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7-18-1967 Times (July 18, 1967, vol. 6, no. 95) Bakhtar News Agency

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Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (July 18, 1967, vol. 6, no. 95)" (1967). Kabul Times. 1521.

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'WOIt'LD~:" 'J"ll I" II \ PAZHW,AKIS CALL 'FOR RUtE OF.:LAW :IN: \ , ~... ~ . ..." . i .', I I) I , I ,{ .< , ',' (Contlmt¢. trOm' page 3) \ 'aU:", "LT'). (Cohtd from page 2) couragmg developlntnt m the, Many keen and ex~ert obser- "i c H~re I think we touch on the l was on the vefge of sa11ng coW's .. 'II tng of the alrea­ acceptance of COlllPulsory JUI'is" ve~s feel there IS Mthl,ng _ ball!:i ' very Il!'portant,probl~m of ~d" , '1'1ik. ,,!hen a b~ll'e~ answe~ ,Cjlme to ES dy has been responSible for the d,ctIOn VIrtually WIthout reserva­ callY,,;}IIrong with tile alms or" mg wa,ys and mel\lls of,encoUi"lI- my min I waJ; '... Untted NatIOns work m the fleld_ untIl sovereignty lind' independ- :, tRe, growth ofJeg~1 ~8tems and- ped' WJtb an aoswer"for this:~.too course, hIghly technical and the acceptanc~ Pbelarg~n eXIstence of such agreements IS of law on' the developmg and ence give WIlY to of ,the,.resp,ect for law' In de!elop- It was to' be ' ':: k- ~ttlci1lar hardly known outSIde the CIrcle newly Independent countries the deCISIons of tlie organised mg I countries, and 'a A few days weot by aod i. alteriC!­ PM Attends of natIonal and mternattonal Many of these countnes are acu­ commurnty of states, 're8Pifnsibility must devolve )up. ed another P\lrty The same>:qlles- Jump To'Death speCIalIsts In the partIcular sub­ tely conscIous of the IInportance We are Well aware that such a on' the Iindividual lawYers" 'and hans were aslied agalo and agam Ai. Pashtun Prince's Ject The fact remaIns that this and need for developmg a legal day IS stIll far off and that in Juridical tnStltUtiOns in these and J was fully ~qulpped to anSIVer regulatory network llffects al­ structure, parttcularly 10 the thIS respe~t the baSIC Ideals and cOUJItrles I am convlnced'th8t them ' _ ;;;{-, , 1," Rome ,Police HQ most every md

KUALA LUMPUR, July 18, r I NEW DELHI, July 18, (Reuter),­ (AP) -Commercial attaches at for­ (~).- ES· " IJONDoN', July 18, ludla will uot sign a uuclear uouprollferaUon &reaty that coes el8l1 el,llbasslCs hero were unaDlmous Britain Tuesday cl.IM:losetl plans to hegln pbaslng out her south- 1 against Its national Interests of Foreign MlnIster M.C, Chagia told Monday 10 their VIL'W thaI Malay 1~, Aln~l. ParUament yesterday. sla'8 dCCISIon to remove block ac­ east Asian 'land bues and to deve!op,lDstead a new syiltem of SAIGON, July (AP)..... al.t'-selr cover for ber regional frlenas. •, ~; can !l'52 stratofortreaies unloaded He faced a barrage of questions Ing pressured by. any country to ac­ COllnt procedures would be an incen­ ~tre~ from members on the treaty, 8S well cept the draft nonproliferation trea.. tIve for forel8l1 ulvestment !;lere. The hlliiOric .witch of Btltisb I t1Wlr l'illIJarY East 01 Suez, close to a mJJlIon pounda of bombs polley will be outlined by PrlJne I est1Jl1ated at 50,000 men, Sim on five major Viet CO"ll concentr,. as expressions of concern at China's Iy and there ~ld be no question The deputy governor elf Bank now KABUL, WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 1967 (SARAT.AN 27, 1346 H) Minister Wilson's government fin a uftaneously h\,ge laJld and naval I tion lireas In South Vietnam Sunday S PRICE AF, 3 emergence 85 a nuclear power and of It "signing on the dotted line" at Negara, ChOI Slew Hong, said the white paper ""tW1I the atace )for a I bllse Iostallations In '!lingapore and night and Monday , the poSSIbility of Cblna supplying the bebest of any country government move as made to aIlow transformation Of the 1iati.9n'll cen- Malaysia ",ili'lie run down I The rillda liicluded a strike at the Pakistan with nuclear weapons The present defect of the propos­ anybOdy to IOVest in MalaYSIa and tury-old inIlItI\1T ~I~ from Suez -in the same pen.od the Sllie"llth 1n1JltraUon route '\lied by the Viel Comlp.i~ Dr Chagla said the emergence of ed treaty was that .it gave mono thtJI send thcu" profilil home Jirgah Van Thieu, Ky's a to the CJilna sea, ,'\ of the .army, na~ ,anii air force II CODg entering the cenlral highlands, B~umecliennet Rusk Invites North Viet China as a nuclear power changed poly on nuclear research to powers Ptevlously capItal could be repat­ ~ Aref Back th~ whole mternational scene. He who were under no obUgBUob to rIaled to fO«:18I1 countries which As described, by qUall1Jed Infor· likely to be i'educed In the bope The United States III reported In mants the BrltIilh baVe dediled' to bringing dDwn the country'S annual have appealed io the VIet Cong - Hold Discussions hoped the question of Chinese nue reduce tb~'1r nuclear weapons stoCk.. werc nol Itt the sterling group only To Come To Peace Talks Nomination lear weapons for Pakistan would plies recast their defence prol/ramme six blllJon dollar defence bill by at I and North Vlelnam to take .te s tor \ m the case of JOU1t venture pioneer broadly a10nll these Unes least ten per cent In tbe Dext lour' reaCblng an ajfreeDle1lt on ex- In Cairo From- Moscow KABUL, July 19, (Bakhtar)­ not anse Dr Chagla added The United States and the USSR COmpaDlQi u::. -Between now and 1070 to balve years