THE WESTFIELD LEADER £"• THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIMCOUTU) WUKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY tY-THIRD YEAR- 16 itered as Setond Clasi WESTFIELD, JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1952 Published Every Thursday M Ptgea—S data- feachers' Salaries Churches Schedule Yule Services Council Approves Salary Ordinance Bids For Library, Raised By Board Carol Singing On Final Reading And Communion Town Hall Open! eulty, Nurses to United Campaign Request Submitted Progress Report Highlight Events By Developers for Early Deadline Set Plans FdTl;Pr^^ 'A' Zone Variance Again-For Second 'laced Properly New and additional contri- Churches throughout Wentfield Consecutive Week have completed plans for special butions bring the United Cam- An ordinance which will revise Begun 6 Years Ago paign near to the 1952 goal. services scheduled for today and lie salaries of certain town em- Th. U*sl*r" will p New Pay Guide Campaign Goal $92,168 tomorrow, Christmas Day, to mark iloyees was passed on second and 7 B*lit wmk »4 « Reported Dec. the holy season. Approach Reality nal reading by the Town Council will Iw dallvara* l« aubscrlb- ' A candlelight? Communion ser- a result of a special meet- 10, 1962 ....$88,768 t a meeting Monday night. Coun- •rs an that stay iaal»4 •( vice will be held tonight at 10:30 it Roosevelt Junior .High New and ad- ilman Bauer again withheld his ThwrssUx m « r •> i n f, N*w Flans for a new Library' aii4& in the Presbyterian Church sanc- I Monday night of the Board d it iona 1 ote as he did when the ordinance Yaar's Day, lisa asual publica- Municipal Building In W«»t««Wvi tuary and chapel. A half hour of lucation with representatives contribu- •as introduced Dec. 8. tion tlala. moved a stop nearer to realltttlBB;.;.:j Teachers Association, all tions 600 carols will precede the communion Also approved at the meeting Monday night when Town Couli. service which will start at 11 p.m. Early co»y Irtm atWtrtisari d teachers and school nurs- 'as a resolution authorizing the ansl pukllclly cUiratM ml all II passed a resolution authorhln* ^ Contributions The carol service will include: I be placed in their proper urchase of one 1963 Ford busi- orf aniaatioBs it ra*jii«tl««1. own Cleric Jane Jones to i«i*t^lj| on the teacher* salary guide to date 89,358 "Deck the Halls", "Tho Snow Lay ess coupe for $1,105.94 and exe- jic for bids for the construction On the Ground", "Bring a Torch, Ta« •tWIiai IT «U>lay tti- accompanying raise in pay uting a bill of sale to Wcstfleld nrlislssf will b* Mssstlay f the proposed building! to b« le- '; ny of them. The guide calls Balance Needed $2,810 "eanette, Isabella", "What Child Motor Sales Co. for one Plymouth atcd in East Broad street on thi • s This?", "Sweet Little Jesus msrnlnt. Claatlnad advartit- starting salary of $3,000 Any one who has not made oupe now in use by the Depart- Inf will ba ucaalasl until ormer Traynor property, Orlflnali teacher with a bachelor's a contribution, or who wishes Boy", "As Lately We Watched", ment of Public WorkB, and an- ilans for thia project war* Tn)tl»iH ''Merry Christmas Time", "O Tuesday msiralaf at 9 a'clccb, !i $3100 for a teacher with to add to his gift to help the ther authorizing a warrant in tho itcd'in 1947; ••'•••'' Tffli^ Leave Your Sheep", "Gosu Bam- althoufh tarliar espy ia ra> iter's degree, and $3200 for Campaign reach its goal, may mount of f 1,047.58 drawn to the Gonatruction and neceaaary ^*« bino", "In the Bleak Mid-Wlnter", sjucstasl, whara passlbli. with doctors' degrees, At send check to the United Cam- nier of the Central Railroad Co, unils were authoriied in 1951 and ' j and "0 Holy Night". Th* •Wlirx tn church it no teacher has a doctor's paign, 188 Ferris place. Sub- f New Jersey, being rent due he Council announced Monday ; The organ music will be: Pre- naws will ba tomorrow al 5 and 141 regular faculty scription blanks are available hem. hat the time ii. now proptr to ( ude, "Tho Nativity" by Langlals, p.m. and social, club) sports, \n are about evenly divided on request for those who wish Resolutions authorizing the begin building. Bld» willb* HHlS and postlude, "Christmas Medley". ganoral n»ws mni photo. other two categories, to make a pledge and defer ;reasurer to cancel certain bond •raphs, Monslay al 12 aooa. eived early in 1953, Counell payments to 1953. In Holy Trinity Church, the Rt. authorizations in the amount of itated. According to the govtrnlnf - ihers in every category will Rev. Msgr. Henry J. Watterson Wa will appraclata year