Vol. XXIV No. 25 Catholic Archdiocese of Miami Friday Dec. 25, 1987

'Glory to God on high!'

Devotedly Yours Christmas: overture to eternity My dearly beloved: In peace, joy, and gratitude, I offer you every blessing, every good wish of a tender, loving Father. His infinity makes it possible for Him to care lovingly, this Holy Season. personally for each of us~for you. At times the true gift that Christmas is for us lies like and unopened present Glory to God on high! under the tree. Christmas means that you--that we-mean so much to God that to prove it There is the danger that we miss the point of the celebration He became one of us~took on human flesh at Bethlehem. of the Feast. We think of Christmas as a time for parties, Glory to God on high! decorating a tree, shopping, getting out greeting cards, receiving Christmas means that this God love us~loves you so that His Son redeemed gifts, having a day off at work, family reunions, special meals. us for our sins, to heal us. He wants us to become like Him and so gave us They are all good things-but the best is still like the unopened, baptism to be transfoimed, to share forever His divine life, gave us the Eucharist unexplored package under the tree. to nourish our friendship with Him. If we really stop to open Jesus' present under the tree Glory to God on high! Christmas is mind-blowing, is heart-blowing. How tragic, how tragic for the Christmas is the overture of an everlasting Alleluia, for it was the first step in our being with God in the ecstasy of all eternity in heaven. Christmas means non-believer who misses the true meaning of Christmas. the lives we are now living are but the waiting room of the most marvelous, Christmas means that the wondrous Almighty God who could bounce the unbelievable future awaiting us in heaven. earth like a rubber ball, the God for whom the stars of the universe are but snow Devotedly yours in Christ, flakes, the God for whom a million years is but a twinkle of the eye, the God who says of Himself in the Bible,". . .my hand laid the foundations of the earth, Edward A. McCarthy my right hand spread out the heavens," (Isaiah 48)-that God is, at the same time, Archbishop of Miami, Pope's U.S. visit still being felt WASHINGTON (NC) — Enthusiasm over Pope Pope OKs sainthood step John Paul II's U.S. visit in September lingered across the country as 1987 drew to a close. Dioceses on the for Fr. Junipero Serra papal itinerary cited a boost in Mass attendance and VATICAN CITY (NC) — Pope John Paul II reception of the sacraments, an influx of new cleared the way for the beatification of Fran- Catholics and increases in vocations as evidence of ciscan Father Junipero Serra by approving a the trip's impact. The lingering impact was also miracle attributed to the 18th-century founder of financial as dioceses worked to meet unpaid bills. nine California missions. The Vatican announced Local churches also began incorporating the pope's the pope's decision Dec. 11. The decision is the messages into parish renewal and evangelization ef- latest step in a canonical process which began in forts as well as the Rite of Christian Initiation of 1934 in the Diocese of Monterey, Calif. Born in Adults. Father Robert Lynch, National Conference of Spain in 1713, Father California in 1769, even- Catholic Bishops' associate general secretary and tually establishing nine missions and evangelizing overall coordinator of the pope's visit, said in an in- local Indians before his death in 1984. Some In- terview Dec. 7 that long-term effects would be dian representatives have protested beatification "directly conditioned" by what the NCCB does as a efforts, claiming Father Serra beat Indians who follow-up. tried to leave his missions. But his defenders sav no proof has ever been supplied of Indian ACLU entering new arena, mistreatment by the missionary. opposes prayers at college rites WASHINGTON (RNS) — Broadening its cam- Mother Drexel sainthood paign against school prayers, the American Civil Rights award Liberties Union has asked a federal court in Cardinal Juan Francisco Fresno Larrain of nearer after medical review Baltimore to ban prayers to be said ai the University Santiago, Chile, is congratulated by former ROME (NC) — A board of medical experts of Maryland's mid-year graduation ceremony on President Jimmy Carter after the cardinal was ruled it was unable to find a medical cause for a Dec. 22. In what attorneys described as one of the presented the second annual Carter-Menil cure attributed to the intercession of Mother first challenges to prayer at the college level, the Human Rights award in Atlanta. Houston Katharine Drexel. The meeting of the board of ACLU charged on Dec. 3 that the invocations and philanthropist Dominique De Menil, center, medical experts resulted in a "very favorable out- benedictions at the public institutions amount to presented the $100,000 award.

(cpo Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy ' y Archdiocese of Miami (ISSN 8/50-538X) President, The Voice Publishing Co., Inc. Bi-weekly Publication 9401 Biscayne Blvd. Average Weekly paid circulation Miami Shores, FL 33138 50,000 POSTMASTER Send change of address notices Distributed to the home by mail Robert L. O'Steen to the VOICE on Friday and bought in 132 Editor MAILING ADDRESS churches on Sunday, 26 weeks P.O. Box 38-10S9 in the year. Miami, FL 33238-1059 Save yourself forwarding postage News: 7-58-0543 Ana Rodriguez-Soto — News Editor and continue to receive your Voice. Advertising, Classified Second Class postage paid at Prentice Browning — Staff Writer Circulation Just send us your Voice address label Miami, Florida Subscription Nltza Espalllat — Editorial Asst. Miami 7584543 plus your forwarding address and rates $10 a year, Foreign $13. Ft. Lauderdale 525-5157 parish (if any). Single copy 25«. Published Edith Miller—Display Advertising W. Palm Bch. 833-1951 every other Friday. Piedad C. Fernandez—Circulation Manager Charlotte Leger — Circulation Asst. UNIVERSAL PRINTING CO.*(305) 888-2695

PAGE 2 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 25,1987 Why do we celebrate Christmas? By Fr. Eugene Hemrick Christians not become so immersed in NC News Service the world as to forget the warning of Christ to watch for his coming. Why are we celebrating yet another Father Stanley says, "The feast of Christmas? There was only one Christmas is not simply a historical birth of Christ. Why put commemoration of the historical event ourselves through the same ritual year of Jesus' birth. It is principally a after year? celebration of the mystery of his future And, since so many use Christmas coming in power and glory. It summons as an excuse to celebrate everything but the people of God to vigilance and the feast itself, wouldn't it be better to hope."

'It was St. Anthony's concern that Christians not become so immersed in the world as to forget the warning of Christ to watch for his coming.'

skip it? If there is any one virtue we need To answer those questions another to keep strong it is hope. A recent study question needs to be asked: "How did the conducted at Fordham University in feast of Christmas get its start?" New York on the social health of the Jesuit Father David Stanley United States found among other things observes that we find Christmas in the that teen suicides and alcohol-related fourth century after the Christians have highway deaths have increased dra- suffered innumerable persecutions. matically. Then, under the Emperor Con- There also are many people who stantine, the church for the first time view this life as a darkness they want to since Christ's death became the recipient escape. They have lost the ability to of imperial favor. look forward to having a happy event But certain Christians became touch them. concerned that the church might become It goes unsaid that it would be easy too much at home in the world; they at times in our lives to join their ranks. thought of? this love for all eternity. retreated into the desert in Egypt where Father Stanley offers a beautiful thought From meditating on this one Christmas is a time to refurbish they began monasticism. It was during for combating despair- the thought of beautiful thought we come to the the thought of our creation and to the lifetime of the monk St. Anthony of picturing the moment God conceived us realization that someone really loves wonder what it will be like to meet Egypt that the feast of Christmas in his mind and we were created. What me. We cannot but jump for joy at this God. It is time to be thankful we are became firmly established. must this instant have been like? Why realization because we have the able to look forward to goodness and to It was St. Anthony's concern that me and not someone else? Why was I opportunity to one day be reunited with be a people of hope. Christmas in Rome: Time to pray & eat

By John Thavis sack through Roman neighborhoods in search of old metal objects and VATICAN CITY (NC) - When household junk. A rare figure today, Pope John Paul II laid flowers beneath a she's one of the collection ladies for the statue of the crowned Madonna Dec. 8, annual St. Rita Christmas charily, he sent a ceremonial signal to Rome's whose proceeds go to the needy. tradition-minded population: The Other seasonal street-wanderers Christmas season was officially under include the "zampognari" poor shepherds way. from the Abruzzi Mountains cast of Rome's yuletide begins with a day Rome who play their bagpipes beneath off — the feast of the Immaculate street shrines to the Madonna. Unlike Conception - and ends with the kind of the original shepherds drawn to Bethlehem, they accept ps from passers-by. On Christ™is c, dressed 'Taking the kids to see in sandals and sheepskin chaps, (hey miniature cribs and serenade churchgoers on the steep steps of the Basilica of San fa Man? mangers in the lo-cal d'Aracoeli. churches is the Italian The fourth-century church, built on equivalent of seeing the ruins of a pagan temple to a noiher- goddess, holds one of the most unusual Santa at the shopping statuettes of the Holy Child. Bedecked mall.' in jewels and standing in his crib, he receives visits over Christmastime from a steady trickle of children, who recite poems from an opposite pulpit. Nearby neal that takes all day to eat. Praying is a stack of letters addressed to "Santo The era of space travel enters the Christmas picture in this manger and eating are the common Bambino" from all over Italy. denominators for much of what goes on display in Rome's Piazza Navona. A statue of an astronaut kneels in front of the creche. About a mile away, near the in between, too. Colosseum, Irish Dominicans sing 'Tis the season of "panettone," an beatitudes during Mass in the Church of Italian Christmas cake, and "torrone," a Roman Christmas together. Taking the fruit stores come up with similar eye- San Clemente. Next to the main post nougat bar full of almonds and kids to see miniature cribs and mangers stopping creations for hurried shoppers. office, at the English national church of pistachios; of duck-in visits to elaborate in local churches is an Italian equivalent Piazza Navona, where many San Silvestro, Pallottine priests lead a church nativity scenes and pilgrimages of seeing Santa at the shopping mall. Americans gather weekly at the Church round of Christmas carols. And at the to Piazza Navona, where the crib Here, Santa still plays second fiddle to of SL Agnes, is the place to sample Vatican, the pope gears up for his figurines are sold by the thousands; of "Bambino Gesu," the baby Jesus. "pangiallo," the sweet bread crammed marathon midnight liturgy. baked fish, midnight Mass, the papal with dried fruit and nuts. The historic By the time the spotlights go out "Urbi et Orbi" blessing and deep-fried The "presepio" tour is usually debate, which still rages, is whether or in St. Peter's, most Romans are already artichokes,-- in that order. made in the evening, when the flashing not figs should be used in the recipe. home drinking a bubbling glass of The pope and the Vatican have lights, running water and other special spumante as the festive cap to a long always been the main actors in this effects are best viewed in the darkened In the oval-shaped square, once the day. The pope turns in immediately, to pageant, but not the only ones. St. chapels. site of an ancient Roman racetrack, the rest for his busy schedule on Christmas Peter's has the biggest Christmas tree, But churches are not the only modern toy-run takes two laps: at Day. the biggest "presepio," or nativity places that re-create Christ's birth. A Christmas and later at the feast of the But if he sneaks a bite of pastry scene, and the biggest midnight Mass. bakery not far from where St. Peter was Epiphany, when the "Befana" or gift- first ~ perhaps a piece of "sernic But in the narrow streets across the martyred exhibits a manger scene made bearing witch can be seen walking krakowski," the Polish specialty made Tiber River, traditions, albeit of less entirely of bread, baked to a golden among the stalls. from soft whey cheese - his Roman grandeur, thrive. brown and dusted lightly with powdered She should not be confused with neighbors across the river would The "presepio" ties much of the sugar to give a snow-like effect. A few another woman in rags, who carries her completely understand.

Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 25,1987 / PAGE Vatican study cites aging of priests

(from 56.4 to 61.8), Luxembourg (from Fewer in dioceses 54.1 to 62.2)." around world The office said the mean age of priests in Canada 53.3 in 1976 and 57.3 VATICAN CITY (NC) — The in 1985 — was about four years higher worldwide ratio of older diocesan than in the United States, where the priests to younger ones more than mean age is 49.8 in 1976 and 53.1 in doubled between 1976 and 1985, ac- 1985. cording to a study released by the Va- The study was published in the Nov. tican's Central Office of Church 16 issue of the English-language weekly Statistics. edition of L'Osservatore Romano, the In North America the ratio more Vatican newspaper. than quadrupled in those nine years, it It listed only three regions of the said. world — Africa, Southeast Asia and In 1985, according to the study, Asia — where the "aging index" show- North America (excluding Mexico) had ed fewer older priests than younger 4.5 diocesan priests who were 65 or ones. older for every one under the age of 35. In Africa, where new vocations have Nine years earlier the numbers in the been steadily increasing, there were on- two age groups were nearly identical — ly 42.7 priests over 64 for every 100 103.7 in the older group for every 100 under 35. In Southeast Asia the older- in the younger. younger ratio was 71.9 percent, and in The office said this "aging index" Asia it was 81.3 percent. showed an "extremely high... direct linear relation" to declines in the total Both in 1976 and in 1985 priests in , number of diocesan priests working in the middle 35-64 age bracket made up a areas around the world. significant majority — generally about In other words, the higher the ratio two-thirds — of the total number of of older priests to younger priests, the priests in any area of the world. faster the rate of decline in the number The study did not attempt to com- of priests. pare priest's ages with general Europe and the Middle East had the demographic data in different regions, highest older-younger ratios. In 1985 such as average life span, increase in there were about 5.1 older priests for life span, or age distribution of the each younger priest in those regions, general population. Cool Santa the study reported. Nine years earlier It was therefore impossible from the Santa takes time off from his busy schedule this time of the the ratio had been less than 2-to-l in study to make weighted comparisons year to help a youngster learn to use one of his gifts from last both areas, it said. that might indicate how priests' ages in year, before he returns to the North Pole for his final prepara- It called the European statistics "the any area were affected by general tions for the big sleigh ride Christmas Eve. (NC photo) least comforting." population data such as shorter life ex- Between 1976 and 1985, the office pectancy or high percentages of young said, "the mean age for four (Euro- people in a country's overall popula- pean) nations surpassed 60: France tion. Private Duty Care in Home, Hospital or Nursing Center C J TRAVEL INC. PRESENTS • Resistered Nurses 11 DAYS • Licensed Practical Nurses ROME AND PARIS • Nurse Aides TRAVEL "LIVING STONES" • Companions A retreat and pilgrimage directed by Dial a Nurse" 899-0400/24 Hours , Gregory D. Cornelia, C.PP.S. OUR SERVICE IS FIRST CLASS April 4th-April 15th Our retreat pilgrimage is about discovery and listening. Each day we ;will look and listen, we will celebrate Eucharist Villa Maria Health Care Services, Inc. together. We will wonder about God's call to us now to be 'Living Stones',to be church for each other and for our worid. Cost per person based on double occupancy $1,380.00 all inclusive. Call for brochure (305) 232-2070 _^ (Not an offidal Afchdfecose o( Watii Tour) MON BIEN AIME Don't miss our celebration of the most Christian tradition SERVING GREATER MIAMI SINCE 1953! THE NATIVITY A Great Place To Purchase America's Finest Automobiles! AT THE CORNER OF BIRD ROAD & .,w „ r . SchmUi PONCE DE LEON BLVD. 445-7711

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PAGE 4 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 25,1987 Vatican wealth? Budget is smaller than some UN agencies and using up remaining money each year

By Agostino Bono ledgers. The city state has a balanced employees, accounting for 55 percent mentation do not give an exact picture of the annual budget. VATICAN CITY (NC) — The budget. of Vatican finances. Internal transfers Vatican, far from being fabulously The confidential documents show of funds among Vatican agencies are that the Vatican is reaching the prac- The payment of retirement benefits not clearly identified and some of the wealthy, has a budget half that of some out of current operating funds is one U.N. agencies and is not generating tical limit of dipping into its invested headings of assets and liabilities are funds to cover threatened deficits. practice which has been criticized by hazy. enough income to meet its annual ex- some high-ranking churchmen. The penses, church documents show. One reserve taken from those funds But the figures provide the most in the past to cover shortfalls is now Vatican never established a pension Furthermore, the documents show detailed picture of expenditures and in- "completely exhausted." The wisdom fund for its employees. (' Vatican is steadily depleting its come to date, and allow for a general of establishing another from the same &^ets by dipping into investment Retirement benefits in 1985 totaled determination of net worth. capital to make up the difference be- $8.3 million and are on the rise each Reasons given for the mushrooming tween income and expenses — a prac- shortfall are ever-increasing expenses tice contrary to sound financial man- — especially for personnel and the agement — which could lead to future expanding services required by the financial difficulties. post-conciliar church — and static sources of traditional income, mostly The documents, which include 1 from investments, real estate and sale- budget summaries for 1985 and other Vatican's operating able items such as stamps, coins and financial information, show the Va- publications. tican at the end of 1985 had assets of budget is less than that $485 million and liabilities of $261 The totals have also jumped because million for a total net worth of $224 of Notre Dame Universi- of the shrinking value of the dollar million. The assets do not include ar- ty; it is half that of the which, according to Vatican figures, tistic, archeological and historical hold- lost more than 25 percent of its value ings, which includes some of the UN's Food and against the lira during the past two world's most famous works and which Agricultural Organiza- years. the Vatican says it will not sell. tion: Vatican City The lira is the basic unit of most Va- Nor do the figures include the assets tican expenditures and of Vatican City of the controversial Vatican bank, State's budget is a State income, but most of the Holy which is financially independent. See's income, including the Peter's fourth that of tiny Pence and private contributions to The documents show that in 1985 the cover the deficit, is in dollars and other Vatican took $2.2 million out of its in- Liechtenstein principal'!- currencies. vestment capital to help make up a shortfall of $39.1 million in its operat- The Vatican completely separates its ing budget of $124.7 million. Vatican City State and Holy See budgets for administrative purposes. Two-thirds of that budget — $83.7 million — went to the work of the Holy The smaller city state budget strictly year. See, the central offices serving the concerns the running of the tiny coun- The Vatican's 1985 assets of $485 church and church interests around the try. It spent $41 million in 1985 and had million include mostly cash deposits, world. The other third — $41.1 million an income of $41.1 million. The prin- securities and real estate. They do not — was in the separately administered cipality of Liechtenstein spent $186 source is questionable. include the treasures which contribute million in 1986. civil budget of Vatican City State, a There was no indication in the docu- to the widespread perception of the The Holy See budget covers the cen- 108-acre enclave surrounded by the city ments to support contentions that Va- "riches of the Vatican." tral administrative offices (Roman of Rome. tican reserves had been drained by the Curia) which oversee operations of the A clear understanding of the scope payment in 1984 of $240 million in the The church's stance, however, is that universal Catholic Church. It also in- of the figures is not easy to reach be- Banco Ambrosiano case. While that these are a patrimony of humanity over cludes the more than 170 members of cause of the unique nature of the work point was not directly addressed in the which the Vatican is custodian, not the diplomatic corps, who also function of the Vatican, but for the sake of un- documents, they did state that the items to be sold. While some of them as the pope's representatives to national derstanding the figures, here are some finances of the Vatican bank — on produce revenue through being on dis- churches. comparisons. whose behalf the payment was made to play in the Vatican Museums, all re- • The net worth figure is slightly Ambrosiano creditors — had no con- quire maintenance — and often protec- The Holy See budget is deeply in the over half as much ($400 million) as the nection with the finances of the Vatican tion — which is an expense. red because it is basically providing University of Notre Dame has in its City State and the Holy See. In March services, such as the diplomatic corps, endowment'fund alone. 1985, the Vatican said the $240 million The figures include Vatican proper- which produce little or no income. • The combined $124.7 million did not come from Holy See funds. ties used commercially, such as apart- Vatican City State, however, has spent for Vatican operations was some ments and offices rented out, but not many commercial operations. These in- Concern over Vatican finances has clude a supermarket for employees, en- $24 million less than the U.N. Fund for become so great that the Vatican is the properties used exclusively for Va- Population Activities spent in 1985 and tican institutional purposes. A note in trance fees to the Vatican Museums and urgently turning to bishops, religious sales of stamps and coins. almost identical to the amount of U.S. orders and others for financial help. the documents says that properties military aid to El Salvador in 1986. which the Vatican both owns and uses Assets of the Vatican are also divided The 1985 budget figures contained in between the Holy See and Vatican City • The government of the 443-acre are each given the nominal value of one the documents show annual expenses State. Almost all the assets, including principality of Monaco spent $222 lira — less than one-tenth of a cent — with very little apparent fat to cut and a real estate, are owned by the Holy See. million in 1983. in the ledgers. total modest by comparison with other The combined assets include $142 organizations. The remainder of the money to cover Supervising preparation of the million in interest-bearing bank ac- the Vatican's 1985 shortfall came The $124.7 million that the Vatican figures was a special council of car- counts and $84 million in stocks and primarily from Peter's Pence, a collec- spent in 1985 to govern its city state and dinals, none of whom are Vatican of- bonds. tion taken up around the world and provide central services for a culturally ficials, named by Pope John Paul II to The confidential documents did not s<*"t to the pope for use at his discre- and ethnically diverse worldwide advise him on economic affairs. list specific securities held. \ . Peter's Pence totaled $28.5 church of 866 million people is only Most of the deposits and securities million. Other donations used for the two-thirds as much as the University of The confidential documentation was are held in U.S. dollars and invested in budget shortfall totaled $8.4 million. Notre Dame operation budget, $189.5 mailed to the world's bishops after the the United States and Western Euro- By 1986 the Peter's Pence collection million, in the 1987-88 fiscal year. cardinals met last March. pean countries, said a church official grew to $32 million, yet it covered a Some specialized agencies of the United overseeing Vatican financial activities. smaller portion of the budget shortfall Nations, such as UNESCO and the Since 1979, the Vatican has been The Vatican puts its money in "safe than it had in 1985 because total spend- Food and Agricultural Organization, publishing bottom-line annual budgets, investments" such as term savings ac- ing had increased more rapidly than the have yearly budgets about double that but it has never made public a complete counts and low-risk stocks producing collection had grown. of the Vatican. line-item breakdown of income and ex- dividends, said Joaquin Navarro-Vails, For 1987 the budget shortfall is ex- The biggest fixed expense in Vatican penses. Nor had it made public its Vatican press spokesman. "The pope pected to be $59 million. spending is salaries and benefits to assets, liabilities and net worth. has ruled out speculation in financial All the deficits are on the Holy See's 3,400 active and 1,400 retired The figures in the confidential docu- markets," said Navarro-Vails.

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Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 25,1987 / PAGE 5 Bishops disagree on condom education

By Jerry Filteau WASHINGTON (NC) — Several 'Cannot approve or seem to approve... U.S. bishops criticized a statement by methods which might lead some to their Administrative Board which would tolerate factual condom in- think that they could in good formation in a moral context in educa- conscience ignore (Church) teaching.' tional programs to combat AIDS. Car- —Cardinal Law dinal John J. O'Connor of New York called it "a very grave mistake." Others depend it. 'Pleased with the document because Among those who lined up publicly it... is faithful to the Catholic doctrinal against condom education along with tradition and sensitive to the human Cardinal O'Connor were Cardinal Ber- dimensions' nard F. Law of Boston and other bishops of Massachusetts, Vermont, —Cardinal Bernardin New Hampshire and Maine and Arch- bishop Theodore E. McCarrick of Newark and the other bishops of New sions of the issue." It said that the Administrative of the NCCB-USCC's executive c Jersey. In New Orleans Archbishop He said the document calls "for doc- Board's statement and press reports on ficers, heads of the committees of the Philip M. Hannan went on record in trinally and medically sound educa- it "have generated considerable confu- two conferences, and other elected re- opposition. tional programs" and warns "against sion concerning the church's position presentatives of the bishops. Cardinal O'Connor predicted that misleading campaigns for 'safe sex' on the use of prophylactic devices as a many bishops across the country would products." protection against AIDS," acquired im- The Board's dec. 11 AIDS statement publicly reject the position on condom When Bishop Hughes presented the mune deficiency syndrome. addressed a wide range of moral, education spelled out in the board's document at a press conference in Cov- In New Jersey, Archbishop McCar- medical, social, legal, pastoral and Dec. 11 statement. ington, he said the bishops on the Ad- rick said the board's statement "seems spiritual issues surrounding AIDS. Archbishop John L. May of St. ministrative Board approved it "with- to open the door to a toleration of cer- Louis, president of the National Con- out any audible dissent." tain types of public educational pro- ference of Catholic Bishops and U.S. Archbishop McCarrick, who is a grams which my own statement, issued The crucial disputed passage Catholic Conference, said Dec. 14 that member of the board, said he was ab- on behalf of the bishops of New Jersey, concerning condom information in the USCC Administrative Board's sent from the November meeting at would not allow." education programs about AIDS urged statement "does not call for any which the statement was approved. The New Jersey statement he refer- that all educational programs be changes in the church's constant teach- A joint statement Dec. 12 by Car- red to was one he issued Nov. 9 which "grounded in the broader moral ing concerning proper moral dinal Law and the 16 other bishops of called the promotion of condoms as an vision" of "the dignity and destiny of behavior." Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont and anti-AIDS solution "foolish and ir- the human person, the morality of Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin of New Hampshire rejected any toleration responsible." human actions and... the consequences of individual choices for the whole of Chicago, on the committee that drafted of condom education. "The Catholic Church cannot ap- society." the statement, said in a statement Dec. "We cannot approve or seem to ap- prove or condone any promotion in 11 that he was "particularly pleased prove the distribution of information media advertising or educational with the document because, in my opi- regarding contraceptive devices and materials of condom use as a method The board statement stressed the nion, it brings together two crucial methods which might lead some to of preventing the transmission of church's teaching that insists on sexual components: it is faithful to the think that they could in good cons- AIDS," the Nov. 9 statement said. abstinence outside marriage and fidelity Catholic doctrinal and moral tradition cience ignore or contradict this teach- The USCC Administrative Board is a within marriage as the only moral and it is sensitive to the human dimen- ing," the joint statement said. panel of about 50 bishops, composed course of action. JUSTIFIES STATEMENT Bishop: AIDS is different, it kills COVINGTON, Ky. (NC) — The fact that AIDS is a fatal disease puts it in a The only "morally correct and medically sure ways" to prevent the spread of different category from other sexually transmitted diseases, said Bishop William AIDS are sexual abstinence outside of marriage and fidelity within it, as well as the A. Hughes of Covington at a press conference Dec. 11. avoidance of intravenous drug abuse, the statement says. The U.S. bishops took that fact so seriously that in their a new AIDS statement Bishop Hughes said the factual information about condoms may possibly be they took a first-ever stand not to oppose education programs that include factual presented in the curriculum of Catholic schools "at some point." information about condoms, he said. For public schools, he said he foresees determining a "broad moral "We are not promoting the use of condoms," said Bishop Hughes, head of the perspective" which most people can agree upon and presenting educational pro- four-bishop task force that drafted the document. grams in that light. "AIDS is a fatal disease that is a threat to society in general, so the tolerance of He suggested such a "moral vision" could be formed by working with leaders in this factual information seems the lesser of two evils," he said. public education. Bishop Hughes said the bishops did not oppose presenting factual information "It is important to recognize that there is a difference between presenting this about condoms because they "recognized that those not of our faith may not be information (about condoms) as part of the total factual picture and presenting persuaded by our moral traditions and that many Catholics will not always live ac- them as permissible and an avenue to 'safe sex,' " the bishop said in a written cording to our teachings." statement released at the press conference. "There is no such thing as 'safe sex.' " Asked if the "lesser of two evils" philosophy could also apply to choosing con- Bishop Hughes said the task force met for the first time in May, consulted with doms to avoid unwanted pregnancy, syphillis or gonorrhea, the bishop said, "The experts in July, and presented its findings to the USCC Administrative Board in church has always taken the position that the marital act must be open to the September and again in November. transmission of life" and that other sexually transmitted diseases are treatable. The proposal was reviewed "by theologians of diverse persuasion," the bishop The AIDS statement, issued Dec. 11 by the Administrative Board of the U.S. said, and it is "theologically correct." Catholic Conference, asks educational institutions to develop curricula that will He said the statement is "carefully written" and was approved by the bishops stress a "broader moral vision" as the context for any factual information. The "without any audible dissent." board is a 50-bishop panel consisting of the executive officers, committee heads and other elected representatives of the bishops' national conferences. Holy Family Parish 'You can depend upon" 365 MIRACLE MILE STONE'S PHARMACY CORAL GABLES Drive-in Window Service — Russell Stover Candies 915 E. LAS OLAS 11638 N.E. 2nd Ave. (Near Barry College) 759-6534 PARKING LOT ADJACENT TO BOTH STORES FT. LAUDERDALE