chang~ of prlaoners of war The I vanOus committees of the MIAMI BEACH, Florida, July 19 (AP)­ Approved Dr Chagla said IndIa was not be- have been working on the draft of ThlS practice had mamly benefit­ M~shrano Jllgah met yesterday The American Secretary of State Dean Rusk says, "If we a nonproliferation treaty deslgnEl:l -By 1975 British baS4;1l In Sl1lga- The WhIte House said North 'VIet- ed Bntish mvestments here. The pore alld Malaysia wlU be shut namese and Vier Cong cJ.aIms con. The Pehhons CommlUee, prelud. could get any response from Hanoi there would be peace" In SAIGON, July 19, (Reuter)­ to stop the spread of nuclear wea n~w moVe would be of benefit to dowD, transferred or In other ways c~ng the human treatment of Views Exchanged With-Sov:iet ed over by Senator Abdul )laqt Mo­ Vietnam South Vietnam's national assembly pons and thiS IS expected to be potential mvestors from the United surtendered completely unless some U S. prisOners could- not be varWed Jadldl, conSIdered some petitIOns 'We are not askIng North V,el- The EvenlOg Slandard said In­ has approvCd tbe nommatlon of tabled at the Geneva disarmament StatlS, Canada, West Germany, Ja­ Sukamo AccuSed Of The 'elcction law was consldeted head of slale Ngyuen Van Thleu talks before long major development arises to defer because neutral observers had not Leaders On Steps In Mid East nam to surrender a smgle acre of formed observers expect thal 018 new Sihanouk Wants pan and East European countries thJs The basic decisIon for thJs total been allowed 10 vIsit the prisoners by the Commlttce on Law and U­ ground," Rusk lold an InternatIOnal trend has already begun toward a and Pnme MInIster Nguyen Coo Squandering Funds WIthdrawal from the southeast Asian It also stressed that the Interna­ glslahve AffaIrS preSIded over by longshoremans aSSOCiatIOn con~n· slOWing down of the conflict and a Ky for the Seplember electiona to BEIRUT, June 19, (AP)­ Senator Mohammsd Hashim MOJa mainland wUl not, at the request of tioniil committee of the Red Cross tlon Monday shift to a more defensive strategy run for presIdency and vice presI­ Friendly Ties Algerian President Houarl Boumedlenne and Iraqi President dId I • dency of Soulh VIetnam JAKARTA July 18 (R te) the Americans and other alllet, regularly Inspected VIet Co"ll and All we arc askmg them to do JS over the next year World News In Brief -IndoneSIa's' agnclilttlre necessarily' be spelled out In the North Vietnamese prisoners held In Abdul Rahman Arel returned 10 Cairo Tuesday nlgJit from Mos· The Inlellor and MunlcJpahlles stop shooling at Laos and South The provISIonal assembly, which With Thailand ter Major General Sutjlpto- I white paper South Vlelnamese prison camps cow, where they held tallu with Soviet leaders, Cairo Radio re Committee conSidered the wall" Vlelnam for the purpose of taklOg has the lask of organISing the Sep­ has called for the trial of forme~ Alongside these tnoves the British These were treated humanely the ported problem in citIes and passports over these countries by fotce Viet Cong Attack lember 3 pr~Sldentlal elections, ap­ PARIS July 18 (DPA)-Tbe TOKYO, July 18, (AP)-Morar­ Senator Gul Ahmad Malikyar pre· UnIled Stales has lentatively agreed PreSIdent SUkamo tor alleged. wlll begin building up a new mlli- statement said ' UAR PreSident Gamal Abdel Nasser and offiCIals of the Al We are prepared to move for proved 10 of Ihe 18 candidates thIS PHNOMPENH, July 18, (Reu fl DesaI, Indian Vice premier and SIded morning to support Rumania's Foreign MI­ taI"Y role for themselves east of ger,an and IraqI embaSSies met Boumedlenne and Aref at the peace at any tJrne that we can find ter) -Prmce Norodom Slhan­ mtOister of finance, WIll arrl\'e here 1Y squandenng hundredS 0 f thou Suez bailed on hlghly_moblle air and Informed SOUrces said President Ghulam Mohammad Popal l?~­ American Camps OIster Cornellu Manescu for the pre­ aIrport the radiO said anyone from HanoJ to talk about But Ihe candidacy of lieutensnt ouk Cambo,lJan head of state, Aug 15 for a one week visit as a sands of dollars of state funda sea slrike forces Johnson hoped that the reIteration sldenl of Government Monopoh~s \ general Thlcu and au Vlce-manhal .sldency of the neXt regular SCSSIon The two Arab leaders had gone Ing a 21~hour VISit conferrmg peace But no one has yct been asserted that Cambo(lIa WIshed guesl of the govj!mment of Japan, The indoneSIan news agency, of his desIre for an excbange of and Dost Mohammad FaZlI preS!­ Ky for preSIdent and Vlee-presidcnt of Ib~ Umted Nations General As­ Indu~ to Moscow Monday after the end of tWice an two days WIth Soviet Com able to produce a North VIetnamese SAGON, July 19, (AP) to have fnendly relattons WIth Foreign MIOIstry sources saId Mon­ Antara, saId General SutJlpto, prisoners mlght the Viet denl of the Food Procurement D~­ Arab summIt talks With Nasser Sy mUnlst Party General Secretary ~o­ anywhere With whom we can talk -Viet Cong gunners laId on a JOIOI ticket was among Thailand sembly lbe fntemational Hierald day addressing a meeting 10 Kebu- Cong 10 review theIr polley or bar parlmcnl allended Ih~ I1lj>CIln8 Qf Ale~ peace' down mortar and rocket barra­ four on which the assembly's steer· He said In a statement that Tnbune reported yesterday Wbtle In Tokyo Desai IS scb... men, Central Java, recently, Assembl D t I- rmg neutral observers and welfare nan PreSident Noureddm Alassl md r Brezhnev