Volume 3, issue 24 • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 aM Towne Plaza (Farwell C.4 Brady) Milwaukee 273-3999 0 99 Wishing All Of You 411:;*t'rkttr:w4N, Peace, Health, '644.14'wt. and the "Gonna' make those Blue..." Freedom Brown eye$ to Be ( or Aqua, or Green) You. Our 6incere Thanks TINTED For Your CONTACTS Loving &upport 67--X rri notship INTRODUCTORY $150. SPECIAL P PAIR Oon Gelman Ci &air Downtown Bockl Bldg. 2044 W. Wisconsin Ave. 344-8200 Page 78 • December 18, 1986- January 14; 1987 • 1nStep inStep • December 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 3 Among Friends )Resoorce Networks for Rural Wisconsin) .... E9340A South Ave., Reedsburg, 53959 AIDS Toll Free Hotline (outside Mitui -•Mon.•Fri. 9anr-9pni) 1800334--AIDS- InStep Cover Story OUT OF STATE • ;our to spot (enitalions. out our of state livings include only advertisers.) PUBLISHER & EDITOR Tom Rezza returns as our cover artist this Nail Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) (Goy Hotline) Gay Hoilinz-Reterral. 1-800-221-7044 Ron Geiman issue with an interpretation of "The Little Bijou Theatre All Mule Milk Him) 1349 N. Wells S. Chicago. (312) 943.5397 Drummer Boy". Tom asked to do some- Sidetracks (M. Vt 3349 N. Halsted. Chicago, (312) 477-9189 AIDE-de-"CAMP" thing appropriate for the holidays, that 1 ouche 1. 1..1 2825 1%1_ Lincoln. Chicago, (312) 929.3269 Joe Koch didn't have anything that would endorse any Bulldog Road Crazy Marys (Mw. 2914-16 Broadway. Chicago particular religion. When he walked into the Douglas Dunes Resort (Mu,. DJ. F) Blue Star Highway. Douglas. MI (616) 857.1401 COLUMNISTS office with this piece, the editor fell in love 1..A. Connec tion tM. V) 3700 N. Halsted. Chicago (312) 549.3701 with it. and wanted to hang it instead of Ken Kurtz featuring it on the cover. However. we Kevin Michael wrestled it away from him so you could W.W. Wells III enjoy it. Dee Dailey Tom, who does our regular "The GaySide- Ralph Navarro cartoon panel in every issue, is a partner in Terry Boughner his family-owned business called "Art- GAY SIDEa 1-zy Tnrr) RP77(1 works". If you need anything done in either CARTOONIST fine or commerc ial art. call them at 384,1385, Tom Rezza and someone in that talented family should k able to satisfy your artistic desires. WILL I ottT NO REST? TWO SPIRITS HAVE 41- PHOTOGRAPHY Rimy come I GONE. NOW Wtio Akt. you? Carl Ohly 'Note: Deadline for the Next Issue GRAFFITTI EDITOR Volume 4, Issue 1 Katie the January 15, 1987 Issue is 5pm. Wednesday, Jan. 7 1987 Ail 'ME SPIRIT WHO TYPESETTING TO CAWS" Alpha Composition THIS CURRENT ISSUE OF IN STEP COV- Y6Y ERS A PERIOD FROM DEC. 18th, 1986 AD REPRESENTATIVE THROUGH JANUARY 14, 1987. IT'S IN Geiman STEP'S ANNUAL VACATION AND PUB- Ron LISHING BREAK. (AND WE NEED ONE!) SECRETARY This is the lirst 80 page Issue of In Step ever Mary Maliborski published. Enjoy, and may all of you have a healthy and properous New Years! PRINTERS Newsweb, Inc. Inside this Issue TRANSPORTATION/DELIVERY Joe Koch Briefs Group Notes InStep Plaljat11Q x pablisheci biweekly. every other Thursday. Menhe, oiCream City easiness Associai la To Your Health 13 I Ilia National Gay Task Foxe. and associate of the Gay Flights Arts 15 Nattottal Lobby. 1986 InSten At rights reserved. The business other, n located at 634 North 27th Street. Milwaukee, WI Story Time 66 53208. The .00:trance by anyone in lids magsanw does not -IS tedect one's own sown: orientation whatsoever loSzep Our Story esso ven 111-.10Li.e.3.13t41tall...1111s which are nmskten $$$ 6.1 of the goy 4,141 10A,L3.11C. I" I' entiltww. Steppin' Out 23 All departments can be reached al 414 931-8335 between the hours of Noon-and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Calendar 26 Mail .rd.-, suisteriptants are avail/A.1e tor 515 (or 13 issues (6 Juicy' Bits In nmitiltst or 525 f. IT NSL1eb 112 months P. Mao check or money ordet o Subscoption Department. InStep. 624 North 27th Jock Shorts 52 Stunt. Mthainkr.v. WI 532% AU mail order subscnprions are Dance Steps. 60 Unsolicited materials air accepted (or consideration, however Classies 69 stall rrsb niorn ?box, that have return Tx.tarsq• wr 72 not t.....onn.14, In, loss or damage ett- maven, k The Guide 73 The Gay Side Cartoon 78 Page 4 • December 18, 1986- January 1 , 1987 • InStep InStep • Dei embaT 18, 1986- January 14, 1987 • Page 77 ORGAN IZATIONS Alcohalics Anonymous (Request "Guy" Meetings) 272-3081 BRIEFSV Beer -own Badgers (L L Stia! Motorcycle Club) P 0 Box 166, 53201 Black & White Men Together P.O. Box 12292. 