The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Supporting Characters Are Adapted from the Comic Books

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The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Other Supporting Characters Are Adapted from the Comic Books COMPATIBLE WITH . Heroes Unlimited Ninjas & Superspies and other Palladium RPGs 1 . Vega e Ren d an a Siembied n Kevi , world e th n i s master e gam t greates o tw e th o t d dedicate s i k wor s Thi Eighth Printing — March 1989 . Convention t Copyrigh l Universa e th r unde d reserve s right l Al . Siembieda n Kevi y b 5 198 © t Copyrigh No part of this book may be reproduced in part or whole, in any form or by any means, without permission from the publisher, except for brief quotes for use in reviews. All incidents, situations, institutions, s person r o s character f o , intent c satri t withou , similarity y an d an l fictiona e ar e peopl d an s government living or dead is strictly coincidental. n Eastma n Kevi 5 198 © t Copyrigh t Ar r Cove Interior Art and Illustrations © 1985 Peter Laird and Kevin Eastman . Studios e Mirag y b d owne k trademar d registere a s i . T.M.N.T Palladium Books is a registered trademark owned by Kevin Siembieda. , Shredder , Foot e th , Splinter , Michaelangelo) , Donatello , Leonardo , (Raphael s Turtle a Ninj t Mutan e Teenag April O'Neil, Baxter Stockman, Casey Jones, T.C.R.I. Aliens and Triceraton are copyrights and trademarks . Books m Palladiu y b e licens r unde d use d an d Lair r Pete d an n Eastma n Kevi f o . Siembieda n Kevi y b 8 198 , 1987 , 1986 , 1985 , 1984 , 1983 © t Copyrigh , Group s Comic l Marve d an . Inc , Comics . D.C y b y jointl d hel k Trademar d registere a s i ) Superhero(s Inc. Its use in this text is solely as a descriptive term and is in no way meant to infringe upon said trademark. T.M.N.T. & Other Strangeness is published by Palladium Books, 5926 Lonyo, Detroit, MI 48210. 2 Written By: Erick Wujcik n Marciniszy x Ale : Editors Florence Siembieda Randi Cartier n Eastma n Kevi : Painting r Cove d Lair r Pete : Art r Interio Kevin Eastman Art Direction: Kevin Siembieda a Siembied n Maryan : Typography The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and other supporting characters are adapted from the comic books . everywhere s store k boo c comi t a e availabl s Tale e Turtl d an s Turtle a Ninj t Mutan e Teenag 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 5 . ........................................... e Gam g Role-Playin a y Pla o t w Ho Glossary of Terms ...................................................... 6 Creating Animal Characters ............................................... 6 6 . .......................................... e Attribut t Eigh e Th : One p Ste 7 . ............................................... S.D.C d an s Point t Hi Step Two: Animal Types .............................................. 7 8 . .............................................. s Table l Anima m Rando 9 . ......................................... n Mutatio f o e Caus : Three p Ste 9 . ..................................................... s Organization Wild Animal Education Table ........................................... 9 0 1 . .......................................... s Point y Bio-Energ : Four p Ste 0 1 . ..................................................... s Step h Growt 1 1 . ............................................. e Tabl t Weigh d an t Heigh Team Characters ................................................... 11 1 1 . ................................................... s Feature n Huma Step Five: Equipment & Money .......................................... 13 Alignments ........................................................... 13 6 1 . ..................................................... s Point e Experienc Education & Skills ...................................................... 17 Skills Listed By Category .............................................. 18 Secondary Skills .................................................... 19 0 2 . .................................................. s Description l Skil The Animal Section ..................................................... 26 Psionic Descriptions ..................................................... 26 7 2 . ....................................................... s Power l Anima Animal Descriptions ..................................................... 29 6 4 . ............................................... X INDE n Descriptio l Anima 7 4 . .................................................. p Stri c Comi . T.M.N.T 5 5 . ............................................................ t Comba How Combat Works ................................................. 55 6 5 . .................................................... s Term t Comba S.D.C. Table ...................................................... 59 0 6 . .................................................. e Exampl t Comba Hand to Hand Combat Skills ............................................... 61 2 6 . .............................................. e Damag m Fro y Recover Weapons — Oriental .................................................... 63 Weapons ......................................................... 63 Ninja Equipment ................................................... 