and Premier Ihe Budgelary and FlOanclal At. and Sudanese PreSident Ismail Alaz xel N Kosygm Sovlel Defence I Rusk suggested Let us reduce ges on the South VIetnamese mg commlUee could not reach a the Slgmng of a JOint statement duled to confer WIth PrIme MInister said that If policemen were br- Y a e Ine organisations from inspectlne delen_ faits Committee and answered the recommendation eaTher PEKING, July 17 (DPA) -The han In Cairo Sunday nIght M IOlster Marshal Andrei A Gre lhe vlOleoce by mutual achon Let and Amencan camps near Sa180n on the respect of the' present Elsnku Sato foreign mlOlster and ought to tnal for accepting a tlon centres questlons of senators Former EconomICS MIDlster Au Peoples RepublIc of ChIna prolest­ 25 rupJ.ahs (about one shilling A statement m this connection An earher Moscow dIspatch said chko also JOIned Ihe talks us demllltanse the dcmlhtsnsed Tuesday and slmulataneously common border would be en other Japanese offiCIals the sour­ Truong Thanh hImself a preSiden­ ough to bnng about a reconcll ed to Burma agamst the expulsIon ces said sterling) bnbe from truck dn- (Contd trom poge l) marked one of the few times in SOViet lcaders and Ine two Arab zonc Let us stop the fightmg 10 hIt one of the posts WIth a 500­ the only compromise solutmD pOSSJ b h tial candidate has protested agslOst and frIendship of the correspondent of PeklOg offi preSidents Issued a Jomt statement The communique said the leaders Laos and stop the mfiJtratlOn man ,nfantry attack latIOn restore vers VlOIatlng traUlC regula ble bul Informed quarters ,aid the w IC a top level US appeal was Condolence Meeting the two military I~aders' candidacy The pnnce was referrmg to clal Hsmhua news agency Yu MELMOURNE July 18, (OPA) bons, why should a usuprerne A dlrected at the national liberation Tuesday night demand109 an Israeli of tbe three countries agreed that through Laos LeI us exchange pn Tabs continued 10 reJect any dec ~ on grounds they should reSign their a reported teleVISIOn Intervtew M109 Sheng thc agency reported soldIer lUre fanner President laration about the end of the war front the pohheal arm ot the Viet wlthdrawa) from Arab territory but hquIdalton of the consequences of KABUL July 19 (Bakhlar) soners of war Let us guarantee the: The senes of assault& between Sovlel Uruon wIll present a display government posts before the ('lee In which Thant Khoman A note handed to tbe Burmese of some thousand exhlbJts at a JOo­ Sukarno not be brought to JUs- The consultations qre conti Ilaw! Cong which IS not reoogniaed by contammg no threats of renewed Israel s aggression 1S the most 1m The condolence meeting for the late neutrality of Cambodia mldnlghl and dawn bit an portant condItion for the restors The Secretary contInucd, almost lIon Thailand s foreIgn mlDlster' Foreign MIOlstry by the Chineseem­ welry salon which IS to open m bee According to AP the emergenc~y the South Vietnamese government war Pnnce of ChIlral Abe Halyal arc of posts about 25 mIles (402 ~ace The military leaders say the elec said that Thalland had no ter­ bassy m Rangoon accused Burmese Pans next autumo. the SOVIet news Sukamo was Supreme Com The bnef statement said the Ica tlon of In the MIddle East held tn the Shalrpoor mosque yes­ anythmg we do IS escalatIOn Al km) northwest of Saigon on a leader General Ne Win of perso mander ot the IndoneSIan Arm- sessIon was a month old Monday ders had exchanged opinIOns on I n shari th~y saId peace depended terday was attcnlled by Sardar Mo most nothIng t.he other Side does load lead109 to CambodIa toral law apphes on thIS pomt only n tonal claIms on CambodIa and agency Tass reported yesterday Pazhwak had set a 10 30 amMon to mllllary officers and clVlI ser did not aIm at takmg over any nally plannmg and orgamsmg an how to bnng about an Israeli WIth on an IsraelI Withdrawal hammad Daoud Prime MIlllster draws that word MeanwhIle In Honolulu Ha The Jew;ls will also be shown at a ed Forces before he was strip day deadlIne for the draft resoiu Steel Output vants and not members of the part of Cambodian terrItory antI Chma campaign drawal The commumque said There Malwandwal PreSident of the WalesI The other Side has been mmmg Wall AdmIral Grant Sharp speCial exhibitIon In Italy later In ped of his preSIdential powers lion, but Ihe Soviet UOlon sow'ht an polICy makmg directory committee Pnnce Slhanouk first recal The note saId that dunng hiS as­ last March n (ConJmued from page 3) rhc statement came In a commu was an exchange of 0plDlons on lIrgah Dr Abdul Zaher PreSident the Saigon fiver and the approaches commander of AmerIcan forces the year AccordJDg to the agency extension of at least two days in the The complaint agamst General led that he had never asked signment ID Burma, Yu MIng­ duced JO commercJal quantities only ",que Issued after the departure of ways of hquldaung the aftermath of Ihe Meshrano 111gab Abdul Had' to the port of Saigon If w¢ were In the PaCifIC said the North SoViet enterpnses turn out over Antara quoted General Sut hope of negotiating a pa::sable rec:o IS Since the Bessemer process was in­ M~ (0 pick up theIr own mlOes and Vietnamese undeserhmate the ThlCU and Pnme MJOlster Ky the ThaIland to recognise (Cambod Sheng had consistently striven to 3 000 varlelles of Jewelry of Am~r llpto as saymg that he was per- lulion for wlthddawal ot IsraelI Boumedlenne and Aref of Israel s aggression and on the Dawl M