Volume 3, issue 24 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987

aM Towne Plaza (Farwell C.4 Brady) 273-3999 0 99 Wishing All Of You 411:;*t'rkttr:w4N, Peace, Health, '644.14'wt. and the "Gonna' make those Blue..." Freedom Brown eye$ to Be ( or Aqua, or Green) You. Our 6incere Thanks TINTED For Your CONTACTS Loving &upport 67--X rri notship INTRODUCTORY $150. SPECIAL P PAIR Oon Gelman Ci &air Downtown Bockl Bldg. 2044 W. Wisconsin Ave. 344-8200 Page 78 • December 18, 1986- January 14; 1987 • 1nStep inStep • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 3 Among Friends )Resoorce Networks for Rural Wisconsin) .... E9340A South Ave., Reedsburg, 53959 AIDS Toll Free Hotline (outside Mitui -•Mon.•Fri. 9anr-9pni) 1800334--AIDS- InStep Cover Story OUT OF STATE • ;our to spot (enitalions. out our of state livings include only advertisers.) PUBLISHER & EDITOR Tom Rezza returns as our cover artist this Nail Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) (Goy Hotline) Gay Hoilinz-Reterral. 1-800-221-7044 Ron Geiman issue with an interpretation of "The Little Bijou Theatre All Mule Milk Him) 1349 N. Wells S. Chicago. (312) 943.5397 Drummer Boy". Tom asked to do some- Sidetracks (M. Vt 3349 N. Halsted. Chicago, (312) 477-9189 AIDE-de-"CAMP" thing appropriate for the holidays, that 1 ouche 1. 1..1 2825 1%1_ Lincoln. Chicago, (312) 929.3269 Joe Koch didn't have anything that would endorse any Bulldog Road Crazy Marys (Mw. 2914-16 Broadway. Chicago particular religion. When he walked into the Douglas Dunes Resort (Mu,. DJ. F) Blue Star Highway. Douglas. MI (616) 857.1401 COLUMNISTS office with this piece, the editor fell in love 1..A. Connec tion tM. V) 3700 N. Halsted. Chicago (312) 549.3701 with it. and wanted to hang it instead of Ken Kurtz featuring it on the cover. However. we Kevin Michael wrestled it away from him so you could W.W. Wells III enjoy it. Dee Dailey Tom, who does our regular "The GaySide- Ralph Navarro cartoon panel in every issue, is a partner in Terry Boughner his -owned business called "Art- GAY SIDEa 1-zy Tnrr) RP77(1 works". If you need anything done in either CARTOONIST fine or commerc ial art. call them at 384,1385, Tom Rezza and someone in that talented family should k able to satisfy your artistic desires. WILL I ottT NO REST? TWO SPIRITS HAVE 41- PHOTOGRAPHY Rimy come I GONE. NOW Wtio Akt. you? Carl Ohly 'Note: Deadline for the Next Issue GRAFFITTI EDITOR Volume 4, Issue 1 Katie the January 15, 1987 Issue is 5pm. Wednesday, Jan. 7 1987 Ail 'ME SPIRIT WHO TYPESETTING TO CAWS" Alpha Composition THIS CURRENT ISSUE OF IN STEP COV- Y6Y ERS A PERIOD FROM DEC. 18th, 1986 AD REPRESENTATIVE THROUGH JANUARY 14, 1987. IT'S IN Geiman STEP'S ANNUAL VACATION AND PUB- Ron LISHING BREAK. (AND WE NEED ONE!) SECRETARY This is the lirst 80 page Issue of In Step ever Mary Maliborski published. Enjoy, and may all of you have a healthy and properous New Years! PRINTERS Newsweb, Inc. Inside this Issue TRANSPORTATION/DELIVERY Joe Koch Briefs Group Notes InStep Plaljat11Q x pablisheci biweekly. every other Thursday. Menhe, oiCream City easiness Associai la To Your Health 13 I Ilia National Gay Task Foxe. and associate of the Gay Flights Arts 15 Nattottal Lobby. 1986 InSten At rights reserved. The business other, n located at 634 North 27th Street. Milwaukee, WI Story Time 66 53208. The .00:trance by anyone in lids magsanw does not -IS tedect one's own sown: orientation whatsoever loSzep Our Story esso ven 111-.10Li.e.3.13t41tall...1111s which are nmskten $$$ 6.1 of the goy 4,141 10A,L3.11C. I" I' entiltww. Steppin' Out 23 All departments can be reached al 414 931-8335 between the hours of Noon-and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Calendar 26 Mail .rd.-, suisteriptants are avail/A.1e tor 515 (or 13 issues (6 Juicy' Bits In nmitiltst or 525 f. IT NSL1eb 112 months P. Mao check or money ordet o Subscoption Department. InStep. 624 North 27th Jock Shorts 52 Stunt. Mthainkr.v. WI 532% AU mail order subscnprions are Dance Steps. 60 Unsolicited materials air accepted (or consideration, however Classies 69 wr stall rrsb niorn ?box, that have return Tx.tarsq• 72 not t.....onn.14, In, loss or damage ett- maven, k The Guide 73 The Gay Side Cartoon 78 Page 4 • December 18, 1986- January 1 , 1987 • InStep InStep • Dei embaT 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 77 ORGAN IZATIONS Alcohalics Anonymous (Request "Guy" Meetings) 272-3081 BRIEFSV Beer -own Badgers (L L Stia! Motorcycle Club) P 0 Box 166, 53201 Black & White Men Together P.O. Box 12292. 53212, 265-8500 Tenants will pay rent on an ability-to-pay Castaways M.C. (Cede Club) P.O. Box 15152, 53215 AIDS Project basis. Crean] City Foundation (CO') P.O. Box 204, 53201-0204 Crean] City Business Association (CCBA) P.O. Box 92614, 53202, 372-2773 Announces Housing Said Haupert. "the mast rosy scenario Galano Club (Alcohol Free "Recovery Club") 1428 N. Farwell Ave., 276-6936 would be an empty house. since that would Initiative At City Hall Fest City Singers (Guy Choral Group) P.O. Box 11428, 53211, 277-0434 mean that all of our clients are comfortable GAMMA (Sports Social) P.O. Box 1900, 53201-1900, News Conference with their own home and family situations. Gay Community At UWM Student Union, Room E-364, 963-6555 Uniortunately, we know from exper.ence Gay Hot line (Referral, Events Tape) 562-7010 The Milwaukee AIDS Project, through its that that will not always be the case." • Gay Peoples Union P.O, Box 208, 53201. 562-7010 parent corporation the AIDS Resource Cen- Gay Youth (Regular Peer Group Meetings) P.O. Box 09441, 53209, 265-8500 ter of Wisconsin. Inc.. has announced the Girth & Mirth Club (Chubbies Chasers) 2727 S. 68th St., 53219 establishment of a $125,000 fund to support Gay Man Murdered Grapevine (Woniens Group) 2211 E. Kenwooci, 964-6117 a permanent housing facility for Persons in Eau Claire Milwaukee Area Gay Fathers P.O. Box 08236, 53208, 871-2362 with AIDS in Wtsconsin. The announce, Parer is & Friends of Gays (Hales Corners) 529-3639 mein coincided with the presentation of a Eau Claire (Equal Times) - Dale Saturday Softball Beer League (SSBL) P.O. Box 92605, 53202 grant for $40,000 from the Wisconsin Hous- Edward Staupe. 28. was found slain in his Silver Star M.C. (Cycle Club) 266 E. Erie, 53202 ing and Economic Development Authority Eau Claire apartment on Nov. 13 in a murder that has eerie similarities to some of NORTH CENTRAL Foundation. The presentation and news Flambeau November 21 at the gay-related homicides in Minneapolis Forest Resort (MW) Lakeside Corsages, Re rt . Star Route, Winter,54896, (715) 332-5236 conference were held on Gay, Lesbiail Support Group x 247A, 1411 Ellis Ave., Ashland, 54806-3999 the Milwaukee City Hall. this year. Lambda House (Mu) Your RUL411Ci Beci & Breakikasi bin .. P.O. Box 20, Pence, 54553, (715) 561-3120 Catholic Archbishop Rembert Weakland His nude body was found on the floor of Rhinelander Rap Group P.O. Box 1396, Rhinelander 54501, and Dr. Karen Lamb, co-chairs of the Board his bedroom with his feet and hands tied. He Wilderness Way (W) (Campgr ound & Resort, yr. rd.) . P.O. Box 176, Wascoit, 54890, (715) 466-2635 of Trustees of the ARCW, accepted the had been dead several da.,ts after suffering a Mike's Rink Florist (FTD Teleflora) •ark Mall. 117 Division S1_, Park Falls 762-2333 award from Mr. Ed Jackamonis, WHEDAF blow to the back of the head. He died as a RACINE/KENOSHA • (414) Executive Director. Weakland and Lamb result of strangulation and suffocation, BARS described in general the fundraising effort according to an autopsy report. JoDees al) . • . . . . . 2139 Racine Si. (Hwy 32), Racine, 634-9804 which will support the Housing Initiative. Police in Eau Claire, said they believe the Club 94 a.1) 9001 120th Ave. (Hwy C). Kenosha, 694-1597 ARCW has inaugurated a special personal murder to be gay related because "sexually Gay Lest ion Union 01 Racine 625 College ave.-. 54303 appeal lo the community in the form of a oriented material and devices often asso- Marilyn 1-11,(1 ((.7ounseling) 632-4311 holiday season giving campaign which is ciated with homosexual activity were stretwi SHEBOYGAN • (414) hoped will result in sufficient individual and around the apartment." foundat ion donations to meet the remaining Close Er counter IMW. 0, F, 827 Pennsylvania. $85,000 in acquisition. improvements and Police defined to elaborate, but a source familiar with the inves:igation said that SOUTH CENTRAL first-year operating expenses. The appeal ORGANIZATIONS will be extended into 1987 if necessary, but it Staupe, who was sea-foot tail and husky ws kiund with a steel collar around his neck, the Among F riends (tick-rem es Networks) E 9340 A So. Ave , Reedsburc 53959 is anticipated that the funding will be BAGAL i otroo Area Cues and Lesbiarts1 P.O. Box 31, Bamboo. 53913 type used In S & M sex play. achieved without solicitations or special Beloit G ry Alliance P.O. Box 1794 Beloit College, Beloit 53511 fundraising events within the gay Police entered his seep:Id-floor wak'out "Suppor " I 1 Suppor t Su. ill! Group) P.O. Box 345 Janesville 53545 community. apartment after his family was notified by his WAUKESHA • (414) ARCW President Marc Haupert stated. employer that he had not called or been to work for several days. Window to the World Services, Inc. (G L SupiXortG- tp) P.O-Box 632, 53187, 542 5735 "we are tremendously appreciative of the Holt/ V: riety Magazine Rack 910 E. Moorland Rd.. 53286 generosity of the gay community, and do not Staupe was last seen alive on Nov. 8 at an feel it is wan anted to tax that generosity Eau Claire Sears store where he had his car WES TERN even further for such a major undertaking. serviced. The car, which police reported BARS - The people of the general Milwaukee com- missing, was found on Nov. 20 in Surenor, The Mai i Club (MW. 1813 N. 3rd Si., Superior, (715) 392 1756 Tatoo's 0) 1552 Rose St., La munity have proven themselves to be caring WI. Crosse, 784.5833 and concerned. and our Board of Trustees TRTO ( 1-V) 802 Tower, Superior (715) 392 5373 feels that its critin efforts will result.in suffi- Police in Minneapolis and Eau Claire do ORGA:iJIZATIONS cient funding.- not believe a single killer is involved in the Gay Melt s Group (Activities. Support Group) LAGA, P.O. Box 2561, 54602, (608) 782-0963 unsolved gay-related murders, but they are U.W. Eau Claire Gay Lesbian Organization UW-EC, Union Box G.L.0., 54701 The housing tacility, which has not yet searching for possible links. Eau Claire Gay & Lesbian Alliance P.O. Box 111, Platteville 53818 ' been located, will consist of a duplex which Police Cheif James McFarlane said investi- Will house six persons with AIDS or AIDS gators have talked with police in six or seven STATEWIDE InStep (131 1,-Jetikli G 1. Mat(axine) b21 N. 27th Si., Milwaukee, 53208, (414) 931-8335 Related Complex. Twenty-four hour staffing states, but have nn information yet indicat- will ensure that housekeeping duties will be North ( entral Wrestling Federation (wiesilinl!) Box 8234, Madison 53708 ing a link between the Staupe murder and OUT! ( oit lilt G I. Newspaper) P.O_ Box 148, Madison, 53701, (608) 256 7664 attended to, and in-home nursing services others. will be bought for medical and custodial care. Continuea on page 5 • Rural 0 ii nrae h Project P.O. Box 310, Madison, 5370: Page 76 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep InStep • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 5 BATH Kbntinued from page 4 the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Hard- 8 Club Milwaukee 704-A W. Wisconsin Ave. (rear), 276-0246 wick vs Bowers was thus not applicable. • (M) The death is the third RETAIL unsolved murder in Eau Claire this Creative Exchange (Consignments-/ 324 E. Wisconsin Ave.. 277.7707 year and may tie connected Ear Waves (Records, /2' Singlest 1816 N. Farwell. 2714808 to the stabbing death last May of James `Minor Tampering' Eclectic 1 (Gilts Decor) 2616 N. .Downer Ave.. 963.0797 Severson. 42. also known as James S. Research Four Eyes Plus (Eye.,.1.1aces) 2044 W. Wisconsin Ave.. 344-8200 Mattes and thought to be gay, according to With AIDS Homeworks (Gilts for you & your home) 221 N. Water,St., 273-8611 an informed source. McFarlane declined to Found Mizzani International (Meit's Clothlily) 1436 B E. Brady. 2733`i39 comment. • Midwest Women's ?Records) 207 E. Buffalo. 278.0066 Atlanta, (Milw. Journal) - Investigators Old Masters Galleries (Cards. Art Prints, Posters) 1804 E. North. 278.0898 who looked into charges of sabotage and Progressive Prints (Printers) 2909 N. Humboldt. 264-5345 Kentucky Sodomy Law mismanagement ,in . AIDS research at the 4 Seven Sea Aquatics (Pets, Supplies) 215 W. Florida. 272-7966 Centers for Disease Control found poor H Thinking Of You (Cards. -Guy Things". Gift Items) 147 N. Broadway. 2735969 Ruled Unconstitutional morale and possible "minor tampering" with Video Adventures (Video Tapes. Sales & Rentals) 1820 N.Farwell. 272.6768 experiments, but nothing that would cripple Video Visions (Video Tape Rentals & Sales) 2239 N. Prospect Ave., 272-0805 By District Judge the agency's work, they reported Dec. 9th. Webster Books 2559 N. Downer Ave.. 332,4569 Lexington, Ky. (Works) - A District branch of the SERVICES Judge in Lexington, Kentucky has ruled that The Institute of Medicine, a chartered National A Travel Agency (Member 1GTA) 4503 N. Oakland, 961,8747 the state's sodomy law is unconstitutional congressionally Alpha Compostion (Phototypesetting Graphics) 144 N. Water St., 278-8686 Sciences, began investigating in because it violates a person's right to privacy Academy of Alternate Lifestyles BBS (Gay Electric Bulletin Board) - 933-1572 at the urging, of Sen. Lowell as guaranteecl by Section 1 of the Kentucky September Artworks (Creative. Fine & Graphic Aril 384.1385 CDC manage- Constitution. Weicker (R-Conn.) and top ASA Communications (Advertising Agency) 225 E. St. Paul #304, 374-5599 ment after publicized allegations of sabot- Checker Cab Company Dispatch 645.5000 The decsion came in a case involving age, stonewalling and mismanagement. Cobblers Ltd. (Shoe. Boot Repair 7600 W. Hampton. 645.5000 Jeffery Wasson, 24, of Lexington, who was panel East Town Therapy (Counseling. Treatment) 759 N. Milwaukee, 4504. 273-7173 late 1985 after inviting an under- The institute's investigating arrested in research had Equitable Financial Services (Financial Planning) 322 E. Michigan, 276.2000 ext. 204 cover police officer home for sexual pur- reported that the CDC's AIDS turnover,,low Erik Bryce Agency (Photography) 933.1687 poses. Wasson, along with about 25 others been plagued by supervisory Flower Den 3205 S. Howell, 483- minor (Florists) arrested during an undercover sweep, was staff 'morale and possible sabotage of Frontier Software (Computer Consulting) 258-8866 experiments by squabbling researchers. Hurricane Productions (Women's Music) • 3536 W. Cherry, 53208 charged with criminal solicitation to commit Dennis Jackson. MS. CRC (Vocational & Counseling) 272.6868 sodomy, which in Kentucky is punishable by After making fundamental contributions Charles Kiley. MSW (Sex Therapy, Counseling) 276,5778 up to ninety days in jail, a $250 fine, or both. in the initial identification of acquired syndrome, its risk M.A.C. (Dog Grooming) 342.0605 Paisley's ruling does not have the force of immune deficiency Steven J. Murray (accounting) 840 N. 3rd St., Suite 301. 453-7278 law outside his jurisdiction, but if the case is- groups and its transmission through blood, Sunrise Travel 12940 W. Bluernoncl. 786.3080 appealed, as expected, to the sate Court of the CDC AIDS Program Laboratory is now Mr. Vantastic (Moving & Delivery Service) 964.9955 Appeals only "moderately productive.- the investiga- Vantastic Services (Cleaning, Home Improvement) 964.9955 and Judge Paisley's ruling is upheld, the law would be struck down statewide. tors reported. - VCR Repair Dispatch 643.9043 Zuhl-Mark (Home Decorating & Renovations) 263.3211 In his arguments, Wasson's attorney, "More can be done to motivate, challenge RESTAURANTS Ernesto Scorsone of Lexington, also and lead the research team." they con- 11 Glass Menagerie (Lunches. Dinners. Cocktails) 124 N. Water St., 347.1962 attempted to shot that the law. • which tinued. "No team spirit has been forged 8 Grand Avenue Pub (Lunch Fri. Dinner) • 716 W. WisConsin, 271-9525 appiles to homosexuals only, was discrimi- The demands and pressures . (have) gen- Island On Brady (2d hour) 1205 E Brady. 272-6833 natory, but Judge Paisley did not address erated internal competition rather than uni- Mr, J's iCeuertng Cheesecake Emporium) (Lunch) 1521 W. Slate St., 933-9223 the equal-protection argument. , ting individuals. Peters On Brady (Open l)tent 1230 E. Brady. 3474199 Five of 12 dOctorate-level AIDS scientists Walkers The ruling was hailed as a victory for all Point Cafe Open 24 Hours) 1106 S. 1st St., 645.7873 at the CDC left in 1984-'85. EROTIKA Kentuckians by Ernesto Scorsone, Was- Denmark 626 W. Wisconsin Ave., 278.9520 son's attorney, Scorsone, who is also a state Responding to the report, CDC Director MEDICAL legislator, stated that the ruling "recognizes James 0. Mason said the agency "was Alternate Women's Clinic (Sat AM's) 272-2144 the rich tradition we have in Kentucky of aware of the morale problem in this labora- Brady East STD Clinic (BEST) (V.D. Center, Health Screenings) .. . 1240 E Brady St., 272-2144 protecting the rights of privacy of individu• tdry, and had already taken steps to correct Medical ProfeSsionals For Alternative Lifestyle P.O Box 239.53201, 277.7671 als. particularly their privacy rights in the it." Milwaukee AIDS Project P.O. Box 92505. 53202. 273•A1DS home. Some of the language in (the cases National Coalition STD Services P.O. Box 239.53201, 277-7671 that Paisley cited) is really remarkable at just . The CDC has created a new laboratory to of viruses REUGICIUS how strong the court system has felt toward investigate retroviruses, a class All Saints Cathedral (St. Ae/reirs Guile)) 818 E Juneau. 53202. conlact Harry. 289.0801 the right to privacy, particularly in peoples that includes the AIDS organism, and has Chirstian Gay OK (CGOK) (VotirDenommationa/ P.O. Box 93433.53202, 9334394 homes. - named Walter Dowdle a deputy director in Dignity (Catholic Support Groam• P.O. Box 597. 53201. 444-7177 charge of all AIDS research. Integrity tliptscimalarn Support In defending his position. Judge Paisley Group) P.O. Box 10109. 53210 One allegation investigated by the Insti- Lutherans Concerned 2511 N. Farwell. Unit L. noted that the right to privacy under the 53211, 963.9833 tute of Medicine team concerned several New Hope (M.C.0 Church) P.O. Boi- 93913. 53202. 951.0308 Kentucky Constitution is broader than that Village Church (Lutheran's Concerned Reconciled in Christ) 130 E. Juneau. 933.1572 provided by the U.S. Constitution, and that Continued on page 6 6 Page 6 • December 18. 1986- January 14, 1987 • InS rep InStep • Dec 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 75 'Continued from page .5 Wisc. Group Gets Help United Political Action Committee (PAC.) (608)255.2732 incidents of possible sabotage in the AIDS Womens Counseling Service "10 University Ave. 4202, (608) 255-9149 Program Lab and in the herpes virus lab. In Fight Against inc:uding contamination of cell cultures, MILWAUKEE METRO • (414) "Gazette 9 Angelo's Mint Bar 11 819 S. 2nd St., 645-8330 rearrangement of experiments and altered 1 Bagasse settings on regulators and valves. (Mw) 196 S. Second St., 273-7474 Among Friends, a reference & referral 2 Beer Garden t W171. F) 3743 W. Vliet St., 344-5760 "The reports that the committee received retworking source for the lesbian & gay 3 Boot Camp (M. L L) 209 E. National Ave., 643.6900 suggest that some unusual incidents did, in communities of the upper Midwest, has 4 C'est La Vie (Mw. D) 231 S. Second St., 291-9600 fact, occur," the investigators reported. announced that legal assistance & a genet.- 4 Club 219(Mw.DJ,LLi 219 S. Second St., 271-3732 "The committee concludes that it cannot cats financial grant has been received from 3 DK's (WM. 13) 135 E. National Ave., 643.9758 rule out purposeful minor tampering." t ne Lambda Legal Defense & Education 10 27th St. Danceteria (Mw. DJ) 618 N. 27th St., 931-9144 Fund from New York City. 12 Factory (Mw, Di 511 N. Broadway, 277.8077 However, they saie. "in no case was 6 Fannie's iWni. D, F1 200 E. Washington Ave , 643-9633 experimental work ser:ously disrupted." Among Friends can now further persue 15 Frank es Cabaret (Mw, D) 1655 S. First St., 645-7444 their discrimination case against the "Green 14 Gay St. Station (Wm. D) 1637 W. Pierce, 383.5755 The panel also investigated charges that Bay Press Gazette- & parent company. 8 Grand Avenue Annex (G S, Mw) 746 N. 7th St., 271;8922 important scientific findings had been sup- Gannett Inc. (which also owns "USA 8 Grand Avenue Pub (MW, G S, F, RI 716 W. Wisconsin Ave , 271-9525 pressed, specifically a report that sperm- Thday-1. 9 H01 1-.Ns (WM. D.J. V) 814 S. Second St., 645-8572 cides ntight be effective in killing the AIDS 5 Jet's Place (MW. D) 1753 S. Kinnickinnic Ave., 672-5580 virus. The - Press Gazette" refused to run an ad 9 La Cage (Mw, DJ, V) 801 S. 2nd St., 383-8330 submitted by Friends because the ad was Loose Ends (GS, MW, F) 4322 W. Fond du Lac Ave., 442-8469 That teportwaspubfshedinalettertothe directec to a specific sexual preference British medical journal, The Lancet in 11 M & P1 Club (Mw, I) 124 N. Water St., 347.1962 leader Under State law. gays& lesbians are 8 Off The Avenue (Mw, GS) 645 N. 7th St., 347-0419 December 1985. 11 months after the CDC protected under public accommodations. 4 Phoer ix 'Mw. DI) 235 S. Second St., first draft 278.9727 scientists involved prepared their The State previously ruled that the classified 13 This 1 It (Al) 418 E. Wells St., 278-9192 report on the subject. sections of newspaper tall under the "public II Wreck Room (M. I. I.) 266 E. Erie St., 273-6900 accomrnodat ions- clause. 9 Your 'lac (Mw. Ett 813 S. First St., 647-0130 The investigators concurred with the = = = O . _ 1. In r CDC's position that further tests were F_arFer this year the State Equal Rights needed before spermicides could be consi- Dvisicn ruled that there was probable cause dered lor the prevention of AIDS To -ranswassion • Continued on page 7 Juneau I I State Juneau Park •13 Kilbourne, ells • IN MEMORIUM Wisconsin Michigan I bourn Lake Sara M. Michigan Passed Into Eternal Rest Jr December 9th, 1986 In Loving Memory CI Hans Memorial Mass Pending

