
THE WESTFIELD LEADER £"• THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIMCOUTU) WUKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY tY-THIRD YEAR- 16 itered as Setond Clasi WESTFIELD, JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1952 Published Every Thursday M Ptgea—S data- feachers' Salaries Churches Schedule Yule Services Council Approves Salary Ordinance Bids For Library, Raised By Board Carol Singing On Final Reading And Communion Town Hall Open! eulty, Nurses to United Campaign Request Submitted Progress Report Highlight Events By Developers for Early Deadline Set Plans FdTl;Pr^^ 'A' Zone Variance Again-For Second 'laced Properly New and additional contri- Churches throughout Wentfield Consecutive Week have completed plans for special butions bring the United Cam- An ordinance which will revise Begun 6 Years Ago paign near to the 1952 goal. services scheduled for today and lie salaries of certain town em- Th. U*sl*r" will p New Pay Guide Campaign Goal $92,168 tomorrow, Christmas Day, to mark iloyees was passed on second and 7 B*lit wmk »4 « Reported Dec. the holy season. Approach Reality nal reading by the Town Council will Iw dallvara* l« aubscrlb- ' A candlelight? Communion ser- a result of a special meet- 10, 1962 ....$88,768 t a meeting Monday night. Coun- •rs an that stay iaal»4 •( vice will be held tonight at 10:30 it Roosevelt Junior .High New and ad- ilman Bauer again withheld his ThwrssUx m « r •> i n f, N*w Flans for a new Library' aii4& in the Presbyterian Church sanc- I Monday night of the Board d it iona 1 ote as he did when the ordinance Yaar's Day, lisa asual publica- Municipal Building In W«»t««Wvi tuary and chapel. A half hour of lucation with representatives contribu- •as introduced Dec. 8. tion tlala. moved a stop nearer to realltttlBB;.;.:j Teachers Association, all tions 600 carols will precede the communion Also approved at the meeting Monday night when Town Couli. service which will start at 11 p.m. Early co»y Irtm atWtrtisari d teachers and school nurs- 'as a resolution authorizing the ansl pukllclly cUiratM ml all II passed a resolution authorhln* ^ Contributions The carol service will include: I be placed in their proper urchase of one 1963 Ford busi- orf aniaatioBs it ra*jii«tl««1. own Cleric Jane Jones to i«i*t^lj| on the teacher* salary guide to date 89,358 "Deck the Halls", "Tho Snow Lay ess coupe for $1,105.94 and exe- jic for bids for the construction On the Ground", "Bring a Torch, Ta« •tWIiai IT «U>lay tti- accompanying raise in pay uting a bill of sale to Wcstfleld nrlislssf will b* Mssstlay f the proposed building! to b« le- '; ny of them. The guide calls Balance Needed $2,810 "eanette, Isabella", "What Child Motor Sales Co. for one Plymouth atcd in East Broad street on thi • s This?", "Sweet Little Jesus msrnlnt. Claatlnad advartit- starting salary of $3,000 Any one who has not made oupe now in use by the Depart- Inf will ba ucaalasl until ormer Traynor property, Orlflnali teacher with a bachelor's a contribution, or who wishes Boy", "As Lately We Watched", ment of Public WorkB, and an- ilans for thia project war* Tn)tl»iH ''Merry Christmas Time", "O Tuesday msiralaf at 9 a'clccb, !i $3100 for a teacher with to add to his gift to help the ther authorizing a warrant in tho itcd'in 1947; ••'•••'' Tffli^ Leave Your Sheep", "Gosu Bam- althoufh tarliar espy ia ra> iter's degree, and $3200 for Campaign reach its goal, may mount of f 1,047.58 drawn to the Gonatruction and neceaaary ^*« bino", "In the Bleak Mid-Wlnter", sjucstasl, whara passlbli. with doctors' degrees, At send check to the United Cam- nier of the Central Railroad Co, unils were authoriied in 1951 and ' j and "0 Holy Night". Th* •Wlirx tn church it no teacher