53212, 265-8500 Tenants will pay rent on an ability-to-pay Castaways M.C. (Cede Club) P.O. Box 15152, 53215 AIDS Project basis. Crean] City Foundation (CO') P.O. Box 204, 53201-0204 Crean] City Business Association (CCBA) P.O. Box 92614, 53202, 372-2773 Announces Housing Said Haupert. "the mast rosy scenario Galano Club (Alcohol Free "Recovery Club") 1428 N. Farwell Ave., 276-6936 would be an empty house. since that would Initiative At City Hall Fest City Singers (Guy Choral Group) P.O. Box 11428, 53211, 277-0434 mean that all of our clients are comfortable GAMMA (Sports Social) P.O. Box 1900, 53201-1900, News Conference with their own home and family situations. Gay Community At UWM Student Union, Room E-364, 963-6555 Uniortunately, we know from exper.ence Gay Hot line (Referral, Events Tape) 562-7010 The Milwaukee AIDS Project, through its that that will not always be the case." • Gay Peoples Union P.O, Box 208, 53201. 562-7010 parent corporation the AIDS Resource Cen- Gay Youth (Regular Peer Group Meetings) P.O. Box 09441, 53209, 265-8500 ter of Wisconsin. Inc.. has announced the Girth & Mirth Club (Chubbies Chasers) 2727 S. 68th St., 53219 establishment of a $125,000 fund to support Gay Man Murdered Grapevine (Woniens Group) 2211 E. Kenwooci, 964-6117 a permanent housing facility for Persons in Eau Claire Milwaukee Area Gay Fathers P.O. Box 08236, 53208, 871-2362 with AIDS in Wtsconsin. The announce, Parer is & Friends of Gays (Hales Corners) 529-3639 mein coincided with the presentation of a Eau Claire (Equal Times) - Dale Saturday Softball Beer League (SSBL) P.O. Box 92605, 53202 grant for $40,000 from the Wisconsin Hous- Edward Staupe. 28. was found slain in his Silver Star M.C. (Cycle Club) 266 E. Erie, 53202 ing and Economic Development Authority Eau Claire apartment on Nov. 13 in a murder that has eerie similarities to some of NORTH CENTRAL Foundation. The presentation and news Flambeau November 21 at the gay-related homicides in Minneapolis Forest Resort (MW) Lakeside Corsages, Re rt . Star Route, Winter,54896, (715) 332-5236 conference were held on Gay, Lesbiail Support Group x 247A, 1411 Ellis Ave., Ashland, 54806-3999 the Milwaukee City Hall. this year. Lambda House (Mu) Your RUL411Ci Beci & Breakikasi bin .. P.O. Box 20, Pence, 54553, (715) 561-3120 Catholic Archbishop Rembert Weakland His nude body was found on the floor of Rhinelander Rap Group P.O. Box 1396, Rhinelander 54501, and Dr. Karen Lamb, co-chairs of the Board his bedroom with his feet and hands tied. He Wilderness Way (W) (Campgr ound & Resort, yr. rd.) . P.O. Box 176, Wascoit, 54890, (715) 466-2635 of Trustees of the ARCW, accepted the had been dead several da.,ts after suffering a Mike's Rink Florist (FTD Teleflora) •ark Mall. 117 Division S1_, Park Falls 762-2333 award from Mr. Ed Jackamonis, WHEDAF blow to the back of the head. He died as a RACINE/KENOSHA • (414) Executive Director. Weakland and Lamb result of strangulation and suffocation, BARS described in general the fundraising effort according to an autopsy report. JoDees al) . • . 2139 Racine Si. (Hwy 32), Racine, 634-9804 which will support the Housing Initiative. Police in Eau Claire, said they believe the Club 94 a.1) 9001 120th Ave. (Hwy C). Kenosha, 694-1597 ARCW has inaugurated a special personal murder to be gay related because "sexually Gay Lest ion Union 01 Racine 625 College ave.-. 54303 appeal lo the community in the form of a oriented material and devices often asso- Marilyn 1-11,(1 ((.7ounseling) 632-4311 holiday season giving campaign which is ciated with homosexual activity were stretwi SHEBOYGAN • (414) hoped will result in sufficient individual and around the apartment." foundat ion donations to meet the remaining Close Er counter IMW. 0, F, 827 Pennsylvania. $85,000 in acquisition. improvements and Police defined to elaborate, but a source familiar with the inves:igation said that SOUTH CENTRAL first-year operating expenses. The appeal ORGANIZATIONS will be extended into 1987 if necessary, but it Staupe, who was sea-foot tail and husky ws kiund with a steel collar around his neck, the Among F riends (tick-rem es Networks) E 9340 A So. Ave , Reedsburc 53959 is anticipated that the funding will be BAGAL i otroo Area Cues and Lesbiarts1 P.O. Box 31, Bamboo. 53913 type used In S & M sex play. achieved without solicitations or special Beloit G ry Alliance P.O. Box 1794 Beloit College, Beloit 53511 fundraising events within the gay Police entered his seep:Id-floor wak'out "Suppor " I 1 Suppor t Su. ill! Group) P.O. Box 345 Janesville 53545 community. apartment after his family was notified by his WAUKESHA • (414) ARCW President Marc Haupert stated.
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