lafnoui rtna a, Mi Min i RA1 cs or advkstmmm - 1* rtUJiM Ivw; Itanu;. It TV 1 iiT »Ui Vc.HTTaf **W- JOHNS, MtOMIOAN, 1 • 1 ■ »■ >»• ya »• ** MIA* M r. I a O itM»7*tati&» ( ON.I ln< •( CMaa t>4M) •> « •■• *» * <•• • h . t aii i a*it age .* > r. 1 ari 1 «*> »t a* 11 COHBI tT G8TKK, * - i «• r a; 1* 1 k to iwuawarvNai - ;» ta in is t»» *> f*» ta aa 1 Mill. a 1*. 11 iai i* ... m an ai •• • TEH MB The (1linton i*. ’* 1 t>i o rtiMMu a iw«n mt* IwMnmui $IU Is rinttiM toi-w- Mai Ml at lb, (Wilt u( f I an to tUr. V tin M. riant nt Ifcatk Kudu.IN* H lutMCaH*. At. ltaw u* a*4ar. |8 ear rm IN' All mum hr imkhraUaa o »om Mia haa. Lie .1 Hu .iim -« NuUara ti rau a Ha. tar ant VSnaAif asarwlag la laaarv pahll.oliaa ita ud A < ■'.!. iut ml .uMaMi iqawtlaa mmkv kw L .IOII 1‘liINTINO Mi t. all klaa. al Jak rrlaltl | Klicaid |Mlll •»< |r»«|ll| 1 Ml VOL. XIV.—NO. 45. ST. JOHNS, MICH.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 1!>, 1880. WHOLE NO. 722. •Mull rrlraa. • ■ iti.ria.llr..

! —Jlmlorn atyloa tollrt and fra «1. tl [ l.ariiria l lak. l*rle*hr|r wn4 Ita .«rr.»a*i*|i. M AlirrKH-Hit*.wk.K-At tu iVrrln Mono ni !«*(• Court for ifa^ rouMjr of ('Itnloti Wufalrn at 1 Iso tliu>U«th' iii«*.*iiiie of nraily llfty |M*r- L- : fH tin* -onth lutnk of l.iuir Traven* , Wo *»■•!. Mu, Aujni.i tea, •*» ii *fa» JooalfaaN Pra** (Hfareta I fa# Vtllag# v# Um»k !«•*• — riant fnui» vrry .heap at lit* —Tbere will la* » paradeof st. John* , k »o *, Ini' I mil tig Hancock turn, Uraw* ran mil.** nortli of Graml KaplH*, with lio...... u. j*d)' Hh! A . In.* IKir IM i Mt* l.iM w Hrr.ri ‘ lih uoiui fight Iiuu4rr4 ilH rigt.t v r*wU, Jmi fire Department next Saturilajr eve-- h.n k< r» ii’iH U»y *. tt«< hrltl at t'lark’a n Inch oily it 1* con lit*. t.*H by thr i.ranH Star grta'cry. Aim. IA.—School in North Iteugnl Will A'.-l AUK It tlurr-M. U.r .1 Ih. * 1.1.1- If CVVUMMI Itslgf al pr«.l*4l# In I far sulirf of hall, oil thr rtenlng of the ItHh. for KapiHa .v InJIana railroail. Ihr vil­ InriiMtap. II H'Mtlul. Ia , . in i.nvnlnwli. »n I far rtalat. ul ASJiA f Al IIIIINA II.II MAN. ir- TEACHOUT’S — One day lull* atrk all* «Uit.nd »»•«*• on tin* 3th with a picnic. Much thr puriiOM* ot orgmihini a t.arrtrlil lage w a* nnincil alter an InHian cbirf, *»!.iM»y o.t*ai.. A..*.m< 14.S- IMin Orrlti I a«Mo4 —Tin* Ionia County Trnfhfr. ’ lo»ti- | credit I* Hnr thr iraclicr, Mi*, till.. W l.r.1 t*> M»— Mli. a l art. uf -• J.V.* ttB irtalliig ami lllbg I fa. |SlilH)S *iuip vr»*fa*4. uni- 11I ilm, W . Wonhu'i team lmr«ia. club. JaiiMM B. t arter luuk thr chair who owin'.! all llir lanil ami heltl it in tula w ill foniiufnn* at I’ortlaml at J | Iaw>nari>rary rhaiimao. ami Janica poaaeaii ■ w llboul -1st* <| |Hh ritilm r IMli. |8*U. U3«V tar |.rovrw| ami s*l- tvhl.tlrr ol InHiana. i In Mon ia*- t> in., Moinlay, Augn«t 'J **|, ami rloar i llr.lry, C. It.’a ".holt IrgiftMl" caioll- knowing tl*r many giaol >|iialilie« that NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Nttllol to pr«4*atr as tfa« Js»« • *11 alfl trvlsiurni *1 ijiilri' al llili o Mit connl.trH ol ■ingiiig, Hrclnmution*, safal dorrasrel Hati* *• aacrrtary. A' . I . liavlr., A. at 11 act toil *•• many j>lca»urr *erkrr* — \«u fj'i Mfi' moult l>i tuning on k'riiiay aftornoon followitty; . rrritatioo*. Hlalogne., am) a real, gen ­ labia utittbr Ttafrfupiiii U tr unfartd, Tfaal Tfaurwlaf. ti»r Mila — if you arv <» um! ol anything In i t!iliac, John Malhrw., Iia.lil I'.irglr, lo-Hay . Mir t.lii cbirf ha* rr( fioni uine new «in|>er. ralleil the Ih.ftgal I > A *. slut fa 'tar of inmi , #• ye* • h « a .» iaf wivam.-.*., yiuir iM irlf* <»f lbt im«M» a I ••nn anj John Kalnr, wrre aj*j**.lut**.t a llir *trifc of inru anH •pjlvlty lllra with >t John* fur ok ►»# sartga t far 't»a lianar t ng ul Ohl fart I’. * 1) llt4 llir crockery line, t ill on ItrynohU A I Review, with the charming nmtt<> tfaal tfav farlr* at law iih I l«^su«« uf *anl f*»ftl, —The I’.mh .m.i 1 ■•tiiily Orange It* Id fa-a»» ••*«, u« roniniitlrr >>ii |m-i mam ul organirallon. hi* family In a nral iw.mtUfiy limiw on | ft*re lo do light Thr "liudli- FOR SALE »a*taa UtafafaU a*n| ol: *4 fami |ar ita**M* li»larrat*4 IM 0)4 mill, a re latt.g They Will five toll gmal giaala i an rmlnrncr (bat ovn look, tin U a! 1 ot o4 roort. ifaro (ImMi picnic on ili<* fairground* y.-der- H liilr thr cninuiiUr.' w an* confriting , , y O ehlef. Ml-Mi** SmiteSadir Uhl.llm, of a* Juke*, or* II AVt.lll < f CU, Ir: Ihr »amr hof.m* are If % - * lo W l*o|.|**n at ihi I'rtaliotr , wa* a*.i*t.*l •lay, itol ui Ii'm rally illrmlol • oh ***• **m kkt ii a nut.. W J**hh* ao*l efauw i attar. If tiif tfarr* far, why U»r Closing out Sale! lug III* children, grand •■liihlrm and [ ^ —Tito * .*j«ilili. *ii i y mtv lit toll '•* |l»i|»|*«i liy **AA illic" Hi .in....,, of St. hy a *tnlf of Itvr. The lOiuent* were . will ifaihH wot lo* sr*fu«i«nft -Sulaiillr for tbi* |vt|M11 alcil. jTwo lo tjuartel," “Our Klr.t AVouiau • i*iim»ii • t«*|ij *4 tfau ui4*i la w# triiMl»M ollttcal year* oiH, i* n |M*rfr>t mmiri of the In ­ f Il0l**0 I •*.». |*» *r«|f »H . ■ |*e»*Mp»t pliUlfd Slid Boar in mind that my ontiro stock must be — M tmir imitni ■««• t«*i' i'Uf K1 O- huh iii-tuin. I l're*r ...... M...... |n v, w j •juealiona of llir Hay. 'I bl* I. a gmal illau typa, aad to now more Vigor.*** Kn 'closed out before removinK to my new store id.-kbr*, ge. York |nirvh»alng goo n! iff* II h|i|d.efi«ip I A Ir If MMt i»fe M» (rf Udf •iioildt dwli • itru jatfl .w ,rri«. latnnliim" of tiling* ami trying to .»....t.i ,,U only hr bride of a ^ g. i, amt would bare ...... gwonllel across the street, which will be about j arrive al tbu i«al .lita* nt nrtaim; toil . h ii bul h, belle .* b*r tribe. ITM ^t.,ritk*U, 1, wIt...... a*. A* at* .. her. l Sir m*«rr 11* »• iUII fa* lug Hally. faMOff III »ll It! II . 'fair | >a till % f ». tM4 Ml 1C Mt* htsak UVII U tMkr-I^U Willi IIk if Hi*. U'M.t from a onr-.iHrH view ol old chief I* now ei yrar* old, lialr and , yjj4...... ha* l«*., ...... I — A brilliant litl |>rlvati ilati 'S a “••inty Wf • — A* * 4 ;U k .uuttf In tj# 1 I' M-ftl U M thing* it only tfiol* to •trrngtbrii Ihr hear >, without gray hair*, Mamlng k j ^ W|t|. her lb. »K*.t .d am/ aa|i t'llateu,« I fa44n ti tto 1 faai*1 r twofi party . i'im|M«arU ol I In* young niff 01 prrjiiHicrs up auinl.t the young blood, that daab . w f( y |*M.(»ai*> wllkir inlhr *tillagi iliac** • n >*»fan« wit *hai.. * Ifa * lit**** «»l H| |..|ih* oii Urdh ~||ota lo tnve*l 01 if tlollar anil mikr ilajr.llM* I it Ii 4a R Auguai, In ifa« i»ur ifauwa i 'hr iUfa given at thf IVino auimoaitlr » iM*twr.*n thr |>aitl.'», ami 1*4 PifNl hxRtlnvl IM '-.gfa•«f»/ rt1’faarRl, i re I || ffa.*••)*>! right |<•* M | September 1st. fl\e Hoy a boUlr of kcio!«li’» -4.1 ViII - - a. IliHiar laat Momlap rtrmng um U tlie ui'iHHIc tri>t*!', *11 of aiintlicr age In Id* day a nation J Hall*,. < niibin. J:rlfp If. I far maliri M rttim Jii-igr if Is Ihr ntcMfr rur*. Thr fOUluilltrr oil firrmaneol o.gaol* h.v r‘«rr» •*» ••..riu*. white thr tribe I, „ . ki< IMI A III* II llt'KTI 1 . lM‘r-w.4 | I fa*- raUlf ••« l«*l(A Ml -iel AI M A — ilitlii'orl. < inlw ti>)' »tj h* I. .»l«. . om .)«».<• bi Alwiai «l Ilm latl» . 1 -4 t:l. : cfffae »«4 WIIIrrA »#• Mt'MM M»Oe.e* —A gnudl y niimiirr of the l«~t Rtfr- w hi. h hr w a* chief ha* da indlni j cation ri'ia>rU*H tlw tiaiuoa of JoliuJ. over Vi • •. 17.—4in the i.tli ln* 'ir. |«MH *4 uf Wkl lie- ri»ta*-l. Hating mip4* «|>|ilHilmii I • Mi r. nm I tiling th* ff*«uti*«* 4w♦/ trolSl of hannrr* will Ho writ to confer tt ilh f«*f Ih* r\Mtlll list l«*»* dlwl lifalW klpp alf fata lull |l-b All goods will bo sold at COST, and son.a nf 1 InntJ In (Mr id rfIIhave ail flit* haUi i for prc-lHrut, Jamr* it. < arlci tad parted j»h fha town that hd. Harrell and lady *.i« tin l.appv of H* wry M Cbrfiii.iitMhluiN 4 Mifal MIi***in , j*mjf- till, oilifr, :ta lOW tt) ran ami will j f„r vioo-pre .iHent . Janie. lk,*»li*y foi beur* hi* iitiine *taiiil* on a ru>-k ot Mtlid i«kg tfart far mar I*- thru**! la all rwsl rMalr »*•*- ra*h or ready pav *V stem. recipient* of an ..lily daugliler. Tl«r r, ufw'i* il it u;«lrr* «l I tiAl lfaHM»iay, i fa* ’Xfa 1 l-»«•*•<*• U» fcu wri ward* the Summer goods at less than cost, This is («• fnrniahr.l | M t..i t I ». Till i,i I .in ! 1> > f rrorlt. llauatwi* which will tnpply all dr* Oo ll.c imb in*tant Mr* Ann. Hill • lay •»( N>|*U 4lnlg I I****, El *ail«ta fa (Wtbr f*HW9HM»l) l n.*M u,-»ki || )• n|ri,«t that THundlf Ihf Vli The celt brated 3Vhile Shuttle no.I m.itid* i<>r lime for » thotr-aiid year* tv ♦n ;*v*jrnnJ Ate !>»»- 4-finaSr.afifft: Tr4 i »t** •»! vmi tuU'i lifai, at f •'( |*« ig is thr iurfiiuuii —If you want i tlr-t Haw *M*wiiig csocutlve cominiuec. ol tld* village, ami recently from Huh- one of the grandest lisitl-rotinitif Ifoamtir •"•r i»j lid* retH>rt being adopted, Mr *» kV. COine. Hear ctvrk elliptic* it. w ilcr* tftliRfiMRl M H* 1*1 Ifffa • i kt| ... • swfalh -1 f*aX thr n*T*t*i-g 4 zakUl |xfiltvU. »t»4 machine, buy of I. ■mt.t*.t I. SIR. tor j fyarkrr bardalou , died Irorn i IlngciitiR llluc**. •if .**1 J'Aii*. | that * far Hr % l «*i km of wft wsr*U. «ifJw! ut tin |#r- rill lie* If All till' Will III, •r aduic-w d site Uo-etiUR for *>*mr into Hie bnv at the weat end of the vii- I l:> d*vr*in-d had I* ••.. . Ill I t- • i t .' i A ft l* ftirllrf •H**f*4, ifawl O'lkr Hr gtu-fi *»J »**ti» twifroiwl is aji4 oiH* arr rt*jitin4 t«* a|w they keep thr l>c-| in tin- world, anil tlnir. Mi. It. |i -i ewti «|a-akri and l-vg.'. a -tream *M|+I ||..t it w it. rur* j wnail .tI .u^a-. a lot the ia*l i- *.lUt1 liaita rik I f4i* •* ».f i-tiMihiM ab4 pwM |*»*ar «( a o *...»#» ol ns«4 i««art, ifa*-»* t«» 1*r h«*fairn at { —To every mo * ■n4i-iii*ailuui'i -ah- 'Mill* V • N.kWtflg N «•! *«>' *.*4* I ;*# U , the m Ot* village Nt. Julih* at*4 J warrant them for live yrar*. free fri>»:i the blatkgnar.ll*iu wlih h ,..*». »:j;!}••?«•«•* ,-.wcr f.., any kind ol ,„.r aIJ 0| Jik*fa.w| u. tfa ! L«l“|»**uienl ■ »r«*|«(i*i irrilrr from mm until January 1*1 we g . »bu« *r-»wta. if asr tfarfr •!»/ tfa* jmjti ot ti>. j iliaractciUe? many |-.liiical >|m-akcr- macldnoiy ever* twenty rod*. I h- ; *.„. „... ,.„d,„cd w ith ...... km- amt p- riHfJ ««k*l tir* ufaff'd !n »iH f<»,*»io of iiimo pvtttfaisrr ih'Nikf it*w gr*Hi*.| BARGAIN SALES —Mead A. I,. Iliith r A Co ’* new ad- ml *f ...... •o*. j»ia v p»Uk lw m*4 Uf of J And It fa liirOt. . uhirrr4. itu< »•*•<»* - U «;l%ru t*> ! aa III iinwiit a Valndde l»«>W on the f both parlic*. lie laid "I do not u-w.ilaw. il »upplied With »lryg.«Kl*, I |Mlljr|„ , Mi. Hall hi* not *|wucd hi. r vertiscuieiit till, wiu'k They carry* fuel much iei>|HUi*ibilUy in w lintIi I *ay Ifu • tfa# iw rurB* iQtfroutl in wmI i*l lb: pra^ct,. j treatment of ail .It**- - in imrii. grocerio., hardware, drug*, fnrulturc, me.lical aid and travel for ioaa. ii t hanm .n ■ «/ of »ai*t lartilfakS, and the farartug tfar»•'*•!. j the Sargint etra-k of goi«U in the •'..tin *lin Ihf*.) political vpeccln**.** Mrnrr, Ever opened m St. Johns. It was opened — It la raiim.itoil (liat tl»ut ,f H ti,*ii!i an! everything that U nccblad in a tint 1ri-.vL but .loath In -pile of all *Y) Jthlgr **f I*n4*alr 1 '•/ «au«tng m ««*|*r »*f Ihi* «»nlu to Im* |miIn - | j iv, ami have, a fin li'tr rf full K'*«li jaflcr Rl'iog »*• *oa»r of tin- pa at hi*to- da., town, ami goo.I- of almo.: w»y thc*r ha. i^ini^l' Imr '^Mhiy rt7tM-rua- , u>S(M m tfar 4liaiM Iwi*,-ir.Uut. a nrw-pa|- f I ami .1,1111 person- pit ti. In ilie J on hvml. | ry of ibc lOuntry. he Rare it* hi* *ldr klO.1 can or bought -. cheap «. I« .... „),,).!*■, u( t|), , I,n *. >icoii % • • «»»« im h . Rl«> Wf M fa A prtNir4 *u4 « ot hU(*4 lb a.-l coutifj tf oi tin. pictciU hUtorr of the ••nation. ’" . nmmifjtm • i the Pi - -k. p> .I* skate pi. till* !“ * 1 a* on ( iv ^rcsei . ohn*. I hr |ioptila(ion ol the town I* -1|B•• church anU Urrn m iikt ••• 1 .J *£- Ha.t «• • • —iu.luuiii. Vk hare tried n»a« 17 Thursday ol Iru »n L. Wi -Ot !o review Urns, ami In. U*o*U»nt l^mnUUon II j benevolent „„rk.. on. icavc* » i«- tfllfber »*» *V vtH*.w(*j M J.dih* iih Nub* ii. w 3 r t"urf | a lew tioU» uf N*ifaf |4>inu by 1 faU) ih * that sU ut one third of til aioilier .-••ttai.f fit NJ AMIS -Ua'BI U-k.A d ••I an average ol :u hii-h.-i* of w heal to | him “c aam ti.c- .-fuddb^W acre rtt- Imildiuga hare ;bm^put ap witblu j Your eorreaimmlent wdl attend Uic Oil ’•idlRg tlet ||;(I| Ihe pf'Hfab 4 »kf WATCN8 A HH>£Z2v, .hilling ted they ham had In a buig nII..|« . 1• l<*|.. Htinnier |.nrni And will be continued until I move. thr MOW 1M* year. -t-Me-ra \„w if the tefada were dnn-|a yeai, and ...• of has adi.gowi.vctiUon o:i -health In-tant, #»* •>. . »*•. an 1« th*. . m le north ■ .iouhieai in Umt UOK. la ah —If »• \ fart that Itol MO .1. .«!• r*. are ! iiu and U di'UMH rat* of the north ioonbieti ••• IhdU iiu«v The U vu .. d* leg-ita fnuu Ihc Michigan 'I d: ■•a .*1 ARCHITECTS, tV*m V. 4i»t Mi*, i haiii J. , hml R' i'.4 with them, wheres would | >) *i» year* clJ,i, ar.uand yrtret ft ran enter- |' iiu.*' Medical Assocbtkui '/ran mike money lien..*, t .1* *».«•*.« liwd, ci; Siw.iitt *d ; Utiou. It* hotel hr mo., it ton* ar*'f^| |.,i,«|n gou it..* Ihh inaiant. —’**"* '“• '••• ‘•■a'-... afal aiMi No *, ' BhB HfMMlOf Kiftfa f*l , At these prices Cash or ■ girl,—w .-lgf.t 8*4 |u»uiitl-. 'I«»th * 11'* j pwrty w hen the country wi* in dan -1 ample aud goo*I, and can he ob> 12n ,| ~ and h'gs krif wf »aH 'IwriaH liy u*iug Kendall ’* ipatiu rurp. ml a grand time. i>n III!**. Lutmi m-aoli Hitv C,'lf v , >1 i«*li. j child tl.diig writ, vt nil- |at-1-a i- • ‘i.*- gel IVal ti.vrfloM more juitrhuh <-r a tain- from |4 to |1* a w.^-k. and •I Is *«4 *121. Art — irtnii Itlai ktnorr ba* aln-aily inni- . «•» • at mi« t Hill ifars Ready-pay will invaria ­ j miiiR with parental htpji ,ta* ‘ Max better •••Idler "-m llaoe.akr lawk j tbr li'gticr thr tiowiii the gicatei liie i.ronkaiu. faa»fat« h at tt.* I’ndau o Skp , is ihr . lilaRe* (Mctifcd preparing -lock oi’lt K liloli In over the ll-i of nftmwti of thr men who ru»b, »ltowtng that the poop!, wbovti- 111—,------ti » l ...... * *4 Mu* mtiA WmJi -a**', if any l*-* « • l«»N III t O.P 1HIM »«- ! their cup of gladu- -* lie often tllleai 'MU' Tin* fatarri bly be required. ui.ilti' liii market I M>l, good on Thank gave their live* lor tlo ir i.>...itry and ' It thlk place ar*? high «<.nr*i X«»' any An;. 13.- There w a* a double w.-d* As4 IV U I .wting i-r(ta4* j; thr atWtat«!tf***-t, •.futri thr faftS , — An cfTolt !. IwiitR nti-l* »o im\ If denuM-nUa do nut nil iionorii ■ hiiildir-g arc being put up In every I tfac prr*ufl» W Hr,.|,r»w ). A ’Hal giving ami t hr I* Una- Jay-. ding at Kaq. J. J . hi-et '- thi* m-ootiig. • *4 lb- 11 on llnri ’ iuirttMwtnt h iv mtir tint j grtyv* among our coutiliy ’- martyr*, direction, the streela are full of uicn A lltcIHr 4h «l!**4 l*t ua ■ TtiO crn«iiirt fever 00 tl»f a—ia- John Sdiemerborn. a bla« h»mllh ir.-ui j!^.. N/ • •• 1 '*»»• «*r4**k lo U fiuMufarvl in w. -T»:rni XNijt during tin* b.u-ling of nui county fair, i Again. Uie *|>cakrr tell* u* of great i.-* nd women, all place* ______•f butlliru have ! hi* n Iim L i nti-i-t.- -.J Itr<-uaai l 1*1.... !. ttrrnrr. Pillow anatia, >i> maided to Ida, el.lemt i fin ^»*4« &f, S IN •*|4p ,r frlfyit’t* I! -t'FPHTWtX tliui groiuid on State street, hrfmi'ti i in i .... , pubUcan nuloritie* in the »outhern all they 1 tit do, an-l evervthing denote* *. fVtlT’, ^ in4 • . xUt*U iu ••*•! of < tsa!**n ffar-* and will he one of the allracfl.m* pro- j B|likf milittrr ru|r a bri-k ami lively u>w„: The irrival* of Samuel M. hln.try, and at tin* avrnor ami Spring «lni'l, l« tins- l*r •whldRifaM l»* SEMI dsf ot fararisw. Coltim in ull wi.lth. dil l Wi«l< Slrwiing- I'rint- in ;tii ivjion; • me Una Carl took tu bel- J#»M If • IIAXNON Ju4cr«f r Tilling a !•••?* tmnuiu nt !»<•!»• t |irovi>mnnl |UTeriiAfatM ah U urt mat ....1 **C|4rttirts on.... the...... tmnt. fir...... mr- »*•<•t *•"*- ril.P U( I M UMIIi'. If.. i* f«i. hallttj. if the hand am! name •>« • aiviti -6 iMfT-l Tickitijf* : IK ii- d i-i Br u ii M.-iniu- Bl;;. Brown Duck; t“.n hr -*eMTw.i io .... * th. • ?■ - »«» *. are-.y a npiiiui. ... »..i* i» j*j.