Wilfrid Barbrooke Grubb [1865-1930], a Church in the Wilds. the Remarkable Story of the Establishment

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Wilfrid Barbrooke Grubb [1865-1930], a Church in the Wilds. the Remarkable Story of the Establishment TYPICAL MASCOY WOMAN AND CHILD They belong to a clau living north of the Rio Verde. The palm-log hut is one of the improved Ind ian b uildings. The tablecloth ~nd jug indicate the social advance. A CHURCH IN THE WILDS THE REMARKABLE STORY OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SOUTH AMERICAN MISSION AMONGST THE HITHERTO SAVAGE AND INTRACTABLE NATIVES OF THE PARAGUAYAN CHACO BY W. BARBROOKE GRUBB "COMISARIO GltNl:RAL DEL CHACO Y- PACIFICADOR DE LOS INDIOS tt PIONEER fE! EXPLORER OF THE CHACO AUTHOR OJ' "AN UNKNOWN PEOPLE. IN AN UNICNOWN LAND'' EDITED BY H. T. MORREY JONES, M.A. (OxoN} WITH MANY ILLUSTRATIONS Is 2 MAPS LONDON SEELEY, SERVICE & CO. LIMITED 196 SHAFTESBURY AVENUE 1925 Printed in Great Britain. TO MY MOTHER THIS BOOK IS Al<'FECTIONATELY DEDICATED THE DARK PART SHOWS THE Al1EA OF THE CHACO COMPARED WITH THll: CONTINENT OF SOUTH AMERICA. op<1i So,hi/r 511 J<ISAPANG Na Atl,/a,ranca/r 0 ....__ --· 23 23 Yitliwase-Yamliiyit < 24 SCALE-about 60 Miles to an Inch 59 58 EL GRAN CHACO. CONTENTS PART I CHAPTER I A UNIQUE FIELD P.A.Gl!lB Difficult problems-An unexplored country-A unique situation -The Chaco and its people-Decline of population-Work- ing under difficulties-Languages of the tribes - 19-24 CHAPTER II A RIVER BASE Ignorance of m1ss10n work-The first settlement-Death of a pioneer-A rapacious chief-A perilous undertaking-Well- nigh hopeless - - - - - - 25-29 CHAPTER III "BURNING MY BOATS" A bold step-Tracking the thieves-Native criticism-Taking a high hand-Deserted---;-Reconciliation-Narrow escapes- Privations-A visitor-Solitude-Pioneering 30--39 CHAPTER IV THEORY VERSUS PRACTICE Lay counsellors-Superfluous advice-Impure water-Minimum resources-An unnecessary luxury - - - 40-44 ix X CONTENTS CHAPTER V A MISSIONARY'S ATTRIBUTES PA.Gll8 An unconventional existence-The bright side-Not a superman -A broad outlook-Sunday in the Chaco 45-49 CHAPTER VJ A WANDERER The romance of exploration-A roving life-Indian cookery­ Irregular meals-Nature's foresight-Extremities-Native rains -The insect scourge - Sleeping under difficulties- Naturalization 50--58 CHAPTER VII FOLKLORE Folklore-A cannibal story-Founded on fact-An eerie folk­ A curious custom-Eating a rainbow-The woman and the tree-A triple tragedy-Birdlore --- 59-71 CHAPTER VIII HEATHENISM A primitive race-Latent intelligence-A question of policy­ Infanticide-The aged and infirm-Characteristics-Dreams -Hero-worship-Moral codes - 72-78 CHAPTER IX HEATHEN TYPES A character sketch-A canny chief-A sceptic-Native chivalry -Women of the Chaco-A local celebrity -- 79-86 PART II CHAPTER I PREPARATORY TEACHING First steps -A common humanity- Practical Christianity­ Theory of creation-A native preacher-Combating an evil custom-A fresh point of view . --- 89-97 CONTENTS XI CHAPTER II FOUNDATION-STONES Inculcating self-reliance - Grafting Christianity - Distinctive features-Women in the Church-Proceeding cautiously­ Force of native example-Helpful opposition-Laying the folJildations - 98-106 CHAPTER III KYEMAPSITHYO A boy with a future-Signs of character-A promising youth­ Indian diplomacy-The first convert-Kyemap runs away­ A secret marriage-Conflicting emotions-The fugitive'!! return-Spiritual instruction-Facing the camera-A faithful follower-The turning-point-A leader of men -- 107-118 CHAPTER IV STRUGGLING UPWARD A decadent people-Superstitions-An ingenious witch-doctor­ Conquered fears-Weird rumours-Curious experiences-A scientific explanation - Danger - signals - Significance of dreams-A strange coincidence-Gaining time-Native credulity-Religious feasts-A challenge-A remarkable incident - - 119-130 CHAPTER V CHURCH ORGANIZATION The fir11t-fruits- Unwelcome distractions-Private 11ervicee- Preparation for baptism-The infant Church - 131-136 CHAPTER VI CONNECTING LINKS Growth of the mission-Search for Ibarretta-An established faith -Treachery of wizards-Native zeal-Industrial training­ An epidemic-A triumph-Rapid progress-An unsuccessful experiment-Learning l,y experience - - • 137-143 xii CONTENTS CHAPTER VII WIDESPREAD INFLUENCE PAGlllS Aims and ideals-A social revolution-Radical reforms-Decrease of intemperance-Increasing self-respect-A growing popula­ tion-Advance of civilization-A settled community-Influ- ence of missions - - 144-151 CHAPTER VIII THE "WHITE PARTRIDGES " Celia-A clever housekeer,er-A gifted personality-An amusing incident-" One-eye ' - - - - - 152-157 PART III CHAPTER I A GENERAL SURVEY A degenerate Church-History repeat/! itself--.!..Jnevitable diffi­ culties-In early days-Effect of specialization-Church organization-Social work-Fresh burdens - 161-169 CHAPTER II RELIGIOUS AND SOCIAL LEADERS Future leaders -Two nonagenarians -A thoughtful youth - Latent power-A