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9-18-1914 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-18-1914 Journal Publishing Company

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rfllKTV-fSTXT- H TEAR ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1914, DIH hi larrl. or Mail Month. Mngl ttn", " chancellor had said to Ambassador MAKES (rrniil. It was believed the mh. hiul thrown a largo amount of field sudor would !,. asked to reltemte GHASTLY STORyOFBRITIST Utin ammunition mto th river, where Effllll the SCENES !t was visiMc two j"1-- " in me American government to under feet of water . if service in bringing peace ''n our right the lYench reachtM ftlORE BATTLE IHIIII about the line of and to point out the readiness of ihp the river Wale. On this lllli I U )..gHii nn action AiMie nlted states to communicate to Oi-r- a'oiiu the 110 POOPOSKLS and any whiih is not yet finished and which Austria matemem of BATTLEFIELD ARMY III FRANCE may be merely of a term which the allies miRht care to Ill renr niinrd nature make. on a large sclc, or mnv be the com- mencement a a se- j W.rWlng of battle of moro T OF RAGES IUlw Possible. rious Tifiiure. LlllJE A FOR J Diploma tii were disposed to AS BASIS that through Artillery Raitlo Vsain. such informal run. WHERE RUSSIANS DURIfJG THREE ''It rained lieavily on fsiitiim.iv JwraaiioriH something definite in the afler. way peace noin snd ail through the night which of term might yet be ott-- j severely handicapped transportation. tamed h r.m-Iror- working basis. If a d Sunday, ex- of opinion "on ihe thirteenth, LOIIG LINE FROM Oil 10 PEACE TALKS for the discussion of tremely strong resistance n encoun- ipon-- terma were reached, President WflH DAYS Fll on lAViUun VCTOfi! ERIC tered the whole of our front, which then would endeavor to oh. i If Wms aome fifteen miles in length. The taiti an acceptance by all the being-eren- ts action still consisted most of for the p.nlj the original tender of good of long rang'p gun five, that of the Cet - ioirice. This would not mean a tea-- ! neing to a gretit extent from of inns RIVER NEAR VERDUN Ambassador Gerard SayS '!"'tl,,n hostilities unleaa the medial-- ! Mono Rp-,,h'- hrMVV no hl,h Qfrpame in niosp Pui;uit r,f ""' i Cholced With Allies .. i''t-- mwir u n eon-- j J " n from .pverly concealed positions."! Is Willing iuiuij ' BE Chancellor to in mediation ana in tne t.Niig.1 Slain Men Until Waters Are Germans With mie of the tutual crossings of the erenta agreed to It. An arnisnoe! treating RearjJ, isne were guarded by strong detach- - Suggestions Which , would not hinder military movement! guns. Hear Dammed and Overflowing Guard Actions Going All ments of tnfsniry with machine jor preparation serving merely a a) on j "Hy nightfall portions of nil three Allies rVfay Submit. j truce while peace wa discusse.l. j (corps were Herons the rlwr, the cv-- i EVERY AVAILABLE PIECE OF Their Banks. IV.' Time. President Wilson already ha indi-- 1 II igiry reluming to the south side. I;v ; j cated that he believed the final reck- - jthls nlnht or eailv nevt morning three Ipontoot, I'ning or tne war thould lie made in! bridges had been built and j ARTILLERY CONCENTRATED PRESIDENT WILSON k conference of the European powers Dll CO fC DC lour troops mnnag' d to get across the . .1 ...., nrifl LONG RANGE BATTLES .n MrWI.llMViM II " ' th. mmr,.ne1ir.n "1r.f ,h.HIP "I Wnu nilL river. Id nJl UfllMldl IU!l"r'l"'"' e " preside at aurh a cot) AWAITING BURIAL WITH HEAVY ARTILLERY) rerenre if it service aa mediator j "On our left the Krench pressed on ON LONG LINE OF BATTLE were accepted. hut were prev ented by artillery fire arious teporta were current today Ifrom building a pontoon bridge ut Rome Reolv to Offer of Media hai Germany hud named aeveral con-- 1 FnnrmfillS 3nrl iSoisaon. A larite inlantiy t NifirPC Snnik nf number of ' ' v i i w v w W I v I VJ U IU V I J VI Last Stand of Invaders Deter-- ' r Itiona under which ahe ould make i how ever. crossed In slnnle file, on the Germans Are Entrenched in Mountains Near Mouse i on iviciy eeDUJrnuu rium lu- - that nil had refund. propu-- ' War Are Captured by !I;,.p,,,f,inTr nf ,h Ta"Wh rM" Xrn River to Czar's mined One and Engagement alter the territorial alatua of and Are in Excellent Position to Resist Attacks of British Dei OF William OetOre Manyiher empire and possession and would Troops From Routed on Grand Scale Is Result "luiing the Inst three or four day' no territory or dismember her many isolated pnrties of (Germans have; - ' French Troops Trying to Break Through L)ayS. (fleet, but It was stated authoritatively Still in Progress, been discovered hiding In the niimei- and Forces cf that nothing of ihia character Van otia woods a long wav behind our line. ' message , As a they Kl'id f iirren-- Invaders; Allies Are Being Rapidly Reinforced and Ka- (contained in any of the from rule seemed to ' ' , Berlin to the American government. jder and the condition of some of them i,,.oiinul' j 'v ntaiHi ssiimtt etei. uim wmti in amnM mem. 'may Im gathered from the following j iser's Army May Find Flank Turned, Which. It Is Believed, Washington, ept. (Jerniany 2:-I- uiiii nti ti,. i Ixmdon, spt. IN . m. ) "The Sept.uh17 tlfl p m.t An nc- - !lnrident: has suggested informally that the IMPORTANT CHANGES newspaer correspondents describe Would Result in Decisive Defeat and Possible Destruc- Tnited states should undertake to -'Lt elicit from Great Britain, France and IN NAVA! COMMANDFRSiah. n d n eS T Von ...... n t(i iiiiiiii-iimi- HI tion; General Kluck's Right Wing Bears Brunt of un- ...... w ?;ni:A!: mnii moil u .inrnrti hiiki mni mil III llieir fir Kussia, a at.itement of the terms ion ihsi with, says me siorninis lanrine the nerhvd from Sentemher lAiaome of the em nn In the ii. ichlmr. der which the alliea would make Post'a Pctrograd 13, gav tar iraiMi.M jouasu asseist usna ) oorresfmndent. to written by nn officer attached hood. Jle the ord r to charge, Assaults. i ' ; leaee. 'ahlnglon, Sept. 17. Important "Stream, they aa were choked to Field Marshal Sir John' French's 'whereupon (hree (Jerman of I Icon n nd JU The auggeation waa made by the slln men, trodden down In the Maff, was Issued tonisht by the offl- - ;l men surrendered. imperial nor, von i.e.nmann-- . - - MmmanAm .w.,..ihii nouncea n?Bi; s h.adlor.g flight till the water were rial press bureau. The account fol-- j "At Senilis, immediately on his ar- - Ho iweg, to Ambassador Gerard at today xr""y 'rtammwl While no direct reports have lee reetive.l iruni hc t.v.:!c continuing his policy giving all d oeniowing the banks lows: rival, M proclamation was Issued bv llerlin urn a result of an inquiry sent of ln:".,'m in is i"r,.ni ' of ,MI r awaiting burml or "Since Thursday, September 10, the; the commander of a tlerinan division. front nonliem 1'iaiue. it apparent the meaprr ,.,! hv government nnicera adeounte sea dutv .r.-- . the American to learn ; M- - i.iiriri ni niy mfiniv progress m i ar iiisin poinis were at'lVis ., , c . J - H'lin, com- u,.. nisor inai ail .111.1 whether Emperor WUllam desirJ Admiral n.Woundcd and lis endeavor lo drive back the enemy to be handed in nt town hall ,.,4... tl,at ,hc llllC,l '"Ws tile (.CniKill annus ate .i.carl V !ere the peace aa on j i mis of discussing Count ' .V,..l"i' iriderlesa horsea are careening madly in w it . .1,.. ... At-,- M with the French. The 'at onci that all civilians found h Iri m l..,.i1.. t,;..l, tierstorff, Cerman a rr ho ar. IIBVV 1BIU, FtIlH'fUfl II i 'i I i i u imiiii, ioiimi III i:v opui t' l military the - country across which it i arms would be t once; no per- -' "'i'. . ko.u . - iWlUiam Caperton. In command of "han'reJ unl?'- had to force shot and Oscar Straua recently had rt- a J ithe Atlmtie reserve fleet at Philadel-- i Z?'n tropnies captured comprise na way and will nave to continue toaon was to tie on tne streets afler etveis iu.t mm scveiai ported. ,wvn nmmu- - mio so, un. aura; no iignta were - .. 1 Caperton de- - " uwm11 equipment. An is miming aim covered wan to be maintain- V., T1 ' 1 Minita jInhia Admiral haa been lAntv Emperor .. . . nilinn fraln runlnnil at lanr.n i,!arfi llulr'h nf Ihlrlr u'nrwl .1 In I ho hn .1,..! l' VrtnH.lllS occupy iavoraMc cointrv an.l well rn - AtA llalleQ to command .i..i. air, Tl'lll... himmflt nni- v. . . ' v. lh. ' . Imirlnl'mi j 1. liliaill ...ii.cii, uiip U lmhe.rg, Within the area which doot of houses were to Iw TY.C 'niEfd cruiifr squadron of the Atlan-im- "" vaa faced the all ft trctuhcil. .lilies arc rot'cix inff Icillf.MVt incuts and 1m!i I'.iiluh -' open .... ,.. R Kd-'- nl'e th Ku" taken Include Rritish before the advance commenc- and the Inhabitants were not to: . , . . t.v,,.i v,;. m. tic fleet. Rear Admiral J x !thirU'-l- heavy Wearing Km-je- d, up In Any nTC UMIIp; .I'l- - .u I president of board cabltre, right to Ihe chief groui.s. obstruction of anl ITcrifil ...tlU'ir Utmost cinltMVors to t!iC l,ssdor Gerard cabled President w.ard!' ta,.,-- the lon. imprc t!)C Wilson the chancellor'a remarks , lh Sixth army corps. would "1(7 KailHtt ttunnff retirement of tile ( fromhich hai beer abolished, will as-- i, Oman jfnet that there are six rivers running'of them, be Immsdmtely ,,: "maRc Wn rejollectlon which wer substantially . . , ThA line nf rnirAai nf iVia Aim. . .across the direction of the niivrnirp slMshable bv denth. ! t!v .i.l l.;il.. . isiime commana 01 me - : riie ,i-.n- nuvi inu uiv iiui-- u ill to..:...iviR'ims. aa fl Iowa: j i. . whitoini German forces was hlneked with da. all of which :t waa nossib e thnt thei At il era Ortttereta. the mnvor in Offer. I'C (HllCial.... (rcrmsny Apre iatcs 1 . I.i ,.i,.olr,. nnmrnonnlni nf ih Xnr.'ibrla of vry kind valuable military i'lermans might make resistance, appears to have behaved ery bidl-- ! Statement ISMieil at Paris inertly ailltoiuiit" . , . -, "Germgny was appreciative vi me ., ,1,- v.w Vnrir vara- - supplies, telephone and telccrnnh- are in order from the south, the .clously and. thouah siiuulles far In o...... i. ... I. i . . 1 ... Intereat nd , ., f - - n.i oeeii no in .situation. American government'a "'u' T A Iruirf ,,k. i M !,...i I n y a "u" vmiuj, nr. ninii-- : , .ii, m vnn .u.tin- ....,.o,... in, .k unie inante ine wrviceg in succession ran an tmiiw, hkiu iu till it niiruv niNinuuien lif finvr- offer of in trying to make ;Glejive, detailed istorea. bridging material in fact and (Use. were demanded, the town whs not An earlier olVuial statement showe.l thnt the (Vnmn peace. '', 0H-ratiot- were Germany did rot want Vi'battlesh'in For the present Com-;Tythi- needed by a modern army IttHir Guard Itah n flight, place September 11 Strong resistance on the I'reiU'll vvlul0 France f.hhmuat i mand "The enemy held the line of evacuated the an johenntf lelt wine;, in T n t defeats navy continue! "The Kourae Oar.etle. la p- - Marne, was crossed by ur in sm nastp imu im) a i ... ..,::.. . i . , . . Norfolk yard, will which which wnnia .!,.. .i. . t. i"-"-- t,rf onwm Patently inspired, , ) large amount of the bread requisl-- ; tuei in .Muumne sa commandant, .n account f! declare, that Huasia forcea on September aa a purely vuni uminii three-tiar- K'" I all made an agreement not: iwlll no peace : Honed. cl! ' the illness of Flear Admiral I'sher. enter Into negotiations. rear gimrd operation. Our passage YCre CIltrvnchfM. . , to peace except by common eon- -j . . .. i ft-- a make laireci or indirect, until Prussian mil- Af i u . .K...i. i.AM . i...... 'lt stuted.... bv.,- the tnhubl1:in1 I'l . . . an-- l..lll7U.tV".,'.l,r."l'".,",.,", I ' 111 sent. Kimmiriy naa j itarism la completely crushed." jdue east and west, was not contested ;hat the enemy had destroyed mj illat lie IrfTHWllS are stroller force anil llSVC ehm. thtllt i nounced through Premier Asqulth and I n The Vesle was on y light y held W hile ;anannonc niieen motor cars, wvi ! I ! newspapera j 0, Is a.llllllle.I In the her diplomatists and thai tweiSFkilled iKNGMsll ttXC.IXKKU Tl:l.1,K resistance along the Alsne. both, Kuns and ammunition wngons. rK,"J a""r llfmll ollm.iU anil hmher Klii-im- . she to fight to the limit of 1V 1 intended j F CAITl It F, OP .KM ngainst the French and British, has1 ItOKinimllim if j Cmpliasi7eil IJlC tad that tllCV liave UllileTlakcil sfvfr-,- her endurance. In view of that de- been and slill Is of a determined char- - "Kheima waa occupied by the en-- i , rtrit-il- n I K 111 t MC termination on the part of Great Um.lon. tstivt. IK (2:18 a. m.) An acier. on September S. It was .;,.' past (Jay or two. Ktateg ought to get y j -, the United account of the capture of Lcmlverg. "On Friday. September 11, but liltlejl'ic'l the French Hfler considerable On llic l.Hc )!,.. ;.l, .. , ...T. : I . proposals of peace from the alliea. h op i.allcin a given by an Knglish engi- - opposition wus met with along uny "KhH on S..ember 13. J , "'" ' " "' tTt only a lasting in ch-i- ""l Germany could accept ;neer who has Just arrived in retro part of our front and the, direction of on tne i.'tn a proclamation, aiOIHCiai account ot tllC oixratloUS of the I'ntlMl armv t! .ii I dnnnc peo--: t po.-M- . peace, one that would make her grad from lmberg, is contained in a was for purpose of ,'opy of w hi. h Is the , , . ' f To! the advance the 0(,.lK.. ,a 4, ...... " pie secure against future attacks. jdispatch to the Central News from its with our allies, turnedot tne I'tuisn army, whs posiea aiiii,'' mm m n ,jt.i n. hcch ivsitru in Ine accept mediation now would be inter--j jl'etrograd correspondent. day slightly to th northeast. The u- - ,,ar.i preted by the allies aa a sign of; MINE IN UTAH ' Panic broke out In city was spent In rushing forward and ::r.his;.e7f,iu'st' '""""""m v.tMi the on the i part Germany and j ' " In e'vent , tliCV .1 i weakness on the of approach of the Kusslan gathering In various hostile detach- - '1'roclumatlon the of nn llglltllljf llblile Sleadv adv.livc in .it armv." the ' " Mil with tlie would be misunderstood by the Ger-- j lion lwlng fought early today or In , , , lengiiicer is minted aa savin. "The nients. Hv nightfall our forces had!a'v a man people who, having made greatj 'entire Austrian adminlstratlm. reached n line north of the Oureo. ex-- ! the immediate future in the neigh-- ! rcncli, thnmoh territory winch was Clt sse,l hv nnnierouj, T riiT right to demand Oulchy-le-Chatea- u borhood of wcrificea. had the precipitately. No defense of the tow n tending from to 'helma the inhabitants ,j ., t ,tjcm many ohstaclcs. guarantees of security." n DAJ., "'templed. The Kusslans gave Longpont. are warned that they must remain: - lo(hle Mediation. lUlie DOUV IS DmMJnOUUVCICU 'ni"i,:the Austrian milltarv an- - ral A.lvan.v f lVtrt-c- . absolutely calm and must in no way rielil Marshal Karl Kitchener live Tlritwl. n, They lavwur..' The above la all that Ambassador h iU- -, Cn,,nA., Ihoritiea three days in which to evacu-- ! "On this day there was also a gen-- ; try lo lake part In the Hunting. t l De '01 wa'- - apam Oerard communicated aa to hlg con niiuilic.l uuuu, wuijr ici tate the city. !0ral advance of the Fr itch all along " attempt to attack either "as urjyed the necessitv ol ilevelopmk' ;irme! forces -: versation. He adds only the brief; r. A 11 UIa ' On dav. an i r w ne w hl h enile.l In n su u , kn LeAnnnl V?mc the third Ihe Aiittotnted the hole imhk off1' ,T' m :md hrinff " '"il'ty conlhe, a mvccssIuJ u hi comment that he, himself, thought the: 0UI1 VVliU LitaiJOU oa0 HV'time ai. broached ii.iseian ...m. success, in one itortion of the l the rTe'ion me-- I IlLlm-in- i i up ay might possibly be opened to j . O L . . II planes appeared 'nvnr the eitv watch. field Piike Albrecht of Wuerttem- - barricades, "'rthe taking ..f paving MOU. , i illation. President Wilson did not re-- ling for the departure of the biirg'a armv being driven back across stones In Ihe streets in a way to ll in- - 1 Austrian. It will he, necessary, he gard the message, however, aa bring-- iWhen the Austrians failed m iave ithe Snult and elsewhere the whole of :ler the movement of troops, or In a says, to keep the armv at Its fr Ing anything tangible,. He referred toj Jthe Russians made a show opening'the artillery of a German corps being word any action mat may em mrrass h and MC.'ldv of strenct maintain a . flow of reinfurernicnK the chancellor'a conyersatlon aa non i nosMisa jooss' kcii Lt mn ;a bombardment. Although no shells aptured. Several German colors -i the German III I V. IR I HUH V lll ac 17. I ! committal and incidentally to the Salt Lake City, Sept. Twelve .actually fell in l.fmberg the cannon-- i so were taken. (bidden. trermnn oiiieial statement's trom llcilin ,v I - . . , .trillion re know American gov-- 1 men were honelesslv buried by alading citizens i was on dnv " with an liiea lo seenrlntr ade- ledrement of the terrified the of whom "It onlv this that the' 1 In- -, safety troops I ' reun,in lll lllllille-- l Hi ernment'a inouiry. The president cave-I- n In the Oklahoma stope of the!S6,00 bolted, helter akclter. into the 'full extent of the victory gained byjuuately the of Ihe and IJflKie airsllips have cVta- - expected a re-- ! Centennial-turrk- a at ; country. 8 appre- - to Install calm Into the population of (),at , . . t . dieated he rather mine surrounding jthe alliea on September was t)(.n, ,as " i that . lns; 1lnw ' ,fvtrove)J or U 1. ; j t 'J'i nriu, Mtsfi ply to the inquiry to be sent eventually at 3 o'clock this afternoon. At The large Jewish community wa lelated by them, and the moral effect Khelms, the persons named below j i O) from the emperor himself. Me real-- j o'clock tonight the first of the twelve particularly alarmed owing to stories jof this success has been enormous. An have been seined as hostages by the Some tliem have l"CCH tlaniagvHl : that ll'C Mil .script ions to the o.-, .... . w imperial chancellor may cornea waa recovtreo ai me eu8c naa been order dated September e and 7, issuen vo'"'"a..... i..e thut the circulated in Austrian ,(n1lan ,var lVm rVivw,1f.l 1 ; tele-jth- e . These hostage will he banged j IKnc a" 'Glttons tlb'it (KTniail have consulted the monarch by stope. There was but little dirt newspapers. Hankers emptied their hy the commander of the tiei man j arm) xlKl Kraph before talking informally with!0n the body and it is believed that vault and made their escape with the seventh corps, was picked up. It the slighest attempt of disorder, j colonial Inxips have MJCCessfull y par-- attacked the IVindi' o.. ml the American ambassador. the miner, John Knlpe, was Instantly!!money. Nobody was allowed to leave stated that the great obje t of the Also, the town will be totally or ' V ' r.i,i. vvii tnnir nn scllon aglkilled hv Ihe concussion following the for Vienna hv train onto., ih.,. ,l. war nn- - .ibmn tn he!.liied Since Itially burned and the Inhabitants will ; HMI 1 nc ,ei I.IU TorcCS WlllCll Cfi SSCd the river Nnvi lvn- - p... to cave-i- n. A body was rouna iposited 1, - going bat- - be hanged for any infraction of the a result of the message, waiting second 000 kronen at the railway sta- the French were to accept OX CH W llClT wheth- - nearby. It waa unidentified and halfjtlon to show their ability to upon the of t his a hove, . hear from Ambassador Gerard meet theltle. and that result " - could not '"y order of the German author!-- ; . , : t r formal charac buried by timber and beenormously increased expense of would depend the Issue of the1 - j) Jokio rvixni iliat ilm ilnmrt,, .. anvthlna- of a more 'i S.1s ,i(v ,1 h It ! - ..viiii.iii uuiM as sunk ter by him which lemoved w ithout danger to the res- ing In the capital. A deposit of 1,000 j war and the honor of the German 'ties. tul- ivi, n,.;.., , , ,. could be obtained .",r' v i, the might communicate ;euers. Kronen waa required for a trip to llu-- ! armies. "Here followed the names or eisn-i"- imiomi Midiuiis on me Coast ot llliha. I'nited States e m Ppanee end Russia. Thirteen men haa emereu me uapesc. toivcctcd lti'Klvc llattl. of the principal inhabitants of t ,v,v.-,tin.,- - ,. . iuif inelud-- j "v s i.' U It waaft. tonight neith-lwlt- h the day shift. John Wick, a "Among the pitiful sight In Im-e- r - addresses, iroill asUII)Jfton. Oermnnv has understood that "It seems probable the tier- 'l''h d that suo-PCStc- He attributed his were numerous l''!"' and ending with the llllnnnallO t1n I'nJm.l s:,,,,,.... .1. ...11 the nor ambassadors; Finn, escaped. Austrian soldiers mans only expected to find that,'11 ,',nr ' . - v tit-- British French Is auperstl-- begging not V some j ..i.v. i, undertake who In were inform- - cape to the fact that he i in the streets for bread. Many army Was beyond others.' s . r ... . ti are Washington the Hritlsh the l ii.....: i.v Sec.iiiniia and that he had a "hunch of them were wounded. jv",-,-nl.i. ' 01 nam, rranee and Kiisvia a f .j tiLlieiaiiy.iJ.i... Ml ..ii..n.rUinmn-IM- 'J power of assuming the offensive for statement the be- - went out. He dropped jOthcr Austrian aoldiera were seen Cttr-!Ho- retary Bryan of conversation when the lights thl,P b, counted on the French 1 1 MP Terms uti.ier wincli the allies would make neaee T ..J tfli Am. his and ran mio i ne i j ins ineir unnorms unaer tne r arms 1 .... . ,. DTIPIMI ic snpesttfin n-- .... whee... harrow , i ...... , ine wnun .ii. "..J .. in honrtlo. - uu .h.,., .u... .t, co.,. i bassador Gerard. uMi"' main tunnei. ine """ "i,.,i, j"... , ' line of the Seine and that, though aur-- 1 jt.mte innuiRii trie American amhassador at llerlin nnd was made . ULLulHN "h"" . , . MiW : was . . 1 . i . 1...... 1 i him down, hut he i 111 r - ivm t'nrmv. l "T.u i . men in.. !..... 10..V111U i.m- ;h'y are: ji. ii.i.i , the Cetman imperial chancellor in will 'Those, caught in l,e accident Mr. '"""aniBuion or tne ward they bad . . reply to the inquiry of the - n irtmikiviii tsr...... ;; ah. I.... aainsl them. after Z::ZZ peace KhWARD ALLKN. married. M W 1 h they were In no American government. Rive her opinion on terms of BAKRiCK, single. . !" Mh. When ahe haa received oeiinue EDWARD Z Z? 7 In their; THOMAS UOTTKKIX. married. lrT Galicia and east Prussia. Austrians. Germans and Tv'ussi.nK alatement from the alliea of HEWSON, married. proposal. statement that Ger- JACK lh- - Continue their stupendous conflicts, The WILLIAM KNIPK. single. SSaThc,lm,h; a cn:r' of which no new details have many did not want war but had It single. KXzm&i?'"The Russian armv entered declarat- JOHN KNIPK, !lerg posi tion o,tposite us on the heen made known. forced on her aa well aa the LOSSEE, single. in splendid condition and at le ion a lasting peace, BERT led by an enormous provision nor,' ,h,P H,,t,w,0"s: 5 KlfJG that she wanted EAItL V. UKISON. mnrried. train The ' f DRITISii In almoat the remarka linhabltants, especially hnd ho,h nnl a" P"" i identical with FKED SINQt'IST. married. .,.L Slavs met on '"V""to Tlv M.aiN jni.N.i r..'i.i m.t) country which made to Am Ithe Russian demonstra-Itlon- a trenched ine the hills the north north of (he Alsn.- offers Km.d Sir Edward Grey soldier with I London, sept. IT il'.OT p. m I An- MIKE ROSA, married. , road bridges rail- ground bassador Page in London last ween. of delight, showerl na flnu-A- nf eight and two for such fui'tlcn. It wiitt'd ap- JACOB TIM P EH ELLA, married. way bridges crossing the Aisne, with- other great batile, even more vital for pear Hint The BritiBh foreign secretary said married. on them. the countries concerned than three western winps of tlie KUUT ZIERROLD, in our'section of Ihe front, .seven of those two armies, the U10 England wanted no temporary truce stone, which waa "Exemplary order waa Immediately m ww MiiMKi. imi which have preceded H. In now In German rlihl and Th. the former and both of the latter had a.iun l nllleK' lefi are nirain 10 but a permanent peace and one that, V,T" ,,, two vears ago. is established under Russian control. London. Ncpt, IT 1:60 f. m progress on a line extending from the bear a heavy " been demolished. Purl In the f'uhtliitf Upon artiili-'- s would safeguard her against suuaen V' heavily timbered King George toiUy received the of Noyon, m the river I Hii', the i of Gen. ral Yon B t to ..I. I lleaty Artillery lnal. Inn teleifram from the kine of th r.t ..i-- Klnek Nild General pressed the MARSHAL. ISl AIMS int 'hh on Mi.. low Tha general belief In '"Tnrtv Working from the west to the east,; h.i the xnft-t- of the - j rest of circle our third army corp gained some high j desire lo congratulate you most The' is the German in my. should re- tonight was GERMANRENDEZVOUS front somewhat shorter than treat be decided upon after waitlnir a few ' ground soiiin "i iiib visne overiooiMos heartily on the splendid action or tne 'was the ease hi the of or forced urrn els, had caused tne allcy to battle the hem. formation from Berlin, would prob ithe Alsne the east of HrltiKh troops at the battle of but tbio will r...iit ot,K, u, Hblv rsr sona. Here a long range artillery duel Burden rpoii Gemum Right. Inutrxnt Hi. American nmlxtssa difficulty was encountered. monin jousnm. trlcKL kl.aio w.sci Mrne. ln the name of the whole more fiercelv contested bi.tilei with dun nl Cor!. anA Petroerad Great Honolulu, sept. 17. Two between our guns and those of the ; nation ! express to yo:: of troop throwing HeslibN hobllng Ihe front ihey l..j.. ni 1 m ' ...... German Hian f.iirrnsse thetnaelve vm nrnrir- ...... j On our left and the enemy's rdeepest courage to he hw ko to the government!'" " c. Tt.t. mercnanr mmntti. fmm..... v..i... French admiration for the of is. each other nnd verv avaii.ibie lirermred to withstand another communicate - a late hour was oniiiiuo.s. mi: i.uin artillery on Mil during n at those points what the German j"-- '"V"' ,ion of timber eas nave orougnt word that Ihe Ger- the continued the officers and soldiers of your army, piece f artilb ry concentrated In the '""'''"I'l the part of the. allies in nre8uaiea man merchant the greater part of the day and did not "Gtd will sorely help our armies fo of oiitrintiK them. These (I rem-uer- marine and navy are determined effort the armies to neany 1 to protect the making the Marshall islands Iheir ran cease unm miunignt. ne isvcnge the atrocities committed An brrHk through the lines. a position from a. point near Njv- - eninny very large conn-- I !""von dist'rj-- i deavou , In had a number ofjpeaeerul eitieens and against a GerinariH VorflfliMl. on the along the Pacific. Five Ger- y ii- the t ON heavy In Well po-,tr- , WEATHER FORECAST, 1.502 PASSENGERS man cnllaer. two steam oil tankers howltxer concealed whose only crime has been that The German.-.- who a fortnight ago; north of the a feme to the junction or and 12 German passenger altlons. ..he refused to be false to her engage- - had to abandon their first swift en- - ,,v' latter river with the tfulppcs. LUS'ITANIA and freight movement of army ps h,"'l Re. Washington, Sept. 17. 'New LINER steamship. are said to be there now. "The this col menta." iaeavor to destroy the armies of l'rniice them are splendid Hues of raM- - wa effected In with the; King George on receipt of thp tele-jsn- d ways running In Mexico: Saturday. captain Mellhoff of the little Ham- - Great llrltain and rapture Paris, nil direction wbUh Fair Friday and ...... o wi.i imilur nmm.,,.. riencn sixtn aimy corps on our icti, gram sent the following reply to King have now fortified themselves on the!'"'11'!!!'' the movement of tmoips MOSSIN JOUSSAt i ,. ; ...... t...... i . . . . . which gained the southern half of the Albert: 'mountain of Alnne, ,fr"m St. linentin, GiiImmo 17. a nigni rum me - north the river and wiin . ...!mi.... ., iinn ihsi night. ; '11 n. New York, MI"- . , .e-- .. town during the f thank yon most sincerely through plain !7,"r,,a respect, nr. .,kaded nun nf ' At a..... fir the to Champagne anil this therefore, th v of 1,502 passenger, told ... r Vir"? "The second army corps did not ,'yonr kind telegram and for your ap. !in the Argnnne moiiiitftlii through !at'! well placed, "vlouf. ih. " cms the Alsne. The first army corps my, L "d t iay whe're he got In- - .pwialion for the servl.'es of which the Mouse flows. Tin v arc in; Heavy The Day Congress rnm Lrnool today hi got over the river Vesle, to I in the .formation, nor whv K...... the south 'troops. earnestly trust that the position than thev were fori The nltb-- o ih.. t .inluln Iv-e- bin-- !1! of Alsne, after the crossing had d operations of our allied forces; 't, f"n' ma-(int- o the battle of Marne and are In . ATJn'awflr one nmde up the the harbor at Jalult Island, but stronwh 'and it P , secured by the Tirst cavalry division, in combination with your brave army, j reinforced with ftwh troop,, SENATE, ninrw, 'preferred refuge here. There are now a from thei new lroo hroJlfN 'i f or It then reached line ,utth Alsne whose beyond all east. They - !.,, , , of heroic efforts are and at 11 a. m,. jonty ine nrlnkinB of six German vessel here, which nroh. north have attempted to lhr- 1,1 wa a n...... practically without fighting. Will tic- - cotintcr-artack- s ',.),. ' MhuBter against river and har. hut there ;..'.t...... , w ... praise. meet with continued some acainxt the al- - , ,,'k , an.' bo'-- the " in her cabins, our remain until peace with Drive, K.ncmy bill Planers nu-- , and will free vour much tried lied troop, which, kA r,4 continued. . . S Burrie, Germany la flushed with vie. k I to ''''f1''"'' noon . . . tame M. declared. "At llraisne the first division met .'country from the Invader." Itorv. have been trvtm. m ... , Hn the PrAdurned at 6:36 P. m. until The Marshall Island were acntilred , " ' Having Withdrawn- I with e.tnst.leiable nntt.IHn rv . !.,..., ' tne ' ny in . . . troops en stwv-- 1, a tiermany and form th ...... I T . ,a V".,-- , ;their, scattered - - t also wniisn u.m.J 1 - A B W. Mason, J8 iniuii nun ninvii'i':,hi iilin fill lllillf .u.Hf 11" 41 14 'M m H nuln inrMIH 4 II II Iflir Ii tUilIcK i 1. was . ' ' ...' MM important German possession in ..4.j tt... 1,...w! . . ..' - - .. ... V"""" " nv Vise, the I'aclflc not seized by ln, k... '1 ' " " Isltclie- - Met included Great Bli the aid of some of our Infnttirw u m. .n .v.,. 1. iv,..,, ,...... j .1,..'.".. .' .Mnrenai fll nnn. Harry At report na- 1...... i..iu,. of Chicago, last they supported a ed poaxesslon pf tow n tnid-- ; vv Wim-anton- . w Debate on leasing Prof William Hale the about ss married at Somerset'. polled to give ay at certain ie.b,t.i fuiT i'LHl.'.,L'Ul the general land MTh tive population or more than It.oan day, driving the enemy Vrevyen. Mil to the north. today to Miss Ruby nleep of but the German general - and a European population of between Some persona stuff claims front, declared- noon and Mrs. ueorB hundred were captured .vioreion r rewen. niemncr 01 pnrna-i'o- - i'.iwnf re.Mjii, "The Prbf.i.?Ur"ea p. m. until Mil) and 0. . ttdo has "l Braisne, where the ioi-ini- l daighter. around German nieni i'.r cock. ...teoi, utj..rv'-.- mar lie ?illy'he, although, t TV0 ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1914.