« m*ur of Ik. uhlrr tow ua on UicI). . M..„ • AS _ tht- d»T J«'*hr4 |(| iM^tBriltervinp -I*.I* • Uniii I K. mill ,M. JiklU'H « A* I* ma*lt a ker Vr.e. it,, oBx tu.n.y tl*. ..auur , ifarc nr*- u«kiuta *4 <* II *'.4 {4n-u« c .1 " . •W'llaf. ,cJ. Me trir. l«i lav tl.!- l '■ rno..ratn- - <». II. *V M. railroad. A* a plea-ant a miff’ orrr th<* llAfbrsifr X. Y.)c€Ktr«r j arrckwrj men tm-k ti..-.. »• I. and rc| :ir- -l Iv I>»*nMV » I «»»«u « tt! !!•*» I!1 NIVMBI. 4a4ht vrUfa ».’ mifa v jCIn.ij. Sfilj.t* ..nil C'hrv.liti "hirti' Crw-. i Cotlnn "lulittiitlaiiioi." N. ;J ;htl tar- m healthv -uiuwcr rcaort, 1*. !<.*kfv i* ...... rontl) »l 1 Ufel'-'K. -* V * n> • f— IV^ ifav *i? 1m **f fa •mi di*' I iih ln*kt. iii ill twins: ihr j u. •»« . M* IN. w l»<* re «i-l •*!• **ith ' f* itif •i Imrlrwrly\y i*rI ■ ovc* that ihereldcalli.ed *oou to be tfw Saratoga of the - 1 ‘‘I’ •'• •*• { faatta I tmrl I*>| tin • «n*«*l t wf (Tfltuf. huld' B >* lfa«* *l>idtual «trengtli renew rtl. 'I hr tirl.le* ; i rvowiriifL. «. it. ifar iiuaw w.' Nf JyJjBf, efi • i A ;tt it- ; Shd« !- Whit, (.oi- ( npleii I‘i.|H. * Stripul Flt|U6i: ta-test turn- •*., r—*.id. -nii* trx-for a —•* l,“ a'-< "•‘,,r '' - l,.*.Lh..u*. . , ha . iwpuUlotn Intimidatioii. or we*t the Itichiuolid light guard, ' lav ihr IMh tiiyiw .Vu fuvi m Ibw y*a: wsr | are welt -•diicato-l in true .Iowmo M. life, .%u* •t-ci.l pur*.; of *-J,uOu. I,n ' i, “,r u*'* *••••*§*» "Id **H » ••• •'•• ; r. p.iWh .n. couultnR. Take Mi. higan about H* in i.mulrr, with the driest I ««s4 taljrlki bulaii.d liwl rif'v t’lmttl, Juki 11 i an-i the yming He» Uc Ul.'. *:*ei> to KiyHi’s**! Piijii. * Viriorta Iai"W tcirv Cloth ; Jaconets; foi an iu»!aiicv. f 'ould anr reaaonaM* j IrnnU in th. coutitry, haru buen cn* ;...... ^ . , . . , ... , . .( uawtiLisdr" ( pr«4.*|T !« :(•« kj Ui : of ?far : !**.♦! fildar 2*Hh, »« MWrd ASI*k» w ut Nr.» 1: d j l*uffa. K IVrrts. 44KiBWr*ii»f h fa * . .oa -4 •*H ,>mil *uirl.le at till home illIII *1«*\ el j 1 cmtic iniuurity of thi* »laie would ne l.av. .... wri rwiM* fan ■**# Bit.’ tow nsiiip not long »lnre, and wanwn« ***ni«•»! I *h*Op. wagon*.wagon*, »Jc?Rh*.rlclgli*. fnrmlr.jfarming imple* j abH in any way m intsasi-i*;*- the (jiiili.i l nl) (J i: I> T’ • - S’ q.k’:;;- InniMi I>t?H«w|f; , [ menu am) mm hincry favor* I great mayortty, *o that npvMinu.. IIA IK \V( )KK ia«le-**yiuia at k.i!aiin;nn for !r> »>• lb- lau I a |ira—mm-mi. Bprivvtt l)iirn .-k H 5 ■ «i Ikkiim-h . I'r.rk-'% Hh ! fHasaek • j sbir nod -ale poMtire. ■hr- i.«l vole'* iu.le.el the -|aak.r wreut, U dead. l i | ' "va* ••**'• w *»**•« he o.i .1 l.e did hot foi 1 I.atlrt' flair ( utltns A •k«ii.r.ln j i —\ iliolonarr hw5al will I. Bi’lr\. 1), ' •: :: !*• ;•• mpI i luil ...... t of Cor- — The H** addition l» ll»' Ill till or; " : mo.-ti re*|W>n*ihilitr for the po!i!tcal UhM. an tithe*- ' »'l»- »'rl«*e*. with Mr. I.. K. I’attcrwi. licit I high arfrooi boibtlng, k* foot a-*iilnil)R i aching nr promuig.te* u*o. >k * rail.. -<‘t-. !*.:• ' iirttiiini; K.i■_ . rtiap, Guiparc le?*, cream j Again, he vay* the democrat* #lw:ty* pnijarrihm*, *ml when folly completed ; evening, at sn-t • art 1 < »' Hair WHO t e*»ut|« n *»l* yj. • * 1! »*>•* * iinion and ne»er a nation. e4, f.-. »1.J. '- .C- hi."- —I fair*' .M mmI i will ir iK-rtnl. The tririui* r> adjliatctl \ ak Lao; Thtfatl I*■<••••. < - my Ink ... ^nx«*tiy Krlfinf. (-’rucbet will •'niuiktro in *irt* lo mai.y siaie ., . " hat I- thi* country but a union rf i amuaiui* w h*» giv. in. & friendly ( i«rf (fafot mrrr—< t Frwnkle I’nlm.-r will plea-.- nr-ti, o^-mail government*'. The : greeting and renew a happy tneinorv I ''I1"* *VV ____ .___ . tr IS* tax lies Norinnl or I'nivermfy iMiiidiug*. Blj ring? 1. Kinl>n»*.i«*r % Ti iit.iuin^-. GanJtra Frill. her dopaittire mu*t take pl i.e in repablicaua will have to change the of the |>*st. Nearly a hundred plea*- . - ' ****** * X " " JoKl i< —The ftlini alien.lance in the variou* re bo ill! lug hi* residence after *INfa. fa. Dll I fa. inv iie.l ti name, »tj le of government, and out ' at.t cottage, are put up to remain Iluch* *, Atm ric.iii Lo. - s. H-d'-i*!.* Iatce Veils, Cmpe i liureke* la*t Miu.lay w a* the gn al 1 1" glorious motto M-foie it will br im- through the year, and a hundred tent*! plan <>f hi* ow ii, and it i* *o unlike •ire on the part of flie people to *.♦ ! 41 *oei;d. nroiM-r to call thi* country the union. <" more encircle tbe audience ground. I f ovul - \er. i-c*. that th- KpirllualUtk md trali/eti in time m have an emperor. I iwople coin, from all |M»rt*. by water! tl'K Lace. Point I) I'heii iv e will not call it a union. and by rail, a* they would lo a circus. ] !»., hut it already exhibit* n good deal —The Klole |*>* t-oill.'i* wa* recently j I.lbefwIlHa will bold their fir*: aunuat FALL CAMPAIGN. Gimp; Cotton. Idle Silk ami Ki-I Gluves. Menu' Wotnetuv Aftci Mr. Barker’* speech the other r* to ».vk amiiaeiuent aud to see what can j of arrhilei tiiral ingenuity. enfere.1 by Imrglara, tlie *af«- Mow n | 1 a,,,l' a,,d *.'Uii-annual ih .uvi ii- <>l tire club proceeded to take tlioname* 1 be wen. Hut very few *lt down to. land* "agimer I* al*o nlllictrd with and Chil'lren s rmidcr'vcar All kind- rM’ the mini* for tearing down and build ­ open and 9 'iu In money , fl,.VnO in note*, i * ‘on ** I.analng, . ••niineiu mg Friday , ol tho*. vv In. w i*hcd to beviHne iiipiii- | join iu the worship of the hour or hear j ing up. lie ha* torn down Ilie front, $130 in *tamp* taken tlrere-1 •kugukt fill, and nding Monday, beta, and although il i* refiorted that." hat i» *ald from the tndpit iu the j AX there wera not more than twenty-five wood- >om> are rt-iuug. ... me are I part of Id* bon*.* and Intend to bidl.l from, and no cine a. yet to the perjHs I Augnat .Jth, at wldi h M. Babcock or thirty republican* pre*ent, a i luhot ! -ailing, some arc -winging, a few arc a new upright M. T trator*. thi* village, k* niiiiouncal to *p >k on alMuit alxly memi* praying, aud all are enjoyiag them- was fonne. 1. It IlMplRlN. Ueo. B. Audrua, imce a farmer in 1 Monday, Aug. 2.kl; Friday, Aug. fTlli, thi* i* true It *how-» that the leaaont DRESS GOODS, *elvc. the very best they can. Minis ­ 1 tvBU Ul'l I IlllifuS < (»ir«t|artol(l.t i.rwenbua)i lown-hlp, then enndodor I * n, S I'ktonl*)'- Aug. J-tb. I iu emuting taught in the llaye* cam- ter* get log.-iher, and with cracking Euuk , Aug. Iti.—>Ve havi ha.) th. of tl.e Joe B. Smith hou*e at I’ontpell .1 -To-morrow. Friday, tugu-t JOti . paign have licen treaaure.) up for nae joke- and |dea»«nt repartee, |>im the pleasure o( a visit from t|ie m •rtl. |>ol.' Early Fall Trade. lei»ure hour* away It I* -jUOslionablc Mod ______N**'..!.«i*r ... ,i... • u in UW-f I ngJB» game of b . - f*aM Willi* ; iu tlii* ra.-*' fin jiower. rm»re recently proprietor of the lie mi*, rat* and greeuba. ker* of whether *ucli meeting* arc ivnducive of a cool w ave. Domestic and Foreign, playeil ii|iop tjie fairground* between M. Mwarthout and wile of tld* a il-1 Iir- rnii." boiiae iu Itiiaca, ha* now b>- <.revubii*l>, l,nrg. shla- lap.- niourii the Iona of their young ton WH»r proprietor ol the I long I a* lumae wa*aee county, and the "I uku»wn»' I longer. I a*l apriug n->t a .leruucai tic protudU' the jdety of the church. A. a place >.f recreation and innocent atnuas* by cholera infantum. It w a* *!«>nt - at Brei ki nridge, r.r.itiot count! . of thi* village, commencing promptly vole w a* |«>lled in thi* toWliahip. Il mu*t fta. a.i«rlt Addition.* to*mr lieing put in to take the place of the practiceil In till* town*liip, foi tliere ion* life. lid church yesterday morning at 11 are rarely beaten, much lnlere*t will o ’, lock, elder Alien otlicistlng. 11 i.i in in. *t Ii -link >! Kill and Winter G' mu L that wi*ro {ntnliaaed «h.Hi-livr*l and irecheroii* plank* prove Im uiauifi *tad by ailiuin r* of th fc*--d to be unit.' a *tro:.g v«Kc. Awake A< roaa Uie b-.y four mil.<* tl., J’te*- Th# 31. K. Mabbath-w h. HjI «»1 tliii* | to atand the froata of a rolfl w inter. Our — Ihoma* Mi*.raw, who h^> (>>r from your lethargy an-l *bow the I tar- j hy tei tan* have an own latiou, and a Village had another ('oncert la*t even- I la*t *«ia*t>n U'fort* th** advaitcf in Woolen Good*:, which tve "ill •e|d men that you are not dead iu dia-j few pleasant i-.ttagea iu a neat little wlmlc avenue. ....fide ..I lb.*- w Im I ?*Yi i'"',‘n " v ing, which w«* very edifying a* well clojN otlt al «»ld |MT*-I>I*. cotk-i.-litig «»f iII-uin .1 and other colors. ; on* of Detroit fa m.!m ntrti, msOc m» conroged: Arouse your wive*, form [ grove on Ui. !«anh of the Imy. "hen pot Jonn fat«»ii»* j .-iNwi^nmrnt on NKiinla)' l«M f«>r ihr oluha, gird yoi.rselvea foi the right aud l I laudml there I nu t a veuetahle dra- a* instructive. 'I'lii* *--liooi wilt have; •trlke manfully for the right ’ Our j eon of the church who wai very aorta- a picnic one week from next mill lie UirrvalVr Kr m lit of liii cr^lilorf . Ii U be hr re* I Flanuel3. Cautou Flannels. Wool Yarns. Blan ­ cvHinUy ha* been huig eniNigh under j Me and willing to -how roe around, day iu Krty w bkdi use* It* ut-1 “for,” said he,* ’Wo Iistv the place, kets. Shawls. Beaver Cloths. Ladies & Gent's -Miner adding the mrnko and or- ' ll,a‘ tJ,r *' vt\ m wci | *!••. All llic surrounding -. I.ool- an Black Silks and , * _ „ A tsiual the lishihcicf. It I- (liooclit «n luo-t endeavor* to iciitrali/e the | > 1 anti I inn-- ently a*k. .| him wiieu tin Underwear. Sackings, Ac. nawieiital woik to IVocliout, Brown A j overload of |Miying real e*tate and t inv it.vl to take a (>al I in the program : and money «-f the laud. Ilow iong'iauip meeting loHiimenoed,y stupidity and andh 1, 'H*:-M . .,u»rtorl> meeting will h. Young'* new ld*» been ile.-oratnl ami l- » month lie JfiiMii.ded and look flflv f ! they dbl n»H wnrahlp t*r«l lo that man- j Trimming Silk Ml** N’oyr* of lblr.Ht t* ibitiag hei I Uian »ny town the alac of m. JoSn* Ir. j ,■,„} H;,j, gr.wer« ami green, of late. Mow long •."••I-: •-• keen l.l,., ,l Herat -Ii. tli-.l'j". 1 if llic a*ko- i , friend* here. Mhr w a* form* the west. Ia*t the g.««l work not lo*e and the |«- regaled with true g<>*- •.-•] a •" b# tramp- and • iati-.o wo* u Uteir minister* a | ,"e'»d» he- • ^.ir w... i... u...,-» |.,n- j ■ Her- the "lion • -hare'' of Id* nop*' Ifttle let rvuttoa. b- rear w their -pfrit* djwl of ant m Iuw !. one Ml of It* pri'le. pel *ermi>n*, !• w orthy of more than . Hut yon rvpiib'fcSil farmer* are bj Wkl Hrsugth and li> ll.eiu fo. tl.e .luli. * 1 Mt. 'Van an*like. alike, . of all colors. _ — Horace. llttchco.. , . k, . Milpt. , M»»t the_ fmrtant. Ihe work wraa well an<] ia*ti- vonr v.4e* .Ling thi- very tiling for of their calling fher have a com fori*- known. iu tki* *UU- a* an extend*.- H.Moilh-*. hoot .4 the < eutrwi M. E. fujj,- |w, furiocd by thr tkillful little our ..**t 111c \ —keeping . : of men 'ti ! 1-lc !Mu.r.ling-hoii»e. and ■svornl mini*- I ht> 'Vill alwn'N h< round tu Ih - the IIIII'I bn are tlwre sow enjoying tl.e ^ *« Hamilton, t..allot ...unty cuiiiph te in St .TiiJiii* lt of Itetr.dt, will tupplr tl«. pul ­ l.aiida of Mlv*«*a nioua Ihmii anil J oule -•thee who are making ..niiiona-.e* -f a lake brcc/c*. I 11 ■^•H«ri«.gtott and wife have r. "aik. i wbiiti 10Mof ti.. ii Ism end | f.-w su.l robbing the many. Before pit at the 4 oogregatlonal f hnrrli neat kdjvtning ihe villog. ol Uni. Trav- « »"»•'•- w Imre ibey l.av i • n fond mauipulalion of that w bit b make* tin- republican rule wa* Inaugurated a MnhUuh. Aug. }|| re* at land on < narrow p4mo*i- toL,,'f/** ,* cr •»< «»m »..r*... r dower*. For Mundav, tbe l&tb. ltd* was wealthy, but now they *«y rial Held work wa* |»rf-nnrj by Ida '•tiepard I la a |iooi man, worth only llfty tliou*- tory that » m.* om.-l.all mile out into the I . f *, moVe.1 hi* drug s ami in the evening on the ‘'Bible. ” liiif i lie Hr liii lake, forming owe r>f tin bc»t lisrbora ! *.* 4,rt' l_h*» p!uc« \luia a short I an.l Nellie * orbit, a»*i«t«'.l hy Master j and dollar*. It lie orul.l get a few —A lwea. lt-of-promI*e eaar haa been tiiue mce, ba« returned, arwl will wu- j Frank (teller, and « i» •-at-ordiugly flue 1 mure IhHiolyer be might *•■>.• h.-- In ilie stall . You can .larul on Uil* Thi.i hrtuM-h ul t»ur btuuNbn line tall "ill In- unu-ually Luifo. emro»eiMJ**I In the circuit court by Miu> tin in- the luislnra* at the

.jnlre It.ite*' bar-1 COIIlldlxillJf til.' latest 1*1 vie* ill Ms'll r. Voilth I* alld ( tlildn lt’> VELVETS Harriet Vanamlnirgh, of Italia* town- w ith the uioa* < ovrr.-d . ro*a which oe- kiiil.I.vl salary of the president, " e ' against the *lunUkb.;i of Icing Hie -inlet Miaa Ella Walker la expected home for long year* to cine w ill be pla.*-* of W«- make g sjai ulty of the oelt'bratcd ll.utturd mid Ia.wel! t.lai and |ny ihe Ml upward, lie won't he iili.|er»4*.d home of Michigan people, and In row- to-day. r.-***rt lor the pleasure-seeking world. — top . 1-sinU-i *ult* only $13 I have also a small amount of Ready-made mnmi haTe money, ami no nwWU&iy." Mia* Ida Sl.coarJ, a graduate of our j F.x -Sh |ktm . Cor]ret* thul mg admittetl to he the L-n I in thcinui- •e^uence a rw.n 1 share of the trarejiug Uttlr Traverse hay it •iirrounded hy at the Mt. J.dina Manfg ('«’• ro>.ni* high acu.tal, I. In town *|H-n.lingg a tewfew a n-e of ground like an amphitheatre, ket. Alar* u full lint* «*t T»^k*-fri«'a.- ItriuMrfa. Stair (’aqieti.i public from rai iowa *tat«-« are attracted Mia K-i. iit* r»a » tnrao*.. —The fol- lay* w ith her schoolmate- and friends rl»iog In plateau*, otic above another, — M.-ven tw elfth- of 1*4' are pa--eil and gone. Got ton Chuin Carpet*. j*U frradeB. !><• not purrhA«e yoor Car-j thither I luring the time of holding l-iw ing namvl gentlemen, Mir knighu generally. She expert# to commenn , to the height of JW ft. or more, ao that * ULOTHIN C3-. the I reel ■. : «t*e -M*t* f’ou.v.wUoa Iwat from thla lodge n II! he in ati.-ndaore teaching this fall in ea*l Binghum |iera.>ii rumllnf on auy part of (lie cir- — KxtcliattaM table* only wrentF-Rve |K*t In-furo gn i«nt of our vlegunt ntot k i live triennta! ronrtar* ef hn^jpu* i*-nt» per tool Oi the Mt. John* Manu ­ week thi* hoove w a* crow.h*il to over- Rer. t»r « mu pastor of ihe Epi-i <- > le i.i, overlook the entire bay and all Which will be closed out without any par ­ vz pla; at Chicago this work: A. pal church In this village, preached in the land beyond it And on oil i|Mm- facturing t'n ’a room*. .(•last I-...... fiat.-sat NM h-a Bow ing, and each one «nd)rd n* they Mehenck, K. V. 4 ha«e. Robert '*milh, KeyMone Orange ha)i,7*reenhu*h, on I terror**, from tin- »»tc; *• r*lge to the — Don't buy your fuiuiture without ticular regard to cost. Come and re me and went. John W. |j>wl*. Jowph Ii iwaver and Sunday alternnori l««t, at the soli, ita-1 Mxk r '► • "limit. I* found the same I.M.klng over the Hi. J dm* Manufaetur- —Mr. Meant, of the tVhku h-rrae-im- wife. J M. Trask and wife, John F. lion w Rev. M. I.. Hamilton. ! kh.J of stone that lie upon^ mthe learliI .,!■*« o. ’a aUM-k end getting |trice* We Henry and wife, I„ A. U« raeoi R *• 1 see for yourselves. porting Arm sftiurr A Sear*, while in Mr and Mr- u M Hidden, of Uav rounded an-l |> that In | _,f y,MI want a pump, milk-eafe. Wr l<:ivr iii «(i»rk n full .»f i c)el»rgtta.| and llale, e—' . a holey porker a hook contain- wife. John R tie, ~Mira fV.y.l, j farii-ig ratlo-i **;1.m sin.-r hi* ratalru ! ** r* * i,r' l** 1* Mlebi- cnpbna'd, * r an rctorv from the tireen- J. M. FriaMe, Richard Bay h* an.l wife, : from < fcimgr.. lag sotacthlag ever a h..n*lr«.l .lolUr* gan - I -S* ‘ tec- oi in.-fe above Its hushh ./.i. pump...... work*,^ „.l . send in your...... or.)er.. , | D. f». French and daughter,hter, J I* He.,- Mr. K M Mie*| and Mis* II. I" of the “ekear >inill/ ’ but it wa* *oon nett, C. P. Wkdiea and wife, • .trap prw. nl level, ami that ita wav I have a .fellvery wagon mi Uie rand t«- lllcka arere alen»i*o Inin auAnlanr*au upon the only washed the summit* of tbe high ­ picked „p hy Ja* Ililliker. who henret- aUeu.i to atl order*. All r**p 4.