has a doctor's paign, 188 Ferris place. Sub- f New Jersey, being rent due he Council announced Monday ; The organ music will be: Pre- naws will ba tomorrow al 5 and 141 regular faculty scription blanks are available hem. hat the time ii. now proptr to ( ude, "Tho Nativity" by Langlals, p.m. and social, club) sports, \n are about evenly divided on request for those who wish Resolutions authorizing the begin building. Bld» willb* HHlS and postlude, "Christmas Medley". ganoral n»ws mni photo. other two categories, to make a pledge and defer ;reasurer to cancel certain bond •raphs, Monslay al 12 aooa. eived early in 1953, Counell payments to 1953. In Holy Trinity Church, the Rt. authorizations in the amount of itated. According to the govtrnlnf - ihers in every category will Rev. Msgr. Henry J. Watterson Wa will appraclata year co- ire an increase of $150 per 6,008.30, to cancel unexpended operation. jody, the flnancinK program |i*|j|| will celebrate a Solemn High Mass »een worked out an a general "pay for the first 12 years and lalances under certain improve- at midnight. The Holy Trinity nent ordinances in the amount of a you go" basis without the netd i year after that to the max- choir will sing, "Mlssa De Nativa- Mrs. Kruse Named 8,360.80 and to make transfers in jr burden o!f issuing long tttr»I|| I salaries; $5600 for a teach- tate Domine", by John Kooman, ortaln budget accounts wero ap Holiday Mails jonds. This would eliminate the 1th a bachelor's degree after accompanied by Mrs. John Luch irovqd. xtra cost of interest over a pa- Mrs, Instead of 24 years; $6,- To Polio Fund Post mann, organist. Another directing thu Board of lod of ycarB, vart Swith a master's degree, after Before the Midnight Mass, car- Set New Record The Town Council hi» workidts pars, instead of 25; and $6000 Assessors to make assessments for Ruin Cancels Sing at Little Church ols will be sung by the choir. Mrs. encflts on land real estate as au- losely with the Board of Educa- a doctor's degree after the New Sports Events The Community Christinas Sing, scheduled for Sunday after- John Mattco will sing a soprano ion and the action now takenMiva year. horized by Special Ordinance No. 115 Additional noon in East Broad street at the entrance to Mintlowaskin Park solo, "0 Holy Night" and Mrs. E. 078 providing for the improve' ,he result of conferences with tha fj le increase in the annual Division Created was cancelled entirely for thi* season. Called off became of rain Walsh will sing "Silent Night". nent of a section of Rahway ave- Workers Utilized president and a committee of tha ing salary over the present Sunday, the prof ram wai not rescheduled after attempts to post- The choir will sing tho anthem, board and tho dtstermination,tl|rtfl The appointment of Mrs. Victor nue was approved. will be $400 for a teacher pone it to another time (ailed. Mayor Charles P. Bailey stated 'Birthday of a King" as the re- it will not in any way interftM . N. Kruse as chairman of printing A communication from Duncan a bachelor's degree. By put- that many of those who were to lake part in the sing would be cessional. Before the Mass the The heaviest holiday malls in with their bonding and'-".ltiitidpt^ and supplies for the WeBtfteld' Hills, Inc., of Short Hills request- ill in their proper places, a unable to attend at another time. However, the seasonal music boys chancel choir will sing tradi- the hiBtory of tho Westfleld Post irogram, Councilman H. Emerton *: Mountainside Division of the 1953 ing that a strip of land between ter with a bachelor's degree, broadcast from "The Little Ctnrck en the Island" will continue tional anthems under the direction Office were handled during the Thomas slid. of Dimes creates a new post Central