VOLUME EIGHT, NO. 1--Jamuary 5, 1995--January 18, 1995--Issue 170 FREE

Give the People Light and they will find their own way. V The Wisconsin Light Government PrideFest to Remain at Veterans' Approves Test for Park HIV Using Saliva for 1995 June Celebration Instead of Blood

Washington, D.C.-AP- The first AIDS vi- Negotiations With Summerfest Continue for 1996 rus test that uses saliva instead of blood has (, WI)-- PrideFest announces that calendar includes events on all but one week- In been approved by the Food and Drug Admini- November, the Summerfest Board ap- it will remain at its Veterans Park site in 1995. end of June. proved a stration (FDA). plan to upgrade the grounds. In The organization is planning to negotiate a The Summerfest grounds will host four December a Board The test, called Orasure, is made by the Task Force decided that move to the Summerfest grounds in 1996. events in June 1995. PrideFest asked to use the amount of time biotechnology company Epitope Inc., in Bea- needed to complete the PrideFest had been negotiating to move the the grounds on June 10th and 11th. In Octo- upgrade meant that no verton, Oregon, and will cost about $2 to $4, a events could be sched- celebration to the Summerfest grounds begin- ber, PrideFest negotiators were told that uled on the fraction of the price of blood tests. grounds for the weekend of the ning in June, 1995. However, the Summerfest weekend was open. 10th and 11th. Although the test isn't as accurate as blood tests, Epitope expressed the hope following the Summerfest Staff and December 23 FDA approval that the test will Board members said they help more people learn whether they have needed to keep that weekend HIV. open to insure completion of "Whether they test positive or negative, they the improvements before the can take appropriate steps to protect them- start of Summerfest . selves and others and if they test positive, ob- Summerfest officials also tain early treatment for the disease," said Ad- expressed concern about olph Ferro, Epitope president and chief execu- their ability of to handle a tive officer. fifth event in June. The FDA said the new test will be available The Summerfest Board only from physicians and will be administered Task Force offered PrideFest only by people trained in its use. Epitope the opportunity to share the eventually hopes to offer it for sale directly to grounds with the Miller Ride consumers. for the Arts on June, 4th Dr. Jeff Lawrence, a consultant to the and 5th. American Foundation for AIDS Research, said Ride for the Arts Sponsor, the test could encourage people who would UPAF expressed a willing- avoid blood tests to be tested. ness to work with PrideFest. "As long as a positive test is followed by a But it also had concerns blood test and as long as there is appropriate about the safety of its bike counseling available, it is a reasonable thing to riders. To protect the riders, do," Lawrence said. every street leading to Sum- The FDA approval actually involves two merfest will be blocked systems: a way to collect and preserve the oral from early in the morning fluid, and a way to test the specimen in a labo- until 2:00 PM. ratory for the HIV virus. The street closings would The kit used to test the specimen in the lab is make it impossible for ven- made by Organon Teknika Corp., of Durham, dors, exhibitors, volunteers North Carolina, and is sold under the brand and entertainers to get on name "Oral Fluid Vironostika HIV-1 Mi- the grounds for PrideFest set croe I isa System." up. This would have delayed The test measures the presence in the saliva Civil War Era—(Clockwise) Trini Alvarado, Susan Sarandon, Claire Danes, Kristen Durst and Winona the festival opening until of antibodies to the HIV virus. The virus itself Ryder star in the Louisa May Alcott classic "Little Women" which is now playing in selected theaters in- 3:00 or later on Sunday. has not been found in the saliva. cluding Milwaukee's Oriental. The only other options open to PrideFest To collect fluid for a test, a specially treated were to schedule the festival in August or cotton pad on a stick is placed between the Administration to Seek Boost in Funding September or to remain at its current site. lower gum and the cheek and allowed to ab- for There were serious concerns about what ef- sorb fluid. The stick is then placed into a plas- fect moving the event out of the traditional tic container with a preservative solution. AIDS Programs in 1995 month for Pride celebrations would have on At a lab, the specimen undergoes an revenue and attendance. (Washington, D.C.)- The Clinton Admini- pulled off the chopping block. It will still have "enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay," or PrideFest Co-Chair, Bill Meunier says that stration, despite tight budget constraints, will to fight for survival in the Republican- ELISA, a test that is able to detect antibodies he knows many Gays and Lesbians will be as seek $91 million more in 1995 to care controlled Congress, to which the budget will to HIV. for disappointed as the PrideFest Board is. people living with AIDS, the White House an- be submitted in February. Positive tests are confirmed with a blood test "What it came down to," Meunier said, nounced on December 20. Sources in Washington told Wisconsin called the Western Blot, which is more sensi- "was deciding whether or not we wanted to Clinton, who has already boosted spending Light that the fact that the housing funds had tive than the ELISA. been take a gamble on what would happen if we cut on AIDS programs by 82%, will seek an in- put back in, was due "in no small part" The FDA said the test has a 2% error rate. to the "intense lobbying efforts" of the AIDS out our most profitable time, Sunday after- crease to $724 million, Administration offi- noon, or moved For instance, for every 100 people infected Action Council and "especially the member the entire celebration to a late cials said. That is $51 million more than his Summer or early with HIV, the saliva test will miss one or two. from the Midwest" who has been "working Fall weekend. We already health department requested. have a For every 100 people who are not infected, without stint." wonderful site that we know works well The Administration also has decided not to for us. A test results will be incorrectly positive for ap- Doug Nelson, Executive Director of the Summerfest site grounds would of- cut a special housing program for those suffer- fer many advantages. proximately two people, the agency said. AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin is the We remain committed ing with the disease. to moving the festival there. However, we "That is much, much poorer than with a Clinton promised during his 1992 campaign only member on the AIDS Action Council standard blood test," Lawrence said. from the Midwest. will not gamble our ability to be financially vi- to fully fund the Ryan White Care Act, which able to get there. Under guidelines for approval, the saliva test The AIDS Action Council says that one-third We will have to wait until provides direct medical and social services to 1996." is strictly forbidden for home use and cannot to one-half of all people with AIDS "are either people living with HIV and AIDS. PrideFest moved be used to screen blood donors. homeless or in imminent danger of losing their to Veterans Park in 1994. Sources who asked not to be identified, said Its former site at homes," and the National Commission on Juneau Park had become too the $185 million housing program had been crowded. The AIDS once estimated that 15% of homeless new site was well received by people were HIV positive. those in attendance. "No matter Researchers Begin Studies of Antibiotic that The government spends almost $3 billion a where our site is, our commu- nity can look year on AIDS research, prevention and treat- forward to a fantastic festival," Could Extend Life for People with AIDS ment programs. TURN TO PRIDEFEST, Page 2