*IMr Hick* ami wlfe.C. E. tfriaaon ami alb, triennial I eooelareconclave »*fof Uie s(r K night* at est hill hut aprnod tt* water* over mil­ STARK BOOTS, O. 1/ *4panbllny. J. H. Ingali and wife parlies lawwisIllMl with rea*on«Mr- •T rstwrne.J It to tu owner, war* « 'h ton gw "______-______lion* ot acres In W iseoBain, llllnola fl. r Adam* time. A.blrew* ell orders to l.n-xiti- IlgfMl tniuir. f. iww i may Rnd EM hem alarlri lain r»Hkisi sotf Tram be sold at Cost. ne, to eee Use rowng plum and peach which will ba pbwting to tbe tmreling inI -*■impenetreble ‘tag darkneaa, and no man n*aA*r ta. to r«**N llntam. I —Jatrn Morgan, a farm laborer lately tree* bending and breaking to the 1 aH( f kwrirn—i ptiMlr. will ever live to eee Ita myaterle* ra ­ fM fn the employ of M F Trow fwi.lge of ground under their wwerewa tomid ( bartea If McFarlan t* among the ven led foinnii IItu.. Th, NSme a Ik. Ion ton. w< -I BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS IN UCE CURTAINS. Olive, wa* arrewte.1 ihi Maturday eve­ Mil. Mr. B. baa, without don to, the • ‘hi. ‘ age *lght-Oaera. tool. - Amtma t ION gne*t varieties of pt.uw* of any that Ret. in . f ro** la «pemling the prrn- ning Mat on complaint of night watch ­ ! Tto Uto-n serial. o. Immense stock of Boots and Shoes. Hats and bar, a* yet found their wav to thi, ci.i week Iu thr Saginaw valley. 1 I fa>w4 u* tfar I ui ml tv mi i v» uni *s ra hoi a. man rhmlfng. for bring drunk and — trmm I to Ow* IiIfaMflM* be sold at the lowest flgurea r»w»l«ri wnrll Monday aftrrmem when (iobfofl rr«e, Mmtth'e Or lean* Brad- ami money with that of lia* Moshkr, i '* •**' P* l"per’r from which we clip the '•fa ftafamfa in •«. IMMIll tads t ;f. j •hew .** fal. *f whleh he expects to j aud in uen*«*yoefK>e i* une of tbe pro. ; WJ** : "Rm total X. Y., la the hews* srrmgn .vl before Justice Mor- or *n»Nf iviRVfmtb Wr rrturti thank* tu thr puMio far then |m*t IiIh -ih I pginm Im* 40 buJsr-!.. »* for aalc. and will he i.rtri.rinor* and manager* of the IVtoaker j I*®*** « Uerv hai's from Um- world fa- "Im I MW Mill! . Ml tMtuh- of thdr tn*ur «torr anr* Mfa ffar tie w III al* have vtNWit Jf) laiel.eU of | tfaK rtwor t jfatrkkriL farrr jrsr*r»taw! • tniJTLhi, *4 fabjftt. { gj«l make priew **e fal "umi* (o auil the lure, 4_.___ . ___ «_ __ ... _ . . ant a a.-t*nf sf Mlsm day*, tst its j ^ and mure roi-wntiy with Elder lku*Ht| ’ 1 i I'lri (kw Hhv b> oil. — | •I Kreknltr ( ami; and (Wil, Is now j F«W s«*-*. —A house and t sera, of •ft MfaM*'i rfaitf 4 ifar m. M«k Hr» (Ntnami . j ; taken in exchange ; or wUl pay Cash for e*pirwtiwr af w hieh ihwe b» will agah* {Thh *aa* ifafa ifarf Afafa W * • fa* T v* owfaviifa far tfa tfKMKMHKH TIIK MAM NOTH mI'OHK. . - «r *n hr *rvU? 190 5;:?t*v*la of *frww- 1 arrr'nw (too M. fr»».»r at 111 am) DIiImiI, with all ktnl* of fruit lie. to 4*4 •> * VfiN* J tto —-i fVe. I*v*.n r> be . *taTjwe *tae » **n w* «r;rw-r wota *.M tool*. M.m and 1 Mr«ndwraM amnsne. fWreit, In the same ' benring. Tbta dwaireMe property wilt WI.I.S ^yurv as. euyd so* to-to-S rliee • rom foi 7SXT% flfl ft. iato« its, i m ea* ehtatai .. o> 1 tf Ita gw R. ilont ami ramify «rej ■ at in ^ JMQ fewi in altitude, they produce I haynt, the :noat trying lime of the sea­ worst cane of lover's revenge comes Pnui.V rsllned tor JutT *M* <5,(00 li n —isum r»f son The farmer U flifnEfl* l“»T, ttoudwr, lo b* raudv la wvwul nt the mm4~~ s total area of 5VJ2«,)flo acres, the Hur- | and forgets to Inspect Ids pastures, and slffaiiced went hack on him and broke <>• Bulgaria. TfcetraiteporteUon of mum- The tlenera) Lund < »ffW at Wash veyoi-General stairs that u*> iadievee see that there issutUcienl food to keep off their e'l^wgwtucot received a note ikhis horssa. cotetuiasary Mores aud iiigtou issues gratulUnislv, for the bso- Ada Colkiua, a otgsnukw agod atmut IX.noo/HX) to bo agricultural, either In Ida cows In condition and to produce a from her asking him to return the U, 4UI—iy si Haiti* (Vv't o (roopa hi (XMBtiruaily gulag no Iiaar tha etll of inquirers. a pamphlet which fall yield of milk, lie often says: “I lock of her hair which he had. He Koumanla (rouUer. A steamer arrived their natural slate or through irriga­ tiuvlw, from IM ftkiM of luotphluw, routaina a full summary of all laws fear my {nuturea are getting too ahull looked over his trunk . ite collected a taken for tb* purpose of beautifying her at-eel. New York city, when the platform at data's Saturdty with Kitaelen artlllary tion; *5,000,000 acres are pasture relating to the public domain, hut It la lor my cows, but I hoi* that we shall heap of tresses, culled from various oompteaho. An Inquest resulted In s broke and ha foil Into a yard below, ta ! and ambulance*. ilwtlaal lor Hulgaria. lands. I0.u00.iski acres timber lunds, so diffuse and overloaded with unex ­ sourcea during his love-making career. verdict <4 "avkleetal piSe oelng.'* alanUj ktUtag U» Maitiu*! Nj<#r*. 46 1 li ta ala» stated that lb* Rumium are and the remainder consists of lava soon have rains that will give fresh plained technicalities that It is difficult years old, who resided there. eoaoenlrsllitg at Hadslsveloff, on ths I mis and peaks, the yield of cereals teed, and then my cows wilt come up ICfkty two Finns las dad at lauc-x-k Ai.atnv* frenttar. for the average reader, especially If a taw dare mu . «>r whom 7* wt|i u-*<,•<. *■ T)h > railroad arrtdra; Is New Jersey i is large. 25 to 40 bushels of wheat and •mis " Hut this is a mistaken opinion, not familiar with the language and OMmsI mteas oa Wedneedry (trirea to have been more barley, and from 5u to 80 bushels of which he seldom takes the trouble fully >e*tvl lugs* »»w vwi as Hth- about 3.000,000 acres open to entry. ■ Ikas lske.14* Q at#** a*utk of JeekwMi, ed. and from which is condensed most, I meaus the ions of atmut that amount good deal of It lieing unorganised iiillou - r Moodev crestfii & He was I •wising with i of what follows: ! every day in the remainder of the »«• I counties on the I’lains: In the western Ida -* * --_ — htu hi SkfAfie vM uuu , son. Tills is a very serious matter, and rKE-KMPTION. land district there atmut Whittier .—No author has lived a shore, satd "Boeat bye, bo vs, you won ’t IUSI.S1*! MleiI n per US' Hm , does not admit of delay for propitious see me again," end went down. It la acres, much of which is also on the Oua>- rtmcj" ps* sees | Primarily, at.y person 21 year* of rains. Itefore they come and cause the sweeter, purer, or none noble life than thought that be rnaam nothing, out was ikis- rtgw per bo ' ! Plains; In the Salina district there are this old tjuaker. Like Washington ■ Age or over may obtain UK) acres of grass to grow, your herd of cows have taken with cramp. Tbs body wan found Mrs WAtk. dm but I i i lr.^tso acres in counties all organized; Irving, hn lives alone; his only love •» w o ’clock TaasdaT, stand 1.:.* upright Government land under the homestead [ l<*at one-fourth to onfe-thlid of their M«uralgio, Sciatica, Lumbago, trrus—SI Star*I 7* pet bM. . | In the To|>eka district there is none was a lady of l*outsVille, lo! these where be went down, in 12 feet of water. Mi icmseMiBs—RS lU per •lend laws, (martled women aud aliens ex- usefulness for the rest of the season Guciacho. Sorenast o! tha Chatt, • ! to speak of, though one ran go in al- many years ago, who woniitn-Uke, gave The body stood among thick weeds, tiuie tniHClsi hrgll lo *mT • »•' i repied,i by paying #1S in fees, and at Let l be dairyman, then, look to his ,, most any diiectloii from the stat»*- the staid, soU-r-sided young poet allie Gout, Quinty, Sore Throat, Smalls ------uu h«sl with his bends It the eud of five years may acquire a herd In time, and see that the wants lliuvtl—W a a t"V posed i ! house, and within three miles obtain gt>-hy, nod wedded a wild, devll-mav- ingt and Spraint, Burnt and her t<: Is puVM to ths sarfhee. | clear deed to it, or a deed may he hail of each cow are provided for. Umi—Prtai* vulllf, 14 tit. V'Diva 1)4 | care fallow, who ended life's journey ScaJdt, Ganaral Bodily at the end of six months by payment of A dairy had should study the jw< n- 14m I g.-oo for the land If It is outside rail- by sailing into eternity's sea through rains, Ue»— HaglU pm Ik. llarllies of e«* h cow. Some cows will Ncmoy , was struck | road limits, or $400 If wit bln them Hv ; a river whisky, *»o \t hittli-i nt-ver nigtit. The iiarn thuwo imw 1 caa. p»i I* . appropriate .dl the extra Total they can Tooth, Gar end Haadocha, Frotlud Rees rnoh 9 Me j the pre-emption art, any person over married, hut pi this day the tenderest end wsa total It de- digewl to the *i-< ret mu of milk, and Faat and Eert, ar.d all othar Suns —•*.!> 1 per sUat. 21 years may acquire l«o a. >ee by pay ­ affection exists between him aud his 92,00e, insured for Uuin IS UJI 00 l<> sVaad. evendepleta their own systems to keep Paint and Arhot ment of li in leee, and a clear need old nwrrthcart: she still living in the A B BPIRHEY. U. D . Prop. HU IWM. • ta;*. Ism. 11 Sell A up a tub (low of III nil fMich rowe j Mouth. It was no doubt In nusslv rev will b* iskoeti to him after ppvtf is Uy under ihe Hnwcptcsd. i’re-emjr Tbs next oswattnc ol U»e klfth Mlohl- Htrcs Orsen. Odtl jw lk.,ser«a, Mfn n | lion, slid Tlmlicr Culture laws, and should l*e ev|ieelally well |>roVided for UMsp-skiM tlgl M, |m-D celt, !ta, ^ given of six mouths' residence on the | cry over the foie Vet lust that hevigbol ■aas Vvirrsn TnisiXDW fnfcntry Aswoeia- •ImiiiI 2JHSI.i«s» acres of I *»wtd The rated. are tne c«»w» that i>av : a .a -•"-4*!"“ (Yfl H- vjaniln C. eta— VI '*«! O .wb j principal difference between the two I Clierokee lanrls subject t-/ pre-empt Ion ; Iwei.r He win travel along Into the (kiM Hoaar Htreissd. Iiglk per Ik. Uoaik. IS e mpwl with a large j-rrvrnUgr of int^r- ! fulurr “ lhm M‘mi U"S< la EM-«a ta«»»s»-c It CM. ! WIriiita 'list 1 let there are about !JX)0.-! can of all American prMits. (r.jjiA/».y- gout BT ALL DBrooiUTt* ABD tEALrifi ordsr-1 ilia military In K w*m to torn ; Ovrmwe ♦« )i pet bhl. ' fees, nothing Is paid for land hoiue- e*t on all i Xtra ftsal given them. The) ; oysr I'ayiis, I tvs liiuiitlofiwr In thw Indian | • otst arrni of bomealeaei of Osage Indian lands, | A. VOOEI.ER A CO, it for live tears, whereas all land pre- extra feeling in fa«’t, they *••• only i drvweed te a wrB Monday. j dtsuiot of Arkansas, for trial at K<*ri rwsnrae SI town* M> pm k«. kos . 49« and In the o-tage dlstiicl the Receiver j #t f per kssket. ! empted coats gl 2*> or $J 50 an acre, cown that will pay for fer-dlng at ! Tbs fktlurs of Inslse A Katkfon. grata Hmllh. itidiau Again l»y**, at tfuacaw states that there a>c mIhih I Io .ismi acres . > * ^ BflEtUH-LOADINS DOUBLE &UKS Skill atari I am sun —t S UK so* as | sgancr, haa isiegi spued Macsbai IMlI U> Porixoae Ibgl'i PM he ; II 10 pM bbl. ' Hut only surveyed land can lie home- all. And a dairyman may rent wsuird ! roatmua OCS ' gefWWMtl • S. ls.r.1 iyai',i-ii, where a* unsuivrved tracts that a inw that will not respond to | * ‘*0 sn ,rm are i .sSiaili li.mcS b> uaam 7«c. earn*. 1<>«U, IV". dMC. f..^7 , refuse of many years, and l-.aa lieen obtainable, but Uivir ilakiiltisa ar* rough ­ | may lie pre-empted. liU-ial feeding hv an equal imiraneof i U. ,< >wv sitaas. M beef. 010 00 culled over many tliin-s by homestead -1 MI O n. STEVENSACO. *10 SC l— bbl dried beef. 1S« The payments may In* made In cash, milk is not v«urll) keeping, ami, in- | ers. so that 1 presume it is very pj"t ! Cleveland. O, and Chicago. Sni>- (Dutm , 04 B0iA4 0) per be. i or by militarv bouutv warrants agrt- stead of ndd'.ng to hts income, runs | iaiul.1 Tills 1* undoubtedly true <»f Ioiiwb ?Sc per ba. I cultural cullrge scrip. Supreme t'oiirt him in debt every year. If he lia.< | * year* at ag®, a raapactad pionasr of , luiMt of the public laud remaining tin- i Iiutm—Ac per pound. | scrip. Indemnity land scrip, and llevo- (art-lull) uutcil toe compaialive yield i Troy township, near Hlriuingbaoi, was W salts Sa 00 p r clei d. occupied in Kansas. of milk by each of his cows, he should | found drowned In a wail on tha premises SiTS»S(lia*(—OlSOtV per IM lutionary Iniunty land scrip, some of RINXCtOTA. of her son, Haro us! Butler, of Troy. w hich may lie purchased at such prices feed litem in piopoition to their yield. I tlist the lands w ill exist less than if Of ihe iiiMiceupfed lands in Mia | i- rum long practice, we have found no j Katai'iasoo tber# arw 422 pieaent from i imid for with money, as for instance, I nesota nearly 11,01* 1.000 acres remain* i .tillin' of givid cows to respond to ex- j I military txninty land warrants are • unsunejed. The title to i< still ' tra feedilii in iair summer. We have j the tWrd ! worth from ?! to ?! 20 an acre, and ’ possessed hy the United StateaUovern- i often givr-n debit and credit to the j V)n. Hecjsinin. aged about 2l years. j merit; but when they arc surveyed J • Supreme Court scrip, ?! 13 to ?! 20 cows on exira feed, ami always found ! led a! Ijuaiug Wedeewdxy morning | aliout acres will inuie to the from ths effect* or poison admtnlatarwd DETROIT STOCK MARKETS. i an acre. TJiewe are for sale by various thee.edit ahead. When the feed lie- ; | meillc troubles j brokers, and they should only be gins to grow sc.uily in July,commence j owTKt* StroBt W4»Bl. IMmU M•* i* TlM following were the receipts of live irr«hgi>UISUll HUM)* (of tlllrttB M J I st/s-k at thet ’wiiiral yards !s-t week: Tat­ I quantity as swamp lands and grants j Lv leeiimg pouini of linseed meal ! A finbrni- out Wadneadav afternoon tle 4 run hoja.X.r-W; -bt-r-p, !.!£i. Thera i for railroad*. Of the surveyed lands. and ! pound of bran to r;;ch cow pn st three miiea'retr. Moakerrro. w as an ucfral>ie mark el fur cattls with ' so far unoccupied there are about 3.- ' laaSewMiiv liietsiriM liw u>«u. >“• , river, near the aiene of the ws-'deuL a sharp decline In the prl -e of buU-tiers ’ flfo dfbgllt from a cira' *tuh to a saloon. l b* curreut is awtft at rhat point, ami It at-iek. Tb*off-Hnp areie plentiful, bat Rancid butter. 1-uled in water with No vstsrwater waswaa availableavalUbls aniland ooioonaequenlty ! Is tea,ed tome w bo leaped fioui loeliain shippers were slow to hoy op I heir seek. every thing bnrn*irt'o»i of 'skjr a tenth part ; may be drowned. the whole time of residence required | railroad compwnieb. and :.rxi.'s«t acre- w('t5 ?*e rr'in-T ,(;yesTr-« ,f JtS TUT. ' were na followa; Libby A Kilw, mewt A Dee Motnew, Ji., letter from a re- j pat kli -btgan cattle, averaging SOOOaHUO for securing the humcxtiad. ! to private Iwklrni an aggregate of i dlly. sin] tii*i lx- us—J for cooking pui market, aiable and atore. levaa 23, 00, : s;mua:bie citrs-o o* u*at city. 5ii. S. A I lbs. hrouaut 92.i>«i(S3.10: feeders. ♦— «"-< . about x ,asoji mi hit ** The xiate land* inaur —i no- h <■>•. A. V Maun A <’<>., J allies elgoretney, gtvew Information on . 2 70; Ugh! steers, 2. JS 1 4 ’ |«»9es. aitf.iotgh Its flue flavor wi! •« Ei 7sti. 7jr»trnt. M;cb. two dwellings. Lnea, 91.000; Insured for j wiit-K* tor im Hiir « vmv * AES. j are scattered, and the minimum price •.he authority of an e^e wlluese. al~' a . n«*t I*- r* s:oretl to make It tit fur ta!' Sued. A. W. f ovisr, au ra. Modi ao i —^ .. ,, M.«, : •. —• ...... • —— - • The !and» are roost!* for aa!* - in Aia ! rr.r them •- *' ,^.r acre. They .sri1 .d- ,'* T hw k>"W mauresi u»r i dei'tamily, fnur in nuniber.ias saptnrsd banio, Arkansas, Aiinuia. t itiifomia, | wars sold at piddL sai* to the nigbext Moot of the at(X*k and furniture were ‘ * n'lrn wrungiy called L,150,000 FARMS! Al ___ -.J I after the diaouveiv at tha murvlar Colorado,l»ako»a. Florida. Idaho, Iowa. ! bidder, !5 je-i cent, of the purchase , , I ofl^doeel Y ke's !.rother. H# aaya the Kansas. Montana. Michigan, Minnewo- ' money twing required in c. wl.i • “i-ingla-M"!, when smoked, i« rea«liit •Tk* w.efejhe»<, «• (be »4>at* i-range b».t j tiuir stood up in a row, facing nine rifle­ cleaned b) taking it out and iboroughlv NEW HOME a monaiei plc-ntc on tb* la*r IfTOUuda , ta. Nebraska, Nevaiia. New-Mexioo, j the remainder draws " per r—nt inter- men, Slid were told their tale. (ha. they ; washing with rmegur a tittle diluted. near Lansing on Thursday. Excaraion vm p!uer annum until the coiupietion ui If the block doen not Ctltar off at once, uwina wur* mn on nearly all the rail | |y .t|e were i.