strange cult-Dangers of schism-A social reform-A progressive people-Two patriots - 170-177 CHAPTER III THE LANGUAGE Common origin of tribes-Learning the language-Some of its difficulties-Native prejudice-A compliment-Resorting to strategy - A fair exchange - Complications - Abstract genders - - 178-186 CHAPTER IV EDUCATION Pictorial demonstration-Learning to read-First Lengua books -A valuable edition-Educational results -- 187-193 CONTENTS Xlll CHAPTER V MEDICAL WORK PAOIIIB Unpractical theorists-A thankless task-A breach of etiquette · -Overdoing it-Refractory patients-A high death-rate­ Indian logic-An impossible scheme-A healthy country­ Advancing cautiously-A labour of love-Conduct during epidemics-The result of Christianity--'-Decline of opposi- tion-St. Patrick's Hospital-A high testimony - • 194-207 CHAPTER VI THRIFT Socialism in the Chaco-Indian economics-Elementary laws­ Seeds of social reform-An innovation-A social revolution - Industrial enterprise-Commercial developments -A miniature state - - • - - 208-218 CHAPTER VII SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT A work of time-Problems of organization-Official protection­ A native police force-A peaceful tribe-Effect of civilization -Respect for native law-The humorous side-Chasing a ghost-A local magnate-Self-government -- 219-230 CHAPTER VIII INNOVATIONS "Social evenings"-The national anthem-A varied entertain­ ment-An Indian at his best-Lectures-Girls' industrial school-Behind the scenes-An irrepressible cook-An annual exhibition · 231-244 CHAPTER IX MISSIONARY EXPLORATION Itine171nt evangelization-Preparing the ground-A cordial recep­ tion - Mistaken zeal -An Indian encampment - Unwise tactics-A race of children - 24o-U3 xiv CONTENTS CHAPTER X ITINER.ATION PA.01111 Past and present - An enthusiastic welcome - Difficulties of itineration-Erroneous conclusions-A serious problem- Native evangelists-Anticipations - 254-201 CHAPTER XI WEAKNESS AND STRENGTH • 262-272 CHAPTER XII FUTURE OF THE CHACO CHURCH AND PEOPLE 273-277 CHAPTER XIII DIRECTING THE DESTINY OF THE CHACO RACES 278-284 INDEX - 286-287 PART I 2 A CHURCH IN rrHE WILDS CHAPTER I A UNIQUE FIELD 'fHE origin of the Red Man, and his history previous to the Columbian period, lie buried in mystery, up to to-day no satisfactory solution of the problem having been arrived at. Tribes exist in the great Southern portion of the New World, of whom nothing whatever is known, and vast regions still remain unexplored. The Continent affords to the world an interesting study in political development. Those who have been, and still are, puzzling over the question as to whether the white and the coloured man should be allowed to exist side by side in the same land, and even be admitted to equal rights, will find that the fusion of the many distinct races, pre-Columbian, African, and European, which are to be found in the South American Republics, is a subject worthy of their best attention. The problems which the Church of England has to deal with abroad are as difficult and as full of interest as any attracting the attention of either the historian, the scientist, the politician, or the sociologist ; and perhaps those entrusted to her agency, the South American Missionary Society, in her mission to the ParagQayan Chaco, stand unique among the many peculiar situations which she has had to face up to the 19 20 AN UNEXPLORED COUNTRY present. The Society's missions in Tierra del Fuego, al though characterized by hardship, danger, martyrdom-, and loneli­ ness, differ but slightly in their record from similar missions carried on in the Southern seas. 'l'hat to the Amazon, long years past, was very like the pioneer stage of some missions in Central Africa ; that to the Puelches of Patagonia never advanced far enough to take specialized form; while the mission to the Mapuches of Araucania, living as they do in a civilized land, interspersed with the Chilians, might easily be compared with a mission to Kaffirs in South Africa, or some ]ow-caste tribe in India. In the Paraguayan Chaco, how­ ever, conditions were entirely different, as were also the methods pursued, and the objects aimed at. The early missionaries there came into contact with savage tribes who were absolutely independent, and who owned no authority but their own. 'l'hey inhabited a vast district, bounded on the north, south, east, and west by civilized Powers; yet it was a region practical1y unexplored, and the languages of its numerous tribes still remained an enigma to the world. Although for some generations the Indian territory of the Chaco had been claimed by the adjoining republics, no systematic effort was made to establish dominion over it, but, about the time of the ad vent of the mission, the Government of Paraguay proceeded to sell off to speculators the whole of their portion of this vast extent of country, amounting to some 7f.!,000 square miles. This they
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