f d GOVE R JAPAN IS FRIENDLY '.'n V;r 'h.Ai.nK-.?- : j NMENT SEIZES SAYS HUSSiAN.STORlES til gft Jituf iTPurmrD civc 7 T V the "...rtfy ,n the r .n. to be IIEH ARE FABRICATIONS! TO UNITED STATES - BAGS OF WHEAT ,nn if. in- tran-- htti;. is 140,000 IE1DT1 . p:",in 4 i M-- t . . , .1 t i C J ..;. . i r a on i.f "armed it jiraiitv ' h-- r C ) .., t t I J." T. prevent th war!, from r J i 3VU riC'.L LIUII ! rST JOWMk V1W ju.i oici.i . 72.t t.i. ! II .. , H aiu-p- c fn.a- - !" S.-'- . t. IT Th Tkli, IVi'J ii, - ktfn.r th new l.nJin, pt. IT ) . r;i. A , M.n BOUND y IS !t. t- t- J BY l j.i.r-sril- l. mi of f t.i i or. form it with Mr sntf u." dispatch to fieuter IS FOMENTED Autr-- I unesriRn ml!wy. tert n,rtliii rlmi,hl h-- r. Ih Humanta m In mm h the Rum f. W. mym: I lwr-t- lonlprht l"nl rni4 Mit Him nm. I'l i tn'i-- n J 'h dot not want to go to war Th ut g'ntnsmpnt. a r,e that it fcad a .r mm-i- . ii.i.iKhl a i)n,iir Uv thJai. in! - I. !;vj Autr-Iliiiua- iJ ii I ill. in. which . tut at the Same l.m do D"l want ! n e with'-- ii from h f iii' "a alien. CYC LOST th" iiux it fr':?n ! l y I ImiIo, - 'inli nil th ..,. !' .'o any ft-i- of ;he po;ia that bf'"n t by iar)iain fit the i. 'Jt'-rc- I Jiik, al fli'J: BE LOfJG IDE mimI Lawn fence jniight fjtl to her i'f tr War tti KtrM;n in! OF Afif--r r ?(t. la 10 l"riifi, inii)!ir.,. I'M jrfviit OPPONENTS Unbfj I I y It Uir n u-- iluinri. Ih Mlrd Hiiila ainl.4,(lJ f:usin etu-- t,.r. .IMI WUTtVI Villi If I cf wht-ii- t (!) ? If hoi(J. r hud -! ihantatli a:l'-i"- l vic- tiw !ut Vt Kcr.t-(- i Ki.ri. 1'IIOfit. IkOMIIAItlfMrXT fuwl i (it foor fMiiiinfll lar.i! tory vt (it inn nurr.lw-- r frm- - mint k'i. .n i:uian. d of th in u . h H nt'r ?r iuiriiir" th pii'ef ri.ri tjtkea a 2 numlr r;i-lur- nl aM'in. I, - a'-i'- 1.1'tm, wnn n fIXrtI j' th- I GEN.CARRANZA (un ; !"). .',It i lnlr. tn.g t. Ures t'i:o;i England Neces-fc- r in I'"! .ii.. u.r,. 1 ; f t in t.'rhi'itvji f fvmyoT with thi th"-tir- y in th 'f-fwi- irvii.e lit I'Ptrin- -' tl l'iiii. aiut'iB Hj m il Mi ;l s TO 'ommiinkiuf .f Kimwmii (ntAl sity Promptly Recruit-Fcrc- es J.. .iii - otilj ttli-t- i t .rift"nthnt. iti fin-- ! hr.l v imh. f. 5.t U f'Vpifr.itifr H. !,iit.h- J, ni.t will n..l kih iMn rnirrs ip IS - " t'fw.l th (' r mn-nia- ( "fanw fcatllo. I i h ue I'n ucl'' a,l1 iiunt Kiii.ri,.., J I'- inhitiumt. r' uumlm for Operations v' to' ? S r. I tip" Idfit- i sf.-f- f rt tr)'Mt I."nd;'li. IT :ii p. m. A) t .'! th.riv htil r hud .iny .c, ..f ,;,, '- f' khii. iv 'It of I It.- orfn'Jwn- i.ti.n r. 11 "'- pnw u- Former Officials ! lit y I '.i in ti c t ri:!'ri!mt.t. ianidtuin wm iwiffi toniKht -i ( .oir.mvnuiw atimHn that in France, Inihlni! lb it :n4'i nf ih lf ' Defense cf trr. J1 t t iix r ri- -t nniiuhr the ihfizinK th hunra of trail t tak?i '!;ru-- i ff. who In r trtilI t. Ui.l if th t'nllait St mi. -1 With t . ; Crciont Fnc . Combine '""""jj.ojqiii.n, !!) ultt nur f i !! t n aa firm uni i - .- I J!4 U .f t'Htvin"' i inti whli-t- t rc lifiiiir nr.reantjai;!y C0nStitU-;i",r- 1 f'htl,! imiiiiiv .il h- b hinturir l'limi,i , Group Against 19V muHU C.b I i. ih in thf oark-t- iyirn! the j I li it.ta rtf II. k." ri.i "It not t all !..mchin th;it I T i . Lon'l'Hi, S I1'. IS m. r .. H.imvt; i.i r tUt Uit them. j u -- n- t. iitln-- ati' akua i.Keti il an uHl-r- ii(ji:t h fur firt- - n tarty aitratcKif iii' I tiOfrstif - in hrnia ''f h't la tixliiV. .1! lei j iv P'fePti uiaiifui-r.- i .f f'ri-i- ih I'mii !ni.n roitii AtHcr tratlntt il Kin Utn I mi-t- v. tn- - hfH M.i.h J f r nf m. Ws carry a lit I DRAMATIC END OF .irotind uf!i r r.l m lrl hnrKnt.i-- fi irviitliiB ut l IT n m i A I th irm.ih if ih in ih if ic. SM. ritiis m?i,ni.r.t fur ifritliniF f.l..f i o1 Crclon 1;..i-- .j il Kxrhanit TU'Kraph way m '..iv f .i. in Kiah' mi l I ! THRFF nFSPFRAnHFf? MAYTfiRFWA FnRHPS jrpiu. t,utcu.,, h..h thi. li : . . 1 1 ii h iri'ial li f ftc t,' fci!i(i.iiiy ft .tu i !;: WLWI.n ',(,.!,... lMf.1t I I I 'r:(Hl mi at ha our nu n IrrDiunp 0'.mtl , ."!: dH a hIiil ijtwu uivrn flimrtud K'rili, lMlHi "A I ; rii' of IVIIALU ll c ram I'tuve) from ml war fnli-i- : lMnl :'!.i" UCn.VI'i0 Unm i tut t 4 ' nf U !! hr NOW HOLD TIA JUANA-;;- reborn ( t A aff.i'ly ii'.iii, r s r thai i ;h flow nf . :i h WITH AUSTRIAN TROOPS i nt fiifhtitiie it J.)fir.n-ntu;rK- I'lsiott Af- -' , I ii'n inn aii.l. ft'ii in ,,.c,.tl.iD..,i.f Suth M RAABE & MAUGER - In h J'rni h jrUii. Kpi. IT. The (mi nf Thr vr- HiK'nIv Ctanr. - OKLAHOMA BANKERS .liv.ninn f Mrii- - urK'.rr On- i"ru, i a man iCommander of Villa's Artillery oall. nxi'" l'!n hit iii.i..a toummtt. mwtr-tmt- u.hi wiii I nirtt that Intlirw-ti- IjiiiiIhii. s,,i. in a. Hi. ) A - ders-rn- l ARE UNDER ARREST h r l 'T AT (lh i.f th- ,f 'airy. !. hitiir inaintnin"! ! nnn-.,i- n UMI till Dll.i.lM. i.ti.. klil.n ; in Pro- - ih.iii. h ih ltruir Ti'! vl- - Said to Be Active r- - IIOIlH J(lt W'ltlVi(',Ul Hcnllirk U lty, the nj(il at thalr full a'ri nsth. Kuithr. fn.m I' .ia; J.oi-- r i . I.i .i.v n.l ii.l.l.lir.nitl ruviiirvl NATURAL HISTORY (fD'r;tl. um! to cjramali'- ewi WW ; ii,i.. i motine: Insurrection: Armsi MOiMa JOUHA. PCCiAL LICIO ! "Th Itnaalana hit Ni an h In c in IV'.r.r-iii-i wr iia.tni)!i frmn unil iir ih rrr..-- Thy a . , IT V lens r'r;n, lft Mly. rfu , 4.n ...... Wi.( ...... i.nd..ini,r. r.i:iriri'iUl. IT mili -. tkh ii- - f 'drawn fi.-- .vr-- a ltnlan OF DIAMONDS ni r. ThurMlay. (.(. IT ivi.i Puria, Hand whi th utirri.urnl-- Mexico, whiih; M.iith I ; .1 m. i.nilin-,.- Ki j Shipped Into ! .ns :ki if nii II. i to ttrrn4 r. wre . - l'h ;rm;ii '' i'l"n thra ruil irritr ' rt of th- iirntly - Iluir Auatrlana. r- y u.1i-i- i ' Th- off-r-- l ' Main I vol era. A (Uviahiti - r t .!,tti:l. I In urrfinlT j nr. .nil ,f ri nj " mtiaa i t'Mlling ami int. NatS'tn.'il Kuik Ciniiii'r' at I "Th r ,r - Th i if'ly had Tjr? t. a; in" i.l finnn. haa in ih riiinl, 'ih hv- nui'J !hsr ;,h,'tr ' J kaon'a if" 'itHTlit .1 I Ik hi u H.i fir, B li I. irrlt..n.i lft , Iv J&.-k-u- ' dh.rtf.i iil.itcd f xiM.r'ut.nn f . '." j' i) re- - twonwi'i 'lMii th tiiid i.rnr,.l h. i k'.h to Manx, arid a n th ini.ii i'i I . ettMifii 'ri.iiif. Thi ri mte h .n a y 1 - IT.-IU- Poru a,nM.l,r,,t ..f :.... a. r f.-- r ' .illl. d I.r .1 'I. - tstorum-MK.ic- k of Id th inr.' f.i th hlii.n ur n'r- n'- hi What, T . , t.i liitir .li ir H. firniiK l'i i" let ti Ul t vim lhv'h"t "'"'r 'tl at tn i ,rl.m ,ni(ht n nt i n:.i.' :.i 'I tm a ,,..r-rvoi,..,..!i:.- i,l.t in Mxi. o th ttv.. i vv .iiiti a th" . said r ilit.:iti h'-- aa-i- I i a will hat. a hanl mak t thn 'omm'tlcd culi'ld. r. h.-- r iii.iry lr.ifli.(i- - I .1 I fr'" . w-- r ft iA"iu .),, imv " ;w .v f t.,lif. i,-- now hflng inter- - Hft''. r ro.ivt - -- thni f.n th C.rmm Iroopa hav been 111 BK'-rn- a '"- ' " fc'th It h., that the." r'in ,J 1;l no ,,n'" "f nliat i hr. It wan i..rt. y.'-, ..i..l f'i.- tijinio '(ii.irtira. 1 h r. with Aimiinin troo.n In "t-'- '"' I'" !..i.. "1 ""r'anl-ri- i in th from viirl'ju puinij' n third .is hi in f'lin.i d on Hi hut. ma in to r .lw tt, . . and j:rHwh Imvi iu.iti'1 lf.r biiiv Cf::- - r iflf eain4 - 1st rlr lii.firs' .j In - la th and aon to mak ir t mi nil . ..( Hi lml.,'ar- .n. ium In in" hoidir thru form- r off.' t llu. rfjsd new nini im Bto.ind und th fourth' inoral of the Aimtrlana. line jM.i lj if IKrr, at th a.Mirn nl " . Ih any prr ilii . nr w with of eri-ute- iinh H", IV. hf-- r hi farm n " wh.i g'jvfrnmcnt oinblnetJ lntnir.t tliir amnt. nrrtiy Meantime' l iiondi nt tie. a that hil i K. i hut alu N.m hav th I. '" Ti'-- wr ,itn r I'.i.b !1M. llulh.ill, th offiit-- j ti.t U. n i mi, IA. n f"r ,n Ji" '","n old j.artv wre idottina inrharic Indian 'I vi"..ii r on their way. Anatriuna took llinlit th ins i,l h. ih atrnla,''h,n,f t. smhI th'-- iirin Tin in uitiMt l ndiiut f" K"V r upon I i'x ..... hi in. Th .r.Jr a not itirainHt th t'arr,in.;i rratd ai hnrn! I oiiii.Iiiii. iiI- - ( oiiitii.iinlcr. ! to the in. in t., !, f in-- , nl emu. ih nalur ih. ''hllnd nila-lmn- t r.i.y Ut f.ct .nt, Ft He ri a l ai J I& If I of and that huv fiiih . lirfiirtf illl'l Jt lit Iff f'J. tl'i ihy i th j K li lhy oiiup; an llnt Imaitllill i l"-- a"ln hi lioin front Piifh." Hfl.ll of ,'IBI IMTHt , Miiding L, to C'arranza fumtivos aim Ij.nt Jjnaary. t!l hl thii.-i- tMtrinK Jlt. do U Key h'arl. Ai' ri p'irta John Ki'ii h. . oniii.nnd r i.f r'&i win uuiki a f.ii fh' , tnniitin with ih f.itur of th had th' il'iitr . I'.r.l - ; in dnv hack N-- iah I" ditninary Im..nilt- ( f LlM' I .lf..l. jkoiuiii, th Ormana hr. w and ian fore. ..ii l.i the: i nt' r. at lrlan.a II tel." "i. : eren.iy .n lied, 'one' 'I In" ).ri Imni v of a ill, j Antonio. At th . it wa IDIICTCDIMP I Hoih in ts lattr anpect ..f Ui1 the conmni!-- ; E .).,..!.! u,.u !i riitling. llh rmia rntr nd lit CANADA PLACE S tlisiiid. th had tuttiKlit ttt .tatiin IRVGAfJC d:rlntlirs . t !il nd hold thidr ermind L UUd L ID Iniat ii n iiilni louraK of iin h lii rifriy unit vnly .ii.rn Ulrw 410,000, whih had hank-- 1 Ih'' ity fiithl-f.i- . .. . hn. V. .. ! I ll.lllM if." 1 he m nt SIX r- ith innrviy i ii ...... - r H'l.llllllKII'!' (ovrrti li(l l HHJtiij lu - lnat and ihc I..i'J II. IIIl o, ll.n.Fi.t tr fnftf r imr c.iu,i.r- nit' uui i.n i f,ii imhi. in a. vn i vi i iw bi-- that th j)!jvrTimnt. Th conatitiitionaliM 'appr.'d. h"vr, the full, value i v M.ny d-- n in nu i Hn .lolin'1 . Iio nam'-fi.l- are iy of eiid. ( I hr i u ( hi fiy In aaaltta ir;t. iiiytTitR t tsan Antonio rpori fi tn.'tt j iimnrnrn a'tvi. hrm nta - Hi hcii'-- U.i (mid a to th OP DEMOCRATS Amrfrtil'im. I: Kh.iiiiiti of atraKKh'i hav AIRSHIPS UNDER !tkiy had ansiKhl to enjoin thi- fonda. j b trihute U-i-- I ilia iiiunlry hat n inl.i the t ut off. I'rom th California Imrih-- r id nnmrtntu oi !"tlir and th liravry unli ' a ani! I : iiuilmriin-- of Hie I I. ttiul fluinK ll'-- r W'liK Th military tli"iiri to rpoit that I'.'rmiiia j Jendnrsiii oftnira and men.. , unyihiitK rrntin( I ITh t llilvi. i I hull friimirf.i.'i i.ii j.. iii.u known rKirdiii( th itn inf lfi'a as imf-nt- of Jon Maria from '".ehelal l of hut nr govi-rno- r h did not riuliy chunii ('';'.ii i ill pe nt . I 'iuinlr inaotiia, lliir ).!aytorna. th liiurt'rit of' Krn' ii.aii thei , , it i r. ... y IS ED nan). Tti alli' coinmandcia u)-- STRICT RULES Honora, an t'fllp Andfii-a- in Com OLD PRECEDENT;.n ax wax knoHitl f- - pahl.-ii-- .l D0DD & DENH0F ar l l to, duul.t runt rntnic th tisan.J of l Villa s artiilery, hud from aliitenieiila Th tr.a.pai DOC filial t fault of th tm-ufn- t atflK of thai .cm u th of Tla Jtuinn, . W' i t.i b in K"o.l efiiri'a and VH red anrrndr J AH .1 Th'-- j ready tu timt furwaid t ptt win mv.if that oppit Han )io, Calif. rat "whin Hi; TJiirJ Mrr-- anJ nirwl Jn - Arnue Hi fiJShtinir n.r.ina it Icrrib) Iokb of it nKi'l rntiy visited th jiriiuii'iil arrived." rnulitii-n- i :id-ft- ) Kiich-- i WI WOUM.IH, JCUHC Lf l jl.f.', hut their trnii.a nlmw In a, muhu mcm uuu imi jit ii bordi fiili.m inn an altiMiipl' d MOVKIN iOURAi. CIAb veto i nn th mliject of r. ruit ir.r. tC.L Wlf wiim I ua-(t- - S.-t- t. - inapolia. IT S 'I'ay tti ,ric m ordr ti uiaur aii.- wa. t muirlo. IT. Air t raft ,u.tmnt of th situation in Sonora, Wuahinittur. IT.- The fillhua- - aii. Indi led.. Sept. i a Ihatrnl William K. I'.orah, of Idaho, n op. hav crowd th Amrrh-u- honl-- r on whir iovrnor Mavtorna had tiegun tr usaiiint the river und Imrhor ap-- J Mrnaiile to lie lamj. vriil ainn' war in :n opn rvt,lt axainet th sovrnnint hill in th aenaie niet itai "A lotmtry whit h pi idea ift If r.n filing th Indiana campaign of th DIAMOND COAL Ml I M hll v Ill.T l Kiiropt und th;it n rm m or lit Mxlro City. lirst effi.-eti- parliamentary ahtu-- 'outdoor aport. aa doc Kntlniitl. pirty, declared here toniKht I 1 pre-iaho- tliiit the dctii'x udminictr.ition HAM I. It IIATTI..: Auatrian ayiiipitlliizcrfr in ttt I'nif d In th nu antim reports nai hod day w hi n a loni; forgotten ul l hav no difficulty In finding rati nt pr;c e " Htata or Canada may to l.omh th ioi ul conauiate of extensive arm.i-!dc- was rvn 'd from the record of: men .iwl,le of making officera. The tu 'undue evtravaaance ,. riori I ; loo.loo. IN (2:IO lit.) hrowiriB hua li-- Ih Canadian govrrn. incnt of both th Carranza arid Viiia th Klfty-firp- t to himitx ate' making nt alrid'-- "The democratic party wan pld?ed . (Gallup) contireaa r terrnotwla pri i The Hurl ( oi n rtionileiit of Ih Keu- - imtit lo inak" r jlutlona, nnn.nin d iroopa aliic th liftinu of the tmharao ; ihoa who ar trylni! t talk the hijljln effttinny and before will he in ita platf.iim In til not aiiecific - econotny." .'lor Tl t tarn yoinpuriy acrid th ful hr toni(ht. .')Vrniii th niova- 'y iho WaahlriKton Kuvt rnmnt. It ito death. j.tiile to lake their part In the eiim- - to aid Senator The Cleanest Coal 1 iipath :mnla of rf.plurita in Canada. a n port(l Irmn iialvaton that a Th nrecedent ftlm ji riiiint! mit.l. oati.'ri Mnm.!.. rmcrvi. iiniti :.r llorah, "yet eonaresu, haa already ap- om-- y propriated 'Deaptt the Kiavlty of i a few dnyg ecu. it la learmd. th inrife aiiipment f arms and nmmuni-ib- former Vice I'reaident U vi nent t th expedition, ll.U7.0firt.non. That does on Market rrtit by l.jhm iiuiitnt in. lude hill, the inn n n aliolia, no unrualneaa la (lt (1. tiona of an aeroplane In the vl.dnitv lion had been sent to .MeMco way of Morton that nator th ary forte and their Ida. e are helns not th river and harbor r - ri- - In h. rKi,rdinK til of th hat- f h W an it Tampieo. A coiifimiment of S.tiUO ,.mild itn.'.iher -- f,li..1 l,v ,! jcarrymt appropriation eaah and tnult fllaiul riwl excited inn, .fior not "vield" to lei r,i,i !obl.s;ution 1' rpm" t,Ml (,n way to j to $.1,iinfl.aiiii. AZTEC FUEL :tl of i he Aimii. It ia reaUned that, canal Kuruda were pre-',- " here eept hy unanimous itinaent. It wan "While Kngland has good ground amountinc tram-tnitie- a - ' any ap- Jaa in Ih mm' of th liattlo of th pard In fir on it. Th government. to Vidii head'iiiar- invoked Iti force Senator Kenv-o- for uuiet t i.nfi l. n nh.,i;l,l I. Neither linen it Intitule of the ine i COMPANY I City. propriation, made it Marti, Hewn will he scarce for aom tinibr the reBulatlona, f.yrl.ida f ;ihta l"r al t'hihuahua vt ho waa in day of a apech born In mind Hint the tilruRg'.r is net ."sary, jdata. i aim-d- . by war. iwlthln ten mile of the cen iHRainat th I ill, to continue talking bound to be a Ions; on and it he- - th Phone 251 j at W v "The apptoprittttona to in 'Th atrutikitt 'f th three ter of population and pointa at which eiiiuiiivT llSO MIT jhimself in ortier to hold the floor in-- 1 hoove, ua to develop armed forces to Uio in. a prvere - ' excR.s of the republican appropria- tin) a haa n.t been It than may uliKht have been dep- itiir.ii lit Jtl.ltii:i jatead of yiehling to other oppnnenta carry on and bring the mishty ion- - I of conurena, ithi.l of tit II a nu. Lilt the coniltlona Ittniitcd. t,,f ,hi. bill In to a f.. tv II... t., ...... I ,. i. . Ii tion" th last when th u,ir u,.,ul..l ; o - t . rrpiibhcana were in power, by tlie i wi'l be iof!K on. appar to j fuvor th allita. CcNalnly th tn- Washington. Sept. 17. liiirthloa rmt !..:!! I ... ,u ... .(. . .l H . . L i, ( Ouarda have been ordered to file le hopeful of the emv'a rlaht occiiiilea a very airmig upon within ilea and the appropriatiora of the air ten in of t otfni, craft Hal. prea.-n- ronuresa wh-- n will Iwit, tor I ii t in tt 'pontloti. hut even that quarter haa if ix. Sjndn. y, Chai comiilrted. TnNi. .t. John, lottetown. " in my hun-!tir- d ibanii tihlixeij to lvu very aiinhtly at ,. V:.leUl'ti,e Vl . . t e,. I ifrom Vvr Cru because he believed I, J . , r' i ' ' - judgment, amount to two Th litislfh Btmy Hint him fotiwh! lllC.H... " ' T..--..- T . " "mu' ""T'" or two M j.iiliitn. Th i tilt f difficulty , ... . i, ..' .1 ith Mexican now in control wer able . ., .'! hundred and fifty millions fit ln and iuird la looking foriir,t et tain l' i in, LI..t.'rv i.iMi-tio- i.oiiitoii, . i,.i.iiiij, .' U maniig th coun- - i " !of duller in excn of that which Waa to an, port from thu Indian Iroopa, Ihenlofora haa been to locate the VliinlpK. IfORina, Culaary. Vintorla j: affairs of their b "',""" 189I. Seniitor Itotiin.on . . denounced na extravagance," w hi) h houl.l a.ioii tie at the !de r the if th en.iiiy's ieiitia, land Vancouver, and of arty frovern- - i"y. EAST AFRICA IS ICnit i line th CoiiicMentaKy with the pre,i,lent'.. ! ishmn. Aloritf th real of the men! wlreleoK Vv.....1, Man-hall- , station. on i 6 I'reaulent , "J it Kfom h t'oepa. who otcupy lieiiimna favorably phti cd but remark Ml,. hi. enr. ,k MERCHANT CRUISER a!o ale j Any Heropian arrying paawngera ; OT'l"r' n,i h" 'Thy n. - Kir t.Vcil Spring-!U,- " '"iM. ,,f. "MU' of h th of Varit'iirte itidl'atea houn-Idar- y mliaador, ,'ii. tinier ticr,,j,(,t,,., eactlaln.ii which eroaaea the Imei niuion il vvt" 2 on th j cioii-wiii- a Hie .xi)ie!ts..,ii tf, diiart-,- a table Ih n. ni i m hitslmt e lone- llinl Ih tinman hit t hrUitmiint to will h aliotveil to l.unl only at the arat ,hp IS SCOURING PACIFIC ly ih army mnt hia own regret that Hir ljon'dlnn a'llfl;l ,r"" decision mde fli..ii and repair th Meld Arinapt.lia. !. si ; VVoodntot k, .V. Ii : m,,. ;,.,, I'.v hiX democrats ot- - ALSO SCENE OP ?tr. reir Ion and on Tin- ileirnan army ia flfthUnir at Carden. Hr.tiah mlnklr to hnator raiiv)a .l ake Meuantt ni,i llerniiilnaford, ! with repuliiicana I ahould have been rmoterl in crlt'cium the ituainHt the I.Y MO.MIM JOU.NAL irtCUL l f wlioie, ijoti, mi, to pomiiun ii ml an ttP'taiice from jin ,ic. Wi lllllll jue.; Athens, Hand and Kaaei, -- i .ppiwinic of the lileuiileMlii i.oli.v ll ,l,l"lirig San Kranciaco, Sept. IT. The new !reru;t!i, ih ariiHei, appear wliit entiemely iu.idciiunle line At .Mail., if ' lint,; urn. and Entevan. Aak.; er 1 deeioion evoked im - un- way ;:l:ritiah diplomat wer- - Mermit- - "" nuthurati I'arlfie trans- raoific liner vit!y matched itee,t for the ml, fiiinriiiiiileatioii. tin (he left th l thbrlilKf, !,t- H- Alha., and ChCliwnrk. to i - uen:.!'