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M. 58-60, 83 Dickens, C. 34 Barthes, R. vii, 13, 66, 67, 74-5, Dollimore,J. 79 83,84 Dostoevsky, F. 35, 42, 58, 59 Baudelaire, C. 50 Dawson, E. 10 Belsey, C. 66, 84 During, D. 84 Be~amin, W. 77,84 Bhabha, H. 79, 84 Eagleton, T. 6-7,61,84 Blackwood, W. 1, 32,65 Eliot, G. 33, 34 Blake, S. L. 25, 84 Eliot, T. S. 5, 39, 41, 60,68 Bromley, R. 82, 84 Brooks,P. 16-17,56-7,58,70,84 Fanon, F. 25, 79 Brown, D. 35, 84 Flaubert, G. 12, 35, 39,40 Fleishman, A. 19-22, 84 Camus, A. 42 Ford, F. M. I, 12, 20, 35, 37, 40, Carlyle, T. 20 41, 46,65 Chesterton, G. K. II Forster, E. M. 33, 34, 53, 70, 84 Clark, B. H. 46 Foucault, M. 66 Colderidge, S.
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