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PAGE 6 / Miami, Florida /THE VOICE / Friday, December25,1987 THE VOICE Miami, FL Dec. 25, 1987 Page 7 He cares for the homeless By Guillermo Fernandez Staff Writer, La Voz To vividly experience being homeless, Brother Paul Johnson dressed like one of them: dirty, wrinkled shirt; patched trousers; ragged and wom-out shoes. He went to New York's 47th St., to a homeless shelter. "I knocked many times and nobody answered," he recalled recently. "I could have been hit or mugged on that sidewalk and no one would have come out to help me. After a long time, an ill-humored man with a rude disposition asked me: 'Whatdo you want?' 'Whatlwant is a Mercedes Benz,' I answered. Because that's the truth. TVho doesn't want the best?" As he finishes his story, Brother Paul flashes aknowing smile. Calmly, he makes his point: "What he should have asked me was what did I need; he should have made me feel like a human being who needed help which he was willing to offer." Brother Paul, 50, says he has never forgotten that night in the shelter. They asked him for some kind of identifi- cation and assigned him a bed. In the dormitory, men were talking, screaming, coughing, snoring. The odor in the place was intolerable. "Needless to say, I couldn't shut my eyes." The wake-up call came at 6 a.m. "We had to take a shower at that time. The floor tiles and the bathroom walls were completely filthy." "I couldn'teat my breakfast," he adds. So "I went back to the hotel, where I had left my things, took another bath, got dressed, ate and shortly after that went to my meeting" —a conference sponsored by the National Coalition for the Homeless, for which he was now fully prepared. Shelter stresses dignity 'Merry Christmas' can be an insult to a person who Brother Paul's experience also helps him with his daily work at Miami's Camillus House, a shelter for doesn't have a home.' homeless men and soup kitchen for the poor in general, Brother Paul Johnson, Camillus House which he runs with the help of three other Brothers of the Good Shepherd. Camillus House needs men's shoes, especially sizes 9 and 1/2 to 10 When a homeless person first enters Camillus House, and 1/2, along with many other food and clothing Items. For more at 728 NE 1 Ave., he is asked to take a bath. Then he is taken to the clothes-room, where he puts his dirty clothes Information, call 374-1065. into a laundry hamper (they will be washed and returned youngsters who went to Homestead and picked the vege- cause he doesn't have a place to live. Since he has no to him) and chooses a set of clean ones. tables from the trees." address he can't be registered, and therefore he cannot "In Camillus House we don't assign clothes to any- Sometimes, food wholesalers make donations: items vote." body," explains Brother Paul. "Each person comes and that are perfectly edible but won't sell because they're If he could, he would voice his opinion on many chooses his own. You know why we do it this way? beyond their expiration date. "In general, people are very matters that concern him. But he can't. "Is this the nation Because we want the person to feel that he is being treated generous," Brother Paul says. And, he adds, this is as it that says it defends human rights?" Brother Paul asks. like a son of God, that he has dignity." should be. Stooping down for a second, Brother Paul pauses and "The Gospel parable that most impresses me is the one Forced to move looks through some boxes. "What size shoes do you about the last judgment, when the judge separates the wear?" he aSks the reporter. "Size 10 1/2." Brother Paul In a few months, Camillus House itself will have to sheep from the goats. The judge rules according to the law move to a new home. The site it has occupied for two looks but cannot find any. "If you were homeless and of charity, which goes beyond what is asked of us in the came here for shoes today, you wouldn't have found any. decades is needed for the new sports arena being built in Ten Commandments. Charity flows from our relation- downtown Miami. 'The new recreation center for the You would have been forced to go barefoot." ship with God." Then he goes to the dormitory, which is furnished with rich," Brother Paul calls it. "It costs $ 15 million. When all "We have to complement our words with action," he is said and done, the politicians only hear the people with 70 beds, each with clean sheets and pillowcases. The adds. "That's how we can truly show how we feel." homeless may stay there for a maximum of one week. money. Money speaks for itself." Camillus House itself survives from day to day, Camillus House's new location will be next to 1-95, through the donations of individuals and groups. "We Needy also serve between NE 4th and 5th Streets in Miami. But the city have never been without food," says Brother Paul. But charity is not limited to the donors at Camillus wants a different image, because the area is zoned for "We've always had something to serve to the poor." House, because the recipients also do their share. "They offices and hotels. Camillus House cannot continue to be He opens the pantry, which is stocked with canned are the ones who take care of the place: wash the clothes, an overnight shelter and soup kitchen. goods donated by children from different schools; some clean, maintain the yard, cook, and even wash the "I told them, okay. We'll build a hotel," says Brother items left-over from a party; and 15 bags of peas, cucum- dishes," says Brother Paul. Paul, for whom there are no obstacles when it comes to bers and squash. "These bags were donated by a group of The reason is simple. "The mayority of [the homeless] helping the homeless. are in this state because they have lost contact with reality The hotel will have 100 rooms, each with its own bath, and with the notion of being part of society; we have to as well as parking and a restaurant. Upon arrival, the Christmas help them assume a role, make them feel useful. Society homeless —both men and women— will be interviewed imposes rules that not everyone can deal with." by a social worker and, depending on their needs, sent to Brother Paul says the homeless are people with all a doctor for a check-up, as well as to a therapist for a Masses at kinds of problems: mentall illness, drug-addiction, alco- psychological evaluation. holism, AIDS. "No one wants them or respects them," he Cathedral says. "Everybody treats them like lazy bums, so that's A gift from Miami Following is the schedule of Christmas Masses how they feel. When they start being treated with respect, Then they will be put on the road toward rehabilita- at St. Mary Cathedral. 7525 NW 2 Ave., Miami: their perception of themselves changes. They begin to tion, which includes training and finding them a job. • Dec. 24: Mass in French for French- feel like human beings, with dignity." While they live at Camillus House, they can sit down at Canadians, 7:30 p.m.; Midnight Mass cele- The main problem is lack of understanding, Brother the restaurant and order their daily meals from the menu. brated by Archbishop Edward McCarthy in Paul says. "No one knows what is happening in their At the end of their stay, and in keeping with the demands English. Music begins at 11 p.m. with the cathe- lives." of the law, they will be presented with a bill, which could dral choir, brass ensemble and organ performing He offers a simple example. "See that water-fountain in be as high as $2,000-$3,000. works from Handel's "Messiah" and Hoist's the corner? It is the only public water-fountain in the city. "But we won't charge them a penny," Brother Paul "Christmas Day." It is impossible for them to come here to drink water every says. "We'll tell them it's a gift from the brothers and the • Dec. 25: Masses at 6:30 a.m. in English; time they are thirsty. What they do is look through the people of Mliami, because they also are children of God 7:30 a.m. in Creole; 9:30 a.m. in English trash for a bottle, then fill it with water. Mostly what they like everyone else." (music with the brass ensemble); Pontifical Mass find are empty liquor bottles. Now whoever sees them He smiles. "Well, there is a Ramada, a Hilton, a with Archbishop McCarthy at 11 a.m., with downtown with their bottle thinks they're drunks, while Howard Johnson...We can call it the Paul Johnson [ho- music by the cathedral choir, brass ensemble and in reality they are only carrying water." tel]. Why not?" organist; and a 12:30 p.m. Mass in Spanish. Another example: Johnny Roberts has spent nine years "I want people, as they drive through 1-95, to see our For more information, call the Cathedral at 759- "seated on that sidewalk, always in the same place." He hotel and be able to say, with Christian pride, 'this is the 4531. is an outcast of society, Brother Paul says. "John is black, gift from the people of Miami to those who are home- an American citizen. Nevertheless he cannot vote, be- less.'" Fdlth ill ChHStniclSZ l couldn't live without it, says Miami'Mayor By Xavier L. Suarez victory. Frankly, I would like to have His every word. But I certainly have seen Mayor of Miami 7 find no answers at all more good times. I read somewhere (C.S. people be that fickle in politics and in I believe in Christmas. As the Decla- outside that darn stable; Lewis, probably) that God has a good love. And I can't prove that He loved me ration of Independence states, this world particularly not any an- time all the time. I'm sure He has enough so much that He was willing —as a very was fashioned by a Creator, who obvi- fun to share it with those He created. I powerful being— to suffer humiliation ously knows a great deal more than I and swer to this unquench- suspect, though it's not necessary to this and horrible death for me. But it's obvious who undoubtedly wants me and all other able thirst for happi- argument, that He derives joy in giving that if He was God, He could —and human beings to pursue happiness. ness.' me a piece of His fun. probably would do—just enough to share It doesn't take much to believe in a It makes sense that He would send a with me His infinite love and joy. God Creator. To believe otherwise would re- over the years, have managed to restrain part of Him to convince me that He cares could not love me half way. quire that I construct a logic by which the their baser instincts such that political about me, and that if I imitate His ways I'll You ask: "But why as a baby?" No most complicated of all things I observe truths could be debated in peace, even if find happiness, sooner or later. I certainly one is afraid of a baby. We all have a (man) could have come into existence not in total agreement. I have to thank God can'tprove that He decided to do it some- natural tendency to approach the crib and from some small particle —or particles— for the former, since I can't thank the time around 2,000 years ago, and that His look in. To do everything in our power to roaming around in space and hitting each roaming particles. (Unless they are God, chosen method was to be born as a baby, make him smile or even just open his eyes. other just right to fashion me. I can't in which case it's all the same.) in a stable, from a family of carpenters. Some, who are humble, have no possibly believe that. So, I believe in God. It is also rather logical that happiness And I can't prove that the angels pro- problem stooping down under the lc It is entirely logical that —if there is would consist of some share in God's own claimed His birth, or for that matter that door of that stable to find that baby. Ou a God— he (she) would want me to obtain life. I have found that I'm most happy there are angels. But if there were, it was ers, like me, keep hitting our heads against those things which the Declaration of sharing with people: sharing a dinner, a eminently proper for them to welcome the top of the door; we're so tall and it's so Independence talks about: life, liberty, conversation, a sport, a drink —sharing Him, in style. difficult to bend down. But I find nothing the pursuit of happiness. But I already the good times I have managed to grab in Sometimes I think it made no sense —absolutely nothing— outside that have life and liberty, thanks —as to the my life. I know, for sure, that politics is for that baby to grow up, be hailed as a stable that makes me think that the an- latter— to the United States of America, enjoyable to me, particularly winning and king, and then be crucified by the same swers are outside. In fact, I find no an- the people who founded it and those who, especially if others are there to share the people who waited with baited breath for swers at all outside that darn stable; par- ticularly not any answer to this unquench- able thirst for happiness that I was born Campus ministers to meet at Barry U. with. Campus ministers from across the na- 9 a.m. on Jan. 5; and Father Michael conduct workshops, as will Dr. Joseph Each year, as Christmas ap- tion will gather at B any University Jan. 2- Moynihan, who will speak at 9 a.m. on Iannone, director of the Institute of proaches, I wonder what I would believe 6 for their annual Eastern Study Week, Jan. 6 on "Forming the Faith Commu- Pastoral Ministries at Miami's St. Tho- in if I didn't believe in Christmas. I could which this year is being organized by the nity." In addition, Abbot Thomas mas University; and Paul Lambert, just stop believing altogether. Certain Archdiocese of Miami's Campus Minis- Keating will conduct two workshops on music minister at St. Louis Church in obligations would automatically end for try Office. The theme is: "Prepare the contemplative and centering prayer on Kendall. Lambert and his partner, Roger me, most notably the need to love my Way of the Lord: Biblical People as Sunday, Jan. 3, the first at 11:15 a.m. and Grenier, will be the music ministers for enemies. No law and no logic requires Models for Campus Ministry." another at 1:15 p.m. on "Centering Prayer the conference, which will begin with a that. Then I feel just a little less joy than Keynote speakers include: Father for the Parishioner." Bishop William concert at 8 p.m. Jan. 2. before, because down deep inside I really Eugene LaVerdiere,who will speak at Friend of Shreveport, LA, will join Registration is$12 per keynote and$10 want to love everyone, even those I pres- 9 a.m. on Jan. 3 on "Receiving and Hand- Bishop William Newman, auxiliary of per workshop and concert; or $20 for an ently hate. Then, around the 24th of De- ing on the Faith"; Sister Martha Ann Baltimore, and other bishops, including all-day pass which includes keynote, cember, I grab for all the joy I can get. I try Kirk, who will speak at 9 a.m. on Jan. 4; Miami's, for a panel discussion on workshop and prayer for the day, but not to love everyone. And I see the baby Father Roland Murphy, who will "Empowered by the Spirit," Jan. 4 at meals. For more information, call Wendy smile. speak at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 4; Sister 11:15 a.m. Pozo at the Miami Campus Ministry of- Yes, I believe in Christmas. I Marie Carol Hurley,who will speak at Each of the keynote speakers also will fice, 757-6241, Ext. 193. couldn't live without it.