-Mitchell 0 Page 74 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 ! InStep InStep • December 18, 1986- January 14;1987 • Page 7 - *6M/fitted from PAO 6 MADISON AREA MAP to believe it-lat.:he "Gazette' had enjoyed in ANNOUNCING: illegal discrimination due to sexual Orienta- •~1~~1 1:\c55`'°' 14111 tion by rejection of the:.ad; A Better Way To _ AMMAI IV 0~I* MAPIN NOW.01/ Gannett has fought that it is freedom of MIWO% V...SPOJ• aA.'fIJR re. N`.3N Remember A Special' IIMO /wer the press, and maintains the right to reject WWW,I PEWIROW ,es'A what they want from their classified section. Occasion, or as a 0-A6 They 'refused to reach conciliation, as pro- Memorial. yo vided by law, and the Brown Co. District I 94 Attorney will not, prosecute because he TO doesn't belieVe the law was violated despite A Gift to the Foundation cv) MILW ERD's ruling-. will work 365 days in The grant & legal assistance offered by 0 that persons name to Lambda Legal Defense & Education, now build a better community. C) allows Among Friends to take it's case to court. • 0 Acknowledged with an Embossed Card. it will 0 Minneapolis Bar be the gift they will most Forced To Move, remember. roc z to Minneapolis (Equal Times) — City to Council approval of redevelopment for a downtown Minneapolis block bordering write: Cream City Foundation Hennepin Avenue will force Cloud 9, a gay P.O. Box 204 - m and lesbian bar on 9th and Hennepin, to Milw., WI 53201 relocate. Continued on page 8 0 •

