Weeds of Dewey-Humboldt Arizona

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Weeds of Dewey-Humboldt Arizona ARIZONA WILDLIFE CONSERVATION WEEDS OF DEWEY-HUMBOLDT ARIZONA GARRY ROGERS Weeds of Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona By Garry Rogers Cover: (Argemone polyanthemos) FAMILY—PAPAVERACEAE Crested Pricklepoppy POPPY lemonPricklepoppy- iscenters a native of Arizona and the southern and western Great Plains. Youdraws can’t miss them. They have large rflies.white flowers with bright yellow . Plants bloom from March to August and their fragrance many ants, beetles, and butte 2 Copyright: 2018 Text © Garry Rogers, Humboldt, Arizona Images Copyright: See individual images. Weeds ey- Please cite the work as: 338 p. Rogers, Garry. 2018. of Dew Humboldt, Arizona. Coldwater Press, Prescott, AZ. Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data - - Names: Rogers, Garry F., 1946 , author. Title: Weeds of Dewey Humboldt, Arizona / by Garry Rogers. Description: Includes- bibliographical references and index. | Prescott, AZ: ColdwaterWeeds Press,— 2018. Dewey- Identifiers: ISBN 978 1987670820 | LCCN 2018904596 Subjects:Classifi LCSH Arizona. | Humboldt (Ariz.) | A--guadc23 Fria River Valley (Ariz.) | BISAC NATURE / PLANTS / GENERAL cation: LCC SB612.A7 .R63 2018 | DDC 581.6/5/09791 Weeds of Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona 3 Contents INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................. 5 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................. 6 THE LIVES OF WEEDS ..................................................................................... 7 WEED DISPERSAL ........................................................................................... 8 DISTURBANCE AND WEED ESTABLISHMENT ................................................. 9 HUMAN INTRODUCED INVASIVE WEEDS .................................................... 10 CONTROLLING WEEDS ................................................................................. 12 WEEDS, NATURE CONSERVATION, AND GLOBAL WARMING ..................... 13 DEWEY-HUMBOLDT HABITATS .................................................................... 14 DRAWINGS, PAINTINGS, AND PHOTOGRAPHS ............................................ 16 PLANT NAMES.............................................................................................. 16 SOURCES ...................................................................................................... 18 WEED SPECIES IN THIS BOOK ...................................................................... 18 WEED GUIDE ................................................................................................ 22 CATTAIL FAMILY—TYPHACEAE ......................................................................................22 GRASS FAMILY—POACEAE.................................................................................................24 SEDGE FAMILY—CYPERACEAE ................................ ........................................................78 PONDWEED FAMILY—POTAMOGETONACEAE .........................................................80 WATERMILFOIL FAMILY—HALORAGACEAE .............................................................82 KNOTWEED FAMILY—POLYGONACEAE......................................................................86 AMARANTH FAMILY—AMARANTHACEAE ................................ .................................96 FOUR O’CLOCK FAMILY—NYCTAGINACEAE ...........................................................124 PURSLANE FAMILY—PORTULACACEAE................................ ...................................128 BUTTERCUP FAMILY—RANUNCULACEAE................................ ............................... 130 POPPY FAMILY—PAPAVERACEAE................................ ............................................... 132 MUSTARD FAMILY—BRASSICACEA................................ ............................................. 136 PEA (LEGUME) FAMILY—FABACEAE ......................................................................... 156 GERANIUM FAMILY—GERANIACEAE......................................................................... 172 WOODSORREL FAMILY—OXALIDACEAE .................................................................. 174 CALTROP FAMILY—ZYGOPHYLLACEAE .................................................................... 176 SPURGE FAMILY—EUPHORBIACEAE................................ .......................................... 178 HIBISCUS FAMILY—MALVACEAE................................ ................................................. 182 TAMARISK FAMILY—TAMARICACEAE ...................................................................... 188 EVENING PRIMROSE FAMILY—ONAGRACEAE ....................................................... 