avenue and Green place, has been an instructor for to be played daily thto«|k Sunday, and the church floodlighted of Mrs. Luchmann. past ten days efficiently and The library i» to be of responsibility. Mrs. Kruse has with about 175 feet frontage, be smoothly by the regular staff of ars, will be paid $4800, the from within. •••'••• Masses on Christmas Day wil' as a Memorial Library in resided in Westfield for 15 years placed ttt a "G" tonn wan referred (SB employees, augmented by 116 j called for on the guide, far be at 7, 8 0, 1° and 11 a,nv> and and memory of those who «av» aSI'M and has been active In community S to tho Laws and Rules cmnmltte temporary irab»tit\itt», It was an »le. 12 noon. The 9 o'clock Mass ia for are giving : their Hves in 'WatWl work. She has served on the March National Bank and to the Town Planning Board. nounced today by Acting Postmas- the children. War II and the present Korean.'! L present many teachers in of Dimes committee for four New School Gives The lot is now in an "A" zone. ter Vincent G. Noonan. Vestfleld school system are Declares Dividend At St. Paul's Church a celebra- Duncan Hills Inc. are developers War. • .'•:.?. '.:,.':.-.j.^»f| years. Some of her local affilla For six consecutive days, Dec Though most residents realuwS; (rawing salaries called for in tions are membership in the Moth- tion of the Holy Communion wil who are now in the process of ex 15 to 20, more than 100,000 pieces the Inadequacy of the prewnt LK.J "aide now in operation. These ers Guild of Holy Trinity, Rosary The National Bank of Westfield Holiday Program be held at 9:30 a.m. today. There cavatlng for garden apartments to of letter mail wont through the brary Building, few are aware that^| ers therefore will receive a Society, Catholic Daughters, and has declared a semi-annual divi- will be a' second celebration of the be built at 922 Central avenue be. Holy Communion at 11:30 p.m. cancelling machine dally, tho peak over 275 children are on occaiiaftsfi Ideiably larger increase to put Girl and Boy Scout leadership. She dend of $1 per share, payable Dec, ,wecn Green place and Clifton day being Dec. 17, when 134,114 Two celebrations of the Holy served with books within a tw»;| in their proper place. The has participated as a worker in the 31 to stockholders of record Dec. Fifth, Sixth Grade street. : pieces were cancelled, This was an and a half hour period in tha cal- ;": Rated added increase in the United Campaign and Red Cross 15. One extra dividend of 60 cents Communion will be held tomor- Referred to the street lighting Students Perform increase of 8.35 per cent over tho .ar of the present library, it was: v: pi salary budget will be $150,- drives. per share has also been declared row; one at 8 a.m. and the other corresponding period of last year, announced. "The existing building ; J. Bliss Austin, board presi- for the year 1952, payable Dec. at 11 a.m. (Please turn to page 2) For the first time in the local Total cancellations for the period facilities, in view of the preient j , stated. 31 to stockholders of record Dec. The first Christmas program at Tho traditional Christmas Eve history of the March of Dimes the new Elm Street School was of Dec. 1 to 22 me 1,123,701 Bize and cramjicd' conditions, ac- ' r. Austin added that the sal- 15. candlelight service will be held in campaign there will be a sports presented to the public Wednesday pieces, an increase of approxi- tuully create a hazardous condition increases are subject to vot- The bank held its annual Christ- the First Methodist Church at 11 events division headed by Orville evening. The musical prologue be- McKinley Choir mately 7 per cont over the cor. for the daily patrons." The present ' approval of the