
3 4067 01941 987 7

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JANUARY, 31 Days. 3



D. H. H. 9. D. H. Qa. 5 1 54 50a.m. Apogee ...... 17 4p.m. J1 Moon 12 9 12 8a m. Perigee ...... 29 1p.m. boat Quarter 20 0 48 50p.m. Zqew Moon... 27 7 42 44p.rn.

SUN Moon's1 $ igh Water on Bari REMARKS. li,ises Set's Age. Morn.' A£Cerrr.

n. M. H. M . D. T. H. M. if. M.

1514 653 32 1 0 1 20 SrxraG tides occur 514 6 53 42 144 2 4 on the 10th or 11th , 3 515 654 52 228 2 52 and on the 25th or 26th of this mouth. 4 515 654 62 315 3 40 5 516 654 72 4 2 4 24 6 1 516 651, 82 450 5 15 ME]LA. YOU JAN., 1864. 7 517 655 92 '545 6 16 Weather, &c. 5 17 6 55 10 2 6 38 0 1 7 Thehe greatest heat in 5 18 6 55 11 2 7 30 7 54 1 the shade was 96;3 6 55 12 2 8 20 8 52 t,d is the sanll6•;. 20 6 55 13 2 9 15 9 36 Evaporation nearly 6 inches. S.E. and 12 521 655 142 10 0 10 20 .1!%.winds prevailed. 13 5 21 6 54 15 2 10 48 11 12 I Weather often hot, 14 5 22 6 54 16 2 11 36 0 0 cloudy, and oppres- hive. Th':. er 151 523 ; 654 172 022 0 44 lightning frequent 16 524 654 182 1 6 1 30 during the moyt3t; 17 524 653 192 152 2 18 heavy squalls from the 3. on the 25th. 18 5 25 1 6 53 20 2 2 40 3 6 19 526 653 21 2 325 3 54 Jfealth.-Fever and 20 1 5 27 l 6 53 22 2 4-12- 4 36 , febriledehilityslight- ly on the increase 21 5 28 653 23.2 5 0 5 $$ during the month. 221529 652 1242 5 4,5 6 4 hittamruation of the 231530 6 52 25 2 6 26 6 50 cellular tissue and were also 53116521262 715 7 40 I prominent. 2515326521272 8 5 830' 533 9 20 Rain tars. 47 in., 6 52 28 2 859 in 15 days. 5 34 6 51 29 2 9 45 10 8 28 35 6 51 0 7 1030 10 54 1 Births.-Males, 34; 29 s6 6 51 1 7 11 16 11 40 females, 30• total 64- 30 }7 6 50 2 7 0 41 030 Deaths -Males,28; 31 538 650 37 0 54 j 1 20 females, 19 total,47. B* 4 MPXAgr2 28 Days.

a e evFn .&TIInn (1864).

Mean maximum shade ...... 84.1 Mean temperature ...... 75'9 Greatest diurnal range (from 62'2 to 87} ... 24'8 NOTE.-This is usually the hottest month in the year ; heavy malls, with thunder and rain, are common, and strong easterly ds.

Occuan NCES, &c. A A

1 W Outbreak of Polish revolution, 1863. 2 Th Maryborough township established, 1851. 3 F 4 S 5 8 6 M First Supreme Court sittings held at Ipswicl;, 1860. 7 T 8 W 9 Th 10 F Floods throughout the colony, 1864. 11 8 12 S Septuagesima Sunday. 13 M w Th First wool ship sailed hence for London, 1851.- F [Van Diemen's Land Govt. founded 1804. t8 S 19 S [with the blacks in the Burdekin country, 1863. 20 M Morrill returned to civilization, after being 17 years 21 T Gladstone proclaimed a municipality, 1863. 22 W Very high floods in the Fitzroy, 1864. 23 Th 24 F 25 S First sod of first Queensland railway turned at 26 8 Quinquagesima-Shrove Sunday. [Ipswich,1864. `27 M 28 T First bank opened at Port Denison, 1863. FEBRUARY, 28 Days. a


D. H. M. S. D. H. First Qz. ... 3 11 20 56a.m. Apogee...... 14 7a.m. Full Moon... 11 2 39 14a Perigee ...... 26 10p.m. Last Quarter 19 7 50 2a.m.in. New Moon .. 26 6 15 20a.m.

SUN Moon' s High Water on Bar. REMARKS. Rises Sets Age. Morn. I Aftern.

H. M. H. M . D. T. H. M. H. M. SPRING tides OCCUr 1 5 39 6 50 4 7 1 52 2 16 on the 8th nr 9th, and 2 5 39 6 50 5 7 2 40 3 4 on the 23rd or 24th 3 5 40 6 49 6 7 3 26 3 50 of the month. 4 544 649 77 412 436 5 541 648 87. 5 0 524 6 5 42 6 48 9 7 5 48 6 15 MEMA. FOB FEB., 1864. 7 543 6 47 10 7 640 7 4 The Weather, &c.- 8 5 44 6 46 11 7 7 30 7 56 (Observations 9 5 45 6 44 12 7 8 20 8 45 only) -Mont n ot 10 5 46 6 43 , 13 7 9 10 9 40 quiteonly) so -Mont hot andho 1n op- pressive as February 11 5 46 6 43 14 7 10 6 10 30 is. The 12 5 47 6 42 15 7 10 54 11 16 was t e a y 13 5 47 6 42 16 7 11 40 0 5 when the therfnome- ter stood at 89$,in 14 548 6 41 17 7 0 30 0 54 the shad bu on the 15 5 48 6 40 18 7 1 16 1 40, 19th Feb., '63t it rose 16 5 49 6 40 19 7 2 4 2 26 to 1014 N.E. and 175 49 6 39 20 7 2 50 3 15 S.E. winds prevailed. 14 5 50 6 39 21 7 3 40 4 0 Health.-A large in- 5 50 6 38 22 7 4 22 4 45 cre ase in sickness 18 and mortality The 20 5 51 6 37 23 7 5 6 5 30 sickness was chiefly 21 5 51 6 36 24 7 5 54 6 18 febrile debility gas- 22 5 52 6 36 25 7 6 40 7 4 tric fever, and di- arrhcea; rheurnatisnt 23 5 52 6 35 26 7 7 30 7 56 slitly on the do- 24 5 53 6 35 27 7 8 20 8 54 cline. 25 5 53 6 34 28 7 9 20 9 48 Rain-fall.- 9.33 in., 26 5 66 6 33 0 2 10 10 10 34 in 10 days. 27 5 56 6 32 1 2 11 0 11 22 1 Births- Males, 40; 28 5 57 6 31 2 2 11 45 0 6 females , 41: total,81. Deaths .-Males, 36; females, 26: total, 62. a MARCH, 31 Days.

TEMPERATURE (1864). • Mean maximum shade ...... 79.6 Mean temperature ...... 77.1 Greatest diurnal range (fr om 62-5 to 88.4 ) .. 25.9 NoTE.-Summer ends on the 20th, but the beat, although lessthan that of lastmonth, is still considerable.Easterly winds prevail , with frequent showers.

a Occu uesNCE6, &C. A R

1 W Ash Wednesday.-St. David's Day. 2 Th 3 F Ipswich proclaimed a municipality, 1860. 4 8 [Denison Times established, 1864. 5 S Quadragesima-First Sunday in Lent.-Port 6 M First newspaper published in Australia, 1803. 7 T 8 W 9 Th Port Denison proclaimed a port of entry, 1861. 10 F Prince of Wales married, 1863. -New Holland 11 S [discovered by the Dutch, 1606. 12 S "Moreton Bay Association" first mooted idea of 13 M separation from N. S. Wales, 1847.-First 14 T circuitcourt held at Drayton,1860. 15 W 16 Th 17 F St. Patrick's Day. 18 S Tremendous gale, felt nearly throughout the colony, -19 S [1864. 20 M Severe floods throughout Queensland, 1863 & 1864., 21 T Insurrectionary war broke out in N. Zealand, 1860. 22 W [20th -Sir C. Fitzroy visited Moreton Bay, 1854.] 23 Th Maryborough proclaimed a municipality, 1861. 24 F 25 S Annunciation-Lady Day.-Leichhardt returned 26 S [from Port Essington, 1846. 27 M 28 T 29 W 30 Th 31 F Queensland Guardian established, 1860. MARCH, 31 Days. 7


D. H. 5. D. H. First Qr. ... 4 10 31N. 14p.m. Apogee ...... 13 Noon. Full Moon . 12 8 54 8p.m. Perigee ...... 27 10a.m. Last Quarter 20 10 48 20p.m. New Moon.. 27 3 40 20p.m.

SUN Moon's I High Water on Bar. REMASH$. q Rises Sets Age. Morn. Aftern.

M. H. M. D. T. H. M. H. M. Or the 20th the Sun 630 32 024 0 50 enters the autumnal 1 557 equinox , and that 2 5 57 628 42 115 1 45 seasonthereforecom- 3 558 627 52 210 2 40 mences. Spr in g ti des 4 559 625 62 3 4 3 30 occur on the 10th or 11th, and on the 25th 5 6 0 623 72 354 4 22 or 26th. 6 6 1 622 82 446 5 10 7 6 2 621 92 536 6 0 MENA. FOR MAR., 1864 8 6 2 620 103 626 6 50 The Weather, &c.- 9 6 3 6 19 11 2 7 12 7 34 (Observations from 6 18 12 2 16 15th only.) - Thiswas 10 6 4 7 56 8 an exceedingly un- 11 6 5 6 17 13 2 8 38 9 0 propiti ous month. 12 6 5 6 16 14 2 9 24 9 56 Severe, floods pre- 13 6 6 6 15 15 2 10 20 10 45 va il ed throughout the colony about the 14 6 6 6 14 16 2 11 6 11 30 18th, and on the 18th 15 6 7 6 13 17 2 11 54 0 20 andlUthaternflegale 16 6 7 6 12 1$ 2 0 44 1 8 swept the coast, and was also felt far in- 17 6 8 6 11 19 2 1 30 1 52 land Highest temp. 18 6 8 6 10 20 2 2 16 2 38 in shade on 20th, 19 6 8 6 9 212 3 0 3 22 88 4. S. S. It. w in ds preva il ed. 20 6 9 6 8 22 2 3 41 4 4 Health, Fever and 21 6 9 6 7 23 2 4 26 4 50 febrile debility much 6 6 24 2 5 12 5 36 the same as last mo. 22 6 9 Bronchial aTections 23 6 10 6 5 25 2 6 0 6 26 anddiarrhi eawere on 24 6 10 6 4 26 2 6 52 7 16 the decrease. The 25 6 10 6 3 27 2 7 42 8 6 mortality , however, great. 26 6 11 6 2 28 2 8 34 9 0 Itain -fall .-9 4 8 in., 27 6 11 6 1 29 2 9 30 9 56 in 10 days. 6.72 in. 28 6 12 5 59 0 8 10 22 10 48 fell on 19th. 11 36 Births -Males, 39; 29 6 12 5 58 1 8 11 12 females, 39 • total, 78. 30 6 13 5 57 2 8 12 0 0 22 Deaths.-Males, 19; 31 6 13 5 56 3 8 0 46 1 12 females, 17 : total,36. 8 APRIL , 30 Days.


Mean maximum shade ...... 80.4 Mean temperature ...... 71.1 Greatest diurnal range (from 60 to 87.1) ...... 27.1 NOTE.-At the beginning of this month we may expect cloudy, showery, unpleasant weather ; towards the end, the S.W. weather commences , with heavy dews and positive electricity.

a i a OCCURRENCES, &c. A A

1 S 2 S First circuit court held at Maryborough, 1860. 3 M 4 T 5 W [First circuit court held at same place, 1863. 6' Th Telegraph line commenced at Rockhampton, 1864.- 7 F First Queensland census taken, 1861. (Pop. 30,059.) 8 s 9 S Palm Sunday. 10 M [First telegraphic message sent in Q., 1861. 11 T Most destructive fire in Queen-street, Brisbane, 1864. 12 W Port Denison Settlement founded, 1861. 13 Th 14 F Good Friday. 15 S Moreton Bay Supreme Court formally opened, 1857. 16 S Easter Sunday. 17 M 18 T American Revolution. 1775. 19 W 20 Th 21 F 22 S 23 S Low Sunday -St. George's Day. 24 M 25 T 26 W Second session of second Parliament opened, 1864. 27 Th First elections for Queensland Parliament, 1860. 28 F 29 8 Burnett Argus established, 1861. 3o S APRIL , 30 Days. 9


D. H. X. S. D. H. First Qr. ... 3 11 31 20a.m. Apogee ...... 9 2p.m. Full Moon 11 2 39 50p.m. Perigee ...... 24 8p.m. Last Quarter 19 9 12 14a in. New Moon. 26 0 25 44a.m.

SUN Moon's High Water on Bar REMARKS. Rises Sets Age. Morn. I Aftern.

H. M. H. M. D . T. H. M. H. Di 1 614 554 48 134 1 56 2 614 5 53 58 220 2 44 SPRANG tides occur on the 8th and 9th, 3 615 552 68 3 6 3 30 and on the 23rd and 4 615 551 78 354 4 16 24th of the month. 5 616 550 88 440 5 6 6 616 549 98 534 6 0 7 617 548 108 624 6 50 MEMA FOIL APE., 1864. 8 617 547 118 718 7 46 9 6 18 5 46 12 8 8 12 8 40 The Weather, &e.- 10 6 18 5 44 13 8 9 8 9 36 Mean temp.of month 11 6 19 5 43 14 8 10 0 10 22 was 71 1; barometer below usual average. 12 6 19 5 42 15 8 10 44 11 6 Highest reading of 13 6 19 5 41 16 8 11 30 11 54 thermometer was 14 6 20 540 17 8 0 18 0 45 90 3; the lowest, 46 6. Wind ranged 15 6 21 5 39 18 8 1 6 1 32 from S. and S. W. to 16 6 21 5 38 19 8 1 54 2 12 N .E. and E. 17 6 22 5 37 20 8 2 34 2 56 18 6 22 5 36 21 8 3 16 3 38 Health.-A percep- tible improvementm 19 6 22 5 35 22 8 4 0 4 22 the general health, 20 6 23 5 34 23 8 4 44 5 6 with the exception of 21 6 23 5 33 24 8 5 30 5 54 cases of fever and febrile debility. 22 6 24 5 32 25 8 6 22 6 50 23 6 24 5 31 26 8 7 26 7 54 Raan-fa11.-3.13 in., 24 6 25 5 31 27 8 8 20 8 50 in 12 days. 25 6 25 5 30 28 8 9 18 9 48 f 26 6 25 5 30 0 5 10 12 10 34 Births- Males, 49; females , 46: total, 93. 27 6 26 5 29 1 5 11 0 11 22 28 6 27 5 28 2 5 11 44 0 6 Deaths.- Males, 25; 29 6 27 5 27 3 5 0 30 0 52 females, 14. total, 39. 30 6 28 5 26 4 5 1 12 1 36 10 MAY, 31 Days.


Mean maximum shade ...... 74 Mean temperature ...... 63 9 Greatest diurnal range (from 49.3 to 80) ... 30.7 NoTE.-Fine, cool, healthy weather usually. Splendid, clear, starlit nights, with heavy dews, and occasional hoar frosts.


1 M International Exhibition of 1862 opened. 2 T 3 W First importation of Chinese labor into Moreton 4 Th [Bay, 1850. 5 F Outbreak of civil war in America, 1861. 6 $ 7 8 8 M 9 T 10 W 11 Th 12 F Last exile ship arrived in Moreton Bay, 1850. 13 S Moreton Bay made a port of entry, 1846.-First 14 S [daily paper published in Brisbane, 1861. 15 M Capt. Cook discovered M. Bay in the Endeavour, 16 T [1770. 17 W First Circuit Court held at Brisbane, 1850. 18 Th 19 F 20 S Moreton Bay abandoned as a penal settlement, 1839. 21 S Rogation Sunday. 22 M First Queensland Parliament assembled, 1860; first 23 T [ditto dissolved, 1863. 24 W Queen Victoria born, 1819. [a municipality, 1861. 25 Th Ascension Day-Holy Thursday.-Warwick procld. 26 F The Calliope gold-field proclaimed, 1863. 27 S Year 1282 of Mahommedan era commences. 28 $ 29 M 30 T 31 W MAY, 31 Days. 11


D. H.M.S. I D. H. First Qr. ... 3 4 16 44n.m. Apogee ...... 7 2a.m. Full Moon.. 11 6 35 20a.m. Perigee ...... 23 8p.m. Last Quarter 18 4 51 44p.m. New Moon .. 25 9 1 44a.m.

SUN Moon's IHigh Water on Bar. REMABBS. Rises Sets Age. Morn. I Aftern.

K. M. H. M. I D. T. H. M. H. M. 1 628 526 55 2 0 2 22 SPRING tides occur on the 7th or 8th, 2 628 526 65 2 46 3 8 and on the 21st or 3 629 525 75 3 30 3 52 22nd of the month. 4 629 524 85 4 15 4 36 5 630 523 95 4 56 5 20 6 6 31 5 22 10 5 5 44 6 6 MEMA. FOR MAY, 1864. 6 32 5 21 11 5 6 26 6 50 7 The Weather, &c.- 8 6 33 5 20 12 5 7 12 7 34 Fine throughout the 9 6 33 5 19 13 5 8 0 8 26 month Heavy dews 10 6 34 5 19 14 5 8 56 9 28 at night, and occa- sional fogs. Tempe- 11 6 34 5 18 15 5 10 0 10 22 rature below that of 12 635 518 165110 45 11 8 samemonth lastyear, 13 6 35 5 17 17 5 11 30 11 54 being 63 9. Highest reading of thermo- 14 6 36 5 16 18 5 0 16 0 40 meter in shade, 82 9; 15 6 36 5 16 19 5 1 4 1 26 lowest, 444.9. Very 16 6 37 5 15 20 5 1 54 2 15 little rain S.W wind preva il ed. 17 6 37 5 15 21 5 2 40 3 4 18 6 38 5 14 22 5 3 28 3 56 Health - In this 19 6 38 5 14 23 5 4 18 4 42 month there was a decli ne in fevercases, 20 6 39 5 13 24 5 5 6 5 30 a slight increase in 21 6 39 5 13 25 5 5 56 6 24 diarrhoea , and a con- 22 640 5 12 26 5 6 54 7 22 siderable influx of We from the Peak 23 640 5 12 27 5 7 56 8 22 Downs diggings. 24 6 41 5 12 28 5 8 54 9 26 52 10 20 Rain- fall.-2.63 in., 25 6 42 5 11 0 1 9 in 15 days. 26 6 42 5 11 1 1 10 44 11 6 27 6 43 5 10 2 1 11 30 11 54 Births .-Males, 36; 28 6 43 5 10 3 1 0 20 0 42 females, 51 : total, 87. 29 644 5 9 4 1 1 6 1 30 Deatha-Males, 30; 30 644 5 9 5 1 1 56 2 20 females, 14: total, 44. 31 6 46 5 8 6 1 2 45 3 10 12 JUNE , 30 Days.


Mean maximum shade ...... 68 Mean temperature ...... 58.2 Greatest diurnal range (from 47.2 to 79) ... 31.8 NoTE.-As during last month, S. W. weather may be expected, with strong positive electricity ; bright, cold, starlit nights, heavy dews, and occasional hoar frosts.

at a3 OccuuaaNCES, &C. A A

1 Th Landsborough reached the Darling from Gulf, 1862. 2 F Violent gales on coast, 1864. [played at Bris. 1864. 3 S 1st intercol. cricket match bet. Queensland & N.B.W. 4 S Pentecost-Whit Sunday. 5 M [2nd.-Western Australia founded, 1829.] 6 T [3rd.-The Colony of Queensland proclaimed in 7 W London, 1859.] 8 Th 9 F Sheep first boiled down in Australia, 1843. 10 S 11 S Trinity Sunday-Darling Downs Gazette established, 12 M Very severe gales on coast, 1864. [1858. 13 T 14 W 15 Th Corpus Christi.-First general elections in N.S.W., 16 F [1843. 17 S 18 S Battle of Waterloo, 1815. 19 M 20 T Accession of Queen Victoria, 1837.-The Brisbane 21 W [Courier established, 1846. 22 Th 23 F Western boundary of Queensland extended to 24 5 St. John the Baptist. [138° long., 1862. 25 S 26 M 27 T H.M.S. Salamander arrived, en route for Cape York, 28 W Queen Victoria crowned, 1838. [1864. 29 Th First steamer started bet. Brisbane & Ipswich, 1846. 30 F [28th.-First submarine telegraphic cable laid in the colony, 1864.] JU", 30 Days. 1s


D. H. M. a. D. H. First Qr. ... 1 6 33 56p.m. Apogee ...... 3 7p.m. Full Moon . 9 7 53 14p.m. Perigee ...... 19 2p.m. Last Quarter 16 10 5 26p.m. New Moon 23 6 9 32p.m.

SUN IMoon's IHigh Water on Bar. REMAR%s. Rises I Sets I Age. Morn. Aftern.

H. M. H. M. D. T. H. M. H. M. 6 45 5 Ooa winter season 1 8 7 1 3 34 4 0 commences on the 2 6 46 5 9 8 1 4 22 4 48 24th, and the 23rd is 3 6 46 5 9 9 1 5 10 5 32 the shortest day of 5 the year Spring tides 4 6 47 9 10 1 5 54 6 16 occur on the 3rd or 5 6 47 5 9 11 1 6 36 7 0 4th, and on the 17th 6 6 48 5 9 12 1 7 22 7 45 or 18th of the 7 6 48 5 9 13 1 8 8 8 34 month. 8 6 49 5 9 141 856 920 9 6 49 5 9 15 1 9 45 10 10 I MEMA. POHJuNb,1864. 10 6 49 5 9 16 1 10 34 11 0 49 5 Weather, &c.- 11 6 9 17 1 11 24 11 43 Very fine nearly 12 6 50 5 9 18 1 0 10 0 48 the whole of the 13 6 50 5 9 19 1 0 56 1 20 1 month, one or two 51 5 9 light frosts towards 14 6 20 1 1 44 2 6 i cheatlose.inThtheegreat-shade 15 6 51 5 10 21 1 2 30 2 54 estts 16 6 51 5 10 22 1 3 20 3 45 ' was 798, on the 8th. 17 6 52 5 10 SW w inds prevailed 23 1 4 8 4 32 Ichiefly. Heavy coast 18 6 52 5 10 24 1 4 56 5 20 gales on the 2nd and 19 6 52 5 10 25 1 5 48 6 18 12th- 20 6 52 5 10 26 1 6 45 7 10 Health.- The pre- 21 6 53 5 11 27 1 7 40 8 6 diseases for 53 5 11 Thethe month were di- 22 6 28 1 8 36 9 0 arnccea and bron- 23 6 53 5 11 29 1 9 30 10 0 i chills, con fined, in a 24 6 53 5 11 0 7 10 22 10 50 great measure, to 25 6 53 5 11 1 7 11 16 11 42 children. 26 6 54 5 11 2 7 0 6 0 30 Itons-fail - 3 01 in , In 10 days 27 6. 54 5 12 3 7 0 54 1 16 54 5 12 4 7 1 40 Births.- Males, 48; 28 6 2 females, 55: total, 29 6 54 5 12 5 7 2 28 2 54 1101. 30 6 55 5 12 6 7 3 16 3 40 Deaths: Males, 24; females, 20: total, 44. 14 JULY, 31 Days.

TEMPx R.&PW E (1864).

Mean maximum shade ...... 68'lr Mean temperature ...... 56.1 Greatest diurnal range (from 42 to 79) ...... 37 NOTE.-July is generally the driest month of the year. Last month's cold, seasonable, beautiful S.W. weather maybe expected, with tittle rain, heavy dew, foggy mornings, and occasional frosts.

a m OccunanacES, &c. A A

1 8 Post-office Order system introduced in Queensland, 2 S [1862.-Separationof Victoriaproold., 1851. 3 M 4 T Queensland Times established, 1859.-Toowoomba 5 W [Chronicle established, 1861. 6 Th 7 F 8 S [Rockhampton Bulletin established, 1861. 9 S Staff of officers for Port Albany gazetted, 1864.- 10 M hews reed. of apptmt. of 1st Governor of Q., 1859. 11 T First exhibitionof AgriculturalSociety held at 12 W [Toowoomba, 1862. 13 Th Violent gales on the coast, 1864. 14 F 15 S 16 8 Pastoral district of Cook (Cape York) proclaimed, 17 M [1864.-Disastrous floods in N. S. W., 1864. 18 T First visitation of Metrop. (Ch. of E.) Bp. held, 1864. 19 W "Black Assize" at Toowoomba terminated, 1864. 20' Th Moreton Bay proclaimed a warehousing port, 1846. 21 F Second parliament of Queensland assembled, 1863. 22 S [18th.-Gold discovered in Victoria, 1851.] 23 S [19th.-Drayton proclaimed a municipality, 1862.E 24 M 25 T 26 W 27 Th Port of Moreton Bay defined, 1846. 28 F Gregory (A. C) reached Adelaide overland from 29 8 [the Dawson, 1858. 30 S The colonizing expedition landed at Pt. Albany, 1864. 31 M I at land sales Ipswich, Drayton, and Warwick, 1850. TQLY, 31 Days. 15


D. H. M. 5. D. H. First Qr. ... 1 11 52 50a. m. Apogee ...... 1 1p.m. Full Moon .. 9 6 39 20a.m. Perigee ...... 12 5a.m. Last Quarter 16 2 38 44a.m. Apogee ...... 29 8a.m. New Moon... 23 4 31 38a.m. First Qr. ... 31 5 21 14a.m.

SUN Moon's High Water on Bar. REMARKS. A Rises Sets Age. Morn. Aftern.

H. M. Jr. M . D. T. H. M. H. M. METEORS generally 1 655 513 77 4 0 420 numerous at the 2 6 55 5 14 8 7 444 5 6 close of the month. 3 654 514 97 526 550 Spring tides occur on the 3rd or 4th, and 4 6 54 5 14 10 7 6 12 6 36 on the 17th or 18th 5 6 54 5 14 11 7 7 0 7 24 of the month. 6 6 53 5 15 12 7 748 8 10 7 6 53 . 515 137 832 . 856 8 6 53 5 15 14 7 9 20 9 45 MEMA. FOR JULY, 1884 15 7 10 5 10 30 9 6 53 5 16 The Weather, &c.- 10 6 53 5 16 16 7 10 54 11 15 The temperature of 11 6 53 5 17 17 7 11 40 0 6 the month wasbelow 12 18 7 0 30 0 54 the usual average, 6 52 5 17 the mean being 56.1. 13 6 52 5 17 19 7 1 16 140 The mean height of 14 6 52 5 18 20 7 2 0 2 22 the barometer was 15 6 52 5 18 21 7 2 45 3 4 also below the ave- rage. Themaximum 16 6 51 5 18 22 7 3 30 3 52 heat in shade was 17 6 51 5 19 23 7 4 18 4 45 706. S.W. w in ds 18 6 51 5 19 24 7 5 8 5 30 prevailed. Severe gales on 13th. 19 6 51 5 20 25 7 5 54 6 20 20 6 50 5 21 26 7 6 45 7 10 Health.- The gene- 27 7 8 6 ral health good. Af- 21 6 50 5 21 740 fectionof the chest 22 6 50 5 22 28 7 8 38 9 10 prevalent principally 23 6 49 5 23 0 3 940 10 6 amongst children. 24 6 49 5 23 1 3 10 30 10 54 11 16 11 40 Rain-fall .-3.04 in. 25 6 49 524 23 in 7 days. 26 648 524 33 0 4 028 27 648 525 43 054 115 Bxrtha.-M ales, 68 28 6 47 5 25 5 3 140 2 6 females , 53: total, 121 29 646 5 26 6 3 2 28 2 50 Deaths -Males, 24; 30 646 5 27 7 3 3 10 3 34 females, 27; total,51. 31 6 45 5 28 8 3 4 0 4 22 16 &IJG}UST, 31 Days.


Mean maximum shade ...... 66.7 Mean temperature ...... 56.1 Greatest diurnal range (from 32.2 to 70. 2) ... 38 NOTE.-Indications of spring axe discoverable during this month. The frosts have usually ceased, although bright starlit nights and dews continue.


1 T First Representative Assembly met in Sydney, 1843. 2 W 3 Th 4 F First book printed, 1457. 5 8 6S 7 M [reached P. Denison overland fr. Adelaide, 1862. 8` T Severe gales on coast,1864.-M•Kinlay, the explorer, 9 W First land sale held in Brisbane, 1843. 10 Th 11 F [Sydney line, 1864. 12 S Q S.N. Co. commenced to run their boats on the 13 S 14 M Queensland Acclimatization Society founded, 1862. 15 T 16 W River Murray firstnavigated, 1843. 17 Th. 18 F Brisbane water-works commenced, 1864. 19 S [Moreton, 1864, 20 S Telegraphic com. eat. between Trisbane and Cape 21 M Queensland State Trial (Reg. v. Pughy for Libel an 22 T [Legislative Council, 1861, 23 W [20th.-Transportation to N. S. W. ceased, 1840.] 24 Tb [22nd.-Foundationstone of bridge over theBrishane 25 F laid by Governor, 1864.] 26 S 27 S 28 M 29 T 30 W Torres'Straits discovered, 1606. 31 Th Dalby and Bowen proclaimed municipalities, 1863. AUGUST, 31 Days. 17


D, H. M. a. D. H. Full Moon... 7 3 41 32p m. Perigee ...... 10 5a.m Last Quarter 14 7 54 26a.m. Apogee ...... 26 1a.m• New Moon .. 21 5 29 32p.m. First Qr. ... 29 9 58 44p.m.

SUN Moon'sIB igh Water on Bar. REMARKS. A Rises Sets Age. Morn. I Aftern.

H. H H. H. D. T. H . H. H. H. SPRING tides occur 1 644 5 28 9 3 4 45 5 6 on the 13th or 14th, 2 644 528 103 526 550 and on the 29th or 3 643 529 113 612 632 30th of the month. 4 643 529 123 7 0 730 6 6 42 5 30 13 3 7 56 8 20 6 6 42 5 30 14 3 8 48 9 16 HRHA . FOR AUG., 1864. 6 41 5 31 15 3 9 45 10 10 7 The Weather, &c.- 8 6 41 5 31 16 3 10 32 10 54 Much colder than 9 6 40 5 32 17 3 11 20 11 42 the corresponding 10 6 39 5 33 18 3 0 4 0 30 month in '62 and'63, the mean tempera. 11 6 38 5 33 19 3 0 54 1 15 ture being 561. The 12 6 37 5 34 20 2 140 2 6 highest reading of 13 6 36 5 34 21 3 2 30 2 56 thermometer was 78 2, on the 29th; 14 6 35 5 35 22 3 3 20 3 45 the lowest 40, on the 15 6 34 5 35 23 3 4 6 4 30 night of the 26th. 16 6 33 5 36 24 3 4 52 5 15 S W.windsprevailed. Weather frequently 17 6 32 5 37 25 3 5 45 6 12 overcast, but ram on 18 6 31 5 37 26 3 6 36 7 0 four days only. 19 6 30 5 38 27 3 7 24 7 50 Health. - Particu- 20 6 29 5 38 28 3 8.15 8 45 larly free from dis- 21 6 28 5 39 29 3 9 20 9 50 ease , with the excep- 22 6 27 5 39 0 8 10 12 10 34 tion of rheumatism, which increasedcon- 23 6 26 540 1 8 11 0 11 24 siderably. Whooping 24 6 25 540 2 8 11 48 0 12 cougb,however,very 25 6 24 5 41 3 8 0 36 1 0 prevalent. 6 23 Ram fall.- 4 89 in., 20 5 41 4 8 1 22 1 44 in 4 days. 27 622 541 5 8 2 6 - 230 28 6 21 5 42 6 8 2 52 3 15 Rartha.- Males, 46; 29 6 19 5 42 7 8 3 34 3 56 females , 51: total, 97, 30 618 542 88 418 440 Deaths.- Malea, 23; 31 617 543 98 5 0 522 1 females, 8 • total, 31. C 1s SEER, 30 Days.

1 MPERATUB.E (1864).

Mean maximum shade ...... 77.7 Mean temperature ...... 66.5 Greatest diurnal range (from 56 to 93) ..... 37 NoTE.-The brief winter ends on the 23rd. Weather still warmer than last month. Wind chiefly S.W. in the morning, but the N.E. breeze now sets in in the afternoon, followed by calm nights.


1 F 2 S Moreton Bay Settlement founded by Mr. Oxley, 1824. 3 S 4 M 5 T 6 W Brisbane proclaimed a municipality, 1859. Th 8 F 9 S 10 S 11 M 12 T 13 W Parliament prorogued, 1864. 14 Th First Victorian railway opened, 1854. 15 F 16 S 17 S 18 M 19 T 20 W 21 Th Year 5626 of the Jewish era commences. 22 F 23 S Southern entrance to Moreton Bay buoyed, 1862. 24 S 25 M Ipswich Grammar School opened, 1863. 26 T First New South Wales railway opened, 1855. 27 W 28 Th 29 F MiehaelnaasDay. 8o 8 SEPThMBEN, 30 B1g8. 1S


D. H. X. S. D. H. Full Moon .. 6 0 4 14a.m. Perigee ...... 7 7a.m. Last Quarter 12 3 9 50p.m. Apogee ...... 22 2p.m. NewMoon... 20 8 58 8a.m. First Qr. ... 28 0 59 8a.m.

SUN Moon's High Water on Bar. REmASgB. A Rises Sets Age. Morn. Aftern.

H. M. H. M. D. T. H. M. H. M. t4ratxc comnmences 1 617 543 108 545 6 5 onthe23rd,o winch 2 6 16 5 44 11 8 6 30 6 54 date the Sun enters 3 6 15 5 44 12 8 720 7 48 the vernal equinox. Sprmgtides occur on 4 613 545 138 815 845 the 11thor 12th,and 5 61 2 545 148 912 940 on the 26th or 27th 6 6 11 5 45 15 8 10 6 10 30 of the month. 7 6 10 5 46 16 8 10 54 11 16 8 6 9 546 17 8 11 40 0 4 MBMA. FOR S&P., 1864. The Weather, &c.- 9 6 8 547 188 028 050 very dry throughout 10 6 7 5 47 19 8 1 12 1 36 the month, ram fa ll - 11 6 6 548 20 8 2 0 2 22 ing only on seven 250 3 12 days , and then very 12 6 5 548 21 8 li ttle. Highest read- 13 6 4 5 49 22 8 340 4 0 ing of thermometer 14 6 3 549 23 8 4 24 4 50 in shade , 93°; lowest, 5 12 5 36 41 2 Thunderstorms, 15 6 2 5 50 24 8 without much rain, 16 6 0 5 50 25 8 6 0 6 22 frequent early in the 17 5 59 5 51 26 8 6 50 7 18 month ; one also on 746 820 30th . Hot wind from 18 558 5511278 B.W. and W. on 15th. 19 5 57 5 52 28 8 8 45 9 12 Month sultry and op- 20 5 56 5 52 0 1 940 10 6 pressive throughout. 21 5 55 5 53 1 1 10 30 10 54 S.W wind prevailed. Health.-Mortality 22 5 53 5 53 2 1 11 20 11 45 very slight indeed. 23 5 52 5 53 3 I 0 6 0 32 Bronchitis on the 24 5 52 5 54 4 1 0 56 1 20 increase . Whooping 146 2 10 cough and croup 25 5 51 5 54 5 1 sullprevalent among 26 5 50 5 55 6 1 2 36 3 0 children. 548 5 55 71 322 345 Razn fall.-0.98in., 27 in 7 days. 28 547 556 81 4 6 430 Births - Males, 63; 29 5 46 5 56 9 1 4 52 5 16 females, 40. total 112. 30 545 5 57 10 1 540 6 4 Deaths. - Males, 27; females, 14. total. 41. C* so OQTOBER, 31 Day&


Mean maximum shade ...... 79 Mean temperature ...... 67.8 Greatest diurnal range (from 45 to 81.7) ... 36.7 NoTE.-Hailstorms of great violence frequently occur during this month , with much thunder and lightning. severe storms of this kind, doing much damage, occurred about the 20th, in the years 1858, '59, '60, and '61.


1 S 2 M North Australian established, 1855. S T 4 W 5 Th 6 F 7 S First sale of Port Denison land (in Brisbane), 1861. 8 S Rockhampton made a port of entry, 1858. 9 M [Cunningham's Gap, 1840. 10 T First supplies from Brisbane to the Downs crossed 11 W First sale of Ipswich allotments (in Brisbane), 1843. 12 Th Ipswich, Drayton, and Maryborough proclaimed as 13 F [placesfor holding Circuit Courts, 1859. 14 S 15 S 16 M 17 T 18 W 19 Th First drays brought over Cunningham' s Gap, 1840. 20 F Terrific hail-storm in Brisbane, 1859. 21 8 22 S Battle of Trafalgar, 1805. - Distribution of Ex- 23 M [hibition medals, 1863. 24 T 25 W 26 Th 27 F 28 8 29- 8 Opening of the first Queensland Exhibition, 1861. 30 M 31 'l; OCTOBER,, 31 Days. 21


D. H. M. S. D, M., Full Moon . 5 8 43 44a.m. Perigee., ...... 5 .4 tm. Last Quarter 12 1 14 20a.m. Apogee ...... 19 New Moon .. 20 2 19 50a.m. First Qr. .. 28 2 2 14a.m.

SUN Moon'sHigh Water on Bar. a REMARKS. q Rises Sets Age. M orn. Aftern.

H. M. H. M. D. T. H. M. U.K. 30 6 54 Sraino tides occur 1 545 558 11 1• 6 on the 10th or 11th, 2 543 5 58 12 1 7 16 7 40 and on the 25th or 3 5 42 5 58 13 1 8 6 8 34 26th of the month. 4 540 558 141 9 0 930 5 5 39 5 59 15 1 10 0 10 24 MEM6. YOU 6 538 559 16 1 10 48 11 12 007., 1863. 7 5 37 5 59 17 1 11 36 0 0 The Weather, &c- 8 5 36 6 0 18 1 0 24 0 50 Mean temperature of 15 1 40 month notmore than 9 535 6 0 19 1 1 67 8 deg ; barometer 10 5 34 6 0 20 1 2 6 2 32 throughout month, 11 5 33 6 1 21 1 2 56 3 20 below the average. 45 4 10 Greatest heat in 12 5 32 6 1 22 1 3 shade, 90.1, therm o- 13 5 31 6 2 23 1 4 34 4 56 meter lowest on 14 5 30 6 2 24 1 5 20 5 45 28th , 92 8. Heavy 15 5 29 6 3 25 1 6 5 6 26 thunderstorm on the 117th ; nearly 2 in. of 16 5 27 6 4 26 1 6 50 7 12 rain fell in about an 17 5 26 6 -5 27 1 7 34 7 54 hour much thunder 18 5 25 6 5 28 1 8 20 8 42 and hghtmng. Wind chiefly W. and 19 5 24 6 6 29 1 9 6 9 36 a- 20 5 23 6 6 0 4 10 4 10 30 Health - The gene- rat health good. 21. 5 22 6 7 t 4 10 54 11 16 Slightcages of diar- 22 5 21 6 8 2 4 11 40 0 6 rhoea and bronchitis 23 5 20 6 8 3 4 0 30 0 54 prevalent, chiefly amongst children. 24 5 19 6 9 4 4 1 18 1 45 25 5 18 6 9 5 4 2 4 2 30 Reen-fall.-9.30 in., 26 5 17 6 10 6 4 2 52 3 10 in 13 days ; much above average. 27 5 16 6 10 7 4 3 36 4 0 28 5 15 6 11 8 4 4 22 4 48 Births.- Males, 37; 29 5 14 6 12 9 4 5 10 5 36 females, 35: total, 72. 30 5 13 6 13 10 4 6 0 6 22 Deaths.-Males, 24; 31 5 13 6 13 11 4 6 45 7 4 females,l9: total,43. 22 NOVED $ , 30 Days.


Mean maximum shade ...... 86.6 Mean temperature ...... 73 Greatest diurnal range (from 55.1 to 97.7) ... 42.6 MM.-The weather, this month, is generally gloomy and equally ; rain, thunder, and lightning frequent ; nights still occasionally cold.

a Occus aENCES,&c. A A

1 W 2 Th 3 F 4 S 5 S 6 M [9th.-Com. by electric telegraph estab. between 7 T Queensland and other colonies, 1861.] 8 W Rockhampton proclaimed a place for holding Circuit y9 Th Prince of Wales born. 1841. [Courts, 1862. Q F Moreton Bay visited by Governor Brisbane, 1824. 11 S 12 S [claimed, 1846. 13 M Colony of "North Australia" (Port Curtis) pro- 14. T First bank opened in Moreton Bay, 1850. 15 W 16 Th Commandant Logan murdered by the blacks, 1836. 17 F First sale of Rockhampton land (in Sydney), 1858. 18 8 Last convict ship (Eden) arrived in Sydney, 1840. 19 .8 20 M 21 T Maryborough Chronicle established, 1860. 22 W 23 Th Maize £7 a bushel on the Hawkesbury, 1806. 24 F Toowoomba proclaimed a municipality, 1860. 25 S 26 S 27 M 28 T 29 W 30 Th St. Andrew': Day. HOPE 3O Days. 23


D. H. M. 8. is. H. Full Moon . 3 6 15 26p.m. Perigee ...... 3 4a.m. Last Quarter 10 3 57 50p.m. Apogee ...... 15 10p.m. NewMoon . 18 9 12 10p.m. First Qr. ... 26 1 11 20p.m.

SUN Moon's1$igh Water on Bar. REMAKES. Rises Sets Age. Morn. Afters.

H. M. H. M. D. T. U.N. H. M. SPRING tides occur 1 513 613 12 4 7 30 7 56 on the 7th or 8th, 2 5 13 6 14 134 822 850 and on the 22nd or 23rd of the month. 3 5 13 6 15 144 920 948 4 5 12 6 16 15 4 10 15 10 45 5 5 12 6 17 16 4 11 6 11 32 MEMA. FOR NOT., 1883. 17 4 0 0 0 24 6 5 12 6 18 The Weather, &c.- 7 5 11 6 18 18 4 0 48 1 12 Generally fine and 8 5 10 6 19 19 4 1 36 2 0 clear . Mean temp., 2 24 248 73°. Barometeragain 9 5 9 620 204 below average. Tper- 10 5 9 6 21 21 4 3 10 3 36 mometer highest on 11 5 8 6 22 22 4 4 0 4 22 18th, when it read 23 4 448 5 10 985 in the shade; 12 5 6 6.22 lowest on the 3rd, 13 5 6 6 23 24 4 5 34 5 56 when it was 44. N.E. 14 5 5 6 23 25 4 6 20 6 42 winds prevailed. Fte-. - 6 24 26 4 7 10 7 36 quent thunder and 15 5 5 hghtnmg, and very 16 5 4 6 25 27 4 8 0 8 24 heavy storm on the 17 5 4 6 26 28 4 8 50 9 12 21st. 18 5 3 6 26 29 4 9 36 10 0 Health.- The gene- 19 5 3 6 27 0 6 10 24 10 48 ral health better, 6 28 1 6 11 12 11 36 with the exception 20 5 2 of some slight sub- 21 5 2 6 29 26 0 0 024 acute eases of rheu- 22 5 1 6 29 36 050 115 matism amongst 46 140 2 4 adults. Diarrheas 23 5 1 6 30 and bronchitis also 24 5 1 6 31 56 226 250 prevalent amongst 25 5 0 6 31 66 312 334 children. 26 5 0 6 32 76 356 418 Rain-,tall.-4' 93 in., 27 5 0 6 33 8 6 440 5 4 in 5 days. 28 5 1 6 34 96 526 550 Births.- Males, 39; 29 5 1 6 35 10 6 6 15 6 38 females, 43: *Dtal, 82. 30 5 2 6 36 116 7 0 724 Deaths.-- Itaies, 35; females, ST: total, B& 24 DECEMBER31 Days.


Mean maximum shade ...... S2.2 Mean temperature ...... 71.3 Greatest diurnal range (from 50.2 to 91) ... 408 NoTE.-December is frequently cool until towards the close of the month, when summer really commences; often fine, pleasant weather, with starlit nights and heavy dews.

mu S Occ au ENCES, &C. A A

1 F 2 S Brisbane River first explored by Oxley, 1823. 3 S First Sunday in Advent.-Leichhardt left the back 4 M [country on his last expedition, 1846. 6 T 6 W 7 Th First sale of Moreton Bay lands in Sydney, 1842. 8 F 9 S [(first Governor) arrived in Brisbane, 1859. 10 S QIIEENSLAND SEPARATION DAY!-Sir G. F. Bowen 11 M Llamas introduced into Moreton Bay, 1858. 12 T [from England, 1848. 13 W Artimesia (first govt. immigrant ship) arrived here 14 Th Prince Albert died, 1861. 15 F Burke's exploring party left Cooper's Creek, 1860.- 16 S [Rockhampton procld. a municipality, 1860, 17 S Flood at Ipswich, 1845. 18 M 19 T Fitzroy River first navigated, 1855. W First act of secession by Southern States, 1860. Th St. Thomas. 22 F 23 S 24 S 25 M Ch istmas Day. 26 T 27 W 28 Th 29 F South Australia proclaimed a colony, 1836. 3o' S 31 DECEMBER, 31 Days. 25


D. H M. A. D. H. Full Moon 3 4 56 44a in. Perigee ...... 1 2p in. Last Quarter 10 10 25 24a.m. Apogee ... 13 1p.m. New Moon 18 2 57 32p in. Perigee ...... 29 lp.m. First Qr. 25 10 43 20p.m.

SUN Moon's High water on Bar REMAB%8. Rises Sets Age. Morn. I Aftern.

H. M. H M. D. T. H. M. H. M 50 8 SUMMER commences 1 5 2 6 37 12 6 7 12 on the 22d, on which 2 5 2 638 136 8 40 9 10 date the Sun enters 3 5 2 639 146 9 36 10 *4 the Tropic of Capri- 10 26 10 52 corn Spring tides 4 5 3 639 156 occur on the 7th or 5 5 3 640 166 11 18 11 40 8th, and on the 22nd 6 5 3 640 176 0 4 0 26 or 23rd of the month. 7 5 3 6 41 18 6 0 50 1 12 8 5 4 6 41 19 6 1 36 2 0 9 5 4 642 206 2 24 2 48 MEMA FOR DEC ., 1883. 10 5 4 6 42 21 6 3 12 3 36 11 5 5 6 43 22 6 4 0 4 24 The Weather, &c.- Generally One and 12 5 5 6 44 23 6 4 50 5 12 clear, with exception 13 5 5 6 45 24 6 5 34 6 0 of first seven and last 5 6 6 46 24 6 50 ten days. Tempera- 14 25 6 6 ture below the ave- 15 5 6 6 46 26 6 7 12 7 34 rage Thunder and 16 5 6 6 47 27 6 8 0 8 24 li ghtning frequent at 17 5 6 6 47 28 6 50 9 4 night 8 E winds 8 prevailedthroughout 18 5 7 6 48 29 6 9 30 9 56 the month Greatest 19 5 7 6 48 0 9 10 20 10 44 heat in the shade, 20 5 7 6 49 1 9 11 6 11 30 917. 21 5 8 6 49 2 9 11 54 0 16 Health - Febrile d8- 22 5 8 6 50 3 9 0 40 1 6 bihty, gastric remit- tent, diarrhoea, and 23 5 8 650 49 1 28 1 52 rheumatism were the 24 5 9 6 51 5 9 2 16 2 40, prevailing diseases. 25 5 9 6 51 4 3 28 6 9 3 Rain fall.-2 93 in., 26 5 10 6 52 7 9 3 52 4 16 in 11 days. 27 510 652 89 4 40 5 0 Births- Males, 40, 28 5 11 6 53 9 9 5 22 5 48 females, Al: total, 81. 29 5 11 6 53 10 9 6 12 6 36 30 5 12 6 54 11 9 22 Deaths - Males, 35; 7 0 7 females, 23 : total, 58. 91 5 12 654 12 9 7 48 8 12 GARDENING CALENDAR.

Newly compiled expressly for Puce's AteANecs, by Ma. WALTER HILL Superintendent of the Botanical Gardens, Brisbane.

JANUARY. Fruit and Kitchen Garden.-Watch the fluctuations of the weather, and endeavour to do all sowing and planting whilst the ground is in a mellow state. Sow turnips, carrots, celery, cauli- flower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, spinach, French beans, peas, lettuce, radish, melons, and cucumbers. Broad beaifs may also be sown , but they cease to be profitable at this late season ; earth up, and top those advancing. Plant savoys, cabbages, cauliflowers , &c., &c. Gather herbs in flower for drying, and articles for pickling. Ground should be loosened among fruit- bearing trees , &c., &c. Examine vines and orange trees ; regu- late and remove all useless growth, and thin superfluous fruit off the orange trees, &c., &c.; gather, during dry weather, any kind of grapes which may ripen this month. Flower Garden and Shrubberies.-Continue to carefully regu- late the growth of the twiners, but avoid tying thenooo close, and allow them to grow according to their nat abit as much as circumstances will admit. Weed and war well the flower beds of geraniums, verbenas, petunias, lobelias, &c., &c.; dig up and store bulbs as soon as the leaves are withered. Dahlias-examine the early ties that they do not pinch ; loosen *em if they do, or the wind will easily break them at that P t. Meld.-Break up land for wheat ; sow barley for green crop ; plant maize for a winter crop, in rows four feet apart, and plant in each row three feet distant. Dig out the early crop of pota- toes, for if left in the ground they will rot. Persevere in keeping down weeds in the cotton and sugar plantations. FEBRUARY. Fruit and Kitchen Garden .- During dry weather gather any kinds of fruit as they ripen ; oranges, poaches, &c., which were GARDENING CALENDAR. 27

too tender to be budded during the preceding month, may now be subjected to that operation. Brocoli and a few of the prin- cipal table vegetables, such as cabbage, peas, turnips, carrots, onions, leeks, and salads, should be sown. Eschalots should now be taken up if the leaves appear to decay. Thin out to about six inches apart the spinach, and turnips to double that distance, which were sown the early part of last month. ' Plant out Brussels sprouts, and continue to gather articles for pickling. Remove all failing crops as soon as they cease to yield profit. Cucumber and melon beds must be daily inspected. .Flower Garden and Shrubberies.-Now is the best season for observing the effect of the arrangement of colors of dahlias, and if any alteration is deemed necessary, it should be carefully noted down, which will greatly facilitate its execution in the proper season for planting. Sow various kinds of annuals ; keep the shoots of the chrysanthemums and other flowers neatly tied up, and remove their flowering stems as soon as they cease 'to be interesting. The roots of tigrida, oxalis, &c., dec., may now be taken up, and after being dried, stored in proper bags till wanted. Field.-The different varieties of sorghum arriving at maturity should be cut, and the seed placed in an airy building. Green provender for the stable or stockyard during the winter months, is to be provided by sowing Cape barley and lucerne. Tares or vetches should be sown for the same purpose, and in order to support the weak stems of the vetches, they may be mixed with a bushel of rye seed to every two bushels of tares. The potato seed prepared lastmonth shouldnow be planted.

MARCH. Fruit and Kitchen Garden.-This is the period in which to lay the foundation of a sure supply of vegetables, onions, leeks, peas, turnips , carrots,, parsnips, beetroot, cabbage, cauliflower; savoys, celery, &c., &c. The January sown cabbages will now be ready for transplanting. It will be found a good planin digging ground to leave it in shallow ridges, eighteen inches 'or two feet apart, with some dung placed under the hollows in which the plant must be set ; a few may also be planted in rows one foot apart, and before they become large enough to crowd each other in winter, every intermediate one may be drawn for present use, leaving the others to come to maturity. Cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, celery, &c., &c., may also be planted. Ripening seeds to be daily gathered. Continue budding orange and other fruit trees during cloudy weather. 28 GARDENING CALENDAR.

Floeber Garden and Shrubberies .- Patches of some of the most showy annuals should now be sown in vacant places which usua lly exist in the edges of clumps and borders. The following are some of the best :-Ageratunn M exican, Browallia elata, Caleeolaria scabiosefolia,Clarkia pulchella,Collinsia bicolor, Calliopsis marmorata , Gaillardia pitta, Gomphrena globosa, Lupines Hartwegii, Phlox Drumondii , Reseda luteola , Zinnia elegans. Herbaceous perennials , such as phloxes, pceonies, &c., &c, may now be divided for increase. Roses may now be pruned and the suckers removed. In pruning out back to a good eye two or three inches from the origin of the young wood ; robust growing kinds should not be pruned so severely as the weaker ones ; strong shoots pegged down on the surface at nearly their full length (of the Geant de Battailles ) for instance, will throw numerous flowering shoots all the way up. Bulbs such as Amaryllis, Crinum, IA llium , should now be planted. Field.- This is an excellent time to plant a crop of potatoes. Sow wheat, oats, luce rn e, all kinds of grass seeds for pasture, or- hay. Maize arriving at maturity should be gathered and placed in an airy and well ventilated building. Cut and house tobacco. Gather cotton as it comes to maturity. APRIL. Fruit and K itchen Garden .-New plantations of oranges, loquats, olive, bananas, and pine apples may now be made, in order that the roots may get hold of the fresh soil before winter. Make sowings of peas, broad beans, cabbages, and saladmg. Look we ll after thinning your crops of turnips, spinach, lettuce, before they become weakly and drawn through standing too closely 'together . Earth up celery during dry weather. Collect and store pumpkins. Stir the surface of the soil deeply among growing crops to admit air to the roots, and keep down weeds. Flower Garden and Shrubberies.-Proceed with the propaga- tion of favorite sorts of roses , which may be wanted to increase, either by budding, cutting, or layers. Remove suckers from worked plants . ' Prune geraniums, &c., &c. The present month is a favorable time for transplanting large size evergreens, shrubs, trees, and herbaceous plants, so that the plants will have a chance of pushing a few roots to enable them to resist any cold dry winds during winter. Plants shifted this month will require but little attention in the way of watering in spring, compared with others transplanted late in winter. Field.-Sow wheat, oats, barley, and maize, and the different sorts of sorghum should be gathered as they ripen. Potatoes wi ll require to be earthed up and kept clean of weeds . This is GARDENING CALENDAR. 29

genera lly a busy month for cotton gatherers ; great damage is frequently sustained by leaving the cotton too long on the plant beforedt is gathered. MAY. Fruit and Kitchen Garden.-Look over bananas, pine apples, oranges, and other fruit frequently, and gather it as it becomes ripe. Orange trees should be thinned : the selection of sorts which are ascertained to be the most suitable for our climate is as follows :-the Bahia, the Maltese, the Sabina, the St. Michael's, the Siletta, the Canton Mandarin, the Emperor Mandarin, and the Thorny Mandarin. The best variety of lemon is the Lisbon ; and the West India Lime also thrives admirably, and should be largely cultivated. Plant orange, loquat; and flat China peach trees. Go over the stocks of trees which were budded in March, and let the bandages be loosened. Earth up celery, and attend to keeping a succession of peas, turnips, carrots, beet, parsnips, and a supply of salading. Tran t strawberries, cardoons, rhubarb, salsify, scorzonera, shirronions, &c., &c. The cutting and drying'rymg of herbs, as they are ready, should be attendedto. Flower Garden and Shrubberies.-Any of the shrubbery borders which may require a dressing of fresh soil and manure should be attended to. Tie up and stake chrysanthemums. Hyacinth and such like bulbs should be planted. Field.-Oats, wheat, barley, may still be sown, and the gather- ing of cotton must be attended to. The third cutting of tobacco is also an object of considerable importance to be done during this month. JUNE. Fruit and K itchen Garden.-Proceed with the pruning of vines , and the flat china peach trees. Hoe between cabbage, cauliflower, brocoli, Brussels sprouts, &c., &c. This should be frequently done to the growing crops through the winter. Transplant as in last month with strawberries, rhubarb, seakale, &c., &c. ; sow cabbage, onions, &c , &c. ; gather capsicums, ,:hills, and tomatoes as they ripen. Flower Garden and Shrubberies.-As cold nights may now be expected, scarce tender plants, which it may be desirable to secure before they are injured, should be carefully covered when there is the least cause to appaehend danger; root and prune geraniums ; plant and remove roses. This is also the proper season for transplanting red Pyrus japonica, Persian lilacs, mock orange , laurustinas , rhododendrons, azaleas, Guelder rose, cor- 30 GAEDE1IU G CALENDAR. chorus japonica, and Weigela roses. See to securing a good stock of cuttings of petunias, geraniums, &c., for spring use. Field.-Sweet potatoes, yams, arrowroot , ginger, &c., ., may now be dug up and used. The potato land is now to be ploughed up, and, in warm situations, a few may be planted. Clover, lu- cerne, and all kinds of grass seeds for pasture may still be planted. JULY. Fruit and Kitchen Garden.-The general thinning and prun- ing of the peach, nectarine, apple, pear, fig, mulberry, orange, vines, and other trees should be finished. Grafting of the orange, lime, lemon, &c, &c. should now be proceeded with. Plant fruit trees, as peach, cherry, apricot, quince, apple, pear, almond, and orange . This month is also regarded as the best for making new plantations of vines. Sow cabbage, savoy, Conve Tronchuda, (or sea-kale cabbage,) French beans, parsnips, parsley, mustard, cress, and herbs of all sorts. Plant onions, broad beans, &c., &c. Manure deciduo uit trees, &c., &c. Flower Gar Shrubberies.-Now is the period for laying the foundation o a fine law u, the pride of British gardening. Let all fresh turfing be complete, and take steps to fill up the beds in the flower garden as they are cleaned, for the purpose of con- tributing to the enjoyments of spring. Plant and remove shrubs, roses, &c., &c. Re-pot fuschias, begonias, acbimenes, gloxines, &c., for early flowering. Field.-Prepare the ground for potatoes, tobacco, maize, &c. Wheat, barley, oats, may be sown in late districts. Winter should hewer be neglected. AUGUST. Fruit and Kitchen Garden.-All operations connected with planting fruit trees, as apples, pears, quinces, almond, peach, cherry, apricot, orange, &c., &c., should be finished. If left after this month they will require much attention in watering, especially if large plants are removed. Grafting should be pro- ceeded with in the order in which the buds break. Sow cauli- flower, leeks, cabbage, spinach, chervil, cress, endive, cucumber, pumpkins, melons, &c., &c. Clear and loosen soil among growing crops. Flower Garden and Shrubberies.-Early overgrown herbaceous plants may now be divided. The exterior portion of the stools should be reserved, and the interior rejected. Continue planting amp.ryllis, crinums, and other bulbs. Flowering shrubs, such as magnolias , arbutus, camelias, azaleas, &c., may be transplanted. Field.-Plant potatoes, rice, maize. Sew sorghum saccha- ratum in seed beds for planting out ; transplant when six inches high, in rows three feet apart ; let the plants be a foot from t#ABDENTNG CALENDAR. 31

each other. Tobacco seed should also be sown this month in beds. SEPTEMBER. Fruit and Kitchen Garden.-Let sowings of cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, vegetable marrows, French beans, carrots, parsnips , beet, tomatoes, capsicums, &c., &c., be made. Trans- plant cabbage, savoys, couve tronchuda, &c., &c. Cut asparagus and rhubarb. See that recently transplanted trees are not suffering for want of water ; get all grafting completed, and give support to the early peach trees. Destroy caterpillars, and keep the land free from weeds among the vines. In warm situations loquats, strawberries, &c., ripen this month, and should be gathered. Flower Garden and Shrubberies.-These will now be becoming a little cheerful, and the plants rapidly making up the time lost in winter. Beds of petunias and verbenas, &c., &e,.,. should be pegged down so as not to be broken in stormy weather. Flowering shrubs may still be transplanted with care. Make layers of camelias, azaleas, magnolias, tea, coffee , &c. This is a good time to sow German stocks, asters, lobelias, &c. Amaryllis, gladoulus , &c., &c., begin to bloom this month ; protect them from boisterous weather. Plant dahlias in good rich soil. Field.-Sugar-cane, cotton, maize, yams, arrowroot, sweet potatoes , and artichokes may be sown and planted this month. Transplant tobacco. Earth up the potatoes and maize which were planted last month. Make progress in hay making. OCTOBER. Fruit and Kitchen Garden.-Attend to the vines frequently for the purpose of stopping and shortening any gross shoots, and keeping the growth nicely regulated. Gather strawberries, mulberries, Cape gooseberries, &c., &c., as they ripen. Sow melons, cucumbers , pumpkins, peas , French beans, onions. cabbage, and salading. Flower Garden and Shrubberies.- Roses will be the great attraction , and these should be frequently looked over, removing decaying flowers ; if these are allowed to hang on the plant, they have a very unsightly appearance. Stake and plant out dahlias, and make sowings of showy annuals. Dig up and store in a dry place any bulbs, so soon as the leaves are withered, to prevent them from rotting or unseasonable growth. Continue planting verbenas, geraniums, fuschias, &c., &c. Field.-The crops of potatoes, maize, &c., now begin in earnest to show promise of reward for the cultivator's toil. This is the best month for planting sugar-cane, ginger, arrowroot, yams, turmeric , sweet potatoes , earth nuts, &c., &c. This is also 32 GARDENING CALENDAR. the best month for sowing cotton seeds. These should be sown three in a hole ; let the holes be four feet apart on sterile soil, and six feet apart on fertile soil ; the seeds are better for being steeped in water a few hours previous to planting. Keep down weeds, and loosen surface of the soil among growing crops. NOVEMBER. E. iit and Kitchen Garden -Loquats, pine apples, bananas, guavas, &c., &c., such as are ripe or ripening, should be gathered when fit. Vines : loosen surface soil, keep down weeds, replace stakes where required, and destroy caterpillars and other insects. The peach, nectarine, apricot, almond, apple, and pear trees should be relieved of their superabundant and unhealthy fruit ; care being taken, in performing this, not to destroy the trees by shaking them, and thus injuring the heaviest of the fruit by parting it from the trees before it is in proper condition. Sow Hibiscus rosella, melons, cucumbers, pumpkins , &c., &c. Transplant capsicums, lettuce, &c., &c. Flower Garden and Shrubberies.-Ply scythe, hoe, and rake diligently, and at all times cut off all plants that have done flgwermg. Transplant annuals, choosing a showery day, and shade them. Field.-Attend to the plantations of sugar cane, arrow root, sorghum, ginger, cotton, &c Destroy weeds while young, and for this purpose use hand and horse hoes, as soon as the crops will admit of the operation. The crops of wheat will be ready for the sickle, and will require the farmer's careful attention to get the harvesting finished. Hay making should be finished this month. The cutting should be commenced when the grass is fully ripe ; remembering, however, that seeds ripen much after being cut, and if care be not taken, the grains will fall out.

DECEMBER. Fruit and Kitchen Garden.-Grape and other fruit should be gathered as it becomes fit. Flower Garden and Shrubberies.-There is little to attend to in this department at the present time, except keeping every- thing and every place as neat and tidy as possible. Dig up and store bulbs as soon as the leaves are withered. Trim edgings and rake up all rubbish, and gather flower seeds as they ripen. Field -Cotton plants, &c., must be kept free from weeds, surface soil loosened, and the superfluous shoots thinned out. Tobacco crops are now ready for topping. All side shoots are to be pulled out, and the superfluous leaves stripped o$, suffering only the larger and more fleshy to remain. Dig out the crop of potatoes , if ripe ; for if left in the ground , they will rot. SUNDAYS AND HOLYDAYS

Fos 1865.

January. 1st. Circumcision-Sunday after Christmas ; 6th. Epiphany; 8th. First Sunday after Epiphany ; 15th. Second Sunday after Epiphany ; 22nd. Third Sunday after Epiphany ; 25th. Conversion of St. Paul ; 29th. Fourth Sunday after .Epiphany ; 30th. K. Charles Martyr.

February. 2nd. Purification of the Virgin Mary; 5th. Fifth Sunday after Epiphany ; 12th. Septuagesima Sunday; 14th. Valentine Bp ; 19th. Sexagesima Sunday ; 24th. St. Matthew the Apostle ; 26th. Quinquagesima Sunday.

March. 1st. First day of Lent-Ash Wednesday; 5th. First Sunday in Lent; 12th. Second Sunday in Lent; 19th. Third Sunday in Lent; 25th Annunciation of Virgin Mary; 26th. Fourth Sunday in Lent. April. 2nd. Fifth Sunday in Lent ; 9th. Sunday neat before Easter ; 14th. Good Friday ; 15th. Easter Eve ; 16th. Easter Day; 17th. Easter Monday ; 18th. Easter Tuesday ; 23rd. First Sunday after Easter-St. George Martyr ; 25th. St. Mark Evangelist; 30th. Second Sunday after Easter.

May. 1st. St. Philip and St. James Apostles ; 7th. Third Sunday after Easter ; 14th. Fourth Sunday after Easter ; 21st. Fifth Sunday after Easter-Rogation Sunday; 25th. Ascension Day ; 28th. Sunday after Ascension Day. D 34 SUNDAYS AND HOLYDAYS.