miSter of Court All I In I take them home to the pOInt from last of the 18 10 be debaled la s) borders but only called promote frIendship between the precIOUs metals and stones sonally In possession at receipts troops trom Arab terClto~." ven ted m England g56 They held nme hours of talks dur MIddle East as a whole hammad members of Parharnent detel mInatlon of the Umted ChlOese and the Bunnese peOpl9S fn recent years, metals and non­ high raniong CIVil and military offi­ whIch they orlgmated-Halphong States to wm the war The assembly s steenng committee for a jomt statement on the res­ for huge sums whIch Sukamo SoViet delegates are now engaged In Cairo -PreSIdent Nasser re metals compelmg WIth sleel bave CIals and PashtunlstaOls resldmg In Simply to take them home then We are much more determl has recommended that four candi­ pect of the present common bor received for vague purposes U1 calks With the Latin AmerH ans cClved Monday SOVIet Deputy For­ der between CambodIa and ThaI­ BANGKOK July 18, (AP) -Thai taken over some of the market, par­ Kabul there would be screams that we ned than they realise the four dates be rejected outright Includlng _ MELBOURN July 18 (DPA)­ from the former IndoneSIan sm- about (he kInd of text that oould Most Pickpockets (Conld 011 page 4) land thIS border havmg been Ie Prime MinIster Thanom Klttlka Ilcularly when steel was m short were escalatmg the war star admiral said Monday In an Au Truong Thanh himself The defimle launcbmg dale for the bassador to Japan. Harsono Rek get the two third vote necessal y for Thanh IS tbc only candIdate to gaIly fIxed already by interna­ chom said Monday leaders of the soatmodjo, now m Army cus adopUon s~pply The pnnclpal compellng Rusk continued, the North Viet exclUSive mtelvlew at hiS camp European developed research rocket declare he would campaign 00 a tional treaties and need109 no seven allied natIons fightlOg 10 Viet­ Europa One Will be announced tody - After talking With SOVIet Ambas matenals are alumInum, plastics, "Are Children namese forces arc In Cambodia at overlooklOS Pearl Harbour UAR Informs UN, World Red least 10 diVISion strength But If peace platform further recogmtlOn nam would hold a summJt meet today The latest dale for the He saId that If the receIpts sador NikolaI Federenko FI d~y and glass and concrete All have some KABUL July 19 -Burglary speCIfic advanlages, mcludlng ligh­ we were to put a company of (Jur As regards Laos and VIetnam, 109 m Bangkok m Oclober launching, postponed several times, were not used for a legallDvest Saturday three Latin Amencan am_ glary and plckpocketlng was much ter weIght, lower cos~ freedom from own men across the border to tind mentIOned In the interview by Thanom said the summit meetmg was July 18 but had to be calJro Igahon he would hand them bassadars tound they must t eport less durmg the first tbree months of Cross On Israel's, Wiar Crimes preced~ rust, and. In the case of glass, par_ out about these people there Nould Khoman the Cambodlon head would be by a foreIgn ml off agam because of reparrs of the down to hlS chIldren and child- back to the Latin Amer can groop the current Afghan year (March UNITED NATIONS, July 19, (Reuter)­ Britain To Leave Singapore, Sal~on ticularly, some artistic ment& But be screams of escalatlon of state recalled that," 1964 aI nISlers conference ID rock~ts first slage, the Blue Streak', ren's chIldren as 50uvemrs of of 23 delegations Monday afternoon 22 July 23) compared to the corres­ versalIl~ UAR accused I&rael yesterday of commlttmg 'mhuman acts" The bombmg of Nortb VIetnam ready Laos HanOI and the FNL produced In BntalD the tormer President to see if a compromise solution can steel s properties and rela­ pondmg penod last year tively low cost m.ake It the agaInst Egyptian soldIers and CIvilians durlng and after last bowever continues and no change had confIrmed they had no ter­ NEW YORK July 18 (AP)­ MeanwhIle the commander of be agreed upon. Abdul Rablm Shansab of the Malaysia Bases In 1970's' month's SIX day Arab Israel war 10 that policy has been ordered the II tonal claims On CllJI1bodla Four SovIet MIG-21 figbters cap­ AMMAN July 18 (Tass) -Trade the Central Java mIlitary dIS- DIplomatic sources saId the maIO mosl promment malenal for struc­ Kabul police told an Islah reporter LONDON, July 19, (AP)­ tured by Israel from the Arabs have tnet MBJ Gen Surono has issued problem m the current talks was tural use and other purposes. steel The charges were contained m P~tagon saId TUesday talks between Jordan and India t yesterday that there were 170 inCI­ a UAR government document Britain announeed Orm plans Tuesday for qulttlJlg ber «;eu been brought to the UnIled Sta~ began here yesterday An Iodlah an'order forbidding peopUt from that the Latin AmerJ.call8 IDSlstfoid researcb has produced lighter, strOll-' denls of burglary and plckpooketmg Questioned about reports m Lon tury old bases In Singapore and Malaysia "In the middle 19'70's ' g~ and mo~ conorion~~t UAR Stands Finn sent to the International Red don suggestmg Ihat the US may be wh....e they are now yIelding VItal delegation arrived m Amman Sun_ hangmg the former PresIdent's on mcluding some words tbat dunng the first quarter thIS year, A government white paper set- mIlitary strength of our friends and Warrants Out For products Cross In Geneva and m a letter on the verge of suspendmg the secrets to Western mtelligence