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PAGE 8 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 25 1987 Christians and money How should Christ's followers behave in a consumer society? Workshop at St. Louis Church suggests answers

Inge S. Houston Voice Correspondent How should Christians behave in a consumer society? That was the challenge Father George Knab, O.M.I., presented to about 'If money can buy it, if money can do it for us, then 75 people who attended a two-day work- we won't bother to trust in God. That's the challeng- shop recently at St. Louis Church in Kendall. Organized by the parish's Peace ing part of Christian life in a consumer society. To and Justice Commission, the workshop let go and let God be God, instead of trying to play luded a prayer service and discussions. God...He says to us: "I have much more in store for "The first thing we did," Father Knab you than these gifts you're so attached to, even if it said in an interview with The Voice, "was establish that we do live in a consumer is the Mercedes Benz or the swimming pool. You society." may think these are good gifts, but I've got much According to the priest, this fact was underlined by the response to the Oct. 19 more.'" stock market crash. In a speech to the Father George Knab, OMI nation, President Reagan said that to avoid a recession, we just needed to keep on spending. "It was not a prescription to save your money, nor tighten your belt, nor work that he too was a consumer: He accepted to thank the Lord, but then there is a If Jesus had kept the loaves and the l 1 lv the way of making sure we have a healthy provia e s £ood things of the world, tendency to become attached, to not want fish, Father Knab pointed out, there society." But then Jesus blessed the bread, not would have been no miracle. If at the last The question then arises: "When you "to make [it] holy," the priest said, but to with God," Father Knab said. have no Eucharist. IFhenaa not rergcroT consider that consuming and spending is declare "that it is already holy, by ac-, And once attached, we insist on pro- his very life, we would have no salvation. the way the society functions, then does knowledging that it has come from God." viding for ourselves. An example would This is what Father Knab calls "the that mean that to be a good citizen you, a That's where we begin to part ways be the adoption of the saying "God helps joyful part of Christian living." Christian, must also be a good con- with Christ, he noted. "Our relationship those who help themselves" as scriptural, "There's a burst of generosity when sumer?" with God is often distant because we take when in fact the correct version is "God we touch a person's life, give them love, so much for granted. We think that we're helps those who hope in Him." touch them with what we are, with what Look to Jesus providing for ourselves." "What this does," Father Knab said, we have to give" the priest said, "but this Instead of giving specific answers, Jesus, throughout his entire life, fully "is justify taking care of ourselves. It is only takes place after letting go." trusted that his Father would provide. adopting a self-serving, self-caring life- Father Knab said Christians must go to The two seas of Palestine are a good "He didn't bring a lunch when he style." the Gospel to look for the "Jesus pattern of example of what happens to those who behavior," concentrating specifically on went out to the people, but when the time came to eat he asked what was available," can share and "let go" and those who the story of Jesus multiplying the loaves Attachments can't, Father Knab noted. The Sea of and the fishes to feed the multitudes Father Knab said. We, on the other hand, Another illustration of this are our "have become so attached to the gifts that Galilee is full of life, children play around (Matthew 14:19). insurance practices. We are so attached to it, vegetation grows and birds sing. The "I invited people to see how that took we lose touch with the giver." the good things in life that we want to Jesus' taking and blessing is "a call Dead Sea is lifeless, and a "heavy silence place in the life of Jesus, and how that make sure they are around tomorrow. stands over the water." Yet the air and could take place in our lives," he said. for us to take in the good things of the "We try not to depend on God for world but keep a sense of where it all land around them are the same, and the "Because the Eucharist is celebrated so anything that money can buy," the priest Jordan River feeds them both. that the Jesus pattern of living might comes from. We must always give praise said. "If money can buy it, if money can become our pattern of living." and thanksgiving to the Father." do it for us, then we won't bother to trust The difference, Father Knab said, is In the Gospel story, Jesus took what in God." that "the Sea of Galilee receives the Jor- was provided; looked up to heaven and 'Letting go' 'That's the challenging part of Chris- dan and does not keep it. The Dead Sea, on blessed what had been given; then broke Once we do that, the priest said, we'll tian life in a consumer society," he noted. the other hand, keeps every drop that it it and gave it to his disciples, who gave it be more disposed to doing the next part, 'To let go and let God be God, instead of gets." to the people. Then there was more than which is breaking. "Breaking does not trying to play God... He says to us: 'I have "If people would only allow the love enough for everyone. mean damaging something, like breaking much more in store for you than these of God to fill them," Father Knab said, "I pointed out the significance of a toy, or destroying something like a tele- gifts you're so attached to, even if it is the "they would be able to let go." taking, blessing, breaking, and giving," vision set. Breaking means breaking Mercedes Benz or the swimming pool. 'There is enough in this world for Father Knab said. away from, in the sense of letting go." You may think these are good gifts, but every man's need," he added, "but not By taking the bread, Jesus showed It is easy to accept the gifts and even I've got much more." enough for every man's greed."

They do it all for life

The Archdiocesan Respect Life Apostolate recently honored Robert Brake, left, a Coral Gables attorney who has dedicated many hours to fighting for the rights of the unborn. He received the Archdiocese of Miami's 1987 Respect Life Award during a ceremony held recently at Annunciation parish in Hollywood. Also honored at the annual celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patroness of the unborn, were volunteers who work in each of the nine Archdiocesan Respect Life Offices in Dade and Broward counties. The volunteers' awards are known as Juan Diego and Guadalupe. Following are the names of this year's recipients:

Juan Diego Award: Guadalupe Award: Kathleen Alvarez, North Dade office; Barbara Franholtz, North Dade office; Mary Agapito, Corai Springs office; Elizabeth Steppe, Coral Springs office; Maureen Freeman, Hollywood office; Sandra Ida, Hollywood office; Jeanette Cadena, Hialeah office; Ana Hernandez, Hialeah office; Rita De Costa, Southwest Miami office; Mary Doyle, Southwest Miami office; Myrna Armengol, Miami Beach office; Debbie de Leon, Miami Beach office; Carol Kent^Fprt Lauderdale office; and Carolyn Donahue, Fort Lauderdale office; and HB, Tamarac office. Tina Dellorfano, Tamarac office.

_ The newly-opened office in Pompano presented a Sts. Joachim and Anne Award to Judy Falise for her work with the elderly; and Coralee McAllister received a certificate of apprecia- : tion for her work in three of the Respect Life Offices.

(Voice photo/Elena Muller Garcia)

Miami, Florida 1 THE VOICE / Friday, December 25,1987 / PAGE 9 Looal Christmas spirit: 'Tis be Eighth-graders play Santa for underprivileged from nearby schools Some of them seemed to be a little too young to figure out who the unusual-looking man in the red suit and white beard was, but others were totally thrilled that Santa took time out from his busy schedule to hug them and pass out presents. That was the scene at St. James parish center in North Miami, where eighth graders recently hosted a Christmas party for more than 60 kindergartners and pre-kindergartners from nearby St. Mary Cathedral and Our Lady of Perpetual Help Schools. The Christmas parties are a long tradition at St. James, beginning in 1967 as a way to brighten up the Christmases of poor children in Miami. "The eighth graders asked if instead of exchanging gifts . they could sponsor a party for underpriviledged children," recalled St. James Principal Sister Joan Marie, O.P. In more recent years, the eighth graders have sponsored parties for other Archdiocesan schools. The St. James students themselves raised the money for the toys, which were entosmsticjUX.rfifl5e^H1j.-d^'a'stage to"see the generous man from the North Pole (left), played by St. James eight-grader Craig Samuels. Vashti Matthews, pre- kindergartner from Our Lady of Perpetual Help School in Opa- Locka, seems to enjoy the chat.

Voice photo/Prent Browning

Hollywood school takes gifts and a song to the deaf For the uninitiated, translating a song for the deaf by using sign language takes a great deal of concentration and coordina- tion. But children from St. David Catholic School in Davie(left) proved they were equal to the task at a special party held recently at the Schott Memorial Center for the Deaf and Handicapped in Hollywood. St. David's kids translated "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sign," based on the song "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing." They also guided the handicapped to a Santa Claus who gave gifts that were purchased by the students themselves. Before the party, everyone gathered for a Mass celebrated by Father James Vitucci, director of the center. The handicapped center is now completing construction of a special playground equipped with swings for the wheelchair-bound.

Top: J Voice photo/Marc Regis llene Rodri Some o Mar] Students Davalos, w sacrifice to get gifts for Co migrants f St. Bartholomew School in Holly- ac wood is a long way from the migrant camps in Homestead, but the distance Wr didn't matter this Christmas, as Coral S students from Kindergarten thru they wa eighth-grade gave up their favorite into ext treats and snacks in order to buy gifts Outreac for 16 farmworker families. At a pre- Th< Christmas school Mass, more man a total c 200 gifts, wrapped and labeled, individi cluttered the altar, ready to be driven St. down to St. Ann parish in Naranja, Colleen where the migrant families will pick stuffing up their presents. Right, first-graders Ou Kelly Riano and John Driscoll with which r some of the toys and food they collected.

PAGE 10 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 25,1987 Looal ettmr to give than to receive Philanthropist links U.S., China at party for the elderly "It is love that joins us all together as brothers and sisters, regardless of race, color, nationality and age." That message from a sponsor of a special Christmas dinner party for elderly residents of St. Dominic Gardens in Miami came from halfway around the world during a telephone conversation with Archbishop Edward McCarthy. It seemed to sum up the spirit of the occasion which brought elderly and schoolchildren together and was the inspiration of Thomas Liang, a Chinese philanthropist and school principal who met the Archbishop when he visited Hong Kong last year. Liang likes to use such events to express the traditional Chinese,^, respect for the elderly which is sometimes lacking in they^sjcai Chinese plates^ Liang's generosity is notable. La«f.«<—' mugs to resj^r^.

Voice photos/Prent Browning

Top: Josephine Small, a resident of St. Dominic Gardens, receives a nativity scene from llene Rodriguez, Lourdes Cruz and Melissa Guanche, students at St. Michael School. Above: Some of the "angels" wait for their cue during the Christmas pageant. Right: Third-grader Maryela Navarro recites a poem she wrote about the Virgin Mary. Below, right, Cecilia Davalos, who represented Mexico during the Christmas pageant, has a little 'tete-a-tete' with Archbishop McCarthy after the performance.

Coral Springs schools 'adopt-a-child1 When classes from St. Andrew and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Schools in Coral Springs were asked recently to buy gifts for poor children their own age, they warmed to the assignment. Many gifts were so bulky they could barely fit into extra large hefty bags and made space scarce at the offices of St. Andrew's Outreach program, which organized and distributed the Christmas presents. The school children, along with some individuals and families, contributed a total of 270 new gifts for the Adopt-a-Child-for-Christmas project. Each individual or class was assigned a child of their age group to shop for. St. Andrew pastor Father James Quinn (from left), Outreach coordinator Colleen Gore, and assistant coordinator Anne Tingo spent a recent Saturday stuffing the presents into bags. Outreach is a Parish Community Services program of St. Andrew parish, which runs its own food bank and provides counseling among other services.