.r -1 of Miaaonri. res f y til a of Hie lilim in an nimy ia buried by the alioriKly fortified IH. led riticlzc the head of fore'gn '"' I,r", Asia has been requisition-i- C. : they j SEVERE V co unt ri. h a ml whatever warned the democrats that were FIGHTS?; the I'rilisli government (.a Klmk flank. French frtmtier. In th i statement ,uy and t'. thn.itin and tiitart A Canadifin ' " Impoae hy offiter miift he (iirried; have bt en made it did not i " '"--' rule. Senator into a merchunt cruiser. Th emiatii n ahin tnv tent of the tmr it la threatened the ilKian on any ienrenf Ketnyon vigor-- ; - ir craft which entera the View criticized the ruling , as- - and. of the lirltiah Eovernmenl She is now combing the Pacific for Iin ia rnisi h tl aaine. In I'lti.ti!)' tin- jaunt ,( m))( j(1 t ex- - ttie n. 'aoad.i and no fireartnr, tifficiala accented th nnibns.i.lor oiipIv. He denounced the democrats prise. This was the woed brought between liheiiii in tuint tutiea aiiPuuniK v and til Arin,,il aiavuieo or photographic 'explanation. l Ki "putting on a ling ! tr Thev for rule to force a! j I here from the orient today by the th itr ma Its eontlnu to f 111 (ify in-- i "' comiiilaarrlnt und t'l coicti ri may rniii ihi he dif-'vo- curried. ;I.ionel Carden had had personal '' "n thia pork barrel bill." Berlin !!:H,ifi' Aian.huria. The telvea, while la I t en m aiiii Hon of timctlta I Reports Claim Luanda ,mii1 'mrr Arii, tl,e entint '(erences with Carraii:, anil loot n. A hnrl time Inter u itimiliir r. mnrr'Hv Autsi a - tut-- - Al urn entrenching uuu. fttHr.u.riu- iie tnv Hum. thai. I, to-'tl- again Senator !,,m-r- -! n ,ii . Ml s !f .(IXT Al l. 'OFFlClAI FRANPF :Poed moke nr.isc and Railroad in British Posses-- v,'!"i1 ,,f ,,,n!4. ,utt in H'lte Alnutlauc(n U.I i IO j I (ward the urn r becaus the ronatltu- - 'ene, then in the t hair, det Hned 11 J I 3. Mlltl ittit intiA Rcrvii u it h in ho. Th pub-li- e M.K or AltlsTH I: to' ofliiiala warn the 1 1 n or a i ",a lorcen tum to leave ute the point order mad bv. lll,t ew months. that Ih '.criin-ii- poK,-tion- a MUrrrl r KhS . . Has buccess-- o'cuiiy ' i e sions been j . x-- I p. i S.i ii, Menator win, emlem nr.l to. ,,,..,,... m i, r'tit. (11:40 in Th. prepared for defenaa nil.) are I ITc-'de- j n. I, T" tndoy auld prevent Kenyon yield-- ; th the on, Seriutor from i - j had already been preaaed t.pporid t y heavy pro-(ii- o T' legraphliiK fioin Antwerp, fully Attacked. into the artillery, any ' i non of troops ihanae Telegraph a torresi. iimn.iiittti, withdrawing from the;ing to Senator Chtpp. Kenittor Poioer-- 1 tranaport service iniiHt he alow. " Hoiiteaux. Sept. IT U:4 p. m.l iT' X.i tord, had not been ; Mild he would I n. , ; potuleiit any. considered ene again the! Amonit t'he pavengeis landed bv the The ic.itu oi prepi.rintf for h hV-- - I ) . Tar-o- n iTh iiiiiiial world of Frame await n''r to predict for- tiiieation to aenate. A debut i.icii.i .m,, ,.,. , x,;,n..r i ; Fiild Mitrahal 'a whn the on inns 1,..,,!.,..,,. and are "The r.poit that Willi Wal I 1 miiniaiiiiiiK opimiisni til of the great wIU!, extended. He j the point of older wn Interrupted ' ll"n. .20p. ,.) The Von Iter tiiiltr.. govei nor gi ncral of l , Austrian iimhawador to Japan, who n fore nupertxr in that of Hi Htil i Cff-ifia- ., i;,. by in northern Fruiu e. reports joy an exicunv aeaaiun and th 'oovving man statement , hp y , Hie territory in Helgfum occupied iTnt . . 'iieia paj,) intended to apnd a few weeks (ian am m ltlium to coyer Hi ,. tindoubtedly I - . - 'Hi Hi minim, had viaited Antwerti, reieivt fresh , ,er " ....t "'''r..'iiuuii'MH tiiiat win iinaiii von- un in proposa i i.-- o vooovm o tu .viar. ' this conntry before nttemptine to liremtitt of th mail, uriny idifiiild supplies of nu u Imt un- - vv M. and ammoriiMim mreateiiing ami tomorrow. iiuii ireieaa leiegrapii conipanv; i that betiiin liei eaKBl y, 'i'hey (aiime fiunt the fact Unit Woeat. a r. return to Aiistilu. nr,. ttled a. had iitan reported. j unauec-easfit- l is I ' ; I'tn than the l'inch. The Hex-- An effort wa made' "It repotted Irom Kast Afrle K li tie 111 b ailer of the Cnlnolic Captain rdmannsdrorffer of the reiiortcl airrtiKihetilnv troops in Ih of Hu I,,.,, conierence on Uctoher tSv ,.t in bill ...... enioninl truoos . (party, who in Mi uaael Fftith opinion Bnmmririi rn'tnat irman Hamburg-Anier- ii an line, pa- - on the Hhine ytliere If lemnincl nftr fl'it-h- , I will designate i another ll nips" military expert, w.ih a nroviaional iirl. the aciiiiiesce'nce of a tnionim of th i I'wfnlly attacked the I'ganda rail- - senger, weanrv tiny could e'.iitintie ii Iohh y iUHl he commanding the freighter U'lo, nave un iiilvantage over the ioeiit. dues not know, from offi. to t points II U T...... r, ..,.- - to nu. i Mini senate held a night arsriiin tonight . , different. 1. ? TO t,.r.o I...!! Im 1 flffeiinive. i. reports, ! , i."m,i in ,mi inn.,, Hum in tpi.i, una n:'"'v- - in whether Carranza will b in order to force Senator Kenyan to !'' ...,,.,.,,. oecn received t I It :Wl,t In r it waa P'aihla tn arrange an r,r !!! ln Vladivostok when war between bill lor l M !tsamd r.tir in orj.-- t.. I... a Hei.'iiim'ii wa 'raliera trt.m the buttle krn conclude his speech. i that a reidv , in Hi v.? and (ierrnany waa declared. All ri porta from fVlioKtinl and o, i tiitiditlate succeeding elcctiona. division It" If'ia tour but He to ar laiuvuln tint ,,,,i.,,v.i imiii iiiio iiiii.ii'itnv vnti .Herman .f SPii!P(1 hlB vessel and indcpi ndeiit aiMireea na di-tc- et 'y thi-i- r r,vr.Tne ,;,1(ins finh I'.nioe I d" ho has trauniorts lien Priaon-iKa- vi Hio Aerw ot," GERMAN WARSHIPS i : Vu ...V . , . hlm hour, he tin hi, in wnicii und harmt, tt nil t ciinfii,,, itrianted that the people of III t uy JAPAN SUSPENDS TWO .. w i , country. hia Jianit ill sliiijinliT colorj) Hi cruital! are hard1)' a.vare .f their presence. ' .IZSt ":. !?..'." the Three of 1 FIRE ON EACH OTHER offioera were held. j.i!io ,,f th A.iMriin ,.r,,ic in. NO I ED AU HuHb oAY Fight hanlrtd arri..! t nl ty, iiue-- t cf FOREIGN NEWSPAPERS Veins nr age. resilient in stutes uf the! t.aiint. m. t. mrinite which it out ' theill SoJOuiii, heloli.; m the iSoioh African union are being accom- - ' to I lit ENGLAND DID RIGHT -- ai'tul iiilniin of (he main! chides. ionic of them IK. MOSNINa JOUSNAV. SCCIOL LKA.tU WIH) mutinied in the concenti ai i. etteen ;dandruff soon ; !i. ..iihiaa liiifcuiaii ainiy ln it i ttiitiiy hate had p.snirien. Ail talked freely, lonmv i.iciii. ikhd I Kit Huberts Heights. New 17. iii oiiibui, Sept. 18 (:,, a. in.) Tele-- 1 .l on Jiy j J Vuk. Sept. The Japenese J th '..'.a tiirnt Ihi ii, the llaa-- vt.ii.n printing atTilltnglt to their t.iticr d praphlng to the Times ita I'etrograd "Subscriition to the 'lerrnan w,r' RUINS THE HAIR Hill, (i' li. litis i!lCikv flllli in. .'i.m.a hiiiko. :l Igieetiish gray iltovei nun ut has prohibited the publi-j- i loan, lillllbilfl IT p. ill ) uniform. corrt spondent says: j which began at the i .1 ' l.ollllell. fept. t'.4i ition of Ho Japanese liaily rii.d thiejiteii, with envelopment Herald ' '., ii , juirpastied - Fifty an- -' Nind Im i, I, iteporis oi tnsasier to the Her- - have all cvpecta- Jl.i ni aii'loned I.emherK liny of the b't known l!rttil th Japan I'ost, news-- , MakcM It I.IMcsh, Hull, Pry, Brittle !nt are' lliem ttien and papers In man fleet in the liultic hav lu-- '"" thois. iifiinnit sniiirii CAREFUL SCRUTINY Vokoltama. to a , i "Servian force which mid Thin. ,m":ioi ii divm-m- : i,.,imi.-.- mi Hl'i tii! calile ilispiit.h received liere tonight confirmed by dispatch received here. crossed the ; ANTI-TRUS- 'nve ,,::::."''' have signed tt lui iitieii ,n ' OF T BILL hy Kast which declare that Herman warsliins riv"r have been repulsed eyerv- - C.irls If you thick, li IHlKel .f, j ' li . th and West News Huleau. want plenty of ttilliI.iii,)e!itn that llli! Ih'V aav thai th'-- are all; ;!lir.l upon racii other. All rumors of i " "fro. i ne enemy rias now been rAiiiKlreiiiB - I.1..! ..o ,i, .,i.. , .i... .The tlistiaith savs that Martini list "'a,mi Riossy, no i,j un ' " .jiii .,.iiiir-- nir in'cli t ,yu. engagements with Ituaainn cleared cut of th distr icts of Syrmia silky nair. ajreed "that Orent Hritaln mild not. of x " the fleet lilni of the nu n b. li t? In get aerox mct... jousH.i. vko.ta win.i ,,iitr the Tost, has been nn Baltic, mid Haunt. .means get rid of dandruff, for it will - have refused t.! 'v nviria pelletl the however, are untrue. th'- Carp.t!hi, nu If thi, t true, v.ilhout dishoii'ir, Si 17. t from Japan. their i Washlllgloil. pt. I'residel 'lliflc in the form of sticks your you part in present war - have starve hair and ruin it if nr likely dirfi-iili- y lake the The two newspaper .cording toi 'T;r,i?'."""i','on rT'VrK roinmundera u have lvii- - Wilson niiil Attorney tliiieral liregoiv- numerous attend--VHrv; '"''n token from Helgian Franc tie- - in a The signer include ltudyard .oe a;.ie message, met with govern- (llir't Ic'Cik over rnilea M litive been asked to pas on features of e,t by orregumr troops). These Sllog. II. Hi lliirkcr, Mr J. ment t ensure cruisers, which engaged in,rHurs rifles 1 Cm w, mailt nntl-tru- o: M.i;,l..y after frt I 1 Ul to where the), might find 1.1 Alu on Hie Cl.tyton 'v,'r" loner d"''n m,"'h K"0' to ,r5 ... t llei,li..ll. Hubert npori .ui-iiti- hunting down passenger ' centimetres and could " u Cer-tn.i- - disseniiiuiimg new of a char- sleamers fciipport Ir.nn newly fortmd . .".."ii.. . ''111 H llich is beio pifpitletl b) sen- ''"','- - merely only sure ... . i li.iui ui'in, ii Kir Ailbiii'- mistook their own Flemish ships und;'1" 'y pressing a button. jl,rush "r wash it out. The , , i ,,'.,'-.-- s acter tending to conn tvhic.i haa Hi, ... eilimiB, lit and lioueo coiilt-iee- Who have "impair the friendly troops - I'M vie, h'lr II. Hitter Haggard, I oth-- . engaged in a lively battle. '""r have been warned of the'wav to get rid of is to dis- l;,"i ' thev i ill tluliKcr fiiiln IWlisHi heel, delilit rating for two it iittioiis n the empire und dandruff the i Anthony Hop Haw. Week. The number of vessels crippled ganger of these apparently harmless !g,;.p ,.., Siii"!, in oi, iij (insulin ifoiii Hardy, nat i.uts." u thlM, ,,..,.. t. Pniirely. the north, K. JeiiMiii', Henry Arthur In the main, th principles of the unknown but several cruisers Instruments in the hands of fanatical:!! L a jkina, J. nnti-tiils- entered fall for Hi iufurcciin'iiiH. l j ",,0,,t (.(ones, l. Wells and Mrs. ittimiiliiy vT.ijto,, bill tu supplement th Kiel badly mauled and rlddl.d ,hl!f: K','$ f"l,r "ncr " im . r.r. tl. and y nt Autia to Hi ei,!,,tf) all lav have been retain! d by Hit: CARDEN REPUDIATED carrying inanv "The report in Tamdun that lhvjr-''i-- li.iuid arvon; apply it ITI-- il Ward. wounded" UVUHH..I ItetVlee, 11- - coliferet Sum of ih st nat antend-men- ts tierman moratorium has been x " reuring; use ciioiigii IliilHliit tU'c pl(Si..ily lejiclel r h;ive been accepted, atune of BY FOREIGN OFFICE tended to the end of September js m'l',tl'n the stmlp and ruh It in Bently 1 i !DRY FENNSYLVANIANS HAGGIN ui.fii. nt thm nu hardly help the ill eiijtin.ti house piovtekin amend ESTATE IS untrue. A moratorium was ne'thcr Wtth th'' li,1R:,'r tlpa. ' ! ,!y your unity in Hale la, vtbiiii j,.is, tit t ui ai nr I RQ 0,1 senate have been rctored reouired nor n"" nnK, most if not all, of lAlM Dill 'he JOUMHAL BSSt-tK- dcred. There is ilier. iviise.nn repot . IViUUOUnOlinnF MOl Lt.tO t1Sl ESTI MATED AT 1 or to t.; jUlll DULL ,M! ,lt llle been ra.writ - $ 5,000,000 no foundations !1' 'rurf he ono, and three . imn hs I.ndon, Si IT p. I -- for the 'renort JoeS.-a- j " 11 " d. m. The more completely 'tin. 'lie section relates to foreign that Its prolongation Is contemi..t., ''ur applications will j Hntish office, thla evenlns J'roin crioisin nothing pi till a iiislv e ts. 1 dissolve every nw has Mcni. v..o ois.i ibit ti of et stattMi jt - vairyinji on husi- - and entirely destroy . jou.v r ine lodny ept a that, ,).. thni had no official informa- tTosmiotisvtcii.Lii.twii M""'- singl sign iep,,it ih I'a-- . Kept. I'n hibition of price tliscriniination 1 org. 1 and trace ot it. HartlstitirR, tion renHrdiiig tha Interview uttriliut-e- d Aew Sept. n. Hag-gi- You )!ositin general, lteunuKairipf, baa gov- -' n oouse tn will find. too. nil ItchinK. C. McCormick wits endorsed for mcri siru.iv ittun oui. to Lionel Card'-n- , mine owner that f rusliate.t the attempt la t iilihoui-- spe. lnclmle.l in the sir Mritish min anj horseman who jand digging of scalp will stop, and miiflank enter and Htfford I'lnt hot tor nil to M.xi,,, United died recently, left n estate amounting the Jiiio 'ml that he tins taken lip pus., today by a sretam have been stib ken is:r trlticiting the british officers j.voiir hair will he Filky, fluffy, lustrous, ed Slates aenator late miirutiil States f,,r wuhdtawingr troops in miiiin ia.u'iu,tui0, according to it to its in inir wiili tin. on holding from A nru- - loo- - a hundred font the m-- of represelfolUveii nfjotH. Seciiocs lesttictillK Vera C1112 hy n TTI ri""'1' a"d hordt-r- confi.t .statement Issued nttornev. her in in I I fel J;to,itii siije of the no-li- - m killed On 'lime You liqilid4hrvon j ItllH-S- : P on and timpani and inteiiecking director It w. Lt better.. can get lnnce. folded, in conjunction with filing the i Ju iulglum there has been a teltll puns Have reluint d slight however. thit the will at any drug store. is inexpensive t oi ftoin uU of Jules lain with , communication hy Cecil Probate. r..r the most part It whit enie .aniavtoit. made Sir jf'"' the m-i- a IO,lr yon no of aklrmishes h have unieiMniciu. -- Sprirg-iij, , '"-'I'-r,- y lit ounces is ail will neeii, the state. ,h j;,(tif,n r consisis of mine in South Hmiu miml um,.,, i""a t'ecn a feature of the nur sim upon all , London, Sept. 17 f : 0 7 'matter how much dandruff you have. the Th, eotifitin.-- called at as!,hii:t,.n, J Hakota and I'eru and in m.) Secretarv of Stat real estut. I IVia This simple Cermana advanced into Franc, with tnt-re- st llri.ii.1, ,.ril remedy never fails. t- candidate for senator Krvai, t ,na, Lionel jTns tef tator s in horse '"n Killed, ll DIRIGIBLE AIRSHIPS ,ffct sir was entail "iiiinu- . t'B and iWnl us ,.(- - I'm-- . lmift knim-- - - In a It.- tldvant ithdr daily of i iniKi-viet- v nmuta-nieni- a .. eioaioi li... - . . rences. lu withdraw in the Interest woiii.i lent,. hut ih. alleved a not litis n, i.tiibn . ni For example, di tier-y- n Hie ' according to enl. tonight, was Captain Bertram v'l)S 1J"r Healthily....Active the lawyers hot. FULFILL EXPECTATIONS fun opportunity, w;it endorsed Stw. x s n yesterday Tvirnnnde, . 'cansi-- Tlioroughly. the ..,eiBn office. j The "''" I ft u, relatives. art of the West Kent Vcomanrv Yonr System niy to it morning.1 Ik-i- a have this Women tn I I Oeni'tt rat. tnpUin .Stewart was on of .. A man ln Kentucky ' lust told t.eruinlth Check HclglaliH. A Kul-s-- efficera were. WasldiiKton. Sept. It. IT HOSSIN. JUUimtL SnCiOI. LIA.t Wt.! c sot, Itetttvertne. Vermont I'rojrrsive. who Imprisoned in r, ifriend that Foley Cathartic Tablets Tiesitiea th eustein fairt!,n, of til to work sg ilimi Sept. 17 IS Ot p. tn ) l;eu-ler- 'a lierllli, S, Herman fortress for party of campniiier l.on.ion. IT (Ma Amstt-rd.ti- Kurlingti.n, Vt Sept. IT. - several months the mot wonderful medicine rountry Un rt d'-n- a - congress The pr0- the Herman hold th ..r Telegram company t a l u p 'i was Kin-lth- crath- caiidulatcs correspondent tn i I'rince Joachim, th eiiieretj tor spying ana pardoned by at had ever Said tne state - i mn i . nfr.,i hi. to Tournay, tn ill lept,ri tiient of was aent weat from here totlny by the ut Amsterdam semis the following: ;ynuil.t.- -t si iiprtir ii iiimm t. r i r .vtm "ii of th emperor, who la touav i.y cnoosing Alexander j. i' , Vr,,Ln,i "l ' would not be Neither Slainauit, thu preventing the congressional union for woman suf- "An otdein! dispatch Berlin . nt Coop; viiV without them. ki. from l.eil, lie f, 'file, is, said lo be recov-- s - i.tna ff Albany. "1nn'nM,m.- .1? ,h,,,r , you, if you them front going too far in their frage. Miss Jan I'lncua, tif received here ny th Herman dirigi- jering from pj ! '"'Jidatei dptt(l n .would had ever tried ttt.-U- woiinds. but it wi.l ""I 7 . VTm't- - of- on which Will expei-ta-tion- "-k- . ftn. an th Uennan troopa N. V.. headed a aectton ble airships huv fuifil'. d all t "f Slf :f0r,fl"-'ll- nstipation or for liroceedmg r before he is null .rno:r.n7:,",e Con,mr '"" " id P to France. Thu far, bow hav badiiinrtr In I'hoeulx, Ai'is, None of them hav been de- jrinu,. ire.leri.k Carl if Hesse, fer you than r, the Kelifian Mia Virginia Arnold, of North bv Ih enemy. rother-in-li,,,- - - - trmv ha fulfilled Ita and stroyed or captured ct na h Keeps your active- - f ,h w.ts ion t.ii.f w.i stionn i.ont nnei- liver fillT.ttd part by keeping at least one Carolina, one to he located lu 'hey- of tlo m dam 1 1 Ithoiitih soinv hate ben jaeV'Tfly Woi,,,,,.,. bullet . V. ' " "u,nJ:l ioui people can't find anything to jlivuMun irom g..u-- ( tu Wyu. 'aged." l a ate Si.ator Wiliiam IL Diliin. '.' I. f. the asuurtanvt enne, hivh tlen le Mauhant rel-le1u-'- Ly tukrvd the thlglu (rrpublican.) of the East -l them for comfort. For sale ment. Butt's, Inc. THREE ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1914.