(Baltimore)- Researchers at Johns Hopkins said. About 50% of AIDS patients can't toler- University are beginning two studies on hu- ate the drug. AIDS Cases Break mans to test an antibiotic that some doctors The first study will concentrate on those consider one of the best for extending the life people. They will be given two other drugs, Million Mark of people living with AIDS. Dapsone and Atovaquone, and will be exam- Bactrim is used to treat a form of pneumonia ined at Hopkins every four months for as long Geneva, Switzerland-AP- The official number of AIDS cases worldwide has topped the that preys on people with severely damaged as four years, Feinberg said. million mark for the first time, though the true figure is more than four times as high, the immune systems and was at one time the first In the second study, AIDS patients who have World Health Organization (WHO) said, January 2, 1995. sign of the onset of AIDS in a majority of never taken Bactrim will be given gradually By December 31, governments had notified the U.N. health agency's Geneva headquarters of cases. increasing doses of the drug over three months 1,025,073 cases of the disease since the start of records in 1980, WHO said. "Among the drugs we've researched to use to see if tolerance to the drug can be devel- However, it said chronic underreporting and underdiagnosis in developing countries meant in treating HIV and AIDS, the use of Bactrim oped, Feinberg said. the actual number of AIDS cases probably totals more than 4.5 million. is perhaps the single greatest achievement," Bactrim, made by Roche Laboratories, is WHO said more than 70% of the estimated cases were in Africa. About 9% were in the said Dr. Judith Feinberg, who is leading the one trade name for trimethoprim sulfamethox- U.S., 9% in the rest of the American hemisphere, 6% in Asia and 4% in Europe. studies at the Johns Hopkins Medical Institu- azole, also manufactured by Burroughs Wel- The AIDS statistics include people who have died. They do not reflect the number of people tions. come under the name Septra. infected with HIV. WHO said that if HIV positive people were included, the number would be Though Bactrim was initially used to treat Doctors in the late 1980s began prescribing 20 times as high. leukemia patients suffering from pneumocysti- Bactrim to patients before they developed the About 1.5 million people, WHO estimates, have contracted HIV in the past six months. The tis carinii pneumonia, it has long been in the pneumonia and since then it has become the agency said that the infection rate continues to accelerate, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa arsenal of drugs used to treat AIDS patients. first evidence of AIDS in only about 20% of and southern Asia. But in many cases the drug can cause severe patients, Feinberg said. WHO spokesman Christopher Powell, predicted that the number of HIV positive people rashes, fevers and upset stomachs, Feinberg would reach 40 million plus in the next five years. January 5, 1995--January 18, 1995--WISCONSIN LIGHT--2 NATIONAL NEWS BRIEFS In Tolerant Thailand, the First, New, All- Gay Town Has Been Built Marvelous News Editor's Note: In Thailand, a nation where --According to the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD), backlash against Gay people who often bear an estimated 10 in every hundred people are the brunt of blame for the disease in other Marvel Comics--which is currently re-vamping its X-Men comic book storyline--has announced Gay, there are no closets to hide in and no rea- that the short-lived Gay superhero, "Northstar," might make a comeback. The Northstar char- countries such as the U.S. son to hide in them. Being Gay is simply ac- Kongsak Boonyamwong, a cashier at a ma- acter was featured in the Alpha comic book series and he officially "came out" in 1992, cepted. And to proclaim that fact, developers drawing expected fire from Fundy homophobes. (On his national TV show, Pat Robertson lam- jor department store, says he has no trouble have built a town called "Flower Town" ex- getting a job anywhere in Thailand because he basted Alpha Flight, calling the comic book "another example of a godless morality being le- clusively for Gay people. gitimized to our youth."). is a Gay man who likes to wear women's In an interview with Wizard magazine, comics writer Scott Lobdell said that Northstar could (Bangkok, Thailand)- Nestled in the lush clothes. be introduced as part of the new X-Men series. When specifically asked if Northstar would mountains of central Thailand, a luxury town "I never try to hide," says the beautiful 24- continue to be a Gay character, Lobdell said, "If he appears in the book, yes. I don't think it of karaoke bars, cafes, health clubs, swim- year-old. "I like to act like a woman. I have would be fair to introduce him into the book and not explore every facet of the character." ming pools and massage parlors has been built practiced for a long time until it comes natu- for 2,000 Gay men. rally." Gay Sailor Gets Reprieve from Discharge The world's first all-Gay village is being Nobody objects. "I don't care about being Seattle, WA-AP- A sailor got a preliminary injunction from a federal judge on December 23 promoted in a slick brochure with glossy pic- taught by Gay men or women," said Paweenaa to keep the Navy from discharging him because he's Gay. U.S. District Judge William Dwyer tures of handsome men dancing close, resting Rodmanee, an 18-year-old, straight, university scheduled a hearing on the Mark Philips case for February 22. Lawyers for Philips, a machin- their heads on each other's laps beside a student. "They are the same as me--human." ist's mate on nuclear subs at the Trident base, asked for the temporary restraining order to halt swimming pool and gazing romantically over Wanlop Piyamanotham, a professor at Sri- the sailor's discharge. The lawyers said the case was "precedent setting" because it would help the mountains with their arms around each nakharinwirot University says that straight decide whether the Navy can discharge Gays for sexual conduct without proving a relationship other. Thai men like Gay men because they don't to their military duties. With 70% of the 800 luxury homes already have to compete with them for women and sold, the $32 million project is to have its Thai women like them because they are less Judge Says Same-Sex Harassment Not Illegal Grand Opening next year as Flower Town. domineering than typical straight Thai males Baltimore, MD-AP- A man who complained he was harassed by his male boss plans to ap- "In other countries, Gays have to fight for and show more respect for women. peal a judge's ruling that it is not illegal under federal law to harass someone of the same sex. what they need," said project owner Dejdeow According to a study by the Thai govern- David Hopkins, a former employee of Baltimore Gas and Electric Co., claimed supervisor Ira Srichai, a 33-year-old Gay man. "But in ment published recently, 10%of the country's Swadow made unwelcome advances, pointed a magnifying lens at his groin and questioned him Thailand, Gays can live openly and free." 60 million people are Gay. The government about his sexual activities. Swadow denied the charges. The town received its name from the fact believes this figure is more accurate than U.S. District Judge Alexander Harvey H dismissed Hopkins' lawsuit, ruling that the federal that Gays in Thailand are called "flowers" be- studies taken elsewhere because no one was Civil Rights Act of 1964 doesn't cover a person claiming to have been the "victim of sexual cause, as Dejdeow said, Gays are "clean, afraid to say whether they were Gay or not. harassment by a supervisor or co-worker of the same sex." Harvey also said Swadow was lovely, fresh, "beautiful and refined." They The acceptance of Gay people in Thailand is equally obnoxious to female employees thereby eliminating the sexual aspect of the harassment. make no attempt to hide any mannerisms, what Dejdeow is counting on to make Flower whether they work as waiters, salesmen, busi- Town a success. The project has attracted in- nessmen or professors. quiries from Gays across the country and Vermont Caneymaker Has Success with Gay Bar Seri Wongmonta, one of Thailand's most around the world. Burlington, VT-AP- Linda Grishman has found a perfect way to meld her passion for pre- outspoken Gay men, confirms that while there Dejdeow is busy these days picking through mium chocolate with her devotion to the Gay and Lesbian community. She has created the Gay is some pressure of those in politics and the the stack of applications to screen out the most Bar--a rich, pure chocolate candy bar, created in the basement of her two-story white ranch military to be discreet about their sexual orien- clean-cut, good-looking, courteous Gay men to home on a quiet residential street. The bar is a triangle wrapped in pink paper with a city sky- tation, there is no social pressure against being frolic in the town's 90 acres of sculpted lawns, line, moon, and stars in the back. Gay. And thus, said Wongmonta, no need for lakes and fountains. Grishman, a native of South Africa, remembers the chocolate she had there which was im- a Gay movement. "Thais are open-minded, not serious," De- ported from Belgium and Switzerland. "When I tasted a Hershey bar for the first time," she However, being openly Gay was not always jdeow said. "They respect other's privacy. said, "it tasted like soap. I said, is this what Americans eat?!" As a result, all the chocolate for the way it was for Wongmonta. He spent some They don't think it's a big deal." the Gay bar is imported. time in the in recent years, he Her business has been very profitable. She sends out 1,000 of the bars weekly to LesBiGay said. "In America, when you're too open, PRIDEFEST organizations which use them for fundraisers. Gay Pride rallies, she says, from around the people reject you. You can get hurt. In Thai- Continued from Page 1 country, have praised them for their success. land, that's not true." Religion underwrites Thai acceptance of Gay said PrideFest Vice President, Miriam Ben- Same-Sex Marriage Commission Report Delayed people. The devoutly Buddhist Thais believe Shalom. Honolulu, HI-AP- State House Judiciary Committee Chair Terrance Tom says he'll recom- people or Gay, Lesbian or heterosexual be- "Delaying our move to Summerfest gives us mend the deadline for a commission on domestic partnerships to make its report to the Ha- cause of their karma. They generally don't more time that make sure that we are properly wai'ian Legislature be extended by one year. The same-sex marriage commission was to have judge anyone for being different, but attribute prepared to continue that tradition into the next made its recommendations at the end of December, 1994, but was unable to do so after its difference to actions in past lives. It is simply century," Ben-Shalom said. ranks were trimmed by a federal judge. The members were removed by U.S. District Judge their fate. PrideFest will keep the community informed Harold Fong after two men complained the law designating two members each from the Roman Even with AIDS reaching epidemic propor- of its progress in negotiations about moving to Catholic and Mormon denominations was unconstitutional. Now it's up to Gov. Ben Cayetano tions in parts of the country, there has been no the Summerfest grounds in 1996. to name four new members, which he is expected soon to do. Man Shot for Holding Boyfriend's Hand San Francisco-AP- Just blocks from the heart of the Castro, Victor Rohana, 24, was pinned to a wall and shot in the chest. His crime? Apparently, he was targeted because he was holding his boyfriend, Steven Damron's, hand. Civil rights advocates say the shooting is an example of the growing ferocity of attacks on Gays and Lesbians caused by the anti-Gay rhetoric of the Relig- ious Right. The bullet pierced Rohana's lung, missing his heart by about an inch, Damron said. Rohana underwent surgery and is listed in satisfactory condition. "I don't think they thought we were Italian," a shaken Damron said. "They thought we were Gay. They clearly made a decision that they were going to shoot a Gay man. They went to a lot of effort to get their car in position to shoot him point blank." San Francisco Mayor Frank Jordan has offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person responsible for the shooting. "Maybe they just thought it was macho to shoot a Gay guy," said Damron. "They made a judgement that being Gay was bad and their way of expressing that was to shoot Victor." New Lesbian Personals Magazine to be Launched (Walnut, CA)- Heartfelt, a new national personals magazine for Lesbians will be launched in January, 1995. The publishers say that for this premiere issue, any Lesbian can submit a per- sonals ad for free. Submit a description of yourself and who you are looking for. Photos, po- etry, drawings, are all acceptable. Please keep your personal to 200 words. Mail your descrip- tion to: Heartfelt, P.O. Box 1802, Walnut, CA 91788-1802. Please include your address and phone number. These will not be published, but will be used for verification of your ad arid to send your responses to you. Audit Says 'Out' Has Largest Circulation of Any Gay and Lesbian Magazine FOR PEOPLE WITH HIV DISEASE (New York, NY)- According to the Audit Bureau of Circulation (ABC), Out magazine has •LEGAL ASSISTANCE gained the highest circulation ever for a Gay publication. Launched 30 months ago, the maga- zine now boasts qualified circulation of 97,978, according to its publisher's statement. Accord- • HOUSING ing to Michael Goff, the magazine's aggressive circulation campaign has been the main reason •FINANCIAL PLANNING for the publication's growth. Out has placed over 8 million inserts in community newspapers, •DEBT COUNSELING targeted cardpacks, maintained an extensive direct mail campaign and promoted itself through •CASE MANAGEMENT innovative sponsorships of Gay and straight cultural, fashion and political events. • PHYSICAL HEALTH ASSESSMENTS Medical Journal Backs Teaching Masturbation •IMMUNE SYSTEM MONITORING London-AP- In an editorial supportive of former U.S. Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders, a •COOPERATIVE THERAPIES leading British medical journal says it is "high time" that masturbation he discussed openly in •ACUPUNCTURE sex education classes. The Lancet, in an editorial published on December 24, said Elders' •COUNSELING dismissal was "a bizarre example of the triumph of politics and prejudice over common sense." The journal refers to a 1988 sex survey that revealed that 82% of British men and 75% of Brit- •SUPPORT GROUPS ish women have masturbated at some time. "Since most people start to masturbate during ado- • FooD SERVICE lescence, sex education lessons in school present an appropriate opportunity to raise the sub- • TRANSPORTATION ject," The Lancet said. A recent survey of more than 3,000 Americans found that 60% of men and 40% of women, WE WORK WITH YOU TO MEET YOUR NEEDS between the ages of 18 and 59, masturbated in the past year. The results were released in Octo- ber, 1994, by researchers at the University of Chicago. WITH CARE AND RESPECT. 12th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial Set San Francisco- The 12th International AIDS Candlelight Memorial and Mobilization will be observed worldwide on Sunday, May 21, 1995. The event, which began in San Francisco in MILWAUKEE AIDS PROJECT 1983, honors the memory of those who have died of AIDS and demonstrates support for people living with HIV and AIDS. It is the world's largest annual community-based AIDS event. 243 (414)273-1991 (800)359-9272 cities in 45 nations participated this year and for the first time, the event was observed in all 50 states in the U.S. A SERVICE AGENCY OF THE AIDS RESOURCE CENTER OF WISCONSIN, INC. News Briefs are compiled by the Editor from mainstream newspapers and wire services, organizational press releases and Gay and Lesbian papers from across the U.S. January 5, 1995--January 18, 1995—WISCONSIN LIGHT--3 Rep. Tammy Baldwin and Attorney Tom U.S. Rep Steve Gunderson Confronts Gay Zander Win ACLU Recognition Activists in Washington Gay Bar By Sue Burke free-for-all to see who can be toughest on (Washington, D.C.)- In a replay in reverse (Milwaukee)- "A lot of politicians feel a lit- crime." of an earlier confrontation, U.S. Rep. Steve tle timid about speaking out," said State Rep. Behind the scenes, Baldwin worked on a Gunderson (R-WI) tossed a cocktail on Gay Tammy Baldwin (D-Madison). She recently subcommittee to choose which crimes would activist Michael Petrelis in a Washington, won the Wisconsin American Civil Liberties count as a "strike." The subcommittee also D.C. Gay bar. Union 1994 Special Recognition Award for tried to put a provision into the law to permit In 1991, Petrelis had confronted Gunderson her work to support civil rights. some elderly prisoners to be released, but that in a Virginia Gay restaurant and doused him The award "tells those of us who do say was struck from the final bill. with a Coca-Cola. controversial things that we're not alone," said ' Baldwin plans to re-introduce the bill to According to Gay and Lesbian Americans, a Baldwin, a Lesbian. permit same-sex marriages, although she nationwide Gay activist, grass roots group and The 1994 Outstanding Lawyer Award went doubts it will pass. "We knew that the early other sources, in the early morning hours of to Tom Zander, former executive director of stages of an initiative like this would be edu- December 17, 1994, Gunderson, along with the Legal Aid Society. Zander, a Gay man, cation," she said, "and that education can hap- his partner, Rob Morris, were in the Green retired from the job in April due to AIDS. He pen under Republican or Democratic control Lantern, popular D.C. leather bar. is best known for his work on behalf of people of the Legislature." Petrelis, along with Steve Michael, media with mental illness. She expects the new Republican majority coordinator for ACT UP Washington, con- leader of the Assembly, Scott Jensen of Wau- fronted Gunderson, demanding that he exert kesha, to oppose any efforts to weaken Wis- leadership on two bills pending before Con- consin's laws protecting Gays and Lesbians. gress: the Employment Nondiscrimination Act Jensen was the only Republican to sign a letter and the AIDS Cure Act. Gunderson is not a she introduced asking the federal government cosponsor of either bill. The activists said they to lift the ban on Gays and Lesbians in the were angry that Gunderson was not showing miltary. leadership on other Gay issues as well. "One person can't stop everything," she According to reliable reports, Gunderson REP. STEVE GUNDERSON warned. "We still have to be vigilant." She told the activists that the bar was not the place particularly worries that other states might re- to discuss politics and asked them to leave him AIDS bills in the House," Petrelis said, "then peal their civil rights laws. alone. Instead, Michael poured a bottle of beer he should not expect a friendly reception when Tom Zander on the Congressman's head. patronizing Gay establishments." In 1981, Zander became executive director Morris tried to push Michael away. Petrelis went on to say that "I doubt Gun- of the Legal Aid Society, a Milwaukee agency In the ensuing struggle, Gunderson took a derson was in a leather Gay bar to advance is- that provides free legal help for non-criminal cocktail and flung the contents at the two activ- sues of importance to his constituents back cases to poor people. He had already created ists, hitting Petrelis on the chest. home. If Gunderson spent half as much time some legal landmarks protecting the rights of By this time, other bar patrons had begun to studying and promoting Gay and AIDS issues the mentally ill people from involuntary intervene. The combatants were separated. as he does in Gay leather bars, he might then commitment and went on to win other impor- Morris and Gunderson left. be viewed as a hero, not a hypocrite." tant cases. "If he (Gunderson) is not going to use his Gunderson could not be reached for com- Zander also expanded the Legal Aid Society political power to advance responsible Gay and ment. from six to 22 full-time lawyers, although that only puts "a dent" in the legal needs of the New Alcohol and Drug Abuse Recovery poor, he said. Under Zander, Legal Aid made special efforts to deal with some emerging le- Group Forms in Milwaukee gal concerns. (Milwaukee)- There is a new alcohol and TAMMY BALDWIN As cases of child abuse skyrocketed, Legal edged that many people achieve sobriety on Aid stepped in to represent children in court drug abuse recovery group in Milwaukee. their own. That was their way and they are to The awards will be presented at the 17th hearings to decide what would happen to them. Meeting every week above the Brady STD be praised for their accomplishment. There is Annual ACLU fundraising dinner to be held at As more people developed legal problems as Clinic, the group specifically targets the Gay no "good" sobriety and "bad" sobriety. There the Pfister Hotel in downtown Milwaukee, the result of having AIDS, Zander began a population, a community in which one in three is only sobriety and it is always good. Saturday, January 14, starting at 6:00 p.m. (according to one estimate) has experienced project with the AIDS Resource Center of There are, however, advantages to a support Tickets are $50 and reservations may be made the debilitating effects of alcohol and drug Wisconsin that now has two specialized law- group. We will meet others with the same by calling the ACLU office at (414) 272-4032 abuse. yers working in the Milwaukee AIDS Project's problems and needs, lessening the sense of by January 12. S.O.S. (Secular Organizations for Sobri- offices. isolation and hopelessness. We can say damn There will be no long speeches, ety/Save OurSelves), founded by and for alco- said Wis- Zander himself went to homeless shelters to well what we please without fear of disclosure. consin ACLU Executive Director Christopher hol and drug abusers, wants to extend a help- interview people there about their legal prob- We will also share experiences and develop Ahmuty. Comedian Will Durst will provide ing hand. lems that had led directly to their homeless- strategies for dealing with the beast in us that entertainment. For some time, there have been two chapters ness. Now Legal Aid regularly sends attorneys has frustrated and defeated our highest hopes of Other 1994 award winners are Vilay Her to free meal sites to offer legal help. S.O.S. in the Milwaukee area. They have and ambitions for ourselves. and Va Hang on been very receptive to Gays and there is no behalf of Wausau's Hmong Though retired, he still volunteers at the Le- At the S.O.S. meeting we encourage diver- community; Lloyd Barbee and Irvin reason for complaint. HoweVer, because of the Charne gal Aid Society. He was recently appointed to sity. Political and religious views are checked for their career work for civil rights; enormity of the problem in the Gay commu- and Ben the HIV Services Consortium to allocate fed- at the door. At S.O.S. our priority is sobriety, Borger, the ACLU's student plaintiff nity, it was felt that a new Gay chapter was in a eral Ryan White Act funds in the Milwaukee not goodness or piety or even quality of life. challenge to the Kenosha School District's justified even if the response was limited. Suc- area. He is being trained as an AIDS speaker These things may very well be important, but censorship of the film Schindler's List. cess would be measured, not in numbers, but by the Red Cross. He also helps with the we must not lose sight of the priority which is Baldwin, who was first elected to the State newly-formed Wisconsin Human Rights in the effect the program had on our own so- sobriety itself. Assembly in 1992, was "one of the few voices briety. League for Lesbians and Gays. We welcome you. Join us on the upper floor of sanity" as the Legislature debated the "three S.O.S. was founded in 1986 as an alternative He worries that current public moods might of the Brady STD Clinic at 1240 E. Brady strikes and you're out" bill this year, Ahmuty recovery method for alcohol and drug abusers endanger civil liberties. Street. We meet every Friday night at 7:00 said. who are uncomfortable with the spiri- "I think that the hysteria we're seeing about p.m. (Enter via the right side door nearest the Baldwin said her fellow legislators under- tual/religious content of widely available crime and welfare currenity is a manifestation street). For more information, contact Dan at stood that the bill had flaws and would require twelve-step programs. Since its inception, of people's fear and anger," he said, "and (414) 466-9892, Gary at (414) 778-2222, or costly prison expansion, but when reporters S.O.S. has attracted secular and hu- Congress certainly has the power to enact a lot religious leave a message at (414) 442-1132. and cameras were around, "the debate loses all of repressive legislation." manists, atheists and agnostics, as well as re- of its rational components and just becomes a ligious liberals. Mostly, however, S.O.S. at- Ur; tracts ordinary people, without any particular vitarw747-kt_.., philosophic predisposition, who, because of New Study Indicates that Women with HIV their own experience, have found the common sense "down-to-earth" approach of S.O.S. to Die Sooner than Infected Men be more effective than that of spiri- BRADY'S BUNCH tual/religious programs. ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES (Chicago)- Women who are infected with women, said her own findings suggest non- At S.O.S. we are not interested in debating HIV die faster than men with the infection, a scientific theories of the origins of alcohol and 1221 E. BRADY STREET medical factors play an important role in how MILWAUKEE, WI 53202 study found, and the reasons may be social infected women fare. drug abuse. We deal with what we know and rather than medical. "It is extremely common for a woman to say leave speculation to others. We are concerned (414) 289-8322 The study tracked 768 women and 3,779 she wants an HIV test but was afraid to ask the about shaking the image of ourselves as vic- OPEN DAILY AND SUNDAY men--all HIV positive--for 15 months in 13 doctor," Levine said. "When she does ask, he tims and developing control over our own de- NOON TO 5:00 P.M. major cities across the country. The women says, 'No, you don't need one. You're a nice cisions. CLOSED TUESDAYS were about 33% more likely to die than men girl.' Then she has to say, `No, I'm not a nice We know that, as sober alcoholics and ad- who were comparably ill when they enrolled girl.' dicts, we cannot drink or use, no matter what. - • — in the study. A woman also may come to the emergency We take a reasonable secular approach to re- No medical reason for the difference was room with pneumonia and a doctor may not covery and credit the individual for achieving Agwaukee's newest antique shop, ti apparent. The women didn't seem to get sicker suspect it's related to HIV, although with a and maintaining his or her sobriety without in the (Historic ghird Ward any faster than the men, they just died sooner, male patient, the doctor might suspect HIV reliance on any higher power, however per- said researchers led by Sandra L. Melnick, an and test for it, Levine said. The treatment for ceived. epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota the two types of pneumonia is different, she There are no "gurus" at S.O.S. Everyone, School of Public Health. noted. each person at a time, is invited to join us in •;‘) cWishfuf 5hinfo In women twice as often as in men, death The study, conducted at primary health care becoming and staying sober. Sobriety is not an was the first sign that HIV was progressing, centers in the target cities, is the largest and easy thing to achieve, but there are "old- timers" in who will tell you the researchers found. In men, the first signs longest to explore differences in HIV disease S.O.S. it has been Specializing in Art Glass, well worth making the commitment. of the infection's progress were much more between men and women, Sherer said. It also porcelain and other fine small likely to be pneumonia or fungal infections. But why a recovery group? It is acknowl- is one of the most representative--50% of the antiques, all unconditioaffy That led researchers to speculate that women subjects were African American or Hispanic, may wait longer to seek care or may be treated he said. guaranteed differently by the medical system. • Women represent approximately 15% of the But the study's breadth came at the cost of U.S. AIDS cases, but women and children are detail, including information on homelessness Wkrif-P0 the fastest growing group of people with and poverty--two important factors in life ex- 4 207 (E. (Buffalo St. AIDS, a co-author of the study, Dr. Renslow pectancy for people with HIV, Sherer said. Nfwaukee, CWCI Sherer, said in December 28th's issue of The Also, he said, "We know that there's a very 53202 L1• Journal of the American Medical Associa- high incidence of domestic violence in women It tion. with HIV--in some cases extremely high," and (414) 765-1117 4 BOOT CAMP SALOON • "We're still way behind in reaching women that may cause deaths, he said. MILWAUKEE'S at risk nationally," said Sherer, director of the Causes of death in the study were unavail- LEATHER / LEVI BAR Cook County, Illinois HIV Primary Care able or unknown for 46% of 105 women who Open M-F 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM • Center. "This study just shows the devastating died and 36% of 700 men who died.- Since 209 E. National i] Weekends by chance or appointment impact of HIV in women." many HIV patients die outside hospitals, in- Milwaukee, WI Dr. Alexandra Levine, chief of hematology formation on causes of death is difficult to 414-643-6900 WE ALSO BUY QUALITY GLASS & ANTIQUES at the University of Southern School obtain, the researchers said.. of Medicine and a researcher on HIV in L. # # • # ^==> • = # • A January 5, 1995--January 18, 1995--WISCONSIN LIGHT--4 wasn't effective because its members insisted on. plague on homosexuals." FROM THE EDITOR'S DESK witnessing to God at every opportunity instead of In a July, 1986 appearance in Louisville, working to be politically savvy. This changed with Kentucky, Cameron suggested that people with. the Moral Majority and the Christian Coalition and AIDS be branded with the letter "A" on their now they are certainly a force to be reckoned with. foreheads, be placed under house arrest and Birds Do It, Bees Do It--But At Least, They If we want to fight the Radical Right, we have to imprisoned if they attempted to leave home. learn to be just as politically savvy as they are. Re- In various pamphlets and newsletters, dis- Don't Talk About It member, they don't apologize for being tributed throughout the country by Cameron's "Christians," and certainly aren't ashamed of it. Research Institute, he cites "statistics" By Terry Boughner would shame hell, let's admit that too. We can be politically savvy without appearing to prove that the majority of women who claim Every once in awhile, just when I think But, of course, that's the problem. The ashamed of being Queer or apologizing for it either. they were raped are lying in order to get at- things are about as nutsy as they're going to wonderful, almost beatific pleasure that we get Dumping manure on the steps of a church during tention and "...17%, or possibly as many as get, along comes something that lets me know from sex, isn't supposed to happen--and cer- a domestic partnership battle, as the Avengers did in 33% of Gays enjoy ingesting feces as part of that the world has a long way to go in that di- tainly not to be talked about if it does. Austin, TX, or holding a kiss-in at a rural Idaho their everyday sex practices--and, in an aver- rection. What stupidity! What hypocrisy! In this age county fair may be our way of "witnessing" to our age year, ingest fecal material from 19 differ- For anyone who might have missed this lat- of AIDS, we are not even to talk about the one pride as Queers, and some such actions will cer- ent men." est bout with insanity, in December, President sure way to have sex and not get sick?! tainly help build our sense of community. I first spoke to Paul Cameron when we both Clinton fired Surgeon General Joycelyn Eld- I can do nothing better at this point than Some of the outreach and education that Ms. arrived in Chicago. He seemed pleasant ers, ostensibly, for saying (right out loud) that quote Ann Landers: Pursley describes will certainly help Idaho to be enough as we made small-talk in the limousine masturbation ought to be included in teaching "The sex drive is the strongest human drive more a progressive state over the years. However, provided by our TV hosts. As we waited by about sex in the schools. after hunger. It is nature's way of perpetuating this is definitely not the way to be politically savvy the desk of the hotel the TV company had ar- With its hand to its mouth, its eyes wide in the human race. Males reach their sexual peak when so much is at stake in the short term. ranged, Cameron commented, "I certainly horror, the White House said "that's wrong! as early as seventeen. There must be an outlet. Scott Stelzer hope they didn't put us both in one room. That Oh God!" People might think that kids, good, I am recommending self-gratification or mu- Madison would be rather awkward, don't you think?" clean-cut, American kids, the flower of our tual masturbation, whatever it takes to release I assured him that I would pay anything, virgin youth, might be having impure thoughts the sexual energy. This is a sane and safe al- Paul Cameron: Bigot ANYTHING, to assure that I didn't have to and (here's the rub, mind you), touching ternative to intercourse, not only for teenag- sleep next to him. But as our desultory and ev- themselves down there! ers, but for older men and women who have with a Difference: He ermore awkward conversation continued, Worse. Even if, say, one or two of them do lost their partners. mostly emanating from Cameron--in the limo "do it," for God's sake, we can't talk about it! "I do not want to hear from clergymen tell- TURN TO CAMERON, Page 15 Not adults, real live grown ups! ing me it is a sin. The sin is making people is a Professional Public embarrassment for the White House! feel guilty about responding to this fundamen- Give the People Light and they Big time! Get that woman outa here! tal human drive." Commentary by Marvin Liebman And Elders got the hook. Joycelyn Elders wasn't advocating classes in "God has given you a long life. I hope he willfind their own way. Ah, c'mon! Pla-eese, let's get a life! Is there it--Jack-off 101--but just talk about it, tell the gives you another year so that you can atone." anyone out there who has never, ever jacked kids about it, that it's done, that in Holland, These were the last words I heard from Paul off? for example, a person is considered sexually Cameron, professional homophobe, as he left Oh, I suppose there's a few--and I'll hear active if all they do is jack off. me at National Airport in Washington, D.C. The from at least one of them--but, let's admit it, Incidentally, in Holland, so I'm told, where after returning from a Chicago TV show on most of us, the vast majority of us, real fa- sex, all kinds, is taught in the schools, where which we both had appeared. Wisconsin mous people, newspaper editors, the president, condoms are freely available, where mastur- Cameron earns his living exclusively as an the pope, saints, Republicans, Democrats, bation is no big deal, teen pregnancies are at a "expert" on homosexuality. He has his own even radio talkshow hosts, jack off, pump very low rate. Maybe it's time we took a les- tax-exempt Family Research Institute, which is Light their meat, and, in most cases, I'd warrant, son from the Dutch?? concerned, in large part, with Lesbians and enjoy it thoroughly--and have for a long, long Ah well, regardless of the Clinton White Gays. He is regularly hired to provide time. House and the righteous sniffing of the radical "expert" opinion on homosexuality by various And why not? It's safe, the safest form of pious, masturbation is and will continue to be government and private agencies, college fo- sex you can have. It's fun, lots of fun, not as a fact of life. There is not one single thing rums, community groups and by trial lawyers good as having a hot body next to you maybe, anyone can do to stop it. representing individuals seeking custody of pushed in close, burning, with flaming thighs, The problem is, I think, that when someone their children from Lesbian or Gay male ready to send you into nuclear meltdown, but gave us a chance to act sanely and responsibly spouses. He is invited to appear on radio and fun nevertheless. You can let your imagination in this regard, she got the ax. TV shows to express his "point of view." run wild. We all have thoughts that we think Paul Cameron is important because he repre- sents the core attitude of millions and millions of God-fearing Americans toward their Gay LETTERS compatriots--an attitude that is based on fear, bigotry, ignorance and the out-and-out lies, spread by Cameron, which they accept as the Offices Top-notch pollsters found that the Executive & Editorial issues most im- gospel truth. He is listened to by these millions Teens Like Us portant to Idahoans are taxes and government inter- 1843 N. Palmer in spite of his record of professional corrup- ference. These issues were then constantly stressed tion, incompetence and, as a certified public Milwaukee, WI 53212 TO THE EDITOR: by No On 1, which avoided nearly-all discussion of liar. I am a facilitator of Teens Like Us, Dane Queer issues. We simply focused on (414) 372-2773 how Proposi- Let's look at just a small part of the record. County's Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual teen social tion 1 would effect the pocketbooks and freedom of Cameron was denounced and expelled by the group. I was reading an article in the November 24 all Idahoans. LIGHT FAX: (414) 372-1840 American Psychological Association (APA) in edition of your newspaper about the book Two Our strategy was extremely successful because 1983 for blatant violation of the spirit and the Teenagers in Twenty. I was shocked by writer we stopped talking about Queer issues Office Hours: and started letter of the organization's Ethical Principles Yuri Keegstra's comments that there is letting Idahoans, the great majority of whom are of Psychologists, i.e. responsibility, compe- Monday-Friday-10:00 a.m. -5:30 p.m. "unfortunately no place for Rachael to go." There rabidly homophobic, the Proposition 1 would affect tence and legal standards. He claimed that his 24-Hour Recording is, of course, a place to go in Madison and Milwau- them negatively. expulsion from the Association was the work kee and soon to be a group for teens in Green Bay. As just about all campaign workers know, the of a homosexual cabal. This further endeared Publisher Rachael Corbitt, the book's first entry, actually purpose of a campaign is first and foremost to win him to his supporters. Jerry Johnson wrote that entry before she became the first member 50% of the votes plus one and this means targeting Two years later, Cameron was expelled of a support group that began in Madison over 4 the undecided voters with the Executive Editor most effective mes- from the American years ago. The group did not get off to a strong start sage. Sociological Association Terry Boughner, Ph.D. (ASA): "Dr. Paul Cameron has consistently and folded. Talking about Queer issues often gave the ICA the misinterpreted and misrepresented sociological Arts & Entertainment Editor It began again in 1992 and Rachael was one of upper hand, as witnessed in a televised debate when research on sexuality, homosexuality and Geno three consistent members and many attended the Dennis Mansfield and Kelly Walton (ICA) made ac- Lesbianism...and has repeatedly campaigned group infrequently. Last Spring, before Rachael and cusation after accusation about Gays and Lesbians Advertising Manager for the abrogation of the civil rights of Lesbi- others graduated, our numbers totaled 15 members. and all Brian Bergquist and Mary Rohlfing (No On Jerry Johnson ans and Gay men, substantiating his call on the The group is a project of Briarpatch, a teen counsel- 1) could respond with was "No, we don't do 372-2773 this or basis of his distorted interpretation of his ing agency and PICADA, which does alcohol and that or the other thing." re- search." drug abuse prevention. By election time, No On 1 had reframed the de- COLUMNISTS AND REPORTERS Only one year after, the ASA felt it neces- Also, Gay Youth Milwaukee has been running for bate by talking about issues of constitutionality and Maytee Aspuro, Sue Burke, Darren J. sary to officially and publicly state that Paul a while and you can contact Michael Lisowski for taxes. The ICA ended up calling librarians liars and Foster, Eugene "Geno" Brzenk, Cameron was not a sociologist (as he claimed) more info about that group. talking about the constitutionality of their measure Ph.D., Jamakaya, Karen Lamb, A and condemned him once again for his consis- group of concerned folks have been working instead of talking about how much "horse pocky" Ph.D., Bill Meunier, Carl Szatmary, tent misrepresentation of sociological research. with the Madison Metropolitan School District to we eat daily and how many children we recruit in Woodrow Thalberg, Dayna Verstegen. Another manifestation of the homosexual ca- change attitudes and curriculum in the school sys- elementary schools. tem. The group is bal, said Cameron. called GLADE, Gays, Lesbians Such strong attitudes as those in Idaho can't be and Allies for Diversity in Education and In 1985 and 1986, in the Lutheran Chapel of has possi- changed in four short months by an Avenger shock bly already received coverage in the Light. the University of Nebraska--as the voters of Associated Press treatment. In truth, the Avengers probably rein- Ap Jonathan Lincoln, Nebraska were debating a ballot Garber forced much of the homophobia. PICADA, Madison Many of you probably disagree with me at this question dealing with discrimination against Copyright © 1995 point, but let me remind you how much more con- Gays--the Lincoln Star quoted Paul Cameron By Novo Graphics, Ltd. Lesbian Avengers servative Idaho is than Wisconsin. In 1992, three as saying, "Right now, here in Lincoln, there Lesbians were is a four-year-old boy who has had his genitals THE WISCONSIN LIGHT is published biweekly by NOVO invited to talk to a high school class GRAPHICS. LTD.. with offices at 1843 N. Palmer. TO THE EDITOR: in a Boise suburb. The next day, for "balance" a almost severed from his body in a public re- Milwaukee. WI 53212. Advertising and copy deadline is the I'm writing to take issue with Sara Pursley's Fundamentalist preacher told the same stroom in a homosexual attack." Thursday prior to publication. Opinions expressed by class who writers in WISCONSIN LIGHT are not necessarily those of analysis of the work of the Lesbian Avengers in evil and filthy homosexuality was. The scandal Cameron's charges were investigated by the the publisher, editor, or our advertisers. Any reference Northern Idaho. Though the Avengers did a won- about the "Lesbians teaching homosexuality in the police and two local newspapers and were madE to any individual or organization should not be construed as an indication of the same's sexual or affection derful job of revitalizing the Lesbian community in schools" still hasn't died down! found to be absolutely groundless. Cameron orientation or preference. All copy, text, design, photos, and Northern Idaho (and this community-building will By contrast, there are agencies and speakers' bu- confessed as much and publicly disavowed his illustrations in advertisements are published with the likely help provide a reaus that charge by understanding that the advertiser is fully authorized and has strong resistance to the ICA's send Queer speakers into Wisconsin saying, "It appears my informant secured proper written consent for the use of names. future efforts as well as empower Gays and Lesbi- classrooms almost routinely. made a mistake." pictures, or testimonials of any living person. and ans in Northern Idaho), the Avengers can It shouldn't have had to be His retraction was too late, however. The WISCONSIN LIGHT may lawfully publish and cause such hardly this way, of course. It publication to be made; and the advertiser agrees by take credit for defeating the ICA or even for making would have been great if we could have successfully ballot was defeated and discrimination against submitting ads to indemnify and save blameless the a substantial electoral difference in Idaho. run a campaign on Queer issues and Lesbians and Gays is still legal in Lincoln, publication of any error that may be contained in said ad. educated the WISCONSIN LIGHT does not accept any responsibility for As one of three Wisconsinites who worked on the public at the same time, but the reality is that we Nebraska. any claims made by advertisers. The entire contents of No On I Campaign, I can attest to the fact that the would've lost by a landslide. I've had the chance to In 1985. U.S. District Judge Jerry Busch- WISCONSIN LIGHT are 0 Copyrighted and protected- under the Federal Copyright Act and International campaign was won due to the efforts of staff and see some of the ads against Colorado's meyer, in his opinion striking down Texas' Conventions. Reproduction of any portion of any issue will volunteers, terrific coalition-building and fund- Amendment 2 in which the emphasis is on anti- sodomy law, berated Cameron as an expert not be permitted without express written permission of NOVO GRAPHICS, LTD. Legal venue is Milwaukee County, raising and last, but not least, our strategy. It is our discrimination and tolerance, on the humanity and witness by saying that his testimony was filled Wisconsin. Printed in the U.S.A. strategy with which the Avengers were at odds. equality of Gays and Lesbians. with "fraud" and "misrepresentations." When I first came to Idaho, I was nauseated by Sadly, the same year that Clinton was elected, Under oath, Cameron testified, among other the degree to which the campaign avoided taking on Amendment 2 was passed by Colorado voters. With things, that "...homosexuals are approximately Subscribe to Queer issues. I was 100% in agreement with those No On l's strategy, however, Proposition 1 failed in 48 times more apt to commit crimes than is the who loudly proclaimed that the campaign itself was a more conservative state, during a conservative general population" and that "...homosexuals Wisconsin Light homophobic. As I saw the results, however, I came landslide in which a strongly Radical Right-aligned abuse children on a proportionately greater 1 Year (25 issues) to understand that this was necessary for winning candidate was elected one of Idaho's representatives incidence than do heterosexuals," votes and that we were all genuinely working with in Congress. Cameron served as AIDS advisor to the in- First Class $24.95 our Queer brothers and sisters first and firmly in The lessor here is that we have to do as the Radi- famous Congressman William Dannemeyer Third Class $11.95 mind. cal Right has done. In the past, the Radical Right and came up with the phrase, "AIDS is God's Jamuary 5, 1995--January 18, 1995--WISCONSIN LIGHT--S Gays and Lesbians Must Be Represented in A Personal Journey Into Gay History Began the Halls of Power by Their Own in a Fundamentalist School Commentary by Kathleen DeBold mote positive Gay and Lesbian visibility and Commentary by Terry Boughner "There is a major difference between a dispel the stereotyped images of Gay men and Library to see what I could find. Surely, I I didn't want to go to college. Maybe if friend and a Gay person in office. It's not Lesbians. And, they give other Gay people the I thought, there had to be some book that por- had, I wouldn't have wound up where I enough to have friends represent us, no matter courage to come out. did. trayed Washington and Lafayette as real peo- Who knows? Anyhow, my mother was de- how good these friends may be. We must give Geraldine Ferraro wrote that "Every time a ple, not stick figures. termined that I wasn't going off and people the chance to judge us by our own woman runs for office, it's like throwing a "dig I found nothing about them, not what I ditches," as she put it. For some reason, my leaders, and by our own legislators." stone in a lake. The ripple effect is felt far be- wanted anyway. But in my search through the mother had this aversion to digging Harvey Milk yond the immediate point of contact." ditches. stacks, I did run across an ancient biography Maybe it had something to do with the De- One reason that Lesbians and Gay men find When an openly Gay candidate runs for of- of Alexander the Great. For some reason, I pression. I don't know. Whatever it was, no the political process so frustrating is because fice, it's like throwing a boulder into that lake. started to read it and could not put it down. All recent polls and focus groups show that college equaled ditch digging, or so she There, I found out about young conqueror we are the most underrepresented group in thought. American government. people who know a Lesbian or a Gay man are and the love he had from Haephestion, his One day, I came home from high school to Of 100 U.S. Senators, none are openly Gay less likely to vote for anti-Gay legislation. boyhood friend and, eventually, his second in have her tell me that I'd been admitted to or Lesbian; And people who have a Lesbian or Gay Ge- command. neva College. What that was--or even where it Of 435 U.S. Congressmen, only three are friend are much more likely to support Gay One sentence I read that day sticks with was--I had no idea, and I was a little taken openly Gay; rights. When an openly Gay candidate runs for me still. The ancient writer quotes Haephes- office, he comes out to thousands of voters, aback by the news since I hadn't applied to tion as saying that the greatest battle he ever Of 7,461 members of state legislatures, only any place at all. 14 are openly Gay or Lesbian; walking door to door, shaking hands, listening fought was the battle of Alexander's thighs. As it turned out, she'd done all the apply- Of 497,155 elected officials currently serv- to people's concerns. And he won. ing--the 500 word essay, the whole works. ing in the United States, only 105 are openly Because of this, thousands more people now When I got to the end of that bio and read And she'd gotten admitted--only it was me of Alexander's terrible, heart-wrenching grief Gay or Lesbian. know someone who is Gay. And when that who went. The inclusion and empowerment of Gay men candidate is elected and his constituents see when Haephestion died, I could understand, Geneva was (and is) this dismal little and Lesbians in the political process can only him fighting for their concerns in the legisla- god could I understand! Christian Fundamentalist place run by a group happen when we are represented by our own. ture, that's thousands more people who have a Alexander gave Haephestion a magnificent calling themselves the Reformed Presbyteri- Time and time again, we friend who is Gay. funeral and died not too long afterward. Most have invested our ans. My mother uncle, who she adored, had The Radical Right has become adept at using books say the general died from disease and hopes and our energy and our money into gone there, so that's why she knew about it. electing "friends," only to discover that when the political process to undermine the demo- maybe too much wine. It was wretched. No smoking, no drinking the pressure's on, our rights and our cratic foundation of our country. Recruiting, Yeah, okay. But I thought then and I think progress no dancing, no card playing, and no voting. are indeed negotiable. These experiences have training and electing our own leaders is one of now, that a Gay historian would understand Chapel attendance was required as was two taught us that no matter how well-meaning our the best ways for us to beat them at their own that the real cause of death was a broken heart. years of bible. All this plus the fact that eve- friends and supporters are, no one game. In fact, despite the other setbacks in the I'd learn a lot of history as time went on, has as ryone in the administration, faculty and staff November elections, when it came to electing but none proved to be so exciting to me, so strong an interest in our issues and rights as had to be "born again." Disgusting. we do. our own, we excelled. full of meaning than the story of Alexander the To give you an idea, I remember one girl, Openly Gay and Lesbian officials guarantee We broke through the "Lavender Ceiling" Great that I read, squirreled away in the li- Patty Convert by name, (I've never tit-gotten us a place at the table where decisions con- by electing the first openly Gay officials to the brary's stacks. her), who told me that when she got married, cerning our lives are made. They work within California State Assembly (Sheila Kuehl), From that biography, that history, I began there would be "three people in the marriage the system to protect the civil rights of all Washington State Senate (Cal Anderson), the to have a deeper sense of who I was--and am. bed": herself, her husband and "Jesus in the Americans. They sponsor anti-discrimination Missouri House of Representatives (Tim Van 1 could and I did survive at Geneva. Gay his- middle." I'm not sure, but I think that was the legislation and hate crime bills. Zandt), and the Arizona House of Representa- tory was the armor that I wore. first time I'd heard of a manage a tois. They block anti-Gay referenda. They appoint tives (Ken Cheuvront). Today, when I read that stupid Wisconsin It was in this kind of environment that I other qualified open Gays and Lesbians to We elected the first openly Gay Republican State Legislator, one of Rep. Ladwig's bud- struggled with being Gay--or "sodomy" as dies, babble on about how Gays have no his- public office. They fight for AIDS funding, state legislator in the nation, Oregon State Rev. MacMillian, the Director of Spiritual tory, I can only shake my head in pity for his breast cancer research and other Gay/Lesbian Representative elect Chuck Carpenter. Activities, called it. health issues. They serve as positive role We pulled off a "Lavender Sweep" in San brain dead condition and sadness that the fool I majored in History simply because I models for Gay and Lesbian youth. They pro- Francisco by electing all three openly Gay wants to loved it and always had. In History, I could inflict his ignorance on everybody candidates (Susan Leal, Carole Migden, Tom find out about people's lives, real people, else. Ammiano) for the board of supervisors, as Of people who had once lived and breathed and course, things are better now than Larry Plazarin, well as both openly Gay candidates for the done things. It was like living their lives vi- when I was at Geneva. LesBiGay history is College Board (Leslie Katz and Community cariously, if you will. being taught in some places, but not in nearly Lawrence Wong). ARCW Designer, But the one thing I could not find out--at enough. Until that day comes, I can only hope We elected the first openly Gay/Lesbian least from my history classes, was that all the LesBiGay students out there will in Miami, Chicago and San Diego and anything Dies of AIDS judges about people like me. hunt for and find their own Lafayette and Al- added another in . For a long time, been exander. Every openly Gay incumbent on the ballot convinced that (Milwaukee)- Larry Plazarin, a Milwaukee there never had Keep looking. They're there. was reelected, including all three openly Gay been anyone like me, not in all interior designer who designed the new head- history. Nobody had ever felt what I did when quarters building of the AIDS Resource Center Congressmen (Gerry Studds, Barney Frank and Steve Gunderson). I saw Tommy Marchese or Steve Hays or any of Wisconsin (ARCW), died on December 29, one of a dozen others. 1994, from complications due to AIDS. Thirteen of the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund's openly Gay candidates were elected But something happened. Plazarin, who battled AIDS for several My grandmother, rest her soul, took me to years, made the design of the new ARCW across the nation, an astonishing 76.4% suc- cess rate. the attic one Summer and showed me the headquarters his final project, turning the old greatest treasure that she possessed: the La- cream city brick, four story building on These unprecedented victories for openly Gay candidates are especially significant in fayette Letters. DISPROPORTIONATELY Plankinton Avenue into a strikingly attractive There were 10 of them that had come environment combining modern style with the light of the overall conservative swing of the electorate. Each of these candidates won two down through the family, all of them written old edifice, while taking advantage of Mil- by the handsome young Marquise to George waukee's urban view with dozens of large races, one against their opponents, the other against the Right Wing's distorted image of Washington. My grandmother said she wanted windows. me to see them before she sent them off to the "Larry put his heart and soul into the design Gay men and Lesbians. The election results (including the defeat of Library of Congress. of this building," ARCW Executive Director Those letters were a revelation, believe it. Doug Nelson said. "He created a fabulous antiGay ballot initiatives in Oregon and Idaho) send a clear message that the extremist view- It took me some time to decipher that 18th space and he was determined to make it an Century script, but when I did I found the environment that would be comfortable, ac- points which lead to hate campaigns and Gay- baiting are out of step with mainstream sweetest terms of endearment and honest love cessible and uplifting for people with AIDS." I'd ever QUEER America. read from one man to another. "Larry courageously confronted AIDS in his When I made some mention of this to my own life and his wonderful design of the new These qualified openly Gay candidates won & VIRY PROUD because their personal and community values grandmother, she only said that the language ARCW headquarters was truly his gift to the was typical for the time and didn't mean any- AIDS community," Nelson said. are consistent with those of the average American family, values like hard work, re- thing. we also feature... Born in Yatesboro, Pennsylvania on Sep- Yeah, well, maybe. Still, they struck a tember 22, 1949, Plazarin's interior design ca- sponsibility and respect for others. No one is naive enough to think that electing chord, in fact, a whole symphony that I heard homeopathics, reer began in Pittsburgh. At age 26 he moved only faintly at the time, but which would build to Waukegan, Illinois where he established his qualified openly Gay and Lesbian officials is herbal remedies, the answer to our political problems, but it's to a powerful crescendo. own design business. Plazarin's business At Geneva, I took American History and flourished in the Chicago area where he de- one of the answers. And it works. aromatherapy, Editor's Note: Kathleen DeBold is the heard about Washington and Lafayette. But signed corporate offices and many metro area they were Deputy Director of the Gay ant Lesbian Vic- rigid, two-dimensional figures, not natural hair & homes along the north shore of Lake Michi- the men I knew from the letters. tory Fund, a national donor network commit- gan. That's what sent me hunting in McCartney skin care, In 1989, Plazarin moved to Milwaukee and ted to increasing the number of qualified continued his career as a design consultant. openly Gay and Lesbian public officials. holistic health Within a year he began to volunteer at the k• i•• •VZ books, Milwaukee AIDS Project (MAP) as it ex- k‘ • " • \ • " •S‘44, • - —— _ • panded its offices at the former Court Street \ ' nutritional site.

