MIARO Program

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MIARO Program MIARO Program ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats Associate Cooperative Agreement No. 687-A-00-04-00090-00 YEAR 2005 Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT 2005 PROJECT SUMMARY Project Name: MIARO Project activity: Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats Cooperative Agreement No.: 687-A-00-04-00090-00 Project period: May 17, 2004 – September 30, 2008 Implementing Organization: Conservation International – Madagascar in partnership with WCS, WWF and ANGAP Reporting Period: January 1, 2005 – December 30, 2005 Page 2 Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT 2005 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ACRONYMS ___________________________________________________________ 4 I. Introduction_____________________________________________________________________ 6 II. Project Activities ________________________________________________________________ 7 1.Activities linked with Result Modules ______________________________________________ 7 Result Module 1: Ecological linkages established and maintained ___________________________ 7 Result Module 2: Management effectiveness for conservation areas improved ________________ 21 Result Module 3: National Park Network Activities Implemented__________________________ 26 Result Module 4: Sustainable Financing Mechanisms Mobilized and Operational ______________ 47 2. USAID Alliance activities_______________________________________________________ 56 III. Problems and constraints encountered _____________________________________________ 57 IV. Recommended solutions_________________________________________________________ 63 V. Discussions of objectives not achieved ______________________________________________ 68 VI. Lessons learned________________________________________________________________ 70 VII. Achievements Table___________________________________________________________ 72 VIII. Conclusions _________________________________________________________________ 78 IX. Appendices ___________________________________________________________________ 80 Durban Vision Group____________________________________________________________ 80 Forest Restoration ______________________________________________________________ 80 ANGAP Management Documents_________________________________________________ 80 STTA/TDY List________________________________________________________________ 80 Legal study ____________________________________________________________________ 80 Communication ________________________________________________________________ 80 Annual Inventory _______________________________________________________________ 80 STTA: Trip report (on CD) _______________________________________________________ 80 Page 3 Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT 2005 LIST OF ACRONYMS AFD Agence Française de Développement ANGAP Association Nationale pour la Gestion des Aires Protégées AMCR Andasibe-Mantadia Corridor Restoration ASR Analamazaotra Special Reserve BP/BPC Business Planning for Conservation CANFORET Cantonnement des Eaux & Forêts CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere CDC Comité de Développement Communal CDM Clean Development Mechanism CEG Collège d’Enseignement Général CELCO Cellule de Coordination PE3 CEP Commission Environnement – Pêche CI Conservation International CIREEF CIRconscription de l'Environnement et des Eaux et Forêts CMP Comité Multilocal de Planification CNRS COAP Code des Aires Protégées COBA Communauté de Base COSAP Comité d’Orientation et de Support des Aires Protégées CR Commune Rurale CSAT Chef de Service d’Appui Technique CVECOT Chef Vo let Ecotourisme DEAP Droit d’Entrée aux Aires Protégées DGA Directeur Général Adjoint DGEF Direction Général des Eaux et Forêts DIANA Diégo – Ambanja – Nosy be – Ambilobe DIR Direction Inter-Régionale (Regional Offices) DIREEF DIRection Régionale de l'Environnement et des Eaux et Forêts DOP Directeur des Opérations DP Directeur de Parc DPRH Direction pour la Protection des Ressources Halieutiques DRH Directeur des Ressources Humaines DVG/GVD Durban Vision Group DWCT Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust Env/RD Environment /Rural Development EP3 Madagascar's Environmental Program Phase 3 EPP Ecole Primaire Public FA Facilitating Agent FAGEC Fonds d'Appui à la Gestion de l'Environnement Communautaire FTM Foibe Tao-tsaritanin’I Madagasikara FUNBIO Brazilian Biodiversity Fund GDA Global Development Alliance GIS Geographic Information System GOM Government HIPC Heavily Indebted Poor Country IEEG Indice d’Efficacité de Gestion IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources KfW Kreditinstalt fÜr Wiederaufbau