"""" i l lii'ai1 Hi-)- Hughe,' in" n niiiiini. I YEAR IN HIGH SCHOOL !'4iiY fa'l cipl' II 1HI TO vluiv in "'I'l r apli.i ul n I'.oC ' Among the JiowUrH m iiilultt .11 lli'1 Hi--.- Moihndi-- i t Into Ii. IS WORTH $7,000, SAYS ii-- . dllm UlnU 11 ilniKsiiui ."'('! sloth -- ''. Ii hT.wiMXG or 'n:Ms. BISHOP EDWIN HUGHES W. I.. Vet. IN I . PORtI A- 0 l.Odtl - THR - A- - LX - A. Iv--. WORirOFVI V A ip t?n- Day s In hluli Jl. VA C. . l.min WHEN SANTA FE Kvery vent' Cured? in On i'. ! !i '.! tlii- Mii-ui.-m- Uy Illeoillrnn K.vtrm . Ml" lh worth $i."00. v.a iir l'lnlf ' - - Mi rcllls f Hrlrntl.rie tlfflee , s :: .M"1 ni.iili- hy l't!sh"l I'l'iwn llU!;lus. j

. S :t inl-"t- tho " .... . ,. ixurtls .fic ol San K..ikini; hi , :! :; .ftiin iilirh Ktudi'iits yvMorilay m'fi-r- VARICOCELE ,:i :i .son AND CITY CLASH tiiioti. 'I'lie 1im!ioi Mpn'e i n t'lo 'III. Ill- - f Hydrocele, Rupture (Hernial BRAVES HOLD FUST ATHLETICS . a mi" Ii l.'il a'lviilitiu;-- ot POUND :; V r llmil . (i .nun i Tin- m." III llelenMtin front Itilhi '!' eioiv Is Iv lAHHM H.K ti knotty. mUoil lOMCIlirMH i 'th.- wan not men ,0 h.'Ikh'I tti! Koytils , M hlh wurui like, eeiiilltl'iit uf tli veins, with estimate, the IiInIihk :j iI'I. H ! luill iiiitoins ne li n H"(l puiu. ' ' I'll I II- - nVniniwii-w- , of 's ihhTs Tutor III Small- iIiIh c initthftnntl 11 la.k i'itir;o mokivm Klausncr, With in-- : A Hit fii.i'i . MI '! Mike yiiiilliir to .'t lit empl"Vi-.- In suil iti. mint GRIP Oil LEAD TIGER P1TGHERSI 111 l'iIS euti-- r t tin V. S. army. ID HIT A PINCH 'llllil H Viirleiweii- I'.uiiniit iyiuatn e i ompa n f'H, he iid. miu-ute- pox, Remains in Railway We Hoi. lu ,;itiin-ti- of few Tonv Morolli'it Colts throe 'I'm- - .ho ali-'- i on l1 that the ttve-- i No u tin Hirer. No games til llii' Crocer 4'1 handicap rae ;i I.i r of ttn-t-t- " ho went thronvh ll U'lo-.- Station Until Responsibility (1Mri-sJn(- the iinmi-- r i.l ltd.- etuhth vr.'Kli- wns 1"0 a Var; Il ItlttlH-- Is ft nut league lust night at Ii reiinh-tii- ll - x.'hnol III Inn, evpert titieuilon. l hoii- !io fhMliiil hlth f ii , Ik i.TllV 1,' I" I'x'lmlve Standing l l I'itsImIcik Mini OtHHi - leva. for Care Is Fixed, ."a off the, ,0 ('Iiiiii' Hilling Tlrl- r.ii iniHH Hold., 0iyiiieittH Safe When r.-i- thntu- ho v- The score: a and oini'li t.i If y.i't nre ii toiffi-n-- front It - Mailing H - f ami Mc mg i i i n i oei-l- HiveHi- I itlliwr IVhitipk. Ylti licliruN film Meltn limp.: HooiIViIh Hcatefi l VlltS i To! oileui- rniro. l.rti !. t e,i will do well nt iK : Mill- - llmiU, 1 : 17T i;!t Illshop Holt, w.t pi iii s.iti- mir Ml.Tlloll TKKAIMI.M ,in "l Mm kmcn Tnk4 Ontior voin hy Hitl'fitloo-- 1'ci'i'HpliH Wallop l.ttthrop . . . m fnrrivrlv 'Vt 'to i . hti'h ettsep In Dclt-oi- i H.2 -" Ml to whi'tli.'i Id- I'itnw um He i" Club. Packers.; Hi-- 'I . . Whili th. iin'inm hh IIUI'Ut,- H.iofoiN llrooklwt. , hursten " Jt.-Mi- iiiisi- - J . 1::; w.'.' n iht- Siium IV idint; the ) pisv.-nm- I'mw i'i ii . nr. llhi- o.r in Pit nr. n t:tM i r. r. Miki- t many A i 'Min . . . . H iKhoiiM i':i i' for lilrn. Klaus inlori. of liiipitire him i'"h1 lUvn. t VHTIONAL wTAMiIU. so lit; '"- -' of ( iiilin I'ln in. Ktiti.. ill wiihi s'il;tit rn II. ill o.i .A I'V Mlt'eXlllB or moll M..rlli.. .. nT. el" "leppinit dotta pet IfloX, On- simokinu eoimtihiK, llfllliR P.t MIIIM nal in iHs-fil- l In- I'l,ltll.ll-I.ll- l . . . - ijiilikli'. ef tl," r i; s i;a MUi 4.'." a I' :! rill !lS I . w w ... i,i..ii Totals . Kid .1 thu r l testine, tn ,str.4ioiilatli,ii I ml k " j ,e.i V. !M,l;iii,iiolm '.1 arrived, at i Yi many 1,4 , I ll'OlTI'K Kin here reipitrii.K an It'll-- Hiiii ,i,..i-i- GRINDING OUT GRIST oi-- .! K.r, H'.!i 41" on i In eta- cm ltu Nil 1.4 W . . . f4 in', lin k vesterdav afternoon Sunt tt n- :t mhtliKI,.i Ui.'fal...... Md iinpn rteti-ti- pi. i 'in 4V" IV No. 2, o:i the way from I. or o ion frern tiiislii.,"it 'd .1. n :,1 f . . ir.s i.v tram .411, j (i 2 l ti U' 4 1 ' He wn ill j 1 T. W : tl St I. Mill .. :nis'm l 'I 4r,'i Murom-e- i AiiKflea to f.arden 1'hitn. pant.i Srtj.t. ilisi rlet i A Sure Cure For A Small Fee i' ol't'ii-e- . 414 4 ;,i 4'H a Hl..--- t o, .. :SI. I.oula .. . . . lf,3 H.l Went lo phvsl, hill's The;,., ,.,,nxin(s i.n .noon .! l';trkiT t., tonoi'lo Jlie-- t 1 T iilil'U .4:1 II i rtulul . . 4.1 I'lltKi.lll'Kll . 77 ,4S V 4'.:; ido.-to- he nan pmnllpox,,i W cxpi-- I. ll O 14. told him iinil.l.i.,. 4,irv, it re Mm 44 4 1'J iisrnl ( 134 44 eoriMilt inn It lee, sent him MS l n, i, ( i llanilli'Ill'1 after !r. Ulll1 ..netUf. ml titmr Tlr. 44nmM Tt4. j jto the deli ntlon h'pitnl. Th0 ,.,,:mit,,-T- of W'e- T KcIIhI.Ip HI. l.uu: l li.i"H. riul.Jiiilii in lx m It. "Jl l. v. ( J'HUhurKll. flrt nin.i Xii H.d !14 IMiMl Han t;t Fe railroad am hoi litis t tntea ( om mi.--i loner Stp)Mtl4tlstS. I'llHillllPtl l V'lk. !!'..ill U4 lin1iriHi.lm t Hronk l. n. Tot.ilx the ,,, as niled 1 j I., l;i,e. em phyiati-m- sahl t , 1, 1 . i n ihimK'i llriUIVI.. M'lillottn ul M. I..MMN. KliniMll I'llV Hi lihlllfTll.fl". l)r. tl ni t'h.iei e,nnit, tfArp h l'hllli-lilil- dill not know the,)a- I'lilfl.uif V..ik Hi 1'hlrnfr.., M. I.oilln t Huri'M... IM0T0RISTS COME TO 1t(tht he ;,,,eite.! hy Jmlne William II. A.t!, Ita I'V had not looked H'.'tel' I laiism r y,n,f. 1 m, wo' "! pncink Mil IP, MOMMINP jOUk PCCIftL 4t.rP M FT MnANtW JttuMNhL SMC1AL tfUBKO WlHI itinul hi1 needed a telephone nns'Kaie .lh0 ernment V;i Miflaiivd to. i.nil ! ItiHliillty ul ON LA BAJADA I ' The 1'i'lri.iU Sit. IT. 'hila.1rlihi:in 1'iltKl'iirith, S pt. 17. riUKbiiitsti GRIEF litrt hlxht fnvltiR that tip was oum--' dav In the r. ileral eoort on ;i ,nyi nni !n.erulivi-tifuli'd h ii t t flci lln-nnu- coniiTii-t- i I" lilt Ituiliill.h Ki isUiit in k ami Vi iinw k'x nnal.lo to hit ilinii popper. mi i tin- in l.nta HARM DONE Wimt.-- ,m ik mil pait of ntiwer s.-- ' Yeitrp lUwlnn hing an s l.iilay ml won. S to 2. HILL; NO $ I i" Hnniher Mrlm) me jut. rmv 1'hilniHliibia fly Chlri.ffn j Taken l'ai k to Station. hh. 1ntmme mih fr.r ..,o0 au,i:itt :..::' Ti;.;.i. 1. I'oImii hit Hip lirwt dall 3 today. IV- - Th kiiOrkid IMi ksoti out of iin,l,-- n K- iu, i to in vlilnrv miT Drtroil iMtiK j th-- it aititiu city oroi lni, rim es tstitlitinM nnpi hiil Hi !' niiiB iiiihiih "u i irolt thii. riinn off I'lunk hi the hux in the fixth. nance placing the eaie of patients Actoeliitinn, Ri oulns out ,,t the t und - Our Itlidniiips, ertl,utl. K ""i ilh-.- llllK ami worcd tin- mmmit uinv the firnt two tnninM lint lmioi w ith contiiKioiis ae ipon the, j,.,.,,,,,,,, t'edetal Imihlinit at t he Iti uir Tim-- ill.- - 'hli .flrtl IAS ftlfl- - n.ltrntliiii. OH lIUKK'nil fiiiKli mid Mimcr f Itilanknl tho thr 1,'xt of ' ruency which hrlntm th.-- here, took j j ,IS nirieiis, US In l" the fUTl on -- i'-i- "i Cnn o. Mi ij.rtii- uun noil liv I'm rillMuiruh .tiflo not i .2 ):an' .vr . v m . nf-- t IV rt fly. Utnt M'tniil I'tM 1 t t rti.u klnttnncv to th" utation. This m )n )nP eat- of liohet hut of ,Mirrt anil trl nH"'tI R H E;..i- - ...... ti.l u.vik f,.f .tiKi.iiiniu ii HatU-rlo- llioniinn mid WiVnn; ill e o n o In H iv oueioite met with a thiillinK tor the Santa Fe n t'iisxl to take cat j (ir(;ul j,,,. ft ilnm.'mis :ii;itlti.,t Kid tmtl ; ti ,,4,... nirkMin, Walker ami v Vh- c. i..,i 00l i.i,,,, ' 1, Haladii hill when the huxe aw if the man, It lee filid. !th- Xi-i- MeU ton & 2fl(l h It on .. Give Ud A Visit Will Tell HHI i:x lj Hr.i: K the hmr-.,- cliy phylit,-i- next ritep Co. t ami Van-t- o Don't IU.U : ear In whieh they are vikir.K The "'"'jMminn of 'idnrado. the Phiaili-ilii- 01 ft fj ' I t tty a. n Judy,-declar- sail best IUtl-ri4- allfts llol.liiHon aiul . .111 2S IUIiiitti.iv Kansas .ek,- a Mteen Imnk at wnh Santa that he w on Id y , at Itat.m, v bUii rnre bv the latent 1 ....i.i ItHorm th .inptiny .... 1 10-- i jDi-lrol- S 7 7. Hnllimore - t,,..i. Itl KuiIoHih and Vhalnm. . '.'10 Udft 000 ii lUiltlmoro, Set. come to nrlcf-- iii,irntine of ikln ftiiici.. pevei-- other enrs had the station under the the llliviiiiintUiu. (Hlinrll. A 11 hi tt tot Ihriml To-laH- t n,( made It four etrnlKht from Kit nana f lilt Iolaii.i I'.uti-- l'lank, IViinoi k of indie.i in company assumed charve. ,,.,. ,(H ,, k . tiuniniur: p 3 2. uevernl the Ionics the f,,, juiiu.Iletlon and stnn 1 roiilih-a- I . lifeline, a iv!1 City hy winninn toda itnmc, to - ldlr'. Hrhmiill. Smith. Httn Uiiiii; Phuhk, Main. Ui'Miolds the ear, had hift n rtionn nt hct'ore iThls the company did, Hr. Itlee said, p,., ,,,,,! eotnpliilnt an to Hie (min- Nri'MolsnfM. I iilurf f it l'rolle. " . In the Movonth Inmnp, only, were tne irli-liirel- , lllmhl.-- ivalli-- in r.olniixon 2 In Haki-r- to walk. W .m Pa.-i- w Uhlinj, (iff "ft toft the car nml atnrted and taken to inn,,,, Whttt deel.trett that ft" its eat . vlsiiorp aide to make hitp etmnt, when K Klatner I I IP ami nil I'.a-- rn UullH 2: olf y T hlln Mmpliy. any, ili.l j h- hy pml rlniirv tlss-- m t'ff Sallw The car, MrunKe to ""t hoKpltnl. While - w.ik In the stailon ly hnilsed on h! hi'tly an I " alngh an two Uis-ls- lllsrHses, pml nil huh-Ib- illsfusfsi 1. k 2. TC Daiiwi in 5, three n and error netted two. th-- re - iii.liinon I; off l!udiljh Strui (ililrinx lllin over entirely, allhouxh it took wan pl.itioned to lre- had his left t ar torn off, lost his hi nt Weni-i- i. 1 num. K,rt of Mm and 2. I'm-lu- ff I .1; in 1: men a t mm it E Salli-- !: Iy lludolplt Main in off s R N K doulile t.anm itnd pevcttu K,.,lt nny approtiehliiK inn, siitTcr.-- nie.-ttl- from Mini and 1 itNSI 1.1 t lliiN. AOVIt An S 7. re: iiuff 4 in 2; off IVnnook in it Imek roan. it was rui-hei- t l.elow ,,',. K Ik and Hart. Plank Haltimore i 00 020 oox ;i s I ,( to the too closely had his hit left the Ml lilt 4tlNTUI lltn; lr i Mi Col- - one of thej if nut ef town, write pontile ila Hakcr to lnnin: OHO 20O--- 0 niMotlcnltv tinilaniiivted condition of Klniisiier Is not km t J Kansim City ...000 i The (lantH I'M ItoiN I. Slum to Party to Mi Intiia; Molnnm. own ...enoed with a hlnek eve ami im-- Italtetten; tiuinn and Jai'klltfn h; up. selloili'. INTERNATIONAL SPECIALISTS N,w York fr'fpt. IT. New York ( nnaMM.-f-ul l. Piicott on Imlla off Stone, Cullop and Kanterly. iother with a severe nhnkitm niirj- iitnii, riiittt't init liciirt, nomiiiR On-il'aii- 1; off eanv vittory from 3; off Main I; off Plank SjMSl V . .on aiiolhcr jSHRINERS AND ELKS S,-- ntl'l Ploof, lliimuH-- iilot-k- ei.rner 2. Sti k out-P- .y . today. Id to 1. Potmlait was P lino, k in Dautl; lii,llaiinMis 7: I lit tik I;yn A. plgns) kidney nnd blad- I. 111,1 Am-.- Fi Pilso. .limiil lmiir-f-imolhi-- MISS JESSIE BOOTH These nre of I'Xim 'In. l.y IVnno, k 1. 1 mid walkln'n rlKht men und hittlnufhy Mam 1; Ptooklsn, Kept. The lirooklyn OFFICIALS WILL COME in raio-- 11. Mesa Auv 1. der trouble. You'll have headache 1 Yurk'p three runs in Ulnccn and P.san. l'ed.ralp today loat their fourth N. CASE Hour.. B tn lt p. ni.. lu p. :sw WEDS CURTICE too, hnckai-he- nnd lo tired nil over. UnniiBj (., in p. tn. tit p. were pooled a nil. stmlMht lo IndlalinpollH, 5 lo 7, in. the fourth witnout itnme loiiRt-r- tnUlliR St.x 2. islo-i- . FH-- nnd Slirlner Don't wait htit hrgln Hums drew three pupae und on hi llltlilamli r While and fell hack to the necond tilt officials of the MOSN'NO JOUNLX nt-- 1111 h,IM11' I Peeklnpannh ft H B to month. Foley Kidney 1'HIm nt ome. It tvnti'l Ian! time " rml 'th fliiontfo. Kept. '. lpicit tonsoiiacf Will Visit Alillille,Ue "P 0(10 I M 17. One of 1 Ihnjaniln, In alek on liuwu. Mathcwmin watroni;won hip.fiiHl name itit ninnaKor today Itulhiniipollp ...410 0207 Silver ttty. N. Sf'- On Ocloln-- Uiiiniond lie lon lore our mlserahle to i tmo 2 1 rt 02O--- -S 12 4 in pevein) t : H. M' Kief i n.i niioMi-i- l hits. when Now Yoik d I'fealeil ChleiiKO, Hrooklyn the most eliihoritle tvcddiims exalteil Mil' James ferlllig Will be Rone. Yon will onlv ilx - Ktanii ALLEYS R tln- Iturl- was celelit ated B DRUMMER : " (o 2. I'i i kinpaiiKli tiHPiiined Ihe liattetltm: Whitohotine nnd ears in Silver t'lly mniiil Itustee. and frd well, cut well nml grow strong and 3 eKiK-me- Moiith. of will he Clnilniiiitl .. 010 V " ' 6 Uiep of ma natter follow lim the t Mcaion, niiiejiu Ret, niiiin-i- nmt Ttieptluv, When Mlsa Jessie Itohlns'ttl, Riali'l secretary, again. They- - n tonh: nml ynttr I'Xi N. of Ok- nre l tm iuisi:. .V.-- 41x 1" 9 0 yesterday. ,l.nnd. M0K0II011, Citse Octolit-- I rrederii'K Mitiin, Yolk .. 000 Ml inatlon of Frank tTuitici' and Curtice hole. On system well its kidneys nnd op- - In marriage at Iht' entire its l!atti-rlei- : PoUKlaa.' Ylnulinii and The visitors acoieil their tuna hy lahoma, wtre unltrd linuellal llntelllate of Sh riiiets: , I bladder Will he hemfllted hy their Try n if ten Mathevvmin and liases j 7: SI. I onN 2. Church of the lioitd Shepherd. Htevt-ns- Impel la deputy (jump ttlns. r.nnulctl. iMocksotl portune hilling, ami running Ituirnlo the J. Pittfiaill nnl hy Mutt's, I Hilffalo. Sept. 17. Hulfalo iiiaile It The weildlliK was IhiriIv attended, ,,,l,,,l,, I, ItelllV F NeldllilKhillls use. Try them. J'of 205 West thihl. Meyerf. Johniton. cleverly, I;' I a recep- rinmmttrv Home run Hurna. n,.re. n it R four atralttht from St. Pools today. nil, I folhiwlns the ceremotiy .1,1 ,1,1, t William Inc. . u:... v..ll,..r M ( imwuiitl ' 020 It 111 1 'wIiiiiIiik hy 7 to 2. tlronm and Critn-ila- ll tion WiiH held at the home of friends 1111 imliel hll treitrni el'. IHI'I e nun arninii, New York 0047 li" jnhnmin. Double play KelloKK ChlniKO "00 Oil 0002 were hit hard. This coupled with In re. Hum o. Washhurli, Imptrla! potenlnt. te- - Mr. and .Minn., liuitea on halls off I'o"K-la- s liatteriep Wurhop and Sweeney. loose plalnir hy their teamniiiteti The hllile Is the ihitiuhter of ef t Ismail Temple, St. Paul Hy 2. 'V Ltithron and tsthalk laulled hi their ih foul. .Mrs. Hatty llniith. ht r father helim will visit Paillit Ahynd temple S. Struck out I'oiiKlns licit. n 7 In Two-hns- e hits Miillln.j h mnnaner of the MnRollon Mercantile MalheWKtin 1. Hila Off PouKlan Summary ,,',r"! I . 100 flx 7 111 plotn-er- In l'y-n- Three-has- c Ihiley, i'n-'i- .. .02:1 ' eolllllllllV The fa lie are 7; 2 In 1. I'liipireH llartzell. hits - COURT off YhmlltiK . .(ino 000 101 2 7 1. ,..,,.,. t llSt- LINCOLN COUNTY M.iisel. lilts off lien ' - ls, l''V""1 ' Vcu, MmhIi o Mr. nnd O'Connor. Fotirlner, oUln-h- , 4, 1 11 .. 1. Hitltcrlea Hehiili!, Woodman nnd in n i,,.iu iff lien - iS. itu extensive html owner I III i ,,i-,- .", ('.room, ami Pinion. TO HAVEL0NG SESSION ..l.u I. Ktriu.k out liv Ictlit Ii : OV lllll io'l' Crandall ,1.111 and rotnieily was connected s h e WINTER and uiaiuitiiiin.i w ith the I'nlted Htalea foreal net Hfwrklm, Sept. I'i. Chicimo vonli:mpires lllldel.r.ind jousnaU . I DIITCI I lieuthiuarteia here. coaaMroNOtNCt ,0 xoasisp L- from Urooklyn today, 6 to 1. In ten jWILHIlA ntlnUI lincim - Cmi rlxopo, N. M . Sept. II. Judge. iiinltiRH.' It was a pltinera uatue Snt-- nine Cleveland, Sept. 17. Iloslon opened INDIAN SIGN ON SOOS; Mi'dler will he In t'ntrlzoro next ! tween Vauifhn und Keulhach for NYE SELLS INTEREST ! dm- of draw Itu? Will soi in lie lift e innlnus. In the tenth Heulliaeh lost ItH ael-ii-- here by tlefeu,tlliK t levcliinM in for th" turiose LINCOLN BEATS ST. JOE juries for the fnjl term of rtuirt hi" elfecalvenesB. allowlim u uouine H to 1. Mitchell pitched poorly nnd j' IN CARRIZ0Z0 OUTLOOK Ihe to Kchnlte and MlnKlea to Fisher and was miserably supported. Pitrber, re-- ! In Ibis coimtv. H;tH' It Is tit lliii" definitely vnii llmui'lit almiii your filt'l? Mweeney, Good Sitier. i:hicnKo' eetitly of the New Orleatm dub. made j I.KAOt'B KTANIIINO. not this and WEMrCII OHDIIICI tO KOPMINO JOUNLI court will open In seventh on his debut today and drove In Cleve- W. u. Pit. ,...r,.L rii known whether the ether run came the O. r. j 1,11 Carrlr.o);.!, N. M , Sept. 17. this, fall or aliiRle and Fisher'H tri- land's only run. sii.iin city ,iiJ? , the regular term here ho teiiuiiic limisc cttKt Ct'V Zimmerman'a :, Corrl-- W be ias h the lift nec- It II Iirni cr . . Nye bus sold hit Intercut ht the whether a tl Till ill neui, ple. P.rooklyn'a lone tally. In the Here: 1 ft ,f.,iu-ii- r, , I oV.o w a day, 0011 000 loo I B Mi. in . outlook, together ith his to eonvi tie later than the fuel fur hot air fnrnacis. ond, a pass to Kkiiii Cleveland , resulted from H 1 M,,li, T! l II. tislmrri. b. Mil should he McCurty Daubert. Hoslon 201 'Of 400 II is ulrnet iisltiesN. to Willltiift which is October If and slnKles hy and iniHl.a .71 mi .4r iv- - attorney for . Of Ilatt'-rle- Hillinger and j imuiKtitnt district jllinP ,t for the iinrpose hy .illtchell, 7 was apiked in the wrist , . . . i .tns - j M- - 1 (1 Fisher j Lincoln (listrlet. was aao- ,,nger at No St 10 . sum v. liitsslt-r- ; Carrlmin, Thomas, this Mr Osborn ,..,' ..,,,,,1 term diit In tenth. Foster and . . , ii,. JlcCarty In sliding home the ,,fii ku Mr. Nye tn toisiiitss tot m opening Oil K K Summary: Two-ban- e hits - Pelbold, .. !'t '1,1 elated with this n,,iu,i. thla hitler Wiihlm aSMSlH nl i Is H 4 r. 11 1 Hooper. Three-bas- e prior lo hlx appointment as (.... 21. There Phieut?ii ... 000 oho 100 Pew ls, Carrlican. goes An C.'ISV to l.llilil. Can Be i f ileuisliett u 8 1 Chup- -' (iHRirp TiiHar, district attorney, ami Into the in- full docket In Torram-- coun iit Brooklyn .. 010 000 000 hit JIarher, Double plays - 01 j Ma 1 m Wlrhlin, lih n iindeistnnd- by Judge Vaughn Archer; to Ijijole to Passler; Chapman tn toy thoronuh ty and it miiv be decided the out a coiiiilcte cliriiiEc of clothes ni' Batteries: and r.tnn Kt. Jon-al- at l.lm-r.i- suf- I.tijole: to Turner, j ing of lis various ramification. t hit t two weeks will not ghc him Iteiillmeh nnd McCarty. Parber to lijoie lips Moinit fit en- - I'll- - Mr. Nye Will hren fter devote his to dispose of the business. Soilinir your II.'IIPIS. le one up to the miii- 10 in off Topt-ka- Summary: Two-bas- e hit Sehtille. lllta Off Mitchell 1. Omalm l nod ficient time Itiipep (lit tire time to handling ranches It Is thought Ihe term of court Double I'laV linger 0 In oil balls Cairi-o7.- o - fuel. Throe. base hit Fisher. large tracts of land outside of will be n long one- tile Sweeney Saier. liimea .Mitchell f,; ofr I'lilinger 1. riin. k "... IPY MoaNiNP iouaauL preciAL (.p.ars wiatl i,, this fall Fisher ' and ...... r u VVI when he Is not engaged In the or more. The court ex- - A n h : bv u. I mpiree ll...,ln-, ,.,., f,,p rtfeka - i,..n. r,tt off Peulbat Mitchell ii. .... , - ,1, ui ' , nicmtn. "ii"- IHSs.-r-wn- i p or- .... tv Will .. ... Ittv,,J .,, .1.1... it h.,1,1 Uif.llv Cltv to fOlir 0110.-- "vi. in the Klcardo Tn 111 , u.v .. - c o,,,,,.,,.,, , ,,.. ueels to call order to eliminate riPh orders later the Struck VHUitnn v,niu ami county. I out H' ,,,. iSSeasor of this t use on for trial as quickly 7. Klem and hmslle. hits wii i rii mil irn i,i, iniirder bach Fmpirea as season (he follow hit; prices. 14' Kill for Senators 12 2. seven off White but wen unable to after the opening fiossnue. n" won. I Noll's. on 0 change of venue 3-- i 1 7. bunch then! and the visitors Supreme Court ense comes here 0-- 2: f. Ht. houls, Kept Washington the rest of otily I'ltllllesi Pirate Sept. 17. In state t rnr-ea- nuu hi Seiteinher , Pern Santa Fe. the from Pas tins , 1 7 solft- - ' s HI, i ... 1 2 ru, 111 11 I'til OOlinitefl rt. latin ll' i.l . 000 case, first I lit Ijei HI, ,rrii.IJ.. . .000 001 supreme court today the case of the the second trial of the the ..u: -- . r,..n, tiitvl,iii nh (in v ami won. 1J to i. M. O'lO 0 7 K. m IMllil pub WU PjllllKH ii"", - Wirhitst ..,,...000 000 - 1, State of New Mexico, Appellee. (me, a year ago, having reauoeo u;tiilities-tdt- SO ley's de- - . . 1. . ... r .. . One ton icr toil, ii nothing with tent 1 ... .0-,- - ....1 ,i .,..- iit.if oooonentsieoii do Pattcries: Whito and Crisp; "'IS-- (..'. Klasner. Appellant,- from hung Jurv. in tins case, me ..- : I very first luniriic. After .,Hllfi-- - ,.iu Tho aeores were after the !ri m ....,i..,lw n,t AMCiirnte, IS cnargco Fixe tiiaiitilies-t- -- $0.01) MT t.rth Manager Kickey put gltm and Jones. IIjIIIIO.II IOOIII,., (iik, i.i.. ant, ftieanhi t toll, 3 the fourth Inning t tn to and 2 to 0. rtiitled. with murder 'if his wire t,n - - players. the ;n t (a i it it ics -- The tirst contest a won by hil- in most of hi new Ileal Mollies 2: Deliver 0. Also the appeal from the decision some two years ago. ne nrsi Ten ht toil. Here: " " jCriiecs weeks' tinir Hnrtnoti'p delivery hard in mrer - Sept. 17 Des Moines corporation commission w a of nearly two . . I.i- !.;,-...- . Sl'."! 000 400 12 14 2 Denver, woiiif the state trial here j'pi.n i:in:n in yotr i;isr ' , firowers' tmrd by innings ana ny Mattinon "" .. ,,..,' ,, ,,ft ,, 2 ft 2 the third en me of the series from the New Mexico Wool duration and was ioukoi. t (le. ing he relieved Jaeotia in tne Denver todav. 2 to 0. The flsltors usKoela lion niiainst the Atchison, 10 ii.oin the iirosecutton (ino the after t' Pniteiies-l-Menll- ev and Henry; ,. -- on 4 pten. Is reported .mirth inning. 1 ne pccoou on Nm! scored their first run In the fifth nek & Santa Fe to ft I'o he sure of ohtaiiiitio- the only genuine, pas ... ..,hrn Aanew convle-F.ncln- o pitchers' battle ltween Tinetlp and oi no u. a home run by Murrell and scored oneir(,.uj company to erect .stock colestt)a'titn,, jury stood eleven for Hnle.- - - I.earv. ancl-t)(- - And won HI tne i.h , more in the eighth on a single and a t iMngdn lena. .Orients', af(( (m(. ,,r ncitiiltt,'il during the coke telephone today and place yi un- or- was ri..., r lii a . Inning double isumm,iry: in-- "" were considering their ver on two pusses, Luderus' 2; j triule. .other nolnts. i.., Dice ItltM 5 In off Mitchell . der for your winter's supply. and un am,, hv sjirlin. Off Jartiei. ritnra' R H B yhT the case of Poult dict, and after scvernl hours were H 3 in I; off Southern in . Double, hep 010 010 3 fi vs. Meyers, Snnra Firpt ...... ,,....!:! , . Moines ,,.000 'iTrinier. Annetlee, Urnest oiseharged by the court ana tne cu:ic tmt: O x 001 100 it plays Walker to ithu, Denver ..000 000 000 -- -- county. Pittshurtih .. 1003 -- "I a,,,, Hunt from flernallllft continued. 9 .VI leases "h"on ono.s Haley; PhiladelDhm . 