Bibliography and References

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Bibliography and References Bibliography and References (NoTE: the following list does not pretend to be exhaustive; items are only included if they are mentioned in text.) Primary sources and collections Conrad, J., Heart of Darkness (Harmondsworth: Penguin Modern Classics, 1982, first published 1902). Conrad, J., Preface to The Nigger of the Narcissus ( 1897) (Penguin Modern Classics Edition). Conrad, J., Tales ofHearsay and Last Essays (London, 1928 and 1955). Cox, C. B. (ed.), Casebook: Heart of Darkness, Nostromo, Under Western Eyes (London, 1981). Dean, L. F. (ed.), Heart of Darkness: Backgrounds and Criticism (Engle­ wood Cliffs, NJ, 1960). Kimbrough, R. ( ed.), Heart of Darkness: An Authoritative Text, Criti­ cism, Backgrounds, Sources, 3rd edn (New York & London: Norton edn, 1988). Mudrick, M. (ed.), Conrad: A Collection of Critical Essays (Twentieth Century Views Series) (Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1966). Sherry, N. (ed.), Conrad: The Critical Heritage (London, 1973). Secondary sources Achebe, C., 'An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's Heart of Dark­ ness' ( 1975) (amended 1987), reprinted in Kimbrough (ed.) ( 1988). Baker, R. S., 'Watt's Conrad' (1981 and 1986) in Kimbrough (ed.) (1988). Bakhtin, M. M., The Dialogic Imagination (Austen, Texas, 1981). Barthes, R., S/Z (London, 1975; orig. in French 1970). 84 HEART OF DARKNESS Barthes, R., /mage-Music-Text: Essays (translated and edited by Heath, S.,) (Glasgow, 1977). Belsey, C., Critical Practice (London, 1980). Belsey, C., TheSubjectofTragedy (London, 1985). Benjamin, W., Illuminations (Glasgow, 1977). Bhabha, H. K., 'The other question: difference, discrimination, and the discourse of colonialism', in Barker et al. (eds), Literature, Politics, and Theory (London, 1986). Blake, S. L., 'Racism and the Classics: Teaching Heart of Darkness', College Language Association Journal, 25, no. 4 ( 1982). Bromley, R., Lost Narratives: Popular Fiction, Politics and Recent History (London & New York, 1988). Brooks, P., 'An Unreadable Report: Conrad's Heart of Darkness', in Reading for the Plot: Design and Intention in Narrative (Oxford, 1984). Brown, D., 'From Heart of Darkness to Nostromo: An Approach to Conrad', in Ford, B. (ed.), The Pelican Guide to English Literature, Vol 7. The Modern Age (Harmondsworth, 1961). Cottom, D., Social Figures: George Eliot, Social History, and Literary Representation (Minneapolis, 1987). Cox, C. B., joseph Conrad: The Modern Imagination (London, 1974). Culler,J., Structuralist Poetics (London, 1975). Daleski, H. M., Joseph Conrad: The Way of Dispossession (London, 1977) 0 During, S., 'Postmodernism or post-colonialism today', Textual Prac- tice, 1, no. 1 (Spring, 1987). Eagleton, T., Criticism and Ideology (London, 1976). Eagleton, T., Against the Grain (London, 1986). Fleishman, A., Conrad's Politics: Community and Anarc}ry in the Fiction ofJoseph Conrad (Baltimore, 1967). Forster, E. M., 'Joseph Conrad: A Note', in Abinger Harvest (London, 1936). Fowler, R., Linguistic Criticism (Oxford, 1986). Freud, S., The Interpretation of Dreams ( 1900), Standard Edition IV and V (London, 1953). Freud, S., Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis (Harmondsworth, 1974), Part II. Genette, G., Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method (Oxford, 1980; orig. in French 1972). Green, M., 'The Crying of Lot 49: Pynchon's Heart of Darkness', PynchonNotes, 