When ARCW and MAP decided to move in • supplements, 1994, Plazarin was retained to direct the inte- 1 Tr• alfeli rior design of the large, old building that was 111 massage oils B tools, to become its new headquarters at 820 N. informative staff, Plankinton Avenue in downtown Milwaukee. Plazarin was well-known among many M§sM CLUB prescription friends for his gourmet cooking and gracious entertaining. He took great pride in the design pharmacy, of his home and loved to share it with col- •Lunch & Dinner Daily a mail order catalog, leagues and friends. Plazarin is survived by his partner, Paul •Sunday Brunch we even have Milakovich who is Deputy Director of ARCW, his mother, Anna Plazarin of Yates- •Party Room Available snacks! boro, two brothers, a sister, nieces and neph- ews, many friends, and his faithful English •Cocktail Hour Spinger Spaniel, Chelsea. Prior to his death. Plazarin requested that CABARET ENTERTAINMENT COMMUNITY memorials for him be made through financial MAJOR CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED contributions to the Milwaukee AIDS Project, 820 N. Plankinton Avenue, Milwaukee, WI PHARMACY 53202. 124 North Water Street, Milwaukee 414.347.1962 be hosted A reception honoring Plazarin will •.••.• •••• 341 STATE STREET, MADISON by his partner, Paul Milakovich at their home on Wednesday, January 11th from 5:30 to PHONE 251-3242 TTY 251-5339 8:00 p.m. (924 E. Lyon Street, Milwaukee). X , „.%4A, \ ‘.:,t.L.1,„ ;:•,V,n\N, January 5, 1995--January 18, 1995—WISCONSIN LIGHT-6 The Light

IUi' LY • • • • • Alas

`Love! Valour! Compassion!', is Off- Broadway's Gay Play, and a Season's Hit

By Michael Kuchwara his new play. (New York)- On stage are twin brothers-- "It was incredibly flattering," recalls one gentle, kindhearted and dying of AIDS. Glover, a quiet, soft-spoken man whose polite The other is cold, calculating and almost sa- demeanor is certainly at odds with his more distic in his ill-temper. It's good and evil in a sinister movie appearances. "And then last moment of recognition and reconciliation. Christmas, a huge script arrived." What makes the scene so amazing is that the It was the first draft of Love! Valour! two strikingly different men are played by the Compassion!, with the plum dual roles for same actor, John Glover, who changes charac- Glover. It was a double challenge to keep from ters merely by sitting in a chair or standing up. getting confused about the characters--to sort Glover's vivid demonstration of the art of them out in his head and on stage. acting--it ranks among the very best this sea- "Well, one brother is so open and so confi- son--occurs in Terrence McNally's hit play dent and so full of love--and the other is so Love! Valour! Compassion! In a New York paralyzed with fear," Glover said. "I think theater scene bereft of new dramas, McNally emotionally that's how I started keeping them has created a sensation with his latest work distinct. If I think in those terms, it makes the which opened in November at off-Broadway's vocal things happen and it makes the physical Manhattan Theater Club (MTC). things happen. Besides, it's really about their The play, the story of eight Gay men who souls. meet at a country house over one Summer, has "For me, it's more about what's inside. But sold out its run at MTC and will transfer to it's difficult physically too. There's one scene Broadway's Walter Kerr Theater. Perform- where I run off from being James, change my ances begin there January 20. Glover will go clothes and walk right back on as John." with the show to Broadway in the company of McNally's play has been lauded by critics as other theater veterans such as Nathan Lane, a universal plea for tolerance that many differ- Stephen Bogardus and Anthony Heald. ent audiences can . New York theater buffs with long memories "There's a kind of mysticism to what Ter- might remember Glover as a staple on the lo- rence does," Glover said. "Some of it seems cal stage before he moved permanently to so plain and ordinary, but maybe that's what California more than 15 years ago. Others will draws the audience in. I think they find them- recall his parade of big and small-screen vil- selves watching this soul-baring event happen- lains, most memorably perhaps in 52 Pick Up, ing and it becomes so, so moving." adapted from an Elmore Leonard novel. Glover realizes the rarity of finding himself The actor has built a career out of playing in a new play that has turned into a critical those villains. Now, for a slight change of and, most probably, a commercial success. pace, he gets to play both the bad guy, John, "When I started out, New York was littered and the good guy, James, in Love! Valour! with wonderful plays and plays that weren't so After seeing the. Manhattan Theater Club wonderful--but many of them were entertain- production of McNally's Lips Together, ing and at least they ran for awhile. Teeth Apart, several years ago, Glover tele- "It's so difficult to do a play on Broadway phoned the playwright to say how much he these days. There are so few of them. It seems enjoyed it. He ended up in the drama's Los to be about musical spectacle. Love! Valour! Angeles production and with a promise from Compassion!, will be quite a change from McNally that he was writing a role for him in that." Savoring Beauty—Juliet Hulme was photographed in the family residence's garden about a year prior to the murder in Ham, Australia. Her true story unfolds in the film "Heavenly Creatures" which is now play- Box Office Hits Bring ing in selected theaters including the Oriental in Milwaukee. Hollywood Record Sunset Playhouse Presents `A...My Name is $5.4 Billion in Ticket Sales in 1994 (Los Angeles)- Propelled by The Lion duction cost of a Hollywood feature ap- King, Alice,' a Special Benefit for LAMMEF and Forrest Gump, two of the highest proaches $30 million. It takes another $14.1 grossing movies ever, Hollywood sold an es- (Milwaukee)- million to market a film. Sunset Playhouse will be per- your tickets early. Send a self-addressed timated $5.4 billion worth of movie tickets in forming A...My Name Is Several 1994 films, including Wyatt Earp Alice and a special stamped envelope with check or money order 1994, topping the $5.15 billion in 1993. benefit performance for the Lesbian and I'll Do Anything, struggled to recoup Alliance to: LAMMEF, Attn.: Theater Tickets, P.O. The record was set despite several late sea- of Metro Milwaukee Education costs. Each cost about $50 million to produce. Fund Box 93323, Milwaukee, WI 53203. son failures including Junior, The Pagemas- (LAMMEF) is scheduled for Forrest Gump on the other hand, with February 4, 1995 ter and Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. at 6:00 p.m. at the Sunset Playhouse, 800 Elm $297.2 million in ticket sales for the year is "Summer was chock full of hits," said Wil- Grove Road, Elm Grove, Wisconsin. the fourth highest grossing movie of all time. AfterWords to Premiere liam Kartozian, president of the National As- The show features an all-female It trails only E.T., Jurassic Park and Star cast, includ- sociation of Theater Owners, noting that eight ing LAMM's very own musical comedy ac- Wars in the domestic box office charts. Works of New Artist, Summer releases surpassed $100 million at The Lion King is right behind Forrest tress, Karen Zimmermann, who has also per- ticket windows. "And there was a depth of ti- Gump with $295.1 million. The year's other formed with the Shorewood Players and tles all year." Broadway Baby, Ltd. Deanna Polakowski Top 10 movies were, in order, True Lies, Ten movies finished 1994 grossing more Conceived by Joan Micklin Silver The Flintstones, The Santa Clause, Clear and Jul- than $100 Onion, and many of those--from ianne Boyd, the show is a series (Milwaukee)- AfterWords Bookstore and and Present Danger, Speed, The Mask, of vignettes The Mask to True Lies are enjoying strong which examine the many issues that Espresso Bar is especially pleased to announce Maverick and Interview With The Vampire. confront returns overseas. Several holdovers form the modern woman. the exhibit of watercolors by a new and excit- 1993, Schindler's List and Mrs. Doubtfire Tickets for the LAMMEF ing artist, Deanna Polakowski, a native of benefit show are among them, made most of Berlin beginning this month. There will be a their money in $12 each and all seats are reserved, so get 1994. wine and cheese reception for Polakowski on The Association, using an average ticket Sunday, January 15, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. 1114/1.14141MINOMMI 11•1111161110•MINI price of $4.15, estimates that about 1.3 billion This event is free and open to the public. \Syne' tickets were bought in 1994, 'ENV `Jungle Book' Star Polakowski has built on her natural creative topping 1989's "11# record 1.26 billion admissions. talents through studies at Soochow University The average ticket price 42. • Jason Lee is a Laid in Taiwan, the Athens Centre in Greece as was calculated by including the prices at discount well as at UW-Stevens Point and Milwaukee. theaters and bargain matinees. In most major Watercolor is Deanna's medium. She is able to cities, adult Back Kind of Guy ticket prices are now $7 suffuse her creations and surprise the viewer or more for evening shows. CONSTANT READER (Los Angeles)- Jason Scott Lee, a shy, laid- with an intense, vibrating spirit that brings her The record grosses come back Hawai'ian surfer, only said three words paintings to life. as the average pro- BOOKSHOP LTD. when approached to play Mowgli in The Primarily concerned with culture, relations Jungle Book. and metaphors, Polakowski's efforts have been USED - OUT-OF-PRINT - RARE "Wow. Sounds cool," he said. geared toward translating her own language AfterWords HARDCOVER BOOKS It may seem hard to believe the strikingly and experience through color, light and imagi- BOUGHT & SOLD handsome, well-built young star of last year's nation. Her brush technique and surface sim- New Hours for 1995! BOOK SEARCH biographical fight film Dragon, the Bruce plicity can be directly traced to her study of AfterWords is now open at 10:00am Lee Story is so relaxed. Chinese brush painting in Taiwan and, indeed, PROSTIVI But he giggles shyly and regularly says much of her work has been described as being Monday to Saturday "cool." He admits to being shy and is so easy redolent of the ethereal atmosphere of the Ori- Hours- going about being an actor that he says he's ent. AfterWords Book Club 0 Daily 9-7 open to any job, no matter what it is. Lee Polakowski's watercolors will be on exhibit Sunday 11-5 came to Los Angeles 10 years ago to study at AfterWords beginning January 12. Monday, January 9th 7:30pm acting. For more information, call (414) 963-9089. SPLENDORA Those who know him agree that he shuns the Book Club by Edward Swift spotlight. "You'd never find him on a talk The AfterWords Book Club will meet Mon- 1627 E. Irving Place show, said director Stephen Sommers. "He's day, January 9 at AfterWords beginning at AfterWords 2710 N. Murray Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53202 not that kind of guy. He's a sincere, genuinely 7:30 p.m. The book to be discussed is Splen- Milwaukee, WI 53211 963-9089 414-291-0452 nice person." dora by Edward Swift. January 5, 1994--January 18, 1995—WISCONSIN LIGHT--7 Boulevard Ensemble Stages Jan DeHartog's Comedy, 'The Fourposter'

(Milwaukee)- The Boulevard Ensemble is ance times are 7:30 p.m. for Thursday and continuing its ninth season of presenting chal- Sunday evenings and 8:00 p.m. for Friday and lenging theatrical fare by staging Jan DeHar- Saturday evenings. The last performance on tog's moving marital comedy The Fourposter. January 15 is a 2:30 p.m. matinee. The play will run through January 15 at the The Fourposter is directed by Maureen Boulevard Theatre, 2252 S. Kinnickinnic. Kilmurry besides directing, serves as the Fourposter will be performed Thursday, Fri- Literary Director for Playwrights Studio day, Saturday and Sunday evenings. Perform- Theatre. Registrations Now Being Accepted for the Second Annual `Danc'n For AIDS'

Grand Prize: Roundtrip most money and brings it to the dance, is two roundtrip tickets on Continental Airlines to Tickets to Europe for Two any European destination (London, Paris, Frankfurt, Madrid) that Continental flies. (Milwaukee)- People who love to dance are First Prize is two roundtrip tickets on Conti- being sought to participate in the second nental Airlines to any destination in the con- "Danc'n For AIDS" scheduled for Saturday, tiguous 48 United States that Continental flies. February 11, 1995 at MECCA Convention Film Noir-- Clay Gregory (Bill Pullman) is the sometimes misled, always besotted husband of his allur- Second Prize is a city-wide shopping spree Center in downtown Milwaukee. Registrations ingly dangerous, femme fatale wife in a scene from John Dahl's new film noir, black comedy, "The Last valued at $500 courtesy of Banana Republic, are now being accepted. Seduction" which opens January 13 at Milwaukee's Oriental Theater. Bayshore Mall, The Gap, Northridge, People interested in having a great time and Southridge and David Michael & Company at the same time raising money for AIDS care, plus a 35 CD Promotional Package courtesy of Cream City Chorus Carries on the Dream of education and research programs can partici- The Exclusive Company and Camelot pate in the event by calling 1-800-348-9255. Store--Grand Avenue. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Once registered, dancers will receive every- thing they need to participate, including pledge (Milwaukee)- On Saturday, January 14, the self-acceptance by performing their signature forms, prize information and updates on enter- UAW-CIO will host a Martin Luther King number, "I Love Myself." The spirit of tainment. Different Drummer Day celebration at the Clinton Rose Commu- shared struggles, of shared hopes, that was Danc'n For AIDS will benefit the compre- nity Center located on Burleigh and Martin forged by that day has not been forgotten. hensive care, education, research and advo- Auditions Luther King Drive in Milwaukee. This year, the Wisconsin Cream City Chorus cacy programs of the Milwaukee AIDS Project Invited to join the event for a second year, will offer the well-loved anthem, "Lift very (MAP), Southeast Wisconsin AIDS Project, (Milwaukee)- Different Drummer Thea- the Wisconsin Cream City Chorus will add Voice," as well as other selections refl cting Northeast Wisconsin AIDS Project and Wis- tre, Milwaukee's Gay/Lesbian theatre com- their voices in a continuing effort to bring to- the theme of the day. consin Community-based Research Consor- pany, announces audition dates for their one- gether two peoples, each struggling in their Always grateful for a chance to lend oices tium which are service agencies of the AIDS act theatre festival this Winter. search for acceptance and equality within our to this important cause, the Chorus invit s you Resource Center of Wisconsin. Audition dates are: larger community. to attend the celebration, to add your s pport The dance will take place from 7:00 to 11:30 Tuesday, January 10, 7:00 p.m. Last year, the Chorus declared its stand for to the memory and to the dream of Dr. artin p.m. DJs and the hottest live entertainment Wednesday, January 11, 7:00 p.m. equal rights for all with its song, "We, The Luther King Jr., a dream dreamed y all will keep the dance music going throughout Thursday, January 12, 7:00 p.m. (call People" and then reflected on the need for mankind. the evening. Every person who brings at least back) $30 in pledges will be admitted to the dance Auditions are to be held at the Lincoln and will receive a Danc'n For AIDS ban- Center for the Arts, 820 E. Knapp, Room Fest City Singers Find 'The Secret of danna. 110. Because of capacity limitations, admission Different Drummer is looking for men and Christmas' for Friends and Guests must be limited to pre-registered dancers who women from teens to 50's. Prepared text turn in a minimum of $30 in collected pledges. will be supplied. By Geno communicated itself all the way to the back Anyone who brings in $100 will receive a Different Drummer is also in need of any- (Milwaukee): The South Shore Pavilion rows. Danc'n For AIDS T-shirt and people with one who would like to assist with stage help, where the Fest City Singers (FCS) presented Each member of the group had a chance to $250 will receive a Danc'n For AIDS sweat- publicity and in the technical area. "The Secret of Christmas," their ninth annual shine in solos, trios or duets and new interpre- shirt. For more information, call Jim at (414) holiday concert, is a big barn of a place, yet tations were given to old favorites while little Grand Prize for the person who collects the 276-2596. with their opening entrance from the back of heard melodies and original songs added vari- the house, the Singers created a warm, inti- ety to an evening of holiday song. mate evening's entertainment for their guests Tom Welcenbach's rendition of "The Ballad with their welcoming song, greeting and of Tiny Tim," written by Tim Kraetsch, A FOUR HOUR FUNDRAISING DANCE EXTRAVAGANZA! shaking hands with members of the audience. would have had Stephen Sondheim smiling ap- Their spontaneity and personal closeness to a provingly and Diane Bloom's Lesbian wish list capacity audience was central to the free form in her clever take on "Santa Baby" caught the concept of Tim Kraetsch, director/author of gift of being able to see one's own foibles and "The Secret of Christmas" for an evening with tastes. friends. Kevin Rock's "Frosty the Snowman" was an The ensuing clever dialogue, playful joshing unusually energetic follow and Sandy Lewis's of the chorus members, reminded me of "Suzy Snowflake" gave a vampy, bluesy in- "Friends," a TV sitcom that is rapidly making terpretation in a costume that would have been its way up the charts--a small group of indi- right at home at the Folies Bergere--tastefully viduals interact with one another as an en- done, of course. semble. After the community singing of "Silent The musical numbers succeeded one another Night," all were invited to join in for coffee seamlessly, the result of the close cooperation and hot cider, Christmas treats on decorated of Kraetsch and music director Peggy Lozier. tables. And before their guests left, the Sing- They gave the cast members the assurance to ers distributed bags to fill and take home--just relax and enjoy themselves, a feeling that like Grandma always did. James Dean Biographer Sues Over Accusation that He Had an Affair with Dean (Los Angeles)- James Dean biographer Wil- Dean, who at one point shared a penthouse liam Bast has sued another author for saying apartment, had an "on-again, off-again love he and the late actor were lovers. The lawsuit affair, akin to a troubled marriage." filed in Los Angeles accuses Paul Alexander Bast says in the lawsuit that he never had a of libel and seeks unspecified damages. sexual relationship with Dean. It also seeks a court order for Penguin Books While many have since claimed that Dean to stop publishing this year's Boulevard of was Gay, most now agree that he was a Bisex- Broken Dreams: The Life, Times and Leg- ual. Sal Mineo, his doe-eyed fellow actor, end of James Dean. claimed to have had an affair with Dean, but Dean, who rose to fame for his roles as a there has never been any proof of that. troubled loner in Rebel Without a Cause and The lawsuit also charges copyright infringe- Giant, was killed, reportedly after leaving a ment, claiming Alexander stole passages from Gay party, in 1955 in a car crash near Salinas, Bast's 1956 book, James Dean. It is also AIDS California. Like Marilyn Monroe, he has be- claimed that Alexander plagiarized some pas- come a cult idol. sages that include "certain errors inadvertently Alexander's book implies that Bast and made by Bast," Bast's lawyer said. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1995 `Interview' Brad Pitt Could Have Been MECCA Convention Center • Downtown Milwaukee Interviewer Brad Pitt Sign-In 7:00 p.m • Dance 7..30-11:30 p.m.