MEDICAL Madison AIDS Support Network (Support & Counseling) P.O. Box 731, 53701, (608) 255-1711 Blue Bus STD Clinic (Monday. Thursday) 1552 University Ave., (608) 262-7330 BARS • 2 Back East (MW. DJ) 508 E. Wilson St. (rear), (608) 256-7104 I Rod's (M. L. i.) 636 W. Washington (rear), (608) 255-0609 1 The New Bar (MW. DJ. V) 636 W. Washington (upstairs), (608) 256-8765 3 Shamrock (GS. MWFI 177 W. Main St., (608) 255-5029 RELIGIOUS Affirmation ti 1127 University Ave., (608) 256-2353 Evangelicals Concerned P.O. Box 44, 53701, (608) 244-5010 Integrity/Dignity Box 730, 53701 (608) 836-8886 SERVICES alpha COMPOSITION All Gays Phone Line . (608) 2554297 Fallen Woman (Mow Promoters) 401 Elmsicie, 53704. (608) 249.7872 Gay & Lesbian Information Recording 1608) 263.310D, ask for tape #3333 RETAIL Four Star Fiction & Video 315 N. Henry St, (608) 255-1994 144 NORTH WATER STREET ORGANIZATIONS — Ada Janes (Campus Womens Center) 710 University #202, (608) 262-8093 MILWAUKEE. WISCONSIN 53202 Gay Alcoholics Anonymous 1021 University Ave., (608) 257.7575 Gay & I esbian Resource Center (Referral) P.O. Box 1722. Madison 53701, (608) 257-7575 414/278-8686 Mad6on Gay Mens Chorale 2005 Pike Dr.. #5, 53713. (608) 257.7575 Gay & Lesbian Teens Group (Peer Support Group) (608) 255-8582 Madison Gay Theatre Project P.O. Box 726.53701, (608) 251-6489 Mens Center (Referral Center) Neighborhood House. 24 S. Mills.. (608)2564204 National Lesbian Feminist Organization (Rights Group) (608) 257-7378 PHOTOTYPESETTING / CAMERA READY GRAPHICS Parents & Friends Of Gays & Lesbians P.O. Box 1722. Madison 53701, (608) 271-0270 I0".. Society /Snide/it Orgartilarian) Box 614. Memorial Union, 500 Langdon Si . 53706. (608) 262-7365 united ILdis, (01(01 SOt utl Services) 1127 University, Rm. B103. 53715. (608) 255.8582 Page 8 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • &Sten InSrep • December 18, :986- January 14, 71987 • Page 73 *Continued from page 7 THE GUIDEV Cloud 9 owner Jimmy Tiggas said he is negotiating a new spot for the bar and will V% CHART — 6 ./S Gay/Straight seek to keep the bar downtown. fr — CODE MW ...... 1/2 Men, , Li,omen LI_ Levi/Leather The redevelopment project will affect a eR M Prefer Mer Only D Dancing downtown block bordered by LaSalle and Mw Mostly Men, Women Welcome DJ Disk Jocky, Dancing Hennepin Avenues and 8th and 9th Streets. fg W Prefer Women Only V Video City Council Member Brian Coyle, who is o Wm Mostly Women. Men Welcome F Food Service openly gay, said he is concerned about the effect of downtown redevelopment on gay for CENTRAL WISCONSIN • (715) businesses on Hennepin Avenue. BARS Comp (MW. DJ. F) 117 Scott St , WaJsa.n 345-5955 Another gay bar located across Hennepin V All ORGAIs:IZ ATIONS Ave. from Cloud 9, the Saloon, won't be Monday 1%light Dance Club (Sochi Group) P.O. Box 1016, Stevens Bairn, 54431 affected directly by the redevelopment, P Gay Peoples Union Slap lax 30, Stevens Point, 54481, 346-3638 Coyle said. Your FOX VALLEY • (414) However, the project and a proposed Needs ramp could double or BARS downtown parking Brandy s (MW. Di 479 S. Washington, Green Bay, 432-3917 Saloon is on triple i he valued the block the 1101 Went (VW. DJ) 1101 W. Wisconsin Ave_, Appleton 733-9839 and may make it attractive to real estate Grand 'Aces' ,MW) 1444 Main St., Green Bay, 433-9631 developers, Coyke said. Loft (W. 5) 2328 University Ave., 468-9968 "Cloud 9 could be I he first of major bars to Erik Bryce Agency Napalesc Loun-ate (MW, 515 S. Broadway, Green Bay, 432-9646 be pushed off the Avenue," Coyle said. • The Pivot Club !MW, DJ) 4 15 W. Prospect (Hwy BB). Appleton, 730-0440 933-1687 Who's t/t,'w, DJ V) 720 13odart, (rear), Green Bay, 435-5476 ORGANIZATIONS Aegei of Elope 'M C.C. Ch rah) P.O. Box 672, Green Bay 5430e5, 435-4181 Argonaut a Of Wisconsin (' L Social Club) P.O. Box 1285, Green Bay, 54305 Concerned (Re,erce) P.O. Box 10.87, Green Bay, 54305 Dignity ( lay Cut 'to& Group) P.O-Box 2253, Green Bay, 54306, 739-8030 Dignity (So'; Cat olic Group) DePere, 236-3839 Gamma Alpha Iota-Lawrence Univ. L Support Gr p. . . 115 S. Drew St., Appleton 54911 Gay AiDitholics Anonymous (Meeting Weekly) 494-9904 Gay Support Group of Sheboygan ...... P.O. Box 192, Sheboygan 53081 GRAI\DFLAGS P.O. Bo:-. 85. Ripon, 54971 P.F.O.G Fond ci Lac, 929-3500 Women', A ternative (Lesbian Support Group) Oshkosh 231-5C75 :fir 233-7707 Women.; Service Center 433-6667 MEDIC NI_ Center [ roject .44oncOys - AIDS Lickrustic Co.mselin9 F.O. Box 1062, Green Bay, 543C5, 437-7400 SERVICES Have a Zuhl-Mai-I (Home De:oruti:g dz Reno-Joions) Green Bay, 432-0910 MADISON • (608) Happy Holiday REST AJFI ANTS Season 1 Cafe Palms . .. 636 W. Washirigton and a VANTASTIC NEW YEAR! All the Staff of MR. VANTASTIC We're YOUR Mover! Page 72 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep InStep • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 9 Mature-GWM (30) seeks professional male (35- B ULLE TIN BOARD 40). Many interests and hobbies. Leave name & ... Volunteer Coordinator needed for HIV (HTLV phone number after tone-signal. 289.2699. Are You Being Held Back 1111 counseling Program. Medical/Counseling evenings. experience preferred but will train the right per- Beginning Bodybuilder 6'. 1751bs, would like to by Avoidance, Self Doubt or Fear? son. Send resume to BESTD Clinic, 1240E Brady meet other Bodybutiderxi weightlifters who can St., Mike., WI 53202, or call Clinic during clinic offer guldens, information, & friendship. Write Live up to your most positive potential and gain hours. P.O. Box 27095. West Allis 53227. self-acceptance, confidence and accurate awareness. Volunteer counselors needed for HIV (HMV Trim active middle aged 0VM, 510", 160Ibs, DI) program to conduct individual counseling on brown hair. Looking for mat ure person to develop Qualified and Experienced Professionals AIDS education and prevention. Counselingexpe- monogamous relations. No heavy drinkers or Offering Treatment for rience preferred but will train. Call Clinic during drugs. Box 18787. clinic hours or write to BESTD Clinic. GWM, 50's looking for friendship relationship • anxiety' • compulsive and destructive Monthly support groups far gay/lesbian couples with honest sincere person over 40. Enjoy movies, • depression behavior and married Gays/Lesbians. Call 542.5735 for theatre, dinners and quiet times. Not into bar times and dates. scene. Tony, P.O. Box 11195, Shorewood, WI • sexual issues • chemical overuse _ 53211. Office;store front tor rent on fashionable East Brady Street. 400 sq. ft. (possibly more), heated, Dear Brian I k ive your pict ure! Please call. I can't $300. Call Fred for information (414)226-9980, ! I don't have your phone number or EastTown Therapy addres! Alleclionally Married Gay Men. Support group forming. Our Robin in.Sheboyoari. Services group would like to reach out and meet you for rap Suite 504 sessions. All letters confidential and will be an- swered. Write Skip, P,O. Box 32001-001, Franklin, 759 N. Milwaukee St. Wt 53132. GRAFFITTI Milwaukee, WI 53202 Dungeon & Medevil, equipment for sale or rent. Allyn Baby: I love you! I love you! I love you! That s (414) 273-7173 30 page catalog $12.95- Roman & Co. P.O. Box forever you know baby. Your WOSKI 827. Chicago. Ill. 60680. Milo Michael SOSBE: I Love You To!!! G. Durst. M.D. G. Paidan. A.C.S.W.. C.D.C. Robert A. Holzhauer, A.C.S.W. Christine Marlier. M.S.W. PEOPLE , Sunshine: Your just so cute when yOur wounded. Gregory W. Mulry. M.S.S.W. Douglas Seguin. Clinic Director `GWM, If you have had it with the bars and one Healthy to! WOSKI I 1)iglii stands and are looking for someone that has wants out of life, a Precious & friends: Thanks for the surprise it together and knows what he birthday party at Y.P. Pumkin persori that you can build a long lasting relation. ship wit h, Good so am I. Why don't you give me a Sister Bertrille (JoDees): I hope you put on you GROUP NOTES v call and see if we are what we are both looking for. Halloween Costume & fly to Christmas Island for Age & looks does not matter, the person does. the holidays-. Sister C Christmas Carols And Milwaukee. For more information, call 961- Call Tony 354-2788 between 4:30 & 7pm. Thanks. D. Fair: I love your cookies! T.L. 0308 or write P.O. Box 93913, Milwaukee, Newly "singled" GWM, late 30's, stable, respom P S I also like hie ds & snakes! Candlelight Service Wi. 53202. • friendships (or corres- sible, seeks to re establish • Rita: Where have you New Hope Metropolitan Community pondence, social encounters and safe sex. been? I miss seeing and ',liking with you. Peach Church will hold a Candlelight Christmas Ow of owners and married men welcome. 25-45 Foundation's Annual preferred. Recent photo appreciated. P 0 Box Connie (Racine): Sri sorry that you wine not in- Eve service starting at 11:30 PM Wednes- 13121, Milwaukee, WI 53213. vited to the exttiivigaitu at Buckingham Palace day, December 24 in the Chapel of Ken- Fundraising Drive this year . Conirl he you should have thought wood United Methodist Church, 2319 E. twk-e More you disgraced yourself. Don't expect Kenwood Blvd, Milwaukee. You are the Cream City Foundation (for- SUBSCRIBE a Christmas ard from the Andrew Sisters either! merly the Cream City Association Founda- Sister Bertrille You are invited to join the members and tion). Our mission is to "Build Community". friends of New Hope Metropolitan Com- And we can do it; together. of Community Service• To Milwaukee: Seasons Greetings and Thank munity Church to celebrate the birth of • • :1,3 Years You tot making our Chirst Inas Concert a huge Christ who came to show God's love to all The Foundation has launched a drive to a-Ns' Fest City Singers people. Come join our family of faith as we raise a minimum of $15,000 this year to Coming soon to a gay bar near you: "Judy celebrate God's love, singing a multitude of "build community". It's an ambitious goal: Garland and the 40 thieves!" • tickets $1.50 a shot, Christmas Carols and sharing Holy not nearly what is needed, but one which P (sort of) AkG (I mean seat l, • "FREE" if you can sing MILWAUKEE. Communion. can be wisely spent. Deb: Do you need more space? Lets talk; Me New Hope MCC is a Christian Church CCF pays no staff, owns no property, HOTLINE with an outreach to the Gay. and Lesbian pays no rent, and is totally volunteer. Oper- Counselor On Duty 7-10 p.m. Girls: Happy New Year! "Not in Sparta" Community. MCC does not condemn, but ating and general expenses are less than affirms all people through Christ's command 17", a very small percentage for an organi- 24 Hr. Taped Message' Bobby: Wishing you luck in the city. Nel for us to love one another. New Hope MCC zation of this size. As a result, money given T. NaMAHS: Ready yet? I am Shadow holds regular services every Sunday evening to the Foundation stretches twice as far as 562-7010 at 7:00 PM in theChapel of Kenwood United any other gift you'll give this year—even to Methodist Church, 2319 E: Kenwood Blvd., national organizations. . Continued on page 121 InStep • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 71 CLASSIFIED AD ORDER FORM SPECIALS $6.00 for 30 words or less. Each additional word is 200. Monday and Tuesday 500 Shots of Schnapps MAIL TO: INSTEP 624 North 27th Street 'Wednesday Milwaukee, WI 53208 S ARL. I G I-1'T S ARL. I G "I" 9 30 F" atur NO PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED. Call 931-8335 if you need assistance. M' LINDA JAMES CASS I E CARTER I< AR I 1\1" MARIE PLEASE PLACE MY CLASSIFIED AD UNDER THE FOLLOWING SECTION: With $1.00 Canned Beer and Rail Drinks ROOMMATES INSTRUC7,TION MISCELLANEOUS Thursday HOL SING BULLETIN BOARD MODELS/ ESCORTS* EMFLOYMENT REAL ESTATE MASSAGE* i y ! Come aricl go -t D SERVICES MOVING/STORAGE PEOPLE* Spin your own drink price FOR SALE LEGAL COUNSELING * These sections require your signature stating you are 18 years of age or older. Signature X ALL CLASSIFIED ADS CONTAINING A THE PHONE NUMBER MUST BE VERIFIED, BEFORE WE PRINT I . PLEASE GIVE US YOUR NAME & DAYTIME PHONE #. Phone. AD.


- Page 70 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep Santa for Rent- homes, offices, businesses wel- SERVICES come, price negot iable-- 1 hour minimum. Ask for Dean 765-0244. Beat the Clock Beat the Clock Beat the Cloc Cloc THE EMPLOYMENT Beat the Clock Beat the Clock Beat the FLOWER OUT!. Wisi Gay Lesbian Newspaper has an opening for on Advertising Representative. 10 CHR I STMAS EVE 20 hoots per week. $3.35 per hour comm. Send DEN resume and, over letter to P.O. Box 148, Madison. AND We've moved! All Major WI 53701 CHR I STMAS DAY 3205 S. Howell Credit 483-8888 Cards BUY/SELL Clock Beat the Cloc Accepted Beat the Clock Beat the Four 301 Bose Speakers, in very good condi- the Cloc tion, $150 (-10 a pair Cash only. Call Jim (414) Beat the Clack Beat the Clock Beat We Want to be 342 6919. Your HOLIDAY Do you want to buy the person you love some- thing special this Christmas? An ornately carved Florist! oak or walnut Grandfather clock would be just right. 5700-$1.500 depending on model. Call 542- NEW YEARS NEW YEARS ' Wreaths, Centerpieces, 5735 to reserve yours. NEW YEARS NEW YEARS ' Poinsettias COUNSELING NEW YEARS NEW YEARS DANCERS. LIP SYNC:HERS:ACTORS NEW YEARS NEW YEAR SINGERS. WOULD-BE ACTORS, polish your Vocational & Career .111 with pritaic acting lessons performance eri Noe Iiy experietwed member of Adios Equity.. Counseling Door Prizes Every % Hour 3157. 530 hi or 6 hours s150: Call Clyde at 962 Dennis Jackson, MS, CRC FREE CHAMPAGNE Diplomats on the American 1 COBBLERS LTD Bd. of Vocational Experts. Hors d' oeuvres (Insurance Billable) Hourly Drink Specials I 76th & Hampton Ave. 1 272-8868 I Located in the West Mall 1 of the SHOE 1 Psychotherapy, gi.nerol counseling for individual NEW YEARS NEW YEAR I Hampton Shopping Center REPAIR or coupk's. Insurance accemecl. Dennis Jackson, 2726865 (Milw.i, NEW YEARS NEW YEARS I 466-2830 10% OFF I wicoupon NEW YEARS NEW YEARS CHARLES A. KILEY, MSW NEW YEARS NEW YEARS • SEX THERAPY SEVEN • GENERAL SEAS AQUATIC COUNSELING "Get your Pet', (414) 276-5778 a Christmas Pet" I COMING EVENTS: IF YOU LIKE FISH, YOU'LL LOVE SEVEN SEAS AQUA- PSYCHIC TIC. You'll find everything from. Our 1 Sit ANNIVERSARY Angelfish to Zebras...more than Internmionallt. Hemmed Psyt hic :s rcadv to tavi, omaniv.antits.itel insrglitintoymnsWand February 14th Ct,1 150 varieties of Tropical and Salt- water Fish...plus other, ,m1 W11.0 vut.slionklandwillbeduingrnthe Food and weeks and Medications...and all kinds ake.ul. Be ready for changes of .aid know whit trick, ek Iwo the,. Aquarium set-ups and supplies. come. Mr. Weller The 1st Ar rzua1 NW- In-ert in i he w‘irk tot will tent 15 years and is We sell FP I VOT CL.U$ Birds and Small Anim- n'.146,, haw1Ps..alaslivIlasn . Call lot appoint and 1\4 I SS als, too, so come see us! net .diet .1 :4111v):. 354-27s8. ask for Mr. Muctler. CONTEST r Gilt Certificates Available. 215 W. Fbncla Street MASSEURS February 1 5 th i 272-7966 ' I I I ? c °Pen Noonn to Mon thru Sot. - Massage For Men: ,t relaxing massage lor Watch for further details"?' Noo ,0 Sundays on!). .8:15 Coll tor appoinm)cni. Fred (41,11 226- ttttso Pz,ge 12 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep, InStep • December 18. 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 69

