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January 1965 L1NC DEMONSTRATION January 1965 Volume 4 Number 1 L1NC DEMONSTRATION ENGINEERING PROJECT SCHEDULING SYSTEM IN COPHENHAGEN By: Robert Vernon, M .1. T. Student/Digital Equipment Corporation Recently, Mr. Morton Ruderman of Digita I Equipment Corporation attended a demon­ stration of the LI NC computer in Cophen­ Introduction hagen. The following are brief descriptions of several of the programs that were demon­ Digital Equipment Corporation is implementing an engineering project scheduling strated. system to help solve the coordination problems associated with project development. The presentation was opened by a few words The typical engineering development project encompasses several phases including on the phi losophy of design and the history design, drafting, production, programming, and publications. Thus a firm, organized of the LI NC and its development at M .1. T., on a project basis, requires coordination of these various functions. The project the features of the LI NC tape, A to D:md engineer must know the work schedule in each department in order to schedule his D to A and the re lay contro!s. A demon­ project, and the supporting departments must be given estimates of the work require­ stration of the number of ways to enter the ments associated with each project in order to estimate their manpower requirements machine either through the keyboard, the and work schedules. DEC's new scheduling system, discussed below, utilizes in­ toggle switches or data terminal box fol­ house computing fac i Iities to achieve this coordination. lowed. First to be demonstrated was the GUIDE The System Utility Program. In general, th is utility systems program enables one to very easily The Project Scheduling System is an engineering planning guide with an automated lI1c:tore any programs on tape, to call for all updating feature. The purpose of the system is to coordinate the engineering effort, isting programs at the keyboard, up-date both internally and with the various service departments of the Company. '"vr modify, or to perform a number of dif­ ferent manipulations right at the keyboard Spec ifically / the system wi II: with everything instantaneously displayed 1. Serve as a planning guide to the engineer by helping him on the oscilloscope. to coordinate the various activities within his project. Secondly, the Basi lar Membrane Program during which a mathematical model of the 2. Provide the Chief Engineer with up-to-date information effect of sound on the basi lar membrane was concerning the pro jected uti I ization of engineering man­ performed. By having this model displayed power. on the osci 1I0scope, one was ab Ie to de­ termine, with a cursor, the phase shift of 3. Provide other departments such as Drafting, upon whose the basi lar membrane as the frequency or services engineering depends, with up-to-date forecasts amplitude is varied any place along the of workload requirements. membrane. 4. Provide a basis for estimating the engineering budget. Next, was the Cursor Program where any data stored away on tape or in memory cou ld The Schedu I ing System consists of: be called forsuch as EKGorany particular analog input which would be immediately. 1. A graph ica I schedu Ie for each pro ject. displayed on the osc i 1I0scope. A cursor is now avai lab Ie so that you can position it at 2. A program for updating the schedules. any point on the curve and identify its rel­ ative ampl itude. 3. A series of computer- generated reports which indicate the latest revision of the project manpower requ irements. The Fourier Analysis Program followed, where again one could take any information The schedu Ie format is simi lar to that used by the EXPERT system. 1 The engineer is such as EKG's, store them on tape or in asked to layout on a calendar scale all activities associated with the project, in­ memory and then display it on the osci 110- cluding such non-engineering activities as the preparation o~ programs and publica­ scope and immediately get the frequency tions. Figure 1 illustrates a hypothetical project schedule. Experience has shown distribution of the input. The information that graphically laying out a project at an early stage aids the engineer in coordina­ 'erses the scope from left to right and in ting the various phases of the project and in meeting delivery date requirements. left-hand portion of the display scope Potentia I bott lenecks, such as those caused by the fai lure to order long-lead com­ would immediately appear a bargraph of the ponents at an ear Iy enough date, can often be foreseen and thus avoided by schedu­ relative frequency distribution of the par­ ticu lar wave form. Also, the scope dis­ I ing in advance. play may be frozen at any