(New York)- If things had gone according to chosen occupation. I knew I didn't want to do PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED plan, sulky, handsome Brad Pitt could have it. been on the other side of interviewing the With $325 in his pocket and no acting expe- vampire, as a journalist. rience, Pitt made ends meet delivering refrig- But wanderlust and the feeling that some- erators, shuttling male strippers to and from thing was just not right in his life, seized the appointments and dressing up as a chicken young actor two weeks and two credits shy of outside a fast food restaurant. his graduation from the University of Missouri Though he's now among the Hollywood with a degree in journalism. He loaded up his elite, said to be commanding as much as $3 Produced by the AIDS Resource Center of Wisconsin. Inc. to benefit car and headed for Los Angeles, never looking million per movie, the actor whose career took Milwaukee AIDS Project back. off after appearing in Thelma and Louise, Camp Heartland "It was such a relief," Pitt, 30, says in the said: Southeast Wisconsin AIDS Project—Kenosha December 1 issue of Rolling Stone Magazine. "I try to guide my life by honesty. And Northwest Wisconsin AIDS Project—Eau Claire "I was coming to the end of college and the that's a hard thing. I haven't mastered it by Wisconsin Community-Based Research Consortium end of my degree and the beginning of my any means." January 5, 1995—January 18, 1995—WISCONSIN LIGHT-8 American Priests Say Vatican Rules Are Not United Artists Develops New Projection Realistic, Author Finds System for Classic Films (Milwaukee)- What would it take to break So, American priests are softening their the Roman Catholic Church? stance by telling parishioners to follow their (Englewood, CO)- The nation's largest program that shifts from laser disc to laser theatre Enforcing its own inflexible rules, a group own consciences and that of their parish. chain has come up with its own version disc without a delay and sends it through a of priests told author Jim Bowmen. Bowman has interviewed in depth, priests of "Back to the Future" to show classic mov- Hughes JVC projector onto theatre screens. Bowman is the author of a new book, from coast to coast, most with more than 20 ies on the big screen. The result is a movie that is about 60% to Bending the Rules--What American Priests years experience and some with 50 years as United Artists Theatre Circuit has devel- 75% of the quality of a modern first-run film, Tell American Catholics. He will be reading pastors. oped a high-tech projection system to show Quigley said. from and discussing his work at Audubon Gays and Lesbians present particularly tough films from the '30s, '40s and '50s in theatres Among the films being shown are Gen- Court Books. 383 West Brown Deer Road, on questions Bowman said his interviewees told in five cities: Denver, Dallas, San Diego, tlemen Prefer Blondes, Rear Window, Saturday, January 21, from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m. him. West Palm Beach, Florida, and Philadelphia. Gunfight at the OK Corral and Breakfast Bowman is a former priest and religious For example, the Rev. John Burke of West The system is viewed as a step toward de- at Tiffany's. editor for the Chicago Daily News. Boylston, MA, said he encourages Gays- to veloping an "electronic cinema," a futuristic, "Until now, we couldn't offer a continuing The author said that most priests he inter- "find someone to be a partner and loving com- one-stop shop of entertainment, from feature 'classic' film series in a national theatre circuit viewed stray from the Vatican's hard line that panion, as opposed to placing oneself in dan- movies to high-tech amusements, such as in- because of the limited number of original condemns birth control, abortion and marriage ger all the time by promiscuous behavior. teractive and virtual reality games. 35mm prints that are available," Quigley said. Others agreed "We've got our feet in the water," said after divorce, while consigning Gay and Les- and, to encourage this, they "By using a new light valve projection perform a ceremony Bill Quigley, a United Artists Theatres senior bian couple to virtual outer darkness. of sorts, a "house bless- system. however, we can offer classic films in ing." vice president. "I think we're way ahead of "They see all this as unrealistic and not a number of our 2,300 screens across the A priest who the curve." contributing to the spiritual life and growth of works on a college campus country," Quigley said. their people," Bowman said. "The pastors are said he would "go to a Gay couple's house" Ray Greene, editor-in-chief of Boxoffice dealing with people with real life problems. and say "God blesses you and this community Magazine, said every player in the entertain- They see that a lot of what the Vatican says is supports you." ment industry is trying to capitalize on the fast nonsense." Bowman's findings on other "hot" questions developing electronics technology. Wishful Things, Standing rigidly by the rules as laid down by concerning priests and their work in the Although he hasn't seen the United Artists Rome, would be pastoral suicide, Bowman church will be discussed at Audubon Court Theatres system demonstrated, Greene said, Antique Shop Opens said. Books on January 21. "It's a very clever attempt to work out the bugs. I think it's very smart of them." Eventually, the movie industry is hoping in Third Ward projection technology will advance to the point (Milwaukee)- Wishful Things has become where one print of a movie would be made the latest addition to the Historic Third Ward's that could be copied. That would give movie growing concentration of antique shops. Lo- makers more control over distribution and cated at 207 E. Buffalo, the store specializes in eliminate the middleman, Greene said. investment quality art glass. both antique and United Artists Theatres' new projection contemporary, along with unusual and desir- system grew out of a desire to show classics as able porcelain and small antiques. Store hours part of an overall plan to fill theatre seats are 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday through during off-peak times, said Quigley. Friday, and by chance or appointment on The problem was that prints of most films weekends. were difficult, if not impossible, to find. The proprietors, Fred and Jo Wishnie have About one half of the 21,000 films and been collectors and dealers in art glass for shorts produced before 1950 have disintegrated more than 25 years. Appraisal and estate liq- because they were made on a nitrate-based uidation services are also available. stock, which had a limited life span, according Wishful Things' philosophy is unique to the to American Movie Classics, a TV cable antique business. Every sale is unconditionally channel dedicated to classic films. guaranteed, without time limit. If a customer That left laser disc copies of the films, ever becomes unhappy with their purchase, which couldn't be shown with traditional pro- they may return it for a full refund or ex- jections systems, said Quigley. change, provided the item is "as purchased" The Lion's Roar—Walt Disney productions "Lion King", which has become the Studio's biggest grossing Quigley sought help from Ace Audiovis- condition. film, is considered by some critics to be among 1994's best films. ual, which developed a computer software The proprietors also understand that collec- tors' interests may change over time, so they Oscar Preview: 'Forrest Gump' is the are encouraged to trade in for other items and Gay Erotic Video receive full credit at the original purchase Current Favorite for Best Picture Awards Dedicated to price. Angeles)- Although 1994's movies (Los Still, affection for Gump runs deep. have not been particularly distinguished, most Top Star Joey Stefano Most observers say that in addition to Best Is Your Phone Bill critics say, Forrest Gump is entering the Os- Picture, Tom Hanks will be nominated for car season as the favorite for Best Picture. (West Hollywood, CA)- Gay Video Best Actor; Robert Zemeckis for Best Direc- Out Of Control? The Tom Hanks film not only earned the Guide's Third Annual Gay Erotic Video tor; Eric Roth for Best Adapted Screenplay; most nominations at December's Golden Awards ceremonies held December 5, were Or — Do You Fool lie You're Paying lbo Much? Alan Silvestri for Best Score; and Best Visual Globe nominations, but also has popped up in dedicated to the memory of one of Erotic Gay Read our ad and give us a call Effects. Among the Best Supporting Actor several film critic organizations' video's top stars Joey Stefano who died on yearend contenders is the movie's Gary Sinise. Long Distance awards. November 21, 1994, age 26. Stefano was 14.5* Pulp Fiction is likely to be nominated for "I'm thrilled it got seven Golden Globe considered among the top four stars. The oth- *Oft-Peak 12.9* Best Movie, Best Actor (John Travolta), Best nominations," said Gump producer ers being Jeff Stryker. Ryan Idol and Rex Steve Director and Original Screenplay (Quentin 800 Service 14.5* Tisch. As far as the Oscars are concerned, Chandler. Tarantino) and Best Supporting Actor (Samuel Flashpoint, the road picture of "Theo & Free Calling 'It's out of my hands." L. Jackson). Cards Unlike the in-your-face theatrics of Pulp Louis from Falcon Studios, was the evening's (No Charges) Paul Newman and Nobody's Fool are hot. Fiction, Forrest Gump plays gently, its big winner. Brad Hunt won Best Erotic Scene So too is Jessica Lange in Blue Sky and Low Intrastate vaguely "important" story more for his work in the film. Rates likely to ap- Woody Allen's Bullets Over Broadway. peal to the Academy's relatively older Holly- Zak Spears tied with Grant Larson for Best Several films could get at least one key Great International Rates wood establishment. Actor for their work in Bijou Video's Fulton (England 30* per minute) nomination: Martin Landau in Ed Wood; Mi- There has been some evidence of a Gump Street. A randa Richardson in Tom and Viv; Jodie backlash. The New York Times called it one In what many consider to be the night's most Call For More Information Foster in Nell; and Morgan Freeman in of the year's worst The prestigious award, the Best Depiction of Safe movies. At the same time Shawshank Redemption. some critics are touting the recently released Sex went to Vivid Man Video's Safe Sex: A Beyond that, there are few heavy favorites. 908.9724122 Mad King George as far and away the best Gay Men's Guide. Fax: It's what Fine Line Features says makes a Best TRIANGULAR 908-972-9551 movie of the year. Picture selection conceivable for Hoop Commuracm IONS Mad King George England's ~,~~n.0 is about King Dreams. Call for Your Free George III in the years after the American Support Those 331 Spring Volley Rood "I think there are no films out Morganville, NJ 07751 Phone Bill Analysis Revolution when he slowly, but inexorably there that really - A Lesbian Owned & Equal went insane. combine the artistic endeavor they're Who Support looking for along with the important content Opportunity Operated Company." that has traditionally been part of that Oscar Your LIGHT Business Is looming & DIanguim Is Seeking Agents. Cell to In*. Frontiers equation," says Fine Line president Ira Deutchman. "I think on that level, Hoop Events for January Dreams is the only film that qualifies." Since Oscar voters can cast Best Picture Jan.6-- Friday Dining Out--Hong Kong ballots for movies they haven't even seen, Cafe, 2 S. Mills. 7:00 p.m. (608) 251-7424. Hoop Dreams' modest box-office take of less Turn your LIFEINSURANCE intoCASH, Jan.7--Review of "Stonewall 25". Bring than $2 million is not in itself a crisis. (By your own slides, pictures, videos and stories comparison, Forrest Gump has brought in of Stonewall to share with other attendees. more than $297 million.) Your NEEDS must be met 8:00 p.m. 4701 Judy Ln. (608) 241-2500. But those who haven't seen Hoop Dreams CO, NOW, Jan. 13— Friday Dining Out--Louisiane's, may not understand all the fuss and leave the 7464 Hubbard Ave., Middleton. 7:00 p.m. documentary off their ballots. Miramax Films Your DREAMS must be fulfilled (608) 251-7424. tried to get a Best Picture nomination for Jan. 14— Moving On After Coming Out--A 1988's The Thin Blue Line. It wasn't CASH,NOW even panel discussion with Gay psychologist, so- nominated for documentary feature. ciologist and other community leaders. The "I know that when people see it, they will United. 14 W. Mifflin St. 7:30 p.m. (608) feel it's deserving," Deutchman said. "I think Internationally 241-2500. that's especially true in the landscape of mov- Jan. 20-- Friday Dining Out--Phoenix Gar- ies that are out there right now. Sizing Hoop den, 4802 E. Washington. 7:00 p.m. (608) Dreams up in the face of the Golden Globe Call for FREE BROCHURE 251-7424. choices (Best Picture picks included the lightly Jan. 21—Bizarre and unusual plants of the regarded Legends of the Fall and the inane 809/07-) 183 rain forest, bog and deserts of the world. Ready to Wear), I think our Academy Tom. Gibson will present this dicussion. chances are even better." 4701 Judy Ln. 8:00 p.m. (608) 241-2500. 1 e \:>*•\>.\'.4t11/41(,i /ideutoAti Jan 27— Friday Dining Out--Antonio's, 1109 S. Park St. 7:00 p.m. (608) 251-7424. Jan 28--Heritage--Common Ground--Meet Watch for Our Next Book with Jewish Gay and Bisexual Group from Section March 2 Hillel Society. This discussion will be led by Viatica! Settlements Steve Kirschner. We will meet at 6:30 p.m. To Advertise, call at Ella's Deli on State and then proceed at Founding Member IkEN Member NAPWA 8:00 to the Hillel Society, 611 Langdon St. (414) 372-2773 January 5, 1995--January 18, 1995—WISCONSIN LIGHT-9 Apple Computer Executive to Become Court of Appeals Upholds Discharge of Director of Human Rights Campaign Fund Lincoln Steffan, Gay Midshipman