*Continued from page 9 To counteract this takes time and money. Day at ter day a rich choice of activities are The community has large donations going available to us all through CCF Grantee toward disease and group housing — but Agencies. Nineteen groups coordinate pro- iuhat about the rest of us? Only 10% of the ROOM:1ES Energy efficient 2 bedroom (1 lat gel in Rivet grams in conjunction with gay/lesbian community are being reached— Close to bus lines, downtown, UWM Hard- The 261 ioking share 2 bed, 2 bath d Hoots, remodeled kitchen & bath Incl. Foundation—religious, sport, fraternal, edu- we need to do more. Your gift can make a GWM for GWM to it wan, nun are-n 41.1i1TIMV111. Call Dennis 272-0775. ..11)1)aallt.V.r. $295 nio. Coll Marc at 374 5599 cational and social activities included. real difference. 631$ Reipodeled 2 bedroom lower. Country kitchen The Foundation is your only means of Much of this prgram is directly attributa- Responsible roommate wanted to share 3 br Is via eehincts, 101111415, 11001. ceiling Ian, open Needs" of our commun- ble to your past support of The Foundation. meeting the "Total oWIlitt tom • 1.1. 111 tWo t 11110- guy'S; OnV . and ia shelves & lull pantry w t loset. 'Latge living room Events are catching up with us though, and ity 365 days a year. Send in an envelope (kis. Own ro.im. laundry, cabk.. yard, parking w windows. bath w shower & vanity, larger we must increase that support to new and today with your contribution. This is the available. $191 no, & 1 3 utils. Downer Ave. area becboom has 2 good sized closets, smaller bed more far-reaching programs. year that counts. With your help we will 31Q-4626. No serious paniers or smokers please. morn has built at book case, mirrored closet and build a viable community which will get the Peer proiessional and or student, Jas extols t rage. All rooms have ceiling fans Luse Why challenge ourselves this year?Think respect it rightly deserves. yarti w nutty lutes. flowers, garden space. $250. Roommate si share large older Eastside apart security. Pets possible, 1328 N. 22nd. 342- of what's happening: mein. 2 Lrgi.. bedrooms. 2 baths. living room Please donate as generously as your can, t x • The Governor's Council is about to be separate d Mug room, den. jots of storage. Room and send your check to: CCF, P.O. Box 204; lor some i-nn tore. $300 mu. includes all utilities. disbanded. Milwaukee, WI 532010204, or call (414)276- Coinpletely Renovated Townhouse lot Rem: 2 Security dismit Gary 224.6150 evenings or Bed:mum I . baths, oil street packing, basement 2204 if you have futher questions. • wee/wilds • There is talk of the equal rights law being age. East side 'se Ill Like. $495 avai able Jolt appealed. Lutherans C6ncerned Racine: Share 3 bed. lame on the lake. fireplace. oall• 15th. 272 62242 • Archbishop Hunthauser has been secluded. cry private. Call between 7&10pm. 414- censored. Lutherans Concerned/Milwaukee will 5.54,51.49. ORGANIZATIONS meet at 7:30 PM at Village GWM Roommate wanted: Share '2 bedroom flat • AIDS continues to Church, 130 E. ravage the popula- Juneau Ave. on sunday evening, December knom .xist side of Milwaukee tin Jefferson. tion, causing loss of what little positive image 21st. The program will include a $125 mu. plus 1 2 utilities. Call 273 3168. we had in the larger community. Christmas AMONG Party; bring your favorite board or card A new home a I time for OW 'sintiOS. in Brown Deer. • All of these mean we see primarily 'ant i- game - wear red or green! A vital meeting will Has malty ext tas & all street parking. Your own FRIENDS gay' news in the media. discuss leadership and program plans for i'irini T V AN you need is your tooth brush & rr $5!.3L week 1987. All are welcome. , • eels. a Neeti reierences. Ca11.354- A MONTHLY JOURNAL OF 276N betw-wis 5 Spio ask lot Anthony. RESOURCES MID NETWORKS GWM RoJoirnate Wanted. responsible straight 1 FOR THE LESBIAN AND GM 4 .ict nig, 28 35. 135 mu. includes utilities. One bed IOWA, loom apt. ir Aare my lite Write-. Harold E. Miller. ' COMMUNITIES OF 701 Is ks.ti Si. Fort Atkinson. WI 53538 MINNESOTA, AND WISCONSIN $15/YR Mate to ihirre 3 bedt oom townhouse in Port Wastai z wit; ins kir a a illege age mak., preler $2 SAMPLE CY E93405 South Aso Reedsburg. WI 97959 toil snicker ant into yitur salisfactitat Call 284. 3637 Mary extras Share 4 liedruom house with 3 guys. Liundry. Monthly newsletter and arriv!u, for cross- .nd Parking pi ivledges. Near Min:hell dressers. Send self addressed _tamped envelope Park tit t, smoker. 6474:492. No drags Or for details to WuW, Box 632, Waukesha, WI 531f 7, or call 542-5735. GM to sliar.! 2 bedroom apartment 241h KIJ, !loom. Gni° phis utilities. Call Joe 933.9301 Room in nicely furnished & decorated 3 br town. ACCOUNTING house. Rec. 'room_ MO totma with large closet, king, sue 10. LJUI,KirSt in basement, weekly rent. security S. references, call for details 461,4010 -Steven J. Murray Professional Accounting & Tax Services HOUSING Suite 301 - Charlton Bldg. Two 134..;d-octm upper flat, LR, DR. posit, 1 2 840 Old World 3rd St. Cheesecake /louse basement attic storage, gat age kir I car. oil street and Catering Services lor 2nd 5250 00 plus utilities- Toni 933-6166, Milwaukee, WI 53203 out k 276.1,4)33 Ext . 5219. 1326 N. 26th, Milw. Pets 273-4444 OK 1521 West State Street, Milwaukee. Wisconsin / 933-9223 Complete Personal & Business _ Green Ba S. West Side 2613 upper, own parking, .-iyanntling, Tax & Consulting Sertices $225 plus aril tins 432 8994 Page 68 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep 1nStep • December 18, 1986- Jan_uary 14, 1987 • Page 13 *Continued from page 66 wanted it? Who would have approved of ChristMas Christmas Day—join the Conaty/Navarro we turned to other things. With the strains of it—or for that matter, ever did? Jim-Bob, Alone? Christmas is about that. Love corning where extended family. Reservations must be in by "Silent Night" coming from the radio, the You Are Invited! Monday, Dec. 22 by calling 445-5552. • winter day settled quietly to its close. it's least expected and existing where it's not supposed to be. That's why there had to be a Cream City Business Association Found- Or, if you are hosting a dinner and are About 10:00 it started to snow giving us a manger scene here. That's why . . ." ing President Ralph F. Navarro, and his life open to receive guests to your home, call white Christmas,- something which we had partner Kevin Conaty, cordially invite any Ralph or Kevin and let them know that you been told was nearly unherad of in Milwau- Jim nodded in understanding. "Sure. CCBA member to Christmas Dinner on are open to receive guests. "Supporting our kee. We went outside to look. The air was Sure. Especially in a -gay home." Christmas Day. There may be room for oth- true family is vital, it we are to grow as a hushed.; the City skyline, misted and in the ers within the gay/lesbian community. if you community," stated Ralph. • We all looked toward the little figures have no place else to go, don't dine houses up and down Palmer Street, the mul- under the tree. Suddenly, there seemed to alone on ticolored lights of Christmas glowed. be about them an et.nereal glow as of blue "God rest you merry, gentlemen. Let lights on snow. We get up and knelt down in by MAP Volunteers nothing you dismay." front of the tree fora closer look. TO YOUR HEALTH • Their voices were slightly off key but "Look.", Jim said in wonder,"Look at the BEST-D Elects Board two shepherds." Party Time For MAP sweet for all that in the air of Christmas Eve. The Brady East STD Clinic held elections The Holiday season is in full swing. Trees to the Board of Directors "From God our heavenly Father, the. "We looked and now, instead of standing are trimmed, stockings are hung and pres- on Oct. 15, 1986. blessed angels came and unto certain shep- apart, they were on their knees before the Newly elected to the Board were Deborah ents are wrapped. Now, it's time to sit back Reed, RN herds brought tidings of the same." manger. But more. Each had his arm about take a little yourself. It's party and Timothy Nowak, who will and time for serve three year the other's waist. time! Take a rest from the holiday hustle and terms along with Doug "They say Milwaukee's the Christmas Johnson, RN and Brother Benjamin John- "Love in adoration of LOVE.", I said not bustle and treat yourself to a couple of even- son, who were city.", Peter said as his arm slipped around ings of fun and re-elected to the Board. is." trying to hide the awe I felt. frivolity — and help the Mil- my waist. "I guess maybe it waukee AIDS Project at the same time. Election of the Executive Officers was Maybe more importantly,", Peter said, held on Dec_ 7, 1986 following The carolers finished with a happy shout On Sunday, December 21, the gang at the Annual of "Merry Christmas" and went their way "LOVE accepting love." Planning and Review meeting. The following ,_Angelo's Mint Bar 11 have planned a benefit Board members will be serving as into the night. In the hush of snowfall, the dinner and auction, with proceeds going to President "We knelt there quietly, each in his own Continued on page 14 four of us stood looking out toward the City thoughts. as the bells of Christmas began to- MAP_ Have a seat meal and check out the which seemed like a Christmas town draped peal in the distance their grand old song of items on the auction block. Who knows? in angelhair. love- told "unto certain shepherds" so long You may find that last minute Christmas gift. "I love you, Peter.", I said gently. "I love ago and yet again this night. The following Sunday (December 28) La PA1 9, you so very, very much." "A Merry gay Christmas.", Peter said. Cage is throwing a holiday MAP bash. Plan on joining in on the post-Christmas and pre- I " A- He turned his head, a soft smile on his "To us all.", Don added. New Years fun. face. ILVFA "To us all.", Jim said. "Especially to all of See you there! And, to each and every- - "And I, you, Steven.", his voice a whisper us." • one, a very MAPPY Christmas!!! • on the hushed air. - - BRADY EAST S.T.D. CLINIC And then we kissed beCause it was so -MAP Plans Auction 1240 EAST BRADY STREET • MILWAUKEE right. Let the whole world, I thought, and 414/272-2144 -heaven too see our gay love celebrate itself Recently, MAP was awarded a grant from on the Eve of Christmas as my lover's lips the state to purchase and run a house for GENERAL V.D. TESTING AND TREATMENT took what belonged to him with his that were AIDS patients. In order to fund this, and Tuesday Evening 7:00-9.00 mine. _ .., other projects, MAP will be holding a major Saturday Afternoon 1:00-100 auction featuring antiques, artwork, collecti- HEPATITIS B TESTING AND VACCINATION --''Ati-h-efrim.", Jim cleared his throat. bles and other ineteresting items. Monday Evening 6:00.9:00 "Careful. Somebody might be . ." !By Appointment Only) Before the autioneer can open the bid- HTLV-III ANTIBODY TESTING - "Oh nonsense.", Don said impatiently. "If ding, though, we need items to bid on. That's Monday and Wednesday Evenings Christmas isn't about love in unwanted where you come in. If you have any of the IBy Appointment Only! forms breaking all the rules, then what is it?" above items, or know of anyone who might ALTERNATIVE WOMEN'S CLINIC be interested in donating to this worthy Saturday Morning 10:00-12:00 noon I don't think any of us understood exactly cause, please get in touch with Tom Boll at - HTLV.III ANTIBODY POSITIVE what, he meant but we let it go until later, the MAP office 1273-2437). ,SUPPORT CROUPS over hot chocolate Jim asked him to explain. Contact Clinic for times and locations The date has not been set yet, but watch The BEST Clinic is a volunteer-run. non-profit "The first Christmas?", he responded. the pages of InStep for further.information organization, supported primarily by your "Love born in some gawd-awful town in a and, get ready to take advantage of one of tax-deductible donations. dingy stable. Who expected it there? Who the biggest events of the year. • Page 14 • December 18, 1936- January 14, 1987 • InSrep BEST EVER! Third Edition T3: Kim (K.A:), Buff. Joe,-Nel, 'Bye Whole Chuckle, 6cott, Fluffy, Mark, gay eatalog Zak, Carl. Tommy, For gay men and lesbians, their families and friends. Danny, Ludy, 6'.4Dikey, this THIRD EDITION of THE WHOLE GAY Qobbie and Qc.nk CATALOG brings the world of lesbian and gay literature as close as your telephone or mailbox. Offers a multitude I may be out Last of BOOKS, plus VIDEOS, RECORDS & TAPES, With My Family GIFTS, and more! Over 100 But You're My Family Here 0 pages, indexed. ORDER YOURS NOW! FROM THE I Love Thu All. WORLD'S LEADING GAY AND LESBIAN BOOKSTORE! ax.tv litchweed) Mail to: Please send me lir Whets Dag Galata,. I enclose 82. Name Lambda Address RL I.g City State Zip De t. 576 , 1625 Connecticut Ave. NW, Washington, DC, 20009,

OContinued from page 13 showed positive test results for exposure to -L)oug Johnson, Vice President of Volun- the AIDS virus, but a high percentage of the teers - David Cadle, Vice President of Public 137 said they shared needles, according to Relations - Fred Filkins, Treasurer - Bernie results disclosed Dec. 8. May You All Have The Secretary - Ery Uecker. Schutten, and as Although the number of Schutten will also serve as the Clin- drug abusers Bernie here with the AIDS virus was lower than Happiest of Hbliday8 ic's representative on the Board for the of Wis. (ARCW). expected, state health officials said they AIDS Resource Center were concerned about tI-4 Other Board members of the Clinic include high number 0 Peace, Health, and Wealth Forkner, M.D.; John sharing needles because this puts them at Bob Schmidt; Tony risk for exposure to or spread Scaduto, DDS; and Joe Grochowski. Mar- of AIDS. in '87. cos Huffman presently serves as the Medical About 70'i of those tested said they had Director for the Clinic. • shared needles when usir g drugs within the past year, reported Edward Belongia, the I)rug Abusers' Methods physician in the State Division of Health who Risk AIDS led the durg abuser testing program. (Milw. Journal) — Only 5 of 137 people Love, Mother with histories of abusing injectble drugs Continued on page 501 Page 66 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep InStep • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 15 STORY TIME a Terry egieg- hiiet THE ARTSv by Kevin Michoel made up the set, Mary, Joseph, the babe merely curse the darkness. the Grand Avenue to the magnifi- From and two shepherds. were made of plaster, of stately Shorewood; from Bay At Year's End It seems to me our art mirrors ourselves. cent homes chipped in places with patches of paint gone. View to Wauwatosa, Milwaukee decked At the close of every year and just prior to Let us continue to join hands as gay sisters itself for Christmas. My lover Peter and I Peter picked up one of the shepherds, the holiday rush, I take a brief opportunity to and brothers and to search for the light. is were determined that our 19th Century turning the little figure over in his long, review the Arts year through the pages of that not what this holiday season is clearly home high on Brewers Hill would glow with slender fingers. inSrep. 1986 has been a very rich and pro- about? Don't just bask in the warm glow Christmas. probably for the first time in ductive arts year for our community and though, share it and bring it to those who decades. And as far as we were able, it did. "What?", I asked seeing the thoughtful quite revelatory in oh so many ways. Let me most need it. That's what makes the differ- Orange lights shown in each of its 30 win- expression around his large, dark, liquid share with you my reflections. ence. For you, me, and all in our community, dows, holly and pine festooned the doors eyes. I wish you warm and light-filled hearts. Keep and in our living room stood a fragrant bal- Who could not remember the beautiful faith. Keep hope. • sam towering 11 feet to the ceiling and "Uhmmm. Nothing. It's just that in most production of La Cage Aux Polies which dressed with bubble lights, sparkling balls manger scenes the male figures are usually graced the PAC stage? It was truly a grand and silvery tinsel. bearded, older, ain't they? This one's a celebration of "We Are Who We Are and young man. Look,", he said holding it out, Who We Are Needs No Excuses!" hair's short and he's got a mustache." "Hummmm," Don said when he and Jim "his I'm reminded too of the terrific concerts of stopped by. "Not bad. Maybe just a tish MGTP Announces I looked at it and picked up the other the Fest City Singers who seek to unify and "Very nice.-, Jim interrupted hastily. shepherd. bring harmony through musical excellence. Performance Schedule "Very Victorian the way it should be." he The candles symbolizing life and hope "This one's young too—and clean together with the blended voices of gay men The Madison Gay Theatre Project paused, looking thoughtfully at the tree. has shaven." and women at the Factory last Saturday (MGTP) is alive and well, and "There's only one thing missing I think." for their upcoming season. evening were truly moving beyond mere announced plans Advisory "What's that?", Peter asked. "And this one has black hair and . ." words. They've established an Artistic Board: (AAB) made up of four main people "A creche.", he answered. "under the "And,", I continued, "the other's hair is The cast party with La Cage members in the company. tree, you know. It needs it." brown. Just . . ." and the outstanding production of The Nor- mal Heart by the Clavis Theatre along with After opening the play "One" Dec. 12 and "Just like us." he paused. "Or . . .?? "Definitely.", Don agreed vigorously. the donations to MAP (Milwaukee AIDS 13 at Neighborhood House MGTP brings "Definitely_ Definitely. And nothing cheap.", "Or like them?" Project) speak of lived care and concern in "One" a one man, one act play about the he cautioned. "Nothing. Nothing rather than the face of grim realities. emotional struggle of a man faced with dying that." We arranged the little- figures under the in a benefit performance for the Madison On the departure from the city of tree, putting the shepherds standing side by a dear AIDS Support Network, to The New Bar friend I wrote: Peter and I agreed. A manger scene would side worshiping the infant. In the soft glow of for $3 at 3pm. • be nice but ones like Don had in mind were the tree lights, the rude little set seemed Wouldn't it be a wonderful tribute to each outside a budget that had already been almost new: almost as if it weren't made of one of us if our leaving Milwaukee's gay The AAB has suggested the following stretched beyond its limits. So. as we plaster at all but of other more beautiful, community mode a significant difference? schedule for 1987: A performance of "Ger- decided after Don and Jim had gone. under- more precious stuff. Why not then live presently with such an turde Stein, Gertrude Stein, Gertrude the Mr 'Miss: Ms Gay neat!) the tree would have to be the way it impact? This would most certainly be a Stein" in February; was, some artificial snow, a little village. Any- Then it was Christmas Eve with Don and much richer community if we all lived in this Madison Pageant Feb. 22nd at The New thing else would have to wait until next year. Jim showing up in the late afternoon to fashion not only by word but deed. Wouldn't Bari- a performance of - A Late Show" by After all, I thought, did it really matter? spend the evening with us as planned. it be worth a try? James Chambers in April; then in August a performance of "Suite in Three Keys" by Then a few days before Christmas, Peter "My Gawd! What's this?", Don exclaimed This it seems to me is the pivotal issue and Noel Coward in August. They'll wrap up went to replace a bulb in one of the lights in pointing at our manger set. "Tacky. Tacky. perhaps our current health crisis brings it their season with "Who's Afraid of Virginia the attic windows. He returned carrying a Tacky.", he said, shaking his finger. most clearly to the fore. There need be no Woolf" by Edward Albee in October. small box that was ragged and covered with more excuses for us and our existene — We better look. dust. But Kim knelt down to get a have arrived and we are here to stay! Bot has They are also planning to participate in gay men and women, we come the American Community Theatre Festival. "What's that?", I asked. "I don't know Don-boy:", he said. "Little together as a run down, maybe but remember, the first universal family who includes all and Wisconsin Competition with a cutting of "It's a manger scene.", he replied as he sat Christmas wasn't a luxury item. I think it's excludes none; for we can find unity in our "Gertrude Stein" in February of 1987, and the box on the coffee table. "I nearly fell over just fine here in this house. Somehow, it sort differences and uniqueness not a demand presenting the same cutting along with it. Funny, I don't remember ever seeing it of fits." for uniformity. We are able to appreciate "One- at the state Wisc. Theatre Assn. Con- before." and cultivate our individual giftedness and vention in Superior from April 30-May 4th. Don nodded and a sudden look of under- this poses no threat. "Maybe our spirit friends left it.", I ventured. standing crossed his face. I thought he might For more info on MGTP contact them at Let us then like be going to say something but he didn't arid the Fest City Singers con- PO BOA 726, Madison. WI 53701. • But if they had, they had not left one in the tinue to light candles and hope even in the best of condition. The five little figures that Continued on page 68* face of. adversity rather than cop out and Page 16 • December 18. 1986- January 14, 1987 inSten_ InStep I December 18. 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 65 oContinu eel/nom page 64 people who have $5,000 or more that you are able to put away in an investment- The Sirgle Premium program is a superb plan to insure full accessibility, even within a few weeks of deposit. The growth is astounding SHE CARD SHARKS and it is all tax deferred. ARE GOING TO If you don': have at least $5,000 to put GET down at once, check out :he Variable/Uni- versal pro!;rams that have recently come YOU' into the market place. In my opinion; they are the bei.t thing available for people who who rare interested in learning aboat the can only affo'd to pay one premium at a stoclknarket.i CC1C is a creation of Cream time. The ..irowth is truly mind boggling and City siness Association. To be a part of every ber efit going directly into your Caft one needs to be a member of CCBA. pocke:. According to Rozman, "you need not Treat yc urself nicely going into the New• knovit anything about the stock market to Year, cont act your gay/lesbian sensitive and becotne a member! That is the purpose of informed Registered Representative, also -the g_roup, to learn together." Joined with know as ar Equity Qualified Representative. past hair Leonard Sobczak and others, the • groub is looking to fill the 15' seats by JanUary. Investment Club Rozman reports that 7 of the seats have alre4dy been filled. CCBA members inter- Opens Membership ested in a combined education, rewarding and enjoyable opportunity to gather with Cream City Investment Club (CCIC) announced that the oche.i good people are to contact Rozman at member Ron Rozman 344 278 • group one a again is open to receive people loomommamorminimylmxlmom”ammom YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS + OUR HOME BASED PARTY


