Scientific-Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering "Industry-4.0" BULGARIAN HUB FOR UNITED BALKANS BULLETIN “SOUTHEASTERN EUROPE: DIMENSIONS, CHALLENGES, PERSPECTIVES” ISSN 2683-0574 1 / 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria Partners: Center for International and Development Studies (Republic of North Macedonia) Civil Development Organization (Republic of Kosovo) EUROBALKAN, Association for Research and Development (Republic of Serbia) Group for Legal and Political Studies (Republic of Kosovo) Institute for Development and International Relations (Republic of Croatia) Pilot4Dev (Kingdom of Belgium) The Balkan Forum (Republic of Kosovo) Youth Alliance – Krusevo (Republic of North Macedonia) Scientific Reviewers: Prof. Plamen Pantev, PhD (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", ISIS, BHUB) Prof. Hristo Bondzolov, PhD (Rector of "St. Cyril and St. Methodious" University of Veliko Turnovo) Prof. Sead Turcalo, PhD (University of Sarajevo) Prof. Slavenko Grgurevic, PhD (EUROBALKAN) Prof. Jana Kukeska, PhD (University of Tourism and Management) Prof. Dr. Sc. Kiril Topalov (Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski") Prof. Dr. Sc. Georgi Bahchevanov (New Bulgarian University) Prof. Ilin Savov, PhD (Higher School of Security and Economics) Assoc. Prof. Blagoj Conev, PhD (Center for International and Development Studies) Dr. Sandro Knezovic (Institute for Development and International Relations) Dr. Petyo Valkov (Counsellor at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Bulgaria, BHUB) Compilation and editing of the bulletin: Asst. Prof. Dr. Michael Dimitrov (Special Coordinator of Bulgarian Hub for United Balkans) Petya Vladimirova (Member of the Management board of Bulgarian Hub for United Balkans) BULGARIAN HUB FOR UNITED BALKANS 33B, “Bratya Buxton” Str., 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria Website: Email:
[email protected] Publisher: Scientific Technical Union of Mechanical Engineering "Industry 4.0" Contents Post-Independence Identity, Politics and Society in North Macedonia 3 CONEV Blagoj, Assoc.