200 102 10x Pride to Candil. P.atteries: Mogridge and inrt fn(, Htl(tf. Apitellees, vs. H. S. and Off James 2; off Henlley 4: off Mitchell and Block. Ann county, Deputy (.'ante Warden, j Batteries: Con.ielman ' Ha llowitv. from Dona Mert limit Harmon. Mitchell J: off Southern 4. Struck ' Warden Gibson. Coleman; Jacobs, Mattison , . will he argued and aubmltteil. Santa Fe. Sept. 17. .'ame Hy 4: hy Southern 3.1 l.trw-oi- out Pentley j: m. line C fiaca today appointed James, and frooin. I , T de , ey. CmpiresEvans ami Sheridan. Lincoln, Sept. 17. Lincoln ''nmhed a.,,,,,,,-,- Summary: Two-bas- e hltsr-Car- oiirprC'CtO A. Merchant of iviaurio. I! on Vance and Pnrcell today andiKUoblAN oUUULOOLO Oavnth (2), Paskert, Fleckf-r- Hits hits Santa re county, a ttt'ionv R,ii,r Albuquerque Gas, Electric Conselman RESULTS made it three straight from St. Josepn. ' fitf Harmon ft in 7: off OTHER BASEBALL Scorn: ft PLEASE RUMANIANS fish warden. none in 3 off, 7 1 in 1: oft Jacobs Lincoln . . 013 001 02X Muttison 3 5 Base on balls ( 003 6 3 4 j; in AMKRiCAX ASSfKltriON. St.. Joseph .... 000 102 Company IP-- Power 1; off Moaaiao jonai.i. wial Light and 2; Conselman j .Mem i.aio ff Harmon off Batteries Smith, Scoggins and n 1. Struck out Petrograd, Sepr. 17. The fttiman-ia- MUT Jitcnbs 2; off Mattison Hw Thfy St'inf. Blackburn; Vano, Pitrcell arid S' hang. ex- II IBS 502 W'l'.sT By Harmon 1: hy Jacobs I. empires Pet. people (ire said to be greatly n 2-- cited over the reports of Russian Kuson. and Quigfey. r,.,uisv iiu . . Omaha Ttipekn f. Snnro Sanonil H11lviiiil(n in Austria-Hungar- ft (anta: Xi'ip Omaha, Sept. 17. Omaha closed the a Forty-fiv- e (Sermon prison-er- Pittsburgh .. 000 000 0000 rn,tlatlHt)oHa ,r, ipeason on- the local grounds today hy thousand 2 ." 0, I'oOimiiua .. reported to have arrived nt IF HURTS . 000 002 00x .h'7 defeating Topeka twice, 2 to 0. and 7 are SU kmipup t:py It Is stated that beyond the Batterien: McQuiUan, Kantlehner 47.7 1. Jloy Crahb hurled a two-h- it Lublin. CONTEST ENTRY CARD AT NEW MEXICO Mllolealt'-'ll- jto jinpiste,. river there has. been a com- BABIES' HEALTH and Coleniun: Tinciip and Burns. rieviland . 'l',:iigame in the first and only one Kaw Kunet- - .',1 Jill ' plete disorganization of the Austrian Summary: ri'wo-hiia- e hits St. Pant . . ,got as far as second. STATE FAIR AND EXPOSITION. OCTOBER 5 TO 10. 'hy, Cravuth, Lu-- j rtnn-- First gme: R H K forces. Colenmn, Costelhi, n Inform- 5 in TfntfiMsr'ii Rfattlta. 000 000 20x 7 0 Report from usually well to flush tlerus. McQuillan it 1 jOmaha i Take a glass of Salts Hits Off Coin, ni, n a 1 ivilli- kopeka 000 000 2 ed sources say there are no flerman ma I t'ff Kantlehner none in I. Double j 0000 Tho entry curd, printed below, must l.o led to llher Mm. John W. Butteries: Crahb and JCalwiiKh: troops in r rencn i.orrame, if bladder tho fair, to flays Tincup. Byrne and Ludcrus: PAOriC COAST J.BAfil'B. of the Bal kidneys Wilson, superintendent of that department of or Mrs. Ccorgn on bulls! lildgeway, fmsbtvr, Wold man and Noel Bnkston. chairman time, JudfTinK appointment .will '"nsrello and Wagner. Buses ikan commitieo. has arrived at soria. S. Kloclc, both of this rlly. Notice of of ta -- :j How ThfJ Stuml. iTonneinun. bothers you, eiirly. Kiitriep In d ij.uttnetit Hf McQuillan 5; off Kantlehner being" j to oil makintf their entries this M(?Qitd- - W h. Pet. game: R FT KHis visit Is much commented mailed "ff Tineni) 2. By """' 3. L'xaiiilnnUoiia; Struck out 0 10 000 24x 7 1 2 0 11 lion in Bulgaria, where It is believed closn at 12 o'clock, noon. Saturday, October will he made 'an 3; by Tincup Port land Omaha hy Kantlehner 1: Topeka 010 000 6 2 he is charged with poliucnl mission. on Octoher 5, 6 and 7. from 1 to 3 p. m. No eniranco feo rcuulrcd. Quigley Button. j.smi 0001 meat regularly eventually and ',,nli-- . . . Ihttteries: Wilfta and Zabittigh; The emir of Bukhara hart, donated Is entry card: m .iMl'i in soto-- i form Hero the !. Ailgeh'S Weldman nnd Happs. jriO.OOO to the Russian Red Cross. produces; kidney trouble tut .4C, Itashncr, u authority, Mlsalon . . lor other suva well known OLD TOWN BROWNS AND in. .;IH5 meat excit.-- la kin nil .. Will Keep Down Expenses!. 'because, the uric acid In IMINOR HEIR'S MARK 'the kid neve, they become overworked; R. WILL Yaatantiir'n Rfaillt. Washington, Sept. 17.- President irnlry No 0. E. TEAM - get sluggish; clog up and cause all i YVilaon announced fodnv thnf the eX- Volllrl NEARLY EQUALLED BY purtb-nlnrl- I Ipenaes Uorls of distress, backache AGAIN SUNDAY .Misalou Sun of the government depiirtments rhen-- 1 CTtlld MEET hi in the kidney region; Xamc of Lea AiiHi'lea km ml during the next fiscal year would be land miserv DIRECTUM AT DETROIT mat te twinges, pevere headaches, ttcld lK'f-CR- kept us low as possible in view of the st,,m-,i'-h- torpid liver, Mon(1tt,. Dayn. The Albtuiueniue gorTHERX ' government's reve- constipation, Ago ... rejuvenated Old falling off of the ipleefilessness, bladder urinary Ut 15. will ,,,'t fPY MOHHINO JOUSNat PaPCI.L WIPIH and (I ljr'ird Age Oclohcr 5tli, 1911.) "fiwiiH and the O. K. Hi.w Titer s,""d' nues, caused hy the Ktiropean war. 'nail-o- n next Sunday afternoon in Pet. Detroit, Sept. .17. Directum I or Is 114 The moment voitr bark hurts their mutch to "i' paced an ttiiusmtl mile here today in second game. The Hliinlnuliaai no 1,11:1 Btthoitle riiiguc In Culm. blnd- - Sc .... Man- kidneys aren't acting right, or if "e Hulled park. Moinip . . a trial agatnat his record of 2:00, as I off at Truction .r,4r. Htivann, Sept. 1. Huhonie plague, j you, get four ounces ager Browns, iirt In with )(r about Jesus Guevara of the New Orleans in; exhibition connection the Cuba w as thought have 'fro)n ; Tarent's A'amc Sne-.4"- of which to f j,H, w.lU3 lnv pharmacy AlliiliU .. ii races. Driven by Ray 'i K,f announced vewterdity. stale fair been cleared, has reappeared nt Kl L,, ti ,i,esioo n fill' In a glass or The, BrownH tirst meeting NashvlUa Mocker and accompanied by a runner , in their i"lliltlno,,g,i near Santiago, where one case f i,rBkfat for a few days Address ...... under their new nilot trimmed the n j driven by Tom Murphy, the chestnut diagnosed-- fine, Mani)lil .10 has been nni, volir kidneys will then act ft. IE. tenm rl....iivelv. The latter stallion paced Ihe first quarter in " Montgomery I' i'l'htp salt Is mnili' from the Ko...... I tflitm 111 llU'k. famous Street a ml ...... phurnu Itu ,lof,.nt to isecondw, the half in 101, the thre. coin-Ne- ItllMI Rmiiilta. RiMeyct Cock Campaigning. :i of grapes and lemon Juice, "'n liliiyer they hud an ,ffl Vppiertbty' oiiarlerM in 1:30 and then paced the savimt , Hiriniinrtia1" York, Sept. 17. Thettdnre ,ned With Hthla, and has been used ""y. says H"' Iilast quarter In 2 3-- 4 seconds, making kid- - (iuevara. howover. it HI: .MoiilK-.nie- rtoouovclt left this citv for to flush clogged ("llMtliilioogi 1 Ml 1 tnniirht IlrowiiH and that ,1... ,,il. in tiavt to Mitllll' ttc- - won on their merlta BCheiltlleit. speech-makin- g tout4 In pro-jney- s ar.rl them to noroiiii ev s;,, uitier ttiolies u n i.-- : ,.. which ip! behalf of stimulate e;in repeat the trick. The debate trtx'HPlve In west. titiiy; also to neutralize tne a'-i- m "111 ,10llllCll mile ever tiokels the middle he decided Sunday. Ptiblle claimed to he the fastest lihe urine so it no lonn r Irritates. V..luelea Acting lliiv-- paced In the open. Fe. SVpr 17 usirla AitxrioiiM for Pencv. thus ending bladdi-- disorders. Santa Iihh appointed Lord Dewey, in another exhibition anyone; 15. .1" Sept. IH (2:5.1 Aus- Jad Salts caiiiiot injure ernor r. James trial, failed tl, heat his trotting mark findon, Isidro Grtego and Fells Griego Will ..... r,,ilowing notiiiies'; ptibllc: tria la desirous of peace, according to makes a d.'Iiht,fut effervescent lllliia At. t ihi , 4. He mode the distance ill , be con- Koswell r.i.rae of 2:03 to Ti'le-gTaph- water drink which million of. men nt responaihle for any debts B Herhst. Fe: a Home dispatch the Daily tracted Wlrhitta J. Ijtvtitt. Santa 2:04 which represents Internal and women take now and then to keep in Ulei. name by Mrs. Mesilla: Frank Pollc.'tr- - organs i,'iea.n. Grleirn, Hnpwell; pnriiciilnrly in Roanln, Ctoi-li- u be kidttevs and urinary ii..i,i.rr .. t.rtt", 1.. Wffitl, roe t' th Jntir- ilhniilieri-lli- .tames Waalad r.itti.a avoiding s kidney disease.. Signed: RRIEGO, nil, SnlieheX. opl uffteo. and Delmatia, as dlsustrom. thus ISIDRO 'r.'iln, C'urry coiooj. FELIX G1UJ2GO, Hines, St r F0U3 ALCUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1914.

wr with utit.r on nt the behiKr fiu-- t la-. In nt, jthf far ii.o.,J frum ttif ti'.!. t.. ari-- j rtut.i1 in the the use German Statement of Causes Leading nit or place thia miwii in a tion sim- lift r Ihio jh n i.p-j-- i f ! f ut nit i :t .u niv;in iiihuriian. ,1 1 " .. l l - i CHILD'S tn , It w if irnnair"-m'ti- ECZEf: ilar that of Gr,t Hnt.iin at lb iriih.. iutb tfrlm,!. ' ' la -- Up to , Declaration World War i ry M-- n !!n-- ( a 'I eh of our civil The whole of in laiia. "n in minds me ff wr - . I Salve, Man at an amdi- f i i, , ii it. on lrH'l the end til auglijrt. Yields to our Saxo i Jiloniiiy country kno R.rar the pre,. n.-- that fii,",l,'r: Y.-- Mv tTran-hiim- n v.hwle iSitntietl to tho top and'"'1 Troy. N. LUle girl ec jowl d-- 1 r y !. hd nwlv t the Mirnin I f th highest Journal int(.lni Wt r O. Fall, St. dexv'tided tn the de. " l'uria th "n4 W ilirk'sj on hrr for about t'i Arlzur.a. othr 1 lema fwt eighteen ahtlllv, of un omislng Il'lu'!, Th n.iluary ; air, did Li th jiK.t ompf A t;rnian aii!horit!i-- flnr( at trfe montn. in doctors usea ointmfnu IC'jr.AL PUBLISHING CO. """' H"! KiMlntwhe V..n.r.. Ult.,aKb tho ar atuuyinrf th (M'lMliti.'a tf-.- aa my n. , K ,. aia who t hi encr-g- u of wii ,1..,... - t.ij wjiuiis ,ul.ilua Die f.ilkuMl.S atalv f ar lr, f.,r the ' imph nai 01 11. growii-i- i ;.j . iti..i, f.r ur tranKfotl.ttion of aiiimu ' IMr- - h A, MA , to keep urn t 'htB l wo,1id ltcb 80 I. off the rm k. fir f,g ,ii. Ai Inn a th- - union, Kuiiu. etc., I'.nk'r Wr-.h- cnuki W. T. M RKf'.H Ml'iac--1tr the ur. .ivtr rough un . sleep, Saxo Salve h& f I- - They Mr. F"rgu-.i- i A mpiiw.rtil Stat rf- - i...,!-.,- ""(. h r."ih!i.!-- t entirely 1i .1kiv K know that, i.,k try. fir.' Kil !rk nt K IO - utl-r.u- .,.rn ' , I. l wiUmK t.- h f lA.r- -. - 1 cored htrand I am wntinj? thia . H. M'lt. CI i not .ti!y hn be. n faithful ,he war rv!, L.t. my ..;.,. n.-- t umlrr-r- - tn. rkh 'oi.ii-- thi uim- pay letter ,s cilf am mil t(.e ' bo other tnjfferer may know about M. U rj fcd n,,l I'..f rrm uak . .if..,nt I itiv you my thooKhf it." t of New Mi , but hr I kiioan to b? ... - .... r.-- i o- mum. r. m lan li n.n word r it. I with i!.u.rf.r Wright efiikd. Mrs. Joseph Clikton, Trey, N. Y. in harmony Mh wmdt-M'- uy r..a tnf;d The Storytellers Ee 1 wo WleC. the r.Karlm th no!uUvnUnt aj ,M,wer In th of i..J " iliin.ih. he Mid. 'Your If can't cur your akin troubk 4 I.HUK, cra'f and! - .nq tj-- i 4l a lea. In miitir- foreign and domr-tic- . oi lur.dii waa hi p m l ry nn 'h'- "ther f. How i with Slxo Salve ami Saxo Soap we Mal.4tae. Ituft, w.rinB rtiinrun for th ... i f your milia-l- Sated 1 mm lUiiikriipti-y- . !:. will tmtc. r..r the H,ir4 In Vi.-n- Hoik.-- k arid iM tovl' support whatever tune at fir iti irr f our Jlortimer Vi half the wei tit buy back the ftnjity tube, I. a l Kurope tu th-t!io- . Jincr, the expatriated . . 'fVi luu.1. Kuii'in-- Hiimi'h. Yon'll draw today,! it,,..-- il..., . M i,muUw. I tf-r- ry an! the ft r h.. I M. Ml mcaeure mnY f.i pre oiiU-w- bn-au- Ann nan mHliortaire hin II ntinh of a ah ,,.. w.iln I!", ! pay. l.l.llf, iiv rfi..i..,i then, "f l!;ml - M I i Arm-re-a- n-- eomea from the Jlctlco, im, hm Irck. serve p.... lo the people icvib rniiiavora cuportrl ly aewinc niachin Thank i'or r miR iititt rue. Your hon- - j Xtw . "MCH'iLA.J." nepa nt ti.iri-ia- wi-n- t till wonderful extat on Die ... lr,tFMl --- a. ttw fti to like advantage nf Die oppor- The tialkan 1" et v nl'M vii! a!lrr n liiViera avjntors and monoplane ;.h ng ptfiea i.vir the quii-tio- How U, lit- - Th v ti. t V a Mmn tf M.r.a I, t; tunities ri ut f war among other rirh men keep ihauffeura and ...ri.pcfit-.r,- , automohllea, fur with the tnriRiriK -- - TUK MfnMV'l iilAI. 1 f vi-i- "Gets- It" for Corns fill hi-- AUMtrlu-liuiiKiir- Finder at hi k.!i ndid Cap fc'.i s .f hi'h l nihjf)jr tu dr. he IJfdi 4 . .. .. , ...... I :!! rm n as f erR kv tiit f ,i..,.i,,.' ... " ' " Feral place near Monte . i ! ' .? Carl..." mid a v i ' !, J. t- -. cUil- - ,ould not look ,m wiy any L . '7. T" - .tc.' -- im Ttf tlim ? Sure as Sunrise 'lti.pHK M.P";,ii, IK All it how Aii. " jta all rlhl, thia avla-- 1 PUT! HTii-uv!-'- hjl Mr n'-r- 1KB ?:4 AMI tlfis MSI III.... .fTHK ho r t (ion innovation cf hu; hut it a exptft-- ' AHrhr.ii, .V t11, hp"m'"'"1 Hi, o0 .re mobilitd J uu j .gain.! Mr. FVrjuwm, In un . - - he. I j tmt ty o.n- .dim w.h lur "! ,,, Xuirl.luI,.i...-.r-- . Xew Plan. oin fthrlve!, nnlh. lilUHT. whl. It ia my h.m ! fit I . "It siven rU to a Rood at.ry I -i- f..r th The b I'nt JCTS-IT" wag born notady i tht -- about a millionaire with a j f liar .r our f an a. t.or. private was ever a j f"r cari.iiiji'j' U th;.t he ,,PMdy ,) waa rn.J.-re- a of getting rid of iKil h .,n,,.Hr--.H. . mdlJl! hangar, aviator and monoplane, to! tiV hvi , .hun to put at con-- In ,. (rHi'-iil- ii.mwiy .m,w, ,iiu.r)., .v..,..,,,,,-- i ,.. j corn. Corn ti merits nearly nil i a t::rr i.- - whom hi daughter Raid: n ml th nov.n..nt. W'.,,inil,.d , t t ner.-t- t 1, .til . .inlv (.- Us Xti M.,,lve rflla,j)e " you ; amed th" .'line tin- l 'i'a if buy me pear1 rsH. r'i'untrjr ttrtiln, a nun neitm-- ounri-- f.irhe,)rua' nor J don't that B ! tuM if, ,,, ,i ne e dome !.!!.id one planter. Borne jiil i.ri;r h our .n e k!a. I told you about yt.t. rday hn i;rimeI .fii. a.Mn.e a!o urjUir). my euM 1 11 thr.-fn- )rf.parat,n. elope with the aviator." ! -.l moat palu- - fc'iTiril T !! I:1KI!,V Thin l ni tin, f.,r training ,,., h, rwim,Jlllly f,jr the '(.'mil. n my an id tn l.y the contmuoua Mivian nm- - arm:' the old J vw. "km ,eurl,y of ,v ,..,, rt,n,, ia t., my Carvt-- A r inn1 morally . akrii-;- ,, man. Come to arm, mv darling rr t Urr rr..a,i AuHiru.. r i MM MIS to to 4 . ke .JHrniore ...urm mtarnir.. In child.' had a loop. -- Bl l. ft through ... worlrf "' tns.v ,dl.w.,r ., "sh aunk into hi rm coldly U , T)ii troijli! iih th- - advuri'e of I would not and H rid wV "in Juril lu a t rtif li'a., jl liave Koi.e to Dip utmost limit ol rarelepjdy, an daught.-t- do. hd - iw I lti- ( t , rn t have been a n'dewoilhy ally for ua. a pva- j- JmiJJ iaaa nwi,),,,, t' that hr ome th piiihr. Not l am hearing the " L10 1 gel the neiklace then?" ehe fTYjjmmmm Therefore, we let AukIiui have a free - I r for rfionHthlliiy for th- disinter that In )t. the roixtitutnni hand In aitli.n UKHinxt fervia. .ill !. J-- - am-m- lit now iIim whole " -. .tajaMLj than J T mm. llni Ufnu.K ciiiied 'No, of eourn not. You get th.. l!!ly t 'Hie MriiKftlv world. 1 K m. - Kven at thia moment tt Ilea vmt or, nald the old man. I owe jniiAV. hi.nj.Mjj inti The then about i iibaa in your hand to avert thu. Nobody j him a month's aal.ny.' JT H Pat lom. -- in- - or P f ATE i:mim. tiik hokhuikj hah.h development trie Aumrian thieateim the honor and power of j "CETSIT" THE ANCIENTS BREAD m rv.a aaya: (;u-i- a, I Tin: li;l; K." ("irairiM aim riom ii.e which certainly could have AVar'a Tmgiily. wf w on hu crn, I Of-- . .111111' we town I leijr lllllilia "I llir a w lied th aui era of my mediation. Charlia W. Mi'iior euij a I And called it. j In addition to ndli. the ar In', he around that it waa an sftalr of at c Juat a we dc, but what a different 1 , 'My. Irienoahip for you and your f inn heon in Columbux: a n,i'J a Tear, r I i jjtexi.o, th pretiid. tit ha nearly, IflAuMria whih he alone nhould aettln whu-- to mo my kind of bread. Tin y would have htt I empirv, cam from "There a little anecdote Well ! there- - h that a nn (iki' jr. rihe managed n d quit, ended the war in Coloiad... h fervi. We endeavored, grandfather upon hi. death heel, has bringa home, trag.-- thought themselves th (special to localize to con- - thu poignant y of tw the ftrat and nl (UtoMoil, i.,j to the fait that the thought for, th war and alwaa been a' red to me. I have war. of Rod If they had bad e power the juat the V;j I m vim the other of stood faithfully by Kuaaia it i J.'l the ....). prem.i.t o( ! when "A general in his rplendid uniform e. tie the country ha been centered "h reiiH.. of AuHiria. A uNt riii l tin- - eurh perfect bread as we baku. He waa in grave dleti'iK. eepei lally dur- etuaoed h: little girl to his s'le ni'.fithf' for 1'mwiaT We th rngmg 1 brot. J world War mo,tly In ,.rv de Ku-ro- ttitn wr Kur. i..l.t ituwta h onlv intended ing her lat wur. The pear of waa about to depart fur the front. thankful that jmi are lu re today and .1 1 Jii-i- I endid fn aevenope, matter lit home have been for l. riwve nieaeurea in fa e of the Her can now yet he rna'n'ained by HiK orderly out hia charger. w ruppi rn and nottie in salve form. Jnble to have a loaf of our dclicioun "i"-'- ! held GKTS-1T- newly ; !- -.. hinationa, hut ehe '1' !yi id- - Now cmue.-- i " with a ,e k. that period nan 'gotten to uch an extent that the ne vian inn' u. If luigltt d. to dim ontinui I'apa.' aaid Die little g;rl, her ; bread whemver you want it. Want en nuiy twnavio. corn cur on I L.ikhig t It .at.not (otlationa (H ariuit lor tn in. r r illlary meaaurea that are tii. ut head on the gem-rai- gold embroid dlacovcr.d formula the from for end f-- r 111 now? ds. jof ia in future. Auatria a.u Unn.g Cennany and Auali ery, you ,1 new principle- and u clmple plan mine M-ji- n 'are going off to kill aoine a w n tt war, W e the t onlett between th opera 01 Is why '"GETS- - j l not initig orinaina wooui a diiihuh Moblllalioii in l ull Swing other litile k iris lather'."" that never (ails. Thin ;..' In power On years be loan tiduianc. In ay no' of or and th mmeta have been oat"f in the Italkan. fjefore thia telegram reached it IT" ha, urntti! in three to j Jul Autro-ll- i ugarian tu'.-- Bakery r.iM-e- Fa-lii- Pioneer . could not ',. nd 'night of luigcly. 2ih of the deatinutlon th mnhiliz;ition of the A on . corn cure the I.i" . Vole. i.ui..-iH- n ih - ox.. not armament, oroeren on I has ever known. I he t modern War m..n- - will be ikuriiinria oeii.inu .k.iu "On tileytiiig. at least, will come '"r!d I lr-- 1 It that the tending ,,er J 207 South Street. 11I1,Muldor at fl. thatj,,,,, forenoon of ihe name day. openly 'to u from this dreadful war. Wei There a no more need of fusams Iter. ,r. Nf .re that lane, it will f troop Auftila-Hungar- no plans of con-- 1 - the utrike tone had d:rn led asalnut Cermany, waa in full (han't he with Kh.a king ith "" 1,0 m"r" r cut- lijve eaten is, if bp. ' put an end to the adiva operntion, "iU'nt, !liig. 'Ihe telegram of the czar, how- - ( r'ren.-- r..h i.... ftinc. Th. nothing to press down t f U-e- to ittiwda. 2 to the '(M-ve- !'f a ronfll. t Iwari warnlna: jtver, had been at o'clock In Ihe; The apeuker waa Mrs on the ""'bintt inflame In th Yar War," Krd that had Litter ad-- , ! Fthel Iturna Inirlng day the find ' to "pull" or canoe ( the aame afternoon. Through her mohihiuit ion. Wnk 11011 one i f the leai'ina elur!. ri ,'b, the corn t.- k th. ,reat. whose '"1 bloody. "OK1S-IT- from brother vice of the ituaeian nmhiiiwition hh h iniperllrd the security of the women .f rievei.m.i ,r,,,i I'ain. I'ut two drops of ' Jtaiwr W'Ubelm l de ended, wi! Meantime It waa up to the, federal leached u. Th am day the Ger empire, the Itiiaxmn government de- - "At a club dinner the other evening ' in ,r"n,w- - nai ail. I I'eiereburg wan me-- i bun- - r Aaftm. t Frarn . to f.nd aoine of man ambanwidor at rt. n.oliah.-- l th painstaking work of ! a ,,. fashion writer n fHvhi..n i',r unv callua, wart or ltakel 'vrnintu to the I'.imnian in ion. w laatltig 10 (f directed to declare dun ion of the , writera tire the heat eaal to Rheumatism fwe.len aud ytony. Hi otil a!iy lenient. And deaplta the ine: KTS-1T- !, gi vernmeiil: I'rcpaiatory military abort y before II Miccenn. j "G " in sold by drnggis-l- ul.-- j "'A truce lo these foreign modes' i J.ngiar h d Mexh an llouldeil and the K 11a to v d. hi lilj. him with outbreak of meunur. .f Itunala will force Th meanurea of mobilization, re- Tb.