sc day to negollate bigger trade bet­ portraIt 10 publIc places or could be mterpreted 5 a doma'td the figure for the same penod last tmg forth results of a detence pollcy allies 1S growmg The power and po_ to Secretary General bombmg, a PentagoJ) spokesman said cordmg to Time magazme ween the two countries government offices for non.beiligereDcy Sleel panels coated with coloured :Ji'year was 211 On Terms For reassessment served notice 'that Bn hcy of our potential enemies are released here he was authorised to say the adml 3 Australians In Th~ report says two of the planes The talks WIll mamly deal with The order followed a recent MeanWhile, a UN pokesma'l ID plasllcs have been mtroduced m There arc few profeSSional bur~ t1sh forces In Southeast Asia Will \Iable to change th~1 OlstratlOJ'l s bomblOg polIcy is un­ -the first to fall mlo Western extenhon of the trade agreement demonstratIOn m the Central Jerusalem announced UN cease­ bUlldmg construction New roiling gtars at work Shansab said Most Israel strongly denIed sunllar be reduced by about a half.bY Accotdmgly the document said UN Team changed hands-are belDg test-flown at the Signed between Jordan and India in Java cIty of Jogjakarta staged fire observers began their work on technIques make steel much thinn~r of the burglaries reported were allegations 10 the past made by 1970 71 the government has reached some US Case The offic~r said be could not ad­ Edward Air Force base In Califor­ 1963 by hIgh schOol students who the banks of the Suez Canal Mon and more practical for fPiI and con­ traced to first time ofic;nders Most CAIRO July 19 (DPA) -Tbe the UAR SYfla, and Jordan The total number of B,tItisb ser Important concluslOns, including dress himself to the questIon of fu­ ma The other two are belDg diS India has become one of the prm­ marched to the local leglalatlve day mght • tam~rs Sleel pIpe IS coaled WIth professlOna) burglars seem to DAR government adheres to Its de The fIve page document listed vlcemen servlCewomet and Civilian these two ex~rts ture military moves by the United employ~s NEW YORK July 18 (AP)- seeted and evaluated by 10 Clpal Importers ot JordanIan phos­ assembly to demand the removal The observers were activated 00 plasl)c to reslSt corrosIOn or lined have dlscovered that cnme does not mand that no direct radiO contact numerous examples of what were working for the British 1 As HrItam s trlends In Europe (Conld on page 4) States Warrants have been ISSUed for the Ibe laboralorles at the WrIglil-Pat­ phates Jordan buys IndIan tea Jute of Sukarno's PIcture from Its the UAR and Israeli SIdes at 4 pm Wtth glass to carry aCIds. pay They are given more severe be mamtamed between the UN ob­ In Singapore and Malsy.sla and m budd up their torces the most .valu walls GMT (8 30 P m Afghan Standard arrest of three former Australian terson Au Force base" artIcles and other goods Because steel.making 18 such a pUnIshment With every conVictIOn servers staboned on each Side of the For East Fleet now 15 around able contribution the British can Time) followmg CalIa's agreement policemen mdlcted last January as complex busm..., requmng COnstanl and thiS has served as a deterrent the Suez Canal 80 000 make is to provide them with most on I several important poims' !iaid figures IJl an alleged $22 5 rrulUon new skIlls, developing COuntriC8 llIay Many ex conVIcts were now dOIng The semIofficial CaIro newspaper The h1storJ.c Brthsh decision to cut SOph1sticated elements ot modern ~ustralian-Japan the spoke~rnan He dechned tf) say narcotics smugglmg nog Better Than The Pill Business find It cbeaper, m terms of actual honest work the pOlice officer Al Goumhuria, saId that when Future Of Tshombe Remains back drastically the country's mm armaments ExtraditIon 01 tOUf other Austra what these points Were necessary the observers had to tele_ tary role 10 the Far East already has 2 The manpowel" and costs In CANBERRA, July 18, (OPA) cost, to buy therr needs from malor Sald Sbaosab said mosl of Ibe hans has also been sought Lt Gen Odd Bull chI." of Ihe producing countries, rather that at­ plckpockellng was done by cblld­ phone their centres In Ismaha or been transmitted tormally to Bn volved m m81ntafnmg fixed arma- -A mixture 01 herbs more ef (Continued trom page J) tond best customer, an Import UN ceasefire observation team has Kantara, WhlCh In turn would in The three defendants here had tempt to build duplicate facilities ren bolb boys and girls between 9 Uncertain For Time Being tam's mam partners in the area ments military bases and installa leethe than any contraceptl Once the dommant supplier on preference over Its best custo­ already notified UN Se<"-L'~ta:'y_ form the UN ceasetlre chtef Oen been treed on ball for preslige purpo~ and 14 Since there IS no reform The Umted States Australia, New bons no longer seems to be Justified ve pill bas been used by Pa the AustralIan market, Britain mer, Japan Geoeral U Thant of hIs group s Odd Bull at the headquarters of the Zealand MalaYSia and Smgapore by the sort oj military operatlons Last Thursday. Henry Iken. 34, (CONTINENTAL PRESSS) school yet for "'Juvenile delInquents ALGIERS, July 19 (DPA)­ pua women on New Guinea IS now second to the Umted ThIS Issue could be settled In abihty to supervise the cpaseftre. Ceasefire CommISSIon have been deeply dlsappomted by now foresecable who also faced a passporl VIola· to be sent to when arrested they the Brlt1sh move _ han charge was due at an unnugrB_ lor centuries, Australian aD­ States the not-too-dlstant future The the spokesman said The stipulated 32 observers-16 The future of Congolese ex premIer Moise 'l'shombe wUl re are released on sureties or bonds hon and naturallsation proceeding, thropologlsts Anne Chowu AustralIa enjoys a massIve fa­ results of the Kennedy Round, #' The observers now bewg activat on each bank-eould be Increased mam uncertain for the time bemg, well Informed sources saId here The whIte paper cIted these tol from theIr parents but lailed to show uP, federal au Ing said here yesterday Mrs vourable trade balance WIth Geneva and Bntam's application ed are an alC!