„,u«1 at the corner ->f the ton Teiiitor). Only swamp lands re­ IE2T WSEAt LiBO ruehuwiiwltig lliere, white the tenners four cour;ilea of La Batai, W IMi', ; main in Alabama and Florida, while let it Soak a little. of all Ute urmuDdlM region turned out j Neueiio aud Montgomery. ;n Arizona, Idaho, Montana. Nevada. on masse There were 414 teams In tb* There is very little public New-Mextoo,and Wyoming the land i* prisdptl proeseaion. Tbe number oi j Profswaor Hugard, of the Caiiioriu* Iowa unoccupied, and the r !.ai nttSbOflll triBQftUl) I’nlvsraltv. anuouncea that In a lot ol • alaaMe foi mineral ami grazing, rntn- peiqde oa iLelalr gr-Jtid* were vari- ua- What theie left may l«e Jirrtoklyn • Btilitlflli Iy sell in »—* a* 10,000 k> ll.sss. ■even 01 winged phylloxera, recently re- The Democraic Stain Conventior* ci w-nu agricxiitural, purjamciv. Each Jn J Sp : through the United >!»**-« t «>< »)k*o! A. Im K‘4|, 8ai t tii BbiMipk Op t neivedfmm MWi vaiiev iu tha* rsiate >;ate ami Teriitory has at least one )» L*fy Wwudili-, Calhoun county,! ' at 1 ten Moines and Sioux t it) ••Y’Hfr. V V., fvdrfUfc a Iwfot BUI TJIC turn IttFU. hehws dtwcoewred two of fertile reilety Fursuant to call the J»cmocratir wiltilr tlkull pwi«l wxuewvwuty swine 1-and t irticw, w nh x I'egtster aad !i«- i Jv IjOnUjoisi acre* are held hv r m -) IM! Lab bteo tt*wt l*.r tgrioti* He aaya this unfortunately m-((ie~ lie State conresUcr. satis Detroit Thui ~- Rave recently died oi hog cholera, |voaallda afleoti-n at a di«- ueiver in attendance, from whom in ­ ' railroads in the middle part d.’i^tB4l)tB RltD tb« hltf 1>*4)1 kklieffo. I'Uli. (i«) noon an*i va* *-ane«l t. order bv The eteatner Chief tq«tt',e Wai'.e *** lahoe iu lii* albmrauv*. and urge* that formation may be obtained, *n*l ' western section of the stale, I Mind by the in»pecn.cs at Dstroit Ttaurs- ihe Hop o. M. Bmrneo, chairman of eflertiTe sr j*M cjirca the peel he taken through whom lands may be located. • ar.d ttir-u- ar*- purchasable nt t ua* Cat au>)lng HKK- iww'ior- ti(»n as baa !>een dons In Trcaao county. the state Central Committee. Col. W. I’hp nflu-** for Michigan arc a*. I>c hair lice use pemutx. She broiigbt L**- j &0 to §10 and more per acre. The Long-wool Shoop. K. H. Nmiicy of Hpriug l.ike, ott I>. Wilkins of In-iroil was < poser, tem- truit. Lost Saginaw ami Heel City. 1,100 uiJ i,**> It. arsioniat* U> porarv • )•>•" maiw and after the ap DnirUt flu in Tjia:". Tt*e boat U re rxiuntv, Mir.n . dmva Into ma taka u. {Miinlmeut of llie usuai committees !ht I ther. trot in'ther : n«*w- heavily loaded ; water'ets boraee. wnh bta wits and three The mines «ir. or course, the piinet were part of th* time uti i (jo**, >«, },* sr.d ! vear rdd. t« the wagen convention took a recess trii 2 o ’clock A* we have often had occasion t*» ;•* ’ rww»"ircc vf Dakota, but cnat:s;;on:- FOR CHILLS AND FEVER With him. The horses became unman On STwasetiiblinai Col. WUkins was 1 «t*te the arrman _;—i limbei ismi U* tli*m are aom* licaiitlfnl anti well generation of them for the iu*t too I a ires Hie arid cvrrlni md 4 lb* »sj->n The marie (termanenl chairman with a h*! , tuitable for faiTniiig puiisiars and still watered vallev* which *vr (•»»*.•.• |>«4 r ssr p"tr,tE ; r s;:}>c- I three boys drowne*m*n1 of iisoorta arfl , inated Mr. F. M. Iloliowav of I!!!»« J ally Suppum-d, **«*« ihe same is appar- all kiuds of cereals Thee* v*l|»y» a?» A Warrgated Curt, ..f n|«- '» fo* lb* h*ew* v"*' *«d- ds1*. for ffoveronr, \fr \v T. K ' enii) tiuv «rf the whole 1 On nearly a!) rlainied and SOttldd, on* nadiiy. aiid me *u*ce|»til'i* of (■eing ! ( mg June 30, i«0, ba* »•**•*■ prwpwrwl «( 'vrhermerhorn nominated CoL N. li : account of !:r for oilier rea­ scarcely an acre in them remain* unoc ­ brought into very high condition. ce, $ l .00. lt6 traaaury ilejairtriieut. In rag«r>i io F.idredge of I -enawee Mr. S. L. Kil- sons what has been left to this late cupied. The money already *-x|>*nde 4 The (.Vilswoid is the ia-st known in 10- rua xils bv iu sauseirrs JU the movement of gold, p show* that du 1-Mirne inmnnateii C*u ll. P. Ssnfoni ! day is not rlesiratde. If the history of hy th* ‘ ranchmen in improvements o the United Mates, and is a favorite M eOirml llbt> n is Nupcr.^r Towaab'.p, Wa»btcn*w »’<»., ling the last Aound with instances of nisi- ■ dl»*'r f*r (Sum two men a-rns beh'ud him, knocked before in the history ol lb* country. mal ballot was taken and resulted { feasance, of the gra*pings of indivtd physical lqiec-ltliens, Weil tilled in the ; him down, and bound and gagged him. I uals and cor|Mirati«tis,of the evasion of At R*d Hill, Col., Friday night, s fire Holloway. :(44 ; >anfoud, 11*; Kkdredge. "mutton iHunts, ’* docile in dinpomtioii. They then entered lb* bouse and carried broke oat in the d*p high flesh. They are horn ­ security in hla cwuai- Richards had 1120 explosion of about l,(X4> iioundi of pow ­ of Mr. Holloway was then made ucan- j sw imiies great and small, all je ; pc- der, which tdew up the dep(a aud every os hie person al the tune which the imoua. less, have face and legs white, with oc ­ hullding Id the place to atoms. Th* The Iialance of the Mote ticket was casional exceptions, wherein the mot , robber* aid not find. agent, K K. Colyer, was bsdly Inlured by c<'nrpietcl as follows: Lt--4iovernor, t 1«m» ap|H*ar. The forehead is crow ned i I*asc Hsyno*. sheriff of Kent county in hum* and cula, and la not expected u> w ith a long tuft of wool, by which it 137* and 1*74, *at*u«t**ly known in live. Ilia a* -1 -tant Charles Milton wa* Fdwin H Thomson.t lenewee . Secretan ’ western lIMblgm, dfod at Wrand Kapl<1* lulled, *n .1 two other men were hwrtlv in- of state. Willard Hearns. I-enawre. may la* readily distinguished. The | Ueturdsf a!*eri)<-»* of ery alpl*', aged 52- loied- Attorney iii-nruj. Henry P. Hender ­ [ habit of some ex hi til tor* is to allow j Tit* new cenasa gives Calhoun eounty son. iugharo. State Treasurer. ; this tuft to grow beyond it-i wonted a population of »,X». against 3S,5f» in I. M. WewUm, Muskegon . Auditor < Jen - length; a repteliensihie practice, both , rral. 1’ncbard Moore. Clinton; Com ­ 8poopcndyke's Prayer Book I from the fact that It interferes with missioner of the Land Offliw. James 1. lion me* on Monday, Ml tha i David, Wayne. Member of the Mote “Now. my dear." said Mr. spoop<*n- lock on Governor aonliaued snd ihey j Hoard of education. Albert Crane, dyka. cheerfullv, “lie lively, li's twenty adjourned till Tneaday. Waahtenaw . Superintendent of Public minutes past ten. and we mustn't la- Senator David Davl# haa declared for GILT EDGE Instruction, /.dot** TnicMel, (*ak- late al church. Miwt ready ?" Hancock and Kuglish la the preainl “Yes. dear," lreamed Mrs. Spamp*l|a. land. The following were chosen Presiden ­ dyke. “I'm ready. Got everything?" pure — a very commendable effort, ; Tb*- Republican congressional conveo tial elertots; At large. Archibald "1 think so. Hymn l>uok, umbrella which lias larly will pul electoral lick era before i and desirable than those which arc day," lei u met) Mr*. S|aa>|iendyke, d)aprt« a kod BJkikrik. been gives by her brother, who wna with the v iteva of twenty Niale*. Reaolutiona were adopted reaffirming well, of Diabley. Knglacil. tiestuwed public. 1 bey arc mostly situated in great atienlion ufam tbeir improve- ! Hbarmto in the march lo the a**. The Coon* 4-lirul Ml ate Republican con- the Cincinnati platform, pledging faintly. "1 know." she continued, I the older part* of the country, w here veil Ion Oi*4 at Hartford • n Wednesday hearty support to ths Mate and Na- “|ov ;l’barl<* '(ji rua shraiid ne msfle >n our Stats leg endyke. “Perhaps It got up early, Unit of clo-ap meat*. They are Iwlow iu Um. "uuii-lawMM aoaia fc, MW lea lor secretary of Mai. ; David ] school-bouses, churches, and court- tt-wold in size; like It. are with « M ( MM 1- aiioa ffs«» Imd dl wlM The Only Remedy hours. If an) peraon* soil to **a> them, P. Ntchoia, treasurer; Ool. Wbee lock and percentages the expenses of adver- Dk I you ever se* a prayer Imek prowl out horns, are w itbout wool in the facr. •ka »»#• f« ♦ (f?d kJ*. ’ ■ kPT?2 if U and 4< s*oa wh<> knew tb* Henoeni say Halcuelor, itiBiptreiler. atom prup#ri) of ft \ labium DocMaad Alia it rsi visr nan cs ' using tax tales and legal noluww. the . off to church ail ab.i.*'? Ever eec a • Mi h, like the legs is mottled, or tha* tbee* p«op** ar# not (hv tUodera al Tb* Tax •* Democratic convention on MAM1A I»K.\To M A"»)t. Sirain THE LIVER. Wedtivadey u.aoiaated Gov, U. 44. Rob ­ j interest charged upon delinquent taxes. | prayer )>.<■»*« Democratic Niate con ham samlwlch ? Whirr did you put •truck U«U> of them, bitting Mra. Hal veniPMi el NaahvtlU on Hednewlay belter laeteeuv. ud tuflieurg Injuries a

pt*d an auu rwpuillatloa roaoluUma “I mean you may have left it in the upon Mi* Hoibnaer lro» wbtuh she afUr a healed ilebota. • 'n* hundred and pew rack You know you did once," died la a few toun*. fifty ol Dm minority bolted. Tb* hello! Kift'i Te*|rrakfs Istel sa l limrtsst tnr allr» tfoe* ffmnt 1 suggested Mrs Spno|>endyka. xroola as yet quit* scarce aa this sole ! <’-.r Kate* A Coagrma at'*. The exMSMtve roiling mill at wreen resulted lo ao nomination for iMasraor, t* Jmei« W- c --li or itr -’td. villa. Pa., owned by Kimber y, Carnee A and toe eoaveolioo adjourned on lii “1 didn't do anything of the suit. 1 of tlie Atlantic, and will prohaidy not | ESOISE. fwe*"»i kumomarr fkngri i* Ch, jsuml st * .ate hour Monday night Tburwday morning. Oroanback Stats Convention. brought it home and gave it to you lie seen at half a dozen fairs during the ; into th Ned Jiat ahou.u 9* S Lorn minted at tluo.uuo. Al-mt !.V> The i.reeatsvck cougreealonai conren pel severing and industrious, may he Wnere do you keep it? What did year It is quite i-'puiar in KiiglaiMt. 1 Cxcvilsara tean Abz noturoBn. Cu ar DOW OflMWI m< v are thrown out of employ Uteot. 1 tot. held la imnaing nomlneted J-ieiaii The Greenback State convention txanformed from wildemeoses into fer ; you do with it? N'pose I'm going to some writers placing it first in point of j Aspect*! from I>ak#i*od. Minn nay* W tn-g-ile at Pliat aa candidate for 00a- { met at Lansing Wednesday and wax tile and v aluable farms. swash around through that service merit on tlie list, where site and quail- | tt Ovna'.nly Stand* Cs greaa less lb* * 1* tb die’ rla rivaled tn AOaeC'V* that Um sngln* of a threshing merhin* called to order by Col. R. I’. Innea of without knowing whether they art­ ty of can-aim, and charecter and weight tike (imki uirr m jg#Ma*? a ▼#*«•• u an the form of Kites Mct’ann, osar tha* The liolter* from th# Tenneaee* Demo MKHIOAX. Power. »T'<1 the Grand Uapids. Ool. (’barIsa Roberta of doing the Apostle's creed or an act of of fleece, are sought for. The face and navir.g cf Fwal place, esi'loded iu hotter Monday mom- -rail' cunteauoa have held s meeting is Of the amount of public land sul>- E REVERE HOUSE, au<> W ater. (cu, *.**»ag ifo focearian and two men end Has City waa chosen chairman, and Congress? Spring around and And It, li-gs are while, the head Ixirnieaa, the x » »M M« Ik'WnaaVilv 1 101 <*aea, ni«.(vouriiw ., which there were 7* .'-legal** preneut, J«-A to homestead entry still remaining I I I vIHtll M/ 4I-* AX *Jt eing much sought ■aom ntovit , matton. but it probably does not much 1 after iuwd . mi mmv Th« Nsffuna! Sfoldtera ’ reunion tj*-ga*. John V. Wright, straight oat debt pay ­ of Paw Paw; lx Governor, hullivan ence lietween a prayer book and lb* for the manufacture of certain fabrics »i<4ii»ni«. exceed 100.004) acres. Of this more I at Oniambu*. O., oa Tuaeday. The city ing Democrat, for governor. Armstrong of Newaygo; Secretary of Wandering Jew? Find it, can ’t you?" —Tint. Line-Stork Journal For BGWEl CONPUINiS m ■ f.i te/ngfnr ariinn rf thorn 4*rra»#j wmemwded with veteran*, and addreeai» The IKwnocrsla of th* slaib Ohio dis­ State.Randolph .Strickland, of Clinton; than half ia in tlie Heed City district I “Never mind it, dear." fluttered Mr*. dr akci/ig ‘heir power to throw of] were made hy i by th* Itreah etemr*.- light* and >f Gratiot County ; ( ommiosioner of Wit f t»trf 4**«?4«rw4 kidfowyg I gree* tiy acclamation. chased recently during one year. Here, P with esaud Saptef of grew-rka. the 1 and Ofim, John A. Elder, of AIN-KILLER ! Vhf /»«s nr M*l Vca4ar(»rgf | Tb* Ropu .iltean navtslioa of th* aa elsewhere, the various State lands ^ Mf tkkfk alpej ieM foi.-M* f The »nppm*.! IWhder* had a prelimi ­ aereoth onograaaloaa) dletrlct eorui bled Lenalng; Superintendent of Public nary ex »»u mation al Dvwogo, Kas., Tuea Instruction. David Parsons, Wayne; are ht4d at higher pncea titan Govern- fciPNrr wen? t* at Port Huron Thnraday sod oomtaated > h imn day, end worn AtscfoorgeiJ < >mer D. Coegor for Puagraao. Mr inner of the State Board of Educa­ un-ut lain lx. in ('otMuieration of their YpiikMitsI fi#ry grmAnmu c» The Uaeaury department ha* juet The Dssnocratie bolter* oppoeed to the tion, B. V. klerwir, Jackson. proximity to roads and railroads, bet traoaforred 90.WJ.Ouo te gold hallvoe ra-aleotloa of Gov. JuhiuiU •« (raorgte Henry » >nuUi of braod Rapid* and the easy terms of pay ment make set from um 9»ew vor* asaay «>®n# to tb* have nominated RiSratlat Nanrovi J. R Hill of Three Oaki wets eboMn Demerit upon them practicable with fOTt» PhllsJmiphta mist for ootoog* Into eagle* lor r-urnor. A lutter campaign, with even teas ready iwttsus than would be and half eagim. electors at large, and the follow ing fegWbt B. M. BIRDS ALL A OO., Meaator hill leading th* oppe ettloa, is were chosen by their respective dis­ required in making purchase and set­ er»» raw. m. r A hr* at Hunter"* Point, near New tlement further West. York, Ttmeday morning, proved very tricts First District, Augustus Day; gmtrn<“!iv*. At the ihirh four canoi Second. Henry F. Farcum; Third.WiP CALirORKIk. Peat* nalowding tasr.tmr, Um arbouaer lorn K Hicks, Fourth.Oscar F. Hmn; A few facts about the pufcSic loads HwlkM" Light, a cn*go, and fifth. Wan A- Her her , himth, 'ieorge in some of the other Ntates and terr:- on action token to please s part of Die W. Stephenson, sevon'h, Vateatiu* A torias will be of interest to Umw con ­ -•apt) : Eigtith, Aaa A Sheldon; Ninth. nation stipimaed to be the mainstay of templating removal U.ere California Die t«vry pony, But the public on this Henry M. Baa. i.. ka Use iorgiot of the public land States, side the Atlantic at least, did not know ' 325 Ever jrJ>ay C. B- Towns en d, of KsIssnsroryCtisir containing I5AJ100 square miles, of mas of the Committee na Resolution* bow poor the pretext waa. Earl Sjien- ; which about 51 JMOJQuO acraa havoJbeen eer iH!t this In war extracts from a ! W«ll A11 pom A Dfilla | **pe rted tfcr fsLoa.^ ' W# wmm- I surveyed and about 4:*. unojhnft are an- etatesscu'. by hits prliitM in the Hn-- j (r. Ifc» •«!# ••»•*< •»; Ik* WSte •ah- mend to the Orwen hacfc labor HiaU ! aerv*yed Forra^rty t|ie Deputy Sur­ ■ rrnfogf wrA Iz»Zg-Pni!>J| w vMb'«m Ossvwuwi ai in* Siase *f Mlcftigan. aM He admits that in all the tmpor- ; veyors selected whfohever sect ten they tati.m* of American cattle only one | ; aa a platform of oar an amp tee the '•heave for afo vey. and their preference ! platform as mrtirsgse f hv the Cbirago bundled and thirty-seven had the peat, j generally wm for flat, and lands, Such a percentage proves a hat is Mid worthless except fw ths ease with MVtr by Mr Bright, that the cattle imported which they craiM be plotted HTtly Into England from the United States I loads and lands interspersed by volleys and slaughtered at the porta lo prevent 1 ar covered with undergrowth or tlkr Ua spread of disease w«te bealtbfor : bar were avoided, aa it wm lam proftt- than the cattle of England They j/\®kkkM 1 able to survey them. Tbs fane* are obstructed the iu