total budget mas party at the Park Hotel in p.m. in the sanctuary. L. White of Mountainside. Mr, gan at 7 p.m. responding period in 1051. library docs not provide either losed by the board. A public Plainfleld, Dec. 16, at which pres- At tho Redeemer Lutheran White, a graduate in mechanical The following fifth grade stu- Under tho direction of assistanl snough facilities for the eitixens ling is scheduled on the bud- ents were exchanged and the an- Church Christmas Eve, a candle- Entertains PTA engineering from the University dents rendered piano selections postmaster William C. Nestor, su and their children or for the sup-: i in Roosevelt Junior High nouncement was made that the light service will be held'at 11 p.m of Kentucky, is with the engineer- Sue Blatz played "Knight Rupert' pcrintendent of mnils George V ply of needed books, the Council's X>1 Jan. 14 and it will be sub- employees would receive a bonus Christmas music on the organ wil' Keppler and clork-in-charge Ed' ing department of the Standard by Schumann; Joan Morgan, "Jin- begin at 10:45 p.m., accompanied statement added. v •. '-;S ed to the public for a vote of of 12 per cent of their year's sal- Miss Gluser Directs win C. Lake, an alphabetical sys Oil Development Co. He haa been gle Bells" by Pierpont; and Nancy by Mrs. Edward Wente Jr., flutist, The new building is planned so, J jroval Feb. 10 at the school ary. Salary increases were also an- tern of sorting incoming and local an active worker in the commun- Stern and Nancy Schneider played and Daniel Reuning, violinist. Christmas Program as to provide for the ultimaU i |ion, ity life of Mountainside. In an- nounced. mall was instituted this year, en Christmas duets. The fifth grade Tho Luther choir will sing thi growth of Westfield without addi- nouncing his plans, Mr. White bling the office to keep lotto: [he program was outlined to choir directed by Mrs. Esther cuntata, "Childo Jesus" in threi Tho' McKinley School choir, un tional building being necessary. It stated that one of his events will mail moving freely, thereby pre. teachers' group by Mr. Aus- PfulT, and accompanied by Miss parts: Prophecy, The Holy Birth, dcr the direction of Miss Virginic is contemplated to sell tho present be a bowling exhibition at the venting congestion. At no tinn who stated in commenting on Children Feted At Dolores De Maio, sang "Silent and the Gentile Kings. The con Glaser, presented a program o; library and site to provide for a Echo Lanes at which time na- during the peak period was then program in general that "we Night", "Away In A Manger" gregation will sing the carols: "O traditional Christmas mimic Mon part of the coit of the new library, j tionally known bowlers will be fea- a backlog of more than 0 to I asking the public for a lot in 'The First Noel", "We Three Little Town of Bethlehem", "Al day at 7:30 p.m, at a meeting o: The condition of the Municipal tured for the benefit of the polio hours behind schedule, Mr. Noonan new budget, but we are agreed Country Home Kings of Orient Are", and "Undc My Heart This Night Rejoices'1 the school PTA. Following the in Building, Mr. Thomas said, is the fund. Mr. White will make an an added. jt it is absolutely essential," The Stars". vocation by tho Rev. Robert Skin source of numerous complaints I nouncement in the near future as Tho heavy volume of mail inr Hrs. Alice Lchmann, president Members of the fifth grade (Please turn to page 2) ner of tho Presbyterian Churc' from its Insurance carrier and the to his committee and detailed Santa Distributes posed additional burdens on th the Teachers Association, said, choir include: Tom Balling, Dick the choir sang the following: New Jersey State Department of plans of his sports events