\fance guard or eIght if necessary another Cairo news Tuesday lOWing as the maIO reasons tor the There were 59 lDCldents of plck­ Cbownlng, reeently retUlUed Japan In the last financtal year to jom European Common Mar, men-tour staboned at El Q&n~a paper AI Ahram reported Even If the Algerian supreme tried anew 10 Allierls by an thocities said pockellpg reperled by IS police sla­ pollcy SWitch Adeni \Dockers By Fnday the government had from an expedition to the sales to Japan were valued at ket are seen m Canberra as on the Israeli mde of the canal and Accordmg to the Cairo press court at Its sessJon today sup InternatIonal Afrlcan tribunal" -The evolutIon of government tlons m the city durmg the last mtormatlon tbat the trIO had dIS New Guinea jungles, said the $A470 ml1l1on and Japanese sa· pOlDters to the meVltable end four at Ismallia on the DAR side the UAR had stressw conti ports the extradition request fi But even In that case the ques- policy toward Europe (hr~e months appeared from an apartment and native women maintained les to Australia were only SA230 of Commonwealth preference The UN spokesman Said that the nually In tbe negotIatlOos led by Congo Kmshasa Presldent tlOn would remam open where -Changes In strategy wlthlll the Refuse To Unload There were III cases of burglary other haunts her. ASSistant UlS their herbs were better than mIllIon fn the broad, Australia-Japan advance guard of 9bservers wculd on the 8tatlOn108 of UN ob Houan Boumedlenne would have the verdIct of such a court would North AtlantIC AllIance (NATO) Four of tbe offenders Involved were Attorney Wilham M Tendy told the contraceptive pili and had ThIS adverse balance has been relations are almost exclUSIve be Joined by reintorcements today servers that It inSisted on Its com the last word on the subject, be executed the Middle East and the Far East women the police officer sald US Rice For Arabia Federal Judge Dudley B Bonsai to be taken only three times the cause of considerable frlc>­ concerned with trade There Is -three more men at EI Qantara and plcle sovereIgnty over the Suez Ca they added After 18 days of detentIOn the -The growing capacity of coun Monday that arrest warrants were a week wblle the pili must be hon Japan says Australia no mIlitary contact, no mutual two more a.s Ismallia nal and that Israel should not be He on turn IS believed likely two pIlots of the plane m whIch tnes 10 the reglOn to defend them ADEN July 19 (AP) -A ship obtamed Erlday to authorIse any taken daily should be prepared to Vlew trade securIty agreements, etc Japan 'Larm3lhoo' Wheat allowed to gam terntory from the to consult the cabmet pnor to Tshombe was abducted-DaVId selves loaded WIth 800 tons of nce ur appropriate federal agency to ar SCIentists have for years sa a two-way affair and be wll Is not a member of the South ceaseftre such an Important deCISIon Taylor 26 and Trevor Kopple- -Modern meth,pds of transporta gently needed here left yester rest the men Absent beS1des Iken been puzzled about the taet hng to buy from Japan which IS East Asian Treaty OrganIsation On a teleVISlon broadcast Man Smce Algenan law porblds stone 39 -were for the first lion makes It pOSSible for the move day for Dloubltl WIthout unloa were John W Egan 29 and Bryan that Papua girls, who have bUYtng so generously from Aust­ Culturally, the gap between Airline Earnings Boosts Yields day two Israeli prJsoners of war extradItIon of any person for tIme allowed Monday to talk to ment of forces acroSS the world tas dmg Rice IS the staple dIet of sexual Intercourse from the ~lltlsh k?~ J HIll, 32 ralIa Ihe two countrIes IS awesome KABUL, July 19 (Bakhtarl­ admitted that Israel had attempt political reasons, the Congolese offiCials 10 Alglel S and\1O larger number. than was Arabia and a seve~e shortage BonsaI declined to revoke ball tIme they are about 12 years (ConJmued from page 3) Japanese busmessmen are In AustralIa's culture IS till The Larmahoo variety of wheat ed to press claIms to half of government has based ItS requ pOSSible even a few years ago The IS threatenmg ordermg the case returned to the old, never bave illegitimate censed when Australia, 3l! hap fundamentallY rooted m 1965 Operatmg expenses rose ~ the canal by launchmg a boat wlth est on Climes m the sense of the They saId that they were con Aden dock workers however cCimmal caJendar Thursday children 14 4 per cent to $3,600 /DIWon seed has given sood result, In pens often, Virtually excludes a Anglo-Saxon traditIOns, With a Nangarhar, Laghman and Ku the Israeh flag on the eastern Side penal code allegedly commItted hnuously mterrogated but were have refused to handle the rice Some weeks ago dunng a ball Japanese product