8 (Feb., 1982). BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 85 Gribble, J., 'The Fogginess of Heart of Darkness', Sydney Studies in English, 2 (1985-6). Gross, H., 'Aschenbach and Kurtz: The Cost of Civilization', The Centennial Review, VI, no. 2 (Spring, 1962). Guerard, A., Conrad the Novelist (Cambridge, Mass., 1958). Guetti,J., The Rhetoric ofJoseph Conrad (Amherst, Mass., 1960). Guetti,J., 'The Failure of the Imagination' ( 1965), reprinted in Cox, C. B. (ed.) (1981). Hagan, W. M., 'Heart ofDarkness and the process of Apocalypse Now', (1981), reprinted in Kimbrough (ed.) (1988). Haugh, R. F., 'Heart ofDarkness: Problem for Critics', in Kimbrough (ed.) (1988). Hawkins, H., 'Conrad's Critique oflmperialism in Heart ofDarkness', PMLA, 94 (March, 1979). Hawthorn, J., Joseph Conrad: Language and Fictional Self-Consciousness (London, 1979). Holub, R., Reception Theory: A Critical Introduction (New York & London, 1984). Hunter, A.,Joseph Conrad and the Ethics ofDarwinism (London, 1983). Jameson, F., 'Romance and Reification: Plot Construction and Ideological Closure in Joseph Conrad', in The Political Unconscious: NarrativeasaSociallySymbolicAct (Ithaca, NY, 1981). Jenkins, R. Y., 'A Note on Conrad's Sources: Ernest Dowson's "The Statute of Limitations" as Source for Heart of Darkness', English Language Notes (March, 1987). Johnson, B., 'Conrad's Impressionism and Watt's "Delayed Decod­ ing"' ( 1985), reprinted in Kimbrough ( ed.) ( 1988). Karl, F. R., 'Conrad's Literary Theory', Criticism, 2 (1960). Kimbrough, R., 'Conrad's Youth: An introduction', in Kimbrough (ed.) (1988). Kirschner, P., Conrad: The Psychologist as Artist (Edinburgh, 1968). Knight, D., 'Structuralism 1: Narratology: Heart of Darkness', m Tallack, D. (ed.) (1987). Kuesgen, R., 'Conrad and Achebe: Aspects of the Novel', World Liter­ ature Written in English, 24, no. I ( 1984). Kulkarni, H. B., 'Buddhistic Structure and Significance in Joseph Conrad's Heart ofDarkness', South Asian Review Quly, 1979). Kuna, F., 'The Janus-faced novel: Conrad, Musil, Kafka, Mann', in Bradbury and McFarlane (eds), Modernism (Harmondsworth, 1976). 86 HEART OF DARKNESS Leavis, F. R. The Great Tradition (Harmondsworth, 1977; first pub­ lished 1948). Leech, G. N. and Short, R., Style in Fiction (London, 1981). Levenson, M., 'The Value of Facts in the Heart of Darkness' (1985) in Kimbrough (ed.) (1988). Lindenbaum, P., 'Hulks With One Or Two Anchors: The Frame, Geographical Detail, and Ritual Process in Heart of Darkness', Modem Fiction Studies, 30, no. 4 ( 1984). MacCabe, C., Theoretical Essays: Film, Linguistics, Literature (Minnea­ polis, 1985). Macdonell, D., Theories ofDiscourse: An Introduction (Oxford, 1986). Macherey, P., A Theory of Literary Production (London, 1978; orig. in French, 1966). McNeal, N., 'Joseph Conrad's Voice in Heart of Darkness: A Jungian Approach',joumal ofEvolutionary Psychology (Pittsburg), 1 (1979). Miller, J. H., Poets of Reality: Six Twentieth-Century Writers (Cambridge, Mass., 1966). Morrissey, L. ]., 'The Tellers in Heart ofDarkness: Conrad's Chinese Boxes', Conradiana, 13, no. 2 (1981). Murray, D., 'Dialogics: Josef Conrad, Heart of Darkness', in Tallack, D. (ed.) (1987). Najder, Z.,joseph Conrad: A Chronicle (New York, 1983). Ober, W. U., 'Heart ofDarkness: "The Ancient Mariner" a Hundred Years Later', Dalhousie Review, 45 (1965). Parry, B., 'Problems in Current Theories of Colonial Discourse', Oxford Literary Review, 9, nos 1-2 (1987). Pecheux, M., Language, Semantics