program. regular carrier force, who, aldei te teachers are quite happy and Gifts to Patients Bnrnett, Betty Bond, Leila Bun Institutions and Agencies. The : Processional, "O Como, All Yi by tho regular substitute and tenv gtutu has since 1948 frequently »sed over the Christmas gift." Mrs. Irene T. Griffin, campaign ncl, Mary Nell Burflcld, Jefl" Chan Faithful"; "Dona Nobis Pacem porury substitute carriers, "did i called the Town Council's atten- added that the Wcstfield chairman, wishes to announce that Peter A. Dughi, exulted ruler of dor, Glen Crane, Jack Danch, Pnu Salt to Direct 1 "All in a Stable Cold and Bare, mugniflcent job in maintaining tw tion to the fact that portions of ehers are among the lowest the coin collectors, which arc repli- the Mountainside Loilge, No. 1585,Davidson, Ann Denholm, Linda an Old EngllBh carol; "What Chil and three deliveries daily Includ Police Headquarters do not com- id in the county. cas of the iron lung, were distrib- BI'OE, announced that the annual Farrow, James Fogurty, Nuncy Players in Spring Is This?", Old English; an' ing a delivery Sunday," said Mr, ply either with safety or health Christinas party for the patients Giggcy, Patsy Groene, Tommy "March of the Threo Kings," Noonnn. standards, In addition, the overall (Please turn to page 2) of the Children's Country Home Huckett, Jimmy Hackett, Stella Provencal air. • Hull, Hichnrd Jones, Jim Jones, The Community Players an "Sunday and evening window condition of the Municipal Build- ' ipils Present at Mountainside was held Satur- Shirley Whito read a pussiig Barbara Kahn, Peggy Kosck, Carol nounce that Ralph Theodore Sa' service helped to spread tho worl ing has deteriorated to a point duy. Charles T. Brennan repre- from the Bible followed by thi lie Musical Show Who's Kidding Now? Leone, Barbara Little, Susan has been engaged to direct thei toad of our clerical stuff. Period!' where it has been neccsasry to put senting Santa Claus, distributed singing of "O, Savior Sweet," b; Mnntz, Sally McCobb, David Mind- spring production. A long tinn collections from mailboxes wcr special bracing in tho basoment to Sequel To A Story individual gifts and candy stock- Johann Sebastian ; "O Littl resident of Mountainside, Mr, maintained dully from 5 a.m. t assure safety in the use of tha \ Christmas program of music ings to each of the 47 children Town of Bethlehem," by Lewis II Salt is widely known not only fo 12 p.m. A very efficient night crcv building and Council auditorium. presented Friday night by Over in Morristown, a man kill- confined nt present to the home. (Please turn to page 2) Refiner "Mary's Lullaby," n Pol his acting in tho professional the toiled through the wee hours ti Tho new Municipal Building' B pupils of the Roosevelt Junior ed a 358 pound black bear the He WU3 assisted by Mrs. Helen ish /oik song; "God Rest Ye Mer 1 utcr and movies, but also for hi; keep the mail moving. will be designed not only to take School in the auditorium. other day and this small news item Kriegdt , president of the Ladies' ry, Gentlemen," anil the recea Volunteer Rescue directing ability. Hi.f most recen "All in all," Mr. Noonan con- care of tho present needs of the The program was under the di- should make one Judson S. Brad- Auxiliury of Mountainside Lodge; sional, "Joy to the World," b; Mrs. Charles T. Brcnnun, Mrs. contribution to Wcstfield's theatr' cluded, "it seemed to me to be th JilTerait departments but also will ction of the vocal music depart- ley a happy man. For it was Mr. Squuri Elects Officers George F. Hantlel. smoothest Christmas period I huvi have unfinished interior space to mt, with Mrs. Ruth Tombneher Albeit DuPlessia, Mrs. Chillies K. eal entertainment was the tlircc Bradley, who some years ago when tion and production of Ginn-Carl The members of the choir were witnessed in my brief 11! yean rccting the eighth and ninth Mayer, Albert DiiPJessin, chair- a resident ef Westlield, reported At the December meeting of the Menotti'a "Tho Telephone" an Lois Anderson, Judith August association with our local post of. (Please turn to page 2) ade pupils and Miss Jean Mi man of' the crippled children's seeing a bear and pointed out its Wcstfleld Volunteer IJOBCIIO Sqund Gilbert and Sullivan's "Trial B Carson Bates, Gloria Bendcl, liar Ace." 