SPECIAL GIFTS AVAILABLE TO THOSE! THAT rILL SPONSOR A PARTY. COME ON AND 'BE A SPORT'. CALL MAP AT 273-AIDS AND ASK THE AIDS LINE VOLUNTEER FOR FURTHER / 50 member Feat City Singers sung before their largest audience ever when over 500 INFORMATION: people at tended their annual Holiday Concert at the Factory. Page 64 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep Sunday, December 21st MONEY v Mr. 1101 West Kevin & Ashley Morgan Tax Shelters? present the 1101 West by Ralph F. Navarro CHRISTMAS SHOW ARE: Equity Qualified Representative with Melinda James, -Tania Michaels, While many, many things have changed Tax Free Growth, with the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA), one Peter, Toni Clark and of the greatest losses for many is the Special Guest Male Impersonator reduced number of ways to shelter your Loans, money. Miles Lohng Net 2% Although we've kept IRA's (to a limited degree) if you have an adjusted gross income under $25,000 as a single. or $40,000 Wedensday, December 24th Tax Free Income, if you file jointly (legal marriage required Join us for here), and kept the Super IRA's. Keogh's, Tax Sheltered Annuities, traditional pension CHRISTMAS EVE Life Income, and profit sharing programs, as well as 401(k)'s, the number of dollars yoti can put Hot Drink Specials away has been decreased significantly. 50ct Shots of Schnapps Multi-leveled People who are trying to insure a sound economic future for themselves and their all nite significant others will have to begin looking Investments 0 11 11., elsewhere One winner in TRA-86 are tax it • free municipals bond funds and the other super champion is life insurance Now I Wednesday, December 31st know that many don't want to think about Important life insurance, but stop long enough to NEW YEAR's EVE LISTEN! - Bring the New Year in with Style at Although the primary use of life insurance is to cover debt, final costs and to perhaps 1101 West with a to You?? leave a nest egg for ones lover, most people No cot/ CABARET SHOW cO buying it today are not focusing in on the 0 death benefit. • ER Live from N Life insurance has radically changed in the past 10-15 years. Not only is it generally c0 NEW YORK CITY THEY "interest sensitive" to current economic Bryan Murphy as Tina Turner markets (and usually out performs CD's, Money Market's and certainly passbook Free Champagne Fountain savings), but today it can be tied into high SHOULD yielding mutual funds to reflect your own Free Hors deouvres personal investment attitudes. If you haven't seriously looked at it in 10 years, do yourself Hats A/0 a favor. Noisemakers CO BE There are 5 generic types of life which begin with the traditional term. 1st Drink is Free In addition to significant investment No co, options, all your funds are growing on a tax vE-R CONTACT: deferred basis while yet leaving you with RALPH F. NAVARRO acessibility to your funds at a net 2% loan costs. Certainly you may access your funds NO OBLIGATION CONSULTATIONS without a loan, but then you create a taxable 276-2000 445-5552 situation for yourself. MEMBER: CCBA/NABC/NALU Probably the best of the options is for Continued on page 651 PC1c;E. 18 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep InStep • December 18. 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 63 17. Say It, Say It E.G. Daily 18. West End Girls/Opportunities Pet Shop Boys 19. Sample That!/Samples Bang Orchestra 20. Gotta See You Tonight Barbara Roy 21. I Can't Turn Around J.M. Silk 22.'I Didn't Mean To Turn You On Robert Palmer 23. We Don't . . _ Clothes Off Jermaine Stewart 24. Summer Of Love B'52's 25. For Tonight Nancy Martinez 26. Jealousy Club Nouveau 27. Brand New Lover Dead Or Alive 28. Whenever You Need Somebody O'Chi Brown 29. Artificial Heart Cherelle 30. Walk Like An Egyptian The Bangles 3X. Midas Touch Midnight Star 32. Summertime, Summertime _ Nocera 33. Typical Male Tina Turner 34. Point Of No Return Nu Shoo2 35. Music You Can Dance Too Sparks 36. Nail It To The Wall Stacy LaLtit.iFsaEw. 37. All Played Out 38. Legs/Paranaimia Art Of Noise 39. Can't Wait Another Minute 4. 5 Star 40. Crush On You/Curiosity i1. The Jets 41. Heat Of Heat. 1 Patti Austin 42. Showing Out Mel And Kim 43. World Domination ...... _...... I Belle Stars' 44. Can't Live Without Your Love Suzy 45. How Many Hearts Evelyn Thomas 46. Higher Love Steve Winwood 47. Man Size Love Klymaxx 48. Everybody Have Fun Tonight Wang Chung 49. I'm Not Perfect Grace Jones 50. What I Like Anthony And The Camp Top 15 House Records 1. Love Can't Turn Around Farley & Daryl Pandy 1 2. Jack Your Body Steve "Silk" Hurley 3. House Music Anthem Marshall Jefferson 4. Nobody's Business Billie 5. We're Rockin' Down The House Adonis 1 6. Mind Games 7. 7 Ways HereQcueelesst 8. Dum Dum (Part 11) Fresh 9. Nightmare Of A Broken Heart C-Bank 10. Love Can't Turn Around Philly Cream 1 T1. I Like It Libra 12. Godfather Of House Chip E. 13. 1 Can't Turn Around J.M. Silk 14. Showing Out Mel And Kim Fresh _ Jo s Place is gelling itself a aputanon for its Sunday afternoon parties. 15. Dum Dum (Part I) Page 62 • DeceEnber 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep InStep • December 18, 1986- JanUary 14, 1987 • Page 19' Happy Holidays 2139 Racine Sit. Racine Current Top 15 . from the Staff at Mon. Sat. open ut 7. 5ptn on Sun. (Compiled by Raymond "RayGirl" Messick, Tyrone King & Scott from Milwaukee's tub 219). 1. Don't Leave Me This Way Communards JO'DEE'S 2. Control Janet Jackson 3. Brand New Lover Dead or Alive Sher, Karen, Art & Judy 4. How Many Hearts Evylen Thomas Thanks for such a great year! 5. One Way Street/Love Reputation Miguel Brown making 1986 6. We Connect/Two of Hearts Stacey Q 7. Samples Bang Orchestra CHRISTMAS PARTY 8. Can't Live Without Your Love! Suzy Sun., Dec. 21, 5pm until... 9. Speculation Colonel Abrams O. Someone Like You Sylvester 1. Love Hangover Tracy Akerman NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY 12. Eye Contact Linda Lusardi Hourly door prizes Party Favors open 7prn 13. Planet Nine Nick John 14. Love on the Line Janie Johnson 15. Oh La La Princess Day GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY PARTY CURRENT PICK HITS Jan. 14, 1987 1. Love Hangover Tracy Ackerman 2. Tightrope Evelyn Thomas To Help Us Celebrate our 14th Yea 3. Eye Contact Linda Lusardi 4. Planet Nine Nick John 5. Give Me Your Love • Sisley Ferre 6. People Like Us Deliverance/Cindy Dickinson THE BEER Top 50 Dance Songs Of 1986 oniplied by Kim J. Zweibohmer, DJ at THE FACTORY andDANCETERIA, chart GARDEN positions based on club play not sales. 1. Control LP (all cuts) Janet Jackson CHRISTMAS PARTY 2. Rumors Times Social Club 3. I Can't Wait Nu Shooz Sat., Dec, 20, 8pm-until 4. Don't Leave Me This Way Communards • Food •Prizes 5. The Rain Oran "Juice" Jones 6. True Blue (all cuts) Madonna 7. Two Of Hearts/We Connect Stacey Q Sun. Dec. 21st, 6 to 10 8. Baby Love/Beat Of Love Regina back by popular requestfrirrigtat 9. Ain't Nothin' Goin' On But The Rent Gwen Guthrie Oari 10. Word Up Cameo Sweet Country Rock 11. Jump Back Dhar Braxton 12. Under the Cherry Moon Prince 3. Human The Human League NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY 14. Down And Counting Claudia Barry Season's Greetings & 15. Venus/More Than Physical Bananarama 16. Trapped/I'm Not Gonna Let .. Colonel Abrams Thanks for your Petrone & rI •

p CLUB BATHK E E M I UJ A LI E CLEAN, COMFORTABLE ALTERNATIVE" 704 West Wisconsin Ave, (Rear:, Milwaukee 276-0246 Saturday, December 20th, 9pir-) Miles Lohng eais,oirt, presents a Come Join Us For The 3rd Annual "Mary" Christmas Show HOLIDAY HO DOWN Sunday, Dec. 28th, 1986, /I-10pm Wednesday, December 24th What Ii -Party! WIN • WIN • WIN CHRISTMAS EVE • Color TV ,11 Boom Boxes Close at 6pm • Diamond Ear Studs • Cassette Tapes • Kris Kringle Bears Thursday, December 25th 9 More CHRISTMAS DAY THEN — open at 8pm NEW YEAR's EVE Champagne Morning DJ at 9pm In/Out Privi edges offered Noon, Dec. 31st — 12 Noon Jan. 1st $35.00 Central Wisconsin's at a Way to Start the New Year! Finest Dance Bar, lounge & Restaurant f\i,erriber — Cub Both Churn Open 24 Hrs, 7 days a Week • # • NEW YEAR'S EVE Renew Your Virginity at our Annual 07?-4 3rd NEW YEAR'S EVE SPECIAL HOLI D VIRGIN BALL • DJ at 9pm • 2 Free Buffets at 11pm & 1am • Free Champagne no cover

Thursday, January 1st NEW YEAR'S DAY Open 1pm $1. Bloody Marys Screwdrivers Greyhounds

DANCE STEnci Sunday, January 11 th By Ral-0 701 "Ray Girl.' Messick Carlisle I with textures by the original artist Freda P,wnet and -Love Hangover" with Well here we are again-- the end of Tracy Ackerman. "Band of Gold" has just A Show Presented by another year; however, dance music has not been released on (get this girls) GOLD vinyl. seen the eitcl•yet! Not suptiSingly, the artists The song produced by Michael Lloyd fea- ate again beginning to realize that high tures the same look as the original and adds 'Ionia Michaels energy dance tunes we've grown accus- stronger vocals making that new "oldie" tomed to over the years, do make cents! In more enjoyable and (Thank God!) more Lice it seems that the old dance tunes are like danceable. "Love Hangover" uniquely beg- showtime 8pm an old hot tle 01 wine they get better with age ins with the original Thelma Houston intro . 'Two newly released 12 filchers (Mats building into ihe dynamic vocals of Tracy records hoes!) feature just that -- the Ackerman. By highlighting the hiss. the remarks of "Band of Gold" sung IN Belinda Continued on page 50 1 17 Scott Street WOUSOU ( 715'; 845-5955 CHRISTMAS PARTY -•••• ,•.• Tuesday, Dec. 23 • Food Buffet lballgame • Gifts from Santa Wishing You A Merry Christmas& • 500 Rail Drinks & Beer A Happy New Year.... from 6 - 7:30 1987 Thank You For Your Patronage •al at 9 should Throughout the Year! be great! Join us CHRISTMAS EVE Open Hors deouures starting at 8pm Ruth, New Year's (608) 256-7104 Cheri, Day Doug, Bring in the Danny, NEW YEAR with us! at 8pm Alien & • Hats • Horns • Favors Beer Bust Della and our Abundant Buffet at lam at 9, would like And of course we are open 24 hours for $3. to wish 508 - -son everybody "PUFFIN ON THE HITS!' a Thursdays, 10prn MERRY $5 Bar Tab to each Contestant $50 Cash Prize to th Winner CHRISTMAS NO COVER CHARGE • DRINK SPECIALS NEW YEARS Room Availabiei... Party Vt Mon. thru Fri. 3pm - 8pm TUESDAYS EVE A HAPPY BUCK NIGHT, 9-close $3 cover, open until 3am NEW COCKTAIL. HOUR 2 for J. $1 Rail. $1.50 Call • Free champagne YEAR First 3 Fridays of the month, WEDNESDAYS at Midnight drawings for 50C Tap Beer from 8pm 4 12 . Cash, plus Bar Tabs. SAT. & SUN. (.‘ • Munchies On the Last Friday II am - 6pm, Hot Dogs • Drink Specials of the month, $1.30 for Screwdrivers, 4 • Free Coffee we give 2 - $50. Cash Prizes Bloody Mary's & Plus Bar Tabs. Greyhounds • Wel be giving out Hats repy64Avnektgateepa & Horns at the door 1 Pose 58 • December _18, 1986 January 14, 1987 • InStep InStep • 13eceritl5er:18, 19862jaiitiary'14, 1987 • Page. 23 STEPPIN' OUT v by Ron Gelman Peters on Brady restaurants. Well, H.I.T.'s all over, and most of the,- Welcome all, & to those advertisers who did stragglers have been -sent back to• where bigger ads then usual, Thank You—You've all they came from. I've heard of a few Tylilwau- helped make this,magazine what it is. This is also keeans that were ready to move out of town the first time we've done double the amount with bowlers they met,-and vice versa. Bn_t- now it's time to settle into the holiday -spirit .01 of the season, right here at home. , So enjoy= Not of. work went into this 'issue & my vacation couldn't come at a bet- As you can see, you are holding the larg- . ter time. I'm off to Pennyslvania to visit my est InStep ever published. I'm real excited to, faMily for awhile, & the office will be able to publish an 80 page issue. Origi• InStep be nally, we published 32 page issues regularly, closed from Dec. 19 thru January 5th. t hen 48 page became the norm. For holidays 1101 West in Appleton celebrated their & other special times of the year, we would 6th anniversary week over Thanksgiv- publish what we thought was a big issue-64 ing/Hit weekend, so I didn't get up there to pages. But now, we've reached the mile- visit, but 1 heard tell that they wrecked the stone t hat I've always looked forward to-80 house. Andy informed me that the "Thanks- pages. InStep is printed on the same size giving Princess" contest was almost scary. press as a newspaper is printed & because Some of the contestants-were just frightful I of that —we are limited to 16 page incre- guess. Cbngrats to Andy, Ed & their entire ments in size. Naturally, however, size staff for creating one of the hottest spots in increases bring bigger print bills (the one the valley. downer). The rule of thumb is that ad con- tent should be about 35", of the magazine, & M&IVI's new menu is superb. I had the - this is the first time it was feasible to go to an Cajun Strip Steak & Jpe had one of the Veal 80 page format. Our last milestone was Hal- dishes. We were both very impressed. It was loween, when we had 26 pages of ads not one of those perfect meals you don't want to enough to go to 80. But, this issue we have end. Their "enchanted garden" added to the over 34 pages of ads! New advertisers: Miz- overall effect. zani International, a men's clothing; Whole Gay Catalogue; Ear Waves, The Fest City Singers grown to 50 gay records; RSVP/Sun Travel, gay tours; and men & Lesbians, and they brought the Zuhl-Mark, contractors. packed house at The Factory to tears during their ,innual Christmas Concert. Their We ,haven't seen these advertisers for • finale, singing "Silent Night- & dedicating it awhile: Camp in Wausau; This Is It; Mr J's to PWA's & those of our friends who have Cheesecake & Catering; and the Island & Continued on page 24