-- are earn aturea.' ever. where, "'m a bottle, or aeiit di 6TOMACTI TKOFBLES Kurope, otinler-meamire- a connint Ac Chicago. lid.m. I"rdnk eurvnal, after neien "" thia dilfiiull problem which muni garding the aeriotianeaa of which th " 'Carnal ill en'." K111I I; 'cm ?' rect by h. Lawrence Co., KIDMCY AIXMIOiTS army. Kince icatures year e,f d peratw f.ahiirig, inapirea baa been on the mind of tho Wasii- - In a mobilization of the Hunaian government waa not permitt Yen, perhapn Hut wouldn't it be Auntrla-i'luiinar- doe not wlnh to very ;tit,iiy now with hope, ringed al- - Inglon adminlKtration. ed to remain In doubt from the more accurate to rail them t. uch the exiaienc of Hervln, we are (, inning, together with her continu though it i with hoetll franc and) Itecelitly ,J'realdent W'llaoii placed of the ojiiiilon that Itimila can annum ally denying them, nhow clearly that Faywood lltMwi. !elKlum and CIreat lirHain, ! befor the two aide a i.roi.oaul that ,1 waiting iioatllon. We Khali be anie Kunnia wanted the war. The Inliomaii I'.o .. of nr.t to Ht. era- - tijid helped only by leeemed adequate. In an let-!1- " "pporl Ihe wleh l:u.ia. The German embiinny lit IVt Hamtiel Gomperw, Auatria. identical ia, ao the head of (he) rJL, i. Ilitich the of een burg- ha received ordera In the mean Fr-d- ri. gen-- ..r mining eompany , .iiin riean reueraiion or iJibor. waa i;at k wa (he gr. ale.t ; " ... pteHider.ti. more, nitice Auatrla-lln- n or i Hot nan h the lime to trannmit the ileclnraiion talking in Springs "'- Wanhington ilaiut srictitific ral cf la day, and In a time wheal0'"' '" - """era of the l iilted Vary doe not place thia exlnti nee in war to tlu- - KuHHian govenimeni ir it ; management, '.'Till of July the urpriiiK geio rabhip waa in-! Wotkera of America. I'rehident mention. i'n the did not give a natmfactory annvver to; "Scientific management-o- ur bint mo It cur, and you remain carad, I war annured the apeclfied w w'ilf!"''''' unman mltiinler of Iniiuiry within th nm. rfon rn j know, you will you try fronted by no au h rkillid 1 ff i. let., y "lemn appeal to all all that nort of thing dying and it military uttin he upon his neror win . . . j t 'German Milt ine anvice iiimui aaid Mr. o m pr rn. was It war in today common it Concerned hd the Impiinne and "It In a the 'word of honor that no order to ecution of (hi order reached. UK, ti e Flavor, fragrance, Considered the rreateat Kidney a t of all the gteat lit;hlie? .o - jmiagentid tentative plan, drawn Up h..d been iaaued. The .uenl!or lineman troopa cronned the Geririan packing, variety, prices Water on earth. ! ' f w li y e" tii.".rn'i7.Wvinu S':t t: t A'Mt'rllt rt-bis - waa j tbe federal com ilmtum omiiim-- d j "ii ,.Auit. .t.d -- tru. Mi.nover, Fredi klt inltiiH-tie- r 1. Why not FAYWOOD HOT en.if. l lluticarv wa taking place the ! marched into German territory. There-- j everything is in favor of visit profeimioiial hi- - FPKIXfJS first, you aKalnet tiie amall of war aimwetcd by al.riiggiliH hix by Itunniu has begun the wur aguinst most brilliant writers aince will not! f,"(h In agree to THE 1 eventually go there, anyway 7 mica of lh Kluhleenth cenlurv. uked I.iioiildein an.l bv to the ''iet many. America-t- he - artists .... .v- Oil- - AtignHt if, Large, aualnnt, the imt lotm-iii-ari- of IK. rni lliiir miner I.Tl.llll I II p of jl 1, i in the 2nd of France modern hotel. Perfect I l h whose Climate. Booklet. Twentieth oritur). jdlllonn. The miner hnv Here.! .....II tc ix I aiitll-- i'rt.tatai. hoblilliie," cartoons and "comics" I following (lay the advice T. C. Mcl) KItMOTT, Mt expected thu (11 !y viltne in movement and that operator mobilization fd- - make the nation laugh are "The) agree. !,,, ,he .uiwllin lay wood." la. tii-ti- l bill the Fruaalan king rout-ti- d lowed "tie another at a iii k tempo. With Scissors and Paste working exclusively for FATWOOD, AtiW MJEXIOU. tiie French at Itonbuch. liy Die I'tider the plan auggested, three among them about the preparation j border, a flecre- - Irioet consummate geiilua he coitiiiilnslonet are lo be'appointed by ihe German thu KOMI'. tactical lof a mat of war over Kownn, the BALDRIDGE 'the president, one rirenen-tuliv- e Hyron.) Iscinily defeated the AiiKtrlutia at of them Idepaitui of the gallinon of WamaW (Iird The WM.FARR COMPANY - my city of aoul! LUMBER COMPANY J.uthen, Ih.iibach and Luthen were of the owner, one of the Hnd the mi nt of the gnrri- O Home country! the orphan of heart must 'hnlis.ile 8nd Ketnil Healers til orker a Any !wn on the 27th of The the 15-ye- 1 Viet of lea H WHII.I. a ClolllWll! n and third neutral. of Alexamlrow. PAROID ROOFING ar Hl sir AMI MKATS iful i , Dun to thee, with SI.T I I... - ine ...e-- Mari-F.iri,ui,- grievance I.. .,l,n.,n,.a July Die tirnt auvicen iiuoui Sausjigo SHi'lall.v nt I'unbar ami W01 center, ir ,i. Lone of dead empires and r iparat.uv liU'iimucs of France reached mother America's Cleverest Weekly guarantee. For Cattle and Hogs the Higgust Flenhelm and Hamillien, individual workmen to Ihe proper of. ; ,, f mr Kdward control Ju.v 1 ...... Market Are Hi .. .u..i !...,,...... - - II... I. Prices l'aid. n N ipoli'on'a Hivoli Auntei lit?. lal of th company. If a ardtletnent itirev had mad hi prowonitlon for n" " r. and misery. Everybody Loves Puck-J- ust doe not renult, a local grievance i confireme We declan-- we could, 3'.ut lint attiUimi wore l'ruanla to the . t:tk nai-- t n mull a conference im w nat art our oe nun buhc. iubs lame, committeo tu take tni the ,:. for Fun " muthtr'' ...... o. h - .roved of it Come and Hee wllh ,h" If a aettb-nien- t -- , Ant-- 1 owl, llcnlifea, Fi edrli k could not nucceed oimpany. ii ',..,... i,.. P ouhl not clie Tho cypres,, hear the and For 40 years this paper ne-fo- way the Ituxnlitu a lie had llll fail, th matter la to come bp. irlu in her netth iiient with Hervia plod your has retained Its position WorfcreJl hiiiliil al- We were step of broken thrones and all-'rou- BKailint At jfore Die presidential a r.iiropean court. o'er as the best hi oilier foe. Zorndoif, commlnlon( fur-lli- ye a fames so found ready to tiamunit Die temples, humorous periodical in the llitf I. i Wonderful, jwhlih will make a fair arillement a day Inn Wile bill the propoaal of Kir lalward Grey to When agonies are evils of country. It is better now lluxxintoi, though bealen, fei- - to hl h all iiiiul agree. Austria-Hungar- y A w'orld In nt your feet as fiu'gile or I0 HOOVl tso liATRfl. didn't Vienna, moving that than at any time in its Modern . nnd cither accept our clay. B7, Accnmmudatii.n f..r of Ou.rt. oetilxo the fact. Fredrick hlmnelf precedent con.llliona inninted exctine hcreclf career, Ronrn the of Herviu u m linfaciory or Wilhmit Riilb , 11.00, XI M f at JcM.iiKly admitted .In Ida old age. Ili!ul''"' '"" " "fif''rcemetit of the innwer SitisBaisis Koam With Ilalh ft.RO, ;.(m.' haniM conversation. The Nlobe of nations! there she 10 cents copy ij.'ji,' '"'nb'K labor law of the Mat..;" iia a of further a Weekly ud.I M.mlhly on Appliratitia. laid: ' I whipped thoca Itunnlan; '! t .line Tai lait. standi, Kte j "(ill In VHIt Our Rplendid Tare. F'. palHr BouikHv. Hloialioti of Wal k for HtrikinR Auslria-lliingai- y Dial tro? C'lilldlena and crownlens, her - " Price. bill they never knew " remarked AskYour Newsdealer m r w m aun B - . noiseless woe; siore laeaier Beach Car l.ina Kuneindoif the Kun-la- ii routed have not been f iiuml gild- pi poal, after opening nofinui' LEI HOU.AI.AV, A. M "''"'a our cl- - All urn her withered tv. COI MM, ' nf violation of law;" phohibl-''-..m- e bite. We conilnued cmi't.v within Prtwiaeal. A rrcdrli k and the tin ndn, Bre'. Tr F,:,;,k by'- u The tbll won "- " " "'"" .ther of .j' Whose holy dust was scattered long il mat vclou cevea year' "'"'"'"n mlnera; no mine guard ,.,.,!!,. (i meet Ituanla'a rciueHial, iigo; Mr"1 VTldignity of Tho Hclpio'a lornh eonlalna an arlu a "'" '""' nm1' n" 1"1''' fonniHtent with the jhe fcaa the truth Dial be Waal"" now; 11,1 lh" f Dm mine'''''''iy.i..onar.-hv- All ,f tied Lcnlm in the ml ,r", .., I hi. olilntrlnped by t milltaij prt- - The very st :"!li lires lie tenant teas, ,..!" parading, etc., on ivere in trva.ion from eventual ruin o Ihei' the 'I jp.llt(il (lf end Fr,l..e. of their heroic dwellers; dont thou KUHpetinion ltuiia ,l,...n. ..r i,i- - i i i.. .ia.. ,. " of work pending thai n,,. ifhth of July Ihe Dernvin flow, Kith j k ...... i ..... ilmentlgiA on of any mutter under liiitituinwulot bad it vernation old Tiber, through a marble ii...... I..... cn i 'the ltioninu minliH r ol fo.cign nll.Mi-a- ich, once upon a time, hud made Ausiiia-llunai- y man-H- e t tin wiii- - h h id'-i- l iled Itiwe, with thy velluw waves, and I 11 ult lo ae how the tilipi inlnble. lemal k regarding both '"fa either had promised to make till uvunces mi her distress! i IH dec-- , h- -r ,"ln, "r '"' emidoyer can Jihd HtihSlan filler, sis through a tier look arid moialn. The Lin. the . I "dlsitiU.-...... - AL MITIIODS. , wi,h obviounly Im- - of her territorial MirillOlllt I'.ltlTISII Fa ill. who am ceede.1 FllZal-eth- I1'"" laralion - aMADEBYTtfTP Jieror i " great COIHIM- (Kpriugfield Republican.) i Th.-r- may ihnt was u Va a meat admirer of Frc,ir(. k mid bave been blann. uelu JUL iniou on Die part of a state The treasurer of n Hoston sav ings nil 1m.Hi sides, but side failing to u -- Id'onght Ihe war to an end l.y piie-Hii- n the ally at war; then lom Amti bank has from tug land j I returned he put upon la' live up to. after agreement i reach-- i 'siliry should be pel milted ad las' with a most favorable impression of i Au!i after he The d. a plan bo eminently fair w ill have her affair with Servnv alone. the methodical and thorough manner j )iad concluded pence wlih Fruioou. s, ininhaknailor added Willi great eullunt-inen- in which Ihe Kritlsh prepared for' Fiu.-ia'- tu contend with the weight of public -- Vupoleon, Ihe whole. seenu-- j 3"t iotiiucrot, tlpit moment war. He say they disapproval, gov it that the that as well as with tho Aoatria-Si-rvta- n v.o. Tamil velit to I'ntkduni lo pay hia leaped, rid .ir loccueu imo and were treating It In the same r nailv tmnli, ernments resolve to keep the Peace. background in Die face of the umwt ln,,, )10(tcal ,v;iy In which they deal ' tit Fredrick's rttutidinK before - i If Ihe uroliosnl Br bv a I 'ti i.p. an Conf l.igruiion, una " j vv it h t heir biisut nttalra. T his testi- - It, I he Corsica n remarked' "Had he accented 'of Ihe mlue owners, us Oiey have been great pains to place tiie greaun..i 'f jrnotiy to Ilritish eftictency is in Feeii here, I never would have gotten lln danger before the minister. interesting when one remem-- j by ill It will he 'more licie." mliurs, another Attempt to lievolve. j Iters how ninny alarmist in Knglund j weight off Ihe shoulder of Ihe presi- On the mil, also, the military at- have declared a gigantic war repoiti.l b that dent ami a difficult affair probublj tain ut ft. Petersburg would find the country in a state of j C'ne Georgia mayor has d ( reed a following con erning a con-- I settled for good, wire the panic. It ha even been pictured that fne of $;:. f..r offensive war u with the KtiKnian cniei cf come In. under vernation .f- - lno (.r,,,,,,,., miKht wiDnu the city lirniis. If our staff; Tho Russian chief id sta.t COVPr f,f f,.,g at,t possess the country. I No matter how the war ends, Hel-- i fri ed ma a w i ll ten confii maMo.i anu Kipling has sung about the flanneled fetatesuicit at Washington had placed tin glum lm already captured the hero gave me his word f lienor that fool ut the wicket, and the muddied Uu iutetiuil leveiiiie tax on war place any medal. mol, illation had taken oaf at the goal." Dissatisfaction Willi th.-r- Would hive been II I where ll i Die inilitaty Hiiainei the conduct of tho army has been conversation in burplua in lu; tieasury fo big that hud to consider Die chronic. There hav e been bitter feuds vlevv of the IlliUty positive advices about the navy. Hut w hen the crista the vaults would have to be enlarged out the reserve us un Bits of Humor 'about calling - came there was no panic?. Already j Id Utole it. latteiiioi tu deceive Germany In re- Die merchant murine of Germany has ,,, of measures ttl- - ( lilting It Short. the extent been swept from the sen, while the ( - ; "Why are you fooling- so long ready taken. tlrltlsh fleets, acting ln complete arm fav mi xico t iMpAHi. with to labor that clock, Ilortenso " Germany continued secrecy, have not only guarded the nho'ulder tu shoulder with Falk- transportation of Hritish troops to "1 am cleaning lis hands, madam." ev-..- ... The campaign in New Mexico this ' land at mediation and supported the continent, but have rendered th Just the ordinary Well, Just wipe 'cm. Vou needn't !,i of which Ger- - knowledrc J'ear, promlsca - be one of Vienna neus of altuotd tho whole world safe unusual manicure "em." Judge, Imiitiy hoped for a possibility of a of baking mjuiremcnts and a . to shipping. little tntcri-ct- Naturally, I this elate ('peaceful solution. In Ihe meantime Calumet -- tliat's all. The tanks of the parly In Strange j renewed and cumulative advices a A MOTOli THAT WALKS. Jjcriialillo are practically Knicker Somethiiig: queer abou! reached u concerning Jluwian (Popularc!tMechanics) Jolte. j of niobiilnutioil and massing of No prcat skill, t'losed tin arid a solid front is present-fe- d ft A motor car without wheels has experience or 1 cm east Prussian bolder Hocker Yes; he Ihe only rnin! troops the VtOi.n cat ma rlu f,..l U..,V ... in U'f. ! speaul directions to the democracy, so far aa that ilei oi u m for use are needed. who can't explain Ihe high cost oflwll as the laralion tests. (Iiisttud of wheels there nue b done by. Ihe healing of past living. war over all iniportani piacea on i... Judge. , parallel runners, like bord-.'- which did not three pairs of Calumet will do jfcuda. Uussiaii west those on sleds, except that they are its share and more. J any Jint a ery large penelilage of the Tin MisliH.t Header. permit U'ni mui movable. When not In the It will produce the lightest, n,,.o.-.- i ...... j. motion tenJcrcst, mi tillial ion, uino , run- li, In the old day a book was suggestive car rests all pairs of tastiest pastry you -- de-pe- Republicans will vote for Harvey swing-- same three evi r vou nd waa in full while at the ners, Is tt. can IFetgtinmin coiiki'ss Heiause It Whs found that Would measure were anew and us soon as the motor it absduuly. for for tbri time all such started one moved for- ti)ii h Jl MVC J OU sell It; disavowed under wold of honor to pair is raised, materjals fclrons reasons: ward, set on ground, and so on. and disapjadntmrnt is Hut now I'm decidedly restive our ainbussador at Ht. Petersburg. the t. Th. v believe ihl I a time when Thu the is resting on certain. w ill save you Instead of sugscstiiiK, they lell It ' Kven before the answer of Vienna iar ilav It money it ii two pairs, and bv the forward move-- ! Ibe president of the Fulled ftate Fngllsn-i.eiiiia- n propositi moderate in cost. 4 - Juds. to the lust of th for- ()e test proves best 1 nwnt runners moved also it's ll'iould have the loval support of all ot mediation could arrive, tussia. or- Guaiauteed pure. Grocers general ward. The motion Is naal to be much recomjuiend it. he people, l egal dies of politics, Inlt. dered the nmhilitatlon. smoother be July alst. the caar addressed than one would anticipate, jrauKe of what lie has done and Is do Mr. Peach, before leaving town on mi without Jars or noise. RECEIVED HIGHEST AWARDS a telegram to the kaiser: Among Pur. t utt rotate In business tilp, Instructed his wife's me- the advantage claimed for Wrkr. Fd E.aiM1. Ch j Ins er the ship of safe heartily thank you for your rwrXviAr ka i nurse to apprise htm of the arrival this new land of motion is a com- Pxm ' "laiTD, a n-- of The diation whii lets Ihe hope flash Up ,w'f 11 J Jintlis amid daggers. of obliged h parative Ob- m the stork Fhe with the fol- Dial all may yet cud peaceably. Jt iiun.nie of friction. v i. f.HMlilent variation from the prop' lowing struction, which b oveiTome oh on v vm moarr ghm am .i t - telegram: !s lei hnicnlly Impossible t.i suspend , k. ... powder, 11 negoti a aaor eco0omicai- -. ZLZZL V tfUrse f n Ik li t plunge this country Into "Mrs. ban pair," Judge. With Other Vehi. Ic re ennllv If - - - v" . , oe muted. Peach our military preparation which w C.I.. "m ' Bu." have ated, in a demoiijiu-aUo- in Berlin muut. iar :n.r.m... . tunerior in "iik ana soaa. " FIVE 'ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1914.

STRUGGLE MINE OPERATORS EI Tom s Ifad. IK lire U!3M1 iiUfei.'uir'v' M to TkrwA &z JOKMAL ttASSME BJ ARCFPT HFRTRIH LEU wwa Wbll I lllll FOE SALE KCH Ann aotto 7 insurance . Feur iiilli'H frum fsie LOANS KKNTAl, t3.f(00 wodprn, io tmii, FID LIFE FEATURES franm. lit'i Properties, Erf! 01. water hent. lawn, ithad, jtood loca- SALE fen lBki It. Bargains In Irfits Houses Husiness tion In Highlands, t lose In. F01 r. F. TEQTTER JOHN M, MOORE REALTY CO, $2,7fifl hrlck, modern, InrK Menny In hour. 214 W. Gold. haapmpnl, Highlands, Thrpe-roo- house with lwrirp Phnns 4fl Hums rhess 1SI4-- rhone 10. corner lot, Hood loeiiiion; near clone In; easy termm aleepinK porch. line; 1 1.1 r n fill Indications Are That Dead President's Plan to End Co- in; on cur .(; $r,linfl IX.OAO incdera frame: two cash; tl' r month. ccoocooooeooeooooooooooooe Army Officer Almost Suc- lorado War Not Agreed to larr porches, irood outbulldint. j EsKftra LOT ipsfdl Fourth ward. Eay terms, o svi.f. nv u W ATI-'.- Plsreit, siit. efe., in Gaining Bank of in Full nK nM ssfeiy i ceeded by Employers, Who laath, fln Four-roo- m iird rsii Phn ,11100. frame, modern brick; near In; O of fh .best houses In the 41. Tb Wnfli'.'iiiifi A Imnrnvt.-snn- t lo-- fne ahado. rood outbulldlnKS, fin I one car line, price riRht; 401 High Co., sueeet-I- I i Mariano. Seek Conference, block from 0 KigMnnds, Sonlh 'i. eiinrr Trsinfer - Lake cation; N. llth Su terms easy. Four choice lots, In the north end. 5 rooms, porches, r, 110 fluid svenim. J street. three ' well on ihe coiner, wnh t and north g bssoniciit, fireplace, lutindry IS, 000 Yiflck, modem, quick only built, rellar, aleeplnf porch, ood front, for sale, $Mii.li0. 0 fto. turner lot, (08; IVY nn essy payments. tul. PROFESSIONAL CARDS cnnHK"""01 " JOULI MOHNINa JOUIIMAk inCIW. IftAWft IN outbulldlnc; W. Silver Avenue, i'n tie handled 0 tiesrly new; $2,800 00. (',T'p. M - 'i'1- - 17 Thp ,,,,l,y Fine local ion Nice home site. Good n. licrver, IT. AecM'timce of cloae la. J- A- "" rr.-mde-nt i'V - Karly was found certain Wilson Kpeculutiorv. leeeoooooeooooboeooeooooeo ATTOIAs nt. feature nf -- ' T. o'clock, lndl-,iiu- ii three-yea- It, 200 I room bunjalow, modem, HEAL ESTATR Fir.K. lNSmANCR about ipruMis;il f(,r u r truce in the JOHN . II SON despe-T,,i- i ' MONEY ' a e lilihlanda. cloae In. IvOANS. TO fil,li--.MtirJrin- on hi-.- that In had niiiiU icoal miners' strike was announceii hue IYH Allnmey-a- t 1 aw. FiruKi'le Li tiim to shore. He iihIhj ;y J. p. VVe.borji, presiilent ol H' n .,.JI Tlldg. A: A. ro pnaia. 1MHW. n,. I'li.-n- ir,?:W. liffl.-- Ph. ma vs found about sixty from tlm 'the I'olorado Fuel Iron I'o. The nXESCIEE SAl.KsVdar rhoea lilt .ir,. He had uc ( ft in getttnc announcement contained the further Ijoaiu lire Iuanranct 'F. riMI' Vmiria fiya, in a r jhroiigh fn KrP!lt 'f tul"s information that some of Hip opera 111 South ronrtta hu 1M S.inh Kdilh w w,,rk-i'n- n 'torn I'i h i i..: iiinek rna.ti 'III. 1 lleup H tr;. ml weeds ,r,.it "n '"' w" had asked for a conference with iK. J. hrait ever though it was possible for ii the pri shit nt to discuss the iruvision n.h Iriililiri. IH't tin Oental Slier en. HF.I.P WAVTOl. applrfc Hint . rli.nrna t Tlaineii Jnd, PVn.ns T44 io :'ni through. i,f thi' plan which they ore n il pre- FOR W FAT Rooms, I'.IU SAI.K ..leneea, HMIit J,,! ieVWS" I'll. me I Aen.ilmrnetiia Mmln hv Mn. and K'-i- were found pared to m cept eeiu. p. ti..neil 'v"lt, The motor fdEces Red, Nwrisw I '.N s A 1,1' - ...i", j.lH.i. Lieutenant Kar.y swum' seventy The statement issued by Mr. W'eihnrn hr I'n eftiH (..niina AMI t K4.FONM - . f'h.m,- rttMlN Ol T Hi rio i 111 'wrii.i lea.ina I'.nn tii'.'i t U" boat whire it ups.r.ed. ifollons: I'i lil Hiielii'i iiile iticae frum 111 North . W. 11 'i - rimt ninili-rn- eli.w tn 1. 11. r fTiH A I It A, U. MIOK1 K, W'iis dics-e- d in heavy tunning oat "Tlie coal oiierators will tit!p imli- trt flvn i inder.""- - vprlir, n4 lie - 144 ri'Rittea Vtmtld tn l)p succeeded in gt-t- hy to ptem t'OK sin-id- . niiMlcrn fii nlh.d r.n.mi nrdea. IJ1 Waal field iind b.g ken rfi'llcs letter the eiKcnrlm for Dn TttMp II.'T Hn.ira 1 t" It Phnna fill. The nun of nl ihr Amrifftn Kl 12 '.'!. par Vel Ceniral. l ull MI K II".! Ii nn.. h. I.t a of tilt (,ih i. these oots 'dentil proiosl. Certain features Two front rooma fin Central Ohm IrHHfr, mw Hf rri'.ni.; rut trm in v. liinn t.'4'. W. fVmral Ava. using. 1 h" right the plan FOR kNT - Vlei-l- "f.iifHalid mV.lUTli 4 h.nie, nn aleKin. l ull Ml' Weal hf wit.1 barrel win be accepted. In addition. avenue, l'esl location. M I.'tiy n ;'T Wt rr..m 2 t h h a Ibiiqnerfitia Sanitarium t'hnna S41. t f'r A, HI" ilran.le Mnlel, III W. S'N'I- )lHll U'tl fi'f'l ,lt,d Ul' P"'1 broke 'a conf. re nee with the president has .'.nlrnl month. N 1' ".na F. 'It S M.k I'm nf rn.-m I I. rs , ' i ll utid th shell ejected, fir II been atked by of the operators loca- PciH R m.Mlern furnlahed fn.nt nllnre HH. H iK tn,, n several Two inside rooms, an me limine, IH. - l tn 1 ye. N'naa shells luid been find In oluer to discuss with hull certain ff.rrn'Min mom; no at. k need apply. ol Nmih can ain rent .'loan Aililreaa l'mill.- imited Far, an4 ril be that loth tion. $T per month. Fnurth. It enr .I'.l.'riMl. Tbmal. had le'.mded h!s mm up the practical djfticulth in appinK the 1 em lie. sinrt he runuine wnter and A i 111 I...., fiiala Vatl.mal Pank Tilda. Tilt-pu- n Steam heat, iTt Ii KN i lu..,- 1..., ma fnt ni.h...l. an , r.. 1'i'fi l !: an km. vie l. id ii loaded chi ll. proposed plan to local conditions." . )clt barrel plecuic llRhts furnished. New, An ai.'W. loin, (....(.pcdia A Adilrewa Young using was lr. Iborn declined to Kive any ins pnlvh and balh. .i ..rih Iiriiannlea Villi MIMI'NKV SAN TllHH M which linht, and airy. Inn. rmi jfiirt Sienna .1 m 'T I. 'itinnl, - J clean, larse I'liberentala nf tha Thrnnl and Luna's. loaded itiiil tin- breech closed. If, too. further information resardiiiR the .l',' "in I'.UI IlKST - i.ri.. 11,1(111 in -- I. I'i s li.K C .ini.l. I. I'" ..,I. Ctiv i 'ff i.e, Slft'4 Went .Vniral Avanna, hii vc and reloaded hin gun plans of the operators, cir t(i mule hnt ul imiiI may fired cheap 14'lf. V. iVnlral ,,.... ally nm nf rmrr rnnm, nn i. k on lea llmira; tn 1 s. m ; I tn 4 p, m. upset. lioii a..ittet 1 I '. tin '"'"I features of the president's ciiwhi ile Maii'ns .'fiinie. i'i..l 41V Smlh l'h,.n. t; Fanalm'tnm Phnna 4Ht ( to r.imi. weip aceepiable and what ones were MiirpheV, M. imi inns F ill itfevf 'I'w.i FuirSAl.K Threa Medal I linnljpa mas W. T. !., Mdleal lllreelnr. position of the hody of Young unaeceptahl to the ow ners. r..'i.. firat-elaa- a or The mine W AVrlOli (III) f..r h.'imew.'l k, , lth tusard. neai; no ani. salnaa Is eindliinn. ina hp thp A thp operator of the -- Mnrnln Alha- - rhuws thai had linns' to boat meeting of mHll family, unii. s. iiil 14 rlh F.hih. l' n:iV. all t a baraais. Jmneal, W. M. SHERIDAN, M, D, other object, us h,s hunds slate has been called for Salurda, at llih quarn.ia, N M. - r sonic W A TK1- - l fur It, I'M llfttlfsi'V. It! k KuK MUST lam e....l, niciy furiiiah.d is expected ihe de- .'ili Hinml dlivuia bnrne. piaiHea l.imlied were half clinched. The slicker and .which lime it that Mm. K. H. Mr, West ltiini.1 riHim la l(K'ai..n snd prlvata fam- Plill SAI.K laieaeal to- SERIQUSTUMBLE H.hentk. tfd and aei nf JiuiiliHK coat worn by th,e lieutenant tails of the corporal ions' attitude N.eTn.p ily; bath, Uthta, aha da. t4 Weal New Oitnmhiia atirrv liarn: Gcnilo Urinary Diseases and ion g...uh llilrd, . fni, rid mar. The body was ward the peiicf propoKjil will Ik1 declfl. V..rk ; imifii, Call were :.lso V A TKI VminK winiiwii f..r i.'i-r- .h. 7" luaial fwm.p disinnee from where the ed. g.i h.inia n.iili.v Hi .vmih Killth Nnalk. Diseases of the Skin, "'.it . I.K- - "llo- nt.-- l.i.i. K iiinnl. tntil.t-- ' hing iariy hud been at work u.l At ii convention lie!d l Trinidad, Hi I. f.i.;ir IX fittrit-he- d ImilillnK., ac- - HI.M' V. iilll ins niHteilnla. Imriiea and Vha W .aanemann and N..nehl Teata; einii1 the tragedy occurred. the Colorado union miners voted to i vt Ihe time III W"ATI-:l- A entli!e .ui,k unl n. tnkl I'.inrd ?17 feiuh Fminh warnn ef the tale Henniin tlmn. alan 1'ie Adnuniatered. Mppt , T'.ie motor and nuns were lop.nofj the tiresident's proposition and PUCE sre "f dillilivn. Mm T. S. Wmilm-y- tli.g and maeb,iwrv A. W Hl.lg 1KB tsu FtiK HKNT-Furniah- ad rnnma, avery ri.nirn. tnela iliuena"' Pank savp notnp sent a telenram tit the White House .lr '.'"I s.mih Ihiih. .!. 