PS/LAS 245 1/18/17 Latin American Politics Neill 214, Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:40-11:10, Spring 2017 Instructor: Paul Dosh Preceptor: Georgia Gempler Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Cell: 651-641-0416 Office hours: Tuesday 8-9 pm, Sunday 1-2 pm Office: Carnegie 203H Office hours location: CC 2nd floor Paul Dosh’s Office Hours GoogleDoc Course Resources Page COURSE OVERVIEW Study Cycles 2 Expectations 3 Readings 3 The MAX Center 4 Students with Special Needs 4 Students in Crisis 4 ASSIGNMENTS General Notes on Assignments 5 Summary of Assignments and Due Dates 5 Links to Assignment Descriptions 5 SYLLABUS Study Cycle I: Argentina 6 Study Cycle II: Brazil 7 Study Cycle III: Guatemala 9 Study Cycle IV: Venezuela 11 Study Cycle V: Mexico 13 QUALITATIVE SYSTEM OF ASSESSMENT ← TIP: Wondering how an ungraded course works? This is the link for you. COURSE OVERVIEW ¡Bienvenidos! Welcome to Latin American Politics! The year 2017: what a time to be studying Latin American politics. During the 2000s, many Latin American countries elected leftist presidents in a trend that became known as the Pink Tide. Some of these countries—Bolivia, Venezuela, Ecuador—continue to be governed from the Left, however Brazil and Argentina have taken a sharp Right turn, and in 2012 in Mexico, voters returned control to the PRI—the party that for seven decades had controlled Mexico through an authoritarian regime. Through the region, we encounter vital stories of political struggle for land, justice, and survival. Political changes in Latin America affect us, often in ways we do not easily notice.