June. 4th. Whit Sunday ; 5th. Monday in Whitsun Week ; 6th- Tuesday in Whitsun Week ; 11th. Trinity Sunday-St. Barnabas Apostle ; 18th. First Sunday after Trinity ; 24th. St. John the Baptist ; 25th. Second Sunday after Trinity ; 29th. St. Peter Apostle. July. 2nd. Third Sunday after Trinity ; 9th. Fourth Sunday after Trinity ; 15th. Swithm Bp.; 16th. Fifth Sunday after Trinity ; 23rd. Sixth Sunday after Trinity ; 25th. St. James Apostle ; 30th. Seventh Sunday after Trinity.

August. let. Lammas Day; 6th. Eighth Sunday after 'Trinity (Trans- figuration) ; 13th. Ninth Sunday after Trinity ; 20th. Tenth Sunday after Trinity; 24th. St. Bartholemew ; 27th. Eleventh Sunday after Trinity.

September. 3rd. Twelfth Sunday after Trinity ; 8th. Nativity of Virgin Mary ; 11th. Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity ; 17th. Fourteenth Sunday afterTrimty; 21st. St. Matthias Apostle; 24th. Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity ; 29th. St. Michael and all Angels ; 30th. St. Jerome.

October. 1st. Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity; 8th. Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity ; 15th. Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity ; 18th. St. Luke the Evangelist ; 22nd. Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity; 28th. St. Simon and St. Jude; 29th. Twentieth Sunday after Trinity.

November. 1st. All Saints Day; 5th. Twenty -first Sunday after Trinity; 12th. Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity ; 19th. Twenty- third Sunday after Trinity ; 26th. Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity ; 30th. St. Andrew Apostle.

December. 3rd. Advent Sunday ; 8th. Conception of Virgin Mary ; 10th. Second Sunday in Advent ; 17th. Third Sunday in Advent ; 21st. St. Thomas Apostle ; 24th. Fourth Sunday in Advent; 25th. Christmas Day ; 26th St. Stephen Martyr ; 27th. St. John the Evangelist ; 28th. Innocents Day ; 31st. Sunday after Christmas Day. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS

For the year ending Sept . 30th, 1864;




GEOGRAPHICAL POSITION OF BRISn4NE - - Lat., 27° 5) S .; long ., 153° E. Height above Sea Level, 70 feet.

RAIN-FALL.- 1863-64.

YEAR. MONTH. No . of Inches. No. of Days' Fall.

1863 October 9.30 13 days „ November 4.93 5 December 2 93 11 1864 January ... 4 47 15 „ *Febrnary ... 9.33 10 „ t March ... 948 10 >f April ... 3.13 12 May 2.63 15 June 301 10 July 304 7 August 4.89 4 September 0.98 7

TOTALS 58.12 119 „

* First half of month only. t Last half of month only.

NOTE -Owing to the death of the late Observer , and the consequent removal of the instruments , the observations for February and March, 1864,were so imperfectly taken as to rendertheir omission on page 37 a necessity. OCTOBER. NOVEMBER DECEMBER. 1863 . Max. Min. Mean Max. Min. I Mean. Max. Min. Mean.

9 a.m. 80.6 58 3 69 2 I 85.2 682 77'2 79 5 69 74.9 Thermometer (shade) 3 P- .M. 823 58 5 723 91.8 71.7 81.6 92 67 77.2 9 P.M. 70.5 58 63 8 76 58 2 69 74 62.4 68.2 Ditto (maximum shade) 90.1 62.4 79 98 5 77 86.6 94.7 76 82.2 Ditto (minimum shade) 65 8 428 566 69 44 594 65.2 50.2 60.5 Ditto (minimum on grass) 656 41 5 554 69 42'3 58.2 65 496 59 Ditto (max. sun-solar radiation) 106 89.8 986 117.2 89-2 106 1 110.5 85.2 1016 Barometer (No. of ( 9 a.m. 30'045 29471 29.806 30.030 29 644 29 872 30 095 29 378 29.869 inches reduced to 3 pm. 29.972 29 440 29 708 29 932 29 553 29 774 30.053 29 330 29819 32° Fahrenheit) 9 p.m. ... 30.014 29473 29 789 29 986 29621 29.849 30 089 29 367 29'865 Mean portion of sky 9 a m* •45 ... .., •45 ...... '64 obscured (1 repre- 3 p.m. .,, '47 1 ... '45 ... .. '57 sents whole sky) ( 9 P.M. ,., .., ... 44 ... 38 ...... -50 Mean pressure of 9 a.m. ... '473 ...... 567 ... ,.. '549 vapour in inches 3 p.m. •490 ...... 603 ... .. 537 of mercury 9 p.m, ... •455 ...... '573 .. ,., .547 607 635 Meanhumidity (satu- `9 a.m. 663 3 p in. 618 „• ... 560 ,,, 575 ration 1000) Cj ,.. ... 9 P.M. 768 ... .,, 809 ... 794 JANUARY. APRIL. MAY. 1864. Max. Mm. Mean. Max. Min Mean Max. Min. Mean.

9 a.m, 865 706 79'2 75.2 578 686 684 52 1 60.9 Thermometer (shade) 3 p.m. 932 71 8 837 885 695 768 81 65 71.1 9pm. 81 665 73'1 71.3 548 66 2 688 53 6 60-3 Ditto (maximum shade) 96.3 76 2 87'2 903 71.4 80.4 829 654 74 Ditto (minimum shade) 74.4 60 7 667 73 8 456 626 594 449 53.9 Ditto (minimum on grass) 732 582 65 742 46'5 63 5 623 46 7 55 Ditto (max. sun-solar radiation) 1167 835 1077 1088 816 941 1 99 74.3 86'4 Barometer (No. of 9 30-117 29 509 129 898 30.963 29 595 29 966 30 352 28 915 30.103 inches reduced to 3pm. 30 013 29 468 29 832 130.058127 923 29 807 30 249 29 833 30.145 32° Fahrenheit) 9 p in. 30.084 29 581 29 869 130-118 29 545 29.912 30314 29822 30.097 Mean portion of sky ( 9 a.m. '61 .. .301 •30 obscured(1 repre- 3 P.M. 52 .. •41 •40 sents whole sky) 9 P.M. •47 '21 ... •25 Mean pressure of 9 a.m. '705 ... •524 •427 vapour in inches 3 P.M. '700 ...... •532 •497 of mercury ( 9 P.M. '681 ...... •559 •458 a .m. 17 36 1 791 M ean h um idit y (sa t u- 7 7 5 9 . 615 l .. .,, 585 971 ration 1000) Cu 9 p.m. 886 ... 861 867 JUNE. JULY. AUGUST. 1864, Max. Min. Mean. Max. Min. Mean. Max Min. Mean.

(9 a.m, 66 473 56 3 60 47 546 65- 47.8 56.3 Thermometer (shade ) j 3 P.M. 782 61 661 706 58.3 646 79 55.4 67.6 9 P.M. 647 465 55 2 60 45.5 53.7 64.8 50 55.7 Ditto maximum shade) 79.3 60 2 68 79 62 63.2 78.2 60.9 66.7 Ditto minimum shade) . 56 2 376 48 5 53.3 37'4 44 57.5 822 45'5 Ditto (minimum on grass) 57.1 403 49 6 55.7 396 45.9 57.5 403 479 Ditto (max. sun-solar radiation) 91 3 65 8 75 92 64.7 786 90 5 63.7 80 Barometer (No. of 9 a.m. ... 30.459 29 5341 30 013 30 252 205851 29'979 , 30-222' 29.415 29 963 inches reduced to 3 p.m. ,., 30 285 29 501 29 935 30138 29 566 29.861 30.133 29 366 129 863 32° Fahrenheit ) ( 9 P.M. ... 30 384 29 515 30 017 30 204 29 639 29 894 30.221 29 415 29.928 Mean portion of sky (9 a.m. 95 .83 •68 obscured (1 repro. 3 p.m. ,., •87 •84 '77 amts whole sky) 9 P.M. .79 48 '72 Mean pressure of 9 a.m. 341 •394 •289 vapour in inches 3 p in. '312 •330 •345 of mercury IL 9 P.M. ,.. '3321 231 •326 9 a p.m. 754 948 638 Mean humidity (satu- 3 p.m...... 486 544 511 ration 1000 ) 9 p,m. 762 559 734 SEPTEMBER. 1864. Max. Min. Mean.

M IP I WWWiP l000VmeON 9 am. 733 51.3 63.8 Q F-'mW f.'y cp r, Cn Utm Ut Thermometer (shade) 3 p.in. 92.1 64.8 77 6 W IIl P D UOD

Cnn V- .005' t'D Ditto (maximum shade) 93 673 77 7 Ditto (minimum shade) .. 62 6 41.2 52.4 m m l v, -nimNmmaro Ditto (minimum on grass) 622 422 513 - mvw 5'_ 5mo.N p CT ep i-+Wt•+00DVOmWW Ditto (niax. sun-solar radiation) 110 76.9 85.4 Barometer (No. of 9 30 312 29577 30 027 e"ammvo

W WOON OrW NOm NiP p Mean portion of sky (9 a m. V ( W cD H obscured (1 repre- 3 p.m. m sents ;whole sky) 9 p.m. ,., 91 omora Nmmu wc. Mean pressure of ( 9 a.m. •377 vapour in inches 3 p.m. •398 N (+-ONNNN miV ci of mercury 9 P.M. -423 ww0vmui cvn t`aooWi w ci 9 am. 636 w M ean h um idi ty(satu- ` 3 p.m. 410 awWw

THE remarkable accuracy with which the predictions of Mr. SA%BX concerning the weather were fulfilled in Queensland during the year 1864, induced the Proprietor of this Almanac to procure a copy of his work, with the view of extracting some information from it for this year's publication. Mr. Saxby, it may be stated, is " Principal Instructor of Naval Engineers to H.M. Steam Reserve," and is stationed on board H.M.S. Devonshire, at Sheerness. Previous to the issue of the work* from thich we make the subjoined extracts, Mr. Saxby was favorably known as an author,, but it was not until the year 1861 that he commenced his prognostications in the Nautical Magazine, edited by Capt. A. B. Becher, R.N., F.R.A.S. He (Mr. S.) foretold, in his first letter (published in September), the fearful %eather by which the English coast was visited during the early part of the following November ; and his predictions, since then, ha\e almost invariably proved to be accurate. Our readers have heard very much of hereh r. Saxby, as to cause whose each name bad-weather has become day so to far be currentdubbed " Saxbyish ;" and by reading the following extract from his work, they will learn by what means he is enabled to arrive at such marvellous conclusions. We will now let Mr. Saxby speak for himself The following is what Europe now hears of as ' Saxby's Weather System:'- I found that the moon never crosses the earth's equator or reaches her position of stitial colure, without a marked

,,L * Saxby' s Weather System; or, Lunar Influence on Weather. By s M. Y, &N., &c., &c. Second Editaon . Longman sad Co., London : 1664. SA$EY'S WEATHER. SYSTEM. 41 disturbance of the atmosphere occurring at the same period. Therefore I began by combining these lunar changes and actual weather disturbances into the relationship of 'cause and effect.' In considering the cause, there was little difficulty in tracing it to disturbance of the electric system of the globe at such periods, in consequence of changes in the effect produced in our atmosphere by variations in the intensity of the attraction of the sun or moon, or both, as they vary their positions with respect to the earth. I had before me as a guide the well-known and recognised influence of the moon's attraction upon the tides. I find that the phases of the moon, properly so called, do not, perceptibly, affect the weather. That the period of new moon has a marked influence on the weatherwhen occurringnear the periodsof lunar equinox or lunar stitial colure, and that this influence is heightened con- siderably if at the same time the moon be in perigee. That the mere fact of her being new or in perigee is of no importance at any other times. So that when the lunar equinox or stitial colure, occurs at the same period as the new moon in perigee, the greatest atmospheric disturbances to which our earth is liable may then be expected with certainty of fulfilment. Now, either the moon crosses our equator, or is at her stitial colure (or greatest distance from our equator) about once in a week (it is possible that one of each may happen in the same week, according to the inclination of her orbit,) therefore there is an atmospheric disturbance from this cause, say once a week, and it is invariably traceable, as will presently be further explained. So ttiat this ` Weather System' is extremely simple. I fear many distrust it on account of such simplicity. For if we con- dense the definition of the above theory, it is mainly a mere question of the moon's declination. As shown by reports from abroad, I believe that its effeoa are universal, even at the regions of the trade winds, but there with less power, and this is easy to be accounted for if we con- sider the cause of the air currents of the earth. The method in which the weather is affected by the forces of the sun's roundmoon's attraction, is in the necessarily resulting sudden condensations of moisture in the atmosphere, or in the increased evaporatiop of moisture, according as the air is in a state of positive or negative electricity in a district, when dis- turbed by the sudden affection of the whole electric system at the periods above denoted. Now, sudden condensation of moisture in the atmosphere produces a partial vacuum, into which surrounding air necessarily rushes; hence the periodsof lunar equinox,or colures,are 42 SAXBY'S WEATHER SYSTEM.

periods of `atmospheric disturbance,' the intensity of such depending; much on localities ; and where such condensations or evaporations occur upon a large scale, some days may elapse beforeequi librium isrestored. High winds at these periods are not always accompanied by falls of mercury in the barometer, since no accumulation of the electric fluid (which is imponderable) can increase the weight of the atmosphere. A rising or steady barometer is not to be trusted at these periods, as severe gales frequently occur at such times without influencing that instrument. But a falling barometer at these times should never be disregarded. Atmospheric disturbance manifests itself in ways not always recognised by an unscientific observer. Were no absolute gale is blowing, its proximity is to be detected by the swift motion of `scud' (light, detached, fleecy clouds), and, in the absence of these, there may often, at the lunar periods, be seen dark angry clouds packed in long thin horizontal lines (strata). The months of April, May, June, and July show the lunar effects much more feebly than other months, although, as I have said, even in these, disturbance at lunar periods is plainly traceable by the meteorologist. The above disturbances operating as they do at the period of the lunar equinox, or stitial colure, being the immediate result of electric action, I call primary or electric, to distinguish them from another kind of atmospheric disturbance, which I call secondary or mechanical, and for the following reasons, viz. Whether from the nearer proximity of the equatorial regions of the earth to the moon, or from the peculiar action of what is termed thermo-electricity,' certain it is that such are the places which are subject to the greatest amount of precipitations or epndensations . We may, therefore, easily conceive that atmos- pheric disturbances are there generated on the grandest scale. In those parts of the globe where it is known that the air contains the greatest amount of vapour (from the greater evapora- tions within the tropics), a sudden disturbance of electricity causing such an extensive precipitation, would require an im- mense flow of air to restore equilibrium, and that the air assumes a whirling motion is only what we see in all fluids under similar circumstances, but that this whirling should always, in the northern hemisphere, be in a direction contrary to the hands of a watch, is no more than we should expect from the circumstances of the earth's motion on its axis being from west to east, while on the southern side of the equator, the whirl is in a contrary direction. These whirlings of air, moreover, have a pro gressive motion , always in a direction from the equator. SA.IEY 'S WEATHER SYSTEM. 43

Hen ce arises a means of distinguishing my theory into two distinct heads thus:- The primary effects of disturbance are immediate and stationary. The secondary are progressive , and they travel a con- siderable distance. The latter are known by the name of Hurricanes, or Cyclones as they are also called, and they require some further ill ustration. A ll seem to agree that Cyclones, which occasionally prove so destructive in the West Indies, come from the south-eastward, between the N.E. trade winds and the equator, originating in the region of about 10Q to 15° porth latitude, and (it is worthy of remark) they seem to form in all cases upon the grand wale, at or near the line of no magnetic variation, and commence their course upon it for some distance. It is so not only with the Atlantic Cyclones, but (as I showed some years since in the Nautical Magazine and also before a section of the British Association at Cambridge, Professor Challis presiding), it is also peculiar to those which derive their origin at or near the parallel of 10° south latitude, to the southward of Java. In corrobora- tion of this I give the words of Admurc.l Fitz Roy, at page 65 in the Weather Book for 1863: ,, The hurricane , or Cyclone , is impelled to the west in low latitudes, because the tendency of both currents there is to the westward along the surface; although one, the tropical , is much less so, and becomes actually easterly near the tropic , after which its equatorial centrifugal force is more and more evident , while the westwardly tendency of the polar circ ui t di- minishes , and therefore at that latitude hurricane Cyclones cease to move westward (re-curve, ) then go towards the pole, and subsequently almost easterly (in some cases ,) though commonly towards the north -eastward, ti ll they expand , disperse , or ascend . It is a mistake to suppose they travel very far," &c. And further (at page 112) he says:- "Whatever may have been the duration of anyone cyclonic storm in the Atlantic , in the West Indies , or in the Indian Ocean , no instance has yet been obtained here of a definite and reliablecharacter , of a rotatory gale lasting or travelling beyond four days." Now this opinion is contrary to that of Professor Dovi, who declares that in general the velocity of progression of the centre increases " as soon as the storm changes its course at the edge of the torrid zone," to reach which usually occupies nearly the whole of that period of four days. Dovd even gives instances of what he believes to Be authenticated Cyclone tracks, in which some have occupied ten or eleven days in sweeping the West India Islands and reaching just southward of Newfound- land (e.g. August 17th, 1827). He even gives details (in his 44 SAXBY'S WEATHBS 3YBTEM.

Law of Storms, page 178) as under, and it is important to me to quote this, because my `Weather System' seems to require a loner duration of Cyclones than four days, to which Adnflraal Fitz Roy would limit them. Professor Dove says :- "The storm which commenced in tin neighbourhood of Ma rt inique on Aug ust 17th, 1827, reached St Martin and St . Thomas on the 18th, passed to the N E. of Hayti, on the 19th reached Turk Islands, on the 20th the Bahamas , on the 21st and 22nd the coast of Florida and S Carolina on the 23rd and 24th Cape Hatteras, on the 21th Delaware, on the 26th Nantucket, on the 27th Sable Island, and Porpoise Bank on the 28th, and thus trave ll ed 3,000 nautical miles in eleven days." But, further, the main branch of the equatorial current sets from the equator to the north-westward, and merges into the Florida stream, which takes the easterly direction in its full sweep across the Atlantic ; and then, whether it be caused by the higller temperature of the Gulf Stream or by some mag- netic or electric repulsion of the continent, the course of Cyclones seems to be absorbed into the line of direction of the Florida Gulf Stream, which shunts them as it were across several con- tiguous lines of equal magnetic variation, and pl'sces them upon others in the direction of which (or very nearly) they reach the British Islands. Thus Cyclones always approach us from the southward and westward, and proceed towards the north-east-' ward ; and this known fact affords the Board of Trade the opportunity of warning the northern ports of an approaching Cyclone ; for there is another peculiarity about Cyclones which ordinary gales are free from, and it can easily be explained. If we stir water in a tumbler, it will be seen that the centre of the fluid is depressed in proportion to the velocity of the fluid, and it is just so in the case of a Cyclone. The rapid whirling motion of the air yields to the law of centrifugal force and the air leaves the centre, consequently, within the vortex the height of the air becomes lowered, or we may say the weight of the air becomes lessened, so that it causes the mercury in a barometer to fall in consequence of diminished atmospheric pressure. And, further, the same law which induces a vessel in sailing through the water to push a small wave before it, causes the mass of whirling air, in its progress through the atmosphere, to push its atmospheric wave before it, which necessarily, by increasing the height of the column of air, slightly raises the mercury : this I have frequently noticed, and have called it the 'premonitory wave' of a Cyclone. I observed it at daylight on November 13th, 1861, and have often since, and early in the forenoon of that day announced in person to the underwriters of Lloyds', as an indisputable proof that the Cyclone which I had predicted for the 14th was then not far from no; and, to may knowledge , telegrams by London shipowners were sent to 9LXBY '!{ WEATHER SYSTEM 45 the coast to warn accordingly , and in time too, for, as before observed, the hurricane or Cyclone reached the Downs in its fury early on the 14th. My reasons for so earnestly warning against the 14th were these : Cyclones, like all other general atmospheric disturbances, are produced at the periods of lunar equinoxes and stitial colures; and forasmuch as the stitial colure happened on the 5th, near the time of the new moon in perigee (before explained), I expected unusually well-developed Cyclones would be then generated in the regions of equinoctial calms ; and again, because they travel at the rate of about sixteen to twenty miles an hour, and through a space of upwards of 4,000 miles before they reach us, I have found it very accurate to allow upon an average nine days for the time of their passage to Great Britain ; and as nine added to November 5 gave the 14th, I in conse- quence,as on other occasions,predicted accordingly. It fre- quently, however, happens that their passage occupies ten, eleven, or twelve days or more, for they travel at various veloci- ties, so that when `due' we should watch the barometer care- fully, as we would for the arrival of a mail. The surprise one naturally feels at the prolonged main- tenance of the gyration of a Cyclone, diminishes when we notice that, according to Maury and others, as stated by Captain ale Kerhallet (in Considerations Generates sur l'Ocean Atlan- tique , and published in the Annales Hydrographiques of 1852, and also in the Nautical for 1855, &c ), no less than three branches of the main Atlantic Gulf Stream are directed entirely from it between the parallels of 40° and 50° north, thus, it is fair to assume, raising the temperature of the south- eastside of the main currentabove that of the north-eastern side. Hence, then, if Cyclones travel along the main course of the gulf stream of the Atlantic, they will pass between two masses of air of unequal density; and inasmuch as the mass on the left hand or northern side is the denser, so will the whirl of the Cyclone be in a measure maintained towards the left hand,' precisely in the direction it assumed at the time of its formation at the tropic. In other words, the Cyclone will roll along its boundary of denser air, as a ball would along a vertical plank which confined its lateral direction. Now it appears also from Captain de Kerhallet that this main branch of the Gulf Stream crosses a point in the Atlantic at about 50° north latitude and 30° west longitude ; but it would be highly interesting to see proof of the occurrence of Cyclones actually in that locality. For if we can only ascertain beyond doubt that Cyclones are ever found near that portion of the Atlantic, we may safely conclude that, inasmuch as all agree 46 BAXBY'S WEATHER SYSTEM. that Cyclones are formed in the Tropics-and the Admiral even explains the mode of their formation there-we may, I say, safely assume that Cyclones found in lat. 50° north and long. 30° west have travelled from the tropics. Of course, Cyclones in that district of 50° north and of 30° west would pass north- ward of Great Britain, and such moreover would .be expected to prove heavy and dangerous to shipping. It so happens that I can set this at rest if it be longer ques- tioned. With that anxiety to help me (in the solution of so grand a problem as weather predicting) which has been singularly manifested by officers of the great mail fleets of the kingdom- and especially at Southampton (whose interests in causing a theory so pretending as mine to be fairly tested no one can doubt-shared also by the members of the Dock Company), a letter, dated Dec. 18th, 1863, duly reached me with some parti- culars which I think of very great importance. I have not the pleasure of knowing Mr. Hedger, but he has certainly much assisted me in the confirmation of my opinion (and I thank him), by communicating an account from Captain Nicholson, of the Royal Mail steam-ship Adriatic, on her homeward voyage in November last, as to a terrible Cyclone in which he was caught for seventeen hours, close to the very spot to which I have called attention, viz. at lat. 50° north and long. 30° west : of course this Cyclone was on the track of the W d Gulf Stream, and precisely what we wanted to hear about. : s z s x s s z x s Very erroneousnotions are extantas to the form of these cyclones ; many suppose that viewed (if possible) from a distance they would appear like tall whirling cylinders or columns of air ; but if we consider the diameter of some of them to be, say 500 miles, while their height can scarcely be more than a mile or two, such a Cyclone is merely a disc of rotating air, an eddy upon an enormous scale, deeper or thinner as indicated by the barometer.

LIST or Dxys on which the weather may reasonably be suspected as liable to change, most probably towards high winds or lower temperat¢lne, being especially periods of atmospheric disturbance. 1865.--January ... 3rd-9th-16th-24th-30th. February . 5th-13th-20th-26th. N.B.-February 26th is likely to be a very dangerous period, with probably a high tide. „ March 5th-12th-19th-26th. N.B.-March 26th will probably be a dangerous pe ri od, with high tide. „ April 1st-8th-16th-22nd-28th. N.B.-The 24th to 28th may very likely prove greatly unsettled. SA%BY' S WEATHER SYSTEM. 47

1865.-May ...... 6th-13th-20th-26th. N.B.-From 20th to 26th is likely to be a very unsettled peri od. 11 June ...... 2nd-9th-16th-22nd-29th. 11 July .. ... 7th-13th-20th-27th.

ff August ... 3rd-9th-16th-23rd-30th. September. 6th--12th-19th-27th. October ... 3rd-9th-16th-24th-31st.

" November ... 6th-13th-20th-27th. 11 December . 3rd-10th-18th-24th-31st. The preceding apply to all parts of the earth's surface, even (in a diminished degree) to the trade belts. N.B. If the day marked prove calm and still, distrust the day after, and especially the second day after. The changes vary in intensity, but even at quiet periods they may be plainly traced in the scud flying with a velocity totallyat variancewith the stateof the air at the earth's surface, and the clouds at such times generally have a liny or stratified appearance, which usually indicates approaching rain. N.B.-As a general rule, electric agency is feeble in May, June, and July, as compared with other months. If, therefore, any changestake place in those months, they will most likely happen on some of the days marked. My own impression is that the winter of 1865 is more likely to prove frosty than windy. In bringing the above to the test of experience, a few memo- randa may prevent unintentional injustice towards the system. 1. Do not consider the prediction a failure if the weather prove moderate. The above days are dates of change, not of necessity periods of bad weather. 2. Watch for changes of wind at such times, and what sailors call its uneasiness -flying about from point to point with un- steadiness 3. A characteristic of these lunar periods (when they prove quiet) is fog and haze, very often setting in the day before or a few hours before the date given. 4. When the mercury falls for a day or two before a lunar day, expect its effects to last just about so long afterwards. The lunar period being the middle of the time of disturbance. 5. The barometer is not always affected by those lunar periods-but there is a tendency in the mercury to either change its direction up or down at such tunes, or the apex of a curve projected by it will happen at such period. 6. The rising of the barometer on or after the " second day after " generally indicates the returning of fine weather. 48 ROYAL FAMILY, ETC.


THE QUEEN (Alexandrina) VICTORIA, Queen of the of Great Britain and Ireland, only daughter of his late Royal Highness Edward, Duke of Kent, born May 24, 1819, succeeded to the throne on the decease of her uncle, King William IV., June 20, 1837 Proclaimed, June 21. Crowned Sovereign of these Realms, at Westminster, June 28, 1838. Married, Feb. 10, 1840, at the Chapel Royal, St. James's, to her cousin, Field Marshal His Royal Highness Francis Albert Augustus Charles Emmanuel, Duke of Saxe, Prince of Saxe Coburg and Gotha, (b. Aug. 26, 1819 ; d. Dec. 14, 1861) K.T., G C.B., &c. Issue-I. Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Princess Royal, b. Nov. 21, 1840 ; m. Jan. 25, 1858, Frederick William, Crown Prince of , K G. Issue-1. Frederick William Victor Alber, b. Jan . 27, 1859; 2. Victoria Elizabeth Augusta Charlotte, b. July 24, 1860; 3. a son, b. Aug. 14, 1862. II. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales, b Nov. 9, 1841 ; m. March 10, 1863, the Princess Alexandra of . Issue-a son. III. Alice Maud Mary, b. April 25, 1843 ; m. July 1st, 1862, Prince Louis of Hesse. Issue-a daughter. IV. Alfred Ernest Albert, is. August 6, 1864. V. Helena Augusta Victoria, b. May 25, 1846. VI. Louisa Carolina Alberta, is. March 18, 1848. VII. Arthur Patrick William Albert, is. May 1, 1850. VIII. Leopo*d George Duncan Albert, is. April 7,1853. IX. Beatrice Mary Victoria Feodore, is. April 14, 1857.


xecuthi$and Srgistxtiug.

EXECUTIVE. Govaaunu-His Excellency Sir George Ferguson Bowen, Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St. Michael and St. George, Captain-General and Governor-m-Ciuef of Queensland and its Dependencies, and Vice-Admiral of the same. Private Secretary and Aide-de-Camp - Captain Henry Dowdeswell Pitt, R A. Clerkto PrivateSecretary-A. V. Drury. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 49

E% ioaurve CouxcIL. President-His Excellency the Governor. Vice-President-The Hon. Robert George Wyndham Herbert, Colonial Secretary. (The Hon. Ratcliffe•Pring, Attorney-General. I The Hon. Arthur Macalister, Minister for Lands Members and Works. The Hon. Joshua Peter Bell, Colonial Treasurer. The Hon. John Bramston. Clerk of the Executive Council-Arthur Wilcox Manning.

LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. President-The Hon. Maurice Charles O'Connell. Chairman of Committees-The Hon. D. F. Roberts. Clerk of the Council and of the Parliaments - Henry Johnson. Librarian- -Rev. J. R. Moffatt. Clerk Assistant-R. E. G. Johnson. Usher of the Black - Francis Robert Chester Master. Messenger-James Doyle. Under Messenger-Charles Baldwin.

LIST OF MEMBERS. Bigge , The Hon . Francis Edward Bramston , The Hon. John Browne, The Hon. l yles Irwin Caulfeild Fitz, The Hon. Henry Bates Fu llerton , The Hon. George Galloway , The Hon . John James Gore, the Hon. St. George Richard Harris, The Hon. George Hobbs, The Hon. W illiam Hope, The Hon. Louis 194-ac, The Hon. Frederick Nevile Landsborough , The Hon. Wil liam McConne ll, The Hon. John McDouga ll, The Hon. John Frederick North, The Hon. Francis O'Connell , The Hon. Maurice Charles (President) Roberts, The Hon. Daniel Foley (Chairman of Committees) Simpson , The Ron. Stephen Smith, The Hon. Richard Joseph White, The Hon. Wil li am Duckett Wood , The Hon. Western. L' 50 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS.

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY. Speaker-The Hon. Gilbert Eliott. Chairman of Committees-Charles Coxen. Clerk of the Assembly-Lewis Adolphus Bernays. Clerk-Assistant-Henry Wpat Radford. Short-hand Writers and Clerks of Committees -Arthur E. Deighton and Charles Haines Barlee. Sergeant-at-Arms-Edmund Blucher Uhr. Messenger-S. Bateman. Library ditto-James Timms.

LIST OF MEM BERS. Names. Electorates. Bell, The Hon. Joshua Peter ...... West Moreton Blakeney, Charles William North Brisbane Brookes, William ...... North Brisbane Challinor, Henry Ipswich Coxen, Charles (Chairman of Com- mittees) ...... Northern Downs Cribb, Benjamin West Moreton Cribb, Robert .. East Moreton Douglas, John ...... Port Curtis Edmondstone, George East Moreton Edwards, John The Burnett Eliot$, The Hon. Gilbert (Speaker) Wide Bay Groom, William Henry Drayton and Toowoomba Herbert, The Hon. Robert George Wyndham West Moreton Lilley, Charles Fortitude Valley Macalister, The lion. Arthur Ipswich Macken2ie , Robert Ramsay The Burnett McLean, John Donald ... Eastern Downs Miles, William ...... Maranoa Pring, The Hon. Ratcliffe Ipswich Pugh, Theophilus Parsons North Brisbane Royds, Edmund Molyneux The Leichhardt Sandeman, Gordon The Leichhardt Stephens, Thomas Blacket South Brisbane Taylor, James Western Downs Watts, John ... Western Downs Wienholt, Arnold Warwick '*, • The six new electorates created by an Act passed during the last Session of Parliament-viz Maiyboiough, Rockhampton, Clermont, the Kennedy, the Mitchell, and the Warrego-had not chosen their first members when these pages went to press. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS, S!1

Colonial 5ecre#nrv's tparf e

COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Office- William-street. Colonial Secretary-The Hon. R. G. W. Herbert. Principal Under-Secretary-Arthur Wilcox Manning. Land Order Branch-Thomas Fitzarthur Smythe (3rd class) ; H. Stevens (4th class). Clerks-Randall Eden Webster (3rd class) ; George Lindsay D'Arcy (4th class).

REGISTRAR-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Temporary Office-Late Military Barracks. Registrar-General-Frederick Orme Darvall. Deputy Registrar-General-Rev. Robert Creyke. Messenger and Office Keeper-Thomas Dickins. Under this head are united four separate offices, viz.:- First-Real Property Transfer Office. Master of Titles-John Bramston, B.C L. Chief Clerk-Seth Lothrop Peterson (3rd class). Clerks-William Bell, and Thomas Mylne (4th class) ; James H. Raffles, and Thomas Hely (5th class). Draftsmen-Robert Creyke, junior, and William Gardner (5thclass). Copying Clerks-Paid by contract. Second-Head Office for the Registration of Births, Marriages, and Deaths. The Deputy-Registrar-General has no assistance in this Office: !'bird-Office for the Registration, Enrolment , and Issue of Deeds. Registration Clerk-William B. Stevens. *** Enrolment of Deeds paid by piece-work. Fourth-Oficefor the Compilation and Publication of Colonial Statistics. Temporary Assistant-Samuel Reynolds.

DISTRICT REGISTRARS. (Banana. -Lindsay B. Young. Broad Sound.-James Gordon. Condamine.-George Lionel Lukin. R5 52 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS.

gardapell (Rockingham Bay).-Roger Beckworth Leefe, .Dalby.-Frederick William Roche. Drayton.-Arthur Edward Douglas. Gayndah.-Matthew Airey. Goondiwindi.-Robert Vincent. Ipswich.-Wil liam Hendren. Kennedy (Bowen).-W illiam Charles John Doutty. Rockhampton.-Frank Newell Beddek. Mackay.-John T. Baker. Maryborough.-Charles Carrington. Boma.-William Moorhead. Nanango.-Charles F. Cumming. Peak Downs (North and South).-Wi ll iam Cave. Port Curtis.-John Score Powe. Princhester.-John George Wheeler. Springsure.-Henry E llis. Taroom -Michael Haynes. Warwick.-Wi lliam Henry Brown. St. George.-Quintin Acheson Thompson. Somerset (North Cook).-John Jardine. Surat.-Charles Frederick Doyle Parkinson.

BOARD OF EDUCATION. Members of the Board-Hon. Arthur Macahster, (chairman) ; Hon. Gilbert Ehott, (vice-chairman) ; Henry Buckley, Thomas Blacket Stephens, Charles Bernard Lyons, and Henry Challinor. General Inspector-Randal Macdonnell, District Inspector-J. G. Anderson. Secretary-Robert Bourne. HEAD TEACHERS. Brisbane (Normal School) : John Rendal,, Margaret Berry. Fortitude Valley : F. J. Keogh. South Brisbane : W. M'Intyre, Mrs. O'Driscoll. Ipswich: John Scott, Mary Walsh. Laidley: Arthur Hodgson. Drayton : John M'Ahster. Dalby : James Platt. Leyburn : M. M`Sw ceney. Warwick : James Kerr, Mary Condren. Goondiwindi and Condamine : vacant. Mary- borough : John Robertson, Maria Greer. Gayndah : Hercules Smith. Gladstone : Robert Harvey. Rockhampton : Charles Johnson, Kate D'Arcy. Little Ipswich : M. Lynan, Agnes Berry. Warrell Creek ( near Ipswich) : James Brady. Pine Mountain (near Ipswich) : John Y Walker. Eagle Farm (near Brisbane ) : George Williams. Bulimba Creek : Frederick Swanwick. NON-VESTED SCHOOLS. Kangaroo Point: J Cox. Fortitude Valley: Thomas Johnson. South Brisbane : C. Hedgeling. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 53

IMMIGRATION OFFICE. Board of Immigration-Arthur Clark Komba ll (Chaiinman) Kearsey Canaan , W. Hobbs, W. Thornton, Geo. P . Heath, and J. M'Kenzie Shaw. Immigration Agent-Arthur Clark Kemba ll. Health Officer-Dr. Hobbs. Health Officer at Lytton, and Assistant Immigration Agent- Dr. Purdie. Matron-Sophia Murphy. Wardsman-William Telford. f ASSISTANT. AGENTS, ETC. Ipswich.-S. P. Welsby. Maryborough.- R. B. Sheridan ; Matron, Mary M. Spines. Rockhampton.-W. H. Wiseman, P.M.; Wardsman, George Bennett ; Matron, Mrs. Bennett. Bowen (Port Denison).-P1iilip Pinnock, Esq., P.M.

Agent-General for the Colony in London-Henry Jordan.

ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH DEPARTMENT. Central Office- William-street Superintendent of Electric Telegraphs-W. J. Cracknell. Central Office, Brisbane. - Chief Station Master, A. F. Matveieff; Operating Clerk and Assistant, R. O. Bourne; Bookkeeper, J. M. Illidge. Ipswich.-Station Master, Walter Burkitt; Line Repairer, C. Winmett. Laidley.-Station Master, W. Bauer. Toowoomba. - Station Master, B. Hanna ; Line Repairer, J. Dear. Drayton.-Clerk in charge, J. Cramp. Warwick.-Station Master, Thomas Towell ; Line Repairer, C. Smith. Dalby.-Station Master, H. de J. Hall; Line Repairer, F. Davis. Tenterfield (N. S. W.).-Repeating Clerk, Arthur Burkitt. Lytton.-Officer of Customs in charge, Alexander Macdonald, Dunwich (Stradbroke Island).-Superintendent of Quaran- tine in charge, John Stuart Beach. Pilot Station (Moreton Island).-Senior Pilot in charge, R. H. Sholl. Cape Moreton.-Superintendent of Lighthouse in charge, J. Brayden. Superintendent of Works-O. G. Langley. Overseers of Works-D. Brown, E. J. Welch, O. Dillon, J. Clyde, - Creen. 54 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS.

POLICE. Commissioner -David Thompson Seymour. Chief Clerk-John McDonnell. Clerk-J. A. Boyce (5thclass). Banana.-C.P.S.-L. B. Young. A sergeant and 2 constables. Brisbane .-Po lice Magistrate-Hugh Hamon Massie. C.P S. -William Henry Day. Inspector-J. A. Lewis. 30 constables. Callaadoon .-C.P.S.-Robert Vincent. Sub-inspector-M. Fogarty. 3 constables. Clermont (Peak Downs).-Police Magistrate and Inspector- T. J. Griffin. C.P.S.-W. Cave. 3 constables. Condamine . - C.P.S.- George Lukin. Sub-inspector-J. Devine. 3 constables. Dalby.-Police Magistrate and Inspector-DuncanM`Diarmid Sinclair . C.P.S.-F. S. Bowerman. Sub-inspector-J. Apjohn. 3 constables. Drayton and Toowoomba .-Police Magistrate and Inspector- Frederick Rawlins. C.P.S.-A. E. Douglas. Sub-mspector- J. Foran. 7 constables. Gayndah.-Police Magistrate and Inspector-J. O'Connell Bligh. C.P.S.-Matthew Airey. Sub-inspector-T. Clohesy. 3 constables. Gladstone.-C.P.S.-Stafford H. Webb. 3 constables. Ipswich.-Po lice Magistrate and Inspector-Colonel Gray. C.F.S.-G. W. Dodwell. Sub-inspector-Edward Quinn. 20 constables. Inglewood.- Sergeant -G. J. Rooks. 1 constable. Leyburn.---Sub-inspector-W. Harris. 2 constables. Marlborough. C.P.S.-J. G. Wheeler. 3 constables. Marlborough--Police Magistrate and Inspector-W. H. A. Hirst. C.P.S.-Charles Carrington. 7 constables. Nanamgo.-C.P.S.-C. F. Cumming. Sergeant-G. Devine. 2 constables. Port Albany (Somerset).-C.P.S.-W. M'Clintock. Port Denison.- Police Magistrate and Inspector - Philip Pinnock. C.P.S.-W.C.J.Doutty. Sub-inspector-J. O'Connor. 2 constables. Rockhampton. - Police-Magistrate and Inspector - W. H. Wiseman.' C.P.S.-F. N. Beddek. Sub-inspector-W. C. Rogers. 10 constables. Roma. C.P.S.-W. Moorhead. Sub-inspector-G. Elliott. 2 constables. Springsure.-C.P.S.-H. Ellis. 3 constables. St. George.-C.P.S.-Q. A. Thompson. Surat.- Police Magistrate and Inspector-P. Macarthur. C.P.S.-C. F. D. Parkinson. Sub-inspector-John Conroy. 2 constables. QOTERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 55

Taroom.-C .P.S.-Michael Haynes. Sub-inspector-John Coffey. 3 constables. Warwick. -Po lice Magistrate and Inspector -J. C. White. C.P.S.-J. Oxenham. Sub-inspector -W. G. Watts. 5 constables. Waverley ( Broad Sound).- C.P.S.-J . Gordon. 2 constables. Westwood. 2 constables. Yaamba. 2 constables.

NATIVE POLICE. FrsT Dzvisiox. Port Curtis and Leiehhardt .-Inspector G. P. M. Murray. Sub-inspectors-B. S. Owen, W. F. Price; W. P. Bayley, A. S. Morisset, and T. B. Nutting. Sergeant- major, 6 camp sergeants, and 72 troopers. SECOND DIVISION. Nogoa.-Inspector-H. Brown. Sub- inspector-A. Beevor. 1 camp sergeant, and 18 troopers. TninD DiviszoN.-Maranoa.-Inspector-F. W. Carr. Sub- inspector- - Lambert. 2 camp sergeants, and 36 troopers. FOURTH Division.-Moreton Bay.-Inspector-Frederick Wheeler. 1 camp sergeant, and 8 troopers. FiFTw DivisioN.-The Kennedy.- Inspector -J. Marlow. Sub-inspector-T. S. Williams . 3 camp sergeants, and 20 troopers. Wide Bay.-Sub-inspector-R. Freudenthal. Rockingham Bay.-Sub-inspector-C. J. Blakeney. 1 camp sergeant , and 11 troopers.

FRONTIER PATROL. Maranoa.-W . S. E. M. Chart ers, and 5 white troopers.

WATER POLICE. Water Police Magistrate-W. Thornton. Inspector-John McDonald. A coxswain and four men, stationed on board the Prison Hulk Proserpine, at the mouth of the Brisbane River. Visiting Justice to the Hulk-H. R. Buttaushaw.

GOLD COMMISSIONERS. Calliope Diggings (Port Curtis).-Stafford H. Webb (Acting). Peak Downs.-Thomas John Griffin ; Sub-commissioner, W. Cave. Talgai Diggings (near Warwick).-J. C. White.

COLONIAL STORE. Acting Colonial Storekeeper-Henry Richards. Sto re man -D. Roughan. 56 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS,

BRISBANE GAOL. Gaoler-Samuel Sneyd. Matron-Margaret Sneyd. Visiting Justice-Henry It. Buttanshaw. Visiting Surgeon-Hugh Bell, M.D. Chaplains-Rev. J. It. Moffatt; and Rev. M. P. Renehan, R.C. Schoolmaster-Benjamin Reynolds. Clerk-John Cooling. 'Principal Turnkey-William Gillan. Ordinary Turnkeys-Edward Armstrong, Patrick Bradley, ddhn Hurford, Charles Bragg, James Tredennick, Henry Cox, George Taylor, George Robinson, Joseph Free, John Lang, and Stewart McWilliams. Porter-John Walsh. Female Turnkey-Jane Johnson. Executioner-John Hutton.

TOOWOOMBA GAOL. Gaoler-William Murphy. Visiting Justice-Frederick Rawlins, P.M. Visiting Surgeon-John Edward Stacey. Turnkeys-William French, Richard Fagan, Hugh Gorman, and John Bree.

ROCKHAMPTON GAOL. Gaoler.-Digby Gerahty. Visiting Justice-William H. Wiseman, P.M. Visiting Surgeon-William Callaghan. Principal Turnkey-Edward Sheehy. Turnkeys-J. S. Lee, H. Blaney, and Peter Donnelly.

LUNATIC ASYLUM. [About to be removed to the new building at Woogaroo.] ,Surgeon-Superintendent-Kearsey Canaan. Visiting Justice-H. R. Buttanshaw. Wardsmen-John Phillips, John Brosnan, Thomas Phillips, Patrick Brady. Female Warder-Ellen Sneyd.

MEDICAL BOARD. President -K eareey Cannan. Members-Drs . Hobbs, Be ll, Challinor , Cumming, and Callaghan. Secretary -A. C. Kemball. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 57

COTTON INSPECTORS. Brisbane .-Walter Hill. Ipswich.-A. M. Hutchinson. Mcveyborough.-R. B. Sheridan. Gladstone -W. E. Hilliard. Rockhampton.-W. J. Brown.

PUBLIC VACCINATORS. Brisbane .-Hugh Bell, M.D. Ipswich.-W. Rowlands. Toowoomba.-John E. Stacey. Warwick.-Samuel W. Aldred. Rockhampton.-Wi lliam Callaghan.


airministratiun of Instict.

SUPREME COURT. Chief Justice-The Hon. James Cockle. Puisne Judge-The Hon. Alfred James Peter Lutwyche. Registrar-John Abraham. Acting Registrar-Joseph Reynolds Ball. Chief Justice's Associate-James Stockwell. Mr. Justice Lutwyche's Associate-William Belson Wright. Curator of Intestate Estates-Witham Pickering. Clerk to Registrar-Gilbert Wright. Chief Justice's Tipstaff-Henry Dougherty. Mr. Justice Lutwyche's Tipstaff, and Court-keeper-R. Thorrold.

VICE-ADMIRALTY COURT. Vice-Admiral - His Exce llency Sir George Ferguson Bowen, G.C.M.G. Judge-His Honor James Cockle, the Chief Justice of Queensland. Registrar - James Stockwe ll. Marsha ll-William B elson Wright. Su*ogates - John Bramston , Joseph Reynolds Ba ll. 58 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS.

INSOLVENT COURT. Chief Commissioner - His Honor A. J. P. Lutwyche, Puisng judge. Official Assignee -William Pickering.

CROWN LAW OFFICERS. Attorney-General-The Hon. Ratcliffe Pring. Clerk-John Wiseman Wilkie. Crown Solicitor-Robert Little. Clerk-Edwin Norris. Messenger -Thomas O'Keefe.

SHERIFF'S OFFICE. Sheriff-Arthur Edward Halloran. Under-Sheriff-William Theophilus Blakeney. Messenger -John G. Stanmore. Bailiffs-Jeremiah Daly, Brisbane ; Charles Davis, Ipswich; William Maloney, Toowoomba ; Joseph Watt, Warwick ; Michael Marshall, Condamine; Edwin William Cattlin, Mary- boroagh; Thomas William Foley, Rockhampton; Robert Scott, Bowen; John Enright, Gayndah; William Scully Daly, Prin- chester.

CORONERS. Brisbane.-Robert Hancock. Ipswich.-Thomas Rowlands. Darling towns.-Otto Sachse, M.D. Warwick.-Samuel William Aldred. Gayndah.-W. H. Stevenson, M.D. Maryborough.-Joseph Ward. Rockhampton.-Wi lliam Callaghan.

MARRIAGE OF MINORS. The following Magistrates are appointed to give consent to the Marriage of Minors within their several districts Brisbane.-W. Thornton and W. Pickering. Ipswich.-Pollet Cardew. Darling Downs.-W. Armstrong. Warwick. J. C. White and J. W. Buckland. Talgai.-Thomas Hamner. Callandoon.-Robert Thomas Jamison. Goondiwindi.-Richard Purvis Marshall. Maryborough.-William H. A. Hirst and R. B. Sheridan. (GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 59

Gayndah .-John O'Connell Bligh, and Gilbert W. Eliott. 'Taabinga.-Charles Robert Haly. The Leichhardt.-John Scott. Surat.-Patrick M'Arthur. Rockhampton.-Wil li am H. Wiseman , R. H. D. White, M d John A. Larnach.

t nLzniat Vhasnrer's p e rxrttnent.

THE TREASURY. Ofice-Late Military Barracks. Treasurer-The Hon. Joshua Peter Bell. Under Secretary-William Leworthy Good Drew. Chief Clerk-Edward Boyd Cullen. Revenue Clerk-Lewis G. Rogers. Record Clerk-Henry Bulgin. Land Revenue Clerks-Richard J. Coley and Ralph S. Boyd. Pay Clerk-Charles S. Russell. Savings Bank Branch-Wm. C. Unsworth.

CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. Collector of Customs-William Thornton, (who acts also as Water Police Magistrate and Chief Inspector of Disti lleries). Brisbane -(Port of Moreton Bay). Chief Clerk-Daniel Rountree Somerset. Chief Landing Waiter and Inspector of Bonded Stores- William Haynes. Second Clerk-Frederick Taylor. Third Clerk-T. Yokes Dudgeon. Fourth Clerk-Win. J. Conolly. Junior Clerk-Henry Somerset. Second Landing Waiter-William G. Chancellor. Third Landing Waiter-David Elliott. First Locker-J. C. W. Bowman. Second Locker-James Bartley. Third Locker-Henry Webb. Messenger-Peter Hartley. Offile-keoper - Mrs. Hartley. 60 GOVERNMENT DEPAR TMENTS.

Lytton. Tide Surveyor-Alexander Macdonald. Two boatmen. Moreton Island. Coastwaiters-John M'Donald (Inspector of Water Police), R. H. Sholl, James Howe, and R. Cooper (pilots). Ipswich. Sub-Collector-A. M. Hutchinson. Second Officer-Thomas M. King. Messenger-T. Burrell. Hervey's Bay. ,Rub-Collector-Richard Bingham Sheridan (acts also as Arbor Master). Second Officer-Charles W. Rich (acts also as Shipping Master). Locker- - Falvey. Coxswain-John Goodwin, and 4 boatmen. Port Curtis. Sub-Collector-W. E. Hilliard (acts also as Harbor Master and Water Police Magistrate)- Coxswain-J. Campbell, and 3 boatmen. Port of Rockhampton. Sub-Collector-W. J. Brown (acts also as Water Police Magistrate). Second Officer-F. Sandrock (acts also as Shipping Master). Third Officer-J. W. Trotman. Locker and Warehouseman-R. P. Gilchrist. Coxswain-J. Brennan, and 3 boatmen. Keppel Bay. Coastwaiter-I. Warner. Broad Sound. Sub-Collector--James Gordon. Pioneer River. Sub-Collector-John T. Baker. Port Denison. Sub-Collector-Frederick Rilner. Second Officer- Messenger-James Morrill. Port Hinchinbrook. Sub-Collector-Roger B. Leefe, and 2 boatmen. QOFERNME&T DEPARTMENTS. 61

MARINE BOARD OF QUEENSLAND. Members-Henry Richards (Chairman) ; the Portmaster, Alexander Raff, and Robert Douglas. Secretary-R. L. Drew. 'Shipwright Surveyor-David Muir. Engineer Surveyor-John Murray.

HARBORS, LIGHTHOUSES, AND PILOT DEPARTMENT. Ofce-Near the A.S.N. Company's Wharf. Portmaster and Marine Surveyor-G. P. Heath, Lieut. AX Moreton Bay. Harbor Master-W. H. Geary, R.N. Shipping Master-R. L. Drew, Assistant Harbor Master And Pilot-Henry Wyborn. Sea Pilots - R. H. Shell (senior pilot) ; Richard Cooper (No. 2) ; James Howe (No. 3). Assistant Pilot-Alexander Don. River Pilot-William Woods. Assistant River Pilots-John Sang, and P. W. Jackson. Superintendent of Lighthouse-James Brayden. Master of Lightship "Rose"-Thomas Rooksby. Maryborough and Hervey's Bay. Harbor Master-R. B. Sheridan. Sea Pilot-Henry Croaker. Assistant Pilot-Joseph Montgomery. Port Curtis. Harbor Master--W. E. Hilliard. Acting Pilot-George Seeds. Rockhampton and Keppel Bay. Harbor Master-M. S. Rundle. Sea Pilot-Isaac J. Warner. Assistant ditto-Alexander D. Smith. River Pilot-Charles Haynes. Assistant ditto-Charles Birrell. Broad Sound. Harbor Master-James Gordon. Acting Pilot-William Pickin. 62 GOTERNMENT DEP 4 R DENTS.

PioneerRiver. Harbor Master-J. T. Baker. Acting Pilot-Martin Hanson. Port Denison. Harbor Master-Frederick Kilner. Acting Pilot-Robert Findlater.

POSTAL DEPARTMENT. *General Post Office-Queen-street. Postmaster-General-Thomas L. Murray Prior. Accountant-Alfred Nightingale. Clerk in charge of Foreign Letter Office-E. B. L. Hitchins. Corresponding-Clerk and Cashier-F. E. Salisbury. Clerk in charge of Inland Letter Ofco -J. E. O. Daly. Clerks-Frederick Hinton, g . T. Scott (4th class) ; D. A. Day, S. Y. Nettleton, J. W. Lawry (5th class). Junior Clerk-J. E. T. M`Carthy. Stampers and Sorters-J. Kelly, W. M'Cullough, R. Bower. Letter Carriers-J. 'Davis, J. O'Keefe, Thomas Wray, B. Gillespie,Robert Marshall. Messenger-S. Carter. Office-keeper-Susan Carter. Extra Letter Carrier-William Ormerod. Money-order Branch and Stamp Sale-room. Postmaster in charge-E. Barney. Clerks-J. R. P. Parsons and G. W. Glanville. *Ipswich. Postmaster-Richard Gill. Letter Carriers-John Evans, Joseph Cramb. *Rockhampton. Postmaster-John Smith. Letter Carriers--J. J. Regan, Joseph Maughan. *Toowoomba. Postmaster-G. Matthews. LetterCarrier-P. Murray. *Mcaryborough. Postmaster-J. H. Robertson. One lettercarrier.


SCAB AND PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. Commissioners for the prevention of the Spread of Diseases in Sheep-Joshua P. Bee, (Chairman-Ofce at the Treasury);-. R. R. Mackenzie, Francis Bigge, John Deuchar, Charles Robert Holy, and Gordon Sandeman.

PLEURO-PNEUMONIA ASSOCIATION. Maryborough.-H. Palmer, chairman ; - inspector. Gayndah.-The Hon. B. B. Moreton, Chairman ; H. Eliott, inspector. Gladstone.-A. W. Norton, chairman ; J. P. B. H. Ramsay, inspector. Pockhamvpton.-A. Archer, chairman ; Thomas Gordon, inspector. Bowen.-J. Hall Scott, chairman; A. J. McRae, inspects.

INSPECTORS OF SHEEP AND CATTLE. Port of Brisbane.-George W. Roebuck (Chief Inspector). Port of Maryborough -George Curtis. Port of Gladstone -R. Hetherington: Port of Rockhampton.-Donald McPherson. Port of Bowen.-Arthur Wiggins. Chief Inspector-John Broadbent. Warwick.-James Morgan. y Goondiwindi.-George T. Myles. Dareel.-W. J. Watts. 4y Balalie (Warrego).-G. G. Macpherson. LCwrrawillinghi.-Archimedes Lisburne.

le xrfinent of gams anb Mortis.

LANDS AND WORKS. Office- George-street West. Secretary for Lands and Works-The Hon. Arthur Macalister. Under-Secretary-Arthur Orpen Her6iert. Clerks-Hugh Stowell and W. M. Boyce (3rd class); A. R. Wettenhall (4th class) ; R. R. Davidson (5th class). Messenger -T. Poole. Office-keeper-Helen Poole. 40 YEBN) &ENT DEPARTMENTS. 65

S'URV'EYOR-GENERAL'S DEPARTMENT. Office- William-street. Surveyor-General-Augustus Charles Gregory. Deputy Surveyor-General and District Surveyor of Southern District-M. E. L. Burrowes. District Surveyor (Port Curtis)-A. F. Wood. Surveyors (1st class)-H. C. Rawnsley and F. E. Roberts, 'Moreton District ; C. F. Gregory, Leichhardt; W. M. Davidson, Wide Bay. Marine Surveyor-G. P. Heath, R.N. Surveyors (2nd class)-C. Stuart, Kennedy; W. C. Hume, Maranoa; G. T. Weale, Darling Downs. Licensed Surveyors-Brisbane: James Warner, F. H. Warner, Martin Lavelle, William Fryar, Edgar T. Huxtable. Ipswich : A. P. Linde, J. C. Thompson. Warwick: George Lowe Pratten. Dalby:' W. C. Wakelmg. Maryborough : A. Hull. Rock- hampton: T. H. Permien, G. A. Den Taaffe. Mackay: T. IT. Fitzgerald. No district : W. Hannam, E. W. Pechey, T. H. Binstead, J. Richardson, C. Colquhoun, F. Clarke, F. R. D'Arcy, J. Buchanan, L. F. Landsberg, J. Postlethwaite. Commissioners of Crown Lands-M. E. L. Burrowes, District of Moreton; A. F. Wood, Settled District of Port Curtis; W. M. Davidson, Settled District of Wide Bay.

DRAFTING} BRANCH. Chief Draftsman-E. J. Bennett. Draftsmen-W. Searr, T. S. Bailey, and J. O. Bourne. Lithographic Printer-H. G. Eaton.

CLRuicAL BRANCH. Chief Clerk-G. Huntley. Clerk (5th class)-T. W. Poulden. Supernumerary-C. F. Gorton. Office-keeper-C. Murphy. Rockhamvpton.-Clerk and Draftsman- Maryborough.-Ditto ditto-J. R. Warner.

LAND AGEN,'g8. Brisbane-J. R. Sabine. Bowen. -W. C. J. Doutty. Cardwell (Rockingham Bay).-R. B. Leefe. Clermont .-W. Cave. Condamine .-G. Lakin. Dalby.- Frank S. Bon erman. 66 GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS.

Drayton and Toowoomba .- P. Drummond. Gayndah .- Matthew Airey. Gladstone.- Stafford H. Webb. Goondiwindi .- Robert Vincent. Ipswich .- G. W. Dodwell. Leyburn.= Mackay.- Maryborough .- C. Carrington. Nanango .- C. F. Cumming. Rockhampton : F. N. Beddek. Springsure.-H. E llis. St. George .- Quentin H . Thompson. St. Lawrence .- James Gordon. Surat. - C. F. D. Parkinson. Taroom. - Michael Haynes. Warwick . J. Oxenham. Auctioneer for Government Land Sales in Brisbane - Arthur Martin.

CROWN LANDS OFFICE. Office- George-street. Chief Commissioner-E. W. Lamb. Deputy Chief Commissioner- Commissioners (Unsettled Districts) - Frederick Rawlins, Darlinq Downs; A. M`Doaall, Maranoa; W. A. Tully, War- rego; W. H A Hirst, Burnett; H. E. King, Lezchhardt; W. Carr Boyd, Mitchell ; M. Geoffrey O'Connell, North Kennedy ; W. R. Goodall, South Kennedy ; J. Jardine, North Cook. [The unproclaimed districts of Burke and Cook are under the immediate control of the Chief Commissioner.] Clerks-W. O. Norris (3rd class) ; G. M. B. Geary (4th class) ; A. Bulgin (5thclass). Messenger -C. Gamble.

LAND BOARD. Members-The Colonial Treasurer , the Surveyor -General, Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands, and Pr incipal Under- Secretary.

SOUTHERN AND WESTERN RAILWAY. Principal Offices-North Ipswich. Chief Engineer -A. Fitzgibbon. Commissioner -A. O. Herbert. GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS. 67

Conveyancer-H. Scott. Chief Clerk-G. C. Watson. Chief Draftsman-E. F. Hart. Draftsmen-G. Jobbins, D. S. Phistlethwaite, J. R. Atkinson. Assistant Engineers-A. S. Huntley, H. Stanley, W. Hannam, R. Stephens, G. Cannon. Inspectors-W. Jackson, W. Moran. Storekeeper-R. Dunbar.

NORTHERN RAILWAY. Chief Engineer-Henry Taylor Plews. Chief Draftsman-Richard Hugo Oswald Roericht. Assistant ditto-Frank Scarr. Clerk-Colin J. Chisholm.

ROADS DEPARTMENT-SouTnuRN DISTRICT. Offi ce-George-street. Engineer of Roads-Robert Austin. Chief Clerk-Henri Willson Haseler. Accountant-Thomas S. Henzell. Chief Draftsman-Henry Willson. Clerks of Works-David F. Longland , Brisbane ; R. Ramsay, Maryborougla. NORTHERN" DISTRICT. Engineer of Roads-Frederick J. Byerley. Draftsman-Arclubald C. M'Millan. Clerk-A. P. Gossett. Clerks of Works-T. B. Yates and A. H. Wood.

COLONIAL ARCHITECT. Ofice-George- street. Colonial Architect-Charles Tiffin. Chief Clerk-Edward Deighton. Clerk of Works- Francis Drummond Grevi lle Stanley. Second ditto-(Vacant at present). Extra Clerk-Eustace Henry Harries.

BRISBANE WATER COMMISSION. The Secretary for Lands and Works (Chairman), the Hon. J. F. Macdougall, the Surveyor-General, and John Petrie. Engineer -Joseph Brady. Secretary-L. A. Bernays. r* 68 COMMISSION OF THE PEACE.

BOTANIC GARDENS. (Open daily, from 6 a.m. till 6 p.m.) Director and Superintendent-Walter Hill.

THE DREDGE "LYTTON." Superior Officer-Minister for Lands and Works. Superintending Engineer-Thomas Francis. Engineer and Master of Dredge " Bremer"-Alex. Brown. Master Tug " Brisbane"-A. Cameron. Master Tug "Hawk"-J. Hall.

ubitor-GiuuraI's pt pzrfineni.

AUDIT OFFICE. Office - George- street. Auditor-General-Henry Buckley. Accountant-Francis Orr Bryant. Clerks-Gustavus Caesar Horstmann and Robert Harris Mi lls.


ABBOTT, Henry Palmer, Brisbane Adams, George, Gwambegwine .Aldred, Samuel William, Warwick Alexander, Robert, Gayndah Allport, Henry Curzon, Mitchell District Anderson, Alexander, Brisbane Anderson, Peter Dalgarius, Gigoomgan, Wide Bay Andrew, Thomas, Rannes, Leichhardt District Anslow, William Warner, Peak Downs Antill, John, Picton, Kennedy District Archer, William, Gracemere, Rockhampton Archer, Colin, Gracemere, Rockhampton Armstrong, William, Drayton ,Sbkins, James B., Moonie River Mcaetin, Robert, Brisbane COMMISSION OF THE PEACE. 69

Baker , John Tanner , Mackay, Pioneer River Baldwyn, Ezrom, Balonne River Barker, William, Logan River Barker , David, Nanango Barlow, T., Warkon, East Maranoa Barton, A. P., Moolbooluman, Wide Bay Bassett, William Frederick, Bowen, Kennedy Bassett, William, Maranoa Bayley, -., Skull Creek, Leichhardt District Beardmore, George 0., Wide Bay Beit, William, Drayton Bell, Thomas, Ipswich Bell, Joshua Peter, Jimbour, Dalby Berkelman, William Furlong, Greendale, Barcoo River Bernays, Lewis Adolphus, Brisbane Biddulph, J. L., Commissioner of Crown Lands, Albert District, New South Wales Bigge, The Honorable Francis Edward, Mount Brisbane , Ipswich Birkbeck, Samuel B., Glenmore, Rockhampton Black, John Melton, Fanning River, Kennedy Blakiston, Arthur Cuthbert Tyton, Peak Vale, Leichhardt District Bligh, John O'Connell, Police Magistrate, Gayndah Blomfield, Euston, Cockatoo Creek, Leichhardt Bloomfield, Edwin Cordeaux, Port Curtis Bloomfield, Robert, Pike's Creek, Warwick Bode, Frederick Robert, Strathdeu, Kennedy Borton, Frederick, Banana, Rockhampton Bonar, John, Burmandoo, Gladstone Boyd, William Carr, Commissioner of Crown Lands Bramston, Henry, Maranoa Broadbent, John, Chief Inspector of Sheep Broughton, Alfred Delves, Rockhampton Brown, Alfred Henry, Gladstone Brown , Samuel, Moonie River Brown, Arthur, Wide Bay Brown , John Evans, Maranoa Brown, William John, Rockhampton Bryden, Hugh, Woolama, Moonie River Buchanan, Alexander, Rockhampton Buchanan, Archibald Beardmore, Cairdbaigin, Leichhardt Buchanan , Benjamin, Sydney, New South Wales Buchanan , Nathaniel, Mitchell District Buckland , James Warwick, Warwick Buckley, Henry, Auditor-General, Brisbane Burke, Stephen John, M.D., Drayton TO COMMISSION OF THE P17ACE.

