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Bethany Republican-Clipper The official newspaper of Harrison County, Missouri since 1873 Bethany, Missouri 64424 Vol. 92, No. 2425 www.bethanyclipper.com July 21, 2021 75 Cents Property near school sold at online auction CBM Auctions of Lathrop, equipment and owned several landland nearnear thethe school.school. TheThe tracttract Street, near the New City Lake. Mo., last week completed its farmsfarms inin HarrisonHarrison County.County. isis locatedlocated westwest ofof thethe schoolschool andand Other tracts of land are lo-- online auction of more than 700 A great deal of interest was thethe DailyDaily Addition.Addition. TheThe propertyproperty cated along the east side of I-35, acres of prime Harrison County focusedfocused onon thethe salesale ofof 64½64½ acresacres consistsconsists ofof pasturelandpastureland andand hashas between Bethany and the Ridge-- farmlandfarmland ownedowned byby thethe CasadyCasady of land adjoining to the South never been developed. way exit, and near the Harrison Family Trust. Harrison High School. Accord-- “We“We hadhad lookedlooked atat itit sincesince itit County Lake. The auction involved 10 inging toto sources,sources, thethe landland wentwent was located next to our school,” Marvin Casady, 79, of Betha-- parcels of land ranging from forfor $268,000$268,000 oror aboutabout $4,150$4,150 anan saidsaid SouthSouth HarrisonHarrison SuperintenSuperinten-- ny passed away suddenly on Jan 2.1 acres to 240 acres. CBM acre, but the buyer has not been dent Dennis Eastin, confirming 11, 2021. He owned Casady Mo-- closed bids on the properties disclosed. thatthat thethe schoolschool decideddecided notnot toto bidbid torstors andand Implement.Implement. on Wednesday, July 14. The JohnathanJohnathan Meyer,Meyer, anan attorneyattorney on the land. CBM Auctions will be con-- ■ Casady salesale waswas heldheld afterafter thethe deathdeath ofof working with the estate, said the The largest tract of land, 240 tinuingtinuing itsits onlineonline auctionauction ofof thethe N family trust Bethany businessman Marvin final paperwork had not been acres,acres, isis locatedlocated atat thethe northeastnortheast Casady family’s tractors and farm property Casady who dealt in used farm completed on the sale of the cornercorner ofof 220th220th StreetStreet andand 265th265th equipment through July 29. Photo CBM Auctions Rest stop at The Hamptons City studies moving bridge to new park The Bethany City Council on Monday night authorized City Administrator Jake Taylor to solicitsolicit bidsbids toto movemove thethe oldold railroadrailroad depotdepot fromfrom 12th Street to a location in the new city parkland between Babe Adams Field and the high school. City officials said the overwhelming major-- ityity ofof locallocal residentsresidents saysay theythey favorfavor preservingpreserving thethe depotdepot byby movingmoving itit toto aa moremore publicpublic location.location. The city is looking into various options for how toto useuse thethe depotdepot suchsuch asas establishingestablishing aa museummuseum therethere oror aa touristtourist informationinformation bureau.bureau. Taylor also plans to meet with the Harrison County Commission today (Wednesday) about relocatingrelocating thethe WestWest BethanyBethany BridgeBridge toto thethe newnew park property to be used as a low-water crossing and as a tourism feature for the park. The county was scheduled to open bids today on replacing thethe bridgebridge withwith aa newnew structurestructure overover thethe EastEast Fork of Big Creek. Presiding County Commis-- sionersioner JackJack HodgeHodge saidsaid thethe countycounty hashas nono plansplans toto useuse thethe oldold bridgebridge andand indicatedindicated hehe favoredfavored thethe city’scity’s proposalproposal toto savesave thethe 1930-era1930-era structure.structure. InIn otherother business,business, thethe councilcouncil waswas toldtold thatthat city street Superintendent Charlie Bennett’s Republican-Clipper photo city street Superintendent Charlie Bennett’s Republican-Clipper photo crew plans to begin work next month on widen- People attending the Porch Crawl enjoy the shade and refreshmenrefreshmentsts served on the porch of Aaron and Lorrie Langfitt on Saturday afternoon. The Lang-- crew plans to begin work next month on widen- fitts hosted the first stop on the porch tour. The crowd was taken by wagon to a total of nine porches in the Hamptons. The day finished with a picnic at inging BartlettBartlett StreetStreet fromfrom thethe parkpark toto 39th39th StreetStreet inin the park. preparation for having the street paved next year. Curves on the route will be straightened to make thethe street safer toto travel.travel. The council also voted to buy The a councilcrew cab also F-150 