(Washington, D.C.)- The nation's largest Commentary by Marvin Liebman gal union. Gay political organization has reached into the During the last year, when asked where I As is illustrated by the Hawai'i plaintiffs corporate world for an executive director to believed the primary emphasis of the Gay widely divergent backgrounds, the fight over guide it through what promises to be a tumul- movement should be, I have been unequivocal Gay marriage both showcases and taps the di- tuous period in Gays' fight for equality and in stressing a single priority--the need to or- versity of the Gay community. The issue civil rights. ganize locally, in our neighborhoods, cities promises to energize us across the lines of Elizabeth Birch, the 36-year-old chief litiga- and states. race, class, education and age. As a tor at Apple Computer Inc., on November 21, We are now at the beginning of an historic Newsweek poll conducted last Summer indi- was named the executive director of the Hu- battle that has started in Hawai'i and promises cates, the equal right to marry is of particular man Rights Campaign Fund (HRCF), a to progress throughout the country, state by importance to Lesbians. Washington, D.C.-based organization which state. This may give our movement just the For men and women alike, though, the issue has more than 80,000 members nation-wide. impetus it needs. At stake is a crucial legal has a greater poignancy than the quest for HRCF fights anti-Gay discrimination right, central to our struggle for dignity and more common legal protection from discrimi- through organized lobbying and financial sup- acceptance. The issue is Gay marriage. nation. The issue also promises to mobilize port for political candidates. For the past year and a half, I've followed members of the community who have not been "I'm not naive," Birch said. "I understand it the Hawai'i Gay marriage case with fascina- previously tapped or politicized in other bat- will be enormously challenging. But I continue tion. It has sparked national attention. After tles. to be optimistic, as someone who comes from brushing aside less than compelling arguments While the pivotal voices in this, as in all our outside Washington, that there is a wonderful by the state's adversarial lawyers and tossing other conflicts, will be those of moderate trend going on in America. off a hostile resolution approved last session straight allies, the fact that this fight is over "Even in the midst of the largest Republican by a hastily convened state legislature, Ha- family bonds may render even their advocacy sweep in 20 years, America has simply re- wai'i's Supreme Court is set to strike down all the more pervasive, fervent and compel- fused to institutionalize discrimination," she discrimination against same-sex couples in the ling. said, referring to the defeat of referendums in Unlike the Gays-in-the-military fiasco, Elizabeth Birch granting of marriage licenses. Oregon and Idaho seeking to legalize discrimi- The state's new Democratic governor pub- which caught our national groups off-guard nation against Lesbians and Gay men. ration, it's software subsidiary. licly supports the court's expected decision. and whose perilous straits the ill-equipped Birch was involved in the battle last year HRCF spent four months looking for a suc- Against the conservative tide of the mid-term Campaign for Military Service proved unable between Apple and Williamson County, a sub- cessor to Tim McFeeley. Jean Harris, a spe- elections in most other states, Ben Cayetano to navigate, the battle over Gay marriage is es- urban county north of Austin, Texas. The cial assistant to San Francisco's public health parlayed explicit pledges of support for Gay sentially local. county commissioners balked at giving the director, applied for the job, but told the marriage to victory. The big issue on the The Constitution's provision regarding "full company a tax abatement on the construction search committee that they ought to choose Court's ruling is not if, but when. faith and credit," stipulating the mutual respect of an $80 million office complex because Ap- Birch. The Hawai'i victory, when it does come, which states should grant each other's official ple offered benefits to the partners of Gay "She's a tough cookie," said Harris. "She's should not be looked at as any final answer. It acts, suggests that the states will be the battle- employees. got a corporate image, brains and the ability to is simply the beginning of a long struggle ground on this issue. Each state will decide for But after Apple said that as a matter of take the risks that need to be taken." which can be of equal importance to our com- itself how much respect it pays Gay marriage principle and economics it would not build John Laird, a former mayor of Santa Cruz, munity as was the stand at Stonewall some certificates stamped in Hawai'i. without the breaks, the county backed down, has worked with Birch on Gay causes for al- twenty-five years ago. If this beginning in How the Hawai'i decision holds up is soon deciding that the computer giant was worth a most a decade. Hawai'i is to endure and spread, we have our to rest in all our hands. Whether each state little toleration. "She can walk into a room and immediately work cut out for us and we will have to endure grants credit to Gay marriages from Hawai'i Birch lives in Boulder Creek, California, connect with people from the corporate the inevitable heat which will come from all or thumbs its nose at them--and, by extension, near Santa Cruz. She was co-chair of the Na- world," Laird said. "But that's not to take sides. the Constitution itself--is very much our re- tional Gay and Lesbian Task Force from 1992 away from her street-level activities, which The concept of Gay marriage is highly en- sponsibility. It is we, Lesbians and Gay men, this year. She joined Apple in 1989 and has have also been good." ergizing and, perhaps, the issue which will fi- who must lead the fight for recognition. served as general counsel of the Claris Corpo- nally turn American Lesbians and Gay men The issue will also set another acid test of into a cohesive force and movement. The ma- integrity for conservatives, who have been A String of Grisly Murders of Gay Men has jor opposition, of course, will come from the granted unprecedented influence in scores of Religious Right. I have no doubt that Right state legislatures in the wake of last month's Texas Community on Edge Wing politicians will introduce bills in state elections. legislatures seeking to restrict the right of Will Republicans live up to their oft- Odessa, Texas-AP- A string of grisly murders of Gay men has the Texas Gay community on Gays to marry. trumpeted support for small government, edge. Some say that the state's mentality of machismo and a burgeoning religious movement have Without an educated, mobilized activist state's rights and family values? Or will they fostered murderous hostility toward Gays. "There's a steady drumbeat out there that it's all right countervoice, such bills may very well be go down the mean-spirited and hypocritical to hate, that it's socially acceptable to hate Gays and Lesbians," said State Rep. Glen Maxey who adopted. path of interfering in the states' affairs, of is Gay. "You do that long enough and you give permission for somebody to beat up somebody or Similar efforts may also erupt on Capitol forcing our families into the legal closet and give somebody permission to kill." Hill, taking shape either as a free-standing bill intensifying discrimination against us. Among the recent killings: Paul Quintanilla's hands were bound behind his back. His throat or, more insidiously, as an amendment to any The seriousness which we take our task of was earand WV/Aka& -gItced - other bill before the Congress. local organizing around Gay marriage may Michael J. Burzinski was shot to death by a group of white teens looking for Gays. Another Our primary requirement from Congress, well dictate the future of Gay civil rights legis- man was impaled through on a tree branch outside a Gay bar. therefore, is for inaction. Given popular lation in general. We can no longer hold back Gay and Lesbian activists say a Dallas judge's comment in 1988 reinforced hostility and en- anxieties about Gay issues, the inclination to and leave the work to our overstretched broth- couraged lenient treatment to those who victimize Gays. Instead of life in prison, Judge Jack make the issue "just go away" may actually ers and sisters. We can no longer hang out in Hampton gave a 30-year sentence to an 18-year-old who had killed two Gay men when they re- work in our favor on Capitol Hill. the video bars and the dance clubs, wasting fused to take of their clothes for him. "I put whores and Gays at the same level," Hampton said. Against these efforts, the basic message is as our lives and forfeiting our future. "I'd be hard put to give somebody life just for killing a whore." simple as it is persuasive. Discrimination. For We can no longer step out of the closet The Rev. Billy Charles Cawley, a Gay man who ministers to the LesBiGay population of nearly two decades, Gay men and Lesbians solely at the prompting of our hormones and Odessa, said: "I call this `Bubba Joe land.' It's a combination of the Texas macho thing and the across the country have been trying to have the then retreat until the next stimulation. Fundamentalist Christian movement here." announcements of their commitment ceremo- Gay marriage is an issue which every Les- The Texas chapter of the Christian Coalition has grown to 60,000 members with 135 chapters nies printed in local newspapers, meeting bian and Gay man can support. The battle will since it was founded in the state in 1991. mixed responses. And, as far back as 1970, take place in our state legislatures. The stakes Gays have sought redress from the courts fol- are high. It is the beginning of our acceptance California All-Gay City Celebrates its 10th lowing their attempts to do what straight as full and equal citizens of the United States. Americans take for granted--to enter into a le- Anniversary and is Going Strong China (West Hollywood, CA)- Ten years ago, this densely populated areas in California and pos- Announces 307 New AIDS Cases community, dubbed the "Gay Camelot," be- sibly in the entire West. Beijing, China-AP- In what they consider to be an alarming trend, Chinese health workers came a unique city. The main issue was a county decision to say they have detected 307 new AIDS cases in 1994. This brings to 1,550 the total number of On November 29, the town founded on the phase out rent control. That didn't sit well in a people in China who either have AIDS or who have tested HIV positive since the first case was tenants of freedom and equality for Gay peo- place where, even today, 80% of the popula- announced by the Chinese government in 1985. However, World Health Organization (WHO) ple, celebrated its 10th anniversary at the Pa- tion rents. experts say that the Chinese figures are far too low because the government tests only foreign- cific Design Center, a cavernous local land- Gays added their clout and looked forward ers or Chinese who have frequent contact with foreigners. The Chinese have long characterized mark of electric blue, affectionately dubbed with pride to having a larger voice in running AIDS as a foreign disease. the "Blue Whale." their neighborhoods. WHO also points out that in China, people who test positive for HIV are not told of their in- City officials danced to a big band, celebrat- The city started off with a Lesbian mayor fection for fear of upsetting them. They are allowed to go on with their lives and so spread the ing the fact that a recession, a mayoral scandal and the first city council in the nation with a infection around. and regional anti-liberal backlash, not to men- Gay majority. The council made Hallowe'en tion rioting and earthquakes, seem to have left an official celebration, revamped rent control, West Hollywood none the worse for wear. outlawed discrimination against Gay people Buoyed by entertainment industry money, and adopted domestic partner legislation. the 1.9 square-mile enclave has a healthy Things change. budget, lower crime and better services than There are currently only two Gay council before its incorporation. The 1992 riots and members, although Gay people continue to the January 18th earthquake cause little dam- wield political clout and hold many civic age. posts. The community boasts high-priced neighbors In other ways, the city remains much as it like Beverly Hills and West Los Angeles, not was a decade ago: about 38,000 people live in to mention the vibrant Jewish enclave of the a mix of small, older bungalows and fancy Fairfax district. It is home to the Sunset §trip, new condos. Warner Bros. Studios, offices of major record Approximately 40% of the residents are companies and the design industry. Lesbian or Gay male and up to 30% of the en- The city's $38 million budget works out to tire population is over the age of 65. about $1,000 for every person there. Of that, Up to half of the residents are Jewish. The $3 to $4 million is spent on social services that city made headlines in 1985 when it canceled range from helping the homeless to providing Christmas as a city holiday. The Silent Auction Has Begun!! meals for the elderly and care for those living One major change has been the influx of with AIDS. Jews (Gay and straight) from the former So- The city was incorporated on November 6, viet Union. These comprise 15% of the popu- Come in and bid on your favorite stocking 1984. lation. Along Santa Monica Boulevard and east At the time, several Los Angeles-area sub- of Fairfax, you can see many businesses with urbs were considering incorporating. Residents names in Russian. fleeing crime and congestion in the giant urban After ten years, the city is in an enviable A benefit for CCF and MAP's Food Pantry area wanted local controls to prevent overde- position. It's crime rate is lower than in Los velopment from following them. Angeles proper. It's streets are cleaner, it's 418 East Wells Street But that wasn't the issue in West Holly- shops better kept-up and more prosperous. wood. With about 20,000 residents per square There is much about this Gay city from which Milwaukee 278-9192 mile, it was and remains one of the most other places could learn a lesson. January 5, 1995--January 18, 1995--WISCONSIN LIGHT--10 into the reward system will be taken so long as conforming activists agitate and still be effec- In the Wake of the Elections, Has the Pro- they have been properly screened. tive in their work? How can those who by Once accepted, those activists for peace and systemic definition are "dead" hope to affect gressive Agenda Collapsed? justice who still feel compelled to agitate are change within the very system that negates given free reign so long as they operate within their existence? constraints of our consumerist society, As more and more individuals wake up to Commentary by Jay Hatheway The most successful strategy is to assert the the keep non-conforming activists at bay and limit the recognition that the so-called American Much has recently been written about the superiority of a "systemic" "American Civili- their access to the constructed public domain. Dream is a purposefully manipulated chimera collapse of the "progressive" agenda in the zation" out of which flows the derivative val- In essence, "insider" activists are asked to designed with but one purpose in mind: to wake of the 1994 Republican Congressional ues of peace, justice, equality, happiness, etc. police their own and censor those who they constrain rather than to liberate, what must be sweep. The apparent "victory" of the anti- This new nationalist rhetoric emphasizes the feel challenge the American Dream Value the response of the movement for peace and progressive program would seem to put the universalism of the "American DreamValue System. Thus, the movement actually finds it- justice, both among those who are outside as movement for peace and justice on hold, per- System" over and against alternative value self confronted with the irony of self-imposed well as those who are on the inside'? haps even in jeopardy. systems and in so doing, marginalizes them. censorship in order not to jeopardize the per- The answer to these questions must begin At the national level, there is little doubt that As long as the American Dream Value Sys- ceived gains that have been made over the re-assessment of what, in fact, were public discourse has swung in favor of contin- tem is equated with universal goodness, all with a full course of the alleged "struggle." ued marginalization, disenfranchisement, dis- those who deny its intrinsic value are ex- TURN TO ELECTION, Page 15 What then is to be done? How can non- investment and deindustrialzation in support of cluded. capital flight, "globalization," and the concen- In essence, the American Dream Value Sys- tration of political and economic power in the tem is constructed by national elites as the one POLITICALLY SPEAKING hands of an increasingly authoritarian transna- and only system within which all struggles tional elite dedicated to self-perpetuation, ag- must be fought, even those of Peace and Jus- grandizement and control. Peace and justice, it tice. To withdraw from the system is tanta- would seem, are not part of the equation. mount to death, and is thus illogical and Once Upon A Time, In the Land of Make But appearances can be deceiving. While it counterproductive. is true that the strategy and tactics of the To sweeten the pot, lucrative and seductive Believe, There Was A King rewards are constructed for acceding to the movement for peace and justice may have By Bill Meunier failed, the movement and its goals have not. American Dream Value System. Fame, for- "But," said the King, "I am the one who Once upon a time in the land of make be- What we are currently experiencing is a re- tune, recognition, "success" and other ego- asked the Privy Council to spend the money., I lieve, there was a nice man who became king. examination of our past methodologies and a stroking attention devices offered by the elites am the one who asked them to spend even His name was Ronnie Raygun the First. King search for new strategies which will effec- are among the more successful tactics. more money." popular with all the people in tively counter the agendas of the "New Revo- Such tactics even include the "right" of Ronnie was very But the Cons just said, "Leave it to us. We of their grandfa- lutionaries" and simultaneously carry the measured cooperation with the marginalized the land. He reminded them can tell the people that the Libs like criminals grandfa- movement into the 21st Century. and disenfranchised elements of society and thers. And who doesn't like their and that they want to spend money on people This will be neither quick nor an easy proc- the publicly recognized "success" that might thers? who don't want to work. After that, people called ess because the inertia of past behaviors will follow so long as such cooperation culminates King Ronnie had lots of rich friends won't believe anything the Libs say." fat contracts so not easily be stopped; certainly we will reap in co-optation and refrains from acceptance of the Cons. He gave them nice So that's what they did. The people believed his no sympathy or assistance from the opposition the marginalized and their "outsider" values. they could make weapons. The King and them. The King and his friends laughed and were hav- in our search. Indeed, it is to the advantage of The goal is thus to deconstruct competing friends laughed and laughed. They laughed. It was great fun. the opposition to make sure that our past mis- value systems and equate success with inclu- ing lots of fun. The new king's name was George. King takes are repeated, because it is within the na- sion within the emergent universal and benign The King made the people feel good. He told Ronnie's friends helped George become king. ture of these "mistakes" that the New Revolu- system of the elites. Competition is futile be- them there were no problems in the land of They told people that the Lib who wanted to tionaries have obtained their success. cause any real constructive movements for Make Believe. They believed him because they be king liked criminals. The people believed Land of In particular, the movement for peace and peace and justice can only succeed within the wanted to. Besides, since it was the them. King George and his friends laughed unpatriotic not to. justice has by definition and action been both constraints established by this system, or so it Make Believe, it would be and laughed. They were having lots of fun. circumscribed and limited by its "outsider" is argued. Everyone had a great time. But the people didn't like King George. He kingdom to spend status. As "outsiders," we have criticized and In order to reinforce the truth of such logic, The Cons didn't want the didn't remind them of their grandfather. He poor. Even though the king- critiqued the activities of perceived systems of progressive movements will only be allowed to any money on the didn't remind them of anything. times as much on tax economic and political abuse, never wanting to succeed when they operate within the limits dom was spending ten So they elected a new king, King Bill. King the rich. So they stopped spending a be co-opted by such systems for fear of imposed by the predominant system itself. breaks for Bill made lots of promises. He wanted to help being spent on the poor. "corruption." Break the circle and three strikes, you're out! lot of the money the people. Many of the people didn't like The King's opponents, the Libs, warned that A basic assumption has been that under no No rewards, no fame, no fortune, no recogni- King Bill. The Cons told them he was a bad if he did this, crime would increase, cities conditions would we wish to be part of tion. man. They didn't want to lose their power and would decline and eventually, people would be "them." The logic was simple, because to be For many activists, the invitation to success money. very unhappy. King Ronnie and the Cons did transformed into or co-opted by the opposition as defined by the American Dream Value Anytime King Bill wanted to do something it anyway. They figured that if these things is to deny the very basis of the progressive System has proven to be irresistible because to help people, the Cons told people that it happened, they would just blame it on the agenda. Unfortunately, in too many instances, is so high. If everyone wouldn't help. The people would listen to the promise of reward laughed and this is exactly what has happened, a conse- Libs. The King and his friends King Bill and say they liked his ideas. had access to wealth, education, health, fame fun. quence of which has been the alleged decrease laughed. It was great But then the Cons would tell them that he and fortune, then this would indeed be the best King cut taxes on the rich and raised of activism among proponents of peace and The was lying. They would say bad things about of all possible worlds. them on the poor. He told the people that if the justice. King Bill and his ideas. Many people believed The "System," because of its seemingly un- rich got rich enough, they would help the poor The causes of this ironic twist of events is Cons. They turned against King Bill and limited resources, really does appear to offer build their own castles and everyone would the not difficult to discern because it goes to the his Libs. The Cons laughed and laughed. They material and even spiritual panaceas to all the live like a king. The people of Make Believe core of what the movement seeks as a remedy were having lots of fun. ills of the world. believed him. King Ronnie and his friends to the perceived lack of peace and justice: the in the Privy Council refused to With a little fixing, a nip and a tuck, all the laughed and laughed. They were having great The Cons establishment of a more just society at peace ideas to become law. marginalized can be included and be the better fun. allow most of King Bill's with itself. ►argess were mad. So the Cons told them off because of it. The of the system King Ronnie told the people that they needed The people How one defines such a society becomes said, "You see, will be tapped for the betterment of the dispos- more weapons even though they were the most it was King Bill's fault. They critical, because it is within the realm of belief couldn't be trusted." The Cons sessed and thereby allow for self-development powerful kingdom on earth. The people be- we told you he what he wanted to do. predicated upon semantics that the dialectic and growth. What could possibly be more al- lieved him. So he built lots of weapons. Of lied about King Bill and between everyone to have health movement and opposition is played luring? course, it cost a lot of money and there were King Bill wanted out. Insurance companies There is only one catch, small to be sure, no enemies who could threaten the kingdom, care. But the Health If the opposition can told the people control the discourse but nevertheless necessary in order to allow but that didn't matter. King Ronnie and the wanted to get richer. So they and assert that true peace government to tell and justice is syn- the cornucopia of abundance to pour forth: Cons laughed and laughed. They were having that King Bill wanted the onymous with the though it New Revolutionaries' those who tap into the system must never seri- lots of fun. them what doctors to see. Even "Contract with America" got (for example), then ously question its morality or challenge its The King told the people that to pay for the wasn't true, the people believed this. They it will be true as long as people very Cons laughed believe the ar- assumptions. Obedience is absolute. weapons, the kingdom would spend even less mad at King Bill's ideas. The gument. Challenge and having lots of fun. smear the value system and one on the poor. He cut out programs to help the and laughed. They were The logic is necessarily circular, but ade- is cut off to die, that if they were in alone and isolated. poor get ahead. After all, the Cons said, if the The Cons told people quate so long as the circle is not broken. The For such tactics rich again. to be successful, the New poor help the rich get richer, the rich will help charge, they could cut taxes on the assertion that real problems are or will be re- Revolutionaries and their fellow travelers must the poor. So there is no reason to help the They said they would build more weapons and solved will be accepted only as individual and control and manipulate the discourse, dialogue poor with better schools or to build homes. that they would even build the big umbrella social consciousness of such problems are and system of rewards at the local, regional Most of the people believed King Ronnie. The King Ronnie wanted. They said that govern- lessened or denied, and this is accomplished and national levels. Once "normalcy" has been King and his friends laughed and laughed. ment should not regulate business if it cost too through a variety of rhetorical tactics and defined and an acceptable level of dissent has They were having lots of fun. much even if it would save lives. They called strategies. been established, applications for acceptance King Ronnie's friends said that they needed this "A Make Believe Contract." more money. The King thought and thought No one noticed that these were the same Government Approves Test for HIV Using about how to give it to them. Then he went on things King Ronnie wanted. These were the television and told the people that they needed same things that made the kingdom owe so Saliva Instead of to build a big umbrella so no one could send much money. The Cons laughed and laughed. Blood any spears or arrows into the kingdom. The They were having lots of fun. King called the umbrella SDI. Others called it The Cons kept lying about the Libs. The Washington, D.C.-AP- The first AIDS vi- do," Lawrence said. Star Wars. Still others called it crazy. But the people believed them because they were mad rus test that uses saliva instead of blood has The FDA approval actually involves two people believed him. The King and his friends at King Bill. If people started to doubt the been approved by the Food and Drug Admini- systems: a way to collect and preserve the oral laughed and laughed. They were having lots of Cons, they would put things on TV or the ra- stration (FDA). fluid, and a way to test the specimen in a labo- fun. dio. These things didn't have to be true and The test, called Orasure, is made by the ratory for the HIV virus. Then some people in the kingdom started often weren't. After all, this is the Land of biotechnology company Epitope Inc., in Bea- The kit used to test the specimen in the lab is Make Believe. And the Cons laughed and verton, Oregon, and will cost about $2 to $4, a made by Organon Teknika Corp., of Durham, getting sick. They got so sick they died. First King Ronnie and the Cons said that no one laughed. They were having lots of fun. fraction of the price of blood tests. North Carolina, and is sold under the brand So the people let the Cons control the Privy Although the test isn't as accurate as blood name "Oral Fluid Vironostika HIV-1 Mi- was sick. Then they said that if anyone was sick, it was their own fault. Council. Now they could do what they tests, Epitope expressed the hope following the croelisa System." wanted. They could make the people even December 23 FDA approval that the test will The test measures the presence in the saliva King Ronnie didn't like the people who were getting sick. He did not want to help them. madder at King Bill. They could stop people help more people learn whether they have of antibodies to the HIV virus. The virus itself from having health care. They could help their HIV. has not been found in the saliva. The King and Cons would not tell anyone why or how they were getting sick. People kept rich friends in business. They could build "Whether they test positive or negative, they To collect fluid for a test, a specially treated more weapons. They could get ready to put can take appropriate steps to protect them- cotton pad on a stick is placed between the dying. The King and his friends laughed and laughed. They were having lots of fun. one of their own on the throne. selves and others and if they test positive, ob- lower gum and the cheek and allowed to ab- And the best things was that the Cons could tain early treatment for the disease," said Ad- sorb fluid. The stick is then placed into a plas- Finally, it came time for the King to step down. He was sad. Now he wouldn't have all say that the people wanted them to do every- olph Ferro, Epitope president and chief execu- tic container with a preservative solution. thing in their "Make Believe Contract." The tive officer. At a lab, the specimen undergoes an that fun. On the other hand, the land owed more money than it could pay. In fact, the Cons laughed and laughed. They were having The FDA said the new test will be available "enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay," or lots of fun. only from physicians and will be administered ELISA, a test that is able to detect antibodies debt was zillions of times higher than the big- kingdom. The rich No need to worry about the rest of the peo- only by people trained in its use. Epitope to HIV. gest castle in the whole didn't help the poor and the poor were more ple. Anyone who didn't think the right way eventually hopes to offer it for sale directly to Positive tests are confirmed with a blood test poor than ever. must be a Lib. And the people didn't like consumers. called the Western Blot, which is more sensi- The people of the kingdom were making less Libs. They had heard years of make believe Dr. Jeff Lawrence, a consultant to the tive than the ELISA. money than they did before. The poor children things about them. The people would believe American Foundation for AIDS Research, said The FDA said the test has a 2% error rate. who didn't have enough to eat turned to crime. what they were told. The Cons laughed and the test could encourage people who would For instance, for every 100 people infected More people were getting sick. The King was laughed. They were having lots of fun. avoid blood tests to be tested. with HIV, the saliva test will miss one or two. worried about what people might think of him. (To Be Continued--for at least the next two "As long as a positive test is followed by a people who are not infected, For every 100 The Cons said, "Don't worry, King Ronnie. years and quite probably for much longer than blood test and as long as there is appropriate test results will be incorrectly positive for ap- that.) counseling available, it is a reasonable thing to We will blame the debt on the Libs after they proximately two people, the agency said. control the Privy Council. January 5, 1995--January 18, 1995--WISCONSIN LIGHT-11 New Canadian Study Finds Link Between OF Fingerprint Ridges and Being Gay DIRECTORY (Washington, D.C.)- Two Canadian re- hormone, that one environmental experience-- searchers have found a link between the num- or that one fingerprint--is going to be the ex- ber of ridges in fingerprints and Gay men, planation for everything." PROFESSIONALS adding to the evidence that sexual orientation Kimura is also known for her work on dif- is determined before birth and is irreversible. ferences between men and women, ranging The researchers, working at the University from problem-solving ability to brain hemi- of Western Ontario, compared the number of sphere differences. tiny ridges on the fingertips of 66 Gay men She speculates that there is a link between OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT with the fingerprint patterns of 182 heterosex- finger ridge patterns and the development of Thomas E. Martin ual men. the nervous system. Many of the Gay men ATTORNEY AT LAW Thirty percent of the Gay men showed more with more ridges on their left hands were also General Practice of Law THEODORE I. FRIEDMAN, Ph.D. ridges on their left hands than their right, left-handed. Research has established that Ill icon Years Experience COUNSELING PSYCHOLOGY while only 14% of the heterosexuals showed there is a higher incidence of left-handedness the same . among Gay men and Lesbians than in the gen- Suite 206, 2266 N. Prospect Avenue Most men and women have more ridges in eral population. MILWAUKEE, WI 53202; (414) 272.2427 the fingerprints of their right hands. Finger- The team also found a difference in hearing. Suite 2506, 55 E. Washington prints are completely developed in human fe- Most people report words spoken to the right 765-9413 CHICAGO, IL 60602; (312) 726.5241 tuses by about the 16th week after conception ear more accurately than words to the left ear. and are largely genetically determined. The right ear is directly linked to the brain's NEW OFFICE: Gurnee, III. (708) 249-8720 "This certainly suggests sexual orientation is left hemisphere, which controls speech. somehow determined by prenatal events," said However, Kimura and Hall found some Gay Serving the Lesbian and Gay Community. I researcher Doreen Kimura. men could hear equally well out of both ears. The study appears in the December, 1994 is- This might be due to better transmission of in- PROCKNOW sue of Behavioral Neuroscience. formation between the brain's hemispheres, Kimura and' the study's lead author, Jeffrey Kimura said. ATTORNEY AT LAW Kathleen A. Neville MS, MSW protection (wills, power of Hall, said the fingerprint patterns should not Other researchers have found that Gay men Domestic partner Psychotherapist be mistaken as a maker for being Gay. attorney, etc.), Unemployment Compensation, tend to have a larger midsection in a brain Lakeshore Clinic "What we found is a statistically significant structure called the anterior commissure, Family Law, Landlord/tenant, Equal Rights, 3970 N. Oakland, Suite 502 difference between groups of Gay men and which connects and relays information be- and Social Security disability. Shorewood, Wisconsin 53211 heterosexual men," Kimura said. tween the hemispheres. The larger anterior Home Visits Arranged Roger Gorski, a UCLA neurobiologist who commissure might account for better left ear 414.332.3331 has done extensive research on sexual orienta- accuracy in Gay men, Kimura said. Call Deb Procknow (414) 769-7265 tion, called the study "another suggestion that The anterior commissure begins to develop there's a biological component to sexuality." around the seventh week of fetal life, which is "The Ultimate Dating Experience" Denis I. Jackson PhD Gorski added, "The way I like to summarize also when fingerprint ridges are differentiat- it is sexual orientation is a multifaceted behav- ing, researchers noted. SoulMates, Inc. Psychotherapist ior and it's unlikely that one gene, that one Randy Usow 8626 B W. GREENFIELD AVE Bottom Line SUITE 150 Relational and Individual Therapy Public Accountant 3468 S. 13th Street • Milwaukee, WI 53215 MILWAUKEE. WI 53214 Individual and Corporate Tax PROFESSIONAL • DISCREET • EFFECTIVE A FULL 230 W. Wells, Suite 309 General Accounting Milwaukee, WI 53203 SERVICE TRAVEL Tel: (414) 771-MATE Roberta (414) 276-8669 Fax: 771.9588 or Renee AGENCY 5150 N. Port Washington Road, Milwaukee, WI 53217 • CONTINUING TO SERVE OUR COMMUNITY. Melissa J. Summerfield, MS, RPT (414) 961-8808 0l=11=- ti0=1111 414/383-1244 • 414/383-1323 fax Polarity Bodywork a Psychotherapist 800/933-8330 Daniel Chotzen Anonymous HIV Counseling and Testing. 11] Sexually Transmitted Disease Testing & Treatment 444-1243 BESTD Women's Clinic 11A The Cambridge Group Dawn M. Krueger, CICSW Certified Massage Therapist Support Groups for Gay HIV+ Men Registered Polarity Practitioner 6110 N. Port Washington Road Psychotherapist LJ CALL FOR INFORMATION & APPOINTMENT Gift Certificates Available Glendale, WI 53217 Individuals and Couples tIV Clients Welcome 414-545-1950 1111=10E 211111=10 (414) 332-7400 3 8 1 7 N. Oakland Ave . Sereaga a 644444, wife* to 444 Integrative Massage and Body Work BESTD Certified Neuromuscular Therapy by the Paul EXPRESS your 4e-114. CL I N I C St. John Method commitment with Licensed by City of Milwaukee EXCELLEN 1240 E. BRADY Sr., MILWAUKEE, 272-2144

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d I VA 3- Business • Personal OUTSTANDING Passports Old Photographs 3 RON Copied & Restored Jack H. Smith Theatrical Nationally Certified Pets Massage Therapist 3 Eleetettat Seceeeza 7405 West Harwood Ave. 272-6911 3 Wauwatosa, WI 476-3777

ABMP Member 0 111 0 4111 •APJ sal Offering Individual, Couples, Family, & Group Therapy Buying or selling... to the Lesbian/Gay Community. Specializing in: • In-Home Family Therapy • Mediation for your Real Estate Broker Divorse & Blended Families • Difficult Behavior of Children should understand your and Adolescents • Alternative Lifestyle Issues lifestyle and goals.