RELIGIOUS* | that off a young and t—der bride, toibsr OOKPtniTIOR, If I hadn ’t got up when I did. he ’d have TOI TMM Cl been dead He held the bag of money , | robes of virgin wbtu. led up trembling ft* root otea* as lb* ibb. tight, and the tWef »m nunuueiltug UTThl roXM j to the altar When I Uiua behold a, wikur. Tk> TisMsr tetto ia lb* smwI. him with s hautart al trk : anal the ulin k i ------i Iwtoi; girt la tiiat irmianst vf years j Oa* oaf to* ths atketa gala. he hail t ihs toss, M'rtw • fWI. Allas** f. rinl that the whole South recognised The soldier, clothed with extram-dln rrattisg sbswt • Jmw RiSy ... ®a® 4. •■Vim iliniiT Uaii Grannye Uttk sputha* I Implicit coiiiidel.oe ai »J Ur aaif-ai»an- the defeat, and lhal there is not a sane ary power voluntarily uucoveied b» As* M Orikia aBaatr a* Ibajr |aa. I br litbTW vim . •ksss'sf asttw gstai reen era/-, to doubt ! Ikws «*d gtas cording to them the South ten years turn k u is Opening of the Democratic Cam* He wn. a tall. tldn. starvod-l.-»k.„g SS? Hvvv y tbr freorr? { in health, to love, honor, and uliey, till Asd !*)I « seed. ago accepted the results of the war The man who tn the intdst of the Ham jrr «iiuit»rd (br »rli* f ps dws bssd. boy. with a little jacket, the sleeves of ; j“^ ,>U k’ f‘,T Ju* 1 * 1 * UJr death us do j. -rt," It brings to mind MUi I in the Hooeier State. What io it tiiat the Republicans now excitement* of that stormy iieriod was Wrrr Ibrrr Uuy t rttaMtsI ». sgfci ¥ #» rrr rrry •nrii. the beautiful and affecting devotion of l»n«h«. IssgKsg eyas, rw lin> Uvfowir expect or demand of the South V What oool enough to see hi* duty cleat iv, and fW!‘ H -a. • and a hat that waa nothing but a brim. I A™* ,k,,#ll,, _ ,1 ^" ... JL, Aud ;t ua crrrp •»>!> : Until - "Whither thou goest 1 will go, Gsa-l saa eaaagai id the new “ pledge" which General •V‘l•»£“* “« anouali lit "Mu ult ll illUil v. B,K Mr off and when she saw him lie wh * eating i IT* “d k;ssed “• i 1 broarb i liny k |«m. I and whem thou lodges! I will ludge: This IS uar bob* eurnnc Apeecb of th® Hon. Tkomu A Arthur tn his letter of acceptance In ­ may be well trusted In aby crisis. bat 1 (bua|ht I eluM-d up All Say. WILUW WTaASJta Lwm an-1 called ll tender name*. | thy people shall lie my |ieople and thy Usndrtaks •• Marioa. vitee without specifying f What is Ills letter to General Sherman, recent ­ a crust out of the gutter. 8he was Krrryr open »| rr«. V'o» TttMtm. And Dick, never guessing her sus- i ^ God my God." Irriny. Two little feet, 1. a wainvA Hmwii really the meaning of all the tieattng ly brought to light, lifts General Han ­ only a poor old woman who kept a plcions of him, whisj>ered: And I vrntrb by dry timr, *<•1 SO* bass, Pm A to tMml. of gongs and blowing of horns in the cock far above the |»ast appreciation of little shop for candy ami tiiuunmga, A ad 1 «»iob by Bifebt, T*.» cbatiby hssds, Ki< IIAhu Mi» 'kv UlMw "I was so afraid he'd get off with it , Ttaa Presidential campaign in ln- Republican newspapers which ale hi* civil ability. It marks him as our and poor enough Itaelf, heaven knew; For tbr nor yoa'rr «pu(tiD( Rummer Sports ruiSod is r-rsjr*ri if he killed me, Urauny. and you in i is loy hrr/ • tl) lirflii TlrwS i|.|l« bewl, meant to frighten timid people in the of the wisest of his time, with antates- but. said she, he looked a litile like JAMB." I iiatiii . w».». i ittana wm ojierifd ThunwUv by a rous- such high hopes last night." 1 harr hrpi tbr Mfibrnnn Ikft-ringed with Wfl Not iii concent tog the things which the iu An ’s grasp of mtnd and with the in w!,al her Tom might lie if half grown Clumps. —The players divide in two r«c *.*«. IK A iu*u«n» mg inaaa meeting at Marion. Great lie did not know what waa meant i Kr«»«u tU r«wt. b.l» bn.. Isa*. uutih rtinmi. uutui “solid South" will do if the Democratic tegrity of a patriot whom no sense of j up and lo-eu neglei ted, and she I have tniniurd lie biaucbrr, equal parts, or clump*, with a captain ' County, which wan addressed by Kx- by ta-gging him to forgive her. It ! IMapM hsd fair; expediency could swerve from Ida hon- , cuiddn ’t sland it. Mie called to him: Hut tbry bru no Iron. i to each clump, who decides dispute* fuai kw eyas. , ^U«"mTtV‘ mVnu EM-ON. iasRasi j G oat , IL'iidrirk*. The following is a partv geta control of the Government V would have killed him if he bail, for So far as wr can make out. the com ­ «*t convictions. ( "Come here, sonny," flahl she; ami aud chouses those who go out. Cap Heavy ail* elaap; Pur Mmi Boar* SHu .-Ok l summary of his able address: he wax very near to death F >r tbr littir fnst* Ikl* r* 1SMI *.»— Long and uncheked {MiaseMion of the hoy came. tain of dump A appoints Mary of his ; AI.BAHT I MAM, Mu Iihm Hr t>.«®n hf M)l>| tbit m lloTi-four A* plaint is that "(’uiifcdeiata brigadiers' Rut Dick dul not die. He got well , Hate (MMilrl tbr V.M Laepiav, "g.ihar, as hss»|" not only vote but go to Congress when power by any party leads to estrava- liefore she could *|«-ak again, be "aid: Ti orUd U> ay UirH&k (set to go out. Captain of R appoints j bad •vuwmri'dMt tbr rlnii(ii| at ».tlr rlrfi. at last, ami came luvck to the litth- Tbu i* oar baby IIimm frum Ortohar la Ni.fiaiar l>s» ikr they are elected to do so; and the de gance, corruption and louse practices. “I didn ’t do it. I’ll take uiy oath on by tbr bro4l Dinar; John. .Mary and John outside select Al night. Klectoral Ticket. shop; and though Granny iirigg* had I And thi ugh i vr irrn faiibfai had ruaplad with ku iii.f.iMiiw uiand Is that the .Southern Slate* shall After twenty years of domination by anything I didn ’t do it. I ain't so some object, sirn{>le or diflicull a«pi>rd- •Wastai • r.yalraUos Ur » htcb ha did net rre a. her saving*, she never went to the H«arr it* birthday unt Bnli»rt». *•* 1 old ladles’ home; for long Iw-fore she Tbry me ia tbr KUileo become (asleneii upou the public ser­ “Didn ’t do a hall'" "Aul the pleasant Wbrvi »b- »*•>»«• «•* Wt jot-a well known historical event or i ummimm * r •*•*» I "am »» abouui br lilt t.. tar nirorrtiou al | must give Democratic majorities, shall died Dick was one of the most pros- tliraw J H«Um i Ihr lM||Wlatair and xA |>Uml la Ibr Uuaatl- make them Aery small. It ta not easy vice like barnacles on the bottom of a old woman. l;*-.«l object, hx.tuiple: Washington - . Harry's ktrmtm. Jtiy— * I |M**» |>eroiis iiierchauls in tlie city, and hla Fx/ff tbri rere tbr fkilihMi Aali.ui A »*ry li>|* toaty >.f lb" |».|Jr ®(. ’ to demand this “tplnlge" tn plain word* stranded ship. There is no ho|>e of “Rreak your window" *ald the boy. I fcat I roll til hid rrr. right band" simple. “The ladl-punch UeraaiAr A * (nard tbr araradmritl us Ibrl ®cr->s«t Ibr j handsome home was hers, and she w** <>n the last car that ran tn New York ! "KA4ie,"sst4 Harry, "I’ll l<« llarars **. IVI Itut is w hat all the talk of plcdgea reform by leaders who have created a nodding tils head toward a shattered 8 1km ti»r y were ir v luiiDfft, i r.dr u|".n ilwm ru boil lari A|.r 1 A p arol j 1 system of malad m mist rat ion and who very happy in it. 8 bvti tbry drrlt to me. laat night" is difficult. I bey return. ter ami p reach you a sermon." j in ru luf Lhr amcadtnruta, bat ntil a tar means, it It means anything, ami the pane. WlllVMi fl®ttl« IdtUs Unit* nnb. «im1. John going Ul X|ar*'- e|«(no> »rol Mary I Hury began: "Mr text D • fUnMM B. HmXaXL ;f.i| Ibr i.rm al ibr dAalr nut » tar >oulh« rn Mated are not In the least are intereated in |>er|ietualiiiK its svila. Why, I broke that myself, with m) Trifles. rbisv I now dt«|ii»«, to John's. Kach clump questions a* ! *r-«l easy one lie Kind.* Thara l"»Uf «I Ibr voters ah., r.-b.l •• Ibat raUm likely to oblige the Republican* in this Nothing short of the slerneat remedy j shutter last night, ’ said thr old W«e : I'lWt a Ota Ibrl rtor l|i loos Fluid I .•null Fvf at} baby Un.| tbrm. mm ikt I at tor ten uaa tka gives auy promise of rfTeclive reform, man. "I’m not strong enough t lift Mwest home the l«ee-hive. Wilt tu y hair and r,rr last as jMMSible anything that can ia- j ' •(' illf le text* in the itlliis oM | i Ibr Maprruir I unit dr bird Ml Ibr riurad and the rirst step t»waid* it ia in a i’em, that's the fanL I'm getting oh! answ. re.! bv ... Met i..., ,.r I don ’t j f .1 litile ehibfren. and Hits la -___ ! u.rntr b.d hut Irm ad..|>od Cp.« tbr •lara aim) to Irotofe the carpet hug gtivein- " i »» for a.**ent'* n bridal couple. And I chide hr r uf tr n ntei.La which went so itlunuvlul to ckaiigs of rulers. The Government J "If I’m round hare when vou ahui | know. 'I be side gmiMing rirst win* j lh* tu. These are ths heads of akf I ; -I t»* »br !»-=:•—m*;~ JsSj-j e-rrt r^ax: A gi'Al hanluhlp- an Iron stesmri For I hour I wml. TS5 «. SSTATK CONVENTION I ia «t«r A. u Mit tor ttOMor was i>•••...a-roO h* evert bud tr SuliCerued In iitgaiiltlllg or must tie got out of the ruts In which ! up, 1*11 c*>me amt do It fer vou." »-od ; Vet I d • II airayt. ImiIIi Mary ami John to then sole, tl,c I . Jl>lf* H.l i.r al> . Ir rat r ltrm.u>fat, bal la 8 sJtuinis'erlng them «)f couroe this i it has too ioog baan run. X»* blwod (the boy ; “I'd Ju»l M so»:n. Win? : .1 aiiiuol it bore a lifa-inauiauce H ssaM .!..«*SB tss ebr A mm* oi.iMi.ti Um yaute ia io wm sii the i "First Re kind tn papa, and *» Ticks* Nominated and Platform , ‘•'|«r>ln'l1 Ir paBtira Ibr IWfubiura I Ad •tout of the question, and the Repute i must t>e infuseit Into the management , that you wan teal me for T” agent. W:*.h a fbtti! cT!Si?ct:, play ri * ...... e . !...... ! ,n * Jt“ * ““ •* “ 9 8 'h a barnsoA b»*#ab, Ad -Mr-1 al Dot roll. rta barr baprd rad lab .ial la mill |>ullUssl Ih-an* aill have ta- rest out* nt with j of public affsirs before relief can he! “I want to know what you was eat The ruls that the old ladies favor:! The Moon is Round. I'he company I etn"t:raUC I ..1f ivw,1.ff..e.3 ^ o*, }~-;»» mti. menu to the CaansUtutioii. change, and being In earnest, they are for." was the reply. player who introduce* the game want !u \.r+i mv one speak a tri Reiter t*> have loved a short girl And eumeliniNi it arrirvHb Stale net cnllotl U»el tn Detroit Tliul«- j »«|•( »nrt> ■ tminm. to"th* ro»#r ..f r~* ( Olid . ! n ■ i.„ tv INOUfis Kvcrv lt<-pul>iican fear, or prelanded < hkely to to- graiiiiani. ! "Hungry," said he. "!‘veiri** .afl«r it grta 1 -• *?a»i> *iuiit,* melon ar*-ofl. when half our: lliUK bo« Ibr tod riuar. a mouth." indicallhg by »'•« •(*' At* mulinf; tbal our um- wfvroii hi nra. iidm * «mi ...... i — — v 'll i* lime f..r yn« in m 4(tiulii*it Ika«l futut of B *U doTt/iiiitsiil rlias. |M»p-iijM'pu! ititlon ion isIs d-"i»doubled lip. Ttii 1 hoar it m »c, i>. WTIkin* oi lb-troil was ehist-u lem- ^ a b> »••• (bait half ia* i**-•*•»« f Hi* light hand neighbor 1* then i* naif a «h-/en 11 men uvrr." The war-claims bugaUst and the solid- When he is sufficiently near, the | b«ve a g.**l nighfi sleep without some | 0 the monkeys, couldn ’t At d arr it, ihnnl and <\ liver purary than man and after the *p Tbr LdgiklMvrR (b*l ffrprik« bU all lhr pni v,,|Hi biigal.hi will not Ifighten any-1 uliter takes aan, and making a slight : *up|ier, if it l* a little ditiv. >KV,. .j,,’,,, q-ieated to rej“-il 1?>19 e,« tly a* ne “third: lie kind to baby —” h r-vlit afler all. They j * »r a am tumr oven potntinentof the usual committee* tin- pi« rannoi pm tim »• Nay i«»« *tt4pl Op it (tody who colts (dels what General (bal- j aid. The catch consist* tu outlining * ’Y"U liavo Sift out. Be kind TtH# of ib« tokj nlf uf all ibr mrnsbrra rirc-i Noiseolive with______his ______foot on _____ the ______ground _ "I'll give you some that's r.cancr. rt(M. ajj M|U(-ated| III the higher t)h. my Kktber, pity. convention took a reatta* till X o'clock. ruers says of them. The improvement | which cause* Ike deer to turn toward ,a‘^ woman the moon with the left hand. Invol ­ Harry, ...... pled K-idia. rd Of tbr lo nroibrra • f ibr If. um fuil> branches. Pity a» *1 forum Oil ieaadrUaSdiug, Col. WliktttS Wax ft ft} »or, acd of tbr 8 fly Srvbtem f«!l> of the Muuhx-tippi, w fuch would have him. has a gmvd chance u> hit It in the "That will be iig. xatd he htry tier lift r foira untarily every person not in the se “Yen," said Harr*. "1 did.»’t BMMM made |terinanenl chan man with a ll*l i««M) si. swl ••■!* fur a la* baler* it ran been an ellt-ctive bugaboo if General middle of the forehead. Rut if he 1 "No.” said she. "you can sweep the j Tlie man who leaves two-thirds of a 1 Ml»»aed to life, ii«..s Die ng!it hauil, and is pur- mention my name in the of sul»>rdiitMle ■ .flu-era. I tM utffr nk. A fall majority of mil I Ik p**»pl«, J |V shop and the pavement, ami nut up cigar in a daik nook on the iron! door Tl'l tbry Irfl tb^ Ur»c* r ; rlul to know where hi* failure no. wan -aying Be kind to little Mil. thr shutters for it." t'** K’" * *° *'is girl W ill For U r aioaiirr nne and lei her have your ‘red nolduu* ’| Till tbry U orat'd th« dear Iifr The Court of Contradictions. —Swats "Very well."»ald he. “Thankee j make a thrifty husband. Dear rr fsr xtxs. s;m and hats for lie we playing aie tiie only p ay With when site wants iL Glen. If 1 sweep up tirst i'll fi-el j The individual who s.iw a mouse reijuiaile*. One j.iaver act-* as judge; “Fourth: Re kind to Jane, Oh, rry Father bear mr. don't scream ami k - k when alia «a lion better." ! iigbiin^ *» «tt» \ pie. e of IJmburger Mak*- nv y vimri.r g ih:nr. t• , ...... ul ...... :. MU ------case which should be made ax humor- ** k,,« drewws v.,u stirring u*e follow- ! and be did the work wrii. AfU-mitid is n>>t always to tbo strung, Maic k r all d.nrt; ‘ oua as ;-x:x.!r!e:. and as defendant.' “People uiuai.t talk in meeting." wttnex-.!-*, jury, <•;rr. When thr judgr Harry. folio ing ______ruu ___any, __Iis- j he ate his snpi-r w stn * irensn. Tnai -Go .ml, young man, she's not here! * B ■ • horn of UmJuiti who nouunatetl l ol ! su.dmuai ■ attics SBiro* fall ball 1 bat b »ih nnra may br “Fifth: Be kind to Kitty. PowE not eit-cir-l. really ought *•» auflUw tu • «i.-1 run i-u.g--r without g’.v.r.g ! night h- *> “p». n-d m th “ *r.->i but ; "aid a preacher in trio midst of LU ser­ bfUh aitb ftuii ««»rtby ri-**w, all oilier- linin' nil, snd vice vei- JJ EMrrdg!* cf I er-awee, ami ! -r Ua swMoif Is ik»C»q,lil»bo,si will make tier purr, ami don ’t do wt assure every Northern voter that pc-iee out; but if two or three tears old. or under the old »oman * counter, mon to ayoiith whom !.. saw stalidii.g T» U i ffrirwl r»ire. ! »h ; w ben his hat is on. all other* Samuel L. Ktlbourne of Ir.gbam who ' «>r »i.t«s...r f.ibrrr iprraacd mMr w ill make her cry." . 7 t auuroamiuo uf Uu- btth lanr irlkbcr uf IU and a re»i reunion are live first politi ­ oilier, a good runner will bring it duw u *1" I'***! t,,!'l • hi* story. He ; heallaliugiv al the |>ortal. «Ti**Uns Uf Utr imir iin i#«a i J • iiiu.xt Iw off.and vice versa again The “l»nt the seimon tn-wl donaf nominated CM i. K miikhu .m L«J-5 Watsuiy oai psrtor-aucs uf eosstitstn-r. cal Objects Of fne •-•Mtn. Slid l.tai ih« ... .« fa a 1...... or c« rUiidy ■•»*»*•“ »*" litis, he “a- 12 , liint who Uoik-n a Q.iniake juji U fof- *l!ig. The nomination x*fl ru M u.rndrd First cJ.i nan: “l>"*''i. e-ke«1 Cddie; "l wh iii (u •ius." A* South is Solid lor llaucock because lift y or sixty mile*. (The narrator, and his father, whom he never * tw II I. I t.u-ir i i. ir. iL in« V f I 'in % o ur>lr . U»* n the judge s m at. Thin low av w ,w> nmili'lol OV Mr. C. 1*. LLkk , --slj by ',*c lt:rtv ..f bulk tum'trv uf Cut game la a rqiAuiah version of . *' ,b >ut waning for II irry to hash the election <>r of Tuscola. Mr. Hubtatrd, „f by lie Ley.Ss -srra-_-r lh —ef -sr*h» mu. lie i ol ) hr Suln. No < bso*r m eitscr llw 5 »lr those objects.- t ainmin anti t oi. itiuiiaiu ai F.drroi Cnuti'.ilus shustd be r —.Kl“. ! stop. —J I Unton. Col. Sanford's name was ssorpl n;u-a lhr malsr* )* )(mrt>t sad ilrii- | Garfield a swemded by Nai h sn Me wart of Kaia- »i»t» ulna of ibr |m-u |>h - It » bat>rf lhal i •r bear f..r a while the ihcwsTeeieeoe of j Wuricr. awxoo. Col. 1. K. Mrssmorc of Kent an-.! Gen. Garfield CoL J Atkinson of Way tie bi«1 others. fn. (Aral iL-ejou rstfcer this i9|*n lb* 1(1 (KH1J uf >111 usliwius. X« a l-i. M-ul the llouoe of fte On III!«!;..!