TUC London East and South TUC London East and South East Region staff East Region Directory 2018… Sam Gurney Regional Secretary The Directory contains contact details for TUC 020 7467 1291 London East and South East Region’s office
[email protected] team, our regional trade unions (and national Laurie Heselden Regional Campaigns and details also), and the trades councils and Policy Officer county associations of trades councils in the 020 7467 1292 07818 002 877 TUC London East and South East region.
[email protected] Darren Lewis Administrative Secretary Plus, a calendar of regional events, specifically 020 7467 1220 the Regional Council and Executive Committee
[email protected] meetings. Joanne Williams Administrative Assistant 020 7467 1218 The general email address for the office is
[email protected] [email protected] Marie Hughes is the Trade Union Education Our website is https://www.tuc.org.uk/lese Officer who covers TUC London East and South East Region and the South West Region Email
[email protected] with any 07766 250 327 amendments and/or additions
[email protected] Nick Phillips London Unemployed Strategies
[email protected] https://londonunemployedstrategies.com/ The information collected is accurate to the best of our knowledge. Please contact
[email protected] if you have any amendments to make. TUC London East and South East Region Directory 2018 Trade Unions International Linda Rolph Aegis Accord Aegon has no regional structure Accord has no regional structure Aegon UK plc, Edinburgh Park, Edinburgh Simmons