—Por those cold weather months . . "The Ultimate Travel Experience for Men" Feb. 14-21; New Orleans/Key West/ Grand Cayman/New Orleans /*. I March 21-28: New Orleans/Key West/ Playa del Carmen/Cozumel/New Orleans ifk- IIIII:11111111161 11° t Ebensten Tours Member Intl. Gay Travel Assoc_ "Meaningful Tours, Cruises, A HAVE)_ AGENCN INC. and expeditions for Men" 4503 N. Oakland, Milw. Feb. 25 - Mar. 7; Carnival In Rio Feb. 25 - Mar. 4; Carnival in Venice 961-8747 'Mar. 14-21; The;Papillion Tour/ French Guyane/Devil's Island/Martinique Apr 4-17; The. Thai Some candid shots token during the Holiday Invitational Tourney provide some interesting Experience faces. Page 24 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep 5 7 No one could remember Fis name and _ RSVP according to Zak, manager of the A Cruise To Remember Danceteria— neither of their DJ's—Wayne and Robbie, entered the con-est. La Cage's Turnabout was Ei success, rais- 10 1111_. 11111". `ing $400 for M.A.P. The whole staff, George HOLIDAY GIFT included, donned dresses, and after a late r7, oeo . start, things rolled right along. I had consi- dered doing a number, but I couldn't find any GIVING IDEAS 4 Boa Constricter Spandex mat erial to do the FROM perfect Divine outfit. Menergy--:-Male Dancers, are now pel-- forming on Wednesdays at -The Factory. BIJOU VIDEO SALES These guys do alot of "athletic" style danc- ing, posing & flexing as much as dancing. Stop in and see Mark "The Blond" Hunt & his different guest dancers weekly. 1 could spend alot of time going over THE EXCHANGE upcoming events surrounding the holidays, • Th s post-apocalyptic sexual fantasy takes place in a "men on on & on I February 14 • 2 f '6 March 21 - 28 S 198 7 & New Years, etc. But why go & only" hostel where animalistic desires rule. When you can just check "The Calendar" section for easy daily references to what s 750 MEN & YOU! coming up! BELOWito BELT vacation? Want to . The first gal' X-rated martial arts porn film stars Chad Looking for an exciting Douglas, Ji Sfeele and others in what Advocate MEN see new faces and places? But please, patronize our advertisers. If you still have to finish your Christmas calls a "very steamy video:' Then join us as we sail the SS Bermuda Shopping—, check out our adVertisers first. Star to thiii Caribbean with 750 men 'rum They wan: your gay money. Why not spend TWO HANDFULS across the country your money where you know they want it? Celled "one of the ten best gay erotic videos ever made" Not all of our advertisers are gay-owned, but by the Gay Erotic Review, this John Summers production $79500 to $1,495.00 most have gay staff, & they are advertising in features Brian Maxon, Mike Gere and a host of others. a gay owned magazine. Mention InStep it helps when they know if their as is doing them good. SUN TRAVEL And maybe—if enough of them are-happy $5492* with results, they'll tell their friends--and 786-1466 then next year we can do our first 96 pager! TO ORDER SY PHONE: I hope each & every one of you have a sate 1-BOO-932-7111 11144101r ,544 1169 & wonderful holiday & the happiest, and healthiest of New Years! 'Continued from page 23 Sk.e"You January 15th with .-iur next issue! goad through January 15, 1987. died if AIDS, was serene & emotional and • .Prices showed how tar !his chorus has come in its SPECIFY PAYMENT: tew short year-s of existence. The buoy OUOU VOE0 SALES ga := I=1 CHECK (requires 15 business cloys '(Click said more than the grand 7714 14170 aPcari D M.O. 0 VISA 0 MC 0 ArnE• • ()gelling) ieslifies to the Fest Cite Sing- --13.1411_ %Wu_ Cleps_11150.1•10- Eil$10°° Complete Catalog Only. !do not wish to order now ers g-owing pcpu;arity & status. VHS f,c7.A TITLE PRICE

Out at Back East in Madison--their CREDIT CARD II Midwest B ,1 110 of the DJ's brought in a to is some of the hottest EXPIRATION DATE Silk Lri of NAME soi_incis z Cage's MAPFEST spin CONDOMS CATALOG/Free wi order FREE to inner was Mi. T.B, from "Mr. Dance-- a ADDRESS. ly.irtatok, Di business ,in the Mad City. 2nd DONT LEAVE HOME 9111141111G: SHIPPING: ItiEgE UPS: Add 53 fa- 151 Tom IL Res.., add 7% sty place was Back Basi's own Danny MAPP, 51 for eoc... additional. CITY STATE SSP WITHOUT ONE! US MAIL: 5.1 tor In tape. and 3rd a "tall thin black guy" who said 52 for ea, addiiionol. TOTAL was Signature: I am over 21 . he was Irom The Danceteria in Milwaukee. W1S • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep Page 56 CHRISTMAS EVE 11:30 - Midnight, MINI SHOW Join us as our Premiere Vocalists Sing your favorite Christmas Songs NEW no cover DAILY SPECIALS 2914-16 N. Broadway, Chicago (312) 525-6550 CHRISTMAS DAY 8-10pm — doubles for the price of Singles 10-close, $3 minimum includes tickets good for 2 free rail drinks.

NEW YEARS EVE 8-10pm — Doubles for the price of singles Complimentary Hats and Party Favors 10-close — $5.00 minimum includes tickets good for 2 free drinks. 11:30 - Midnight, MINI SHOW Wishing You Join us as our Premiere Vocalists Sing your favorite All The Best For The .4 .A1) tilk Afri ia r Christmas Season . . . June, Joe & Staff 418 E Wells St 278-9192 THE 19ULSE,OFt THENIGHTI tA tVikAttiViktAtif?..e WO.14114%:4,. . p See You All Open 8pm Tues — Sun , lOpm-DJ New Years Eve Tuesdays — 50C Tap from 8pm to close Wednesdays — Si Btl Beer. Si 25 Rail. 750 Tap Ring Out The Old - Thurs. Fn.' Sat ' — Milwaukee's hottest House Music NOV Bring In The New - Sundays' — - Special Attractions" Variety Entertainment hosted by Danny Green Come Celebrate With Us! — 83 00 Minimum at Door includes tickets good for 2 free rail drinks Page 26 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep InStep a Decerroer 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 55 CALENDAR c THE SCOREBOARD Wednesday, December 17 The Island La Cage • "Strut Your Stuff" $1.000 finals, 7 BOWLING two. :ime winners compete for the $1.000 Family prize. BETTE DAVIS BOWLING LEAGUE (MADISON) Restaurant New Bar (Madison) - Christmas Party with at; of December 7th, 1986 Santa and his elves. 1. Alfia's Fig Women 50/13 Thursday, December 18 2. Bottom's Up 40/23 3. Gertruc e's Gutter Gals 38/25 •Serving Home Cooking Rod's (Madison) • ChristmaS party, special 4. Gutter Queens 37,'26 little gifts from Santa. 5. Back Est Express 35/28 '•The Best Gyros in Town 6. Dignity 35/28 Club 219 Christmas party. cocktail hour Sat., Dec. 20, 7pm 7. Stragglers 35/28 •Friday Fish Frys with hots d'oeuvreS Santa will arrive. Holi- 8. Handici.p Queens 32/31 day show featuring all of the girls, starts at CHRISTMAS PARTY 9. Green :'42ichine 31,'32 11pm, promptly. 10. Bowlen, w th Panache 31/32 1 The Place to Tappers 250, Rail $1 II. Holly R3lIers 29/34 Friday, December 19 12. Blarney Stone Kissers 28/35 Meet Your and see our exotic 13. Escapades 28/35 Hoak-works • Special Holiday Sale, 20% off 14. Unclaimed Baggage 28/35 Friends everything today from 3 to 8.22I N. Water. Belly Dancer 15. Hellen Keller Bowlers 27/36 Gifts for you and your home. 16. Bringin 3 Lp The Rear 27/36 at 11 & 12:30 pm 17. Lightning Rods 26/37 74 Hours a Day Boor Camp • Beer Town Badgers club nite, 18. The Ba - Rags 10/53 prizes, drink specials, IO-close. "205 E BraJy 2726833 Sun., Dec. 21 3-7 Club 219 Bobby's Birthday Bash, finger MONDAY NIGHT IRREGULARS food. & Jan. 4th, 5-9 a; of December 8th, 1986 Frartkies Cabaret - Grand opening bash, just back from New York 1. Deluxe :0 end Over 63/35. with a special show, door prizes. drink spe- 2. M & M Cose 63/35 4. Lost Flock - MCC 36/34 Milwaukee's own... 3. Le Saloi : 61/37 5. Bill's Insurance cials all night, visit from Santa. 30109 ,, KRISTI KAY & 4. The Raiders 59/39 6. Go,,I)d Shepherds 28/82 Hot Legs • Christmas Party, free tap beer 5. C-Mel: 1'e Tits 59/39 "Double D" Productions 6. This Is 1 - Bali. Bangers 56/42 from 8-9. shod by JULIE KNOFF 56/42 with dancers, models. 7. Your Pl.i.ce - Flamingoes 13.E.S.T. BOWLING LEAGUE singing their way through 8, The Bee Team 51/47 as of December 14th, 1986 sophisticated jazz & 9. M & 1k.1 Lois Lanes 49/49 Saturday, December 20 10. Old Maters 45/53 1. Katie's Keglers comtemporary pop 38/18 off every• 11. Wreck Loom - 1iinks 44/54 2. Ce:r La Vie Five 37. 19 Honieworks - Holiday Sale. 20% 12. Wreck Loom - Ding-A-Lings 43/55 3 TWO Pairs & A today tram 2.6pm. Gifts for you and Spare 32/24 thine Open Dec. 25th at 7pm 13. Twisted Sisters 38/60 4. Lillizs Of The Alley 27/29 your friends. 221 N. Water. 14. M & M , tts 35/63 5 Scratch & Sniff 26/30 Who's (Green Bay) - Center Projec 15. Wreck Room - Renegades 33/65 6. Chris & The Bookettes 24/32 YEAR'S EVE 16 Printers Devils 32/66 7. Over Compensators 23/33 Confidential questionairre. help develop NEW 8. Generic a7 12/44 new methods to serve the comm. Everyone 8-11pm Live music by who fills out one gets a free drink. popular request WED. MIXED HANDICAP LEAGUE The New Bar (Madison) - MGTP perfor- as of December 10th, 1986 VOLLEYBALL mance of the play "One" at 3pm. $3 benefit DAME 1 Wreck Room - Cow-Boys 49/28 for M.A.S. N. SATURDAY VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE Midnight Lunch 2 Suzy The Duck Club ' 47/30 as of December 13th, 1986 Camp (Wausau) • Mites Loftus "Mary" come join us 3 The Spring Chickens 41/36 4 Baby Jane & The Jezebles 38/39 1 'kers 23/01 Christmas Show, 9pin_ Open at Noon Dec. 31 5 Huey & The News 27/50 2. MA 21/03 GAP - Christmas party, 8prn, raffle, buffet. Until 2am Jan. 2nd 6 The Sheet Clubs 26/51 3. Y Place . 19/05 4. La e 14/10 Gay St. Station - Christmas 'arly, 7pm, Open 4pm- 2am Weekdays 5. B..14.M T 11/16 254' -ap. $1 rail, exotic belly dancer at 11 & 6. ,Whpre's Jerrie Saturdays 3pm -3:30am FRIDAY ‘'FIXED HANDICAP LEAGUE ,08/ 16 12:30. of December 12th, 1986 7. M 4 Ms 06,15 Sundays - Noon - 2am 8. Wick Room 05/ 19 Christmas Party 8.? Food, 1 The Balk; ame 43/27 Beer Garden • 1837 W. Pierce 38 3 -575 5 2. Poles & Holes 42/28 9. BaIGame 01/23 prizes. Continued on page 27. 3 Landmar c Lanes 40' 2/29', Page 54 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • 1nStep 1nStep • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 27 Continued from page 26 Jet's Place - X-rnas Party, 9pm, free beer, snacks & prizes. Sunday,-December 21 Lutherans Concerned (Milw.) - Info meet- ing, social hour, 7:30pm, Village Church, 130 E. Juneau. Mint 11 - MAP Benefit, Dinner & Auction, 3pm. Who's (Green Bay) - christMas Comedy Show 9:30 showtime. No cover; Melissa McClain hosting local performers. Lutherans Concerned (Miles.) - 7:30pm at Village Church, 130 E. Juneau Ave: Christ- mas party; bring your favorite game. Grand Ave. Annex - Christmas Party 8- close, buffet.

