Historic Serials Collection
Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Serials Collection / ,. .'., :.,::. : -; ;.iVf ;, v,<r. ,-',.'.; , Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Serials Collection January, 1902. Central Library of Rochester and Monroe County · Historic Serials Collection uiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: | STAND AT THE HEAD | In Acres of Land and Greenhouses. = painesvilfe In Storage Cellars and Packing a 5 Houses. = 5 S In Amount of Stock handled. ursenes i In Variety of Stock grown. s = Mi Ny El II1I1I1IIIII Ulllll III1IIIIIIIIII llllIIIII1III1III1 R Fruit and Ornamental Trees Nut Trees, Small Bruits Grape Vines, Roses, Shrubs Vines, Bulbs, Hardy It Climbing I Herbaceous and Greenhouse I Plants I ALL THE LEADING VARIETIES IN LARGE QUANTITIES ; GROWN RIGHT, HANDLED RIGHT Home grown two year Roses, superior to im On your visit to the Pan-American stop and ported. Largest and best stock in America. Special see one of the largest varieties of stock in one rates on large orders for fall delivery. establishment in the country. The finest blocks of Well grown blocks Upright and Weeping two year Standard and" Dwarf Pears ever grown. Deciduous and Evergreen trees, Elms, Teas' Mul Forty acres of field grown low-budded and own berry, Mountain Ash, Grafted Chestnuts, Flowering root Roses. Cherries and Crabs, Rose Acacia, Oaks, Poplars, etc. Orders for spring delivery stored in frost proof Holland, French and Japan Bulbs. Direct im cellars when desired. t portations from the leading growers. Our cellars and packing houses connected by In our greenhouses, an extra fine assortment of switch with main line L. S. & M. S. R. R. Nearly decorative plants, Palms, Araucarias, Rubbers, 250 cars of nursery stock handled on our siding Azalias.
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