65 Ancient Weapons ................................................... 66 7 6 . ............................................. Proficiencies n Weapo n Moder Modern Weapons ................................................... 68 0 7 . .......................................................... t Equipmen Body Armor ...................................................... 73 4 7 . .................................................. d Aci & s Explosive 5 7 . ................................................... n Sectio r Maste e Gam 5 7 . ............................................... s Adventure g Designin 8 7 . ....................................... d Unlimite s Heroe n i T TMN g Usin 9 7 . .......................................................... s Adventure Caesar's Weasels ................................................... 79 The Terror Bears ................................................... 79 2 8 . ..................................................... l Fera r Docto 0 9 . ............................................. 5 e Rout l Rura n o r Terro 3 9 . ................................................ a Ninj e th f o g Le e Th 6 9 . .......................................... s Turtle a Ninj t Mutan e Teenag e Th 3 10 . .................................................... s Character r Othe Character Sheets ...................................................... Ill 4 INTRODUCTION 1. Excellent players can role-play ANYTHING; granted, the play l nove s i s Turtle a Ninj t Mutan e Teenag e th f o t tha d behin t concep e Th l disposa r thei t a e hav m Palladiu f o s folk r othe e th d an I t tha s tester n i s character l anima n bee e hav e ther s year e th r Ove . new t no t bu s see d an , character y an y pla n ca r playe t excellen n A . superb e ar k Aardvar e th s Cerebu m Fro . created r eve k boo c comi y ever y virtuall a weak character as a challenge, not a liability. e th h throug g Superdo m fro , Turtles a Ninj t Mutan e Teenag e th h throug - charac e depriv y frequentl I , campaigns n ow y m g runnin n Whe Cat in American Flagg, Bugs Bunny through Howard the Duck; there's ters of all their various powers and possessions. It is when the . habit r o m for n huma e th c mimi t tha s animal h wit n fascinatio a n bee character is in the direst of straits that fantastic role-playing comes And where would Tom Terrific be without Manfred the Wonder Dog? about. None of this is evey n a moderfantas n i s n trendplayer .f o Student r pai a sy of JapanesRecentl . e art wilexample e l on t a k loo s Let' recognize the delightfut bu , l caricatureescape o t d s of manage priests y The ; . peasantsenemies any b d d samuraicapture e wer e gam depicted as mice,a rabbit t bu g s and othenothin h r commowit t deser n e animalsstrang a . Thin i t s gamlos s e merelythemselve d foun y the offers animals as- characteralternat , s to theweeks manl y playersevera r fo n s o i nt role-playinwen g g gamesroleplayin e .Th . wire f o e piec e complet a e b o t t mean s i . T.M.N.T , games o t k bac t ge o t , However ing between the lost survivors dodging armoured hunters and strain- role-playing experience. You can use T.M.N.T. to play anything from ing to get water, shelter and food in hostile land. It was an intensely a quickie tournament to a lifetime campaign. No matter how you use interesting role-playing adventure. r othe e som h wit n eve r o , Unlimited s Heroe h wit r o , own s it n o , game e th - conveni e th s i n generatio r characte m rando f o e advantag r Anothe . 2 comic-style role-playiny g gamelaboriousl f o , d it shoulInstea . d be a master complet e gam ee anth do t enjoyabls provide e t i t tha e enc role-playing experience. 'constructing' every new villain and N.P.C., the game master can s character k boo c comi f o t se e singl a n o d base e gam a n ca w ho o S d an n desig o scenari s make s Thi . encounters w ne e th ' 'roll-up t jus e creat o t d neede s rule e th all t ou s lay e gam s thi ; Simple ? complete e b quick response to player actions much easier. any kind of animal character. Whether they're mutants or biological 3. Finally, let's not forget that random rolls reflect real life. Even in experiments, the player can rollup a character that's playable and ba- the 'perfect' lives of fantasy characters there is no control over lanced. their origins. Super characters are usually created by accident or , course f O . also e complet e b o t . T.M.N.T d fin l wil s master e Gam . control o n r o e littl s ha r characte e th h whic r ove s force y b any ambitious game master should take a good look at Heroes Unlimited before starting a T.M.N.T. campaign. The point is, you don't NEED . book s thi n i s rule e th d beyon g anythin HOW TO PLAY A ROLE-PLAYING GAME - incom s it' t tha w kno I ; Yes . Section l Anima e th n o t commen e On d boar r regula f o m for d advance n a t jus y reall e ar s game g Role-playin e th n i e ar e ther s animal y man w ho idea y an e hav u yo o d t Bu . plete games. In fact, they are so advanced that they no longer use a board. world? How many birds? We're talking about over 750 species in North Some of the elements are still the same; you still need paper and pencil, Americag alone.
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