I GRAIN4r.gie AVE' 0 ( PkOr4 CHRISTMAS PARTY Sun, Dec. 21, 8-close Buffet Sunday, December 21 Gay St. Station - Jaiz & Pop live music by Kristi Kay & Julie Knoff 3 to 7pm. NEW YEAR'S Beer Garden - Krystalmorn-Country Rock EVE from 6-l0pm. 1101 West (Appleton) Kevin & Ashley PARTY present Christmas show with • Melinda, All Night/ Tania, Peter, Toni & special maleimperson• ator Miles Lohng. All Day Tuesday, Decmber 23 Factory - Community Benefit night, 20% of register sales go to MAP -& BESTD Clinic. La Cage - X-mas party & show 8pm-? Back East (Madison) - Christmas party, food buffet, gifts from Santa, 504 rail & beer from 6-7:30, DJ at 9. Jan. 2nd Wednesday, December 24 1 Year SOLO CHRISTMAS EVE Party New Hope MCC - Candlelight Christmas Eve Service, starts at 11:30pm - Chapel of 8pm - close Kenwood United Methodist Church, 2319 E. Kenwood Blvd. All invited. Free Tap Beer • Scenes from H.I.T.'s banquet at the War Memorial Center on Milwaukee's Lakefront. Continued on page 30 Page 28 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep • Page 53 'Continued from page-5 2 ship. The Wreck Room Cow-boys finish second bcth halves. The league moves to quiet rumc rs that they are a FARM team for the pros. Friday Mixed Hdcp. Lg. — Landmark Lanes can't quite overcome the obtacles o The Poles & Holes who capture first place. The league expands to 12 teams next fall.Simday Mixed Hdcp. Lg. — This Is It Thist es clip off Wreck Room Wings to take first place trophies. Fred Stewart moves back from the South and edges out Rick Englehart for high scratch game. In a surprise move, Jane & Lloyd Petit donate 35 million dollars to build a gay sports complex; i w II be located at the abandoned prison site in the valley. Neither the Brewers, Mayor Meier, or the Sunday Special Governor object. • Bloody Mary's $1. Complimentary Ham & Rolls Nominations Open For Mondays InStep's Sportsperson Get Lucky with Mandi Sing Jose Cuervo & Of The Year - 1986 win prizes & raffles Last year I awarded the.InStep Sportsper- son Of The Year to Suzi Arnold for her Tuesdays efforts on behalf of Series 9; particularly with Guest Bartender & the firSt Women's Gay World Senes. Although there is no monetary value to this Sing-along I-0 - close award, I feel that it is important to honor Wednesdays those ind viduals that give above and beyond the: call of duty for the advancement Eat, Drink & 'Be Mary's' of Gay ath let cs here in Wisconsin. Party Trays This yeiir want to open the award to nominations. If you know of someone that • Thursdays you feel is deserving of this honor, write us a "1 Dream of Jeannie" brief letter describing why you feel he/she is deserving, and listing some of their accomp- with Mandi lishments I will personally review them, and (who'll try and satisfy your get together with our editor to make the every wish) selection. The recipient will be announced in the next issue of InStep. Also, a small _ Fri. & Sat. FUN! engraved 31aque will be presented to the individual t o commemorate the award. (Yes, you will be getting yours then for last Frankie's Cabaret will amuse yew!) you 7 nights a week! I can think of quite a few people that would be contenders for this - award. Come (Parking In Car Wash Lot after 7) on...help me choose! • 1655 S. 1st Street 645-7444 Mon. - Fri. Open at 7 La Cage's Annual "Turnabout "where the staff does the show and the entertainers work the Sat. at 2pm Sun. bar, was lots of fun, as usual. See if you configure out, which of these lovelies is your favorite bartendet Turnabout raised over $400 for M.A.P. Page 52 • Dec,,mhor 1R 1986- Jar!iwe 14, 1987 • InStep JET'S PLACE 1753 South K.K. 672-558C XMAS PARTY Sat., Dec. 20th, 9pm Free Beer, Snacks & Prizes NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY Open House Sun., Jan. 11, 4-7pm "DAME" HAPPY HOLIDAYS all girls band featuring the sounds of the 50's, 60's, 70's HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL TO ALL! Sat., Sun. and Holidays, 12:00 Weekdays 3:00 And Thank You For Another Wonderful Year J.QQ__CSHORTS o b y Sports Predictions The Factory & La Cage combine their teams to represent Milwaukee at the Gay X-MAS PARTY & SHOW For 1987 World Series in San Francisco. Dec. 23, 8pm-? Well, here it goes! Katie Kosell is about to POOL — In a revival of this popular Mil- Tuesday, stick her neck out again, and make predic- waukee gay sport, a league is formed this fall tions of things to come in gay athletics here and 14 bars are represented. 144400$1001441~1~041 in Wisconsin for the coming year. BOWLING — Bette Davis League — VOLLEYBALL -- The Wreck Room The Bar Rags wipe up the mess as the Pig team in a series of come-from-behind victo- Women are struck down to third place by ries - manages to edge . out GAMMA, the Lightning Rods. Gertie's Gutter Gals X-Mas Present to You Checkers, and M&M for the league's squeal with delight as they take second. Our championship. B.E.S.T. League Lillies Of The Alley & SATURDAYS SOFTBALL — The beginning of the sea- The Bookelies are scheduled to roll off for FRIDAYS AND son is plagued with teams splitting up, first place; but, they decide instead to buy and five additional first place trophies and call it a changing sponsorships. But, when the dust $1.00 DRINKS & settles, Milwaukee ends upwith 16 teams in ie; they have another champagne brunch at SSBL (12 Men's Teams and 4 the lanes while the rest of the league battles Women't for the Teams). This year they charter a 747 for 14 lower positions. Monday Night THE BEST IN VIDE-0 DANCE MUSIC of those teams to go to Toronto. Irregulars - The Printers Devils cast a spell on the rest of the league and ink their Gov. Tommy Thompson and his staff way into first place. Wed. Mixed Hdcp. Lg. accept a challenge for an exhibtion game - A bailie ensues between the first half In the Heart of Walkers Point (_2nd -& National) with the SSBL champions; the game is set winners The Ducks and second half winners Milwaukee 383-8330 for mid September, and is to be held at Mil- the Chickens; Tom Boll rolls his first 200 waukee County Stadium — Mayor Meier game in the roll-off to take the champion- °Injects to the site and the game is cancelled. Continued on page 53 • Page 30 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep CHRISTMAS EVE Wed., Dec. 24th 150 Customers will receive a Complimentary Gift ener. Male Dancers at 1 RISTNIR DRY 2nd Drink On Us. EW YEAR'S EVE

BOB SCHMIDT. RONA 'BOO-BOO BIL RANDY P. Wed., Dec. 31st JAY RANDY F. 'TOM E,Q13 0,01(EN PAUXAUL eROCH EL LE- :DAVE a. HENRY IS MICH AEL MANG t FACTORY HATS Continued from pate 27 Camp (Wausau) - Open 8pm, DJ at 9. for the first 275 customers Who's (Green Bay) - Egg Nog Party & Top Factory Your 2nd drink is on us. 40 nishi. (Top 20 dance & HiNRQ music) 3, cover Includes ticket for Breakfast Buff Free Egg Nog & cookies. Gay St. Station - Open at 7pm. 8-10pm doubles for price of and Free Champagne Walkers Point Cafe - Close at 5pm. Danceteria - singles, 10-close, $3 minimum. includes 2 rail Pivot Club (Appleton) - Beat The Clock drinks tree. between 11:30 and Midnight Camp (Wausau) - Close at 6pm. Sunday, December 28 riergy — Male Dc icers at 10 Factory - First 150 customers get a free gift, Menergy Male Dancers at 10pm. Club Baths - 3rd annual Holiday HoDown, NW. 4-10pm, win color TV, Boon Boxes, Dia- Ballgame - Hors d'oeuvres at 8pm. mond Ear Studs, Casette TaDes, Bears. CW YEARS_ DRY Danceteria - Premeire Vocalists sing La Cage MAP benefit holicay party. Christmas lavorites from 11:30-Midnite, no minim urn. Who's (Green Bay) - "Who's On" Variety Bloody Marys $1.25 -Show, 9:30pm. 1101 West (Appleton) - Hot Drink Spe- cials & 50q shots of Schnapps all nite. Wednesday, December 31 from 6am 170 close Cest La Vie Traditional Christmas Eve. NEW YEARS EVE Pany. Santa with gifts, food for all, open bar -from 9 Mid. (Milwaukee bars are open round the clock until 2am Jari. 2nd.) Who's (Green Bay) $10 at the door. opeil Thursday, December 25 bar, open at 10pm. CHRISTMAS DAY Back East (Madison) S3 cover, open IC Hot Legs Open at 7pm. 3am, tree champagne, ho -s d'oeuvres, hourly drink specials, free coffee. Walkers Point Cafe Open at 10pm. Pivot Club (Appleton) Beat the Clock. Continued on page 33 ) Page 50 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep *Continued from page 46 *Continued from page 6 01 They lived out World War If quietly in the remake gives the ballad-like original guts and country. Stich was Gertrude's reputation panache to make it much more danceable. that the Germans dare not to touch either Now on to the new new! The songs are one of them. With the Nazis gone, they C'EST LAVE new; but (not suprisingly) the producers returned to the old apartment full of more have been in the fields (not shopping!) for than 30 years of memories. years. Ian Levine and Friachra Trench have Stein died in 1946 and was buried in Pere just produced two nicely rounded and explo- Lac ha ise Cemetery in Paris. Toklas lived on, sive dance tunes. They (producers to Carol 9-maxi:Ind rok writing to a friend that Stein has been one of Jiani "Hit 'n Run Lover" and the everpopular the few "authentic experiences" of her life. LIME) have found definite hits in two very .5 She recognized that among the living there attractive women—Evelyn Thomas and • aziAmAcvs, o_A2, are so few who are really alive. Among these Linda Lusardi. Thomas's Tightrope" on • • 4.) A few, fewer yet are those as continuously Nigh-fir-tare records (a 12" import) brings out alive as had been Gertrude Stein, her her excellent talents, as seen in her previous spouse. hits "High Energy" and "Masquerade." Tho- mas's soprano accents coupled with the Toklas died in 1967 and was buried in the audience screams (and wild flaying) will defi- ech t same tomb as was Stein. Behind Stein in life, nitely make this a hit with many a DJ. Fol- so now in death—Toklas' name and date of lowing through, Lusardi's new hit "Eye 7Ftrn, - 2arn, birth were carved on the back of Gertrude's Contact" is the prime example of high gravestone. • energy at its best. Linda (a true fox for you true ladies) brings this tune to the same level as'i, Gpie & taff. of . . . but should not be confused with the popular Edwin Star hit "Eye to Eye incertegs arreciale tinny Contact." S A newcomer to the scene a 23 year old pat!wnar & ftiertastip THE CARD SHARKS blond ( true?), Nick John brings on key- boards, synthesizers and background arta vJe Would ake ARE COMING! vocals by JoLo ("Last Call" fame) to make "Planet Nine" one that we'll all want to be on (p.s, he's cute too!) "Planet Nine" is an sf-to/Le OWL, excellent example for fresh new dance *Continued from page 14 tunes—thank you Megatone records. a li61MCIA, Qv, "There is still a great need for education When you've got it going . . keep the among these people regarding AIDS and momentum—so says Stacey Q. Stacey's GZI)iifv c9aw! infection with HIV and how they can protect latest release "We Connect" is HOT almost themselves,- Belongia said in an interview. mirroring the still hot "Two of Hearts." Gtte, wife ftaAie, Santa, wail, The low exposure found among those You'll probably find Stacey back to back or tested continues 'to conform with the few front to back or . . (remember you are your iftt:414, .2e/ujone, numbers of actual AIDS cases that have greatest love) . . . speaking of "Two of occurred among drUg abusers using needles Hearts- we now have an "000h . . ." version (g ones, 1Q/t, ',Rose in Wisconsin. Such people are referred to as done by nonetheless—Robby Hood and the much more . . 1V drug abusers. Wgo Wow/ Matt As of Dec. 1 in Wisconsin, 121 confirmed Much too much for me . . . what else! Well, Ktyl cases of Happy Holidays and here's hoping your AIDS have been reported among 0 Oa residents and nonresidents. Of that number, New Year keeps you spinning in the right Cfteraw six cases involved drug abusers, and three of direct ion. those six involved homosexuals. Anyone wishing copies of any songs either ray The testing of drug abusers or those with in t he article or on lists see Raymond at Club a past history of drug abuse was undertaken 219. • a nd V pen. at the Milwaukee County Drug Treatment Program Office and at the 27th Street Clinic torn 9 pm-ORiartiogl! on four occasions in early November. • Cbk N-204-NANN-1-412-4-N-213004-204,21aiwz--4-N-wk, a c7Liappy, ( Warcrn E7- if 0„ cSafE Merry Christmas oficia,9 cS'Ealorz & Happy New Year

fi E Eli Of tfiE from

E £ a rd Club Ninety Four

ocinEy & c:7111 e-Staffl at...

Thanks to all my customers for making THE nEw BAR Club 94 such a sucess! MADISON alEdchl!), 1(1121.ttizy 2y, 19s7, etir .9_117 cei EtrUitil Open New Year's Eve with Hats, Horns, ? itd .521.1 C741211iCTE'lictly tUiti; U 1;11.111, Out .:11[4.41.91 194 & Hwy C, Exit 345 „wift Kenosha, 694-1597 ti /;1912E19/;t I/24 yett7. 4.-Atelh;- uouz social cutenduz —::YLIS it! _ Page 48 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep InStep • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 33 *Continued from page 30_ Thursday, January 1 by Terry Bougjiner. Ph.D. JoDee's (Racine) - Hourly door prizes, NEW YEARS DAY OUR $TORYv party favors, open at 7pm genius, and each time a bell within me rang." Back East (Madison) Open at 8pm, $3 Club 94 (Kenosha) - Open, Hats, Horns, In Toklas, for Stein, it was a whole carillon. beer bust at 9pm. Gertrude Stein etc. What exactly was the nature of their Walkers Point Cafe - Open at 6am. "A Rose Is A Rose Is A Rose" Pivot (Appleton) - Door prizes every relationship—one which lasted for 37 years? • -Club hors d'oeuvres, Camp (Wausau) - Open at 1pm, $1 Bloody It is almost her epitaph. And that is sad. Biographers' long ignored the question if hour, free champagne, hourly drink specials. Marys, Screwdrivers, & Grey Hounds. Because she was one of the most gifted and they could or hid it in a mist of verbiage and influential writers of the 20th Century, a circumlocution. A few even insisted that the 1101 West (Appleton) - Cabaret Show by Factory - Bloody Mary's $1.25 from 6am to woman whose life and work had great two were nothing more to each other than New York's—Brian Murphy as Tina Turner. close. impact on such creators as Sherwood An- employer and secretary. In such ways have Free champagne fountain, free hors d'oeu- derson, Pablo Picasso and Ernest Hemming- straight historians sought to rob us' of our vres. Hats, noisemakers, leis; 1st drink free. way — among others whom she called "The history. No more. No cover. Lost Generation." As they changed the way work, Charmed Circle, James the West thought of art and literature, so she In a recent Camp (Wausau) - 3rd Ann. New Years that it- is senseless and changed the way they thought of their in Marlow maintains Virgin Ball, DJ at 9, 2 free buffets at llpm & the true nature of THE CARD SHARKS and that changed the way we think of injurious to history to deny lain, free champagne, no cover. he writes, "a mar- ourselves. the relationship. It was, Fannies - Hats, Horns, more durable and produc- ,Noisemakers, no ARE COMING! riage and proved cover. She was Gertrude Stein, born in 1874 in tive than most.orthOdox unions." Of course, Allegheny, now the North Side of Pitts- , what we now admit, their friends all knew— Hot Legs - Hats, Horns, Surprizes. Friday, January 2 burgh, Pennsylvania. Her father and his fidelity of one knew of the love,and complete Walkers Pt. Cafe - Close at 5pm. brother owned a store which prospered to for the other. Grand Ave. Pub - Henry's 1 year solo the extent that they could have homes in Factory Special Factory Hats to first 275 party, 8-close, free tap beer from 8-close. one of the most exclusive neighborhoods of And so they lived in an apartment on the customers, $3 cover includes ticket for the Smoky City. Educated at Radcliffe, she Rue de Fleurus. To it came the great and the breakfast buffet, free champagne 11:30 to - Sunday, January 4th and upon gradua- near great of those who made up artistic took classes at Harvard midnite, Menergy Male Dancers at 10pm. Who's (Green Bay) - "Unprofessional -She would live Paris. It was a salon in the old French tion, she left for Paris in 1902. Girls" Show Benefit for AIDS, call bar for writing manner and people came to exchange ideas,- GAP - N.Y. Eve Party all night all day. in France for the rest of her life, and more info. inspiring other artists. argue theories and to be inspired by Ger- Gay St. Station - 8-11pm live music by trude Stein. Dame, all girl band, midnite Gay St. Station - Jazz & Pop Live music, 1909, introduced by a mutual friend, lunch, open In noon. with Kristi Kay & Julie Knoff 5-9pm. she met Alice B. Toklas. Alice, a native of Always there but always in the back- California, was in "Gay Paree" on a cultural ground was Toklas. As Marlow says, she Beer Garden.- Stop in for our annual party. Tuesday, January 6 tour. She was 31 and not at all pretty. But had chosen her role in life and that role was Jet's - Open House New Year Eve. her eyes, which according to one bio- to love the person and care for the genius of Factory - Community Benefit night, 20% of grapher, everyone commented on, gave her Gertrude Stein. No mean intellect herself, Ballgame Hats, Horns, favors, abundant cash register sales donated & divided a slightly Oriental look. Seeing her picture. still Toklas preferred doing domestic things, buffet at lam, open till 2am Jan. 2nd. between MAP & BESTD Clinic. ' certain sultriness. Defi- a nice complement to Stein who had the one might even say a Danceteria - 8-10pm Doubles for price of unblinking house-hold instincts of an Arkansas tor- nitely there is about them an singles, Comp. Hats, Horns, Party favors, Wednesday, January 7 reflecting what those who knew nado. In addition, Toklas typed all of Stein's frankness 10-close $5 minimu includes 2 free rail IN STEP DEADLINE DAY today for Issue her would call her Spartan imperturbability. manuscripts—an accomplishment, consid- ering the fact that nobody else could read drinks. 1, Volume 4 (Jan. 18th) issue. Call 931-8335 contrast, Gertrude presented an for further info. In them—not even Stein. Club Milw. - Champagne Morning, In/Out appearance that looked as if it might have privliges, noon Dec. 31st to noon Jan. 1st for belonged to a senator of-Old Rome. majes- The years passed. Stein gained world rep- Sunday, January 11 radiating deep utation as a seminal author known for a style $35. tic, powerful in its dignity, Camp (Wausau) - A show presented by. granite shell. characterized by simplicity of language, yet Club 219 - Bring in the year with style & inner strengths through a Tania Michaels, showtime 8pm. possessing tremendous immediacy and a excitement till early '87, $2 cover. -As Toklas would 'write later, "I may say sense of movement. Jet's Place - 4 to 7 all girls band "Dame" that only three times in my life have I met a Beside her and for her always, was Tok- sounds of 60's, 70's, 80's. las. And Stein adored her spouse. On most 720 Bodart r 720 B(Roedarr)t Way afternoons they could be seen walking in a Wednesday, January 14 33333 Bay He Paris park, oblivious to all, each lost in the Green Bay Jo'Dees (Racine) - Golden Anniversary quiet solitude of the wonderful company of Party, 14th year! DANCING ? the other. in public as in private, Stein was New Year's Eve Wed-Modern "Lovey" and Toklas was "Pussy"-in the way $10 Door, Open Bar Tuesday, January 27 Music of those whose love and devotion has from Sun- HiNRG Disco fidelity gained the beauty of old ivory. Open 10pm New Bar (Madison) - 3rd Anniversary, Continued on page 501 Blow Out Bash. More info next issue. • Page 34 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep inSiepl: December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 47 dekee4 aeaC CAFE Holiday Basket Drawings Held CHRISTMAS DAY Dec. 22nd (need not be present open at 10pm to win) NEW YEAR'S EVE CHRISTMAS EVE close at 5pm close at 5pm NEW YEAR'S DAY 1106 S. 1st St., Milwaukee (645-7873) open at 6am

