Federal Maritime Board Maritime Administration
FEDERAL MARITIME BOARD and MARITIME ADMINISTRATION 1957 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Oftlce Wasltington 25, D. C. • Price 25 cents (paper cover) UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE SINCLAIR WEEKS, Secretary Washington, D. C. FEDERAL MARITIME BOARD CLARENCE G. MORSE, Chairman BEN H. GUILL, Member THOS. E. STAKEM, Member JAMES L. PIMPER, Secretary MARITIME ADMINISTRATION CLARENCE G. MORSE, Maritime Administrator WALTER C. FoRD, Deputy Maritime Administrator LETTERS OF TRANSMITTAL UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT oF CoMMERCE, FEDERAL MAmTIME BoARD, MAluTIME .ADMINISTRATION, W ashington25, D. 0., October 21,1957. To: The Se01'etary of Oomtmerce. FROM : 0 hai'f"Jnan, F ederdl Man time Board, and Maritime Adminis trator. SUBJECT: Annual Report for fiscal year 1957. I am submitting herewith the report of the Federal Maritime Board and Maritime Administration covering their activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1957. (!fJ~r;~ CLARENCE G. MoRSE. SEcRETARY OF CoMMERCE, Washington 25, D. 0. To the 0 ongress: I have the honor to present the annual report of the Federal Mari time Board and Maritime Administration of the Department of Com merce for fiscal year 1957. ~A"~ Se01'etary of Oorrvmerce. iii CONTENTS Fiscal Year Activities Page INTRODUCTION_____________________________________________________ 1 AID TO SHIPPING-------------------------------------------------- 4 Construction-Differential Subsidy-----------------------_________ 4 Federal Ship Mortgage and Loan
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