> of Levi l’.xi. -p AU iis- mg An change of guTrrcsrnt u not of "cf&cienl elllecll COQBfCUti ■ U L*i«®a fornaai ballot waa taken on Governor, labile ibterrst to ousmsad the ip;r-iin ul at : | pertod he has w- n!d amuse | with the follow ing n-suit Irart uar-haif the ViArra Ibr srorantT lot it* c«on the leading ftmirik u. HoiiaAi., ...... 44 -d utiu.i ius.J ta very p. ——s* T-*» liai" ! ild res Oso. r Hoofura ...... I* ’ tar 4r iurral,**u. M'nhr ■ * lb# rt-jahtrabli eve-r advantac* ax wovi pn-Tti »w. ol!«<« ib* to ,* i e .wr it fXl.ll'.t .ii vlliAll -. certain- ; it. \t pat measuie «>t iciief, a ■■ ti jan- i with l.rf,ger steps than at itrst; finally *" much tune now that she »i« oiien tlie gates of our head* tor ::a eu ■' i - v® > - J - ri, t | r--u,. where there aie eu many gaiq l>eviiio Hubbard, of < a !boon, moved y be n«hL ta M-xssa ih»sa so* nf ta-pea-j u-«-t 04- w hat legixlation of fiubiic immi ihrhr makesmakea for the w atei apringspring or going tow> taketaae in sewing linDu k attend In llie fat West a hat u.av Irf- termed trance Re who exj —-t- no !>• ji w ;i : ir, * ► • apnx. i :-t- corn par. y : dir—r-j ..pic that >t»« e-xiid t bit i c.tsraA ’SKtsss>-»- »««>"*•"( «- » that U»e nomination of Col. Hollow av ialf ] stream and a lien he gel* there halt* ed to theahoj. »Rngi>?i-er If1- kepi it • the reiigiuus ira.ei’.ei lr occaclonaiiv none, he wh —- v 1,: • w ’■ '!,l* * l”‘l"'r >..u l.aiJ come to a Uoll. I'ret . j aud drinks ail he wants. Now liiere * n b Rv order, and,.: tin i .-i- ba aijwte by acclamation. The motion i—i as a* iruii »m cr—. ufa generation in C-ongrrxsr im with the; ;-arson g,,,^ jraii nun to lie on ti.e aieri 1. •: .1 - I • w ;.: • - i. .op of ti.., >. :p , -o;i » uo diMxivrr that some of I e. 33 cairtrd unxOiim---,;!y amid |»« —a they woa.g - • .-set imbod u ia A JoildlC Insn i« to tieralimaleu ar- ; is no nope lor nun. tor after be drink* 805 by inf "Using r indie* ami cnew : or tile mirraiory m.ggumarv. "Wheie n „lllnj , y ,|] get t ut imie. •••• • : f,r notah ’* : ^ a’ii»e. l.ut that tueuy ®bu ! P’ii’Tinr. I y GsasMxsria* bat u . u> icci-.cuvc do cording to tlie >micc ta rebden, and i he cannot run ao far or leap so far. _ _ 'cnr.ifta crime in aa they ire yon g-ing r" sm-I a y.«i..g genth- •{ the be!, unr.-d > i;ri- si: it cliarai ,**r. turn* t!ilS* er Hint |»A--e* it I j-t® jinmwii Ih .:tiem Iru nniv wav The fallowing gentlemen were then i “oi^Vara.M. «r Wc-iccv. is to ^ Jirffed by the act* that atteiit j Pretty a«.l* Aill 111). t (Din l- >4. Wtteu tiaim-iu . ogam, while the in mi ut»-i lesls a mo ;»ninte*! sigw* In r—1 *imI tone ink ♦«• wln.»»® he oveWoob a few mile* from march, strain their eye* to catch the i<> .he ne, k a leniv and |/A~>«r* it oi,. i.,.fa from the other, bnd rrm the effect Hint the re.t! '-’d r--’i i*«e» for Ll Governor.'ir: Nathaniel Klaght, is* »i*t toutieni asacorr puasi enterml Cotigreas. down to i"7‘- when j ment : but the tire«j hunter never hails Little Mock. “I am going t*> heaven. first g!int of the sunshine...... on. the-.r,M,„ | His next ueighbof drs *-gs and ; i-.p manv a bu rly lnnfffe mmm _ of M•«. in :i7. Hr boa Go- tc.u-* j——; into Democratic j to drink, not if his mouth is as dry iw candy wax to lx «..t thrn>. ;ir.d that . my son. 1 have been or. my way for spears a*thev top the iahs Rut how •i..-,..i.g il.^ p,.it.-,»;i. wfc--.b i uHiiiy in,-takes that are cu&suat murr to do a ,t>i •< |-> -eat:. H4 h®n. 1s the RepaM Van s •.•.! largr ma- : y..r r-y .y..,ng r.e m onl® l.iai-- Giia waa the plan- for pc.wiule. eighteen years." “Well, good-bye. old ...,|.ae..„ i, of » -tlviifuinees .* | • aft- **«•. .~a ’-.a-rd tt a And in ttw r . r-r.:r.g, s.iu : the shop ! icllu* ! If you havr been travelling the languid aniiiipationai 1 it -he »».. Um lady Mt Uni, aaJ wAbB Before the was taken the name - luvifr rrlaU-.a A .tar lb* vtrcuoa trarbrld jorrtiew in both brau«-i<*«® <»f CamgidSd® i lime, but he cannot run so fast afier- M Representative Kuhn »» situ- »««t to fi. * Griii.-.- br r- -« *to«. lira/.l and t-xemsed that power with scant | ward. was shut up. she began to take him in ­ toward* heaven for eighteen ji-hi - an»l”! : with more of distrust than h..j»- in ll. j n, * ‘5v ,,t! v*ri).-iis oa.-te9 of repre- | r<..t „n ® tVr. h a USSW an old to confidence. Her gn at ai -am g"t no nearer than Arkdr.r-.v-. I ‘‘‘ which we turn to heaven in our ueed -e'l.-i: loti human uf I.®. u s pu- .ua. 1?* t r-j. -- /.( ik - ...i.mriif i tm tt# jwv«<. never resting, either on , f- oid gentlemen turned l wm to f»»ir r»4»r*aai» i*vt «i -g M.xvrxff* f»»r » tiiirff rontr Thomson a;r> its for "iagtsi, arso n-rr-t --/rr. -o mu a/a r»r-T :a teaatBs Up a What am tren uirfieid : wcmier vre have, to i.ttie i.« mg e* ' " l” ” '"»m«urcu* as tt D incoa- —‘ke.1 at i,ei tan /,i®, iu -nor and aftrr hi, irtars to uo ul a., •, .. .M .* -ri-w„ twelve If Art to en title lilta in anv wav i um uuo to the ton of the inidient aged. It ti :;!J Ci -t Let Mi* wv 1 1*1 ua: uaoiuiauu . „i ...... m- oMM-iatos cc was tsr assy tsaa whs took Wo,i. perje,..-.. that , I* our “itr. I.*;b • mn ywen ‘he thought be was very rode to i saving lor il_ .sin- iioii saveil UiIit- v Urn A vcrxgo. made utixiniiKHii. < - at lir Eieetewd V ,-g g-owtira hr l-.» l* • 1 *•)!. •'•n. i’!'* lie toilow- iBwimtain, thither on Ins t;ack the and our ' •ielemv-.’ w hen w »• so pari ia-i ® ' -™- so. sh? Sot op SKI xrojsrd nxay ■ cvrr* Orouiscul *1 loir pai be or ot ‘d havr ed tl. - leal of Thaddeus >;evens and j Apacrie f-® - It® ar«1 t.y the Indian years, and hadglu of it. hut it cost The names of Henry I’. Ileoder*.*** A *•»<• i.ii ie hitie Frenchman wa.-. lieiieve trixt i|e i». and Imie exje-. i £jow a T*rz Earned a Pension. : mg quite ilidigMailt, ami COB Jo« burn ttoutad from thr jary but ttj bu save ine extremists in ai! then legislation J —e. a hi,. -1 stain <>n a rock, w here the ».i much to live, with lea twenty-fiv- o- lagtwarc. and ti. Chase i. -iwm. ol ,rv.:...g r mpiarniug aL-rjt hi* that lie will lie either. . ::evc it '* ihr oid man was only a i -”. r th, c;v*.: w»r r;: over, sxrd ccn , :r- seer ha- stnmfcted x -t-J -tfrifsed h-« ccats a Quarter, and N®*" small, Kent, were nroj"*«e«J lor Atlornev lien- ' ?- t;/i 0®f^-q bal —fta-jje af |lu ...„,... 1 ei !ui k a stovk 5pe< -lial-JT. "I cor. Tb- homely old proverb says. -Tbry : \ d,^ in Nr* M* ' ™ t amed a .mage x uLiui up by i-iuckwurk. tnin.-eii by hi* votes to prolong the sec- ftiire ol eUuvk h.n nose. Hr knows and she had beer. s-fk. Rf-d r?.*r** w *- era!. A formal ballot was taken am! t urn Wrat Pr intn® i'anab. In as* uf tbr is- Iioi ai ail ®» i the IrfiiiHlal insight iUtl/ ttial watch for Providence will never i/e , n in this way “Rrtunung of! fiien the ia«ly thought she Heodrrnon received ..47 u> IPO for (rod- art ruusM at * tml.-a H oar br did tional strife hy converting State* into j now the race will soon be ended, and the ducGir and Mr* Jones's \l in.® Jane 7>t bu* ,iri®s. Ling time ago one friend w ant a providence to w atch for," and .ui ne:. t.g » i'Ii l,;< hi-e;> to the fold. ‘ not tie taken in again so easily. n * ®Ml M.aiMl tbr afl dai.ta, sod when satrspiea, and governing them with runs faster than al first, while the deer to be paid for minding her and ti e shoj win. say to me :a\ Lady ltvran isgooil spec ­ you may tuni it the other wav and tie discovereil that his master was not when she next *al down, she mud tbsy were sat aafli r .tly loti br prr|«r<*l nr thieve* and adventurer* who were no Afler this I):ck look the grexle-t in ­ The balance of the Mat* t''k*t w a* lose* ground every minute. When the ulation. 1 buy fifty share of ze I net v say, "They that do not watch fori stirring almut. but remained inside the iieraelf. "Well, now I know that I saa prrparci ®aaiu<«i>i i».-e--.^a.v, longer tolerated the Coii>nVu),it:c* terest m the savings, am! the w nter then completed as follows br n* ibra® witbis tbr rales sOo,.tad by tbr 111 ur-r r-ec® the Apache cluer ::;ion him Providence will nev er itart a prov i-! sbaaty and kept quiet. The next even ­ - tung bv a wax figure." The thou months increased them as though he :• • i rie d.,liar zee share. **iieg«dowu Sac. *T But*- WlllarS Sirara*, Laaswr* rrtsrsiDg board Tbr tmt.ia ,ny ao rsrta*d bj where they were l»e»t kr.own. he *t<>|»s suddenly by a ro> k or bush to feefty cent. 1 aay to my fnend: dence to watcii for." I’uleaa you put ing it was tbe same. Tbe dog. when had hxrdly panned through her mi Trosasrer — I M a-wa. he»so L tlarsaul west bars ta thr rr arsing board. He advocated military rule in the and turns Sometime* as soon as ire had brought a hlessing. on your water jars when it ram* you lie |ieniied up tbe sheep, repaired ti1 the when the person whom site had ta A a* i tor Itosvrsi — Bwr, ( l»U® | asd thr result aar that Vt at a-,a with "N -w wiiat shall I do? You see *»■-athem --rale* at tin- very tune that »Di|i» he dro|«x down fainting, or even One night in spring she t<*»k th<- bag will catch no water; if you do not shanty, smelled tbr. ugh the crack in for a big doll moved away. ( aa® Las* o#c* Jto. ». U.»IS. , ti* DrwocrsUr majonty war throws not. Is 7‘*e J..uly have oiivancei) tiai-kward — bapa N® I® u «i«a -M®m Tw.iki, osk- f Na ( i. sag ...ready from under tlie pillow und counted watch for God cowing to help you, .he di*ir hi* master’s presence, but the There is one tieaiitiful Indy gent} IssS. ' Waah.oftoa UoiS M*a rut* aar that >' «groar what, it held. It xu b ;d. like /•••• what you call crawiioh. ’ r.,*li aat gu Im bird thr rr/amathaa mad-. proclaiming the piuiciple* of civil | w hen the Indian seizes him by the head God's waiting to lie gracious w ill lie of man did not move. Ti.e dog scratched, breathing, who is c*il-d the ‘Siieej Mrs bet Saul Eg —Alton I'raav. W*»bi-naa “And I'll tw-gin D* make kite* to-roor- Mv friend ssy to me; “You must A* rgrnt lor hi® party be helped to make br Itlierty. The so-calted statesman at And hind leg*, he in akin hut little re- reduce your average." no good al all to you. Hi* watching hai ked, and even how led, but no re- H-.iUty ."Ml she is all of w ..x.lhe til laotmom ADOPTER. retaras bv BA tbr rrvtrscr. and a. W a.-(i- ngton voted for the bayonet and MstAnce. AJid is dcjiAtched with the rns a* the best in ­ knife. Tlie hunter now cuU out a tine you'll »ee the r*a»tom that it w ill bring. cause lie w alcties. therefore we should the breathing is done by machinery. •her Cu-. ula-tTc and btadtsg- avrtageV say I to him, for I no un ­ Uue to his appointed duty, went out eorniulitre on resolutions, rea.1 the fol ­ strument* of civilization two year* piece and eal* it. taking not a moment's If a little shaver see* the kites, he ’ll watch. We -.iv. we exjiei': ilmi to In the centre of the r'®m derstand w hat he mean hy 'reduce zre with tbe sheep on the third day and lowing rejMirt. which was adopted spend all he has for ’em, and then he 11 th • ijacatiua I havr lb- orb*, aad a*... that tbr after the rebellion bad ended : while the rest lor fear of getting stiff, but puts average.’ comfort and help us-- weii. are we cared for them whileihey crop|»ed the urea representing Q.m-n Victoria I niuuiimouhi) and with enthusiasm: wrarg* das* to Us* ibdirrdaal a err -aalluwrd s<*e drove the fi.* k into their pen the many famous general* and slat fans af pnanpla tSui k-i by IU On--- ratir rca|«et to ft®. A. Uai hard o-®,1 ouo«Kl» ra- "You ’re a clever boy yourself," **id more at feerty cent, lien I Urn.® ariac. Hr watytM Ipe.hmpa Moybll® the fleedoixi of speech, the natural his cam(i, having travelled perhs|« a Altxaml+r JU Isirm. U*t one to atlem|»t to get in t>ecame and our American celebrities aie N«nwsa Gas res Uo® at Ciadaaali. oswnl perpetrated by a reckless majority. Tunneling the St. Lawrence. eoarse. word of G.*l. In this he is an exam j ,ei ®ed for su[>j»-r and breakfast and <* cell, in which sits an oid mas nt tradition uf Sato. »®» sot os socrpiaaar is * duce.’ prwpar »»*rit al Wm •ignibesat rvsakr to Ibr j and also by his panic-|*u.a> la tbr prep® while Lis record is darkened through- ! ------“How wrong the neiRhiiors were,". pie to u*. A niu U'Ii juxator found an ; for dinner the following day. i table- This di»mal prison is dii^ biaSwara of rcr"WoUioO*»o ab.eb bal )0M rotary *.,r» Fur that 1 challeagr him b*fu*r out with complicity in the great roll- J The public interest in the tunnel un ­ she said. "Thai boy i* the comfort of 1 “Well, pretty soon, wiiat you sink? aged CbriaUan hx/king dowmasi The ranch to which the doff belonged j lighted b) on« small window bars fit** by tbr cola, ad vutara erf ia(*si tbr bar uf psbt.c optniaw, and I do tut® ia tbr 7.e Lady che crawfish to twenty-five road jobs and oilier joiw. which cost dev the St. I-awrencc River is mcreaa- my life." “Well, ltetty. what is wrong with you wo* in a solitary part of the Te ntory | ceiling. On the table is b loaf wbes xhsy avgsaiscd Is Hoe -aefc • aba, ac i uar af pcbl®« sr.d pr.rdr right, is, Ibr ><• *he went t<> i*d With the tr< /••lire cents. I go to uiy ftietid aud 1 nay to n®a« uf®, fair pla® asd aairrrsai law. tbe country hundred* of millions and ; Ing much, now that tt is pretty gener to-day Y" "Ah!" replied the good old arid out of the track of travel or visita­ tread, and every few minutes ananas Has. .»■» bodgan. atbrd to prrvrst as) under her pillow and slept. Far on in h'tn: ’You see bow it is w is ree luuly, Uarl-n c# Ua pahOr paarr sad to aatvuto I thick is* groat budy af the peopls sua enriched meinl>er* of Congress and ally iieltevcd that the result of the woman, "be'» l>een at me." “And tion For two years from tbe lime of . ones a little mouse, and runs over i iamb sod kaas that tbr ■•nalriK® of tbr the night she awakened The room she have tundder toft —* SopvbiKWM outf (lrtmtocort® is Kings at the charge of taxation that | survey being Mausfartory. s* it is ex- what has he been ‘aying to you?" in ­ tlie niasler'* death —as ocseitameil by I he poor old man turns to look at tt rrrrf ®na>l; u ing to me," replied Betty, "that it's a ended tbe flock committed to Ins alter all. i* not tin* an odd thing to I S,:i |~t - That tba IgriBl ami eaetoaawd , d-Maa lb-- «o®l afwf’ B» •or ».o* -nil Aud when lie attempted to lead, be promoters of the company, engineers, floor. delusion —that the Bible ’s a lie—that charge, and had fresh mutton for hi* done by machinery ?—Cotnjxinum. "Who i« that?" abe cried lip inone fine |Miaition to take advan- Nf hmw with Im aawiai-trotiue uf Jafiar | >«•» -ay >ba< Oaa. Oatbakl dig rmbi » -ft.n i< w a* even worse, if possih e. than when i-tc.. visited the Horhelaga side at an there's nae heaven n*e hell — nae **o- supper every night. Tbe flock was not Ui tk® A a), si.sru by V aarsl.rfbc, U .»au-u . ’■» «*»* oa buowrtrf pr- • •o» or aa. urfra>*ed There was no answer, hut she feh Lagr- of Zee market.' he blindly followed. At the last see- i early hour tills forenoon. Here the viour; that 1 am not *»• ed that it’s a' decimated hy this steady drain upon tbeaswwuo* sf Osawreto. asa h» H. wm ,rf Ms.1 slon of Cohgtees he had a temporary ' chief difficulty is said to lie in the that some one was leaning over l»er “ '[lixMfr says I, ‘but you see. inT > y r -- X* ------ob> aid apply tbr rstasd) Nr Hrednrkr arrai.-n-d thr®'iaa delusion." “And w hat did you say to its reeouro*s. On tlie contrary, it in- spasm of courage arid right, aud de- j sandy nature of the soil on the hank taxi. 1 lien a hand clasped her throat frietni. zee In a: ket all time take Jbl- The Trotting Record. ll Uiat®tsii-TIT“T pramlrf X» . bark Um grow far palling is plarw s IsU kaoSr —I al |m>a® vaiilage of me ' Rut I go get ?oo huu?" naked the minister. ">av to ■ lea-ed in nunitrfT*, and w hen, at the arti. nasawatrd sit* Ibir graal rr lft*. nai*.I a notiticed the »nt of partisan ! and for some 'linlanre out in tlie and held her down, at.,1 dragged out -holes more of the l.aily at taenly-five him'" quoth Betty.-1 kent U tter than end of two years from the time of tlie ^,K Tmmi 1 ,fi.