11 effn-- "!i real- - first and this the workrs 40fl Seioh Seven! h. An.. ilnnrte, Athnnnerfl.ia New Metlea I'P-fr- lvhiih to work. They announi iiig their, readiness to tall oh 'Sirl -- .Miiil . Ap- ni-- a V'.O , .luc from f'f HI'.NT- - 1 ' niieiv ii f'ee . fuinmhid nmrni shorten! Imp the strike back to work as soon t.en Full I a Mairh in IhP direct and ro ply Mr. Jnhn I'lurke, ins f..r I'1 a -- k 11 V t Held Full SAI.IC One biil fnr aeenminn-- TiPIWRITMtsi. i"111" located body .in Ihe proposal had n adopted by W--- f Hums datlnna at Oalea bnlel, An.l..a to the Khore and the seetltl. i. .1 lha F. Hi tlKNT i.rniih. r,,iii,, mndern; no Tal, Oatea la fire nrnnf, una ef Al l, MM'H. bmh fw and aeis.nd hand. .f IliutPiiant. lie had pwum their former employers. WHEAT PRICES W Kl l I 'll "! elaM. l Will. Tl. Null. Tlia hml the A'l ah k Apply HlH We--l njrl beat In U Anifeloa. and bmiBht, antd, rented snd repaired. hunch of lub-- s were ether need Mly. T?mi must - renpB-Hit.- t tha and lliroiich one that HKNT- - F111 1'e i'i a h..l I Tvpawrlter Ktehanga. rhnna 144. above M'TTI.K i Porresler svemii.. full khi.i ntrnrner nf Rii and tiiem fip or nix Iret the water and III.i:i.S 1) beat, nn al.k. .Iiil.lrrn 414 V fiii.pi jsiraaia. Addreaa Mntning .Imirnnl l WVat Onld. In be limiowdhle for any ItOMl TlKH bl what wcracd ltll Full HF.'n'T .line lureiahej hi pet through. He got through WAVTI'.I FieiJtlon. VAMV-Mve-t- one to t.i eniet-ue- gnnd Mil isk INmllry. TIMK .lllW. ry JOUMH. SPtCKI. k WlM! eiins iaii, F4lt " t' a cpot, (mm ucrons that and St. Loula, P'pt. 17. W. I.. Cham A to ilenr I KII1 NTI'.lt l'..HI..n in New Mesl.-- hv W. at Irnn. media-itio- n Chicago, Sept. IT. Wheat prices FOH SA t.!--: hnraea marea. Ad- - aine to another bunch f tub?. His bers, chairman of the federal resinler-i- " i1riiiinit, 15 venrg' experience. rurnlahed m.Mern Flftv and - today because it FritJ..;sT To dre l.iffr.lna IVrnardn. N. M, jiinnilh wan ronn "iif n the body board at WaahlnKton, I). "., to- had a serious tumble n..x 5S?. Ads. Hkl. renma amiaekeeplng; bi slek. till inar St. .was not officially settled until after ,llt S A 1 ,1'. 41'H 1'ren. h Mellon I'll n.s 1VAII.Y Al'ToMWII. UTAOHi was found n uhort distance in this niuht notified officials of the W ! silver. . r fiervl.-a- l'.cllirail-jwa- y C.ermany's answer T1-- : Addrej William Melninah. Milnmh, N. Fasaenser liuiich ( f the weeds. (Cotton trading hours ihHt W A N l M lsvl la and to media- FOH rinmia M j l ea.a HHver itty ! ! p. m. If- undiTstood I.Uiiienant officers of unions of the 'to President Wilson's offer cntlages. sleeping pnrehaa, 1 Jt that and a - . Leave Mns.illi.n s. m. living tion There was Wsnifd .'lesa. c ill is rues st th J'.ur- O .at tTlll SAIK-lll.tln- s nr iIiivoih s.n-li- Early has no relativm fXcept his road's trainmen that he woulj arrive vas Waal h.... m.-e- t Largest feeling close, with " Call at l.earnald l.indemanii . aim-- Oars all trains- and heat l.rol her t the post. iln St. Louis next Monday, 'nervous at the ITTil IlKNT- - Mealy tuiiiiahed nmma, all 'equipped antn llverv In 1ha amilhwal, night. Corn WANTKI1 A hliih hi ml.- AiIiIii-k- or phnna I'iO. ". begin jpticoa to 2c under lust cinera. opp.-wil- pnatnfflea. '. Karly, who was report- Tuesday Air. Vhambprs will W V Impri.vemema, lha HKNNKTT Al'TO TO., f IJi'iit. 1 P. I Hex f..'4, I'iH SM.K-T.- m ahesr-ei- a !al-lu- H to and I. FOR Anrnia ..sla. annd to hin reason was in p purine wilh the view of fettling 'suffered a net loss of ISc, 411 Weat Odd, , Silver I'lty, N. M. ed have lost CAHVKT CLKAliiMTrfarniiurs ST. breeilms does, 175 westl.ara, fS iH amicahiy between the joats, 1 to Provisions finished im. and slv nieely mnm today and apparently in go'9 the differences lc. repsirlfiff, W. A. fluff, phoni. t,fix. FOK FKNT 'three i.irtiili'd yeaiiliig d..i. remainder lat spung's kids 11 h, irailroad growing out changed to 22 down. hmiwkeeplns ga and all mnd- S', M, lieu and its trainmen 4c i i". Tlvei fnr llaht X l'i'Sl, F"sle, Csiirnxeso a bushel was clipped from WAvriou w uv o 4 id n 4 ennvenleneea, 4111 Wnat !Kott"!' Uti list The funeral of J. A. Young wa 'of the railroad's refusal to reinstate a Nearly ie n ern Innulra lead il.ey pav. Wnn 'the one time chiefly owflry, llMinltl.. Knurl h snd fluM THKV l.AV. win, thv taliy pasai-nae- leaving Unawell di- .conductor discharged for alleged value of wheat at fair, g held yp.terday atternonn under the .11 lltghlaada. fnnr flrai, ena aeenad. at naia lntl; HI m. iby reason of a misunderstanding A NTlvti - Tn Imiv fill nil t.i fumt-.- h and I'artmyan it i, of Masonic Scot- I.; first, two seconds. five first, fmir ' rection? the order. rnrtm hinine. AiMrons o. S .l..nrnnl Ki;M'-Furnit- ied 1 ttnuth it 1l?: Wratbmtnd. Ar. Ar. Faathnnnd which impression spread Fun Ill, lit run, 11 ItliroURh the eennda and ll"V, Mellnnald IUU. t) . . 4:4 p. m. tish Kite service was held at the - fiK, nawell .... emperor had cond- WAXTKH The in..- of H ..rsi.ll"- f Waller, flume I l White that the German ft. Hrda, Mmibd Anennaa, a . , . . . I p. hniie night at midnight. It win y. It m I'leaeho. II m. lat itionally a proposal to discuss site Vimtil' rent toi Al.lift 0 Foil RKN'- T- M idrii farnlahad badrmim. Oiplnstnna. Huff Orptngtnna and 1. R. larK'-s- t Cailiip. accepted 11 .10 a. m Tlnnia., p. m. the funeral held in news, which this office 1?a Smih FdHh ka. Hi..ek and ehl. Ia f .r aala. 1,, lis UNFY CFHTPRfi !ieitiw of neace. This On. es It nil s. m. Hondo. . it? p. m. Hh O, . 117 llaael- sub- HFNT- Modern fiunlalied rmima R Thnmaa, P. lit. Kat 1 , . . , . , . . ,11 a, I lin ked authority, brought about Rooms. Full 00 p. m. , l.inentn .50 m. Itf'U.uisitloim Siant'il. ULII UIIU WAMI'I-)- pnrehaa j H. I'antrat P 1701. dine. 8 on p. so s. m. jlllUIII.1 stantial upturn but weakness again en. WSsNrVSsVVVVSAAAA-AiM-AAAsSA- III m Ft. Sianti.n. Sept. IT. Two teriuisi-ti- i S . . . on unla t'c. were only Vi A N K hon!W'kr-pin)- KICNT '1 nicely fni iiiabaii fmnl t p. m caption.... lo m. sued and final quotations T imw ftirtttiihrJ r..m F. ill nniii HALFe-R- ml papers have heen si'.'lied by Act- p.UrttWiK h, ltlvt y, nr 2t W llrnndwav tOR I It a, m...... Nnssl ...... , . i tc above the bottom of the day. with poii tiftir wilh without fvrd. lfle. ing Ooyernor E, C. de Haca. is tic TiST-Tanf- 4 4H p. m - - One business in rfnt hon MM VVl fi .il nulled hmiaeke. pum seres Improved land Cnriiio rhhw Although the volume of FOR SAI.K I n way $1 6 for l.loyd Jones, wanted In the Sixth nrninrn small, was wilh sleeping parch. 1 2o t Hmith adjoining Lnekhart ranch, at a bargain. Thr niah fare. - com ins the market heay r.nnia pnlnta. per mlla 10 judicial district on the charge of se- ULUIULU The F.d i t h, Ilenrr l.n.kha-l- . Phone insp. Intermediate UIIUII ,the gieatwr part of the session. 60 Iba. bnarsS" free eras earrtnl. liir.ti,,n antl r,.niirted to lie with his n I; - Millie llnllaek. eplns THAiT; wnrih depression came mainly from the Futt HAIK HniRlt elotk of m nrf-r- )ti"l Fl III IikIU FOR Vai.K OR H.iniO KllHIHI. AITO 41., father near llarrodshurK, Ky. Sheriff )tinim-rii- . Inipiw. 8J3 iiinmi, three fmnlrhed bed rnnma. !10 entern tnenm prntwrty, Phnna i of the other cereals, - fiiaietaaa Owners and Operolnra 1!I IT. J. K'Gr:nh of tiriint county is falling A mo. Smith Vaiirr f'.oiui 00 enh. bfllnni-- trnde. Adilieaa O, IMPRQVEMEPJT j Oats weakened because of a Sil- Ill-- i'wn en J, On, earn .Inninnt, designated to hrinx him back to !off in export call. Miscellaneous FOH HA ltfuiHinant nn.i ItoU-1- t hfHt Full lai mndern mnnia. ver City. The other i a requisition holders evinced a disposition to realise. aitlta or alngla. 4.U Hmith Jirnsnway FOR - l.nt near lliahlnnit pork; n,,d Colquitt of Texas Phnne 1f7W, sir and view; ennvenlent tn hth aehnnl from Governor for ; Liquidating sales of ribs dragged down Ill'SIMCSrt (iiHi'tiinny, in tiiMri . b"it ma, fninialied fnt nr univnrsli.-- Aim house. J. A. Hnmmnnd. Koscoe liraves at Hoswell, who was jthe as a whole, le Ut retail liquor nd rntaurnnt Full HUNT Thraa mi, provision market fr an sick. ?4 avenue. indicted in Texas on the chaiRe of early strength due to hlaher hniiaekerplns, mndevn snd elean; Fni Silver i imt MOKNINI JOURNAL apfCIAk. kA,IO WIRII .m S15 Unuth Walter. elterlim urn! defacing brands on cat- prices tor hugs, .Much of the unload-jin- g rwiuirpu. AiturMH r., rum jrni. j Sept. 17. Weakness of A g tle. '' New York, of ribs was ascribed to Milwa- ATt HISI1N, TOPI h .NTA I K BAH,. foreign which fell to the packers, I'F.RSONAU X)R 8M.K Rouse. WV 4 4. since outbreak ukee Weatbnnnd, A Jim Trouble Catisoij lowest fiuotulions the Sept., I1.0TU; Dec. 11.10; MHH. HKAI.I), lesclicr nf yass NOTH F, OF KNFt l TOR INAI. Imn Wheat H.nlih and limine. Call Class. Arrives tleparts of the war, was the most significant hrnnchft. 424 Smith Kdllh FOR HAl.K Mnder fiirnlnhi-- .( t ill NT, It. Maw 1.18. iret 1:14 W. Catlfnrnls Knpr.-s- ... . , t:00p. development in the general financial 73 me ;tn Hi.ulh Vrn.i. Phone I'mirt for llernalllln nn- - take long for kidney and Corn Dec, T0'c; May, '4o. Ph. nsiW. in the t'mliate Calif. .this F.tpreaa ..lo iop u o,n It don't 'situation today. Cables In London MA I.K- - Klstit-rno- tyt nf New Minten. May, IiiUhu-I- or lu elsi In FOR mndern hnusa, Ptaie . 11 nop to give you a lame Oats Dec, Whit; f.KS.iS slvell nf nf j;mtllft P. I'sl. Fnat MH 12 4r,s bladder trouble to demand to OS, t'le. Kpnnlili. Ewrll-.- li In two li.ia, or will amall hnuaa In In the nioit.T the esiote and Pork Jan., 120.56. l.atln, Fren.'h, "II Its Inks Oalifm nis Limited . . . . :;i's ji ;r,os even worse if not checked. It. A. Aditreai Mrs. It. Render, 111 Parent 1. deenoscd, .it back, and jrhlefly as a result of buying on the i hranehes. Mathematics, Mina Weat, J. Lard Oct. Jlt.45; Jan., $10.00. ftnvadway. Tn All Whom It May fencer Gainesville. Ga., j Phone S1. Union press , . . ., 7 S er.u Jirs. II. T. Straynge, New York city notes. Oct., 10.0; Jan., $10.67, Is hereby final ae- - ilvertn nd Fx .. lr.s kid- supply llibs Nnllee slven that the ., was fairly down on her buck. wiiU Drain bills were in belter Full HAI.M OH 1IFVT Partly furnished count nf Atniimtn l.nholn. exneiti-.- nf Iha K.stetn ..... ir,p S'4np Her-jli- n UST. - 4np 7:0G ney and inflamed bladder. She (and offcrlrfgs of cotton bills on "LIVESTOCK MARKETS. J'ronm realdenee, wlih burs Snd eellsr, last will and teatament .f Lmllla 1 Pn- I'ailfnrtila Limited ... trouble .1111 Fine ennifl-lin- K. C. Chi. F ,. T lf.p .4r,p and constituted a new feature of the LOST VpInX liiivrle. Nn, kiiik, Uemanl l"l at Hevrntll atreit, rentl. hits been duly filed In the says: "I took Foley Kidney Pills F.iinv Ift'iiiR. N emionlaslnlia to pay. stnulhhnund '.exchange market. Gossip centered return 4im West Tljeias, No qiirall.ui probate emiil nf llnnillllln e. unity, stnle nf in years, City t' IV . r. Fl . now my back is stronger than Kansas livestock. Addreaa 1!n illy. New M. lni. Hint Hie as 1.1 t bus ap- fssn Wet. Kp.. t!';s 'largely the New York City cul 7 painful blad- around City, Sept. 17. Cattle aK. Mmidav, the t'nd ttny nf November, I'.i'na Valley Fyp , hop and kidney trouble and The Kansas .me li.miiiil liutiiiuK. ImuM Full MM.F.-- Hy owner,, mndern pointed loan and its attendant features. steady. t.nSI nliile nt HI n'rlnek s. 111., fnr the KI I'nsii l'assenaer t 80S entirely gone." 5,000. Market Prime tleivnnl If returned tn bnnanlnw. uti-al- fin nlahed Inraa p in hfa, A. ti. 1HI4. der sensation have opinion was that hml feil. I'lmrlo nhle.-tion- Nnrth hound imost conservative $10. 0(i(t 10.75; dressed beef s:. plana, tine finli trees liearlns nf tn anld final seemint Good druggists are glnd to sell Foley 2 per il,t steers. fhii.ln lek. 7?1 Rnt Silver, Phone haaemeni, fire la From Mex. Kl ,.t:00 Kurone would take at least 5; $11, - prnnd IIHUO. he snd the s ti I. metit tlietenf. Pan.. help. steers, $S.00 J 9.7 western steers. and bniii. Can had Kl ,, Kidney Tills because they always Demand for pri , S A. K. WALK F.R, From lnso il'Op cent of this issue. . And feeders, $t!.00 If desired. Thnna i:.i;.l. 5i 25; stockers FOR REST Dwellliii-s- nf Said I'r.'lmte t'.mtt. From Teena Val. A Cut Off .;40p They contain no habit forming drugs. vate investors and big corporations, (iiH.25; calves, 6.50f 10.50. North lllll street. Clerk companies, was North, For mIp by Butt'a. Inc. such us the Insurance Sheep Receipts, iti.tnin. .viniaei griitifyliiRl.v large. said to be Ihigher. Lambs, $8.00di 8.75; yearlings r'.IK HK.NT Two-re.n- hnuae, partly to fur. The better sentiment extended .$5.75 r 6.50; weth rs, $5.40 fin 6.00; nlhirt. IO Nnrlh Twelfth atrcet. ooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooioooooooooooooooooooooooocoooooooooooooooo the curb, private sales of Standard iewes, $5.IHHr5.fl. HUNT brick limie. alileily a of Oil issues being reported at prices on Hogs Itecelpts. 5,000. Market iiinilorn, 4:il t Tuppcr sveiiua. Hea A. o o Tlis'Jreatment 30. As U A 1 & ti T K Mniitiiyn, o 6 a with those ol July it.l.dl,..H1 r..ll, hnm-- - at eourt heiie. n.iritv it if i in in., o. ( in m j i"' MECT01T O - 0 !n ivirtinl offset, however, It WHS Stut- .' HICS'I' mmlPl In li k. l ioiMt' 0 0 rd that bond prices were lower, fear JwH.Sf IlKht, pigH, $7.00 and aliudea. Hois avenue. fiO.oil o ALFISIAEETICALLI La Grippe $S.408.7ri; A 1U'4 CLASSMID 0 Influenza or in sure-tie- s ' fM 7 r n per ni'.nih, tpt' l',iirriiii.r. o -- foreign liquidation these l I I ( 0 ot o- - . .. pend aspect. FOR HIiNT modern flat, North ... ,, n trt of being the most serious 1 A KOKf s It It quite reiresnniK mrw was contained Fifth street. 30.oil per munih! wstar 0 M. M. White, CHARM'S KFITIXKR y treatment forwinfltienia or Other adverse news Clilcnito Livestock. John Moore, John EWn,l:R AND OPTICIAN defined paid. Klrat Savlnaa nank A Tmt l o Mgr. awnings, cnrtalna, 0 JUrlI.)V in an article In tl $ Iln the passing of the International Chicago, Sept. 17. Cattle Itecelpts o rres. Maker of porch 1141 l)r. Hell, of flew j dividend, Neuth. o AttlHTQtlERQltK ARHTRACT tH). anything In canvas. West IVnlrtil Avcnee fllnlc," James medita- iHiirv ester common similar 4,000. Market slow, lleeves, $7.0Udr tent and ayshelBconvinced tbat too much company 11 flA ti! 1 K fit Q )K' uliifknrM nnil o Jncorp. goods bought and sold. s unnecessary injurious. action hv the Crucible Steel ntaofa Foil HUNT I'our-rno- brlek, mndarn, F.stah. l89. 18T. Household B. T. VANJ. tion Is both and iai o Kacrowe, of. nr-- furniture, Sleep-In- g ... ii.j ,A . ..aa ,,f lu firiuoe. vile .. i,. ',,. i r,.ii slock, reduction of feeders, $5.60 ijr 8.35 ; cows and heifers, rsnsa; clnae tn, new furnUhlnaa; c.irner o Abstracte, Certificates, Good line s is . u r.n1,.1'1 r.a hntiaa, Tnqiilra Xn4 Havi-nih- . our specially. Phone New Klexlco's Finest Art Jeweler. Valient is usually seen when the lever thft Kxpress quarterly 14 ni.c in. Smith o Conveyancing. porches 0 Amfrim of 10 7, 111 street. Jewelry and Watch Repairing. bursement and more curtailment Sheet) Itecelpts, 18,000. Market Ilislilanila. o IH W. Oold Ave. Thone 401 Sou First unii-r- . - - Belling. 8 ill nip mnr.i.17, by several oi ine .hi. firm. Sheep, $5.50ifi 6.2.; yearlings, o Albuquerque, N. M. Diamond away. Hell orders that the hoej operations '1 lit I'l'imi fin hInIii.iI o lr. then companies. In every in $0.25 iff' 7.35; lambs, I7.40WI1.00. liKNTThi ie enllase. 0 be opened freely with salts, Actoldsor copper inruilre 11 'Ml Himili IIIkIi. 1 400.1 0 0 magnesia. the b gh lever, lloga - Receipts, 12,000. Market o citrate of For stance these communis " a e.ii-lai- CONTRA4TORS Manufacturing 0 pain and general Brr,8"' situation. fifroni;. Hulk, ft.r.O; light, $8. HO Knit HI'.NT.V.'W riiuni fnrnlalie.l o ORKENHOlTM: I'XfXTRICAIi tVinfexilonori kevere headache, to the foreign $8.G0i wilh glnaai'il-l- sleeping rmim, iai'4 ALIirfQUERQITE one Tablet "very three hour from S.4 0 S.f.5 ; o On other hand, advices fu'9.55: mixed, fi heavy, $H.. Sii.iih Kdllh. Company. rk'lintt & Ravltl Candy Co. quickly followed by complete rUlrl. Ihe (if O. BIIAW, Frop. Knsh Flectrln Ptipply it i nex-tllu- d Important trade 20f8.3S;' pigs, $5.00 8,70. Ask A-- Tablets. They are also Chicago and other POIt HIONT tinuaa, iinidern contractor engi- for - Flectrlcul and nd chocolates, neuralgia and an pains- bespoke a more cheerful nr nxRUSTsr nrcmnivTCRfi and Wholesale retail for headache, centers fiirnlliil unfiiriillie.l. neers. Motors and generalor. bonbons, taffies, pan goods, lee of near future, several large Inqnlra 401 Nnrlh Arnn. phnna H5. l)l:tX)KATOR8 In view the to STRANDED AUSTRIAN Kverythlng electrical carried creams and sherbets. 223 Weat companies adding their - industrial lull- ItHN'l furnished 17th "treet and West Centre! stock. Mi6 West Central Avenue. 70. hHllKtlli.W, film Sleeping pnlTll. 4".i. Ilslil t'enlral avenue. Phone working forces. HAS LITTLE CHANCE TO 4 Phone No, . 3 mid w ler 1111I1I. Ajqily 1S Smiih Waller. Thone RETURN TO HIS HOME nrXTltlRKNT FRESH TODAY Room With Honnl. STOCK BROKEHS "UorlhT Try our Rent Columns on tho ERWOOR RAKKRY. MiW MEMCO MARKET fsesctAt. eomiiaeoMDSMS To woshins iouhnau Fe, Seiit, 17. Andrew Ilosko- - li'OH KKNT- -- lloema er enMafa with biaid Classified Fngo pea- F. Romero, Prop, Fresh and Unit SALMON Santa llned'a aatiltnrtutn eonvalea, 822 S. Berond street, French vllv ftf liiiiliinn.i 1 ii iitm urlii, lina st alra. fur ' meats. Game In season. We buy eeiita. Hume milk, cream, esss, frulia and nnd see how quick you rent tery, cream puffs and Ihe finest, of CAT i the highest priced beef, mutton FISH been traveling in the Fnlted States, flower l.ocUhart ftiincli. I'linne loss. AGAINST agricultural condltlona, that vacant room or house cakes every day. Flgola Plead and pork. Fresh oysters in sea- SAND DABS PROTEST Illghliinils. Bf, iinds himself slranded In Suit hi Fe and ipeelnlty. Phone 077. son. Phone 765. $19 8. First BARRACUDA . nooiieii tn ma stuxa coriiurui ion coin- - TAIII.H HOA1II), Fi.f.O Kr week. Itiinma 1IOFRNAI1 nnnnnnrn Till mission for assistance to get buck to and alailng pnreiiea. 301 H..111 h Kdllh. FLOUNDER his native land. Foit" ifKNTRlieellent sleeping "pWeh. A OK NT V. OrTTCIAtf YELLOW TAIL i ha The commission wrole to the Aus- huaril and romn, prlvata family. Phnna COFFIKI.n DRY CI.EANma CO. IBKI. HKWINfl MAf MINK trian consul tit Denver, but today re- Utoii.i. Hi demnnalrnts tha mnny good 110 South BiHiind Street. alet-pln- It ura Uimm l"Hl- h SEALSHIPT ply from tho vice consul, Frelherr von I'Oll IlKNT and We clean haU end plumee, men'i qiiftllllas of th Frea Pewlng Mnehlna. O. O. RFRHF.R llh luiaf-- nltnllllrin rf If nAna Flscher-Ank- ct n, declared that no ninu clothes, rug, draper-le- J'ha fnr diarrlmtnntlng aory, liM'ina reaxinalile, HiB Souili Arnie end women'i i msehlna tha Everything Optical, liens Grind- OYSTERS funds are available for sending back dyelnjr. fintiacwlfa. on Oemrsl and curtain. Also do ing none the Premises. Work Auatrluns, even If nil the Austrian CHARt.RS B. rtOf.tiT, Guaranteed First Class In Every - Promptness and tood work our Hteumshi'i lines weren't- out of com IIOOM and Imard fur henitliei.ker nn laneli. Respect. Hungar- aleiqiln motto, B. St, 107, Phone 411. Ill W. ClnU .... mission "All Austrluns or ilaih and poriiiea, Address Mrs. lis Ith Phone A. against the proposal i - ians who tried to return to their na- A, R. Swan. Jt. II. Nn I, Fort J.owell. mittee heing lt-- ' ; roeenne IUU now prison- Aria. Phnna B1 in the :... ' ... l.fl tive country, have been made I'lONEKR BAKF.RY w con-elu- tax on inerti by he . drafted ers of war Great Itrlfaln," OI-X- dlseonscir.teiy, COAti ATIR WOOD O. RCRTOR, ITRNTrTRE Everything In bnklng line that 8 his letter rather the Fel-low- a' Is good uffh-- J14-1- 6 9. Second Street, "Odd good, and everything that 3D matter wiilbi'taktyPjomo, roil HKNT The meat dealrHlila - Prompt de- - ll time, klndllna- end smithing coal. Is In tho linking line. row- wnen um ci... department Cost liept iiimii-Oiml- y Kept FP. '.mma In tha city. Apply to fleorga F. building." Wetter'g Buperb M.-- . treasury Phnn 44 liveries and pleased customers our from the lnrlrht. Large etoek fuel at medi- noooooooobpooooooooodooooo tn be iienveti No better medicine could be mads of best carried Btoveg and Ranges, The best N. Hailing, Prop. 807 estirriates of revenue son KKNT His bnaidlnd hnuan, beat slogan. R coughs, colds, croup, hoarseness, times. Prompt deliveries. Phone um-priced spcial and stamp taxes proposiu for IS elty. 114 Wsat. Orand. Flfte.-- ail line. south First street. BUY YOUR from etc., than par 4 g -- tickling throat, bronchitis, rnuma, tr.0.00 mntilb. lnqulra any raal and (. J, 9. Heaven. hope to have Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, estate ant. A'dmatlon b.,rs ready hill pci.e. .. and That why they can't Improve the I Lumber, Glass, Paints the revenue early m-x- t Apartmi'iiix. n oou quality, no warj the price P)U RKVr ALL TUB NEWS THAT'S FIT for ine In both and war or fltfXKRAI. Rl.r,AlRlXO leaders E. J. Sargent, Dal. rOR HUNT- -I and llsfHt TO rniNT remulns the same. flats fnr I.lirM and Cement Tex., snys; "1 believe Foley's nnnaakaatilns, 44 Nnrlh Sonr1 Try the Tin and sheet metal work. ' Ins, in the measure, he p. tor, rmm,t. Honey no equal for it and heavy repairing of all kinds. the and Tar has HIR lllvNT 4rrii IIiNima. AT THE completely relieved me of all symp- JOHtlJIAli WANT COLFMS Satisfaction guaranteed. Thone WORMXG JOURNAL toms of tuberculosis and my cough FOR RBNT Offices. Apply Jj. A. 45. T. F. Iteed, $15 Weat Cop- .tmttnal nfflea SUPERIOR LUMBER has cnlirely disappeared." Don't ac- For Rest Result per avenuu. 0 cents the monti cept any substitute, for Foley's Honey Want s hlsh srada ampl.vyal or Ilia I by Uutt's, & MILL CO. and Tar the best For tale battef srada nf aarvsnls? Maks sa uf th Inc. sal eulumas at tk iutirau, oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooc: November election. JD0OO0OOOO0COOOOOOOO0OOO0O0 ter the SIX ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1914.