Call Jack today. Multi-Million Dollar Producer 7 Effective Mental Health Servoces. inc. President's Club Member Federated (414) 453-8380 2421 N. Mayfair Rd., Wauwatosa, WI 53226 964-9000, 283-1452. Realty Group, Inc. January 5, 1995--January 18, 1995--WISCONSIN LIGHT--12 OBITUARIES Teaching, Some Call the Most Closeted Profession, Is Beginning to Open Its Doors

John Boswell, Noted Scholar of Medieval (St. Louis, MO)- March 22, 1994, probably and from being scared. won't be mentioned in history books, but it's a "What I want to do," Wilson went on, "is to Gay History, Succumbs to AIDS date Mehlville High School teacher Rodney stop the silence. I have an 800-page American Wilson never will forget. history textbook. That textbook doesn't men- (New Haven, CN)- John E. Boswell, the withdrawn it each time. His third hour junior history class had just tion the fact that Gay people have existed in Yale Historian who found substantial evidence "When it's perfect," he said. finished watching Escape from Sobibor, a the so-called New World, either before or af- that in Medieval times, same-sex couples I told him I understood. film about the Holocaust. Wilson held up a ter Columbus, and that is wrong." could be married in the Catholic Church, died When his book did come out, I called him poster showing the various emblems used on Wilson has won support from the Gay com- on December 23, 1994, in New Haven, Con- again. His voice sounded even softer than people put into the concentration camps and munity, as well as from some teachers, parents necticut, at the Yale infirmary, of complica- usual, distant and far away. He told me he was said, "If I had been in Europe during World and students and the National Education As- tions due to AIDS according to his life part- ill and planned on taking a long-delayed trip to War II, they would have put this pink triangle sociation (NEA). Since 1973, the NEA has of- ner, Jerry Hart. Spain and would be there for awhile. He said on me and gassed me to death, because I'm fered free legal counsel to teachers harassed or "I regard him as one of the major innovative he'd enjoyed our conversations. Gay." discriminated against because of sexual orien- figures in Gay and Lesbian scholarship," said I never spoke with him again. There was dead silence. "Then one of the tation. Martin Duberman, founder and executive di- students said, 'That was a very brave thing to "Some organizations would take Rodney's rector of the Center for Lesbian and Gay say.' Then another student said a similar case for free. That's one of the things that's Studies at the City University of New York. Actor David Silber statement, and then it seemed to me that the helping to bring about change," Harbeck said. In June, 1994, Boswell provoked debate with whole class started clapping," Wilson said. "These kinds of things can bankrupt a school his long-awaited book, Same-Sex Unions in Succumbs to AIDS Wilson, 29, is among a growing number of district." Premodern Europe, based on the study of teachers nationwide choosing to discuss their School districts are beginning to realize this more than 60 manuscripts from the 8th to the Brookline, MA- David Silber, a stage actor own sexual orientation in class. This means and are taking steps to educate administrators 16th Centuries found in the Vatican library and son of Boston University President John that they have to decide between staying in the about sexual orientation discrimination. and other sources. Silber, has died of complications from AIDS. closet or often fighting fierce battles against Although officials in Sweetwater Union Boswell, wrote that the ceremony of same- He was 41. the forces of bigotry and ignorance in order to High School District in San Diego were trou- sex union was by the 12th Century Silber, of , died Thursday, keep their jobs, said Karen M. Harbeck, a bled by Jose Arroyo's decision to tell his stu- "unmistakably a voluntary, emotional union of December 29, 1994. He had come to Brook- Boston lawyer specializing in the legal needs dent's he's Gay, they didn't try and stop him. two persons." He called the ceremony a mar- line to live with his parents five months ago. of Gays and Lesbians. On October 11, National Coming Out Day, riage "no matter how much some readers may Primarily a stage actor, Silber recently ap- No one keeps an official count of the number Arroyo greeted his students in a white T-shirt be discomforted by this." peared in a production of A Christmas Carol of Gay educators. But Harbeck believes that showing a stick figure coming out of a closet, Despite the ponderous title, the book became for PBS at Ford's Theater in Washington. there's an average of 2.4 Gay or Lesbian a pink triangle button and a necklace of rain- a best-seller, a must-read for Gays and Lesbi- On Broadway, he appeared with Rex Harri- teachers or administrators in every school bow rings. ans interested in religion and same-sex mar- son, Claudette Colbert and Lynn Redgrave in building in America. "I think back to when I was in high school," riage. Aren't We All, and with Peter O'Toole in "Teachers are one of the last professions to said Arroyo, who teaches students with learn- The book also elicited great debate and often Pygmalion. Silber also acted in many regional come out of the closet," Harbeck said. "You ing disabilities. "I wish I had known there was furious condemnation, especially by Right and repertory theaters. don't tell your doctor what to do. You don't a Gay or Lesbian teacher, even if I had never Wing Christians who could not tolerate the Silber attended the University of Texas and, tell your lawyer what to do. But you tell your talked to that person. Just to know there was idea that two people of the same sex could in 1975, he graduated from the School for the school board what to do." someone there who was successful and open marry each other and still be Christians. Arts at Boston University with a Bachelor's The most often cited reason for Gay and about it would have helped." Boswell previously had gained wide notice Degree in theater. Lesbian teachers coming out in their schools is Arroyo didn't raise the issue. Instead, he when in 1980, he came out with Christianity, In 1990, he campaigned on behalf of his fa- their desire to be finally honest about who they waited for his students to ask about his attire. Social Tolerance and Homosexuality: Gay ther's unsuccessful Democratic run for gover- are, said Kevin Jennings, author of One "I told them I was not going to discuss my People in Western Europe From the Begin- nor. Teacher in 10: Gay and Lesbian Educators personal life, just like you wouldn't talk to a ning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth He is survived by his life partner, Marc Tell Their Stories. straight teacher about their love lives," he Century. Like his later work, this was a thick Brody of New York; his parents, John and "It's very stressful to hide who you are, said said. "They asked questions like 'How long tome, but so well-written in the opinion of Kathryn Silber; his sisters Rachel Devlin of Jennings of Cambridge, Mass. "You have to have you known you were Gay?' How did critics that it is an easy read. Newton, Alexandra Silber of Irvine, CA, Ruth lead two lives, keeping distance between your- you know you were Gay?' I answered those." The book won the American Book Award Belmonte of Nice, France, Judith Ballan of self and others, and that makes it difficult to Both Wilson and Arroyo, and others as well, for history in 1981. New York and Caroline Lavender of Atlanta. teach." said the decision to come out wasn't an easy Colleagues at Yale said Boswell was influ- A funeral service was held on January I at Another teacher in Chicago put it more one. ential and a role model for Gay students and Boston University's Marsh Chapel. The burial forcefully. "Trying to teach and, at the same "I knew that I had to be honest with my others without being an activist. was private. time, maintaining a fiction of being straight is colleagues and my students," Wilson said. The Rev. Anita Bradshaw, director of su- pure hell. All the time, you're afraid someone "Martin Luther King said, 'No lie can live pervised ministry for Yale Divinity School, will find out. That fear can occupy many forever.' And I firmly believe that." said he gave Gay and Lesbian people a chance David J. Dornaus waking moments." Wilson and Arroyo are considered excellent to discover their history. Many teachers like those mentioned, believe teachers by their principals. That's what wor- Dornaus died peacefully at home "He was a spokesman and original thinker," David J. coming out can save lives. A 1989 U.S. De- ries Religious Right Wingers who fear teach- battle with AIDS Monday, said Gaddis Smith, a fellow history professor. after a courageous partment of Health and Human Services study ers who are respected and well-liked might be 21, 1994, age 33. "He was much more interested in his writing November said Gay and Lesbian youth are two to three able to educate people about being Gay. loving partner of John L. Wirth, than he was in activism." He was the times more likely to attempt suicide than their of Beatrice (nee Schuh) and the "The issue here," said Larry Burtoft of the Boswell joined the Yale faculty in 1975 as beloved son straight peers and may comprise 30 percent of Robert P. Dornaus (June 30, 1994). Lov- Right Wing Focus on the Family of Colorado an assistant professor and was appointed a full late suicides among youth annually. Most of the ing brother of Richard (Patricia) Dornaus, Springs, is that respected teachers who are professor in 1982. He was named the A. time, the parents don't know their child is Gay Oregon, Wisconsin; Ann (Tom) Kozel, North homosexual and who are public about it, might Whitney Griswold Professor of History in and if they do, the press Branch, Minnesota; William (Bev Sandburg) never mentions the lead people to accept them. We can't have 1990, when he began a two-year term as de- real reason for the death. Dornaus, Green Bay, Wisconsin and Dolly that. Homosexuality is wrong." partment chairman. "What I'm saying," Wilson said, "is (Don) Noskowiak, Green Bay, Wisconsin. He allow But for Wilson, there's no alternative to do- In 1987, Boswell helped organize the Les- me to be an openly Gay role was the special friend of Kristi Gruenhagen. model for Gay ing what he has done. bian and Gay Studies Center at Yale. kids and for straight kids. And hopefully He is further survived by nieces, nephews and peo- "This subject," he said, "should not be left Editor's Note: I had the pleasure on several ple will realize that Gay other relatives and friends. and Lesbian people outside the classroom door. The Gay civil occasions of talking with Dr. Boswell on the are average American A memorial service was held at Villa Ter- citizens...and it will rights movement is at a critical mass. We have phone. Each time, I tried to tape the conversa- free young people who race with David's family and many friends in are Gay or Lesbian turned a corner. We will never go back in the tion, but with only spotty success. from being Gay-bashed attendance. --verbally or physi- closet and America will have to deal with us." He was a gentle, soft-spoken man with a cally--from being harassed, from being lonely voice very pleasant to the ear. The first time I In lieu of flowers if desired, memorials may called him, I apologized for bothering him. He be directed to John L. Wirth, P.O. Box 765, South Asia's First Gay Meeting Opens Secretly Milwaukee, WI 53201 to establish a memorial was a Yale professor of history, after all. But Bombay, India-AP- Gay men from across South Asia met secretly in the last week in De- planting in David's memory. he only chuckled and told me not to worry. I cember to discuss the widespread persecution they face, including the recent threat from Hindu David was the buyer for the nursery division could call whenever I wished. religious extremists in India. The conference on Emerging Gay Identities in South Asia drew of Lied's Nursery Company, Inc. He gradu- We spoke of many things, but mainly our nearly 70 activists from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Bhutan. Organizers ated from the University of Wisconsin- mutual interest in Gays in history. For exam- meeting was kept secret to exclude straights from attending it and Madison with a Bachelor's Degree in Horticul- said that the location of the ple, we debated the role religion has played in inhibiting free discussion. anti-Gay persecution over the centuries. I be- ture. David furthered his studies and received lieve it is central to the problem. He did not. his Master's Degree in Business Administra- Christ with AIDS Creates Furor It is not religion, he told me, that is respon- tion. Johannesburg, South Africa-AP- Critics threatened to spit on American artist Maxwell sible for all the suffering, it is the people who Lawton's depiction of Christ as an AIDS sufferer. Undaunted and with the support of Anglican abuse it, who do not understand it, he said. Archbishop Desmond Tutu, he set to work on December 21, on a Nativity scene with a similar The first time I talked with him, I asked him Wisconsin Light theme. Lawton, who is HIV positive, said passersby accused him of blasphemy as he painted when his next book, Same-Sex Unions, was Sorrows" shows the le- coming out. I knew he had submitted a manu- "Man of Sorrows" in Cape Town's St. George's Cathedral. "Man of with AIDS on the body of an anguished Christ, who is attached to an intrave- script to the publisher more than once and [414] 372-2773 sions associated nous drip and an oxygen tube. Lawton said his work was part of a long artistic tradition show- Dykes To Watch Out For ing Christ in sympathy with human pain. GET THAI 01)1 IS So GUTLESS!I MEAN, ARE SDRRY, 801 Go ON GONNA ror HI,A0. r WAS itoic uH„. HI, DEIRDRE. SEE7, vA4AT No, r REALLY HAVE TO Go HOME AND HEY, LOTS. AO, NEW LESBIAN ER0T1(A WI-W5 HE TRYING TD PROVE By CAN- ycki cLosiNG? I no's STILL HERE. I" ON A NEWT Gw1GRiol MASK, WIGNSORNOoD. I CAN'T. r NAFTA WRITE A RooK? WE CAN lb WORK. 11.3 A GorrA A DISCUSS IT IN THE NING THE ONLY PERSON IN WASHING- 111006141 )bu 605 RUN. THE ARE Limo, AND MOW -THoth,Ni ID SEE IF %DK REVIEW festiliE TRIBUNE TALK ABodT IT oviR COLLECTION. SM Gor.11.1 AVENGERS DRIVE BY N A ERoToPHOBK SociEry TON sATH ANY INKEoRiry? DOES WERE OPEN TILL US ALE DOWN will A -Toy Ull . >19U L4ROTED-rO Go TONIGHT, AND r GiNHER. LOU GOTTA CokTEKT Of MR PLANNING AN ACTION RIGHT? FIRING OF -rHixik THAT'S GoNuA WIN BACK EiGNIToNI&HT AGAINST 111E REPUBLICANS WE HAVE FAKE SU:or, Ger SO/AETHInt EVEN STARTED IT ',Tr. EAT, AND CLAITDNS JOKE-LY/4 HE THE ANGRY WHrVE Mfjl WHO CONI-Mt1-011"ILMERKA. AND EVERYTHING. 7D EAT. ELDERS foR mr.rrioNiuc, MASTURBATION. ALL NOTED WIVOLILAPJ THIS FALL?



