Oong Ression Al Record-House
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1414 OONG RESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. MARCH 2, have these O'Uards and checks. It sooms to me pretty hard to refuse Al\IENDl\IENT TO REVISED STATUTES. to pay this 'man a claim when he can make pro~f ?learly and satis Mr. SOUTHARD, from the Committee on the Revision of the Laws, factorily, not only to Congress, but to the Comm1sswn.er of Internal reported, as a substitute for House bills Nos. 1676 and 1678, a bill (H. Revenue. R. No. 244!:1) to supply an omission and to amend section 1480 of theRe The bill was reported to the Senate, ordered to be engrossed for a vised Statutes; which was read a first and second time, recommitted third reading, read the third time, and passed. to the committee, and ordered to be printed, not to be brought back WILLIAM S. ROBINSON. by a motion to reconsider. · Mr. INGALLS. When I was temporarily in the chair a short time TREATY BETWEEN THE UNITED STATES AND THE HAWAIIAl.~ ISLA..t.~S. since, on the motion of the Senator from Iowa [Mr. WRIGHT] the bill Mr. MORRISON, by unanimous consent, presented and a ked leave (S. No. 436) for the relief of \Villiaru S. Robinson, of Malden, Massa to have printed the views of the minority of the Ways and Means chusetts, was indefinitely postponed. It has recurred to my recollec-· Committee to :tccompany the bill (H. R. No. 212) to carry into effect tion since I took my seat that the Senator from Massachusetts [.Mr. the proposed treaty between the United States and the Hawaiian BouTWELL] spoke to me in regard to bill~ that w~ro upon the Ca~en Islands. dar with an adverse report and asked me if they did not go-over with out further suggestion. There is no doubt, from what he said, that There was no objection, and the order to print was made. he left the Chamber supposing the bill would not be called up ; and PRINTING AND ENGRAVING BUREAU OF THE TREASURY. in order to protect myself against the sdspicion of having been inat Mr. RANDALL, by unanimous consent: from t he Committee on Ap tentive or negligent in this matter I ask unanimous consent that the propriations, reported a bill (H. R. No. 2450) to provide for a defi vote by which the bill was indefinitely postponed may be reconsid ciency in the se:~;vice of the Printing and Engraving Bureau of the ered and that the bill go upon the Calendar. Treasury Department and for the issue of the silver coinage of the Mr. WRIGHT. I desire to make one remark in that connection. Unit,ed States in place of the fractional currency; which was read a. Of course it is impossible that I can remember what connection each first and second time. · · Senator may have with a bill. I remember now, my attention being 1\fr. RANDALL. I desire to have the bill read. directed to it, that upon the motion of the Senator from Massachu The bill wa-s -r:ead. setts, who is absent from the city, [Mr. DAWES,] this case was re The first section appropriates the sum of $163,000 to provide for en- stored to the Calendar. I think therefore it is but fair to him (a fa-ct rrraviug and printing and other expenses in making and issuing United that did not occur to me at the time I asked t.hat the adverse report §tates notes. be concurred in) that this order be set aside by unanimous consent The second section directs the Secretary of the TreiH!ury to issue and the case remain on the Calendar. silver coin of the United States of the denominat.ion of ten, twenty, The PR.ESIDENT p1·o tempo1·c. Is there objection to the reconsidera twenty-five, and fifty cents, standard value, in redemption of the full tion of the vote by which this bill was indefinitely postponed f The amount of fractional currency, whether-the same be now in the Treas Chair hears none. ury awaiting redemption or whenever it may be presented for re Mr. INGALLS. I ask that the bill go on the Calendar a~ it was be demption. fore that action was had. It provides further that the Secretary of the Trea;sury may, under ~he PRESIDENT p1'0 tempore. It takes its place on the Calendar the re~nlations of the Treasury Department, prO\'Hle for such re as it was before. demption and issue by the substit11tiou, at the rt'gnlar sublireasuries Mr. McCREERY. I move that the Senate adjourn. and public depositories of the United Sta.tes, uatil the w:hole amount The motion was agreed to; and (atfour o'clock and thirty-five min of fractional cturency outstanding shalt be redeemed. utes p.m.) the Senate a-djourned. Mr. RANDALL. I desire to state, under instructions from