MAE Ministère des Affaires Etrangères MAEP Ministère de l’Agriculture, de l’Elevage et de la Pêche MBG Missouri Botanical Garden MFPAB Madagascar Foundation of Protected Area and Biodiversity MINENVEF Ministère de l’Environnement et des Eaux et Forêts MIST Management Information SysTem Page 4 Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT 2005 NGO Non-governmental organization NWPH Nature Wealth Power Health ONE Office National de l’Environnement PA Protected Area PDD Project Design Document PDS Président de la Délégation Spéciale PGC Plan de Gestion de la Conservation PNM Parcs Nationaux de Madagascar PGRM Programme de Gestion des Ressources Minìeres PLACAZ Plateforme du Corridor Ankeniheny Zahamena PNAM Parc National Analamazaotra Mantadia PNAM Parc National Andasibe Mantadia PRSP Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper PTA Plan de Travail Annuel PTT Plan de Travail Trimestriel RM Results Module SAC Administration Account Service SANREM Sustainable and Natural Resource Management SAPM Système des Aires Protégées de Madagascar SAGE Service d'Appui à la Gestion de l'Environnement SAS Service Appui Santé SAT Service Appui Technique SET Treasuring Service SO Strategic Objective STTA Short-term technical assistant TA Technical assistance TBD To be det ermined TDC Territoire de Développement et de Conservation TDY Temporary Duty TOR Terms of Reference TNC The Nature Conservancy UG Unité de Gestion USAID United States Agency for International Development VECOT Volet Ecotourisme WB The World Bank WCPA World Commission for Protected Areas WCS Wildlife Conservation Society ZPC/CPZ Conservation Priority Zone Page 5 Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT 2005 I. INTRODUCTION This report covers activities of the period from January 1 to December 30, 2005 for the USAID MIARO Program under the “Maintaining Biological Integrity of Critical Biodiversity Habitats”, Leader Award No. LAG-A-00-99-00046-00. The major theme of the MIARO Program, led by Conservation International, in partnership with World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Wildlife Conservation Society and the National Park Service (ANGAP), will be the support to the implementation of the “Durban Vision”. This report provides an update on the progress made. Two years after the Durban Statement, the implementation activities for the extension of Madagascar protected areas have continued in 2005 with the objective of establishing at least 1 000 000 ha. IUCN experts came over to provide judicious support this year and helped identify the types of appropriate governance for the new protected areas and classify them according to the IUCN categories within the framework of the establishment of the System of Protected Areas in Madagascar. The process of identification and priorisation of the sites to put in place has been conducted in different regional workshops under the leadership of the Durban Group. During those regional workshops, stakeholders were initiated to the System of Protected Areas in Madagascar and action plans were developed in the framework of the new protected areas establishment. 2005 has also been characterized by the establishment of a legal framework on the establishment of this System of Protected Areas, with specific orders for the newly created sites. The decree bearing on the creation of the System of Protected Areas in Madagascar, based on the COAP, has been approved by the Cabinet, and 1 049 524 ha of new protected areas are enjoying provisional protection by virtue of decrees. Moreover, from a more programmatic point of view, planning conservation activities have continued with the arrival of an expert in Madagascar to support the taxonomic group; this has lead to the development of an action plan relating to the conservation plan for the next two years. The consultation work with the region and district authorities and the representatives of communes has been undertaken to ensure the stakeholders' commitment in and better adhesion to the creation of the new protected areas. The exchange made between actors operating in the priority sites has largely contributed to the establishment of the 1 049 254 ha new protected areas. Several exchanges in the framework of forest restoration for the priority sites identified have been carried out through workshops and visits. On the ground, the carbon project for the Andasibe-Mantadia- Zahamena corridor has been one of the first restoration initiatives involving local capacities. Regarding support to protected area management proper, the efforts have focused on the review and reinforcement of the conservation management plan and the synthetic plans for the ANGAP network. These supports
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