Location: Beşiktaş/ Investor: Tanrıverdi Holding Operator: Shangri- La Contractor: Ege Yapı Group A.Ş. Project Manager: Nazlı Technical Office Supervisor: Berkay Dikicier Architectural Project: Piramit Mimarlık Şehircilik İnşaat Architect: Y.Mimar Turgut Toydemir Implementation Date: 2012

Case Analysis 2012.1302 Mold will never grow on the ceilings www.boardex.com.tr and walls of Shangri-La Hotel-Bosporus Istanbul. Headquartered in Hong Kong, the most important hotel chain of the Asia-Pacific region - Shangri-La opened its first hotel in , which is the 78th in the world, in the former tobacco warehouse building at the seaside in Beşiktaş. The preference of Shangri-La Istanbul, which was projected according to 7-star hotel concept, was the products of Dalsan Alçı, primarily BoardeX. It has 14 floors, seven of which are under the sea! The 7-star Shangri-La Istanbul, owned by Tanrıverdi Holding and started to be built in 2008, on the area of the former tobacco warehouse at the seaside in Beşiktaş. Constructed for USD 250 million, the hotel has 14 floors, seven of which are under the sea. This 200 room-hotel is the second highest building ashore, following the Dolmabahçe Palace. Approximately 19.500 square meters of the hotel were erected on the ground as a building, while 27.500 square meters lie under sea level. The fact that the Bosporus-front hotel was built up to 30 meters under the ground, required covering all concrete shear walls and reinforced concrete ceilings under the ground with a moisture resistant and mold-proof product. In addition to this, it was important for the partition walls and suspended ceilings built with dry wall materials on the ground not to grow mold, as the project is both underground and seafront. Meeting these requirements, BoardeX was used in the project, as it obtained the highest grade -10– as the panel score when tested by independent institutions according to ASTM D 3273, and certified not to grow mold. Mold and BoardeX Mold grows in airless, dark and damp environments in which there is no air circulation and the temperature differences are high. As these conditions originate from nature, it is not that possible to intervene in this formation. In other words, in an environment with all these conditions, the bacteria need food sources to breed, reproduce and cause mold to grow. However, there is no food source in BoardeX. As the coating material used in the manufacturing of BoardeX is inorganic, it does not embed any food sources. Cement-bonded particleboards, some fiber-reinforced slabs and plates that completely or partially contain wood, have the food sources that cause the bacteria to breed and reproduce. The fact that BoardeX is completely inorganic, ensures that bacteria do not come into being, and help the material resist molds. In the Shangri-La project, in which the temperature change and moisture are high, BoardeX both prevents the mold from growing thanks to its specially developed core, and extends the usability period of dry wall systems. Case Analysis 2012.1302 www.boardex.com.tr 7-star Shangri-La Hotel Project Why was mold this important for this project? It results from the fact that human health is the most important and prominent issue for a hotel like Shangri-La, bearing 7-star concept. Together with the obligation to take measures against any health problems that people staying in the hotel would suffer because of mold, it also stems from the necessity to prevent bad odors originating from the mold on the walls and ceilings. Thus, it was also aimed at extending the physical life on mold-free walls and ceilings that were built with dry wall components. The fact that the project is at the seafront and also below sea level paved way for the moisture level in the environment to be always high, and therefore, an appropriate environment for mold to grow. In such an environment so suitable for mold to grow, it was an absolute necessity to use mold-resistant products. Use of BoardeX on all partition walls, cladding walls, and suspended ceilings in 7-star Istanbul hotel of Shangri-La, one of the most prominent hotel chains of the world, ensures that mold will not exist on them as the time passes, and they will be long-lasting.

“Mold is an important problem for a seafront project like Shangri-La Bosphorus... The fact that BoardeX is mold-resistant is an important factor in our choosing this product...” Levent Nazlı / Shangri-La Bosphorus Project Manager (Ege Yapı Group A.Ş)

“When compared to its equivalent mold-resistant products in terms of price and performance, BoardeX is much better for a Bosphorus-front project below the sea level...“ Rev: 03 Berkay Dikicier / Shangri-La Bosphorus Technical Office Supervisor (Ege Yapı Group A.Ş)

Dalsan Alçı ve Ticaret A.Ş. Kızılcaşar Mahallesi 1184. Cadde No:22/1 İncek 06830 Gölbaşı / Ankara - TÜRKİYE www.dalsan.com.tr PK-T01.03 T: (+90) 312 303 4900 F: (+90) 312 341 2640