Church History Church History and and Religious Culture 101 (2021) 33–60 Religious Culture From the IJssel Valley to Paris and Rome via Montserrat Ignatius of Loyola and Repositioning the Origins of Modern Piety Robert A. Maryks | orcid: 0000-0002-8401-4236 Independent Scholar, The Berkshires, MA, USA
[email protected] Abstract This essay aims to analyze the hitherto neglected (or deliberately avoided?) link between De spiritualibus ascentionibus (On spiritual ascents) by Zerbolt of Zutphen (1367–1398) and the SpiritualExercises of Ignatius of Loyola (c. 1491–1556). Indeed, there is a more direct relationship between these two texts than between Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises and the Exercitatorio spiritual by Abbot García Jiménez de Cisneros (1455– 1510) and the Imitatio Christi (Imitation of Christ) by Thomas à Kempis (c. 1380–1441), which has received much more attention in the existing literature. A careful synoptic reading of these works reveals not only an intriguing congruence between Zerbolt and Loyola in terms of the scope and definition of their works; the general structure and vocabulary; humanistic soteriology and optimistic anthropology of human will; the role of introspection in reforming inordinate affections and affective devotion; the role of examen of conscience (both daily and general); frequent sacramental confession and Communion; the role of spiritual guide; the use of the five senses and composi- tion of place as meditative techniques and importance of methodical mental prayer; and the centrality of imitation of Christ’s humanity, but also direct textual reciprocity. Zerbolt’s Spiritual Ascents appears to be a blueprint for Loyola’s Exercises.