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Download Brochure 55,200 m² CLASS A WAREHOUSE OPPORTUNITY Strategically Located 3 HAMBURG A24 A1 A11 A7 NL BERLIN A2 AMSTERDAM A1 A2 A9 A13 A7 ROTTERDAM A3 3 LONDON LEIPZIG A4 DRESDEN BRÜSSEL A3 FRANKFURT A9 PRAG A1 3 CZ LUXEMBOURG A6 A6 A3 PARIS A7 FR A5 A81 WEIN MÜNCHEN AT DEGGENDORF 45 km > BENTON A92 EXIT DINGOLFING-OST < LANDSHUT 38 km A92 DINGOLFING BMW WERK Stausee Dingolfing GOTTFRIEDING Existing P3 Park Park + BTS Opportunities BTS Opportunity P3 GOTTFRIEDING IS LOCATED IN THE ECONOMICALLY STRONG DISTRICT OF LOCATED IN THE ECONOMICALLY STRONG DISTRICT OF DINGOLFING-LANDAU DINGOLFING-LANDAU AND HAS A DIRECT CONNECTION TO THE A92 MOTORWAY. DIRECT CONNECTION TO THE A92 MOTORWAY, WITH ACCESS TO NUREMBERG, AUSTRIA AND THE CZECH REPUBLIC VIA THE MOTORWAY JUNCTION “DEGGENDORFER KREUZ”, THE CROSSING OF THE MOTORWAYS A3 AND A92, THE SITE IS CONNECTED TO NUREMBERG TO THE NORTH CLOSE TO THE B20 MOTORWAY, AN IMPRTANT NORTH-SOUTH CONNECTION IN BAVARIA AND TO AUSTRIA AND THE CZECH REPUBLIC IN THE SOUTHEAST. THE B20 HIGHWAY, THE SECOND MOST IMPORTANT NORTH-SOUTH CONNECTION OF BAVARIA, IS NEARBY. ON THE PARK LOGO VISIBILITY CAR PARKING MUNICH 110 km A2 PASSAU 50 km 1 55,200 m2 TRUCK PARKING MAIN ACCESS Column grid structure: 12 x 24 m DEVELOPMENT IN 2 PHASES Your Notes TOTAL SIZE: 55,200 m² CLEAR INTERNAL HEIGHT TO ROOF BEAMS: 10 m FLOOR LOADING CAPACITY: 5.0 t/m² COLUMN GRID STRUCTURE: 12 X 24 m 1 DOCK LEVELLER IN LOAD HOUSE EVERY 1,000 m² 1 LEVEL DOOR PER UNITSIDE LOADING RAMPS AS OPTION Clear height Floor loading Dock levellers every 1,000 m OPTIONAL LED WAREHOUSE LIGHTING of warehouse capacity 5 t/m2 space: 12 m FM-GLOBAL SPRINKLER SYSTEM DGNB GOLD CERTIFICATE Drive-in access Our BTS Capabilities We develop Build-to-Suit facilities for a wide variety of customers in every country. We manage the full Build-to-Suit life cycle, including site selection, land acquisition, facility specifications, permitting, construction and ownership. Our collaboration with customers begins with the creation < of a team comprising our own specialists and third-party PASSAU 50 km experts—our strategic partners, a European network of the top industrial real estate professionals, who support our success in these development activities. Throughout that project, our Build-to-Suit team is focused on four objectives: Alignment with the customers’ goals Delivery of an on-time, on-budget project A92 Commitment to customer satisfaction and needs Industry-leading design and specifications We optimise dock doors, ceiling heights, column spacing, building depths and truck bay ratios to maximise building efficiency. Our designs support the latest security and CELL 3 2 inventory management technology. 8,767 m Green Initiatives Use of recycled and locally sourced construction materials, CELL 6 2 which reduce the environmental impact and carbon footprint of our projects 11,662 m CELL 2 2 Installing high-efficiency lighting systems with photoelectric cells and motion sensors to significantly reduce electricity 11,583 m consumption Installing low-usage water systems that utilize recycled rain- water (where practical) and low-volume plumbing fixtures, CELL 5 2 resulting in lower water consumption at the facilities < DINGOLFING 5 km 5,791 m MUNICH 110 km CELL 1 2 5,871 m CELL 4 2 8,767 m Your Notes < GOTTFRIEDING 4 km PASSAU 50 km A92 Driving Directions DINGOLFING 5 km MUNICH 110 km GPS: N 50°08’09.5” | E 14°41’47.0” EXIT 17b A92 Take exit Dingolfing-Ost on the A92 motorway. MAIN ACCESS POPULATION & DRIVE TIMES A3 A93 Regensburg GOTTFRIEDING 4 km A3 A92 A9 A93 A3 POPULATION / 1 km2 < 3k 3k-5k 5k-10k A92 TRUCK DRIVE TIME A94 60 min 30 min A8 Dachau A810 min A94 0 10 20 km MUNICH A99 P3 is a long-term investor, manager and developer of European warehouse properties with more than 6.5 million m² of assets under management and a land bank in key logistics locations available for immediate development. P3 has operations in 12 markets and has been investing and developing in Europe for almost two decades. Headquartered in Prague, P3 employs more than 190 people across 9 offices in key European cities, offering integrated development, asset and property management services. The information contained in this document is indicative in nature. This document is not an offer capable of acceptance, it is not a legal act and does not create a legal duty on any other basis. March 2021 For space and Build-to-Suit enquiries please contact: Maximilian Mendrala WWW.P3PARKS.COM [email protected] Senior Asset Manager Germany YouTube P3 Logistic Parks +49 151 195 500 19 LinkedIn P3 Logistic Parks [email protected].
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