Byrne, Henry, West Maranon Burnett, J. F., Peak Downs Burnett, Thomas, Mount Cecil, Kennedy Burnett, William Thomas Young, Peak Downs Buttanshaw, Henry Reginald, Brisbane Byerley, Frederick, Saltwater, Kennedy Byrnes, James, Sydney, New South Wales

Callaghan, William, Rockhampton Caldwell, Thomas Pringle, Tarnallan, Leichhardt Cannnn, Kearsey, Brisbane Cameron, Alpin Grant, Culeraiegie, Gayndah Campbell, Edwin John, Redbank, Ipswich Canning, Alfred, Redbank, Gayndah Cardell, Henry, Maranoa Cardew, Pollett, Euroombah, Leichhardt Carnegie, The Honorable John, Commander Royal Navy, H M.S. Salamander Carr, Frederick William, Inspector Native Police, Maranoa Carr, John de Burgh, Warwick Caswell, Henry D., Gayndah Cave, William, Sub=commissioner of Gold Fields Challiuor, Henry, Ipswich Charters, William Skelton Ewbank Melbourne, Maranon Clapperton,George, Tarong, Nanango Clarke, Charles, Talgai, Warwick Clarke, Charles James, Port Curtis Clarke, John Ker, Leichhardt District Clarke, Duncan, Leichhardt District Clayton, Octavius Plateo, Boomba, Maranoa Cochrane, John, Gulnarber, West Maranoa Cockbt$n, Henry Montague, Ipswich Collins, James Carden, Coochin, Ipswich Compigne, Alfred William, Nindooinbah, Albert River Conolly, Francis Glynn, Gayndah Connor, Daniel, Collaroy, Rockhampton Corfield, Henry Cox, Staunton Harcourt, Wide Bay Cowper, Thomas, Police Magistrate, Tenterfield, New South Wales Cox, Charles Clarendon, Windah, Leichhardt Coxend--Charles, Brisbane Coxen,$enry William, Condamine Crawford, Robert, Consuelo, Leichhardt Cribb, Robert, Brisbane Cribb, Benjamin, Ipswich Cudmore, Daniel, Argyle, Kennedy COMMISSION OF THE PEACE. 71

Cunningham, Edward, Molonglong, Kennedy Cunningham, Michael William, Molonglong, Kennedy Cuthbert, William Pinkerton, Bowen, Port Denison Dangar, Thomas Gordon, Maranoa Darby, Arthur Swift, Warkon, Maranoa Dargin, John Wiseman, Bowen, Port Denison Darvall, Frederick Orme, Brisbane Daveney, Charles Beevor, Warwick Davidson, William Montgomery, Marvborough Davidson, Gilbert, Canning Downs, Warwick Davidson, J. P., Claverton, Warrego River Davidson, Walter, Taroom, Leichhardt Davis, Sydney Beavan, Peak Downs Davis, Samuel, Brisbane Day, Edward Denny, Police Mhgistrate, Maitland, New South Wales Deedes, Julius, Maranoa De Satge, Oscar, Gordon Downs, Marlborough Deuchar, John, Glengallan, Warwick Dillon, John Moore, Moorsland, Kennedy Dorsey, William MacTaggart, Ipswich Douglas, Robert, Brisbane Douglas, John, Brisbane Dowling, Vincent, Mitchell District Dowzer, James, Maryborough Drew, W. L. G., Brisbane Drury, Edward Robert, Brisbane Dutton, Charles Boydell, Eingindah, Leichhardt Easton, Frederick Charles, Tarawinaba, Callandoon Easton, Henry Edward, Billa Billa, Callandoon Edmondstone, George, Brisbane Edwards, John, Ban Ban, Gayndah Edwards, Charles, Fort Bourke, New South Wales Eliott, The Honorable Gilbert, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Eliott, Gilbert William, Gayndah Elliott, Thomas, Tilpal, Rockhampton Faircloth, George, Ipswich Fattorini, Charles Lamonnerie Dit, Ipswich Ferguson, Archibald, Walloon Ferrett, John, Wallann, Condamine Finch, Edward James, Mackenzie River, Leichhardt District Fitz, The Honorable Henry Bates, Pilton, Drayton Fitzsimmons, Charles, Rockhampton 72 COMMISSION OF THE PEACE.

Flood , Edward, Maranon Flood, Edward, jun., Maranon Foote, James, Ipswich Forbes, George Edward, Colinton, Ipswich Forbes, Frederick Augustus, Ipswich Forsyth, John, Rockhampton Fosberry, William Thomas Exham, Eurella , Fitzroy Downs Frazer, John, Carnarvon, Warrego River

Gaden, William Henry, Canoona Galloway, The Honorable John James, Brisbane Garrett, John, Police Magistrate, Bourke, IN. S. Wales Geary, William Henry, Brisbane Geary, Edward Montague, Leichhardt George, Isaac Arrott, Ipswich Gibson, James , Chinchilla, Condamine Gillespie, Thomas, Waiwick Gilmour, James Merry, West Maranoa Glen, John, Nulalbin Golden, George Lewis, Juandah, Dawson Goodall, William Robert, Commissioner of Crown Lands Gore, The Honorable St. George Richard, Warwick Gerry, Christopher, Ipswich GMham, Dugald, Wigton, Gayndah Graham, Charles Stewart, Tambourine, Logan River Grant, Alexander Ogilvie, Dalgangall, Gayndah bray, Charles George, Police Magistrate, Ipswich Green, Charles Henry, Goomburra, Warwick Green , William Benjamin, Mondure, Gayndah Green, William, jun., Mondure, Nanango Gregory, Augustus Charles, Brisbane Gregory, Henry Churchman, Palm-tree Creek, Taroom Gregory, Charles Frederick, Commissioner of Crown Lands, 'Leichhardt Gregory, Francis Thomas, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Maranoa Gregson, Jesse, Rainsworth, Leichhardt Griffin, T. J., Police Magistrate, Peak Downs Gunn, Donald, Toolburra, Warwick

Haege , Henry, Toowoomba, Darling Downs Halloran[, Arthur Edward, Sheriff, Brisbane Haly, Charles Robert, Taabinga, Gayndah Hammond, Henry, Fort Bourke, New South Wales Hammond, William Henry Balonne River Hanmer, Thomas , Talgai , Warwick COMMISSION OP THE PEACE. 73

Harden , Henry Scott, Northampton Downs, Barcoo River Hardie, John, Fassifern, Ipswich Harris, The Honorable George, Brisbane Harris, John, London Harriett, Thomas Waire, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Warrego, New South Wales Harrison , Thomas Frederick, West Maranon, Hay, James Leith, Kennedy Hay, Houston Stewart Dalrymple. Macintyre Brook Hazzard, Robert, Ballalyna, Moome River Heath, George Poynter, Brisbane Henderson, Andrew Inglis, Jimboomba, Logan River Hendren, William, Ipswich Henning, Edward Biddulph, Rockhampton Henry, Ernest, Mount McConnell, Kennedy Herbert, The Honorable Robert George Wyndham, Brisbane Herbert, Arthur Orpen, Brisbane Heussler , John Christian, Brisbane Hill, Thomas, Euranbah, Narran River Hilfling, Emilius, Havilah, Kennedy Hilliard, William Edward, Gladstone Hirst, W. H. A., Police Magistrate, Maryborough Hobbs, The Honorable William, Brisbane Holt, William Harvey, Kolonga, Gayndah Hood, James Low, Peak Downs Hooke, James, Rochdale, Dawson Hope, The Honorable Louis, Kilcoy, Ipswich Hovell, William Hilton, Goulburn, New South Wales Hughes, Robert Maurice, Fort Bourke Hunt, James, Buroondah, Dawson Hunter , William, Maranon Hunter, Robert Miller, Rockhampton Hutchinson , A. M., Ipswich Hutchinson , Frederick R., Widgee Widgee, Maryborough

Isaac, The Honorable Frederick Neville, Gowrie, Darling Downs Ivory, Alexander, Eidsvold, Gayndah

Jamison, Robert Thomas, Callandoon Jardine, John, Police Magistrate, Port Albany Johnson, Charles, Leicester, Buroondah, Dawson Joiner, Philip, Cape River, Kennedy Jones, Thomas, Barambah, Nanango Jones, Thomas Heys, Ipswich Jones, David Maunder, Boonara , Gayndah Jordan , Henry, Brisbane 74 COMMISSION OF THE PEAM X-

Kelman , William, Ghinghinda,eichhardt Kelman, John, Melton Downs, Leichhardt $ellett, Robert, Kennedy District Kemball, Arthur Clark, Brisbane Kennedy, William Francis, Tiervboo, Condamine Kent, William, Jondaryan, Dalby Ker, Claudius Augustus, Leichhardt King, Henry Edward, Commissioner of Crown Lands , Mitche ll District King, Charles Macarthur, Ipswich

Lack, Edward, junr., Wigton, Gayndah Lamb, Edward William, Brisbane Lambert, William Frederick, Greendale, Barcoo River Lamotte, Frederick Charles, Tenningering, Gayndah Landsborough, James, Gladstone Landsborough, The Honorable William, Rockhampton Larnach, John Alexander, Rockhampton Lawless, Clement, Boombigan, Gayndah Lawson, Robert, Gayndah Lee, Archibald, Wallumbilla, East Maranoa• Leefe, Roger Beckwith, Rockingham Bay Jester , Leonard Edward, Rosenthal, Warwick Lethbridge, Christopher, Condamine Living, John, Port Curtis Living, George Nicol, Cooglebindah, Leichhardt Livingstone, John, Gayndah Loader, William, Dareel, Moonie River Long, William, Bungaban, Dawson River Low, Jacob, Callandoon Low, Hamilton Lambert, Bilston, West Maranoa Lyons, Charles Bernard, Brisbane

Macale, Walter, Warrie, Moonie River Macalister, The Honorable Arthur, Brisbane Macarthur, Patrick, Police Magistrate, Surat MacCartney, John Arthur, Glenmore, Rockhampton Macdonald, Campbell Livingstone, Logan River Macdonald, Peter Fitzallan, Yaamba Macintosh, Peter, Rio, Leichhardt District Mackay, Colin Campbell, Rockhampton Macken* , Robert Ramsay, Brisbane Manche% John Charles, Doondie, West Maranoa Manning, Arthur Wilcox, Brisbane Mansfield , Percival Douglas, Rockhampton Mant, George, Gigoomgals , Wide Bay COMMISSION OF THE PEACE.. 75

Manton , John A ., Peak Downa* Margetts , Fr ederick , Warwick Marlay, Edward Fische, Clifton , Darling Downs Marlow, John , Inspector Native Po lice Marsh, Charles Wil liam, Maryland Marshall , Richard Purvis , Call andoon Marsha ll, Lampson , Callandoon Massie, Hugh Hamon , Police Magistrate , Brisbane Master, Francis Robert Chester , Brisbane Mayne, Crawford , Littlecote, Leichhardt Mayne, Edward Graves, Waverley , Broad Sound Mayne, John Colburn, Wombo , Condamine Mayne, Robert William, Traverston , Wide Bay McAndrew , James, Possession Creek, East Maranoa McArthur , John , Glenelg, Warwick McConnell , The Honorable John, Durundur McConnell , David, Cressbrook , Ipswich McDonald , John Graham , Dalrymple , Kennedy McDonald , John Macpherson , Callandoon McDougall , The Honorable John Frederick , Brisbane McDowall , Archibald, Commissioner of Crown Lands McKay, Duncan Forbes, Nmdigua lly, Moonie River McKay, Hugh, Surat McLean, John Donald , Westbrook , Drayton McLean, George Robertson, Brunel Downs , West Maranoa McLerie, John , Inspector -General of Police, New South Wales Miller, Robert , Kinnoull , Leichhardt District Mills, Michael , Cleveland, Kennedy District Missing, Henry , West Maranoa Moffatt, Samuel , Darling Downs Moore, Thomas , Goolnaharbor , Balonne River Mo re ton, The Honorable Basil Berkeley , Wetheron , Gayndah Moreton, The Honorable Seymour , Wetheron, Gayndah Moreton , Frederick , Kahde, Port Curtis Morey, Edmund , Maranoa Moriarty , Abram Orpen , Sydney Morisset , Edric Norfolk Vault , New South Wales Morisset , Rudolph , Inspector Native Po lice Tort, Henry , Sydney, New South Wales Morton, Fredericks Gladstone Monro, A. P. Hale, Headington , Leichhardt Murray, George P. M, Inspector Native Police Murphy, John , Ipswich Murphy, John Michael , Auburn, Burnett District Myles, William, Dulacca, Condamine Mayne, Graham , Eatanswi ll, Clarence River 76 COMMISSION OF THE PEAC$.

Newton, -, Skull Creek, Leichhardt District Nicol, Henry Hedger, Ballandine, Warwick Norman, William Henry, Melbourne, Victoria North, The Honorable Francis, Ipswich North, Joseph, Ipswich North, William, Ipswich North, Samuel, Water Police Magistrate , Sydney, New South Wales Norton, Albert, Gladstone

O'Connell, The Honorable Maurice Charles, President of the Legislative Council O'Connell, Maurice Geoffrey, Commissioner of Crown Lands Okeden, David Parry, Burrandowan, Gayndah

Palmer, Arthur Hunter, Bungil, Maranoa Palmer, Henry, Maryborough Palmer, Richard Edward, Gladstone Palmer, John, Rockhampton Panton, John, Ipswich Parbury, Alfred, Cockatoo Creek, Leichhardt District Pascoe, Robert James, Lieutenant Royal Marines, Somerset Patton, Robert, Aibmia Downs, Leichhardt Petrie, John, Brisbane Pettigrew, William, Brisbane Peyton, Nicholson, Mundubbera, Gayndah Pigott, Peter, Gayndah Pinnock, Philip, Police Magistrate, Bowen, Port Denison Pitt, Henry Dowdeswell, Brigade-'Major of Volunteers , Brisbane Flews, Henry Taylor, Rockhampton Price, Edmund H., Naraug Creek, Moreton Bay Prior, Thomas Lodge Murray, Brisbane

Rae, Arthur J., Bindango, Maranoa Raff, George, Brisbane Raff, Alexander, Brisbane Ramsay, John Bonar Peter, Rockhampton Ranken, John, Ipswich Ranken, George, junr., Rockhampton Ranken, James, Denison Creek, Leichhardt District Rayvlins, Frederick, Police Magistrate, Drayton and Toowoomba Rawnsley , Henry C., Brisbane Rawsoi f, William, Rosewood, Ipswich Raymond , Gerald W., Burton Downs, Leichhardt District Reid , James Blane , Maryborough Reid , James, Camboon, Leichhardt COMMISSION OP THE PEACE. 77

Richards, Henry, Brisbane Richards, William, Springsure, Leichhardt Riley, Alexander Reiby, Tenterfield, New South Wales Robison, Hugh, Rockhampton Roche, Frederick William, Dalby Rogers, William, Chinchilla Rolleston, Christopher, Sydney, New South Wales Roope, William, Cullenaringo, Leichhardt Rowlands, Thomas, Ipswich Royds, Charles James, Juandah, Dawson Royds, Edmund Molyneux, Juandah, Dawson Rule, John, Mitchell District Rundle, William S., Rockhampton Russell, Henry Stuart, Sydney, New South Wales Rutherford, John, Fort Bourke Sachsd, Otto, Toowoomba Sale, John Townsend, Rockhampton Sandeman , Gordon, Burrandowan, Gayndah Sandeman, Alfred, Felton, Drayton Scott, Arthur Jervoise, Valley of Lagoons, Upper Kennedy Scott, David Charles Frederick, Police Magistrate, Sydney, New South Wales Scott, James Hall, Kennedy District Scott, John, Palm-tree Creek, Leichhardt Scott, Richard, Port Denison Scott, Walter Jervoise, Valley of Lagoons, Upper Kennedy Sellheim, Philip Alexander, Strathmore, Kennedy Seymour, David Thomson, Commissioner of Police, Brisbane Sharpe, Edward, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Albert District, New South Wales Sheridan, Brinsley George, Lotus Creek, Leichhardt Sheridan, Richard Bingham, Maryborough Silvester, Christopher Henry, Kooingal, Leichhardt District Sim, William, Amby Downs, East Maranoa Sinclair , Duncan Macdiarmid, Police Magistrate, Dalby Slack, John Richard, Coolaharbor, Maranon Smith, The Honorable Richard Joseph, Ipswich Snape, James, Police Magistrate, Warialda, New South Wales Snell, John C., Ellangowan, Darling Downs Somer, Philip, Kennedy District Stacey, John Edward, Toowoomba Stenhouse, William, Allandale, Kennedy Stephens, Thomas Blacket, Brisbane Stevenson , William Hercules, Gayndah Stewart, William R., Peak Downs, Rockhampton 78 COMMISSION OP THE PEACE.

Stewart , William, Boondooma , Gayndah Storey, A. B. Herbert, Tenningering , Gayndah St. George, Howard, Rockhampton St. Jean, Ernest de, Gowrie, Drayton Strathdee , Robert, Gayndah

Taylor, James, Toowoomba Thomas, Alfred Cayley, Dykehead, Gayndah Thompson, Abraham Hamilton, Toowoomba Thompson, William, Orion Downs, Leichhardt Thomson, Archibald McMurdo, Toowoomba Thomson, William, Nundubbermere, Warwick Thorn, George, Ipswich Thornton, William, Brisbane Tiffin, Charles, Brisbane Tom, Henry, illebah, Maranoa Tom, Charles, Gayndah Travis, Robert, Maryborough Tully , William Alcock, Commissioner of Crown Lands , `Kennedy District Turner , John Sargent, Brisbane Turner, William, Helidon, Ipswich Tymons, James Blood, Gayndah

tar, Edmund Blucher, Sergeant -at-Arms, Legislative Assembly

"Van Wessem , Theodoor Willem, Princhester Vignoles, Francis Dure ll, Western Creek, Drayton

Walker, Thomas Gabriel, Leura, Leichhardt Ward, Joseph Haydon, Coroner, Maryborough Watts, John, Eton Vale, Drayton Weaver, E. G., Warrego River Webb, George Dudley, Brisbane Whisb, Claudius B., Cabulture River Whitchurch, John Samuel, Felton, Drayton White, The Honorable William Duckett, Beaudesert, Logan River White, James Charles, Police Magistrate , Warwick White, Robert Hoddle Driberg, Rockhampton 'Wienholt, Arnold, Maryvale, Warwick Wienholt, Arthur, Maranoa Wienholt Daniel, Ipswich Wienholt, Edward, Rosalie Plains, Dalby Wilkie, John Perrell, Daandine, Dalby Welkin, John, Euglefield, Kennedy District LEGAL -PROFE88ION. 79

Wills, Thomas W., Cullinaringe, Leichhardt Wilson, George Henry, Ipswich Wilson, John Kerr, Maranoa Wilson, Robert Kerr, Maranoa Wiseman, William,Henry, Police Magistrate, Rocklapmpton Wiseman, Solomon. Tripoli, Balonne River Wood, Arthur Francis, Rockhampton Wood, The Honorable Western, Gayndah Wood, Edward, Lake Victoria, Leichhardt Woore, John P., Commissioner of Crown Lands, Warrego District, New South Wales Wyndham, Alexander, Winton, Macintyre Brook

Yaldwyn, John, Humboldt Creek, Leichhardt.



BARRISTERS. Ratcliffe Pring, Attorney-General. Charles W. Blakeney J. Mackenzie Shaw John Bramston Michael Haynes R. G. W. Herbert J. R. Ball John Gore Jones George W. Paul William Cary G. H. Wayte John Hubert Plunkett E. M'Devitt Charles L illey P. A. Buckley William H. A. Hirst Edward Hacking Marshall Burdekin Frederick A. Cooper.

PRACTISING ATTORNEYS. Brisbane .-Robert Little, Daniel Foley Roberts, Edwin J. Caulfeild Browne, James Frederick Garrick, R. C. J. Cooke, W. K. Macnish, R. K. Macnish, Arthur Macalister, Edward Doyle, Gustavus Hamilton, and John James Wilson. Ipa vich.-Charles Frederick Chubb, John Malbon Thompson, Ambrose Sullivan, and H. Bathe. Toowoo4nba.-John Ocook. so LAG A.L PaoFESSION. Warwick.-John Oxenham. Maryborough .-Wi lliam Barnes , and T . Neilson. Rockhampton .-W. C. Bellas, Henry Boyle, Charles Sydney Dick, J Bourke, Thomas Clark, and Rees Rutland Jones. Bowen.-Charles Beaufort Grimaldi.

NOTARIES PUBLIC. Robert Little, solicitor, Queen-street, Brisbane. DAniel Foley Roberts, solicitor, Queen-street, Brisbane.


List,of the Commissioners for taking Affidavits, 4+c., in the Supreme Court of Queensland.

IN THE COLONY. Banana.-Lindsay B. Young, C P.S. Bowen (Port Denison).-W. C. J. Doutty and C. B. Grimaldi. Brisbane. John Ab#aham, W. T. Blakeney, Robert Creyke, Frederick Orme Darvall, Robert Little, Edwin Norris, William Pickering, William Kelson Wright, Gilbert Wright, James Stockwell, W. K. Macnish, Arthur E. Halloran, Hugh Ramon Massie, and W. H. Day. Condamine .-George Lukin, C.P.S. Dalby.-Frank S. Bowerman, C.P.S. Drayton.-Frederick Rawlins. Gayndah.-Matthew Airey, C.P.S. Gladstone.-Stafford H. Webb, C.P.S. Goondiwindi .-Robert Vincent, C.P.S. Ipswich.-Charles Frederick Chubb, G. W. Dodwell, C.P.S., Colonel Gray, A. Macalister, and A. Sullivan. Maryborough.-William Barnes, W. H. A. Hirst, and Charles Carrington. Peak Downs.-T. J. Griffin and W. Cave, C.P.S. Princhester.-J. G. Wheeler,C.P.S. Rockha mpton .-F. N. Beddek, CP.S., W. J. B rown, C. S. Dick, W. H. Wiseman, and J. Carew. Roma .-W. Moorhead, C.P.S. Somerset (Port Albany).-J. Jardine. Springsure .-Henry E llis, C.P.S. Surat.-C. IF. D. Parkinson, C.P.S. Taroom.-A. E. Douglas, C.P S. Toowoomba.-R. Dexter, G. Hamilton, J. Ocock, Frederick Rawlins, and R. H. D White. Warwick.-H. Evans and J. Oxenham. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. 81

OUT OF THE COLONY. GREAT BRITAIN. London.- W. Chubb, 14, South Square, Gray's Inn ; J. W. Hawkins, Boswell Court, Lincoln's Inn Fields ; and W. M. Roscoe, 14, Kmg-street, Finsbury Square. NEW SOUTH WALES.-Armidale- Evan E. Rowse ll and Robert Payne. Bathurst - Frederick W. Naylor, C.P.S. Cooma-Alphonse B. Gerard. Goulburn-W. H. Hovell. Maitland -A. Carter and H. O'Meagher. Namoi River - T. G. Dangar. Sydney - W. Hellyer, C. Mackenzie, A. P. Machechnie,' G. Milford, Charles Stafford, F. H. Stephen, M. C. Stephen, Wm. Teale, F. E. Jaques, W. G. Pennington, J. G. MacCormick, Colin Mackenzie, Theodore J. Jaques, George Evans, and Richard Driver. VICTORIA.-Geelong-W. Hellms. Melbourne-C. C. Ban- craft, R. C. Gressen, J. Hicks, J. Oldham, E. Sandford, R. H. Smith, and T. B. Watson.

COMMISSIONERS FOR THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW SOUTH WALES RESIDING IN QUEENSLAND.-Brisbane-J. Abraham, A. E. Halloran, W. T. Blakeney, W. K. Wright. Dally- F. S. Bowerman. Gayndah-M. Airey. Gladstone-John S. Powe. Ipswich-J. Panton, C. F. Chubb. Mary borough- E. B. Uhr. Moreton Bay (except Brisbane)-J. Daly. Rock- hampton-W. J. Brown. Toowoomba-J. Ocock. COMMISSIONERS OF THE SUPREME COURT OF VICTORIA RESIDING IN BRISBANE.-D. F. Roberts, Graham L. Hart, A. E. Halloran, and W. K. Macnish. COMMISSIONERS OF THE SUPREME COURT OF TASMANIA RESIDING IN QUEENSLAND.-A. E. Halloran and J. Abraham.

lullxrxpal 6= 11615.

Norf .- Those Aldermen to whose names an asterisk (*) is prefixed retire m February , 1865, but are eligible for re-election.

BRISBANE. (Incorporated September, 1859.) MAYoR-Joshua Jeays. Aldermen-*T. B. Stephens, *J. Petrie, G. Edmondstone, P. Mayne, *W. Brookes, W. Pettigrew, A. Martin, and A. J. Hocltings. Auditors-R. F. Phelan and Theodore Unmack. Town Clerk-Thomas Dowse. Assistant Clerk-Thumab Newbold Pugh. G 82 MITPYICIPAL COUNCILS.

Rate Collector- F. Hingston. Clerk of Works-William Ambrose. Draftsman-J. Fowles. City Solicito r- James F. Garrick.

IPSWICH. (Incorporated March, 1860.) Mayor-*John Pettigrew Aldermen-*Charles F. Chubb, *George Thorn, Samuel Shenton, Ambrose Sullivan, Thomas Given, John MacDonald, John Clune, and Martin Byrne. Auditors-John Blaine and John Cameron. Town Clerk-Patrick P. Anderson. Town Surveyor-Charles Balding. Solicitor-John Malbon Thompson. Rate Collector-George M`Cormack.

TOOWOOMBA. (Incorporated November, 1860.) Mayor-William Henry Groom. Aldermen - Patrick Ryan, *Arthur Lloyd, Isaac Cooper, Henry Flori, James Cranley,, John Noakes Fisher, *Thomas george Robinson , and *John Thomas Littleton. Auditors-James Watts Grimes and Edwin Meyer. Town Clerk-Robert Dexter. Municipal Surveyor-Hugh'Swann. Solicitor to Corporation-G. Hamilton.

ROCKHAMPTON. (Incorporated December, 1860.) Mayor*Richard M`Kelligett. 4idermon-*E. S. Rutherford, A. Feez, A. Grant, S. Richard- son, and D. T . Mulligan. Auditors - Mills Wormald and Charles Harden. Town Clerk-William Davis. Town Surveyor -Thomas Burstall.

MARYBOROLTGH. (Incorporated March, 1861.) Mayor -" Henry Palmer. Aldermen-Andrew Wedderburn Melville, Thomas Htlon, Robert Travis, *Edward Booker, and *John Purser. Town Clerk-Robert Graham, junr. Town Surveyor-Donald Matheson. MUNICIPAL COUNCILS. 83

WARWICK. (Incorporated May, 1861.) Mayor -William Marshall. Aldermen-T. McEvoy, *S. W. Aldred, J. J. Kingsford, T. Craig, *F. Hudson, *S. Mayer, S. Evenden, and D. Bugden. Town Clerk-George Kennedy.

DRAYTON. (IncorporatedJuly, 1862.) Mayor-William Handeock. Aldermen-Thomas Allen, George Cook, Henry John Lavers, John L. Boland, and John William Henry. Auditors-John Allen and Gustave Schwilk. Town Clerk-Thomas P. Haslam. [The retiring aldermen were not stated.]

GLADSTONE. (IncorporatedFebruary, 1863.) Mayor-William Pershouse. Aldermen-Joseph Saxby, Henry Friend, John S. Powe, *James Brown, and *George Bodimeade. Auditors-Richard R. Ware and Robert Harvey. Town Clerk and Town Surveyor-John C. Watson.

DALBY. (Incorporated August, 1863.) Mayor-John Healy. Aldermen-R. Sexton, jun., Patrick Hallinan, A. P. Gayler, Samuel Gibson, and John Sidney. Auditors-G. H. Goodfellow and G. Williams. Town Clerk-G. M. Helsham. [The retiring aldermen were not stated.]

BOWEN. (IncorporatedAugust, 1863.) ] tayor - Francis Clark. Aldermen-Bugden, *Seaward, *Wills, Smith, and Bell. Town Clerk-R. H Smith. 84 BANKING ESTABLISHMENTS.

Nallhing (9 stab fis4malts.

BRISBANE. Bank of New South Wales (corner of George and Queen streets).-Manager, Alexander Archer. Discount, daily. Union Bank of Australia (Queen-street). -Manager, J. Sargent Turner. Discount days, Monday and Thursday. Australian Joint Sloclc Bauk (Queen-street).-Manager, H. P. Abbott Discount d.sys, Tue-.day and Friday. Bank of Australasia (corner of Wharf and Queen streets.)- Manager, Edward R. Drury. Discount days, Monday and Thursday. Commercial Banking Company of Sydney (near corner of Queen and Edward streets). - Manager, R. W. M'Kellar. Discount, daily. Bank of Queensland (Limited), (corner of Queen and George streets) -General Manager, Alexander Anderson; Sub- manager, Henry S. Bridgeman. Discount, daily.

IPSWICH. Bank of Australasia .-Manager, A. Beasley. Discount days, Monday and Thursday. Bank of New South Wales .- Manager, J. A. George. Dis- count days , M onday and Thursday. Australian Joint Stock Bank .- Manager, W. J. Taylor. Discount days, Tuesday and Friday. Bank of Queensland (Limited).-Acting Agent , T. D. Comyn.

TOOWOOMBA. Bank of Nero South Wales .-Manager, Daniel M'Alpine.

DALBY. Bank of Queensland (Limited).-Agent, W. B. Rider.

WARWICK. Australian Joint Stock Bank.-Acting Manager, J. R. Ross.

MARYBOROUGH. Commercial Banking Company of Sydney- Manager. T. H. Paige. Australian Joint Stock Bank.- A..ting Manager , F. N. Davis. LIST OF SURGEONS, ETC. 85

ROCKHAMPTON. Australian Joint Stock Bank. - Manager, James A. Larnach. Bank of New South Wales.- Manager, R . H. D. White. Union Bank of Australia. Manager, J . T. Sale. Bank of Queensland (Limited ).- Manager, It. P. Langmore.

CLERMONT (PEAK DowNs). Australian Joint Stock Bank.-Manager, T. S. Hall.

BOWEN (Poaa DENISON). Australian Joint Stock Bank.-Manager, J. W. Greaves. Bank of New South Wales.-Manager, E. W. Lambe.

BANK HOLIDAYS. January 1, New Year's Day ; March 17, St. Patrick's Day ; April 14, Good Friday ; April 17, Eater Monday ; April 23, St. George's Day ; May 24, Queen's Birthday ; June 5, Whit Monday ; November 9, Prince of Wales' Birthday ; November 30, St. Andrew's Day; December 10, Separation Day; Decem- ber 25, Christmas Day ; December 26, Boxing Day.

1tkDxca1 Acf of 1861.


[The subjoined names are copied from the official lists. The residences are not published officially with the names, and the information respecting them has to be gained in the best manner possible, because the residence is only stated in a few instances at the time of qualification, and frequent changes of abode occur.]

SURGEONS, ETC. Aldred, Samuel William, Warwick ; Armstrong, William, Drayton ; Barnett, Henry C.; Bell, Hugh, M.D., Brisbane ; Bellifante, Simon, Mackay; Braithwaite, B. F.; Brock, Frederick George; Bucknell, Ebeneier, Rockhampton; Burke, Stephen John ; Callaghan, Wm., Rockhampton ; Candiottis, Spiridion, 8 6 CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS.

Peak Downs ; Cannan, Kearsey , Superintendent of Lunatic Asylum, Woogaroo ; Challinor, Henry, Ipswich ; Costerton, Horatio, Bowen; Cumming, Frederick, M.D., Brisbane; De Lossberg, W. H., Ipswich ; Dixon, FrederickB., Darling Downs; Dorsey, William M'Taggart, Ipswich ; Ewington, Win. J., Warwick ; Fullerton, George, M.D. ; Geiger, Heinrich ; Gunn, Ronald, Brisbane ; Hancock, Robert, Brisbane ; Heeney, Francis Xavier, Brisbane ; Hobbs, William, Brisbane ; Homan, Frederick, Dalby ; Howitt, W. Godfrey ; Howhn, James, M D., Dalby ; Huntley, William Albert, Warwick ; Keogh, Patrick Mooney ; Koch, Carl Robert ; Labatt, JonatA,en, M.D., Bris- bane ; Lansdown, Joseph Ruscombe, Brisbane Hospital ; Luce, James Johnstone ; Lyons, Michael Joseph, South Brisbane ; Margetts , Frederick, Warwick ; M'Pherson, Charles H.; M'Neely, Hugh, M.D., Rockhampton; M'Neish, John; Moran, Charles Ignatius, Roma; Mullen, John J., Brisbane; O'Doherty, Kevin Izod, Ipswich ; O'Grady, Thomas John ; Palmer, Edward Fielding, Maryborough ; Paynter, George W., Rock- hampton ; Plowman, William F., Brisbane ; Purdie, Robert, Lytton ; Robertson, Archibald Clinton, Rockhampton ; Row- lands, Thomas, Ipswich ; Saehse, Otto, M D., Toowoomba ; Selby, M. Morton; Smith, Walter Stephen, Port Denison; Spencer, John ; Stacey, John Edn ard, Toowoomba ; Stevenson, W. Hercules, Gayndali ; Swift, Jacob Meade ; Temple, Thomas Burnett, Brisbane; Then, Guido, M D , Rockhampton; Tymons, James B., Dalby ; Walthardt, Gustave ; Ward, William J., Fortitude Valley ; Ward, Joseph H., Maryborough ; Waugh, J. W, Brisbane.

CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS. Barnes, Richard Mark, Warwick; Berkley, James, Brisbane; Coffey, Michael C., Brisbane ; Costin, William John, ditto ; Cotham , Laurence, ditto; Dent, Thomas; Drew, Thomas Codnor, Brisbane ; Ernst, Gustavus ; Fitzgibbons, James; Hoare, John Buckler, Brisbane; Jennings, Charles Robt. M., Brisbane; Jones, J. A., Dalby; Kilner, Henry, Ipswich; Long, Mark Henry ; Marks, Samuel Nelson ; Page, William Joseph, Bris- bane ; Pring, E. J. Locke ; Rowlands, C. B., Brisbane : Ruther- ford, John Edmund, Rockhampton ; Rutherford, Elias Seel- borough, ditto; Rutherford, Hamilton R.; Maryborough ; Scott, James Sherwood , South Brisbane ; Smith, George S. ; Smith, Benjamin B.; Steele, William , Brisbane ; Taylor, Edwat'i!, Ipswich; Tozer, Horatio T. N.; Ward, Moses, Fortitude Valley; Wonderley, Joseph, Toowoomba ; Woolcott , Henry Charles. MINISTEE$ OF RELIGION. 87

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CHURCH OF ENGLAND.-The Right Lev. Edward Wyndham, Lord Bishop of Brisbane ; The Yen. Benjamin Glennie, Arch- deacon of Brisbane and Examining Chaplain ; the Hon. John Bramston, D.C L., Chancellor of the Diocese. (CLERGY) :- Brisbane-Rev. John Bliss, M.A. (Oxon.) ; Rev. Robert Creyke, B.A. (Cantab) ; Rev. George Giberne Danvers; Rev. Thomas Jones; Rev. Lacy Henry Rumsey, M.A, (Oxon.) ; Rev. Bowyer E. Shaw, B.A. (Cantab.) Kangaroo Point (Brisbane)-Rev. James R. Moffatt, B.A. (Dublin). Fortitude -Valley (Brisbane) -Rev. John MQseley. South Brisbane-Rev. William Deane Hoare, B.A. (Dublin). Warwick-Rev. Benjamin Glennie, B.A. (Cantab.) ; Rev. James Matthews. Cambooya-Rev. R. lhaekeray, B.A. (Cantab.) Drayton-Rev. Edward Symonds. Toowoomba-Rev. William Thomas Harte. Dalby-Rev. Edmund George Moberly. The Dawson-Rev. William Henry Dunning. Maryborough - Rev. Henry John Poole M A., (Oxon.) Rockhampton-Rev. J. R. Black. Bowen-Rev. Frederick John Grosvenor, B.A. (Cantab.) ROMAN CATHOLIC CHrucw.-Brisbane-Right Rev. James Quinn, D.D., Bishop of the Diocese ; Rev. M. C. Devitt; Rev, Robert Dunne, D.D.; Rev. M. P. Renehan. Ipswich-Rev. Henry Brun ; Rev. Patrick Golden. Toowoomba-Rev. Ful- gentius Hodebourge. Warwick-Rev. John Cam, D.D.; Rev. Jeremiah Moynehan. Dalby-Rev. Eugene M'Carthy. Mary- borough-Rev. Pierce J. Power ; Rev. Paul Tissot. Rock- hampton-Rev. Charles Murlay. Bowen-Rev. W. M'Ginty. PRESBYTERIAN CHIIRCIi. -Brisbane -Rev. James Love, Wickham Terrace ; Rev. Matthew M`Gnvin (United Presby- terian Church), Creek-street; Rev. Thomas Mowbray; Rev. Charles Ogg, Ann-street. South Brisbane-Rev. John Wilson. Ipswich-Rev. Samuel Wilson. Toowoomba-Rev. William Lambie Nelson, L.L.D. Warwick-Rev. Thomas Kingsford. Maryborough-Rev. George Graham. Rockhampton-Rev. Samuel Kelly ; Rev. A. C. Smith, Bolsover-street. Bowen (Port Denison)-Rev. James Reed. SYNOD OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF QUEENSLAND.- Moderator, The Very Rev. Thomas Mowbray ; Clerk, Rev. James Love. 4 DEPENDENT CHURCH. Brisbane-Rev. Edward Griffith. ,1wich-Rev. J. W. C. Drane. Toowoomba-Rev. John T. W.Sraker . Dalby-Rev. J. Coles Kirby. (}oodna-Rev. William Draper. Boekhamcpten-Rev. Samuel Savage. 88 MASONIC AND OT$ ER LODtiES.

WESLEYAN METHODIST Cun cn. - Brisbane-Rev. Theophilus Beaizley , Rev. Charles Olden, and Rev. Nathaniel Turner (supernumerary ). Ipswich-Rev. Joseph H. Fletcher. Too- woomba-Rev . Edward David Madgwick. Warwick-Rev. Jabez B. Watkin. Maryborough- .Rev. Henry Woodhouse. Rockhampton--Rev. Benjamin Dixon. BAPTIST CHURCH.-Brisbane - Rev. B. G. Wilson, B.M. Ipswich-Rev. Robert Morton. Gayndah-Rev. R. R. Wilson. Maryborough-Rev. W. T. Godson. Rockhampton-Rev. J. T. Hinton. PARTICULARBAPTIST CHURcn.-Brisbane-John Kingsford, pastor. LUTHERANCHURCH. Brisbane-Rev. C. F. A. F. Schirmeistcr. South Brisbane-Rev. Gottfried Hausman. German Station- Rev. J. P. Niquet. Toowoomba-Rev. Augustus Louis Heyde. PRIMITIVE METHODIST CnuRcu. Brisbane-Rev. Joseph Buckle. Ipswich-A minister expected. Rockhampton-Rev. Robert Hartley. UNITED METHODISTFREE CnuRcH.-Brisbane - Rev. Richd. Mill er.

asnnic xnb ObbfdZQtl7s' oDges.&.c.

PROVINCIAL GRAND LODGE (E.C.) Brother A. C. Gregory, Provincial Grand Master ; Brother W. M. Boyce, Deputy Provincial Grand Master ; Brother J. M. Thompson, Provincial Grand Senior Warden ; Brother J. Petrie, Provincial Grand Junior Warden ; Brother Rev. R. Creyke, Provincial Grand Chaplain ; Brother A. W. Manning, Provin- cial Grand Treasurer ; Brother K. Cannan, Provincial Grand Registrar ; Brother W. B. Stevens, Provincial Grand Secretary; Brother W. Murray, Provincial Grand Senior Deacon ; Brother J. F. Garrick, Provincial Grand Junior Deacon; Brother J. Furnival, Provincial Grand Superintendent of Works ; Brother J. McDonnell, Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies ; Brother A. Gaskarth, Provmcial Grand Sword-bearer; Brother W. H. Ellerker, Provincial Grand Organist ; Brother J. R. Lansdown, Provincial Grand Pursuivant; Brother J. Stuckey, Provincial Grand Tyler ; Brother A. O. Herbert, Brother R. Porter, Brother J. Dexter, Brother L. McKinnon, Provincial Grand Stewards ; Brother Hon. A. Macalister, Brother Hon J. Cockle, Brother Hon. G. Harris, Brother Hon R. Pring, Broth C. Coxen, Brother C. Lilley, Brother J. Douglas, Brother J. B. Temple, Honorary Members. MASONIC AND OTHER LODGES. 89

NORTH AUSTRALIAN LODGE (BRISBANE). No. 796. Brother W. Murray, W.M.; Brother J. F. Garrick, P.M.; Brother James Twine, S.W.; Brother C. W. Reeves, J.W. ; Brother R. S. Warry, Treasurer ; Brother G. C. Horstmann, Secretary ; Brother J. Livingstone, S.D.; Brother L. M`Kinnon, J.D.; Brother Charles Ball, I.G.; Brother Jacob Stuckey, Tyler.

PRINCE OF WALES LODGE (BRISBANE). No. 908. Brother K. Carman, W.M.; Brother A. W. Manning, P.M.; Brother Robert Porter, S.W. ; Brother Sydney Moore, J.W. ; Brother J. M'Donald, Treasurer; Brother W. Borlase Stevens, Secretary ; Brother J. B. Dixon, S.D.; Brother J. Cowlishaw, J.D. ; Brother J. R. Lansdown, 1. G.; Brother J. Stuckey, Tyler.

STATRICK'S LODGE OF QUEENSLAND (BRISBANE). No. 279, I. C. Brother J. Mackenzie Shaw, W.M.; Brother J. It . k1offatt, S.W.; Brother George Harden, J.W.; Brother John M'Donnell, J.G.; Brother A. B. Robinson, S.D.; Brother E. M`Donnell,. J.D.; Brother William Wilson, Treasurer ; Brother M. C. O'Connell, Chaplain ; Brother Pail Atkinson, Organist ; Bros. Benjamin Backhouse, and James Honeyman, Stewards ; Bro. W. H. Ellerker, Secretary. [Regular monthly night of meeting, Monday after full moon, -it the Masonic Hall, Queen-street. There is a Mark Master Masons' Lodge and a Royal Arch Chapter attached to this Lodge, worked under dispensation from the Provincial Grand Chapter of Victoria.]

LODGE ST. ANDREW'S, QUEENSLAND. SCOTCH CONSTITUTION. Brother James Young Bonar, W.M. ; Brother William C. Whitehill, S.W.; Brother L. M'Kinnon, J.W.; Brother Alex. Reid, Treasurer ; Brother Robert M`Gavin, Secretary ; Brother J. Bulnett Temple, Chaplain; Brother Patrick Clark, Senior Deacon; BrotherJ. F. Briggs, Junior Deacon; Brother Laurence Levey, Inner Guard ; Brother William Telford, Outer Guard.

DUKE OF LEINSTER LODGE (BRISBANE). IRISH CONSTITUTION. Brother Thomas Vokes Dudgeon, W.M. ; Brother John Mac- kenzie Shaw , P.M. ; Brother Alexander Wilson, S.W.; Brother 90 MASONIC AND OTHER LODGES.

George Wilkinson, JW.; Brother William G. Higginson, I.G.; Broth& David Elliott, S. D. ; Brother Frederick William Perry, J.D.; Brother John Taylor Simmons, Honorary Secretary ; Brother - Pritchard, Treasurer ; Brother E. B. Southerden, Chaplain ; Brother J. E. O. Daly, Organist ; Brother Francis Robinson, Outer Guard.

LEICHHARDT LODGE (ROC%HAMPTON). No. 932, E.C. Brother A. F. Wood, W.M.; Brother W. J. Brown, P M. ; Brother Howard St. George, S.W. ; Brother S. Richardson, J.W. ; Brother G. F. Sandrock, Secretary ; Brother J. Good- wyn, Treasurer ; Brother J. V. Williams, S.D.; Brother C. J. Skardon, J.D.; Brother C. Jansen, I.G; Brother C. Wildridge, O.G.

[No information with respect to the Masonic Lodge iD.Ipo*ich has been sent to the Publisher.]

BRISBANE DISTRICT LODGE. (In connection with the Manchester Unity Independent Order of Oddfellows) W. E. Wright, P.G.M. ; G. Launder, D.P.G.M. ; A. J. B. Jenner, C S. [The Brisbane district is in a most satisfactory and prosperous position, there being a balance of nearly £300 to the Sick and Widows' and Orphans' Funds.]

LOYAL QUEEN OF ENGLAND LODGE (BRISBANE). No. 1 of the Brisbane District. W. Edds, G.M.; John Hall, N.G.; D. Morgan, V.G.; J. T. Buckland, Secretary. Trustees-George Launder, H. Ash, and W. Edda. [This Lodge (the mother-lodge of the district) holds its meetings at the North Australian Hotel, Adelaide- street, every alternate Monday.]

LOYAL ROSE OF QUEENSLAND LODGE (IPswica). (No. 2 of the Brisbane District.) W. Pickering, N.G.; J. P. Quinn, P.N.G. Secretary-J. Cleary. [This Lodge numbers 54 members, and holds its meetings at the Royal Hotel every alternate Wednesday.] MASOIW10 A2M OTHER LODGES. 91

LOYAL PIONEER LODGE (RocKHAMPTON). No. 3 of the Brisbane District. J. Dibdin, N.G.; J. Bugnell, V.G.; H. Cavenagh, Secretary. Trustees-A Feez, E. Henriques, and R. Nuscombe. [The meetings of this Lodge are held in the Freemasons' Hall, East-street, every alternate Thursday.]

LOYAL HOPE OF THE VALLEY LODGE (FoBTZTODS VALLEY). No. 4 of the Brisbane District. J. T. Buckland, GAL; John Woodward, N.G.; H. Calcott, V.G. ; James Rhodes, Secretary. [This Lodge numbers about 40 members, and holds its meetings at the Castle Inn, Ann-street, every alternate Thursday.]

LOYAL PRINCE OF WALES LODGE (BnasnANE). No. 5 of the Brisbane District. Thomas Knox , GAL; W.11. Moon, N.G.; H. Prentice, V.G.; J. Forsyth, Secretary. [This Lodge numbers about 40 members, and holds its meetings at the Freemasons ' Hotel, Albert- street, every alter- nate Wednesday.]

LOYAL DUKE OF CLARENCE LODGE (SOUTH BmsBANE). No. 6 of the Brisbane District. A. J. B. Jenner, G.M.; J. Godfrey, N.G.; - Matthews, V.G.; T. Overland, Secretary.

LOYAL DARLING DOWNS LODGE (ToowooamA). No. 7 of the Brisbane District. William Henry Groom, P.N.G.; R. Goodsall, N.G.; T Webb, V.G.; T. W. Robinson, Secretary ; J. S. Hunt, Treasurer. [This Lodge was opened on the 18th April, 1864, with un- precedented ecldt, there having been a greater number of new members initiated, and a larger amount of money paid, than had been known before, with few (if any) exceptions, in any society, and the Lodge promises, in every respect, to be most prosperous. The Lodge holds its meetings at the Royal Hotel, fortnightly.] 92 MASONIC AND OTHER LODGES.

STAR OF QUEENSLAND LODGE, No. 1178. Grand United Order of Oddfellows. [Founded by F. Beattie, P.N.F., June 1, 1863.] Benjamin Aspden, N. F. ; Howard Smith, N. G. ; John Barraclough , V.G.; Thomas Starkey, Secretary. [This Lodge numbers 80 members, and holds its meetings at the Castle Hotel, Fortitude Valley, every alternate Monday.]


[ANCIENT ORDER op FOREsTEBS.] Isaac Quinn , C.R. ; Thomas Hodges, S.C.R. ; Alfred Grant, Secretary ; Eli Clothier, Treasurer ; Edward 0. Connors, S.W.; Charles Rawlings, J.W.; Robert Walsh, S.B.; William Craven, J.B. [This Court numbers 80 members, and holds its meetings at the Castle Hotel, Fortitude Valley, every alternate Monday.]

COURT FORESTERS' RELIEF (BEIsBANE). No. 3125. G. B. Mathews, C.R. ; George Prentice, S.C.R. ; John Campbell, Secretary; Charles Cummings, Treasurer; John Field, S.W.; James Mills, J.W.; William Newman, S.B.; Richard Giltrow, J.B. [This Court holds its meetings at the British Empire Hotel, George-street, every alternate Monday.]

COURT ROSE OF DENMARK (WARwICR). No. 3121. W. H. Brown, C.R. ; Robert Hart, S.C.R. ; David Bugden; Treasurer ; William Wallis, Secretary ; James Harvey, S.W.; Thomas Beeson, J.W.; James Cornish, S.B.; Joseph Hunt, J.B. [This Court numbers 46 members, and holds its meetings at the Royal Hotel, Warwick.] PVZAIC SOCJETIES , ETC. 93

ub1ic %ACttfYc$, t C,

QUEENSLAND ACCLIMATISATION SOCIETY. Patron-His Excellency Sir G. IF. Bowen, G.C.M.G. President-The Hon. Al. C. O'Connell, M.L.C. Vice-President-Charles Coxeii, M.L.A. Council-011. P. Abbott, *C. H. Barlee, *Lewis A. Bernays, Hon. J. Bramston, M.L.C, *Kearsey Cannan, *F. O. Darvall, *Robert Douglas, Hon. Gilbert Eliott, 117L.A., Hon. R. G W. Herbert, M.L.A., Hon. W. Hobbs, 1MI.LC., *Walter Hill, *Rev. J. R. Moffatt, T. L. Murray Prior, *H. C. Rawnsley, *T. B. Stephens, M.L.A. Honorary Secretaries-Lewis A. Bernays, Charles H. Barlee. Honorary Treasurer-Henry P. Abbott. Auditors-John G. Cribb, and Edmund McDonnell. Bankers-The Australian Joint Stock Bank. Society's Temporary Offices-Legislative Chambers, Queen- street. Society's Depots-Brisbane Botanical Gardens, Bowen Park, and Ines Island t Keeper-Alexander Macpherson. Honorary Agent in London-J. Warwick Buckland, No. 6, Queen Anne Place. [The Society numbers ninety members, paying the annual subscription of £1, besides life members.] " Those so marked form the Committee of management. t Reserved by Government for the purposes of the Society.

QUEENSLAND HORTICULTURAL AND AGRICUL- TURAL SOCIETY. President-His Excellency Sir George F. Bowen, G.C.M.G. Vice-Presidents-The Hon. R. G. W. Herbert, M.L.A., and R. R. Mackenzie, M.L.A. Honorary Treasurer-Alexander Raff. Honorary Secretary-A. J. Hockings. [This Society is managed by a committee of twelve, with power to add to their number.] Half-yearly Exhibitions are held in the Botanical Gardens, Brisbane, in the months of January and July.

ROYAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY OF QUEENSLAND. President -Hon. Ratcliffe Pring. Vice-President- -J. C. White. 94 PUBLIC SOCIETIES, ETC.

Committee of Management-J. Taylor, F. N. Isaac, John Watts, A. Wienholt, C. H. Green, J. Deuchar, J. P. Bell, Capt. Vignolles, and W. Turner. Treasurer-Manager Bank IN. S. Wales. Secretary-J. H. Harvey. [This Society holds an Annual Exhibition at Toowoomba in July.]

QUEENSLAND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY.. Patron-His Excellency Sir G. F. Bowen, G.C.M.G. President-His Honor Chief Justice Cockle. Vice-President-Charles Coxen, M.L.A. Council-Rev. J. Bliss, M.A.; Rev. Robert Creyke, B.A.; Rev. B. E. Shaw, B.A.; H. C. Rawnsley, and Sylvester Diggles. Treasurer-AlexanderRaff'. Secretary-Rev. J. Bliss. [The meetings of the Society are held monthly.]

CALEDONIAN SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1862.) President=The Hon. A. Macalister, M.L.A. Vice-Presidents-J. Douglas, M.L.A., and G. Edmondatone, M.L.A. Treasurer-W. Pettigrew. Secretary-James Duncan. Committee-Rev. G. Wight, D. L. Brown, James Campbell, James0 Millar, John M'Nab, Alexander M'Lean, William Murdoch, Simon Frazer, and Alex. M'Donald.

THE CENTRAL AND NORTHERN QUEENSLAND ASSOCIATION. or "promoting the political and general interests of Northern Queensland.") President-Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart. Vice-Presidents-C. Fitzsimmons, John Douglas, M.L.A., and G. E. Dalrymple. Treasurer-John A Larnach. Secretary-G. B. Shaw. Committee of Management-R. M'Kelligett, A. Fyffe, G. R. Dalrymple, P. D. Mansfield, T. W. Vicary, H. St. George, P. Macintosh, John Headrick, E. Livermore, R. M. Hunter, A. Feez, W. H. Buzacott, Win Rea, A. L Bourcicault, Archibald Archer, W. 0. Hodgkinson, Sydney Davis, T. W. Palmer, G. PUBLIC SOCIETIES, ETC. 95

Ranken, C. Pybus, A. Mackenzie, Richardson, W. Bassett, A. Bertram, Archibald Ferguson, John Fraser, Hutchinson, R. M'Lennan, Atherton, Buchanan, J. L. Haynes, A. Grant, P. F. Macdonald,, F. Walker, J. Reid, Hood, C. J. Jensen, G. H. Buza,cott, W. Davis, and G. B. Shaw. Offices-At Rockhampton.

QUEENSLAND RIFLE ASSOCIATION. Patron-His Excellency Sir George F. Bowen, G.C.M.G. President-The Hon. Col. M. C. O'Connell, Commandant of the Queensland Rifle Brigade. Vice-Presidents-Col. Gray, P.M., Ipswich ; His Honor Mr. Justice Lutwyche. Council-Hon. J. Bramston, M.L.C.; Charles Coxen, M.L.A.; J. B. Dixon, Lieut. Q. V. Artillery ; Robt. Douglas ; T. V. Dudgeon ; Capt. J. Leith Hay, Ipswich M. Rifles ; Lieut. H. Imrie, Ipswich V. Rifles ; E. W. Lamb; Edmund McDonnell; R. R. Mackenzie, M.L.A.; W. J. Munce ; J. Murphy ; Capt. H. D. Pitt, Royal Artillery; W. B. Rider, Lieut. Q.V. Artillery; D. T. Seymour ; R. B. Sheridan, Maryborou gh ; Hon. R. J. Smith, M.L.C. ; W. Thornton ; Hon. W. P. White, M.L.C.; R. H. D. White, Capt. Rockhampton V. Rifles. Treasurer-Capt. E. R. Drury, Volunteer Rifles. Honorary Secretary-W. M. Boyce, late Indian Navy.

CLUBS, ETC. THE QUEENSLAND CLUB, Mary-street, Brisbane. THE NORTH AUSTRALIAN CLUB, Gordon-street, Ipswich. THE LEICHHARDT CLUB, Derby-street, Rockhampton. THE FARMERS' CLUB (a semi-agricultural society), Gayndah.


Nittrar 'nstitutiains, tr.

NORTH BRISBANE SCHOOL OF ARTS. President-H. Buckley. Vice-Presidents-Rev. E. Griffith and E. Macdonnell. Treasurer-John Sargent Turner. Com- mittee-W. Taylor, E. Gregory, W. Perry, W. Hemmant, John Petrie, Sylvester Diggles, W. F. C. Wilson, A. B. Robinson, H. G. Eaton, N. W. Wyer, J. W. Thompson, and R. Gunn. Secretary-John Elliott. [This Institution numbers 250 members, and has a library of 2650 volumes. Annual subscription, £1, entitling members to all the privileges of the Institution. For the use of the Reading Room only, Is. per week, or 2s. 6d. per month.]

SOUTH BRISBANE MECHANICS' INSTITUTE. President-A. J. Hockings. Vice-President-T. Grenier. Committee-S. Stevens, S. Bateman, J. Robinson, J. Wild, C. Eaborn, W. Benn, W. M`Quaker, J. Fraser. Secretary- George Throw er. [This Institute numbers 100 members, and has a library of 800 volumes. Annual subscription, 10s.]

IPSWICH SCHOOL OF ARTS. President - J. M. Thompson. Vice-President - Vacant. Treasurer -B. Cribb, M.L A. Committtee-C. Balding, C. F. Chubb, A. Fitzgibbon, R. Gill, A. Gaskarth, T. Given, S. Hodgson, H . Imrie, John Murphy, J. Macdonald, J. Macintosh, K. I. O'Doherty. Secretary-W. H. S. Hindmarsh. [This Institution numbers 230 members, and has a library of 2000 volumes . Annual subscription, £ 1 Is.]

TOOWOOMBA SCHOOL OF ARTS. President-John Watts, M.L.A. Vice-President-Rev. J. T. Waieker. Treasurer-Daniel M`Alpine. Committee-W. H. Groom, M.L.A., Rev. E. Madgewick, W. Frazer, T. G. Robinson, Dr. Burke. Secretary-Edwin Meyer. [This Institution numbers 60 members, and during the past year has had a second donat es of books from Mr. J. Watts, M.L.A. Annual sub1cription4,Wl. j LITERARY INSTITUTIONS, ETC. 97

MARYBOROUGH SCHOOL OF ARTS. President-R. B. Sheridan. Committee of Management-- -I)avidson, W. Barnes, James Downer, W. S. Roberts, A. W. Melville, H. Holme, and Sheridan. Secretary W. Pietzker. [This Institution numbers 101 members, and has a library of 700 volumes. Annual subscription, £1.]

ROCKHAMPTON SCHOOL OF ARTS. [Thus Institution is non being resuscitated, and efforts are being made to erect a builduig for the purpose. Annual sub- scription, £I.]

[GAYNDAIt also less a School of Arts, but the particulars did not reac h us in time for insertion in this page.]

BRISBANE MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. President-Henry Buckley. Vice-Presidents-George Wight and T. P. Pugh, M.L.A. Treasurer-W. Brookes, M.L.A. Secretary-Ilenry H. Harris. Committee-W. H. Harwood, W. Murdoch, Alexander M'Lean, and - White.

MILTON MUTUAL IMPROVEMENT SOCIETY. (B3usBANr..) President-J. Douglas, M.L.A. Vice-President-E. Gregory. Secret ary-J. Rowland. Librarian-F. Hopkins. Committee— J. G. Cribb, S. Price, W. Moore, and S. G. Mee. [This Society holds its meetings at the Congregational Chapel, Milton, ci cry alternate Saturday. at 7 p.m. A Library is in course of forzoation, a monitor of volumes having been presented by the President towards that object.]

YOUNG MEl S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION (BassnA"j. Vice -Presidents - Rev. T. Beaizley , Rev. J. Buckle , Rev. E. Griffiths , Rev. J. ling ford, Rev. J. Loti e, Rev. M. M`Gavin, Rex. C. Ogg , Re\ C. F. A. F. Schirineister , Rev. J . Townend, Rev. N. Turner , Rei. J. Wilson , South Brisbane . Treasurer- R. Jarrott . Secretary -lti . J. Daniell. Committee - W. B ro okes, W. J. Costin , J. Cron ther, E. Gregory, J. Grimes, II . Harris, J. Jenyna, P . Phil lips, A. Sloper , J. Spence , W . Steele. [Meetings open to young men of all denominations every Lord's Day aft ernoon , at 3 o'clock , and Friday evening at 8 o'clock , at Mr. Slaughter 's, Build in g Societies Hall, Queen -street.] H 98 NEWSPAPERS.

ST. PATRICK'S CATHOLIC YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETY. (BRISBANE). President-H. S. Bridgeman. Vice-President - E. O'D. M`Devitt. Secretary-Patrick Lillie. Spiritual Director-Rev. R. Dunne. Chaplain-Rev. M. P. Renehan.

CATHOLIC YOUNG WOMEN'S SOCIETY (BRISBANE). [This Society numbers 150 members, and is presided over by the Sisters of Mercy.]


BBISBANE.-The Courier (established in June, 1846) is pub- lished daily. Office : George-street. The Queensland Guardian (established in March, 1860) is published daily. Office : Queen-street. The North Australian (established in Ipswich in October, 1855, and removed to Brisbane in September, 1863) is published every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning. Office : Elizabeth-street. The Weekly Herald (established ip May, 1863) is published every Saturday morning. Office : Guardian Office, Queen-street. The Journal of Commerce is published just previous to the departure of the monthly Mail for Europe. Office : Edward-street. The Queensland Govern- ment Gazette is issued from the Government Printing Office, in William-street, every Saturday morning. Irswicii.-The Queensland Times (established as the Ipswich Herald, in July, 1859) is published every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning. Office : Ellenborough-street. TOOWOOMBA.-The Darling Downs Gazette (established in June, 1858) is published every Thursday morning ; as is also The Toowoomba Chronicle (which was established in July, 1861). GAYNDAII -The Burnett Argus (established in April, 1861) is published every Monday morning. MARYBORouuH.-The Maryborough Chronicle (established in November, 1860) is published every Wednesday and Saturday mo rn ing. RocuwAa!PTON.-The Rockhampton Bulletin (established in July, 1861) is published every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday morning. Office : Denham-street. The Northern Argus (established in January, 1863) is published every Wednesday and Saturday morning. Office: Quay-street. BowuN (PoRT DENlaov).-The Port Denison Times (es- tablished in March, 1869) is published every Saturday mo rn ing. •x• The Warwick Mail ceased to exist during last year ; but it has been announced that another paper (the Argue) will shortly take its place CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS. 99 oQuitiblf gnat futions.

BRISBANE HOSPITAL AND BENEVOLENT ASYLUM. Patron-His Excellency the Governor. President-The Hon. R. G. W. Herbert. Treasurer-Henry P. Abbott. Visiting Surgeons-Drs. Bell and Puedie (gratuitous services). House Surgeon-J. Ruscombe Lansdown. Auditors-Francis Orr Bryant and E. B. Southerden. Committee-R. Davidson, H. Buckley, Rev. R. Creyke, Rev. J. H Fletcher, Rev. J. Bliss, J. S. Turner, Rev. E. Griffith, J. C. Heussler, L. A. Bernays, Rev. M. P. Renehan. Secretary-Mr. P. L. Burke. [The Committee of this Institution meet every Thursday, at 4 p.m. The total number of patients received at and discharged from the Hospital from the 1st of November, 1863, to the 31st of October, 1864, was as follows:-Admitted-pay, 147; pauper, 395. Discharged-pay, 150; pauper, 304. Died-pay, 17; pauper, 39 (many of whom were in a dying state when ad- mitted). On an average, from 50 to 60 out-door patients are relieved weekly. During the same period, 1493 paupers were relieved in money and rations (exclusive of several poor women with families, who were assisted to reach their husbands), the sum thus disbursed amounting in the aggregate to £378. The officers will be re-elected at the annual meeting in January.]

IPSWICH HOSPITAL AND BENEVOLENT ASYLUM. President-Lieut.-Col. C. G. Gray. Treasurer-J. A. George. Honorary Secretary-A. M. Hutchinson. Honorary Medical Officers - Thomas Rowlands, K. I. O'Doherty, and H. Chal- linor. Resident Dispenser-James P. Heeney. Matron-Miss Raymond. [During the nine months ending Sept. 30th, 1864, the state of this Institution was as follows : Number of patients in Hospital on 1st January, 1864, 38. Admitted to 30th Septem- ber, 194. Discharged during same period, 196. Died, 19. The average daily number of inmates of the Benevolent Asylum was 12.]

TOOWOOMBA HOSPITAL AND BENEVOLENT ASYLUM. President --W Kent. Treasurer -D. M'Alpine. Secretary- Rev. J . T. Waraker. Committee-A. H Thompson , IF. Raw lins, P.M., E. de St. Jean , D. W. Campbell, H. Haege, W. H. Groom, x+ 100 CHARITABLE INSTITIITIONS.

M.L.A., E. Morey, S. J. Burke, J. E. Stacey; Rev. W. J. Larking. Medical Officer-Otto Saclise, M.D. [A commodious building is now in course of erection, and is expected to be ready for the reception of patients early this year.]

WARWICK HOSPITAL. President-W. H. Brow n. Trea,urer-J. R. Ross. Secretary J. L. Ross. Committee Rev. Thos. Kingsford, Ven. Arch- deacon Glennie, Rev. Dr. Cain, J. J. Kingsford, Thos. McEvoy, Thos. Craig, S. Es enden, Simon Mayer. James Morgan, David Bugden, L. E. Lester, and F. Hudson. Visiting Surgeons- S. W. Aldred and F. Margetts. [A new brick building is in coarse of erection for this Insti- tution, which will accommodate about sixty patients. The average number of patients admitted is six monthly.]

MARYBOROUGH HOSPITAL. [The list of officers connected with this Institution was not sent. The Secretary is W. Pielzker. A new building has just been erected for the purpo-es of the Institution, at a cost of £1066, raised partly by Government and partly by local contributions.]