voted pickup to buy for a thecrew police cab Viewing platform to be departmentF-150 pickup under for athe state police bid ofdepartment $32,823. under a installed at Dunn Ranch state bid of $32,823. The Dunn Ranch will be adding new features toto improveimprove thethe accessaccess toto thethe 3,258-acre3,258-acre naturenature rere-- serve,serve, ownedowned byby thethe NatureNature Conservancy.Conservancy. Blythedale to Kent Wamsley, ranch director, said a large Blythedale to viewing platform is being built at the ranch office locatedlocated onon WestWest 180th180th Avenue.Avenue. bringbring outout dieseldiesel “It will have two levels of view and a viewing scopescope soso thatthat peoplepeople whowho visitvisit cancan overlookoverlook thethe prairie and see all of its beauty no matter the sea-- traintrain forfor 20212021 fairfair son,”son,” WamsleyWamsley said.said. AA scalescale modelmodel miniatureminiature dieseldiesel traintrain willwill rollroll The platform is being built by Seth Pottorff and intointo BlythedaleBlythedale nextnext monthmonth toto givegive childrenchildren ridesrides Pottorff Fencing and should be completed by the duringduring thethe FreeFree FairFair whichwhich willwill bebe heldheld overover thethe end of August. weekendweekend ofof AugustAugust 6-76-7 atat thethe BlythedaleBlythedale fairfair-- Republican-Clipper photo The Nature Conservancy also recently installed grounds.grounds. Getting into the swim: InstructorsInstructors KierraKierra Shelby,Shelby, inin front,front, andand HalleHalle Morgan,Morgan, back,back, helpteach younger younger a 2,300-foot-long handicap accessible walk trail The train rides have been a fixture at the Bly- kids how to float on their back during swimming lessons last week at the Bethany Aquatic Center. The train rides have been a fixture at the Bly- which will connect with primitive restrooms at the thedalethedale FairFair sincesince thethe 1970s.1970s. TheThe miniatureminiature traintrain picnic area now available for visitor use. takestakes childrenchildren onon ridesrides aroundaround thethe tracktrack inin railrail carscars InIn 2019,2019, thethe DunnDunn RanchRanch PrairiePrairie celebratedcelebrated itsits namednamed afterafter HarrisonHarrison County’sCounty’s towns.towns. 20th year of restoration. TheThe engineengine isis keptkept inin storagestorage forfor mostmost ofof thethe “We are excited to provide some of these fea-- Aquatic Center to hold yearyear andand isis onlyonly broughtbrought outout forfor aa couplecouple ofof nightsnights turestures toto thethe naturenature enthusiastsenthusiasts whowho visitvisit thethe site,”site,” duringduring thethe fair.fair. Wamsley said TheThe BlythedaleBlythedale eventevent dependsdepends uponupon volunvolun-- pool party on Saturday teersteers toto operateoperate thethe rides,rides, gamesgames andand foodfood booths.booths. TheThe dieseldiesel traintrain waswas purchasedpurchased inin IowaIowa andand waswas Bethany Parks and Recreation will be hold-- big “Thepart ofseason our budget,” is so short Baker anyway said. and yet it’s a broughtbrought backback toto BlytedaleBlytedale byby GabbyGabby StantonStanton whowho Ice-cream social to celebrate inging aa summersummer poolpool partyparty fromfrom 11 toto 55 p.m.p.m. onon bigPatrick part of ourMiller, budget,” newly-elected Baker said. president of Ice-cream social to celebrate servedserved asas aa conductorconductor forfor manymany years.years. HisHis namename Saturday, July 24, at the Bethany Aquatic Cen-- the PatrickPark Board, Miller, said newly-elected the parks department president hopes of nownow isis onon thethe engine.engine. MissouriMissouri BicentennialBicentennial ter.ter. tothe “avoid Park Board, the down said time the parksat the department pool like we hopes had TheMU BethanyExtension Chamber will hold of Commercean ice-cream will social hold AA FerrisFerris wheel,wheel, builtbuilt toto scalescale onon thethe modelmodel ofof The pool party will be co-sponsored by the thisto “avoid year” thethrough down redundancy time at the inpool equipment. like we had anfrom ice-cream 3:30 to social6:30 p.m. on Tuesday,Tuesday, Aug.Aug. 10,10, toto celcel-- ridesrides onon bigbig fairfair midways,midways, alsoalso isis aa featurefeature ofof thethe BTC Area Youth Benefit and Parks and Recre-- thisThe year” parks through department redundancy has struggled in equipment. to have ebrateebrate Missouri’sMissouri’s Bicentennial.Bicentennial. TheThe eventevent willwill bebe BlythedaleBlythedale Fair.Fair. ation. a longerThe parks swimming department season has because struggled most to of have the heldheld inin thethe library’slibrary’s parkpark-- TheThe miniatureminiature railroadrailroad recallsrecalls aa timetime whenwhen BlyBly-- The event will include freefood food and drinks,and drinks,