'han directing the seventh grade tracks, all in good faith and with committee; Charles It. Mayer, sec- bant Brady, Iliirburu Bullock retary, iiinl Michael liivona. Mrs. the annual election of officers of Jury" for tho Presbyterian Churc ildren. a regard fur the muny children Francos Cuunnsaolii, Angelin, Nurses Aides Training Louise II. Knillin, president of the the administrative section was in November. .Taking part were members of j living in the Gardens section. In Constantino, Robert DcCht'llls an Church Receives home, expressed lliu thanks of the held. Tho following persons were Cluss Begins Jan. 12 le ninth grade choir, tho eighth no time nt all, commutor Bradley Thin will be the second iniijo Gloria Diniiio. individual recipients. elected: President, Jack Davis; 41 New Members ^utle girls chorus and the Warb- was the victim of more kidding vice president, William Ii. Kcki'it; production Mr. Suit has dirccte Also Donald Ehrmun, Richur Mrs. llurlund Miller, chairman jrs. Itecso Hclmondollar, a ninth than should huvc been heaped up. The election of Wllliuni Bnyton secretary, John A. Thonnis, mid for the Players, the first bcin Emery, Constance Farr, lirenil; Forty-one nthilts were received of tho Red CIOSB Nurses Aides,, fade pupil, read "The Christmas on the head of any public spirited of Westllold to membership in the treasurer, Miiynard Fletcher. The "Sun Up" by Loin Vollmer i: French, Luellcn Gehweller, Apri into Kirst Congregational Churcl uimounccti that the new class for oilier wins held yesterday. newly elected officers will assume IUI18. Jones, LOIH IiUiilEiertl, Clitilii ^ory." citizen and us his "fame" sprcnt Sunday morning, Betting a rccon training aidcH will start Jan. 12. new duties on Jan. 1 for it Longstrcet, DoloreH Manlno, Jas S Accompanists for tho choir were to thi) metropolitan prcHH, the kid. On New Year's live n party will for one-time curnllmentH into th Thuro nro still u few vacancies in lie held lit the Indite rooms for ono your period. Muniiinn uml Joyce Monroe. Jlphii Bentley and Joyce Long* ding bei'iime more common. 'Y' Sijuure Dunce I'diiiniunion uml fellowship of th the CIIIHH uml uny one interested And l'uullnu Napolituno, Dunli iy. Margaret Brooke and Robin Finally, when the bear failed to mrinlii'i'H, their families n n i| The sqund is orgnnlznl in two Infill church. Its membership In a in this Horvico may obtain further make un appearance while anyone friends. OrcheHtruI iininli' for dunc- To Be Held Jan. 3 un ull-timv high of HBO porsoim. i%ht accompanied tliu girls ctlons: Thu niliiiinistrallve wc- (Please turn to page 2) information by calling Ked Cross soruH. rim- wan looking, thu matter died hiK will he provided until ,'1 n.m., iii IH ri'sptmiilile for nil IUIHIIII'SH Thirty-one urn ti'iitisfors fron Ht'iitlquiiiters, We. 2-7090. Tha us well us many door prises, 1 1 down, but the ITITIM. story, which and Iliiunciul mutters, whiln the On Un first Saturday evening n (ilhi'i churches, and 10 were HUSH will meet on Monday and iliince mid novelty prizes. There Legion Auxiliury Plans begun in much the name way, re- opt'nitiiiiiM si'flion Is t'oni'Pi IKMI I'lirh winter month, the Y holds fi'liteil on foiifensiiiu t)f fiiitli, O, Wednesday UVOIIIUKB ut the hoad- 1 will IIIHO lie un ufU'i'-miilnighl liuf- calls it. It seems that farmer) with nil KI|IIIII| uperulloii.