from the mar­ spnnklIng of European Influen while net earnmgs were $325 ot the canal one day before the ob by Tshombe such as compliCIty heated correctly Mrs. Gandhi's 'W.A.' because It was loaded m the dJ.scusslon Tendy told Bansal that mIllion compared to the nme nar provInces ket by a heavy protectIve tariff ce caused by Auatralia's great Sohbat Khan of Jalalabad servers were- to arrive The boat WIth murder and embezzlement The pilots saId that tneIr tWIn UnIted States They also demand 'at the first opportumty these men The Australian Trade Mmls­ unmlgrahon campll1JlIl Japan Is months earnmgs In 1965 of $292 .5HAHrASAND' was captured or sunk by UAR of state funds engine Jet plane In whIch Tshom ed to be paid shIft rate mstead wlll get out of UnJted States' mIllIOn-an mcrease of 11 3 per has obtalOed the best tesults Policy Approved ter John McEwen, appealll com­ shll essenttally unique in ItS USIng fertIlIser properly, he had troops when attempting to palrol MeanwhIle, the Idea IS gammg be was abducted last June 30 of a dally rate to handle cargo pletely overwhelmed by these com culture cent along the eastern Side at the canal ground that Tshombe might be had landed safely In Algiers and wanted the new rate back Enahoro Calls On It IS beheved thot net eamlnga a YIeld of 160 seers on half an plamts He merely repeats, There IS some tourism between aCI e of land !By Assembly dated to June I Government policy IS to protect the two countries Unlike trade, must expand slgmflcant\y ID the An unprecedentea eut In the The NorweglOn freIghter Thu WelCher Forecast future If the US aITline Industry price 01 Shah Puand vecetahie Abdul Hadl a farmer of Ka NEW DELHI July 19 (AP)­ UK Not To Stay effiCient and economic" Indus It IS VlrtuallY a one-way street m m Lashman province record mor (not hsted m Lloyd s whIch tnes to favour of Japan Tens of IS to cOrltmue Its gIgantic ex­ oIL The Indian parlIament Tuesday brought the nce waIted three pansIon and modermsation pro­ Shah Pasud-the besl vent ed a yield of JlO seers WIth Fi,e Aboo,d·But Passenge,s Enjoy Tea Sides througbout the COUDtry Experts belIeve Australia has thousands of Australians are normal varieties the YIeld had formallY approved the pro Arab days for the dock workers to Nentral vlSlthlOg Ja,pan every year Ja· sramme In the public mterest, able oU a val1ab1e. Middle East polIcy of Prllne wW be mainly clear Yesterday only scratched the surfar.e of been only 30 seers he reported change theIr mn;lds Farah was the warmest redon ItS mmeral potenhal Neverthe­ panese contacts with Australia 85 cents out of every dollar (85 Shah Pasand-tuty, bealthy, HONG KONG, July 10 (Heu Asked whether It was normal Some of them could probably Mmlster Mrs IndIra GandhI' The Aden dockers are still re­ per cent) of mdustry net earn­ and dependable, The Mmistry of Agnculture government by 144 to 81 votes 01 the COUDtry with a of 44 LONDON July 18 (Reuter)­ less large projects are under are shll largely confmed to bu­ and IrngatlOn plans to under­ ter) -Many passengers on board pro""dure for lbe passengers be salvage£!, the captam satd fusmg to belIeve that neIther way With, In most cases, Japan IngS IS bemg remvested to help You can buy your Shah Fa­ The approval carne when the C, 1\1 F North SaJang was the Chief Antbony Enahoro, fede­ sinessmen take one of ItS bIggest wheat the luxury llOer Oronsay carl!1ed not to be mformed Immedlate- One or two crew members the United States nor Bntam fmance the new aIrcraft and gr­ sand vegetable oll th~ house defeated a motion of the coldest region of the country ral NIgenan COmmISSIoner for as the prmclpal market from all d{stJllbullon projects m these on With theIr tea while the ly 52 year old captam, who were overcome With smoke whIle mtervened on flie Side of Israel Apart from tanUs, other ISSues HOUSE FOR RENT ound equIpment shops. cr~w leader the IIS"t wmg's watantra with a low of 2 C, 36 F mformatlOn and labour, warned three prOVInces fought a fITe In one of the comes from Dorset replied "Its flghtmg the fire but otherwise In the Middle East war The temperature In Kabul at yesterday that Nlgena would are causmg some strSln between A mOdem apartment house, (U S SOURCES) cargo holds below, the captaID, not unusual' there were no lnJUrIeS, he Party Masam to make a token The freIghter's Amencan loa­ with Uving dining 10 a m was 25 C, 77 F probably dlsmtegrate and start Australia and Japan Treasury's room, room, Roger Culter s~ld Yesterday Evelythmg was under con- said cut of 100 rupees (13 dollars) ded rice IS seen here as a test Yesterday's temperatures a cham reachon through AfTlca stead fast refusal to approve the two bedrooms, modern kitchen, 14 Hurt In 2 Accidents They thought the crew were trol ' The captaIn demed he had ForeIgn Mmlstry's annual case No Bntlsh vessel have two bathrooms, room, Kabul 31 21C If the proolalmed secessIOn of estabbsbment of Japanese banks servants MISRI KABAB RESTAURANT CHARIKAR, July 19, (Bakb Jtlst takIng part 10 an eXercIse,' Captam Culter saId later, as prevented the passengers from appropnatlons because of been brought m to be unloaded gll1'l\P and iImalI yai'd 88F 70F the Eastern regIOn was accom 10 AustralIa Welcome customers to enjoy excellent and delIclous Kababa. tar) -NlOe people were mJured he saId a precautionary measures some sendmg out cables after the out the faIlure to take an obJectlve by Arab labour smce the boy