the committee, that I will call this bill up at the firt~t opportunity. I de sire further to state, under iustruction.:i fro m the committee, that the question of extendin~ the amount of legal-tendors for silver was not, in their judgment, wtthin the province of our committee, but they did HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. discuss the subject; and they also iustmcted me to say that they will permit an amendment to be offered, either from the Committee of THURSDAY, March 2, 1876. Ways and Means or from the Committee on Ba11king and CtuTency The House met at twelve o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. when this bill shall come up for consideration, to increase the I. L. TOWNSEND, D. D. amount of legal-tenders and silver coin. I ask unanimous consent The Journal of yesterday waa read and approved. that when t.he bill comes up for consideration it shall be considered in the House. CHESAPEAKE AND OillO CANAL. 1\fr. PAGE: I would like to nsk the gentleman to admit an amend The SPEAKER, by unanimous consent, laid before the House a ment to allow the issue of coin of twenty cents. letter from the Secretary of Wa!, transmitting, in compliance with the Mr. RANDALL. That is already in the bill. If the gentleman had provision~:~ of the river and harbor act of March 3, 1875, a report of listened to its reading he would have found it was there. At the sug Major W. E. Merrill on continuation and completion of the Chesa gestion of the Speaker, I move that the bill be recommitted to the peake and Ohio Canal; which was referred to the Committee on Committee on Appropriations, and when that motion is agreed to I Commerce, and ordered to be printed. will enter a motion t.o reconsider. I would further ask unanimous con sent that when the bill is ~ported back it shall be considered in the CLAIMS IN QUARTERMASTER ll'D COMMISSARY DEPARTME~"T'fS. House as in Committee of the Whole. The SPEAKER also, by unanimous consent, laid before the House The blll was recommitted to the Committee on Appropriations and a. letter from the Secretary of War, transmitting to the House, in re ordered to be printed. sponse t.o a resolution of the 14th February, a report of the Acting Mr. RANDALL ep.tered a motion to reconsider the vote by which Quartermaster-General on the ammmt of claims allowed and rejected the bill was recommitted. by the Quarterma.ster Department and Commissary Department un And then, no objection being made, it was ordered that when the bill der the act of July 4, 1864; which was referred to the Committee on was reported back from the Committee on Appropriations it should Military .Affairs, and ordered to be printed. · be considered in the House as in Committee of the Whole. C. C. HUTcmNSON. PE:s-SION CLAIMS IN fiSSISSIPPI. The SPEAKER also, by unanimous consent, laid before the House Mr. WELLS, of Mississippi, by unanimous consent, submitted the a letter from the Secretary of the Int.erior, transmitting, in response following resolution; which was read, considered, and agreed to : to a House resolution of the 21st ultimo, a report of the Commissioner Re8olved by tlte House of .Representativrs, That the Commissioner of P ensions be of Indian .Affairs in relation to the defalcation of C. C. Hutchinson, required to furnish information as to the number of applications of colored claim· ants filed in his office from the State of Mississippi, tho number allowed, the num· late United States agent for the Ottawa Indians; which was referred ber rejected, and the number unsettled and the cause of delay in aujudicn.ting all to the Committee on Indian .Affairs, and ordered to be printed. those unsett,led; if await,ing investigation, the steps taken to secure such investi gation, the number of agents employed for that purpose, and the number of claims ALLOTMENTS OF LANDS TO Th'DIANS. mvestigated by such agents. The SPEAKER also, by unanimous consent, laid before the House THOJ\IA.S CRAWFORD. a letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting a report from Mr. NEW, by unanimous consent, introduced a bill (H. R. No. 2451) the Commissioner of Indian .Affairs relative to allotments of lands restoring the name of Thomas Cr~wforcl, a soldier of the Mexicau to certain bands of Indians, and a draught of a bill providing for such war, to the pension-roll;- which was read a first and second time, re legislation as may be necessary to that end; which was referred to ferred to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, and ordered to be the Committee on Indian Affairs.