--H br B(dr I* aaoanl to a ..aortar ul a a iliaa-®r» par marahaU under the Davenport river bottom 1 he actual survey with lire hag of money, ai.d she w aa releaaed. lea , • • * ' 1 V cent. that : 1 Went tiiere wo* nae u«e o' ar- Mai® ugawbui by redsr-sg to p>op*t roar, lb- pna® 'b- isnww praise ora n>- • laws s* iuipro|«er ami unfair. A> I ne object of arriving at definite plaus. Half aufl-a-ai.-d. site for a moment VI. ... d Ui. r-.non.* tbe owner Maud s. in the lb led ,.at . • a® »t-n .4 tor. • pwllwl to i ay for 1b. r arusiuus ol um guilt wi* turn , 1 jiat referreii him to • *** wr-Ti «4 w-.. aa- eM.ifna** —. etc, wiii l—c'.i! **n M-’eday found lielio-ll inot«,»ilf-to Slot i»»ll- “I'rctty soon Imng abe g«* down to • •f Ure race at Chicago is Simply X ioi ^ ta® aoM* and Pgmi anuaaa. lb. i.uial gn wtoti fraw.1 ia Askenao® braiar® in hia own Hie Ia»rd." | were found, tbe dog was still »t bis dered. cjiim ,ous only of a draught of 7cr ten cent trr rfiwe I g" to my veilou* Only those w hn xn> i •borgad a poo daiioqsf* ( trim. iW oaaM patd Aflar an ..aleir.4* loraoia • ( Um »«•(! wonts to remove ail ihjerXIon* that umler the direction of Mr Shsnly. Tl»“ "What ’s wrong wl’4 0 nao? 1 that lit put of duty, jealous! > guarding his q„i ooloro* to IVar srwly orwoi- 1*1 lu. ®, qa.-ltos* ®» to lb. ngr • of Sul*® ni ght be Migeii on the ’ Kepuldtcan j probuMe place of entrance <»n tlie air from tlie o|wti door, and some con ­ friend, ‘Vk ha! sTail I nuwdo?' says 1. > vented in trotting records ye were s’ richt." said a rag- flock, and driving them to the tiest " •4 . ftw to® Ikf ®®sM* *«wpt«yarf Ibarata. a*a,(Ml Lb doruia. -f F.drra.IMb Nr M, “ 'Ze only sing to gel you even rat *ide Hut tl»e parly would not arT-epi II<« hejaga *iosite Mor- fused l/A ®H> ged boy. himself rejoicing in the >av- , pasture* every day. and U> the fold ai history can appreciate the gl Ml aaek rvforis I* r«M likaly to tM an link® »p-®k• .1 Um Hwr-Mk rfylitf Via • •i ; pr- war.ior u. ®r«a< .MiatoxH., i,.®iia lour, to another, a ho A few nights night, la-fore which he slept, to kee| Hgamst his own words When be j i«olnl Msm Isle Ronde and i>»ng- ried llltli Die shop /ee av erage ' lie ti > age. in her second race, i oMl.aad tarty v* a .to aa . Ib/waJ slsoa. »» tw® s*»i» raomrati. s aid IratanSf. bad Iw-fore prof eseed tc la1 ah!e to trust J* : .fje wild ft he* jeealers of tlie plains al "Dick! Dirk’ the cried. "Di h-d ’” you see I am begin to Ifecoiiie in ­ AfO/tuphshed seems ii.rredthl*. “What's w rang wi' ye non?" “Man. admiral ion wherever the nt'rfy wa* ®b. has * 1— fa w arsy to ila a at glo.ioS« and nkraai lairnai la war b* «r*na ®4 |hf . least | pa** through tlie gn-aiest quantity uf Rut there was no onsaer, ll* door flame sgaitist zee average Rut told, and the ... of the Tern -ewrewl io It aas by and surreiidered Without tl»«------.— _ _ . , I’m no rlcht yet." replied the other, riMary w. raa q- — a was! wuriby .laad.r.: Mol ntniatM and auoipo lad a m- M-iise of shame i rock, or rather, stone and hard day, iiitn the street wax wide open, and by iiiv friend |a-rauade me it is r-e only irm’.i. a fit of generosity and enthu ! -»•«* dM‘ * bus ta Had ®b* Ibc na nM -T Wit lilt- Ul take -aim. st their netiiMi two vear* ago "«» Kraheater. In August. IffTk, a n.rvis rlrtary is Noauiniia® asst, tod *r I -si tbr asliga .nSsru.-sa that dl.ira-1 and w hat dor ye then ?'" ai-kcd his fl iend...... Ml wa! al.v mea*- Olhei specter. ..f eallh ■ .•oli.lar.l *MOgk HSkt M She pMNNMl UtedTS INIF ■»■§»• 1 buy me granted s pensr.m for life to that «:I4S. trotlite* agates* Jud^i r ptogt la ttaa. "rh sad k. srb-h oar aatba j tind®. sad will .1 tor tb* (rrii.«® is ®l> “1 try," *»id he "to sing a hymn." "And ll>r1,T ,®4 Iiararrl aaptnux awd will o.k • any nliu h® a .ai upon tb* C.sio :®(im oitd araMiicnU by raving in ind Hitftiling n lb# OiBAtfif tlmt Ihck's !•«* 8iih nnj>ty. u»*>rt* ai l" cent., and ure or policy, whose nerve quavers at doe* that no' send him aw* v" “No: I : .,®*urv. a® j u,:; ,r> i**ry toonSes to as ImmmwI dl-irt to | nw®. Oa bs .bind will ihs h* iwcnhrd larger outlay to carry nut In oonver- The boy was gone **>' now 1 am ready for ree rme of zee 1 lie famous Ih-xtet wotkeflforj ana |®* ibaat -eptan<-e double deals w ith other, “alien lie tempts you again, try as an encouragement to all other ■ p >rter learned that the surveyors Granny Briggs than even tbe Ions of i Just now, * hxt you *mk ?|One 1 ;* IP '4 "A amiderful p< rLul Tbe following reaolution, wrhlr-h | fail- 1 ’"r* X••**""* 4d| s>«"l M * r.*il talar at N-w th' sectioi>al question, with the Chi ­ Inru wi’ a text, lie caubA mUiuii that' -In piierd d.igs in that Territory to p* | Or ran. rlouic with Ibr .'ai*a>wr>l lhal a. a Wiedd take about two weeks to com- the money ; for she I tad trusted him ■oiseasmeiit of fifty cent 1* level I rush ar nese question, with the financial qitaa- good dogs and faithful. - Ui* um versa] rxroi*nt out of r-e attention to study, and we know ' in a campaign new*pa|ier The Wash ­ ( irteiii and itiesjieedy mare Lu)a.( oralIaa. pro —ra ato t Hr ia aat as- i if they are now cheated by Garfield — ta« aUun aaA -oil-fa. Uw-Mgb wbaa# aoefi When the dawn had broke the wise ington correapot dent of the Rallitnore innodi ta hnfa to ) “I rantot pay him. so I let him go mentally ruined l»y one year of Iwd and tbe tfneen went to wurk i by or base tea Its pseaeisi*) way »m aa® find ber cry ing and rock ng to and tro; doe* all rre Lady what I lisre produce , vmm; but we f»ave never known a ps|ie:. in wilting to his |ia|*r sjioke Mated by tbe eVeUes ai amt atae’ lUediww Mr Besducb* »tlsrf*H to brhiin I*- i*n*r- Senator Dana for Hancock. apprehension* as to the sucre** of the show that her title am deaerved. -rieeringly of (aenersl Harrison, say mg lesdar. Iba Baum b. reba te a d aay* Wa priM4«l orgaMebi undertaking, and leading citizens of and they told ber they hod told her so. ' I., re.lure r.*e average. 1 retiy soon | u> warn its reader* against lowered her record to t I4)k- ■a lhal if Um tb mac rat® aaicsndad to -Ma,a and she Ara i heretofore lnde|>endeiit in politics, ho* enterprises ever started there.- )t«nt- had luet It* interest lor her. Ilrr "oc (imi wu'iair*. ...r. .say: ,, "V'*.'.'' > (•“rami ®nm*iiinfs upsets the mind. non on btmot P2**<0 a year. | Park. Boston, with a i®a»..;:ig hor» A Vreig*. which wm adopted : not Utrrr they Ml diiONS owl Ss tory s«« My to nag- announced Ills aui|«M« toeupjiort Iran rnti H’ifSMS ciipauon was gone," hut not w ith her I paV the ..-remoter.t ? /re diohle T((, lpUh th ,t „ n<1 and, our word for it, he will sit tlie her sulky wheel, site azmoapitshgfl tflm k a«4oMprearf latotHgeae. Mw« tba ese-i ^ M aettofit) ? arehr. U«oe T so* u.nrt to ffM. ,.w V In a let er tn lbe H->n ®—to saving* Moony was but money, aftei l.ike rre stork strerulatiiMi BsUm ter that jinfdirces so little mental dis- reiuainder of his days co»:< nt*>1 in* •row rung work wf her lorf^g Ufa, daq •atoe-awnt at rrpaftl-.f. I-.-... .-ma We*" Ito aau/w. -(.« he atal hb rre reduce, rre average and rre sssem and promotes so imrrh ,-®ace I _g cabin." The Wbtgs traik up the fru. ®nas®* i f.nli to i Jam" I Harvey -if it as)..ngton he T F W iTbJwa-A venlict of ! all, he had ^ * ta l» the only thing nruRbed s mile in the llien unpar sod de they sal ment rere i» one conflict rat no mar. mmI tbreefore health and hap- ! e|4)IUiMa and made ..ut of them tlie !«—*d-4 .MSC-eart torf w* Nf* ; — , ^ ^,,.4®. w® ®.t. tbry SNTP manslaughter has been returned by an ! she loved, and Ibck had rskhsd her. nme of x 14. For fuar years ran have rre foresight to reconcile, | ^ religion. If tt were |«*uutde 1 Campaign cnes of the contest. Tlie -** *W VMS *»■- ^ e-eeu | ^ rbilrfre* wkato -rite ts IMPS UR to WMS | Nt or i* >tw Fire training and r.ugliAh ourcncr ’t jury cn a curiou* tflt j It w»» io o'clock. Grannv sat moan- atrove to lower that record. am if r»nf «r. »’ i • . .. !_ __ _ . _ _ * a .1 ■... - tLi. itorKal 1 •WMtot to «|«o *11 tb* pri*il**** irf Mr ^ paW®, W-Kara' Mr Ha*am ■-TBin«.nl is habits of my life lead me to prefer civ­ of circumstantial evidence. Hannah Ing hy the kitchen hearth. frood- Io And any amusement in such a theme same year w.iro-ased U-e nlteti III Ja-rfed Ku to. wUk A&4 mAUmm tawtiiklwikfi- \.b%i item mb te «•» itenf> in p«HI»r odir* ilian* to eiklMn for the great civil CaUin, wife of Mr M R. CaUin. of naturrsl Mrs. Jimea from the stairs _ ~~ I it would lie exceedingly funny to read rrs7* An iinm*n*e spliere, bavins non* favorable, lie tic ted i THF a an IX or Kr*r>KXT*no*. ! “*«-s* »•* (*»«— "»• Holly lyxige. Re.)font, London, wa* wm “seeing to Ikum’’ and trying to okk .ivi or THE I’M In a paper m Wf, j,, ln M flatly journal, the pro- inurrilwd on il Ure Whig victories, vtr and iwal it m S IStfe at IlMifHj. ™ _ ... __ . > 1®M lb® tselw® KN® >®4 bell Ottitoau irusta. But as parties are organized, Th* SUite C«ntra! I Ofamiltee sure j ^ )Ha ^.u*w is tet.-*, a-»v Pepsi— voters must choose between tbe can- found burnt to death on tbe 13th of 1 cheer her. when suddenly there came on the origin of thr plow. Dt. Tyloi oiiaervaiioti —"a moderate imliii rolled from Mate to Stale. Wltot her August, 1*76. In tbt foLowteg mote lire epiatale gave rise lo th* phrase. MMttcd the foH ’Wtfiy letter and recooi- i ®i tab — o — p*b>w **r*i*» mi <*f '•*» r*i*» ilidstes they repreerut or stand aloof, Ju'y. Appearsnres showed that she a rap on the door and a policeman state* that tbe find agricultural imple gwee In religion ts in itaelf harm lea* at Buffalo, be knocked off A quarter# mtoflatlfln 1 *»A #P*w*aa serf pruawtoa K* P®**? ■■* indifferent or neutral, which no good hod iierei dead some days, and as Mr I looked In arem« to have Iren s pointed : alKj rrepectatrie. If not at lime* psi- "Keep the troll a-ro ling." a Inch a or second. About a yam Intsr ------. yf «r?T»*» cil^s ought to do Ot a PrmidmPmNNMIa I CaUin had Iren at home it was naked "Mir- Briggs/* he said. •lick four ->r five feet long. *®.ch as | tir„(y t*oeflr.n. " Ye* lake it milder , then fiiat com mot. :y used, or the jrfiraa® Julien. the California n. Otem Obmmrnm. to ^ to ib* ito TZrnm* mm 4^ j «*#*••>»* * sn sup- why he had not Rent for assistance "Here tlie is. said Mrs. Jones many savage tribes sGll earry foe the i ______nw! tn,\j__ -__mj _____timre.“ and it will ! —ggested the set. is not eaiirlv clear after about two hundred tnab, I Iff tr Out fiihk* f-ffffffTf< tto to < — ~PatXNfal *** * awd >«Mtoe4“ '— ““------—'+ P fftitig Genera)— » ■Hancock,— w -for thr beat He sard bts wife had probably burnt "Ym. I'm that miMrtmi critter," I par]"** at * dittteg•* —'— Nte,----- * “ knocking* ------— | ^ ^ good,.! AjUsrser — ■ ’kiogfe TrUninr a beat against time in Than -i------to* ----- of i»i** ‘«»tort*w. rrmfam and *•* >«• fen-si^* ? jjj reasons, to my mind, because bts herself on the Ath ulL by upsetting said Mr* Briggs. .loan frulU and uaMrthteg mtelk ! ------will he -een that ev®-ry ri< ord VnH te: thex ""j*** ! eieclion will put an end to sectional s benzoline lamp bat that he knew “Home one wsnU to are you st head At a later day the stick wm I-ent amt The Year Book of the Young Nf 'ban t 14 V except that of Maud fill driKMTirii >114 iitimu .— A man who ’ i strife and to area, ton ai parties, and will nothing about the matter, m he bed quarters." said tbe officer. -Theresa used as a h.M.ihe point Win* hardened j OuiaUan A ssociafions hm ju*; trf+r. is- j ^ Chumgu. bm bres mode ts — ~r rj>Mm rfigtsi Ut a village rifle team wm totos sa wee«-/ .-/ iwirMK scKument all ovsr iieen iii. and bad stupeoed hisnseif with a Ur) Uiere. and some money." hjr Are In tlie noulh-ra part of *we i aUsd by the Internallunal Commutre lime try old horses that fared a day asJ It contain* reports of Mil association* I •wcentiy out on tire piain* of M V’loiny ! Gw iami. w hick poirurai ■■d laudanum to keep down pain Vnfor- | “DtckT cried Mr* Briggs “«»h, 1 | den Urge tracts of land gtv* evidence track to sort them after bttttii te Xorth America, nr. is Grrat Hr.- T~r.u.n, imtemr f,a game. I factions for stutter ends have sought innate it for farm, however, sowebudy cant bear te !re.+. at b*!B.~ j «♦ *s*r»y ruii. talma, sUdl Uxnrihct-d ^naio. rosMl—r is IM *®sto i ogtotedwts. Tbe tote And Ireland. *1 in France. IR tn | ^ fmrX'1 . ^ T’ 7 Ui prevent. Tber®- nui lie ns pu Jib with eye®, noticed that • twmity-four But Mrs. Jones had already tied on . to a j.rehisUi. u people called hy the oottoe. tbovwftos rtwaafod tbwt Xb* WWe- General Cliaimwr s speech at Yonk- , bu«r dork tn the kitchen wm going, tier bonnet and wrapped hey in a shawt. j natives “the hackers," who are a!wavs Belgium, tr.: in Germany, 4(M in n.rl- ' * n, ‘ prw f ar*d to shitt hirw ne wm a ,, y m ■ bsM— b* dSW«1 ____ ars laat night should be rated by every , nent prosperity without pacificathm ^ am. MMw. and qalt** right. Mr. CaUin. being and taken her on her arm. I will, lire giants of m g — , laud. Ft^4 id 7# in SwMfr, bmim Turn min i nf tto rifl# The Holy Crrg —-Jarcaato voter who Is really ll doubt of the In- (Read as were th* sclnevement* uf ITntriTi* ZsgtoV tk HSto Ctewrasw. alone in the boom, where the cow pie | “The wretch' she said. I'm sc. glad gy. and wiiiire ntde hoe wm a fir pole a in lUly. * tn Spain. 1 in Austria, lit \ ‘—m put a tda. ket down among the ta be growing ta faver m a pond tentioTM of th* aJU south. Nobody i Otmerai Hancock ta war. bis conduct I n III ‘ —* Tbto fbe bat® OerUat (baaMIe had for sroae time lived without he's caught : rult get your iiRHiej with a abort projecting branch. There in Australia, t in .’ndia. 4 in Svris. 3 In ««* totth ami mlmticslly placed restdenre fn. foreigners who flag ttoi 5, |W|| x r -* la wHte« f«*»p» Acs-* I amaaa who hoe wslched the pi occedings of tb* ta |leans, when ta command of lawls back ' came into use after* arrts a larger In ­ set/ upiwi his hack, with his trft arm. native counlrire uncvoafortaMe, fjj XMSM to appaftte* xtea tekpito to b- IlfilR House of Keiffe—r.istivs* during these iana and Texas tu UH7. waa still servant, must therefore have dmcaoded >:uth Africa. 3 in Japan, aud 1 each In And she led Mrs ftrtgg* along strument of the same kind, which wa* like s figure *i. auj'imrllng hts neck. foreign Jew tab populatinn bns, l n.isstt-M- wrpMMdteff to tbs toted ewe a* vtr Vre years will dswy thdl Grwersl Chat greater, aud justly nammends him to In the kitchen and have wound uf the MxtdsgawjH aad the sandwich Islands Mrs Briggs, who cried all ifa* nut used Ilk* the hoe but dragged bv an-l his rigiit arm. Ukr a figure sup mg to Conenl Moore ir rrtnarrf i teSljaS^ piope pn MMn i* tar tbs »»* lh* ivafidMier of th* country. That cioek. He wm therefore in p-aatveahMi The Awtericaa group te not only the mera arroftoielv reprosea ta the ffouth ; and oared n Hbing for the money And ) men or oxen Instances of Una are Lu |i.irnit (be aft etid of th* rifts. The erahly of late reirx Tiuit coon Nosucb person will deny, either, that wm li>* time when passton ruled la tbe of bts fcculties aad power of Iamimo - largest in number, hut also in Bnanrtal ttea. Tbe coroner ’s jury ioaaf a v*r- toon they were at their deatinslbm he found tn oM KgypUaa ptturm aad m**»i.r* of Hr* mind *®i taken, and « now esUuia ea ot 1AJIQ0,1 General Ch»iBsers ft not. tb* sort of public council# aud military power was strength. ia IM working fares. TV rsauiattew WAS uaaaisiously Thaw, end sot before, the puiAosaa a u bam-relisda. and it wee prahnhty the the SighlR W1et.til»cail> ad JUS red. white native Jews, again®t MW to n,M rither to pretevd m t maiX** at everted to aU«nca civil authority. Th* d tt at mans: aughter ngateat bias. Tbe Am temed Vo the two women primitive Man at Um phrw which Is af lihrm tn* expert m«.h » fimre A with his legs Tba Aaetos be avndi to _ . m.mmam ! wteto tiitr ato Imdcra «r t», 1® Wip terim wm straMf m sail wUk tto party te betid tags, furnitare aad Mg rrasiPlorriAL EEgrrone , JZTlZt he 1 rZkurntWratt. far an tsflttM ttf- A nocturnal sham am ta sharV -I*»# pretty bed," he satd. "TheyTI prehistoric origin, swUenem being rim wseth more than flJt.nho.noo TheTK» I end remed the rifl- s ice between tbe tory *r»Flre new r-rfeeeat'te l ns»«s*e-----""^r-orr.