! OFFICERS ELECTED 00000000000000000000000000 t .t.x-- rUa.nlK' file. O (descent Hardware Co. ITT DEMOCRATS PUT run r.r--i i..rn..... BY ENGLISH MISSION n - nwhed ihr'e-r.rt- fart- 0 CRYSTAL THEATRE rrr"rrsi In every detMll, Nmei, Range. Fml-.Mn- f Good. Callery. Toot. Iron Ilpf, Valrea IN CONFERENCE ment. modern fje HERE g)awd-l- n eleplna porch. o Plumbing, 7t and Mltlng. lira lint. Tn and 0ipcr Work. Weal Lead. 2 w. i Jis. THROUGH TICKET NVw lid centiml Ti:i.i.rnosn Tn Vni o Kn;lih mltmon in 000000000000 90000000000000 TODAY Joint (i;nfrrnve here with the Jtan-t- h "TWO MK.V WHO W .VITKI)" '.nfalon of the Hale )MiirJ s. ami A. nmrnliiK he'd Ita firm huaintna mu un Irama. HESSELDEN -- at the Lead Avenue Methodiat V.v'.to- - WALLACE AX i:T IFIJ1.AI, AS SCHEDULED ijial . Two-r.- tl rhurrh. electing offlcera. The Rev. rneral Cfntr-trr- MlasraplilH I'raturr. !K. V. Andemon. of Lua Vegas. and workmanship count. Wt Try t- Flr'irea so M I TIM IK IT BOSS - . , Flour DEVELOP rOUR FILMS elected rrreury; the Rev. Hugh . . . .. f . r -mnnev Ihun WOltKV imir, i . -- . . . . . , 1 nil I . lit r. iiiwit l.uhin t., n- - Comctli. Is Bleached ON " v "a ",r any other conlractlr.j firm in Aiuu The Kind That NOT THE SPOT llenry Van Va of Itoawell querque. Otiice at itrefliiiier. I'or TucMlay and Wednesday, Scheer. Kieke and Garcia l;.:i-i- Kdwin fcl PEKIOR PMX1VO MILL S HcnilMT 22 and S3 joit llughen, of Pan Plione SIT. A KODAK WftrYi!nnJ I 'ho ! preaidlng. made hl Ji niTii r hctiui-ia.'- ' wiiiniaigu iwi tr,'ie'))rt''rnr',0,jfirn yeaterdav morning lCioiaiuiC aiearne A Wonderful Picture In lour FILM TANK Convention Begins in ICceK Via do tv have he a Storm&!T.rX YICJ.IE1C S- ' XO ItAlsK IX!ih took part. Venter- PKICIS rtMimrr of inn l get fix ad- - in yw.'.r kit show your but Ends Harmoniously. day evening the hlahop addreased the IPpanlah puatora, 1 r inter--, of " lir. wood out result immediately. jpreting. For Sale Matlnoe at 2:30 and J;30. IS ATTENDED BY A fore, ,,, The program for ii, t,.j venierdjy'a Jour- - today follow: AT name of t ami ys nal, 5" Oevotlona led hy Ker. H. ) llRiIV lle FRESH EGGS AT l!ay tM'rnte the deniorrau.' nvenion of! 'n fnrtWHin Itrasa l- hcw, Hernalino county niKlit unnni-- I 'af,U. president of Ainu-- 1 ittt ir!i;tlj!c then, t"), la! college. dinlrg ram set, fht PER DOZEN moiialy nominated deorgr C. Si heer, j loefue cost, ". Kauirc. a oil 35c " m " ,i"'""e!'a healer THAN thfrc the fun f develojH Willlom Kieke and Kafael (iarcla alt ' " aeaslon of the, oihcr article. All liitfli grade MORE 350 ! fiPnl-'- mi.alon i Watch Tlila Spaee for Uiria andidatea f.,r tlie lea.aliiture. The . . conference. furniture, and good a new. order the If notion! rZ onv-nti- on ilao heard adJreaaea ' - I'-- Devotion, led l,y lliahop Health Talk. frooi frk-e- s Sa-- e - ' t dwin Holt llughea. followed hy . ailil M M'll )o ?f reiry of .ai.- Antonio Lo. erc I'r "! r U In and Adolph P. .andi tatc on the '""ine, of the Kngljah I'rrlin-- the Tank. ' J. L. GOBER, Auctioneer No. 5 Mfc leg. democratic in ket fur corMiratlon -1 ..,. tin Irl li.50 t P- - TO. ! or 422. Lead-- w en-- 1 Jure. "The Biography llione t4 Interest Surpris:ng Even ! rn.aaioner, hlch TouaeV real tnuainam galher- - V. 5, .V'". " 'a"ln Moi .. CONSTIPATION fcni,lg Ih, audience Hughea, P., ers Develops in Association! ed In the udlK.num of lh ) IX. P. THE DIRECT "wl,,'u''re,ened MAN CAl'SE OP A lew vrfj nice young, lender Project; Membership Cam-- ! Strong's Book Store to he a re,! old-- ! WHO WAS SENT MA XV AILMENTS. row w liulr-pull-- 1 nine nemocratlc ah I Wax Beans paign Started, "YOt'lt MOXFV HACK IF i'OV ing and akull-cr- king uccompunl- - TO COUNTY JAIL FOR Cured by Osteopathic manip- WANT IT." r icnta opened the prweedinga, and for ulation of the bowels, liver the mntier J'f a nuaiie, ut an hour or j TREATMENT IS DEAD; nnd nerveg auDDlving each. S II... IV. ao lepuhlii nna and hull moone whoj "TELM0" It la The V. M. C. A. meeting last night claimed r re gathered In the rear acuta aa in.irkl)li beans of two fact. n,...K-.-. .. Funeral aervicea for J. II Body. 41 ooeiiuiorn i hii. kierf i ih. ' .,) ,, mr men : " yeara were 11 THIS BRAND CANNED was that the number of and to oia. held at ye.: BrY of OSTEOPATHY vmum m ii who stlemled (hi exceeded wemed t. enjovu.g the proceeding',erday morning at Strong ELKS immeneely Thi-- h. how-ifha,- l. GOODS AXD YOU HAVE THE 'the hopeful expe. lallnrin of the lead-l.- r HJSTIIEL auhalded. the . K. AlHaon. part": Can cure any of Constipa- vvei, ,,nd fter the BEST rae to me movement, I:. K. I'utnev and firat ekiunlan wa;,,f ,hc rentr, Avenue WethodUt Epla-ov- er WARD'S STORE tion ami Torpid Liver. M. K. Hit key. attendarica the were a peaceful copal church, outh, officiating. In fact the ... ,,, , Durlal was just about lwl what lln-- looaeij ,..,,.,,, ,,,,. ,,r ummti i wR in rairview cemetery til Martito Ate. Pboaea MS-X- for. liglx fner luilrmanshlp. j u0dy came here a tew weeka ngo TO PARAD E 1 lie deleaatea from precinct who f sri.TATIO 171 EE homer h.wahd, ugr. The other remarkable fact and on MM it, from Roanoke, Va . In the last attire t that ii niou ll 'tt wli hxvt, in effect iiom me neginning ot the campaiitn 'of conxumptlon. He had no mean of! 2a on the attendance at following meet- have been u diaiurning element in the'aupport and Juntlce George R, Craig! Drs. Schwentker & Hanna ing wua that the meeting lasted onlv - iiitn iil(- - iiuinn, iiimr nniiu on mm i aent nim to the county MeoMliic I'hyaiciana thirty-seve- n opcninaT i Hay-Aloo- minute, .vtr. Mickey ire of th onvention with W. Jiall for treatment. Judge M. K re f Hudson for Signs Iji held the watch. Jlr. Mickey, who pre. STREETS TODAY Cluyton ua a candidate for ; nolda, of the diatrlct court, tranaferred Night or Tay Calls Mad tided, tailed the gathering ij order at lemporiry cnairnun or the convention nim to a rhuritahle Inatitution. Ilody ! PrompUy. to nvt.fViimr.ns I 41 and It we adjourned at I tl and there waa a well-define- d rumor ;died Wednesday morning. If you foil your Morning O'ctlH k. tnt in the event or the election of Wall Paper guile 5, X. T. Armljo Building " Mr. Clayton Journal,ft rail The meeting originally will railed hia aupportera would PiUlPI PAD fillll TY Tfl Plionea 717 or 103S for lh L. II I'utiiey i puny a office, through a reajullon leaving to him the IU WESTERN UNION TELE- - 4 fun Blackface Musicians Will Lead but the number f. in fit the leaders to appointment of the county central; SELLING DRINK TO API! COMPANY. hi-l- d HUDSON tilt change llieir plan and It waa In Procession of Ad- committee which la lo have charge oft for Picture J44-14- open Members, Phone the air in the lot adjacent' to the coming campaign. j A THIRSTY NAVAJO the office on the east. Two hundred vertising Show; Joe Bren Whether there waa any truth In thia. Frames Ol R PHONE XVMIIEII IS and fifty chair wre placed there. On tumor could not be learned laat night,! hundred more were hauled 4o th- - but at all event, it was aufficient to Antonio Olivaa and Billado1 St. Holds Meeting, - Jeu Fourth and Copper Ave. hn thru wrr filled, and thn a lh a auod-alze- d acare In the rlel. paieruav- H eaded aiiiiiv nu rtili hud to atnnd. gate from precinct 12. They them- - ''nlted State CommisKioner George 504 ( K uromers t ItlK l'nila vlii Vrlulu. selvet had agreed on H. O. Coon, Jr., i Cr' filing liquor to a Navajo 4.RIMMEU IHEAL oironft I Th- - . . ... , . 4lnillun ...... i . . una An Elk parade, led by a "cullud" -- ; Th.v" wnc oounu 10 -- - - nir oipoiry cnairrnan, aniicioruirg over amv W w m - Undertaken of tha erilirt- rliy. Voun mt-- from j hand. Will he one publicity fea- - lhp ' of the that Mr. Coon would meet with oi a"alt action of the grand Jury 11 J 4 1 E R Y Ik. anopa. 1 . I CLEAN FltOMTT RF.RVICK. PIIONIC rwnia re from the opera turea or the li. I'. K. mlnatrela. The oppoaltlon. Hit when the convention unuer 500 bond, In lieu of which V AhU V A JJ. V1 XI department of the railway, fromprude ia to be held I toTxrvv.i m . i this afternoon. aaxemblcd It waa found u" '"rnmlaaioner ta .. . .. , ,.- and that the committed them :. ruis-- ...... v - ,, . , ,.,..1...... ,. - lh J ..K ....- J m III! v Ol. - ,n" jail. . AXD KECO.tD. j .... 'MIFIIIIirr, M. rV. delegate, from reciml it had ar- !" ,"nty Cleaners-Hatte- rs hool and many w ho could not be j II. Hellera is chairman, luat night re- aniterl evervlhin. fur u f(ih. fur iHai Oil van and Billado were brooch I Pure, Delicious Candies placed In general r laaairicatlona wer jguealed ,,r all membera of the lotlge to (nomination for Clayton, they we.-eln- Vrday morning from Tho- - j 220 Gold Iherc. The high a. (be l Phone 416 Try nt hool atudenta, ut the Klka Ihenter at 4 30 o'cloc k j ihrow n completely "up In the air." ra" Jy Pty Cnlted State Mar-- I a Sample Bos meeting building, aev-ilh- ia at the marched nfternoon. The committee ia Juxl why there waa thia aharp "'""na. I hey were ar-- j eniy-fiv- e ytrong to the meeting place. every -- niii,a thai Hill" who cannot v'.Klon between the delegnte from the i, "" th, tomplafni of C. M. ( I. L. GRIMSHAW'S The lion-cla- .. TtXIJ unexpected unanimity among d re-th- rurnlah tin exenae ahull e two priM lni ta ia hard to aay. The j Instructor LOCAL ITEMS youth men V. M. C. A I in violin, viola and cello. Sanitation Our Special Delight. and for the port. The bund will be there with Ita ieRii;:s:!ve nan oeen cauaed the leaden lo regard the auc-- j canuioaiea Kreea Method of Instruction and rapid prog- burnt cork and braaa. and the line ia upon. There waa nothing .ubatan-- 1 HARVEY OFFICIALS ress. Or IJ4TEHZST eeaa of the .ro)e.t na anaured. With ln be In Available for concerts, recep- formed front of the theater. iuii io itK ii v uvrr, unifnn rumor 01 -'"" V :t greater pan ine tions, etc. For WEAT11EK RId"ORT. The parade Will man h through the an attempt to capture the orgunixa- - DECIDE NOT TO terms phone 1222 or t.p'w wm, p. em-ii- i a RAISE 887. ' nn .linger downtown alreel by delegates 26 ! vatlve eaiimate and more w ho could lion the from precinct LET US SEND A MAN twenty-fou- r l(iiicral Tonight. was Hut wa bit- - j IN Tor lha boura ending at not go laat night all doubt aa to the true. that there a PRICES HOTELS To Joe llren, of Kanaaa City, who Is fight on hand most ob-- M. WILLIAMS Replace that Broken Window f o'clock ye(er lay evening: city'a ability to maintain the hkioh la- ter the casual i I. to direct the show, arrived luat night. i Mntimum temperainre, 7 degree; tum once It la founded waa act to server present could observe, Dentin .lat ret. He waa welcomed by a numeroua i " Rooma 1 ALBlQrERQl E .' - Trouble started just County "Ve,?... v.?'u t0, and 3, Whiting Building, LEMBER mlniriiinii temperature, degree: The celerity which cliariicterined I.- Lu ... 11... III after ,J'5d . the Pm, ..i U 1 I...I .t' Prl COMPANY range, J.I deurec. Temperature at ,.n...t i t.t .1.. ii i.i.mi, lilt? UMiKf. riilDl Chairman Louis A. Mcllae called Corner Second and Gold. ' for the farewell performance In the :Ztt u h Phone No. 684. Thorns 421 423 N. First p. m, "4 degree. Hoiithweat winl; -- tor that la what the meeting .,,. ... convention to order. The central tear. - lh, mr nHtl did no, make any recommen-com.n"- l thw firat - tl?,"' J,rJ,n,;r"y,"l"n'l"'"'-- that the rehear- 7 Iwrd Srdbved? lor Sale Iloies. 317 Wct Central, j - Saddle horses. -. Trimble's Red Barn. Champion grocery and meat. P. 61. Xueld'ehrrnaVg V?" ,h- fU'ihoth, few fini.h.. ih.i, ,.m. . n W? K""h hve been selected eluded his remarks State Treasurer O. ., painting, puperlug. MflfiJ. B ,n nmciuL .1.. ,i..r ih i.e.,.. rit...H ...... l,h '"" theater at ":30 ,N. Marron nominated Henry l.ockhartUre .. " " V " Fee' candy store. Nice freh taffy o'cliK'k tonight Hen r r i. I'rotiiliient Men Kcak, for temporary chairman and made aiAngelc; O. every day. The of meeting wa In- II. Heed, Angele, Mr. Illikey size the extolling Mr. Lockharta nt I, and Mr. 1'utney had - to Mr. Jaeobson- C.en Sunt ft 9 Adah Chapter No, R, o. E. H., will carefully creased by the arrival of It. K. Put- mocracy his pol--- . it planned beforehand everv Aney and fitness for the Manger, Newton, Kan and Ma-oni- c u big delegation ' Sunt ' J meet a) o'clock tonight at the move thai Waa to be made, and thia' unil of membera tion. Immediately several delegaiesr. Hayiesa Ijjs Veins 111 'from the Y. M. (', A. j temple. nroV.'lt lie ItrtiM l.iil..iir 'Cliu.- meeting, which (from precinct it were on their feet - Pan ,n - Hlev. i t, of unta Fe. en- alj.t,.d in Ihl by W. A. tleorge ai- - nlnl- and the name of Mr. Clayton waa putiTUICC CUTCDC MiAdah miki H,lfr ,h meeting ! I I rolled at the Allitiiiieriie Huiines perlntendent of the Mania I f ahopa, before Ihe convention. nl tr t( ttti UnAIGt, college yeaterilay. who prepared the shops committee l,hi" h ,"11 u" h'"1 "faring for a The .tlscuanlon that followed waa: RnRRIWr I - inniir-- oe ever I Q DnflllFDP Mr. and Mr. W, o. Karoat nnd he speakers spoke of the advant- i coui hub acrlmonlou In the extreme. Charges nUDDimu t nUUlVltno agea . M had and that he believed the two per J son of 61k Houth Walter the I'. A. hold out to and counter charge were hurled j Jonald. young men. for formance to lie given here would street, have returned from a vlait lo and that matter older across the hall nnd It looked for a Three guet at the Cralge hotel men, t.m. They eclipse anything in that line. ! 1 1 relative In confined their talk to time aa if some of the delegates Ij West .Silver avenue were ) Wconin. the mental and physical phage of the imight come to a encounter, A regular meeting of llarruony personal robbed while they slept lVwln,kv TO NIGHT organisation, eruphualxlng chiefly ih in midst of turmoil Mr. Lock- - night. I t.ige No. I, 1. O. It. trill be held the the The total loot was l.i nH P. need or a gymnaalum for the of U hart endeavored to decline the nom- - watch. ' at o'cl.H k tonight. There will be city u. The thief method Indicate1 the at large since the public ninht llfliSTUDEHTS ination, but hia adherenta would he probably wa AND TODAY woik In the initiatory school iiiHllluted by notihat the same who ONLY the board of edu hear to hia coming down. Under the entered the Llnville hotel the night Mr. and Mr. John J. Curti of cation part y occ upies th educational impression that Mr, Lockhart would before. '. Helen, were In Ihe clly )eaterdsy en i field of the V. M. t A., aithouah, of) not allow Ihe use of his name unci The two hotel robberies recall j course, ; to! route enat. They will visit relatives it would not encroach upon of the delegate nominated District (the police I j HEAR SECRETARY the aeries of similar affairs' in ml technic i Pastime Colotad'i, Missouri. Illinois lines Included In the usual L Theatre Vigil, Mr Attorney Munuel but about a year ago. At aev- -' rv lacrjusirc, . i c that time (( o, v. it. urriculum. Vigil promptly rose and atated that lent I OXTIM Ot a I ROM 1 TO II P. M.) The speakers In In rooming houses and hotels were' 1 J, K. Ward, Pullman anetit at the the order which no would he f I uneier circumstance The thief In practically every Ia-v- they appeared were F. Himma. D. '. R Orand ranvon, who relieved E. A. l John cept j URIITITH R. M. PKODt TTION OF I the nomination. lease took the wa In the I!. II. Crews, M. I. Fog, II. 1., roomers' clothe here while Mr. Uavis Y. Lockhart 1 Chosen. 'searched them and left them Jr , A. H. Kiioup, Judge K. A. OF M. C. A...... , . .. with!I east, returned to the tirancl canyon Mann I.N...II.. nrtBH ...1.1,1.11 , i. .. Heriator Blirr u bio.iiij nm n u u cuiM pocseis in cne n&ll. "Home, Sweet Wednesday night. anj Uaac llarth. rough-hous- e, Home" I amounted almost to a Mr. Mrs, New- Twenty Hollar Ittr a Slogan. This is a life snd II. C. Corhin, of got down to a vote for I drama, in memory A five, I the convention GOLDEN HAIR of John . ton, Kan., arrived laat nighi to spend committee of who had been aa be- OPERETTA selected by Superintendent tleorge.) the temporary chairmanship Howard Payne, two weeks with Mr, and Mm, I". I.. tween Mr. Clayton and Mr. Lockhart, author of the most generally I appointed by Mr. Illi key to uaxeinlily - IS TO BE STAGED Williamson. Mr. Cm Inn Mr. 's l lake The hour nt Ihe I'nlver- Mr. was AGAIN beloved and cnarge of the membership cunvuss .Mexico with the result that Lockhart widely appealing song ever brother. ntjsitv of ,n yesterday waa a precinct by i Ihe shops. The five will form the to (iulc elected on call of the .il St. Vogt turned over rVantiin, traveling penned. This E. arrived In I vote of 63 to S3. The onerettfl. "floblon extraordinary photodrama also Allnniuerciue nucleus and have power to enlarge set retary of the V. M. C A. of the iini. yelerday from hi trip Mr, iippolnt-siiliiom- From this time on strife In the the Three Bears," to shows how abroad. the coicmltlee and to -' I'm if!.' coast, who stopped here for be renented 'Home. Sweet Home" Vogt Aujiiiat Delegate from ; Saturday evening. brought' left 1'arla 1. two weeka mittees to asflst them a few hours on bis way to Chicago, convention ceused. September 19 in 12 and urged new at crucial afier war tan declared, and sailed Principal tiiltner of the high school and was persuaded by President precinct nominated the the high school auditorium moments into many lives, has been Liverpool rm Wt. . ryue re-o- from the Paul, Au- wa asked lo supervise the campaign Hoyd to address the students while election or iingiey ior aecircuij me resua or a large number of f the purifying and gust US. there. The university studunta were here. the convention, and there Wa no quest for a second Derformano regenerating inspiration (opposition to him any source The program J, M. KoIHe, the South He. cmi told to manage their own campaign, Mr. Heaman's talk entirely Im from will start nromntlv m for those alut to yield themselves tlvely to tip to evil street furniture man, who I Interest- liecause of the small number of stu pro , ),U, ,Z growtl, .lb,lt Mr' Tinftl dned The price of admission has been ' traced and on 15 or despair. ed in Florida lamia, left yesterday dents, aa compared With Ihe shop the Y. M. C. A. vrve as secreiury, lintuiy. reduced to and 10 cents, to adult High domestic sentiment is the since its Inception in Rev, S. E. Allison, Mr, liar- - and for lakeland, that slat, where he employes or high school boys, in Huston nnd Montreul, until it motion of school children respectively. All theme of "Home, Sweet recently aciulrcd an mange grove. naming of u committee for the vartheiiil old Ilerce was unanimously chosen to the elaborate getting and the same Home." embraces practically every city of caste He will be absent several months. sity was not deemed necessary importance In the country. with fill thnt thankless position. which made the first perform- - Mr. Illi key a mm Ann .. .,...... '...... The or canaiaute sucn a success, will J. M. Khlllingford, In . announced that iiri7ei...... i , mi . 1.1 . nomination ior;ance be present SPECIAL the veteran ,,n . . . l",u,,VVi WMIU4 - PRICE: "r -- ,H nv person -- fl ie. the legislature was purely formal, and In the second performance tomorrow- charge of the tower at the Central . f,v,n lent organir.ntlon, slated ...... -- ..,,, opposition waa to any ol night. Admission, avenue crossing, secured a leave of ...... ,r u -- no names. T.(leamun, started in 185H. In two no voiced The operetta is Btaged by the 10c; Children, the- - ,ir up. waa nom- Parent-Teache- r' 5c absence, and left last night Okla- most approprlale slogan for the ltllf. umversliles. Michigan those put Mr. Scheer association of the for I I and N. Mar- homa City, hia contest to be de. ld. glnifl now ,,00 ,uui inated by State Treasurer O. First ward, and tinder the direction t'kia.. and Hot by a,i n,.,, unl. tc Ark. He ed a commute of three to be P- - in t ron, who paid a glowing tribute of Mrs. E. L. Bradford. will be absent a month. veraitiea the inted State and a, pointed later. The conditions will he h,., v i . i . Mr. Schcer'a record a man and 1 Mr. and Mis. 3. IX Noigrass, who by !i,,,. .,i. a named the committee. three or four Instliutlona of aixe pullic officer. lr. H. L. Burton DELEGATES Tfl RflAn have been touring the Pacific coast the o.s. -- iimuim. t forth the (! of university do 1,1 cities, returned ! the yesterday. the that not boast - flOM ; DEATHS AND FUNERALS an organisation. l,...BllnhinK- Ar VI. U'lAlfa unit Pitt CONGRESS APPOINTED They wtupped eeveral days 'in Han j equal' j ItciH-ril- a spoke of the merits Francisco, hnd visited the exposition Tell of in Student. with fervor ground They y Mr, Seaman then went on to dis- of Hafael Garcia. j the uar has not Mr. I.eoua I'. Ilnnegan. All speaker expressed the su- - j Col. D. K. B. Sellers as president of affected an thing cus the three sides of a student's Ocean-to-oce- connected with the Mr, F. Kinnegan, 26 year premest confidence In the succesa ofjthe Highway ii lona nal ure hlch need be developed, associ- big eipohltlnn, I'r.irtiially all the big to elec-tl- n old, wife of l. J. Flnnegan, died at 3 vis: physical He ate democratic ticket In the fall yesterday appointed delegates to buildings, say Mr, .Notgrass, are now o'clock yeeterday nt mental, and moral. the American congress m lornpletrd. afternoon her said while the college takes care of tinn Mr Murrun .v nreuMit it thus: road be hi,i apartments In the Highlands. She we can t ticket to the November at Atlanta, Oa. They are Gallup Lump the first two, it leaves the lust to "If elect this Engineer Gallup Stove had been here two months, having legislature we can't elect Paint state Jame A. French, of! CcTTlllcw FROM shirt for itself, with the ronse Lump HAHWCOALCO CONVICT ESCAPES Peter." F1: .Uustav Becker, of Spring-- I PHONE 81. Ccrrilloa Stove Arig ; ' husband. Strong lir. .tilers will ship A mild struggle between Dennl !'rvlle. J, S. Mitchell, of Uig the body turned out of the college with a total na George ROAD CAMP AT ISLETA thia afternoon on Santa I'e lack appreciation Chaves and Charlea Mann for W. Wilson, of, AXT,,RACITE. ALL train No. 2. The ac- of of their debt to tate,nl',; "L SIZES, STEAM COAL husband will society, and who seemed to feel that central committeeman resulted in the!1!ed",nQ''. Coke, Mill Wood, company the body. election by vote of Wood, Cord Wocal, Native Kindling. I4me The escape of a convict named society owed them a living, nnd pro- of Jlr. Chaves Sou thowt stylish with so- 4 3 to 29. It waa decided that thtr vvwiHt. at $2.50 Mitchell from the Albucnieniue-lslet- a Jennie . Elliott. ceeded the advantages that ..I.-- ... Mr. ciety had put In their way to prey county chairman, who Is to be elected n..ui nirinoM. They are convict road c.iinp near Isleta, was Mrs. Jennie F. Elliott, 23 years old. by county committee, will real bargains. 316 West Ontral. reported to Chief .MrMillin of the died o'clock yesterday upon their benefactors. the central at J afternoon - be the the cen- police department. ctjerdicy after-noo- These and other defects of the slu- other member of stale oh-tai- Y. M. C. A. tral committee from Bernalillo county. NOTICE The police were unable to n She had been here eleven months, t",l the and ''n i'' women, were Adolph P. Hill and Secretary' of Information as to Mitchell's sen- with her husband. J. II. Elliott. The I1" for the We, the nnderslgned anto livery body 1 T. endeavoring to check, and succeeding State Antonio Lucern, who meanwhllt ADIOS! tence, his home and the crime for at C. French undertaking owners, after consiib-rafii.- n in a decree, na waa had been Invited to the stage, next careful which he was committed. looiiri. It la to Ik shipped to Duront. unite evidenced and 2 by In colleges made addresses. Mr. J4UI wa trial of the rate, fin.i it Mlfs,, next Monday. the fact that all the er to Thursday Friday I and universities w here they are es- - (dally felicitous and keot the crowd l"P08M continue, and hare Fl THFATPC and Don't fall to hear HiiH Indus.' to em "The lllogrwpht of a liov" For hale IWixci. 317 W"rt they are encouraged and;n a ripple of laughter from the llmertor ntea the former schedule- -. Central. be began any LLIlu sept. 24-2- 5 tonight at the I'ir- -t church. aided by faculty, president, regents speaking until he sal down. cnt, to place within the rtty IIILNinC mros, AiIiiiIm-Io- college au- He facetiously speech limits. Old Town .- ii 50c; niutltiita ..h'. loirt fall to hear HUla.p Ilnglw and other university or referred to a and nnlre.e.1- it. let-lur- on Illcigrnpli) IWy" thorities, ho said. jthat Nestor Montoya made at the re-- 1 rales: Seven passengers, $ THE FINAL "The of a publican first hnne PERFORMANCE niIIUUltCTORA. tonight at the First .Metlnali- -i At the conclusion of hi short ad convention In Santa Fe $S eat hoar after; five cliunii which Mr. Montoya rwwtujrrs, Mr. and Mr. M. lUllcndorf, D. C, Aclmlwdon 5ic: Modem m 3.V, dress, Mr. Seaman spent the next had told of I each hour. No car hired Ia-olct- J acquinnt-'drea- fo. Elks' at 42U W. Ootcl. I 'hi me 1 1.IW. few minutes In making the that he had had In which an one Minstrels and ance faculty underlangel had republican time titan hoar at hour rates. Thin Husica! Conrdy Henry's Mes- of and students called all to to efreot Delivery and the guidance of Prof. I. C Worcester, nnite. Mr. Hill said that he did not take this date. 1. 1 KAY V. CLARK, leaving about t.m that Mr. Montoya' dream VIDAL DFM r. sengers. Phone 939. Mr. Seaman will return this way would come true' hut that the amrel,R. EMILIANO GRIEtiO. nitVK from Chicago, and stop in Albuquer- wa tlabriei and that he wa calling SCOTTI, DODSON A I TO LIVERY SPKINGER -- Wi-- que 30, all republican CO By Kale 317 the ninht of Septemlier at IL DODSON: For Hove. Central to judgment. I ALBCQrER. 30-CH0- ' TRANSFER which time he will take dinner with Het retary of ftate Lucero'a address QFE TAXI AND AFTt RUS30 H. CON NEK, M. D the Joint university Y. M. Y. W. , no- - IJp OF a D. a and pbbibu mm llABVJl.g VUt tUIUl. ALBlgRQFK's BEST s NGERS. OseuMtlhlo BprtcUlaN. C, A. cabinet and Professor Worces- e.auy apputmied by the audience. OfH ni:prTTiov ih vont I treat all cursbl dlseaaea. Offloa ter, President Boyd and other vt Close given to every All Ender the aitiniion Waa A new line of stiff linen collar at Direction JOE tlVAKAXTEK tr Building, PUoaa (66 and lit. university. r tning that Mr. Lucero aid the' Art Shop. a t