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(Call Thru) Box# 5899 Scott, 21, 6'3, 165, light brn. hr., longer in the back, blue Why leave messages and wait and wait and wait, GWM, 5'7, blond, blue eyes, 38, goodlooking, well- GWM, 5'10, 170, good-looking, well-built, versatile, ISO when you can find someone RIGHT NOW who endowed, muscular, thin, ISO top, HIV-, goodlooking eyes, ISO SWM, 18-25, for friendship, poss. long-term rd. other hot guys for good times. You won't be disappointed. To me life is too short. (Call Thru) Box# 3339 wants to talk with you. So don't delay, call now. man to love. (Call Thru) Box# 8547 (Call Thru) Box# 3502 Kevin, 27, 5'9 1/2, 163, well-built, dark bm. hair, green Oh, and you can join our system yourself, by simply GM, John, 22, college student, ISO someone out-going Duane, GWM, poet, likes theatre, movies, art, working for good times. Box# 5093 eyes, likes sports, good times. ISO M with same interests. pressing the star (*) key when you reach the "Main out, ISO intelligent men who live to enjoy life. Box# 4145 (Call Thru) Box# 3501 GM, student, trim, blond hair, bottom, nice body, ISO Joe, 35, GWM, ISO hot action. Guaranteed you will not hairy hot top who's into sex. Box# 5640 be disappointed. Box# 5666 ( There is NO CHARGE to leave a voice greeting! BiM, 26, 5'10, 190, athletic, bodybuilder, ISO other Tom, 33, GWM, 5'6, versatile bottom, ISO young, hung, bodybuilders, any race, discreetion assured. Box# 3474 versatile tops, especially boyish guys. I have a need I want Attractive, quiet GWM, 58, 5'8, brn hair/eyes, HIV-, NS, you to fill. (Call Thru)Box# 5881 1-800-420-LOVE (5683) like golf, country life, travel, dining, theatre, ISO a com- Jim, 28, WM, 6'2, I'm outgoing, very personable, like patible GM with same interest for friendship. (Call Thru) music, movies, socializing, ISO BM, for one-on-one re- 12/22/94 Just call and follow the simple instructions! Your extension is 214 Box# 7686 lationship, large gatherings possible also. Box# 3733 greeting before you call. There is a limit of one call per person. You are NOT PERMITTED to leave (Please prepare your M, 24, 5'9, 165, long brown hair, blue eyes, mustache, I'm Paul, 27, bottom, very lonely, masculine GWM. ISO a LAST NAME or personal phone number in your greeting. If you want to receive calls at home, please use (Call Thru).) easy-going, ISO similar dudes. Box# 3216 masculine GWM, 27-48, 6' +, mustache a plus, top, for WM, 30's, ISO a Bi or GWM for goodtimes, I'll be open friends and a monogamous relationship. Box# 2867 to your ideas. Box# 1977 Menu" on the 900 number. You can record a GM, Mike, looking for people to party with. (Call Thru) WM, 28, enjoys the company of black males. I have great won't be able to greeting and enter your own personal telephone Box# 1595 Bill, 32, 5'8, 160, prof., not into glitter, self-absorb, bitchy communicating oral skills. Remember, I or stero-types, ISO someone who is truthful, warm, gentle, talk with my mouth full. Box# 6656 number to receive calls at YOUR home. (Call Dave, ISO someone for a good time. (Call Thru)Box# in-touch, with a quiet strength for mutual honest friend- Thru) costs the person receiving the call absolutely 2200 Frank, GWM, ISO romantic fun guy, 18-25, to enjoy ship, no sex right away calls please. (Call Thru) Box# dinners, movies, etc. (Call The-u) Box# 1142 nothing. The person placing the call pays the GM, Chip, 5'10, 160, athletic, 28, light brown hair, blue 8684 normal 900 charge. PLUS, your number remains eyes, ex-military man,business student, like weightlifting, Mike, 5'7, 135, muscular, well-built, ISO male to have fun Mike, good-looking, GWM, 35, 220, 6', HIV -, physically with. Box# 8815 ABSOLUTELY CONFIDENTIAL. No one learns outdoors, ISO a muscular M, 22-35. (Call Thru) Box# fit, NS, ISO M 25 and under, long-term friendship, casual the number. Our computers dial it for the caller. 5135 sex. (Call Thru) Box# 1817 GWM, 21, 6', 140, good-looking, ISO GBM, 20-30 for friendship and relationshp. Box# 2429 When calls arrive at your home, our computer GM, Gordon, ISO guys for hot fun. (Call Thru) Box# Bill, GWM, ISO BM, well-endowed, your satisfaction is announces them before you talk with the caller and 8176 my only concern. No re- GM, ISO very discreet guy who has 10 inches or more and you can accept them or refuse them. You can also GM, Bob, 35, 6'1, 195, dark ciprocation necessary. loves to have a very good time. Box# 9501 control the times that you receive calls. hair/eyes, masculine, working- (Call Thru)Box# 3231 Michael, 25, 6'3, 220, blond/blue, hairy, ISO another guy out, ISO someone for some male to have some fun. (Call Thru) Box# 4526 So TRY IT! (Call Thru) is one of the least expen- Alex, 25, 5'11, 175, ISO bonding. (Call Thru) Box# relationship. Box# 2885 sive ways to use a 900 service. You do not pay for the 3440 Bob, I like to meet other males. Call, let's see what we can calls you receive and you control your privacy. Mike, 32, versatile, 5'6, do together. (Call Thru) Box# 5303 GWM, 32, independent, finan- 165, bm hr, grn eyes, ISO PLUS, we are offering an 800 number as a special cially secure, ISO someone fun GM, 26, 5'11, 165, brn. hair/eyes, very good-looking, compatible M's to share clean shaven, work out, ISO guys around my age. (Call COST. So call the for relationship and hot times. introductory offer to join at NO my house I just purchased. Thru)Box# 1583 800 number , record your greeting and then SAY Box# 4506 (Call Thru) Box# 9644 "yes" TO (Call Thru)! GM, body-builder, 54-inch Todd, BM, ISO GBM or GWM, I'm very handsome and Tyrone, GM, 23, call. ready to go. (Call Thru) Box# 1326 chest, 36-inch waist, 210, 40's, Box# 6310 ISO someone younger, in good Dominick, 21, GWM, 5'9, blk. hr., hzl. eyes, Italian and Men Seeking Men shape like myself. (Call Thru) Terry, 35, WM, bm hair/ Hispanic. ISO GWM, 21-25, down-to-earth, financially Box# 4684 eyes, thin build, ISO M secure, for friendship, poss. rd., no phonies. (Call Thru) 18-35, any race for good Box# 5433 BM, 24, like sports, movies, quiet nights and driving Tim, ISO dominant, masculine, times, movies, concerts people crazy, ISO someone 19-24, black, white or hispanic, very mature M, if you have these clubs, ferns okay. (Call Adam, GWM, 32, 5'8, 190, shoulder length hair, beard, for love, companionship and relationship. Box# 7484 qualifications, please call me. Thru) Box# 7583 ISO dominant big brother daddy type, black or white, to (Call Thru)Box# 5304 take charge. (Call Thru)Box# 8556 Bi white teddy bear, 37, looking for male companionship. DJ, 37, bi-WM, very oral, I aim to please. Box# 1104 GBM, James, 34, 5'8, 160, ISO ISO afternoon or evening Steve, 6'2, 220, GBM, likes sports, long walks, quiet times, talk to me, lets Bob, super personality, If you are lonely, call me. (Call friends any race, encounters. Box# 8718 getting wild sometimes, ISO DWM with similar interests, Thru)Box# 7934 get together. (Call Thru)Box# sense of humor, financially and emotionally stable, for rd. 8149 GWM, 22, 6'5,180, sandy (Call Thru)Box# 2644 Walter, into leather, ISO other leather men. Box# 7107 blonde, mustache, thin BiWM, 42, 5'7, 160, very oral, beard, hairy chest, ISO Retired man, ISO GM who likes to cuddle. (Call Thru) Mike, 32, well-built, masculine, ISO a WM around 6'2, bearded, mustache, very dis- guys 22-35, friends, poss. Box# 6531 very hairy, for fun hot times. Box# 9287 creet, ISO same. (Call Thru) rel. (Call Thru) Box# GM, 23, extremely cute, like to have fun, ISO a normal Box# 1875 Paul, call me on call thru. (Call Thru) Box# 6537 9782 guy. Box# 8604 African-American GM, 31, 6'2, Carl, 29, GWM, 180, 5'9, ISO a sincere open minded Daddy Tony, top, GWM, Libra, 30, have 180, beautiful voice/eyes, top, Doug, GWM, smoker, a true metal head, man, any race. (Call Thru) Box# 3779 ISO GWM bottoms who tatoos, long hair, tone body, smooth, 145, 6'2, touchie- high sex drive, like bowling, fish- can service. I aim to please. bars, ISO a male feelie type, wild sense of humor, ISO other guys 25-35, GM, 21, blond hair, blue eyes, like ing, horseback riding, ISO hon- (Call Thru)Box# 2967 companion. (Call Thru)Box# 4266 est, mature, independent, HIV dark haired, hairy body, sensuality is top priority. Box# Bill, 32, 5'5, 150,1S0 slim, 8205 TV, 5'11, 140, 30, blond hair, ISO a big black man. Box# -, African-American bottom. smooth, GWM's for good 1451 (Call Thru)Box# 5943 James, anr., 8 inch cut, agressive, mustache, all American, times. (Call Thru)Box# 30's, 5'8, 150, 40-inch chest, 30- GBM, Maurice, 30, 5'9, 140, 1-900-344-6020 blonde and blue, early Jeff, 35, WM, 195, brown hair/eyes, good body/looks, 1713 inch waist, ISO no-nonsense men, singles, couples or looking to have fun with other men. (Call Thru) Box# ISO another masculine GBM, $3.99/Mill - must be 18 ext 23 John, young, very hand- groups, who are intense and want safe and sane liaisons. 4558 25-35. Box# 9118 Mega900 Wilm DE some, runway model, likes (Call Thru)Box# 9451 Michael, 5'7, GBM, top, look- Michael, BM, 23, ISO guys my age for football, movies, art, music, dancing, ski- 6'1, 165, brn. hr., glasses, fit, five-day ing for a goodtime, let's talk. Peter, athletic, etc. Box# 6919 ing, ISO special man to growth, ISO friends to hang out, go to movies, play tennis, Box# 6117 good times. Box# 1719 Kevin, masculine, ISO Gay or BiWM, 20-35 who is built show me dining, laughing, and walks. (Call Thru) Box# 3811 GM, Erin, 24, quiet, sincere, like music, astrology, ISO a and masculine also. (Call Thru) Box# 3560 GM, John, 21, long blk hr, love dining, dancing and friendship, poss. monogamous, fun male,21-35. (Call Thru) Box# 2526 Carribean GBM, 20, ISO GM 18-24 for Randy, GWM, 32, 5'9, stocky, submissive, ISO a long hair movies, call. Box# 2110 rel., serious only. Box# 1627 Timmy, 5'10, 195, long blond hair, hairy chest, ISO WM, biker type to show me the ropes. (Call Thru)Box# 8713 Craig, 5'9, 150, smooth, in shape, well trained bottom, Bob, 47, WM, ISO BM, well-endowed for fun. Box# 25 and over. Box# 2742 aggressive in shape top men for hot action. (Call Mark, 30, 5'8, 150, dark hair, my partner- 29, 5'6, 142, ISO 8710 GBM, Andre, 20, college student, ISO GWM, for danc- Thru)Box# 3503 light brown hair, ISO men under 40 for goodtime. (Call Saral, 34, 5'10, somewhat stocky build, beard, mustache, ing, movies, etc. Box# 6542 Thru) Box# 4245 M, 24, looking for a good time. (Call Thru) Box# 2104 like classical theater, cooking, travel, walks, ISO GM for Stanely, born in 69, like walks, tennis, volleyball. Box# GBM, Andre, 5'10, 155, drk hair/eyes, ISO GWM 20-30, Peter, looking for a friend for hot times, someone who is friendship and love. (Call Thru)Box# 5751 to enjoy life to it's fullist. (Call Thru) Box# 7751 6162 fit, likes to workout,bottom, hairy, loves to be licked. (Call Thomas, 5'8, 150, ISO BM, to enjoy music, late nights. Curt, over-weight GWM, ISO nice, hairy, funloving top GM, 21, 5'9, 140, gm eyes, brn hair, party size, ISO built, Thru)Box# 5782 (Call Thru)Box# 5575 masculine guys around same age. (Call Thru)Box# 2503 men. (Call Thru) Box# 2875 Richard, 25, WM, I like dancing, sports, ISO someone Billy, good-looking, WM, 30, 6'2, 195, good shape, ISO who's comfortable with themselves. (Call Thru) Box# WM, 6', 190, athletic, well-built, very submissive bottom, GWM, 35, 6'2, 180, brn hair/eyes, clean shaven, like legs GM for friendship, possibly more. (Call Thru) Box# 9370 ISO a large well-endowed top, you won't be sorry. (Call and feet. Box# 7199 2539 Thru) Box# 7197 GBM, Mike, 35, slim, attractive, ISO GBM, bottom, 30- GWM, 39, 5'7, 175, top, jock type, ISO fun, affable, Bi-WM, 30, ISO straight-acting bi-WM or straight WM, younger guy for fun, etc. Madison. (Call Thru) Box# Jason, 24, 5'9, 165, well-built, ISO guy around the same 50, attractive, slim-med. build, for discreet fun. Box# no gays, fats or ferns. Box# 4265 3968 2777 age. (Call Thru) Box# 6510 SWM, really hot, ISO slim, straight, bi or GM, 19-26, for Matt, WM, 22, 6', 180, ISO buddy, 25-40, very hairy, John, 6'1, 240, top, aggressive, ISO a passive, very femi- GWM, Jay, 25, ISO another M, 25-35, for fun. (Call fun and more. Box# 2533 Thru) Box# 9973 hung, top. (Call Thru) Box# 8933 nine male, any age/race. (Call Thru) Box# 1862 Pete, bi-WM, 40's, 5'11, 210, smooth, chubby bottom, WM,.Shawn, 26, 6'1, 150, strawberry blonde, blue eyes, DAVE, if you want goodtimes and long fun, call me. (Call Hot Italian, Jack, 35, dark hair/eyes, 5'4, 170. (Call Thru) ISO mature male, 50+, for long-term relationship. Box# cute, clean shaven, smooth. Box# 2400 Thru) Box# 9590 Box# 8674 3610 Bill, HIV+, bottom, 5'9, 220, butch bear, ISO a tough man Don, BiWM, 33, 5'8, 165, brown hair, hazel eyes, mus- GM, Dave, 6', dark hair, 32 inch waist, clean shaven, ISO Terry, ISO a guy for fun, getting to know each other and who's interested in falling in love. (Call Thru)Box# 8774 tache, ISO guy, 18-35 who likes conversation and making partner for fun and good times. Box# 8397 exploring. Box# 8634 love. (Call Thru)Box# 4501 Dave, 6', dark hair, 32 inch waist, clean shaven, ISO John, 5'9, red hair, blue eyes, good shape, bottom, college Todd, 30, honest, sincere and open, ISO a straight-acting jock, ISO well-built, top, 30+, well-hung. Box# 6513 Juston, BM, 25, ISO other males 25 or younger. (Call honest, sincere partner for fun and pos. rd. (Call Thru) guy who is masculine, honest, sincere, open also, likes to Thru) Box# 4147 Box# 5049 Jim, 29, ISO BM, 18-35. (Call Thru)Box# 9922 party, enjoys movies, heavy metal to dance music, for game players or sex-only Randy, 30, brn. hair, blue eyes, 5'9", 140, 28-inch waist, dating, poss. serious rd., no Chip, like long walks, volleyball, ISO someone to build a Sebastian, 18, have body piercing, ISO dominate, hand- callers. Box# 7205 relationship. (Call Thru)Box# 9352 ISO guy my age or younger. Box# 1474 some, intellectual male, 18-21, respectable, having body piercings and tatoos in exotic places is a big plus. (Call Male, young, hot and ready to go. Box# 2545 Jason, 21, photographer, 5'9", 135, blonde hair, green eyes, ISO muscular, dominate, macho guys around my Thru) Box# 1705 Lonely? Call me... Adam, 20, college student, ISO someone 18-25 for danc- age. (Call Thru)Box# 8130 Steve, 44, bottom ISO tops. Box# 7381 Two long-haired young dudes ISO other long-haired GWM, Garrett, 27, ISO young, GWM. (Call Thru) young dudes. We're into alternative/rock music, the out- Box# 3295 doors, and camping. Box# 3224 Listen & Respond Chip, 41, 6', 220, blonde hair, brown eyes, clean-shaven, GWM, Kurt, 36, bottom, ISO super-hairy top, who is fun- versatile football player build, likes mild to wild things. to Secret loving and adventurous. (Call Thru) Box# 7370 (Call Thru) Box# 1186 Hot, young, Army dude, 25, college jock, ISO guys my age Jack, 36, ISO M, same age, open-minded, friendship, or younger, who are jocks, military, students. Call if you poss. rd. (Call Thru) Box# 3143 can handle it. (Call Thru) Box# 6970 Fantasies & Desires! Shawn, 19, BM, fun-loving, ISO dominant, masculine, Jim, hot, bottom, 32, 5'9", 150, short beard, dark hair, muscular, intimate tops. (Call Thru)Box# 7280 good-looking, trim, hairy, open-minded. Willing to get 24 hrs/day. 7 days. touch tone required. must be 18 $3.99/mi 1-900-976-1155, ext 22 into anything that makes you feel good. Box# 2957 Peter, ISO bottoms for good times. I'm very sexy and 24 hrs/day, 7 days, touch tone sensual (Call Thru) Box# 2347 $1.95/min GWM, Cory, 18, romantic, looking for fun. (Call Thru) Willy, you can call me Bill, 25, ISO another guy 19-28, any required, must be 18 200, handsome, ISO handsome man for Mega900 Wilm DE Box# 2313 Mike, 28, 5'11, race for hot fun. (Call Thru) Box# 9549 fun. Box# 4679 Shaun, 27, GWM, 5'9, 160, very muscular, 43" chest, 31" Jeff, 19, blonde hair, green eyes, ISO guy to hang out with. Spanish guy, 148, ISO males 20 +. Box# 6226 ing, clubs, etc. (Call Thru) Box# 8936 waist, attractive, short dark hair, clean shaven, ISO WM (Call Thru)Box# 8161 28 or younger. (Call Thru) Box# 5435 Chris, bi-BM, very straight-looking/acting, enjoys skiing, David, nice, very hairy, 5'9, I am looking for a honest, Charles, ISO good stable relationship and friendship, any movies, travel. ISO someone with similar interests who is loyal, respectable relationship with the right man. Box# Lee, extremely fun and exactly what you want. Box# race, age, and color. What's on the inside is important to straight-acting and looking as well. Box# 1778 2700 1752 me. (Call Thru)Box# 3443 GWM, bottom, 53, 250, masculine, clean, discreet, ISO Michael, 32, GWM, ISO guy for relationship, no games. Brad, ISO top M. (Call Thru)Box# 9818 GBM, light complexion, 5'8 1/2, 155, 30, boy next door guy, beard and mustache a plus, attr., 35-50, any race, (Call Thru)Box# 8812 top type, ISO GM's. My name is Quinton, you can call me Q. Gene, 5'11, 210, chubby teddy bear, smooth legs, love no bums/ferns/alcoholics. Bi's welcome also. (Call Thru) (Call Thru)Box# 1762 Joe, GWM, 41, 6'1, 185, nice body, well-hung, like 69, hot lace, ISO mature top man, 50 or over, for long-term Box# 6450 oral sex. Box# 8561 relationship. Box# 7877 Danny, 32, 5'10, 155, long blonde hair, green eyes, clean Dave, very attr., 30, prof., 6'4, 190, brn. hr., blue eyes, shave, mother says I'm too cute to be gay. enjoys sports, Mark, short, stocky, Hispanic bottom boy, ISO hot mid- GWM, 41, (look younger), ISO guy, 19-30 for good hot affectionate, down to earth, enjoys photography, sci-fi, biking, ISO another male. Box# 4532 western top boy. (Call Thru) Box# 2146 times. (Call Thru)Box# 8955 theatre, music, dancing, dining, outdoors.I'm intelligent, Joe, BM, 29, ISO other BM, I like the outdoors and I am Michael, GWM, ISO another GM. Box# 6562 non-feminine, not into drugs or games, ISO similar guys. Todd, 25, 6', 180, ready to have good times. Mark and his down to earth. (Call Thru) Box# 4522 (Call Thru)Box# 4928 partner. Please call me. Box# 6649 Michael, GM, HIV -, like to be very oral, I love sucking Kevin, 24, bottom, still in the closet. Box# 5610 dick. (Call Thru) Box# 5600 Devoch, I believe in taking live easy and having good Billy, new to area, good-looking WM ISO fun guys to have times. Box# 9994 good times. (Call Thru) Box# 6757 Joe, GWM, 41, 6'1, 185, nice body, well-hung. (Call Scott, 30, 6', 200, brn hr, hzl eyes, mustache, ISO guys 25- January 5, 1995--January 18, 1995--WISCONSIN LIGHT--14 WISCONSIN LIGHT PERSONALS Madison BRADY 19 Y/O, 5'11, 150, Ikg Milwaukee SPORTS AND POETRY: Milwaukee HEALTHY LIFESTYLE: Albert, Racine EXPERIENCED CD: looking for an WISCONSIN for a guy who has sim int, like movies, Spence, looking for a guy fun to be with, 31, prof'l WM like romance, something experienced female CD to cuddle and caress tennis, Ikg for companion for romance, if sports, reading, poetry writing, iso a guy missing in most men-iso someone 4 a rel, to tall well built WM willing to dress for you, Madison MUTUAL FUN: TJason, 23, this is wht ur Ikg for lv a message m20675 with a little more exp, looking for a good share life, not a bar person- if U like eves share warm eves this winter, well have alot time, spend quiet nights together if u have alone, long walks in the moonlight, I'm 190 of fun together give me a call, give it a try- young, dk, handsome, iso WM non smoker, Milwaukee WANTS TO SETTLE DOWN: the same int, give me a call- 419630 6', like to work out, iso 28-40, m16274 m15996 ages of 24-35, nice looking, gd shpe, masc Brian, 38 GWM 5'11, 210, bind/blu, iso iso mutually fun times, give me a call- other GWM who's out,18-35 mature, North Wisconsin FRIENDSHIP AND Milwaukee EAST SIDE: looking for Stevens Point COMIX MAN: Darren, like m3743 honesty, sense of fun, sense of humor, var of CUDDLING: 37, 6'1, 180 likes lots of happiness Greg 31, 5'5, 150, GH/BM iso drawing, comic books, give me a call- Madison HOT HAIRY DADDIES: iso hot other interests, lv a message- into masc men- friendship and cuddling like for you to give hisp WM 25-40 for friendship and hopefully m12674 Ikg for someone to settle down W/ 420679 me a call m18614 happiness, quiet eves at home and taking hairy daddy- are you the one im looking Superior STUDENT SKIIER: Destry, full walks- 416726 for? give me a call- m6007 Milwaukee GWM 20s East side, 20s iso Sturgeon Bay DISCREET RELATIONSHIP: time college student int in meeting anyone in Milwaukee UNIV OF WISC STUDENT: 20-30 for friendship maybe more, lv your # Jeff, 27 brn/brn looking for someone for a Milwaukee I WANT SECONDS! Anthony, the area, like to ski go to dinner, dance and Hi, George, 21, yrs old, hisp/asian, student 7320721 discreet rel- m18043 WM new to this looking for BM or AM to sports and things like that easy going, teach me everything I need to know, did it people with goals educated and have the at UWM born in Fla, iso someone 6', Milwaukee PASSABLE TV: Jessica totally Waupac JUST MOVED HERE: Andy, once before wld like to know more, enjoy same int that I do- 416164 between 30-35, iso a serious rel, I'm 5'5 hot passable GW TV on the east side 31 6' 5'10, 155, 19, brn/brn like to have fun if ur brn/brn med build, brn cxion, like reading alot of diff aspects iso someone 18-25 180, shaved blu, bind shoulder length hair, int give me a call- m19339 Milwaukee LIKE TO CROSS DRESS?, tv, cooking, basically, a tp man- int lv me ur name movies, candelight dinners etc. growing breasts iso WM BM or HM, like Steve, GWM get into cross dressing and m19529 Wauwatosa BI CURIOUS SKIIER: 5'9, m16572 aggr, under 50 m20814 others that also CD like to meet me new to 175, WM, musc gdlkg, bi male, curious, int scene- m11250 Milwaukee DOUBLE YOUR FUN: GWC Milwaukee YOUNG MALE: 5'10, 155, in meeting the same 24-35 gldkg, prf'l 23 and 27, iso other single WM or couples 1CHOOSE FROM: blk, brn, prof'l like to meet same, ages 32- sports int love to ski, winter sports if this int Kenosha JERRY, 29: int in someone honest, to get together and have some fun- Tr 19753 42- looking for same- 420909 you, lv a message- 419348 * HOME NUMBERS good looking, and likes to have fun, lv your # m12348 Milwaukee ROMANTIC WINTER: Robert, Milwaukee SEINFELD FAN: Doug, Adorns PARTY TIME! Chuck,iso yng men * TALK LIVE GWM looking for a long romantic winter, bind/blu, prof'l WM 5'8 155 gdlkg, int in to get together w/ 4 fun times, my partner & * ALL LIFESTYLES Milwaukee YOUR WISH IS MY hopefully followed by hot steamy summer, meeting another WM 20s attr and in good I new to area , 6'2 salt & pepper, blu, * FREE AD PLACEMENT COMMAND, Eddie 6'3 brn/green 300+ Intel' kind, not into bars, 28-45, It's all about shape alot of int snow skiing, trove,' golf, beard, & 245 husky tend to vers, my partner * DISCREET CALL subm looking for right person to do romance, I guess I'm 'king for someone to Seinfeld, talking with someone special, clean 6'3, brn/blu must hairy 195 iso younger BACK SERVICE anything-I follow orders well- 410032 share my life with- m19866 cut guy iso same- m13996 20-45 m15794 Milwaukee ON TOP OF THINGS, Brian, Milwaukee AN HONEST MAN: Jerry, just Milwaukee ADULT FLICKS: South side Beaver Dam NAME YOUR FANTASY: Blancheville TODD, Ikg 4 GWM 18-24, tp 6', 28w, 32, 173, gdlg looking for btm looking to find someone honest, have a GWM 40s 5'4 134, hairy, into movies, Mark, big guy like to make your fantasies masc hard worker, camping, , 4 male- 413012 videos, looking for someone to have fun good time, movies, dancing, var int, if ur int come true, give me a call, lets see what wheeling quiet times, movies, with- m16749 Milwaukee LEATHER JACKETS AND Iv your name and # 419936 happens- m21 163 bowling,getting a little wild @ parties,not BOOTS, East side Rick GWM 35 5'8 130 Kenosha LOVE ANTIQUES? GWM 40, into bars, must be well end'd, 'kg 2 meet Milwaukee LEATHER MAN: Tom, 32, Kenosha GBM 18 Y/O, 5'8 blk/brn fair blond gdlk, need slim levi top 18-33 phys non smoker 5'11, 185, warm, funny, affect, right person, companionship in my area 5'11 brn/blu 185, leather man, if that bid, iso GHM GAM or GWM who wants a dom, for good times leather jackets and brn/blu 1+1 healthy, fun loving movies binds a +++ 410976 sounds int give me a call- 416885 rel, sens caring honest intell sense of humor, boots a plus- m13439 antiqueing, quiet times, not into bars, for like to go dancing- m21350 Fond Du Lac GWM 26, 5'11 160 Milwaukee CD SEEKING DATE: Steve, friendship poss rel- m20094 Milwaukee FRESHMAN FUN, GWM 18: brn/green not athl, not out of shape, seeks GWM like to find a guy that I find attr, likes Door Co. BEARDED BEAR WANTED: student looking for fun with W or hisp male Madison MOVIES AND MUSIC: 29, WM sim in my area outdoors, talking and going to be with me like to go out and show me GWM 23, stocky 6' 196, active, twisted, with good sense of humor- m13259 out- m17101 what its all about, just enjoy looking, like dk hair, gm eyes, 6'1, 175, very clean cut, into everything, gdlkg iso rel 35-50 GWM CD, like to see an attr male beside me- Milwaukee CLASS ATHLETE, JOHN: 35 westside, iso a boyfriend, many int art and top, bearded, hairy beer gut daddy type- Milwaukee MUTUAL MASSAGE: Jerry Trl 1 250 5'7, 140, grad student like opera, classical theatre, movies, music, biking, hiking, int in 418755 28 attr GWM iso other males pref hisp, age range 21-35 clean cut, iso someone music and sports,413494 anyone ok, nice toned bodies, very attr, love Milwaukee TONY 18 Y/O senior in high hisp, PR or blk- 420100 Eau Claire FRAT GUY: Nathan, 23, massages, rec and give- m14044 school, iso 18-24, like sports, singing Madison TRI ME, college student, Prat member, outdoors, Grad student 6' 190 dancing, going out and spend some time active, triathlete, looking for a friend that is Madison TRACY 21 Y/O: 6'2, GBM int in hunting, camping, fishing, someone to hang Milwaukee MILITARY MEN: Jake, East with my loved ones, like to spend time with as active- m13509 GWM 22-30, iso friendship poss rel, lv a out with, good friendship maybe more, new Side 23 6' 185, brn/brn built, iso leather or message - m20089 me - m17312 to me so lv a message - 418735 military man 25-35 to take care of me- Milwaukee PULL MY RIBBON, 33, WM m16375 Milwaukee GM 19, Y/O iso a Milwaukee FEMININE MALE CD int in fem Fond du Lac WANT TO TALK? Scott, 23, man 18- 5'10, 165, hzl, very int package, top, - give 24, int are sports, dancing, singing, having me a call- 413570 male cd or a masc male willing to deal w/ a 6'2, 170, bind/blu, looking for someone to Madison DADDY'S BOY: James, 18, iso fern man & treat them like the lady they want fun iso tall dark skinned, brn eyed guy, med talk to - give me a call- 419370 older men in the leather scene, 5'10, Madison OUTDOOR SPORTS, JEFF 2 be if ur passionate romant caring, sens, int bid, understanding loving, like to spend time dkbrn/brn looking for a leather daddy, vers, GWM 26: 5'2 125 brn/blu new to area, in politics sports, movies, theatre-dining out, Kenosha FUN AT OUR HOUSE: BIWM with me m17324 looking to get together with some people and looking to meet another GWM who quiet times @ home- m20249 40 and BIWM 21 seek other BI or GM 18- x15805 Milwaukee FEM CD: BIWM fem CD Ikg for enjoys outdoors and sports- m27707 21 for fun, like heavy metal concerts, not Milwaukee HEALTH CARE PROF'L: Jim, passionate, romantic,affectionate man, who really into bars social drinking in our home Madison LOOKING FOR DADDY: Neenah VERSATILE TOP, TOM: vers btm out for about a year finally realized how will treat me like my fem self must be able to m17890 Jenon, iso some daddies and masters WM 42 'kg for a vers top, race not impt, boring and sleazy the bars are- Ikg for a make me feel like the lady I am-interests looking to get into the leather scene 5'10 sports and other int- m13505 long term rel, Ikg for someone Kenosha GWM HISPANIC 24, new to politics, sports, concerts, plays, music, 22-35 mod short dk, brn eyes, smooth- iso some people gdlkg, hairy chest, 24, 6' area, discreet iso 28-30 WM vers in shape theatre, dining at home 417398 good shape, work want to get into it- 415805 in health care field- m20350 for great times- 418047 Madison NEW TO AREA: Jeff GWM 26 Milwaukee COLLEGE Kenosha NEW TO AREA: GWM hisp 24 STUDENT: Tom, 5'8 5'2 125 It brn/blu just moved to area iso brn/brn toll student, brn/brn 18, 170, new to area passive, discreet iso 20-30 WM GWM 21-32 enjoy working out, sports, and broad shoulders musc, vers in shpe for grt times, waiting for your iso other impulsive a var of other activities, Iv me the best time friendly coil call m18345 students 18-22 only, like to to call ya- 416554 drive around, shop, tour the city, walks, or Marinette RAP AND ROCK: 43 bi WM Madison ATHLETIC GUY: Eric, int include, intell conversations, no smokers- m20392 like rap and rock, like to work on cars, athletics, running, wrestling, swimming, 20, Racine JUST MOVED IN: Paul, GWM 42, larger house live by myself, looking for 135, 5'6, iso a very sincere honest person mustache, hairy someone to relocate here, give me a call- brn/brn tp iso a btm, pref for friendship poss rel- m16987 natural bind or redhead give me a call- let's try it out- no strings, looking for recently moved here-like to settle down with someone sincere, tired of being alone- Madison INTO 70'S MUSIC: Dave, 32, someone m20472 419633 blnd/grn 180, iso someone likes outdoors 70s music, just want to have a good time get Milwaukee LOOKING Milwaukee OLDER MEN: East side inexp FOR DADDY to know someone 417392 BEAR: GWM 23, stocky, 6' 196 active WM like to get with older 50+ discreet lv a gdlk, iso wild times with bearded, must hairy message and I'll get back to you m17703 Menominee OUTDOORS GUY: Kevin, men, into everything Ikg for new like to play softball football sports outdoors exp, esp Milwaukee DRESS ME UP: Baby Jessica, type of guy, looking for a strong dependable daddy types- m18755 looking for daddy or nurse passable GWM man to be by my side- 416459 Madison LIKE BIKER PANTS? Lou, 27, TV 0 6' 180 blu/bind, dress me up for hot brn/blu 140 Ikg to have a good time, rel fantasy action- 418145 Milwaukee CUDDLE AND WATCH TV, ROBERT: waiting 4 that special someone 2 minded, lv a message- tennis, biker pants, Milwaukee BIG AND WILLING: Eddie, running, enter my life-I can hve it all , a loving man movies, dancing and cooking- 6'3, brn/grn 300+ passive, willing to do 420152 28-45 2 be there 4 me 31 61 brn/hazl 190 anything with the right person 7210032 theatre, country, work out, many other Milwaukee UNIVERSITY OF Milwaukee NEW TO SCENE: Bob, looking things, just spend a quiet eve- 413343 WISCONSIN MADISON: student at to get together, new to scene, iso anyone UWM, 20, iso other guys in the Milwaukee SEXY BI WM 19, into area under that can help 6'2 170 nice body, pis give spandex and swim suits, iso any cute 30, looking for people to hang out with and me a call- 418278 have fun with- 420750 sensitive athletic young studs that like to Milwaukee VERSATILE SEEKS SAME: wear them for me- 415572 Milwaukee NEW TO SCENE: 28, slender Jeff, 23, brn/blu, love outdoors, iso WM Western suburbs like to Milwaukee HOT, BIG, MEN: Tamer meet someone someone that is vers,I'm vers give me a call- TO RESPOND TO THESE ADS AND 1,000's MORE CALL: GWM 230 brn/blu iso other GWM over else new to this- m20633 6'1 165, nice body, m19097 200 for hot good times- m13159 • Milwaukee WET AND WILD: gdlkg in Milwaukee RETIREE: looking for intim rel, shape guy looking for mutual wet and wild Milwaukee SEXY STUDS: Carney, 5'11 red hair, 190 need some french attention- 1-900-370-1626 160 brn/bind looking for a sexy stud times- be under 30- 420670 418865 18-25 TOUCH-TONE REQUIRED. 18+. MANFINDER 415-281-3183. STILL ONLY $1.99/M1N. who can satisfy a romance - 416218 Look for HOW TO JOIN US...TOLL-FREE HOW TO MEET THEM Wisconsin • To record your personal ad CALL: 1-800-546-MENN(6366). • To respond to ads CALL: 1-900-370-1626 and at the main menu: Light • Follow the easy voice instructions to record your personal ad. Press 3 to respond to ads you like. Press 2 to browse the latest ads sorted by area code. • Write down your new voice mailbox number. Personals in Press * to pick-up new messages left in your mailbox. • We'll every issue print your recorded message like the ones shown above. • Comments or Questions call 1-415-281-3183, 24hrs. January 5, 1995--January 18, 1995--WISCONSIN LIGHT-15 Gays Demand Repeal of Laws Imprisoning Them and who is living with another man who is society organized upon the principle of indi- trying to become a Lesbian (?). vidual human dignity may inform the move- New Delhi, India-AP- Gay activists are demanding that India repeal a law making Gay sex As our route took us through an inner-city ment as it moves into the future. punishable by 10 years in jail, often under the most rigorous conditions. The law is a holdover neighborhood, the racial slurs mingled with In order to begin, one need not be a "leader" from the British colonial period. Observers generally agree that chances for repeal are slim in a the anti-Semitism and homophobia. with a "following" (an objectionable holdover Parliament dominated by religious conservatives. Ashok Row Kawi, an Indian Gay activist, All Bigotry is of One Piece from the American Dream Value System with said that current estimates are that there are some 80 million Gay people in India, making them Cameron is a living monument to the con- its insidious emphasis on power differentials); about one-tenth of the population. However, few are out, he said, because of fear of stigma and nection, networking and inclusiveness of big- one merely needs to be free and act; one per- imprisonment. otry. He is not alone. His phony statistics, his son acting alone is sufficient--at home, at Gay activists in India say that many Gay men in India marry women, using them as a cover to surveys, all the stuff of his new science is be- work, at school, at play. hide their orientation. lieved by too many Americans. It is a cliché, Back to basics means beginning anew with perhaps, to compare Cameron's so-called the self and reflecting upon those values which First Gay Marriage in Sweden "scientific" work to the Nazi "science" of ra- are important to realize the "prize." Stockholm, Sweden-AP- Hans Jonsson and Sven-Olov Jansson exchanged wedding vows on cial purity,but how can one not see the paral- In the last analysis, one must begin alone, January 1, becoming the first Swedish Gay couple to marry under the new law allowing same- lels? after which one cooperatively engages others Den- --at spreading sex marriages. Sweden is the third country to permit same-sex marriage. The others are Paul Cameron it an expert by means of education and communication. mark and Norway. Swedish same-sex marriages have all the rights and obligations of straight hatred, fear and loathing of Gays. He--and For those who are formal educators, this phi- marriages except they cannot adopt children or have a wedding in a church. those who take his charlatanism seriously--are losophy can be brought into the classroom marriage. They are also the enemies of On Oct.1, 1989, Denmark became the first country in the world to allow same-sex our enemies. where students can be challenged; for those in Gay America and the American family they hold so Since then, 2,810 Danish men and women have been married. Norway allowed its first other walks of life, one is only limited by the dear. marriages in 1993. imagination. A final case in point. No, the movement is not dead; it will simply During the TV show's audience participation change strategy and tactics becoming, as it Montreal Gays Fight Against Violence period, Cameron was asked a question. "What were, more subversive in the process. While would you do if your son came to you and "mainstream" activist organizations are impor- Gay.'?" [Montreal]- A wave of anti-Gay murders in Montreal, the largest city in Quebec, has said, 'Dad, I'm tant, they have compromised themselves in or- Without hesitation, Cameron answered, "I'd brought government attention to violence and discrimination against Gays. der to remain financially viable and are there- leave." According to reports in the Washington Blade, police in February announced they were ask him to fore less useful as the avant garde as they are by son?" investigating six unsolved murders in which Gay men were killed in their homes "Your own the potential bridges between the movement to become a homo- someone they may have met in a Gay bar. Local activists dispute the figure. They say that "Certainly. If he decided and the American Dream Value System. since 1989, 13 Gay men have been murdered by someone they met in a Gay bar. sexual, he would no longer be my son." Individuals, not organizations, must return Cameron is a man beyond the bounda- Prompted by the anti-Gay violence, the Quebec Human Rights Commission announced Paul to the grass roots and once again become the decency, compassion and certainly any in June that it would hold public hearings on anti-Gay violence and discrimination ries of bedrock upon which the road of the movement family values. Personally, I don't believe that, throughout the province. The commission also said it would start Gay sensitivity training will be built. even in a hundred years, Cameron would ever, for police officers and would examine Quebec state laws to detect any that discriminate Action informed by the principles of integ- or could ever, atone for what he has done and against Gays. rity, dignity and solidarity should supplant the continues to do. rhetoric of manipulation and false consensus. CAMERON succeed overnight, but neither did ELECTION We will not Continued from Page 4 the forces of Peace and Justice in Eastern Continued from Page 10 Europe. In the end, we cannot help but be must "keep hope going to the TV station, in the green room the original goals of the movement. What, in victorious, but to do so we CLASSIFIEDS waiting for the show to start, going to the air- particular, was its historical genesis and alive. " port the next day--I realized that Paul Cameron "mission"? was the epitome of evil. To find out, the movement must democratize Communists and Gays are Jews itself, return to the basics and search out the He said things to me such as: "The majority motivating factors which have inspired so of Communists, you know, were Jews. The many people for so long toward the same goal. homosexuals, you know, are majority of urban And one place to begin this process is to ac- in a few weeks FIREPLACE MANTLE 95 x 66, very ornate, Jews; I'm going to testify knowledge the importance of individuals hand-carved Birdseye maple with beveled oval mir- against a father who decided to become Gay working alone or in concert for a better future ror above and tile and copper insert below in which the human dignity of every individual (optional). is recognized, emotionally felt and acted upon. 1920's Jacobien walnut dining table with four leafs Contingent upon this recognition is the belief and six floral pattern high-back chairs. in the equitable distribution of wealth and re- TALK LIVE!!!! sources and a concurrent rejection of unbridled OAK CHINA CABINET curbed glass side panels, consumerism and the concentration of power; curved glass front door, carved feet, lion heads Milwaukee's Only Live, one on one, Chat Line above with beveled mirror. (414) 338-3684 eves. Always Live--24 hours a day in short, a rejection of much of the foundations Adults only; 18+ only of American Civilization as currently con- No credit card needed. structed and the negation of the "Dream Sys- Check, VISA, Mastercard, American Express tem" itself. 768-7522 Business Opportunity (414) Peace and justice are subversive precisely because they ask their adherents to reject the Western consumer and market oriented con- Get your own 900# Dateline Service Gifts\Mail Order Free sensus that informs the political, social, eco- (414) 259-1344 Leave message nomic and spiritual developmental conventions Free '95 CATALOG! Hide 'N Chic features fabu- of our society. lous values in pride jewelry creations from Spec- We are free, Darwin would tell us; free to trum Artwear and fun leather goodies from Leath- escape, engage, construct or reject. Liberated Dates erSmith. Confidentially mailed. (800) 724-6765. from fate, we may create our own reality into H&C, Box 218, Daly City, CA 94016 which we give meaning and reject the ideo- Lonely In Wisconsin? logically driven and politically manufactured Find love, romance and friendship. $1.98 per min. messages of the social and biological determi- 18+, 24 hrs, 1-900-484-9434, Ext. 12, touchtone nists who offer phone only. Loveline Date Service. Housing/Rent no way out save through the vehicle of their self-serving convention of the American Dream Value System. Milwaukee- 3 bedroom upper, Riverwest area. Because we are able to create our own social Model/Entertainer Appliances and carpeting. $415. Security deposit conventions, and values, we must. and references. (414) 264-0628 a It is simply a question of "how" in an envi- ronment in which the odds do not appear to be Organizations on our side. We need look no further than the messages of Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King Jr., Volunteers & Ideas Needed Hurricane and the grass roots activists of a generation Productions Womyn's Music & Culture, P.O. ago. In each case, the tactics are less important Box 71268, Milwaukee, WI 53211. than the strategy of self-liberation through per- parallel GALANO CLUB. A social club serving the sonal resistance and the building of recovering Gay and Lesbian community. societies with their alternative value systems Regularly scheduled AA, NA, Al-Anon, ACOA within the body of the primary culture. and other 12-step meetings. Open nightly. 2408 Personal re-education, self-liberation, soli- 1•900•370•1626 28i 8: 1 83 MUST BE 18+ Si 99, t.111N N. Farwell Avenue, (414) 276- 6936. darity, resistance, inclusion and a vision of a MANFINDER C 415 Travel