co- ire an increase of $150 per 6,008.30, to cancel unexpended operation. jody, the flnancinK program |i*|j|| will celebrate a Solemn High Mass »een worked out an a general "pay for the first 12 years and lalances under certain improve- at midnight. The Holy Trinity nent ordinances in the amount of a you go" basis without the netd i year after that to the max- choir will sing, "Mlssa De Nativa- Mrs. Kruse Named 8,360.80 and to make transfers in jr burden o!f issuing long tttr»I|| I salaries; $5600 for a teach- tate Domine", by John Kooman, ortaln budget accounts wero ap Holiday Mails jonds. This would eliminate the 1th a bachelor's degree after accompanied by Mrs. John Luch irovqd. xtra cost of interest over a pa- Mrs, Instead of 24 years; $6,- To Polio Fund Post mann, organist. Another directing thu Board of lod of ycarB, vart Swith a master's degree, after Before the Midnight Mass, car- Set New Record The Town Council hi» workidts pars, instead of 25; and $6000 Assessors to make assessments for Ruin Cancels Sing at Little Church ols will be sung by the choir. Mrs. encflts on land real estate as au- losely with the Board of Educa- a doctor's degree after the New Sports Events The Community Christinas Sing, scheduled for Sunday after- John Mattco will sing a soprano ion and the action now takenMiva year. horized by Special Ordinance No. 115 Additional noon in East Broad street at the entrance to Mintlowaskin Park solo, "0 Holy Night" and Mrs. E. 078 providing for the improve' ,he result of conferences with tha fj le increase in the annual Division Created was cancelled entirely for thi* season. Called off became of rain Walsh will sing "Silent Night". nent of a section of Rahway ave- Workers Utilized president and a committee of tha ing salary over the present Sunday, the prof ram wai not rescheduled after attempts to post- The choir will sing tho anthem, board and tho dtstermination,tl|rtfl The appointment of Mrs. Victor nue was approved. will be $400 for a teacher pone it to another time (ailed. Mayor Charles P. Bailey stated 'Birthday of a King" as the re- it will not in any way interftM . N. Kruse as chairman of printing A communication from Duncan a bachelor's degree. By put- that many of those who were to lake part in the sing would be cessional. Before the Mass the The heaviest holiday malls in with their bonding and'-".ltiitidpt^ and supplies for the WeBtfteld' Hills, Inc., of Short Hills request- ill in their proper places, a unable to attend at another time. However, the seasonal music boys chancel choir will sing tradi- the hiBtory of tho Westfleld Post irogram, Councilman H. Emerton *: Mountainside Division of the 1953 ing that a strip of land between ter with a bachelor's degree, broadcast from "The Little Ctnrck en the Island" will continue tional anthems under the direction Office were handled during the Thomas slid. March of Dimes creates a new post Central avenue and Green place, has been an instructor for to be played daily thto«|k Sunday, and the church floodlighted of Mrs. Luchmann. past ten days efficiently and The library i» to be of responsibility. Mrs. Kruse has with about 175 feet frontage, be smoothly by the regular staff of ars, will be paid $4800, the from within. •••'••• Masses on Christmas Day wil' as a Memorial Library in resided in Westfield for 15 years placed ttt a "G" tonn wan referred (SB employees, augmented by 116 j called for on the guide, far be at 7, 8 0, 1° and 11 a,nv> and and memory of those who «av» aSI'M and has been active In community S to tho Laws and Rules cmnmltte temporary irab»tit\itt», It was an »le. 12 noon. The 9 o'clock Mass ia for are giving : their Hves in 'WatWl work. She has served on the March National Bank and to the Town Planning Board. nounced today by Acting Postmas- the children. War II and the present Korean.'! L present many teachers in of Dimes committee for four New School Gives The lot is now in an "A" zone. ter Vincent G. Noonan. Vestfleld school system are Declares Dividend At St. Paul's Church a celebra- Duncan Hills Inc. are developers War. • .'•:.?. '.:,.':.-.j.^»f| years. Some of her local affilla For six consecutive days, Dec Though most residents realuwS; (rawing salaries called for in tions are membership in the Moth- tion of the Holy Communion wil who are now in the process of ex 15 to 20, more than 100,000 pieces the Inadequacy of the prewnt LK.J "aide now in operation. These ers Guild of Holy Trinity, Rosary The National Bank of Westfield Holiday Program be held at 9:30 a.m.
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