-t iuWiidliiK Hipnm1 iliuii'e fin1 l.lie people ti Annual Art Hliow tlm 10, ,Hi!veu were liupUzril .Suiv iiuurtcrn, Mil Kim struct. SEE PACE 14 outside nf Morrlstown had'report, duly HclifdiilliKT, miiiiiliiinaiu'ii iiinl VVi'st/li'ld and vicinity. Member tiny. ed lieur tracks* uml HOIIIU duniiigo prnt'iiri'iiieiit nf supplies II n il ship in Ihi' V is not iiiTPKKiiry, an Muny nriuliiiil piilntingK The Itev. Joseph I/. MeCorluon 1 In Thia Issue '-% for this week's tn corpiti etc., over u period nf llvi Thrift .Shop AHI™ f'lllliptni'lil, tiniJ tho Initial itml ciiit- nil who I'lijoj y ni]iiiiri' iluneinj? proinincut iirtijit.'t will he on e> pasttir, lirt'iiclli'il "Tlio Glory yearn anil one or two persons) ad- liiiuiiu: first nil! training of nil Inviletl Ii nlii'inl from K:,'!() In 12 lilliil. in tin' Aiiii'iii'iin I.t' (IhriHtmaii." 1 Introducing mitted they hud KITH tin) big IMP. I'W Donations Illl'lllllt'lH. The i p raiigi'H in mtt1 froin 'd Hiinie, NiH'th uviiniie, Friday frni A children's ChristiniiD servlt ' Sally 9, 30, U/'& 1 lint it look tlie HIIOIS of H niun, 1 •Sliit'i! Nnv, I tin' follmvinK iii'vv to III) n:,'il] tn Id p.m. under the iiunpiet wiw licltl HIIIHIO ii.ni, Mrs, Kiwi ClasuJIWd ,.,.«, f->jj Interesting Tin' Thrift Shop of tin Wrat 1 1 wlio i« now chiii'w'l with violat- ilirinlii'i'H lutvi jniiiril Un' iu|iinil: Kiiiiii coii|ilt'ii nlti'iiil 111 thi'l of tho Aiui'iit'an 1,1'^lon AuxUtil mil' II. Iliillailiiy |in':llilrd. A Coming Evontu <...... i...lO: Itelil Service l/i'il|!U'' i« I" net'il »f ing ii Hliitc law iu;alrml. brnr liiint- (it'iic llrtidy, MIIWIII Ilrnwn, ,1, own m'l, Inil mimt «•> f'lnifly uml ar Mnrlln Wiilllifi'if Unit No. il. At t'vi'iilni? I'nmllfllght Htirvlcn con Church Nows , ...JO, 81 WcstficMcrs iloniiliniiii. t'nutuiiii1 Jewelry, doth. InK, t» prove the rumor* IIIMI In » (iriiiilliiy, (i. llolicrt, y 1'Vi'i! Hirrki' Arti'tU wliiuu1 worli OhUunrlc* The tlilrty-l'ir.l nf tin l.oml- 1 iiinl brli'-it-lmH' lire ni'i'i'lMiil 4 rhinnliy, 1 flhtiwn, liii'liidt' Win .Sowt'll, I'll '/i irlll. llrt'j'fr'^ lr« Ort'ltm, ,., Playing tho Card* illriiti the Wi'Hllli'liI nmn, who iirv- HIM! his iDi'lii'Mtrn. Mr, kiei'lu cX- t li>r frriiiii nt'ittio. ...,,,,.,,., , «r's s«ri«s nf nrticlni nbniit fiiitmi'M iniiy I it 1 thi'lr nmtiibu- 1 ,.,.,,..ir er iliil back (Invvii on bin ntory, plultiH thu Ktepti of the ilnili'i'M In wnril Hcliwi'idt, Chni'liitli A, Crn Totml tnltiii la,7i Hovlal Interesting resltlenU, written llonn to thi! *hu|i on Koiitli live 4 ll.M Sports liy Uerimrd 0, Thtonns, Intro- nf I lirlalnum I nril< m Illlr, II fur II lieur niiywlii'i1" in HIIH vicinity nut' or Imvi' tlii'in picked up by HI.In mi »*n> nl Miwr'a HMHIM Numb umj Cruwfuril Parkur. »o*tt, *ad W«.ta.ld Liu. Theatres U,;at.- duces Jnnicii Mitchell. 1 - . . f,g< 10-tl-tf WHU "Inipinmllile," citllliuy WI , 2-2MI). About Town With I, 1952^ Two THE TTESTFmn » ... to take an active part la j them, "WTieu Christ Was Bom"' \ Gordon C.rmvotd aiid Paisi Shepherds", "March of the Magi", f}n[fy Sitter f6T • supporting- the budget as present-1 The eongMgation will gjBg t^ Old Orme:\vL<#inei:, Inland Ka!lnsy*r..'"Si!«n« Nijrht", and the reces- • ' McKinlcv Choir • bv the Board of Education, to hymn*, "Hark, the Herald School € >>n 1 L ome AJI Ve Pavid and Bob " * ' "° * ... faithful". , i _._ place ali teachers on the guide, Sing", "Praise God the „„„ lr Briiur the children with you, j i t t lrge vote at theSons of Men," "Soul, Adorn Th-J 4Cabtinoed from |»»e 11 ; liaises. The SEembere of the sixth grade (Continued from page 1) gfi