PORT CURTIS AND LF.ICHHARDT DISTRICTS HOSPITAL. President -A. F. Wood. Vice-President-J. Jardine, P.M. Secretary and Treasurer-F. N. Beddek. Committee-G. Ranken, W. Archer, R. M'Kelligett, J. Palmer, B. G. Sheridan, T. W. Vicary, E. P. Livermore, J. Headrick, E. Henriques, W. F. Bassett, J. A. Lariiach, Alexr. Buchanan, A. Grant, Hugh Robison, IIonarci St. George, Joseph B. Skardon, A. Feez, F. R Hutchinson, R. M. Hunter, M. S. Rundle, W. J. Brown, J. Landsborough, E. B. Henning, J. L. Haynes, P. D. Mansfield, D. T. Mulligan, G. B. Shat, J. T. Sale, P. Macin- tosh, A. Archer, F. N. Berne, A. L. Bourgicault, W. H. Buzacott, A. Bertram, H. T. Plows, 111. W. Risien, and M. Wormald. Surgeon-William Callaghan. Auditors- J. Palmer and E. P. Livermore. [The number of patients admitted during 1863 was 204, and the income (inclusive of the Government subsidy) was £1080 19s. 7d ] PUBLIC COMPANIES. 101

SERVANTS ' HOME (BRtssA -rn). (Situated in Margaret- street.) Patroness -Lady Bowen. President-Mrs. O'Connell. Hon. Treasurer -Mrs. Thornton. Honorary Secretary-Mrs. Bliss. Matron-Mrs. Watson. Committee-Mesdames *Appel, Hugh Bell, W. Blakeney, Bliss, *Buckley, *131dgin, Cockle, *Douglas, *Drew, *Griffith, *Hancoct, *A. J. IIockiugs, *11. Holikings, *Jones, sen., *Kemball, *Love, *M`Dmmell, C. Master, R. R. Mackenzie, J. R. Moif'att, J. Moseley, O'Connell, B. E. Shaw, Thornton, *Turiier, sen., Wettenhall, and B. G. Wilson, and The Misses Harris, *R. Smith, and *Thornton. [Those marked thus * are weekly visitors.] [The Committee meet. every Thursday at the Home, for the general supervision of the Institution. A registry is kept for the convenience of ladies requiring servants ; and for servants, not being inmates, to obtain situations. The fee is 2s. 6d. for non-subscribers.]

BRISBANE LYING-IN HOSPITAL. (Situated in Leichhardt-street, Spring- hill.) Patroness -Lady Bowen. President-Mrs.O'Connell. Vice- President-Mrs. Cockle. Hon. Treasurer-M rs. J. S. Turner. Hon. Secretary-Mrs. Kemball. Conmutiee-Mesdames Davis, J. Douglas, R. Jones, Gunn, Grr,hiths, Tur•ier, son., bliss, Buckley, Davidson, Lore. Budgir,, and Drew. Visiting Surgeons -R. Gunn, W. B. Temple, T. Y. Heeney, and It. Hancock (all acting gratuitou.ly). [This Institution was opened for the reception of patients on the 2nd November, 1863. Pay-patients (f)r whom the sum of £3 shall have been gwurtnteed by a sub_criber) will be entitled to the Hospital privilc'cs for one forte Light, ansl will be allowed to stay any additional time required at the rate of £1 per week.]

Vlublc Gfonipanzes.

QUEENSLAND STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Capital -£ 60,000, in 6,000 Shares of £10 each. Company's Wharf, Eagle -street. Directors.-Brisbane Local Board-Henry Buckley (Chair. man), John Petrie , T. B. Stephens , W. J. Munce, and It. Douglas. 102 PUBLIC COMPANIES.

Sydney Local Board-E. Flood (Chairman), H. Prince and R. T. Moodie. Solicitor-D. IF. Roberts, M.L.C. Secretary- John Stephens. Local Manager in Sydney-William Westgarth. Agents-Philpott & Power, Maryborough ; Friend & Powe, Gladstone ; S. Richardson and Co., Rockhampton ; M`Leod, Carter, and Co., Bowen. [T Company has one boat engaged in the northern trade, betwo'bn Brisbane, Maryborough, Gladstone, and Rockhampton, and two others running between Brisbane and Sydney. Early in 1865, boats will be placed on the line between Rockhampton and Bowen, and on the river between Brisbane and Ipswich.]

QUEENSLAND INSURANCE COMPANY AND PROVIDENT INSTITUTE. Capital-£120,000. Principal Office, George-street, Brisbane. Directors-George Board (Chairman), Hon. John Bramston, M.L.C. (Deputy Chairman), Albert J. Hockings, Robert Bourne, Frederick O. Darvall, and Robert Davidson. Counsel-Hon. Ratchffe Pring. Solicitor-Hon. D. F. Roberts, M. L. C. Bankers-Australian Joint Stock Bank, and Union Bank of Australia. Auditors-Alexander Raff and Daniel R. Somerset. Surveyor-J. fiowhshaw. Secretary-Charles Joseph Trundle. Chief Clerk--William H. Laidlaw. Ipswich Branch.-Directors-R. Gill, Thomas Given, and J. Johnstone. Secretary-John Blaine. Board days-Tuesday and Friday

THE BRISBANE GAS COMPANY. Capital-£15,000, with power to increase to £500,000. Directors-George Dudley Webb (Chairman), George Ed- mondstone, M.L.A. (Deputy Chairman), Henry Buckley, Lewis A. Bernays, Robert Cribb, M.L.A., and John Campbell (Red- bank). Bankers-Bank of New South Wales. Solicitor-Hon. Arthur Macalister, M.L.A. Engineer-Robert Fleming. See- retary-tEneas Walker. Auditors-Robert Douglas and Wil- liam Hemmant. Offices and Works of the Company-Petrie's Bight.

ENGLISH COTTON COMPANY. Directory in England . Manager-E. H. Price. Plantation - Narang Creek, Moretbn Bay. BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETIES. 103

VICTORIA COTTON COMPANY. (Established 1862.) Capital-£12,000. Directors - George Board (Chairman), Frederick Bauer, Richard Board, and Thomas Ham. Resident Director on Planta- tion-Richard Board. Agents m Brisbane-George Board and Son. Agents in London-Richardson, Brother's, & Co.

[The above information embodies all that was forwarded to the Publisher.]

Linz(bing anb ynbesfinen# %otzetxes.

BRISBANE. BUILDING SOCIETY No. 4.-(Commenced operations January 1861.)-Trustees-T. B. Stephens, James Swan, and W. J. Munce. Directors-E. B. Southerden, J. Markwell, W. Petti- grew, D. M'Naught, H. Buckley, R. S. Warry, Rev. E. Griffith, and J. McDonnell. Secretary-Alfred Slaughter, sen. [At the end of October, 1864, this Society numbered 280 members, holding amongst them 10284 shares, at £50 each, and the monthly income was £1029 15s. 4d. The Society is expected to terminate in October or November, 1865.] QUEENSLAID BUILDING SocIETY, No. 1. - (Commenced operations January, 1863.)-Trustees-J. Petrie, R S. Warry, and G. Edmondstone. Directors-Henry Buckley, William Thornton, T. B. Stephens, W. C. Belbridge, A. Raff, and J. McDonnell. Auditors-C. J. Trundle and J. B. Dixon. Secre- tary-Alfred Slaughter, sen. [At the end of October, 1864, this Society numbered 830 members, holding amongst them 31094 shares of £50 each; and the monthly income amounted to £2548.]

QUEENSLAND BUILDING SOCIETY, No. 2.-(Commenced ope' rations April, 1864.)-Trustees-F. O. Darvall, R. S. Warry, and G. Edmondstone. Directors-Henry Buckley, Theophilus P. Pugh, A. Raff, W. C. Belbridge, A. Martin, and J. McDonnell. Auditors-S. L. Peterson and A. J. W. Nightingale. Secretary-Alfred Slaughter, sen. [At the end of October, 1864, this Society numbered 608 members, holding amongst them 17134 shares ; and the monthly income was £1264 10s. 8d.] 104 BUILDING AND INVESTMENT SOCIETIES.

NoTE.-To show the extent of the operations carried on by these Societies in Brisbane, we may state that, up to October last, inclusive, the three Brisbane Societies had advanced the after -mentioned amounts, viz. :- £ Building Society, No. 4 ...... 36,700 Queensland do., No. 1 ...... 62,500 Ditto do., No. 2 ...... 9,325

Total ...... £109,025

IPSWICH. MUTUAL BENEFIT INVusTMUNT AND BIIILDIxG So , No. 2.-Trustees-Benjamin Cribb, Henry Kilner, and T Given. Directors-James M'Intosh, Benjamin Davidson, . C. Cameron, G. M. Cl,allinor, David Hughes, Robeft Jones, F. Curnow, and James Martin. Secretary-J. Blame.] MUTIIIL BENEFIT, INY T\IENT, AND BUILDING SOOrarr, No. 3.-Trustees-Benjamin Cribb, J. Pettigrew, and Thomas Given. Directors.-J. M'Intosh, J. AI'Donald, H. Imrie, D. Hughes, Charles "Balding, B. Davidson, R. Aland, and E. Taylor. Auditors-C. C. Cameron and D. M'Intosh. Secretary --J. Blaine. [Advanced on shares, £S,525.]

ROCKHAMPTON. THE Roc&H.IMPTON INVESTMLKT AND BUILDING SocrrTY.- (Established in August, 1862.)-Trustees-J. A. Larnach, W. J. Brown, and Albrecht Feez. Dire(tor3-Aletander Grant, John E. Rutherford, Geolie H. Buzacott, E. P. Livermore, 1). T. Mulligan , W. Allen, J. Ferguson, and S. L. Marks. Secretary -W. S. Anderson. [This Society, from its commencement, has been very successful in its operations. Since the share list was closed, (December, 1863) the shares have sold at an average of about 21 per cent., and that rate is, at the present time, fully maintained.] THE RACKIAMPTON PRAymiNT INVESTMENT AND BI TIDING SocrETY.-Trustees-A. F. Wood, A. Grant, and It. M. Hunter. Directors-H. T. Plews, P. D. Mansfield, W. J. Brown, E. P. Livermore, W. H. Buzacott, and Samuel Richardson. Auditors -G. B. Skew, and P. T. Mulligan. Secretary-W. Davis. [This Society was established in October, 1863, and at the present time upwards of 600 shares have been taken up. It is in a very prosperous state.]

[The information sought relative to the Toowoomba and Mary- borough Buildiny Societies was not swpplied to the Publisher in time for insertion in this place. ] LIST OF SURFTYORS. 105 Uzlztarj anb Volunteeri;'oxxe.

MILITARY. DETACRYENT of XII Regiment, commanded by Lieut. W. C. S Mair, and numbering 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, 1 drummer, and 25 rank and file. VOLUNTEERS. Lieutenant-Colonel Commanding-The Hon. Maurice C O'Counell, M.L.C. Brigade-Major-Capt. H. D. Pitt, R.A. (JUEENSLAND LIGHT HORSE (IPswIcu).-Captain, J. Leith Hay ; Lieutenant, C. F. Clnrbb ; 2nd Lieutenant, John Blaine; Honorary Veteri a y Surgeon, W. P. Douycre. 1 sergeant, 26 troopers.

QUTEENSL 1ND VoLPNTEER ARTnarnY.-Cal)t-in Commandant, Capt. H. D. Pitt, R.A. No. 1 Botterrt (Bast, c aei-tier tsnant, J. B. Dixon ; 2nd Lieutenant, W. B. Rider ; Assistant-Surgeon, R. Gram. 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, 2 bombardiers, and 48 gunners. No. 2 Batter-/ (Ipswich)-1 sorgeaut, 2 bombardiers, 32 gunners. QrEENSLAN'D VOLUNTEER RIFLE BRI(TADr.-No. 1 Company (Brisbane)-Captain, E. R. Drury ; Lieutenant, G. B. Petrie ; 2nd Lieutenants, I. F. cle Cnearoii iez and J. Fewings; Assistant- Surgeon, Kcuroey Canaan. 4 sergeant., 2 corp ,rals, and 57 privates. No. 2 Compa2r/ (Zpswieh)-Lieutenant, T. Given; 21id Lieutenant, II. Imrie ; Asd tart-Surgeon, H. Clralliuor. 4 sergeants, 3 corporals, 52 privates. No. 3 Company (Rock- hampton)-Captain, R. H. D. White ; Assistant-Surgeon-A. C. Robertson. 1 sergeant, 2 corporals, 44 privates.

QuEENSLAND VOLUNTEER BAND (BRISBANE.)-Director, J Seal. 1 sergeant, 1 corporal, 20 bandsmen.


Brisbane .-Jas. Warner, IF. R. D'Arcy, Joseph Postlethwaite, Louis Le Gould, L. F. Landsber_, Martin Lavelle, E. F. Mil- lington, Henry Walter Lewis, George L. Morten, T. E. Wener, Willoughby Hannam, J. H. Braddock, T. C. Oldham, Edgar Huxtable. Nicholas Sinnott , David Joseph Byrne, W. C. B. Wilson, Henry Charles Stanley, M. G. O'Connell, G. W. R. L 106 LAW CALENDAR, ETC.

Seccombe , Walter C. Hume, IF. X. Heeney, Patrick J. O'Regan, Archibald J. Richardson, John Sircom, Peter McGoldrick, Maurice J. Norris, William P. Townson, John L. Reid, and William R. Twine. Ipswich.-A. P. Linda, W. C. Wakeling, J. C. Thompson, J. P. Sharkey, George J. Wade, James R. Atkinson, and Alfred Stafford Huntley. Rockhampton.-Thomas H. Permien, Frederick J. Byerley, F. J. Newbery, G. A. Den Taaffe, Hugh Swan, John Hayes, and Edwin John Smith. Tocwoomba.-W. H. Binsted and E. W. Pechey. Da [by.-Thomas Weever. Maryborough.-Cecil Colquhoun, James Buchanan, and A. A. Hull. Cleveland.-Wi lliam Fryar. Bowen (Port Denson).-Francis Clark.

CONSULS. Italy and Belgium.-George Harris , M.L.C. Hamburg.-George Appel. . -Charles Bernard Lyons. Netherlands.-John Christian Heussler. .-Julius Brabant.

AGENTS FOR TIM COLONY ffi LONDON.-P. G. Julyan and W. C. Sargeaunt, Spring Gardens.

LAW CALENDAR AND ARRANGEMENTS Fon 1865. [From the Government Gazette.]

COMMON LAW. 1. The Terms shall begin and end as mentioned in Table 1. 2. The Circuit Courts shall be opened as mentioned in Table 2. 3. The Brisbane Sittings shall commence as mentioned in Table 3. 4. At all sittings of the Circuit Courts, Crown business shall commence on the first day, and Civil business on the third day. LAW CALENDAR, ETC. 107

5. The Court will not sit in Bane on any day in Term except the first four, unless adjourned to such day, or unless there be business on the papers, or unless one clear day's notice of an urgent motion be left at the Chambers of each of the Judges and at the office of the Registrar. 6. Cases shall be set down in the Crown paper, the new trialpaper, and the specialpaper, four clear days before argument. 2. The Office will be closed on Thursdays and Fridays during the Long Vacation ; and from January 29th to February 2nd, both inclusive. EQUITY. The Chief Justice, if there be business on the Equity papers, will sit in equity on any day in term on which the Court shall not sit in Banc ; and, provided the Court in Bane shall rise at a convenient time, then on any day in term after the sitting in Bane is concluded ; and, unless absent on circuit, on every Wednesday in vacations, the Christmas and Long Vacations excepted. INSOLVENCY. The days mentioned in Table 4 shall be Insolvency days.

CHAMBER BUSINESS. Chamber business will be taken on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. VACATIONS. 1864-Christmas Vacation wi ll commence on Saturday, 24th December, and end on Saturday, 7th January. 1865-Long Vacation commences Saturday , 27th May, and ends Saturday , 8th July.



HILABY ... Tuesday, February 28... Friday, March 10. EASTE$ Tuesday, May 16 .. Friday, May 26. Tniwrrs . Tuesday, August 29 . Friday, September 8. MIC 11AELMAS. 1 Tuesday, November 28.. Friday, December 8. 108 LAW CALENDAR, ETC.



February 6. Jain-try16. March 16. March 24. April 24. July 17. September 14. September 22. August 7. November 6.

III.-Bazsn.trej SrrrINGs.


February 15th to 18th. February 20th to 23rd. May 3rd to 6t11. May 8th to 11th. Aligu.t 16th to 19th. August 21A to 21th. November 15th to 18th. Novel fiber 20th to 23rd.

IV.-Ii sozvEncy DAYS.

JANUARY.-Mondays, 9th and 30th. FEBRUAStY.-Monday, 6th; Thursdays, 2nd and 9th. MARcir.-Mondays, 13th, 20th, and 27t1 ; Thursdays, 16th 23rd, and 301h. APRm.-Mondays, 3rd and 10th; Thursday, 6th. MAY.-None. JUNE.-None. Ju.Y.-Mondays, 10th, 17th, 24th, and 31st; Thursdays, 13th, 20th, and 27th. AUGUST.-Mondays, 7th and 14th; Thursdays, 3rd and 10th. SEPTEMBER .-Nolle. OcToBER.-Mondays, 16th, 23rd, and 30th; Thursdays, 12th, 19th, and 26th. NovEMBER.-Thwrsday, 2nd. DEcEMBER.-Mondays, 11th and 18th; Thursdays, 14th and 21St.

* All meetings at 11 am. ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. 109

Illegistration of llirt4s, L}tarria es, an cOtts.

EvEE.r birth must be registered w ithin sixty days, and every death within thirty days, next thereafter respectively ; and neglect of this regulation renders the parties liable to a fine not exceeding £10. In every case of hurial the minister or of ei sting person ought to receive front the unlerrtal1cr, or per,,on having charge of the fume'al, a certnfic ate Lrouc O u l)iArict I{can-trar, certifying the regnaratioa of the de th-mule-- ni the c.,-e of an inquest, when a certfi cite from the (ironer or ni: gi,trate holding the inquest will be '.tntictent ; .ncd if ;any dc-id body sha ll be buried without suck certificate, the person who may bur3 the same, or perform i an3 funeral or religions service for the buri.;l, or who shall in an3 way dr-pose of the bod3, shall forthwith give notice of the facts to the Da.-tries Registrar. Every minister who has celebrated a marriage shall, within one month thereafter, transmit the original certificate to the Registrar of the district ; and ever} minister who shall fail to transnut the certificate to the ]),strict Registrar shall be liable to a fine of not less than £10, and not exceeding £50.


ILEarLATTOYS. 1. ALL Messages will be held strictly confidential. 2. Messages mast be written with ink in a legible manner, properly doted, e,nd have a full and ch-tudet addncss. The sig- nature of the Sender will al-o be regd.ued, in authentication of each message. No charge w ill be made for date, address, or signature. 3. All ordinary me-ages to be paid for before transmission, except in case, of unn-aal emergennc), or replies to interrogatory messages bearing the words "Reply paid for." Press reports to be paid forat receivingstation on delivery. 110 ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH.

4. Cypher may be used in the transmission of messages, at 50 per cent . above the ordinary rates ; but cypher words must not consist of more than two syllables. 5. To insure greater accuracy, it is requested that all numbers may be expressed in words, at full length, and repeated in figures. Charge will be made for the words only, although the figures also will be transmitted. 6. Messages will be transmitted in the order of their reception , with the following exceptions, in which cases pre- cedence will be given, viz.:-Ieisages on the Service of the State, sickness , death, or sudden emergency. 7. When an immediate answer is required, the words " Reply paid for, ansn or immediately," should be appended to the message. Messengers delivering will, in such cases, be instructed to wait five minutes for reply. 8. Every precaution will be taken to insure the accuracy of all messages transmitted, whether important or otherwise. If desired, messages of consequence can be repeated from stations at which received to stations from which originally sent, on payment of an additional half rate ; but no responsibility will be undertaken, nor any claim for compensation entertained, for any errors in transmission , or delay in delivery of messages, whether repeated or unrepeated, nor for non -transmission or non-delivery of messages, arising from any cause whatsoever. 9. Messages will be delivered free within one mile of the station to which transmitted. Charges for porterage, horse or boat hire, will be made beyond such distance, payable by the persons to whom the messages are addressed. 10. Originals of messages transmitted, and duplicates of messages received, after being kept for two years, will be burned in the presence of the officers in charge of stations. 11. In the event of any interruption of the working of the Electric Telegraph, by which messages may be unusually delayed, it will be optional with the senders to withdraw such message, before transmission , and receive back amounts paid.

NoTE.-Messages sent by Electric Telegraph can be posted to any address , colonial or foreign , on pre -payment of postage, in addition to the ordinary charge for transmission. A ll Queensland Stations are open for public business fr om 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily (Sundays excepted). SCALE OF CHARGES.


9 A ai STATIONS. o o o Wb W W o W o Iw 0 0 m ce F E W I F F i s. d. s. d. s. d. S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. S. d. S. dJ s. d., s. d. S. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. s. d. Brisbane ...... 2 0 0 2 30 03 3 0'0 3 3 0 0 3 2 0 10 2 03 3 0 03 30 03 Lytton ...... 2 0 0 2 ... 2 0 0 2 3 00 3 3 0 0 3 2 0 0 2 03 30 0 3 3 0 0 3 Dunwich...... 3 0 0 3 2 0 02 2 010 2 2 0 0 2 ...... Pilot Station.. 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 20 02 2 0 0 2 ...... Cape Moreton 3 0 0 3 3 0 03 20 02 2 0,0 2 Ipswich ...... 3 0 0 3 3 0 0.3 2 6 0 2 3 0 0 3 3 0 0 3 Toowoomba .. 3 0 0330 03 2 6 0 2 2 0 0 2 2 0 .0 2 Warwick ...... 3 0 0 3 3 0 03 3 0 0 3 2 0 0 2 3 0 0 3 Dalby ...... , 3 0 0 313 0 03 3 0 0 3 20 02 3 0 0 3 112 ELECTRIC TELEGEAPR.


-Rate of Charges between Queensland and the undermentioned Stations in the Colonies of New South Wales, Victoria, and South Australia.

NEW SOUTH WALES. Tentertleld, Glen limes, Arhuidale, Bendemeer, Tamworth, Murruruudi, Scone, 1kluswellbrook, Singleton, West Maitland, Morpeth, Wollombi, Newcastle, Windsor, Sydney, Grafton- 6s. for ten words, and id. each additional word. Za eel,tions to the above cho-vsye-to Tenterfi eld and Glen Innes, fi oau Toowoovaba, Dragton, and J arwicl -4s. for ten words, and 3d. each additional word. Penrith, Hartley, Batharst, Orn,ge, Sofala, Mudgee, Parra- matte, Liverpool, Cuun,pbelltown, Berriu s, Goulburu, Yass, Gundggai, Young, W cllington, Forbes, l t' indeyer, Tambaroora, South Read, Ikiama, Wollongong, Picton-7s. for ten words, and 4.d. for each additional ttord. Tyarnla, Albury, Biaidwood, Kiandra, Tumut, Deniliquin, Wagga Wagga; Urana-Ss. for ten words, and 4d. for each additional word.

VICTORIA. Melbourne , Sandridgc, Snapper Point , Cape Shanck, Williamstown, Geelong, Queenclitfe, Point Lousdale, Cape Otwav, Ballaarat, Creswick, Raglan, Ararat, Streatham, Hesham, l1 arnambool, Belfast, Portland, ltunulton, Eehuea, Sandhurst, Avoca, 1lamolly, Tarnagulla, Chores, Back Creek, Maryborough, Carisbrook, Maldon, Daylesford, Cnstlemaine, Kyneton, Glsborne, kihnoro, Heatheote, Longwood, Bena lla, Wangaratta, Beeehworth, Yack;nldandah, Chiltern, Walrgnmyah, Belvoir, Camperdown, C'olae, 14Ioorarubel, Kerang, Swan Hill, Smythesdale , Tar:rdale, Nrerttend, ANinchclsea, Beauford, Red Bank, Inglewood, Rutherglen, Footseray, Mortlake, Woodend, Fa,radale,Hareourt,Werrit,ee, Meredith, Buruayong, Lethbridge, Stawell-Ps. for ten words, and 6h1. for each additional word.

SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Mount Gambier, Penola, Port Macdonnell, Goolwa, Port Elliott, Willunga, Adelaide, Port Adelaide, Glenelg, Bowden, Alberton, Peninsula, Mount Barker, Nairne, Strathalban, Dry Creek, Salisbury, Gawler Town, Ealiunda, Clare, I%oriuga, Smithfield, Roseworthy, Freeling, Burra, Grmraracka, Welling- ton, Kinchraig, Wallaroo, Yankalilla, Holdfast Bay, Woodside, Guichen Bay, Kadina- 12s. for ten words, and 8d. for each additional word. W. J. Ca aasErn, Superintendent. PORTS AND HARBORS. 113 PORTS AND HARBORS.


THE FOLLOWING SIGNALS ARE IN USE AT THE PORTS OF THE COLONY OF QUEENSLAND. PILOT-Union Jack at the fore. PILOT BoAT-White and red flag. CusToMs-Umon Jack at the peak WATER POLICE (Day Signal)-Ensign at the main. WATER POLICE (Night Signal)-Gun to be fired, and a Bright Light hoisted at the peak and the mizen. STEAMBOAT-Rendezvous Flag at the peak or mizen. GUNPOWDER ON BoA on-Umon Jack at the main. HEALTH OFFICER-Blue flag at the main. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE-NO 5 at the peak. MAIis ON BOARD-White Flag at the fore, to be kept Hying until the mails are delivered EAGLISu MAILS-Ensign at the fore. EXEMPTION (Day Signal)-White Flag at the main. EXEMPTION (night Siggual)-Two Bright Lights hoisted ve rt ical at a distance of two feet between each lantern , in some conspicuous part of the vessel. GOVERNMENT IsMIGRANTS ON BoARD-Ensign at the mizen. QOAWWWTINE-Yellow Flag at the main.

[The Publisher desires to acknowledge his indebtedness to LIEUTENANT HEATn, RN, Portmaster , for the compilation of the subjoined " Sailing Directions."] NMORETONBAY.

NORTHERN ENTRANCE. CAPE MORETONis the north-eastern point of Moreton Island, and is visible from a ship's deck eight leagues. When first seen from the southward it appears to be detached, as the land between it and the higher points of the island is very low. The outlying dangers are as follow:- Smith's Rock.-This danger, though of small extent, has not more than seven feet water over it at low water. Its position is nearly midway upon a line drawn between the outer extreme of " Cape Moreton" and Flinders' Rocks," and bears from the Lighthouse N. by E. s E. (easterly), distant two miles. A ship can keep seaward of it by night so long as the light is not brought southward of S.S.W. a W., or, by day, she will be, at the least, one-third of a mile outside of it so long as " Mount Tempest" (bearing S S W.) is open of Cape Moreton ; while, if bound into the bay, a safe passage between it and the Cape will be ensu re d by not opening the " Ridge-tree Hills" I 114 PORTS AND HARBORS: northward of " North Point," with which they close, but are seen over , on the bearing of S.W. 4 W. A black nun buoy is placed S.S.W. two cables' distance from the rock. In thick weather a stranger, in navigating himself into the pilot ground of Moreton Bay, should, according to the wind, hug the foot of the Cape, which is bold on the south hand, or borrow upon the breakers of Flinders' Rocks on his north hand, rather than make free with the midway line of approach. Flinders' Rocks.-These are about one-third of a mile in extent, and are dry at half-tide. They lie N.N.E., distant three miles from the northern projection of the Cape. The sea always breaks upon these rocks. Hutchison Shoal has not more than 22 feet of water on it. It is dangerous to vessels with a heavy draught of water, and should be avoidedby Coasterson accounto f- itsbroken water when the 12L-knot E.S.E. current sets again st a strong easterly wind. This nucleus of a danger is situated two miles N. 4 W. from Flinders' Rocks, Cape Moreton Lighthouse bearing N .-, E., distant five and a-half miles, and the Southern Glasshouse W. by S. The Lighthouse in line with the centre of Flinders' Rocks, and bearing S. 4 W., leads half-a-mile OUTSIDE this shoal ; or, to ensure being INSIDE,the Lighthouseshould not be brought southward of S. by E. ; while, to pass northward of it, the G lasshouses should not bear westward of W.S.W.; but fisher. men can find it, for a take of " schnapper," by bringing Mount Tempe9t over the Yellow Sand Slip at North Point bearing S. 4 W., and the Glasshouses bearing W. by S. By night, vessels are to the westward of the shoal while the pne Light at the Yellow Patch is in sight. is coming from the southward, requiring Pilots, should, LpBSsiug Cape Moreton, haul up round the North Point of heton Island, and keep a good look-out for the Pilot Vessel oi Boat, as the case may be-the arrival of any vessel off the Port requiring a Pilot being signalled from the Lighthouse to the Pilot Station. Should the wind be to the southward of E.S.E., or the westward of N.N.W., vessels may anchor under Moreton Island in safety (with the Yellow Patch bearing about S.E.), fr om one to one and a-half miles from the beach. N.B.--Strangers making the Port of Moreton Bay would do well to pay attention to any signals made from the Lighthouse for their guidance. Directions for Ship Channel.-Vessels intending to enter Moreton Bay by the Ship Channel should, after passing about SLILINQ DIRECTIONS. 115 one mile north of Cape Moreton, steer W. 4 N. until the Black Perch Buoy off the outermost extreme of the East Banks is passed on the port hand, or until the N.W. extreme of Comboyuro Point bears S. by E. Mount Tempest (the highest land on the island) will then bear S S E., and the Lighthouse E. by S. ; S. The depth of water will be seven and a-half fathoms at low water, and the Buoy A will bear S.W. about a mile and a quarter distant. The Glass Houses will be seen in clear weather, with the highest (Burwa) bearing W 4 S. After passing the Perch Buoy a vessel may haul up W. by S., or, should the Buoy not be seen, a vessel may steer from the position given by the fore- going bearings a S.W. by W. course for about two miles, which will take a ship close to the northward of BuoyB, chequered black and white, Mount Tempest bearing S.E. a S., and the Light- house E. yl S. A ship will then be to the westward of the East Banks, and may steer for Moreton Island (bearing in mind that the tides set directly across the channel), by keeping the Buoy B and Mount Tempest a quarter of a point open on the port bow, and passing the Red Buoy on the N.E. extreme of the West Banks, bearing about S E. 5 S. one and a third miles from Buoy B on the starboard, and the black buoy on the south extreme of Hixson's Bank on the port hand. The breadth of the channel between the East and West Banks is about half a mile, and the banks are generally plainly discernible from an elevated position. Tildes.-In the channel between the East and West Banks the first of the ebb sets strong to the N.E. over the Banks. After half tide it takes a more northerly direction ; and later, it sets about N. and N.N.W. When the tide is flood, and the wind easterly, vessels, on rounding B Buoy, should anchor until slack water, as it is useless to attempt the south-easterly reach while the tide is setting dead to leeward over the West Vessels in charge of pilots may, however, proceed throw west channel, by passing about two cables to the weat'w t of the red buoy on the north-east extreme of the west bank, in about 3-4fathoms at low water, increasing gradually to seven fathoms. The banks on either side of this channel are plainly visible from a vessel's deck. When Comboyuro Point bears east, the water will have deepened to twelve fathoms, and will continue at that depth until it again joins the main channel to the northward of the red buoy on the south-west spit off Cowan Cowan Point. Strangers should not make use of this channel. Good anchorage in Yule's Roads will be found on the Six- fathom Bank, abreast the Pilot Station, when the Ship Patch is just open to the westward of Cow an Cowan Point. N.B.-Strangers are advised not to attempt this channel I* 116 PORTS AND HARBORS:

without, a pilot, the Middle Channel offering many advantages to vessels drawing less than twelve feet water. Mariners are warned against the possibility of the buoys, in exposed situations, being temporarily absent after heavy weather, and the probability of their being for a time replaced by buoys of a description differing from those previously notified. Directions for Middle Channel.-Vessels, after rounding the north point of Moreton Island, which is deep-to within about a cable's length, may haul up and steer W.S.W. until the Light- house comes on with a white beacon to the N.E. of the small Yellow Sand Patch. Keep these marks on until the Ship Patch is open of Cowan Cowan Point. When Comboyuro Point bears W.S.W., a vessel will be near a black buoy placed on the eastern edge of the banks, which buoy she will pass on the port hand, and before the Ship Patch opens of Cowan Cowan Point a second black buoy will be passed, which is placed on the N.W. spit of the bank. After hauling up, keep the Ship Patch open of Cowan Cowan Point, and proceed towards Yule's Roads. With even a fair wind, vessels drawing thirteen feet water should not attempt this channel without a pilot. Directions for Enterinq at Sight.-Two Kerosine Lights are now exhibited on the north end of Moreton Island, and one on Cowan Conan Point, for the purpose of assitmg vessels at night to pass into Moreton Bay through the Middle Channel. One light is placed a little to the north-eabtward of the Small Yellow Patch, and shoes a fixed white light from about N. 44E. to W. by S. This light in a hue with the Lighthouse leads in through the Middle Channel, in not less than sixteen feet water at low water spring tides-the line of lights passing at one cable's length northward of the Inner Middle Channel Buoy. Vessels coming from the northward will be to the westward of Hutchison 's Shoal and Flinders' Rocks while this light is kept open. Vessels from the southward will open the light shortly after rounding the north point of Moreton Island. The light is visibleat a distanceof at leastseven or eightmiles. The second light is placed on Comboyuro Point, showing a faint red to seaward, i.e. from about N. by E.-, E. eastward. Vessels will be clear of the east banks while the red light is kept open. It is obscured between N. by E. 4 E. and N.N.W., opening out at the latter bearing as a bright white fixed light, and remaining visible from thence to the W.S.W. of Comboyuro Point. It is again observed between W.S.W. and S. I W., and again opens out between S. 'z W., and S. E, southerly. The following directions are to be observed by vessels entering at night: SAILING DIRECTIONS. 117

Steer with the light on Small Ye ll ow Patch on with Light- house until the bright white light on Comboyuro Point opens out (the red light on Comboyuro Point having been shut out just before entering the Middle Channel). Then haul up and steer south, until the light on Cowan Cowan Point is opened out (the eye of the observerbeing seventeenfeet above the water line). By keeping Cowan Cowan Point Light open, vessels will be well clear of the western edge of the Venus Bank. When the Yellow Patch Light is shut out, a vessel is just abreast the elbow of the bank between Freeman's and the Middle Channel. Due allowance must of course be made, after hauling up to the southward, for the proportionate speed of the vessel, and the rate of the tide, which runs N.N.E. and S.S.W. from two to three knots. The Comboyuro Point Light will be obscured on an E.N.E. bearing, and again open out when bearing N. z E. After opening out Comboyuro Point Light on this bearing , vessels will, by keeping this Light in sight, be to the westward of the shoal water off Cowan Cowan Point, and to the eastward of the S.W. spit in Yule Roads, and of those portions of the S.W. banks on which there is less than fifteen feet water at low water. The Light on Cowan Cowan Point will be obscured when it bears E . I N., and will open out NE. N., remaining visible between that bearing and N.N.E. 4 E. While the Light on Cowan Cowan Point is kept in sight between these hearings, a vessel will be clear of the S.W. banks on her starboard, and the Middle Bank on her port hand, being in not less than three fathoms on either side of the channel. Until, however, the Ship Patch bears east, vessels in working to the S.W. may stand across fr om the line of eclipsed light off the S.E. edge of the S.W. banks, until the Light again opens out in a line td,-the eastward of the Middle Bank. Soon after dipping the Cowan Cowan Light, the Lightship at the Bar will be visible above the horizon. Vessels arriving in the port at night, and wishing to anchor on the Six-fathom Bank in Yule Roads, should, while keeping in sight the Light on Cowan Cowan Point, anchor as soon as convenient after opening out the Comboyuro Point Light _on the N. 4 F. bearing. Directions for Freeman's Channel.-No vessels should make use of this channel except constant traders to this port, as the banks are continually undergoing changes in their formation, and the position of the channel is always altering. It is high water, full and change, at Comboyuro Point at 9h. 30m., and the rise is from three to seven feet . Strong south-easterly winds cause the greatest rise, but, during the 118 PORTS AND HARBORS:

prevalence of westerly winds in winter , the rise is sometimes scarcely perceptible. The general set of the flood in the bay is to the south, and the ebb to the north, though in many places the direction of the stream is altered by the shoals. .Directions from Comboyuro Point to the Bar -From Com- boyuro to Cowan Cowan Point the shore is tolerably bold of approach. Vessels should, however, keep the Ship Patch open to the westward of Cowan Cowan Point. Anchorage may be obtained, as before stated, on the Six- fathom Bank, abreast of the Pilot Station, or off the position marked on the chartsas the Watering Place,in from twelveto fourteen fathoms, half a mile from the shore, where wood and water can be obtained. Vessels of light draught of water can anchor on the edge of the bank, in about two and a-half fathoms. The shore between Cowan Cowan and the Ship Patch is fronted by a narrow bank, upon which there is not more than five feet at low water. The south part is about a mile off shore, but the anchorage inside is not accessible for large vessels. When Cowan Cowan Point bears about N \ E., a direct course can be steered S.S.W. for the River Bar, passing a Red Buoy on the S W. spit on the starboard, and a Black Buoy on the Middle Bank on the port hand A Second Red Buov, carrying a red flag, is placed off the S.W. spit of the S.W. Banks. Anchorage off the Bar will be found by the lead, according to draught of water. For vessels of heavy draught the trees on Mud Island should be brought to bear about E. by S. a S.; Lightship about S. by W. Directions for Crossing Brisbane Bar. -To cross the Brisbane Bar, keep Mount Gravatt on with a small dip in the near bushes to the westward of the entrance of the river, until Mount Cotton is seen to the westward of the Inner East Beacon, when a vessel should haul up for Mount Cotton, keeping that hill between the West and Inner East Beacon, which marks clear the banks on either side. At night, keep the light on the West Beacon open to the westward of the red light on the East Beacon-(this light should not be opened more than one-fourth of the distance between the E Beacon light and the Lightship)-and pass the East Beacon at half a cable's length.

SOUTH ENTRANCE TO MORETON BAY. Two red beacons-visible from the Flat Rock-are now placed on the South extreme of Moreton Island, to enable vessels entering Rous's or the Amity Point Channel to pass between the outer banks and over the Bar in the deepest water, viz., seventeen feet at low -water sprin g tides. BAILING DIRECTIONS. 119

This Channel is chiefly available for Coasting Steamers during daylight, when there is not a heavy swell setting in on the coast. It is not recommended for the use of sailing vessels, except in fine weather, and with a commanding breeze, that will allow them to lay four points to the windward of their course. The coast current runs at from two to three knots to the southward, close to the outer edge of the Bar, and at a lesser speed over the outer portion of the banks, so that, during northerly winds, vessels should be careful not to allow them- selves to get to the southward of the line of Beacons until well inside the North Break.. The tides set fair through this channel at a rate varying from three to four and a-half knots, until they come within the influence of the coast current. The sea always breaks on the north bank, but the space over which the sea breaks on the south bank varies with the amount A swell on the coast. Seven red and six black buoys and beacons mark the channel for crossing the Bay towards Mud Island between the inner banks. There is not less than two fathoms at low water spring tides in this channel, except at a point of junction with the Cleveland Ship Channel, where the depth of water is never less than nine feet at low water, spring tides. Directions.-Vessels from the southward intending to enter Moreton Bay by the South or Amity Point entrance, or Rous's Channel, must, after passing either inside or outside of the Flat Rock, keep the northernmost Sand Patch on Moreton Island on the port bow, until the two Red Beacons on the south extreme of Moreton Island (the innermost of which is the higher of the two, and is surmounted by a Red Ball) are in a lme : keep these beacons in line until inside the north break, when haul up to the southward gradually, keeping at about a cable's length from the edge of the North Bank, which is steep-to, and always shows. When near the detached sandbank, haul up for the N.W. extreme of Stradbroke Island, and round the Red Buoy off the shoal extending to the S.W. of the detached sandbank, after passing which, keep an ay west, and pass at two cables' length from the S.W. extreme of Moreton Island, which is steep-to. Leave the first Black Buoy on the port hand at a distance of about half a cable, and haul up W. by S. for the S.E. end of the high land on St. Helena. After passing the second Black Buoy and two Red Beacons on the starboard hand, haul up S.S.W. for a Black Beacon about two miles distant, keeping it on with the eastern extremity of Mount Cotton, passing the third Red Beacon placed on the edge of a sandspit on the star- 120 PORTS AND HARBORS: board band , and continuing the same course until hbre ast the second Red Buoy, when keep away W. by S. W' S., and pass the fourth Red Beacon ; fr om thence keep away for and pass on the port hand the third Black Beacon at a distance not exceeding half a cable , and steer out W. by N. 1 N. in mid -channel between the inner Black and Red Buoys. When these buoys are passed , a vessel is in the Ship Channel to Cleveland , across which a course must be steered for the centre of the opening between Mud and St . Helena Islands ; a mid-channel course must be kept between these islands, and a vessel may fr om thence steer for the anchorage off the Bar. A Red Buoy is placed off the S.W..extreme of the shoal off Mud Island. Vessels outward -bound through the South Entrance should, after passing Mud Island, steer for the north extreme of high land on Stradbroke Island, until a small smooth-topped cone near the north end of Stradbroke Island bears E. by S. 4 S., when they should haul up and steer for it, passing the inner Red and Black Buoys, and passing the inner Black Beacon as previously directed. Plans of the South Entrance can be obtained at the Port Office. N.B. Masters of vessels about leaving Brisbane, and wishing to passout by the South passage,can ascertainthe stateof the wind and sea by referring to the Weather Table at the Port Office, which is transmitted daily fr om Cape Moreton by Electric Telegraph.

THE LIGHT SHIP AT THE BRISBANE BAR. Tidal signals in use on board the Light Ship, showing the height of water on the Bar:-

DAY SIGNALS. Ball at mast head ...... 8 feet. Ball half mast ...... 81 Two balls at mast head ...... 9 „ Two balls at half mast ...... 91 „ Ball with white flag under at mast head ...... 10 „ Ball with white flag under at half mast 101 ,, Two balls with white flag under at mast head ... 11 „ Two balls with white flag under at half mast ...... 111 „ NIGHT SIGNALS. Green light ...... 8 feet. Red light 81 White light ...... 9 SAILING DIRECTIONS. 121

White with red under ...... 92 feet. Red with white under ...... 10 „ White with green under ...... 102 „ Green with white under ... 11 „ Green with red under ...... 112 „


GREAT SANDY ISLAND STRAIT, AND THE MARY RIVER. A VESSELhaving made Double Island Point (abold bluff headland safe to approach to two cable lengths) should look out for arock awash (which always shows) lying due north about a mile from the Point. The rock is safe to approach on all sides to a cable's length, and there is a good passage between it and the Point. Having passed outside the rock at P. convenient distance, steer N.W. by N. After running on this course four or five miles, the entrance will be seen opening out to the southward of the termination of the high land of Frazer's Island. Donot approach the heads nearer than five miles, as the shoal water forming the Bar extends out nearly that distance. It is steep-to, and shows itself by the discoloration of the water, in fine weather, and by the break, if there is any swell on. Stand to the northward until the hollow in the centre of Baupal Mountain (a very con- spicuous mark on the mainland) is shut in behind the high land on Frazer 's Island, the North Head bearing about S.W. by W. I W. Keep these marks on until across the Bar, when haul up for the entrance. Should Baupal Mountain be obscured by thick weather or other causes, bring the North Head and the point of land which forms the South Head on with each other (the sandy beaches and not the bushes touching each other), and cross the Bar with these marks on. A vessel will not have less than three fathoms upon the Bar if following these directions. The spit running out in an E.N.E. direction from the South Head nearly always breaks, and will easily be seen. Borrow a little on the south side as you approach the entrance, to avoid a spit running out a third of a mile from the North Head. This is the best entrance for a stranger, as there is less chance of mistaking the marks, as the Baupal Mountain is the only high land visible in that direction. It shows itselfTmmed.iately after passing the high land of Double Island Point, and is about twenty miles from the coast In westerly winds or smooth water there is a channel further to the westward, with 22 or 31, fathoms in it (according to tide). To enter by this channel , after passing Double Island Point at a 122 PORTS AND HARBORS: distance of half smile, and inside of the detached rock, steer N.W. by N. When the entrance is beginning to show, a sand patch will be seen at the south end of a range of low sand hills or cliffs, which terminate at their northerly extreme in a low sandy point. Bring this patch on with an abrupt elbow or fall in the high backland of Frazer's Island. Keep these marks on ; the ship's head will be about N.W. 2 N., and Double Island Point NEARLYright astern. You will shoal sud- denly upon the Bar, to 22 or 3; fathoms (according to tide). When on the shoalest part, Baupal Mtntam will be just opening out to the north" and of the South Head. Keep the marks on. You will carry 3 to 32 fathoms three quarters of a mile; after which the water Bill deepen to five fathoms, when you may haul round the spit and steer for the entrance. In strong S E. or easterly winds the sea breaks heavily upon the Bar, rendering it unsafe to cross ; and this is particularly the case in the summer months, when the sun is to the southward of the Equator,-more especially in the months of February, March, and April, when the wind is almost always blowing from the S.E. and eastward. A vessel e ould have notice of the state of the Bar by the swell on the coast before reaching Moreton Island, where she might shelter, or might, if she thought it desirable, run round the north entrance by Breaksea Spit. With south, south-easterly, or easterly winds, there is, however, good shelter under Double Island Point. But supposing the swELL is not great , the Bar is quite safe to enter, though breaking across. The break is always much less towards high water. In leaving Wide Bay, do not attempt to PROCEED to SEA if there is any break across the Bar, as it is attended with great risk and danger , from the short abrupt sea which comes in, in the shape of rollers, with great velocity. After entering the Heads, the channel is clear fro5n side to side . Steer along the Frazer's Island shore at the distance of one or two cables' length. until abreast of the first high land ; then steer N.W. 2 W. The Fairway Buoy will soon be seen- steer for it, and pass close on either side of it. When abreast of the buoy, haul up north, or steer for the highest part of the ridge of high land on grazer's Island. The lower beacon (red) will be seen a little on the starboard bow when abreast of this beacon (which leave a cable's length on the starboard hand) the channel beygnd is shown by four black beacons, which are placed on the edge of a bank, and are to be passed on the port side. The banks on either side of the channel are here steep-to. Continue a northerly course until abreast the second black beacon,- a N .W. course until abreast the third,-and a N.W. by W. course until abreast the fourth beacon. You will now SAILING DIRECTIONS. 123

be, one-third of a mile N.W. by W. ,' W. from the red buoy off the sand spit running out from Stuart's Island Haul round this buoy, within a ship's length, and steer N.N.W. I W., leaving on the port hand a large white beacon, which will be seen to the westward , and two black beacons beyond. Before passing the second of these black beacons, a large white and a red beacon will be seen near together to the northw and ; steer for the white beacon until nithin a cable's length, then keep away, and pass on the starboard band, within a ship's length, a second red beacon placed on the end of the spit The next beacon is black, and will now be seen in a N.N.W direction, and is to be passed on the port hand Then steer N N.W., until you see a black buoy, which is to be passed on the same side ;- pass also, on the port hand, within a short ship's length, a green buoy a shdrt distance beyond ;-it denotes the position of rocky ground in mid-channel. Abreast this rock is a shoal, on which there is not more than six feet at low water, From this point the tides separate , and run in opposite directions-one towards Hervey's Bay, and the other towards Wide Bay. Not far from the green buoy is a black beacon to the N W., placed on the port side of the channel-the round bush which formerly stood near the position of this beacon having been washed away. After passing this beacon, haul up N. by E. 2 E., and pass, on the starboard band, two red beacons-the second of which is placed on the N.W. extreme of a sand bank-and leave a black buoy on the port hand. A third and fourth red beacon will be seen to the N.E., defining the edge of the same shoal. After passing the third red beacon, a black beacon will be in sight, on with some low sandy cliffs on Great Sandy Island, bearing N.E. 1 N., and a black buoy in the same direction, but still further on, showing the extreme point of the spit. In hauling up to the northward round this buoy, two more black beacons will be seen bearing about N.W., which are also to be passed on the port hand. Hence, the channel follows the shore of Great Sandy Island (which is here low, and fronted with mangroves) as far as a low point : from this point the shore trends away in a north-easterly direction towards the white cliffs opposite the mouth of the River Mary. From the low point steer about N.W. for the dip at the north-west end of Woody Island. This course will take you to the Baste and of the Fairway Buoy. As you approach this buoy (which is to be left on the port hand) the heads of the Mary River will open out in a W.S.W. direction . The channel then runs exactly in a line between the mouth of the river and the white cliffs opposite on Great Sandy Island, and you will ca"from three to five and six fathoms as you approach the river heads. Pass at a distance of about 124 PORTS AND HARBORS:

half a cable 's length from the extreme rocky point of the north head (which is marked by a red beacon), and steer for a small dry sand bank, which will be seen about half a mile inside the mouth of the river, taking care not to shut in the heads with one another. Then pass, on the port hand, a black buoy, which lies off some rocky ground, and round a second black buoy, which will be seen beyond. Then steer to the southward for a white beacon, in a line with some high trees on the opposite side of the river, passing a black beacon on the port hand. Off the small island which lies on the port side of the channel there is a patch of rocky ground ; it bears W. by S. from the island, from which it is distant about two cables' length. It is marked by a red buoy, which is to be left on the starboard hand. After passing about a cable's length from the white beacon, keep away S.W. by W. W. towards the north shore, and steer for another white beacon, which will be seen in that direction. Two red beacons will be passed, which mark out the edge of the starboard shoal, and three black beacons (which will be seen on the port hand) point out the northern limits of the Horse-shoe bank. From this point a third white beacon will be seen on the south shore ; pass within half a cable's length of this beacon, and steer along the south bank of the river, and for a white beacon on Crab Island, which pass within a short ship's length, and steer for another white beacon on the south shore, passing (on your port band) a black beacon on the "Beaver" rock, and a black buoy a short distance above, which is placed on another rock. Keep the south shore on board-passing three red beacons on the starboard hand-until the next white beacon on the same side is reached ; then haul out a cable's length from the bank, and steer for Rocky Point, passing, on the port hand, but not too closely, a black beacon, vihicb stands well off the land about a quarter of a mile above the last white beacon. Pass Rocky Point within half a ship's length, and retain that distance from the shore all round the bight above the point, passing two black beacons on the port band. When a white beacon is reached, about half a mile above Rocky Point, haul off for another white, beacon off the north side of the "Brothers," and then again stand in for another beacon on the mainland. From thence you stand towards the south shore for a white beacon, bearing about S.W. by S., and after passing, on the starboard hand, a red buoy which points out the limits of a shoal, keep that shore on board until within about three quarters of a mile of Pettigrew's Saw-mi ll s, which may be recognised at a distance by a great extent of low-pitched galvanised ion roofing. A white beacon on the south shove points out the Alpot from which a course is to be steered for the Saw -mills, two black buoys being SAILING DIRECTIONS. 125

passed on the port side. The channel over the Flats is very narrow, and has not more than seven feet of water on it at low water springs. After rounding the first long low point of land above the Saw-mills, the entrance to Saltwater Creek will be seen. Keep in mid-channel until past the creek, and then haul over to the starboard shore, until past a small low mangrove island, above which there are no other obstacles to the navi- gation-further than that the rocky shore on the starboard hand, before arriving at the township, ought not to be approached too closely. It is high water on the Bar at full and change at 8h. 30m., and about 9h. 30m. at the river heads. The flood tide through Hervey's Bay meets the flood through the southern entrance about the Round Bush. The spi rags run from three to four knots, and are very irregular. The rise and fall of the tide is from seven to ten feet, at the Heads, and from six to eight feet at the Bar. A stranger,after entering the Heads, shouldprocure the assistance of one of the natives of Frazer's Island, some of whom are very intelligent, and have a good know ledge of the river. They will readily come on board, and w ill be found very useful. If care is taken to proceed wl'en the banks are uncovered, or not later than three-quarter's flood, the harbor is easily navigated, as the channels are all buoyed and marked off. It is to be observed that all buoys and marks painted red are to be left on the starboard hand in entering and going up Wide Bay and Mary River, and all buo}s and beacons painted black are to be left on the port hand. The red beacons are also round, while the black beacons are square. Nearly all the banks are steep-to, and have deep water within half a ship's length of them.

MEMORANDUM RELATIVE TO THE ADVERTISING OF SHIPS LAID ON FOR MARYBOROHGH FROM PORTS BEYOND THE SEAS. Port Office, Brisbane, 4th October, 1862. IN consequence of the erroneous impression likely to be conveyed, to Masters and Owners of Vessels, from the name of Wide Bay being constantly associated with that of Maryborough, the latter port will in future be styled "Maryborough, Hervey's Bay," and not Maryborough, Wide Bay. The necessity for this is apparent- 1. Because vessels from beyond the seas, bound to Mary- borough, instead of entering Wide Bay, pass ninety miles to the northward of it, and round Breaksea Spit. 126 PORTS AND HARBORS:

2. Wide Bay is described in The Admiralty Australian Directory as affording no shelter during gales from seaward; Wide Bay Harbor as only accessible by crossing a dangerous bar, with from two to three fathoms water upon it; and the channel from l fence towards Maryborough, between Great Sandy Island and the main land, as being hardly navigable for boats. 5. In Hervey's Bay a stranger will always find good anchorage under the north-west side ofGreat Sandy Island, until within five miles of Sandy Point. G. P. HEATH, Lieut. R. N., Portmaster.


VESSELS from the northward passing the land off Sloping Hummock, at a distance of about five miles, should steer about S.W. by S.; and vessels rounding Breaksca Spit at about the same distance, should steer about S W. for the Fairway Buoy off the north entrance to the channel leading through the banks into Great Sandy Island Strait. As soon as Woody Island can be distinguished, the two hummocks should be brought so as just to touch one another, taking care to keep the higher hummock the more eastn and of the two. With these Sparks on , and Point Vernon (a level piece of ground, bare of t rees, presenting a low rocky cliff to scanard) bearing S. by W., a veeaal will be near the Faire ay Buoy, which is black, and is to be lift on the port band. Thence steer S.E. by E. 2 E., passing a red buoy off the eastern extreme of the Middle Bank on the starboard hand, and a black buoy off the elbow of the forked bank on the port hand, until Leading Hill (a small peak on the high land of Great Sandy Island, formed by a clump of trees ) is opened out to the e•ictward of Little Woody Island. A vessel may then haul up and pass half a mile to the westward of Little Woody Island, and will pass clear of the spit running off Woody Island, off the north extreme of which is placed a red buoy. From Little Woody Island steer so as to pass within a quarter of a mile of the more eastern of the two low bushy islands that will be seen to the southward. From this small island steer south, and pass a red beacon on the starboard hand, at a cable's distance, and when Baupal Mountain is seen over a dip in the trees on the south lie'id of the Mary River, steer with these marks on, until the north head bears W.S W., when haul up for the entrance, and proceed up the river as previously directed (p.p. 123-4). SAILING DIRECTIONS. 1 2 7

Vessels entering or I4aviug Hervey's Bay will find good shelter from north-easterly winds in the bight to the southward of the north-west point of Great Sandy Island, and during south-easterly winds, from the north-west point to Arch Chtf. During strong north-westerly winds, Hervey's Bay offers no shelter ; and as the atmosphere is generally very hazy during those winds, and the leading marks on Woody Island are nearly nine miles from the outer edge of the banks, strangers are recommended to keep to sea until the weather clears and the wind moderates. A spit runs to the northward of the north-west point of Great Sandy Island, to a distance of about two miles, the depth of water upon it graduahy increasing from one to three fathoms as you leave the shore. When inside the banks of Hervey's Bay, the best anchorage is off the White Cliffs. There is also a good anchorage for small craft between Woody Island and the spit which runs from its south-east extreme, northwards. Good water can be obtained from a running stream which flows over the beachyust to the northward of the White Cliffs. There is a pilot vessel stationed in Hervey's Bay and the Mary River, and, when practicable, vessels will be boarded out- side the Fairway Buoy.


THE Inner Route is the passage between the Great Barrier reefs and the east coast of Australia from Sandy Cape to Cape York, a distance of about 1050 mules There are two entrances into it from the south-eastward, one being the Curtis, and the other the Capricorn Channel CURTIS CHANNEL is entered between Breaksea Spit and Lady Elliot Isle, where it is 2b miles broad ; the centre of the entrance, in which is about 18 fathoms water, being from 8 to 10 miles within the 100-fathoms edge of the bank of soundings. The channel passes between the Bunker and Capricorn Groups and the main land from Bustard Bay to Cape Capricorn, then to the north-westward, along the coast by Capes Manifold and Townshend, and afterwards between 2nd and 3rd Northumber- land Isles, and to the westward of the Percy Isles. The sound- ings are regular , and there do not.appear to be any other dangers than those already described ; but, being more circuitous than the Capricorn Channel, the latter should be selected by vessels proceeding direct to Torres Strait by the Inner route. 128 PORTS AND HARBORS:

CAPRICORN CHANNEL is the broadest , shortest , and most safe entrance into the Inner route from the southward. It passes between the Capricorn group and the main land about Port Bowen to the westward, and Swain Reefs to the eastward, and then to the eastward of the Percy Isles ; its average breadth being about 60 miles. Soundings.-The depth gradually decreases from 80 fathoms in mid-channel, between the Capricorn Group and south extreme of Swain Reefs, to 30 fathoms abreast of Port Bowen. The bed of the channel is a continuation of the bank of soundings extending from Breaksca Spit to the Bunker and Capricorn Groups; the 100-fathoms edge of which, in mid-channel, being nearly in line between the Bunker Group and the south extreme of Swain Reefs. The soundings are regular right across, from Swain Reefs to the Capricorn Group, and to the main land, varying from 60 to 25 fathoms. The nature of the bottom sometimes differs, but in general it is either a very fine sand or a soft olive-colored clay and mud, with occasional patches of black shelly, or coral sand. Should the depth of water decrease to less than 40 or 35 fathoms in the vicinity of the Capricorn Group, it is necessary to keep a sharp look-out for the islands and reefs. Great caution is also requisite in approaching the south extreme of Swain Reefs, as there are 50 and 60 fathoms water close to it. Caution. -It may not here be amiss to remark that, although the lead should never be neglected in these seas, it must not be too implicitly trusted, as most of the reefs and coral patches (withwhich the northernpart of the Inner route especially abounds) spring up so abruptly from the bottom that the lead frequently gives no warning of their vicinity before a vessel approaches too near to avoid them. A keen look-out from the mast -head, cool judgment, and ready action may, therefore, be urged as a general rule to ensure successful navigation amongst the reefs. To these hints it will be only necessary to add that a vesselshould never be steeredin the glareof the sun, except over such ground as may be safely navigated in the darkest night, as the glare makes it impossible to see the different colors of the water indicating dangers to be avoided. Tides.-The strength of the flood sets in about W. by N., and the ebb out in the contrary direction, from 12 to 2 knots ; but, from the prevalent south-easterly winds, it is to be pre- sumed that a greater degree of north-westerly set will occasionally be experienced. From PERCY ISLES to CAPE GLOUCESTER.-There are two channels from the Percy Isles to Cape Gloucester, one to the eastward , and the other to the westward of the Northumberland HAILING? DIRECTIONS. 129 and Cumberland Islands ; tut the distance by the Eastern and Western channels being nearly the same, either may be adopted. The Inner channel runs between the islands and the main land, which afford numerous and good guiding marks; whereas the Eastern or outer channel, though wide , passes at a greater distance from the islands on the western side, and is chiefly bounded to the eastward by dangerous and imperfectly 'known reefs, instead of islands and the main land. The EASTERN or OUTER CHANNEL is bounded to the east- ward by Bell Cay, the inner limits of the barrier thence to the sand -banks westward of the islets K 41. and K 4., a dry sand-bank seen by Captain Flinders nearly N. by E. 12 miles from L 2., and the irregularedge of the reefsto the north-eastwardof the northernmost Cumberland Island. It is bounded to the westward by 1st Northumberland Isle, the Percy Isles, K 1., K., K 2., and L 2., and the chain of islets, rocks, and reefs fronting the northern cluster of the Cumber- land Islands. A dangerous shoal, not laid down in the charts, is said to exist three miles E.S.E. of the S.F. extreme of the N.E. Percy Island ; but it his out of the track of vessels running through the Outer or Eastern passage. The greatest breadth of the Eastern channel is about 30 miles, between Bell Cay and Ist Northumberland Isle, and its least breadth is 5 miles, between the sand-bank to the westward of K 412. and K. Isles. The soundings are regular, varying from 25 to 37 fathoms. The bottom is in some places mud, and in others sand. The WESTERN or INNER CHANNEL , as far northward as Whitsunday Passag , is bounded on the eastern side by the Percy Isles, Bailey Islet, L 1., in., and Sir James Smith Group; and on the western side by H. Isles, the Beverly Group, the main land from Fresh-water Point to Point Slade, the shoals off Shoal Point, Cape Hilsborough, and the Repulse Isles. The least breadth of this channel is about 5 miles, between the Beverly group and a line from No. 2 Percy Isle to Bailey Islet ; and its greatest breadth is 23 miles, from Fresh-water Point to the same line. The soundings are generally regular, the least depth being 4 fathoms, and the greatest 19 fathoms ; the bottom is in most parts sand and mud. The only known dangers in this channel are the rocks to the southward, and north-westward of Prudhoe Island, and the 4- fathoms knoll between Shoal Point and L. Island. Tides.-Between Capes Hilaborough and Conway the ebb stream sets to the N.E., and the flood to the S.W., but they are E. 130 PORTS AND HARBORS:

very irregular in the direction of the stream ; the greatest strength is about 1y' knots. WBITSUNDAY PASSAGE.-The northern termination of the Inner channel just described is bounded to the eastward by Shaw, Passage, Whitsunday, and Hook Islands, and the islets between Hook Isle and the northernmost of the Cumberland Islands ; and is bounded to the westward by the shoal extend- ing from Cape Conway to Round Head, Molle Isles, and the islets which lie scattered to the eastward of Cape Gloucester. Spitfvre Bock.-A dangerous rock, awash at high water, lying on the eastern side of the channel, at a distance of 12 miles from Shaw Island, Shaw Perak bearing N. 74° E., Crape Conway S. 49° 30' W., magnetic. The least breadth of Whitsunday Passage is two miles, between Passage Isle and Pine Head, to the northward of which it increases to 4 and 7 miles The soundings, on approaching from the southward, increase suddenly at about 3 miles to the southward of Cape Conway from an 8 and 9 fathoms flat of fine sand and mud, to 20 and 25 fathoms, and even deep water, on a very coarsebottom. Tides.-It is high water in Whitsunday Passage, full and change, at 11h. The shores on either side of the passage being bold, may be approached without any other apprehension than may arise from the strength of the streams, which run 3 knots during springs, and the velocity is sometimes greater. They do not appear to set so strong on the eastern side, between Shaw and Passage Isles ; and the contrary in the vicinity of Port Molle. The ebb and flood streams are apparently regular, setting 6 hours each way, the ebb to the northward, and the flood to the southward. At Port ;Mlle the greatest rise of tide observed dick not exceed 10 feet, although Captain King noticed a rise of 18 feet at the Repulse Isles, and 24 feet at L. Isle. The rise and fall of the tides between Broad Sound and Port Denison appear to be considerably affected by gales of wind outside the barrier, the water apparently being banked up inside the reefs during strong south-easterly winds.


