Delft University of Technology Civil Engineering Transport & Planning Optimization of modal shift and container (re-)positioning at Maersk Line Author: Erik Altena April, 2013 Colophon Study: Delft University of Technology Master Transport & Planning Faculty of Civil Engineering Subject: Optimization of modal shift and container (re-)positioning at Maersk Line Author: Erik Altena
[email protected] Supervisors: Thesis professor Prof. dr. R.A. Zuidwijk
[email protected] TU Delft Thesis supervisor: Dr. J.M. Vleugel
[email protected] TU Delft Extern 1 Drs. Ing. R.H.C. Klijnhout
[email protected] Maersk Line Extern 2 Dr. J.W. Konings
[email protected] TU Delft Graduation coordinator Ir. P.B.L. Wiggenraad
[email protected] TU Delft 2 Acknowledgment This report is the final result of the Master Transport & Planning at Delft University of Tech- nology. The study was done at Maersk Line Netherlands - department Inland Operations - in Rotterdam. The research direction of modal shift and container (re-)positioning is chosen in collaboration between the TU Delft, Maersk Line and myself. The aim of the research is contribute to the field of research and support Maersk Line with recommendations to improve their business processes. First of all my thanks go to the graduation committee. Prof. dr. R.A. Zuidwijk for taking the role as thesis professor and assistance with the mathematical modeling. Drs. Ing. R.H.C. Klijnhout as daily supervisor at Maersk Line with great help in every phase of the thesis project. Dr. J.M. Vleugel as daily supervisor at Delft University of Technology especially with his ac- curacy in reading texts, following the planning and as great motivator in the weekly meetings.