point. Shown on the schedu Ie are estimates of the manpower requ ired for each phase of the LI NC (Continued) project; included in these estimates are the engineering, technician, drafting, pro­ duction, and publ ications requ irements. From the estimates, manpower loading fore­ A program written by Dr. Ki Ilam at Stan­ casts, which are updated periodically, are derived. ford University was also demonstrated. This particular program allows you to take any These summarized estimates provide the Chief Engineer with information regarding partic.u lar wave form or data and display it the availability of his technical manpower for work on future projects. The service immediately on the oscilloscope, and, by areas are provided with advance notice of the work load requirements for each project hitting individual keys 0 n the keyboard, and of the approx i mate dates that the work will be expected. perform various functions, i. e. differentia­ tion, integration, reverse polarity, smooth­ Experience has indicated that a given service department can effectively schedule ing, enlarge amplitude, decrease ampli - its work if it receives advanced notice of that work's arrival in the department; the tude, or plot a bargraph. A n u m b e r of Scheduling System provides this information. other wave forms were displayed in this form such as fetal electrocardiograms. The The project schedules also provide a quantitative basis for estimating the labor por­ abi I ity to manipu late and be able to pro­ tion of the engineering budget. By applying standard costs to the manpower estiml'Jtes cess data in this manner was of extreme in­ indicated on the schedu Ie, rea I istic budget estimates may be obtained. This tech­ terest to many individuals. Then, ademon­ nique' as well as aiding managerial planning, tends to give the project engineer a stration and discussion of the w 0 r k that greater appreciation for the costs involved in new product development. Washington University was doing on the separation of the fetal heartbeat from the The information required for updating a schedule is the present date and the status combination of the maternal and feta I elec­ of each current activity (as shown by the markers on Figure 1). This information trocardiogram followed. Using a memory serves as the input data for a FORTRAN Scheduling Updating Program which operates scope, certa i n characterist ics of both the on a PDP-4 Computer with an 8K memory. fetal and the maternal heartbeat were dis­ played such as breathing effects, etc. By doing this, one is able to average out the maternal EKG completely so that only the fetal EKG remained. 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1920 21 2223 242526 27 28 29 3031 32 3334 35 36 I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I I I The last demonstration that was performed PROJECT NO. X was to take an individual and connect him to an electrocardiogram unit. The output CALENDAR 1/6/24 1/13 1/20 1/27 2/3 2/10 2/17 2/24 3/2 t3/9 3/16 3/23 3/30 4/6 4/13 4/20 4/27 5/4 5/11 SCALE I I I I I I I i i I I I I I I I I I I from this unit is connected directly into an A to D channel of the analog input of the LlNC, thus performing on-line processing of electrocardiogram.s. In this manner, by • ® hitting the numbered keys on the keyboard, I/O LOGIC CA8LE a number of averaged EKGls appeared on 1 LISTS I~~l- .5E 5E IT the scope. Five letters then appeared on 0 .2ED ® ® the osci Iloscope at various positions around ACTIVITY PREPARE I, PREPARE tWIRE NUM8ER WIRE LISTS WIRE PROGRAM PANELS this EKG and these were: "R" for indica­ G) 8) @) ® cd' ~ .:>E 1.0 P IT ting the R wave of a typical electrocardio­ .5ED DESIGN I LAYOUT ASSIGN. CENT. PROC. LOGIC CENT. PRoe. MODULE Loe. ASS' Y I CHECKOUT I gram, the lip, II "Q," "5," portions of the ~~ 1.0E 1.5ED .5E ~ 1.0E LO E electrocardiogram. Of interest was the IT IT difference between a single E KG with all @ ® ® @ • IW/M LAYOUT BUILD the noise and an average of 16 with all the I DESIGN 1 MODULE PRODUCTION I MODU,-ES MODULES MODELS eo TESTERS I noise averaged out. Again, one cou Id take .. 0 E .5 ED 1.0MS this average EKG and store it away on the tape, call for a program such as the Fourier @. Analysis and do a frequency analysis of the MAINTENANCE MANUAL EKG that had just been obtained on-line. .1 E .5TW Following the completion of the demonstra­ @ • tions, it was pointed out that a number of PROGRAMMING MANUAL E - ENGINEER input-output units, such as IBM Compatible ED- ELECTRICAL DRAFTSMAN .IE tape, ca Icomp plotters, teletypewriters and MS-MODEL SHOP .5TW T - TECHINICAN x-v plotters have been interfaced to date TW-TECHINICAL WRITER with the LINe perform i ng a variety of P -PROGRAMMER +- PRESENT DATE MARKER appl ications.
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