IN making Port Curtis, either from the northward or southward, Mount Larcom may, as a general rule, be first steered for, until the adjacent hills are clearly made out. A vessel from the southward, entering by the South Channel, should, after passing by the rocky islets lying off Bustard Head, BAILING DIRECTIONS. 131

bring Mount Larcom in line with Gatcombe Head, and steer for them so, until Peaked Hill (a remarkable mountain, 2000 feet in height, fifteen miles to the south-westward of Rodd Bay) is in line with the highest of the Seal Rocks, S.S W. z W. ; then steer S.W. s S. for two and three-quarter miles (making due allowance for the strength of the stream), or until Mount Lareom is about a quarter of a point open to the northward of Round Hill, the latter bearing W. by N., which would place a vessel about half a mile to the N.N.W. of the highest of the Seal Rocks ; a W. by N. s N. course (allowing for the stream, and keeping South-trees Point well open to the southward of Gatcombe Head) will then lead directly into the harbor, passing at about three-quarters of a mile to the southward of Gatcombe Head. A secure anchorage may be chosen, if necessary, off Observation Point--the nearer the shore, with safety, the better, as the tide stream runs from one and a-half to two knots, at a third of a mile off. Vessels generally select this as a fairway anchorage, when waiting to proceed to sea; and those of the largest size may safely go up, and anchor in six fathoms in the stream between Barney and Auckland Points. After passing Gatcombe Read within three-quarters of a mile, steer up the harbor until Mount Larcom opens out to the northward of South-trees Point ; leave two black beacons placed on the north-east edge of the banks stretching to the south-east of South-trees point on the port hand , and pass that point at about a cable's length leaving two red buoys, one on the eastern and the other on the south- easte rn extreme of the Middle Bank on the starboard hand. Keep Auckland Point open of Barney Point, and pass these points at about a cable's distance also, leaving a third red buoy nearly abreast Barney Point, and which points out the position of a small rocky patch having not more than five feet of water on it at low water, on the starboard hand. Vessels bound up the creek will pass, on the port hand, a small black beacon to the westward of Auckland Point, and two red beacons on the starboard hand, the first of which is placed on the end of the spit running out from the mangroves on the west side of the creek. In working up the harbor, be careful not to shut out Auckland Point with South-trees Point, and not to approach the shore between Gatcombe Head and the next rocky point to the N.W. within one-third of a mile, as a dangerous reef of coral runs out to nearly that distance from of a low rocky double point. The rocky patch to be avoided off Barney Point lies with Barney Point nearl in a line with Round or One-tree Hill; and with the north extreme of the x# 132 PORTS AND HARBORS: high land to the northward of Mount Larcom , just shutting in with the land on the north side of the harbor. There is room to pass on either side of this patch, which is of very small extent. The north extreme of the high land to the northward of Mount Larcom, kept open of the land on the north side of the harbor, leads clear of the south-west edge of that portion of the Middle Bank which lies to the westward of the rocky patch. In entering the South Channel from the northward, a vessel should make for Hummock Hill, keeping it on a south bearing, and taking care not to bring it to the eastward of S. z E., in order that the eastern edge of East Banks may be cleared. When the Seal Rocks are distinctly made out, approach them on their northern side (which is steep-to) until Mount Larcom is about a quarter of a point open to the northward of Round Hill, W. by N. ; then proceed up the harbor as above directed. easels fr om the northward entering Port Curtis by the Nor Channel, should, when the land is clearly recognised, bring the extreme of Gatcombe Head to bear S.W. by W., when it will be in line with Settlement Point, and should be kept so until the eastern coast of Facing Island is shut in by the east point of the island : a vessel will then be clear of the north- west end of the East Banks, and of the shoal water off Facing Point, and may round the south-east end of Facing Island. Keep about a quarter of a mile outside Settlement Point and the detached rock off Gateombe Head, taking care to steer clear of the 321-fathom knoll off the bead. A berth may then be taken up as before directed. Vessels proceeding along the coast from the northward towards Port Curtis should not approach the shores of Facing Island within three miles, rocks (which are not laid down in the charts) runn in g out from the land nearly to that distance.

TIDES.-Is is high water in Port Curtis, full and change, at 9h. 30m. ; the rise being from ten to twelve feet. The tides here are much affected by the prevailing winds, and the stream at times sets very strong in the channels.


On rounding Cape Capricorn, steer about W. by N. (making due allowance for the set of the tide) for the Second Lump, a bold rocky island ; or when a peaked bill on the mainland (called the Cock's Comb) is visible, keep it open to the north- SAILING DIRECTIONS. 133

ward of the Second Lump, until Broad Mount opens out to the northward of the outer geppel rock . These marks lead clear of the black buoy on the northern edge of Cottier 's Bank, on which there is about 72 feet of water at low-water springs. When abreast the outer Keppel rock, which may be passed within half a mile, steer for the centre of Broad Mount - which will bear about W S.W.-until South Hill is aell opened out to the west- ward of Sea Hill. South Hill will then bear about south by compass. Strangers should always pass outside the black buoy off the "Timandra" bank, which shoal extends off the shore between Sea H ill and the Keppel rocks ; on it there are several patches of dangerous rocks, which only partly show at very low tides ; and at the edge of the bank the water shoals very sud- denly. Here the " Timandra "- fr om which the bank takes its name-was lost. After passing the black buoy off the "Timandra" bank, a vessel may haul up to the southward , and if intending to anchor in Keppel Bay, will find good anchorage within half-a-mile of the shore, by bringing Sea Hill to bear N E. There is also good safe anchorage along the western shore of Curtis Island, in from three to five fathoms , as far southward as Division Point. Care must be taken to avoid a sand bank running off from Division Point, the north extreme of which lies in a line drawn from Sea Hill Point towards South H ill, one and a-half mile distant from the former point. Its position is marked by a black buoy. Vessels intending to proceed up the Fitzroy River, should, when abreast of Sea Hill Point, and at a distance from it of half a--mile, steer S.W. 2 S., and pass a red buoy on the eastern edge of the west banks on the starboard hand, and the black buoy off the northern extreme of the spit running out off Division Point on the port hand. When South Hill is beginning to open to the N.E. of the high land about Mount Larcom, and the Second Lump to shut in with the South Keppel Island, the Elbow Buoy, which is red and to the left on the starboard hand, will be close to ; haul up to the westward round this buoy, and steer for the centre of three small peaks, whic}}i gan be seen in clear weather about half a point to the south of the large man- grove island ; pass at about a cable 's le fr om this island, leaving a black beacon on the spit off Raglan Creek on the port hand, and after leaving the large mangrove island, keep the port shore on board within half a cable's length, leaving a red buoy which is placed on the N .W. extreme of the spit running off the small mangrove island on the starboard hand, and entering the Fitz ro y River in mid-channel . The starboard shore should be kept on board throughout the firstreach , beyond which the channel is marked out by white beacons on the shore , and black 134 PORTS AND HARBORS: and red buoys and beacons, which are to be left on the port and starboard hands respectively. From the shifting nature of the shoals in the Fitzroy River, masters of vessels who are not con- stantly visiting the port, will save much time by taking a pilot. The Pilot station is situated on the " Grassy Hills," a point of land between Cape Koppel and Sea Hill, and vessels are boarded by the pilots off the Koppel Rocks.

TIDES.-The rise and fall are from 7 to 15 feet, and the stream runs from two to three knots in Koppel Bay.


There are three entrances into Broad Sound ; the first between West Hill and the Flat Islands; the second, through Thirsty Sound ; and the third and best, between the Flat and North Point Islands. Vessels coming from the northward and using the western channel should be careful to avoid a sandy shoal lying E. by S. four miles from West Hill, and on which there is as tittle as nine feet water. 3rd and 4th Islands are sufficiently steep-to on their weste rn sides to admit of the channel being navigated by small craft without much difficulty ; and there is anchorage, during easterly and south-easterly winds, close under the north-west side of 4th Island. At the south-east opening of this channel it becomes very contracted, though there is a narrow channel through with about 10 feet at low water. The easternmost channel through Thirsty Sound shortens the distance to Broad Sound considerably to vessels coming from the southward ; but the tides are very strong in this channel, and the bottom very foul through a great portion of its length, causing a heavy tide ripple ; there does not appear, however, to be less than two thorns water in the channel. The centre channel, which is the best, lies between Flat and North Point Islands. After passing Cape Townshend, a-good look-out should be kept for the numerous rocks and shoals which lie off' the entrance to Broad Sound. When midway between North Point Island and the 2nd Flat Island, a vessel should steer S. by W. sixteen miles-making due allowance for the tides which run nearly three knots-when she would be near the Fairway Buoy of the entrance to the St. Lawrence Creek. In fine weather vessels may-while waiting for tide or a pilot- anchor close to the north- east end of the Fairway Buoy, in four and SAILING DIRECTIONS. 135

a-half fathoms at low water , the re d cliffs bearing about W. by S. two miles distant. A ll vessels visiting Broad Sound, should be provided with good ground tackle, as the tides run with great velocity, and *ben setting against the wind, cause a very heavy short sea. Vessels requiring the service of a pilot, should fire a gun when off the entrance to the creek. All red buoys are to be left on the starboard hand on entering, and all black buoys on the port hand. The sand banks, which are to to be seen at the entrance of the St. Lawrence, from the anchorage off the Fairway Buoy, should be nearly covered, before attempting to get under weigh for the purpose of going up to the township. To go up the creek, pass the Fairway Buoy, which is black, on the port hand; steer to the southward for about a mile, being guided by the buoys on either hand, then haul up W. by S. and pass within 10 or 15 yards of the red buoy off the south end of Rocky Island, then haul rather more to the southward, passing a black buoy on the port hand, and steer direct for a white beacon on Mangrove Island. When within a cable's length of the island, steer for the beacon on Small Island, passing it within ten yards ; then cross over to the beacon on the opposite shore ; keep that shore on board until abreast the next beacon, when again cross over to the north side ; keep the north shore on board until abreast the next beacon, when again cross over to a beacon on the south side ; keep along the south shore until abreastthe next beacon,when again crossto the north shore and pass two beacons ; cross once more to the south shore, and keep that shore on board until nearly as far as the rocks below the township. The best place for mooring abreast the township , is just above and inside the rocks. It is necessary that all vessels visiting the St. Lawrence, should be provided with good warps for moorings. Should vessels, after entering the river, not be able to reach the township, care should be taken to ground fore and aft in the channel so as to insure lying on an even keel , and end on to the flowing tide. The sand banks above Rocky Island are shifting sands, and are liable to alter their positions after floods , or even after spring tides. There is anchorage from northerly winds under Turtle Island, off the entrance to the river Styx, in from four to six fathoms at low water. Vessels should approach from the N.W., between the banks off the mainland and Turtle Island. Bearings at anchorage -Upper Head, E.S.E. ; West Head of Styx, S.S.W. 136 PORTS AND HARBORS:

It is high water in Broad Sound at full and change at 11h. 15m. Rise and fall of tide, from 20 to 36 feet. t PIONEER RIVER.

VESSELS on nearing the Pioneer River can always recognise its position by its proximity to two islands, lying north-west and south-east, one mile apart ; that to the south-east being round- topped and moderately high, while that to the north-west, although about the same height, is flat-topped. The entrance to the Pioneer is about one and a-half mile south-west of the flat-topped island. A bar extends across the mouth of the river, which nearly dries at low water springs, and from thence the depth of the channel, which has an meragg width of one cable, varies from one foot to seven feet at low water, until within abort three-quarters of a mile of the settle- ment, when it again almost dries across, and from thence the depth gradually increases until abreast the settlement, which j 1 about four miles from the bar, and where there is about six feet at low water in the centre of the channel. There is a rise and fail on the bar from ten and a-half feet to sixteen feet, and at the settlement, of from nine feet to thirteen feet, so that most of the vessels trading on the coast can entea the port without difficulty. The directions for entering are as follows :- To cross the bar, keep a double hummock, which is about eight miles inland, just to the southward of some low sand hills on the beach, pass on either side close to the Fairway Buoy, which is laid in three fathoms at low water, and is chequered black and white. A vessel may haul up when the island to the south-east of Slade Point is well shut in with the trees on the extreme east point, and when two red buoys have been passed on the starboard hand ; the first of which is placed on the bar, and the second off the spit round w Inch a vessel must haul up to the northward. When approaching the bar two white beacons will be seen on the beach, which give the best line for crossing the bar. On standing in shore care should be taken not to shut in L Island with East point. After hauling up to the northward, two more red buoys will be passed on the star- board hand within a ship's length, when steer for the steep shore on the west side of East point. As that point is neared the edge of the banks become more clearly defined ; they are steep-to and may be approached within a reasonable distance. Thence the channel runs along the starboard shore, until just before reaching SAILING DIRECTIONS. 137

a sandy cliffy point, when the township will be opened out to the westward, for which a vessel may then haul up and steer until nearly abreast the first point on the port hand, when it will be necessary to keep a good look out for the buoys which are placed in this portion of the channel, as the banks are here ]fable to shift. On entering, the red buoys are to be left on,4ie starboard and the black buoys on the port hand. A berth may be taken up-as convenient--abreast the township, in from five to seven feet at low water. Vessels intending to enter the Pioneer River should not run down on the lee shore when it is blowing hard from the east or mouth-east, but should anchor under some of the islands off the coast until the weather moderates. In moderate south-easterly *eather a vessel would find sufficient shelter under the lee of the flat-topped island, being careful to avoid a sandspit running off the south extreme of that island, toward the east point at the entrance of the river. There is a good passage, about half- a-mile 'dey between this spit and the shoal water off the main land. Wien in mid-channel the island to the south-east of Slade Point is on with the peak of At Island. The entrance of the river is sheltered by the islands during north-easterly winds. Vessels should carefully avoid the dangerous reef to the north-ward of the two islands off the Pioneer, and lying nearly midway between those islands and the island to the south-east ,ef Slade Point. There is, however, a clear passage between this reef and the main land, and also between Slade Point and the small island lying off the shore. There is also a passage between the round and flat-topped islands. The tides in the Pioneer River run from three to upwards of four knots. High water, full and change, 11$ hours. Vessels, if drawing more than six feet, may lay aground at low water, abreast the settlement, in safety, on soft, sandy bot- tom ; the river at that time of tide forming a perfectly sheltered basin there. On entering the river while any tide is running, the banks are generally visible, and there is little difficulty in navigating the river if proper attention is paid, and the lead kept going. From the narrowness of the channel, the port is not well suited for vessels of any great length.

N.B.-Heavy fr eshes occasionally alter the formation of the sand-banks in the Pioneer River. Any changes, however, will be pointed out by the buoys and beacons which are now placed for the assistance of vessels navigating the river. -Plans of the river -fr om a survey made in November, 1862- can be obtained at the Port Office. 138 PORTS AND HARBORS:



VASE Ls intending to enter Port Denison by the north entrance should, after rounding the north end of Gloucester Island within a mile, steer so as to pass about half a mile to the S. E. of Middle Island ; thence-making due allowance for tide- steering S.W. by W. ITW. for North Head, taking care to avoid a reef which runs out a mile and a-quarter to the S.W. of Middle Island. The North Head is a small rocky islet of moderate height, at the back of which (situated on the lower point of the Flag- staff Hill) will be seen, from a considerable distance, the houses at the Pilot Station. In entering the port by this channel, avoid the reef off the South Head (Stone Island), on which there are two black nun buoys laid in two fathoms low water, entering somewhat closer to North Head, and when abreast of it, steer for Middle Hill (a small cone on the main land midway between Mount Gordon and Mount Bramston), which course will take you in with not less than sixteen feet low water ; taking card to avoid a spit extending off Point Dalrymple, on which there are two red nun buoys laying in ten feet low water. . After rounding the second red buoy, keep away for the township. It is to be observed, by these directions, that on entering the port the black buoys are to be kept on the port hand, and the red on the starboard. Vessels entering the bay from the northward and westward should be careful not to approach within a mile to the eastward of Edgecombe Point. Vessels rounding Gloucester Island at night time, with dark boisterous weather, should (with the wind from the south- ward or eastward) keep within a quarter of a mile of the island, as it is steep close to, and by making a tack, they will be able to selectby the lead and smoothnessof the water a convenient anchorage, in from seven to four fathoms, under Gloucester Island. There is also excellent anchorage in from three to five fathoms on the east side of the head of Edgecombe Bay The soundings are very regular in all parts of the bay, and shoal very regularly, giving timely warning of being near the land. Vessels having worked into the bay during the night, it is advisable that they should enter the port by the south channel, SAILING DIRECTIONS. 139

this being the best entrance to Port Denison, having the greatest width, and also the greatest depth of water. To enter by the South channel, vessels should, after rounding 4loucester Island, steer S.W. 2 S. (making due allowance for tide), until the peak of Mount Mackenzie (a long saddle-backed hill) is opened out to the southward of Middle Hill. These marks being kept open will lead in through the south entrance, clear of the reef off the south end of Stone Island. Two red buoys are placed, one on the S.E., and the other on the S.W. extreme of this reef. When North Head is opened out clear to the westward of Stone Island, a vessel may haul up for the township, and take up her anchorage according to her draught of water. In hazy weather, should Mount Mackenzie not be visible, vessels should be careful not to approach within three-quarters of a-mile of the south end of Stone Island. The reef, however, can generally be distinguished, in the day time, by the dis- coloration of the water. A beacon is placed on the end of the sand spit running off the S.E. side of the island. When the sea is too heavy for a pilot to get off, the sailing directions for the north passage should be attended to. A pilot will then be obtained in the fairway at the north entrance. It should be borne in mind that, at springs, there are two feet less water in Port Denison than is shown by the soundings on the chart. During northerly winds, it may often be a considerable saving of time, to vessels of light draught bound to Port Denison, to pass through Gloucester Passage, instead of rounding the north end of Gloucester Island. The following directions will enable vessels to use this passage without difficulty:-After rounding Saddle-back Island (a high island lying off Cape Gloucester), steer for the south-easternmost point of Gloucester Island; keep the Gloucester Island shore on board at a cable's distance, until abreast a sandy point, when keep away, with Passage Islet (a small rocky island that will be seen in the channel) a point on the port bow. Pass this islet at about a Cable's distance on the port hand, which will take a vessel over the bar in six feet at low-water springs. Hence shape a course for Port Denison. Unless the wind leads through the channel, it would be necessary for a sailing vessel to have a fair tide, as the tides set through at the rate of about two knots at springs- the ebb setting into Edgecombe Bay, and the flood in the contrary direction.

High water full and change about 9h. 30m. Rise and fall of tide, from six to ten feet. 140 PORTSAND HARBORS:


THa narrow strait which separates Albany Island from the main land is so straight in its general direction that it may be seen through from end to end. Its average width is three and a-half cables, and the depth of water from six to thirteen fathoms. It is clear of dangers, with the exception of the rock awash, on the ledge projecting a quarter of a mile to the south-westward of Frederick Point, and from which shoal water extends south- eastward to the next point. Water.-On the south-west side of Albany Pass, and nearly opposite Port Albany, is a small sandy bay, with some low swampy ground behind the beach, where a never-failing supply of fresh water can easily be procured by digging ponds two or three feet deep, a few yards above high water mark. Water can also be obtained in small quantities on Albany Island. Directions .-A vessel from the southward proceeding to Port Albany, having cleared the shoal patches lying one and three quarters of a mile to the westward of Z. Reef, should bring the peak of York Isle-which is easily seen through Albany Pass- on with the outer extreme of Osnaburg Point; this mark will clear the shoals extending to the south-eastward from Fly and Ulrica Points, and lead the vessel in mid-channel up to Port Albany. In coming from the northward, and rounding Eborac Isle at a distance of about a quarter of a mile, a vessel will have Albany Pass plainly open, and may steer-making due allowance for the tidal stream -S.E. ITE. for it, passing at a-third of a mile outside Sextant Rock. When the centre of Ida Isle bears south, haul in for it until Albany Pass is again quite open, and by keeping it so the the rocky spit projecting from Frederick Point and the edge of the shoal from Ida Isle to'Osnaburg Point will be avoided. If the west extreme of Albany Island touches Fly Point, the vessel will be too far to the north-eastward ; and if the west extreme of the island approaches too near Osnaburg Point, she will be too far to the south-westward. Albany Pass being narrow, with high land on either side, a large sailing vessel should not attempt it, except under very favorable circumstances, as the strong tidal streams would, with baffling winds , render her unmanageable ; but, with a com- manding breeze blowing through, a vessel may run against the stream, anchor in mid-channel abreast of Port Albany, and haul in and moor . A steamer or small sailing vessel would find but little difficulty in entering, and might anchor and moor as just directed for a sailing vessel. Tides.- The streams are very rapid in Albany Pass, and c* ise a confused sea when running in an opposite direction to the wind. SAILING. DIRECTIONS. 141

EVANS BAY extends from three- quarters of a mile to one mile and three-quarters to the south-eastward from the extremity of Cape York, between Evans, and Ida Points. The former is a d6uble rocky sloping down from the foot of Mount Bremer ; the latter, which forms the south-east point of the Bay, is also rocky, with a high narrow island of the same name, nearly half- a-mile long, east and west, immediately to the eastward of it. A sandy beach forms the shore between these extremes of the bay, the greater.portion being backed by scruband stuntedtrees. As shoal water extends from the beach to a line from Evans Point to Ida Island, there is not sufficient depth within for any other than small vessels; but the best anchorage for large vessels in the south-east monsoon is in six and a-half fathoms, sand and mud, with Ida Point bearing S. 2 W., and Sextant Rock-which lies half-a-mile to the eastward of Evans Point-in line with the east end of Eborac Island. In the north-west monsoon there is better shelter a little more to the W.N.W., at a quarter of a mile from Sextant Rock. Water may be procured in wells dug at the back of the beach in Evans Bay, some at a third of a mile inside Ida Point, and others three-quarters of a mile further to the north-westward. Even when blowing hard, there is seldom so much surf on the beach as to prevent boats bringing off water ; the only incon- venience is the strength of the tidal streams, which set N.W. and S.E., the greatest strength being two knots. Sextant Rock, which is flat and only three or four feet above high-water mark, is situated on the inner edge of a bank two miles long, S.E. and N.W., fronting Evans Bay. Vessels not drawing more than ten feet may cross any part of this .bank ; but large vessels should not attempt it on the north-west side of Sextant Rock, nor to the south-eastward of it, without great caution, on account of some three and a-half fathoms knolls ; those most in the way of vessels passing outside, or entering Evans Bay from the northward, lying half-a-mile to the north. eastward of Sextant Rock. This rock is situated in about lat. 10° 41' S. and long. 142° 33' E. Directions.-A vessel from the southward should pass at half- a-mile outside Albany Rock and Tree Islet, and steer about W. by N. 2 N., until the east point of Ida Isle bears S.W. by S.; then haul in for the bay, and anchor where before directed. In coming from the northward, pass at three-quarters of a mile outside Sextant Rock, and then make for the anchorage, taking care-if a large vessel-to avoid the three and a-half fathoms knolls lying half-a-mile to the north-eastward, and E. by Sk about a third of a mile from Sextant Rock, which will be avoided as long as Albany Pass is not seen quite open. 142 PORTS AND HARBORS:

Tides -It is high-water in Evans Bay, full and change, at 11h. 15m.; springs rise ten feet and neaps four feet. The coast from Ida Isle to Fly Point consists of a succession of shallow bays and rocky points ; but none of the bays are of sufficientdepth fora vesselto enter. Osnaburg Point is a steep cliffy bluff, of coarse sandstone, S. ; W., nearly two-thirds of a mile from Frederick Point, the north-west extreme of Albany Island. Between Ida Isle and Osnaburg Point is a shallow bay, divided into two bights by Bishop Point, which is also a high bluff headland. In the western bight Mew rivulet, a stream of good fresh water, runs into the sea close to the southward of a low rocky point ; but this-the only fresh water stream in the neighborhood-is lost to any useful purpose, as the bay is so completely occupied by a mud flat that even boats could not approach the mouth of the rivulet to embark the water. The edge of the flat, which extends in nearly a direct line from Ida Isle to Osnaburg Point, is steep-to, with from six to eight fathoms close outside. Between the edge of this bank and the shoals extending to the north-westward of Albany Island large vessels may find a spacious roadstead, which would also be a secure anchorage during the south-east monsoon, were it not for the strong tidal streams which run through Albany Pass.


GEOGRAPHIC positions of the BOUNDARY REEFS which, on the eastern and western hand, form the OUTER ROUTE to TORRES STRAITS from the ports of AUSTRALIA, TASMANIA, and NEW ZEALAND, as determined by H.M.S. " Herald," Captain Denham, R.N., F.R.S.


IBellona ...... 21 52 22 S. 159 26 10 E. 9 30 E. zi 1 I Do. (Intermediate Breaker) ...... 21 26 36 ,, 158 47 21 ...... b Booby ...... 20 57 0. 11 158 32 33 ,, 9 19 „ Bampton ...... 19 52 22 „ , 158 20 3 ,, 9 19 „

LMellish ...... 17 24 39 ,, 155 53 25 ,, 830 „ SAILING DIRECTIONS. 143


° , „ ° , n E ° , Cato ...... 23 15 32 S. 155 38 0 ,, 9 23E. Wreck ...... 22 10 30 ,, 155 29 21 „ 9 43 ,,

Kenn ...... 211524„ 1555115„ 9 0„ Lihou ...... 17 10 30 „ 152 13 0 „ 8 3

Wil lis ...... 16 7 0 „ 150 3 39 „ 7 11 Osprey ...... 13 51 0 „ 146 36 0 ,, 6 23 „

{ R ue Island Beacon ...... 1 113550„ 144 220„ 521„ (Entrance of strait)

N.B.-A ship from the southward has only to be placed 244 south, 157° east, and a clear passage of 150 miles wide, free of current, with a flowing south-east " trade " wind, will lie before her for the 1,160 miles to Raine Island entrance to Torres Straits upon the following courses, viz.:- 1st. N; by W. I. W: 240 miles, to lat 20° S. 2nd. N.W. i W. 700 miles, to lat. 11° 36' S. (parallel of Raine Island). 3rd. W. s S. 220 miles, to Raine Island (upon its parallel).

NoTE.-The courses are by " compass," corrected for the sue- oessive changes in " variation in the Coral Sea.

*,* THE TABLE on the following pages ows the time of High Water on Full and Change Days at the pAhcipal points on the Coast of Queensland, commencing at Point Danger, and going northward from thence ; and also, the rise of the Tide at Springs and Neaps. The information is taken from the Admiralty Tide Table Book for 1864, and will be found generally correct, although it must be borne in mind that the points indicated are on the coast line, and will not, therefore, in many cases, be accurate as regards the harbours. 11 PORTS AND HARBORS, ETC. TIME OF HIGH WATER &c. Im m „mIm 2 mr


he in. ft. h. m.I ft. Twe ed Ri ver (Pt . l+U pstart Ba y ... 9-0 I 6 Danger) ...... 9-45 5-8 1Cleveland Bay ... 7-3010-12 Moreton Bay ... 9-30 3-7 Dunk Island . 9-28 6-10 Wide Bay ... 9-0 6-8 1Fitzroy Island ... 9-15 7-12 Sandy Cape ... 7-501 6-8 1'Endeavor River... 8-0 5-10 Port Curtis, ... 9-40 10-12'' ITrinity Opening Byron Bay 9-45 6 1 (Gt. Barrier Rf.) 9-151 7-12 Wreck Reef (Bird Lizard Island ... 9-15 7-10 Islet) ... 8-3 6 Willis Island ... 8-0 1 6 Cato Bank 8-0 6 Osprey Reef ... 8-36; 6 Lady Elliot Islet 9-0 7-8 Flinders Group... 9-15 1 8-12 Heron Islet (Cap- Cape Sidmouth ... 9-151 10 ricorn Group) 9-0 10 Cape York .. 11-15'' 10* Keppel Bay 9-30 9-14 !Sir Chas. Hardy Is. 9-15 10 Great Barrier Rf. 8-48 7 Raine Island ... 8-10 10 Saumarez Reef ... 8-0 6 Wallis Island ... Irreg 7 Frederick Reef ,.. 8-0 6 Cape Possession .. 9-0 6 Kenn Reef 8-0 5 Possession island 1-0 91 Mddl. Bellona RE 8-30 6 Darnley Island ... 9-30 12 Avon Isles 8-30 5 Bramble Cay .. 9-15 12 Chesterfield Islet 8-301 5 1Murray Islands... 9-30 10 MehishReef(Sand Adolphus Island . 12-15 10 Cay) ...... 7-55 5-6 Albany Islands Thirsty Sound ... 10-45 12-18 (Port Albany-) i12-15 10* Port Bowen ... 9-35 16 Endeavour Strait Shoal Water Bay 10-30 12-18 (East entrance) 1-0 91 Broad Sound .. 11-0 20-30 Booby Island ... 4-30 8 Swain Reefs .. 10-25 10 AlbertRiver(Kan- Percy Isles, Mid- garoo Point) ... 7-3010-13 dle or No. 2 Is- Wellesley Isles ... 7-30'•8-12 land(WestBay) 1530 10* Sir E. Pellew Isles 7-30 4-7 Ditto, South or Investigation Rd. 8-0 9 No. I Islet (N. Arnhem Bay .. 8-0 6-8 W. Bay) ... 10-30 14 Goulburn Isles ,,. 6-0 West Hill ... 10-20 24 Alligator River ... 8-40,19-20 Cape Conway ... 11-0 18 Shoal. Bay} ... 6-0 118-25 Goold Island ... 6-45 6 Port Essington ... i 3-24 13 Port Denison . 9-30 6 * Neaps , 7 feet , * Neaps, 13 feet. t Neaps, 14-20 feet. LIST OF ACTS, ETC. 145 LIST OF ACTS OF THE QUEENSLAND PARLIAMENT , PASSED DURING THE SESSION OF 1864, &c. 28° VicToais.

1.-An Act to authorise Payments to be made to the Im- perial Government as a contribution towards the cost of Her Majesty's Tro ops stationed in Queensland. (Assented to 26th July, 1864.) 2 -An Act to grant Additional Faci lities for depositing small Savings at Interest with the Security of the Government for the due repayment thereof. (Assented to 25th August, 1864.) 3.-An Act to provide for the Erec tion of Parliamentary and other Public Buildings within the City of Brisbane. (Assented to 25th August , 1864.) 4.-An Act to amend the Law respecting the Liabi lity of Innkeepers , and to prevent certain frauds on them. (Assented to 25th August , 1864.) 5.-An Act to prevent the fr audulent marking of Merchan- dise, and to provide for the Registra ti on of Trade Marks. (Assented to 25th August , 1864.) 6.-An Act to amend the Laws affecting Trade and Com- merce. (Assented to 25th August , 1864.) 7.-An Act to conso lidate and amend the Laws relating to Licensed Auctioneers . (Assented to 25th August, 1864) 8.-An Act to amend the " Grammar Schools Act 1860." (Assented to 2nd September , 1864.) 9.-An Act to provide for Additional Members of the Legislative Assembly . (Assented to 2nd September , 1864.) 10.-An Act to amend the Law relating to Volunteer Corps. (Assented to 2nd September , 1864.) 11.-An Act to establish a Scale of Light Dues to be paid m respect of Vessels trading in or to the Colony of Queensland. (Assented to 2nd September , 1864.) 12.-An Act to extend certain provisions of the " Civil Ser- vice Act of 1863. (Assented to 12th September , 1864.) 13.-An Act to amend the Pub licansAct of 1863. (Assented to 12th September , 1864.) 14.-An Act to amend the Law respecting the recovery of Sma ll Debts . (Assented to 12th September , 1864.) 15.-An Act to amend and consolidate the Laws affecting the Solemnization of Marriage . (Assented to 12th September, 1864.) 16.-An Act for granting an Expo rt Duty upon Gold and L 146 LIST OF ACTS, ETC.

to facilitate the Collection of such Duty. (Assented to 12th September, 1864.) 17.-An Act to provide for Immigration into the Colony of Queensland. (Assented to 12th September, 1864.) 18.-An Act to amend the Law of Evidence. (Assented to 12th September , 1864) 19.-An Act to authorise the Closing of Roads by Licensed Occupants. (Assented to 12th September, 1864.) 20.-An Act to facilitate the Assessment of Rent of Crown Lands leased for Pastoral Purposes in the Unsettled Districts. (Assented to 12th September, 1864.) 21.-An Act to amend the Laws relating to Municipal Insti- tutions. (Assented to 12th September, 1864) 22.-An Act for giving Additional Powers to the Trustees of Lands granted for Public Purposes. (Assented to 12th September, 1864. 23.-An Act to establish Provincial Councils. (Assented to 12th September, 1864.) 24.-An Act to amend an Act passed in the last Session of the Parliament of Queensland intituled " An Act to make pro- vision for the construction by the Government of Railways and for the regulation of the same." (Assented to 12th September, 1864.) 25.-An Act to amend and consolidate the Laws for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors. (Assented to 12th September, 1864.) 26.-An Act to amend the Law respecting the Issuing of Writs of Summons and Capias in certain Seaport Towns in the Colony of Queensland. (Assented to 12th September, 1864.) 27.-An Act to authorise the Appropriation out of the Consolidated Revenue Fund of certain sums to make good the Supplies granted for the Years 1865, 1864, and 1863. (Assented to 13th September, 1864.) 28.-An Act to authorise the raising of Loans on the Security of the Consolidated Revenues of the Colony for the execution of certain Public Works, and further to provide funds for Immi- gration . (Assented to 13th September, 1864.) PRIVATE ACTS. An Act to amend an Act intituled " An Act to incorporate the Proprietors of a certain Banking Company called `The Bank of New South Wales' and for other purposes therein mentioned." (Assented to 12th September, 1864.) An Act for Lighting with Gas the City of Brisbane in the Colony of Queensland, and for that purpose to Incorporate a certain Company to be called "The Brisbane Gas Company" and for other purposes. (Assented to 12th September, 1864.) IMMLGEATIONT ACT OF 1864. 147

[28TH VICT., No. 17.] an Ad TO PROVIDE FOR IMMIGRATION INTO THE COLONY OF QUEENSLAND. LAssented to 12th September, 1864, Preamble. WHEREAS it is expedient to encourage and assist Immi- v grationto Queensland and to providefor the control and supervisionof such Immigration Be it thereforeenacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Legislative Asse lily of Queensland in Parliament assembled and by the author'Af the same as follows- Bepeal of clauses of the " Alienation of Crown Lands Act 1860." 1. The eighteenth nineteenth and twentieth sections of the Act twenty-fourth Victoria number fifteen together with all Regulations made thereunder shall be and the same are hereby repealed but nothing herein contained shall affect any act or thing lawfully done or commenced or contractedto be done under the authority of the said Act or Regulations. Appointment of Agent-General for Emigration to Queensland. 2. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to appoint some person to be Agent-General for Emi- gration to Queensland in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and to remove any such person and appoint another in his stead and the said Agent-General shall be entitled to receive such salary as the Parliament of Queensland may from time to time provide and shall be required to give security approved by the Governor in Council for the due performance of his duties in the sum of five thousand pounds. Duties of Agent-General for Emigration. 3. It shall be the duty of the Agent-General for Emigration and he is hereby authorised and required to make all necessary provision for the selection of emigrants and their conveyance to the Colony and to receive and account for all moneys paid into the Queensland Emigration Office in London on account of such assistedpassages as are hereinaftermentioned and to issuesuch land order warrants as are hereinafter specified and to make all contracts and issue all notices and to do all things relating to emigration to Qdlnsland that the Governor in Council may from time to time direct in pursuance of the provisions of this Act. L 148 ImmroRATION ACT OF 1864.

Provision for Clerks, Office Expenses, c4c. 4. The Governor in Council or the Agent-General for Emi- gration with the authority of the Governor in Council may from time to time engage competent persons for the performance in the United Kingdom of the clerical and other duties required in the execution of this Act and may hire such offices as may be necessaryand may defraya ll expensesincurred by the Agent- General for Emigration in the performance of his duties Pro- vided that an account of all moneys so received and expended as aforesaid shall be laid before Parliament at the commence- ment of each Session. Agent- General may issue Land-order Warrants. It shall be lawful for the Agent-General for Emigration to issue to each emigrant whom he shall have approved as suitable and who shall not have previously resided in the Colony and who shall proceed direct from Europe to Queensland in a ship approved by the said Agent-General and if a steerage or intermediate passenger in a ship so approved and under the authorised instructions to surgeon-superintendents of Queensland ships and who shall have paid the full cost of the passage of himself or of any other person being a member of his own family and approved by the said Agent-General a land-order warrant. Land-order Warrants may be exchanged for Land-orders. 6. The said land-order warrant shall entitle the holder thereof to receive immediately on arrival in the Colony one non-transferable land order on account of each person whose passage shall have been so paid in full as aforesaid and every such land order shall be in the form contained in the fourth schedule hereto and shall be of the value of thirty pounds sterling for each person of twelve years and upwards and of the 'value of fifteen pounds sterling for each child between the ages of one and twelve years. Value of Land-order. 7. The said non-transferable land order shall be available to its full nominal value for the purchase of any country or sub- urban lands which may be offered for sale by auction or which may be pen to selection in any part of the colony. Deeds of Grant to issue after two years. In case of death then to Representative. 8. The deeds of grant from the Crown of lands purchased either wholly or in part with the said non-transferable land orders shall not be issued to the purchaser uil he shall have resided for two years in the Colony but in case of death it shall IMMIGRATION ACT OF 1864. 149

be lawful for the Governor in Council -to issue the said deed of grant after the expiration of the said two years to the repre- sentative of the person who would otherwise have been entitled thereto Provided that application for the said deeds of grant accompapied by a declaration of residence shall in all casesbe made within two years from the date of the land order. Government may make money advance on Land Order. 9. Upon deposit of a non-transferable land order it shall be lawful for the Government. to advance to the owner thereof a sum equal to one-fifth of the nominal value thereof and upon repayment at any time within two years of the sum so advanced together with the additional sum of, one pound the said land order shall be returned to the owner thereof. Assisted Passages. 10. The Governor in Council may authorise assisted passages to be granted to emigrants approved by the Emigration Agent but unable to pay the whole cost of their passage upon the terms specified in the first schedule to this Act. Free Passages. 11. The Governor in Council may authorise fr ee passages to be granted to female domestic servants and such other emi- grants of the laboring class approved by the Emigration Agent as may from time to time be specially required in the Colony. Repayment of part of Passage- money. 12. Among applicants for free passages those persons will be entitled to priority of shipment who undertake in the form contained in the third schedule hereto to pay to the Govern- ment within twelve months after their arrival in the Colony the sum of eight pounds sterling being one-half of the cost of their passage est im ated at sixteen pounds. Eligibility of Free and Assisted Passengers. 13. Persons eligible as free and assisted passengers shall be farmers farmers' laborers vine-dressers laborers mechanics and domestic servants Provided that the word "laborer" shall be held to mean persons whose labor has been connected in some way with the land such as farm servants gardeners road-makers miners quarrymen and the like And provided further that the word "mechanic" shall be held to mean such as carpenters bricklayers stonemasons blacksmiths wheelwrights shipbuilders and the like. Nomination of Immigrants. 14. When any natural born or naturalized subject of Her Majesty resident in Queensland desires to nominate for a 150 IMMIGRATION 4CT OF 1864. passage to Queensland any friend or relative if he pay to the Immigration Agent in Brisbane the sum set forth in the second schedule hereto according to the scale therein specified or such less stuns as the Governor in Council may from time to time direct the person so nominated shall be entitled to receive a passage from the United Kingdom accordingly. Land Orders to Shippers 4-c. 15. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to issue to any persons who shall have entered into an agreement with the Government for the conveyance of emigrants from Europe to Queensland a land order of the value of eighteen pounds sterling for each adult emigrant as hereinbefore specified and a land order of the value of nine pounds sterling for each child between the ages of one and twelve years who may be so conveyed. Such Land Orders transferable. 16. The land orders issued under the last preceding section shall be available for country lands only and shall be immedi- atelytransferable by delivery and it shall be lawfulfor the Government to purchase such land orders after the expiration of six months from the date of their issue at a price not exceeding fifteen pounds. Governor in Council may issue Debentures. 17. For the purpose of defraying the expenses authorised by this Act it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council to issue debentures to an amount not exceeding one hundred thousand pounds in each year. Proportion cf Emigrants. 18. Emigrants shall be forwarded from England Scotland and Ireland as nearly as possible in proportion to the population of each of these portions of the United Kingdom respectively and from not exceeding two thousand statute adults in any one year. Appointment of Immigration Boards.-Their powers.- -Remuneration. 19. The Governor in Council may from time to time appoint at each port of Queensland at which immigrant ships shall arrive a board to be called the Immigration Board consisting of not more than six persons and every such Board shall hold its sittings at such times and places as the chairman shall appoint and shall investigate any complaints respecting the non-fulfil- ment of any contracts entered into for the conveyance of immi- grants or respecting the conduct of any surgeon officer or other TMMIGATION ACT OF 1864. 151 person on board any immigrant ship as we ll as any other matter which may be referred by the Go ernment to such Board for inquiry and shall when requested give advice to immigrants on their arrival and assist them in obtaining employment and otherwise and each member of such Board unless he be in receipt of salary in the public service shall receive for each attendance thereat the sum of one guinea and any member of the Executive Council shall be ex officio entitled to attend the meetings thereof. Penaltyfor obtaining Passage under falsepretences. 20. If any person by any false statement made in Queensland or elsewhere obtain for himself or for any other person a passage granted under the provisions of this Act he shall on conviction before any police magistrate or two justices be liable for each offence to pay the whole cost of any such passage and also to pay a penalty of not more then fifty nor less than five pounds and in default of such payments or either of them he may be imprisoned with or without hard labor for a term not exceeding six mouths. Short Title. 21. This Act shall be styled and may be cited as " The Immigration Act of 1864."

SCHEDULE 1. Scale of Payments.

12 years and Sex. Under 12 years. upwards. Domestic Servants.

£ £ Male .. ... 8 Female 8

A reduction of £4 to be made for each unmarried female over fourteen years in excess of single males in the same family.

SCHEDULE II. Scale of Payments.

12 years and Sex. Under 12 years. 12 years and under 35. under 45. Above 45.

£ £ £ Male ...... 4 ... 8 Female 4 4 8 8 152 IMMIGRATION ACT OF 1864.

SCHEDULE III. Form of undertaking.

I the undersigned in consideration of a passage to the Colony of Queens- land being provided at the expense of the said Colony by the Emigration Agent for the said Colony for me [and as the case may be for my wife and family ] do hereby agree and.promise with and to A. B: emigration agent for the said Colony that I will on demand pay to the nrder of the emigration agent for the time being of the said Colony the sum of eight pounds in ster li ng British-money at any time after the expiration of twelve months from my arrival in the said Colony. [Signature.]



' NONTRANSFERABLE LAND ORDER. £ No. Number No. It having been duly certified that a passenger per ship from Europe to has defrayed the cost of passage of the said is hereby authorised topnrchase suburban or country lands or lands within any agricultural reserve to the amount of subject to the condition that the title deeds thereof be not issued to the said until after two years' continuous residence within the Colony Given under my hand at Government House Brisbane this day of 186 Entd. By His Excellency 's command



TRANsFERARLE LAND ORDER. £' No. Number No. It hav in g been duly certified that the cost of passage of per ship from Europe to has been defrayed by of it is hereby agreed and directed that this LAND ORDER shall be available as cash at any Government sale of country lands or in payment for Crown landsin any agriculturalreserve purchased by the holderhereof for the time being. This land order is transferable by delivery. Given under my hand at Government House Brisbane this (lay of 186 Fntd By his Excellency' s command PASTORAL ASSESSMENT ACT. 153

NOTE.-With s'eference to the ninth clause of the Immigration Act it should be stated that the holders of non-transferable land orders can receive 20 per cent of their value by depositing them in. the Treasury. The applicant is subjected to ne delay; the land order is handed in, and the person merely watts while the cheque is drawn. Owners should therefore take more than ordinary care of this description of land order, to prevent payment being made to an improper or unauthorised person.

[28Tu VICT., No. 20.] An pct TO FACILITATE THE ASSESSMENT OF RENT. OF CROWN LANDS LEASED FOR PASTORAL PURPOSES IN THE UNSETTLED DISTRICTS [Assented to 12th September, 1564. Preamble. it is expedient to facilitate the assessment of Wv v rent of runs leased for pastoral purposes for a term of fourteen years of which the first four years have not yet expired and to provide for the payment of certain fees on the transfer of runs Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of Queensland in Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows- Partial repeal of 24th and 25th sections 27 Victoria No. 17. 1. The twenty-fourth and twenty-fifth sections of the " Pas- toral Leases Act of 1863" so far as they may affect or be affected by the thirdclause of thisAct are hereby repealed. Fund for meeting cost of appraisement. 2. In order to provide a fund to meet the cost of appraise went of rent of runs held under the provisions of the " Un occupied Crown Lands Occupation Act of 1860" or the "Tenders for Crown Lands Act of 1860 " or the " Pastoral Leases Act of 1863" the lessee of every such run shall pay into the Treasury at Brisbane the sum of five pounds for each block of twenty- five square miles and a further semi of four shillings for every additional square mile of available area in excess thereof and such payment shall be made not less than three months prior to the expiration of the fourth and ninth years respectively of the term of the lease of such run. Fixed Rent on default. 3. In default of payment being made as provided by the 154 PASTORAL ASSE83MENT ACT. preceding clause then the rent to be paid for such run from the fifthto the ninthyears of the leasethereof inclusively sha ll be at the fixed rate of twenty-seven pounds ten shillings for each block of twenty-five square miles together with a further sum of one pound two shillings for each square mile of available area in excess thereof and for the remaining five years of the lease thereof being from the tenth to the fourteenth years inclusively the rent shall be at the rate of thirty-five pounds for each block of twenty-five-square miles together with a further sum of one pound fifteen shillings for each square mile of available area above that quantity Provided that where a lessee shall have failed to make the payment during the fourth year of his lease towards the expense of assessing his run for the succeeding five years as hereinbefore provided he shall not thereby be debarred from claiming to be assessed for the period from the tenth to the fourteenth years of his lease upon making the payment required by and within the time mentioned in the second section of this Act. Untilassessed rent to be paid. 4. Lessees of runs claiming to be assessed under sections twenty-four and twenty-five of the " Pastoral Leases Act of 1863 " and section two of this Act but whose runs may not at the time have been assessed shall pay and continue to pay the minimum rents required by sections twenty-four and twenty-five above cited for the periods of five years and five years respect- ively until such time as appraisement shall have been made but no such payment shall in any way relieve the lessee from paying any balance which may be afterwards determined by appraise- ment to be due. Fee on transfer of runs. 5. Before the transfer of a license or lease of any ran held for pastoral purposes whether under the Orders in Council of ninth March one thousand eight hundred and forty seven or any subsequent Act of the Legislature shall be registered in the office of the Chief Commissioner of Crown Lands the lessee shall pay. into the hands of the said Chief Commissioner or other officer duly appointed to receive the same a transfer fee of one guinea for everysuch run. Incorporation with " Pastoral Leases Act of 1863." 6. This Act shall be incorporated into and read in connection with the " Pastoral Leases Act of 1863." Short title. 7. This Act shall be styled and may be cited as " The Pas- toral Assessment Act of 1864." PROVINCIAL COUNCILS ACT. 155

[28TH VICT., No. 23.] anpct TO ESTABLISH PROVINCIAL COUNCILS. [Assented to 12th September, 1864. WHEREASitis expedient Preamble. toprovide for the expenditure within each district of the Colony of so much of the revenue raised therein as may be available for the construction of public works and for other public purposes of a local character and generally to provide for the administration of local affairs by provincial councils Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly of Queensland in Parliament assembled and by the authority of the same as follows- Petition for Province. 1. Upon the receipt of a petition signed by not less than fifty persons qualified to be placed upon the Electoral Roll of any district praying that a provincial Council may be established in such district or in any portion thereof it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council being satisfied that it is expedient to comply with the prayer of such petition to notify the receipt thereof in the Government Gazette and in some newspaper circulating in the said district., Proclamation of Province. 2. If after the expiration of three calendar months no counter petition signed by a greater number of persons so qualified as aforesaid or showing good reasons why a Provincial Council should not be established shall have been received by the Government it shall be lawful for the Governor in Council by proclamation to declare such district or portion of a district to be a province by a name to be mentioned in such proclamation and to define the limits or boundaries of such province. Council. 3. The council of each province shall consist of not less than three nor more than nine members who may from time to time be nominated and removed by the Governor in Council by proclamation in the Government Gazette And such council shall elect one of their number to be chairman and such chairman if present shall preside at all meetings of the council and in case of an equality of votes shall have a second or casting vote. 156 PROVINCIAL COUNCILS ACT.

Councilincorporated. 4. The said council shall be arid they are hereby created a body corporate under the name of the "Provincial Council" of such province and by that name shall have perpetual succession ahd a common seal and shall be capable in law of doing and suffering all such things as bodies corporate may by law do and suffer. SeparateAccounts. 5. A separate account shall be kept of all moneys contributed in every year by each provinceto the consolidated revenue otherwise than by way of customs duties and such accounts shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament at the meeting thereof and after and subject to such payments as are reserved or may hereafterbe reservedby the provisionsof any special Acts or ordinances or may be prescribed by any Appropriation Act so much of the surplus of such consolidated revenue not so reserved or appropriated as aforesaid shall half-yearly by warrant under the hand of the Governor be placed to the credit of the said province in proportion to its gross contribution to the said consoli dated revenue. Ordinary Revenue. 6. The ordinaryrevenue of the body corporateof each province shall consist of the moneys following (that is to say)- Tolls and rents thereof Moneys received by the council under any grant or appro- priation by Act of the Parliament of Queensland All other moneys which the council may, receive under or in pursuance of this Act not being the proceeds of any loan And all such moneys shall be carried to the account of a fund to be called the " Provincial Fund" and such fund shall' be applied by the counciltowards the payment of all expenses necessarily incurred in carrying this Act into execution and in doing and performing all acts and things which the said council -are or shall be by this or any other Act empowered or required to do or perform Loans how to be providedfor. 7. Whenever in any province it shall be deemed expedient to constructor carryout any public works the cost of which shall exceed the amount which the council thereof is enabled to expend thereon it shall be lawful for. the said council to cause to be presented to the Legislative Assembly a petition setting forth the necessity or desirability of the execution of such works PROVINCIAL COUNCILS ACT. 1 57

and the probability of their being completed for a speci fied sum and also showing that the tolls or revenues to be collected therefr om will pay the- interest of the capital sum requiredat the rate of six pounds per centum per annum and will further provide a sinking fund for the repayment of the said capital sum and such petition shall forthwith be referred to a select com- mittee of the Legislative Assembly who shall examine into the allegations of the said petition and report thereon- and if the report of such committee shall be favorable to the prayer of such petition and shall be adopted by the Legislative Assembly then it shall be lawful for the Governor having been requested by address in the usual form to recommend that there be appropriated out of the general revenue and from time to time placed to the credit of the said council a sum or sums to be provided by loan or otherwise not exceeding in the whole the amount specified in the said address Provided that the moneys so advanced shall under no circumstances be expended by the said council upon any other object or for any other purpose than that for which they were granted and that full accounts of such expenditure shall from time to time be forwarded to the Colonial Treasurer and by him laid before both Houses of Parliament. Bye-laws. 8. Consistently with the provisions of this Act the council of any province may make bye-laws for the establishment of tolls and for other purposes specified in those clauses of the Municipalities Act of 1864 which relate to bye-laws and such bye-laws when confirmed by the Governor in Council and pub- lished in the Government Gazette shall have the force of law. Interestof such Loans to be provided. 9. The moneys so to be advanced to any Provincial Council as aforesaid by vote of the Legislative Assembly shall in no case exceed in the whole a sum the interest of which at the rate of six pounds per centum per annum can be met by the moneys that may be placed to the credit of such council under the pro- visions of this Act and the Government shall withhold so much of the moneys that would have been otherwise so placed to the credit of such council as may be sufficient to provide the interest of the moneys so advanced as last bereinbefore provided at the aforesaid rate of six pounds per centum per annum. Expenditure of Votes may be entrusted to Council. 10. It shall be lawful for the Governor in Council from time to time to place to the credit of the council of any provinc@ such sum or sums of money appropriated by the Parliament of 158 SEPECTrON 1)Y LANDS

Queensland for any specific object and not Otherwise forming a part. of the ordinaryrevenue of the said pro vince as in the opinon of the Governor in Council aforesaid may with advan- tage be expended by such council Provided that in every such case a separate detailed account of the expenditure incurred by such council upon such specific object shall from time to time and whenever required be furnished to the Government by the said council for the information of the Parliament. Public Works, 4'c., may be given over to Council. 11. It shall be lawful for the Governor with the advice of the Executive Council from time to time by proclamation either to place under the temporary management and control of any Provincial Council or absolutely to vest in such Provincial Council any public works public buildings erections machines implements or other things not hereinafterparticularlymentioned which may have been commenced constructed purchased or provided for by appropriations from the general revenue and in the event of such Provincial Council failing to carry out such public works with ability and despatch or failing to keep in proper repair and satisfactorily to account for such public buildings or other things as aforesaid by any subsequent pro- clamation to alter vary or annul any such previous proclamation and to divest from the said Provincial Council and to resume under the management and control of the Government any or all matters and things comprised in such previous proclamation. Short Title. 12. This Act shall be styled and may be cited as the "Provincial Councils Act of 1864."


PzRsoxs desi ro us of selecting lands in Agricultural Reserves should make application to the Land Agent for the district in which the reserve is situate, and who will supply them with the printed forms of application. The area selected by one person cannot exceed 320 acres, and the allotments must adjoin each other. U{ AG 1 ULTUR.&L RB8ERVES. i59

The lands in Agricultural Reserves are sur'deyed into allot- ments of from eighteen to eighty acres, varying according to the features of the country, and applications can only be received for the allotments as marked out, and not for portions or subdi- visions of them. The conditions of purchase are, that the purchase-money, or a land order for the amount, at the rate of E1 per acre, shall be paid to the Land Agent at the time of selection, and the selector must fence in the boundaries with a two-rail fence, and cultivate one-sixth of the land within one year, and must also reside on the land for six months of that period; and if he fail in these con- ditions, the land will be forfeited, and a land order for three- fourths of the purchase money given back to the selector. The selector of an allotment by purchase will be entitled to lease, for five years, such of the adjoining allotments as are vacant, at the rate of sixpence per acre, paid in advance on the 31st of January, in each year. i The conditions of these leases are, that the holder must fence in the land within eighteen months from the date of application, and the lessee may at any time dung the five years' lease pur- chase the land by paying £1 per acre, either by cash or land orders ; but the purchaser must cultivate one-sixth of the land so purchased within one year from the date of purchase, and within that time cultivate so much of his adjoining allotments as shall be equal to a sixth part of the whole of the land he holds by purchase in the reserve. If the conditions of purchase are not fulfilled the land will be forfeited, and a land order for three-fourths of the amount of purchase, money returned. Should the leased land not be purchased during the currency of the five years' lease, the land and all the improvements thereonwill be forfeited. On the completion of the conditions of purchase by a solicitor, a deed of grant in fee simple will be issued to the purchaser, who will thereafter be able to sell and transfer as he may see fit; but until a deed of grant is issued to him he cannot sell or mortgage it. Should a person sell the whole of the land purchased by him, he cannot retain his leased allotments, but the leases can be transferred to the person to whom the land granted in fee simple has been sold. Where only a part of the purchased holding is transferred, leases to the extent of three times the remainder may be retained. The charge for the deed of grant is £1 for less than 50 acres, and £1 5s. for 50 to 300 acres. 160 GOTERNMENT SAVINtIS BANKS. GOVERNMENTSAVINGS BANKS.

THE government have noti fied their intention of bringing into operation, on the 1st of January, 1865, an Act passed during the last session of Parliament , giving " additional facilities for "depositing small savings at interest, with the security of the "Government for the repayment thereof;" and the places at which banks will first be opened are-Brisbane, and at the offices of the Police Magistrates in Ipswich, Rockhampton, Maryborougb, Gayndah, Dalby, Toowoomba, Warwick, Bowen, Gladstone, Cardwell, Clermont, Mackay, and Surat. We append a briefabstract of the regulations:- The Governor in Council may from time to time appoint places where Government Savings Banks shall be established, and at what hours they shall be opened for the transaction of business. Deposits may be made from five shillings upwards, and the depositor, on his first transaction with the bank, shall make and sign a declaration to the effect that he is desirous of becoming a depositor. When the latter cannot write, he or she must affix his or her mark in the presence of an attesting witness. When a person makes a deposit, the officer receiving it shall enter the same in a book to be kept by the depositor, and affix to the entry the official dated stamp. The amount of each deposit, and the name, occupation, and residence of the depositor must, upon the day the deposit is made, be forwarded to the Colonial Treasurer, from whose office a receipt according to a printed form is to be forthwith transmitted to the depositor, as conclusive evidence of his claim to the repayment of the deposit, with interestthereon. On the first day of each month, the officer appointed to receive deposits must forward to the Colonial Treasury a detailed statement of his receipts during the preceding month, on a printed form supplied for the purpose. The interest allowed is £3 15s. per cent. per annum, calcu- lated yearly, (or, to simplify it, say three-farthings per £ per calendar month,) on every pound deposited ; and is computed from " the first day of the calendar month next following the day on which a pound shall have been deposited, up to the first day of the calendar month in which moneys are withdrawn." The interest will be calculated on the 31st December in every year, and will be added to and become part of the principal money. Deposits may be made by trustees on behalf of others, or by persons on account of minors, but, after the age of seven years, repayment may be made to such mmor as if he were of fu ll age. GOVERNMENT SAVINGS BA1aX8. 161

Deposits mayy be made by married women, and deposits so made, or made by women who shall afterwards marry, will be repaid to any such woman, unless her husband shall give notice in writing of such marriage to the Colonial Treasurer , and sha ll re quire payment to be made to him. Every depositor shall, ones in each year , on or before the 31st December, forward his deposit book to the Treasury, in order that the entries therein may be compared with the entries in the Treasu re r's books, and the interest due inserted . Covers or envelopes for enclosing the books may be procured fr ee at any Savings Bank, and no charge will be made on the depositor for postage , either in the transmission of his books to the Treasury or the return thereof , or for any necessary app lication made by him with re gard to his deposits . The first book issued to a depositor will be charged sixpence , and any other, if the first be lost or mutilated , at one shil ling. Any depositor wishing to withdraw the whole or part of any amount deposited by him, must make app lication for the same to the Colonial Treasurer, on a printed form to be procured at any government Savings Bank . Every effort will be made by the gove rn ment to pre vent fr aud , but if any person should manage to impersonate a depositor , and obtain any sum of money belonging to him, the government will not be responsible for the loss. Repayments will only be made to the depositor in person, or to the beare r of an order signed by him, attested by a justice of the peace , or, in case of sickness , by a medical attendant; and if the depositor be resident out of the colony, his signature must be veri fied by some constituted authority of the place, and in the form prescribed , which may be obtained on app lication. P ro visions are made in the concluding clauses of the regula- tions, for the payment of deposits to proper persons in cases of illegitimacy or intestacy, for the settlement of disputes, and for the preservation of secrecy with regard to the names of depositors , and the amounts they may deposit , by the officers attached to the several Savings Banks.


THE rapid increase of the population of this portion of Australia will be best shown by a glance at the following figures, the whole of which may be relied on, inasmuch as they have been compiled from official returns :- Population in 1846 (by census) ...... 2,257 in1851( „ )...... 8,575 in 1856 ( „ ) ...... 17,082 in 1861 ( ) .... 30,059 on 31st December, 1861...... 34,367 on 30th June, 1862 ...... 38,198 on 31st December, 1862 45,077 on 30th June, 1863 .. 50,879 on 1st Jan., 1864 (by census) 61,467 on 30th June, 1864...... 67,181 The number of Enumerators employed in the collection of the Census of 1864 was thirty-one, and the number of Collectors was 142, and every care seems to have been taken by the Registrar-General to render the returns as perfect as circum- stances would allow. Centesimally, the increase upon the last census (taken in 1861) was 104.48 per cent., immigration being the source from whence the largest portion of this increase was derived. Appended are some details as to our population, derived principally from the census:- Males. Females. Total. Total Population on June 30, 1864 .. 41,127 26,054 67,181 11 April 7, 1861 .. 18,121 11,938 30,059

Increase .. ... 23,006 14,116 37,122

The Census Returns show the difference between the town and country population to be as follows:- Males. Females . Total. Total Town .. 16,628 14,326 30,954 Ditto Country .. 20,794 9,718 30,513

The distribution of the civic and rural populations was as follows :- Towss . Hales. Females . Total. Alfred ... 36 18 54 A ll ora ... 94 75 169 POPULATION RETURNS. 163

TOWNS. Yates . Females . Total. Banana ... 56 25 81 Bowen ... 434 331 765 Brisbane 6,441 6,110 12,551 Cleveland 75 70 145 Condamine ... 122 79 201 Dalby ... 369 316 685 Drayton .. 344 250 594 Gatton ... 27 25 52 Gayndah 326 207 533 Gladstone 176 138 314 Goondiwindi 80 45 125 Inglewood 31 28 59 Ipswich 2,316 2,263 4,5g Laidley 106 84 1 Leyburn ... 73 70 143 Lytton 20 22 42 Maryborough 1,042 877 1,919 Nanango . 47 32 79 Rockhampton 2,041 1,580 3,621 Roma 60 22 82 Sandgate ... 40 49 89 Springsure ... 25 9 34 St. George 21 1 22 Surat 47 26 73 Taroom 188 68 256 Toowoomba 870 658 1,528 Warwick .. 994 762 1,756 Yaamba ... 127 86 213

Total . 16,628 14,326 30,954

POLICR DISTRICTS. Pales. Females. Totals. Banana 413 106 519 Brisbane .. ... 4,344 3,188 7,532 Callandoon ... 387 164 531 Condamine 385 152 537 Dalby .. 953 372 1,325 Drayton 1,451 708 2,159 Gayndah ...... 1,189 472 1,661 Ipswich ... 2,680 2,005 4,685 Isaacs ... 485 74 559 Kennedy, North ... 786 144 930 Kennedy, South ... 111 45 156 Maranoa, East . . 299 61 360 164 POPULATION RETURNS.

Mice D7srBSCrs. Males Females . Totals. Marano , Wept ... 569 144 713 Maryboro tgh 718 327 1,045 Mitchell ...... 152 5 157 Nanango .. 311 105 416 Peak Downs, North 703 35 738 Peak Downs, South 425 53 478 Port Curtis ... 293 116 409 Prmchester ... 240 56 296 Rockhampton 857 361 1,218 Roma 631 144 775 Springsure ...... 594 92 686 Taroom ...... 638 138 776 Warwick ... .. 1,203 651 1,854

Total . . 20,794 • 9,718 30,513

The following figures will show how rapidly most of the chief towns have increased their inhabitants :-

Towns . Pop. in 1861. Pop in 1864. Increase, Brisbane .. 6,051 12,551 6,500 Dalby ... 447 685 238 Drayton ... 320 594 274 Gayndah ... 409 533 124 Gladstone 215 314 99 Ipswich 3,287 4,579 1,292 Maryborough 641 1,919 1,278 Rockhampton 698 3,621 2,923 Toowoomba .. 1,183 1,528 345 Warwick ... 1,180 1,756 576 In 1861, each 1,000 of the population was composed of 510 town and 489 country residents ; and in 1864, the proportion in the 1,000 was 503 town and 496 country ; thus showing that the progressive increase has been about the same in both. The total number of places of residence, including all sorts and descriptions of dwelling (whether temporary or otherwise), was 11,456; the, number comprising-brick or stone, 686; wood, 9,475; tents, 1,17;; and drays, 123. The occupations of the inhabitants are thus classified Males. Females. Total. Government Service- Naval and military ... 40 ... 40 Civil Officers 293 496 Police ...... 203 ... 5 POPULATION RETU RNS. 165

Males. Feaaf. Learned Professions- Legal ...... 62 Clerical ...... 82 262 Medical ...... 118 Educated Professions- Professors and Teachers .. 93 1603 500 Other educated professions 247 ... Scholars under Tuition- At home ...... 6,448 6,3661 17,893 At school ...... 2,576 2,503 Trade and Commerce 1,272 41 1,313 Providers of Food, &c.- Producers X59 41 ) Distributors . 00 20 1,159 Providers of accommodat. 292 47 Skilled Workmen& Artificers 4,187 ... 4,187 Mining- In precious metals ... 802 ) In inferior metals 16 ... } 892 In coal .. . 74 ) Agriculture ...... 2,780 98 2,878 Pastoral ... 7,418 275 7,693 Horticulture and Vinegrowers 462 24 486 Unskilled Workmen .. 4,046 ... 4,046 Domestic Duties- Persons not hired 267 10,700 14,919 Hired servants .. 1,187 2,765 Seafaring persons (M. S.) ... 717 .. 717 Paupers and Persons receiv- ing Public Support .. 166 56 222 MiAcellaneous Occupations.. 1,721 517 2,238 Occupations not stated ... 1,097 429 1,526

The Social Condition of the population was as follows

Males. Females. Married ...... 10,133 9,594 Single...... 26,716 13,887 Widowed ... 576 561

The number of persons who can both read and write was 38,409 ; those who cannot read or write, 16,108 ; and those who can read but not write, 6,950. 166 POPULATION RETURNS.

The Native Countries of the Population are set down as follows New South Wales ... 6,011 Scotland ...... 6,084 Tasmania ... 262 India 249 Victoria 725 Other British domin- South Australia ... 111 ions . , 112 Western Australia ... 25 United States .., 161 Queensland .. ... 9,592 China ...... 628 New Zealand ... 71 Germany .. ... 4,395 British America 114 France 102 England ...... 17,875 Other fore ign coun- Wales ...... 343 tries ...... 713 Ireland ...... 13,048 Unspecified ...... 486

The numbers attached to the different Religious Denomina- tions were as follows Males . Females . Total. Church of England 16,145 9,544 25,689 Presbyterians 4,996 3,361 8,357 Congregationalists.. 845 672 1,517 Wesleyans & Prim- itive Methodists 1,665 1,444 3,109 Other Protestants.. 3,331 2,028 7,359 Roman Catholics . 9,265 6,846 16,111 Hebrews . . 102 52 154 Mahomedans and Pagans ... 472 4 476 Other persuasions .. 53 5 58 Unspecified ., 551 86 637

Total 37,425 24,042 61,467 There are in the colony at the present moment 12,681 children between the ages of five and fifteen years inclusive; of these,only 6,199can read. There are,therefo re , in each 100 of these children 51.11 who are totally uneducated, whilst there is in the whole population only a proportion of 36 84 persons out of each 100 in the same ignorance , and this proportion of unedu- cated might, with perfect propriety, be reduced, by leaving out of the calculation all children below five years old, who form a .large item in it. If the above calculations be made for Towns and Country separately, the results tell in favor e former, but very badly for the latter. In the Towns are and 6,118 children of the above ages , of whom 4,598 can read; in the Country are found 6,563 children of the above ages, of whom only 1,601 can read. PASTORAL AND AGRICULTURAL. 167 PASTORAL AND AGRICULTURAL.