190 Weeds of Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona 4 MILKWEED FAMILY—APOCYNACEAE.......................................................................192 MORNING GLORY FAMILY—CONVOLVULACEAE..................................................200 FORGET-ME-NOT FAMILY—BORAGINACEAE ........................................................ 206 MINT FAMILY—LAMIACEAE ................................................................ .......................... 210 POTATO FAMILY—SOLIANACEAE ................................ ............................................... 214 SNAPDRAGON FAMILY—SCROPHULARIACEAE .................................................... 220 PLANTAIN FAMILY—PLANTAGINACEAE ................................................................. 222 GOURD FAMILY—CUCURBITACEAE ................................ ........................................... 230 DAISY FAMILY—ASTERACEAE ................................ ...................................................... 232 HONEYSUCKLE FAMILY—CAPRIFOLIACEAE .......................................................... 288 DOGBANE FAMILY—APOCYNACEAE .......................................................................... 290 LOOSESTRIFE FAMILY—LYTHRACEAE................................ ..................................... 292 HACKBERRY FAMILY—CANNABACEAE .................................................................... 294 MULBERRY FAMILY—MORACEAE................................ ............................................... 296 ALOE FAMILY—XANTHORRHOEACEAE .................................................................... 298 OLEASTER FAMILY—ELAEAGNACEAE ...................................................................... 300 ELM FAMILY—ULMACEAE ................................ .............................................................. 302 VIOLET FAMILY—VIOLACEAE................................ ....................................................... 304 QUASSIA FAMILY—SIMAROUBACEAE ....................................................................... 306 SECTION TWO NOTES ................................................................................ 308 MORE FUTURE WEEDS .............................................................................. 309 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................. 312 SOURCES LIST ............................................................................................. 313 GLOSSARY .................................................................................................. 325 INDEX OF ILLUSTRATORS, PAINTERS, AND PHOTOGRAPHERS .................. 330 GENERAL INDEX ......................................................................................... 332 Weeds of Dewey-Humboldt, Arizona 5 INTRODUCTION walked campus While I studied at Arizona State perennialUniversity, my boys and I sometimes diversions to had to pick up assignments and visit the librarylies. We lived just north of the Salt River, a once desert stream that dams and turned into a dry riverbed. The ASU campus enter southed of riverthe riverbed and west of our apartment. The riverbedexit gaveed whenus a quieter, less smoggy walk for twomost- of thehike distance to the school. We the a few blocks from our apartment and we neared Mtheesquite campus. That mile was one of our favorite times together. BrittThe channel held scattered and flood batteredspikes Cottonwood trees, , Seepwillow, Acacia, clusters of Squawbush, brilliant lebush, thickets of Sunflowers, Mullein , feathery Storksbill, curly Heliotrope, other weeds, lots of bare ground, and a million stones smoothed and rounded by the river. , abbit riverBetweenthe rock throwing attacksof on old tires and washing machines we sawne birds, r s, and lizards,person but no people. During our walk down the to urban campus 40,000 students and thousands of staff, we riverbedver encountered anotherweed- . Not marketed for recreation and perhaps consideredcity. a wasteland unworthy of a visit, the Salt River’s dry was a strip of dominated wilderness running through the heart of a large lear wAfter graduation, my research on fire ecology and historical vegetation change brought me into frequent contact with weeds. I nedweeds that eeds grow faster, produce more seeds,fires and spreadfloods farther faster than other members of the botanical world. In a single growing season, colonize and cover sites laid bare by and . Some, such as the thistles and milkweeds spread on the lightest breeze, others have thorny seedpods that hook a ride on anything that brushes by, and some develop extensive root systems that spread and send up new shoots far from the parent plant. reach often-inimical The ability of weeds to and thrive in damaged, pollution and chenvironmentsange suggeststry that they may be the principal survivors of the detrimental effects of human overpopulation , and climate
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