Escape the Cold Vacation where you're guaranteed of warm, sunny WISCONSIN weather. Discover our beautiful beachfront resort ALEX designed for Gays and Lesbians. A first class act in Availailable For Private Shows St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Accepting Winter reservations now. 1-800-524-2018 Phone Personals Escape The Cold If you only date body models, we Disapppointed with Winters in Florida? Travel the extra •1,000 miles to guaranteed sunshine in beauti- may not be your best bet. We ful St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Discover our Gay/Lesbian paradise on the beach. Call for free don't do fantasy. We do offer CLASSIFIEDS brochure. 1-800-524-2018. hundredsof `talking CLASSIFIED ORDERS: Completely fill out this form and mail to WISCONSIN LIGHT, 1843 N. Palmer, Milwaukee, WI 53212. personals°from REAL RATES ARE $2 for each line. Each !ino can contain up to 42 characters,. (including spaces). Indicate if you would like a BOLD HEADLINE of up to three words above your ad for an additional $2.50. Also guys of all ages, races, indicate classification under which your ad is to be run. physical types and DEADLINE for placing a classified ad in WISCONSIN LIGHT is noon Wednesday prior to publication. If you mail your ad we must receive it on or before Wednesday. NO CREDIT or BILLING preferences.If you're SERVICES are offered, and we DO NOT accept any classifieds on the phone for placements or renewals. realistic about NAME ADDRESS PHONE meeting men, CITY STATE ZIP CODE len give PLEASE CHECK THE ISSUE[S] IN WHICH YOU WOULD LIKE YOUR AD TO APPEAR. as a call! 1.900E4543325 51.35/min Mar. 30 Must be 18; Touch-tone Required; PEI, P.O. Box 19149, Wash., DC 20036 Jan. 19; _ Feb. 2; Feb. 16; Mar. 2; Mar. 16; January 5, 1995--January 18, 1995--WISCONSIN LIGHT--16 Gay Male Couple Wins the Right to Adopt ANNOUNCEMENTS Boy After a Long Custody Battle Dairyland Cowboys and Cowgirls Celebrate First (Seattle)- A Gay couple who spent four awarded custody of that daughter, 2, and a years in training and counseling to become second girl who was born July 12. A court ap- Anniversary foster and then adoptive parents now are put- pointed evaluator said the mother had at- (Madison)- Dairyland Cowboys and Cowgirls will be returning to Apple Island on Saturday, ting their preparations into practice. tempted suicide with a drug overdose in April. January 14, 1995 from 8:00 to 11:00 p.m. to celebrate its First Anniversary. Festivities will A King County Superior Court commis- In September, a five judge panel of the state include dancing circles, squares, lines and contras. Martha Tyner will be calling with Myrtle sioner signed an adoption decree on December Supreme Court refused to hear her appeal of Wilmite and Friends providing live music. The event is being coordinated by Partymeister 23, 1994, allowing Ross and Luis Lopton to the rejection of the adoption petition for Glenn Mitroff. become the parents of a 4-year-old boy, Gailen. In addition to fine fellowship and great dancing to great music, a birthday cake and special Gailen, the subject of a controversial attempt Lucas discussed the issue on national televi- surprises are on the schedule for his historic event. by his mother to rescind her decision to give sion and radio talk shows, but the Loptons re- Apple Island is located at 853 E. Washington Avenue in Madison. $4 at the door. For more him up for adoption as reported early in Light mained silent until the P-I interview. info, call Steve at (608) 251-6723 or Gary at (608) 255-1523. "I'm living here forever," the boy said in a The Loptons, who work as bankers, spent family interview with the Seattle Post- four years in training and counseling to be- Gay/Lesbian Educational Employees of Metro Intelligencer just before Christmas. come foster and then adoptive parents. They A few days earlier, he told the Loptons he'd also have had to help Gailen cope with atten- Milwaukee have to leave soon because he didn't believe he tion deficit disorder, a common behavior (Milwaukee)- The Gay/Lesbian Educational Employees of Metropolitan Milwaukee could spend more than one Christmas with the problem among foster children, who often be- (GLEEMM) will be meeting on Sunday, January 15 at 2:00 p.m. All Gay, Lesbian and Bisex- same family, after living with several foster come unfocused and disruptive. ual educators from the metropolitan Milwaukee area are invited to attend. The meeting will families. "The first they told us in our support group have both social and informational issues discussed. For more information, call Larry at (414) He calls Ross, 35, "Daddy" and Luis, 31, was, 'Don't touch him with a 10-foot pole. 384-9695. Bring your own beverage. Food will be ordered for those who wish to contribute. "Papa." He's got too many problems, — Ross Lopton One factor cited by state officials in the ap- said. The United to Hold Training Session proving of the adoption was racial and ethnic Now, Luis Lopton said, "his frustration (Madison)- The United, Madison's LGBT agency for social change, will be holding a train- compatibility. level is less, he's better able to communicate." ing session, the second, for anyone interested in volunteering on the Speaker's Bureau. This Luis Lopton is of Puerto Rican ancestry, as The Loptons are among the founders of a training session will be on Thursday, January 19 at The United. One of these training sessions the boy's father--never publicly identified--is 150-member Gay and Lesbian family adoption is required for anyone currently on the Speaker's Bureau and anyone who may be interested in believed to be. Ross Lopton, adopted at birth, support group run by the Children's Home doing speaking engagenients as a representative of The United. For more information, stop by is of Scandinavian ancestry, as is Megan Lu- Society of Washington. They advocate adop- The United (14 W. Mifflin) or give a call at (608) 255-8582. cas. tion by any person or couple who can help The family name is a combination of the children without families. GALVAnize to Hold Organizational Meeting men's original names, Luis Lopez and Ross "On any given month in Washington State, (Madison)- GALVAnize, the Gay and Lesbian Visibility Alliance, will hold an organizational Stockton. there are between 500 and 800 special needs meeting on Thursday, January 19, 1995. The purpose of the meeting will be to plan and organ- The state Division of Children and Family children waiting to be placed in adoption in ize the 1995 Pride March to be held Sunday, July 16 in Madison. The meeting will be held in Services placed Gailen with the Loptons in permanent homes," said Rebecca Perbix, of Madison at the Wisconsin Community Fund Office, 122 State Street, Suite 508. Anyone inter- September, 1993, a year after his mother re- the Children's Home Society. ested in attending, please call (608) 256-4289 (Ben) or (608) 244-9458 (Maria). There are still linquished her parental rights. "I think Washington is unique in being open T-shirts available (M-XXL) as well. When the boy's mother, Megan Lucas, about placing children in Gay and Lesbian learned a Gay couple wanted to adopt her son, homes." Action Wisconsin Meetings she tried to get him back. No agency keeps statistics on how many (Milwaukee)- The Action Wisconsin General Assembly will be held on January 21, 1995 Backed by the Rutherford Institute, a Right same-sex couples have adopted children, she from 1.00 to 4:00 p.m. in the State Capitol in Madison in the North Hearing Room. Wing Fundamentalist Christian group, she said. Action Wisconsin's Region 2 meeting will take place on February 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the tried to rescind her decision to give up her pa- Six states have outlawed adoptions by same- Milwaukee Enterprise Building. For information, call Pat Prudlow at (414) 672-8960 or Laurie rental rights, but a Whatcom County Superior sex couples, but most allow them, mainly Guilbault at (414) 645-0177. Court Judge rejected that move because she where state laws don't discriminate against any had acted too late--one day past the one-year class of prospective parents. Chicago's Eighth Annual Hearts Party deadline. One reason the Loptons were eager to get (Chicago)- In a move sure to please legions of dancers, the 1995 Hearts Party fundraiser will Then she and her husband, Wadp Lucas, not the adoption approved this past year was a fear be held at the Congress Theater in the Bucktown district. The dance `till dawn party is sched- the boy's father, tried to adopt him. State of- that the law would change. uled for February 11, 1995. This year, the proceeds will go to Test Positive Aware Network-- ficials opposed that effort too, citing her his- Religious Right backers of two anti-Gay the Midwest's largest provider of information to persons impacted by HIV/AIDS. Tickets can tory of drug and alcohol abuse and a criminal statewide initiatives that failed to make the be purchased through Ticketmaster at (312) 559-1212. For more info, call the Hearts Party record dating from age 11. ballot in 1994 are expected to try again. These hotline at (312) 404-3784. Wade Lucas later obtained a legal separation initiatives provide for discrimination against and filed for divorce in San Juan County Su- Gay and Lesbian people and one of them perior Court, saying his wife threatened to kill would forbid Gay men or Lesbians from be- him, their daughter and herself. He was coming adoptive or foster parents. National LesBiGay Leaders are Failing to Third Gay Man Found Dead in Mississippi; Deal With Political Reality Situation called "Out of Control" Commentary by Gary D. Bastian years, many Gay leaders have made a career November's Republican tidal wave presents of Republican-bashing. This habit must be community with the challenge of the dec- (Washington, D.C.)- The body of a third this situation has not yet been discovered and our broken. Gay Americans are at a crossroads. We on Gay Gay man was discovered Sunday, December fear that, without federal intervention, the ade. The Republicans must be educated decide to build bridges to the Republican It's 11, in Mississippi, just two months after the pattern of violence and killing will continue." can issues and the needs of Gay Americans. or we can continue the 14-year history brutal killings of Robert Walters and Joseph In his letter to NGLTF, Patrick indicated Party going to be hard work, but we have to do it. bridges. Shoemake in Laurel. The Body of Stanley that the DOJ had contacted the FBI and the of burning the Yes, Republicans have bigots like Jesse Helms for Gay leaders to put away the King was discovered near a vacant house in U.S. Attorney's Office for the Southern Dis- It is time (don't Democrats have Sam Nunn?). But there organizations should stop crying Indianola, approximately 100 miles north of trict of Mississippi. matches. Gay are also pro-Gay Republicans like Massachu- Laurel. Within hours of the discovery, the about the election results and deal with today's setts Governor Bill Weld and Minnesota Gov- Patrick also acknowledged an NGLTF re- Sunflower County Sheriff's Department had political facts of life. ernor Arne Carlson. We must work to increase quest for a DOJ task force to investigate the Terrell Wilson, 17, on charges It is troubling that the Human Rights Cam- both the number and the influence of moderate arrested Remus rise in hate crimes across the country. of armed robbery and murder. paign Fund (HRCF) and the National Gay and Republicans. Lesbian and Gay activists working in Mis- of the case are strikingly Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) seem to be Gay leaders are worried about the next two The circumstances sissippi, have said that they have been con- similar to those of the Walters and Shoemake having a hard time accepting the fact that there years with a Republican congress. For the last tacted by local FBI agents and, as a result, murders: the victim was Gay, Wilson, an Af- is a new political era of Republican domi- two years the Democrats had control of Con- have been granted Biloxi police protection at nance. The Democratic Party accepts the fact gress and the White House rican America youth, has confessed to the the Gay Community Center. They had previ- --and what did we crime and has used the explanation that the that the Republicans made tremendous gains get? • ously reported receiving death threats and har- victim tried to rape him as justification for the across the country, the press accepts that fact, A Gays in the military policy of "don't ask, assment due to their continued monitoring of murder. the American people accept that fact. Every- don't tell"--wow!, thanks a lot Democrats. If the double murder case in Jones County. In a letter sent on December 21, 1994, to one can read the election results but HRCF you read the GOP's "Contract with America", On Tuesday, December 20, Jones County Attorney General Janet Reno, National Gay and NGLTF. it does not contain a single word of anti-Gay Circuit Judge Billy Landrum heard arguments and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) Executive Gay leaders can scream and yell, hoot and rhetoric. As a matter of face, 98% of it deals in a pre-trial hearing of the case of Marvin Director Melinda Paras updated the Depart- holler and hold their breath until they turn with economic matters such as the balanced McClendon, the 16-year-old arrested for the ment of Justice on the latest killing and reiter- blue. But it will not change the results of the budget amendment, line item veto and welfare double murders of Walters and Shoemake. ated NGLTF's ongoing request for a separate election. The fact is that the Democrats got reform. The county DA argued that the sexual orien- Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation. their butts kicked by the American electorate. And the terms "right wing" and tation of the victims and the results of the post- "From our point of view," said Paras, In Congress, Republicans took control of the "conservative" are not dirty words. Not all mortem HIV tests should not be admitted as "there is more going on in Mississippi than U.S. Senate, where they won over a half Gay Americans are liberal Democrats, many evidence in the January 30 murder trail. meets the eye." dozen Democratic seats while no incumbent hold views on certain issues that might be Landrum shocked activists in November Paras said that she is "greatly distressed" by Republican lost. viewed as conservative. A survey by the Ad- when he agreed to a motion by the defense at- the developing pattern of deaths in Mississippi Republicans took control of the House after vocate found that 34% of Gay voters are torney to conduct HIV tests on frozen blood of not and finds it "difficult to believe that this is 42 years, by defeating dozens and dozens of Democrats, but are Republicans and Independ- the victims and to consider the use of those re- merely a coincidence." incumbent Democrats while no Republican ents. Gay leaders should sults in court. stop making a In a November 20, 1994, response to previ- lost. "boogie man" out of people who don't pass In the December 20 pre-trial hearing, Lan- ous NGLTF requests for DOJ intervention in This month, January, 30 states with 73% of their own "politically correct" liberal litmus drum said he would admit information on the Mississippi, as reported in Light, Assistant the nation's population have inaugurated Re- test. sexual orientation of the two victims in court, Attorney General Deval Patrick wrote that publican governors. And it's time for Gay leaders to address but postponed his decision on the admission of ho- while the DOJ continued to monitor develop- Tim McFeeley of HRCF issued a statement mophobia in both political parties. the HIV testing results. Since 1980, ments related to the murders in Jones County, that talked about the importance of the victory every other phrase from Gay leaders has Activists fear that the defense attorney may been that federal intervention was not possible on of Senator Chuck Robb in Virginia. While I "Republican Jesse Helms this or use a Gay panic defense and posthumous HIV Republican the basis of sexual orientation. too, was glad to see Robb beat Oliver North, Jesse Helms that." It's time testing as an attempt to play on the fears of to confront non- "As you know," he wrote, "there are no that race was the exception, not the rule. supportive Senate Democrats like potentially homophobic and AIDS-phobic ju- Kentucky's federal laws providing criminal civil rights Bragging about winning in Virginia is like Wendell Ford or Nebraska's Jim rors. In what may be an attempt to pit the Exon--each protections on the basis of sexual orientation, bragging that you saved the flower arrange- has a record on Gay issues that's as people of color communities against the Gay bad as thus we would not be able to respond on that ments from the Titanic. many Republicans. and Lesbian community, the defense attorney basis. However, in the event the investigation A prime example of Gay leaders ignoring And yes, we all know that GOP has also verbally attacked Gay and Lesbian Congress- indicates that existing federal laws have been the real world can be found in a statement by man Bob Dornan from California has a zero activists who have been critical of the Missis- violated, we will take appropriate action." Peri Jude Radeic of NGLTF. She said that as a rating on Gay issues as do many sippi legal system. Republicans. In her response on December 21, Paras said, result of the elections, Gay groups must forge But so do several Democratic Congressmen: "The defense attorney is exploiting the evils • "NGLTF encourages the DOJ to find other alliances with Blacks, women and Hispanics. Louisiana's Billy Tauzin, Mississippi's Mike of racism and the evils of homophobia in an grounds for federal intervention. What is im- TIME OUT! REALITY CHECK! Parker, New York's Michael McNulty and attempt to cloud justice in support of his cli- portant is that Gay men are dying and it is It wasn't an African American landslide or a Pennsylvania's Tim Holden to name a few. ent," said Beth Barrett, NGLTF spokesperson. time to go in." women's landslide or a Hispanic landslide--it Let's begin this new year by opening our "The Task Force wants justice for all parties "Violence against Gay men and Lesbians in was a Republican landslide. Deal with political ears. and continues to have no confidence in the le- Mississippi is an out of control problem that reality--the Republicans are a powerful force Editor's Note: The writer is president of gal system of Jones County." local officials seem unable to handle," Paras to be reckoned with. You can't close your eyes Republicans for Individual Freedoms in At- said. "We strongly believe that the truth of and wish the GOP would go away. For 14 lanta, Georgia.