DISTRICTS. Horses. Cattle. Sheep. Pigs.

Brisbane ... .. 5,012 68,429 4,475 1,581 Ipswich ...... 4,752 88,285 170,614 1,805 Warwick 4,041 36,331 534,569 1,178 Drayton & Toowoomba 3,789 34,441 486,785 737 Gayndah ... 2,657 65.142 696,185 367 Dalby ...... 1,851 25,586 546,218 185 Goondiwindi ...... 5,248 32,400 113,030 98 Maryborough .. ... 2,084 88,314 98,714 603 Rockhampton.. ... 1,598 21,356 196,119 322 Nanango 1,556 16,817 122,176 27 Maranoa, East ... 1,202 64,739 537,701 Maranoa, West ... 3,718 115,706 307,170 29 Kennedy ...... 1,832 55,691 255,500 28 Leichhardt ... 4.240 101.246 1,291,035 131 Condamine 628 11,661 187,209 5 Gladstone ... 1,236 36,256 57,513 253 Mitche ll ...... 361 17,992 67,227 2

Total 45,805 880,392 5,672,400 7,351 Return for 1862 35,625 1610,204 4,345,901 7,019

Increase ...... 1 10,180 1270,188 1,326,499 332 DESCRIPTION OF CROP.


A. R. A. R. A. R A. R. A. R. A. R. A. R. A. R. A. R. Brisbane ... .. 62 0 1,593 3 847 1 28 0 30 0 385 2 975 3 42 3 3,965 0 Ipswich ... 10 2 489 1 320 3 14 0 0 3 138 2 691 0 2 2 1,267 1 Warwick .. . 11,309 1 1,065 3 2 2 13 1 26 2 521 3 20 0 2,958 2 Drayton&Toowoomba 23 0 464 1 0 1 0 1 11 3 37 2 482 1 1 0 1,020 1 Dalby ...... 14 0 ,., 3 0 9 3 2 2 ... 29 1 Goondiwindi ...... 8 1 .,, 1 0 8 0 1 0 ... 18 1 Maryborough ... 1 1 238 3 137 1 13 0 2 08 13 2 89 3 0 2 496 Of Rockhampton ...... 47 0 13 0 0 1 1 0 53 0 44 3 3 0 162 0 Nanango ...... 18 1 ,,, 1 2 3 2 27 2 ... 50 3 Maranoa (E. & W.) 6 0 10 3 ...... 1 2 8 0 1 2 ... 27 3 Kennedy ...... 3 0 ...... 2 0 1 0 ... 6 1 Gayndah ...... , 25 2 0 2 ... 0 1 24 2 11 1 ... 62 0 Condamine ...... 5 1 ... 0 2 ...... 1 1 ... 7 0 Gladstone ...... 13 2 700 0 ... 18 2 35 0 ... 767 0 Leiehhardt ...... 2 1 ... 0 2 19 0 3 1 ... 25 0

Totals ... 1,417 1 3,994 1 2,021 2 56 0 66 21 747 1 2,888 3 169 3 11,262 1k .i.$.-The Total Return of Cultivated Land m 1862, was 6,068 acnes. PASTORAL AND AGRICULTURAL. 169


Tai following table is the result of many years ' experience in Queensland cultivation . It wi ll be useful to the agriculturist as showing the quantity of seed necessary for a certain area, or for a given number of plants

Artichoke : One ounce of seed wi ll produce 600 plants-- Asparagus : One ounce of seed will produce 1,000 plants. Beans : Eng lish Dwarf - one quart of seed wi ll plant sixty feet of row ; Kidney Dwarf, Pole or Running - one quart of seed will plant 360 hills or 250 feet of row.-Beet: One ounce of seed will plant a perch .- Broco li : One ounce of seed will produce 4,000 plants. Cauli flower : One ounce of seed for 4,000 plants .- Cabbage: One ounce of seed for 4,000 plants.-Carrot: One ounce of seed for two perches .- Celery : One ounce of seed for 10,000 plants.-Cotton: Half -bushel of seed to the acre.-Cucumber; One ounce of seed for 200 hills. Endive : One ounce of seed for 5,000 plants .- Eschallots (vulgo Shallots ) : One bushel of bulbs for ten perches.

Leeks : One ounce of seed for 3,000 plants.-Lettuce: One ounce of seed for 10,000 plants. Melon : Sugar - one ounce of seed for 130 hills ; Water- one ounce of seed for 50 hills. Onion : One ounce of seed to the perch. Parsley : Two ounces of seed for three perches.-Parsnip: Two ounces of seed for three perches.-Pepper: One ounce of seed for 3,000 plants .- Peas : One quart of seed wi ll plant from 120 to 180 feet of row, according to sort.-Potatoes: English -twelve to sixteen bushels to the acre ; Sweet-a half-peck run to suckers should produce sixteen bushels.-Pumpkin: One quart of seed will plant fr om 80 to 300 hills, according to sort. Spinach : One ounce to the perch , in drill s ; broadcast, two ounces to the perch. Tobacco : One pound and a-half of seed wi ll produce plants for an acre.-Tomato: One ounce of seed for 4,000 plants.- Turnip; One pound of seed to the acre. 170 PASTORAL AND AGRICULTURAL.


Snows a Tam NuarnEn oa PLANTs AN ACam or LAND WILL CONTAIN.

Feet No. of Feet No. of Feet No. of asunder . Plants. asunder. Plants. asunder. Plants.

2 10,890 9 537 20 108 3 4,840 10 435 21 98 4 2,722 12 302 25 69 5 1,742 15 193 30 48 8 680 18 134 35 35

RuLE.-Multiply the distances into each other, and with the product divide 43,560 (the number of square feet in an acre) and the quotient is the number of plants.


Tam proper growth of our cultivated crops depends upon cer- tain conditions of the air, the soil, and water; and that the labour of the husbandman may be crowned with success, be should thoroughly understand those conditions, and endeavour to secure such of them for his crops as he can command. The degree of light and heat, the state of the atmosphere, and the supply of rain, being beyond his control, his attention may be directed to working the soil in a manner calculated to produce the best results in all weathers, to the cultivation of the crops best adapted to his climate or meeting the most ready sale, the best means by which to keep the land from becoming exhausted by continual cropping, and the possibility of obtaining a supply of water for irrigation in times of drought. All systems of gardening should be acted upon with some discrimination, that is to say, while proper attention be paid to the general directions and rules laid down, allowance must be made for the difference and variety of soils, of situation, and of climate, which require a strict attention to the mode of manage- ment peculiarly' adapted to each ; and it is the almost proverbial inattention to those important points which is the chief cause of thatwant of successwhich provesoften so discouragingto the inexperienced cultivator. PASTORAL AND AGRICULTURAL. 111k

To work the soil in a manner calculated to produce the best results in all weathers, the first principles of gardening must be understood and-consistently applied. It is generally known that plants derive the greater part, of their nourishment from the soil ; and that to enable the tender roots to extend in search of food, the earth should be pulverized. It is known, by sad experience, that the crops in flat lands especially, are lost season after season by water in the soil during rainy weather. Crops are frequently lost from shallow tillage during drought, and the land gets worked out from continual cropping without manure. These results are admitted, but we fear the causes are not suffi- ciently studied, and we are satisfied that due precautions are not adopted to prevent the recurrence of such disasters. Nature is very bountiful, but the husbandman will ordinarily only obtain his reward on conforming to certain conditions. To ensure the best prospect of success, (presupposing the soil to be of average fertility) the grower should "drain" where necessary,* "subsoil" or " trench," " manure," " irrigate," and adopt a " rotation of crops." A. J. H.

IRRIGATION. InRrGATrorc as a means of increasing the produce of the soil, is of great antiquity. It is practised to a considerable extent in China, India, Italy, and other countries ; and in England the "water meadows" are a source of great profit. In Queensland there is abundance of grass for the cattle, without resorting to this means of procuring it, but there is scarcely any country where the inducement to irrigate is greater. With the continual risk of drought, and wages at the maximum rate, it behoves the farmer to adopt every means within his reach to protect himself against the former as well as economise the latter. One great obstacleto the generalintroduction of irrigationis that our rivers are mostly salt, and we are not possessed of any satisfac- tory information as to how far such water can be advantageously used for growing crops. It is not considered safe to use water containing more than three per cent of salt; and as from expe- riments made by the late Mr. Eldridge on the Brisbane River water, after dry weather, it was found to contain five per cent. of salt, it appears that at the time when the water would be most urgently required for irrigation it would be unsafe for the farmers on the Brisbane to use the water from that river, unless

* To PROVE IF LAND REQUIRES DRAINING : After a long continued and steady rain, dig several holes three feet deep in the lowest parts of your cultivated land ; leave them during the night, and if water is standing In them the next morning,your land requires draining. 172 PASTORAL AND AGRICULTURAL.

mixed with an equal quantity of fresh, and then it should on no account be allowed to touch the foliage of the plants. There are, no doubt, many positions whero a suitable supply of water (which taking its rise at a greater elevation) would be at command for this purpose, or could be made available at a reasonable outlay. Were such circumstances taken advantage of, it- may be safely affirmed that the benefits would be so striking as to induce more costly operations. It cannot be too clearly impressed that in time of drought, or in hot dry weather, a mere sprink ling from the watering pot is often injurious, while a good flow of water running along the alleys among the growing crops for half-an-hour every evening would produce the utmost luxuriance of growth. Mr. Knight, one of the first authorities in all matters connected with gardening, says, in reference to this subject, " The quantity of water which may be given with ad- vantage to plants of almost every kind, during warm and bright weather, is, I believe, very much greater than any gardener who has not seen the result will be inclined to suppose possible, and it is greater than I myself could have believed upon any other evidence than that of actual experience." A. J. H.

THE ORCHARD. Taaa .E is probably no country in the world capable of pro- ducing in perfection a greater variety of fruits than Queensland. Enjoying a climate ranging from that of Europe on the Downs, to the tropical temperature of Mackay, she may embrace in her productions the English gooseberry, strawberry, apple, and pear; and the pine apple, guava, and mango. Next to the growth of sugar , cotton, tobacco, and coffee, this colony is likely to excel in the abundance of its fruits ; possessing such a variety of temperature and a fertile soil, it awaits only the skill and enter- prise of man to transform its stately forests into vineyards, orchards, and cornfields. Unlike the older colonies, here is a large local demand almost wholly supplied by importations, and .there can, therefore, be no doubt as to finding a market for the produce. The orchard should be a feature in every farm ; every little homestead in the suburbs should have a few fruit trees of the best sorts, if only for the use of the household. Quite inde- pendent of the wholesomeness of good fruit in a warm climate, (where as a rule too little vegetable food is consumed) it is wise to take some little trouble to surround the "home" with such comforts and attractions as a few fruit trees and a neatly kept flower border. A. J. H. POSTAL INFORMATION. 173 POSTAL INFORMATION.


ALL letters received in this Colony from any part beyond the seas that have not been regularly posted at the place of despatch, will be charged with the Colonial Ship Rates of Postage. All letters posted in Queensland must be pre-paid by affixing thereon postage stamps of sufficient value. Any letter posted for delivery in the Colony will, if the postage stamps thereon be not grossly deficient in value, be forwarded and charged with double the deficiency, but if grossly deficient, the letter will be opened and returned to the writer. Any letter posted for transmission to the United Kingdom will, if bearing at least a single rate of postage, be forwarded, and charged with the postage deficient, and a single rate of postage as a fine ; but if not bearing a single rate of postage, it will be opened and returned to the writer. Letters posted for transmission to the neighboring Colonies, and to Foreign Countries and British Colonies generally, whether sent direct or through the United Kingdom, will invariably be opened and returned to the writers, unless they bear the full amount of postage payable thereon. Any person can have a letter registered by affixing on it, by means of the proper Stamps, the amount of the Registration Fee, in addition to the proper postage, and presenting it at a Post Office during office hours, when a receipt of the same will be given, and every precaution will be adopted to ensure its safe delivery by entering it on the Letter Bills, and obtaining a receipt for the same on delivery. As the Post Office, however, is not responsible for the loss of any letter, whether registered or otherwise, parties sending Bank Notes or Drafts are advised to take the numbers and particulars, and to cut such Notes or Drafts in halves, and to send them by different Posts. Letters on being re-directed are chargeable with a new and distinct rate of postage. Inland Letters must be posted half an hour previous to the time fixed for the despatch of Mails ; but late letters will be re- ceived to within a quarter of an hour, upon a fee of a Sixpenny Stamp being affixed to each letter.

TOWN DELIVERY. Daily at 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. in North Brisbane ; 2 p.m. in For- titude Palley ; 9 a.m. in South Brisbane ; and 9 a.m, and 2 p.m. 174 POSTAL INFORMATION. at Kanga ro o Point. Letters may be posted until within a quarter of an hour of the time of each delivery. Iron Letter Receivers, intended for the receipt of letters only, are fixed at South Brisbane, corner Queen and Edward Streets, Kangaroo Point, and Spring Hill. The hours at which they are cleared are stated on the Receivers. The Delivery Office is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., except when steamers leave at 1; later hour, when the office is kept open till 6 p.m.

The following persons have been appointed li censed vendors of Stamps , viz.: Messrs. J. W. Buxton, E. Gaujard, Thos. Bell, J. Millar, J. Sawyer, Jno. Watt, and F. J. B. Illenden, in North Brisbane ; Messrs. J. J. Scott, and H. Hockmgs, South Brisbane; Messrs. F. J. Hingeton, and M. Ward, Fortitude Valley; and Messrs. J. Dexter, and M. C. Coffey, Spring Hill. The Mails for England are made up in Brisbane on or about the 19th of each month, in time to secure their arriving in Sydney before the 22nd, the date on which the Mail leaves for England. The Mails for New Zealand are despatched on or immediately before the 12th of each month. The Mails for Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania are despatched, via Sydney, twice a week, or as often as a steamer leaves. The Dead Letter Office is open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Country Offices are open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m ., except when Mails arrive at a later hour ; in which case they are open for half an hour after such arrival, but not later than 8 p.m.


Town Letters.-Not exceeding 2 oz., Id.; exceeding } oz., but not exceeding 1 oz., 2d. ; exceeding 1 oz., but not exceeding 2 oz., 4d.; and so on, increasing 2d. for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce. Inland Letters.-Not exceeding 2, as., 2d.; exceeding 1 oz., but not exceeding 1 oz., 4d. ; exceeding 1 oz., but not exceeding 2 oz., Sd.; and so on, increasing 4d. for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce. Letters to British Colonies and Foreign Countries (except in special cases as given) :-Not exceeding a oz., 6d. ; exceeding 1 oz., but not exceeding 1 oz., Is.; and so on, increasing 6d. for every additional a ounce or fraction of i ounce. No charge whatever is made on the above-mentioned Letters on receipt in this Colony, provided they have been duly posted. Arrange- POSTAL INFORMATION. 175

ments have been made with the colonies of New South Wales, Victoria , South Australia , Western Australia , and Tasmania, for the delivery of such Letters at their final destination without further charge. Letters sent overland to any of the neighboring Colonies are charged with the same Rates of Postage as when sent by sea. Letters to and from the United Kingdom :- Not exceeding } oz., 6d.; exceeding 2 oz., but not exceed in g 1 oz., Is.; exceeding 1 oz., but not exceeding 2 ozs ., 2s. ; and so on, increasing Is. for every additional ounce or fr action of an ounce . Letters forwarded via Marseilles are liable, in addition , to a rate of 4d. for every 9 ounce weight , to cover the cost of transit through France. The above rates will be the entire amount charged upon letters sent to or fr om any part of the United Kingdom , or of the Colony. Letters addressed to Officers serving on board any of Her Majesty's Ships on a Foreign Station when sent through the United Kingdom :- Not exceed in g a oz., Is.; exceeding z oz., but not exceeding 1 oz., 2s.; exceeding 1 oz., but not exceeding 2 ozs, 4s. ; and so on, increasing 2s, for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce. Seamen's and Soldiers ' Letters :-Letters sent to or by Seamen and Soldiers in Her Majesty's Service wi ll be transmitted within the Colony, and between the Colony and any Post Office in the British Dominions , at a charge of one penny , provided that the following Regulations are observed:- Ist. Each letter must not exceed s oz. in weight . 2nd. It must be superscribed with the name of the writer, his description or class in the vessel or regi- ment, and signed by the officer at the time in command. 3rd. The Postage must be pre -paid. Any letter of this description posted or received in this Colony , not in accordance with the foregoing Regulations, will be tre ated as an ordinary letter. Letters forwarded via the United Kingdom to Colonies and Foreign Countries.-All letters of this class paid in full are sent to the United Kingdom via Southampton , unless specia lly marked for transmission via Marsei lles, in which case they must bear in addition to the rates of Postage , which may always be ascertained on enquiry , postage at the rate of 4d. for every s oz. of their weight. Letters addressed to France and the Continent of Europe , and marked for transmission via Marsei lles, (Re- gistered letters excepted , which must either be sent through the United Kingdom or by French Mail ), are, unless specia lly marked for transmission via the United Kingdom, sent in the Closed Mail for Marsei lles, and need only in that case bear the Colonial Ship Rates of Postage of 6d. the 1 oz. 176 POSTALINFORMATION.


Registered letters for the British Possessions in China, the Mediterranean, the West Indies, North America, Africa, and for St. Helena, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Spain, are charged is. for registration fee. For Prussia, the German States, Hanover, Saxony, Mecklen- burgh Schwerin, Mecklenburgh Strelitz, Brunswick, Oldenburgh (Berkenfeld excepted), Anhalt, Austrian Dominions, Servia, the Ionian Islands, Denmark, Moldavia, Wallachia, Turkey in Europe, and , when these countries are not addressed via France the registration fee is is. ; and for any of the following countries, if specially addressed via Prussia, viz. : -Luxembourg, Baden, , Wurtemburg, Sardinia, Switz- erland, Papal States, and ,-the registration fee is is. 3d. For the United States the fee is 1s. 3d. under the 2 oz. ; over the 2 oz. and not above 1 or., is. 5d. For France and Algeria, or the following Countries, the correspondence of which is forwarded through France, viz the places in Turkey, Syria, or Egypt, at which France main- tains Post Offices (including, among others, Alexandria, Beyrout, Tripoli, Smyrna, Constantinople, Varna, Galatz, am d Trebizond), Luxembourg, Baden, Bavaria, Wurtemburg, Sardinia, Switzer- land, Tunis, Tangiers, Tuscany, Parma, Modena, Papal States, Two Sicilies, and Greece ; and for the following countries, if specially addressed via France, viz :-The Netherlands, Prussia, German States, Hanover, Saxony, Mecklenburg Schwerin, Mecklenburg Strelitz, Brunswick, (Berkenfeld excepted), Anhalt, Austrian Dominions, Servia, Denmark, Moldavia, Wallachia, Turkey in Europe (via Austria), Sweden, -Norway, Poland, and -the fee is 6d., and an additional amount exactly equal to the amount of Postage British and and Foreign ; i e., the full amount of postage less the British and Colonial rate of 6d the 2 ounce. For Russia and Poland, when letters do not exceed 2 oz., the fee is is. 61d. The above-mentioned registration fees may be paid by means of ordinary stamps when the fee exceeds is., but not otherwise. Letters for the Continent of Europe, via Trieste.-These Letters will be forwarded by the Mail Contract Packets via Suez, and the following rates will pre-pay them to Alexandria, whence they will be forwarded to their destination by the Austrian Government, and ;he Foreign Postage due thereon collected on delivery For a letter not exceeding a oz., Is. : POSTAL INFORMATION. 177 btft not exceeding 2 ozs., 4s. ; and so on, increasing 2s. for every oltilce or fraction of an ounce. Letters via Callao and Panama.-Letters addressed is or through Great Britain by this route must bear, in addition to the ordinary postage rate, a 6d. stamp for every # oz., in order to cover the New Granadian transit charge. Letters for Syria and Turkey.-Letters addressed to Syria and Turkey will be sent via Alexandria and Jaffa (unless marked for transmission via the United Kingdom), and must bear, in addition to the Colonial Ship Rate of Postage of 6d. the ha(f ounce, postage according to the following rates, viz.:-Not exceeding oz., 5d.; exceeding s oz., but not exceeding I oz., 10d. ; exceeding 1 oz., but not exceding 2 ozs., is. 8d. ; and so on, increasing at the rate of 10d. for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce. Letters for Spain, Portugal, Madeira, 4c. -Letters for Spain, Portugal, Madeira, the Azores, the Cape do Verde Islands, and other Portuguese possessions on the Coast of Africa, will (unless marked for transmission via the United Kingdom) be forwarded in the Mail made up for Gibraltar, and will in such case only be liable to the Colonial Ship rate of Postage of 6d. the 1 ounce.

NoTs.-Registered letters for Russia and Poland (if not sent through France), are liable to four Registration fees, viz -Colonial, ed ; British, 6d ; Prussian, 3d.; Russian, 31d. The three first fees do not increase, whatever map be the weight of the Letter, but the latter fee of 3;d increases as follows :-34d. for half-an-ounce, 7d for one ounce, and 7d additional for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce


Packets of Gold transmitted within the Colony.-Not ex- ceeding z oz., 4d.; exceeding -z oz. but not exceeding 1 or., 8d.; exceeding 1 oz. but not exceeding 2 ozs., is. 4d. ; and so on, increasing 8d. for every additional ounce or fraction of an ounce. Packets containing Bank Pass Books, 4'c.-Not exceeding 4 ozs., 2d.; and id. extra for every additional 2 ounces or frac- tion of an ounce. Bankers' Parcels, containing Pass Books, sent by or to any Bank or Banker-Cases or Covers enclosing Maps or Plans transmitted by or addressed to the Surveyor-General or Deputy Surveyor-General-Returns made from or to any Department of the Public Service, pursuant to any Law or duly authorised Regulations-will be forwarded, closed against inspection, pro- sided they bear on the outside a statement of the contents, sub- scribed with the name and address of the sender. that there N 178 POSTAL INFORMATION.

*hall not be in or upon any of the Packets any Letter or " tolary communication or intelligence , and that they do not &,r teed 16 ozs. in weight . (Except Maps and Plans , the wei t of which may extend to 3 lbs. ) If such packets , however, posted in coversopen at both ends, they need not bear t statement in question , and the weight of any such packet may be increased to 3 lbs., as they come under the head of Book Parcels. Packets containing Returns of Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths , may be transmitted unstamped , the Postage being paid on de livery , if marked as containing such Returns only, and signed by the Clergyman or the District Registrar trans- mitting them. Packets open at each end, containing Printed Reports of the Proceedings of any Benevolent , Re ligious , or Charitable Insti- tutions, when posted at any Post Office for delivery at such office, or at any place within the limits of the City or Town in which such Post Office is situated : Not exceeding 4 ozs., 1d. ; and for every additional 2 ozs. or portion of 2 ozs., 1d. The same Regulations apply to these Packets as to those containing Bank Pass Books, &c. The Postage on all the above Packets, with the exception of Returns of Births, &c., must be pre -paid by stamps. Book Packets for Malta, Spain, Portugal, Madeira, the Azores , Cape de Verde Islands, and otker Portuguese possessions on the Coast of Africa and the United Kingdom:-Not exceed- ing 4 ozs., 4d.; not exceeding z lb., 8d.; exceeding a lb., but not exceeding 1 lb., is. 4d.; and so on, increasing 8d. for every additional 11b. or portion of a 1b. Packets of Books and Printed Papers of every kind , posted in conformity with the Regulations of the British Colonial Book `Post, and addressed to the United Kingdom, may be forwarded in the closed Mails despatched by way of Marseilles. The Postage on such Book Packets , sent by the route to Marseilles, including the French Transit Rate, wi ll be - Not exceeding 4 ozs., 6d.; above 4 ozs., and not exceeding 8 ozs., Is.; above 8 ozs, and not exceeding 1 1b., 2s.; above 1 lb., and not exceeding it lb., 3s.; above 151 lb., and not exceeding 2 lbs., 4s.; and so on, adding Is. for each additional 4 lb., or fraction of a s lb. The postage must be pre -paid by means of postage stamps, and the value of the stamps affixed to a packet will be taken as an indication of the choice of route on behalf of the sender, i.e., whether by Southampton or Marsei lles. Intereolonial Book Packets .- Not exceeding z lb., 6d.; ex- ceeding } lb ., but not exceeding 1 lb., Is.; and so on, increasing 6d. for every additional 12lb. or portion of a I lb. POSTAL INFORMATION. 179

Inland Book Packets,-Not exceeding 4 ozs., 2d., and . 9p[tra for every additional 2 ozs. or fraction of 2 ozs. The undermentioned articles may be transmitted as Book Parcels either within or beyond the Colony, viz.:-Books, Pub- iications , and Works of Literature and Art. The following are included under the above heads, viz.:-All Books, whether printed, written, or plain, or any mixture of the three ; photo- graphs-upon paper, and printed circulars of every description; uublications or compilations, whether in print or in manuscript ; almanacs, prints, maps, whether on paper or canvass, or cloth, and whether printed or written, or any mixture of the two ; and any description of paper, parchment, or vellum, whether printed, written upon, or plain, or any mixture of the three; with any binding, mounting, or covering of or upon, or belong- i4 g tb, any book, or publication, or work, or any portion thereof* or of or belongmg to any paper, parchment, or vellum ; and any cases or rollers of prints or maps, book- markers, pencils, pens, or other articles usually appertaining to any such book, publication, or work, paper, parchment, or vellum, or necessary for its safe transmission. The following are the Rules which must be attended to in the transmission of Book Parcels :-1. No packet sha ll exceed two feet in length, breadth, or width.-2. No packet shall exceed three pounds in weight.-3. With the above limitations, a packet may contain any number of separate books, almanacs, maps, or prints, and any quantity of paper, vellum, or parch- ment-4. Every packet shall be sent open at the ends or sides, and either without a cover or in a cover or envelope open at the ends or sides ; and there shall be no letter either closed or open, nor any enclosure, sealed or otherwise, closed against inspection, sent in or with any such packet ; nor shall there be any letter, or any communication in the nature of a letter, written oii printed on the cover or envelope of any such packet.-5. The name and address of the sender may appear on the cover, as well as those of the party addressed, but this is not indispens- able.-6. Should a packet be posted unpaid, or with a pre- payment of less than a single rate, or be enclosed in a cover not open at the ends or sides, or should it exceed the dimensions or weight specified, such packet will be sent to the Dead Letter Office, and returned to the writer.-7. Should any letter, whether sealed or open, or otherwise closed against inspection, be found in a Book Packet, such letter or other enclosure will be forwarded, charged not only with the postage due upon it as an unpaid letter, but also with an additional single Book Post Rath. The packet itself, in such case, will be forwarded, pro- vided the postage shall have been duly paid, without any extra 180 POSTAL INFORMATION. charge.-8. Where a Book Packet shall have been posted, and insufficiently pre-paid, and it shall appear that at least a single rate has been paid thereon,such packet will be forwarded, charged with an additional postage equal to the deficiency, and a further rate as a fine. In cases where, from the arrival of Packet Ships from England, or from any other cause, the number of such Book Parcels is unusually large, the Postmaster, in order to prevent interrup- tion to the punctual despatch of the ordinary Mails, is authorized to delay the transmission of such Packets for three successive Posts.


Newspapers are transmitted within the Colony free of charge jf posted within seven days from the date of publication; if sted after that period, they are subject to a charge of one penny. Newspapers for the United Kingdom are chargeable with one penny each, if intended for transmission via Southampton ; but with threepence if posted for transmission via Marseilles. Newspapers for transmission to the Continent of Europe via Trieste are chargeable with twopence each. Newspapers for the neighboring Colonies, and for all places beyond the seas not already specified, are transmitted free of charge if posted within seven days ; and all newspapers from such places received in the Colony are delivered without charge. Newspapers for Syria and Turkey, when transmitted via Alexandria, are liable to a charge of one penny for every two ounces weight. The Postage on all newspapers chargeable therewith must be paid by affixing on the newspapers stamps of sufficient value, and no newspaper will be forwarded unless it bears the full amount of postage.


Money Orders may be obtained and made payable at the undermentioned places, on payment of the following charges QUEENSLAND. MONEY OanEu OFFiczs.-Brisbane, Ipswich, Dalby, Gayn- dah, Gladstone, Maryborouyh, Rockhampton, Bowen -(Port Denison), Toowoomba, and Warwick-For any sum not exceed- ing £5, 6d. Exceeding £5, but not exceeding £10, 1s. POSTAL INFORMATION. 181


Victoria s. d. South Australia For any sum not exceeding £ 5..... 1 0 New South Wales Exceeding £ 5, but not exceeding £10 2 0 New Zealand Western Australia

BRITISH. At any Money For any sum not exceeding £5 ..... 2 0 Order Office the Exceeding £5, but not exceeding £10 5 0 United Kingdom.

No Money Order will be issued for a larger sum than Ten Pounds. Money Orders must be obtained between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. The Money Order Office at the G eneral Post Office will be kept open until 6 p.m. the day previous to the despatch of the Monthly Mail; but no Money Orders will be issued on the day of closing the mails for the United King- dom, unless that mail should be despatched in the evening. List of Money Order Offices in Victoria, South. Australia, New South Wales, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, may be seen and further information obtained at any Money Order Office in Queensland.

PLArw AIRECTIONs.-When applying for letters , always men- tion the christian as well as the surname of the party for whom you apply.-Always put the name of the post town on the address of the letter, especially if its destination be some station in the interior of the colony.-Never delay the posting of your letters urftil the last moment, for you thereby increase the risk of delay and the labour of the officials.-When you apply at a post office for stamps, always have change ready if possible, so that you may not give unnecessary trouble, and cause loss of time.-See that postage stamps adhere properly to your letters before you drop them into the box, and mind also that the envelopes are securely closed.-Never post newspapers in the ironj, letter receivers, for the latter are only intended for otters , and the postal authorities do not forward newspapers so posted. TIME .TABLE SHOWING THE DAII ARRIVAL AND 'b 'SPATCH OF INLAND MAILS.

MAILS ARRIVE AT G. P. 0., BRISBANE. .I - MAILS CLOSE AT G. P . 0., BRISBANE. DAY OF WRF . K. 10 A.M . 6 P.M. 12 30 P.M. 8 p.m.

SUNDAY ...... Ipswich, Toowoomba , Drayton ... Casino ...... Ipswich,Warwick

MONDAY.,. ... Sandgate , Oxley, Woogaroo, Ips- 1 Ipswich ...... Oxley, Woogaroo, Ipswich, Cleve- Ipswich, Casino with, Warwick, Nanango, Gayn- land,Sandgato; Logan Reserve, dah; and Toowoomba and Dray- Toowomuba, Drayton, noon ... to il noon ......

Tuiannv... .. Oxley, 11roogaroo, Ipswich, Too- ! Ipswich, Clove- Oxley, Woogaroo, Ipswich, 12 30; Ipswich woomba, and Drayton; Logan land ...... and Toowoomba, 1)ravton, Dalby, Reserve, 11 a.m ...... Condamine, Surat, Roma, War- wick, Nanango, FGayndah, noon*

WEDNESDAY ... Oxley, Woogaroo, Ipswich, Too- Ipswich ...... Oxley, Woogaroo, & Ipswich, 12 30; Ipswieh,Warwiek Woomba, Drayton, Dalby ...... i Toowomnba and Drayton, noon

THURSDAY ... Oxley, Woogaroo, Ipswich, Too- Ipswich, War- I Oxley, Woogaroo, & Ipswich, 12 30; Ipswich. woomba, Drayton, Warwick ... wick ...... Toowoomba, Drayton, and Dalby,

FR)DAV ...... Oxley, Woogaroo, Ipswich, Too- Ipswich ...... Oxley, Woogaroo, C Ipswich,12 30; Ipswich. woomba, Drayton,,Dalby, Conda- Toowoomba and Drayton,noon mine, Surat, Rorna, Nanango,

SVrulu AY Oxley, Woogaroo, Ipswich, Too- Ipslvlch ...... Oxley, Woogaroo, Ipswich, Moggill Ipswich, Too- )Yoomba, Drayton, Moggill... woomba, Drayton. By mail steamer to Northern Ports, orwhon opportunity occurs. CODE OF SIGNALS. 183 CODE OF SIGNALS IN USE AT THE BRISBANE SIGNAL STATION.


1 London 39 Manning River 2 Portsmouth 40 Port Macquarie 3 Plymouth 41 Macleay River 4 Bristol 42 ClarenceRiver 5 Liverpool 43 Richmond River 6 Hull 44 Tweed River 7 Lynn 45 1Vlooloolah 8 Any other Port of England 46 Maryborough 9 Leith 47 Baffle Creek 10 Isle of Skye 48 Port Curtis 11 Isle of Mull 49 Rockhampton 12 Greenock 50 Broad Sound 13 Any other Port of Scotland 51 Pioneer River 14 Dublin 52 Port Denison 15 Belfast 53 Clbveland Bay 16 Londonderry 54 Port lfmchinbrook 17 Cork 55 Port Albany 18 Any other Port of Ireland 56 Port Essington 19 France 57 Hobart Town 20 Belgium 58 Launceston 21 Hou tid 59 Circular Head 22 Germany 60 New Zealand 23 cassia 61 Auckland Sweden 62 Otago 25 Spain 63 Port Nicholson 26 Portugal 64 Port Cooper 27'Western Australia 65 Chatham Islands -28 Swan River 66 Norfolk Island 29 King George's Sound 67 Society Isles 30 South Australia 68 Friendly Isles 31 Portland Bay 69 Navigators' Islands 3g Tort Phillip 70 New Hebrides 33 Corner Inlet 71 New Caledonia 34 'Twofold Bay 72 Sandwich Islands. 35 Wollongong 73 South Sea Islands 36 Sydney 74 Whaling Voyage 37 Newcastle 75 Coasting Voyage 38' Port Stephens 76 Discovery 184 CODE OF SIGtNALS.

77 Timor 87 Isle of Bourbon 78 Java 88 Mauritius 79 Lomboek 89 Cape of Good Hope 80 Singapore 90 Puget Sound 81 Manila 91 California 82 China 92 South America 83 Calcutta 93 West Indies 84 Madras 91 United States 85 Ceylon 95 New Brunswick 86 Bombay 96 Canada


When a vessel is in sight at Cape Moreton, the Descriptive Flag wi ll be hoisted at the yard-arm at the Signal Station ; the south yard -arm will denote vessels from the Southward, the north yard -arm fr om the Northward.

When off Cape Morel ,on, and entering the port, the signal wi ll be made from the mast -head, and the number below the Descriptive Flag will show the port sailed from.

When vessels are entering by the south passage the 2nd Dis- tinguishing Pendant will be hoisted below the Descriptive Flag.

When steamers have crossed the bar, and are comig ,g up the river , a White Flag will be hoisted under the Descriptive Flag.

When two or more vessels of the same description arrive together fr om the same port , the Numeral Pendant will be hoisted above the Descriptive Flag.

When a vessel returns to port the first Distinguishing Pendant wi ll be hoisted below the Descriptive Flag.

When vessels have entered the port at night , and have not been signa lled from Cape Moreton, the third Distinguishing Pendant will be hoisted below the usual signal , which will *iote that the vessel is at the bar.

'Wheat steamers have anchored at ' the bar , waiting tide, the third Distinguishing Pendant will be hoisted below the Descrip- tive Flag. CODE OF 8I6NALi3. 185

The Union Jack will appear below the Descriptive Flag on the arrival of a ship-of-war.

When a vessel has troops on board the Numeral Pendant will be hoisted below the Descriptive Flag.

A vessel with the Governor on board will be denoted by the Union Jack being hoisted above the Descriptive Flag.

For vessels with Immigrants on board the Red Ensign will appear above the usual signal.

Steamers with English mails on board will be distinguished by a Red Ensign below the usual signal.

A Ball at the yard-arm, with Descriptive Flag under, will denote the vessel to have passed the port-if on the south yard- arm, vessel bound south, and if on the north yard-arm, bound north.

On the arrival of the English mail at any port in the adjoining colonies, a Red Ensign will when practicable be hoisted at the mast head and kept flying for two hours.

When only one vessel arrives, the signal will be kept flying one hour; when more than one, thirty minutes will be allowed for each signal.

The arrival of steamers belonging to the Australian Steam Navigation Company, or to the Queensland Steam Navigation Company, will be notified by their respective flags, hoisted instead of the Descriptive Flag for steamers. The flag of the A. S. N. Company is divided diagonally into four parts, each side quarter being blue, and top and bottom red. The flag of the Q..8. N. Company is a white Maltese cross on a red ground.

NOTE.-The numbers of the flags may be easily recognised from their being composed of as many stripes or stars, as they are intended to represent . When any number higher than 9 is to be represented, one flag is hoisted over the other ; 4 over 2, as in the accompanying cut, which represents 42, the number for Clarence River. The Substitute Flag is used when two of the same figu re s re quire to be represented ; for example, No. 5 hoisted over the Substitute would rep re sent the number for tort Albany. 186 TRADE RETURNS. TRADE RETURNS.

(Compiled expressly for PUGH's ALMANAC.)


TAT subjoined Returns show the value of the IMPORTS into the various Ports of the Colony during the twelve months ending Heptember 30th, 1864, distinguishing the amount for each quarter :- BRISBANE. Quarter ending December 31st, 1863 ... £291,225 0 0 March 31st, 1864 ...... 288,995 0 0 June 30th, „ ...... 463,395 0 0 Sept. 30th, „ ...... 535,989 0 0

Total ...... £1,579,604 0 0 Return for same period of 1862-3 ... 1,159,570 0 0

Increase ...... £420,034 0 0


Quarter ending December 31st, 1863 ... £26,070 0 0 „ March 31st, 1864 ...... 25,944 0 0 June 30th, „ ...... 28,338 0 0 Sept. 30th, „ ...... 31,437 0 0

Total ...... £111,789 0 0 Return for same period of 1862-3 ... 91,807 0 0

Increase ... £19,982 0 0


Quarter ending December 31st, 1863 ... £6,423 0 0 March 31st, 1864 ...... 3,167 0 0 „ June 30th, „ ... 7,318 0 0 Sept. 30th, „ ... 5,035 0 0

Total ...... £ 21,943 0 0 TRADE RETURNS. 187

Total (bro ught forward ) ... £ 21,943 0 0 Return for same period of 1862-3 ... 20,859 0 0

Increase ...... £ 1,084 0 0

ROCKHAMPTON. Quarter ending December 31st , 1863 ... £ 81,508 0 0 March 31st , 1864 ... 68,187 0 0 June 30th, „ 123,208 0 0 Sept. 30th, „ .. ... 113,197 0 0

Total ...... £ 386,100 0 0 Return for the same period of 1862-3 ... 323,002 0 0

Increase ... £43,198 0 0

PORT DENISON. Quarter ending December 31st , 1863 ...... £ 19,381 0 0 „ March 31st, 1864 ...... 5,156 0 0 „ June 30th, ,, 17,745 0 0 Sept. 30th, „ .. ... 12,310 0 0

Total ... £54,592 0 0 Return for same period of 1862-3 ... 46,913 0 0

Increase ...... £ 7,679 0 0

BROAD SOUND. Quarter ending December 31st , 1863 ...... £ 270 0 0 Other quarters ...... nil.

Total ...... £ 270 0 0 NoTE.-The returnsin lastyear's Almanac only included the quarter ending September 30th , 1863, for which period the amount was £791. PIONEER RIVER (Micky ). Quarter ending December 31st, 1863 ... .. £ 2,274 0 0 „ March 31st, 1864 ... 909 0 0 „ June 30th, , 10 0 0 Sept. 30th , „ ...... not obtained.

Total ...... £ 3193 0 0 NoTE.- The returns in last year 's Almanac only included the half year ending September 30th, 1863, for which peri od the amount was £ 5,730. 188 TRADE RETURNS.


Brisbane (year ending Sept, 30th , 1864) ... £1,579,604 0 0, Maryborough ... 111,789' 0 0 Gladstone ... 21,943 0 0 Rockhampton ... 386,100 0 0 Fort Denison „ „ „ .. 54,592 0 0 Broad Sound „ „ „ ... 270 0 0 Pioneer River ... 3,193 0 0

Total ...... £2,157,491 0 0 Return for year ending Sept. 30th, 1863 1,648,672 0 0

Increase ...... £508,819 0 0


TEE following Returns show the amount and value of the EXPORTS from e$ch Port of the Colony during the twelve months ending September 30th, 1864:- BRISBANE. Wool, 16,570 bales, weighing 6, 857,760 lbs. ... £561,496 Tallow, 1,794 packages, weighing 474 tons 1 cwt. .. 14,836 Hides, 21,698 in number .. 10,974 Sheepskins , 621 packages ...... 3,563 Calfskin, 24 ditto ...... 152 Horns, bones, and hoofs ...... 244 Cotton, 130 bales, 33,899 lbs...... 3,647 Gold, 2,444 ozs. 18 dwts., together with 10,000 sous. 18,940 Coals, 1,140 tons ...... 1,199 Fruit, 2,709 packages ...... 2,850 Other merchandize ...... 33,281

Total ...... £ 651,182

The annexed return will show the progressive increase of the Exports fr om Brisbane during the past eight years (each year ending on September 30th) :- 1857 ...... £355,237 1858 ...... 363,515 TRADE RETURNS. 189

1859 ...... 429,984 1860 ...... , .. , 435,744 1861 ...... 467,323 1862 ...... 553,826 1863 ...... 535,930 1864 ...... 651,182

MARYBOROL'GH Wool, 2,593 bales, weighing 1,215,492 lbs. £105,921 Tallow, 289 packages, weighing 79 tons 3 cwt. 2,361 Hides, 2,085 in number .,...... 1,100 Sheepskins, 98 packages ...... 722 Timber ...... 4,108 Gold, 25 ozs. 18 dwts...... 91 Horned cattle, 267 in number...... 1,068 Other merchandize ...... 879

Total ... £116,250

GLADSTONE (POET Cusaas). Wool, 482 bales, weighing 197,266 lbs. ... £17,827 Tallow, 1,131 packages, weighing 381 tons 13 cwt.... 13,404 Hides, 4790 in number ...... 2,073 Sheepskins, 20 packages ...... 105 Horns, bones, $c ...... 43 Gold, 885 ozs. 14 dwts...... 3,157 Other merchandize ...... 471

Total ...... £37,080 NOTE.- The exports from Bade Creek are included in the Gladstone list.

ROCKHAMPTON (KErrEZ BAY). Wool, 7,106 bales, weighing 3,166,278 lbs...... £183,502 Tallow, 547 packages, weighing 152 tons 14 cwt. ... 4,309 Hides, 3,102 in number ...... 1,708 Sheepskins, 341 packages ...... 1,749 Gold, 15,108 ozs. 12 dwts. (together with 6,000 sous.) 62,705 Other merchandize ...... 3,418

Total ...... ,...... £257,391 190 TRADE RETURNS.

BOWEN (PORT DENISON). Wool, 783 bales, weighing 341,254 lbs. ., ... £ 15,003 Tallow, 41 packages, weighing 8 tons 5 cwt...... 206 Hides, 446 in number ...... 146 sheepskins , 15 packages ...... 80 Gold, 138 ozs. 5 dwts...... 539 Other merchaudize ...... 388 Total ...... £16,362

MACKAY (PIoNEER RIVER). Wool, 165 bales, weighing 78,170 lbs. ... £3,549 Tallow, '3 packages, weighing 15 cwt...... 25 Hides, 27 in number ...... 14

Total ...... £3,588

RECAPITULATION. Port of Brisbane ...... £ 651,182 Maryborough ...... 116,250 „ Gladstone ...... 37,080 Rockhampton ...... 257,391 „ Port Denison ...... 16,362 „ Pioneer River ...... 3,588

Total ...... £ 1,081,853

The total Export of Wool for the twelve months ending September 30th, 1864, amounted to 27,699 bales, weighing 11,856,220 lbs., and valued at £887,298.


Excess of imports Imports. Exports . over Exports. 1860 ... £742,023 ...... £ 523,476 ...... £218,547 1861 ... 967,950 ...... 709,598 ...... 258, 3 52 1862 .. 1,323,509 .... 793,236 ...... 530,283 1863 ... 1,713,263 ..... 888,381 ...... 824,882 COUNTRYDIRECTORY. This is a blank page


[Dv issuing this fou rt h edition of the Directory , the Publisher has adhered to the plan of fo ll owing the various Mail and ordinary routes, giving the names of the Stations passed , their Distance apart, the Stations adjacent to the Lines , and all other information procurable . He is conscious that there is sti ll a considerable amount of incompleteness , owing principally to the rapid occupation of the outside country , and he wi ll esteem it a kindness on the part of those who may discover errors, if they wi ll communicate with him. The Publisher has great pleasure in acknowledging the valuable assistance afforded by the Postmaster - General (T. L. M. Prior, Esq,), in the compilation f6 f this Directory ; and he also begs to tender his thanks to several country gentlemen who have kindly supp li ed him with additions and corrections.]

BRISBANE and SANDGATE-( Weekly). A mail is dispatched every Monday to Sandgate , a rising village on the shores of the Bay, at the mouth of Cabbage Tree Creek , and distant from Brisbane about 14 miles. The line of route is by way of the German Statioif, and when the bridge now being constructed across the Cabbage Tree Creek is finished , there will be an excellent road all the way. The agricultural settlers at the Bald Hills and Redcliffe Reserve are supplied with their letters from Sandgate. 0 194 COIINTRT DIRECTORY.

BRISBANE and CLEVELAND -( Weekly). CLEVELANDis a to ship situated on the southern waters of Moreton Bay, and' is distant from Brisbane twenty miles by land, and about thirty vQ- by water, going through the Boat Channel. A large township a been marked out here, and much of the land has beeuld, but as yet the population of the neighborhood does not exceed 200. The place is greatly resorted to by invalids and others for the benefit of the sea air, which is here to be inhaled in all its invigorating freshness There are no squatting stations in the vicinity, but there are- a sugar plantation and manufactory, the property of the Hon. Louis Hope ; a sugar plantation in embryo, the property of the Hon. F. Bigge; a saw-mill, two public-houses, several cottages , and other buildings. The soil is noted for its fertility, and the garden of the Hon. Louis Hope has long been known for the luxuriance of its vegetation, there being rarely any frost to destroy or check the plants. Considerable tracts of country have been taken up south of Cleveland, on the seaboard, for the purpose of sugar and cotton cultivation. The mail is conveyed weekly overland, but there is frequent, though irregular, communication with Cleveland by water.

BRISBANE and CASINO (N. S. W.)-Weekly).


Brisbane to Cooper's Plain t, 7 Ai ag itcultural district Thence to Brown's Plains 16 [River Jimboomba . 12 A. I. Henderson, Logan Mundoolan 12 Jno. Collins , Albert River Nindooinbah . , 10 A. W. Compigne, :.itto Beaudesert .. 4 W. D. White, Logan Rivr. Tamrookam ... 12 W. Barker, ditto Telemon ... 2 Captain Collins, ditto , lfnumgar ... 35 T. H. Sherwood Wyapgary .. 25 Messrs . Bundock, ditto M'Kellar's Stn. 14 M'Ke llar, ditto „ Casino . . 12 Post town, ditto

Total ... .. 161 REatARxs.- Queensland .pays a proportionate share, of the expense of this mail , which, as wi ll be seen, runs across th or frontier into the Richmond River district of New South Wale s. Besides the stations mentioned above as being on the line of COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 195 route, there are-Tabragalba , Mr. James Henderson's, 48 miles from Brisbane ; Tambourine , late Mr. C. S. Graham 's, 41 miles from Brisbane ; Bromelton , Messrs. C. S. Macdonald and Coulson, 40 miles from Brisbane via Jimboomba , and nearly 50 by the '!Leviot.

BRISBANE and MOOGIhhL --(Weekly). Moggill is a farming district on the north bank of the Brisbane River, and about 16 miles from the city by the road. The only station in its vicinity is that of John M'Grath (a cattle station) There are coal mines in the locality, but they have not been worked for some years.

BRISBANE to MARYBOROUGH-( Overland route).


Brisbane to Petrie' s Stn. 20 T. Petrie, Pine River Thence to Cabulture 15 Blundell Bros., Cabulture Durandur 25 D. M'Connell Canondale 20 Donald M'K enzie,Mary R. Ubi Ubi & Cambroon 12 J. D. Bergin ditto Imbil . 12 C. & P. Lawless ditto Traveston 12 W. H. Holt ditto Currie 22 - Jackson ditto Tyro 10 I John Eaton ditto IN. P. Barracks 6 Native Police Rosehill 8 John Eaton, Mary River Maryborough ., 3 Post town

Total ... ., 165

IMBIL to MARYBOR0U(t$ via WIDGBB WIDGEE- (Cross route)

STATIONS. MILES. OWNERS, LOCALITY, ETC. I Imbil to Widgee Widgee 40 Tooth and Co. Thence to Morodian ... 35 Anderson, Les lie, & Kant Glenbar ... 10 David Kelly „ Marianna 28 Hugh Graham „ Maryborough... 12

Total ...... 125 0* 196 COUNTRY DIRECTORY.

BAJ MMBL to IMBIL via TABBEB-(Cross r oute).


[District Baramba to Manumbar... 12 A. & J. Mortimer, Burnett Thence to Yabber ... 16 Mortimer & Swanson, do, „ Imbil .. .. 23 C. & P. Lawless

Total ... 51

RkMARBS.--Prom Imbil to Maryborough there is a road through the scrub, 65 miles in length ; by the stations, as above, it is 130 miles. Nearly all the creeks running into the Mary have the Bunya Bunya pine growing on their banks. Dense scrubsand broken countryabound on the heads of the Mary. There are other stations than those mentioned on the Pine River, viz . Samford, Messrs. Williams and Townley' s,18 miles from Brisbane ; Samson Vale, Mr. J. B. S. Griffin' s, 27 miles; Whiteside, ditto, 26 miles. There are also several cattle stations OR the Cabulture, and one on Moolooloo Plains, 27 miles from F.Durandur ; and, eight miles further north, on the Maroochidore, Bone has been formed by Mr. W. Scott. At the mouth of the Moolooloo Creek there is a small and safe harbor, where vessels lie to take in cedar ; there being several parties of timber-getters in the neighborhood. The plantations of the Cabulture Sugar Company, and of Captain Whish, are situated on the creek of that name.

BRISBANE and IPSWICH-(Twice-a-day).


Brisbane to Oxley Creek 8 Agricultural settlement Thence to Wo3garoo ... 7 Holmes' Inn „ Ipswich ... 9 Post town

Total 24 i

REMARKS.-The mail starts from Brisbane at 6 a.m. and 1 p.m., and arrives at Ipswich at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.; and from Ipswich at 6 a.m. and 2 p.m., arriving at Brisbane at 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. Oxley Creek, although settl4 but recdaitly, is a COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 197

thriving agricultural locality, the farms extending all the way down the creek, from the road to the River Brisbane. A post-office, has been established here for the benefit of the settlers. Post-offices have been opened at Wolston and Goodna for th© accommodation of the neighbouring residents. The new Lunatic Asylum is situated at Woogaroo, on a picturesque and healthy site near the river bank.

IPSWICH and T00W00MBA -( Dai1y).


[Creek Ipswich to Laidley ... 26 Small township on Laidley Thence to Gatton ... 12 Ditto on Gatton Creek Grantham ... 3 Late Dr. Dorsey' s station „ Helidon ... 5 W. Turner's ditto „ Toowoomba ... 14 Post town

Total ... 1 60

REMARSs.-The mail contractor makes the distance to Ridley 28 miles, thence to Gatton 12 miles, and thence to Toowoomba 25. At Alfred, 18 miles from Ipswich, a small township has been formed. The Red Lion Inn, Moore's, is 7 miles on the road, and the Rising Sun, at Rosewood, is 14 miles on. The head station of Franklin Vale, Messrs. Mort and Laidley's, is about 12 miles from Laidley, on Bremer Waters. Laidley is a small but beautifully situated township, surrounded by rich open land on the banks of the creek. There are four inns there, and other trading establishments. On Sandy Creek, about three miles from Laidley, there are several farms, situated on excellent land, lightly timbered. At Gatton a first-rate bridge now spans the creek. Rosewood station is eight miles from Laidley, on the Lookyer, and about the same distance from Gatton; Tarampa is about 16 miles from either place; Buaraba, Mr. J. P. Bell's, is about 17 miles from Laidley ; and Franklin Vale is about 12 miles from Laidley, and about 25 miles from J,yawich. It is anticipated that the first section of the proposed l way-from Ipswich to Little Liverpool-will be opened flarly in ttis year, as considerable progress has been made, and tlioasork is being pushed on with vigor. 198 COUNTRY DIRECTORY,

IPSWICH and WARWICK-(Bi-weekly).


Ipswich to Flinders' Peak 15 W. Wilson Thence to Fassifern 16 Late Hardie & Wienholt Bush Inn 1 Late Balbi's Spicer's Peak 17 Clinton's road party Maryvalellotel 12 Crichton's Maryvale 6 Arnold Wienholt Glengallan ... 12 Marsha ll and Deuchar Warwick . 8 Post town Total 87 REMARKS.-Adjacent to this line is Normandy Plains Station, Mr. G. Thorn' s, 20 miles from Ipswich ; Rosevale, Mr. Patrick Mayne's, 27 miles from Ipswich ; Maroon, Mr J. Carden Collins', at Mount Walker, on the heads of the Logan ; Coochin Coochin, also Mr. Collins', at Dalhunty Plains, on the head of Teviot Brook ; Dugandan, Mrs. M'Donald's, six miles from Coochin, down the Teviot ; and Undullah, Messrs. J. and W. Rylands, also on the Teviot. TOOWOOMBA, WARWICK, and MARYLAND- (Weekly).


Toowoomba to Drayton .. 32 Thence to Eton Vale ... 8 Hodgson and Watts „ Pilton ... 12 H. B. Fitz Aliora 17 Small township Glengallan 6 Marshall and Deuchar 11 Warwick 8 Post town Maryland ... 29 M. H. Marsh (part in [N.S.W.) Total .. 1 832 REa[ARKS.-Warwick is the nearest-town to the southern frontier of Queensland. In the neighbourhood there are several large stations , namely : Canning Downs, Mr. G. Davidson's, t'o miles fr om Warwick ; Rosenthal, Aberdeen Company, miles ; South Toolburra, Aberdeen Company, 14 miles, Toolburra, Mr. Donald Gunn's, 7 miles, Glodfol p Marvvale. 12 miles ; Killarney, Mr. G. Davldwu s, COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 199

Talgai, Messrs . Clark and Hanmer' s, 25 miles ; Pikedale, Mr. Donald Gunn's, 50 miles ; Pike's Creek, R. H. Bloomfield's, 55 miles ; Ballandean, H. H. Nicol's, 55 miles ; Nundubbermere, J. M. Thompson's, 45 miles ; Mongola, 65 miles ; Maidenhead, 90 miles ; and Underclif, , Mr. M. 8pearing's, 50 miles. Goom- burra, Messrs. Hodgson, M'Lean, and Green's, is 15 miles from Warwick. Besides Mr. Marsh's station at Maryland, there am two other stations in New South Wales supplied from the Warwick post-office, namely : Acacia Creek, Reid and Marsh's, 22 miles, and Koreelah, 30 miles. Warwick is the finest wheat- growing locality in all Queensland, and a fine flour-mill' has been greeted there by Mr. C. Clarke. Allora is a small township situated on Dalrymple Creek, about 12 miles from Pilton Sta- tion, and containing about 170 inhabitants. The land is lightly timbered, and excellently adapted for agriculture. A gold-field has been proclaimed at Talgai, where several diggers are at work. It consists principally of rich quark reefs. TOOWOOMBA, DRAYTON, and GOONDIWINDI - (Weekly.)

STATIONS, ETC. I MILES. OWNERS, LOCALITY, ETC. 1 Toowoomba to Drayton .. 31 Thence to Cambooya ... 8 English church parsonage Felton.. ... 12 A. Sandeman Ellangowan ... 10 Peel River company Leyburn ... 7 Small township Canal Creek ... 14 Clark and Hamner g3odumba ... 20 St. George R. Gore Cpolmunda ... 20 J. M. Weir Brow n's Inn ... 7 Township of Inglewood Whet stone ... 12 P. Devine (M'IntyreBrook) Benga lla 20 W. Lawler (M'Intyre River) diwindi 2 S R. and S. Marsha ll Goon 28 Ditto ... f t Post town

Total ...... 1611 REMARKS.-Glenelg, Mr. J. M'Arthur's, is about 20 miles south of Gillespie's ; Warroo, Mr. F. Bracker's, is 70 miles i?nm Warwick, but offthis line; and Beebe, late Mr. R. Young's, and Texas, Mr. M'Dougall's, are supplied by this route.. 'Whose are two routes from Warwick to Warroo, both egp$'4n dis- tance, viz. - either by way of Pikedale, or by vay'of Canal Creek and Glenelg. 200 COUNTRY DIRECTORY.



Warwick to S. Toolburra 12 Aberdeen Company Thence to Talgai.. ... 15 Clark and Harmer Leyburn ... 12 Post town Vandilla 22 Gore Brothers „ Western Creek 16 Capt. Vignolles

Total 77 EEMARHs.-Clifton, Mr. W. B. Tooth's, is 8 miles north of Talgai, and about 24 from Drayton. The Canal Creek, or Talgai Diggings, are about 10 miles from Leyburn and 5 from Talgai. At the diggings there are several buildings, and about 100 residents.

LEYBURN to FRAZER 'S CREEK, it S. W. Tendershave been invitedfor the conveyanceof a weekly mail between the two points above-named, the route for which will be as follows Leyburn to Canal Creek ...... 14 miles Thence to Glenelg ...... 20 Warroo ...... 15 Pikedale ...... 15 Glenlyon ...... 20 Texas ...... 20 „ „ Frazer's Creek...... 30

Total ...... 134



Toowoomba to Gowrie ... 10 F. N. Isaac Thence to Jondaryan ... 17 W. Kent Sheep station. . 10 - Phipps „ Dalby ...... 16 Post Town Total .. .. 1 53 COIINTRY DIRECTORY. 201

REMARxs.-The site of a village, to be called Bowenville, has been surveyed close to Phipps' station, at the Long Water Hdle. The lines to Condamine, Goondiwindi, and Auburn branch off at Dalby. The town is situated on Myall Creek, about five miles from the Condamine River, and lies low and flat. Dalby is 137 miles from Brisbane, the route being-Bris- bane to Ipswich, 24 miles ; Ipswich to Toowoomba, 60 miles ; and Toowoomba to Dalby 53 miles. The station of Cumkillin- bar, the late Mr. T. De Lacy Moffatt's, on Myall Creek, is in the neighbourhood. Rosalie Plains, the station of Mr. J. F. Macdougall, is about 28 miles west of Dalby. The distance from the Inn at Jondaryan to Dalby is 26 miles.



Toowoomba to Gowrie ... 10 F. N. Isaac Thence to Rosa lie Plains.. 22 J. F. Macdougall Cooyar .. ... 18 Ditto Tarong.. ... 15 George Clapperton Nanango ... 14 Post town

Total ...... 79 REMARgs.-There is also a station called Nanango, belonging to Mr. Clapperton, two miles from the Post Office. Nanango, formerly called Burnett's Inn, has been laid out as a township, and the firstsale of lands took place there in February,1863. To the eastward of this route are the stations of Crow's Nest and Emu Creek. Mr. C. R. Haly's station of Taabinga is 18 miles from Nanango.

DALBY and CONDAMINE-( Weekly).


Dalby to Greenbank ... 5 Mrs. Ross Thence to Daandine .. 15 J. P. Wilkie „ Kogan Creek ... 15 Jones' Hotel Wombo ... 26 D. M. Sinclair ,,, Condamine ... 23 Post town

Total ...... 1 84 202 COUNTRY DIRECTORY.

REMARxS.-The above is the present mail ro ute, a spring- cart being used as a conveyance, and the crossing of the Con- damine at two points being avoided. Formerly the route was as follows :-Dalby to Greenbank, 5 miles ; thence to Daandine, 15 miles ; thence to Warra Warra (G. Thorn's), 12 miles ; thence to Campbell's Camp (Wallace's), 8 miles ; thence to Chinchilla (Gibson and Buchanan's), 17 miles ; and from thence to Condamine, via Wombo, 41 miles. At Kogan Creek (on the present mail line) there is a village, the distance from which to the surrounding stations is as follows :-To Wombo, 26 miles ; to Chinchilla, 16 miles ; to Warra Warra head station, 12 miles ; to overseer's station, 17 miles ; to Daandine, 15 miles. The lines to Surat, Roma, and Taroom branch off from Condamine, which is a rising township, where a Court of Petty Sessions is held. At Greenbank a bridge is being erected across the Condamine. At Campbell's Camp there is an inn, and at a short distance from the head station of Wombo there is a house of accommodation.



Dalby to St. Ruth's ... 15 Aberdeen Co. (Condamine Thence to Cecil Plains .. 10 James Taylor [River)

„ Western Creek 20 CaptainVigno lles „ Dunmore ... 20 James Taylor Junction 18 T. B. Stephens (Weir R.) Retreat (Murroona) 28 Prestonand French Tarawinaba ... 25 J. C. Easton Goodah 14 Easton and Robertson Yamber Colli.. 20 R. and S. Marshall „ Goondiwindi... 7 Post town

Total ... 177

REMARKS.-The undermentioned stations are in the neigh- borhood of this line, viz. _ Halliford, Messrs. Watson and Roebuck 's, west of St. Ruth's ; War War, Mr. H. B. Watson's, west of Dunmore ; Wyaga, Mr. W. Turner 's (late Gunn's), COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 203 ditto ; Billa Billa, Mr. H. Easton's, ditto ; Moogoona, Mr. M. Daisey's, Berrembilla Creek; Bitberariba, on Cormoran Creek; Tingera, Mr. R. P. Marshall's, on the Weir River ; Buddicarrabi, Mr. Schofield's, head of Wyaga Creek ; Merinda, Mr. J. Hall Scott's, Jones's River ; Tartha, Dr. Nelson's, Mooni River. On the line of road to Warialda, N. S. Wales, there are also several stations, viz.:-Merrawah, Messrs. J. and T. Howe's, M'Intyre River ; Bogabilla, Mr. J. Brown's, ditto ; Talloona, Mr. R. Driver's, ditto ; Yetman and Bovell, Messrs. S. and G. bight's, ditto; Texas, Mr. N. M'Dougall's, Sovereign River; Bukhulla, Mr. F. Wyndham's, ditto ; Tregamon, Mr. J. Simpson's, M'Intyre River; and Wallangra, Captain Russell's, ditto. On the line of road to Cairdmurra (N. S. Wales), there are the following stations, viz.:-Boronga, M'Intyre River; Banaroa, Mr. Cribb'@, Gill Gill Creek; Whalan, Mr. Doyle's, Whalau Creek; Kenopia, Mr. Whitman's, Booni Creek ; Baloranga, Mr. Bartlett's; Boo- manger, Mr. J. Teys', on the Barwan ; Wallinchie, Mr. M. Murphy's, ditto ; Warrina, M. J. F. Doyle's, ditto ; and Mr. Baldwin's station, Balonne River.



Goondiwindi to Callandoon 18 R. E. and F. Tooth's Thence to Winton.. ... 15 A.Wvndham (M'IntyreR.) Welltown ... 3 J. & W. Low (Weir River) Talwood ... 33 P. Clyne (ditto) . Noona ...... 12 J. Arnold (Barwan River) Wilverah ... 8 Mrs. Burdekin (ditto) Mungyndah ... 32 - M'Farlane Yarrowa ... 7 Post town (N. S. W.)

Total 128

REMARKS.-This line has been established for the convenience of residents near the southern border of the colony, the frontier being crossed about 6 miles from Yarrowa. The station of Mungyndah is on the boundary, and here it is that the St. George and Yarrowa line meets the above route. 204 COUNTRY DIRECTORY.

DALBY and GAYNDAH-( Weekly).


Dalby to Jimbour.. ... 15 Bell and Sons Thence to Gooranga ... 7 Ditto Jingi Jingi ... 14 Edwin Hickey » Burrandowan.. 27 Gordon Sandeman Boondooma ... 18 Lawson and Stewart » Cooranga 40 R. Strathdee „ Mt. Debateable 16 » Gayndah ... 4 Post town

Total 141

REMARKs.-Formerly this line was from Dalby to Auburn. Another route from Boondooma to Gayndah is as follows :- Boondooma , to Cave Creek, 16 miles; thence to Mondure, Messrs. Green's, 30 miles through the bush, and about 46 miles by the road ; thence to Wigton, 22 miles ; and thence to Gayndah, 30 miles. Cadarga, Mr. Chessborough C. Macdonald's, is 22 miles distant from Boondooma ; Auburn, Messrs. Pigott and Murphy's, is 38 miles from Cadarga ; Proston, Mr. R. Alexander's, is 18 miles from Boondooma; and Durah, Mr. Ord's, is 8 miles from Cadarga.