Voice photo/Prent Browning

Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 25,1987 / PAGE 11 THE VOICE Miami, FL DEC. 25, 1987 Page 12 One Christmas, many customs By Valerie Vance Dillon

Families worry about the commercialization of Christmas trees, candles, ornaments, 'Silent Night,' Santa Claus, Christmas. Too much spending, too much hurry and creches, bells, goose dinners-customs from different cultures are pressure, too much emphasis on presents. No doubt, all a good part of Christmas we often overdo it But, if we can keep a balance, it may reassure us to know that most of our customs are rooted deep in you past - coming from faith-filled parents and grandparents and ancestors before them. The challenge is to recapture the religious meanings of our tradition. Take the Christmas tree. As we enjoy our tinseled and twinkling trees, we should realize that their significance goes back to pre-Christian times. The evergreen was regarded as sacred by pagan tribe the ever-living \:nr?&.n Christian symbol. It was St. According to legend, Martin JLutifc? Kvmkol of the custom of decorating the tree, orignially with white candles. The Saxons used ivy and holly, the Celts adorned it with mistletoe. Frugal Colonial America used popcorn and cranberry strings. In Scandanavian countries, it is trimmed with a tiny, gaily wrapped parcels and bright red apples. In warmer climates the tree's religious meaning is the same. Southeast Asian Christians, for instance, celebrate with a palm tree decorated with lights and ornaments - bamboo shaped into stars with candles in the middle. Light, too, has symbolized Christ's presence in a dark and sinful world. Candles on trees, within churches and in homes, carry this message. The Irish have continued this symbolism in purest form, for every family burns a very large white candle in the front window as a sign of welcome to the Christ Child. Traditionally this is lit by the youngest child and snuffed out only by someone named Mary. In the P-hilipines multicolored lights and huge, lavishly decorated star lanterns are principal decorations. Our twinkling, miniature lights on city streets and homes are the newest version. So if your electric bill goes up during December, console yourself that it's because you carry on an ancient Christian custom. Despite its commercialism, gift-giving also can be a genuine religious expression, expecially when it After dinner, before gifts are opened, the children offer represents our own talents and efforts. The Magi Nativity characters, a gray donkey, a Spanish bull and poems and carols to their grandparents. brought gifts to the Infant, but Christ gave the first gift the home of Herod stand in the distance. Homemade In Norway, after weeks of preparation, all work - Himself. creches are a centuries-old tradition in France. Terra ceases at 4 p.m. on Christmas Eve when church bells Even Santa Claus is not merely an American cotta figures, called "santons" or little saints include ring in "Christmas peace." By that time the traditional businessman's invention, but a popularization of such characters as the local mayor, the priest, the baking must be done which produces 14 different kinds loving St. Nicholas, a third-century bishop of Asia police and tradesmen. of cookies - one for each of the 14 days of the Minor who delighted children with small presents on When the creche became popular, villagers Christmas season. Epiphany. began to act out the Nativity scene and this custom is widespread. In many country villages, a couple In many parts of Europe, hospitality extends to Many German families begin their Christmas all of God's creatures. In Scandinavia farm animals observance in the giving spirit during Advent. Each dressed as Mary and Joseph wander from door to door, searching for shelter. Townspeople follow them and are remembered with extra portions of barley and oats. person picks out another family member to represent Austrian towns set out an extra Christmas tree in their the Christ Child, with acts of kindness and small eventually the entire community arrives in procession at the church, where the couple finally finds shelter. square, covered with bread crumbs for the birds. In remembrances throughout Advent. Denmark a sheaf of corn, a "julenog," in hung in a tree Traditionally gifts for Italian children are Mexican tradition re-enacts Mary and Joseph's so also the birds know it is Christmas. brought, not by Santa Claus, but by Gesu Bambino, the search for lodgings in "Las Posadas," the nine days Virtually all Danes eat goose at Christmas Christ-Child. As in many other countries large-scale before Christmas Eve, clay figures representing Mary dinner. The meal begins with rice pudding, gift giving is uncommon in Italy until Epiphany. Italian and Joseph are carried from home to home in search of "risengrod," which is sprinkled with cinnamon and children "surprise" their parents with their traditional shelter. When the couple's identity becomes known, washed down with dark, non-alcoholic beer. A large "Christmas letter," written on ornate stationery and there is a welcome and festivity. For children, the almond is dropped into the pudding pot, and whoever promising "perfect behavior" in the coming year. highlight is breaking the pifiata, which contains gets it wins a prize - usually a marzipan pig decked in a Italian and French children put their shoes, candies and small gifts. red bow. usually brightly shined, under the stove or fireplace on The theme running through such drama is In Ireland Christmas day is observed chiefly as a St. Nicholas Day, Dec. 6. On Christmas morning the welcoming the stranger (who may well be Christ). So day of prayer and religious service. But from then on shoes are discovered filled with candy and other treats. for us, holiday hospitality carries genuine religious until 'Twelve Night" (Epiphany), much partying and When we hang our stockings we are following a significance. family visiting is common. custom of early Victorian times in England. Christmas celebration in England became so Perhaps this is the most widespread custom has Even Christmas cards are an extension of the rowdy during the Middle Ages that laws were passed failed to take root in America: the savoring of the age-old custom of expressing love. In 1843, with a doing away with Christmas as a legal holiday. New Christ event over the 12 days of Christmas: Dec. 25 world growing larger, and Englishman printed cards England states copied these laws and, for a time, even Epiphany, Jan. 6. with religious motifs for those living far from family. mince pies were outlawed. Fortunately Christmas and mince pies won out How to do this? Many families do not light By 1865 America had caught the custom. their tree until Christmas Eve, but keep it glowing until It's been said that "those who sing, pray twice," In many Catholic countries, Christmas is "Little Christmas." Others spread out the distribution and music always has been part of Christmas. celebrated by the entire community. Processions to of presents through Jan. 6, when the Magi's gifts were Caroling goes; back to the first century, A.D., when the midnight Mass include music, singing, flowers, lights, preferred to the Christ Child. Some families mark the bishop of Rome urged people to "sing in celebration of people dressed as the Holy Family, little children as Feast of St. Stephen, Dec. 26, as a day to give to the Christ's birth." angels. In. Central and South America, Christmas is poor, St. John's Day, Dec. 27, as a special time to The world's most popular Christmas carol, chiefly a religious day, with revelry on Jan. 6. This express love to others, and the Feast, of the Holy Feast of Kings is a noisy celebration with firecrackers, "Silent Night," was composed on Dec. 23;, 1818 in Innocents on Dec. 28, to celebrate particularly the Austria; its melody written by Franz Gruber, the words; whistles, noisemakers, bands, dancing and parades, children among us. New Year's Eve is a time to reflect by a Catholic priest, Josef Mohr. Father Mohr worried Caribbean islanders dress in colorful costume and on past failures as well as good work and an because there would be no music at Midnight Mass - follow steel bands down the streets. appropriate moment to reconcile with anyone we have the parish organ had failed. Sung to guitar In the Philipines, Christmas observance begins injured. accompaniment, "Silent Night" touched the hearts of on Dec. 16 when pealing church bells announce, the And Twelfth Night, the Feast of the Epiphany, the worshipers, and does so again each year- at this holy first Mass of the Rooster,'a novena of nine 4 a.m. culminates our Christmas celebration. This feast time. liturgies, so named because of their early hour. reminds us that Jesus is Savior and King, not only for a The creche is a universal symbol of Christmas, Traditional Polish families celebrate with an chosen few but for all the world. tracing its origin back to St. Francis of Assisi, who elaborate meal on Christmas Eve, containing 7,9 or 11 However you celebrate Christmas, know that joy placed the first nativity scene outside a monastery in dishes •• all meatless: creamed herring, "barszcz" or is its overriding theme and that behind this joy is the Grecchio, Italy. The "manger scene," often hand- mushroom soup, stuffed pike or trout, cabbage-stuffed reality of what Christmas means now, For Jesus comes carved, remains the focal point in both church and dumplings, dried fruit and rich pastries., to us today, lives among us and within us, and His home in Italy, where it is set up on the firs*, day of the The table is set with white linen, crystal and Spirit, His love and His salvation are here for us. We Christmas novena, Dec. 23. silver, the best china and an extra place setting for the need simply to ask. It is a rare Spanish home that does not have a "unexpected guest." This is meant to compensate for (From Columbia Magazine) V creche, its figures molded of clay. Besides the main the lack of hospitality 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem. A 'new' sign A Christmas gift of peace of the cross At Christmas, the time of peace, I find myself thinking Q. Several weeks ago a a lot about how each of us, as individuals and as nations, group of us women attended a define this powerful word: "peace." diocesan workshop at one of our Certainly we are seeing the first hopeful signs that the schools. When the time came two most influential countries of the world might be taking to pray, the leaders said, "In the the word peace seriously, at last. By name of the Creator, Redeemer President Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev and Sanctifier." met in Washington with one bottom-line purpose in mind Antoinette When we asked, we were ~ to make a leap toward suppressing weapons that could told this is a different way of destroy the world. Such meetings have the potential to Bosco making the sign of the cross. elevate the prospects for peace. Since then I've heard it In preparation for this event, Secretary of State George - conflict, battles, war. Peace is the cessation of disruption. again. Is this really just anoth- Schultz and Soviet Foreign Minister Eduard Shevardnadze Personal peace is the conquering of inner conflict, putting your er sign of the cross? One worked out an accord on a new treaty banning medium and life in order. short-range missiles. The Soviet negotiator was quoted as Peace is the real and pervading sense of living your life saying that the accord was "a marvelous treaty, of tremendous without intrinsic conflict. Admittedly, daily living brings importance for the world." continual upsets, but for a person intrinsically at peace all these He expressed the hope that "a political thaw is starting are manageable conflicts. that may lead to a change in the political climate on our planet." That is the truth I've learned about peace from the ByFr. The Soviet minister even called the treaty "a triumph of disruptions of my life. I also have experienced how the peace." elimination of internalized conflict makes it possible for one to John To know that world leaders possibly are moving in the be productive, truly alive, honestly concerned about others and Dietzen direction of peace made me think how important peace is for in harmony with God. These conditions are not easy to sustain all of us, in all aspects of our life. when all one's energies are poured into keeping internal conflicts priest said he thought we should Irecall vividly a Christmas season 25 years ago when I under control. not use it, but he didn't say stood in my yard at night, staring at the stars, smelling the I am convinced that if peace is possible on a personal level, why. (Ohio) cold and the freshness of a thin, sparkling layer of moisture it should be possible on a larger scale too. If we can learn to A. Doctrinally there is nothing on the trees and the ground, the classic scene of peace - and live in harmony with ourselves, the microcosm, why can't we wrong with starting a prayer this way. found no peace at all- learn to live in harmony with others, the macrocosm? God is, after all, the creator, the Disruption was the aura of my home then, tearing out At any rate, this Christmas I feel renewed in hope, redeemer and sanctifier of the world. my insides and eroding my soul. knowing that two powerful world leaders are making what might I too have heard and seen this It took that disruption and the subsequent years of slow be a giant step toward peace. Their meeting was a fitting early prayer often. And my impression is healing to teach me the real meaning of peace, a peace that celebration for the birthday of the Prince of Peace. that some people see it as a non-sexist transcends seasons. version which could and should be used Peace can only be defined by thinking of its opposite (1987 by NC News Service) as an alternative to our traditional invocation of the Trinity. The prayer you quote, however, is far from "just another sign of the cross." Theologically and spiritually it A reflection on holiness is radically and essentially a different On the first Christmas mom, Jesus Christ became the prayer than our usual sign of the cross. first born of a new creation. His holiness is the leaven that Let me explain briefly why. makes us all rise to new and wonderful heights. "Because the Most Catholics and other Chris- church in Christ is mystery, she must be considered a sign tians know that the mystery of the Holy and instrument of holiness. . .The whole importance of the Trinity is the fundamental and key church derives from her connection with Jesus." (Final ByFr. doctrine of our faith. Report of the 1985 Extraordinary Synod of Bishops pars. 3 The fact that there is "within" God &4) John a community of existence, a mutual ex- With this in mind, it behooves us to remember that we, change of infinite life and love that the People of God, are holy. All who strive to be a part of Catoir involves what we call three persons, is Christ's Mystical Body share in what is called the common something we could never even re- holiness of the faithful. The following reflections on this motely suspect unless Jesus himself had character because we are holy. amazing truth may help you appreciate your own holiness. told us about it. Theologians com- Holiness is not the private possession of religious people, Holiness is not something that comes from doing good, monly refer to this inner divine life as we are religious because we are holy. we do good because we are holy. God's action "ad intra," on the inside. Holiness is not something that comes from being more Holiness is not something we acquire by avoiding evil, This inner life of God - Father, Son joyful, we are joyful because we are holy. we avoid evil because we are holy. and Holy Spirit, to use the Gospels' Holiness is not a gift we obtain after a lifetime of service, Holiness is not something that follows from prayer, we own words - is the core of all Christian we give a lifetime of service because we are holy. pray because we are holy. beliefs. Without it nothing else Our holiness is God with us, Emmanuel. And while it's Holiness is not a reward for our patience, we are patient ~ incarnation, Eucharist, sacraments or true that holiness carries with it both the cross and the because we are holy. church as we know it — would make resurrection, it is more a gift than a reward. Holiness is not the result of kindness, we are kind any sense. All of it would be un- Praise be to Jesus Christ. because we are holy. believable. (For a free copy of the News Notes, In Search Holiness is not something that blossoms when we are From the earliest decades, Chris- of Greater Joy, send a stamped, self-addressed courageous, we are couragous because we are holy. tians have recognized the centrality this envelope to The Christophers, New York, NY Holiness is not the result of character building, we build eternal life of the Trinity holds in our 10017.) faith. As the Gospel of Matthew (28:19) records, it was in the name of capsules By Frank Morgan the Trinity that Christians were to be baptized into the faith of Jesus Christ, ^s they still are. And it was in their .ame (as in the sign of the cross) that all Christian prayer and important Henry VIII vs. the church action would take place. "She was an iron," ons student volunteered. The difference with this "new" sign The bed of England's King Henry VII was prepared for of the cross is that it is not an express him each night by 10 men. Four of the men poked the straw "Where on earth did you get that idea?' demanded the invocation of the Trinity at all. with daggers to kill any potential assassins, after which the astonished teacher. Sometimes, even in our creeds we do other six rolled on the mattress to eliminate any lumps. "It says so right here. It says, 'Henry, having disposed of attribute creation to the Father, In 1501, Katherine of Aragon, the 16 year old daughter Katherine, pressed his suit with Anne Boleyn.'" redemption to the Son and sanctification of Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain, was married to Arthur, the to me Holy Spirit. But these attributes eldest son of Henry VII. But Arthur died and Katherine After Henry's divorce and marriage, he had a subservient all involve actions that theology calls married his brother, Henry VIII. Henry then fell in love with parliament pass a law that proclaimed him the head of the "ad extra," outside of God, and as such Anne Boleyn, a lady-in-waiting to the queen. He tried to get Church in England. Thomas More at once resigned his they are each and all actions of all three his marriage to Katherine annulled by the pope because she chancellorship in protest. And for his refusal to take the required persons. In other words, they are not had been married to his brother. But the pope, Clement VII, new oath to Henry as the head of the Church, More was Trinitarian actions but "God" actions. under the influence of Charles V of Spain, refused. imprisoned in 1534. At his trial he easily disproved the These differences may not appear In 1533, a court presided over by the Archbishop of accusations against him. "For one bishop of your opinion, I significant to many of us; but to equate Canterbury, Thomas Cranmer, pronounced the marriage have a hundred saints of mine; and for one parliament of yours, I Creator, Redeemer and Sanctifier with between Katherine and Henry invalid. Katherine was have all the general councils of a thousand years!" Father, Son and Holy Spirit is theo- thereafter mistreated and there is some suspicion that she died But the jury, under royal pressure, brought in a verdict of logically and spiritually dangerous, and from being poisoned. guilty and a sentence of death. As Thomas More, prematurely contrary to Christian and Catholic tra- aged and bent from 15 months of imprisonment, ascended the dition. Our belief in the Trinity is too Then there's the story of the 7th grade class that had scaffold where he was to be beheaded, he asked the executioner, basic to our faith to allow it to be ob- been reading about the monarchs of England. The teacher "See me safely up; as for my coming down, I can shift for scured or "substituted" for in this way. asked, "Can anyone tell me who Anne Boleyn was?" myself."

Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December25 1987 / PAGE 13 Christmas, a family celebration Families celebrate Christmas in many different with gingerbread men, popcorn, cranberries, etc. This ways. Here are some Christmas traditions sent to us is part of our tradition, and we decorate our tree in this by readers and taken from our book "Making the manner every year and tell the story of our first Family Matter." Christmas is the time and season for Christmas. giving. By sharing the following traditions, families are giving to each other. 12. We have a little boy born on Christmas Day. 1. Each person makes one ornament every year. By Dr. We emphasize how special this is, retelling the story Then as children leave home, they can take their of his birthday and what a special day that was. We set ornaments with them. James and aside a special time later in the day for his cake and 2. It's an Irish tradition to put a candle in the celebration. window on Christmas Eve to welcome any strangers. Mary Kenny 13. Before our Christmas meal we break a wafer and This relates to the story of Mary and Joseph. We pass it around the table to each one as a wish for invite new and old friends over on Christmas Eve. Nicholas only brings stocking gifts, one of which is happiness and good luck. 3. We wrap a doll to stand for the baby Jesus and something holy or religious. Other gifts are 14. We bake a Twelfth Day cake. We put three put it under our tree. exchanged among family members. coins in the cake. Those who find the coins get to 4. Christmas Eve Italian style: Every year Ray's 8. We have found that children really relate to the wear crowns representing the Three Kings. father makes 13 different kinds of fish for Christmas story of the "Little Drummer Boy." Our boys have 15. We celebrate the 12 days of Christmas, w! Eve dinner. The house is open to family and friends. drums, and they pretend to be the little drummer boy, spread out activities, gift giving and continue caroling. 5. We have two gift-giving sessions at Christmas. offering gifts of love and kindness to the baby Jesus. 16. On Ephiphany everyone dresses up, and we have On Christmas Eve we give all the presents to each They practice the song all through Advent, and they a parade and house blessing. The children carry other in order to get their proper attention. Then on perform on Christmas Day. "Welcome Jesus" signs. There is lots of singing and a Christmas Day we pass out the presents from aunts, 9. Our annual Christmas letter records family events small gifts exchange. uncles, grandparents and Santa. of the year. 6. We save the notes to Santa to give to our child 10. After the children open their stockings, they get (Reader questions on family living and when he is older. baby Jesus, who was waiting in a special place all child care to be answered in print are 7. We downplay Santa (commercialism) by through Advent, and put him in the Nativity scene. invited. Address questions to the Kennys, empahisizing Jesus' birthday. Santa is linked to St. 11. Our first married Christmas was in an old Box 872, St. Joseph's College, Rensselaer, Nicholas to increase the religious significance. St. tollhouse. We had an old-fashioned Christmas tree Ind. 47978.) A scandalous year It's been quite a year for sex scandals: Jimmy without acting upon it, that what leaders preach can be Bakker, Gary Hart, and the U.S. Marines. It seems that expedient rather than lived, and that because prominent although women don't have the means to power, they figures behave in this way does not mean it is okay certainly have the means to disrupt it unless one is apprehended in the act.

In addition, we've had other scandals, most If we don't do this, we will find ourselves with a notably the Contra-Aid controversy and the Wall Street By new generation of cynics who, like those of the 60's, scandal. It hasn't been a good year for morals and distrust religion and democracy because of the behavior of those who represent these institutions. ethics. Dolores This isn't, however, going to be yet another In all the editorials and Nightlines covering these column on right and wrong in public places. It's a Curran scandals, I have yet to read or hear one dealing with the column on the fallout these scandals foster on parents. effect of impropriety on the upcoming generation. As While we are held to the task of teaching our youth to commentators dissect the impact of scandals on trust and respect our institutions and those who But we're back to square one with a fundamentalist elections, televangelism, and security, family seems represent them, these same youth listen to the media preacher calling for family values while modeling too unimportant to discuss. jokes and read the headlines. They become more cynical otherwise, a law-and-order White House subvering the If we think the effect is minimal, let's ask our and less respecting of government and religion as law, and the Marines giving out secrets they were kids what they think about honesty in politics, scandal after scandal unfolds. supposed to be guarding. government, religion, and Marine security. Their distrust might disturb us and well it should. "We were treated to the Jimmy Bakker jokes coming home from high school," one parent said. Once again the task of defending values verbalized Then let's spend some time in editorials and "These were after the Contragate jokes and before the but not acted upon our leadership puts parents on the Nightlines instructing us on how to continue to rear Hart jokes. What could we say? Were we supposed to spot. It is easier to teach honesty, trust, respect, and trusting children is a dishonest society. I don't have any laugh or defend or public figures and intitutions?" pride in country when those in charge exhibit these values. It's unlikely these values will take root in answers other than to get into public places leaders who model the virtues they call for in campaign Ten years ago, I wrote a column on the difficulties youngsters treated to a scandal a week. Youth, like N speeches because our only other choices are to teach of post-Watergate parents who felt disgust with adults, tend to regard values widely touted but easily distrust, vigilance and wariness in leadership or to teach government but who still felt responsible for rearing ignored as rhetorical rather than lived. children that values can be shelved for the powerful patriotic and law-abiding children. This dilemma eased once a degree of success is attained. with the advent of conservatism in both religion and So what do we do? Stop trying to pass on these law-and-order government. It may have even accounted values to our children? No. We use the scandals to (c. 1987 Alt Publishing) for a return to conservatism. teach a deeper lesson, that people can espouse a value Family matters Are you alone for Christmas ? s I. and laughter. Memories can help you to stay in touch For this reason the St. Helen Separated ana- By Sister Virginia McCall with what was and to keep alive those who are gone. Divorced Support Group members wanted to reach out Director of Minisry to Separated and These memories are important and you may need to parishioners who would be alone for Thanksgiving. Divorced to take some time with them. However, to dwell on Through a coordinated effort with the St. Vincent de Family Enrichment Center them and to live your life through them can leave you Paul Society and two Marriage Encounter couples, they feeling empty and alone. There is a time when you prepared and served a Thanksgiving dinner to 81 Holidays are usually difficult times for those who will need to pack them away safely so that you can parishioneers. have experienced a significant loss. This is most take them out now and then to look at them. In reflecting upon the experience the separated and understandable. These are family times, times when all If the memories become too overwhelming, you divorced persons, who also would have otherwise been else is forgotten but the enjoyment of being together as may need to find some alternative ways to celebrate. alone for the holiday, stated that it was a marvelous family. When one member is absent or when you are To celebrate in the way which has become traditional experience. One memberresponded, "When my children separated from your family, there is a feeling of may only emphasize the 'empty chair'. You may find were young, I used to tell them that it is more blessed emptiness and loneliness. it much more life-giving to celebrate the specialness of to give than to receive. At the time I was saying this Sometimes you might attempt to avoid these the day by doing something different You could spend for the sake of the children. However, on special days by pretending them away- treating them the day with friends if in the past you always Thanksgiving I really experienced how true this is. We like any other day. Or you may wallow in your entertained guests. worked hard, but I feel that I received much more than I loneliness pining for that which cannot be, feeling You might be able to go on some special outing gave that day." miserable. which you ordinarily would not do. Or you could find This may be something you could consider doing Christmas can evoke so many memories from others who have no family and share your home with some time during the Christmas season. Whatever childhood as well as from the most recent past This is them. The more healed you become after a loss of a way you choose to celebrate, be aware that the Lord is a time to look back at those happy moments which loved one, the more you're able to reach out to others. there with you calling you to life and peace. It is the were filled with innocence, wonder and sheer delight; Because you know the pain of being alone, you are peace you find within yourself which is a visible sign .times of being with those you love; times of sharing able to ease the pain for others. of the presence of the Lord. PAGE 14 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 25,1987 Twelve Christmas thoughts

I got something special for you • Box #4: The Gospel Exegesis: this Christmas. A gift I hope you like. Had Jesus been born in the same year My gift is a thought. An idea. you were, how much television would It didn't cost me anything and some He watch every day? How does that might argue it's kind of small, but it's figure compare with yours? Which from me personally to you and, after all, shows would He watch? Is His list the it's the thought that counts. same as yours? The nice thing about my present is • Box #5: The Telegram That •*-V : Never Got Sent (and, boy, are we happy): Dear Gabriel (stop) Will consider your offer (stop) But first want 1 to watch "General Hospital" (stop) Will •fc #» be in touch. • Box #6: The Big Contract Offer gP lllll|flMi|m|il|l|iilijfnfflp|B from Hollywood: We'll pay you a :v million bucks for the best TV show ever about prayer. What do you plan to put in it? Q Box #7: Ode to a TV Viewer that it comes in a set of a dozen. So you (part two): What did you learn from can keep unwrapping it during the 12 shows years ago? What did they teach days of Christmas when all your other you that you want to know? What are i • I gifts have been eaten, worn or put in a you learning each night at the set? And drawer. what is your level of shame and regret? ilw4 Here, in its one dozen boxes, is my Q Box #8: The Want Ad Placed HUM l^i!K3li >»• Chilling tale 'Had Jesus been born in the same year you John Candy, left, as Del, and Steve Martin as Neal are less were, how much television would He watch than thrilled with the ride they hitch in a refrigerated truck in their efforts to get to their homes in time for Thanksgiving in every day? How does that figure compare with "Planes, Trains and Automobiles," a Paramount Picture yours?' release. The two leads turn "a meandering series of misadventures into funny business," the USCC says, but because of some rough language and sexual references, the film is classified A-III (adults). Christmas thought for you: by Satan: WANTED: God's images • Box #1: The Question of and likenesses destined for eternal life mind-numbing TV. programs, and to Holy Spirit, be with us when we choose Questions: Has television improved with Him. Purpose: To be filled with tune in to informative, inspiring, en- how we spend our time. Amen. your life measurably, especially in light ads for condoms, laxatives, perfumes, lightening and entertaining shows. To Q Box #11: Ode to a TV Viewer of all the hours you have donated to it? designer jeans and foreign cars. Any get Select-O, simply follow two easy (part 3): Will I be a better man if I a Box #2: Ode to a TV Viewer room left over will be packed with steps. First, engage your brain. Second, watch David Letterman? (part one): You started out life watching random murders, animalized sex and the use the on-off knob of your TV set • Box #12: The Columnist's Robin and Batman; now you nod off ennui which comes from staring at one more often. Wish: I wish that all my readers would watching Jake and the Fatman. As a spot for too long. Q Box #10: The Prayer to the make a New Year's resolution to watch result, where are you at, man? • Box #9: The Late-Night TV Trinity: Father, guide us in using the television more intelligently, carefully • Box #3: The Observation Pitch: Be the first on your block to get powers of delight and intelligence which and wisely, and (if they are parents) to Intended to Promote Guilt: While you Select-O, the new gadget from Ronko. you gave us; Jesus, be our example in help their children do the same. snack in front of the TV, millions of Select-0 allows you to block out all spending our days for the glory of our I hope you like one or two of my people around the world go hungry. horrible, offensive, boring, useless and Father and the good of our neighbor; gifts. Merry Christmas! 'Three Men and a Baby' offers few laughs Three Men and a highly contrived courtroom drama set up his own corrupt regime until it Less Than Zero Baby spends more time trying to manipulate was deposed two years later. The Failed cautionary tale about the the emotions of viewers than it does in potential drama of these historical terrible consequences of the drug scene The carefree life of three bachelors trying to probe the issues facing women events is ignored by director Alex Cox for three bright high school students in (Tom Selleck, Steve Guttenberg and Ted who treats the events instead in an an affluent California community. Danson) changes when they become exaggerated style closer to slapstick than Director Marek Kanievska spends most responsible for an infant girl fathered by Capsule reviews satire or surrealism. Much graphic of his energies depicting the high gloss one of them. Director Leonard Nimoy violence and some sexual references. drug scene so that none of the main gets a few genuine laughs out of the The U.S. Catholic Conference three earn viewer sympathy or interest. in a male-dominated society. Because it situation but the entertainment level is classification is A-lV (adults with Several excessive scenes of simulated is frequently sexually explicit in its pretty flat. Benign view of casual sex. reservations). sex and a pervasive atmosphere of the language and references, the U.S. The U.S. Catholic Conference sordid depths of the drug culture. The Catholic Conference classification is A- classification is A-III (adults). The Teen Wolf Too U.S. Catholic Conference classification industry rating is PG. IV (adults with reservations). The Mild sequel in which the younger is O- morally offensive. industry rating is R- restricted. brother (Jason Bateman) of the high Nuts school student who in the original Flowers in the Attic Barbra Streisand stars as a high- Walker "Teen Wolf became a basketball star "Flowers in the Attic" is a failed priced prostitute charged with man- Mangled story of William Walker, when he turned into a werewolf, goes to suspense story about four youngsters slaughter whose competency to stand the American adventurer who overthrew college and becomes a boxing champ locked in the upper story of a mansion trial is at issue. Director Martin Ritt's the Nicaraguan government in 1855 and when he discovers his brother's where they are endangered by unknown condition runs in the family. Directed hands. An overblown, overlong by Christopher Leitch, it is more mystery. Writer-director Jeffrey Bloom's tiresome than silly. Violence and a heavyhanded treatment of the situation Seafood Perfection benign attitude towards casual sex. The becomes boringly repetitive long before Overlooking Biscayne Bay U.S. Catholic Conference classification the grisly conclusion. Because of mature is A-II (adults). The industry rating is themes and some violence the U.S. PG. Catholic Conference rating is A-III.

