Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Free

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Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Free FREE MUTANT ORIGIN: MICHELANGELO/RAPHAEL (TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES) PDF Prof Michael Teitelbaum,Random House | 128 pages | 07 Aug 2012 | Random House USA Inc | 9780449809945 | English | New York, United States Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Michelangelonicknamed Mike or Mikeyis a fictional superhero and one of the four main characters of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comics and all related media. He is usually Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) wearing an orange eye mask. His signature weapons are dual nunchakuthough he has also been portrayed using other weapons, such as a grappling hookmanriki-gusaritonfaand a three-section staff in some action figures. Michaelangelo is the most naturally skilled of his four brothers. But prefers having a good time than training. More fun-loving than his brothers, Michelangelo was given a much bigger role in the cartoon seriesdirected at a younger audience, than in the more serious original comic books [3] which were aimed at an older audience. He often coins most of their catchphrases, such as "Cowabunga! Like all of the brothers, he is named after a Renaissance artist; in this case, he is named after Michelangelo Buonarroti. The spelling of the character's name varies from source to source, and he has been alternately shown as both Michelangelo and Michaelangelo. In these original comic booksMichelangelo was initially depicted as fun-loving, carefree, and, while not as aggressive as Raphaelalways ready to fight. He is much more serious-natured in the comic book than in the film incarnations, which have labeled his character a Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) "dude" talking teenager. It was Michelangelo's one-shot in this series that fleshed out most of the traits that have become synonymous with the character, such as his playfulness, empathy, and easygoing nature. In the one-shot story, Michelangelo adopts a stray cat which he names Klunk and also stops thieves from stealing toys meant for orphaned children. While there, April is worried to note that Michelangelo is not himself. He spends his days in the barn taking out his aggression on a punching bag. A scene shows him lashing out at his surroundings and repeatedly punching the wall of the barn until it breaks, then collapsing on it despondently, anger spent. The end of the story implies that Michelangelo's sorrow and frustration have been resolved, as subsequent issues restore Michelangelo's more relaxed, optimistic personality. It is during the group's time at the farm we learn that Michelangelo also has an interest in comic books, specifically ones involving superheroes such as "The Justice Force" Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) book heroes based on The Justice League and The Fantastic Four. Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) the second volume, the Turtles decide to try to live apart from one another. Michelangelo, the social creature that he is, moves in with April and Casey so that he can be close to Shadow. Throughout the first two volumes, Michelangelo seemed to act as peacemaker of the team. These stories also laid the foundations which demonstrated his closeness with his older brother Donatello Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), their laid-back natures separating them from the more contentious Leonardo and Raphael. In Volume 4, Michelangelo gets a job as a tour guide showing alien visitors around Earth. His first and only tourist is the Regenta or "princess" Seri of the Styracodon race. Michelangelo convinces Seri to sneak away from her bodyguards so that he can take her on a tour of the northwest coast of the USA. Their relationship becomes more intimate apparently, when Seri delivers eggs that she claims are "their" children. Unfortunately, before much time is given for him to settle with this news Seri's bodyguards become aware of his machinations. They attack Michelangelo and transport him back to their home world, where he is placed in prison. With the help of a Triceraton prisoner named Azokk, he manages to escape, and is rescued by a group of Triceratons who came to rescue Azokk. The ordeal results in Mikey's personality taking a very dark turn, having been hardened by the cruelty of the extrajudicial prison and Azokk's death. Upon Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Triceratons learning of Azokk's death, they declare war on the Styracodons and carry out a genocidal assault against them. Michelangelo, embittered by Seri's apparent betrayal, joins forces with the Triceratons and gladly aids them in acts of genocide against the Styracodons. Michelangelo was not given an especially large role in Volumes 1 and 2, did little to advance the plot, and was often not portrayed as an especially skilled fighter. His relatively small role was probably due to the need to establish Leonardo's role as "leader" along with the fact that Donatello was Peter Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) favorite Turtle, and Raphael was Kevin Eastman's favorite. This incarnation of Michelangelo appeared in the Turtles Forever crossover special voiced by Bradford Cameron. In the comics published by Image ComicsMichelangelo's interest in writing is expanded upon and he is established as a writer of fiction and poetry. During this series, Michelangelo develops a romantic relationship with Horriduswhom he credits as his muse in writing. But the relationship wouldn't last, as the story may have begun after Rapture's deathshe started staying with Officer Dragon and had developed an attraction to him; though Dragon didn't know it himself. Michelangelo would be heartbroken when Sara dumps him. An early issue has him selling his first Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) to a poetry digest. As the comic continued, Michelangelo's career as a writer gradually expanded. In the final issue, he has published his first novel, a romance called "A Rose Among the Thorns". April mentions that the book was already going back for a second printing and that she'd heard that Oprah Winfrey loved it, which "practically guarantees that it will be a best-seller. Mikey asked Sara for her hand in marriage but was denied. In the Archie Comics series, Michelangelo was initially presented very similarly to his cartoon portrayal — understandably, considering that the comic started as an adaption of the popular animated series. As the series progressed, Archie' s Michelangelo was presented as more mature than the cartoon version. This version developed also an interest in poetry. During a battle, he was temporarily blinded and later captured by the US military, whereupon he was interrogated and tortured. He was eventually rescued by his family and saved the life of the man who tortured him. One of his many skills in the Archie comics was the ability to communicate with animals. In a story-line set in the future, Michelangelo is shown to have become an artist whose main job is running an orphanage. Michelangelo like his brothers was reincarnated into a turtle after he was slain by Oroku Saki. He is also the youngest turtle as shown in his human form he was the only baby. He is more mature in this incarnation than others, but is still sociable, for example, bonding with the Mighty Mutanimals and with pizza boy Woody Dirkins. Unfortunately, Michelangelo's friendship with Woody waned, as shown in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Issue 15, when Slash frightened Woody and he left a note for Michelangelo stating that he couldn't handle the troubles that followed them. Michelangelo is good friends with all Mutanimals, but can be unsure about Old Hob, remembering how Hob had been their enemy. Further, Michelangelo was occasionally anxious about them, showing some concern in Issue 68, in which Hob told the Turtles that Slash had been mind-controlled, taken out all the Mutanimals, and helped capture them for the Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) Protection Force, as well as in Issue 70, in which Michelangelo wondered whether Slash would be okay. Michelangelo is also the most sensitive turtle: e. In this incarnation, Michelangelo is not romantically interested in anyone except Neutrino: Princess Trib instead of Kala as in the TV series. When General Kraang was at war with the foot clan, Michelangelo supported Donatello's ideas for just about everything, as when Raphael introduced Donatello's tracking device embedded in a shuriken in the "Secret History of the Foot Clan". The after effects of the war left Michelangelo in a vulnerable position seeing as he was strict with Raphael when they were mourning Donnie's injuries. He also shows signs of intelligence when he decodes ancient Japanese text in the " Ashi no Himitsu " book that tells secrets of the Foot Clan. Furthermore he was not afraid to confront Splinter when their sensei had taken the orphans with him to prevent Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) from training as Foot Ninja. Eventually he convinced Splinter to listen Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) him and won their debate. Nonetheless Michelangelo is still as fun-loving a turtle as in other bodacious versions of himself. Michelangelo's persona became Mutant Origin: Michelangelo/Raphael (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) established in the animated series. He was often seen as a "Party Dude", which, though accurate in the series which gave him this title in the theme songaccounts for only part of his personality otherwise. As the "party dude", he usually didn't have much input in the team's plans, although he was still just as active as his brothers. He typically spent much of his time joking and socializing with other characters.
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