Condamine to Tiereyboo 4 Late W. F. Kennedy Thence to Wallan 26 John Ferrett BottletreeCreek 14 (Of Leichhardt) ;, Juandah ... 26 C. J. and E. M Royds ,, Rochdale . 15 Ditto Taroom Station 12 W. Davidson „ Taroom ... 10 Post town

Total 107 REMAEgs.-Taroom (formerly called Bonner's Nob), is distant 237 miles from Brisbane direct, and 307 miles by the mail route. It is situated on the Upper Dawson, where the banks of the river are flat, but a high belt of good country is to COIIBtTRY DIRECTORY. 205

be found at the back of the township, with tolerably large plains, richly grassed. A Court of Petty Sessions is held there.

CONDAMINE and ROMA-(Weekly).


Condamine to Dulacca... 40 'William Miles Thence to Bendemere . 30 H. W. Coxen and Co. Wallumbilla.. 18 Lee and Deuchar „ Blythedale ... 18 Wienholt (late of Kent and 'Roma.. ... 12 Post Town [Wienholt)

Total 118 RENAMES.-The road from Condamine to Dulacca passes by way of Tiereyboo and Wallan ; and that from Dulacca to Bende- mere by way of the Tchanning Creek Stations. In the vicinity of this line are the following stations : Bin Bin, Mr. F. A. Forbes', 8 miles from Condamine ; Alderton, Messrs. H. Coxen and Co., 20 miles from ditto; Wandai Gumbal, old police station on Tchanning Creek ; Mongool, Mr. Marks, 15 miles from Bendemere, southerly ; Dingham and Yuebla, Messrs. Tom, 14 miles from Mongool, ditto ; Warkon, Mr. Barlow's, 9 miles from Dingham, ditto. A small township has been estab- lished at Marabie, 17 miles from Bin Bin, on the road to Warkon, and 9 miles from Dingham. Combabala is north of Bendemere. South of Bungill Downs and Bungeworgorai, there are near at band, Mr. Wilkie's station on Bnngill Creek ; Mr. Spencer's at Deepwater; and Mr. Coxen's, on Yalebone Creek,



Roma to Bungeworgorai 4 S. Spencer Thence to Bendango ... 10 Late Kennedy and Rae „ Ambi Downs ... 22 Capt. Mylne „ Mitchell Downs 18 Morey and Co. „ Police Barracks 30 „ Forest Vale ... 18 Tooth and Co.

Total ...... 102 206 COUNTRY DIRECTORY.

RhMSasa.-The detour by way of Ambi Downs to Mitchell Downs, at which point there is a post office, enables the Warrego mail to be taken thus far. Eurella, Hunter and Fosberry's, is 12 miles from Ambi Downs ; Moffatt and Fullerton's, on Apple Tree Creek, is 10 miles from Forest Vale; Womblebank, Mr. J. Ferrett's, on Moogerah Creek (a tributary of Merivale Creek), is 16 miles from Moffatt and Fullerton's; and Merivale (2), Mr. Smyth's, is 20 miles from Womblebank. These stations are under the range dividing the Maranoa and Dawson Waters. Possession Creek runs into the Maranoa River about 20 miles above Forest Vale, and Mr. M`Andrew's is situated 10 miles up that creek, and 22 from Forest Vale. Fleming's road to the Warrego crosses the Maranoa a little above the Police Barracks; thence to M`Andrew's the distance is 25 miles ; thence to Bailey's, 23 miles ; crossing the range to Ashby's, 17 miles ; thence running some distance down the Ongathella Creek to Burenda, 30 miles ; and thence to Yo Yo (Delgaddy), 15 miles. Another route from Roma to Forest Vale is by way of Woronga (Messrs. Deedes and Foster's), as follows:-Roma to Bungeworgorai, 4 miles ; thence to Bindango, 10 miles ; thence to Woronga, 32 miles ; thence to Police Barracks, 24 miles ; and thence to Forest Vale, 18 miles ; making a total of 88 miles.

MITCHELL DOWNS (MARANOA ) and WARREGO• The route from the Mitchell Downs to the Warrego is as follows:

Mitchell Downs to Tyrconne ll Downs 35 miles Thence to Brunel Downs ... 40 „ Delgaddy (Yo Yo ) ... 42 Proposed Township ... 12

Total ...... 129 „ RstAuxs. The postal line from the Mitchell Downs to the Warrego will be established early in this year, and it is probable that it may be extended to Charleville, the residence of . the Commissioner of Crown Lands. Mr. Sadler's is within 15 In'flas of Brunel Downs ; Mr. Stanbridge's, within 10 miles ; W. Grenfell's, within 40 miles ; and Mr. Jones', within six miles. Mr. Barton's station is 25 miles from Tyrconnell Down's. Mr. G4renfell has another station in the vicinity ; and 10 miles lower down the creek are the stations of Messrs. Johnson, Doyle, CQVNTRT DIRECTORY. 207

Smith , Gilmore, Macdonald , and Harding Delgaddy (Yo Yo) is about 500 miles fr om Brisbane , and 400 fr om Fort Bourke. The Parroo River is about 150 miles west of Delgaddy. This part of the country is being fast taken up by settlers on the New South Wales border . Residents on the Lower Warrego and Parroo receive their supplies from Forte Bourke, 70 miles south of the Queensland border, on the River Darling, to which point they are conveyed by steamers from Echuca (Victoria), and'Goolwa (South Austra lia). The rate of carriage of wool from Fort Bourke to Melbourne or Adelaide averages £12 per ton, and flour has been quoted at £22 per ton at Fort Bourke while it was selling at £ 40 at Dalby. The subjoined memoranda relative to the Warrego district were kindly supplied to the Publisher by Mr . John Ne ilson, of the Warrego River:-" The trave ller, on leaving Fort Bourke, N. S. Wales (which, by the way, is the key to the trade of this district ), arrives upon the Warrego , or, more properly, the Barungha , at a point 40 miles therefrom , at a large sheep station belonging to the Bogan River Company . He then proceeds upwards some 40 miles to a large sheep estab lishment of Mr. John Rutherford . Some few miles to the west of Mr. Rutherford 's station , upon the Irrarah Creek, effluent from the Warrego, Mr. Vincent Dowling has a station. The trave ller now arrives at the boundary of this colony and N. S. Wales, and the first station therein situate is a station of Mr. Dangar 's (No 1)_ At 20 miles easterly from this station there are two others, severa lly occupied on either bank of Thuralgoonah Creek-on the east side by Mr. Magic , and on the west by Mr. John Rutherford . Another station depasturing cattle has been formed by Mr. Moned , late of the Bree. Twenty miles north -easterly of this point there are two stations , held on a place called Noorooma, on the east side by Mr. Rutherford, and on the west side by Mr. W. Mackenzie . At a point 12 miles west fr om Danger's horse station you arrive at the Cuttaburra Creek, effluent from the Warrego , at a station of the Bogan River Co., Merrimonka . Leaving there and proceeding upwards, you arrive at a cattle station of l1r. J. F. Josephson (of Sydney ), and the neat station you meet with on the Cuttaburra is a station of the Bogan River Company 's and Dangar 's cattle station , situate some 14 miles from the effluence of the Cuttaburra from the Warrego. Leaving Dangar's horse station on the main Warrego, the trave ller crosses a creek effluent from that river , called the Tuen, at 25 miles' distance . The country on the opposite bank is held by Messrs. Single and Ryan (of Penrith, N. S. Wales) ; fr om thence to Cunnamullah (Mr. Samuel Smith 's), the distance is 40 miles . On the opposite bank a station is held by Mr. 2 08 COUNTRY DIRECTORY.

George Pearson; and 14 miles above this there is a station held by Messrs: Williams (Teckulman) ; on the opposite bank Mr. Dangar holds a cattle station. Messrs. Williams, also , hold an adjoining station, 22 miles above Teehulman, called Coongoolin, on the east bank-the west bank being held by Mr. John M'Kenzie. Leaving Coongoolin you arrive at Claverton (Mr. H. Weaver's), at 17 miles, the opposite bank to which is held by Mr. Hill, of the Narran River. Leaving Claverton you arrive at a station of Mr. John Neilson, on the west bank , ten miles above which a station is held by Mr. W. G. Conn, called Dillalah, on the east bank. Opposite, the country is held by Mr. John Rutherford. At 25 miles above this point the country is held, on the west bank, by Mr. Richards, a few miles above whose station the Warrego receives the waters of the Burgamathulla and Ward. Upon the latter river there exists some of the finest country in Queensland, held by Messrs. Burn, Mayne, and Ward, Missing and others. The only sta- tions on the Burgamathulla are held by Messrs. Adams and Donkin. Leaving Richards' station, on the west bank of the Warrego upwards, you arrive at a station held by Messrs. Flood, Gordon, and Wiseman. The country above this on the west side is of splendid downs, but, there being a scarcity of water, this land remains unoccupied at present. Below this country, on the west bank, the Warrego receives the waters of the Nive, occupied by Messrs. Dutton and others. On the opposite bank it also receives the waters of the Angellala, upon which are situate a large number of sheep and cattle stations, held by various parties. The country above this point consists alternately of open scrub and downs, exceedingly well grassed, -the Lower Warrego having the greatest extent of plain country, the soil becoming more saline as you approach the Dailing, and more adapted for sheep. To the west of the Warrego, starting from Cunnamullah, there is a station held by Mr. Sharp, Mirrapooroo, distance 15 miles ; thence to Dowling's, on the Parroo, 15 miles; and west of that Point again, a station held by Mr. West. Mr. Dowling has another cattle station 40 miles below his upper station on the Parroo River. "The trade of the Upper Warrego proceeds towards Rock- hampton, while the Lower Warrego and westward of that receive their supplies at Fort Bourke, where they are brought by steamers from Echuca (Victoria), and Goolwa (South Australia). The navigation of these rivers by Captain Cadell has done much to open up the interior of Western Queensland, and although the colony loses the commercial trade of this part, still the advantages of internal steam navigation must be admitted." COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 209

CONDAMINE and SURAT -( Weekly).


Condamine to Undullah.. 30 Blyth and Schofield Thence to Muri ll a ... 25 L. E. Lester Bingi ...... 16 Stephens' Store Nooroondoo ... 6 Thomas Hall „ Surat ...... 16 Post town

Total ...... 93 REMARgs.-For a time the mailman may not travel by th above line, but will probably keep the south bank of the Conda- mine, and take the following route :- Condamine to Bin Bin ...... 8 miles Thence to Marabie ...... 20 Waundungal ...... 12 Warkon ...... 10 Bingi ...... 12 Nooroondoo ... 6 Surat ...... 16

Total ...... 84 11



Surat to Talavera ... 4 W. B. Tooth Thence to Weribone ... 12 - Hall „ Dinga...... 25 11 War ro o ... 12 F. Bracker Borgorah ... 30 - Fitzgerald St. George ... 6 New township Bombah ... 1 H. Dangar Nindigually .. 23 Baldwyn's Mingan 18 Mackay's a Cunninngindi.. 11 Bowerman's Dareel ... 16 Loder's Mungyndah ... 15 M'Farlane's Yarrowa .. 7 Post town (N.S.W.)

Tot al ...... I 180 P 210 COi1NTR' Z DIRECTORY.

RFMAxKs.- Sgrbt is a rising township, where a Police Magis- trate resides an&a Court of Petty Sessions is'held. At Bombah, Mr. Dangar 's station , the line leaves the Balonne River. At Euleutha, 25 miles north-west from Surat, is a Native Police station. The Condamine is called the Balonne below thej unction of Dogwood Creek ; a good crossing place over the Condamine is to be found a little below Bingi. St. George's Bridge, the 'site of the new township, is six miles from Borgorah, and one from Bombah. A post office has been established here, the township being an important point, inasmuch as the line from Surat to Yarrowa, the line to Curriwillinghi (on the Ballandoon River), and the Mooni mail from Retreat will all meet here. On the line From Surat to Bungeworgorai the stations and distances are as follow : Surat V3 Coghlan's, 5 miles; thence to Euthulla, 25 mileg; and thence to Bungeworgorai (near Mt. Abundance), 18 miles ; making a total of 48 miles between the two points. Deepwater is 12 miles from Euthulla, and 28 from Surat. Alderton (H. W. Coxen and Co's.) is 20 miles from Condamine; Warkon, which is now owned by Mr. Barlow alone, is 25 miles from Alderton ; and Combarngo, the station of Mr. J. E. Brown, is 15 miles from Warkon. Bingi is six miles fr om Warkon. The other stations in the vicinity of the above routes are as follow : Mr. Daisey's, on the Coogoon River, 15 miles from the Balonne ; Western Lagoon, on Tantalla Creek, Mr. Johnson's ; Glen Erin, Mr. J. Low's, on Donga Creek, 14 miles from Tripoli; Mr. O'Brien's, on the same creek, 20 miles from Dinabarraba (Mr. Beck's), and 25 miles from Canmaroo, (also Mr. Beck's); Mr. Beckett's, westward of Tripoli; Num- ber Ten, Messrs. Moore and Hoskiuson's, on Maranoa River, 20 miles above its junction with the Balonne ; Messrs. Hyland and Dunn's , on Balonne River, opposite side of Borgorah ; and Gulnabar, Messrs. Cochrane and Moore's, on a large lagoon west of Bombah, on the other side of the river. The stations below Bombah, towards the Culgoa, are-Guce or Drondi, 15 miles from Bombah, east bank of Balonne ; Marabie, Mr. Skewthorpe's, on opposite side of river to Drondi ; Boah, Mr. Baldwin's, 17 miles from Guce ; Qui Qui, on opposite side of Balonne ; Gwennatibi , Mr. Skewthorpe 's, on the Culgoa, 18 miles below Grover 's ; Cunawildi , Mr. Grover 's, a large cattle station on the Balonne , from whence there is a bridle track to Dareel station, 30 miles , the latter being on the Yarrows line. Mr. Hiram Baldwin's is 18 miles below Gro ver's; Saunders' accommodation house, 7 miles below ; another station 18 miles below ; and Earp's 7 miles from the boundary, and 16 from Spring's, in New South Wales. Opposite Hiram Baldwin's, of Boah, is Wyanbah , Mr. Charles Ezzy's, near whose station there COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 211

is a public house. South- west of Dareel, 20 mills , is Wooloomut, Mr. Pierce' s. Gooraman is 20 miles south of Nindigually, and 6 miles from Gooraman is Ballamoor, where there is a store. Cunninngindi, Mr. J. Bowerman' s, is 7 miles from Gooraman. Cowrara, Mr. Larnach's, south of Skewthorpe's, at the junction of Bockhardt Creek with the Balonne. Nee Nee, Mr. Griffith's, is on Bockhardt Creek. Toothar is on the Culgoa, near Skew; thorpe's. On the Narran River, south of Grover 's, are Eurama, Nullawa, and IIngledrop. Below Boah the Balonne River branches into the Culgoa and Narran.



St. George to Bombah 1 T. Danger's Thence to Police Barracks 3 Southern Patrol Dondi or Guce 12 W. Baldwin's Boah ...... 15 E. Baldwin's Covilda ... 18 Cowrarah .. 13 Larnach's Bomdoo 15 Curriwillinghi.. 14 Macleay and Taylor's

Total ...... 1 91

REMAR%s.-A few miles below Boah or Currawildi the Balonne branches out into the Narran, Ballandool, and Culgoa rivers, of which we shall say more presently, and the mail line crosses the Narran about four miles below Covildi, this being the first crossing after leaving Greenbank, near Dalby. The line crosses again at the junction of the Bokhara and Ballandool. From Covildi to Dareel, on the Surat and Yarrowa line, the distance is about 60 miles. Corriwillinghi is near the border of New South Wales. Another route from St. George's to Curriwillinghi is as follows :-St. George's to Bombah, H. Dangar's, 1 mile ; thence to Bramston Police Barracks, 4 miles ; thence to Dondi, W. Baldwin's, 16 miles ; thence to Wyanbah, Ezzy's public house, 15 miles ; thence to Boah, E. Baldwin's, 1 mile ; thence to Currawildi, G. Grover's, 15 miles; thence to Boondah (Bal- landool river), Messrs. Eckford's, 30 miles; and thence to Curriwillinghi, 12 miles. Twelve miles below Currawildi P# 212 COUNTRY DIRECTORY.

(Grover's), the Bokhara breaks out on the east side of the Balonne, which is'then called the Ballandool. From Grover's to Minnum, Watts', on the Bokhara river, the distance is 16 miles ; from thence to Nee Nee, Griffith's, 9 miles ; Nee Nee being about 14 miles north-cast of Curriwillinghi. The Narran breaks out of the Balonne on the east bank, two miles below Currawildi, and on this river, amongst other stations, are the following : From Currawildi to Eyurabbah, Messrs. Eckford's, the distance is 18 miles ; thence to Bienherri, Messrs. Hills' 4 miles ; thence to Eyuranbah (N. S. Wales), ditto, 20 miles ; thence to Noolawal, Messrs. Eather's, 212 miles; thence to Angledool, H. Newcomen's, one mile ; the latter station being about 16 miles to the eastward of Currawillinghi. The Culgoa River brilaks out of the Balearic on the west side, about five miles below Wyanbab, from which station to Toothers West, Skewthorpe's, the distance is 25 miles; and Toothers East, Ker- 'win's, is on the opposite bank ; from Toothers to Marra Mutta, E. Baldwin's, the distance is 13 miles ; thence to Mogangulla, D.Holland's, 3 miles ; thence to Minnunningdi, J. Saunders', 8 miles ; and from thence the road leads to Berga Berga, on the 29th parallel. H. J. Adams', Berga Berga, is about 25 miles S.W. of Curriwillinghi.

RETREAT and ST. GEORGE-(Fortnightly).


Retreat to Tartha ... 22 Dr. Nelson Thence to Southwood... 16 Mrs. Browne Cooroona ...... 14 J. 0. Beardmore Coomrith ...... 29 Canmaroo ...... 20 J. Beck Kooroora ... 35 Late Atkins&M`Carthy Ballandine .. 20 - Brennan W. Harem Woolshed 3 St. George ...... 32 Post town

Total ... 191

RExARxs.-This line formerly met the Surat and Yarrows line at Nindigually. From Ballandine to Warree the distance is eight miles ; thence to West Harem, 11 miles ; thence to Bologna, Messrs. R. and G. Hazard, 12 miles; thence to Nandi- gually, Mr. Baldwin's, 7 miles ; in all, 38 miles. St. George is COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 213

23 miles due west of West Harem, but the intervening country is very scrubby, and it is said that there is no track through it. The best route between the two points is as follows :-A track turns off near Gimble Gimble sheep station leading to Bandeandi, an overseer's sheep station, 17 miles from West Harem ; thence two miles across the country to the Surat road, which leads via Bombah to St. George in about 13 miles. There is a bridle track from Kooroora trending S.E. to Welltown, a distance of 40 miles, passing through the scrub. Dinnabarraba, Mr. Beck's, is 30 miles north of Canmaroo, and 25 miles south-east of Surat. Mr. O'Brien's is 20 miles south-west of Dinnabarraba. Weranga, Messrs. Mort and Laidley's, on the Upper Moonie, is 35 miles from Tartha ; Mallila, is an out-station to Weranga, and is about 22 miles from Tartha.



Ipswich to Fernie Lawn 12 J. North Thence to Wivenhoe 8 Village Major North's 8 Major North Mount Esk ... 15 Messrs. F. and F. Biggs Cressbrook... 11 D. M'Connell Colinton ... 12 G. E. Forbes Toromeo ... 18 Walter Scott Nanango ... 17 Post town Baramba ... 28 Miles (late Ferriter & Jones) Boonara ... 18 D. M. and G. H. Jones Boombyjan 12 C. and P. Lawless Ban Ban 25 John Edwards Gayndah .. 14 Post town

Total ... 198

REMARas.-Another route from Nanango to Gayndah, by which the mail used to run, was-Nanango to Mondure, M'Ewan and Green's, 42 miles ; thence to Wigton, D. Graham's, 21 miles ; thence to Mount Debateable, W. H. Green's, 24 miles ; and thence to Gayndah, 4 miles. By this postal line private mail bags are supplied to the following stations, most of which are elsewhere alluded to :-Manumbar, Messrs. J. and A. 214 COUNTRY DIRECTORY.

Mortimer ; Yabber, Messrs. Swanson and Mortimer, on the Mary River waters ; Imbil, Messrs. C. and P. Lawless, ditto ; Glenbar, Mr. David Ke lly, ditto ; Widgee Widgee, Mr. Tooth's, ditto ; and Kilkivan, Mr. M'Taggart, ditto ; Mondure, Messrs. M`Ewan and Green. (25 miles from Baramba) ; and Proston, Mr. R. Alexander's; (about 15 miles from Mondure, and 18 from Boondooma). The route from Baramba to Imbil, via Manumbar, is as follows :-Baramba to Manumbar, 20 miles ; thence to Yabber, 16 miles; thence to Kingalume (H. A. Tyrer's), 10 miles ; thence to Imbil, 15 miles. Mr. Dugald Graham, of Wigton, obtains his letters from Gayndah, 28 miles distant. The line from Dalby to Gayndah passes Boondooma. The following stations send their wool to Maryborough by the road which passes near Boombyjan, viz.:-Boombyjan to Gigoomgau (Messrs. Anderson, Leslie, and Mant's), 28 miles ; GigYbmgan to Marianna (Mr. Hugh Graham's), 36 miles ; Marianna to Maryborough,12 miles ; total from Boombyjan to Maryborough, 76 miles. In the neighborhood of the line from Ipswich to Nanango are-Mount Brisbane, Messrs. F. and F. Bigge, 45 miles from Ipswich; Kilcoy, Hon. Louis Hope, east of Colinton; and Traverstone.

GAYNDAH and TAROOM-(Weekly).


GayndahtoMt. Debateable 4 W. H. Green Thence to Neil's 8 Public-house [dubbera)

„ Skelton's ... 10 Do. (Township of Mun- Mundubbera ... 2 N. J. Peyton

„ Coonambula .. 11 M. E. Murnin Dykehead ... 13 John Croker 16 Late Wood and Carruthers Hawkwood ... 16 M. Ramsay Auburn ... 18 Pigott and Murphy

f, Bungaban 35 W. Long Taroom (station) 22 Walter Davidson „ Taroom (town) 9 Post town

Total 164

RExe $KS.-A more direct route is that from Dykehead to Hawkwood, a distance of 12 miles , which makes the total COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 215 distance 70 miles less. About half-a-mile from the station at Mundubbera there is a house of accommodation. The stations which obtain their letters by this route, and yet are not on the line, are as filllows :-Boomerang, Xr. Haig's ; Eidsvold, Ivory Brothers ; Eureka, Thayne and Co's.; Kilaraigie, Cameron and M'Arthur's ; Dingie, E. J. H. Ross' ; Glenfeld, W. Ross' ; -, Donald Ross' ; Redbank, late Ross and Kable's. On this latter station is Jacobson's public-house, situated on the high road to Rockampton, used by travelling stock. The stations supplied with their letters from Gayndab, but by, no mail route, are- Coranga, R. Strathdee's ; Toondoomginagan, J. M. Plummer's; Wigton, D. Graham's ; and Woodmillan, Alexander Walker's, 2 miles from Gayndah. Those supplied from Taroom are- Westg ove, Mr. John Collins', on Baffle Creek, the head of the Dawe3'n waters, 27 miles from Mount Hutton ; Box Vale, Mr. Sandeman's, 14 miles from Westgrove; Glenhaughton, Messrs. T. Kingsford and C. R. Hale ; Palmtree Creek, Messrs. Scott and Thompson ; and Ghinghindah, Mr. W. Kelman. Fourteen miles from Gayndah is Neil's house of accommodation, and about oAe mile from Dykehead, Harris'; about half=way between Hawkwood and Auburn is Johnson's.

TAROOMand ROMA-(Fortnightly.)


Taroom to Kinnoull ...... 10 Robert Mi ller Thence to Euroombah.. 10 Pollett Cardew Googarry(HornetBk.) 10 Ross and Gordon Barroondah.. .. 18 Ernest Henry „ Mount Hutton ... 27 Thelwall and Co. Myall Downs ... 15 John Rankin Lawler's ... .. 18 - Lawler Euthella ...... 12 - Bassett „ Roma ... 12 Post town

Total ... 132

REMAaKS.-There is a shorter route from Lawler' s to Bun- geworgorai (which, as previously stated, is 5 miles distant from Roma ), by way of Smith's, on the Bungeworgorai Creek, seven miles from Lawler's, and 20 from Spencers station. 216 COVWTRY DIRECTORY.

GAYNDAH and WALLA-(Weekly).


Gayndah to Ideraway ... 4 Reid and Smith Thence to Yendah.. ... 9 Gilbert Eliott Tenningering .. 22 Story and Rawson Walla ...... 12 John Barker

Total ... 47

REMAaics.-This short cross route was established to com- plete the communication between Gayndah and Gladstone, the line from Maryborough to Gladstone and Rockhampton passing by Walla.



Maryboro' to Richmond's 8 Public-house Thence to Robinson's 17 Ditto M'Lachlau's 15 Ditto

f Degilbo.. 16 Griffiths, Fanning, and Co.

ff Mrs. Irwin's 8 Public-house Wetheron 10 B. B. and S. Moreton 11 Reid's 6 Public-house

A Gayndah 6 Post town

Tot al 86

cREMAREB.-The stations near this route are Marianna, Hugh lraham's; Lower Doongal, William Powell's; South Doongal, Felville and Halsham's ; Warrah, Alex. G. Hamilton's ; Gi- goomgan, Anderson, Leslie, and Mant's ; Teebar, John Eaton's; Stanton Harcourt, H. C. Corfeld's ; Kenilworth, late Parkinson and Fraser's; Kilkivan, J. D. M'Taggart; Wombah, Power and Connolly's; Colan River, Charles F. L. Tooth's ; Amarmoor, or Running Creek, James Sheridan's ; Bungorwan, Michael Shehan's ; Malowe, Archibald Strathdee's ; Widgee Widgee, Messrs. Tooth ; Tahiti, Walter Hay's ; Moolboolaman, A. P. Barton's; and Congallan, or Prawl, W. White's. COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 217



Maryboro' to Agnes Vale 40 Mrs. Starkey Thence to Eureka...... 13 Henry Palmer Walla ...... 16 John Barker Gin Gin ... 12 A. H. and A. Brown Monduran ... 7 W. H. Walsh Kolonga ... 22 Wilkm and Holt West Holm e . . 8 Ditto Warroo.. ... 6 F. Blackman Miriam Vale ... 25 Cox and Bloomfield Rodd's Bay ... 30 Albert Norton Gladstone ... 15 Post town

Total ...... 194

REMARKS.-The stations near this route, to the northward of where the Port Curtis road leaves the Gayndah, are-Gigoom, Richard Gill's ; Stanton Harcourt, H. Cox Corfield's; Brangan, Alexander Walker's ; Colan, A. and A. Brown ; a cattle station near the sea coast, Hassell; Moolboolaman, Barton's; Womba, Power and Connolly's ; Melangool, R. M. Robey's, late W. H. Gaden's ; Thornhill, J. C. Buchanan's ; Rosedale, John Little ; Baffle Creek Boiling establishment, Robertson Brothers ; Iveragh (copper mine), Col. O'Connell's; Riverston, ditto. The above- mentioned stations all have their letters carried by the Mary- borough and Gladstone post ; the following are situated in neighboring country :-Milton, W. H. Walsh's ; Taunton, Robertson Brothers ; Langmorn, J. Ward ; Barmandoo, W. Barker's ; Monte Christo (Curtis Island), Ramsay and Co's. cattle station ; Targinnie, R. E. Palmer's. Walla, J. Barker's station, is situated on the Burnett River, and is the point where the Gayndah mail meets the Gladstone line.

GLADSTONE and CALLIOPE GOLD FIELDS- (Weekly). The diggers on this field have moved to the south of the former diggings on the Calliope, and are now at work on the Boyne River, on 0O1 0' Connell's horse station at Riverstone, 25 miles from Gladstone. 218 COUNTRY DIRECTORY.



Gladstone to the Calliope 13 Clarke and Graham Thence to Mt. Larcom 12 W. Young Raglan Creek ... 12 J. Landsborough Atherton 30 Messrs. Archer (cattlesta- Rockhampton ... 15 l Post town [tion)

Total 82

REMARES.-Add to the distance between Gladstone and Rockhampton the number of miles between Gladstone and Maryborough, and the whole distance from the last-mentioned place to Rockhampton will be 279 miles.



Gladstone to East Stowe ., 15 R. Bell Thence to Calliope ... 21 Clarke and Graham Copper Mines ... 40 J. King Callide... .. 10 Swan and Sutton's „ Prairie ... .. 12 F. Morton's Banana ... 35 Post town

Total ... .., 1 133

REMA&Es.-In the vicinity of this line is Mr. Paterson's station of Kroombit. Another route from Banana to Gladstone is as follows:-From Banana to Kooingal, 27 miles ; thence to Prairie, 7 miles ; thence to Swan and Sutton's, on the Callide, 12 miles ; thence to Bell's upper station, Dumgree, 18 miles ; thence to Clark and Graham's, 25 miles ; thence to East Stowe, 22 miles ; thence to Gladstone, 15 miles ; making in all, 126 miles from Banana to Gladstone. A quartz reef is being worked by Mr. Miller at the head of the Dee, 55 miles from Gladstone, and about 40 from the head of the navigation on the Calliope . Zing's copper mine is not now being worked. COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 219

BANANA and GAYNDAH (Weekly).


Banana to Kooingal 27 SylvesterBrothers Thence to Rawbelle 45 M'Lean and Beit „ Dalgangal 30 Dangar, Gilchrist, and Co. Bright's.. 20 Public-house Ideraway 14 Reid d&Smith (out station) Gayndah 16 Post town

Total ... 152

REMARKs.-The stations which have their letters supplied by this route, and which are not on the immediate line, are- Cannandah, M'Kay and Caswell's ; Yarrol, It. B. and J. C. Ridler's ; and Cania, some owners. Rawbelle head station is being shifted to Cariboo Creek, 15 miles from Kroombit, and 107 from Gladstone. Mr. Hugh Neil-has a cattle stationvalled Galloway Plains, 5 miles from Clark and Graham's ; and Messrs. Stirral Brothers have a sheep station 6 miles from the same point.

TAROOM and ROCKHAMPTON-(Fortnightly).


Taroom to Cockatoo Creek 30 Bloomfield and Parbury Thence to Crackon ... 30 - Ross n Camboon ... 30 James Reid Walloon .. 182 Archibald Ferguson „ Kianga...... 192 Mrs. M'Nab Banana ... 162 Township (13orton's state.) Rannes . ... 33 Andrews „ Calliungal 25 Hugh Robison Westwood 18 Township Gracemere ... 25 D. and W. Archer „ Rockhampton ... 6 Post town

Total ... 251k

REMARKS.-The broken country between Crackon and Cock- atoo Creek divides the waters of the Upper and Lower Dawson. 220. COUNTRY DIRECTORY.

At Camboon, the road to Gayndah branches off, hem Rawbelle, about 30 miles distant. Kianga is a little off tht direct road. Banana is a thriving township on the high road to the north ; it was formerly part of the Rannes run, when owned by the Messrs. Hay ; now, several buildings are erected, including two inns, and a court of petty sessions is held there. Calliungal is a little off the direct road, near to the point where the River Dee has to be crossed. The crossing is rather difficult in rainy seasons, and forms the only obstacle of any magnitude between this and Taroom. Westwood is a small township, where there are two inns and several other buildings, but it is said to be very badly watered, and the waterholes dangerous for stock. The postal line from Rockhampton to the Comet branches off here. At Lake Victoria there is a cattle station, forming part of the Calliungal run, on the River Don, owned by Messrs. Wood and Robison. Goganjo is a sheep station, 10 miles from Westwood ; and Mr. Gillespie has a station near the crossing place over the Dawson River, and near its junction with Kianga Creek. Mr. Murray has a station on Centre Creek, a tributary of the Don.



Rockhampton to Westwood 32 Post town Thence to Rio ... 36 J. Robertson Knebworth ... 5 Post town Roxburgh ... 6 Thompson's old station Nulalbin ... 28 Glen and M'Master Barrangah . 20 H.A. Perkins (RepulseCk.) Bauhinia Downs 12 Messrs. Dutton Planet Downs ... 40 J. Yaldwvn Sheridan's ... 12 Planet Downs Station Albinia Downs 22 Rolleston, Hope, & Denison ,, "Orion Downs ... 25 R. Thompson and Co. Rainsworth ... 18 Jesse Gregson Springsure ... 5 Post town

Total ...... 1 261 COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 221

REMeKB. * -The actual distance travelled by the postman is said not to be more than 243 miles. A good dray road has been formed from Westwood to Rio through the scrub; beginning at Goganjo, 15 miles through to Herbert's Creek, 9 miles from Rio. The new road to Peak Downs and Springsure turns off. Herbert's Creek. Knebworth is a new township on the river Browne, 20 miles from Planet Downs, and 2 miles from Albion .Downs. Inks are established on Come road at Goganjo, Her- bert's Creek, Knebworth, and the Browne River. Others are being established at Mimosa Creek, and at the head of Planet Creek. The name of Living and Khull's station is Cooguel- binda, five miles off main road, and Nulalbin is the station of Messrs. Glen and M'Master, both being situated on Perch Creek. The more direct route after leaving Repulse Creek is from thence to Cameron's, on Planet Creek, a distance of 36 miles, thus avoiding the detour by way of Dutton's. The stations supplied with their letters by this route are-Raba, Mimosa Creek, Messrs. Gibson and Goran's, 25 miles from Nulalbin ; Mr. John Little's, Mimosa Creek, 8 ditto ; Fairfield, Expedition Creek, Mr. James Steele's, 45 ditto ; Zamia, Zamia Creek, Messrs. Sword and Hotchkiss, 55 ditto ; Mr. S. Yaldwyn, Humboldt Creek, N.W. of Cameron's ; Purbrook Downs, Comet Ranges, Messrs. Miller and Hutton, 85 ditto ; Consuelo, Comet River, Messrs. Peters and Co., about 100 miles from Nulalbin, and 20 miles S.W. of Rolleston's ; Dunrobin, Comet River, Mr. Collins', about 70 miles from Nulalbin ; Cullin-la-ringo, Separa- tion Creek, Nogoa River, Mr. T. S. Wills, 145 ditto; Spottis- woode, Messrs. Hobbler's ; and Stony Creek, Mr. P. M`Donald's. Springsure, Mr. W. A. Richards' station on Spring Creek, Comet River, 15 miles north of Thompson's, is appointed a place for holding a court of petty sessions . Westward of Albinia Downs (Rolleston's), 26 miles, and crossing the Meteor Downs, is Aldeboran, the station of the Messrs. Kellman, on the creek of that name; from thence to Wealwandangie, Mr. Peter M'Intosh's, on Cons, Creek, is 18 miles ; and from thence to Mr. Clark's station on the Mantua Downs, Claude River, is 40 miles. Besides the stations named there are Redeliffe, Mr. Thomas Little's, Mimosa Creek ; Native Police Barracks, on the same creek; Arcadia Downs, Mr. G. A. Dixon's; Dorealla, Mr. T. Foote's ; the Planet Inn (Brown River), Lesser and Barnett's; Comet Downs, Messrs. Thomas Smith and Co.; Arcturus Downs, Messrs . Moriarty and Brock ; Woorooma, Messrs. Gibson and Goran's. From the crossing at the Brown, or Comet River,- where an important township is rapidly springing up,-a road branches, vid Albinia Downs, to Deepdale station, and thence to Carnarvon on the head of the Warrego River, the station of 222 COUNTRY DIRECTORY. the Messrs . Frazer (late of Kooingal), who have, at considerable expense, out this road over the Great Divid * g Range, and thereby oppened up a direct line of communication between the User Warrego stations and the port of Rockhanpton ; the diita*ee from that port to Carnarvon being about 260 miles.

SPRIN GSURE and BARC00 RIVER-(Fortnightly).


Springsure to Mantua Dus. 60 Clarke & Co. (Claud Riv.) `fence to top of range ... 40 33 Scrub in gap 28 Down the Nivelle

33 Bell & Dutton's 17 Following the Barcoo

33 Greendale ... 15 Birkleman and Lambert's

33 Enniskillen . 15 J. T. Allen (Barcoo River) Mt. Northamptn. 30 Harden and Manning (do.) 33 Alice Downs ... 35 H. C. Gregory and Co.

Total 240

REMARKS.-Amongst other stations accommodated by this' line, are the following on the Barcoo River : Home Creek, J. T. Allen's ; Hon. J. El lis' station, late Yaldwyn's ; Tambo, Bell and Dutton's ; Langlow, - Donkm's. The C.C.L. of the district is located on the heads of the Barcoo River, near Bell and Dutton's. The station now held by Air. Ellis, and formerly Mr. Yaldwyn's, is 35 miles from Harden's, and about 20 from Enniskellen. Birkleman and Lambert have another station about 25 miles from the one they hold on the Barcoo (Green- dale), and 25 from Living's. Mr. Adams' station is within 15 miles of Lake Salvatoi, between that point and Buckland's tpble land. J. T. Allen's station on Home Creek is 25 miles from Douglas Ponds, on the road to the Thompson Passes. Messrs. Rule and Lacey have a station on the head of the Aramac Creek, and Mr. Dalgleish is below them. A station of the Landsborough River Company is on the Thompson River, 350 miles from Port Denison. Mr. Hodgson has a station 35 miles from the Landsborough River Company's, about 12 from Dalgleish's, about 20 from Rule and Lacy's, and about 400 from Rockhampton. COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 228



Springsure to Springsure an. 2A W. A. Richards Thence to Fernlie . 20 P. Macdonald's Emerald Downs 30 Baden and Eerwaker Yamala ... 20 Lamb and Black „ Gordon Downs.. 25 Gordon Sandeman

Total ... 97a REMARKS.-The Peak Downs country commences a little past Yamala. These downs extend for many miles, and furnish beautiful undulating prairie country for stock, qu}te equal to the Darling Downs, but very barely watered. The country on th. Comet and the Nogoa may also be compared to the. Darling Downs. The scenery in many places is very beautiful, lofty peaks and rugged hills rising in all directions , and springs being plentiful. The Barcoo country is said to be superior even to this. On the Thompson River, where the Landsborough River Company have their stations, we are informed that the plains extend for 300 miles, and the country is timbered so slightly that it is difficult even to get rafters for a hut, and a lever for a wool-press will, in some cases , have to be carried for 100 miles. The stations in the neighborhood of the line of road to the Comet and Nogoa are the following :-Lurline, M'Donald and M`Farlane's, on the junction of the Comet and Nogoa, 17 miles S.B. of Yamala ; Glendarriwil, Mayd and Jafrray's, 22 miles N.W. of Wills' ; Lemp'riere Creek, M. Orr's, 25 miles S.W. of Jaf3'ray's, and 35 miles from Wills' ; Triffit's, 15 miles from Jafray's, and 27 from Wills'. (Wills' head station, of Cullinlaringo, has been removed 7 miles frot h where the massacre took place, and is now on Stoney Creek, about 8 miles from Fernlie.) Minerva Creek, is nine miles from Fernlie, and 10 miles from Springsure station. Glenorah, Mr. Burnett's, is 9 miles E . from Fernlie ; Buckland Creek, between Lake Salvator and Buckland's Table Land, has been settled by Mr. Adams ; Mr. Lowe is on the head of the Nogoa, near Mount Wentworth. The heads of the Belyando* are situated over the range, and the stream runs towards the north. Beginning from its source, the stations are as follow : Avoca, Turner and

* The name Belyando is ;a corruption of the aboriginal phrase, Baal ya ndo- " you cannot go there : wide dwivatur. 2246 COUNTRY DTR.ECTORY.

M'Crobie's, 100 miles S. of Hood's, on Theresa Creek ; Beauford, H. Palmer's, below and adjoining the foregoing ;_ Crinam Downs, S. Davis' ; Bapchory, Gordon and Rolleston's ; Rolfe's 16 miles from Gordon's ; Thorne's, 30 miles below Rolfe's, near to the ,}unction of the Suttor with the Belyando.



Marlborough to Apis Creek 30 Fitzsimmons and Sheridan Thence to Maisford ... 15 Jopp's new station

H Crossing-place... 5 Big Mackenzie River I Ditto ... 12 Upper Mackenzie River Columbia ... 1 P. F. M'Donald Inglewood 35 Messrs. Caldwell (Roper's „ Kynebill 30 - Vicary [Creek.) Gordon Downs 35 G.Sandeman Clermont ... 50 Post town

Total 213

REMAR%s.-The stations, &c., in the neighbourhood of this mail route are as follow Drummond (Theresa Creek), Hood and Manning's, 52 miles from G. Sandeman's station of Bel- combe (Gordon Downs) ; Clifton, Graham and Co's., off the road from Apis Creek to Marlborough, about 6 miles ; Bal- eomba, A. Thompson and Turner, at the junction of the Dawson and Mackenzie Rivers ; Leura, - Walker's, 15 miles south from Apis Creek ; Coolmaringo, opposite to Leura, also belongs to Mr. Walker; Talagi, W. C. Clarke's, 12 miles N. by W. of Vicary's ; Pomegranite Creek, - Hedgeland's ; Lake Lindsay, M'Kilgower's, 8 miles from Caldwell's, up Oakey Creek; Cooroorah, D. M'Kenzie, Low, and Co., 25 miles from Lurline, and 20 from Vicary's ; Birregurla, Giblin and Cranston Bros., ,opposite to Cooroorah ; Buckinbin, Finch's, 12 miles from Birregurla ; Wjllpend, A. Fyffe's, 8 miles below Buckinbin, on the opposite side of the river; Littlecote, Crawford and Maine's, on Roper's Creek, 35 miles N. of Vicary's ; Peak Downs, Atkinson and Collyns' ; Cotherstone, Thorne's, 25 miles from Peak Downs station ; Wolfgang, G. Sandeman's, 50 miles from Gordon Downs ; Peak Vale (Theresa Creek), S. Davis, 10 miles from Drummond. At about one mile from Albinia Downs, on the heads of the Comet, and on the main COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 2 2 5

track to the Barcoo , the nucleus of a township is being formed. The Native Polik barracks are situated about 13 miles from Wilpend, Mr. Fyffe's station, on the Mckenzie River. The stations situated in the neighborhood of this line of ro ute ate as follow : Wolfgang, 50 miles N. by E. from Gordon Down Kerr and Macdonald's (Logan Downs), about N. from Hood's, about 30 miles from Wolfgang; Rolfe's, on the heads of the Belyando and Suttor, W. of Logan Downs ; Stuart and Rutherford, 16 miles N.W. of Belcombe ; A. Sandeman and Davis hold a large tract of country on Theresa and Carbine Creeks; Mayne and Ward's, S. of Carbine Creek ; M'Kenzie and M'Henry's, on the Isaacs River ; Kyville,Creek (near Mount Stuart) ; Vicary's, on ditto ; M'Cartney and M`Donald's, below Mayne and Ward's, S. of Theresa Creek, to junction of Nogoa; Yamala, Lamb and Black's, N. of Theresa Creek, to junction of Nogoa ; Claverdon, Messrs. Sheridan and Fitzsim- mons, 30 miles from Marlborough; Clifton, Messrs. H. and R. Brooks, 20 ditto; Glen Prairie, Mr. W. Landsborough, 22 ditto; Tilpal, Messrs. Moore and Elliott, 25 ditto ; Tarilla, Messrs. Campbell and Newbold, 50 ditto. The route from Toowoomba to the Peak Downs has been thus laid down :-" After leaving Toowoomba, travelling stock can depasture on either side of the road on good feed as far as Warroo. After leaving this place, and proceeding on the Great Northern Road, the route is through Campbell's Camp, Chinchilla, and Middle Creek, at which place there is a small bush inn. This place is in Gogg's Forest, and the traveller, after leaving this place, could not, at the time of my travelling through the forest, get any water till he got to Juandah. At this place there is a little feed and good water. After leaving Juandah, and passing through Taroom, at which place the Dawson River is crossed, he proceeds from Taroom through Palm Tree Creek as far as Gwambegwyne. Here there are two roads ; the direct is the road to Rockhampton, and the left-hand road is the road to Peak Downs. After leaving this place, and proceeding N.W. 22 miles, you come to Mr. Hobbler' s station. Eight miles from here the traveller comes to Bigge's Range, which is rather steep in ascending. From this point the traveller will find good feed all the road out to the Peak Downs. The next station from Hobbler's is Dutton's, Bauhinia Downs. Here, as at Gwambegwyne, there is a road to Rockhampton, which bears N.E.; the road to the Peak Downs bears north from the cross roads for about three miles, and from thence it bears west, and over Expedition Range. The first place after crossing the range the traveller comes to is Cameron's, Planet Creek. Proceeding from thence, the first place of any note is Q 226 COUNTRY DIRECTORY.

Albinia Downs. At this place there are two roads ; the left is the road to tjie Nive and Barcoo waters, and the right is the road to the Peak Downs. Mr. Thompson's is the `next station, which is 25 miles from Albinia Downs, and from there to Cullin- la-ringo (Mr. Wills') is 45 miles. Here the traveller can save 30 miles, or rather better, by passing through and bearing north, and crossing the Nogoa River to the west of the Great Scrub. The distance from here to Scott and Roper's Peak is 73 miles, and the distance from Toowoomba to Scott and Roper's Peak is 541 miles."


Since the publication of the last edition of this Almanac, the mail from Rockhampton to the Gold Fields has been altered to a weekly one. The usual route for travellers is as follows:-

Rockhampton to Yaamba ... 24 miles Thence to Bonnie Doon Creek Inn ... 9 Woodville (Evenett's) ... 11 Princhester ...... 12 Marlborough ...... 12 Siebel's Inn ... 15 Apis Creek 18 „ Mackenzie River (Joss) ... 22 „ Columbia Inn ...... 14 The Lagoons ... 15 Rocky Water Hole ... 10 Caldwell's ...... 8 Geera Lagoon ... 12 Vicary's (Jones' Inn) ... 18 Crinam (township) .. 22 Gordon Downs .. 12 Capella (Kennelly's Inn) ... 13 ,; RetroCreek (Skardon'sInn) 15 Clermont ...... 22 Copper Mine 5

Total ...... 289 „ Another and shorter route from Rockhampton to Clermont has been laid down as follows : Rockhampton to Westwood, 304 miles; thence to Dawson River, 314 miles; thence to Springton Creek (Gaden's), 26 miles ; thence to Duckworth Creek; 16 COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 227 miles ; thence to Mackenzie River, 30 miles ; thence to Lily Vale (Crinam Creek), 33 miles; thence to Clermont, 60 miles; total, 227 miles. This wi ll, for some distance , be the road to Springsu re . Should a practicable gap be found in Expedition Range, the road will diverge either at the intended township of Springton, or Duckworth ; till then, it will be from the Mackenzie River, running up the Comet and Nogoa. There willbe a punt at the new crossing place on the Dawson River , ten or twelve miles below the crossing place at Knebworth. The crossing at the Mackenzie River is gravelly and good. Twelve months since, the only accommodation to be obtained on the road between Rockhampton and Peak Downs was that afforded by the stations, but owing to the increased traffic created by the gold fields, public houses have been established within easy stages. The diggings have also progressed consider- ably, there being now at the township of Clermont (formerly known as Winter and Veale's), three public houses and several boarding houses, where excellent accommodation can be pro- cured at reasonable rates. Clermont is now, in fact, one of the most promising townships in the interior, having a bank, hospital, court-house, newspaper office, several shops and work- shops connected with the principal trades, and a number of stores. Four and a-half miles from Clermont, on the old dig- gings, and adjoining the Peak Downs copper mines , there is a township named Woodville, where there are two public houses and several stores. This place is situated in the centre of the old diggings, and about four miles from Macdonald's. At present the alluvial miners at Macdonald 's are not numerous, nor are there many engaged in quartz-reefing. The average return per man, however, has been good, and great confidence is entertained of valuable yields from the quartz reef , as soon as the requisite crushing machinery is on the ground. On what was known some months since as " the rush," at Expedition Creek, there are now but comparatively few English miners at work, but a large number of Chinese. This partial desertion is owing to the discovery of new ground in other localities : of these "Hurley's rush," situated about 22 miles north-west of Clermont, is the most important. It was first opened up in March, 1864, and has ever since afforded remunerative employ- ment to large numbers. Here the nucleus of a township is being formed. The place next in importance is the Eastern River diggings, the locality of which is about 40 miles W. by N. of Clermont, and across the Drummond Range. With a good supply of water, there is ample gold-bearing country to afford profitable employment to a large number of diggers. The Wolfgang dig- gings are situated about ten miles north of Clermont , and here 228 COUNTRY DIRECTORY. there are some hundreds of Chinamen, and but few Europeans. Diggers are now at work also on the watershed of the Burdekin River, on the heads of the Belyando. Altogether the Drum- mond diggings generally igaintain their position as one of the best " poor man's" fields in Australia ; whilst the quartz reefs, which abound over the whole district, will sooner or later furnish profitable investment for capital. The chief drawback to the development of this source of wealth has been the great cost pf carriage between Rockhampton and the diggings. Some idea may be gathered of the yield of the Peak Downs fields from the fact that, during the twelve months ending 30th September, 1864, 15,000 ozs. of gold were manifested at the Rockhampton custom house ; and it is only fair to assume that a large additional quantity has either been kept in hand, or taken out of the colony without the cognizance of the customs' officials. An Act passed during the last session of the Queensland Parlia- ment, imposes a duty of Is. 6d. per oz. on gold exported. Next in importance to the auriferous riches of this district comes the Peak Downs copper mine. This was discovered about two and a-half years since by Mr. John Manton, a gentle- man possessing long experience in copper mines in South America and Australia. Through his instrumentality a com- pany was formed soon afterwards in Sydney, by whom the mine is now being worked. The property on which the mining operations are being carried on, consists of four or five blocks of 80 acres each , purchased from the Government of this colony, under the 22nd clause of the Crown Lands Alienation Act of 1860, which gives considerable encouragement to mining enter- prise. It is distant from Clermont about four and a-half miles to the westward, and the road to Theresa Creek, Peak Vale, and other stations to the westward and on the Belyando, passes between two of the fenced-in blocks. Although active operations were commenced in this mine about twenty months since, and over a thousand tons of rich ore have been brought to the surface, the difficulties consequent upon the discovery of rich deposits in the adjacent gold field, the floods, and the great distance this place is from Rockhampton, have materially tended to retard the erection of proper smelting works for the reduc, tion of the ore to a marketable commodity. These drawbacks have, however, been at length overcome, and a good set of smelting works erected, and thus encouragement has been given to the directors to continue mining operations with vigor. Already four or five shafts have been sunk on one block alone, which have advanced to a considerable depth, and afford promise of a con- tinued rich yield. The ore hitherto obtained has been exceedingly rich, surpassing in the per tentage of coppery fielded, that of the COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 229

far-famed Burra Burra mines of South Australia. Independently of the smelting works there are on the property, a handsome manager's residence and offices, a large store, blacksmith's shop, and commodious buts for the accommodation of the workmen. Since the furnaces have been got into operation, the company have forwarded a considerable quantity of copper to Sydney, by way of Broad Sound. By taking this route they will save a considerable amount in the cost of carriage, that port being at least 120 miles nearer than Rockhampton, which has hitherto been the port of shipment. Altogether the prospects of this mine are such as to justify the hope that it will give remunera- tive-employment to a large number of miners, and yield a large return to the shareholders. Allured by the prospects of the Peak Downs copper mine, several other mineral blocks have been taken up by private individuals, and a company formed under the name of "The New Peak Downs Copper Mining Company ;" the operations so far, however, are not sufficiently advanced to enable us to predicate anything of their probable success.

CLERMONT and BROAD SOUND. Opinions differ as to the best and shortest route between these two points. One line is as follows:-

Clermont to Cotherstone ...... 40 miles Thence to Arthur Downs .. ... 25 Lotus Creek ...... 40 Waverley ...... 31 St. Lawrence ...... 5 „

Total ...... 141 „ Another route, furnished by a gentleman thoroughly acquainted with the country, is as follows:-

Clermont to Thorne's ...... 40 miles Th ence to Ar th u r D owns .. 25 Lotus Creek, via Pelic an Lagoon and Conno r's River crossing ... 44 „ Waver ley ...... 32 Broad Sound ...... 4 „

145 „ By a third route the distance is computed to be 188 miles. 230 COUNTRY DIRECTORY.


Mails from Rockhampton to Port Denison are conveyed by steamer as opportunity offers, but the overland route, which is fortnightly, is maintained in order to supply the large number of stations on the line with the advantages of mail communi- cation.


Rockhampton to Yaamba 23 INorth sideof Fitzroy Thence to Canoona 8 Former diggings 11 Princhester 22 Van Wessen Marlborough 10 Henning and Winter Langdale (Too- loombah) . 28 J. Douglas Waverley ... 28 J. A. Macartney Lotus Creek ... 35 Fitzsimmons and Sheridan Cardogan 18 Wilmot's Pannell Creek 38 Ditto Nebo Creek 18 Reynolds' Inn Fort Cooper 7 Kemyss and Cornish Blenheim ... 58 E. Lack's Exmoor ... 13 Henning's Crossing, Bowen 20 Pub lic-house Sonoma.. 12 Paterson & Landsbbrough Bogie Hotel 28 Eurie Creek ... 17 Don River ... 13 Bowen ...... 10 Port Denison

Total ...... 406

REnr&nvs.-At Tooloombah, within a short distance of the station, there is a public-house ; and at Waverley, there is one kept by Messrs. Wallace and M'Gusty, and situated half-a-mile this side of Waverley Station, and at the point where the Port Denison road branches of. St. Lawrence is the shipping port of Broad Sound, and is four and a-half miles from Waverley, off the road, so that the postman has to go 9 miles out of his way in going there. There is an inn at St. Lawrence, kept by a Mr. Boyce. Clairview is 17 miles from Waverley, and four from the sea coast ; Yatton, late Mr. Cobham's, is 17 miles south of Lotus Creek, and 40 north of Apis Creek ; May Downs, Mr. Arthur COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 231

M`Kenzie' s, is 12 miles S.W. of Yatton; Arthur Downs, Mr. M'Henry's, is 40 miles W. by S. of Yatton, 45 W.S.W. of Lotus Creek, and 20 from Cotherstone ; the last-mentioned station is 35 miles from Gordon Downs, and 35 from Retro Creek. From Lotus Creek to Connor's River is a distance of 13 miles; thence to Cardogan, 5 miles ; thence to junction of main road , 6 miles; thence (towards Collaroy) to the crossing-place, three miles ; thence to Boundary Creek, four miles; thence-leaving the main road, going through a gap, and crossing the river again- to Collaroy, a distance of three miles.-At the old station of Fort Cooper, the roads to Mackay, Port Denison, the Thompson, the heads of the Isaacs, Rockhampton, and Peak Downs meet. From Fort Cooper to the range which divides the waters of the Isaacs from those of the Bowen, is a distance of 20 miles; across the range, 10 miles ; thence to the crossing-place of the Bowen, 20 miles, Mr. Hilfling's station (Havilah) is about seven miles from the crossing-place. Mr. Lack's station is about 1z mile of the road, up Blenheim Creek. The distance from this point to Port Mackay (Pioneer River) is 65 miles.-A. Macdougall has a station on Bowen Plains, near the crossing-place over the Bowen. -From Burnett' s station (formerly Stuart 's), on Peak Downs, to Cotherstone, J. Thorne' s, is 25 miles ; thence to Logan Downs, M`Laren and M'Donald's, 35 ditto-, thence to Grosvenor Downs, Frazer Brothers, 28 ditto ; thence to Burton- Downs, Raymond, Fitz, and Featherstonhaugh' s, on the Isaacs, 35 miles .-Eaglefield, on the Sutter, Dr. Wilkins, is 27 miles from Burton Downs ; thence to Lockerwood, same owner, 25 miles ; thence to Newlands, same owner (adjoining Kirk and Sutherland's), 12 miles.-From Burton Downs to Lake Elphin- stone, Mr. Alex. M'Ewan's, the distance is 10 miles ; thence to Fort Cooper, 33 miles. Messrs . Kirk and Sutherland have a station 40 miles W. of Fort Cooper, and 18 W. of Lake El- phinstone.-From Henning's (Exmore) to the junction of Broken River is six miles , and thence to crossing-place over the Bowen, 14 miles. Mr. Palmer has a station on Pelican Creek. Strathmore (Mr. Sellheim's) is 12 miles from the range between the Bogie and Bowen waters, and 13 miles from the public-house at the crossing-place of the Bogie. Eton Vale, the station of Messrs. Collins and Macdonald, is near to the public-house, and about 20 miles from Strathmore.-Stock- yard Creek , a camping -place, is 10 miles from the crossing at the Bogie ; thence to Eurie Creek, a public-house, seven miles ; and thence to the Don, 13 miles .-At the crossing-place over the Don, on the ordinary road, there are two inns, distant from which Mr. Bode has a station two miles,-the Police Barracks four miles ; from the latter to Bowen the distance is six miles. 232 COUNTRY DIRECTORY.

-On Roselle Creek, above Hilfling's, Dr. Wilkin has a station, and near to him Mr. Arch. Ferguson has also a station. The gradual opening up of shipping ports to the northward is givinga better opportunityto settlersfor choiceas to which shall be the place of shipment for their produce. The subjoined stations are among those which ship their wool either from Broad Sound or the Pioneer River :-Yatton, late Cobham's ; A. M'Kenzie, of the Isaac, River ; Fitzsimmons and Sheridan, Lotus Creek ; Skinner and Murnin, of Amity Creek ; Clairview, Broad Sound ; Turner Brothers, ditto ; 1,I'`Laren, of Collaroy ; Wilmot, of Funnell Creek ; Hazlewood, A. R. Ball; Robert Lawson , of Oxford Downs ; Munro, on North Creek, a tributary of the Isaacs. The road drays usually take is from Waverley to Lotus Creek, and thence across the range to Wilmot's, at Funnel Creek, and thence by Denison and Nebo Creeks to Fort Cooper. The following list shows the names of many of the stations in the Port Denison district, together with their distance from Bowen:-


Dalrymple...... 8 Macdonald and Co. Strathdon (Don River) 13 Dangar and Bode Salisbury Plains (E liott R.) 20 Charles Powe ll Proserpine ...... 38 Charles Emmerson Eaton Vale (the Bogie) ... 40 Collings and Macdonald Strathbogie(ditto) ... 56 Macdonald Strathmore 64 Sellheim and Touissant Havillah ...... 90 Hillfling and Peterson Exmoor ... 105 Henning Brocken River ... 115 Huxham. SuttorCreek . 160 Kirk and Sutherland Mount M`Connell... 140 E. and A. Henry Scartwater ... 155 F, J. Byerly Strathalbyn ... 70 Robison and Wood Inkermann 70 Macdonald Be lla Vista (Fanning River) 140 Byrnes and Black Bald Hills (Star River) 140 Favenc, Wise, and Myles Dotawood (Oanabar Creek) 155 Hervey and Somer Burdekin Downs ... 153 M. and D. Cunningham Reedy Lake (Fletcher's Ck.) 166 O'Kelly and Reeve Hi llgrove (Basalt River) 180 Allingham Brothers Nyall (Emu Creek) 220 W Stenhouse Copperfield 300 -M'Kinnon COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 233

There is till a landing place on the south or right bank of the Burdekin, a outeven miles from Inkermann station, but all the business is now conducted on the other, or left bank, where a township called Wickham has been formed. Here Mr. E. S. Antill, Messrs. Allen, and others, have stores for receiving and forwarding wool, etc. During the past year one of the A. S. N. Company's steamers has made regular trips to the Burdekin, and the trade has been furthersupplemented by Seaward and Co's sailing vessels, and a small steamer belonging to M'Leod, Carter, and Co. It may be useful briefly to describe a route taken by drovers from Port Denison to the Peak Downs. Starting from Salis- bury Plains the first stage is to the Bowen River ; crossing that river at Byrne's Hotel there is a good dray track from thence to Walker and Ferguson's. There is water in a large sandy creek halfway from Walker's to the Bluff ; and about six miles from Walker's there is a sheep station belonging to Dr. Wilkin on the Sutton waters. From the Bluff to the Lookout station there is a good, plain, marked tree line, and plenty of water, the Sutter having to be crossed several times ; but from the Lookout to Eaglefield, Dr. Wilkin's head station, water is rather scarce. Leaving Eaglefield, the next stage is to Bailey and Newton's sheep station, within a few miles of the Isaacs river ; on this part of the road there is no track, but there are fine open downs, and the directions taken at Eaglefield are easily followed ; here also water is scarce. From Bailey and Newton's to Graham's station, close to the Port Mackay road, at the crossing of the Isaacs, following the course of that river, there is plenty of feed and water, but no track, and the ground, which is for the most part sandy, would be rather heavy for loaded teams. Fro n Graham's to Logan Downs, and from thence to Wolfgang sta- tion, there is a good road, and water most of the way. From Wolfgang to Clermont there is a good road, with plenty of water.


The post office has been removed from Fort Cooper to Nebo, which is 65 miles from Mackay. From Nebo to Avon Downs a mail is about to be established, and the route taken wi ll be as follows : Nebo to Oxford Downs, 9 miles ; thence to Native Police Barracks , 26 miles ; thence to Grosvenor Downs, 16 miles ; thence to Grant's, 15 miles ; thence to Logan Downs, 15 miles ; thence to Tindall Downs, 35 miles ; thence to Avon Downs, 32 miles ; total, 148 miles. 234 C01INTRY DIIIECTOfT.

Amongst the stations supp lied by this route are-South Creek, 5 miles fr om the Po lice Barracks , and Blackman and Wilson's, 15 miles fr om the same point ; Shepherd Plains, 14 miles fr om Tindall Downs , and Frankfield , 30 miles fr om ditto ; Larnach's, 17 miles from Avon Downs ; Sinclair , 30 miles fr om Tindall Downs ; and a cattle station, 12 miles from Avon Downs. In addition to the above , all the stations on the Sutter River and the Lower Belyando would be supp lied from Avon Downs.



Bowen to Salisbury Plains 20 C. Powell (E liott River) Thence to Heifer station ... 18 Inkerman 25 Macdonald and Co. Cassidy's 15 CardingtonHotel 28 R. H. Willis (Houghton Fanning River . 25 [River) Burdekin Downs 17 M. and D . Cunningham Genge 's (second crossing) ... 11 Post office

Total 159 REMARKS.-There are now two inns at the first crossing-place of the Burdekin-one on the left bank kept by Mr. Hamilton, and that on the right bank by Mr. George Weise. That at the second crossing is kept by Mr. Gouge (of Seaward & Co.). Following the track to the westward, the traveller bound to Black's station at Woodstock, near Mount Elliott, turns off to the right near Twelve-mile Creek. There are two other routes from Bowen to the Burdekin, viz.:-Bolden to the Bogie, 40 miles ; thence to Inkermann, 50 miles ; total, 90 miles : by the coast road- Bowen to Salisbury Plains, 20 miles ; thence to Cape Station (Powell's), 19 miles ; thence to Inkermann, 26 miles ; total 65 miles. Twenty-three miles west of the second crossing of the Burdekin, the road divides-one track leading past Allingham's head station to Stenhouse's, the Valley of Lagoons, the Lynd, &c.; the othertrack to the leftleading to the severalstations on the Basalt River, Hann andCo's. ; James, Fenwick and Co's. ; and James Gibson's. On the Cape, Sutter, and Burdekin Rivers, in addition to those already named, there are the following stations : Mr. COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 235

Xellett's, on a creek running into the Cape, 40 miles from Mount M'Connell; Mr. Black's, Victoria Downs, on the Cape; Mr. Byerley's, St. Ann's, on Rosetta Creek, 17 miles from Mount M'Connell; the latter, Mr. Henry's, on a creek named the Sellheim, 30 miles from Sellheim's station ; Ravenswood, Messrs. Forbes and Dalrymple, on the Burdekin and Pandamus Creek, 24 miles from Mount M`Connell; Mount Wyatt, Messrs. Byerley and Dalrymple, on a branch of the Suttor; Messrs. Kerr Brothers, a station above Forbes and Dalrymple's; Conway, a station on another branch, 12 miles south-west of Hidden Vale ; the latter, owned by Earl Brothers, on another branch of the Burdekin, 30 miles from Sellheim's ; Cassidy's on the Lower Burdekin ; and Woodstock, Black's, on the coast near Mount Eliott.

BURDE$ IN (Seco$d Crossing) and the VALLEY of LAGOONS.