and Ideology: Stating the Obvious (London, 1982; orig. in French 1975). Perry, J. 0., 'Action, Vision, or Voice: the Moral Dilemmas of Conrad's Tale-Tellers', Modem Fiction Studies, 10 (1964). Pound, E., Polite Essays (London, 1937). Reid, S. A., 'The "Unspeakable Rites" in Heart of Darkness' (1963), reprinted in Mudrick (ed.) (1966). Rimmon-Kenan, S., Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics (London, 1983). Ruthven, K. K., 'The Savage God', reprinted in Cox, C. B. (ed.) (1981). Said, E., Joseph Conrad and the Fiction of Autobiography (Cambridge, Mass., 1966). Said, E., 'Intellectuals in the Post-Colonial World', Salmagundi, 70-1 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 87 (Spring-Summer, 1986). Saravan, C. P., 'Racism and the Heart of Darkness' (1980), reprinted in Kimbrough (ed.) (1988). Sartre,J.-P., What is Literature? (Harmondsworth, 1947). Singh, F. B., 'The Colonialist Bias of Heart of Darkness' (1978), reprinted in Kimbrough (ed.) (1988). Smith, S., 'Marxism and Ideology: Joseph Conrad's Heart of Dark­ ness', in Tallack, D. (ed.) (1987). Spinner, K., 'Embracing the Universe: Some Annotations to Joseph Conrad's Heart ofDarkness', English Studies, 43 (1962). Steiner, J. E., 'Modern Pharisees and False Apostles: Ironic New Testament Parallels in Conrad's "Heart of Darkness"', Nineteenth­ Century Fiction, 37, no. I (1982). Stewart, G., 'Lying as Dying in Heart of Darkness' (1980), reprinted in Kimbrough (ed.) (1988). Storr, A. (ed.),Jung: Selected Writings (London, 1983). Tallack, D. (ed.), Literary Theory at Work: Three Texts (London, 1987). Tennant, R.,joseph Conrad: A Biography (London, 1981). Thale, J., 'Marlow's Quest', University of Toronto Quarterly Q"uly, 1955), reprinted in Dean (ed.) (1960). Tick, S., 'Heart ofDarkness: A Note', The Explicator (May, 1963). Todorov, T., 'Coeurs des Tinebres', in Les Genres du Discours (Paris, 1978). Trilling, L., 'Kurtz, Hero of the Spirit' (1965), reprinted in Cox (1981). Watt, 1., Conrad in the Nineteenth Century (London, 1980). Williams, R., The English Novel From Dickens To Lawrence (London, 1984; first published 1970), VI: 'Joseph Conrad'. Winnington, G. P., 'Conrad and Cutcliffe Hyne: A New Source for Heart ofDarkness', Conradia, 16 ( 1984). Woolf, V., 'Mr Bennett and Mrs Brown' (1924), in Collected Essays, vol. I (London, 1966; first published 1925). Yelton, D. C., Mimesis and Metaphor: An Inquiry into the Genesis and Scope of Conrad's Symbolic Imagery (The Hague, 1967). Young, G., 'Quest and Discovery: Joseph Conrad's and CarlJung's African Journeys', Modem Fiction Studies, 28, no. 4 (1982-3). Index Achebe, C. xiv, 24-31, 78, 79, 80, Daleski, H. M. 4, 84 83 Dante, A. 12 Althusser, L. 61,66 Darwin,C. 11 Austen, J. 33 Dawkins, R. 11 Dean, L. F. xiv, 2, 3, 83 Baker, R. S. 6, 83 Derrida, J. 79 Bakhtin, M. M. 58-60, 83 Dickens, C. 34 Barthes, R. vii, 13, 66, 67, 74-5, Dollimore,J. 79 83,84 Dostoevsky, F. 35, 42, 58, 59 Baudelaire, C. 50 Dawson, E. 10 Belsey, C. 66, 84 During, D. 84 Be~amin, W. 77,84 Bhabha, H. 79, 84 Eagleton, T. 6-7,61,84 Blackwood, W. 1, 32,65 Eliot, G. 33, 34 Blake, S. L. 25, 84 Eliot, T. S. 5, 39, 41, 60,68 Bromley, R. 82, 84 Brooks,P. 16-17,56-7,58,70,84 Fanon, F. 25, 79 Brown, D. 35, 84 Flaubert, G. 12, 35, 39,40 Fleishman, A. 19-22, 84 Camus, A. 42 Ford, F. M. I, 12, 20, 35, 37, 40, Carlyle, T. 20 41, 46,65 Chesterton, G. K. II Forster, E. M. 33, 34, 53, 70, 84 Clark, B. H. 46 Foucault, M. 66 Colderidge, S.
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