^ -e sgfea tM he^i 1 rMabuif current, ter an tsnm ly to be sxseated by (he team navy take Mm te the hospital In half aa bun. tmmd af Ne early mm aasang th* OkrMbe nwnmitin______of the coar.trrtoe# at Ms shoes. Tn* meaenre af hla cdsrick Totter uf H*r eff tt* earn; st Motes mm I ssswpaseifHMe you areere pr marad for thereto* nf thte w^t 1 .tm- h by . pmreA taen < s. apa Um irim-i iMflxwcuvn, Me. dk, te U betel H*V ■early beaten flgjtete TlMi ■ an Mm near skis I at ten the Mm* «T TakMrwtaul nuuMkwi uttr u*» IfctrrU; 9r**4 H&**c & Mil Independent. lU |w>wr Hum of all tut* Uoiw u wordtrcii, ^iumkmrt, WMNMMI,•...... * ---- *- t«v.,... wu•mi •UM«M------* •iMiilmr Iwrllug New Go Henry I*. Ileudermii, who I* a the of regret ihat m Bur • fare and form, jn.MM.MMMl »$• kfflj ssd ss £ siu *• (hs. Hisrsri, InOiKMiiUgm county, X. l., In 1841, (of whom thvy cannot Inukfully nr •lid wan brought to Michigan with liU .Might blit good tiling.; ahoilld <*r« tzjM Harrs New Goods! l»uriiM lu IM.. They iniiMt l8 IeV- m a ftgwrv-lmad m Uwmi . Tii«w ,nod In kid glove gentry did not rvgnrd till. I No! W ell t lliclice lu Mumi r Han- (Uu n lion they dealrad llielr aervicea I ilrrmii held the ofBcv of deputy county u> Bgbl lh« wicked war which they had I SPRING AND SUMMER Mail .1 I mu |> w Cut Hut roll no dlffcreuou now, for tlim »ii|irt'iivri dm. ..if, |» i lb lb . Mia-l «i .en |> u. lui inuuu n( the ufflee, In the tall of 1801 he waa Dry all. |>*r lb . Ik. of lb* poor now m tlia hand-writing Ni(bl Kivraul * li It mi. fur inirvii OP. Mix’RATIO ROMIRATIOBa. elected ctMitly clerk for the term of Ifcwruu ilia, ark, Mlib Thtvu|li V M tglil / V j. hi two year., beginning Jauuary 1, Inti, •nil l in ii 'i* -in' > i. tnalcJ, IVUi. wk, waul **t|i,iai,*i lie aludled law while In thi* tdUcc, wa. and tlialr end U near at baud. I V HU rit-b r*»4-rv!. i» • lb . « Day Kiprrv ; HICKS & KNIFFIN’S IHTATHK* -fa* <■** . *•«!<* 00- I U -U|k tlill.1t lu .11 |a 11* 1* Ij.l .1,4 'Veil IN ST. JOHNS MINflMl.n WHT HtMiH k admitted to the bar lb N»7, and at once rnii.riiv-oi.bu, rutcrod uima the practUe of t>U Wm W in»I> -i »f M IIMKII U imluu. lie was a member of the VI*- irm.ti We don't know who conoolved the OUI.M TIOM* mmi coiumoii council lu IrtJ-*-*. lu OVfV III Aral, 9* Ad, X »«» Al Drirwil, tiik ( AiUklk HonUteni firegi Wt«Urii 1874 he waa choaen proeet tiling attor ­ plan of bringing lien, (JarBeld duw u QiKN-ptr Imi . S5r. *hj Trunk Ui Hi' bMi ami ney for Ingham county, and tlie mil- from uhlo and through the .talc of BAHIJCt—P»ri k Ml flAafl V* Hu hirfair i rulral at*4 II»< Itt^ao Nalitfrii lUilway* teraal veiulct wa* that there hatl never New York after the manner uf liar- IWingi*nfor p. m the c.unity. lie decllnrtl a reuoiuiiia- In our judgement, it ia III adriacd. It WOOLENS I. • poor imitation of the .hie »how lion lu 1* 7(1. lie ha. an extrnalve W II I IItTII. ilful I* practice, atitl haa won marked dlatinc- boaliicM which tU iteutuOtikik tried Children TMOM At llaoMl.Y , 4 ||f ft I HI ilon hv kU miiduclof aarne cclthrated with Urueiey In 1874. UeUing uy> eu- caaoa. In |tr> he v»*» rlniel in tin**in with Inin lianil. and wind I arriagr mid \lit£»n I'nrlon tt Tf’!.!:*.VN Ittl.tX l*'gia|.litre *•' ■ plurality <>f In in.trnmrut. wa. all very well before GREAT WESTERN kfiib Phtn what had Urn a ulrong republic-mi ill.- the invention of the chea|a*r new.jaa- LATEST STYLES fcHitb PiMII trlcl. lie wmi out of the linial talnahle |wr, railroad, telegraph and telephone, ; »( 1 htrd ilrrrl Atilfitut ol H FASHIONABLE MILLINERY GOODS uiciu Iht . of Iln legl.l.lnre, I* mg re- lire *how and hurrah bii»lne*» pro- i 11» k« 4 i>4lki« , lii Jt‘0« ikon A*riki»r, lleil ii|mui for Id* < leaf |w-rveptlon of diiccil aiune .how of rnthii.iaaoi for | Hal lf«mml |M|l4k ST. JOHNS ijUc.tfoii* and III* **iuud judgement. liiiM'Icy, but iua hi »» ti*> I.m iii. WiV* mil Ra) » llil* A (lip*. miH M« n * hirnl-liiu^ latiik nominee for Mate Treaanrvr, ficloiigk can*. ; • : . . ii>|,lialu ally to the t la»- ol uien l<> Kk.W Vllkf MI'lll*' in.-H * > I whom kt •’•tern Michigan I* largrly In ­ debted foi It* great lie*, and pi.etwtlfy . lie w a. born In Maine in I8|a, ami 11111 " .-I '* lilt lie I :t I ll»‘ 1 t.i l* 1 •'■*. * ■ Common Iron Shoos Fit. GuaruntMii tilng In Mlltvankre. lie came t» .Mich ­ igan In iKiid, anti >««u|>li Inl hi. edo« M- made hard t^ ItMl Oil Clothe, Rugs, Matting, Ac lion In the .state l olver.lty at Ann by a now process. Vri«»r. tor aome year- he bail ibaige I. the e.iHR'ertne In!rre«l« cf where nr now tjvc. lit- t* a larm. of MEN'S BOYS* & CHILDREN S CLOTHING hi* father In Michigan . I>ut latterly ha* w id« eip artence and uniform IT IS NOT NARCOTIC New hirnituro Rooms lain lii*. on hlaown at*raunt. bilking acciimidnlcd a fortune

"* H-trik ef »v httflul!, w fi-rr h “ rr CKM II'II I.INiMKXTS; tlvc lie lik* iievar held publicofthr, le •>een lor lOAiiy year* the real head and Imtttul uinr id t ft. l ..aa*|.* * y , I • f jt Mt f- Merchant Tailor, < i;rrui nuf, «tif ik* i nl i»f!*• mfcl -ill111 talk' ll liikti alnav. Im-cii an active Ikoiaoerat front ol that model organ!/atiou, the iaa-4 Af U rihk iIm* »iMr-, at an/ :cL.’;wAt AT FOWLER! wa* Iv .»|,I.mi iM the i iMitiir 1 itm Mill..l it.. •■•Miiilr agr!rultiir:il vk -Ii ty renter! ir*. They licit!, aunt he and br utktaim«t flub In lti7l and ISIC. and uud< cun* ••••• ••*-,»* t.iiiiii*, ii c.,i* ilack f»*tiU»la I hi* |.ipiUf toggle, >Hpin< . i . dlrrellon m«*l lent work wa* ring Ih* HWe wwiely. M* i* i man of ami Uhciinml tain it |m in Matt, rare ever..tike ability, frank and n|« n from Tl«-«4uo HrMhil), a«« al I* i M ,M. J«*l l. revxtxx. He l* very twill Sprain*, (iulla. nmi 1 JtUIP- Tinfo* ••I’Ve gi -wtaprM.ion Rfnigr ki i i J-elAH I K.\rr hi* n*'iion of *h? Slate, ami n tin-rough lu hi- manner, with an air uf and UW> P *.VM ' >KI>. bu-ine.* mail, who. If dcelcd Stale btivine. — u Immii him that i* not i" licy iii* record, lii* life *iory ba« no and reliwblc. JhUoMb W T1 KNI I'. •trict and paind lm-lne** principles. unclean pace and he will I~ . tl'Pnokuilkl i: kl.. g,»*l man lotlimw mini .it. Mr. 11 • >1 Tovvav i-at present, and ha* lu-cn for She ** w«o«Me «'an*t»*iwie*. Kk-lianl Mnorr, ui t Hilton county, Bunincss Directory the candidate f.»r Amlltor-f ioneral, I* a iiomc year*, cliairmau m tin* eve, ulive In |>vibltNbing brief biogiaubbal gentleman who ha- not keen prominent honnl of the .late tiraugn, ami while •ketehe* the g--n!!eti!rn nomiaatrd al heretofore ill poliliiai life, hoi be l« tin- ennveHtion kw been iuim|ti-it!n* !*etr«it lost 1'!:urii!ay fur -talc nfliccr*, well known in hi- aectlou ol tin- State llilll for tile biglie-t olttee in the *lnle vve caniMit do lietter than rejiriut » bat at a man ol riiNllciit ImmInm . r«|wWir • Im Vrw .vr- ef them, lrhWi I- and batilt*, and of the -trictekl lutegrl- HANCOCK. M follow 5 ly. II<' iio iiie -treugth of « nurA-acr i to introduce. If circled, the reform* to .Madiunn Fmlcrick Holloway, the I long demanded in Mm eftlce <>! tin- • krraa* < .InMimili eai.ilulatr for governor, wa* | Viwiilordieitcral, where lite hu*iim» "The w hole matter Looking-glasses, Ac lairn lii Hrift-ol, Ontario county, X,-w [lia- for ytars been running in a tut of •full In loo to In' *4Hi Yui k. Jsuuai i I* Ui* Al il>* --- ■*' uf jnlll till M.UltloO, ota*'iii*H*r tetrrumtoeutkin ftotu whit it no lt- puh- kllBWkH* t.ll«l SiraaUi* GARFIELD 9 k* mHoo-| »iiii in* fatlicr’i family I liean ineimv'oerM ha* ha-l tti" r*|'* ,l!Jf fur im b a • outing- in V a* lliiril*lll U> ‘ -...... *M! StPl tog : . . ; « allvk*. Mi k Hiulabr 1 .*lw I * i.r. • to tirnric* county, wb- r* *o|Nimi | or courage to remove It. Mr. M—I* ii I'arefolly prr a MUkil coOiMtolt acktad edua-albov, H(- le>| 11 ire- inbrk ‘A*iou ow- ki. Vir *li,uii k If •< i n-o 4. Wu invito attention to our w ill -treiigthen the tb ki t Very mateil- teuding thr di*trict *rhnol iu Uic w in- 1 lug In diaiiM-. / k# Una, ikuaM A.o* *, — IT M «M WU I Ql kl.. agniftcont atock of 3*ason- !ally in t lintoii loiiuiy. Ill -iriTil.J Ibulkri* Si la *. UNDER!'A KING I IHimj iu tin t*ii »e* awl aiding hi* fattier ou the form I I nr rirrt s-m nr imiuftrutiOM i ; , MHutiH a *iinil* m>‘-1* uf lirn urj. dot mg tlie stimnirr. At the »gc o| I*. , r oumi-'Iom u nr UUP inner. ! i.f iimifli all Tin 1 Jieopie elect tlie : able Goods. Wt have in store iai ranini ill lertctlltlg, hni iiu; and Mr. IfoUuwar j lh< Im idge a, it»* llir IIih Inoo al 1r„) . -i,ii'» way *>f tlie inauguration —it anil* Choice Fabrics ever brought health mtorrii emu- ill l*i3 he removed to Micbigan, our kyatern. Ilr role alone ou bol*« — into Michigan. During the patt mriuiii work 4 1 .11 {N litrr «iid jwiilci , ! •Titling in Moiiguagoo town-hip. lock to llir capilol i tear It w aa Hit- ui lie billowed until ' » here he but dorr rf-klel altuo»t Coli- ••id capitol ) tic,I hi* bora*- to a rail fence, season, in anticipation of ad­ r< iivuveil |o IVciiiit -a-h , | tinuoii'ly, except when he «t* lu the Mllernl »i. i* no other legal Inauguration in our a.iJ i:: In Nnvem- i iVSrha. Tlae j»-*-|iie or IN* |«illlli lan* Litiena. Hosiorr. Gloves. Trim­ i* - w;.' Sr — a- appointed to the coui- lOtbl Wlii> ii lr« ill** Moll , may InMltiite parade* in ming Silks, and Worsted Dress although in did Hot taLl X At a price whirh wotjlfi ordinarily, place a j vnd in the attceeeding year comimndcl -Vent, and pubin oftkiwi* Tries Goods, ut such prices as will Ihr ;ug.ant bv —«nkbil.i man on the verge of bankruptcy : a i*rigadc iu Shai-krllnnS ’s division of enable uh to compete favorably Bunn —i.l doc- not provide Shat < try Everything in the Dry i*e ba* given p.irlit u5ar altrui •imuM i'*3 ‘!gurB!e ano fherr G uck Ih 1 •III *'•• I* li: !• Iff III * »- •' ! wrv* *ludio«isir tell -Mil or tt,e establishment. Owing to the fact that we bought lfii*gely tins /• lots* I i as-.ilrl, trf Oakland. Mie **f tlie- i .tranrt » H. S. TOWNER, Proprietor, Ladles who cannot visit our IHIUdair a#rn i!t farmer .Were 1**1,." Spring in candidate fur iaperintRxint of public store arv iaYitcd to wnd for he)* ! |*m(ien eve, nine, with ihe The fine words which tl.o Itrpuhll- exernuon ot Inn In- i.-fy o iri'trt!',T!on, U knuat. :fu— .gtn»i: the; length and breadth of thr land a* an can* have hail In their platform- and «. —, I.--I.I 1*1.1 lr. Mr . MW samples. «**lifeiiae l ol. Ilol- mi/ «' u.ii* have heretofore reongut/ed hi* p-cull- a time when li>e farmer* ot live St ale hvway ’a ability a* an organuer. and hi* '“•■a*. V'rt'wa KIMU and M va ar litre--* for live oBbe for which he !• were cniitenl to be nocked in thia w ay ; faithful ami unwearied attention ui all (PJ tef~Vi'nrmrr’ik GOOD ANO RELIABLE plaecd in nomination. There i* no hut they have found out that the old the di-ia!!* ufaon w hich Ihr uuw.i of ILJjflb hn(v Iterar- g»in*aying the fai-t that Z-lotea True*- adage i* true that “‘fine word* In.Her •in Ii an <-nlerpri/p depen •». die* im- wold def, v* ho I* a graduate of tlie universi ­ no |*a>-ul|*a." They have found that In pill nl. Ilollowav wa* ap|MiiiiU-il ■ rv **y lirugglwiu ty of Michigan, a practical educator of Ki piitilicaii lore for agrit iilturr U ri- |-,-liic. ;* i ami held that |m>*iiioii nine R Cl nnrl llcalerk (BOOTS shoes) great exjiericncr and thoroughly nm- |«ii |, l wholly during |«iiilieal cam- year*, hut lie b never held any Miter Td ra ilk kfrilii INC Vr-rMUit \v itli the *< Iiim.I cyMcm, v>»i;hl paign- and l« regarded aa a full r<|iitv- |Hibln oflirc. lie ba* lain a proaai- ei >!>•• an edm-atirmal Mi|M-rinlemient airnl for the vote* of thr farunTa. They Mill trii*t«’ of llillkdale rxdlege Mlior have found that tin- government ol tlie NECKWEARUNDERWEAR, w ho miNild put hi* heart lnt-i tlie work, e.G.wiimfcca, ll* foil iota I '.ui. ami I* at ill an influenl lal and •* Iio*u pride it would to ad­ state and lu i oogrrai iawal repreaenta- ■wmhei r-i tin tNiard lie i* alao a vance in every pnaaiblc ®n the l«*at Mon arc regatilr-l a* thr rxc(ii*rvr prop- Im ailr, ol the executive oommiltec of erly of lii*' polite lari*; and that thr nol- HATS the -tat*- grange, and waa otic of tlie itician'* Mtimate of the farmer'* duly originator* of the grange movement in i- that it i« to attend to liia farm and ST JOHNS llilladaio c'onnty. lie w a* a i-amlulate k>-*-p live |N*lilk ‘iana in uHiir. tor amlitor-gem-arl in I*i74 ami again Xaturally enough they have laiviw in Pil, ami reeeivcp- ana Mm bigan «tu*N) iillii iu llo- li-i ol nlarity. lie ha*, a* In* eolliii*va*li<' state* in Mte value «i< her farm-, farm­ nomiualioil atle*|A, lb- ciuilidcuce of ing implement* ami iiiachiio-ry , ami TiEHSONS the |icople, ami a* h<- I* tin- |*-< uliar during tlie pa-t leu year* llir State lia* reptrM-ntaiive id a < |».. which ha* wx.rr than ke|4 pwci- wiili her -i*ter« iu In Piinc. Orpin, and Vocal Hndc. he-u loo mil'll negUete I by muninat- til- grow lit Of llir ogri* nilural inlere**. ii.g e*mvrvittoti*. In* Momiuatio,, n| —-ua \od though (he farmer*. In d*i them a iwmpaigii vkhtcli tin ripuhiiean* juatke, are u)A iMit leakers, they are will Bud no ea*y mu. tjuile right in their k**um|>r thenimlvea and for Wade ’s Old Stand r-hnaetu, in I'll. He Mudied law al lio-ir |*arli*an tool*. Great Bargains knflale with Thorua* T. slierw>**l and Tin rv»drm-r* of a revolt among lb- U-mi. Millar,! Kilimorr. and wv* ad-j fiuiM i< again*l (he cold negtis-t which ■kitted to the bar in l

it V lia/T'lai ■ — layemk I h«l I V*- Nl J«kM N* ,wa*r aai aaw \|V 1*1 Mill e>. • r» | I * Hi i a A 11J O' " *»!• II Ml* A change uf !c.» than '«kai w,ic« in l*eriuay Ivonila give* the Stale In thr I kerm • rata. line* aiiytealy dowl< 29 1880 that the hereof IfeUyahurg will gain St. Johns. June . I w lor that number lu the stair hi* gal­ lantry aaved from ih-vaatathHi ‘ tlaifh-ld ’a majority in P7t, fur v i*ng- ns., w a* |U,MPa; in 1*74 it wa* f.lJV.— Between tleiae two dalrv the I redlt This space belongs to Molnlier diw butur —a were nta.|<- and MarBetil bail |»* keteil lii* 4'c'kki fee in li»e liet.uiy er pav roveut laiudlr, Ilia ermi*lil iretila evhleutly had hrmnl of it. K ben Ihe l>|Mitd»can« eontrolled the 4 o» i grew* tl*e ap|irufiriaU»na w era error - BOLD ON. GENTLEMEN ui,*ii*. thr hddiy proapernl and tlie pa ­ per* were full of Ntaariea of jaahfmrv ami owne $sHOMES World Renowned corruption \ud at that line- June* A. GarBrlJ w a* at lire lie*.I uf the cowi- ndttee on appruprlalhma ami leader or GRISWOLD’S tl*e It. |n,Mli an inaji.t il v in the liunae! fhtr Ke|*utdica m| at ••aniriii. ami none la iHeihil. The pw|ier« whh-h arv now

•wliu-i il rjireiV* »• every tmm In h»n*aa. hentuetvv, leulavaa. Mary- Lilkt-Bilim JLRiJIYIJCaS lIU th;><-va mmiti', He *•« k inrnier lam). M -.a-sciuiaeu*. Michigan, Him flar mail military •— ■»•! ami wa* ap |~.ip,.i M mm ~Wa. M i*~«m XrlM-a^ka p*iilnl pnomleut on the rerWgnanon of kievnli, liem llamp-hlre. New Jeewev. fimarii « rlbarn* He |ra4 in artivv | kr« Yort, North 1 Molina. IVwweyl- mar: In rai-ing thr krulh Mh-higan I* 1 vawia. suiHk « •rolina. Ten never-. T»X- SEWING MACHINES. nmtn. Mi. iiiuMnwuiaiiikyilklirti k* and Virginia. X ntawbci I; •*«*•/- of* iaiiu mar rewt in eaiwmtmrval 1*^**' *. j g»a VuVi'Wter I. aoad w *• tar many year* a mem her w I ————— (he tnmr*) 4 nhuilioa of Final, of I *• y ,« |lu at HI kaul kmli rkhr • hick —city te ai~. kw*. 4«"* I man iueil. defeated amt drov e hm-k, lawn-jr ho*ter u,*i. 1.** ruantry. asd The Celebrated PALACE Organs He to* an e«M>ne.,t wt*aw*ye»re*n » VuU*> hroh'-n aotd llittki iinl, the veteran ar- »-~»W make aasrr muiu-j Is CongntaA iiva*f haa toe targeof privatr- sbakrpear- hiv of the retw-lliun, Ih- gratitmle of than In Ihe army. Vlll tkr MowUhra •aapyann him hi p referem-e ia thr hrwvr IV 1,1m or i «n It,- ,**M.«i»*eni. A "■•* 1 •.. • of nftatra ,4 hrnwd «-nh«re naul ripe *■- fheft mp reaentafive* in camgrew* are l.eurrr.l w ho remain* I « Id, them uotai • ’ pwhk '-r, hh nm. will mt.l greni like whir doe, and are hr retry irmiraat, the Inal gwn waa BraH. They will not L'*. ,v. •trefkgfb to tie- ttdut In Mgjne tlewni WlulrW H. Ilanemk. nnle*. they think inner of portr than nanrrtkBV nr *v*rr for hi* gallant, aweritnrinn* and mi- they 4* of their eanatry. V dhM iwrn*. of I • ate tidal r mvHkfjr «* Ufa r«*H

PStftTiNfi eH£A?jg3#~K- u

•J R44 j