Address; Share Nau, near the and Impartial attItude on the Kandahar 40C 22C plIshed The Japanese pOInt out that Menu Includes: when a statlOnwagon colltded 'There was absolutely no pa 300 tounst cabms were vacat break of the tire cott threat was made last lOW 72F Addr6jlsmg a press conferen­ CereJe-FrancaJa. MIsrI Kabab (Egyptian), SheshJlk Ka\Jab, Grolind. WIth a 10lry near Chalkal yes­ mc and people carned On theIr ed However, we did stop one West AsIan CriSIS and to work month English banks have been in AU1I­ Tel: 21398. Herat 34C 21C ce here on the conflict between Meat Kabab. Roasted RIbs, Roasted Liver, BOasted Kld. terday evemng, Another stabon­ work as usual" The shIp was The occupants ot most of them newsman travellIng on the Oron­ for a just solutlon' tralla for years Japanese banks, The house then quIckly appro 03F 70F the federal government and the LAPIDARY & STONE WORKS ney.., Kabab, Roast ChiCKen, Roast Fllih, Kashmlrl Kabab, wagon parked near by was also m the TaIwan straits In the af were allowed to so back but say from sendms hIS story be they argue, should be allowed at ved by a vOIce vote the propos Gboul 3IC HC breakaway eastern state of Bl­ least, to helP finanCe~the bur­ We cDt and poUsh precious Roasted Oysters and Turk~y Kabab. lllt and slightly damaged ternoon of July 16 when ItS de· about 100 passengers had to be cause we dId not want to cause found new accommodatIOn, most- any alarm when the SItuatIOn ed 1967 8 budget for the mIniS Irish Guards Leave 88F 57F atra he said "What 15 going on geoDlng trade between the two stones of Afghanistan such as Drinks, hot and cold, also served All the mjured, who were br­ tt!chng system dtsco"ered the ought to the Nader Shahl hospI­ fIre 10 number four hold where Iy m first class cabms was well under control He could try of 220 mIllIon rupees ($29 Aden By End Of July Gardez 30C 16C now IS a struggle for the very countnes lapis lazuli, ~ aDd. ameth:nt / Kababs of all varieties are prepared to order aa wen. 86F 61F tal here, are frolll Kohlst~n mall, general cargo and canned 'No one had to spend the mght hie hl~ despatch from Hong mllhon ADEN July 10, (AP)-The lIurvlVal ot our nation .. Brttlsh preference lo Australia for rings. Orders are accepted. CHAR RABI SEDARAT Baghlan 38C 10C ChIef Enahoro who met the IS also .a sore pomt Tokyo bn­ We also seU fine alabaster The statlOnwagon was bemg oranges were stored on Ihe dock If anyone dId, It Kong The votes followed a one houl WIthdrawal from Aden of the looF 66F press In advance of a meeting dies agamst the whole concept saucers. drIven by Mohammad Nasslr and The crew were alerted and was not On account of the fIre" There was absolutely no cen- and 15 mmute speecfl by Fore gn Bntlsh army WIll begm at the yesterday WIth Pnme Mmlster of Commonwealth prelerence, NIAZ & MOBD~ the lorry by Mohammad EdrIS U;~~:~t~~I:nt~~~~:~;;r hi:eja~t Captam Culter saId some da- sorshlp mmlster Chagla defending the end of July when 600 men of Harold Wilson, also said there argumg that there IS little logic OpPOSite' Nazar BestauraII*; Dr Moh~mmad AlI Alrban of mage was caused to per&onal ef support of the Arabs and Pre the IrIsh guards leave here, a At The Cinema The passengers were mostly sldent Nas&er whom he saId was mIlitary source said Monday should be no questton of the 10 glVlng Britain, Australia's lie- CharrliJ AnsarIe, ShAre Nan. NAWROZ CARPET EXPORT LTD tpe hospItal saId that the condl kets on Life boats were also fecls and furmture In five cabms 'a force for progress" ABlANA CINEllIA Brlttsh goverrunent trYmg to be Ilon of one of the Injured, AzIZ prepared tor lowenng as they had to be !lept wet to German Bntlsh, Australian and The guardsmen WIll leave theIr At 2, 5 30, 7 30 and 30 pm neutral as between the federal We offer to our customers new BIPI, was seriOUs The others The captam said passengers prevent the fire from spreadmg Japanese and 61 crew on board He stands for secularism and barracks at Little Aden to Arab Spinzar Spinzar $pilJzar were not Informed until an hour The hner, some 18 hours be nonalignment and lS reslsimg soldIers of the South. Arabian Amencan colour film In FarSI government and self proclatmed and antique carpets at low prices. The carpets would be dIscharged soon 'the extent of the damage was hmd schedule was due to saIl reactIOnary forces and religIOUS army The barracks which are BEACH QEAD Blafra are different sIZes. In Kabul. ltve people were later 'because we had ascertam­ not known 'If the federal authority Is U you want your skin to be soft and perfumed slIghtly Injured when a taxI co ed there was no ImmedIate dan Yesterday the water was pum­ fO! Singapore at noon today fanaticism" Chagla saId HIS among the most modem in Aden PARK CINEMA However It was expected to lea speech was repeatedly mterrup Include aIr conditIOned messes At 2 30, 5, Band 10 pm beIng defIed the proper ath­ use Spinzar soap. Address: mlnS flom Chelsetoon hIt a tree ger and we dId not want to cau­ ped out agam and the damaged ve Singapore on time ted and sWlmmmg pools Amerlc811 cmemascope colour film tucje for the Bnt!sh government Spinzar soap in different colours can be at Opposite Blue Mosque, Share Nau near the J angalak factones se unnecessary alarm goods were bemg unloaded m FarsI TIfE SON OF CAPTAIN to take IS to support ijle federal the ~pinzar Shop, opposite the Pashtany Tejarity Bank. Tel: 24835 BLOOD govemment," he S1Ud