Saint Bridget of Sweden Parish Where Christ Is Our Light ———————–————————————- Sunday, July 19, 2020 ———–————————————————
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SAINT BRIDGET OF SWEDEN PARISH WHERE CHRIST IS OUR LIGHT ———————–————————————- SUNDAY, JULY 19, 2020 ———–———————————————— still had such a weekday and weekend Masses due to the feeling of being limit of 100 people per worship service at Letter from the Pastor home. Home is this time. a great place The Reverend Jeffrey V. Romans, isn’t it. 3. Please familiarize yourself with the Guidelines issued by the Archdiocese by KCHS A home is not visiting their website just a building. It is a place 4. Remember the government is recom- Dear Friends in Christ: where we have close ties with others who accept us for who and what we are, and mending the following persons stay Happy Feast Day! THURSDAY is who give us a feeling of belonging. home and stay safe: anyone who has the Feast Day of our Patroness Saint Home is where love is shared. Home is underlying health risks, anyone who feels Bridget of Sweden! Saint Bridget of where les- sick or has a cough or fever, those caring Sweden, also written Saint Birgitta, was a sons are for an elderly or sick person, and those mystic and saint. She was the foundress learned. feeling anxious or fearful for their own of the Bridgettines nuns and monks. Home is health. According to Saint John Paul II, Saint where we 5. If you do come to Mass, please bring Bridget of feel we your own hand sanitizer and a mask, ar- Sweden “was belong. rive early, and maintain 6 feet of social a master in And boy distancing when moving about the accepting the isn’t it church. Cross as a good to be central experi- home in our spiritual home, once again, 6. The front entrance, and the south ence of the for the celebration of Masses. entrance, will continue to be the ONLY faith, she was entrances utilized at this time. an exemplary YOUR COOPERATION IS STILL disciple of the NEEDED as we return home as a 7. Please remember there is to be NO Church, pro- family of faith…Masses ARE limited gathering in the church or the parking lot fessing com- to 100 persons as of the time of this at this time. I know many will be tempt- plete Catholi- writing. One MUST sign-up to attend ed to want to catch up but please do so cism; she was the Mass using the SignUpGenius found by calling one another on the telephone. a model of the contemplative and active on our parish website at 8. There will be NO congregational life and a tireless apostle in the search for If you do singing! This one hurts Father Federico unity among Christians!” As we cele- not use a computer, please contact the and myself since we are always trying to brate the feast day of our Patroness, let parish office to sign-up. The process has encourage more participation, but it has us implore her intercession as we contin- worked out fine for weekday Masses, but been proven that singing and loud ue to grow as disciples of the Lord as a it will be ABSOLUTELY NECES- speech expel more excessive water family of faith under her patronage. SARY that the SignUpGenius be used droplets raising the potential for trans- Saint Bridget of Sweden pray for us! for weekend Masses since the numbers mitting the virus. Therefore all hymnals Happy Feast Day! will be that much greater. If we all do have been removed for the time being. our part to register ahead of time, it will It has been wonderful seeing people work out just fine. 9. At communion time, come forward coming back to Mass. It really has single file, maintaining 6 feet with the been like a homecoming. Remember I remind you as I have in the last couple person in front of you, put out your we are NOT returning to a normal of bulletins other items for your consid- hands to receive Holy Communion, step routine in any way, shape, or form. eration: to the side where the blue X has been We are coming back to a “new nor- 1. The dispensation from the Sunday put on the floor, lower your mask and Things look different. People are mal.” obligation has been extended through consume the consecrated host, then put wearing masks, hand sanitizer greets us at September 6th, and we will continue to your mask back on, and return to your the doors, pews are marked off as to livestream Mass (at 10AM now) for pew by the side aisle. where people can sit, there are no hym- those who are uncomfortable return- nals, and it all seems so foreign, and yet 10. The Parish Office is OPEN but at ing just yet. Those in high-risk catego- we are HOME! this time we are still not permitting peo- ries are encouraged to continue staying ple, other than staff members, into the I received a phone call from one parish- home, even as others begin to return to rectory for their safety and well-being ioner this past Monday and she shared Mass. The decision to attend is yours. and your own. We are available by with me that she wasn’t happy with all Please use prudence and good judgement phone or email, and if you need a Mass these new procedures, but she under- in considering if you should attend a or sacramental record, we are asking for stands why they are being implemented; public Mass at this time. the information ahead of time, the then she said even with all of that, she 2. Registration IS REQUIRED for both proper form will be prepared, and we 2 will place it in one of the mailboxes next sure we are ready to go when the school ry about what our future will look like. to the rectory facing the church. This is and religious education programs begin with all the proper protocols put in place. So I beg every family to support your the same process for anyone wishing to Parish Family during this time. Even if pick something up or drop something This will not be a restful summer for us, but it is ok because we are preparing pro- the building is not as full as it usually is, off. Please call the office to inform us bills and salaries still need to be paid, and prior to your arrival to pick something grams to meet the needs of our parish- ioners to the best of our abilities and your support during this time will enable up or drop something off. Thank you that to happen. Here are ways you can for your understanding and cooperation. within the guidelines and procedures during this unprecedented time. give to your Parish: We promise you that we will be responsi- 1. Mail in your offertory or drop it off During the year we want you to stay ble, diligent, and cautious as we begin to at the office! reopen to ensure the safety and well- informed and spiritually connected being of all of us, clergy and laity. While with our parish family! To do so we 2. Give online—sign-up for our Online we are doing our best, it should be invite you to join our on-line pres- Giving Pro- noted, that any gathering of people ence. Visit our user-friendly website gram by click- carries a risk, and we CANNOT pro-, check us ing this link vide an absolute guarantee of your out on Facebook at St. Bridget of on our web- safety. Please continue to be united in Sweden Parish, and of course site. prayer and trust in God’s wisdom and DOWNLOAD THE PARISH APP!!! God’s time as we begin to see a reopen- We are actively using all these tools of 3. Donations can be made directly ing of our parish for public Masses. communica- from your checking account or by tion to reach using any major credit card - so you I have heard from a good number of our parishion- can earn "points" while giving! our parishioners that they are still ers. Don’t apprehensive to return to a public 4. Donations can be scheduled for miss it when whatever frequency (weekly or celebration and that is ok! If you are Father Federi- not comfortable please do not attend. monthly) you prefer (and if monthly, co, Victoria, on whatever day is most conven- We do not want coming to Mass to be a and I go cause for anxiety. This is why the Arch- ient), or can be made on a one-time LIVE on Fa- basis. bishop has extended the dispensation cebook on Tuesdays and Thursdays! from attending Sunday Mass through 5. You can designate donations for early September. Please, if you are able The Parish App is used by many of our different purposes: weekly, monthly, to come and feel comfortable, please sign groups and ministries. It is a great way and holy day collections, diocesan/ -up; if you do not feel comfortable, of communicating information to our national collections, Easter/ please join us on our livestream on Sun- parishioners and also an excellent re- Christmas flowers, even Religious day at 10AM available through the link source to access daily Mass readings, Education registration! on our homepage at prayers, confession and prayer reminders, and other Catholic news. You can even 6. Your bank or credit card infor- read the parish bulletin on the App.