Caution. O'Shcas' can be habit SEAFOOD RESITAURANT forming. cATbuch of Cape Cod on 'Siscdyne S Take only as directed* RED SNAPPER • MAINE IJOBSTER • CLAMS & OYSTERS • NEW ENGLAND SEAR)()I) On Biscayne Bay at the 79th Street Causeway. Miami DIRECT YOURSELF TO 1081 BALD EAGLE DRIVE ON MARCO ISLAND. Open for Lunch and Dinner — noon to 10 pm YOU HAVEN'T BEEN TO S.W. FLA. 'TIL YOU'VE BEEN TO O'SHEAS' OFFERING LUNCH, SUNDAY BRUNCH, COCKTAILS, LITE DINNER. Tfelrphone: 751-4429 FULL DINNER OVERLOOKING MARCO BAY. 394-7531 ; Miami's Oldest Seafood Restaurant - Our 41st Year - Closed Mondays Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 25,1987 / PAGE 15 Respect Life walks scheduled Below is a schedule of Respect Life Life Office (565- 8506). Location: St. walks in South Florida that will take Clement, 2975 North Andrews Ave., place from 9 to 12 a.m. on Jan. 9 and Fort Lauderdale. Jan. 16 commemorating the January 22 Sponsor: North Dade Respect Supreme Court decision legalizing Life Office (653-2921). Location: St. abortion on demand: James, 540 N.W. 132 St., North Miami. JANUARY 9. Sponsor: The Southwest Respect Life Office (233-2229). Location: St. Papal music John Vianney Seminary, 2900 S.W. 87th Ave. Will end with a Mass at 11:45. available Two recordings of the music JANUARY 16. performed during the visit of Pope Johr^ Sponsor: Hollywood Respect Life Paul II to Miami on Sept. 10-11 are Office (963-2229). Location: St. now available from the Office of Stephens, 6044 S.W. 19th St. Worship and Spiritual Life of the Sponsor: Hialeah Respect Life Archdiocese. Office (883-2229). Location: Our Lady One recording is of the music Female athletics of the Lakes, 15801 N.W. 67th Ave. performed during the Papal Mass at The Sports Society recently started a seminar program designed Sponsor: Tamarac Respect Life Tamiami Park. The other is of the to encourage high school female athletes to participate in Office (726-2229). Location: St. music performed during the reception for sports. President Marge Wessel along with commununity liason Malachy, 6200 John Horan Terrace; All the Holy Father at St. Mary Cathedral. person Dorothy Schula, wife of coach Don Schula, are speaking Saints, 10900 W. Oakland Park Blvd.; Cost is $10 each. Orders should be to athletes in high schools throughout Dade County. Schula St. Bernards, 8279 Sunset Strip, mailed to: Office of Worship, 9401 (above) launched the program by speaking to over 200 athletes Sunrise. Biscayne Blvd., Miami, Fl, 33138. at Msgr. Pace High School. Sponsor: Coral Springs Respect (Phone is 757-6241, Ext. 351). Please send checks only, payable to Office of Worship, and specify which recording Religious ed. announces catechetical courses you desire. Charismatic Department of Religious Education Introduction to the Sacra- Sunrise (A Support Group for announces Spring 88 Course offerings. ments: St. John Neumann Parish, Children of Divorce): Family conference set Courses may be taken for college credit Thursdays Feb. 4- March 3; 7- 10 Enrichment Center, Sr. Virginia The diocese of Palm Beach Office with either Barry University or St. p.m., Guillermina Damas. St. McCall, Jan. 23, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. of Renewal is sponsoring a two day Thomas University or courses may be Maximilian Kolbe Parish, Jan. 19, 26, 5 workshop credits. conference on February 6 and 7, at audited for personal enrichment without Feb. 2, 19, 16; 7 - 10 p.m., Sr. Cardinal Newman High School in West enrolling for any type of credit. Tuition Dorothy Beck, a.c.j. Bible leadership training: Palm Beach. The conference will begin for the course is normally $20. Students Schott Memorial Center, Jan. 28, Feb. at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, and will close who take the courses for university LEVEL in COURSES 4. 11. 18. 25. March 10, 17, 24, April at Mass at noon on Sundav. credit pay an additional tuition to the Living, Loving and Cel- 7, 14; 7 to 9:30 p.m. Ray Apicella, The conference theme is "The Plan respective university. ebration Liturgy II: Our Lady Summer seminar: Silver Burdctt of the Lord Stands Forever," taken from Queen of Martyrs, March 3, 17, April 6 Ginn, Introduction to the Sacraments, Psalm 33:11, and will center on LEVEL I AND JJ COURSES 5, 19, 26; 7 - 10 p.m., Br. Donald Our Lady of the Lakes, June 13-16. praising God in the modem world. Teaching Religion in the Johnroe CSC. 80's Part I: St. Timothy Parish, Peacemakers of the Commun- Thursdays Feb. 4 ~ March 3; 7-10 ity: St. Vincent Parish, Tuesdays Feb. p.m., Sr. Doreen Lynch, IHM. 5/. 9- March 1, TBA; 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Maurice Parish, March 1, 4, 8, 15, 29; Ms. Mary Carter Warren. The Queen of Peace Fra- singers, musicians. For tickets which 7 to 10 p.m., Sr. Rosa Monique Pena, ternity of the Secular Franciscan cost $30 call 868-2748. OP. St. Andrews Parish, Mondays Feb. SPECIAL PROGRAMS Order holds its regular meeting on Jan. The Cenacle in Lantana will host 1- 29, 7 to 10 p.m., Sr. Rosa Monique Leadership training for 3 at 1 p.m. (and on the first Sunday of a compulsive overeaters retreat on Jan. Pena, OP. San Lazaro Parish (Spanish), each month) at St. Richard Parish Center, 15-17. Call/Write: Cenacle, 1400 S. Thursdays Feb. 4- March 3; 7:30 to 10 7500 S.W. 152nd St., Miami. Public Dixie Hwy., Lantana, Fl. 33462. 582- p.m., Mrs. Esperanza Ginoris. RCIA Institute invited. 2534. Cost is $75. Teaching Religion in the The Department of Religious Madonna Academy and 80's Part II: St. Bernadette Parish, Education and the North American St Henry's Men's Club is Chaminade College Preparatory having a "Family Breakfast," 8:30 to 11 School will be holding their second Thursdays Feb. 4- March 3; 7 to 10 forum on the Catechumenate announces a.m. on Jan. 17 at St. Henry's Parish annual auction on March 18-19. p.m.; Sr. Rosa Monique Pena, OP. a Beginnings and Beyond Institute on Hall, 1500 S. Andrews Ave. Extension, Volunteers and donations are sought. Introduction to the New the Rite of Christian Initiation of Pompano Beach. Admission $2.50 for Call 961-2042. Testament: Our Lady of Lourdes Adults on Jan. 10-15. The Institute has adults and $1.50 for children. St Gregory will host a New Parish, Feb. 24, March 2, 9, 16, 23; 7 a track for those just beginning the St. Francis Hospital's Years gala in their parish center for to 10 p.m., Sr. Janet Haley, OP. Little RCIA and another for those with two or Auxiliary will be hosting a Catholic singles and young adults at 9 Flower Parish, Thursdays Feb. 4 - more years experience. Parish teams are Mediterranean Festival luncheon and p.m. For more information call Richard - March 3; 7 to 10 p.m., Sr. Janet encouraged to participate as a group. For entertainment spectacular at Indian Creek Hayes at 721-3890 or Fr. James at the Haley, OP. information call 757-6241, Ext 180. Country Club on Jan. 14. Dancers, rectory at 473-6261.

ontes 7: Af. HIALEAH PALM SPRINGS PLANTATION MIAMI SPRINGS CHAPEL NORTH HIALEAH CHAPEL Becker '*" 151 E. OKEECHOBEE ROAD 885-3521 PALM AVE. AT W. 49 STREET FUNERAL HOME HIALEAH, FLORIDA 33010 HIALEAH, FLORIDA 33012 Thomas M. Ralph Funeral Home Judith C. Ralph Ron E. Becker Owners & Directors Funeral Director KRAEER FUNERAL HOME Phone: 587-6888 Phone (305) 428-1444 R. Jay Kraeer, Funeral Director 7001 N.W. 4th St. 1444 S. Federal Highway Fort Lauderdale Coral Springs Pompano Beach Plantation, Florida DEERFIELD BEACH 565-5591 -753-8960 941-4111 D%erfield Beach Margate Boca Raton Sample Road 427-5544 972-7340 395-1800 946-2900

CONVENIENT LOCATIONS SINCE 1927 ... SIX CHAPELS BESS KOLSKI COMBS AHERN Funeral Home me PRIVATE FAMILY ROOMS 757-0362 SPACIOUS FORMAL Considering CHAPELS Pre-Arrangements? FUNERAL HOMES Compare Our Plummer Family Facilities • Services • Prices J. L. Jr., Lawrence H.

PAGE 16 / Miami, Florida /THE VOICE / Friday, December25,1987 Fr. McBrien examines religion and politics in the U.S. CAESAR'S COIN: RELI- transcended by widespread apprehension "line of separation" between church and liberalism are in tension. His efforts to GION AND POLITICS IN and excitement, touching all churches, state favored by James Madison over the reconcile these two are sometimes more AMERICA, by Father Richard over a gathering crisis in national more rigid "wall of separation" called for ingenious than convincing. P. McBrien. Macmillan (New values. by Thomas Jefferson. But Father McBrien, applying York, 1987). 294 pp., $19.95. Father Richard McBrien, chairman The most valuable part of Father Catholic tradition and his own shrewd Reviewed by A. James Reichley, of the department of theology at Notre McBrien's book is his extended understanding of modern politics, offers NC News Service. as good a guide as is likely to become available for those who wish to Rarely if ever in American history 'The most valuable part of Fr. McBrien's maintain liberal tolerance of disparate have churches and other religious groups moral conduct while continuing to been so deeply involved in secular book is his extended discussion of the Catholic adhere to Christian ethical principles. politics as they are today. Church's growing participation in politics during The Catholic Church was drawn in the last 15years.' Father McBrien criticizes public recent years toward direct participation figures like Geraldine Ferraro who, in the political arena through opposition pressed to a choice between liberal to the Supreme Court's 1973 decision politics and Catholic principles, seem to which struck down state laws on Dame, enters the fray from a liberal discussion of the Catholic Church's come down on the side of liberalism. abortion. It has since broadened its role Catholic - or perhaps Catholic liberal - growing participation in politics during But he agrees with Gov. Mario Cuomo to cover major economic and foreign - perspective. the last 15 years. He devotes some of New York that such a choice usually policy issues. In "Ceasar's Coin," he deals briefly attention to economic and foreign policy is not necessary. The national leaderships of the with the philosophic and theological issues, particularly nuclear disarmament, The twin heroes of "Caesar's Coin" ^inline Protestant denominations background to church-state issues. He on which liberal conclusions can are Cuomo and Cardinal Joseph ,came politically active during the reviews the series of Supreme Court plausibly, though not undebatably, be Bernardin of Chicago. Both, as Father 1960s over the civil rights struggle and decisions since the late 1940s that have derived from Christian commitment to McBrien likes to write of scholars and protest against the Vietnam War, and in constructively reinforced and clarified peace and alleviation of suffering. politicians whose line he carries on, the 1980s have promoted a wide variety the right of Americans to free exercise To his credit, however, he treats at should be pleased. of liberal causes, though mainline of religion, and analyzes other decisions greatest length the social and moral laities remain predominantly conserv- that have exagerated and muddled the issues, such as abortion, homosexual (Reichley is a senior fellow ative. parallel constitutional prohibition behavior, pornography and the right of at the Brookings Institution and It seems likely, however, that against a religious establishment religious clubs to meet in public author of "Religion in American particular concerns and commitments are Father McBrien prefers the flexible schools, on which Catholicism and Public Life.")

