 24 hours a day a Looking For A Gay Hotel? HELP LINE 771-3366 Check Us Out National Hotel Civic Center Hotel 1139 Market St. 20 - 12th St. at Market K lo M ifi« 4l Ad« 10< WORD Bart & Golden Gate Phone In All Rooms NAME. Donnelly Hotel Jefferson Hotel 1272 Market St. 440 Eddy St. ADDRESS. Across From San Franciscan -ZIP W or W/0 Bath BODYBUILDER CUY____ . STATE - Grand Southern Bristol Hotel With DATE. 1941 Mission Street SWIMMERS BODY! PHONE. 56 Mason St. RATE: Economical Rates Gives complete nude massage, relax­ Print your ul b«low in block l«tt»r»....on« word In each bo«: tolt: 10 coni» p«r word, minimum ti 0.0 All Rooms W/Bath ing sensual. S’ 9”...J40 lbs., 38 c, Kinney Hotel Fairfax Hotel 27 w., age 25. Hung. Inorout. S20 LEGAL SERVICES AT 410 Eddy St. 420 Eddy St. or S30. DON 776-6624______REASONABLE FEES Price Is Right Welfare Welcome SIMPLE WILL 45 I «irWAAAWAA-A ! Saratoga Hotel Gladstone Hotel BUSINESS AGREEMENTS » & Apartments * H O T STUD Incorporation 350 Polk & Ellis Streets * Partnership 150 1008 Larkin St. Quiet Hotel SU PER H U N G Lease Preparation 100 Palo Alto Shirley Hotel \* D O M I h U N T Review Lease 45 LLOYD TAYLOR NoSÜM t s e MONTOOMCAV STIVCCT 1685 Sacramento St. 1544 Polk St. $ I E ncloee I ...... ( o r ...... number of leeuet. Contract Preparation 100 At Polk St. * DEREK Review Contract 45 t c l o h o n c 7 0 0 - 1 1 ^ 0 Newly Decorated CONDITIONS: Men to: BAN FRANCISCO CRUSADER, P.O. Box IttS All Gay Managed : (415)928-4255 An adi mu«t b* PREPAID by money order or cheek. S u k oineteco, CeUfomie *4101 20 ^att iFranriHru (Entaaiif r

Mf.B^ Ballroom Now OPEN 9PM tU6AM*7 DaysaWei “A Social Club for Gays” ^PINBALL *POOL ★ REFRESHMENTS ★ MUSIC

PRESENT THIS PASS FOR ADMISSION ^ ^ ^ I Good 7 Days a Week 9-12 PM I i f ’ i f i f I FREE PASS 9-12 pm ■Mr. Ballroom, 224~6th! iririr L______J CUT ALONG DOTTED LINES M r. Bis B a llr o o m 224- Stn Street