Genge's to Reedy Lake (O'Kelly & Reeve's) 10 miles Thence to Allingham's ...... 16 Stenhouse's ...... 43 „ Atkinson and Frith's ...... 60 Valley of Lagoons ... .. 23

Total ...... 152 „

REa2A n s.-On Fletcher's Creek, above Reedy Lake, is Lieut. Robert Stewart's cattle station, called Southwick ; and some distance higher up the same creek, Mr. Moore Dillon is forming a station. On Basalt River (sometimes erroneously called Limestone Creek) is Messrs. Allingham's Hillgrove station, above which are Hann and Co's. Bluff Downs ; James, Fenwick, and Co's. Nulla Nulla ; and James Gibson's Coogoon. On Junction Creek are-James Gibson's Wando Vale, and Messrs. Sanders' station ; and coming eastward, on Emu Creek and the Clark River, are D. Cudmore, and W. Stenhouse. Messrs. Atkinson and Frith, and Messrs. Cassidy have stations near those held by Messrs. Scott, Dalrymple, and Co., at the Valley of Lagoons.

BOWEN and the FLINDERS. The distance from Bowen via Mount M`Connell, to Fort Albany, the most distant station on the Flinders, is as follows 236 DIRECTORY.

Bowen to Bogie public-house.. ... 40 miles Thence to Strathmore ... 25 „ Hidden Vale ...... 25 „ Mount Wyatt . ... 12 „ „ Mount M`Connell ...... 18 „ Natal Downs ...... 70 „ Hughenden ... 90 Albert Downs ... . 30 „ Marathon (R. Sheaffe's) ... 10 Richmond Ds. (W. Hayes) 30 „ Fort Albany (Henning's)... 150 „ Total ...... 500 „ On the range dividing the waters of the Thompson from the Burdekin-to which locality, by the way, it seems to be confined- there grows a poisonous plant which has caused considerable loss to stock owners-sheep, cattle, horses, &c., all alike being fatally affected by it. This plant has been compared with " a bush which the aborigines of South Australia use for poisoning fish. In growth it varies in height, but it seems to reach per- fection when six feet high. It is found upon the most barren ridges and rises, in soil of light brown color, and of a slaty des- cription. The bush may be seen from the road I have laid down, and will be easily discerned at the distance by its very green fresh looking appearance. It is sufficiently far from the track to be of no danger while travelling. Care, however, should be taken not to camp within easy access of it. The blossom is of a dark red color, and similar in shape to the pea or indigo flower." The ' track " just alluded to is one by which Mr. Henning' party avoided the poison, and is as follows -Fort Cooper to Lake Elphinatone, 34 miles ; thence to Kirk and Sutherland's, 25 miles ; thence to Dr. Wilkin's lambing station, 28 miles ; thence to Conway (a rough road), 35 mules ; thence to Mount M`Connell, 32 miles ; thence to Natal Downs, 70 miles ; thence to Amelia Creek, 18 miles ; thence to Billy Webb's Lake, 50 miles ; thence to Desert Water Holes, 14 miles ; thence to Emu Creek, 30 miles ; thence to Skeleton Creek (Thompson Waters), 37 miles ; thence to Jardine Creek (Flinders Waters), 10 miles; thence to Henry's station (Flinders River), 15 miles ; thence to Collins and Walpole's station, 35 miles ; thence to Marathon (Sheaffe's), 10 miles ; and thence to Richmond Downs, 25 miles; total, 468 miles. This route we have copied from a letter furnished to the Northern Argus, in which it is also stated that the road is well watered and grassed all along. The fol- lowing route, showing all the camping-places, was furnished to the Port Denison Times by a correspondent in July last, viz.:- COUNTRY DIRECTORY. 237

Bogie to Sellheim 's, 24 miles ; thence to Bowen, 5 miles; thence to Isabella Creek, 30 miles ; thence to Mount Wyatt, 10 miles ; thence to Mount M'Connell, 20 miles ; thence to Cape River, 9 miles ; thence to Natal Creek, 61 miles ; thence to Natal Downs, 9 miles ; thence to Amelia Creek,* 18 miles ; thence to Billy Webb's Lake, 51 miles ; thence to Dead Mare's Camp, 7 miles; thence to Desert Waterhole,t 7 miles; thence to Alick's Creek, 5 miles ; thence to Torreus Creek,$ 4 miles ; thence to Bullock's Creek, 18 miles ; thence to Little Creek, 10 miles ; thence to Prairie Creek, 13 miles ; thence to Coxen's Creek, 13 miles ; thence to Jardine Creek, 14 miles ; thence to Henry's station, 11 miles ; thence to Albert Downs (Walpole's), 35 miles ; thence to Marathon, 10 miles ; thence to Richmond Downs, 25 miles ; thence to Henning's, 130 miles ; total, 539 miles. The country between Mount M`Connell and Natal Downs is not so good as that now generally taken up , and. has conse- quently, we are informed, been passed over. Water and grass is plentiful on the above route, and the road is good if the Cape be followed up for about 60 miles to within 35 miles of Hugh- enden, at which point the traveller drops on Flinders waters. Hughenden is on the head of Jardine Creek. Walker's Creek runs into the Flinders, on the south bank, below Henning's, and at the back of Walker's Table Mountain. Twenty miles south-west of Hughenden, is Mount Walker station, Messrs. Kirk and Sutherland's, who have the north side of the creek ; Mr. J. Rankin (Acton) being on the south side. The country between Hayes' and Fort Bowen Mount is not taken up, being generally flat. Fort Bowen run consists of open and slightly undulating country ; it is now (December, 1864) the lowest station on the Flinders, and is about 150 miles from the Gulf of Carpentaria.

Stations are being constantly formed in the north and north- west, and country which, but a very few years ago, was known only to the explorer, is now commonly traversed by parties in search of runs. There is a harbor at Cleveland Bay, with a good road thence to the Upper Burdekin ; a port has been established at Rockingham Bay, called Port Hinchinbrook ; and a settlement has been formed at Port Albany, near Cape York, at thejoint cost of the Imperial and Queensland Govern- ments.

* A small batch of poison about 25 males from the Cape River. t Five miles of poison to drive through. $ Poison six miles from Torrens Creek, on the left side of the road. 238 LIST OF STATIONS.



*** The Italics in the following list denote the Post Town.

Acacia Downs, Warwick Balonne River, Surat Acacia Creek ditto Ban Ban, Nanange Ageuthulla, Taro. B kNAtA, Rockhampton Agnes Vale, Mary borough- Banana Station, ditto Albany Downs, Roma Banaroa, Goondiwindi Albinia Downs, Knebworth Banchory, Peak Downs Aldebaran, Springsure Baramba, Nanango Alderton, Condamine BARCOO RIVER, Rockhampton Al fred Village, Ipswich Barmundoo, Marlborough Alice Downs, Barcoo Baroondah, Taroom Allandale, Port Denison Barranga, Kaebworth ALLORA, Warwick or Drayton Barrarrundah, ditto Amarmoor, Maryborough-, Barrow River Cotton Co., Bris- Ambi Downs, Maranoa bane Angellala, ditto Barwan River , Goondiwindi Apia Creek, Marlborough Bauhinia Downs, Knebwortk Appletree Creek, Maranoa Beaudesert , Logan River Aranbangah, Port Denison Beaufort , Peak Downs Arcadia Downs, Knebworth Beebe, Warwick Arcturus Downs, Springsure .Beleomba, Knebworth Argyle, Port Denison Bella Vista, Port Denison Armadilla, Maranoa Bellcombe, Marlborough Arthur Downs, St. Lawrence Belleview, Ipswich Ashmore, Rockhampton Bendango, Bond Atherton, ditto Bendemere, Condamine Auburn, Gayndah•° Bengalla, Warwick Avoca, Peak Downs Benlomond, Armidale, N.S. W. Avon Downs, Nebo Billa Bela, Dolby Billin Creek, Bungeworgorai Baffie Creek; Marlborough% Bin Bin, Condamine Bald Hills, Port Denison Bingie, ditto Ballamoor, Taroom Birregurla, ditto Ballandean, Warwiek Bitherariba, Dalby Ballandine, Dally Blenheim, Port Denison Balloranga, Goondiwindi Bluff Downs, Burdekin, ditto Balnagowan, Mackay Bluff Downs, ditto LIST OF STATIONS. 239

Blythedale, Condamine Bungorwan , Marlborough BQah, Surat BIIRVEKIN, Port Denison Bockhardt Creek, ditto Burdekin Downs, ditto Bodumba, Toowoomba Burenda, Warrego Bogabillay Dalby Burgha Burgha, St. George Bologna, ditto Burgool, Dalby Bombah, Surat Burindi, Roma Bonner's Nob , Taroom Burneluith, Dalby Benshaw, Warwick Burrandowan, ditto Boobera, Condamine' Burton Downs, Marlborough Boomanga , Goondiiwzndi Bush Inn, Ipswich Boombyjan , Nanango Boomerang , Gayndah Cabulture , Brisbane Boonara, Nanango Cadarga, Dal by Boondooma, Dalby Cairdbegin, Rockhampton Boondoo, St. George Cairdmurra , N. S. W., Goondi- Booni Creek, Goondiwindi mmdi Borgorah, Surat Callandoon; ditto Boronga, Goondiwindi CALLIOPE , Gladstone Bovell, ditto Calliungal, Westwood Bowara, Fort Bourke Camboon, Rockhampton BowEN, Port Denison Cambooya, Drayton Bowen Station, ditto Cambroon or Ubi Ubi, Ipswich Bowenville , Toowoomba Campbell's Camp, Dalby Boweralmabna , St. George Canal Creek, Leyburn Bramston, Surat Cania , Gayndah Bridge Creek, Goondiwindi Canindah, ditto Bridge Creek, St. George i Canmaroo. Dalby Bridgeland, ditto Cannana, Faamba BRISBANE Canning Downs , Warwick Bromelton , Logan River Cannonbar, Taroom B ro mhi ll , ditto Canondale, Ipswich B ro wn's Plains , Brisbane Canoona, Rockhampton B ro wn's River , Rockhampton Capella Creek , Marlborough Brucedale , Roma Cardigan , St. Lawrence Buarabah, Ipswich Cardington Buckinbin, Springsure Carnarvon , K nebworth Buckland Creek, ditto Carrabah, Taroom Buddicarrabi , Goondiwindi Cashmere, Condamine Bukulla, N.S.W., ditto Casino, N.S.W., Post Town Bundara, N. S. W., Tenterfield Castle Vale, Springsure Bundi, Taroom Cave Creek, Dalby Bungaban , Gayndah 'Cecil Plains, ditto Bungeworgorai , Roma Chesterton, Roma Bungill Creek, ditto Chinchilla, Dalby Bungill Downs , ditto Clairview , St. Lawrence 240 LIST OF STATIODTS.

Claremont, St..4swrenee Crow's Nest, Toowoomba Claverdon, Marlborough Culneraegie, Gayndah Claverdon, Fort Bourke Culgoa or Toothar, Condamine Cleveland Station, Port Denison Cullaburra, Fort Bourke CLEVsLANn (Town), Brisbane Culling la ringo, ri ngsure Clifford, Rockhampton Cumkillinbar, Da Clifton, Drayton Cunnamullah, Fort Berke Clift on, Marlborough Cunninngindi, Condamine Clynes, Goondiwindi Currawildi, St. George CockatooCreek, Gayndah Currie, Marlborough Colan River, Maryborough CuaarwiLLINGHi, St. George Coliaba, St. George Cotherstone, Peak Downs Colinton, Ipswich Cuttabarra, Maranoa Collaroy, St. Lawrence Collyhue, Dalby Daandine, Dalby Columbia, Marlborough Dainbindangai, Knebworth Combabala, Condamine DALBY, Post Town Combarngo, ditto Dalgangal, Gayndah Comet Downs, Sprzngsure Dalhunty Plains, Ipswich CONDAMINE, Post Town Dallilah, Mitchell Downs Congallan or Prawl, Mary- Dalrymple Creek, Warwick borough Dalwood, Surat Conobolaro, Knebworth Dareel, Condamine Consuelo, ditto Deepwater, Roma Coochin Coochin, Ipswich Degilbo, Marlborough Coogoolbinda, Knebworth Denbie, Gladstone Coongoolin, Fort Bourke Diamantina, ditto Coogoon, Condamine Dillalah, Condamine Coolmaringo Dinabarraba, ditto Coolmunda, Drayton Dingham, ditto Coomrith, Dalby Dingie, Gayndah Coonambula, Gayndah Donga Creek, Surat Coondara, Auburn Doongall, Lower, Marlborough Coongoolin, Condamine Doongall, South, ditto Cooper's Plains, Oxley Doondi, Surat Coorada, Taroom Dorealla, Knebworth Cooroora, Dalby Dottswood, Port Denison Cooyar, Toowoomba Douglas Ponds, Barcoo Copperfield, Port Denison DRAYTON, Post Town Coranga, Gayndah Drondi or Guce, St. George Cormoran Creek, Dally Drummond, Peak Downs Cowrara, Rockhampton Dugandan, Ipswich Cowrawa, Condamine Dulacca, Condamine Cracow, Taroom Dunmore, Dally Cressbrook, Ipswich Dunrobin, Condamine Crinam Downs, Peak Downs Durah, Dalby LIST OF STATIONS. 241

Durauduij Fpswich Gin,Gin, M ,ryborough Dykeb * Gayndah Gladfield, Warwick GLADSTONE, Post Town EaglefiLTvi, Port Denison Glenbar, Maryborough Earp' s, ,Condamine Glendarriwill, Springsure Eastern '>17reek, Port Denison Glen Erin, Surat East Harem, Dalby Glenelg, Leyburn East Stowe, Gladstone Gledfield, Condamine Eidsvold, Gayndah Giengallan, Ipswich Ellangowan, Drayton Gfernhaughton, Taroom Emerald Downs, Springsure Glenlyon, N.S.W., Warwick Emu Creek, Drayton Glenmore, Dalby Emu Creek, Ipswich Glenorah, Rockhampton Emu Creek, Port Denison Glen Prairie, Broad Sound Enniskillen, Sprzngsure Glenroy, Rockhampton Eton Vale, Drayton Goganjo, Westwood Eton Vale, Port Denison Goodah, Dally Euleutha, Roma Googary, Taroom Eumara, Burdekin Goolmunda, Toowoomba Eurama, St. George Goomburra, Ipswich Eureka, Mary borough Goon DIWINDI, Post Town Eurella, Roma Gooramar, St. George Euroombah, Taroom Gooranga, Dalby Iutbella, Roma Gordon Downs, Marlborough xmoor, Port Denison Gourdmuan, Datby Gowrie, Roma Fairfield, Rockhampton Gocnrie, Toowoomba Fanning River, Port Denison Gowrie, Warrego Farrawell, Dalby Gracemere, Rockhampton Fassifern, Ipswich Grantham, Ipswich Felton, Drayton Greenbank, Dalby Fernie Lawn, Ipswich Greendale, Rockhampton Fernlie, Springsure Greenfields, ditto Flinder's Peak, Ipswich Grosvenor Downs, ditto FOREST VALE, Maranoa Gubberameuda, Fitzroy FOIST BorRxE, Dalby Guce or Drondi, St. George Fort Cooper, Nebo Gulnabar, ditto Franklin Yale, Ipswich Gunninngindi, Condamine Funnell Creek, St. Lawrence Gwambegwyne, Rockhampton G%enuaftbi, Condamine Gatton, Ipswich Gavail, Rockhampton Halliford, Dalby GAYNDAR, Post Town Havilah, Port Denison Ghinghinda, .7'aroom Hawkwood, Gayndah Gigoomgan, Maryborough Helidon, Ipswich Gill Gill Creek, Goondiuundi Hidden Vale, Port Denison R 242 LIST OF STATIONS.

Hillgrove, Port Denison Kooreelah, Warwick Hillsborough, Surat Kooroon, Dalby Holm Creek, Barcoo Kroombit, Gladstone Holymount Kynebill, Marlborough Hope Creek, Rockhampton Houghton River LArnLEY, Ipswich Hughes' Creek, Port Denison Lake Elphinstone, Nebo Humboldt Creek, X nebworth Landsdown, Maranoa LangdaleorTooloombah, Marl- Ideraway, Gayndah borough Imbil, Nanango Langlow Downs, Springsure Inglewood, Marlborough Langlow, Maranoa In lewood (Town), Toowoomba Laugmore, Gladstone IInden or North Creek, Port Langton Downs, Peak Downs Mackay Leiehhardt Downs, Burdekin Inkermann, Port Denison Lempriere Creek, Rockhampton Irswicw, Post Town Lenten Downs, Fort Cooper Iveragb, Gladstone LEYBuRN, Post Town Iveragh Copper Mines, ditto Littlecoat, Marlborough Logan Downs, ditto 3imboomba , Logan River Lotus Creek, St. Lawrence Jimbour, Dalby Lower Doongal, Maryborough Jingi Jingi, ditto Lur line, Marlborough Jondaryan, Toowoomba Juandah , Condamine Macalister, Dally Junction, Dalby Mackay, Rockhampton Mackenzie River, ditto Kangaroo Camp, Gayndah Maidenhead, Warwick Kenilworth , Ipswich Maisford, Marlborough Kennedy aia. Camp, St. George Malowe, Gayndah Kenopia, Cardmurra , N.S.W. Malvern Hills, Barcoo River Kerrembilla Creek, Dalby Mandillia, Maryborough Kianga, Rockhampton Mandingo, Condamine Kilcoy, Ipswich Manton's Copper Mines, Peak Kileraigie , Gayndah Downs Kilkivan, Mary borough Mantuan Downs, Springsure Ki llarney, Warwick Manumbar, Nanango Kilmorey, Roma Marabie, Condamine Kingalume , Navango MARANOA, Post Town King's Copper Mine, Gladstone Marianna, Maryborough Kinnou ll , Taroom MsRLBOEouaw, Post Town KNEBWORTH , Post Town Maroochidore, Ipswich Kogan Creek, Dat y Maroon, ditto Kolonga, Maryborough MARYBOROUGH Post Town Kooingal, Banana Maryland P. 0., N. S. Wales, Koolbellup, Roma Warwick LIST OF STATIONS. 243

Maryvale, Ipswich Mount Pleasant , Fprt Denison May Downs, St. Lawrence Mount Wyatt, Port. Denison McKellar's, nr . Casino, N.S.W. Moura, Rockhampton Melangool, Maryborough Muckadilla, Condamine Merinda, Dalby Muckerina, ditto Merivale, Maranoa Mundoolan, Logan River Merrawah, Dalby I Mundubbera, Gayndah Merrie Merriewer, Rockhamp- Mundubbera (Town), ditto ton Mungwyndah, Gocndiwindi Merrimonka, Surat Mur,lla, Condamine Meteor Downs, gnebworth Murrabi, St. George Milton, Maryborough Murroona, Dalby Mimosa Creek, gnebworth Murweh, Fort Bourke Mimosa, N.P.B., Springsure Musket Flat, Maryborough Minerva Creek, ditto Myall Creek, Dal by Mingan, Surat Myall Downs, Taroom Miriam Vale, Maryborough MITCHELL Dow-Ns P.O., Roma NANANGO, Post Town Mogan, Goondiwindi Nardoo, Springsure MoGGILL, Post Town i Narran River, St. George Molonglon, Kennedy NESO, Post Town Monduran, Maryborough Nee Nee, St. George Mondure, Nanango Nerang Creek, Brisbane Mongallala , Maranoa Newlands, Rockhampton '1dongola, Warwick Newstead, St. Lawrence Monte Christo, Curtis Island, Nindigually, Surat Gladstone Nindooinbah, Logan River Moolboolaman, Maryborough Nive, Rockhampton Moolooloo Plains, Brisbane Nogoa River, ditto Moongool, Condamine Noona, Dalby Moongoona, Dally Noorama, Fort Bourke Moonie River, ditto Nooroondoo, Condamine Moorsland, Pt. Denison Normandy Plains, Ipswich Moraby, Condamine Northampton Downs, Rock- Morodian, Maryborough hampton Morongindoo, Maranoa Northbrook , Brisbane Mount Abundance, Roma North Creek, Port Mackay Mount Brisbane, Ipswich North Pine River , Brisbane Mount Debateable, Gayndah Nudkinderry, Fort Bourke Mount Esk, Ipswich Nulalbin, gnebworth Mount Flinders, ditto Nullawa, St. George Mount Hedlo, Rockhampton Nundubbermere, Warwick Mount Hutton, Taroom Nyall, Port Denison Mount Larcom, Gladstone Mount M'Connell, Pt. Denison Orion Downs, Knebworth Mount Northampton, Barcoo Oxford Downs, Nebo 244 LIST OF STATIONS.

O%LEY CREEL, Post Town Rosella Creek, Port Denison Rosenthal, Warwick Palm Tree Creek, Taroom Rosevale, Ipswich PEAS Dowis, Rockhampton Rosewood; ditto Peak Vale, Peak Downs Roxburgh. Knebworth Picton, Rockhampton Running Creek, or Armamoor, Pikedale, Warwick Maryborough Pike's Creek, ditto Pilton, Drayton Salisbury Plains, Port Denison Planet Downs, Knebworth Saltwater Creek, Maryborough Pomegranate Creek, Marlboro' Samford , Brisbane Porphyry Hi ll s, Rockhampton Samson Vale, ditto PORT AIACKAY, Post Town SANDGATE, Post Town Prairie, Gladstone Sandy Creek, Laidley Prawl or Congallan, Maryboro' Santilha, Maryborough Princhester, f aamba Scartwater, Port Denison Proserpine, Port Denison Seven-mile Creek P.O., near Proston, Nanango Ipswich Purbrook Downs, K nebwortla Severn River, N.S.W., Goondi- Purga Creek, Ipswich windi Sonoma, Port Denison Qui Qui, St. George South Doongal, Maryborough Racecourse Creek,Rockhampton Southwood, Dal by Raglan Creek, Gladstone Spicer's Peak, Ipswich Rainsworth, Knebworth Spottiswoode , Knebworth Rannes, Westwood Springrove, Surat Ravensbourne & Creek, Barcoo SPRIEGsL'RE, Post Town Ravenswood, Port Denison Springsure Station, Springsure Rawbelle, Gayndah St. Anne's, Port Denison Redbank, ditto ST. GEORGE, Post Town Redbank, Woogaroo ST. LAWRENCE, Rockha mpton Redcli ffe, Knebworth St. Ruth, Dalby Reedy Lake, Port Denison Stanton Harcourt, Maryboro' RETREAT, Dalby Stony Creek, Springsure Retreat, Rockharm . Stoodleigh, ditto Rio, Knebazoith Stowe, Gladstone Riverstoila, Gladstone Strathalbyn, Port Denison Rooh&ole, Condamine Strathbogie, ditto RQCKUA3[PTON, Post Town Strathdon, ditto Rocky Bar, Roekhanzp/on Strathmore, ditto Redd's Bay, Gladstone SURAT, Post Town Rolfe's, Peak Downs SuttorCreek, Nebel RoaiA P.O., Condamine Rosalie Plains, Toowoomba Taabinga, Nanango Rosedale , Ipswich Tabragalba, Logan River Rosehill, Maryborongh Tahiti, Maryboroxgh LIST OF STATIONS. 245

Talaverd ; Surat Toothar or Culgoa, Surat Talbarra, Logan Reserve ToowooMBA, Post Town Talgai, Warwick Toromeo, Ipswich Talloona, Dalby Trave sfone, Maryborough Talumbah, Logan B. (Casino) Tregamon, Goondiwindi Tambo, Springsure Trelasdee, Rockhampton Tambourine, Logan River Tripoli, Surat T}rmrookam, ditto Tucka Tucka, Condamine Tantala Creek, Condamine Tuhvood, Goondiwindi Tant ills, Maryborough Tyrconnel Dns., Mitchell Dna Tarampa, Ipswich Tyro, Maryborough Tara, Port Denison Tarawinaba, Dalby Ubi Ubi or Cambroon, Ipswich Targinnie River, Gladstone Ulladullah, ditto Tariela, St . Lawrence Umbercolly, Goondiwindi Tarnallan, Springsure Undercliff, Warwick Tarong, Nanango Undullah, Condamine TAROOM, Post Town U ngledrop, ditto Taroom Station , Condamine Unumgar , near Casino, N. S. w Tarrawell, Dalby Tartilla, Roma. VALLEY of LAeoo*rs P.O., Port Tartha, Dalby Denison Tarverfield, Burdekin Victoria Down9, ditto Tchanning Creek, Condamine Victoria LaJce, Rockhampton Teebar, Maryborough Teebar, Surat Walla, Maryborough Teelba, Dalby Wallan, Condamine Telemon, Logan River Wallangra, Goondiwindi Tenningering, Gayndah Wallinchie, Gayndah Teviot Brook, Ipswich Walloon, Westwood Texas, N.S.W., Goondiwindi Wallumbilla, Condamine Theresa Creek, Peak Downs Wambah, Gladstone Thornhill, Maryborough Wandai Gumbal, Condamine Thuralgoonah Creek, Rock- Wangaratta, Port Denison hampton Ware, St. George Tierevboo, Condamine Warialda;N•S.W., Goondiwindi Tilpah, -St. Lawrence Waringa, Mackay Trngera, Toowoomba Warkon. Condamine Toogoom, Maryborough Waroonga, Roma Toolburra, North, Warwick Warrah, Maryborough Toolburra, South, ditto Warrah, Roma TooloombahorLangdale, Marl- Warra Warra, Dalby borough Wairina, Goondiwindi Tooloombilla , Forst tale Warroo, Warwick Toondoomginnanagan, Gayn- Warrego, Roma dah Waverley, 81 Lawrence 246 LIST OF STATIONS.

War War, Dalby Woqdmillan, Condamine WARwiox, Post Town Woodstock, Burdekin Wealwandangie, K nebworth Woodstock, Port Mackay Welltown, Toowoomba WooGARoo, near Brisbane Weranga, Dalby Wooleraveray or Willvah, Weribone, Surat Goondiwindi Westbrook, Drayton Wooloomut, ,Surat Western Creek, ditto Woolooroo River, Barcoo Western Lagoons, Surat Woolehed, Bally West Harem, ditto Woorooma, K nebworth Westhill, Nebo Wyangary, nr. Casino , TAW. West Holme, Maryborough Wyaga, Toowoomba WEwewooB, via Rockhampton Wyanbah, Surat Wetheron, Maryborough Whalan, Condamine YAAMRA P.O., via Rockhampton Whetstone , Toowoomba Yabber, Nanango Whiteside, Brisbane Yalibone Creek, Condamine Widgee Widgee, Maryborosgh Yamala, Marlborough Wigton, Gayndah Yamber Colli, Dalby Wilaagi, Marlborough Yancey, Condamine Willpend, ditto Yandilla, Drayton Willvah or Wooleraveray, Yannery, Condamine Goondiwindi Yarroll, Gayndah Windah , Rockhampton YARROWA, N.S.W., via Conda- Winton , Goondiwivdi mine Wi,venhoe , Ipswich Yatton, St. Lawrence Wolfgang, Marlborough Yendah, Gayndah Wolston, Woogaroo YEo YEo P.O., Maranoa Wombah, Gayndah Yerilla, Gayndah Womblebank, Maranoa Yetman, Goondiwindi Wombo, Dalby Yuelba, Condamine Woodhouse, Burdekin Woodlawn, Toowoomba Zamia, K nebworth BRISBANE DIRECTORY. This is a blank page


CrKE Proprietor does not hold himself responsible for any omissions from thisList, a thorough canvass of the cityhaving been made by his Collector,and a fairopportu ni ty given to all who desired the insertion of their names.]

Accountant. Llewellyn, John M., Edward Street.

Architects,&c. Backhouse, B., Queen Street Chambers, W. H., Bulcock's New Buildings , Queen Street Conte, William, Town Hall Ellerker, W. H., Queen Street Furnival, James, C.E., ditto Hall, John, ditto Porter and Honey, ditto Smith, E. J., ditto Smith, J. Thornloe, C.E., Town Hall.

Auctioneers. Alexander, A. E., Queen Street Dickson and Duncan, ditto Frazer and Buckland, ditto McCaig, J., ditto Martin, Arthur, ditto Ruff, H., George Street. 250 BRISBANE DIRECTORY.

Bakers, &c. Ansell, Henry, confectioner, Edward Street Ball, Charles, Petrie Terrace Billed, Arthur, Rogers Street, Gregory Terrace Coles, J. W., confectioner, Albert Street Glover, Amos, George Street. Hughes, J. N., pastrycook and confectioner, George Street Keating, W., fancy bread baker, Creek Street Loague, W., biscuit baker, Mary Street McLoud, Charles, pastrycook and confectioner, Queen Street Sargeant, Johns pastrycook, George Street Smith, William, Letehhardt Street Snell, E., bread and, iscuit baker, Wickham Terrace Wallis, J., fancy bad and biscuit baker, Edward Street.

Banks. Australian Joint Stock Bank, Queen Street Bank of Australasia, ditto Bank of New South Wales ditto Bank of Queensland, ditto Commercial Bank of Sydney ditto Moreton Bay Savings' Bank ditto Union Bank of Australia ditto.

Blacksmiths, &c. Bablage, B., ship and general smith, Queen Street Cameron , Alexander, Queensland Foundry, Alice Street Grice, Thomas, wheelwright, Edward Street Harrison , W., and Co., Edward Street Hope, A. G., ship smith and engineer, Felix Street Humber, Charles, George Street McIver, Patrick, Leichhardt Street M'Lean, W. and A., Elizabeth Street Newboult and Bridges, implement makers, Edward Street Paterson , A., brazier and shipsmith, Main Ferry, William Street.

Board and Lodging Houses. Bellenger, Mrs., near Metropolitan, Mary Street Bennett, Isaac, Victoria, George Street Black, Mrs., Paisley House, Edward Street Boldemann, W., European, Charlotte Street Caldwell, Mrs., Mary Street Fishley, G. H., Wansfeil, Margaret Street BRISBANE DIRECTORY. 251

Grohs, Charles, Alliance, Albert Street Hodge, Hannah, Adelaide Street Hunt, Mrs., Albert Street Malam, John, Auckland, Charlotte Street McCallum, Alexander, Clyde, Elizabeth Street McDougall, Allan, Glasgow, Charlotte Street Menzies, John, Caledonian, Mary Street Morse, J., Melbourne, Margaret Street Sams, William, Temperance Hotel, Mary Street Stewart, John, Clarence, Edward Street Watson, William, Queensland, Mary Street White, S.,Charlotte Street.

Booksell ers and Bookbinders Buxton, J. W., Queen Street Millar, J., ditto Slater, G., stationer, ditto Watt, J., ditto, ditto.

Boot and Shoe ]Takers. Bell and Chesney, Edward Street Carey, Michael, and Son, George Street Griffith, Adam, Burnett Lane Rosevear, William, Adelaide Street Sprengel, L., Charlotte Street Stocker,F. C.,Adelaide Street Trevethan, Henry, Albert Street.

Butchers. Collins, James, wholesale and family, Queen Street Edmondstone, G., ditto, ditto Hughes, T. and H., family, Petrie Street Mayne, Patrick, Queen Street Taylor , T. L. W., Arthur Street, Gregory Terrace, Spring Hill.

Cabinet Makers , Upholsterers, &c. Allen, D., carpenter, George Street Dryden, James, Bryden's Buildings, Queen Street Burbidge, Edwin H., The Magnet, Edward Street Carter and Thrower, Queen Street Ebenston, Joshua, Albert Street Furse, H., carver and gilder , Edward Street lf°Harwood, H. A., Queen Street 252 BRISBANEDIRECTORY.

Luck , James , Elizabeth Street tartin, Alfr ed,Edward Street Murphy, Nicholas , broker, Furniture Warehouse , Queen Street Murray , ,R., Queen Street Murray, Francis,Albert Street Smith and Neal, Elizabeth Street Sinel , Alfred, and Co., Adelaide Street Tracy, John, patent window-blind maker, Queen Street.

Cab Proprietors Jackson, Thomas F., Leichhardt Street Kiernau, John, Albert Street.

Cali graphers. Meyers, M. E., designer , Edward Street Tonge, IT., shop-window ticket writer, Albert Street.

Carriage Manufacto ri es. Ballantyne and M'Nab, Albert Street Bennet and Edds, Queen Street.

Clothiers. Booth, E. H., Queen Street Daniell, W. J., boot and shoe warehouse, Leichhardt Street Kingsford, R. A. and J., Queen Street Stewart `and Hemmant, ditto Goulston, M., hatter, ditto

Coal, Lime, and Cement Merchants. Boys, Wm. and Co., coal, lime, and sand dep6t, North Quay Campbell, James, plasterer, lime and cement, Creek Street Johnson, John, lime merchant, Fehr Street.

Commission Agents. Alexander and Armour, Queen Street Dickson and Duncan, ditto I$laser and Buckland, ditto 4renfell, H. S. and Co., Eagle Street Hooker, E., timber merchant , Market Reserve Lyons, C. B., land and squatting agent, &c, George Street Marcus , Edward, Queen Street M'Keand , G. W., property and pastoral agent, next Treasury BRIBUANE DIRECTORY. 253

Meyers, M. E., l*d agent, Edward Street Robertson, Andrew, Market Steps Speed, T. A., broker Webb and Sons, Eagle Street Wienholt and Co., Jewell's Buildings Watson, Webster, and Co., timber merchants, Market Reserve.

Contractorsand Builders. Bartels, lerdinando, George Street , Spring Hi ll Bentley, James, Petrie Street Beauchamp, Charles, Leichhardt Street Bolton, Charles, Anne Street Bourne, John, Town Hall Downing, John, Wickham Terrace Fisher, James, Edward Street Hope, Robert, William Street, North Quay Lewis, Alfred, Mary Street Macdonald, Alexander, Creek and Adelaide Streets Ogilvie, Robert, Charlotte Street Peters, Joseph, Boundary Street, Spring Hill Petrie, John, Queen and Wharf Streets Smith, George, bricklayer, Charlotte Street Weber Lewis, Roma Street

Custom House Agents. Grenfell, H. S., and Co., Eagle Street O'Reilly, Henry, bonded stores, A. S. N. Co's. Wharf Turner and Higginson, Queen Street Wienholt and Co., shipping agents, Jewell's Buildings.

Decorators and Wri ters. Bushell E. A., Albert Street Hood and Harle, Edward Street Orr, George A., Queen Street Willson, Edward Street.

Dentist. Wilson, W. F. C., D.D.S., George Street.

DOpensing Chemists and Druggists. Berkley, James, Bryden's Buildings, Queen Street Coffey, M. C., Medical Hall, Leichhardt Street Cosi in, W. J., wholesale, Queen Street Drew, T. C„ ditto Steele, W., Apothecaries' Hall, Edward Street. 254 BRISBANE DIRECTPRY.

Drapers and Mercers. Ben min, B, Monster Clothing Hall, Queen Street Booth, E. H., ditto Bousfield, A., London Outfitting Warehouse, Edward Street Daniell, W. J., boot and shoe warehouse, Leichhardt Street Donelly Brothers, Queen Street Ingram, John M., Leichhardt Street Kingsford, R. A., and J., Queen Street Larcombe and Pepper, carpet warehouse , Queen Street Palmer, Ben., and Co., Queen Street Rush, W. C., ditto Stewart and Hemmant, ditto Thomson, Mills, Glasgow House, ditto Thompson and Sharp, London House, ditto

Earthenware Warehouse. Coates, Thomas, Queen Street.

Fishmongers. Wilson, Robert, oyster saloon, Edward Street Winston, George, Market Reserve.

Fruiterersand Greengrocers. Armstrong, M., confectioner, Queen Street Clark, Thomas, ditto Dunn, Ambrose Peter, -Mary Street Hargreaves , James, Edward Street Lawless, Thomas, and French polisher, Queen Street Price, Thomas, poulterer, Leichhardt Street,

galvanized Iron , Zinc, and Tin Works. Bellchamber, H. S., house and ship plumber, Charlotte Street Corbett, Henry, plumber, Edward Street Smith, J. P., tin smith, Queen Street Wakefield, H., plumber, Wickham Terrace Walters, John, gas fitter, Albert Street.

Gold and Silver Smith. Ballauf, Henry, Albert Street.

Gun and Lock Smiths. Gartside , B. T., and Co., Albert Street Robarts, R. F., George Street. BRI MANE DIRECTORY. 256

Hair Dressers. Illidge, R., perfumer, Queen Street Lewis, Henry, tobacconist, ditto Tortoni, L., Edward Street.

Homeopathic Practitioners. .Jenner, Andrew Jno. B., U.C.L., Mary Street Smith, Wm., M.D., George Street.

Horse Bazaars and Repositories. Crawford, Robert, Royal, Albert Street Kent, W. H., Tattersall's, Albert and Adelaide Streets M'Dermott, H. J., Freemason's, Albert Street M'Lennan and Duncan, Queensland Repository, Queen and Elizabeth Streets.

Hotels and Public Houses. Ahern, Mary, Sportsman's Arms, Queen Street Alley, W. S., Duke of Cornwall, Edward Street Bennett, A., West Riding Hotel, Queen Street Braysher Amos, Metropolitan, Edward Street Carrig, Michael, Petrie Terrace Hotel, Petrie Terrace Chambers, Thomas, Sawyer's Arms, George Street Collins, John, Tattersall's Hotel, Albert Street Creagh, John, Brisbane Hotel, Queen Street Crawley, T., Strangers' Home, Margaret Street Cumming Charles, British Empire, George Street Deagon, William, Prince of Wales, Edward Street Dinsdale, James, Exchange, ditto Dowling, Martin, North Star, Leichhardt Street Fowles, J. H., North Australian, Adelaide Street Hayes, T., North Star, Queen Street Houle, Prudence, Albion, Edward Street Huggins, Robert, Q.S.N. Hotel, Eegle Street Kelly, John P., Shamrock, Margaret Street Kennedy, Thomas, Kennedy's Hotel, Boundary Street Kennelly, John, Alliance, Leichhardt Street Keys, Charles, Commercial, Edward Street King, George, Hibernian, ditto Lenneberg, J. H., Cafe de Paris, Queen Street Mason, G. B., Victoria Hotel, Queen Street McAdam, George, Sovereign Hotel, ditto McCabe, Christian, Fairfield House, George Street 256 BRISBANE DIRECTORY.

McCann, Mr., Red Lion Hotel, Albert Street McDermott, J., Shakespeare, George Street Murray, Thomas, Freetnaso rt Street O'Neil, Lawrence, Criterion, greet Paterson, Alexander, Ship Inn, Maw Ferry, William Street Power, Richard, Southern Cross, Leichhardt Street Scanlan, Jeremiah, Queensland Hotel, Edward Street Tevlin, Patrick, City Arms, George Street Warman , W. H., Caxton 's Family Hotel , Petrie Street Wilson, John, Star and Garter, Gregory Terrace Wood, John, Bowen Bridge Hotel, Bowen Bridge Road Young, Richard, Royal Hotel, Queen Street

Importers. Bailey, R., boots and shoes, Queen Street Brookes, W. and B., ironmongery, Elizabeth Street Gray, T., boots and shoes, George Street Hunter and Co., ditto, Queen Street Illidge, T., ditto, ditto Kingsford, R. A. and J., general drapery, ditto Marcus, Edward, general merchandise ditto Markwell, John, ironmongery, ditto Scott, Dawson, and Stewart, general drapery, Jewell 's Buildings Stronell, E., building materials, Edward Street.

Ironmonger. )Keith, William, Queen Street.

Ladies' Academies. Jackson, Miss , Upper Leichhardt Street Rhodes, The Misses, Grosvenor House, Leichhardt Street Thomas, Mrs., George Street Unsworth, Mrs., Hampton House, Margaret Street.

LicensedSurveyors. Cowley, William, Queen Street Fryar, William, Leichhardt Street Le Gould, Louis, C.E., Queen Street Oldham, Thomas and Son, C.E., George Street Smith, E. J., Queen Street.

Medical Practitioners. Bell, Hugh, M.D., F.R.C.S., Adelaide Street Cumming, Frederick , M.D. and surgeon, Wickham Terrace BRISBANE DIRECTORY. 2 57

'$ aneock, Robert , M.R.C.S.E . and L .S.A., London, Elizabeth St. Temple, T. Burnett, M.R.C.S ., L.S.A., London, Wickham Terrace W#ugh, J. N'., M .D., M.R.C.S ., L.S.A.. William St., North Quay.

Merchants. Alexander and Armour, Queen Street Biggs, John, ditto Board, George and Son , George Street Bonar and Co ., Queen Street Box, Henry , and Son, Edward Street Brabant and Co., Queen Street Bright Brothers and Co., Mary Street Brown, D. L., and Co., ditto Butler Bros . and Whitehouse, wholesale saddlers, Elizabeth St. Davis, Samuel , and Co., Edward Street Forrest, E. B., Felix Street Harris, J. and G., Short Street Heussler and Co ., Queen Street Hutchins, R, Victoria Sale Rooms, ditto Kohn and Co., Mary Street Kummerer, C., and Co, Edward Street Molison, Black, and Smith, Jewell's Buildings Mort, James S., Mary Street and ditto Munro, Colin, Mss-.v Street Newton, Chrrt., Brother and Co., Eagle Street Orr and Honeyman, William Street Raff, George, and Co., Eagle Street Stewart, R. M., Jewell's Buildings Watson, Webster, and Co., Edward Street Webb and Sons, Eagle Street Wienholt and Co., Jewell's Buildings.

Milli nery and Ladies ' Warehouses. Buxton, Mrs. J. W., ladies' warehouse, Queen Street Goodwin, Miss, milliner, Edward Street Johnstone, S. B., ladies' warehouse, ditto Smith and Femister, millinery and mantles, Queen Street.

Misce ll aneous. Armstrong, Matthew, nursery gardener, Queen Street Davis, L. M., Little Wonder store, George Street Dowse, Trundle, and Co., brokers, &c., Victoria Wharf Ewart, William, Brisbane tannery, Indooroopilly Hubbard, Mrs., Beilin wool repository, George Street $ 258 BRISBANE DIRECTORY.

Lock, Anne, crinoline manufacturer, Albert Street O'Mahony, bed and mattrass maker, carpet planner, Adelaide St. Prentice, G. and Son, monumental masons, Charlotte Street Richardson, John, music repository, Queen Street Slater, G., library, ditto.

Painters , Glaziers, and Oil and Color Merchants. Hood and Harle, Edward Street Jones, A. R., oil merchant, Eagle Street Lang, James, Costin's Buildings, Queen Street Murray, William, Elizabeth Street Orr, George A., Queen Street Shallehn, Charles, Edward Street Willson, John, ditto.

Photographers. Leek, Robert, Edward Street Watson, J., Queen Street.

Places of Publi c Amusement. Grant, J. D., American Bowling Saloon, Albert Street Hanmer, Mrs. Leicester, Mason's Theatre and Concert Hall Metropolitan Billiard Room, Mary Street Royal Australian Shooting Gallery, Edward Street.

Pork Butchers. Drew, Thos., poulterer, Edward Street Green, George,Mary Street Jost, J. P., Queen Street

Printers. Fairfax, W., Edward Street Ham, T., & Co., engravers, George Street Pugh, T. P., "Pugh's Almanac" Office, Queen Street Walker, F. W., Commercial Engraving and Printing Works, AlbertStreet

ProduceMerchants. Brown, Wm., Market Reserve Bulcock. R., Queen Street Cameron, John, Mary Street BRISBANE DIRECTORY. 259

Davis, George A., City Produce Mart, Edward Street Grenfell, H. S., & Co., Eagle Street Grimes & Son, George Street Jarrott, Robert, ditto McMah, John, Albert Street Murnane, John, George Street Parkinson, Wm. grocer, George Street Payne, T. (vegetables delivered daily), Petrie Terrace Somerville, F., Albert Street

Professor of Music. Atkinson, Paul, George Street

Public Companies. Australian Mortgage, Land, and Finance (Limited), Queen.St. Frisbane Gas Company, Petrie's Bight Queensland Insurance Company, George Street Queensland Steam Navigation Company, Eagle Street.

Real Property Act Agents. Cowley, William, Queen Street M`Keand , G., office adjoining the Treasury Warner, James, Edward Street.

Restaurants. Gaujard, E., Queen Street Heape, John, Reape's Cafe, George Street Price, George, American Oyster Saloon, Albert Street Thompson, J. E., poulterer, George Street Williams, H., oyster saloon, Queen Street.

Saddlers and Harness Makers. Dallas, Donald, Queen Street Lade, N., George Street White, Charles, Queen street.

Sail and Tentmakers. Garrick, John, Boundary Street, Spring Hill Peterkin , W. M., Felix Street. a 260 BRISBANE DIRECTORY.

Seedsmen. Bailey, F. M., Adelaide Store, Edward Street Hargreaves, James, ditto Hockings, A. J., nurseryman, Queen Street

Select Board and Residence. Campbell, Mrs., Atholl Place, Wickham Terrace Herbert, Mrs, Wharf Street Haslingden, Mrs., Rostella House, Edward Street Lester, Miss, George Street Lynde, H. G., Park House, Margaret Street Newman, Mrs., Devonshire House, George Street Shackles, Mrs., Wickham Terrace Vicks, Miss, Margaret Street.

Ship Chandler. Jones, A. R., Eagle Street

Soda Water Manufacturers, &c. Bowness, Wm, ginger beer manufactory, Edward Street Gardner and Keid, William Street Murray and Davidson, Margaret Street

Solicitors. Doyle, Edward, Queen Street Garrick, J. F., ditto Hamilton, G., ditto Hart, G. L., proctor, ditto Little and Browne ditto Macnish, W. K., ditto Macnish, R. K., ditto Roberts, D. Foley, proctor, ditto

Tailors and Drapers. Bushby, N., hatter, Queen Street Hunter, George, private boarding house, Turbot Street Phillips and Woodcock, Edward Street Potts, Wm., & Co., outfitters, Bulcock's buildings, Queen Street Stocker, A., Adelaide Street (opposite National School).

Tanner and Carrier, Ei rt, iam, Herbert Street. BRISBANE DIRECTORY. 261

Tobacconists. Bell, Thomas, Edward Street Campen, C. G., near Town Hall, Queen Street Gaujard, E., Queen Street Illenden, F. J. B., George Street.

unde rt aker. Ebenston , Joshua, Albert Street Petrie, G. B., Queen Street.

Watchmakers and Jewellers. Ash Henry, Edward Street Cochran, John, and Co., Queen Street Flavelle Bros. and Co, opticians, ditto Klein, J., chronometer maker, ditto Kosvitz, A., ditto Machefert, L., ditto Terry, James, ditto.

Wharfingers. Dowse, Trundle, and Co., Victoria Wharf Grenfell, H. S., and Co, Eagle Street.

Wholesale and Family Grocers. Bailey, F. M., Adelaide Store, Edward Street Bvtheway, Edward, ditto Chisholm, George, ditto Costin, W. J., Queen Street Dexter, John, Leichhardt Street Fegan, E. W., and Co., Queen Street Felton, Young, and Co., ditto Freeman, H., Leichhardt Street Grimes and Son, George Street Hughes, M., Queen Street Hutchinson, W. A., Albert Street Ingram John, Leichhardt Street Johnstone, A., Wharf Street Laugher, Charles Henry, Leichhardt Street Lubin, Mrs., Gregory Terrace Metcalf and Lloyd, Queen Street McNeave and Co., Union Store, Leichhardt Street 262 BRISBANE DIRECTORY.

Oliver , Reuben, Queen Street Price, William, Leichhardt Street Wark, R. H., Boundary Street

Wine and Spiri t Merchants. Fegan, E. W., and Co., Queen Street Felton, Young and Co., ditto Oliver, Reuben, ditto Wienholt and Co., Jewell's Buildings.

Wood Turners. Dear, William, George Street El lis W. Elizabeth Street.


Bakers. Bragg, J., fancy bread and biscuit baker, Ann Street MoLoud, C., pastrycook and confectioner, ditto Smith, Henry, biscuit baker, Brunswick Street

Blacksmiths. Hogg, E. R., veterinary shoeing forge, Brunswick Street Randel Thomas, Ann Street Savage, John, horseshoer, ditto.

Boot and Shoe Makers. Chadwick, James, Wickham Street Rose, W., Ann Street.

Bricklayer. Gorring, Thomas, Breakfast Creek Road.

Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer. Hitchcock, Oswald, Ann Street. BRISBANE DIRECTORY. 2 63

Cab Proprietors. Harvey, Henry, near Windmill's Bridge, Breakfast Creek Road Timmins, Francis, opposite Child's Farm, ditto.

Carpenterand Joiner. Cummings , Ebenezer, Old Boundary Street.

Contractorsand Builders. Beeston, Robert, Harcourt Street Cookeley, W. J. F., Breakfast Creek Day, David, Mount Pleasant Hotel, ditto Gerstner, Frederick, Harcourt Street Hall and Kline, Ann Street Murray, A. P. ditto Price, T., Wickham Street Toll, F., and Son, Kent Street.

Dispensing Chemists and Druggists. Rowland. B. C., Ann Street, near Brunswick Street Ward, M. (operating dentist), Ann Street.

Drapers. Finney, Isles , and Co. (late Merry and Bush), Ann Street Hodson, T., clothier, Ann Street Walker, W. P., Kensington House, Ann Street,

Hotels and Public Houses. Biddiscombe, James, London Tavern, Brunswick Street Campbell, Michael, Breakfast Creek Hotel, Breakfast Creek Day, David, Mount Pleasant Hotel, ditto Dickins, George, Royal George Hotel, Ann Street Donovan. James, Shamrock Hotel, Brunswick Street Harvey, John, Castle Hotel, Ann Street Hayzelden, Albion Hotel, Breakfast Creek O'Brien, Charles, City Hotel, Brunswick Street Warren, George, Foresters' Arms, Ann Street.

Ironmonger. Jenyns, Joshua, Ann Street. 264 BRISBANE DIRECTORY.

Ladies ' Academies. Ashton, Mrs., Warner Street Mantle, The Misses, Adelaide Cottage, Brunswick Street.

MedicalPractitioner. Mullen, J. J., L.R.C.S.I., and K Q.C.P., Wickham Street.

Misce ll aneous. Beattie's hat shop, Ann Street Carvosso, Mrs. E., children's clothing warehouse, Brunswick St. Gledhill, William, marine store, ditto Hitchcock, Oswald, undertaker, Ann Street Makin Henry, cider manufactory, Wickham Street Marsland, James, bill poster and messenger, Ann Street Thom, A. and Webster J., Breakfast Creek Saw Mills.

Painters and Glaziers. Marriott, John, paperhanger, Bowen Cottage, Wickham Street Vizer, Carty, Windmill Street.

Tin,Zinc, and GalvanizedIron Works. Doyle, R., Boundary Street Howard, Wm., Wickham Street.

Tobacconists. Gaujard, E ., Ann Street Heussner , T., ditto.

Watchmaker and Jewe ller. Wray, G., Ann Street.

Wholesale and Family Grocers. Birch, John, Ann Street Black, David, Brunswick Street Blackford, William, ditto Collier H., Breakfast Creek Bridge Corrigan, N., Ann Street Jenyns, Joshua, Ann Street Savage James, draper, Brunswick Street Toms, G., Ann Street Walker and Gericke, ditto. BRISBANE DFRECTORY. 265


Bakers. Henderson, J. and S., Stanley Street Lowry. Michael, Russell Street Marshall, Joseph, Stanley Street Medland, S., Grey Street.

Board and Lodging Houses. Clegg, Edward (opposite depot), Stanley Street Girling, W., Temperance, ditto.

Boat Builders, &c. Benn, W., Stanley Street Monk, E., sparmaker, ditto.

Boot and Shoe Makers. Bullock, Daniel, Russell Street Shaw, George, Stanley Street Trittroff, John, Boundary Street.

Builders. Gerlee,J. G., carver,Stanley Street Lottres, Theodore, Boundary Street.

Butcher. Cotham, L. J., Stanley Street.

Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer. Anderson, W. 0., undertaker, Stanley Street.

Drapers. Bell and Love, clothiers, Stanley Street Doust, C., ditto, Russell Street.

Hotels and Public Houses. Pvnovan, D., Bowen Hotel, Stanley Street Lyons, William, Harp of Erin, Grey Street 266 B.RISBAIPE ' DIRECTORY.

McCarthy, Thomas, Pine Apple Hotel, Kangaroo Point Road McQuaker, W. H., Commercial Hotel, Stanley Street Mooney James, Royal Hotel, Ferry Steps Nowlan, John, Prince Albert Hotel, Stanley Street Overland, Richard, Clarence Hotel, ditto Russell, Henry, Buffalo Hotel, Ipswich and Kangaroo Point Road Turner, George, Travellers' Rest, Stanley Street Williams, Louis, Stanley Hotel, ditto Wilson, Donald, Boundary Hotel, Boundary Street.

Ironmongers. Bell and Love , Stanley Street.

Ladies' Seminary. Meridith, Miss, Ipswich and Kangaroo Point Road

Lath Spli tters. Crago , Thomas, Stanley Street Fisher Samuel , Grey Street Pilkinigton, Thomas, Stanley Street.

Merchants. Palmer, W. H. and Co., Stanley Street.

Miscell aneous. Allen, Mrs., stay maker, Russell Street Moran, James, ginger beer, cider, and cordial maker, Stanley St. Skinner, Henry and Co., South Brisbane saw mills, ditto Stillwell, James, whip manufacturer, Russell Street Way, Edward, South Brisbane Nursery.

Painter and Glazier. Best Thomas , plumber, Stanley Street.

Saddler and Harness Maker. Da llas, Thomas, Stanley Street.

Tin, Zinc, and Galvanized Iron Works. Swingston , W., Stanley Street Wilde , Joel, tinsmith, Russe ll Street. BRISBANE DIRECTORY. 267

Wholesale and Dispensing Chemist and Druggist. Cotham, L., veterinarian, Stanley Street.

Wholesale and Family Grocers. Bell and Love, Stanley Street Edmonds, John, London and Glasgow Store, ditto Harvey, Thomas, cider manufactory, ditto Paulovich,*R. H., ditto Shaw, George, ditto Smith, William, Peel Street Toohey, Barnard, Kangaroo Point Road Wilde, Joel, Russell Street.


Baker. Augstein, Edward, grocer.

Board and LodgingHouse. Flashman, Charles, general store.

Boat Builders and Shipwrights. Anderson and Parker, the Patent Slip Godfrey, J. T. M`Fie, John, New Farm Ferry Muir, Andrew, ditto Williams, Robert, Edward Street Ferry.

Butcher. Darragh, Joseph, carcass and family.

Contractors and Builders. Dueritz, Hugo William Male, John Porter, R. and J. Welsh, William Henry. 268 BRISBANE DIRECTORY.

Hotels and Public Houses. Banks, Joseph, Queen's Arms Hotel, fronting jetty M'Donald, Alexander, Prince Alfred Hotel.

Soap, Candle, and Tallow Oil Works. Douglas, Robert M'Caig, John.

Tailor. Hornung, John, K angaroo Point Road.

Wholesale and Family Grocers. Moran and Crinian, drapers, &c. ADDENDA

AND CORRIGENDA. This is a blank page

ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA. - 0 -- POPULATION STATISTICS. THE following is an approximate estimate of the Population of Queensland, on 30th September, 1864 Total estimated Population, June 30th 67,181 Excess of arrivals over departures ... 4,442 Excess of Births over Deaths ...... 463

Estimated Population on 30th September 72,086 The result of the Census taken on the 1st of January, 1864, showed the population to be 61,467, so that the above figures give an increase of 10,619 souls in nine months!

PAGE 49.-The Hon. Francis North, M.L.C., has since died. PAGE 61.-The Marine Board now consists of the following members : Robert Douglas (chairman), the Portmaster, Alex- ander Ralf, William Thornton, and Henry O'Reilly.-The name of P. W. Jackson was inserted as an assistant river pilot (Brisbane) in error. P. W. Jackson and John Labatt are licensed to act as river pilots when the steamers they command happen to be towing vessels.-The name of Alfred Roberts should appear as assistant river pilot at Rockhampton, instead of that of Charles Birrell. PAGE 62. - Add to end of Harbour Department - Port Hinchinabrook (Rockingham Bay). - Harbor Master, R. B. Leefe ; Acting Pilot, J. D. Casey. PAGE 79.-Add to the list of " Practising Attorneys " the following name : Toowoomba, J. Wickey Stable. PAGE 80.-Add to the list of "Notaries Public" the names of Charles Sydney Dick and Thomas Clarke, of Rockhampton. PAGE 85.-The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney and the Bank of Queensland have each established a branch at Gayndah, and the Joint Stock Bank have opened one at Gladstone. PAGE 87.-The list of Presbyterian Ministers should have appeared as follows : PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF QDEENSLAND. -Moderator, The Very Rev. Thomas Mon bray ; Clerk of 272 ADDENDAAND CORRIGgNDA.

Synod , Ret. James Love. Brisbane-Rev. Thomas Mowbray, Rev. James Love (Wickham Terrace ), Rev. C. Ogg (Ann Street ). South Brisbane .- Rev. John Wilson. Ipswich .-- Rev. Samuel Wilson. Toowoomba .- Rev. William Lambie Nelson. Cressbrook .- Rev. Adam Macintyre. M aryborough.-Rev. George Graham . Rockhampton.-Rev. A. C. Smith (Bolsover Street ), Rev. Samuel Kelly. Warwick .- Rev. Thomas Kings. ford .- JI IrED PRESBYTEEIANCauses ( Creek Street , Brisbane) - Rev. Matthew McGavin, M.A. PAGE 89.-The officers of St. Patrick 's Lodge should be as follow : J. R. Moffatt , W.M.; A. B. Robinson , S.W.; J. Mac- donne ll , J.W.; M. C. O'Connell, I.G.; Edmund Macdonne ll , S.D.; W. Wilson , J.D.; John Mackenzie Shaw, P .M.; George Harden, Secretary ; J. W. Wilkie , Treasurer ; B. Backhouse, Chaplain ; Paul Atkinson , Organist ; Henry P. Abbott, S. Steward ; John Honeyman , J. Steward ; Charles Duerdin, Tyler .- The officers of the Lodge St. Andrew 's should be as follow : Wil liam M. Boyce, W .M. ; James Y. Bonar, P.M.; J. Douglas, Deputy do.; T. B. Temple , Substitute do.; Patrick Clarke, S.W . ; Lawrence Levy, J. W. ; James Lang, Treasurer; Wil li am C. Whitehi ll , Secretary ; Charles Scott , Chaplain ; James Duncan, Senior Deacon ; John Burns, Junior Deacon ; El lie Wa ller, Inner Guard ; William Telford, Outer Guard ; Alexander Hood, Bible-bearer ; Alexander Macdonald , Director of Music ; B . Benjamin , Director of Ceremonies ; John Aird, President of Stewards ; Wil liam Harle , David Moffatt, and Thomas Dickins, Stewards . The Lodge meets in the Masonic Ha ll , Brisbane , the first Friday of each month. PAGE 90.-The names of the officers of the Leichhardt Lodge (Rockhampton), should stand thus •- A. F. Wood, W.M ; Howard St . George, S.W.; Samuel Richardson , J.W.; M. S. Rundle, S.D .; C. J. Skardon , J.D. ; S. F. Sandrock , Secretary; John Goodwyn, Treasurer ; Robert Nurcombe, I.G. ; C. Wild- ridge, O.G. This Lodge , which numbers 100 members, meets at the Freemasons ' Hall each Wednesday before the full moon PAGE 91.-The officers of the Loyal Pioneer Lodge , M.U.I. O.O.F. (Rockhampton ), should be as follows :- R. L. Dibdin, N.G.; T. Brignell , V.G.; T. Cavanagh , Secretary ; J. Robins, G.M.; C. J . Skardon, C.G. ; J. Phelps, P.G. [An application has been made for the opening of a new lodge at Rockhampton.] PAGE 94.-The officers of the Queensland Philosophical Society are as follows:-Patron-His Exce llency Sir G. F. Bowen, K.G.C.M.G., &c.; President His Honor Chief Justice Cockle ; Vice -President-Charles Coxen, M.L.A.; Treasurer- ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA. 273

Alexander Ra$'; Auditors - Rev. R . Creyke, C. ''M'Donnell ; Council-H. C. Rawnsley, S. Diggles, C. Tiffin, Rev. J. Bliss, Rev. B. E. Shaw ; Secretary-Rev. J . Bliss. PAGE 97.-The officers of the Maryborough School of Arts should have appbared as follows : Committee of Management- H. Palmer, A. W. Melville, J. Dowzer, W. S. Roberts, T. Holme, H. R. Rutherford, B. B. Power, and G. M. Reed.- Secretary-Wm. Pietzker.-A fine substantial brick building, with a hall 60 feet x 25 feet, is now in course of erection for a School of Arts at Rockhampton, and when the edifice is com- pleted, there will be a fresh election of officers, and a com- mencement de Hobo. PAGE 98.-The Peak Downs Telegram, a weekly newspaper published at Clermont on Tuesday, was established on the 14th of October.-The Warwick Argus, a weekly newspaper pub- lished at Warwick on Wednesday, was established on Nov. 2. PAGE 100.-The list of officers in connection with the Maryborough Hospital is as follows:-President-John Eaton ; Committee of Management-Rev. P. E. Tissot, Rev. H. G. Poole, Rev. T. Godson, - Gladwell, G. M. Reed, H. Palmer, J. Cleary, W. S. Roberts, A. W. Melville, and W. C. Giles. Treasurer -T. H. Paige. Secretary-W. Pietzker. [A new building for the purposes of the institution has been erected during the past year at a cost of £1000.] PAGE 101-A building is just being completed for the pur- poses of the Peak Downs Hospital, the officers of which insti- tution are as follow:-President-S. B. Davis. Vice-President -T. J. Griffin. Treasurer-T. S. Hall. Secretary-William Henry Nalder. Committee-John Winter, S. Croft, J. D. Ryland, J. W. Fox, Angrove, H. de Satgb, A. Blakistin, N. Reimers, K. Aumuller, E. Gregory, C. Capper, C. H. Buzacott, W. W. Anslow, W. E. Veale, and the Manager of the (old) Copper Mining Company. PAGE 103.-The Wide Bay and Maryborough Cotton Growing Association should have appeared amongst the Public Com- panies. The capital is £3000, and the following gentlemen form the directory, viz :-John Purser, Richard Milner, Robert Case, Charles Faulkner, William Southerden, and George H. Night- ingale. PAGE 104.-There are two Building Societies at Mary- borough, of which we have received the following particulars : Wide Bay Benefit Investment and Building Society .-TruPtees -E. B. 17hr, A. W. Melville, and R. B. Sheridan. Directors- Charles Faulkner, W. M. Davidson, E. Booker, J. Purser, and T 274 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA.

W. Southerden. Secretary-Robert Graham, jun. [This Society, which has been in existence a little over three years, numbers 59 members, holding 197 shares. One hundred and thirty-seven shares have been sold at an average of 15 per cent.] The Central Queensland Building Society.-Trustees- W. H. A. Hirst, J. H. Ward, and John Eaton. Directors-W. S. Roberts, W. Gladwell, Robert Travis, G. M. Reed, Jno. Purser, and R.'13. Sheridan. Auditors-T. If. Paige and T. Travis. Secretary-Robert Graham, jun. [This Society, which has been in existence about fifteen months, numbers 163 members, holding 505 shares. One hundred and thirty-five shares have been sold at an average of 172' per cent.] PAGE 105.-The name of William Cowley should have appeared in the list of Licensed surveyors on this page. PAGE 106.-Since this page went to press, William Henry Palmer has been gazetted as Consular Agent for France' in Brisbane ; Daniel Wienholt as Consul at Brisbane and Ipswich for His Majesty the King of Hanover ; and Armand Ranniger as Consul at Brisbane for the of Oldenburg. PAGE 109.-It should have been noted, with reference to the solemnization of marriages, that an Act was passed during the last session of Parliament, limiting the hours during which the ceremony may be legally performed. The hours are from 8 a.m. to 8 P.M. Norf. The electric telegraph lines, which are to connect the capital with Maryborough, Gayndah, Rockhampton, &c., are expected to he completed for use and opened to the publio early in the year. IMPERIAL

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Tables of Rates for Life Insurance , in all its branches, And every information, can be obtained from the Agents as above, or any of the following agents in Queensland.- AGENTS AND MEDICAL REFEREES, QUEENSLAND: Districts. Agents. Medical Referees: Brisbane ..... W. H. Palmer & Co. .. H. Bell, Esq. Ipswich ..... W. Gray & Co...... H. Chal linor, Esq. Gayndah ... M. Airey...... - Gladstone ":,. Hethermgton& Brown - Maryborough E. T. Aldridge J. H. Ward, Esq. (Hutchinson, Hunter Rockhampton A . C. Robertson , Esq. z and Co. ,...... j Toowoomba .. - J. E. Stacy, Esq. Warwick ..... J. Morgan ...... S. W. Aldred, Esq. A. STANGER LEATHES, ResidentSecretary , Sydney.