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Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 25,1987 / PAGE 17 What those Christmas pictures never show

By Marianne Strawn decorated with glitter. Another season was highlighted NC News Service with tuna fish cans covered wilh colorful felt and We might as well get it straight. It never contrasting rickrack. happened that way at all. The camera recorded false The faces we see images, superficial poses. The vividly colored at our holiday table are Christmas photographs that look out from the pages of never the same. The ad The blonde our family photo are phony. The smiles hoc group we patch kid in the plastered on the faces of the children are superficial. together are people like The inquiring photographer missed my 4-year-old ourselves who create fleecy- bashing his sister with his new plastic truck. Where is their own family the snapshot of the glorious, ruby red Jello salad because there is none footed oozing off the plate onto my mother's antique lace close by. The meals tablecloth? And there is no image of my girls pulling are assemblages of sleeper — apart the just unwrapped doll. The blonde kid in the each person's culinary the one fleecy-footed sleeper — the one smiling so angelically achievement. Each year — is sitting on a cranberry muffin. He doesn't care for they are different. smiling so cranberry muffins. There are things I Things have changed since we were a one cat, always have wanted to angelically zero kid family. The incorporation of children into the tell my children about ~~ is sitting sane and sensible holiday picture has added chaos, Christmas, things I disorganization, bankruptcy, utter despair and utter joy. should have pointed on a cran- Our gang of three has grown and changed and out last year or the year continues to grow. Flip through the pages and you can before. I want to warn berry muffin. He doesn't care for see. My son has grown from whacking people with them, "Don't expect plastic trucks to craving exotic transportation — too much of this cranberry muffins.' BMWs and Ferraris. holiday." ~ How naive I was when I complained that the price But I've always said the wrong things. After my New York. of Barbie doll clothes was outrageous. Now they want children are half-grown, I crystallize techniques that Chaos, anticipation, expectation are all part of clothes that fit their bodies and pack their closets. The would work perfectly for 2-year-olds. Again, I'm too preparation for great events. But all of us are on the wardrobe they dream of would deplete the riches of a late. path to discovering the abundant wealth of Christmas. czar. I should have whispered, "Expect everything; but What the pictures in our family album say, Our family keeps changing and our Christmases expect the right things." Christmas is pure and perhaps, is more important than what they don't say. change. The ornaments on our tree reflect the patience unchanging. It always is the same. In spite of the trim A fleeting smile, a single moment of tranquillity. and creativity of a bevy of grammar school art or the ages of the children or the gifts we give or Hey, it happens. One brief shining moment. I've teachers. One year we hung painted thread spools receive. Or whether we spend the day in Nebraska or got pictures to prove it. The real meaning of Santa Clous By Father Robert Kinast us with a gift that says exactly who we NC News Service are. A peril of the priesthood is that Of course, God knows us this well, nephews often ask questions that they but God communicates with us most of hesitate to put,to their parents. So it 'There is the time through other people. And was, shortly after I was ordained, that a they have to be in touch with us often nephew caught me offguard during a Someone who enough and sensitively enough so that Christmas visit. when God prompts them, they know "Uncle Bob," he began, with a tone knows us well just what to do and how to do it. that sounded more serious than his 8 As many priests do, I had gotten very years should have allowed, "is there a enough to real* close to one particular family in our Santa Claus?" ize what we re- parish. One evening while I was My first impulse, being fresh out of visiting them, the husband said that seminary and full of new polished ally want with- when he and his wife had been married theology, was to tell him no and then 15 years ago they had been given a guide him efficiently to see that out having to bottle of Scotch whidh they had never everything Santa Claus represents is opened. He wanted to open it now. fulfilled and surpassed by the true be told.' When he did, he made a single toast, meaning of Christmas. But when I looking directly at me: "To our looked into his begging eyes, my family." strategy melted. He really did believe What I had been feeling privately, he in Santa Claus and was looking to me to confessed, as if on the threshold of a had put into words. I had been known confirm his belief. great truth. "Otherwise who will know by him that well. "What makes you ask?" I hedged. He what I really want for Christmas?" believed in Santa Claus. And I think it I haven't talked with my nephew recited the family tree of know-it-alls "Surely your folks know what you was men that I started to believe too! about Santa Claus for a long time. But who had been telling him Santa Claus want." There is within each of us some I suspect that every year when we both was a fairy tale. The weight of then- "Only if I tell them," he answered. hidden part that we eagerly want settle into the meaning of Christmas, we testimony was bending the strength of "Well, what's wrong with that?" I someone else to know about, to share, are able to believe that there is Someone his own conviction. "What do you asked naively. to delight in. But we don't want to have who knows us well enough to realize think?" I asked, applying my person- "You shouldn't have to tell them to tell them. We want them to discover what we really want without having L centered listening skills. everything," he answered. it, to figure it out on their own, to get to be told. And men a lot more than fairy "There has to be a Santa Claus," he At that moment I knew why he know us so well that they can surprise tales come true.

By Father John Castelot what is possible for anyone who accepts God's offer of Scriptures NC News Service love and lives accordingly — even if it means walking Luke left us a charming and challenging portrait at times in what St. John of the Cross called the dark of Mary in his Gospel. It is a portrait of the model night of faith. disciple, one who hears the word of God and keeps it. A more eloquent expression of Mary's response Glad Her attitude is summed up briefly in her initial to God's Word is the prayer known as the Magnificat response to the angel: "Behold I am the handmaid of (Luke 1:46-56). It is a joyful acknowledgement of the Lord. May it be done to me according to your God looking "upon his handmaid's lowliness." tidings to word" (1:38). It states the fundamental truth that God alone is Her acceptance of God's will for her was her responsible for human salvation. Left to ourselves we personal contribution to the work of humanity's are helpless and hopeless: "The Mighty One has done the poor salvation. In Luke's view, this was her singular claim great things for me and holy is his name." to fame. Everything else was sheer gift of God; the The rest of the prayer adds strong and perhaps only thing over which she had control was her consent. surprising color to the portrait of this courageous As Luke portrays her, Mary is the model of young girl. It puts into words the sentiments of God's

PAGE 18 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 25,1987 Know Your Faith Christm story

By Father David O'Rourke, OP NC News Service Several weeks ago during a final cleaning in the attic at home, I came upon our family's Christmas crib. The first strong winter winds were whistling Ihe attic vents and bouncing the last walnuts from the trees onto the roof above me as I went through boxes of abandoned china and old clothes. This first death in my own generation had been sobering as well as sad. I looked at the crib as it sat on the attic floor next to the Christmas tree stand and a box of tree lights. What would we do with it now? Would any of the younger generation even want it? This Christmas, as always, the wooden box would have become the events so often occur. house for Mary, Joseph and the Christ 'We are pilgrims as weii as Like so many people today, Mary child. But that day in the attic I did not and Joseph were unwilling pilgrims. want to touch the crib, for it bespoke people who celebrate. We live They were forced onto the road in memories still a little too hard to with changes we do not seek obedience to the cruel command of a handle. pagan emperor. They were made to My father built the crib when he and with a mobility often travel at a time when Mary most needed came home from World War I. To be the safety of home. exact, he took a small, solid crate from forced upon us,' But on that pilgrim road, they were Al Paratsky's butcher shop, refashioned sustained in their faith by the promise the lid into a roof, painted it with brown she and dad married and then to my changes we do not seek and with a the angel made to Mary, just as so many porch paint and sprinkled flakes of mica older brother, who died this year. Now, mobility often forced upon us. Our generations of Christians have been on the fresh paint. Straw from the barn once again, it was time for them to Christmases can make us think of the sustained ever since in the telling of the went on the floor. There were top- move to a new house and a new uprootedness that is so much a part of first Christmas story. heavy sheep with real fur and spindly generation. life. For many of us, the memories of After 2,000 years, this story, with little wooden legs. You had to shove Most of us look to Christmas as a Christmas mirror all of life: the changes all its change and mobility — so much a them down into the straw to make them time to gather the clan, to celebrate, to we do not seek as well as the happy part of life in every generation — stand up. take pleasure in friends and family. Our moments we welcome. continues to prove a source of hope and The sheep, along with the happy Christmas memories so often For a Christian this is as it should reassurance. shepherds now equally worn, and Mary, find us in the company of the people we be. What we recall at Christmas is the I suppose I shouldn't worry about Joseph and Jesus, had been under my love. entry of God into our human history, an the old family crib. I suspect it will grandparents' tree when my mother was But we are pilgrims as well as entry that occurred in the wrong place at survive. Like the Christmas story, it a little girl. They passed to her when people who celebrate. We live with the wrong time, just the way human will get passed down into willing hands. Season loses glitter as time passes By David Thomas special hype. It came for me already wrapped in perfection. Even today I can feel NC News Service the excitement of those days — which also seem like they occurred in another I am almost 50 years old. And I can remember with a fair amount of detail lifetime. more than 40 Christmas days during my life. I can recall, for instance, the almost What has it been like in recent years? Different I still relish the messages total, ecstatic excitement I experienced each and every Christmas from about my to the senses, but they seem to lack the sharpness, the overpowering impression once fifth year of life until the time I became an over-reflective adolescent. I also can given long ago. My family still insists on having a real tree, but I occasionally remember recent Christmas days when a pervasive sense of melancholy overshad- wonder whether today's trees are less scented than those of long ago. I see the owed my celebration of the Lord's nativity. I sometimes am baffled by this excitement in our five children, but it does not seem like my own, which is more difference. Isn't it supposed to get better? muted and quiet. If I approach the issue from the standpoint of the loot accumulated, it is So where does this leave me? What can I conclude about the Christmases evident why my early years were better. My earliest memories contain the sight of of my youth and those of my adulthood? What I have learned is this: First, I now piles of presents under a gigantic Christmas tree, the aroma of a freshly cut balsam realize that adulthood is qualitatively different from childhood. The days of youth tree, the taste of hard candy which stuck for days in my teeth, the sounds of carols usually are experienced as either very high or incredibly low. Those of adulthood which all sounded new and special and finally, the touch of biting cold weather and are less extreme and more filled with ambiguity. soft relatives who joined us on that most special day. It was a day for the senses of a No Christmas (or any day for that matter) reaches full perfection. It simply little boy who experienced it as totally unlike any other. can't. As adults we gradually realize an ancient truth: We are heading home, but we When I reached the sixth grade, I joined an elite group of boys who were haven't arrived yet. More and more I understand my life as a pilgrimage, a sacred owed to serve Midnight Mass in our parish. That experience brought even more journey from where I began to where I am heading. To crave or demand the joy of intensity to the day. Being alive at midnight, in the midst of such pageantry, initiated journey's end is presumptuous. the day in a manner commensurate with its special character. The day needed no Maybe that's part of the message of Christmas.

"anawim," his poor — the neglected, oppressed, promise to our Fathers." synagogue was a sort of echo of the Magnificat exploited, alienated members of society. The Magnificat is a social manifesto worthy of The Lord "has anointed me to bring glad tidings In no uncertain terms the Magnificat looks an advocate of liberation theology. to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty forward to a reversal of society's value system, a It also is a forecast of Jesus' ministry. Like to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to toppling of unjust power structures. mother, like son. He too stood with the poor and let the oppressed go free" (Luke 4:18). Mary comes through as an admirably strong woman. 'The Magnificat is a social The Magnificat also anticipates the Identifying with the disadvantaged, she delights Beatitudes, the basic plank in Jesus' platform: in the anticipated prospect that God has "dispersed the manifesto worthy of an "Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom arrogant of mind and heart. He has thrown down the advocate of liberation of God is yours" (6:20). rulers from their thrones but lifted up the lowly. The theology.' If Mary is the model disciple, then the hungry he has filled with good things; the rich he has Magnificat issues a serious challenge to all who sent away empty." would imitate her and become disciples of the AU of that is seen by Mary's prayer as a alienated. Son whose birth was the occasion for this ecstatic, moving prayer. working out of God's plan of salvation, of "the Jesus' inaugural homily given in the Nazareth

Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 25,1987 / PAGE 19 Our Lady t'4 Our Lady, of the statues of lead. Our Lady of the living, of the dead, Hear me.

Our Lady, who gave us a Child, To teach that the helpless, the fragile, the mild, Lord God, are nearest I to Thee,

Our Lady, without whom I The gods were inventions of doom. Appear to me.

Our Senora, whose tears for your Son Left so much to love, undone, Enter in me.

Our Lady of Grace, our Lady Distraught, Grant that each thought Graceful, will be. Our Queen of the great, our Lady of the slight, Grant me the light, The truth to see.

Our Lady, who gave us your GifU Accept these lines, as I lift Them to Thee. &* Our Lady, of the statues of lead. Our Lady of the living, of the dead, Pray for me.

Victor Andrews '••/y.

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PAGE 20 / Miami, Florida / THE VOICE / Friday, December 25,1987