'Contir ued from page 44 Lesbian Community„ printed in Volume 3 is an attempt by Rawhide Boys Ranch to Issue 23 of In Step outlined a plan to lobby erode our Gay Rights law. The Rawhide our legislators (where we have a good many amendment to the law would allow an friends to create an official Gay and Lesbian employer to require certain religious beliefs Citizen's Advisory Board to the Assembly. if their eriployees concerning marital stat us Such boards are composed of volunteer par• and sexutil orientation. It was defeated in the ticizonts at no cost to the state, who could last session but stands better chance of "officially monitor" bills that effect us. either passage I.Jith Thompson in the Governors negatively or positively. seat. Sen. Joseph Leean (R. Waupaca) intro Among Friends is now actively seeking duced th ? bill for Rawhide the -first time potential Assembly sponsors, and if you are around and plans to reintroduce it in early interested in working with them in helping to '87. Rawhide and its supporters have create this board. contact them by writing enlisted the :lames of Bart Starr, & former E9340A South Avenue, Reedsburg, Wiscon- Republican Gubernatorial candidate Terry sin E3959 or calling (608) 254.6438 on Tues- Kohler an 3 have even produced a 24 minute days and Thursdays. film entiti d "Has the Government Gone Too Far?' Rawhide administrative director The organization claims contacts in each John Gillespie, urges viewers to help lobby, of the stales counties, so perhaps they are and 10 ask their organizations and churches best suited for organizing this statewide to write le.tersiof support for the bill and to effort. There is no one else to do it, and donate .Money. we've gotten to used to having our voice heard to quietly sit back and let things slip Our net governor has voiced support for back to the way they used to be. • the Rawhide bill and said he would sign it if passed. G )vernor Earl spoke out against it, and his council condemned it. and was LUTHERANS blamed by Leean for his bills defeat the first time around. CONCERNED/ In relation to AIDS, the Public Health MILWAUKEE Task Forc z on AIDS would not have had a gay man on their panel. Will Handy. if some- CHRISTMAS PARTY one from t-ie Council hadn't recommended NIGHT it The Governors Council also came out strongly acairst the concept of contact trac-- bring your favorite game ing of the sexual partners of those testing 7:30pm positive to the- HIV Antibody_ The Council's Sunday, December 21,1986 strong support of the alterriative testing sites, where anonymity could be presertied, THE helped keep Wisconsin laws on hIN test confidentiality models for the rest of the VILLAGE CHURCH nation- - 130 E. Juneau Ave. WHAT TO DO? Perhaps Jay Hathaway A "Reconciled in Christ" from Among Friends has the right idea. His \...Cor_gregation: all are welcome -Menergy", 3 male dancers, entertain Wednesdays at the Factory, with guest dancers "Open Let :er To The Wisconsin Gay and week Iv. Page 46 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday . . . December 23, January 6 COMMUNITY BENEFIT NIGHT 20% of Cash Register Sales Donated to and Divided between M.A.P. & B.E.S.T.D. Clinic Mondays . . . 10 Yrs. of Factory Dance Music We'll dig into our musical archives while you enjoy $1.25 Rail $1 Btl. Beer & 50C Tap Wednesdays . . . MENERGY The Male Energy Show 3 male performers with special guest dancers monthly no cover 10-11:30


:fit • 51 1 N Broadway. Milwaukee 277 8077 (street level) ChriSWIMS 5110W Clt the M&M leatureciperfarmatice by most of the Southeast• Open 8pm, DJ Kim of I Opm cut Pageant titleholders. Page 36 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InSteo JUICY MSc by W.W. W Ifs III twin of Alexis. Meanwhile, fashion plate Predictions: 1987 Joan Collins will walk off the show in a snit The world's leading psychic. W.W. Wells over the attention given her new co-star. IL, has put his mind-boggling second sight on The series will be canceled and no,one will the line to bring InStep readers an astound- care. ing string of predictions for the coming year. • In a startling Divine elisted to fight terrorism, Joan Rivers revelation, Michae. Jackson new job, Michael Jackson reveals astound- will reveal that he is, in fact, Janet Jackson giving creedence to speculation that Janet ing dual life, Jane Wyman flips out — these are just a few of the eye-opening events this JackSon was nothing more than Michael renoun psychic forsees for 198T Here's the Jackson in drag. Claiming he's always felt :rapped in body.Jack- very best of his psychic prognostications. like a woman a man's son will announce plans for a new television • Jerry Falwell will ask God to improve the sitcom, where he will play both the male and moral climate of America, and God will female leads. immediately strike him dead, • A heart transplant patient will refuse to • In another policy fiasco, Ronald Regan go. through with his transplant operation, will enlist cult film star and disco diva, Divine claiming he has had a change of heart and as a special envoy in an attempt to gain the doesn't want-a change of hearL release f rf Americans still held hostage in the • Libyan bad boy Moarnmar Gadhafi will middle east. Although no hostages will be %/alma IN STEP'S freed as a result of her efforts, she will put on surrender himself to White during a taping at Wheel of Fortune. He will apolo- several dazzling shows with some real nifty gize to the American public and ask for musical numbers. Mercy. Later in the show, he will solve the WISH LIST -: • Joan Rivers will join the cast of ABC's puzzle and buy some real]) nifty patio Lirni- Dynasty after bombing on her new talk lure, and put the rest on A sift certificate. show. Rivers will play the mysterious evil CorttirtLed on page _id 814 S. 2nd St. Electronic Typewriter, or better yet... A Desk Top Publishing Computer System CHRISTMAS ..920to Darkroom PARTY $tat Camera Friday, Dec. 19th A Mini-Van I7ash

CHRISTMAS Celebrate the jI PARTY NEW Friday, Dec. 19th YEARS Jr Anyone feeling generous and who Free Tapileer featuring with us... wishes to donate any of the above, from 8-9 Singers, featuring Hats, please feel free to contact us at thou, produced by Dancers, Horns, & Surprises. 931- 8335. "Double D" & Models Productions Christmas Door Prizes Page 44 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep 37 brought the meeting to a close. The thirteen members of the council left were contem- On A plating resigning before Thompson had a chance-to fire them, but as of presstime that LIMITED BUDGET? had not come to past. The Council had been controversial since its inception but its actions and victories have not always been POUR EYES PLU8 Let ZUHL MARK visable.. Governor Ear/ was probably the most gay give you supportive chief executive in the nations his- tory. He was always compelled to do what "Style on a Shoestring" was "right" and that included supporting our community even when he knew it wasn't politically sensible to do so. At the councils first meeting in April 1983, Earl said: "Many • wallpapering • painting here are unaware of the size. richness and sophistication of the lesbian and gay com- • decorating • renovations munity. They are unaware in part because long habits of dislike, disappriival and dis- crimination . . . have made it necessary for gays and lesbians to conceal a part of them- $3900 selves and to lead double lives." Personal home featured in Along with Elrl goes his openly gay Press The Eyeglass Shoppe Milw. Journal Home Section. Secretary Ron McCrea and the Governors Milwaukee 263-3211 and Liason to the Council on Lesbian and Gay Issues, Earl Bricker, who has been our direct Green Bay 432-0910. link to the executive office since his hiring ALL EYEGLASSES COMPLETE several years ago. Besides assisting the $390° OContinued from page 43 ' council, he compiled vast mailing lists and files that have kept many members and That means we lose our 14 member lesbian com- Council on Lesbian and Gay friends of Wisconsin's gay and Over 700 Frames To Choose From! Issues, created munity in touch with what was happening on by/ Earl by executive order in early 1983. It level that .had an effect on us. acted as an advisory body, suggesting ways a State that state departments could implement the Bricker soon became nearly indispensible LOWEST PRICES "Gay Rights Bill". The historic 1982 Gay to many gay and lesbian organizations, who Rights Bill was passed by a Democratic legist. finally had someone they could all look to for lature, and signed into law by Earl's prede• information sharing and networking on a ANYWHERE cessor, the Red vested Republican Lee state level. Earl, Bricker gave us a voice and Dreyfus. Thompson is on record as being an ear in Madison. opposed to the antidiscrimination law A problem lying in the nexilegislative ses- CONTACT LENSES AVAILABLE The council held their final meeting Dec. sion will be the so called "Ra hide" bill that 6th in Madison, with Kathleen Nichols, co- Continued on page 4 7 t Replacement Lenses In Stock chair of the council since its inception, Eye Exams Also Available TOM EYES PLU8 Worship with us! Downtown Bock! Bi.dg. THE VILLAGE CHURCH - 2044 W., Wisconsin Ave. 130 E. Juneau Ave., Milwaukee 344-8200 Services at 9:00am and 11:00am, Sundays Lutheran Church in America Advertised Price for Single Vision Lenses and. Frames: "Reconciled in Christ"/Lutherans Concerned Page 38 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • InStep InSiep • December 18, 1986 January 14, 1987 • Page 43

• Professional wrestling champion Hulk • Hogan will lose his title during a title bout __CQL.W11/1 ,1_1111.'v with an alligator, when the alligator eats him • just as Hogan calls time-out to adjust hiS • trunks. Wisconsin Enters • • •Hidden secret formulas by Albert Ein- A New Era r• • stein willbe found and developed into a new styling mousse which will quickly bring the Conlmellcry by Ron Gelman the best Russians back to the nuclear arms negotiat- Simply 0 •••: table, With :he swearing in of Republican ing Tommy Thompson as Governor on January video store • Michael J. Fox will disappear for several 5th. Wis..ronsin's Gay and Lesbian commun- around. years'.alier walking off the set of Fumily Ties. ity will loose its' Council, its' Liason to the He resurfaces alter beinc held itirsoner as Governors office, and a very supportive am! Liberace's sex slave. Governor in the defeat Anthony Earl From Classics to New • An Ohio man will sue his minister for (Demos -at Releases & Everything (I) .E malPrac ice claiming the minister wrongfully. One 7hompsons campaign promises • in-between • included him hi a prayer which was being had bee to disband many of the "consti- PI said to shrink the brain tumor of a cancer; I uercy desks"' created for various groups in (including All Male Adult). • lictim: Although the patie it will completely Wisconsit, calling them "devisive of the Over 8,000 Tapes in Stock. ectivei , this Ohio mai wil claim he now has slate", and lad said the first one to go would d !wad the size of a walnut. be the of le for gays and lesbians. Thompson has Bring In Ad for • In Rome, a statue 01 Jesus will come to also said he doesn't believe the state life and give tips. should promote alternate lifestyles. Si. OFF RENTAL Continued on page zizi 0 • The speed of the earths rotation will 2 72- 0805 iiicrease. and smaller people will fly off into space. 2239 N Fit .t wct nos wct Mall)

• • 13 Years of Community Service YOU ► AkGPU Peter's MILWAUKEE CAN On Brady ► <.> HOTLINE ► Counselor On bitty 7-10 p.m. ► HAVE t. 171 (414) 271-8808 24 Hr. Taped Message 562-7010 • Charcoal Broiled FUN Steak Sandwiches ,.?Bifft-frigeetfre (and be safe„ too) • Friday Fish Fry *Continued from page 36 II Be creative. Mutual masturbation and • Fresh Shrimp erotic -nassage are pleasurable and safe. • A 14b lb. meteorite will fall near Holly- • Bountiful Salad Bar ► wood, Cdlifornia and strike Falcon Crest's • Use yc ur imagination. Fantasies can be Jan e lAh man on the head. She will not be fun and no risk.-as long as they're by mutu- serously injured but. she will think that she al consent and don't ;nvolve exchanging Cocktail Hour is stilt mai t ied to Ronald Regan. Meanwhile. semen •)r blood -contaminated secretions. M3nday thru Friday an „then spacecraft will land in Washington 1 1011,11.\A';S hidulge. yourself! 3-6pm D.C. and abduct Nancy Regan and force her TOLL FREE • Avoid sexual acts which involve the ex- lu appeal on Dance Fever. change of semen or blood. Use condoms 1230 Brady Si 347-4199 • The suit's light will diminish until it is MILW. 273-AIDS when you play. Open 11am Dal '.y ,11Vni to a 40-wat t lightbufb. As a result, wi.1-800-334-AII)S ■ Limit your use of recreational drugs and one will squint. • DON'T share needles. '4130"00 isf‘ Irirs*. °"'4 • Christmas fl Fannie & flier" Entire Staff Wish Everyone a Happy Holiday Season! 44444444444444444444444* We Invite You To Join Us To Bring in the NEW YEAR! Hats, Horns, WRECK Noisemakers, & You Name It... ROOM It will be at 7tatities NEW YEAR'S EVE no cover! You ?LACE_ 'Tor the Best Seats in Town!" • milwaukee • ,diZtat 20Q E. Washington e" Milwaukee, WI 53204 rirgeffia illigalmiliamismin 63-9633 Crag gaTo invite,1 you to gTi:129 Liz tfiE ViJig rE an d Er fLtErnEnt tfiE Eady fiousl

Ct ET $2.00 rr 1{02 OUT " .C4filii GY2UU7

THE • PREMIER • DANCE • CLUB.. . 219 S. 2nd St. * MILWAUKEE • 271-3732